The Straits Times, 15 September 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 26,430 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 ROBINSON Co., X^d. ((NCORPORATEO IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS) FURNISHING DEPARTMENT fflW'jfCT sft. Jacobean Bookcase In dark te k, heavily pinelle^ and beautifully caived Upholstered Furniture Made to o dei In leather, tapestry and cr^onoe The Bergiere Chair In dark teak wit rattan back and seat. ROBINSON 4& Co., X-tcl. (INCORPORATED
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    • 54 1 Jacobean Furniture IN STOCK Rf ADY FOR DELIVERY Agents fox* Ormes Billiard Tables The Dudley Bedroom Suite In teak stained antique da k oak CO*3I TI.VO OV Almeirah, Dresslrg Table, Washst^nd and 3 Chairs BBTIMATEI AND ADVICE ON ALL, MATTERS OF FURNISHING ON APPLICATION THE MANUFACTURES OF OUR FURNITURE IS
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    • 43 1 4~^9|^)CS^^^Sb#jk,."-< T^W^m m Vi^HHB The Howard Sideboard Substantially built, with deco ated panels and carved cornice, extra strong ]e£s. Jacobean Occasional Tables In verlcus designs The Bergiere Settee In dark teak with rattan back and seat, loose cushion in cetonnei made to order.
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    • 1 1 STLllll.ISKI)
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  • 771 2 Saagel Chinbh, Jam, Badtk Aad Fmerald. Tbe teport of the Saoßei Ctiinoa Rabbet Company (in ii i lida'ios) tbe 14 moatbi oadod Febmaif 29, 1820, states that tbe lota eisp liMvtst-.ii amoonted to 628 6C2 lbs. tnd j ;be avsiage net ptioe tnaliicd, including ."timaWd T>ia-i c( an-.o'J
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  • 227 2 BISHOP OBJBCTS TO MY LORD." Prefers a Greeting ol How D Ye Do? Tbe row B «bop cf the DooiseofS. Albtae. D Poise, teeest'y tnotferrfd frotu Soaib Af.ies, ia al>e»dy i tf o'.ici< big iotovt lion», wiitec a Dsilj CLuouiolccoifc p^ndiot Tbe otbtr dty bo told a otowd (bat bi
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  • 81 2 An interest in CtWtiar pigeons was iniroilucfd into Japan in April of lust year when the Nakano Telegraph Corps imported 1,000 bi.-ds Bad aagaVMi three 1- ronch ■Ml as ioatmeton in their training ami care. From Nakanu, pigeons have been sent all over the country and many people have purchased
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 141 2 AIR-FLOAT The Peace-Time Puwa^ that make the WHOLE ill!! HAPPY. K.t •II D'spcnasrles *n<l »iorc« C ••VMriuu Oh:o». CO., atntfapore |toaa»aas«««l C IoU Agents ■'j^ra ssssb^bbW J>^ _j_J M ■COLE AERO EIGHT THK I.\ST VMtRII IV 1.1 TRY." STRAITS MOTOR GARAGE KUALA UMPIR, SINGAi'OHK, IPOH. The Anderson Expeller THE MOST
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    • 524 2 W BEETHAMS lei-rola M V our Skin and Complexion ra u'l .r sat bVethani'-, "/.v J H H all ronghneft*, re.lnc^n las I V irriution, e»c., :.i.ii is I'tlir'i.t- SOKSSf a fr sbi S Ot 111 I'lgh-c1,...!..^!.,. „,,i il'tZM »tor«» Mnßuf»cmr.u bj XHi^im SCITHkM $O« MASSAGE Outduur and Indoor Open
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    • 260 2 V a^aP^^^^^^aW^ Til Lipton's Tea "T*HF. flavour, the delicate amroa aad the fragraoce o( it? leal, can never be equalled by aoy othrr Ordinary tea. Liptoo Te« ia the pick ai the World* Fioest T«-a pardtri? and. is packed by the most modern scientific method* thai preserve* the rich flavour
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  • 1101 3 Mr. Devli n Suspended. Noisy fceae in Ibe Hiose Of Common;. In the House ol Commcaa, oa Aogo^t 0, Mr. Dt»lia, in a pMiicnate oatbotst, appealed •o the House not to pet mi* rutber pfoeedate j with Ibe Coetoioa Bill ia the nbscnoo cf the Ptime M aistcr and the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 498 3 COUGHS Soon Yield to Veno's Lightning Cough Cure. Thf-re fs nolliine !ik»- */ajM*a l.i','Mmng (.'on^h Curs for tboaa hard Irotirhitis BOakCBI that strain juur v. ii'.lr body, and hurt au much that you are afraid la cnajgh at all Suth roughs are dansrcri'tiii, because tin- strain liny pot apoo the
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    • 374 3 SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING That knowledge is known as the science of Psychology and it is highly desirable therefore that the firms of advertising should have some acquaintance with it. Every effort haa been made to keep the information in the CHINESE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY absolutely up-to-date. CHINESE DIRECTORY AND PRESS. LTD, 102,
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    • 294 3 SOME NEW INTERESTING BOOKS The Geisha Girl $6.30 The Nightside of Jnpun 6.30 Biography for Bagiaaawa fa colli-c--tion of iniscpllmioux rxamplffO 2.10 A Secret BaivKa Woman by Homy De BrrT"' 1.15 The Ravensnoft B«IT*T LJS The Advcnlinvs „r l«i>n Jafia* 1.50 Robert's Billiards for AauUan 0.70 Painless Childbirth 0.6 a
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    • 387 3 LEON KENDAL THE WORLD-RENOWNED ASTROLOGER PALMIST FOR A SHORT STAY ONLY STAMFORD BUILDING Room No. .101, 2nd floor (Opposite Van Wijk Hotel) CONSULTATION HOtTRS 10 to COMBINB UP fcLI'VTSRS CO. iAVA SEA FIRE INSURANCE CO LTD. flaeerpor.t.e 1 In hata-u j«, t AD. 1811 Ceaiained Capitals fall; aaTtartM ri. 11.200.0U*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 814 4 STEAMER SAILINSS P. 0.- British India in Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICW PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at prasaal saaaiadil LONDON FAR-EASTERN SEBVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES LONDON Doe Singapore
