The Straits Times, 1 September 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times

  • 1252 2 Java UaUetf, Bskli P^t joog And Straits (Be, ft a) Tte report a thb Ja»a United PlaatatfoM for 1010 slatea that tbe pltuUd ua« totals 4,174 ace. s. Tha number of inbher tr Am i-ppicK on D.c.uibti 81, 1919, wih-Ki!i K'.opotb, 29,420; boomter fud», 82 9S-4 lueo'.ff c
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 265 2 T!iEC!!AL)M I W i, -*mt t reiieaei g— arc— anarfi MMaoja *i v^ r WJ r if^FFTff^*^ "^'j&c-Sieß ..\y3r~fc>^ni S *w i j.l '^r^Kl' Upton's Tea *T*HH flavour, the delicate amma aod tbe fragrance >f its leaf, cm nc-vrr Ix eqMIM tiy any other (»r,:inarv t«. i Liptuo* Tea ia
      265 words
    • 543 2 W DEETHAMS m-rola M Your Hkln and jk m Complexion m SJt?f)5 »!l*Jh.' D ?J7j£ Cm Twm\ Iclv It •HecuHllj 'mi!,,!,'; (fr^rSl %«l >l |l >ißh^iauchcniiat»and MV^j|ft| c r h aw o i J\i^U >3 %Sm\&iX&^& COMMERCIAL MOTORS 14, 2V,, 3 4 TONS CHASSES Singapore. Penang, Malacca and Kuantaa. j
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    • 134 2 AIR -FLOAT The Peace-Time^ffl||ffi| that make thfr M.* avll Dlapenaakf le>« and Stores OOKNBL.L BROS. CO., SintlApore (iMorynaled i. v -.A tola Ag«nt» Ito Icetic, Nitric Sulphuric Acid All White Enamelled Latex Pans Cotton Duck U. 3 ft 4 Brass Wire Plate T. NAGAI CO. High Street, or 'Phone 1113.
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  • 1099 3 Important Suggestion by Mr. H. W. Hewitt on Labour, Tho tenth ordinal; t;uuflt»l meeHag cf the Allsß»f Ralb BitaWs, L m ttd, was btid oa J ilj 8, at Wioobbtlei Ujq«h O d Bioid, 80., Hi. Charles Balkaley Satlom ohsi>ms>a o( tbc o uipsav) presiding. Tue
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  • 157 3 A special mfssuitre to the Shanghai Gazette from Tsinj; Kiang-pu, Kiatmsu, dated August S states Numerous cases of pillage, robbery, and kidnapping testify to the increasing boldness of the bandits along the Iran. l Canal above Tsing Kiangpu. Though outlaws have not yet dared to advance within
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 423 3 WHOOPING COUGH Cured Outright by Veno's Lightning Cough Curs. Evtrj mother should know that Venn's Lightning Cougfa Cura really <-ures whooping cough. Kvm in tho worst caafs the quick, sure relief that Veno's brlagl t-i the little sufferer it something to wonder at. The cough baeosßM eiiny almost at once,
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    • 346 3 1 SUCCESSFUL IN EVERY FIELD. Not only has the CHINESE COMMKRCIAI DIRECTORY established a reputation amonc advertisers for responsiveness and quality of circulation in its own Field, but also on those accounts that we have carried in competition with the largest Commercial Direc- I tories published in the Straits and
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    • 290 3 BRITISH GRAMOPHONES THE APOLLO DE LUXE .V The APOLLO firamophones represent the Best in BRITISH manufacture and the superb Models both in CABINETS, TABLE GRANDS, PORTABLES, etc., are !-trikin(t examples of the superiority of BRITISH craftnmnship in the production of Instruments, which for pure tone reproduction and the elimination of
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    • 405 3 M. EZEKia j^P^lJ^Vi^ WHOLESALE AND NSf^rv/ 1 ff KETAIL OPTICIANS i*B O, High Street, Europe Hotel Tffl i^ Buildiaga. HISTORY OF IM WORLD WAR (rrom an American Viewpoint i With Chronology of Importnn! KvMtS By Thoni.iv R. B«l. A Clear and Concise Account of the Greatest of all Wars. Price
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 804 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. Oa-British India ABB E A pear Line (Companies Incorporated in Englsnd) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERYICM PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) Tbc Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preacat sasaended LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES ft LONDON
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    • 631 4 STEAMER SAILINGS PRINCE UNI UI.TII, (Incorporated ta BsgUM] PAB BAST EBBTICa POR NEW TOE* CELTIC PRINCE via B*aa sboat middle of Oct. Por all Information apply to ADAMSON, GILPTLLAM OS* at* (Incorporated Sa BadaaJ] Ageata THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LOOTED (Incorporated la the Ualted KtagaeM) Par China aad Jaaca BENAVON
