The Straits Times, 26 August 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 2(5,411) SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 204 1 Price now ***** per case /^M^R^^. B3TABLIBHBD NBARLT 100 YEARS "^^^v /P^^^i J TMVE u jJ* BoW IN) \\^\V^ •6^»i^^^T>]] (InoofpoMtid B«Kl«d) I Wi XMk^ V^^fv ~^/'Ol] MBRCH4S S i Ma NOFaO C TREKS %^Pfl| M >^^S cmtimkii n w uitiii niiiheit /^l C**^^ i^ hfad cfficb trade mark. 119.
      204 words
    • 149 1 ROBINSON 8c CO LTD. (IsMf porajed >• tbe Strtiia Bettlemeata) NEW SHIPMENT OF JBL HVLC JE2 1^ X C3AN Wardrobe Trunks. Ladies Hat Cases. Cabin Trunks Jj THE WABDBOBE TBUNK L| In Various Sizes LADIES slit c%ses _^_^g| hat cases SOILED LINEN BAGS BK& S <* 7 TRAVELLING KIT BAGS
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    • 3 1 c wKam STERILISED
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  • 937 2 The loteroaiional Obstacle lace Dating a recent etay in Ftanee, write* Spti c«t, I was (re jUecliy icld by 'xeeb AS-ui'-.-t* e»d cffioia.* -i.^i nine guat Wn waf that En^lUb ptcpl: tbsold cow its.t il-'.it t aotitol oenctry That ie a veiy •■Ktii »ac yrop'-i dee ire.
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  • 146 2 The stranding of »aat nacLb >«b ol staifish along several miles of the Ken ish ootst f on.Deal to Pe« well Bay the otnet eveairg provided an ix'raordinary sight, and t iert bavc be; n maaj eptOQlalioos on the put ol boatmtn and others at to the reason.
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  • 48 2 The assistant postmaster's wife at Vladivostok has been found murdered and the husband has disappeared. When the police searched the house they found over a million Yen in gold and jewellery. The missing man is named TortmolT and was formerly Bolshevik Commissary in a town in Western Siberia.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 253 2 /The All/& ..BritisHti! I LIGHT^CAR i ill THE CAR FOR THK OWNER-DRIVER The High Clearance an 4 1.0n S Wheelbas. lij.'.V arc just two fintures tlint h-lp to make i the Stnnrfard Light Car the Car for j|; tlu> Ovaraaas Owßar-Drrwr. Jijj Send yor.r enquiry for enrlv delivery In Acents
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    • 687 2 Ffl TFRRIRIY iladToTWJhiW's Hands At Night. Cuticura Heals. j "The loww part of my little girl* :sk CaaSarSaTt irarasli. It irr)u.:cd I .J l.arnci tsitlbly md I had to tla !:ands ot night bicuus 1 chc I -.T2t.-h.^3 so. It i-lzo caused rr.urh MM Clgbt T. v c sarr.p'? of
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    • 127 2 IHK CAB F <>» THK TROP1(« flhlpmcots Joit to kan4. Book aarly MALCOLM BERANGEK, B*l. t,«.V» IN STOCK Bearing Metals Bronze Spring Wire Electrolytic Copper Wir? Mild St el Sheets and Bars Scottish Crown Iron Miners Octagon Drill Steel Clyde Dog Spikes, Steel Rivet* Bolts, Nuts and Washers Plain Galvd.
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  • 962 3 A Silent but Happy Economic Revolution Going On. Reports to hand from the native States of of Kelantan, Kedah, and Perlis.grive evidence of the silent revolution that is in progress in the Malay Peninsula, writes a correspondent in a financial paper. Under the Treaty of 1909 transferring
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  • 137 3 The Seoul Press is rather distressed MOMM in Seoul fu-clcslrinns walk in the ■iddU of the roads, dodging the trams and motor cars, nnd the bicycles, motor cycl.-s an I rickshas use the sidr-wulks. Our contemporary may be rest assured that Seoul is quite up-to-date in this," says the Japan
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 480 3 4 He cannot do better than take Iron Jelloids No. 2 A. 9 Sayi the y***^^. I Give your blond a chance! U?^iWKw corpuscles in each cubic millimetre o) thr hlond Keeo 'C?^ >i these corpuscles vigorous by /^Kl^k^k^feW. tuppl'iin* them uilh Iron iJ^Jb rJjrjKk /it i f m cllotds.
