The Straits Times, 27 August 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 26,420 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 183 1 V. Price no« 824.9.-1 per c»te /^A^'-'^R^S. 19TABLI8HBD NEARLY 800 YBARS ,||l r '"Hlfc Iwf'i^l J. TRAVERSA SONS, f 'v^ l^ v^JQ if MBRCH4NB A MANJK.\crrEBR9 7^^^^- Af "^J^V/ CMTUeWW TO TIE ■KITdN HVttHMEIT yL'szil I 9^*^P^ J& HEAD OFFICH ***^^*r T«* DE mark. 119. CANNON STREET. LONDON EC. BHSP
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    • 165 1 BOBINSON CO, LTD. NEW SHIPMENT OF JBL l&K IEI X^ I€A X*T Wardrobe Trunks, Ladies Hat Cases, Cabin Trunks |Zsfc£i' 'j W&l J IH£;WABDBOBETHUNK A ">*B^ ']i"3| Iq Va.ijUS Si^es U *jk As illustration EsßEvc Tff LADIES SOILED L^EN BAGS TB4VEILING KIT BAGS t ii>* pf BUGS CABIN 181 M£S
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    • 1 1 STERILISED
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  • 1152 2 Marvel!' us Temples lo Arabian Desert. Mr. L3*«U TawnM, whose lectarei oa Colostel Li»*renO' svvd hi) Arab armj Me «ell roaiotabered, wriiii is Asia a tamjinaUßß ;oiy ol bis visit to Petit, A rose red oitj alt as oil time," ewvad out at
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  • 16 2 The Canton Times reports that Chinese merchants contemplate establishing Aye ««ment factories to compete with foreigners.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 443 2 Have you got the right time, always Specially niEde to stand Any Climate $15.00 j/ 35/--fs —nintnrJ for 10 year*. Jewelled at 15 points. bXTy bi kkcTt from englaTTd YOl 1 in i 1 the pi "•<• Him alwaj Your fullcsi rfficifency asa man oi btii it. You work to
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    • 511 2 FOUCAULD VV. RUM .:-^|^ia «to» 'W»-«ij{-h(\^ 9 i IfTflj -s <^ .^t-S _j DR. CASSELL'S TABLETS B*p*'r W«ar »nd Tear of Narrs au4 ?Ud/ Prim I*. W. mnd "UP-TO-THE-MINUTE" MEN .ire who ki-cp phy- ic:i!ly and mentally Mil' by judicioj; rxiiciae, by the avoidane* of excesses, and b;. v.,itching
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    • 155 2 THE FAMOUS STANDARDISED FRENCH CAR HEVEI ATION IN ECONOMY g£ FUEL CONSUMPTION ACTUAL TESTS HERE 12 mile» per gallon. Figure out the saving in Benzine and Tyres in the course of twalv* aaantka. MALCOLM BERANGER, Almeida Stnat. X»T STOCK Bearing Metals Bronze Spring Wire Electrolytic Copper Wire Mild Steel Sheets
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  • 689 3 Two British Airmen Killed la Japan. Before 80.0C0 sptotatcrp, aasenbled en Sasaki Field (oi the first aoonal meet ol tbe Imperial Ayialiou Sceicty at Tokio, oa Aofrnat 8, Mr. F. 8 Kllby, jilottuß a Sale and Pnaat Norman Tbompgun bjdicplane, and bis meehwioian, Mr. A. Soamaa. plingcd to
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  • 342 3 Problem ol tbe Great White Sbrioe Sbsald theco be flowers cm the Cenotaph if Tii:; 18 a pioblcm oi notional seatimeat whiob is agitating the authorities ia view ol the reopening oi tbe g'eat white shiiae ia Wbitehail. The porm.-ii-st. Cenotaph is exp e.ed to be finished at
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  • 79 3 The Rice Questi on. In the H u-o ol Oommota, te -!yir# io M Situ aI, Mf M nl.-«(i «»id (bat Le *f cicaU>tii.g «;tli Ik* iffioial i pi* hi- 1 1 Ut'iLeoli »s r |ivd' the a es<d Bate mc"(B cl ibe Goyl.ii i tai of lucia of Mm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 612 3 Malarial Fever Pysentery Dr. Cassell's Tablets are the Sure Means to Splendid Health and Fitness. Inrii.i. South Africa. Ur. O^on.. (nitric- Jaajtfr m.Ct., 1 Mr. 0, Dje«lerilu. an Of7i»«r ia the lf>4tt.wtttr: I r<w! 1 miMi vritr n;id Obp* Point l»ri«on r.l'.. H< nth Afric 1 i.ll ion of t:u
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    • 539 3 TWICE A DAY take genuine British SANATOGEN With the rcd-atid-fioU teal of Ocnatotan, Ltd. It will increase your vitality tone up your nerves aad iavigorate your wkole system. Sanatogen twice a day means a better day's work incins greater energy and staying-power means that you fuel brighter, fresher, and keener
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    • 380 3 SUCCESSFUL IN EVERY FIE!,D. Not only has the CHINKSK COMMUKCIAI DIRECTORY established a reputation am ins advertisers for responsiveneja and quality of circulation in its own Field, but nlso or. those account* that en have carried in competition with the largest Commercial Directories published in the Slraits and tM S
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    • 358 3 LtSN KEND4L THE WORLD- RENOWNED ASTROLOGER CHIROMANT FOR A SHORT jiTAY ONLY STAMFORD BUILDING Room No. .101 (Opposite V*n Wijk Hotel) CONSULTATION' HOfTU M :<• i HISTORY OK TiiK WOR1.I) 1 From mi Anicrioin Viewpoint 1 With Chronology <f Import .it Bvcat* By Thome* R. Bi- I. A Clear and.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 687 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. o." British India Apcar Leine (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICKf PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) The Company* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeeat laapeaded LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES ft LONDON Due Singapore
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    • 550 4 STEAMER SAILINGS prince line unvn (Incorporated la ■afflaad) FAB BAST SUTICB FOB NIW TOB« CELTIC PRINCE via Sew about lad kaU Oat For all information apply te ADAMSON, GILFILLAN OO< (Incorporated la *"tl«afi) Ageat*. THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LDOTED (Incorporated la the United Klacdom) Far Calaa aad Jaaaa BENAVON due