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    • 266 4 STEAMER SAILINGS THE EASTERN SHIPPING COMPANT, LIMITED (laaarporated la Straits Scttlaataaia) This time Üble is snbjeet te a!».rati.» without farther notlee. Stcasaar aalllaf front Slags aera PERAK— Every Tuesday, at I am, lor Pert Bwettenham and Penang. Prees Malacca te StegaaaM rtaas Peaaag ta Mealsda (Trala faaraey from at
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    • 377 4 STEAMER SAILINIS O.S K. TH> OSAKA IHMIH KAHBA LTD. (Incorporate la Japaa) Nt. I, Da hw UrMi Propaaa* Aalliag IMft >taua»*ra (Subject to Ikait witfcal* J FOB PORT SAID, KARAULLfIft, LOXDO!!. A>TWKBP, EOTTEEDAJf AMD HAMBtTBfI AU»S MABU fcM. ATLAS MABU (o-nlt eallinc at KarsallUi) ABGUN MAEU o*. FOB HCW TOE*
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    • 419 4 STEAMER SAILINGS NIPPON YUBEN KAISHA (laaaraarataJ ta /a#m] Ba4ar BUI] CMtrac* wttfc aM t—.Hef Jtaaates tt»ririaail ■abject to alteration, wit Wai satica. BTTBOPB UJUL ÜBB Pertairatiy Sarvtaa Vat Leadca. Auwera vto (Malacca) PiaaMft CcUaiaa, Saea. Part SaM aasl SUnetOaa. SHIDZUOKA MARU Sept I KAGA MARU Sept 14 KUMANO MARU mid.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 574 5 STEAMER SAIUNCS BKITISH-INDIA S. N. CO., LTD. eus. BANGOLA.— For Melbourne and Sydney Is due here A«gl I >'d will probably •mil the Mowing day. Has n few seconder., b.-. '"■l f»U—e»- I'or fuit>M-r partlealam, »pply to BOUSTEAD Oft, Agents. GREEN STAR LINE Steamer Due Spore Deatination ÜBEENLAM) September 12
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    • 494 5 STEAMER SAILINGS FOB BOOTUBAYAj DUST, BROOMB, PORT HEDI.AMI. CABKARVON FKEMANTLE. S..*. Gorgon, 2.B(C> tons, O, Register, Capt. I. Ward Hughe*. Steamer is expected to •nil on September 2. for aVer* ports. For Freight and pai age, ayp W. KAMSnELD CO, LTD, Agent* THE OCEAN STKAMSIIIP CO, LTD. (Incorporated in Knjrland
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    • 766 5 DESTRUCTION OF MOSQUITOS ORDINANCE, 1919. SOME PLACES THAT HOLD WATER AND BREED MOSQUITOS Bottles, buckets, butts. Cans, cups, coconut shells and husk*, cisterns, cesspools, even copying book water holder*. Gutters, gravestones. Holes and hollows in trees and large leaves and in cut bamboo stumps. Hulks and wrecks. Machinery (especially when
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    • 838 5 NOTICE In Ine EstMe of George Herbert Gutterldg* deceased. .Pursuant ta the Irnstie Ordinance. 19! I. Section 26. NOTICE is hereby given thut all creditors and other persons having nny claims or demands upon or against the Estate of George Herbert Gutteridce deceased late of Jasin, Malacca whu died on
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    • 269 5 JUST ARRIVED FIRST QUALITY ttHITE Grass Matting 350 WARP Lengths 38 to 40 Ya ds YAMATO CO. 41, High Street Singapore DO NOT HEAD THIfl IF TOD DO NOT WANT TO DRLNK GUINNBSB'B *TOCT. THI ONLY STOUT THAT TONES IP THE ATHLETES. Galaneaa'a Stoat was and ha* been brewed only
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 729 6 CINEMAS MINE FIBSTSHOWAT7 80S9ABP Speoial Big "V" oomedy GOut* AND GAUL by Laity Semon. E6 B'taaay pteacutß Ann Mai ock in ACAPT. JINKS (F THE HCRBE MARINES Fiom tbe FMtaatia ocaeny Ly Clyde Eitob ia S par! a. SECJND SHOW AT 0.18 PH. r THE BRIDGE OF FANCY aVa No.
      729 words
    • 293 6 CINEMAS From Tuesday »ug. 31, to 'hundsy S pterr.ber on at 1 [l(j^[j§[Efj|W pll HALL, LTD, 5~ ■K^^» FIB9T SHOW AT 7.80 V/I'lkl WBSTIKN PrJOrOPLAY'B SESUL WlMm T HE GREAT GAMBLE Featniiag OUaHLBS HUTCHISON aad ANNB LUTHER Ia tbe aerial clcottio in ita djaamic toice, and high voltage elimszea flp
      293 words
    • 288 6 RICHES DO YOU WANT TO BE RICH T If so, do not delay but try Mr. Chiang Kia Jin who i.i in the position to act for you Gentlemen, whether te aell buy tran>act consign PROPERTY such as estati-s, landed properties, shares, etc. I'lease call or communicate with Mr. Chiang
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    • 63 6 Keep yourself ft for the rainy weather that it coming by taking U.P. COUGH MIXTURE AND LUNG TONIC us sooa as you feel that a cold is coming By sheer merit it hin become a household remedy in hundreds of families. It is the acme in cough remedies, sweet. palatable
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  • 129 7 FIXTURES. lay, September 1. 1 14.111. Socii t] S f'.C. 5.30 p.m. V.\;.C.A., 8.30 p.m. in th aUaarot, Theatre, .hursdiij, September 2. High Water, 9.U a.m., 0.31 p.m. llomi ami I mail ah Billeted, Victciin Theatro. riday, Srptfml)er 3. Jlil 'i v U !'.m. in, -'M p.m.