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    • 588 4 STEAMER SJUUMS PRINCE LINE LIMITED (Incorporated in England) FAR EAST SEBVICE FOR NEW YORK CELTIC PRINCE via Suei about end of Oct. For all information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN A CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Agents. THE REN LINE STEAMERS LIMITED (Incorporated in tha United Kingdom) Pot China aad Japaa
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    • 287 4 STEAMER SAILINSS THE EASTERN SHIPPINi OOsV AHTi LOTTO rinaerperaMd la Straits BlUl—aaVl) This time table U subjeel to fcHiaatlta wltkoat farthar aetioe. Steamer aUH«g rraas Blaaailfl PERAK— Every Tuesday, at 1 pa, far Port Swettenham and Penang. JIN HO— Every Sunday, at 4 pju, for Malacca and Port Swettrnbam. From
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    • 398 4 tTEiWR tANJWt 0. S. K. THE OSAKA BHOSBEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated la Japaa) No. 2. Da Soasa Btroot Prsussd Salllag from Blagapere (Subject to change without notice) EtROPKAN LDiB Fat Port "aid, Msneiilea, Laadoa, Aatwar*. Rotterdam aad Hambeirg Dm B*»*re. ALPS MABU »»W Ba»t. ATLAS MABU <>•*. (omit calling at
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    • 427 4 man tuum NIPPON YUSEM KAISHA Teecraeratod I* l aatfSj >»«•. Bat; Cjmtrut vWk IM I— at»« JaaajMat Bussasasnl Svk>e«« to altaratloM taimt BMauV krVSOPB atAtS UP r«r»al«iUy BarvfO fvr Leadaa, Antwerp via (aUImW PaWajsj. Coteafbo. Baas, Part BaM aad Bmilßsi KAGA MABU Sept 1« YOKOHAMA MARU Sept. 21 KUMANO MABU
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 543 5 STEAMER SAILINGS NEW YORK DIRECT (via Suet) American and Oriental Line The s.s. Gener-1 Church will b- despatched to New York vm Su.r. about the second half November. r\r mitral and particulars, apply to ■UTTCKBACH. LAZARUS SONS. LTD. Agent*. DODWELL LINE I Incorporated in England) POR NKW YORK DIBBCT EGREMONT
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    • 432 5 STEAMER SAILINGS QUM LINE I.IMITKO GLKKSANM ..ailing about Sept. 23 for London GLBKAftOTI sailing about Oct. 2 for Ueaea ami London GLENATT aaHia* about Oct. 12 for London lii-re are a few nr»t-class berths for pasM available by the above sailing. For ■■.hi her particulars, apply to BOUSTEAD CO. Agi-nls.
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    • 951 5 STEAMER SAILINGS IMM IMLLY The U.S. Montoro is expected to be despatched for Australia, calling at the above port, vi v a.m., on Tuesday, September 28. BOUSTEAD A CO., Agents, BIUNS I'IIILP LINE. Singapore, September 11, 1920. s.s. METHVEN. AUGUST 7, l»2f Consignees of cargo ex the abo c steamer
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    • 938 5 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXCHANGE NOTICE is hereby given that the half yearly general meeting of members will be held within the Exchange Buildings on Monday, September 20, 1920. at 2.15 p.m., for th« following purposes 1. To inform members of what has taker place during the previous six months.
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    • 219 5 IM A MULTTTTJDB— ONB fHBBB are »«ne taoaaaade »i dlaTeraa* Brand* el Ctgmrettee, Among ail theee aae stands are-amlnant a. the World', tm Ds Beaak. the Ariateerat el ClseretUi De Reszke Thm Ar/mtoorat of CIGARETTES BBTAINABLE FROM JOHN LITTLE 00.. LTO (laMfpotated la BavUad Imports] ay BEHR Co. lINQAPORI, PINANG
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 839 6 CINEMAS «T THE FIRST SHOW AT 7,80 sharp 6C'tfjle BlackwcM rs Tka Burgl-ir witu #M%i £v*n and Evi'Kn Cfeely io THE BiIMLAR I A es.ash'rs era i. m; w..t'd Nad] ajvio-draim vt a tuaa's s<iUßf|l e a(ia:u aifMattf b -aoso cf a iroaieo'j love A wLi Ipool ct dramatic action
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    • 298 6 CINEMAS From 'uaa-ay, 6,0t. 14, to Tnu>sd«y, 8. pt. 16 l"fi j' fS^f^r^wwß^ ;P^ "HALL, LTD. S I W/f ilii^l FIRST tHOW AT 7.80 KyV|i)M WESTBRN PHOTOPLAY'S SBRUL trirckw TH 6 REAT gamble i IV Ul nLJ Foaiurtn?OaißLßS HUTCHISON AND AN.^E r.OTBE J Boi.t,'pP. THE r RAUQ -.T DE4.TH I
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    • 277 6 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WB IMPORT Metal Kilamrnt Lamps Half Watt Lamps Daylight Lamps Spiral l.;wii|.s Automohilr LaHßa Klerlrical Arre«Hori«a utiro surh «n r'actnria. Ivanhnc. rrojector. Oilinx l.iijht Factoria, *tc, rtc. All of which Manufactun-il by the MIM'ON LAMP Oft, LIMITED. Estimates givon with prompt attention. MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA, I I.MITED
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    • 205 6 < Keep yourself fit for tho rainy weath.r that is coming by tnlcing U.P. COUGH MIXTURE AND LUNG TONIC as soon as you feel that a cold is coming I By sheer merit it has become a household remedy in hundreds of families It is the acme in cough remedies,
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  • 139 7 riXTURES. N r«ln> iilay, St-ptemher 15. r, 0.1 a.m. Keici i laaciL K. Lumpur. 10.30 a.m. 1 liur.-..-}:iv, St-ptember IK. IMj'i Wui.r. 0.2S a.m., 0.29 p.m. Ion,. uve». Friday. September 17. IliKh Water, 1.7 a.m., 0.59 p.m. Drama and Plfea, Canlens, 5. 1S p.m. September 18. Iliirh
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    • 106 7 1 v. h. if Uaain D<n Samad, Ban Fo Kaal IVkarf Kllora, Wong Koi, Wl.jrf. Albert and Victoria Dry ia :hi Fan, Itanra, Vinita. Bocroe. i >...:, i\n>u Han, Badaag, shin- I 11- be. J-n:- ii \ih :r; Caddopeak. .'elu Kraal t aal W harf.