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    • 404 3 SUCCESSFUL IN EVERY FIELD Not only has th* CHINESE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY established repuUtion among advertisers for responsiveness and quality of circulation in its own Fie!d, but also on those accounts that we have carried in competition with the largest Commercial Directories published in the Strait* and F.M.S The CHINESE COMMERCIAL
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    • 470 3 STEAMER SAILINGS FOR HONGKONG AND KOBE The I. C. S. N. Co.'s «.s. Fooksang, 3.100 tons Register, will be dexpntclteil for above port! on Thursday, August 26 at noon. For freight and passage apply BOUSTEAD CO., Agents. CARNARVONSHI:ti:. AI'GUST 11, 192* Consignees ef cargo e> ;h? ::bove stearae are hereby
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    • 471 3 STEAMER SAJL.XSS •J. CLENATY, Al'Gl'ST I», 1»2« 0 Consignees of cargo ex the above ntvamor c are hereby notified thiit th<- surviy of cure.! landed in a damaged condition will be licM on Monday, August 30. in Godonnn No*. 46 and 47. No further surrey will be hrl.J aftci this
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 818 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. Ox-British India AM Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICW PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) The Company's MAIL SERVICES KAST OF BOMBAY arc at present impended LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES LONDON Due Singapore Leave
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    • 531 4 STEAMER SAILINGS PRINCE LINE LIIIIII, (Incorporated la Eagla**., FAB BAST IHTICI FOB NBW TOKB] CELTIC PRINCE via Sac* about Ind kail O«t For all Information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN B OS, «T». ("ncorporatad in BacUadJ Agaata. THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LIMITED (Incorporated la ths United Kingdom) Far China aad Japaa
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    • 259 4 STEAMER SAILINGS THE EASTERN SHIPPING COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated la* Straits Settlemeate) Tkla time table I* .übjeel to alteratiea without further notiea. Steamer aslllng from fllagapore PERAK— Every Tue»day, at 1 pji, for Port Swottenham and Penang. From Malacca to Stagiaan Fran Paaaai to MoalmaU (Trail Journey from Moulmeln to Baagaoa
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    • 360 4 STEAMER SAILINGS O.S K. THB OSAKA SHOfIBN KAISHA LTD. (Inecrporated la Japaa) Ne. J. De Seaaa Street Propoeed Salllag fro** SlagaaaM (Subject to change witkeot notice) FOB PORT SAID, MABSBILLBB, LONDON. ANTWERP. ROTTERDAM AND HAMBDBO ALPS MABU aria. Sapt ATLAS MARU *U Sept. (omit calling at Marseilles) ARGUN MARU mid.
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    • 427 4 STEAMER SAIUNBS NIPPON YUSIN KAISHA (Incorporated la Jaaaa} Bader Ball Caatoaat vtaa tke> taaattaj Jaaaaaa* Gerwaaaea* ■atjeot to alteration* witkoal aatMa, BCBOPB BAIL UKB Fortnight ly Sarvlea For Laaaaa. Aatwar* via (hUlaeaa) Paaaa* Caleaato, Saaa, Part laid aad Maristßta, SHIDZUOKA MARU Aug. 81 KAGA MARU Sept. It KUMANO MARU mid.
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  • 136 5 FIXTURES. Thursday. August 26. Hiirh Water, 9.2fi m 8.24 p.m. rriday, August Z~. m., '.'.16 p.m. 18, 2.30 p.m. BWM«II>I mail leave.. Saturday, August 2H. ilijrh Water, I'i.l'l a.m., 9.66 p.m. Baawward mil leaves Sunday, Aurusl 2H. High (Tatar, i"i» a.m., 10.31 p.m. China** Swimmlag club, Mtg.,
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    • 99 5 Raul Wharf Itaxin A Bella, Giang Seng. Kast Wharf Took Sang, Barentsz, lialacca. Sheers Wharf. Albert and Victoria Dry !>ock« Nil. Main h.irf Koan Maru. Tanda, Eurypyluv Knipirr lini'k Helios, Lai Sang, Meinsm, Tensho Mnru. Klang. We* Whsrf I iree. Hye Leong, Oanfa, jr. i nes
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    • 60 5 K H it, MM ton-, from Kobe "26-8, '7-8. :it tons, from Deli 26-8, fer J'eii ns, from Penang 26-8 for Pi Brow u.ns. from P. Bahru I I' Huhru Weld, I.i it.. "242 tons, from Malacca J7-0. rttr, Brit.. 4.277 tins. r r..m Glasgow 26-H, fur Hongkong?
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  • 161 5 To-day »0 p m »rt Dieknon .in.! Port Swettenham 3 p.m. v •!.;.r t p.m Friday Suei-b 6 a.m. ''jl>. i 9 a.m 9 a.m. Pali %n,i Palaa Balanr .< a.> 11 am 1 IVnang, I Kurope i\ iv 11 a.m. •ntion up to 9 a.m.
