The Straits Times, 6 September 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 17 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 2(5,426 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 279 1 ROBINSON CO., LTD. (incorporated in th? Straits Settlements) CASH SAIL.IS For On* Week Only, Sept. 1 to Beot. 7 THE GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT SPECIAL BARGAINS NEGLIGE BHIRTB FOR DAY WEAR No. use soi» F.o.t. u«bie cnff. LIGHT WEIGHT UNICN FUNNEL DAY BHIRTB Vo.B 360 With Neat Oolonted Stripes NEAT COLOURED BTRIPES
      279 words
    • 1 1 BTERIUSI3)
      1 words

  • 1142 2 The Ma yflower's Remains Dr. P. Han is Describes His Discoveries. Widwprrad inte*e«t bta bora oreated >■ •.n »rHole in Tar O i'r Newi diaoaoeiog tbe Mitel ot I R»nli I Harria that much of tb. m.ttiial <4 tLe NUv'owr «v uacd is Wit !<jer'<uoi:od o( t c k ro»t
    1,142 words
  • 87 2 'Jbf Pa<o n tt Mikiirg P»i:o-:!( tf ttu Pol-t Uf-riii-M N.W V.ik, eajfi'i R ot > uiei^v, a^Ticjte* U r»^'»K of ""I p»y?ij'«r.', wbea fliiDß b rtL 0./l.flo»tt", to ilo.'ql' lie Sof> > ptioig rf tew b r» ckiild, ibtu tardioi id^ Miest fi.iJenjifie«tioii t.| eve/; pi men (c id
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 267 2 AIR-FLOAT INI) The Peace-Time 5 that make the IWJSM HAP?Y Dl*peß«ftrlei«nd DtoNt BJJO9. C». f 4tn(»poF« li-o»rotiHxJ iB D 8 A. LEV*R *ND SONS MANILA HOI'SF, It 6, Orchard Road HAVE Jt T RECEIVED JUST RECEIVED LADIES EVENING SHOES Id c'.otb of geld, floral Hi grejr tatin GENTS DRESS
      267 words
    • 301 2 I Your Baby's Welfare. ot Your dearest wish it for Baby to U g S well and hippy. Then you must pay S I particular attention to hit food, for I I hit wellaie d-pends at much on that H 1 at on anything. Th« 'Aiienburyt* H Foodt aie practically
      301 words
    • 122 2 UT A MPLTITPPaV-OW I rSXU aia aaaat taaaaaaaa .< «iff.r».t 1 kru«s H OlsaMttoa. Amob« all th*M •aa sua4s »r« «ssraaa> aa ta« WorU's b*s« —O* Baaaka tka Aristocrat tl ClfaMtUi. De Reszke Thm Arlmtoorut of CIGARETTES BBTAINABLE FROM JOHN LITTLE ft 00.. LTO (laoocpomsed ia Ba«la»J) Imported by BEHR
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  • 774 3 Ptellmiaary to Hankuw Mall Service. M. 0. W R coo, tbe Kficou aviator, «bo ba^ tern Ur.eij iaannmbsiai is Mjedefelopmeu-, ct atia.ioa ia the aootb, compk-ted bn juutciy by lydrcplaae to the onttkirU of ahaofcbei in Tauaday bveoioxi AufcOat 17, alttioof{h bo did ao* toioaliy teach the Hoat>Kpo
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  • 388 3 Exploits of Colooel Captain, Aad Midshipman. Mote about tae (xpioila of a yontb of 16, Nealcj K Liou. who preaected bimaelf n the tin of Laiy Lace' and »Uo paePid m a ooli nel, a oeptaia, asj a midahipmaa, wu beard before Mr Cecil Chapmaa ci
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 305 3 -■orfc J. in- &VJ2/J^. lat May. IWO v»,r» .-r-,,1 '^^TttU The "OavalrF BMtai. If. Ugd J*m&W atea I. still t •'c-dtior 1. VT~_ -i.-». >. P n > etronc an.: raawe ani \J&?*ZFS*Wj Motor Cyell.g k V ~~~T^S^&' I Fawalpindl. w r f.r'. />^^P\ Y»- 3>tß No*.. IH* \s£§] ifil
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    • 636 3 LEON KENDAL THE WORLD-RENOWNED ASTROLOGER ex PALMIST FOR A SHORT "TAY ONLY STAMFORD BUILDING Room No. SO4. 2nd floor (Opposite Van Wijk Hotel) CONSULTATION HOURS 10 to B TOLD BY THE PARISH PRIEST A STORY OF CUBA At Canaifi, in the island of Cubu, there lives the Reverend Father Villnnueva,
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    • 446 3 SUCCESSFUI IN EVERY FIELD. Not only hns the UUNESE COMMERCIAI DIRECTORY established a reputation i.inoni advertisers for rv.-ponsiveness and quelit; of circulation in its own Fiell, but also oi those accounts that we have carried in com petition with the largest Commercial Direc tories published in the Straits and F.M.S
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    • 348 3 RICHES DO YOU WANT T( > BE K!( II If so, do not delay but try Mr. Chiang Kia Jin who la in po-mon to act for >.>'■ r to sell buy tran-aot taa i^ii PROPERTY such as estates, lnn.KJ properties shares, etc. Plasm rail it conimumcate with Mi. I
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 821 5 STEAMER SfIHJHCS P. Oa- British India IKB Apcar L»ine (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERYICM PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) Tha ConpaaT-a MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeeat aaaa— <sd LONDON FAB-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES ft LONDON
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    • 535 5 STEAMER SAILINGS PRINCE LINE LIMITED (Incorporated la Haajaad] FAB BAST BMBTMBJ FOB NEW TOE* CELTIC PRINCE via Baaf about middle of Oet For all Information apply la ADAMSON, GILFILLAN 4M 4 ftf* (Incorporated ta SxaUaS) Agaata. FHE BEN LINE STEAMERS LIMITED (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) For China and Japan