    129 words
  • 158 7 KMuXUI AT THE DOCKS. i VI, ,rf !!:ix.-n A Bella, Barentsz. i :l» -(iinjr. Elephants. Wharl, Albert and ictona Dry Uodu in. m kerk. Main r! K'est Uingo, Boaalder, Wakaaa Maru. tlani, >;..ri_ r >i;:. -„n. Shin ci \> 1... K UUhlma Maru. I'rometheoa. Jardloee \> i-.trf Ml.
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  • 221 7 Ti>-!lsy r. Sai and Bata ia 3 p.m. i.ii nham and Penang S p.m. Hedan 3 p.m Manila and Japan ..4 p.m. 4 p.m Igl 4 p.m Knti.y. Trvngganu, K.!r.rt»n, Patani, Singora, Baodon and Bangkok 4 p.m Bourabaya 4 p.m >i: i ttnd Japan < p.m Thursday
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  • 35 7 (I gMal lout Office Report Left S'uoie Arrived London July h August 2 July 7 August 9 July 8 August 9 juiv 13 August 11 July 'J^ August 23 July August 26
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  • 127 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, September 1. On T onil'n, Bank 4 m/s 2^41/16 Demand 2/313/16 lrivate 3 m. 3 credits 2/3 26/32 On New York Demand 40% Private »0 days *i On France Bank 570 On India, Bank T. T. 11> On HoackoOm*, Bank d/d S4 p.c. pm. On
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    • 202 7 Iss. V'al. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 16.00 1 1 Ayer Wens 1.25 1.50 O £1 Kara Kamunting 2.16.6 2.18.6 10 10 Kinta Aiioc 7.26 8.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 2.7.6 nom. 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.90 3.10 1 1 Jelantoh 1.70 1.80 £1 £1 Lahat Minei 7.50
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    • 121 7 1'al. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. !1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.10.0 3.17.6 .1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 12.00 13.00 </- 5/- Electric T'ways 3/3 4/3 .0 10 Fraser Neave 58.00 59.00 >Q 50 W Hammer Co. 110.00 112.50 00 100 Xatz Bros. 130.00 150.UU 1 £1 Mexican Eaele 11.5.0 11.17.6
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    • 93 7 U. Eng. t. p.c. t1,2"4,500 par »p c. pn. Spore Electric Tramways 5 p.c. f 360,000 com Spore Municipal 5 p.c if 1,878,000 par S'pcre Mun. 44 px of 1907 $1,000,000 16 p.c. 10 p.c. dis. Spore Mun. 4'» p.e. of 1909 $1,600,500.. 16 p.c. 10 p.c. dis. i
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    • 430 7 Fraser and Co. and I. vail and Evatt's Quotations. [Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday.] To-day's Prices Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt Allenby ($1) C.BO 0.90 0.80 0.90 Alor Gajah '$1) 3.70 3.90J 3.C0 3.80 Am. Malay 4.25 4.75 4. 4.75 AyerHitam(ss) 23.00 24.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 100 7 NOTICE Nn'i'K i. is hereby riven thnt the pnrtneruhlp heretofore subsisting between Choa Toll Wah, V. Chwee Koh alias Yeo Baaa Loon. Choa Say I'm and Tan 800 Ni o aarrying oa :-,i lon Agenl and 28, South Canal Road, under the style or linn of Hook :;..,in Bet hat
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    • 840 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS VIOLIN. Wanted to purchnso n good quality violin. A. P. A., Straits TisMa. POi iTION WANTED, by a young lady~ks Itcaograpbcr. Apply to '.'j, Straits Times. FOB BALE OR EZCHAMGEJ two aaaUr ear, itaalata witk eeeeMortea, Apply 94. Strait i Tim LADY TYI'IST WANT HI) "IMMEDIATELY. Good saluri.'s
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    • 153 7 This is to give notice that the above Trade Mark is the property of the Balkan Sobranie Cigarettes Limited of No. 10, Drupers Gardens, London, E.C., 2, England Cigarette Manufacturers. The said Mark is being used 1 y them as a Trade Mark in connection with Cigarettes manufactured or dealt
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    • 770 7 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT A unique opportunity for enterprising; c:pi tnli.ts, htadt of firms anil all concerned nT nctjuiring firi>t-clns< storage gudowns wfth MM and river frOßtagOl nn<l situnted wRMa v.v.'y distance ami a few minutes drive fro.n the commercial centre of Singapore Towa. ATTRACTIVE. All TION SALE of three very valuable
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  • 34 8 WEE. On August 31, at his residence. No. 3. Tank Road, Wee Chenc Koon, elder brother of Mr. Wee Cheng Soon. Aged 48 Interment at Bidadari Cemetery, Saturday, September 4, at 4 p.m.
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  • 34 8 The funeral of the late Mr. Loh Kong Y«.w will take place on Monday, the 6th last, for interment at Bukit Tinifsi, the cortege leaving the house, 134, Banda Hilir, at 11 a.m.
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  • 1143 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 COUNCIL AT PENANG. The Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements consists normally of some eighteen members, of whom three represent Penan?, two Malacca and twelve Singapore and the Government in general. We are not quite sure that the decision to have a meeting in
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  • 30 8 The directors of the Langen (Java) Rubber Estates announce an in interim dividend of 7Vi per cent, (actual) in respect of the year ending August 31, 11)20, payable August 14.