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  • 24 5 .eft Spore July I July 7 July July 13 ler Keport Arrived Loniloa August 2 August 9 August 9 August 11
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  • 108 5 In eoßneetkm witli the loss of the steamer Trtvea! on Kimmeridpe rocks in tiie Channel in .Janunry, while she was on voyage from (ialmua to Dtiadaa, Mr. Frederick Kcely, chief officer of the coastU»ard station, lias l>eei\ court-martia led •>n a charite of nejrlertintf to use
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  • 123 5 Extracts from children's essays on Mannirs and A Healthy Home," published by Urn Loadea Daily Chronicle Wln-n you arc drinkinjj anything you ahoulil not pour it in your saucer, but •tritik it by (ho handle. If a irint lonian is out with his wifo or sweetheart, he slioui.l walk on
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  • 130 5 EXCHANGE Singapore, August 26. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/16 Demand 2/3 13/16 Private 3 m. 3 credit* 2/3 25/32 On New York Demand 40* Private 90 ilays 47 On France Bank 570 j On India, Bank T. T. 119 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 94 p.c.
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    • 198 5 fas. Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 16.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.25 1.50 £1 §1 Kam Kamunting 2.16.6 2.18.6 10 10 Kinta Amoc. 1M 8.00 El £1 Kinta Tin 2.7.6 nom. 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.90 3.10 1 1 Jelantoh 1.80 2.00 tl «1 Lahat Mine. 7.50
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    • 130 5 Iss. v a l. Pd. Buyers. Sailer*. II £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.10.0 3.17.6 i'l £1 E. Smelting Co. 12.00 13.00 5/- 5/- Electric T'ways 3/3 4/3 10 iO Fraser N'eave 58.00 59.00 ."•0 50 W Hammer&Co. 110.00 112.50 100 100 Katz Bros. 130.00 15U.00 fl £1 Mexican Eajcle
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    • 88 5 U. Eng. 0 p.c. $1^84,800 par t p.c. pn. Spore Electric Tramways 5 p.c. £350,000 oom. Spore Municipal 5 px. $1,878,0U0 par. Spore Mun. 4tt p.e. of 1907 $1,000,000 16 p.c. 10 p.c. dia. Spore Man. 4Vi p.e. of 1909 $1,600,500.. 16 p.c. 10p.c.dii. Spore Man 44 p.s of
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  • 427 5 1 i;imt and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. [Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday.] To-day's Prices Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt Allenby ($1) 0.80 0.90 0.80 0.90 Abr Gajah ((1) 3.70 3.90 3.60 3.80 Am. Malay 4.25 4.76 4.50 4.76 AyerHitam($5) 23.00 24.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 712 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE, 2-ton English lurry. Thoroughly overhauled. 13.000. Apply 6l>, Strain Ti nu's. WANTED, junior typist also junior bookApply statin-; «aiury required to 50, .Straits Times. WANTED TO BUY, ilttoa, old weapons, poroalaln, eti-. Oners to John Doc uts 1 im*s. WANTED TWO LEBKB with kaowtedgi >f bouk-ki'i-piiiK.
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    • 674 5 LEYLAND Motor Lorries The Premier English Lorry 2, 3 4-ion Models iMMEoiAti. ocuvear STftAirs votor garage Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, tpob. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTORS AUCTION SALE of valuable town and building lots, situate at Bunga Rays, Malacca, comprising about 48,422 square feet, to be sold by public suction by
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    • 459 5 VICTORIA THEATRE Commencing MONDAY, AUGUST 30 MAURICE E. SANDMAN PRESENTS TUB BANDMAN COMEDY CO. In a Repertoire of the latest London successes. The Bookiag Plans will be open el MOUTRIK-8 ON MONDAY, AUGUST 2X To-morrow FrMa) Another Hari gjajra Haj DOU s\bii v (Subza Fairyt will be staged THE STAR
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  • 32 6 The family of tho late Mrs. H. C. Siddons beg to thank all tho.-i" who attended the funeral of their beloved mother, also those who sent wreaths and letters of condolence.
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  • 1185 6 The Straits Ties. THURSDAY. AUGUST 26 FUTURE OF EGYPT. One does not feel excessively confident about the new agreement which is about to be made with Egypt. As far as we can gather there is to be complete restoration of Egyptian national independence within the very clearly defined limits of
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  • 61 6 We regret to record the death, which occurred in the Victoria Nursing Home Shanghai, of Mr. R. S. Dougal, of Messrs. Andrews and George. Mr. Dougal was very well-known in Shanghai, having been a resident of the Settlement for about eighteen years. He came to the Far East from South
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  • 63 6 With the appointment of a new Finance Secretary to the Government of India no doubt is entertained that Mr. M. M. Gubbay has severed his connection with the Government of India for commerce and has accepted the position of manager cf the new P. and O. Banking Corporation, which has
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  • 17 6 Lessons in French are now being given to young ladies «t the Y.W.C.A. by a lady teacher.