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    • 282 5 STEAMER SAILINGS THE EASTERN SKIPPING COMPANY. UaTTID (laaaraarated ia Btralta Bettlaaiaata) ThU Mac table la anbjeat ta alterattes ritheat farther notice. t«aaser aaUlag frem BtagaaaM PEBAK— Every Tnesday. at I pjsl, far Per* ■wetteaham and Penang. JIN HO— Every Sunday, at 4 pjn, for Malacca and Port Swettenham. From Malacca
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    • 396 5 STEAiER 3AHIHJS 0. S. K. THE OSAKA SHOSHEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2, D« Soaza Street. Proposed Sailing from Singapore (Subject to change without notice) i.i i!i)ri:v\ LINE For Tort Said, Marseilles, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg Dae S'por*. ALPS MARU mid Sept. ATLAS MARU beg. Oct. omit
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    • 406 5 STEAMER SAIUNftS NIPPON YUSiti KAISHA laearaeratW la Japaa) Vada* BUU CMrtraW vrlk MM lawavW Ja«caa.«a Hi <■ aaa sal •«k]e«i ta attarattaaa »»fceal aattaft. ■ÜBOra BAIL UXU ratMlgatty aarTU* Fa* Laadsa. Aatwara *ta »«alaaa») Wyßaft Otesaka, Saaa, Fart laM «mt I. I Is! KAGA MABU Sept. 14 KUMANO MABU mid.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 502 6 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA 8. PL CO, LTD. hji. GLRNA For Adelaide. MHbourr.e and S>dnr> b due here I vi prohablv the following day. H iUo. l-or tartbat bm BTEAO i 00 M m .w TOM MsMCI •uei) „d Oriental Line The Goaoral latraa will be despatched to New
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    • 487 6 STEAMER SAILINGS^ DODWELL LINE (Incorporated in Kngland) KOK NBW YORK DIRECT NT r.VSTLK \.nti.\- September Far fr»i?ht pi aaa* »p;i!t to PATEBBON. BIHOMI CO.. LTD, Agents LIVERMORE DEARBORN &GQ ING. (Incorporated in U.S. A INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP LINE Regular service between New York, Singapore and Java porta and vice versa FOR
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    • 938 6 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders wi'l be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of September 7, 1920, for the following works 1. Erection of four Quarters for Clerks at Penang Lane. 2. Erection of seven Quarters for Clerks at Bukit Timah Road. Every person applying for a form of
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    • 852 6 IN THE ESTATE OF THOMPSON ROBINSON, DECEASED Pursuant to Birtlin 'JH (1) of the Truste* Ordinance 1-Jl4. notice ii iiereby given that all creditors pnd per^nna having any c'aimf or demands against the Tstjite of Thompsor. i dsoaand. Maatat Mariner late I'iiot of the Port of Singapore, who died on
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    • 1497 6 TANAH PERMATANG ESTATES, LTD. (In Liquidation) IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE, 1915 AND IN THK MATTEI OF THE TANAH PERMATANG ESTATES LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that the Creditor! of the abovenamed Company, which is jeint voluntarily wound up, are required, or or before' the V'th day of
      1,497 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 793 7 CINEMAS Deatii-Defying Aeroplane Feats '-.cs; i, IS2O, a Rootet'a Telegram apteatei in ibia p-p-Jt to the elLot tba. LIBOTBNANT O. LOOKLBAR F amor b fci bis triok ot paasioß fat;m oce aetoplaoe to another hi mid r. and bis aaaiat«a« Lieoienaa: BUiott noie both hilled while perioc ur« tot oia<
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    • 278 7 CINEMAS From Friday S, to Monday, S«pt. 6 mwfc il ALL, LTD, ssR^V'^^ FIR9T BHOW AT 7.80 W/T\hw9 By Sp<oi*! Rtqneet ■//\v»iK WE3TBRN PdOTOfLAY'B BKRIAL iff ii THE 6 REAT MMBLE »W ILi.ll I IK/ i 6 BpJsodea Feaiarag CHiKLBS HUCCHISON and ANNS LDTHBR Ia tbe BC'ial— elcottio in its
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    • 193 7 UNION FIRE INSURANCI COMPANY OF PARIS (laeorptraUd la rrasea.) Ettabllehed ltM 4U7IVKB AND TOTAL QCAKAMTKM •MMMM Tb* on«eriigr,*a, agents let tat abei >empanj, are prepared te accept «re rial in long er abort periods, at tarreai rate) CAJB BETTLEMENTS proaifUy aUMI ta* ac*at> la Vlngapor*. Moom oowtb o< £OTAL INSURANCE
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    • 88 7 USE THE MONROE CALCULATING MACHINE It net ealy adds, but Subtracts. Multiplies and Dmdes as aaattf as .ther machines add. And yoa ar* certain the aaawer is right. SOLE AGENTS I A CLOUFT Rr TO 7 lUB|M Quay /-I. tLUUL 1 OC \AJ,y SINGAPORE. M, Mi Michelin Tyres 30 by
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  • 139 8 nxnm Mund.iy. Srptrnb*r fi. Hich RTatar, 3.32 a.m., 5.16 p.m. Pi t. \.t a Theatre. Hointwurd mail iloaea. Tuesday. SrplmtlKT 7. Biga Watar, U am, 424 p.m. I M llaeca Mtc Malacca, noon. Rent Aam 2.15 p.m. The Yell m Tnkct, V.c. Thcatra. il.iy, S< plcii.ln r
    139 words
    • 114 8 I .i-l V. harf It/ism Ilye Leong, Barentsz. Baal IVkarf Teeata, Yutshing, Rumphius. Wharf, Albert and Victoria Dry kharf Haiphong, Totai Maru. Chuk hire, Kyoto Maru. Tenjhin Mara, B. iteration. Empire Dadt Doyleatowa, Edavana. Siam Mara, Polcric Ipoh, Medaaa, Shinsei Maru. Waal Waari V [chow, Glcnamoy.
