The Straits Times, 14 September 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 26,435 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 83 1 .t X-: Pilsener Beer ■fr/ j*-^t_ "V U -^iTafi Ifrtuv^ 52 ■kv' T ==Ei^ D »t q ftW.. TB32SSrs' 0 ?J Guinness Stout jj|3||| Bole Atfcntu THE BORNEO Co., Ltd. (Tcecr^o kled ia BngUad). 7 REI RIBBON BRAND fi h pUTTER H i Hest grade obtainable h I VILH BORH,
      83 words
    • 143 1 ROBINSON CO LTD. {'ncor;mted la tbe Btniti 83filemeata) Special Show on Tuesday c *''^42. and following days MILLINERY \4 AND 3 U^ GOWNS 1 For forthcoming Fate Meeting ROBINSON CO., LTD. licotp rste' is tbo StniU S_iU me.ts) SINGAPORE T^Mt M 1 TH yy JP^t ICEBERG BRAND I, lb, 1
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    • 1 1 STERILISED
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  • 970 2 If the Ex-Service Men Were United. R. A. Bcott-Jan writes as follows in the Daily Chronitlc Many ex-Si r\ ice men must have marvelled when th y beard that representatives of three millions of their kind had met and decided to form a single association to unite
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  • 97 2 "Omar Khayyam Dramatised. Fitzerald, the famous adapter nf Omar Khayyam, died lit Mirton Rectory, TMlford, and much of his immortal adaptation at the Rut>aiyat was written in a wooded li-ll in the Rectory grounds. Thy Ilov. Charles Kent, the present Raster, has n'.aile a dramatised version of tlic p.icm. which
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  • 43 2 It MHM to me that the ImbsbMS of UH pNMMt (laj is to wfeck I'Vi-rythinK," sai«l Mr. Francis, at the Westminster Police Court. "The moment some people find a place unoccupied they think it a proper thini: to break in and wreck it."
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 377 2 Send now for a Free Specimen Copy of the Most Complete Weekly Newtpaper sent out from Great Britain. 7/e Tim-t Wmn Edition hlluitrated) contains th.- pin newt together with Jgm Dnrmrn nt thr i.a.l: daily 1O *OgeS OT n. km Be.dc. .1, *ata Photogravure iv «*(eal .r. i s»pji»te
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    • 423 2 CUBA HEALS BOYSKZEMA dn Face and Then Head. Ashamed To Take Him OaL "Eczema cair.e in little spots on 'ink bcr'i fice »"d then it got to '„.i nead. Afteiwsrds it got all o vet him. I was up night after night, and 1 pinned him to the bed. The
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    • 292 2 *THF, CHADM iSpt l -rj 1 '^Jr^B^B^B^B bbßbW lam J^m Lipton's Tea "T*HE flavour, the delicate an. ma aod the frag;raoc« of its leaf, can oevrr be rtjuallfd by «oy other Ordinary tra. Liptoo s Tea ia the pick M the World* Fio«it Tta gardens sad. *i» packrd by th«
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  • 769 3 Reports from Estate CcosWered Satisfactory. The Unlh snooai Rtoeial meilios tf tte Hjawcod Tin and Ribb-.t Bilaie, Limited, waa I uiJ at tbe rt«i tind tffice, Ola gow, oai Jnly 39, Mr. Thru as A Gs'lie (etaaiimao c( tbe board ol dii(Ctoif) pretidiEg. I Tbe Cbairmm
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  • 468 3 An Em ty la tbe Slaag Used By criminals Wben a detective has pas iJ tbropfcb Lia days of >att>tr»:oa io the tobocl at New Sootlaad Xmi, rae of the first tbiags be doe* .b to matter ifap slang naed bj crin.iaais, «*)8 a wrikr io a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 251 3 mm IfUdC O I LIME JUICE it Prepared solely from pure j Lime Juice and the nnest U refined sugar. THE STANDARD FOR PURITY and EXCELLENCE Insist on hating ROSE'S. J i.=r:sB?i!!iHMK«?;»i:;?m*yv?B?^^:r?MtTHiitiHinnnmiimiiw WHAT DOBB IT DO 1 It kill, parasites of mange A. It el.aa... tas st(a I. H ailU
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    • 358 3 SUCCESSFUL AI)VEI{TISIN(; That knowledpe i? known as the science of Psychology B nd it ia highly desirable therefore that the firms of ndvertisiiiK should have some acquaintance with it. Every effort hu» been made to keep the information in the CHINESE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY absolutely up-to-date. CHINESE DIRECTORY AND PRESS, LTD,
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    • 255 3 SOME NEW INTERESTING! BOOKS The Geisha f.irl $«.3O The Night -i.U- of Japan 6.30 Biography for BagiaßMn I ;i collection of Baiaaaflaaoaa swaifiaa) 2.10 A Peciet Barries Wasaaa by Henry De HaUah- 1.15 The BafMSrcnifl Horror 1.50 The AdvcnturvH of lo* John* 1.50 Robert's Billiard* fni A,:,.; sr< 0.70 Painless
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    • 382 3 LEON KENDAL THE WORI D-Rf.NOWNF.ri ASTROLOGER PALMIST FOR A SHORT ST VY OM V STAMFORD BUILDING Room No. 3»i. -Jivl flo.r (Oppo<ite Wn ijk R CONSULTATION HdIRS M to s. COMBINI UV MIUM CO JAVA SEA FIRE INSURANCE CO LTD. flseerporated Id BaUria, faaai A.D Uf 1 r»«a;»«< Capital. f
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 805 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0. -British India] ID Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICE* PENINSULAS AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with HU Majesty's Government) rh. Cmamfr IL services east of Bombay are at prwwt m»«m LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES LONDON Do* Singapore