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    • 318 4 STEAMER SAH.INBS "HI TH« OSAKA BHOSZN KAUMA LTD. (Incorporated lm Jap**; N*. i, D* bw MmA Propoaod SalUa* fr*a» JlipHrt (Subject to tbup wltfeaut FOB PORT SAIP, MARdULLBt. LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTKSDAM AND BAMBDBfi ALPS MAKU a u. s«pl. ATLAS MABU and (omit calling at Marseille.) ARGf.N MABU bU. Oct. fOB
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    • 358 4 STEAMER SAILINGS KAISHA (Ueerperated la Jaa«a} V*4vt Ban Cntrac* with Ik* tea****} JMtMM flaw— •*bj*rt to alterarleu withaaf EelttL MTBOn MAIL Lira 'ertaigktly |«nrtM Far Leaden. Aatwera rta (aUtaaca) Paawx C«lmK Imi, Pot* BaM mmt BUnaiS** SHIDZUOKA MARU Aug. 11 KAGA MARU Sept. IS KUMANO MARU mid. S«pt. YOKOHAMA HARD
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 359 5 STEAMER SAILINGS GREEN STAR LINE Steamer Due B'pore Destination •EEENLAND her 9. Msw York vi.i Suez EASTERN CROWN October 8 New York via Sue* ITOONBOCKET November 8 New York via Suet EURANA December 8 .Nt-w York via Suez ]!i- ilim itoaawrs will receive prompt the sort numed, takiiiK cargo for
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    • 217 5 STEAMER SAILINGS s.i. C.I.ENAVY. AlfilST 1», I»2# Consignees of cargo ex the above steamer ire hereby notified that the survey of cargo anded in a damaged condition will be held in Monday, August 30. in Uodowns Nos. 46 tin! 47. No further survry will bo held after ifcil date. BOUSTEAD
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    • 277 5 STEAMER SAILINGS s.s. lIINGARIA. AUGUST 23, I*2o Consignees of cargo per the above steamer from Italy arc hereby notified that she has f arrived and has discharged her cargo at Godown 34, Tan jong l'agar. 1 1 SOCIETA COMMISSIONARIA EXP. IMP., Agents. DODWELL UNE (Incorporated in England) FOR NEW YORK
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    • 223 5 STEAMER SAILINGS s.s. CARNAKVONSHIRE, AUGUST 11, 1920 Consignees of cargo ex the above steamer are hereby notified that the survey of cargo landed in a damaged condition will be held on Friday, August 27, at 9 a.m., in Godowns Nos. 17 and 18. No further survey will be beld after
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    • 119 5 BRITISH GRAMOPHONES THB APOLLO DE LUXE j^V^P^a^l The APOLLO Gramophones represent the Kest in BRITISH manufacture and the > superb Models both in CABINETS, TABLE GRANDS, PORTABLES, etc., are striking examples of the superiority of BRITISH craftmanship in the production of Instruments, which for pure tone reproduction and the elimination
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 891 6 CINEMAS l^K^lflh Tfpji ,?J 111 Jj li Fnm Thursday, Aueuit it, to Tiftdny, Auguit 31 Kiooni Show at 0.90 tOMBTHINO DIPFKREMr FROM THI USCAL RUN OF PICTDRBS A Stirrirg and Thrilling Pavalta Play Ksiiimj) the h»otiH-pjM and popular J. WARUBN KERR.OAN la a story of thiobbirg life, *t:ooe mco, hallowed
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    • 209 6 CINEMAS Bipilfff IjPB HALL, LTD. 'S '■r^'iV^sl FIRBT HCW AX 7iBD Wt'f\iVkM DOROTHY PHILLIPS BJLAv I JSfc Id Luivpif Jewel P'o3uolioo WIMW 6 acts DESTINY 6 acts A piatnte that pretests Ibe most tasoinatinq mystery ot ages— for all ageti, THB MVITIRY OP FATE At 8.80 Mb Slant Paton's sapor
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    • 466 6 Keep yourself fit for the rainy weather that is coming by taking U.P. COUGH MIXTURE AND LUNG TONIC as soon as you feel that a cold is coming. By sheer merit it has become a household remedy in hundreds of families. It is the acme in cough remedies, tweet, palatable
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    • 940 6 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tender* will be roepived at the CotaaW Secretary* Office, up to noon of .*ti|;u*t 81, 1920, for the following work* 1. Erection of twelve terruce house* with outhouses, frani^es, etc., at Gro»e Rond, THnjonit Katon K 2. Krection of the Cancellation Braack adjoining; the Qarsriua—t Offices. 3. General
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  • 106 7 rilTL'CTft Aagast 27. 9 I<l p.m. :m p.m. Saturday, August 2S. :I i Wati r. Id.:: t a.m., 9.56 p.m. ward mail kave». Sunday, August 2i». I a.m.. 10.31 p.m. Mtjr., 2.30 p.m. 9M p.m. Monday, Aagn t 11.19 a.m.. IIJ p.m. r..:li) p.m. .'h, Vie Theatre
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  • 84 7 VKSSI.I.S ARRIVED. Fran, :'.Ti tone, fiom Saigon 26-8, unc. > SOI tons, tram Bangkok 26-8, 1 :>. i 1,424 from Calcutta nc. us, from Soerabayu torn, from Yokohama tona, from Saigon unc fio,:i Saigon „"-.■<, for unc. 1,784 tons, from 1 n "1 tons, from for Batavia
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  • 153 7 To-day Hatu Puhat 3 P-" ibaya 3 p.m. l and Teiuk Aoion 3 p.M. .r P-m Ceylon, irope i rta I PJn:M:on up to 1 p.m. •■nplMswntarj Nail b> train to Penang, taking nutlls for hurcpr. uc P«» i:i.-i-tration u\, to IJ> n"i Bataria P™- P-m--.4 p.-u
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  • 28 7 (OfficU) Po.«t Oflic* R»por v I., .'i S> }>■ Arrived Lom; n July ."i July 7 Au^'iJt 9 Ju'.y August T 13 t 11 A.i-ust 23
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  • 28 7 union of stevedore* an not only obatmeting others from working but themselves charging exorbitant prices, with the result that the transportation of b us 1 i;as practically ceased.