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    • 70 8 Chak El Bg, lr 1.170 ton«, from Calcutta '.:>. for Hum;:.., from i!i>ni;kont! Meran, Brifc, 78 torn, from Batu Pahat Batu Pahal 1i.;:., 2)M tons, from Anambas I from Calcutta unc. tons, from Bangkok from Hamburg 5-9, kohanu 5-h. Ning t bow, BrtC, M3l tor.s, from Yoko- v
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  • 183 8 To- da; I'ontianak 8 p.m F«Ct and Penang t p.m. tfalrri and Mmai S p.m. Part Swat) IVnang, Madrae nr.d Nagapataaß, t».,i.e maila for Eunpe, •■'.<■., I x.a Horn bay) t pjs K i::.-u»non up to 1 p.m Parcel! nooE BBPul»an*at-.rT Mail by rale to Prnang,
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  • 39 8 Left S'pnr* July 6 Juiy 7 July 6 July IS July 22 July 17 Ai.Riist 2 .«tS Arrived London August 2 August 9 August t August 11 August 23 Aucu.t 26 Si-pti mbcr 4 September 4
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  • 138 8 EXCHANGE Singapore, September 6. On London, Bank 4 m/a 2/4 1/10 Demand 2/3 13/16 1 rivate 3 m. 3 credits 2/4 25/32 On New York Demand 40 Vi Private 90 days 46 On France Bank 675 On India, Bank T. T. 121 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 87
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  • 59 8 Spot Sept. Oct. Jct.-Dec. Ian. -Mar. Closing Prices Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Buyers Sellers 64 65 I Tone of Markei Closing Prices Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet icpt. )ct. )ct.-Dec. an. -Mar. Buyers Sellers 62 V, t$ 64 M C>'t 67 67% 71 72V4
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    • 208 8 Iss. itl. I'd. Buyer*. Seller*. 10 10 Ampang 16.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.25 1.50 tl f 1 Kara Kamunting 2.16.6 2.18.6 10 10 KinU Amoc. 7.25 8.00 11 1 Kinta Tin 2.7.6 nom. 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.90 3.10 1 1 Jelantoh 1.70 1.80 U £1 Lahat Mine*
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    • 120 8 Isa. Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. O £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.10.0 8.17.8 tl £1 E. Smelting Co. 11.50 U. r >o 5/- 6/- Electric T'ways 3/3 4/3 10 10 Fraser Neave 58.00 59.00 )0 50 \V Hammer&Co 107.5H 112.50 ICOIOOKatz Bros. 130.00 150.00 tl £1 Mexican Eagle 11.2.6 11.15.0
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    • 89 8 U. Eng. 6 px. $1,234,800 par Ip* pa Spore Electric Tramways 6 p.c. £350, 00 C aom Spore Municipal 6 p.e $1,878,000 pu. Spore Mud. 4H p.e of 1907 $1,000,000 16 px. 10 p.c. dii Spore Mun. 4H p.e. of 1909 $1,600,500.. 16 px. 10 p.c. dis. Spore Mun.
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    • 427 8 Fraaer and Co. and Lyall and Kvatt'a Qaotationa. [Latest available Sterling Qaotationa a re printed on another page on Friday.] Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt Allenby ($1) 0.80 0.90 0.80 0.90 A lor Gajah ($1) 3.60 3.80 3.60 3.80J Am. Malay 425 4.75 4.60 4.75 AyerHitam(ss) 23.00 24.00 23.00
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 123 8 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUST. CHINA (Incorporated ia England by Roral Caartar Paid ap Capital la 100,000 Ikarea of «2C eaeb m a.MM* Reserre Fund iMM.M BBWWM Liability of Propristort UJftJf BANKXU The baok of England. The Undon Joint City aad attdlaad Baa Ltd. Tbs London Countj Wsstaialstet aa Parra
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    • 608 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED by married couple, no children, unfurnished or furnished rooms. Terms moderate. Reply 122, Straits Times. COMPETENT SHORTHAND-TYPIST wanted by European firm. Good salary. Apply with fall particulars. 121 Straits Times. EURASIAN YOUNG LADY wishes positio^ as numc to one or two children. Will help ..i housework. Apply
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    • 34 8 Kramat Motor Garage KR4MAT RO4D (Off Orekard Road, approach Cavanagh Koad End) GARAGE FOR 20 CARS OVERHAULS AND REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF, CARS Ctmin'. fl or. Tenni oa applioatioo. OPEN DAY AND MIGHT
      34 words
    • 1033 8 THE STAR opera BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE ftfe Tk* Thaatra RoyaL North Bridg* Roast CHINE. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHI Aathoriiod Capital fit. tM,O«Mt« •n~ r t puv Subseribod Capiul Fr». 160.000,»«^ Th« Great Hindustani PUy Pald-np Capital Fra. 7MtM*» LAI AND GOHAR (1/S of th# c piul n bserib*d fey iM will be staged
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  • 50 9 TAN.— On September 4. Tan Tiang Chyc. father of Tan Kirn Hye, Tan Kirn Wan and Tan Kirn Kok. at No. 2, KimYam Road. aged 65 years. Funeral wil! take place on Wednesday, September 8, the cortege leaving the house at 10 a.m. for interment at Alexander Road Cemetery.