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    • 593 4 STEAMER SAIURBS PRINCE LINE LIMITED 'Incorporated in England) FAR EAST SERVICB FOR NEW YORK CELTIC PRINCE ria Sue* about end of Oct. For all information apply to ADAMSON. GILFILLAN CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) Agents. THE BEN LME STUMERS LIMITED (Incorporated Id the United Kingdom) Fa* China and Japan BENAVON
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    • 272 4 STEAMER SAIUISS THE EASTERN SHIPPINI compart, Lnrm Thte H»« tebl* U habjaat W kMkHltlM riUmt farther ■•tie*. Ituacf —UlmM tnm H— aa.rl PERAK— E?ery Tuesday, at 1 p.m., for I ?ort Swettenham and Penaug. JIN HO-Eyery Sunday, at 4 pj», for llaiaeca and Port Swettenham. From Malacca to SiagsaaM JIN
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    • 414 4 STEAK* UIUIBI o. s. k. i THE OSAKA BHOSHEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated ia J»p«n) No. De B©«ia rreo)uee« Saillag fro. Stagapere (Subject to change without notice) EUROPEAN UN* For Port SaM. Marseilles, Loadoa. Aatvers. RotUrJaai in !Ua^v( U«. rpore. ALPS MABU "M ATLAS MABU (omit ealltaf at Marseille!) ARfifV MA»U
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    • 363 4 STEAMER SAHJItt NIPPON YIMN mm iimm b»i M aHetatiaM wftMM b**Bb. ■neon hah bh KAGA MARU Sept. M YOKOHAMA MARU KUMANO MABU •«»< B^*- r* UiWHI Pllllill. WH m< MuwllM A«JBiW MM < Cara* WAKASA MARU rod aalf_ 0* TOTTORI MARU O«- PiIMH UK Fat ■■MiTiilt u« PMK UN, F»rt
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 528 5 STEAMER BAHJHB3 NEW YORK DIRECT (via Suei) Americaa and Oriental line Th. C.enrml Ch.irch will be despatched to New "ork Su,x th. -econd half ITaosashf Fe* ftvighi < aartlcalara, arp'y to .BACH, LAXABOS ■OME. LTD At:eiil>. DODWELL LINE Incorpurated in England) FOR NEW YORK DIRECT EGREUONT CASTLE Loads September
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    • 239 5 STEAMER SAILINGS BLBM UNI LIMITED QLENSANDA salliag absxei Sept. El for London CLEKABOTI about Oct. 2 tea ami London (l.i iVI i hatri <>ct. 12 for London 1 ten are h fc* eiaai I.ertlis for pas- < r.gers availab I.'1 b) the above -ailing. For iher particulm ipply ta
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    • 478 5 FOR SALE NEW SEVEN-SEATER HUPMOBILE $2,000 As a proof of the quality of our Carbon papers of English Manufacture, we have made 8 copiei of the above attraction, and believe ua, the sixth copy is quite as distinct as the first. Per box of 100 ghettn X Come and see
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    • 1020 5 BALE OF GOVERNMENT (RUBBER) PLANTATIONS, KUALA TEMBELING, PAUANG. TENDERS INVITED Tenders will be IwCarvad at the Office of the Director of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur, up to noon of Saturday, September 25, 1920, for the purchase of the Government (Rubber Plantations Euala Tcmbeling as a going concern. The following buildings are
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    • 904 5 TOR PKINCfcS ANY KICH MKN OSaVI THE ROYAL YAKUT! (ANANG VI LAS). This Yakutl or life-giving nectar has boot prepared from the best, choicest aoj richest vegetable drugs. It has a wonderful properti of increasing the virile power and rectiflei all urinary disorders. In fact, it makes mar a man.
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    • 644 5 SINGAPORE GKAMLER OF COMMERCE EXCHANGE NOTICE hi bevel the half yearly general meeting trill be held within the Exchanp- Building! >-n Monday. Septi meet 2». 1920, I '»r the following parpc 1. To inform member- of pUte during the previo.i- 1 >ntha, 2. To consider the following ,-m i.iimenta to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 863 6 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA I From Saturday. St/itember 11. to hursduy B»ptanb«r 16 A BHDNTON HODKINBON tKoDUuTI N O< MBuuUUa«iaX>U ROMANCB j Featotißft popn'ar, banisone J. W .FRBN EBRRIOAN In a laat motiLg st iy toll of mysfcsy and sotpense In 5 pts. $30*000 r ts A i etote with a plol
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    • 263 6 CINEMAS F«>m 'utsday, tajt. 14, to Thursday, B«pt. 16 |Oj HALL, LTD. E= K^^j| FIRST SHOW \T 7.80 A I^^Bl WE3TBRN PHOTOPLAY'S SERIAL Wl'Wm THE GREAT GAMBLE WftJ] i RL/ Fc»'.nrin» CHARLB3 HUTCHISON AND ANNE LUTHER EpixodeS. THB DRaUHHT OP OBATH f parts E;i():de6. O«T OF THB OLOUDI I p<tria
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    • 263 6 tH A MULTTTUDB— ONB f~HUJ are sons* tn*«aaa4s ci 1 brents ef Ctgarttto*. Among all these •a. itsiii pre-eminent aa tbe World's >■ De Eeuke tke ArUtoeml H Cigarettes De Reszke I'ha Arlmtoormt of CIGARETTES OBTAINABLE f ROM JOHN IiTTLE 4 CO.. LTD llnvrpoiaUd :r M lupcrte: »t
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  • 84 7 riAIUMsV sbai 1 1. I a.m., 11.50 ,-> m. iKasbat l">. K. Lumpur, 10.30 a.m. TliMiada]. Sojitcinbor IK. Mich Wai r. Ml a.m., ».29 p.m. i.iil leaves. PrUaj Si pteaaajcf 17. 1.7 n.m., 0.r.0 p in. ; iitiTibor 18. LM v, Bo 12.30. d round Buml.iv. Septawbaf
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    • 72 7 li.l Waarf Uanin Dm S;i:nuil. tun Fo i.l IVharf Jnp:.n. Kllora, Wong Kui. U'.nrf. Albert and Victoria Dry Dork irl I r:i. Itaura. Kanipar, IK-na-i.nyu Maru. Hankow Maru. «T«a Itaca -NIL jari.v karf Nil. I'ulo Braal aal Wharf. Nil. ii*-ppel llarbonr. ka. Van uverstn. I Lira,
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    • 42 7 p.. 3">n toi < fTOB 81l :n 1 r. 1 >:"ic. from Banp! i* 13-I'. t < I M\f. fl.'Ml C.:lC I too*, from Si.rai f.ora London J 1C 9. .*rom Ma'iaci.. 1 oca 144, from Yokohama I tens, 1 n une.