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  • 31 8 A correspondent reverts to the fivefoot way nuisance and instances Market Street where he alleges there is room for the greatest improvement. Stops will no doubt be taken to remedy this.
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  • 39 8 We really do think that it is not now unreasonable to ask that notice of the mail steamer's departure from Negapatam be cabled to Malaya, and that the glad tidings be d.stributed throughout the land, says the Malay Mail.
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  • 17 8 An old Chinese woman has been killed in a motor car accident at Bagan Jermal, Province Wellesley.
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  • 21 8 The Chinese Motor Garage, Penang, has declared a final dividend of 45 per cent., making 75 per cent, for the year.
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  • 30 8 The accounts of the Badek Rubber Estate for 1919 show a profit of £19,'!08. A final dividend of 10 per cent, is recommended, making 15 per cent, for the year.
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  • 30 8 By August 4 the sum of £22,517.16 had been received by the Rubber Growers Association or promised in response to its appeal to set up a fund for botanical research.
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  • 41 8 Our Penang correspondent wires that a Malay wood-cutter on Nibong Estate, Trong, and a Malay, near the foot of Kedah Peak, have been killed by tigers, while a Chinese was carried away by a large crocodile at Sungei P.nang Balik Pulau.
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  • 46 8 The following Singapore properties were sold by public auction at the sale-room of the Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd., on August 30, 1920 55 and 57, Smith street, area 1,482 sq. ft., and 1,407 sq. ft., respectively, were bought by Mr. Koong Tiong Poo for $33,700.
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  • 50 8 Tickets are selling well for the pierrot and pierette ball which Mr. Chas. S. Kitts is giving at the Drill Hall on Saturday evening They may be obtained from Moutrie's or Kelly and Walsh, or at the doors. A good orchestra is being engaged and the buffet will be open.
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  • 58 8 The Secretary of the Singapore Auxiliary Diocesan Association announces that a sale will be held on November 18 and 19, at the Horticultural Hall, Westminster, in aid of the work of the Church of England in the Diocese of Singapore, including medical missions, education and care of orphans and destitute
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  • 78 8 A European named H. L. Stringer, described as a clerk at the Munitions Board, Calcutta, was placed before the Chief Presidency Magistrate, Calcutta, on August 2 on charges of cheating, forgery and conspiracy to cheat. Particulars of the case have not transpired, but it is understood that Stringer was arrested
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  • 81 8 Remarkable scenes were witnessed at the London railway stations in connection with the bank holiday (August 1) exodus, which was exceeding all expectations. It was suggested in some quarters that tho prospective advance in fares, which was to operate on August 5, was a contributory factor to this week-end rush,
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  • 93 8 A railway accident occurred at the Dehiwala Railway Station on Augjst J1 when a Sinhalese named George Al.vis, a foreman employed at Messrs. H. W. Cave and Co.'s Slave Island branch, was run over and fatally injured. The train steamed into the station punctually to time, but before it stopped
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  • 100 8 In the report on the F.M.S. Railways written this year by the General Manager of Railways, it is stated that on June 27, 1919, a covered goods wagon containing 70 bags of white rice from Alor Star arrived at Simpang Ampat and was detached in the siding. Both side doors
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  • 104 8 A confirmation service will be held in St. Andrew's Cathedral on Friday, September 10, at 5.30 p.m. It will be taken by the Lord Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak, who arrives in Singapore on September 3 and will be staying at 9, Fort Canning Road. Mrs. Danson is coming with
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  • 105 8 Quite a number of people, says the Straits Echo, will have friendly recollections of that genial little gentleman, the Happy Traveller," who sends us this touching farewell message in the obituary column of The Times Stark On August 1, at his residence, Rydal Lodge, Clapham Park, S.W. (and of the
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  • 155 8 The I'ettah verandah question was again before the Colombo Municipal Magistrate the other day, wher the police prosecuted thirteen traders of the petty shops in St. John's Road with having caused obstruction on the verandah in front of their shops by placing show cases and exposing their wares on it.