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  • 40 9 Mr. Wee Cheng Soon and family beg to thank •11 those kind friends and relatives, who sent letters of condolence and wreaths nni who attended the funeral of his brother, the late Wee Cheng Koon, last Saturday, September 4.
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  • 1035 9 The Straits Times MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 PUBLIC OPINION. The Legislative Council has met at Penang, and inter alia, has had an interesting discussion on the price of rice which, we hope, will be productive of some satisfactory results. Among other matters dealt with was the Daylight Saving Bill which came
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  • 63 9 Nyien Zai-sung and an accomplice in the murder of a sing-song girl at Shanghai have been found guilty and sent to the arsenal. The court room was packed. A lengthy confession is published. This refers to the murder of Lee Ying, the famously beautiful Shanghai sing-song girl, who was strangled
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  • 69 9 The pierrot and pierette ball given by Mr. Chas. Kitts at the Drill Hall on Saturday evening proved a very enjoyable affair. Several hundred people attended and enjoyed dancing up to an early hour of the morning to the excellent music of Mr. Brandon's orchestra. The Drill Hall has a
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  • 70 9 We understand that Mr. John Duke, F.8.0.A., F.S.M.C., D.8.0.A., will arrive from Bangkok on Thursday next and may be consulted for the next few weeks at the premises of Messrs. S. Smith and Son (Siam), Ltd., 14, Battery Road. Mr. Duke possesses the highest qualifications both scient fie and practical,
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  • 11 9 The Federal Council meets at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, September 15.
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  • 27 9 The number of passengers carried free on the F.M.S. R., during the Peace Celebrations in July last year was 280,000, the estimated loss to revenue being $42,000.
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  • 27 9 On January 1, 1919, there were 1,375 prisoners in the F.M.S. During the year, 10,420 were admitted, and on December 31, 1919, there were 1,602 priraners remaining.
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  • 30 9 For failing to register himself within -H hours of his residence in the Colony, A. B. Vaddock, an American, was fined $75 by Capt. Rowbatham in the tnird court to-day.
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  • 32 9 With the previous sanction of the Government of India, the Government of Burma has sanctioned the selling of the present exportable surplus from 18,00,000 tons to 18,50,000 tons of the cargo rice.
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  • 39 9 European and Eurasian children attending the schools in the F. M. S. during 1919 .numbered 389 boys, and 428 girls, being 54 more than the total unmber of Malay pupils. There are 4,091 Chinese pupils and 2,562 Indian pupils.
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  • 41 9 The perjury case in which six accused, including four Government servants, were charged at Penang with giving false evidence in a judicial proceeding, concluded on Friday when Gopaldas was acquitted. The charge against the other accused was withdrawn by the Solicitor-General.
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  • 44 9 Under the St;am Boilers Ordinance, Mr. A. C. Macnab is appointed an inspector and examiner of engine drivers and Mr. H. H. Brown and W. T. Hamlyon inspectors. Messrs. Macnab and Hamlyn are also appointed examiners of engine drivers under the Merchant Shipping Ordinance.
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  • 51 9 A trial survey on behalf of the Johore Government for a line from Kluang in Johore to Jasin in Malacca was commenced in November, 1919, and is now in progress. The general route has been examined for eight mile and the survey has been taken to about three miles from
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  • 76 9 In the F.M.S. last year there were 20 convictions for murder and seven cases for gang-robbery with murder as against 12 for murder for 1918. In eight cases the sentence of death was carried out. There were -28 convictions and 83 acquittals luring the year as compared with 186 convictions
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  • 68 9 The Rangoon Port Commissioners have decided to appoint two additional assistant engineers in connection with the plans and estimates for graving docks and other important works. The scheme for oil fuel installations will also be brought forward. Meanwhile, vessels will be bunkerei in the stream under strict supervision. The purchase
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  • 72 9 Consternation has been caused at Mit-cl-am, Surrey, where an Australian soldier, Frederick Richard Bivand, has been wanlering about the village giving away money. He gave a woman £50 and gave sovereigns to several others. The news spread like wildfire, and children followed Bivand, who was subsequently arrested in a naked
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  • 73 9 Major-General Robinson, Surgeon-Ge-neral, received a deputation of the members of the Chittagong Association and discussed with them the proposed establishment of a medical school at Chittagong. He approved of the site of the present hospital with the necessary extension towards the east, as a possible site for a future medical
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  • 88 9 The daily averages in the three Criminal Prisons of Singapore, Penang and Malacca, for the last three years have been 1917, 810 1918, 750 1919, 873. The increase in numbers is reported as no doubt due to the high cost of living and to the number of convictions for rioting
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  • 102 9 A novel point was raised at Scarborough on July 29 during the hearing of a summons against Maxwell Jowsey, of Austinfriars, Scarborough, for fishing in the Derwent without a licence. He contended that he was not fishing he was only dressing a ft. The prosecuting solicitor, in reply, quoted a