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    • 54 7 •.oils, fro.n Mm IV9. Singh mg 1' 8M ton». from Anambai I!- I for An.. -i.i 17-i». Lye !'i i.. iXM ion", from Yokohama i »nd< n *l-». tons, from P. Sutttenhnni 14 B, f.«r P. Sw.ttenham 16-9. •..ns, from Loi Angeles l r.. l^U tv^n-. fr^'in I
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  • 176 7 140 pjn. S p.m. Kadsa 8 p.m. i r*. Bwetlecbaai and Penan,; 8 p.m. Uan^uun and Calcutta 4 p.m. > >ta Tiaggi 4 pjn. Shaagaai and Jap^n, 1 ii U.S.A. mid Cm.:. da 6 p.m. 1 horvda* I'u'.au Dnt: aaj I'ula i Ujlinc 9 a.m. I a.m.
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  • 21 7 ft S'por* A'.ipu-t 2 >u*uit 6 A IgUlt II Arrived London Sipu-mber 4 September 4 S< ptvmber a
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  • 216 7 In a rri'-nt examination on jamra! knowiedffi fur girls of tlurte'ii. the following ft inul part of one of the queeliuiis "How can you distinguish between n tunny an. l liulf-n -crown in th<- dark Am, An cow's horns in front or bohind its :irs II would ba
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  • 54 7 The farmera' practic*. of |4tb| labourers in the harvest Beldi lias practi- ■ali.v >]■ in Backs, after havi rved. annual!) f or gsaarati as. The chief. tin- ansaat price wUeh bser is retaileil and tin' liiih wagai paid to agricultural laboßrcrs. Bui, thouirh brr s ilrad," an extra mattf sllewaaM
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  • 131 7 EXCHANGB Singapore, September 15 On T..,!:.1..ri, Bank 4 m/t l/< 1/K Umand 2/3 18/18 luvate 3 m. 3 credit* 2/4 25/32 On New York Demand 39 Private 90 days «6 On France Bank 675 On India, Bank T. T. 121 On Honfjkonir, Bank d/d 92U p.c. pm.
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  • 59 7 Tone of Market Weak. Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyers Sellers 60Vi Cl 1 ipot Mi )ct.-Dec. 62>* 63>4 ;.n.-Mar. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Spot Sept. Oct. Oct.-Dic. .1. in. -Mar. Buyers Sellers ♦SI 61% 61 V4 62 62 Vi M f.4',4 05^4 70
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    • 211 7 Fss. Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 13.00 15.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.15 1.35 fl £1 Kam Kamunting 2.10.0 3.0.0 10 Kinta Amoc. 7.26 8.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 2.7.6 norn 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.80 3.00 1 1 Jelantoh 1.70 1.90 £1 il Lahat MittM 7.60 8.00 5
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    • 121 7 Ist. V»l. Pd. Buyen. Sellers. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.10.0 8.17.0 tl a E. Smelting Co. 10.50 11.50 5/- Electric T'wayi 2/9 3/3 1 10 Frnser Neavc 57.50 58.50 c.r, 50 50 WHammer&Co. 105.00 115.00 ItiO 100 KaU Bros. 130.00 150.00 (1 U Mexican Eagk 11.0.0 12.0.0 10
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    • 85 7 IJ.Eng. p.c. $1,254,800 pax I p.». pa S'pcre Electric Tramways 6 p.c. £350,00 C aotn Spore Municipal 6 p.» tl .878.000 pat Spore Mun. 4H P-« of 1907 $1,000,000 16 p.c. lOp.c.di* Spore Man. 4H p.e. of 1909 $1,600,600.. 10 px. 10 p.c.jlia ft'pore Man. 4H p< of 1909
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  • 431 7 Fraset and Co. and Lyall and Evan's QnoUtiooa. [Latest arailabla Sterling Quotation* are printed oa another sag* oa Friday.] To-day 1 Price* Fraser Lyall A Co. Evatt AJlcnby ($1) 0.80 0.90 0.80 0.90 Alor Gajah ($1) 3.(30 3.80J 3.60 3.80* Am. Malay 4.00 4.50 4.00 4.50 AyerHiiam(fs) 23.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 786 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED JUNIOR CLERKS. Apply Sin,:* port Cold Storage, Cuppace Road. WANTED, >."o<l short!. an! typist. Apply with pi' s „f r<-f.Tenc-s to 186. Straits Times. WANTED on board c astal IttMaad wi;.le»s operators. Apply in per--m to o.S.K. SINGLE Rn.iM TO LET, immediate entry, rood locality, inclusive MM.
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    • 154 7 AUCTION SALE OF THREE MOTOR CARS At our sale-room. No. 30, Kling Street, on Saturday, September 18, at 10.30 a.m. One fix-cylinder, five-neater Saxon car, iltted with wire wheels, right hand driv« md in good running order No. S. 3119. One siN-cylinder, seven-seater Studcbaker car, Sited with new hood and
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    • 172 7 'KEPPEL GOLF CLUB NOTICE The eighteenth annual general meeting of the members of the Keppel Golf Club will be held in the Club Hou^e, on Saturday, September 25, at C.30 p.m. BUSINESS.- To receive the Committee's report and statement of accounts for the year ended June 30. 1920, and if
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    • 519 7 MENUADAr KEBAWAH HIM VANC MAHA MUI.IA SULTAN SIR A. SULEIMAN SHAH, X.C.M.C. Vanic di Pertuan Negrl Selangor liarol Ehsan. Ampon Tuanku, Bahwa ada lah patik sekalian Islam dari pada India yang ada di dulam dairah Klangr dengan tulos ekhlas serta tertib dan santon mengadap kabawah Duli Yung Maha Mulia Tuanku.
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    • 262 7 THE STAR OPERA Ta« Theatr* RoyaL North BrUc* Bum TO-NIGHT TO-NICHr A Beaatifal Fairy Hay IX II \K S\M will be KtatrecT. MssM ll.ilirhah (111., take the toasaajr parts. UMKMBBSI Batnrda>. September 18 A new full net of Srenery will be SI'KCIAL PROGRAMME PREPARED K. H. CHXONO. Prwrt^ T. L.