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  • 446 8 Among the Maaeagen Who are traveling home by the Ptaseey this after noun is tra, J. E. Tyler, the wife of the Governnent Printer, who is accompanied by her wo sons. Miss Brooks, who arrived al Penang laat week, has assumed the duties of Head Mistress, Anglo-(
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  • 29 8 The mail steamer X; shgar which left London on August 8 and has on beard the mails of August 12, arrived at Port Said on August It,
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  • 98 8 The following announcement is made in The Music Traces Review for July "We are glad to inform our readers that Messrs. John Brinsmead and Sens, I.rii ted, have recommenced manufacturing pianos, and, in reply to our Inquiry, Mr. Beutell, the factory manager, *aiil that progress was
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  • 187 8 The follnwin 1 an notified in the X.M.S. Government Gazette Mr. E. Watson to be a Judicial Commiasioner, F.M.S. Mr. W. E. Kenny to lxDirector of Public Work.-,, X.M.S. Mr. T. A. .Melville to be Accountant, I', an 1 T. Department, F.M.S. Hill A. EL Hmclver to
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  • 213 8 The largest Bible in existence is in the Royal Library at Stockholm. The covers arc made of solid planks four inches thick, and tho pages cadi nisjaatm a yard in lcnirth. It is estimated that a hundred asses' skins must have been used to furnish the ISO 9
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 150 8 (Ut "I A W. D. &h. O WILLS (g A JPI.IU BRISTOL LONDON «J) 1 1 U CAPSTAN MAGNUMS $1 1O Non all $1,10 per tin HlOtt-CLASS per tin o 50 DEALERS of 50 WEDDING PRESENTS ""~*^lfc m^^^% i J^^as^a^&*^^*****'^afc.\L 1 *^^^"i\ a^f <*^T^T JOHN LITTLE 8? CO., LTD. (Inooip3tktBd
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    • 143 8 SELECT SUBJECTS AND BIG FEATURES AT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRES (Taa Chent Km Co, Ltd, Proprietors) ALHAMBRA VITAGRAPH SERIAL 16 K.i^odes THE WOMAN IN THE WEB Last Episode S Pts. MISS INNOCENCE S Pts. Featuring June Caprice Topical Budget and Hank-Mann Comedies PALLADIUM 6 PU. A SCARLET SHADOW li,. Featuring
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  • 283 9 Terrible Street Fighting Occurs. Eighteen Killed and Hundreds Wounded. Rri'TEH Telegrams London, August 29. A iv <\> in Olfa.-t yesterday evening attack'- r.rvl partially wrecked a small polici ion and some Unionist houses. A ver.ul.-ie pi'chod battle between the rival facti. i i MMMs% in whi'.h paving stones
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  • 228 9 REI TER TELECRAM London, August 29. Geneva In conformity with a reso'.uticm a ioptcxl by Urn intern itional labour conferc n-c at Washington n 1919, an interoationi commission of emigration has be n constituted composed of one-third Government delegate.-, one-third workers' delegates and one-third employers' delegates. Brazil, Canada, China,
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  • 78 9 Ruth Telegram London, August 28. The executive council of the Social Democratic Federation and the National Socialist Party has passtvl a resoiution protesting most .strongly against anything in tho shape of a mass strike or a general strike, which cannot fail to inflict privation und misery upon the
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  • 310 9 Position of Poiish Delegates At Minsk. Reuteb Telegrams L.nd-m. Auca.-t 20. Warsaw As the result of the Polish delegation of Minsk telegraphing that they have boon described as spies by the Soviet government and that the mast of the wireless station at Minsk has been broken under suspicious
    Reuter  -  310 words
  • 98 9 Reuter Telegram London, August 30. Paris Le Temps in an article on the New Hebrides, while admitting that the condom. nium regime works badly, suggests that in exchange for linking up the New Hebridge to French possessions in the Pacific France should pledge herself to a system of
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  • 68 9 Reuter Telegram London, August 28. New York In spite of the importation of small quantities of German and Scandinavian paper the shortage of newsprint is still acute and renders the continuat on of strict conservation necessary. Various reasons why manufacturers are offering less paper in 1921 than in
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  • 67 9 Rxutxi Telegram London, August 28. The Times states that H.M.S. Malaya will convey the Duke of Connaught to India. She has been chosen for this duty to give the people of the Malay States an opportunity to see the ship they presented to the Navy. It
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  • 38 9 Reuter Telegram London, August 30. Tokio As a result of a disastrous tidal wave which swept over Odomari Island, Sakhalien, 200 were drowned and 370 houses were damaged. Five hundred peoples are homeless and starving.
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  • 94 9 Rh TER TILECRAM London, August .10. War Offic communique 1 .ates that the situation in Mesopotamia is not materially changed. The Baghdad-Mosul railway was cut on the 2Crd but communication hes been restcri- ing restlessness has been shown in the Samurra and Sulimanuyeh divisions. The officials Captain Lloyd, Mr.
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  • 71 9 Reuteb Telegram London, August 30. At Berlin, in conformity with the Spa agreement, notices have been posted on the walls ordering disarmament which must be carried out between September 15 and November 1. One hundred marks is offered for every rifle given up. All arms surrendered will be
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 45 9 (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden, August 31. Sydney, August 31 The machine of Parer md Mclntosh crashed during a flight from aydn-.y to Melbourne. The aviators were unhurt, but the machine was badly lamaged. The aviators completed their flight to Melbourne in a military aeroplane.