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  • 121 9 The case in which a European named Leonard Somerton Love was charged with cheating Messrs. Boseck and Co., of jewellery worth Rs. 780 by issuing a bogus cheque was disposed of at the Calcutta High Court Sessions on August 10 by Mr. Justice Walmsley and a common jury. Love pleaded
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  • 246 9 Lady arrived in Kuala Lumpur from Penang by train on Saturday, Reuter announce!; the death nt I.sipzig of the famous Gorman Mjrcholog fessor Wilhelm Wundt. Tunku Mahmoo.l of Kedah, accompanied by Mr. Haliifax, arrived at Tenang on Thursday and paid an official vis.t to H.E. the
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  • 23 9 The outward 8.1. packet T.-.ra, with mails from Europe, is expected to reach Penang at 6 p.m. to-morrow, tha 7th inst
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  • 64 9 There is very little further to be said regarding the efforts being made by the Singapore Harbour Board to refloat the Altenburir, aground on Lima lilimi, on the Fallodan Hall shoal, some five miles or so due north of the Horsburg Litrht. She is still being lightened
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  • 143 9 We gave on the 2nd inst. the particulars of the hard case of a R .er and his wife who are stranded in Singapore, pending instructions from the War Office, London. This officer, when revolut.on broke out in Russia, volunteered to serve as a private with
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  • 220 9 Word has been receive. 1 by telegram by the C.1.D., Rangoon fr Captain Crump, f nv.erly a •.»«>ti-r at the Irraw.vMy Flotilla Company, ha 1 10 n murdered there on August 1 '>■ C. D. have taken immediate action. Captain Cmp was in the Irrawa My Floti
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  • 278 9 We much regret to learn of the sudden death at home on the Ist inst. of Sir Evelyn (Campbell) Ellis, Kt., who was for many years an advocate and solicitor of tho Straits Settlements. Sir Evelyn was born in London in 1865 and came out
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 139 9 I (T% -I A W. 1), &H. O WILLS <g A <|) 1 9 1U BRISTOL LONDON eJJ 1 1 U CAPSTAN I MAGNUMS $1 1O FRO* ALL $1.10 p*rtin HlOrt -CLASS per tin of 50 DEALERS of £0 i DEMITRINO EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES SELEDIIO* A I FGLJ OW.-J Demitriro No
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    • 200 9 Monday and Tuesday, September < and 7. PALLADIUM A Universal Special Attraction Featuring Bewitching MAE MURRAY In a charming, appealing, human story THE SCARLET SHADOW In 6 Par.* A clean dramatic offering with light comedy touches which will be much enjoyed. Also Pathe Gazette and two-reel Western Drama. First Show
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  • 850 9 Both Parties Anxious For Peace. Mr. Baif our Answers Soviet Message. Rftttb Tri«cn*M« Lm lon, September 2. It i- rapurirf from Wnrsp.w that the Polls'- Ponifd Miniat?T, Princp S.ipipha, in the c Ifl ran iniportantstntsmenttoßritish Anoriran journalists, declare,! that the Poll 'i r "V"rnnipnt is convinced that thp
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  • 225 9 Rxutm Telegrams London, September 2. Berlin Speaking in the For.ign Affairs committee, the Foreign Minister, Herr Simons, disclosed that he had been urged to collaborate with the Bolshevists against the western powers and thus to break the bonds imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. After mature reflection he
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  • 159 9 Riutib Telegram London, September 2. A War Office communique says the situation in Mesopotamia shows some improvement in the disturbed areas but is becoming tenser in the districts not yet open to rebellion, the lower Euphrates and Hammar lake neighbourhood being seriously affected by agitation. Samawah railway station was
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  • 59 9 RILTM TKUORAM Lon<lon, September 2. Capeto.r;i The Salvationist commissioner Hoggard, from Korea, now commander in South Africa, lectured on Korea, which he said was to-day the most Christian nation in the Far East. He said those who embraced Christianity had jjiven testimony of their devotion to it during the
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  • 306 9 Strike Notices Handed In. Hope of Peace Not Entirely Abandoned. RtlTMt TXLKGRAMS London, September 2. Th* minors' de!e?ates conference decided to h ird in strike notics in all districts so as to trrminate not later than September 25. London, September 2. A sp?cial meeting of the parliamentary
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  • 165 9 Reuteb Telegrams London, September 3. The police and military set fire to the town of Ballaghaderreen as a reprisal for two policemen being shot dead there last evening- Practically the who'.e of the main street was destroyed. There have been sensational reports of vast captures of arms and ammunition
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 118 9 Reuter Telegrami London, September 3. Paris The Temps states that the Bolshevists report an explosion aboard the Bolshevik warship Red Dawn which resulted in the vessel sinking. One hundred and thirty of the crew were killed. London, September 2. Lloyd's report as much overdue the Tenzan Maru, which has
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 712 9 Rkuteb Telegrams. London, Septen.ber 1. Nashville: The latest vote is ii.r.'cmount to a demand for reconsideration 01 the whole suffrage question and is the to aperies of agitations which have ■).en going en since the resolution was passed on August 18. The question is now likely
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  • 32 9 I expect he is one of my poor relations," said a man airily at the Ealing Court when he was asked whether another man of the same name was related to him.
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  • 64 9 Reutkr Telegram London, September 6. Simla The Crown Prince of Siam is expected to arrive in Calcutta on October 5. Arrangements are being made for him to visit Simla, Peshawar, Delhi, Lucknow, Acrra. Saugor, Bombay and Madras. He will leave Calcutta on November 23 for Rangoon.