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  • 64 8 HARDWICK— On Septrmber 14. at Hi!! View. Pasir Pajnnjr, Walter Hardwick, aced 45. Australian papers please copy. TAN' LEX TEE.— Hr». Tan l*k Tee. nee Cheo Suan Lee Neo, the mother of Messrs. Tan Hong Teck and Tan Kirn Teck, at her (■> sidcnc; No. 20, Heeren Street, Malacca,
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  • 1054 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 15 THE BLACK OUTLOOK. It has been said of England that its most hopeful moment comes when everything looks most hopeless. There is some justification for the paradox. We are a mentally indolent people, and we take a great deal of rousing but there is
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  • 56 8 The British as well as the French consular authorities in Canton have complained, says the Canton Times, to the Chinese Government that some troops have occup.ed premises of their respective subjects here without permission. Several houses belonging to foreign residents in the eastern part of the city have been occupied
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  • 80 8 Mr. Tan Kheam Hock had occasion to make a call .n Bras Basah Road yesterday afternoon and upon alighting from his motor car told his chauffeur to keep an eye on a portfolio which he left on the seat. On returning to the car about half an hour later he
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  • 54 8 Recruiting has been resumed in Madras Presidency generally except in the following taluqs which are still closed owing to prevalence of disease Divi, Tanuku, Ermagudam and taluqs of Kistna district Ellore, Ramachandrapuram, Amalap iram, Rajamundry M.T., Coconada and Rajamundry taluqs of Godaveri district Repolli, taluq* of Guntur District and Odayarpalyam
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  • 11 8 The schools in Singapore re-opened on Monday after the" summer vacation.
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  • 23 8 In the police court Chan AX Pan was mulcted in the sum of $50 for driving his car. No. 1851, without a licence.
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  • 23 8 The directors of the Mercantile Bank of India have declared an interim dividend of s per cent, less tax actual payable September 24.
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  • 27 8 An American tea will be held at the Victoria Theatre on Wednesday, October 6, from 10.30-12.30 a.m. and 4-6 p.m. in aid of Girls' Friendly Soc.ety Funds.
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  • 27 8 An ordinary meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya will be held at 10.30 a.m. on Monday, September 27, at the Johore Civil Service Club, Johore Bahru.
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  • 27 8 There is to be a Malay interpreter at the Federal Council meeting at Kuala Lumpur to-day, to interpret all the speeches from English to Malay, and viceversa.
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  • 30 8 According to the postal express the steamer Altenburg, aground at the Horsburg, is not now in communication with the wireless station at Singapore. She had been up to yesterday. Strange!
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  • 41 8 A verdict of death by misadventure was returned by the Coroner yesterday in the case of a Malay girl of six, named Amina. who died as a result of a motor car accident in Rochore Canal Road on the 3rd inst.
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  • 42 8 A Chinese post office employee named Tan Kin Wee was brought up in the third police court yesterday charged with destroying a postal article in the course of transmission. The hearing was postponed for a week, accused being allowed bail of 1,000.
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  • 41 8 A Japanese training squadron, consisting of the cruisers Asama and Iwate, commanded by Vi<?e-Admiral Funagoshi, is expected to visit the Colony shortly. It is coming from Japan and is proceeding to South America via Colombo and the Cape of Good Hope.
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  • 56 8 On July 28, '20, a meeting of the Federal Council was held at which there was not present at least one member from each of the four F.M.S. Doubts have consequently arisen as to the validity of the proceedings of the meeting and to remove this a special enactment is
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  • 52 8 A long queue awaited the of Messrs. Moutrie and Co. this morning. The occasion was the opening of booking for the forthcoming S.A.D. Committee productions of Passers-by. It is quite evident that late appl.cants will stand a poor chance of securing seats 'on any of the four nights of
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  • 64 8 The following Singapore property was sold by public auction at the sale-room of the Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd., on Monday afternoon Three pieces of land at Changi, 10^ milestone, estimated to contain areas of (1) 25 acres 2 roods and 12 poles (2^ 4 acrts an I 22 poles
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  • 61 8 A fine of SlOO or three months' rigorous was the sentence imposed yesterday upon Ong Ah Cheok, besides the cancellation of his licence, for driving his car. No. 713, on the 13th inst., in Smith Street, in a reckless manner while he was drunk, and knocking down three persons, one
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  • 96 8 At the resumed inquest on the body of a Hindu UM by lions in the Bombay Zoological GwrdHM the jury r?turned a verdict of death caused by having been mauled and bitten Ly two lions in a cage in Viet' ria Gardens, into which he went by climbing over the
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  • 100 8 Mr. O. W. Edd. Is, of Victoria, has patented a new boot-histing machine which, it is predicted, wil! oust American machines from the Australian market. The new invention is a machine capable of fitting into a small shop. The action of the machine is silent, and one revolution operates 200
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  • 112 8 Lieut. F. Wardle of the 22nd Punjabis committed suicide in Bombay in extraordinary circumstances. He was due to go home for demobilisation, and was staying in Bombay awaiting a berth. It appears that he had been depressed at the thought of returning to England. Late at night he engaged a
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  • 127 8 The story has reached Adelaide of a remarkable change of fortune which has befallen Miss Maud Armstrong, aged 1U years, and described as of prepossessing appearance, who is at present employed as .maid at an hotel in Jamestown, situated in the country north of Adelaide. She was unexpectedly visited by
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  • 426 8 Mr. W. L. ConlnyV son into Woolwich. Messrs. L. H. Bart, E. A. CotMa and K. L. Jones return t. KuH:: I inilf from leave on Sunday Mr. Justice Thornely, '.f the Appeal Court, Bangkok I I 111 Thornloy :irc at present in flhsfapnrs en their way
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  • 21 8 The Government «es to redeem the 0 per States War Loan at due date, i.e. ."lav 1. un.
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  • 68 8 The Malay Mail understand* that a joint conferenos was hold in Kuala Lum pur yesterday mornfakf of representatives •>f the Rubber Grower*' Ai station Committee, the Rubber Pn dm ciation of Malaya, and the Planters' Association of Malayn together with c rtain Chinese estate proprietors, to di ide
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  • 86 8 At the Assizes y< Bterday, I ■■> f re the A,Chief Justice, S r J hn BueknUl, How and Chin Je.-> Yew WCT i < bar on of an.l liaflhlliifl fa currency notes, and pleaded not guilty. Accord na: to the Deputy Public ProM cutor, Mr. G. G.