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  • 155 7 Tu-div t J" P IB ->J furl Bwvttuhaa p.m. I p.m. I D X 1 p.n, J J.pan, ta'fc.r* mails la .8 p.m ..nil Calcutta 4 p.m. Beta 4 p.m. Uocbi'it 4 p.m. Batavia 4 p.m. WVd.Mday r Saba, Djnmbi and 10 a.m. 11 a.m. ri mJ
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  • 30 7 I Itt'. Sp-M A .(ru't 2 An«aat S ■>t 12 Pi.t t Ofl Jr. R« r .-»rt> Arrived London bar 4 St ptf mber 4 Srptrmber 9
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  • 63 7 The i anager of the Commonwealth' Shipping Line, iriving evidence before a t.iry ComiwWt— i stated that the eon --lit i< n of live 1.'.000-t-m steamer* utdnrtd f>< in Uritish yards the Federal i ii at would entir the oversea pass- iI. re will bo accommoda:';issenuers, but -„i is
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  • 130 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, September 13 On Bank 4 m/« 2/41/16 IVTnand 2/3 18/16 l .vnte 3 m. 3 credit* 2/4 25/32 On New York Demand 39% Private 90 days 4ti •)n France Bank 575 .')n India, Bank T. T. 121 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 8814 p.c. pm. On
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  • 59 7 Tone of Market Weak. Spot .-ipt. Oet Oct.-Dec. Jan. -Mar. 8 Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyers Sellers Spot 64 65 Sept. Oct. Oct.-D;v. Jan.-Mar. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Buyers Sc'lers 62 6.1 63 C 64 M M 67 72
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    • 209 7 Is*. UN Buyer*. Seller*. 10 10 Ampang 13.00 15.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.15 1.35 £1 fl Kam Kamunting 2.10.0 3.0.0 11 Kicta A»i<*. 7A» Mi 1 ilKintaTin 2.7.6 n0m. 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.80 3.00 1 1 Jelantoh 1.70 190 .1 £1 I^hat Mm«» 7.60 H.OO 5 5
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    • 119 7 185. Val. Pd. Buyera. Seller*. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.10.0 8.17.6 •;l £1 E. Smelting Co. 11.00 12.00 E Electric T'ways 2 3/3 1G 10 Frascr Neave 5T.."u :»0 c.r. M WHanuuor&Co. 105.00 115.00 UOlOOKati Bra*. iso.oo 180.00 .1 n Mexican Eagle 11.10.0 12.5.0 10 10 Mayna-d A
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    • 86 7 Eng. 6p $1^34,100 pu \\tyu per? Cc^ne Tramways 6 p.c. £aso,oo<* lox i F<"* M.' oipa] 5 p>. tl^7B,t\l pai ?'porc Mua. 4S C.t of 1907 $1,000,000 lfl p.c. 10p.c.d;» S'p.-re Mun. 44 p* of 1909 51.G00.500.. 16 px. 10 p.c. dis Spore Mmv 4 4 of 1909 $1300,000
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  • 424 7 rra«er and Co. and l.yall and Evatt's Quotations. [Latest available Sterling Quotations arc printed afl another page on Friday.] To-day'i Prices Fr»ser LyalT* Co. Evutt Allenby (11) C.SO 0.90 0.80 0.90 A!ur tiajah ($1) 3.60 3.80J 3.60 3.80J Am. Malay 4.00 4.50 4.00 4.50 tyurHitam(sf>) 23.00 24.00 23.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 35 7 THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. la t ie BtMStS Settlements) r, ny (riven that the SttitnI Ofl Tuosd aber 21, :i ;n r ir sanUi Or- und to clcc; 1> r TAN PECS JIM. Secretary.
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    • 612 7 LAT£BTADVKKTI»£MKNTB R»b!r^n Ror'. Apply Singapore Lstatc Supplies and Agency a motor cycle English make. Please apply .es. I.X ROOMS, can be bared, near town, terms moderate. Apply 178, Straits Times. WANTED A BILLET, as a conductor by la experienced i.ian. Knows all works. 1 in JUNIOR CLERK fur print in?
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    • 499 7 INTERNATIONAL OPERA a GRAM) uIKNINU NIGHT at Kebun Maasjas Theatre Hall, Kast Coar f Raai, T, !uk Kurau TO-NIGHT TO-mCHT That Grand I'airy I'lay entitlnl ■ARM AM M will I.c nta k -ed. Kor a Urn nights only. Booking st Keb Co, darlrg eAoe k*»< WAN CHIN. Prsan«'«M ESI AT
      499 words

  • 81 8 Mr. and Mr.-. A. R. Van lei leek l>cg t> tl.:inl< their relatives and friends, wi.o kindly aUendcd the funeral of their beloved fun aad alee ta««« who i-cnt wieatki and letters of condolence. ■n. Loh Erac Yew ai-.d Messrs. Loh Kon^lnun and Let Kirn Swi beg to thank
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  • 1231 8 The Straits Times. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. RESTRICT OUTPUT. The message from Mr. Erie Macfadyen, now in London, which we published yesterday, confirms the gossip which has been going round Singapore for some days about a very serious slump in the rubber industry. Very cleverly a report has been circulated for
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  • 36 8 By kind permission of Col. L. B. BoydMoss, C.M.G., D.5.0., the drums and fifes of the Ist Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment will play Hetreat in the Botanic Gardens on, the 17th inst, at 0.10 p.m.