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 58 9 Rblter Telegram London, September 4. Paris M. Millerand, after participating in the celebrations on the Marne on the sth, tours Alsace-Lorraine until the 12th, when he meets Mr. Lloyd George and Signor Giolitti at Aix-les-Bains. It has been decided fiat the celebrations of the jubilee of the Republic
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 113 9 Reuter Telegrams London, September 3. Viscount Hayashi reached Marseilles yesterday and is expected in London on the 4th inst. London, September 5. Viscount Hayashi has arrived. Interviewed by Reuter he declared that cordial Anglo-Japanese friendship was the mainstay of peace and order in the Far East and was
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 236 9 A Sunday Smash Near Anderson Bridge. An almost inexplicable accident was witnessed about noon yesterday by persons in the vicinity of the Victoria Memorial Hall, one of whom was confident that it was attended by loss of life. It seems that Mr. W. H. Heytman, accountant of
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  • 337 9 Adventure and Passion in The South Seas. "How was the yacht heading when you lost sight of her asks Captain Lingard at the end of The Rescue, Mr. Joseph Conrad's novel, just published. "South as near as possible," his first officer replied. "Will you give me
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  • 883 9 An Inofficial View of Daylight Saving. The following- addition to tne report of the Legislative Council meeting at Pnaag op Ma| is taken from El Echo The Registrat n of Ssboob 1 i "To provide Cm me ragiatration of schools and of their teacher* ana ior grant-in-ui<i to
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  • 200 9 "Lord Richard in the Pantry" is the Rtory of a very foolish peer, who thinking he has need to hide from the police becomes butler to the tenant of his own, who happens to be a lady, who is in love with him. Obviously in such a
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  • 1274 11 List of Gifts to the Sultan's Sons. The ceremonies in connection with the wedding of H.H. the Tungku Mahkota and H.H. Tungku Aris Bendahara, sons of H.H. the Sultan of Johore, w*re concluded at ten o'clock on Friday morning, when the firing of a salute of three
    1,274 words
  • 451 11 Whole Profession on Verge Of Nervous Breakdown. There is a great deal of discontent among doctors just now. in bpite of thj fortunes many of them are making. The fact is, they are tired out, says a home paper. Vast numbers of them have had no holiday
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    • 158 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Re the Clerical UiTion it has come to my knowledge that somebody is hunting to enrol as many members as he can and to collect subscription from them on behalf of the Union. Could any of your numerous readers who
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  • 392 11 Perfection of the System Described. Since the introduction of the finger-print system at New Scotland Yard in 1901 over 100,000 identifications of criminals have been made, says the Daily Mail. Each of these identifications has taken only a few minutes to complete, and no iiisteke has been made. The
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  • 421 11 Raids on Houses at Peking By Police and Troops. The Asiatic News Agency states that in addition to the ten criminals, or political offenders, ordered to be apprehended by the President, the list of secondary national traitors contains thirty-three names of prominent officials headed by the name of Tsao Ju-lin.
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  • 759 11 Business at the Annual General Meeting. The second ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Central Motors, Ltd., was held on Saturday at the offices of the company, Laidlaw Building, Mr. H. Gill presiding. The Secretary (Mr. F. R. Wolseley) read the notice convening the meeting and
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  • 220 11 The new tent of the International Opera Co. at the corner of Selegie and Bukit Timah Roads was packed on Saturday evening when the company celebrated its first anniversary by presenting the fairy play entitled Seneran Laut. During the evening the Kandang Kerbau Komplan presented the company with
    220 words
  • 44 11 Programme of Drills, etc., for week end ng Saturday, September 11, 10 l' 0 Tuesday, September 7. Malay Co., Balestic Range, 4.30 p.m. Saturday, September 11. Eurasian Co. Rifle Club, Balestier Range, 2.30 p.m. (Sd.) R. SMITH, Lieut., Ag. Adjutant, S.V.C.
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 654 11 The surprising is always happening. On Saturday Merchants A to K met those of L to Z in the concluding match of the S.C.C. cricket tournament, and all the odds were in favour of a win for the latter, who wanted this match to tie with Civil
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    • 224 11 TO-DAY'S TIE. Ladies Singles. Mrs. Shore owe 30 v. Lady Murison plus 15. TO-MORROW'S TIE. Championship. Mrs. Turner v. Mrs. Shore. S.C.C. Tennis Tournament. The following ties will be played tomorrow Newcomers' Handicap. C. R. Brander scr. v. Skytte, owe 5 to finish. R. Walters owe 15, v.
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    • 214 11 The second of three races tor a cup presented by Mr. H. J. Totton wan sailed yesterday morning. The start w.-.s maH<in a nice sailing breeze, the yachts crossing the line within a few seconds of each other, with the exception of Betsy Jam*. who had trouble
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  • 192 11 An extraordinary genernl meeting of the St. Francis Association was held on Aurrunt 30 at St. Francis' Institution, Banda Hilir. Malacca, the president, Mr. P. G. I'amadasa being in the chair. Rules governinjr the St. Francis' Association Football League were read and passed. Five teams are to
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  • 344 11 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wire* regarding the last? day's racing Both the weather and going were aram good t.nd there was, another large attenciance. Results Race I.— Palm Oil, Southall 7-6, 1 Hankow, Hobbs 0-5, 2 Gay Lass, Houseman 7-8, 3. Won by six U Ugl
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  • 102 11 A Router wire of the rd states that probable starters for the St Leger are Abbots Trace (Jellis.O, Thealder (Childs), Allenby <Donoghue>, Rraishfield (F. Bullock), Black Gauntlet (H. Jones). Celestial (Griggs), Daylight Patrol (C. Hulme), Golden Guinea (Martin), Great Seal (Colling), Orpheus (V. Su.yth), Silvern (F. Templeman),
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  • 65 11 Chimpul. 20,700 lbs. Connemara, Ltd.- 4,380 Iba. Chembong.— 46,397 lbs. Devon Estates.— lbs. Glenshiel.— 29,630 lbs. F.M.S. Rubber.— 94,ooo lbs. Inch Kenneth.— 2B,3Bo lbs. Kajang.— 32,Blo lbs. Kuala Na1.— 32,000 lbs. K.L. Rubber.— l3o,ooo lbs. Sungei Ramal Syndicate.— 23.&sO lbs. Buagoi Tukang.— o,24o lbs. Sedgely (F.M.5.).—
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  • 24 11 A daughter-in-law at the Tottenham Court Whin I gave him r-ausages for supper he pelted me with them and puncfc•d me in the eye.