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  • 95 8 A case of suicide was reported to tl:c coroner yesterday, the victim being a European, Mr. Walter Hardwuk, of Hill View, Pasir Panjanir, who had been in the employ of the Singapore Harbour Board. It appears that about two a.m. Mrs. Hardwick heard a thud, and. going into
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  • 109 8 The master of the Chinese launch Kwong Thong, plying between Penangand Sungei Lalang, Kedah, reports that on the last voyage of the vessel at 11.30 a.m. on Saturday near Merbok he encountered a heavy squall in consequence of which thu vessel sprang a leak. The sea
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  • 114 8 Yesterday afternoon a Miss Bsamsn, who is staying at the Europe Hotel, was proceeding along Collyrr Quay in a ricksha when a motor car. No. 26 >, came up and ran into the back of the ricksha tl r iwinjr Miss Seaman out on to Urn road
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 216 8 A NEW URGE SIZE CIGARETTE THREE CASTLES SUPER MAGNUMS OBTAINABLE FROM JOHN LIITLE Co., Ltd. R9BINBOM I Co., Ltd. (K .4 Of- PER TIN 3> ||OU OF 6O LITTLE WONDER GRAMOPHONES W* bars jast unpacked fresh shipment of these famoai ■■cMass Price $47. 50 net IMBP£CIION INVITED JOHN LITTLE Co.,
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    • 147 8 'select subjects and big features at singapore's modern picture theatres (Taa Cheat- Km Co, Ltd, Proprietor*) ALHAMBRA rathe Serial* BOUND AND GAGGED 10 Episodes EpUodes No. 3 and 4-4 reel* s Pt*. $se,»oo 5 Pt.. Featuring J. Warren Kerrigan Pathe Gazette and Hank-Mann Comedy Two-reel dramas and- Comedies. (First Show)
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  • 496 9 Britain's Many Anxious Problems. Ireland, Mesopotamia and Trade Unionism. .on lon. So;-<on:bvr 12. ll that nn Government lhrooc*S«« history has ever been oUl< I iii to taea a succession of such r ycle BtaMaaßß aa tfca pnaaat Caatittaa, The stall' of lr:-lind, aggravated by McSwin f*i afcWag If.
    496 words
  • 304 9 London, September 13. Twenty thousand electricians employed in the London traffic and electrical works will strike on the 18th if the employer! do not withdraw the lock out notices. Meanwhile a government court of inquiry into the dispute has been appointed and opens to-day. The chairman is Sir
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  • 327 9 Gravity of Food Situation Increases. Rei'ter Telegrams London. September 12. An idea of the appalling dimensioi.s to which famine is extending in seme provinces of China is indicated by the fact that in many villages of families are poisoning their wives and children with arsenic
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 181 9 REI'TER TELE(,RAM Paris, September 12. M. M llerand and Signor Giolitti arrived at Aix les Bains and were warmly welcomed by the population. The Premiers this morning held a private conference, at the conclusion af which M. Millerand stated that the utmost cordiality prevailed. Signor Giolitti had
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 48 9 Rel-ter Telegram London, September 13. A report of the Ministry of Health contains startling revelations and especially pillories egg custard powders. The analysts declare generally that egg powder is coloured baking-powder and that custard powder is coloured and flavoured starch without a trace of any eggs.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 401 9 |lhc Subsidising of a Labour Journal. Reuter Telegrams London. P^ptomli^r 1-. The Bolshevists periodically di«nos« o* Wrangel in communiques, ths laU.-t in th'i direction being to-day's communique which refers to the almost total destruction of Wrangel's forces in the war area." On the contrary Wrangel himself appears unaware
    Reuter  -  401 words
  • 102 9 Revter TaOOUM London, September 12. Hongkong The Catholic Mission has received a report of a massacrj of Chinese Christians at Weiyeung, in the East River district. It appears that soldiers from Xwangsi, armed with piachine-guns, notwithstanding the Canton Government's rlers to respect thi sanctity of Christian .hurches,
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  • 87 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 12. A Saturday evening bulletin states that McSwiney is much worse and suddenly collapsed, but is still conscious. London, September 13. It is reported that the Royal Irish Constabulary are being re-armed with modern service rifles and revolvers and furnished with steel body guards to
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 69 9 Revter Telegrams London, September 13. Lloyd's agent at Libau says the American cruiser Pittsburg on the 10th was towed into the roads after being lightened of coals, ammunition and provisions. London, September 12. The Daily Despatch foreshadows the early retirement of Lord Milner from the Colonial Office. London,
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 236 9 Workers Continue Seizing Factories. Reuter Telegrams Laadaa, ■■pOitw 12 A tolejrram from Milan states that the ■odaaataa gained a complete ictory ev?r the extremists at a meeting bet'veon the general workers and socialists, a large majority voting in favour of settling the metal workers' strike through Parliamentary
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 123 9 Relter Telegrams London, September 13. With reference to Mr. Harding's statement regarding the Monroe doctrine ani the League of Nations covenant, Reuter is informed that the purpose and meaning of both the British and French texts is identical. The whole contention, which specially refers to Article 21
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 83 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, September 11. At a con. mitt. c nutting of the Chamber cf Comr.-.eroe 10-day Urn chairman, Mr. Henderson, thought the committe. should give the Chamber's representative in th..Legislative Council, the Hon. Mr \V. 11. Thcrno, a clear expression of their vhws on Urn
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  • 171 9 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report Singapore, September 15. Silver.— CO 1 Hongkong 92"4. Shanghai :i6%. Tin.— 22s tons sold 139. Gold.— Three months 45. Rubber. Market weak and declining. Spot around 004. Sept. 62. Oct. 63. Oct.-Dec. 66. Jan. -March 71. Jan-June 74. Share Market. All sections
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  • 82 9 The Sydney Municipal Council has purchased a coal mine and proposes to generate electricity at the mouth of the pit, and convey it by transm.ssion line to consumers in the city. At the outset an expenditure of about £100,000 will be involved, and the full scheme will cost from £3,000,000
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  • 2254 9 Labour Puts a Finger In Russian Pie. By Our Special Correspondent. London, Aujrust 20. Parliament hns risen for the BataflM recess, and will re-assemble on Tuesday, October 18. Or earlier It was to have adjourned last Thursday, but owing to the crisis over Poland and owing to the