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  • 561 9 Further Business for Friday's Meeting. Supplementary orders of the day have 'seen issued in connection with the meeting A the Legislative Council, fit Penang, on Friday. They include the following Q'ie?ticn by Mr. Nuft Can the Government give any information regarding :he salaries of the Governors of Ceylon
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  • 1254 9 Interesting Points Raised A Annual Meeting. Quite a number of interesting points oj iiscussion were raised at the annual meetng of tho Singapore Cricket Club Y.oV yesterday afternoon. The President, Mr iiflani Carter, was in the chair, IM attendance was not largv. Presenting tho ropcrt and accounts,
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  • 692 9 TALE OF A TORNADO. Thunderstorms and Their Cause. Exciting a volcanic explosion of magmuii.'. tba tornado is the most appalling of natural phenomena. No structure erected by human hands can resist it, and the only safeguard against it is a mountain range. A tornado presents to the eye the appearance
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  • 75 9 A declaration of insolvency was filed on the 10th instant in the Colombo District Court by the members of the well-known Queen's Street firm of jewellers, Messrs. A. H. Ismail and Mohamed Samsadeen. The four partners are Messrs. M. S. Ismail, M. Cassim Ismail, M. Abdul Cader
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  • 65 9 Thousands of m prisoners in Itus-.ia an'l Tur!;estan rrust e'ie, «"—lh| t" ]>r. Fritj of Nansen, the Polar explorer, sent by the League of Nations to handle the repatriation of 175,000 prisoners. It is necessary for the interested nations to furnish $2,000,000 for their relief, he sai I. The tragic
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  • 2609 9 The Recent Visit of Sir West Ridgeway. Increased Revenue. The seventy-fifth half-yearly m^tinr of -he 1.r.:..~h N rth Borneo (Chartered) Company was held on July 27 at Krm Plata House^ Finsbury Circus, E.C., the Right Hon. Sir West Ridgeway, G.C.8., C.C.MG X.C.S.I. (president of the company), in
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    • 113 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, For some weeks past, thieves, or rather robbers, have practically monopoi sed the neighbourhood of Sophia, Wilkie and Adis Roads, and nearly every house in this vicinity has been visited. The th.eves have even been found lying in ■.ait on
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    • 198 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, One reads a great rieal of what the railway administration intend to do in regard to hotel accommodation at Singapore, Penang and other places but one never reads anything in regard to improvements at the railway refreshment rooms
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  • 62 10 The Palladium is presenting, to-night, a Universal special attraction, the Scarlet Shadow, in six parts, featuring Mac Murray, besides whith there will be a Pathe Gazette and a two-reel Western dran a. In the show, Frank Keenan is featured in a powerful five-reel drama Gates of Brass
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  • 68 10 The directors of the London Asiatic Rubber and Produce Company have deddad to issue GW.or.i l's. snares, part uf the unissued capital, to shareholders in the proportion as nearly as possible :if one new share for every four h id. These snaroe are offered at a premium of it. each,
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  • 1115 10 Malay Officers Confer At Kuala Lumpur. A conference of a'l the Malay Officer': a of the Act cultural Department was h"M in Knaln Lumpur recently, commencing f' "n Monday, August lfi, at 10 a.m. and terminating at 1.30 p.m. on August 19. The proceedings, says the Malay Mail r
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  • 600 10 Big Undertaking Arriving Shortly. That Calcutta may be the Los Angeles of the East well who can prophesy At any rate, says an exchange, a tart is being made, and the representative of what is to be a big company has just arrived in Calcutta to
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  • 244 10 Arch of Marcus Aurelius as A Picture House. Signor Gilbert Barmani (Universita di Roma) read a paper to the Society of Antiquaries recently on The Italian excavations at Benghazi (Cyrene), North Africa. Atlding a few words abaut recent finds in Italy, he said No photographs are as yet
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  • 145 10 The highly amusing play The Naughty Wife was successfully presented by the Bandman Comedy Company at the Victor a Theatre last night, and enjoyed by a :ery large audien:e. The coii ely prc;ents some highly piquant situations, with an eloping wife and her tertium quid a dI
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  • 32 10 Programme of Drills, etc., for week end ng Saturday, September 4, IU2O Saturday. September 4. S.R.E.(v.) Rifle Club, Balestier Rangt •2.20 p.m. (Sd.) R. SMITH, Lieut., Air. Adjutant. B.V.C
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  • 62 10 Mr. L. Kingsley Underliill, .8.A., one of the stafT of Westminster College, Chinchew, who is returning to his post th s month, has just pa. si d the examination for the Oxford University Diploma in education wth distinction. His i nllaaglHal in China are Mr. Reg. A. Rogers, M.A., and
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  • 972 10 South Africa's Royal SoldierStatesman. Prinre Arthur of Connaught, Governor->neral-Designate of South Africa, and Ir l L,ord Forster, Governor-General-Pcsi^nate i >f Australia, were entertained at luncheon >n July 20 by the Royal Colonial Institute, it the Victoria Hotel, Northur.iberlandi venue. Sir Godfery Lagden (chairman of the
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  • 375 10 KurJa Lumpur Race Mtctin^. Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires Ike weather for the first day's racial wui cool and the guo;l. I large attendance of memt.ers and visitors. Results Race L— Jill, Luckman. 7.1t, 1 I <>: hin var. Kelfearn, U.ii, 2 OrMioz, Bottle, Won
    375 words
  • 157 10 Yesterday's results were as fouOWl Championship. Mrs. Connell beat Mrs. Saimders, 0, o—3. Mixed OavUei Chan. Mrs. Gregory .1' ii- I'd CoL I boat Miss Lamb and Mr. daunt, C— l,6— 2. Mixed Doubles ii lass FiniiJ. V.v and Mrs. De i 1 iland 1 Jackson and Mr.