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  • 132 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, August 20. On 1.-mci, n, Bank i m/s 2/4 1/18 Demand 2/3 13/16 Trivate 3 m. 3 credits 2/3 25/32 On New York Demand 40 Private 90 days 47 On France Bank 570 On India, Bank T. T. 119 On Hunekonß, Bank d/d 94 p.c.
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    • 204 7 Iss. Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 16.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.25 1.50 d £1 Kara Kamunting 2.16.6 2.18.6 in 10 Kinta Aisoc. 7.26 8.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 2.7.6 nom. 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.90 3.10 1 1 Jelantoh 1.80 2.00 fl £1 Lahat Mines 7.6
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    • 122 7 Iss. Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.10.0 3.17.6 n £1 E. Smelting Co. 12.00 13.00 3/- 5/- Electric T'ways 3/3 4/3 10 10 Fraser Neave 58.00 59.00 50 oO W Hammer&Co. 110.00 112.50 IGOIOOKatz Bros. 130.00 150.00 tl £1 Mexican Eagle 11.5.0 11.17.6 10 10
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    • 95 7 U. Er.g. 6 p.c. $1,234,100 pat 6 p.c. pn. Spore Electric Tramways 5 p.c. £350,000 iiom. Spore Municipal 6 p.c. ?1,578,000 par. Spore Mun. 4tt p.c of 1907 $1,000,000 16 p.c. 10 p.c. dis. spore Mun. 4V» p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500.. 16 p.c. 10 p.c. dis. Spore Man. 4H
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  • 440 7 Fraser and Cu. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. [Latest available Sterling Quotations a c printed on another page on Friday.] To-day s Prices Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt Allenby ($1) 0.80 0.90 0.80 0,90 Alor Gajah ($1) 3.70 3.90 360 8.80 Am. Malay 4.25 4.76 4.5u 4.75 AyerHitam(SS) 23.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 IN HV r-STATE OF L WALTER CUMMINGS, DECEASED to BsctiM M »f tho Trustee or- claims r abors who died on n bar, 1910, "t Singawill w:\s proved in tho re, on the '-'Hril day U v: DUNDAS CANKl\ requested to and to the undersigned the r th« Bald
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    • 634 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS TO IKT FROM SEPTEMBER 1, ground Boor offlc". App'y No. 1. Kobinson Road. ENGLISHMAN requires board-re-s:! nco R p'.y Straits Times. WANTED by young Englishman, private lessons in i!:mcing. Rejilus to 68, Straits Times. FORDCAR~FOR SALE, two months old, run only 250 miles, owner driven. Apply 61, Time).
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    • 447 7 DESTRUCTION OF MOSQUITOS ORDINANCE, 1919. SOME PLACES THAT HOLD WATER AND BREED MOSQUITOS Bottles, buckets, butts. Cans, cups, coconut shells and husks, cisterns, ces-pools, even copying book water holders. Cutters, gravestone*. Holes and hollows in trees and large leaves and in cut bamboo stumpy. Hulks and wrecks. Machinery (especially when
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    • 248 7 i VICTORIA THEATRE 1 Commend nj r MONDAY, AUGUST 30 MAURICE E. BANDMAN PRESENTS TUB BANDMAN COMEDY CO. In a Repertoire of the latest London successes. The Booking Plsns will be open as MOUTRIES TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Another Hari Kaya Play I vl)l( A SAUHA (Subza Pairy) will be staged THE
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  • 1164 8 The Straits Times FRIDAY, AUGUST 27 HOUSE RENT STRIKE. The ingenuity of the Glasgow artisans, who struck for 24 hours as a protest against high rents, is to be commended. We do not know very much about rents in Glasgow in these days, but they were always high, and until
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  • 64 8 Mr. C. Ward-Jackson informs us that the report of the Executive Committee on Indian Labour and Labourers was duly presented to the general Labour Committee, at a meeting held in Kuala Lumpur on August 25, and that the report was adopted by a large majority. An official report of the
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  • 14 8 The Kampong Kuantang Rubber Co., Ltd., pay an interim dividend of 10 per cent.
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  • 19 8 A further announcement of general public interest by the Anti-Mosquito Committee is advertised on page 7 of to-day's issue.
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  • 25 8 The Ranee of Sarawak has published (privately) a book dealing with a well known problem in this part of the world, says the Malay Mail.