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  • 16 8 A Melbourne message says The prohibition on the importation or exportation uf copra has been removed.
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  • 34 8 On Thursday at 8 p.m., a Problem of Choice, re.ating to a legacy, will come up for discussion at the Straits Chinese Reading Club, Prir,s"p Street. A full house is expected on this occasion.
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  • 37 8 The s'.er.nier Hwah Wu, which left Colombo on the Ist instant, for Pert Said. had to put back to Colombo owing to engine troubles. Fir the time being she anchored outside the harbour and will undergo later.
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  • 51 8 The widow of ex-I'iinc" .Joachim has become engaged to Ilerr Guerurd, a large factory owner, five weeks after the suicide of her husband. [Ex-Prince Joachim, the youngest son of the ex-Kaiser, shot himself at the Villa Liegnitz, at Potsdam, in July. His wife (Princess Mario of Anhalt) left him last
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  • 72 8 The Singapore and South Malaya Boy Scuuts Association, will be celebrating, on the 18th inst., the tenth anniversary of its formation at the Chinese Swimming Club, Tanjong Katong. Motor lorries will be ready at 1 p.m. on Fort Canning Road behind the V.M.C.A. to transport the boys to Katong and
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  • 66 8 The International Banking Corporation have received a cable from their head office in New York advising that the Corporation has declared a d.vidend of Gs6 per share (12 p.c. p.a.) against 6 p.c. last half year) payable on October 1. G52,704,153 have been added to the undivided profits which now
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  • 74 8 The funeral of Prince Rabi Direkridhi of Siam took place in Paris on August 14, in the presence of his brother. Prince Parachacre. the Siamese Minister in Paris, Prince Charoon, and many other notabilities. The body was taken to the cemetery of Pere Lachaise, where the cremation cere- ony took
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  • 71 8 Is Thomas Carlyle's popularity increasing The Carlyle House Memorial Trust, which owns the famous author's houses in Cheyne-row, Chelsea, and at Ecclefechan, report that last year there were twice the number of visitors at both houses compared with 1918. It is also worthy of note that of the total of
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  • 82 8 The death of Mr. A. F. Arculli. which occurred on September 3 from heart trouble, removes from Hongkong an Indian gentleman who was well-known and highly esteemed by the various here. The late Mr. Arculli. who was the head of the firm of Arculli Bros., merchants, and of A.
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  • 105 8 Cnntcn during the last few days, says the local Times, saw the departure of more thr.n the usual number of its local residents for Hongkong and Macao, as .some fear thct there will be danger of war in ths hnmeitiatl vicinity. Previous experience, however, will assure us that such danger
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  • 101 8 The Ai'sti... r for Defence (Seaat r t'earce) received ii i ihat the GrcTM Commiaaion w v on Gal:ipcli baa another cemetery neir L' M I i ta whi h Australian and Xew Ze:iiand soldiers who hatl apparently be--n killed on tfcs sJay of tho landing had been 1-
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  • 107 8 The first annual meeting of Goldenstar Friendly Society was held at 1C Tong Watt Road on the 12th instant at 7.30 p.m. and the following wen elected office learers for the ensuing year President, Tan Swee Eng (re-elected) vice-Pre-sidents, Ong Ghee Chiang (re-elected) and Lim Chin Moh lion, secretary', Chan
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  • 177 8 The Municipal omnibus service between Teluk Aycr market and the I'asir Panjanp :ement works opened to-day, th? vehicles running at thirty minutes' interval. Th" •onvi\arnts, which are strongly built on Albion chassis, take first and third class passengers. Posts have been cre-te I ::lonK the route at which only the
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  • 545 8 Colonel Jaaws Chi is ri >- turning to Europe on the J!nd instant. Owing to Hi-health, Dr. E. li. de Vrie*, af Malacca, has l. r.n- ihori n by the F.lh ta, t recuperate. His Excelled rnor his been pleased to app>' lit Capi tin D. M.
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  • 137 8 We gave on tl.e 2nd inst. the particular! of the hard case of a liuss ;:n oAeer an'! iiis wife who are stranded in Singapore, .icniinjc instructions fr-'rn the War Office, London. This oflictr, whan refohltioc broke out in Russia, volunteered to servo as a private
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  • 138 8 There arc at p»eaent in t):<' island, Myi ;•>!) oi Mn et, »evei who have retired ;.f v British Government in Malay States. These oAeera, who receive pensions from the I". M.S. I ment, nia<le rtpreeeutationi to Sir Graeme Thomson, who was the <'..l. nial Secretary
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  • 198 8 The following F.M.S. Government appointments are notified Dr. A. II to be a Health Officer, F.M.S., Mr. C.G flail. iwiiy to be an ass .;tant Telegraph Engineer, P. and T. Department, Dr. W.'.l Symes to be a Medical Officer. F.M.S.. Mr. J. D. M. Smith to be
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 104 8 PARIS GOWNS LATEST MODELS JsgM Gown a :^»HM Tea Frocks J; \f\ Jumpers Bunsbadf^ //J^*&&&- 1 Bcarve. o^'^h j The smatU ttt »ad itcsl up m ">» S JTV jjjW-«jEE^3 \tlfJß i\ MILLINERY \W EAST OF SUEZ ifc? JOriN I* l ria»fe \Tu AND COMP4NT. LIMITED <* A- I (laco'pcrated
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    • 239 8 PALLADIUM ORCHARD ROAD. (Taa Cheng Kee Co.. Ltd., Proprietor*.) I.IF.ITENANT I.OCKI.EAR (Since killed in an neroplano accident, according to a Router's telegram appearing in our issue of August 6) in deatii-dkfyinci aeroplane ff.ats,; and sensational us presented in a UniverHal-Jewel Product ion-de-luxe THE GREAT AIR ROBBERY In 6 Parts.