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  • 1472 12 Chapters (or Those Attracted To China. The call cl the B»»t," ooe cl ibeeotDman eel piu-nuu! >n tbe Birrire, i« e»p»b';> ol t variety cl inteip«etatiOD«. tuoie i', news mystes-y and tbe >oma»oe t at dwell* io temples and bn*hed si raglio^ to •lie fcmaaee ol bier^Rlyphio
    1,472 words
  • 628 12 Tbe olemn Eodiog ol a Great Army. The fj»ta«l farewell oi B.i^adierOe&cral Kv»-i U:fb t tii'- ifoopa acJtt bis oamtntn:: .o K>»BCJ and K.asdtre moat be Mheo a;ink ng tbe c'o<: of -me of tbe great obaptef* Join.iy. Buiici. H .tdqaarters ia Fnuee ie uo tcciir Tho-e iimici
    628 words
  • 352 12 Inval'd Chair that Clinsbs Like A Cat." T)> r .ie »r* impt^w've i»'!y tf cipjlee men ia Hj. r'»ik, «f«cr wliob about 81 inTklid ♦?icje.s »uJ obria <?paJ to K _ij moticl, j osLc-y c( tboat sice nil's by road T.-l i d'ttb.^d ui»n i« ac pood of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 236 12 JUST RECEIVED Complete New Stocks Musical Instruments INCLUDING Guitars, Mandolines. Cymbals, etc., etc. Wth all accessories. Also all eizes Drum Vellums S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated ia Hongkong) RAFFLBS PLACE, 3INQAPCBB. J HALL'S DISTEMPER The Original ud Best. OViR 70 SHADES TO SELECT FROM PANIINS m DECORATING We are prepared
      236 words
    • 211 12 RAFFLES CAFE Bras Basal. Road ADELPHi HOTEL BTBKT BVBNING OUR SPECIAL ORCHESTRA PLATS FROM 7 TO 10 ADELPHI HOTEL LIMITED, B. V. TJEESDEMA, Managing Director. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL PEN ANG (Sea aide; Every Wednesday and Saturday MUSICAL SELECTIONS DURING 0 NNER Single (pep nay) $6 SO to (IS Oouble (per day)
      211 words

  • 671 13 'No Reason lor Hesvy Foreign Importatioos. i Aa-otding to tbe lataat i d oaUoar, taya 'tb- C'tjl-D Otic vt-r tbfr in ertrj pox gi^ilny af bi»' i.aive > o' fi bat be loilb eotnirtf d»»rei uvf.m'i.nv. Tie qaeßtioo o( d.-'t p ae-. fiabmK with a view It
    671 words
  • 321 13 REPARATION Impudent Qerman Knocked Dcwa. All P»ris is chuckling ovri tbt h'shly en». r tailing side show to the 3p» C-aiir o-< wbis'- w»r ae*n in tiont ol tbe windows 1 1 tbe Villa La FiaUacse while the dr 'twai were witbin seated in tbe Council Okie b > DurLx
    321 words
  • 131 13 I ated la nil olr;» wheti I wu bo*-," reaaibi.ti Mr. Llo]d GcO'gc in JMffßßafcf the dm >l»y ul olcr< t'Oia Latcsabire do-icg *vr i: I tba exhibition cl wotk by diaaklt ex 3;.'. ic. me-> a»<J- r.ti-.i Hjll We-tiuin- et. la iLe liw
    131 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
      247 words
    • 290 13 SATISFACTION IS BEST ASSURED IF WE WORK WITH YOU RATHER THAN FOR YOU GET IN TOUCH WITH KIAM KIAT COMPANY 10g and 109, MARKET STREET. AMi YOU WILL EXPERIENCE IT. Canvas Bags for Packing Rubber Canvas in General and Sailmaking The aboven entioncd business is transferred to Meiers. Arieaka C^nva*
      290 words
    • 242 13 "liroy Trailers Wherever a stonm or petrol traction vngivc la ai OUGHT I) BE used for hauli.n X tr.Mn of TKOV ""'IIITfTIT WAGONI ht trail in({ eijuipment. They follow the aaciaM I ba backed jinywhere with perfect control. No tin* out for lurnw.: .la i jtut detach engine and
      242 words

  • 1189 14 Ibe Foreign and Colonial Outputs. Teo MdUI World, quoting Mi. Frank McTiickr, QBE, »ajs tiiat abcat one ball ol V c wotld'a topplitt ot tic are mined in the Btitieb Vmpiir, (bo obkl prajno.og ornoti) tinoe Ib9l duor .be I .dented Maliy St*te« Ttie other un p.o 'iciti;
    1,189 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 107 14 WHITE4W4YS I^s^s'fc Week Of OUR RECORD FINAL BECUDTIONS IN ALL DEPAfiTMENTi Ercds of Bargains be Cleared at W-l g WAY UIOL4W 00 LT& (fsastpoaslai S9ti»idi BINGAPORB THE FAMOUS STANDARDISED FRENCH CAR REVELATION IN' ECONOMY FI'EL OOMOaVnOM ACTUAL TESTS HEBK 42 milrg per gallon. Fifur* sfrt tbe savin* in Ilenzine and
      107 words
    • 204 14 j tj :b o il. PHYSIOLOGIC4L L4X4TIVE Tbe only Agent that eflecte the functional "re-education" of the Intestine. JUBOL cleanses tbe Intett'ne, I revents Appendicitis and Enteritis, Believes rcemorrboids, Prevents Obesity. JUBOL is an excellent combination cf active Age-its for the treatment of intestinal disorders, tis highly successful for chr>cic
      204 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 791 15 SALES BY AUGTNW AUCTION SALE I OF VAI.I'ABLF. RIUBER FACTOR* MACHINERY AND FITTINGS A ii nd in. .la'an Dnt.ih. off Balestier I;. :.l. m-nr Thomson Romd. en Frida>. Seplenil>er 10. at 3.M p.m. matUbm ■>"«■ thri'i cylinder vertical B«BiDl«w1 "il »«tln« by 11. p. Tone Woh. Cantnn. one (Tatted Rngineeri
      791 words