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  • 30 8 Plantation rubber imports into Britain for July amounted to 6.04G tons and deliveries U> ."3,214 tons. The total stock of para and plantation rubber was 25,756 tons against 23,137 tons.
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  • 28 8 A Burma Government's resolution in connection with the Civil Veterinary Department, refers to the exceptionally severe rinderpest outbreak causing over 52,000 deaths during the year ended March last.
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  • 43 8 The Christian View of Life, Death and the Hereafter will be the subject of address by the Rw. J. A. B. Cook, on Sunday, at 7.45 p.m. at Prinsep Street church. All are cordially invited. There are no collections at these night services.
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  • 46 8 In connection with the erection of the new building for the housing of the Government offices in Colombo, it is proposed to make a start with the piling operations next year. For this purpose a sum of Ks. 20,000 will be voted in the forthcoming estimates.
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  • 46 8 The convictions of drunkenness in England and Wales last year totalled 67,348, as compared with 29,075 in the previous year. A blue book attributes the increase partly to more policemen being available for street duty, longer drinking hours, more stronger liquor, more money, and less self-control.
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  • 52 8 In their produce report, dated yesterday, Messrs. Barlow and Co. state During the week the copra market has fluctuated within narrow limits and closes about 50 cents below the best at the following quotations No. 1 standard $19.80 to $20, No. 2 standard $19.30 to $19.50, No. 3 standard $18.80
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  • 51 8 The Colombo harbour police charged five Danish seamen of the Yokohama with deserting the ship whilst in Colombo harbour. The defence was that there were two Germans on board and that the accused were frightened to work on board that ship. The Magistrate sentenced them to four weeks' rigorous imprisonment
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  • 55 8 Invitations are out for the combined celebration of Onam, the national festival of the Malayalees and the third anniversary of the Malayalee Association. It is to take place at the Short Street Girls' School Hall to-day at 7..'50 p.m. The members and friends of the association are earnestly solicited to
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  • 61 8 While many other items point to progress in Canton, one gets occasional glimpses of old fashion still strong. Thus Kwoon Man, a private higher primary school in Yun Ying, near Canton, was recently broken into and everything of value there was taken away. The principal, two teachers, and 21 students
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  • 77 8 Formosan aborigines appear to be getting careless of life as a result of the ever-narrowing cordon of highly charged electric wires drawn round the areas on which they live, within which they are liable to be harried by the aerial police dropping bombs on them. There have beei several outbreaks
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  • 80 8 The sequel to a motor car accident, which occurred in Thompson Road, on July 27 last, took place in the Coroner's Court this morning when the Malay driver of car 2731 was placed in the dock during the inquest on a Hokien coolie. Deceased was passing along the bridge at
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  • 92 8 The Manila Times says A number of Chinese financiers both in Canton and Hongkong have formed a company to engage in the purchase of properties in the Philippines for the purpose of developing Chinese trade. Millions, of dollars wiil be appropriated in the carrying out of the campaign. Prospective offers
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  • 111 8 A number of the German and Austrian Eurasians deported to India when Siam entered the war were expected to arrive by the steamer Zaida to-day, but for some reason or other they did not come, says the Bangkok Daily Mail of August 17. It is surmised that they are coming
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  • 114 8 Investigation into the causes of the aeroplane accident in Japan recently in which Mr. F. S. Kilby and Mr. A. Sunman lost their lives, has been conducted by Mr. C. Tiffany, the head of the aviation department of Messrs. Sal.> and [•'razar. It is reported that none of the control
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  • 400 8 Mr. W. D. Mairill hits nluniaJ to Mid lands Estate. The death has •Ulllliwl of Mr. W. Hamilton, President of the I'.ri^hane Legislative Council. Mr. E. R. Stokuc is leaving for home by the Plassy next \vu k als.i Dr. Sansom, accompanied by Mrs. anJ Miss Snnsom.
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  • 55 8 The appointment of Lord Sinlia as Governor of Behar and Orisaa under tho new reform scheme is officially announced. He is the first Indian to become Governor of a Province. Other Governorships announced are Sir Harcourt But'.er M'iut.-t Provinces), Sir E-lward Maclagmn (PanJab). Sir Frank Sly (Central
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  • 98 8 As the last mail from home was receive.! here on Friday, the loth, nn.l there is still no news of the next, there would seem to be something radically wrong with the service, which in pre-war days was as regular as clock-work ami quite reasonably fast.' This is
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  • 176 8 The directors' report on Central Motors, Limited, to be praeaqftad at trie forthcoming meeting states directors beg to submit herewith a d.ily audited ttate ment of accounts of the company for the year ended June .'SO, 11*20. The nett profit for the period, after mr.king full
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  • 197 8 In the district court yesterday before Mr. Langham Carter, first magistrate, Soh Kow, managing partner of Chop Kwong Hing Leong and Company, of 47 and 48, High Street, was convicted on two separate charges, the first of selling, tho second of having in his poMMsloa for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 50 8 tmft&mfV^Zl lLJ»i,«s>j»r«. *«»>■*» <H1 IF $I«lCaf m*\. Bristol lchdo* jHvBaE»4 WEDDING PRESENTS JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated id BBglaLd: SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. MINIMAX FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Have extinguished over 1,250 actual fires in India since July, 1912. FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Kn^lacd) BINQAPORF, IPOH and
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    • 237 8 SELECT SUBJECTS AND BIG FEATURES AT SINGAPORE^ MODERN PICTURE THEATRES (Tan Cheng Kee Co, Ltd, Proprietors) ALHAMBRA YITAGRAPH SERIAL 15 Episodes THE WOMAN IN THE WEB Episodes 13 and 14 Featuring iledda Nova and J. Frank Glendon Pta. TWIN PAWNS 6 Pta. Featuring Mac Murray and Warner Oland Topical Budget
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  • 421 9 Poles Take Sixty Thousand Prisoners. Britain's Sharp Warning To Kameneff. REiriTR Tr.LEORAM* London, August 24. W»r<:iw A wireless message from Minsk states thut the Bolshevists arc raising (i '!i< ul'ii a' the preliminary cxamination if Um MM credentials. The Soviets ■ppci- t<> be a Ivancing fresh claims, indndii.