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  • 609 9 Grave Dispute in Electrical Trade. What Will Happen if Minors Strike. Rxuth Tklcgkams London, September 10. hi aanaeeti n with the electrical trades di:pu! Ihe "hop slew aids at tho London genera havt decided to give a »<• V aotiee to work unless the I hi: r.mployers
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  • 37 9 Riuteb Telegram London, September 11. Constantinople The Turkish Crown Prime unsuicessfully attempted to flee to Anatolia to join the Nationalists. lit- arrival aai was pluced under rigorous control, ai.'d hi* n.utor cars and boats were •cixad.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 641 9 fi TE» r f| '.OI4MI. 1. .lon, September 11. I Mai n, Otro R Uor Harding, dis-, lag ll: Mor.r oa, declared that th English and French texts regarding it in the covenant of the Leajrup wore ar»ii redly contradictor}. 1 informer indicated that the doctrine would
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  • 103 9 Rkuteb Telegrams London, September 12. Pars Figures showing the rise in the cost of living in European countries obtained by the League of Nations will be produced at the Brussels financial conference on September 24. Taking 100 as an average figure for foodstuff's in 1914, some of
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  • 259 9 buarp FS-htin'r Yftth Arab Yribe:^ ;nen. K«L7IB TtLICRAMS T .ondon. Septpmbc-r 11. The War Office announces that a strong column of Indian cavalry, artill i. on I infantry, under Brig.-G?neral Conynjrham, left Uakuda, north-east of Baghdad, on the Gth to operate in a north-easterly direction along the Persian railway,
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  • 204 9 Reuter Telkcrams London, September 10. The latest official returns show that Germany is surrendering and destroying arms in accordance with the peace treaty in an entirely satisfactory manner, especially guns. Twenty-seven thousand of the latter have been surrendered, and at the present rate Germany by November will not possess
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  • 121 9 Reuter Telegram London, September 11. The latest reports show that Italy may be on the verge of revolution. Negotiations are proceeding between the metal workers and the masters, but reports at present are conflicting. Meanwhile the movement is spreading. The workers have commandeered rubber factories in Turin
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 46 9 A woman at the Kingston Court My husband is away, as you know. The mag.strate My dear woman, you give me credit for too much w.sdom. We do not know your husband. The woman I thought you would. He was sentenced to three month*' hard labour.
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  • 283 9 REI.TER TCIJCGRAMS London, September 9. It is reported from Moscow that T I ;f--cherin ha 3 announced that the Bolshevik w at the eleventh hour have decided not to tend peaes delegates to Uiga to meet the The hi'ch appears to b-* due to the Letts not
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  • 359 9 Rct'TXß Telegrams Paris, September 10. The 'mbnssadors' Conference, SI. Cam';on i:i the chair, resolved to s?nd Germany note protest;;-;* at the stopping of shi;M oassins through the Kie". canal, bound for Danzig. A rectptir.n has taken place tf km Of Spanish Cataloniar.s who fought .teers in the
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  • 47 9 To the War Exhibition at the Crystal Palace the King has presented the boat in which Sir Roger Casement landed in Ireland in IUI6, while Messrs. Thornycrofts have piven the motor-boat in which Lieut. Agar w.m hio V.C. by torpedoing th* KuMian battleship Oleg in the Baltic.
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  • 659 9 An Appreciation of a Beloved Friend. I death of Lr. G. B. Serio at Lcchu.aza, Arran, on August 8, writes a valued correspondent, must have come as a shock It-, n vrry widf c rclo of friends, -\bont BUM months ago he returned to
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  • 91 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, September IS. A Chinese launch plying between Penang and Kedah ■prase a Icak near Mcrbok on Saturday for noon and sar.k. Twcnty-fre of the crew end naaiam.l is war* saved by fishing beats. an s-.en cases to come before the r> ran,- AwrTTT.
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  • 179 9 Shell Shock and a Stumer Cheque. In the Bombay Police Court on August 24 Leopold Brilliant, an ex-captain in the British Army, was charged with cheating a firm if tailors in respect of a sum of Rs. 223. The evidence showed that the accused had seen active service
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  • 51 9 Another Children's Concert is to be given at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday next, beginning at 5 p.m. An excellent programme has been arranged, including selections by the Singapore amateur orchestra, songs, dances and various novelties, and a crowded house is certain. i fre an adult i ,p«y
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  • 643 9 Conflicting Reports on the Kedah F >or rtjr. he. 11. I". Bearb i cable message declaring th" property in the Malay lv hed m a few days before a mutilated sent <>n July 17 1 is a director of the company, from liiirun. in th- 81 i«y
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  • 256 9 Opening in the Supreme Court This Morning. Th? fifth Assizes of the year opened in (he Supreme Court this morning before. Sir John Bucknill, K.C. The !st includes two charges of murder, and two of causing death by a rash or negligent act, am beust Mr. A. W.
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  • 115 9 The Standing Committee on Trusts under the Profiteering Act lind that the present retail price of lOd. a reel for Messrs. Coats' cotton is not unreasonable, and the Committee assumes that Coats will not increase tiie selling price until the average coat of their entire
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 1960 10 Continued Prosperity of The Undertaking. Tin' gSMHI meet in? of the Tn' la s. Ltd., was hold on Aujjust r- i offices of the company. 66, London Wall, K.C., Mr. W. A. Lunin? pr^idiivr. The Chairman said Ontlemen,— The formal r per) >übmitted to the share
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  • 128 10 They are telling a good story on Spexskk just now about the American invasion of the Highlana* and the sequel. An American native was being shown the -glits of Speyside by a patriotic native. Mack to his guide's indignation, the Yankee belittled everything he saw. Even th?