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  • 78 10 The September monthly com-petition-bogey will be played on Saturday and Sunday next and the ladies" suoon competition on Moi'day. Golfers are reminded that entr'es for tht Singapore Golf Championship close on Saturday next. Entries should b« sent, to Mr. A. C. Smith, hon. secntari of the
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  • 128 10 A Reuter message ftom Antw«.':»» dated the 27th says In water polo Britain beat America by 7 2 and easily, after a gruelling gani«--In the gymnastic contest Sweden stunt! 1,:;G4, Denmark IJtft, and Rolgiuui 1 Of.U points. A wire of the 2!) th states In the finals of
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  • 107 10 Renter wires or the 27th Middlesex beat Kent by US. I hi re beat Essex by IHB. Basaex beat Yorkshire by 18S. OloucosUrbire beat Worcestershire by lime wirkels. Surrey beat Northants by eight wfckats. Surrey in the first innings docMU <ili) for five, the highest total of the
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  • 1444 11 llome-made Method of Making Pictures. Pin-hole photography implies the ability to take photographs without the usual earner* and lens mm-h over priced items ■ow. Any light-tight box will serve. In one cml a minute hole mad.- with the point Of a needle is required. At the other end
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  • 613 11 Shocking Accident on the Line Near Sydney. Three persons were killed and U were inland in a railway collision which occurred on August 3 at Hurstville. nine miles from Sydney, on the Illawarra line. Ph.- names of the vfctiau are KiileJ Michael Sheen, Myall-street. Oatley Roy White (a
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  • 84 11 The Kdinburjrh Anti-Opium Committee, in the course el a resolution to the Prime Minister, auk that the provision!! of the Daagaroas Dnit'S Bill be externled to liulih ami other Kusterti lu-y.i lidoiicit-.s, according to the terms of (he Declaration of the British pigmitorivß at The Hairue, which «a>« "The Ai
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 391 11 JUST RECEIVED Complete New Stocks Musical Instruments INOLUUIN9 Guitars, Mandolines, Cymbals, etc., etc. Wth aJI accessories. Aiso all eizes Drum Vellums S. MOUHIE CO., LTD. (Ineorpoiated ia Hoogkoaf;) RAFFLB I Pr.ACB, BINQAPOBE WOOD PRESERVATIVE PROOF AGAIN* T WHITfi ANT* AND DRY kUf IN TIMBER rUBM^Lo^ <!^^^, STOCK, OF BkOVN QREEN
      391 words
      252 words

  • 658 12 CHINESE COAL FOR EURO PE. Further Negotiation la Progress Sinoe leports became current during the put week or two cf ocntiaota oting maae by Europe far Cbiceae coal, a eerialn imorit c( surprise rid pceptioiam bsa bc3D prevalent in bbuigbai, states the N.C D ii!y News Goal haa not been
    658 words
  • 463 12 Rioting In the Streets 01 Baghdad. Tbe tallowing is Pioneer special o»b r B»nbd«^, Aagost 14. The ptoeeediate cf tbe bxtrea.ial panj m Baghdad bare (or 'tome limo been viewed with di fsvonr bj al) moderate tedious cl the community and tbt ococpyinß aoiboiitiib decidtd icceatiy tb«t tbe »ia-e
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 958 12 IN THE ESTATE OF THOMPSON ROBINSON, DECEASED Pursuant to Section 26 (1) of the Trustee Ordinance lull, BOtica henl.y K iven that ■II creditors and persons having any claim# or d.'rrand* the Kstate of Thompsoa Robinson <lcc<n r.l. Master Mariner late a Pilot of the Port of Singapore, who
      958 words
    • 154 12 SATISFACTION IS BEST ASSURED IF WE WORK WITH YOU RATHER THAN FOR YOU GKT IN TOUCH WITH KIAM KMT COMPANY 108 and 109, MARKET STREET, AND YOU WILL EXPERIENCI IT. IN STOCK Bearing Metals Bronze Spring Wire Electrolytic Copper Wire Mild St cl Sheets and Bars Scottish Crown Iron Miners
      154 words
      81 words

  • 1089 13 Ravages of tde Disease la Ceylon. The n;e3io»l k-tuoritiea of all E.s^uri ascntries were deeply intonated toire tiros «sjc ty brtt m>MRB «o the effeol th»t D;. D.a-., if tie Ha«tii Uaifisi'.y, bad 6UcoTtttd a cure fj? lepfMy. T!»ebiifm;Bra/e| eo.i»>n d no <^c ails si ib«
    1,089 words
  • 129 13 One of the biggest conflagrations that has occurred at Shanghai for some little time broke, out in French Town, at the back of Messrs. Buttertieid and Swire's main offices, at 12.17 a.m. on the 4th inst. A quarter of an hour afterwards the assistance of the S.F.B. was asked for
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 217 13 JUST ARRIVED FROM SHANGHAI NEW EXPERT CARPENTERS, ENGRAVERS, I POLISHERS, AND PAINTERS. I Give us a- trial and we will make jour old home look new. THE BRISK FURNITURE CO. OFFICE, 17, CHANGE ALLEY (Top floor). CHENGLOCK SOOHOCK AND CO., LTD. (Inerrpcratcd ia tUt St-a l^ ett' m NOTICE OF
      217 words
    • 111 13 (ft I Lip J 7=4 /'"isi i ffr- CRABEB GHALfiOQ jT FWOIWEFniWO WORK* I PB0PB1IT0K8: THE QESEB*L KLEOTBIO CO., LTD. \j (ln;ofporat«d in EnKlud) ROBIM9ON ROAD, STNO\"ORB. IM STOCK 4 ia Boiin? oufit 3/4 ud 7/8 in. oci D it ed bkoti ad D es Scr* n-r;g (1 20 ani
      111 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 531 14 SALES BY AUCTION AUCTION SALE OK FORTY SIX OBUIIS CAUSTIC SODA mcl At N. i;>. aswkaaaad Sultan Road, nn Thursday. September 2. at 10.30 To be sold in lot~. Now on view. CaBOIN koon BBMO CO, Auctioneers AUCTION SALE Off MOTOI CAB To br hold Bt Ban la room.