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  • 214 9 Complications of Damascus Position. RZUTER TELECRAM London, August 24. Jerusalem Since the French occupation •f Damascus, the principal sheiks from the territory cast of the Jordan have communicated with Mr. Samuel requesting a British occupation of their country. Mr. Samuel, in the course of his tour, met a very
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 509 9 Public Prayers For Hunger Striker. Rbuter Telegrams London, August 24. Ail business, including the tramway services, was suspended in Cork to-day for an hour while the citizens attended masses for the release of the Lord Mayor and other hunger strikers. The churches were crowded and a thousand people knelt
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  • 47 9 Reutir Telegram London, August 23. New York From Mexico City The bandit Zamora, who recently revolted in the state of Jalisco, has kidnapped a British mining engineer named Johnson and is holding him to ransom. It is reported that Zamora has also captured two American engineers.
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  • 39 9 Beutxb Telegram London, August 23. Paris At a banquet at the military club the Knights of Columbus spokesman, Mr. Hearn, presenting a medal to Marshal Foch, greeted him as a greatest military genius of the ages.
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  • 58 9 Canton authorities do not hesitate to set tasks for themselves. The Police Kureau of Canton is now interested in the sanitary conditions of all places and restaurants in Canton and the vicinity, and has ordered that the kitchens, cookmi,' utensils and foodstuffs of every eatinghouse should be kept as clean
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  • 133 9 Reuter Telegram London, August 24. War Oflk:- communique says tho reports front Mesopotamia indicate that the situation is somewhat better. The area north-cast and north of Baghdad is reported quiet. An action has takrn pine 1 south of Hillah, where a party of Sikhs, wfea MR covering the construction
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  • 337 9 Messrs. Fraser and Co's Weekly Report Money remains very tight in this market and the present position is not being improved by the importation of parcels of German marks. The day by day ready business is on sound lines and very little element of speculation* U noticeable.
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  • 450 9 Woman's Cool Story of Lonely Inn Tragedy. That is all, I think, I have to tell you," coolly added a woman after making a voluntary and dramatic confession of murder to a magistrate at the Bayeux. Thereupon she b:d the astonished magistrate Good day," and walked out
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  • 678 9 Anticipated Sharp Re-action Realised. The 461st auction of the Singapiiv Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was held on Augrust 25 and 26, 1920, when there was catalogued 2,214,585 lbs., 988.66 tons. Offered 1,715,144 lbs., 'is torn. Sold 1,151,198 lbs., 513.91 tons. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents
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  • 236 9 Dr. Ameghino, director of the Buenos Aires Museum (says The Times) claims that he has just discovered the oldest remains of man yet known. Previous exploration of the ravines of Chapalmalal and Miramar had revealed important deposits of the Stone Age, such as polished stone balls,
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  • 1714 9 Growth of the Feeling of Civic Responsibility. The report of Mr. R. J. Farrer, as prelidtnt of the Municipal Commissioners, for the year 1919 has been issued and is an interesting resume of civic affairs during the twelve months ended December last. Generally speaking:, he says, the year
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  • 247 9 Handling of Money Cleared Up Definitely. A mandate, issued at Peking on August S, says Education is a matter of prime importance to the nation. Some time ago the Ministry concern wes instructed to prepare a fund for educational expenses. According to a petition from the
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  • 177 9 The following important communica-* tion with reference to the prospective winding up of the above hi s been received by a local firm, who kindly sent it us for publication, states the N.C. Daily News "War Loans Investment Trujt of Malaya. In reply to the inquiry in
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    • 359 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, I have rmi with (rreat interest your uitii-le c.f \istirliiy Poland Saved" but I hope you will allow me to make a few momenta repardintr the policy France is BOW following in Poland. It has u\v:a: I boea the
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    • 84 10 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— May I. through your paper, be allowed some (pace, to enquire why tin Johore Government Employees have not ived their 10 per cent. 1919 The F.M.S. Government, and I believe S. S. Government, have already pai.l
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    • 90 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Mr. W. Dunman's statement in a i of your paper is quite am neous. Hedan's water conu-s by a pipe line from a spring hi^h up in the mountain tagi It delivers most excelli ni water which wp drink from
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    • 270 10 ITo Urn Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— No Mi K-ader's letter in your 25th in^t., unfortunately, does not carrj conviction with it. He refers to the comfortable seating capacity of Yt ,v Hall, when the fact remains that the .'i.iil was uncomfortably crowde