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  • 350 10 Hie S'nfanore Aro"t«»ir Oramatic Committee's Production. The r>!«y Pjw^-Pv, by C. Hadden "hambrrs. which xhn Singapore Amat<"ir CoamtttM ar- presoTttn? to tho ''intrnpor" public on September 5»7 and "0 and October 1 and 2. in the Victorin Th^ntre. wns fl'st produced in London it Wyn^hnm's The-itre nnder the pi.nna"-"-tient
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  • 194 10 M. isrs. \V;il:..!ii Jacks and C>., writinf from London on August 19. state ThTe i.s not na change to report ir. arums markets since we vrot<? you on th»12th inst. pec has beea a very steady market. iritb w ry moderate fluctuations. Considerl:i!r the t,mnll trade demand
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  • 289 10 Designer of Titanic and his Lost Bikes. The interruption in the House of Lord? on August 9 when the Right Hon. Alexan.ier M. Carlisle shouted ths remark iuring the consideration of the Irish Bill, My lords, if you pass this Bill you may kill England, not
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  • 143 10 Two new episodes, Nos. 5 and 6, of tl.o Gioat Gamble serial and 2-rcal L-Ko omedy will b- NMM I at tha Liberty Hall in the first show from to-night. In '.he second show, the Bride's Awakening, a Universal special attraction, a great Iran. at ie treat in
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  • 343 10 Directors' Report on the Year's Working. The report of the d rectors of Tambalak Rubber Estates, Ltd., states Gentlemen, your directors submit herewith their report and statement of accounts for the year ended June 30, 1920. Accounts. The profit for the year to June 30, 1920, is
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  • 252 10 ihe Erection of New Factory And Plant. The following report i* officially com•.iiinicated At the extraordinary general meeting of Friiser anri Neave, Lt 1., held in their rerjstend offices festerday, the resolutions to sjTtatt the capital of the company to 51,500,000, etc., were carried unanimously. !t was
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  • 61 10 The following subscriptions are gratefully acknowledged The Straits Trading Co., Ltd. *->00 Praser and Neave, Ltd. 2aO Messrs. Behr and Co. 100 Huttcnbach Lazarus and Sons, Ltd. 100 Francis Peek and Co., Ltd. 100 11. Wolskel and Co., Ltd. 100 Messrs. Saunders and Macphail ljw A.
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  • 93 10 The new twin-screw steamer Mashobra, bui'.t by Messrs. Barclay, Curie, and Company, to the order of the British India Steam Navigation Company, has beon sucessfully launched. The vessel is the ighth of her type built by the same iirni f-r the B. I. S. N. Company, and
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  • 95 10 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week endid August '8 was 37.01. The total number of deaths was 277 of which 197 were male subjects and 80 female. Convulsions claimed 32, •>hthisis 40, malaria fever 40, typhoid fever 1, plague 0, cerebro-spinnl
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 273 10 Yesterday's results were a3 follows A Double*. Fulcher and Griffith-Jones beat Beattie and Ixiggatt, 6—3, 3—6, 6—3. It Doubles. Rule and Roy Smith beat Winter and Duthic, 7—6, 6—4. Colcman and Langham-Carter beat Davit's and Bowerman, C 3, B—6.8 6. C. Doubles. Davidson and Markham beat R.
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    • 74 10 A Beats* message of the 13th inst. reports that the American amateur gc If w-hairpionship NSMlted in (hick Evans beating F. Ouiirct in tl.e linal round byseven up and six to play over 31 holes. There were four British competitors, C. J. Tolley, the British amateur champion,
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    • 26 10 A Reuter mersage from Sydney states that !ke American boxer Billy Shade knrckt, 1 out Tommy Uren, the Australian welterweight champion, in the nineteenth round.
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    • 191 10 The report of the Singapore Recreation Club for the year ended June 30 last states During the year 1 1 1 new members were elected, 20 resigned (9 being placed on the abrent list) and 2 were removed, the number of members on June U0 being 201.
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    • 134 10 Mrs. Gansloser, of Singapore, was successful in the annual tournament of the St. Moritz Lawn Tennis Association, which was held at the beginning of August on the hard courts of the Kulm Hotel, being run-ner-up in the ladies' singles. She was beaten by Mrs. Golding, the
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    • 166 10 Singapore sportsmen and numbers of the S.C.C. in particular are grateful to Mr. Roy Smith and Mr. R. E. Fuulger for the excellent way they represented tl merit in the Malayan athletic sports. Smith was expecte I t<> <!o well, and with two firsts and a third
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    • 35 10 A Reuter wire dated the 11th says: The M.C.C. I. to visit Australia beat Mr. Thornton's tr^ng all-England «U-vi-n at Scarbcrough by an innings ami tivtr runs. Woolley ma le 105.
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  • 270 10 Receipts for Fines Tattooed Ob Pilgrims' Faces. A special correspondent at Peshawar tolls terrible s-ti Ties of the hardships ondergone by Urn Muhnjirin in Afghanistan. He says that at Kabul about 400 Muhajirin were arrested as spies and employed to fetch wood. Thoy received one chapntti arl one
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  • 139 10 Macphail and Co."s Daily Report. Singapore, September 14. BBrer H Hor.-kong 88V4. Shaaghai 37. Tin.— lso ton>: sold at 1.19. Rubber.— Steady with a weakening U-n--dency. Share Market.— Market continues qak't and mint* testing. Business done !<:>' ■t Ll2tt, Pulau Bulans 2.90, I'lu Pandcni 2J», ».ikit VLBm.
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  • 217 10 Information reached Lahore of t'.ie d.atli of Mr. H. P. R. Goulding, District Traffic Superintendent of Bhatinda. It is reported that Mr. Gooldiag lommittod xaiciil* in a ra.lway train on his way to Delhi from Phatinda on August 25. The Civil and Military Gazette publishes the
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  • 216 10 Seven persons lost their lives and It were seriously injured in connection ill* the Coconut Day observances, state* a. Bombay message of August 30. All the killed were rHirnf. and the injured mrr»» two of whom are in a dangerous etnulition, are also Hindus. Tremendous i
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  • 27 10 At a meeting of tre board of directors of the Cana.ii: n Baal f OmMN^ Pk John Aird was <1 d vkv pre. dent ±nd. general manager.