    2,254 words

  • 496 10 <>\er eas Visitors and Country Cousins. n London echoed with the voice rf u'utlVn. H T there. «^Jg^S the blind! of Belirnvia and Ma>fa.r were ..truck the comprehension. lne slitter of Bond-street had vanishes.— K ft,..:, n.u.i The Daily Nc»». August. W tL wortd I- as
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  • 186 10 The >ti ry of regrettable mistake comes from a iountr> NM in the neighbourhood ■■-hot. says the Sunday Times. A South Coast char-a-banc was taking a circular tour an<| returning through Aldersh"t. Knniham and Petersfield., On turning the hill whieli leads into Borden Camp, tl.c paity in
    186 words
  • 80 10 In Urn MOM of a .statement with re- the adverse press comment with I t!i proposal to send the Scots Greys :.i r i I instead of retaining the ragimonl h as a household regiment, the V. i Office says that there is no real pronnd for
    80 words
  • 1138 10 Philanthropy and Business Combined. My dear Madge, We really are going ihead and getting qu.te up to date in Jomeo. The latest enterprise on the part if the Chartered Company is to be the ipeninjr of a Bank, to be known as The v>nii Borneo
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  • 362 10 Difficulties in Debasing Silver Coinage. According to a recent circular issued by Messrs. Samuel Montagu, the rise in the market price of silver has proved a fruitful source of embarrassment in connection with Siamese currency. The tical having cased to be protected by its intrinsic value, the Government
    362 words
  • 335 10 Daylight Saving" is not a question we •an enthuse about, observes the Strait* Echo. Personally we think that the Dutch -yslem of getting through as much work is possible in thu cool of tho mornix* m inlin.tcly preferable to the 10 too office hours in
    335 words
  • 155 10 Owing to floods, the crops in Riangsu, Anhui, Kiangsi and Chekiang provinces are described as extremely* bad this year, consequently the export of rice and other cereals is strictly prohibited by these provinces. On the other hand, northern reports indicate heavy drought in Chihli, Shantung, Honan and
    155 words
  • 96 10 The Maharaja of Jhalawar on August 16 opened discussion on the relations of schools to life at the British Association at Cardiff. He pointed out the larire varia'.ion of social conditions in his state froiv those prevailing in Britain, but h held hat educational motives and methols
    96 words
    • 332 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— On August 5 last, a party of < sixteen women and four men were arrested at 664, North Bridge Road, for gambling. Fifteen of the women and the men were handcuffed and were then marched along North Bridge Road, Bali Lane,
      332 words
    • 284 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times S r,— Once again a very fine ship has been wieeked on a shoal known at the I'iillo U-ii shoal, which is a small shoal of only a quarter of a mile in diameter, is marked at having 2'j
      284 words
    • 156 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I beg ta draw your attention to an error in your report of the M.P.A. meeting held in Malacca Club on the 6th instant. I did not complain of difficulties arising from the necessity of having a warrant for the
      156 words
  • 94 10 One of the strongest pictures ever presented dealing with the sex problem will be screened at the Palladium to-night. It is entitled Sex, is in seven reels, and features that brilliant screen star Louise Glaum, who gives a wonderfully vivid characterisation of the role she assumes. Besides this,
    94 words
  • 81 10 An inquest was held the other day on the body of Patrol-leader George Stevenwn, aged 17, the tallest scout at the recent Jamboree, who stood Gft. Sin. It was that he had been shooting on his father's farm at Halam,,Nottinghamshire. md was found with a bullet wound in his
    81 words
  • 821 10 Real Issue Between Government And Federation. A Labour correspondent contributed to The Observer of August 15 the following which is of particular interest at the moment The Government refused the miners' demands. The Miners' Federation has decided to ballot for a strike to enforce them. It may
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  • 268 10 American Trade Menaced By Careless Handling. American exporters of food to Bntain are beginning to find themselves shut out from British markets, according to the New York Journal of Commerce because in the scramble for great profits, and in the rush of wartime emergency, inferior goods had been
    268 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 357 10 Yesterday's results were ax follows A )onble«. Cameron and Thomas owe 5 v. Simpson and Braddell scr., unfinished. Franklin and Yeldon scr. v. Battiabdl and Cunradi owe 15.2, unfinished. Hill and Sinclair scr. beat MugJiaCasi and Miles owe 1, 6—3, B—6.8 6. Vi-li-rans' Doablm Beattie and Elwes
      357 words
    • 80 10 The final of the St. Joseph's Old Bu.vV Association Football Tournament will be played on Saturday at 5 p.m. sharp hcv tween the E team (captain L. Gammeil) and the C team (captain F. Albuquerqu**}. The See Ewe Boon cup, presented by Mr. See Teong Wah, together
      80 words
    • 33 10 A reader writes The following- tcsum should be strong enough to beat the St^ffords Oliveiro Chinese back and I'ennrfather Lynch, Aeria and Chinese half Smith, Fernandez, Lingard, Chines* foeward and Jamieson.
      33 words
    • 53 10 The Indies Competition for Septcmbc* at the Sepoy Lines Club resulted aa follows Mrs. I.ornie 44 4««iual« Mm Law 44— 4 4U Mrs,. Hunter 51— 7 4* Mrs. J. M. Jackson 52— 8 Mrs i. 1 R. Robinson 59—15 m 44 Mrs. Lyall 56— 8 4» Mrs. Latham Carter
      53 words
  • 264 10 The following report is officially com municated The meeting of the Ceylua. Association of Malaya advertised to be held in the Victoria theatre, was held on Saturday, at 8.11 p.m. There was a Lirjoe gathering of CenoneM both from Singapore and from Kuala Lumpur. Proposed by
    264 words
  • 18 10 Tfct Willes.len m::-;i tr.itc Is "tipr.t" an :il<-iral game A police s*t Yes, if played in the streets.
    18 words

  • 619 11 RUBB ER RESEARCH. Important Srheme Maturing In j (cvlon. A Times of Ceylon ripn letttativi ha> Icaracd on excellont authority that a project nil foot fur co-ordinating work :a pr rii-<l <>;i liy the lon (i I Rubber Growen' ,100 Rabbi i Reaoarch BchOBM The whole qui-ticni is rory mash
    619 words
  • 406 11 Cost of Fighting London's 10.000.000 Ruts. London i~ worthily upholding the truditioaa of h« i historic Ix>pl Mayor of cat tea in bar efforts to exterminate the rat Menaca in the dork arets, Hiiti the Port of I .Minion Authority, whi' h is now spending over
    406 words
  • 31 11 IiMM two parties cannot OOOOWy j.; i.t- loipether in one liousi-," smkl h < itoi at Maryleboiif County Court, .'udge Kolm rt» A lot of people »eem to be like that bo»«»Ih>>.