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    • 420 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. t.U: :>. keen interest nd keep our eyes open to ■re. The Canton I Is a n;>t fact liut for the OIH mil y.Ollllllll of Uu friends of education 1 may state that <ly outcome of much effort uuring the
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    • 2436 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— With regard to Dr. C. E. Ferguson Davit's letter under this title that appeared in your issue of August the 18th may I be permitted to dispel some of the misapprehensions likely to arise from perusing her letter. To every one
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  • 302 10 The Eternal Sin, a big spectacular proluction starring Florence Reed, will be shewn at the Gaiety to-night. It is in ix parts. The Bri.lge of Fancy, series \'o. 3 of Do Children Count also a special Vod-A-Ville Movies will be shewn. In he first shew, a splenhd Triangle
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  • 154 10 It is reported that the Indian Government is considering a suggestion to abanlon the use of the word lascar" in official documents on the ground that it has some and of offensive significance. The suggestion is that Indian seamen" should be used instead. But it will certainly be
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  • 903 10 Core of Civilisation Said to be At Stake. "Pleasure. hysteria, inability to conrentrate, self-indulgence and degeneratinc ideals are possessing the youth of the coimtrv. Can tb« duration nf our schonlR and colleges check this If it were the result of the war clone, possibly but the loosening of
    903 words
  • 162 10 Macphail and Cu.'s Daily Report Singapore, August 27. Tin.— loo tons at 10'.).50. Rubber. Market weak and quiet. Sept. sheet transacted at round 67 cts. Oct. 69% -70 cts., Oct.-Dec. 73-73 V 4 cts. Share Market. Dull and quiet. Business done in Ayer Moleks at 3.35, Colinsburghs
    162 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 201 10 By way of practice for Monday the S.C.C. soccer tram hn<l a friendly v ith the* .Singapore Harbour Board yesterday. The teams wen? S.C.C— Dean Oushway and Sin- fair Vascy, Munro and V. Ilin Mair, Nicholl, Smi'h, Moss and Winter. Hnrbour Beard. Tait OhWs ancl
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    • 141 10 Interested writes from Malacca A few yenrs ago, Mr. Yeow Kirn Swee, .T.P., of Malacca, presented a shield for a football competition in Malacca. A committee was then forme'! :inil several tennis eatlJlud for the competition. If 1 am not mistaken. the Malacca Club carried tho shield
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    • 12 10 Etceteras and South StafTords meet tomorrow in the S.C.C. cricket tournament
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    • 66 10 The 100 yards club championship is down for decision at the Swimmin-: Club on Sunday, arvl it is to bo hi ped that at least a fair entry will be a'tractrd. Hitfh tide is at 10.4S a.m., and the launch will run as follows Johnston's Pier 9, 10 and
      66 words
    • 114 10 Yesterday's results were as follows Profession Pairs (Qualifying Rounds.) M'-rhants 16, Clnrke and Dove beat Merchants 19, Green and Hitch, 6 o, 6—o. Civil Sen-ice 4. Talma and Lanirhani Carter heat Merchants 11, White and Wil-lian-s, G— 4, 6—3. Accounts. 1, Ward and Bailey beat Army 2,
      114 words
    • 67 10 Yesterday's results were as follow* Ladies' Doubles. Mrs. Cnnne!l and Mrs. Shore owe 3 beat Mrs. Age* and Mi*s Law plus 15, 6—2. G— fl. Mixed Doubles A Class. Mrs. Maxwell and Mr. Upcott plus 15 beat Mrs. Hunter and Mr. Noon plus 15. 5—7, 6—2, o—2. Championship
      67 words
    • 73 10 A Reuter MSSMge from Antwerp <kit«l the 24th states In the final of the men's hundred metrr» swimming rare Kahanamoko, Amertes, v.iis tirst aiui his time if (il) 2/6 sees, i.s a world's record. The race has been Oldutd to be re-swum on Sunday owing tci Her.ild, Australia,
      73 words
    • 59 10 A Reuter wire of the 24th states re l»at Leicestershire, by an inning! and 5."! runs. Parker for Gloucestershire took fourteen WicketS for in". Lancashire, beat WoccasteraWn by an. inniiiKs iincl 09 runs. Kent beat Essex by an innings and 126. Surrey beat Yorkshire by :.l. Middlesex beat
      59 words
  • 123 10 The annual report of the Java ClnnnJapan Line shows very satisfactory reBults for 11)19. The carriage of sugar from Java to Japan and China has been of great importance. The expi rts from Japan an l China decreased during the year owing to i hi- stocks which the
    123 words

  • 1440 11 Strange Discoveries in Coral Islands. Dr. B. Malinowski, a distinguished youni Polish anthropologist, has rcrently 0< lectures OK I'nnilnomies .it the London School of Economics and Political Science, says The Times. They are the partial result of the Hubert .Muni Ktlmographic Expedition to New Guinea. Tlic lecturer
    1,440 words
  • 335 11 Grave Danger to Ceylon From Infection. A *t**l«llt i in I agoby Dr Marshal] Philip, the" Colombo Me<!ual Officer of Health, who. in conversation with a journalist, expressed his conviction that eventually yellow fever would find it> way to Colombo, says the Ceylon Obi rver. The conditions
    335 words
  • 263 11 Silver Price Expected To Skimp. In Bombay Government stocks have dropped badly lately, ami tin- investing puiilii has bci n bard bit, reportl message of AogtMt 18. The result of issuing the Six per cent. Government Loan has been that the Five Per Cent. Tux Kret Loan
    263 words
  • 33 11 Programme of Drills, etc., for week end- ing Saturday, August 28, 1920 Saturday, August 28. Eurasian Co. Rifle Club, Bal'.stier Kanjre, 2.30 p.m. (Sd.) R. SMITH, Lieut., Ag. Adjutant, S.V.C.