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  • 1169 11 Foiling the U-Boat Lard Jvllicoe's book is sequel to and complementary of the volume which he previously published dealing with his executive commnttd of the Grand Fleet. The one ga*a us a picture of Jeliicoe afloat, m command of the greatefll striking it MM ;it
    1,169 words
  • 661 11 Important War-Time Invention In Egypt. I In a letter published in The Times Mr. H M. Savers suggested that a better pros- pect of utilising tropical vegetation for the production of power lies in subjecting it to a process of destructive distillation than in attempting to employ
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  • 285 11 Dying Minstrel Sin«* (iod Save The King." Mr. Joseph Thomas, a well-known lfw*a in tlie entertainment world of past generation, died on My 2K in London at th.' at"- 1 of 81. Thousands of people must ha>e pleasant recollectiaM »f "Little Thomas," who for many faon «»s Mm
    285 words
  • 41 11 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, September 18, 1920 Tuexday. S. pt.mber 14. Malay Co., Bul«-stier Rangy, 4.30 p.m. Saturday, September 18. S.R.E.(v) Rifle Club, Balestier Range 2.30 p.m. (Sd.) R. SMITH, Lieut., Aif. Adjutant. S.V.C
    41 words
  • 26 11 A witness at Maryletxine Ccu»ty Court, who saul that he was a woollen merchant with a larjre business, ronfevod that 1m could neither rvad nor writ*.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 213 11 Newly Arrived SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL MODELB OF THE FAMOUS GIBBON MANDOLINE You who have been wanting a belter ii strument call and ins. ect thf se n< w We have a'eo j<i«t received a consignment of wrjErar music S. MOUrRIE CO., LTD. (Inooiporated ia HoDgkoap) RAFFLBs P;.ACE, SINOAPO6B i NOW ARRIVED
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  • 547 12 Rich Women Dupes of Swiodlers In Lermany. No leu* -mportant peraonrg a than two Pricotß and one Ki«g have jait (alien into tut bands of the Berlin oiimiual poiio'. Tbe i zaot title tl the taiid, to biota bia ocilt bko j« and tbe authorities havj K<vea
    547 words
  • 497 12 Crown Treasure oot Snuggled To Eoglaod. On the highest authority, the Daily Ohroaicle wv, lDfo.mtd reototly that the story- winch wa« published 10 a esctioa of the Ptws tbat the Uaesiaa Ciowa jewtls bavo bc-ea smuggled isto Holland far tale i.i aatroe The Btoiy wm tbst the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 832 12 MUNICIPAL NOTICE AfPOIWI— IT Off MUST ASSISTANT HI M< IIVM. K.M.INKKK ar. inviti-d for the po>t of I ns;inc«T t.. tha MimicipHl „r(r«- Town. Ccniing. Candidnt<'!< must b* fully qualit.i-ti Civil Engincir- un.l have had experience in Municipal and aaairal entrim^rinK work. Salary $7 _■•■■> p*>r xnmnii r'"" P* r
      832 words
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    • 113 12 MOTOR CARS LORRIES Io stock Jmirjpdibte df-iivp CHANDLER CARS ESSEX CARS BROCK WAY LORRIES 1V 2 and 3} tons Due shortly NEW OVERLANi) CARS Bwk now Don't dehy Catalogues and prices from all branob*e. CYCLE CARRIAGE Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE PCNAHQ, IPOH and KUALA LUMPUR. A NEW LARGE SIZE CIGARETTE THREE
      113 words

  • 924 13 t Ao Important Experiment la PtMtr, Tot) tarfMU and their prcierrat-on he aoLt d») by dy a ca'.'.ei o( mciv l-r H OJtfid^f li'JD bj 1..-TCICI*! >D^iBLO»H, (C» ibeie wm nevex timt wceo tl>*> atiaiu optn Ice lin;i:»ay kii so a«est t« it is oow, l»ji Tbe
    924 words
  • 280 13 Serious Charges gainst Five Europeans. On August 28 MbM tbs Chit I Pits'teney M»(!B'.ite, G»leotU, tb? A3v o»»b Ge"i<r*i od Mbal ct Mf. N B. M A, C,' Misitiots tot ILo Btt^*l Circle, uj«d*« »r tppttetuna »n»rt,- M;s»F. 0. S. «'n (no* •a BritNtd J Staddiit c.Z 6
    280 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 173 13 If' r i] Cheese ir> tha niost Nutritioiii Poor: Pf in the World. ".Si PlCOtAtl e^F On sale at alf stores. CONN ELL BROS., CO. Sole Agents Singapore. ACETIC ACID Bad ■ad 1 BOX STRAPPING Acinf embossed and plain MOMIS i.. «t BjaelllJ) white I WIRE NAILS i.V.i Mze« un.l
      173 words
    • 138 13 HAIPHONG ,^y, DRAGON \Sy CEMENT Supplied to the Spore Municipa ity, Government of Johcre, Malacca Municipality, P.M S. Railways and alt leading architects and contractors. DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents, Singap re MOTORISTS KNOWING the inflation pressures of your tyres will eoable you to say« Imndred* of tyrem ies v M
      138 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 720 14 SALES IT AUOTNNI MORTGAGEE'S SALE At «.'ir sale roc m. N<>. :<«. Klnc Strci-t. a>n N\«-.'nr>irfa>. Srplrmli" 15. at 2.50 p.m. rV-l.t pieces of ftOehoM land situate off Chang! Road, area I4WQ square feet. CIIKONG KOON SENG A CO., Auctiooeer* ■S'l \TK Or Warn SVI.IIM BIN TAHA BIN \ll BIN
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    • 347 14 SALES BY AUCTION AUCTION SALE if wHX-polished teak anil rattan houm-hold 'urniture. cottage piano, quarter fiir.c billiard übli- anil a large collection of wall glO— plants, etc. Fo be held at Riouw Villa. No. 8, THnjong Katong, an Saturday September IK, 192t, at 2.50 p.m. Comprising an excellent toned cottuge
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    • 561 14 AmU Rt,it«,lf« |A Asaßraace ia force over $15.000,00f THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. ria«*r»*rat*d U •traits Settlements) ■BAB OmCII WanSnttlSl WBUo, flntinofs. LONDON OFFICE I It, Old Jewry. R.C Th* Company kaa nHJnI R*Slnlm with Ihd Iwrantt |Mrt M HmgUU and •omallat with the Brltia LU* Auaranee Companies
      561 words
    • 399 14 BANKING THE YOKOHAMA SPECI? BANK LIMITED (incorporate* tn Japan > Capital Subscribed Z TIOO.MW.M* CapiUl Paid Up T 61,000,00' Reserve Fund T 44.000.4 M President, N. Kajiwara, Esq. Vice Pre«ident, 8. SuiukL Cs* DIRECTORS I R. Ichlnomlya, Esq. K. Morimura, Ks« K. Kodama, £sq. M. Mitsui, Eiq. T. Tomakaya, Eiq.