    31 words
  • 495 11 British Officers' Tributes At Ipoh. That the CUmm of Porak have evinced [no little aptitude for military service und that the members of their Volunteer Club n jji-neral and of the Chinese platoon M the M.Y.I, in particular are setting an example that might be followed with
    495 words
  • 444 11 little Swindles Uptfl The Sympathetic I'uWic The reader may have seen him at work. ay even have' parted with a eunipa*liwiatr 10 rtnt.«. -ays ihe N.-C. Daily v- He i' a bonny littk- ChiaoM lad -eats, and his modni operand] i. (txactiag aatail eota tram the
    444 words
  • 31 11 Pro«rru:nme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, September 18, 1920 Saturday, September 18. S.R.E.(v) Rifle Club, Balestier Ranee 2.30 p.m. (Sd.) R. SMITH, Lient., Aft. Adjutant, S.V.C
    31 words
  • 24 11 The optimism of some people in really astounding. A London journal announce* the formation of a league to encourage prayer for newspaper men.' 1
    24 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 228 11 Newly Arrived SEVERAL BfAUIIFUL M3,;EtS OF THE FAMOUS GIBSON MANDOLINE You who have been wantiag a belter ii strument call and insect these n.w We h»ve a bo ju»t received a con?ignmetit of NEW MUSIC S. MOUTBIE CO., LTD. (Ineovpotated ia Hoogkoaei RAPFLB-) PLACB, 6INOAPOEB WOOD PRESERVATIVE PROOF AQAINST WHITE
      228 words
    • 106 11 RAFFLES GAFt Bras Basah Road ADELPHS HQTE BVBBT EVENING OUR SPECIAL ORCHESTRA PLATS FROM 7 TO 10 ADELPHI HOTEL LIMITED, B. U TJEERDKMA, Director. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL P€NANG-(Sea-slde) Every Wednesday and Saturday HUBICAL SELECTIONS DURING 0 NNER •ingle (per cay) $6 sOtosi2 Double (per day) 1 2 SO to f2O
      106 words

  • 667 12 Eoj ytble V**it to Haogchow Aod HMfclpfl. On Artist 9, lb- amorioan vinitui bad a «n a; d»y Ib j arrived at Htntobov at 11 am. aod veie met by pivata tiokrbas »»d -eat by a oiicnituaa route to General i.nv, so saw tomi-th ng ol tbe att*et*
    667 words
  • 370 12 Privilege of f la Speaking Abused, corresponded sends to The Observer bom Csnsda > oepy ol wiil published tbeiu, wbiob, »b»4tver msj be said r-l ila apitr, doe* pr( eoiil fanrly piotare I leare Ibe p.-operty of F and til otbe* landed p*op r m I nssy die
    370 words
  • 97 12 The units selected to form the 6th Division which recently proceeded to Mesopotamia are the 74th Brigade, 2-7 th Rajputs, l-15th Sikhs, 2-123 rd Outrara's Rifles, 75th Brigade, 3-70 th Burma Rifles, 2-96 th Infantry, 2-1 16 th Mahrattas, 76h Brigade, 3-23 rd Sikh Infantry, 2-69 th Punjabis, 2-1 17
    97 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 896 12 MUNICIPAL NOTICE APPOINTMKNT OK FIKST ASSISTANT mi nkii'ai. ■raooM Applications are invited for the post of First A»si»iant F.nirineer to the Municipal lonars of (irorge Town, Penang. Candidate" must be fully qualified Civil Engineers nnd have had experience in Municipal and general engineering; work. Salary $7,200 p.-r annum plus 10
      896 words
      318 words
      79 words

  • 635 13 American Newspaper's lurid Account. Tbo* tbe 3»a Fianeiioo Chronic* A v;aMfd b» (oar Chioeee biigands pesi^ aa rickaba diivers wbilo gijjhttoeiox in anloo, baond and ft'Rxed and taroed Ibroogh deserttd stieels and devicca nndeTgroottd psgß«f(RB until tba Yirs'se river was laaatiid, and tben smuggled aboiad. a Chinese
    635 words
  • 539 13 Drag Hidden in ibe Nile's Water Tank. If the Chi»aMei!liae» Nile bad «otbte» j»;ntei Jat( ptiot to be* depsrtaie f<oa OBgioug lot Sin FraacifC 1 it is li;Rtly prcb b n thai L'aiiei taten Ca»», nn I^s gectci Eotrsu E. Below acd a squad cl i-sistanls *oa''l
    539 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 156 13 WHITE A WAYS The Noted House for Milliaery AUTUMN RACES Exclusive Display of MILLINERY Just Received nl^ I *^K I ri» l*t-et styles as eet by ffc*~<fc iisdoiaad r'aris areconect.y m rr^red ia this new shipment. jUM 11K49 O«rttock of hdsis a \*rge and 'i- 1$ c jmpreheniive one, to
      156 words
    • 157 13 El^^^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL '^s|^^%fl OPTICIANS fc rSi 0. High Street, 'JSKIOMQ Europe Hotel WM i^S? Bnllding-a. WARRANT "All I CD a rood Typewritlog Slbbea Sound Advice lf this ia what yon are aftei For work to appear muoh smart**, Buy the Crown, It la afdear little coll But, aold
      157 words
    • 64 13 w IV^£«cf^ >' I 111 y//— GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO LTD (Taeorporttca' la Hongkonj ■e»J r»4 Werka 1 BONGKONti Dependability <*** rfsßMrP»*iffsf^iii^^i a-* fnsUJLB IBAJIV COUNT hat bsea *u4 fer a.l ieterlatleal If nwi «w reterreli*, trmnwaT*, kaxboar wtris, keary fonnc'atloDi, ferUleaUaaa, •tsTl far Beat, It kaa eveirvber* s"lt.i eatire
      64 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 648 14 OLEt BY ABBTWM AUCTION SALE The undersigned have awaa instructed to «.ll by public suction at their snle-room. Caaaawara, Ruffi^ Phaa, M»adii>. Si-ptemher 20. I9J», at 2.Jt p.m. AM thai iiu;ite at 3'i mile*tone, Bint Timah Kuuil. Singaporf. estimatin .inn «.f J.i.'.'lO square feet. bemc land eamarlaed in Statutory Grant
      648 words
    • 265 14 SALES BY AUCTION AUCTION SALE OF ONE FIVE-SEATKR CHEVROLET 21 h.p. FOIR-CVI INliKi:. IS GOOD RUNNING ORDER, To be bald at N«. 11. Koek Komi, oa Saturday, Srptrmbrr IH. 192t. at 11 a.m. ESTATES AND TRUST Ar.KNCIKS. LTD, (Successors to Clllaf Kcnp Lee Co.) Auctioneers ami Batata Agents. SPECIALLY BREWED
      265 words
    • 464 14 AaaWta BTff |t,IM,IN B.C Assaranc; Id force over 5,000 001 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (Ueerveratad la fteaita Bettlemeate) VSAB OinCll WTlhlaf Mm* ttaaa.a,. LONDON orrif'B i Old J.wr, B.C Th* Ctmpaar kaa awaJH Illlailea wMfc tM itPNM BwM ti BagUaa aad compile, with a: British LU. Aunrant*
      464 words
    • 386 14 BAWKINB THE YOKOHAMA SPECU BANK LIMITED (Incorporated In Japan) i Capital Subscribed IT" TlOt.tM^U Capital Paid Up V Sl.OOO^tf Beserre Fund T 44.00 MM Preaident, N Eajlwan, Eaq. Vice-President, 8. Susuki, Es* DIBECTOB8 I B. lehlnomiya, Esq. E. Morim&ra, Bsa K. Kodama, Esq. M. Mitsui. Esq. T. Yomakava, Esq M.