    33 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 252 11 JUST RECEIVED Complete New Stocks Musical Instruments INCLUDIN3 Guitars, Mandolines, Cymbals, etc., etc. W.tb all accessories. Also all sizes Drum Vellums MOUTEIE CO., LTD. (Inoorpoiated in Hongkong) RAFFLBS PLACE, SIMOA9OP.E THE CHATWOOD SAFE OF the many thii j?s in this w^rld which should be sele tei by reason of etstabished
      252 words
    • 230 11 RAFFLES CAFE Bras Basalt Road ADELPHI HOTfi ETERT EVENING OUR SPECIAL ORCHESTRA PLAYS FROM 7 TO 10 ADELPHI HOTEL LIMITED, B. TJEERDEMA, llaaaging Director. iRUNNYBiEOe HOTEL Every Wednesday and Saturday MUSICAL SUCTIONS CURING 0 NNER Single (per cay) $6 s!* to $12 Double (p«r day) $1 2.60 to $2O B
      230 words

  • 966 12 LONDON EXCHANGE STERDLING PRICES JULY 21 AND SINGAPORE DOLLAR SHARE PRICES AUGUST 26. DOLLAR SHARE PRICES. Par Value. 2/£1 £1 £1 £1 £1 21--£1 21--£1 1--21-£1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 -2-1-£1 21--2- 2/-£1 2/£1 £1 £1 £1 Company. Anglo-Malay Bakap Plantns.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 304 12 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of September 7, 1920, for the following works 1. Erection of four Quarters tor Clerks at Penang Lane. 2. Erection of seven Quarters for Clerks at Bukit Timah Ro»d. Every person applying for a form of
      304 words
    • 310 12 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of the September 15, 1920, for the following work Construction of the re-inforced parts in Block A of the Cross Street Tenements. Every person applying for a form of tender will be required to deposit the
      310 words
    • 46 12 FREBHJUPPLIEB hi. J^sl Halibut, Plaunders GAJVaOB Teal, Pigeons SINGAPORE COLD STOR46E COMPANY, LIMIF.D. AIR-FLOAT INI) Tl Is T« l'fr\\fa^ 1 t\ Ihe Peace- 1 lme is that make the WHOLE iffpl HAPPY. m M1.% mXk Dlipemnrles au&tl tloroa C3NNBLL BRQ3. CO., «int<«pove 'lMof|<miadtaUB.A.) •ol« Ag«et« L
      46 words

  • 904 13 Great and Most Remarkable Discovery. M. Clanda is an emiaect chemist o( woild wioe »< paieti,n, bti^K tbe petttetotj and, in laot, iovcctor, cf ail in l.qaid form, state* enitei in a licme p»p.i. It m-y alao be mounted that tie pe.fccieJ jlail tot exitnctmx niticßen (torn tbe
    904 words
  • 249 13 Formaliti: that Worry Allied Viiitora. Oae must v:\oi ki«UI yoaro'>nnt>; tc-j bidly ot h»vj ljuiS B'i oi« bu>>iccM to kMM aei," wiit-.B s fcncu PatieiaMf, ia a h< m» papci, t3 itia Mm t'Qil'i I iotualitiih reqaix d to gat idio M t»»v Estfl&ad, t~» l*>>d I
    249 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 190 13 WHITEAWAY'S HECORD -BREAKING SPECIAL SALE OFFER ladies' White Canvas Court I ill Sizes Only $7.50 pair Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co Ltd (Incorporated in ■■g!ud SINGAPORE |llllllllp3!lllllllllll!llllllllllllllllll!llllllll!llllllll!illliilllllllllllll!llllllll|| 1 R With SODA-WATER. JLIJ In India and other hot countries, a VjJßk dash of LEA PERRINS' SAUCE in (^lv'^bPTiJ Soda Water is much appreciated
      190 words
    • 408 13 t!e'qia^m| [f I > *-fs Y^^E^^aMMMaflrwl *>^* Lipton's Tea 1 I H E flavour, the delicate an>ma and the fragraace of its leaf, can never be equalled by aoy other Ordinary tea. Lipton's Tea is the^ick of the World's Finest Tea gardens and. is packed by the most modern scientific
      408 words
    • 472 13 overseas Assurance CORPORATION, LIMITED Beard ef Director* 1 MM. Dr Lira Boon Keng. O.bJC., riialimm Ua !<«• Boon, fcaq. Lan Soo Gnan Eat lag Baaa Tat Esq. S. Q. Wang Eaa.>. CLw«e Chian Ksq. Tan E»n Kiam Ban Obux Poh Siang £q. tmk tng Lint Is Lee fang S»ng
      472 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 769 14 SALES BY AUCTIOM AUaiON SALE »f ore swvon Sti;.lehakcr motor car *u«-«linder, Sf h.p |«at overhauled, and one set overs, etc. At the sale-room of the Estate and Trust Agencies, ltd Raffles Chambers, •n Saturday. Aurii t 28. 1920. at 11 a.m. BfITAXI AND TiIUST AGENCIES. LTD., Auctioneers. MORTGAGEE'S SALE
      769 words
    • 818 14 wllil IV AMOTIOi AUCTION SALE of personal effects, books, Japanese vases, baskets, hot air fan, Singer treadle sewing machines, lianging lamps, furniture, plated articles, etc., etc. To be held at our sale-room, Nos. 16 and 17, Raffles Place, on Saturday. August 28, 1920. at 10.30 a.m. Now on view. POWELL
      818 words
    • 666 14 AjmU iw IMH.IN 8,0, *-«a**> Anuance Ia force over $15,000,001 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. Oatoraontod la itratt. SatUomanto) »EAD OfflCßl f^M -MM, Kagap^ UOKBM OFTICB W. Old Jowry. B.C I Tko 0.-MH kM MM ■■■I.HM -ttt IU topram. Somti a 4 Bagla.d aad oe-,ll*. with the BriM.h
      666 words
    • 546 14 BANKING THE YOKOHAMA SPECK BANK LIMITED (Incorporated ia Japan) Capital Subscribed Z~* T100,000,0* Capital Paid Up V «l,000,0t« Reserve Fund V 44,000.»o» President, N. Kajlwara, Esq. Vica-Praiident, 8. Sasaki, Koa. DIBECTORd t R. Ichinomlya, Eaq. *K. Morimnra, Ea« K. Kodama, Esq. M. Mitsui, Eaq. Y. Yomakava, Esq. M. Odagiri, Esq
      546 words
    • 540 14 BANKING THE OVERSEA-CHINESI BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated i B th» Straits Settlements' Head um.t i SINGAPORE, it, &L\S;i 3TBMT. tHmwrn Braack t fCNANG, S4. BKACB bTKUI Agf n. in IPOH AMD DELI Capital! Authority ISO.OOti.O* Issued 10,600,00-Paid-up MSO.MI Reserve Liability of Sharebolder i SJSBu,**! I Board of Director* i i Hod.