      399 words
    • 571 14 BANKING THE OVERSEA-CHINESK BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in th* Straits Settlements Head Offlee i SINGAPORE, tt, dLINU STREET <Wn>BSSl Branch > riNANG. ti, BEACH aTBEK? Agencie* IPOH AND DEIJ CaplUl i Aathorisa* 119.99*. Issued 10.800,0*1 laid -up MBo.*« Reserve Liability ef Shareholders M MM.*** Board ef Directors i Th* Hob. Dr.
      571 words
    • 602 14 BANKING BANQUE IKDUSTRSELLE CHINE, Aothorlsod Capital ft*. T33,8(M,'.H Subscribed Capital Prs ieO.OOO.eM Paid-up Capital Tn 7*,CMN,*4« (1/1 of the Capita' subscribed by Government of thf Chines* Bepobllii Chairman of the Board of Director i I Andre Rerthelot Oeseral Manager A. J P.rae^x HEAD OCFICC i 74. Rue Saint Lazare, ftgtJ
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  • 920 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Post-War Tyre Developments. I Despite the fact that the price of raw rubber has shown heavy falls there has been no reduction in the price of motor tyres, writes H. Naaaaa Buist in the Morninir Post. On the contrary, apparently they
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  • 132 15 The Bishop at St Aiban--, who |»r< f.r> folk to address him with "How (fyou do rather than "My Uini," will appreciate a ■ton of the lav- UisUp WUberforee. says the Morning I'< st. In many i Kfti H Sasscx the incumbents of the parishes, M- ai!y in
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 116 15 AND TH^ LITTLE FORD Shall lead them. It's tint in sj.lei*— first in economy— aid fir=t In the esteem of those who love saf :-ty, surety aud coaifort -because of Us wonderful simplicity, strength an v lightness. It leads In SALES S£RVls£ SATISFACTION '/HE rOBOtOM TKACrOB IHJ FORD ONE-TON TRUCK
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    • 78 15 Kramat Motor Garage KB4M4T ROAD (Off Orckard Road, approach Cavanagh Road End) GARAGE FOR 20 CABS OVERHAULS AND REPAIRS TO ALL MAKI S OF CARS Cement floes. Terms oa applieatioa. OPEN DAY AMD NIGHT FHCSH STOCKS OF PALOL •aaflgv **J-^— OBTAINABLB FROM MAYNARD Co., Ltd. TBB LBADIKQ CHEMISTS SINGAPORE. John
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 477 16 GUAN KIAT CO. LIMITED (Incorporated in Btraita Settlen.i nts) $6, Phillip Str..t SINGAPORE New Shipments just arrived of ASH OARS 12 to lfi ft. CAUSTIC SODA 76 to 78 per cent. BKY AND OILED PUMP LEATHER MORGANS PLUMBAGO CANVAS IIOSE 1% to 3 inches BUROPE WHITE SPUNYARN DOUBLE CIRCLE WIRE
      477 words
    • 909 16 OASSiHEO ADVH?mEMENTS_ ?*!> UB .>»!• ?*t Waata, Far Bale, fa Let, *tc- la ordinary doaa-aet m.'nt. «iv rotii te Ua») *J« Por Hn* on* Jn**rtico 2S eta., two In*. 4S tkra* kie U «U, four in*. M eta, tf In*. $1.00, six in*. $03, ten in*. $1.40, Win $1J!. t«:.r.
      909 words
    • 952 16 MISCELLANEOUS WANTKD CII1I.I)-.: PRAM. Mujt be in cooil condition. Apply 16.".. Straits Times. LADY, experienced in the handling of children will accept pupils (Chinese) for the first and second standards only. Apply 121, Straits Tim**. IN THE NAME OF GOD, Th* Compansionate, The Merciful, by Zohdi or MohammadIbrahim rare, price
      952 words
    • 999 16 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALK, Dodge five-seater, owner leavng the Colony. Price $3,600. Apply 48, Straits Time*. ~FORD CAR FOR SALE, newly painted and oveiliauled. Perfect running condition. Apply 115, Strait! Times. FOR SALE ESSEX CAR, five-seater, praetleslly new, enamelied grern. Price $S,BSO. No offers. Apply 2, Straits Times. FOR SALK,
      999 words
    • 373 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, a building of two storey*, No. 78, I'eck Seah Street. Suitable for use as a godown. Apply to M. M. Noordin A Co., 193, Cecily Street; TO LET, top floor No. 1, Robinson Road, spacious floor and can be divided into smaller compartment*. For all
      373 words
    • 185 16 Straits Motorcar Service too (Incorporated in Straits Settlement*! 21* to 21 OKCUARb ROAIJ LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVERHAULS MOTOR CARS°AND CYCLE? WELDING of all matels Sati.-faction Guaram i lur-e Ktnckx of MX AS HORNS AND LAMPS arriving shortly Phone 1233 SHIPPING PLANTING MINING For these three Key Industries of Malaya
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 303 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General 0S Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editor:*' matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communication* relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, •tc. ihould be addressed to TH> MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants, For
      303 words