    • 547 15 SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT A unique opportunity for enterprising capitalists, heads of firms and all concerned of acquiring first-class storage Bod«vns with road and river ffMtama and situated within ■UtaßO* i"i>l a few minute* drive from the commercial centre of Singapore Town. ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE of three very valuable
      547 words
    • 167 15 m UNQUESTIONABLY the best rope on the market to-day ia JOHNSOH-PICKETT MANILA ROPE made in the Philippines, the home of the Manila hemp. Carefnl aeleetion of fibre and modern method in manufacture produce! the QUALITY SOLE AGENTS MAI UIICAIIU tt UWl| 415, Beach Road, Penang Ml TONIDES Finest Virginia Cigarettes
      167 words
      295 words

  • 805 16 Notes and Comments On Current Top cs. Cheaper Motors Surprise. Senutional (atU in matoi'Oii pticta were au Joanotd tbe other Jr j. Mcbui. SoQtb«»;> j Ltd., tbe bole ooaceeaioDaicca in tbe BritiaL j lelea tn tbe Maibubm oan, adveitise a Jicdaotioß ot £100 on all tbeir fise
    805 words
  • 229 16 Queensland Employs Germin Flame-Projectors. Tue cxtetoiatlion of tbe ti/icp (oi bj mesaa c! tbe flame picj?otißg appaiato« uer bj tbe Qtimsn- ia ibe war ia being at tempted by tbe i} easltad DtpitlmenJ o< IfWiM At fiidt tbe teaulia wute ta>ber dmcra -m ug, wiil'B a
    229 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 98 16 i l^-_ 1 V DODGE CARS TWO SEATERS FOR LADIES OHIVING SEDANB FOR TOWM USE FIVE SEATERB FOR BUBINEBB UBE Selfetarter, Dynira) Lighting, Rims for easy tyre chuig ng, Electric- Horn, Speedometer with dtily trip recorder, etc. The Sedans are uphoift^rei in light coloured plush cloth and th? two and
      98 words
    • 248 16 New Columbia Double-Disc DANCE RECO R D S Sole Agcats ROBINSON PIANO COM PAX V, LIMITED t Incorporated in Hongkong) WARRANT If All lEU goo( Typewriting Rlbboa Sonnd Advice -If this is what you are after For work to appear much smarter. Buy the Crown, It is a dear little
      248 words
    • 199 16 Bxtensive research, teal and experiment Lave enabled the Company to oHlfoe the best prcentable meteriala n tbe m»t > ffideat manner, i' c remit beiv« that the Dnnlop SolJ Tyre ia the most road-worhy ..tele burnt. ing-natty oan oonojive, and natural reaoaroes prov de. Vtite Xt i!lu««ra»ed esUlojne »ud p>icc
      199 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 534 17 61AN KIAT CO LIMITED ueerpe rated In Straits Settlements) It, Phillip Street, SINGAPORE ■cv Shipments Jut arrived of DOUBLE-FACE SLEDGE HAMMERS BALL PANE ENGINEER'S HAMMERS CHENEY CLAW HAMMERS ROUND EYE STONE HAMMERS. etc., etc., vie. Bole Agents for THE OLOBE BOILER FLUID. ra« Meal Fluid fur cleaning and prescrvl, iuu
      534 words
    • 407 17 CALLENDER'S "VERIBEST" READY ROOFING la Rolls conUlalat Hi aa. ft. PLT. Useful for roofing light structures, farm buildings, etc., and as a special lining medium. 3 PLY. A medium quality osed on Factories, Bungalows, etc. I PLY. Strongly recommended for Increased strength and efficiency ia exposed situations. Obtainable at GUAN
      407 words
    • 938 17 JUSSIHED ADVERTISEMENTS Tk« PKBPAID chant** Waata, Far Sale, Ts> Let, cte* la ordinary close-set tyae (average aiz wards U Uae) are t— Per line one insertion 28 cts, two ma. «6 ate, three ins. M et«.. four las. 8S eta, five ins. 11.00, six Ins. 11.18, ten ins. $1.40, twelve
      938 words
    • 917 17 MISCELLANEOUS ARABIC LESSONS, translations or Malay lessons given. H. Abdeen, 89, Selegie Road. AGENT (BUYING) wanted to Mil Paints, Dry Colour*, Distemper, Varnishes and Lubricating Specialities in Straiti Settlements. Excellent terms offered to energetic party, who most hare good established connection, and unimpeachable references. Apply with full particulars to Thos.
      917 words
    • 975 17 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE, Buick six-cylinder ear, newly painted, new hood snd new cushion covers, motor in excellent condition. Apply Buick, c/o Strait* Time*. FOR SALE KLECTRIC MOTOR, newly overhauled a Siemens shunt wound electric motor 940 R.P.M. 3.4 h.p. 460 volts without starter. Apply John Little A Co., Ltd.
      975 words
    • 298 17 Straits Motorcar Service LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) 21$ to 21$, ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES "AND CARS HIRED D/ERHAULS TO MOTOR CARS AND CYCLFT WELDING el all metals, under European superrl»ir. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PRICES VERY MODERATE Phonel233 SHIPPING PLANTING MINING For these three Key Industries of Malaya WE HOLD STOCKS IN
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 197 17 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General 68 Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters—advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing etc., should be addressed to TILL MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants, For Sale,
      197 words