      540 words
    • 587 14 BANKING BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE il CHINE, Authorlxed Capital t*ra. H0.000.e0l Subscribed Capital Tn. 1e0,000.03* Paid-up Capital Fn T8.000.000 (1/8 of the Capital subscribed by Hv Government of the Chinese Repnblie) Chairman of the Hoard of Directors Andre Berthelot Oeneral Manager A. J. PsrneU* HEAD OFFICE t 74. Rue Saint Later*. Parli
      587 words

  • 700 15 Notes and Comments Ob Current Topics. The Vehicle Tax Tbs arguments in favour o( the suggested new Boheme for the taxation of motor cure have been vory fairly presanted ia tbe Ptor* I generally, saya a home papar, tbe hard (Mi j being that v ty lew
    700 words
  • 378 15 Disappearance of the sth Norfolks. i A new light has just been thrown on the mysterious disappearance of a large body of the sth Battalion, Norfolk Regiment (Territorial*) during the Gallipoli campaign near Suvla Bay. It will be remembered that during an attack on the Turks near
    378 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 78 15 LISTER STATIONARY OIL ENGINES Effi;:eat, Bim,l^, sa f e, aad durable. Large numbers hive baen supp iei 'f Jt eleairic l-ghtin^miaing -clione aud other industrial purples. 0 JINN MARINE OIL ENGINES UariviUcd for effiuiency. reliability and extreme simplify. For tuge, pilot launches and all commercial craft. MAY WE SEND YOU
      78 words
      170 words
    • 91 15 THE TYRES THAT CARRY COMMERCE "rite for illuMratod catalog, and pric lv, THE DUNLOP SOLID BAND TYRE. The Duolop Rubber Co IM. EOBINSON EOID. CODE BOOKS ANOTHER CONSIGNMENT JUST RECEIVED *"£*> Phr Rnbb«rKdit.n. H r k r^ B> Bro< nh l«"P«'«> Combin.ti« B A. B C. Sth Edition (Unproved)
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 362 16 GUM KIAT CO UatmD (laeorporated in Straits Settlements) Phillip Street. SINGAPORE Saw Shipment.-) just arrUed o( spon<;k ci.otii BRASS OIL CUPS EMEKY CLOTH BRASS 818 COCKS. BRASS LOCK BEER COCKS BRASS PADLOCK TANK COCKS HUBBUCK'S PATENT DKiERS BIT STOCK MULLS, etc., etc., etc. Abo Large Stocks uf Canvas Hone 1
      362 words
    • 584 16 CALLENDER'S "VERIBEST" READY ROOFING In Bolls containing 216 sq. ft. 1 PLY. Useful for roofing light structures, farm buildings, etc, and as a special lining medium. 2 PLY. A medium quality used on Factories, Bungalows, etc. i PLY. Strongly recommended for increased strength and efficiency in exposed situations. Obtainable at
      584 words
    • 927 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Tax PBCPAID efcarfM far Wants, Far Sal*. T* Let, etc, la ordinary close-set tya* (avsrag* six words to line) are -.—Per line on* insertion 28 ets., two ins. 44 ets, threo ma. 04 ctp.. four las. 82 ets, five ins. II "0, six ins. $1.18, ten ins. $1.40,
      927 words
    • 898 16 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT, European compound house, furnished or unfurnished, occupation November. Apply 11, Straits Times. EUROPEAN BUNGALOWS. Suitable building land, Holland Road. 16 acres subdivided by roads. For particulars, apply 23, Straits Times. PLANTER would give ponjTiTgood homT, temporary or otherwise. Advertiser good horseman and would use pony on
      898 words
    • 902 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, stores and offices. Apply Ed. M. Nathan A Co, 4, De Souia Street. TO LET. Nos. lot to 1%7, North Boat Qua/ Apply Ismail and Balieem. Bras Paaah TO LET, ground floor No. 128, Cecil Streo:. Suitable for office or godown. Apply M.S.M., Straits
      902 words
    • 298 16 Straits Motorcar Service LTMITKD (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) 218 to 21S, ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES "AND CARS HIRED oVE*?tt/t<.'LS TO MOTOR CARS AND CYCLES WELDING of all metali, under European supervlsica SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PBICES VERY MODF.RATB Phone 1 233 WE HAVE A GROWING CLIKNTF.LB Planters, Shippers and Miners are patronizing us
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 211 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TBIEPHONB? Editorial and Genera! 11 Manager's Office 1 1 1 Job Printing Oflc« it 4* Post Office Box No. 66* All communications to editorial matters and news should b.-> sdJrarMi to THE EDITOR. All eoamsnicatioa;, relating to business matt cm I— adTsrtiao* ments, subscriptions «<-eoui ts,
      211 words