      386 words
    • 565 14 BANKING THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, IJMITED. (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlement* Head Offlce t •INCAPOBE, M, i LINK -TBEEX MM Branch i reTNANG, 14, BRACB al ECsTr Agencies IPOH AND liri.l Capital Authorise* tM^tC.m Issued 10.JO- Paid-up' Raserr* Liability *f Bhareholdars l.lle.HJ Board af Diroetara I Th* Hon. Dr. Lim
      565 words
    • 603 14 B&WKIKG BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE Mfc CHINE, Author<ie« Ota Hal Prs. li9.»«fl.»#i 3op«cnbed Cip.tsl Frs. l»'j.00?.M« Paid-up Capital Pr*. TC,OOO,tM (1/1 of the Capital *üb»rr!b*J by t*Y Oovsrament of th: Chinas* BepoV.*' i OasaHaaaa eg thr l'..«rd cf D'res'.rrs I Andre Boftawlwt ■emerwJ Manager A. J P»ra»tt* BEAD OFPICE i M Ba*
      603 words

  • 875 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Tbe Plug. The impcrtanoe ot tbe ignition system ii the operation of ictcrnU mmbusHou eo^inri known to all aaeid it motor earn bat obl] tto.ntly has su?b apparatus betD fnbj etc" I >.o snicDt.fie in?; bti^nioa. D.i»iDg tbe war it waß
    875 words
  • 192 15 tbe receipt of tbe letter Baying tbat I be Amis Ltd forbidden the obi.-j of Mabaji iiD iDto Afghanis a«. a pwty o( 7.C00 bad Ml Pfehawar foi Jamrnd. Xbe Kbaiil-t C L-ttiitce dtipatobtd taiiiaiiee ti b'tog Ita MkL»jiti» baok. bat tbe latter ftfugol to obfy Mdcii
    192 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 286 15 Hsafr \K.\ KIM KKI\ lUX li ASIS Ol A 15KALTHI I. HOOD A mart hood is the crowning !»'aiity ..f baadaoaae motor oar. NEVERLKKK hiHxl oaateriaJ baa sobstanee an 1 flexibliity that give graceful, flowing liaea. Ita rkhneai and lustra of anrfarc an- lu-nnanent. It harmonizes snUiwliiitl with the body
      286 words
      238 words
    • 150 15 'DUNLOP TYRES Tlic best prnisitfua Urn Motorist can have apa.nst tyre troubles is to purchase tjrm of a well-known brand. The Maker's reputation is the User's best safeguard. Obtainable from all the principal dealer? and garages in the F.M.S. and S.S. The Duo, op Rubber Co. Ltd. Jacorpcrated la Jipaa
      150 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 470 16 GUAN KIAT CO. LDUTBD (Incorporated iv StraiU 16, Phillip Street t BINGAPORE New ShipmcnU just arrived of ASH OAKS 12 to 16 It CAUSTIC SODA 76 to 7S per cent. DRY AND OILED I'UMP LEATHER MORGANS I'LUMBAGO CANVAS HOSE 1J < to :t inchrw EUROPE WHITE SPUNYAKN DOUBLE CIRCLE WDI
      470 words
    • 515 16 CALLENDER'S "VERIBEST" READY ROOFING la Polls containing 21t a* ft. t PLT. Useful for roofing light structure*, farm buildings, etc., and as a special lining medium. < PLY. A medium quality oi*4 aa factories, Bungalows, etc. 1 PLY. Strongly recommended for increaaee 1 strength aud efficiency in exposed aitoations. Obtainable
      515 words
    • 956 16 JIASSIfIED MRTI.EMENTS I__ rUPAIIi c*ju_*( far Wlats, Far 3a:*, Ta L.-t, ate, la ordinary c!os*»*s4 tyv* (araraa* ahc w*r4e t» Ha») are Par lino on* insertion 28 ets- two in*. 46 eta, t_r*e Ins. Ci etc, four In*. 82 etc, fr»* Is*. 11.00, six Ins. fU3, ten Ins. 11.(0, twelrs
      956 words
    • 881 16 MISCELLANEOUS LADY, experienced in the handling of children will accept pupils (Chinese) for the first and second standards only. Apply 121, Straits Times. ARTICLES FORSAUJP FOR SALE, house No. 8, Tong Watt Road, with water and gas laid on. For particulars apply Teo Kirn Seng. No. 66, Kling Street. FOR
      881 words
    • 966 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS OFFICE TO LET, second floor, Ma. 1-b, Rallies Q;i_y. Apply ground floor. OKHCKS To LET, at No. 1, Robinson Road. Apply Singapore Estate Supplies and Agenc> TO LET, ground floor No. is*, Cecil .tree*.. Suitable for oflice or godown. Apply M.S.j) Strait* Times. TO LET, GODOWN about
      966 words
    • 185 16 Straits Motorcar Service LIMITED (Incorporate, in Straits Settlements'! SIS to .If, ORCUAKb fiOAD LORRIES "AND CABS HIRED OVEBKAUL& MOTOR CARS AND CYCLE! WELDING of all metals. Satisfaction (Ju..' l.nrite stock* of LUCAS HORNS AM) LAMPS arriving -hiirilj Phone 1233 SHIPPING PLANTING MINING For these three Key Industries of Ualaya WE
      185 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 306 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONIC Editorial and General 6& Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editor:*' matters and news should be addressee to THE EDITOR. All communication i relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc., should be addressed to THI MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT PATES Wants,
      306 words