      531 words
      231 words
    • 940 14 IBMtB T-r •MH.tW B.C, A«B»rancr in force over $15,000,00* THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. Cl««r»awr*«*4 la itrait. Settlements j ATtßAony. rmAßi >■ abvbaui. moiibt to loan. mmm WANTK) ■a^wtew BaaasOi Oltoata* DJwcu, rt A^aei*. Artnm NOX HORAC. W. RAPER. 0 0. NIOOLU Z...,!*..,,*. INSURANCE BANKING BANKING BANKING COMMERCIAL
      940 words
    • 567 14 THE OVERSEA-CHINESI BANK. LIMITED. (Incorporated la the Straits Settlements Head Offlca i •INGAPORC M, aLINi; JTREn Bran r h I r*K«A.NG. 14, BKACB aTBRT Agenda* t (POH AND DELI Capital i Authorised IIO.OM.Sft Issued IO^OO.OwI Paid-up IJM^M Reserve Liability ef SharoI holdere IJH.Sf* Board of Directors t The Bon. Dr.
      567 words
    • 584 14 BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE II CHINE, Authorized Capital Frt 1!9,00e,90S Subscribed Capital Frs. 150,000,004 Paid-up Capital Frs. 78.009.00* a/I of tne Capital sobacribed by >.- Government of the Chinoss Republic Chairman of the Rnard of Dlreeters Andre Hertbelot General Manager I A. J Ttnt ,t« HEAD OFFICE t 74, Bas Saint Lazare,
      584 words

  • 1055 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Types and Uses of Scooters. Motor scooters, a curious conversion of a popular toy into a useful addition to means of conveyance, hold rather an undecided position, states a motor paper in some models approaching to the motorcycle, in others to
    1,055 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 269 15 NEYERLEEK HOOD MATERIAL \1 KKI.KKIv DOES NOT KAI»E AM) SOU. 110...l Mafcan will toll you that NEVERLEEK b remarkably fittod to fill thoir owry r..juiromont. TW !"-<ly <>f Urn natertel has flexibility that gives graceful flowing lines the surface posses*e> permanent richness and lustre. NEVERLEEK, because it does not fade
      269 words
    • 275 15 New Columbia Double-Disc DANCE RECORDS ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED Incorporated in Hongkong) FOURNIER'S HYGENIQUE MIXTURE (FOR LADIES) WASTE NO TIME Tested and Proved for Yean Imaiediatcly you notice any disorder of the WStem take Fournier's Hygenique Mixture It quickly removes all suffering There is Nothing to equal it. Anything so
      275 words
    • 62 15 THE TYRES THAT CARRY COMMERCE Write for illustrated catalogue ..nd prict- h-l ..f THE UUXLOI' SOLID BAND 1 RE. The Dunlop Robber Co (td. mm ECBINSON ROAD. c 143S ON HIRE ALEC MOTOR OARAGE SIS, OfO'apd Road. At Prices that Defy Competiton FIAT I Hr B3JF mm r m r^
      62 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 454 16 SOAK KIAT CO LIMITED (laavrporate* In Strait* Settlements) M, Phillip Street, SINGAPORE ■*w Shipments Jort arrived of BIT STOCK TWIST DRILLS FILES, assorted sizes GBINDSTONES WITH TROUGH PURE FLAKE GRAPHITE BLACK AND WHITE MARINE GLUE BOILER SCALING HAMMERS, r.., etc.. etc. Sol* Agent* for TH* GLOBE BOILER FLUID. The Ideal
      454 words
    • 459 16 CALLENDER'S "VERIBEST" READY ROOFING la Roll* conUlnlng 21* aa. ft. PLY. Useful for roofing light structures, farm buildings, etc, and as a apecial lining medium. 2 PLY. A medium quality need on Factories, Bungalows, etc. 3 PLY. Strongly recommended for iacreastd strength and efficiency in exposed situations. Obuinable at GUAN
      459 words
    • 1850 16 CLASSIFIED ADVtRTISEMENTI The PKaTAED charg**) f*r Waata, For Sal*, Ta Let, ate, la ordinary cl<ia*-s*t tya* (average *te words t* Uaa) are Par lin* one insertion 23 cts, two as. 46 ets, thrc« l«is. M etv, four Ins. 82 eU, live ins. II GO, six in*. $1.13, ten in*. $1.40,
      1,850 words
    • 929 16 MOTOR VEHICLES RARE OPPORTUNITY, one new Chevrolet car for sale. What offers T 32, Straits Times. FOR SALE, 2-ton English lorry. Thoroughly overhauled. $3,000. Apply 65, Straits Times. OFFICES AND GODOWNS OFFICE TO LET, second floor, No. TT, Rallies Quay. Apply ground floor. TO LET, stores and offices. Apply Ed.
      929 words
    • 712 16 Straits Motorcar Service UMfRO (Incorporated in S'r*its S?:tl»m*nts) 21* to 21«. ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVERHAULS MOTOR CARS" AND CYCLES WELDING el all metals, onder European snpervlaica SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PRICKS VERY MODERATE Phonel233 SHIPPING PLANTING MINING For these three Kry Industries of Malay* WE HOLD STOCKS IN LARGE
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 200 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Eduorial and General Manager's Office mV Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editoiial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc., should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT BATH Wants, For Sale,
      200 words