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  • 33 6 The Presbyterian Church Sunday School outing this year will be at the house of Mr. W. P. Millar, Siglap Estate, on Saturday, August 28. Scholars and friends meet at the Church 9.30 a.m.
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  • 42 6 For selling rice at $1..'!(! per gnntang, instead of $1.26 at his shop in 01, Kal lang Road, a Chinese, named Kho Tsu Chem, was fined $50 in the second court this morning, in the alternative sentenced to one month's rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 49 6 A Handley Page machine left London with mails and passengers on the other afternoon at 4.19 and reached Brussels at 5.55. It then proceeded to Amsterdam which whs reached at 8 o'clock, then to Rotterdam picked up the Dutch mail, and brought it back to London the same night.
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  • 54 6 It is officially announced that the Messageries Maritimes Company are starting a new line between Antwerp and Calcutta. The first cargo steamer Commissaire Pierc Lecoq has already left Marseilles and is expected to arrive at Pondicherry on September 6. The steamer on her way to Calcutta will touch at Alexandria,
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  • 61 6 From the annual report of the Hongkong Police Magistrates' Courts, just issued, we learn that the number of cases before the Courts during the year 1919 was 12,998, as compared with 10,051 in the previous year, and that the revenue was $90,851.36 as compared with $69,603 in li) 18. The
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  • 65 6 Gang robberies appear to be very frequent in Province Wellealey. As the result of a recent raid a Hokkien Chinese was badly injured and died in the Bukit Mertajam hospital last week. On Friday eight men raided the house of a Chinese planter at Meng Kuang and carried away booty
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  • 68 6 We pointed out the other day that riots in India are generally started by street boys, says the Englishman. Since we made that remark the street boys of Karachi have excited the mob to wreck a cinema, while in Poona they have been throwing stones at people for forgetting to
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  • 70 6 An extraordinary general meeting of the Singapore Engineering Company, Limited, is being held at 81, Mohamed Sultan Road, on September 2, for the purpose "f considering resolutions that the Company cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business, and that it is advisable to wind it up the same,
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  • 90 6 A big Chinese Insurance Company is projected at Shanghai. What the capital is to be is not stated, but 60 per cent, is staleil to have been subscribed by the promoters, and the balance solicited from the public. At first it was decided to fix the shares at $50 each,
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  • 67 6 H.M.S. Mantis, which recently arrived out here from home, is undergoing t complete overhauling at the nan'! fUm Shanghai Dock and Engineering Co. On the pas- age out from home the Mantis met some very heavy weather in company with Ii.M.S. Cricket and the appearance of ihe two gunbouts in
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  • 67 6 Some 3,000,000 city residents of the I'nited States are menaced by infei-ted irinking water because the authorities are unable to obtain alum and chlorine for the purification of the water in consequence of the railway congestion. Medical officers arc alarmed at the prospect of a gigantic epidemic of typhoid fever,
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  • 76 6 It is understood that the salary which the Bombay Government has ajfMed to rir* Sir Lawless Heppor, late Agent of the G.I. P. Railway, who has been appointed Director of Developments in Bombay, is Rs. 6,000 monthly. Sir Lawless is the highest salaried officer in the Bombay Government Service, not
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  • 82 6 Mr. Matab Singh, second son of the late Jamedar Vir Singh of Kedah and holding the hon. secretaryship of the Sikh Advisory Board and of the Sikh Temple, Brick Kiln Road, Penang, has been elected Trustee of the latter institution and of the Sikh Crematorium, Caunter Hall, Penang, in place
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  • 98 6 At home there has been a good deal of controversy with regard to allowing left hand drive cars on the road in a country where the rule is to keep to the left. Left hand drive cars are numerous in Singapore and seem to be increasing, but one at least,
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  • 89 6 An Army order sanctioning the trran'. of an Indian general service medal in connection with the operations against Afghanistan has been received in India. Before publishing the terms of the order in India Army Orders and Army Instructions (India) is has been found necessary to make further telegraphic reference to
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  • 448 6 Mr. Joe Constantine, of the Strand Hotel, Rangoon, and so lone Raffles Hotel. Singapore, is on his way to Australia on leave. M. Montargis ha 1 taken over the management of the Banque lmlnstrielle de Chine, Shanghai, in the plnce of M. Rouet de Journel, whose death
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  • 41 6 The English mail which w:is (hi<- t v arrive in Colombo on August 17 by the P. and O. Nankin was not anaetad to arrive until the 20th instant. The vessel is bringing mails up to .July 2!).
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  • 91 6 By kind permission of Col 1.. B. Uoy.lMoss, C.M.G., D.5.0.. and oOeen, the bud of the Ist Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment will play the following proirramme in the Botanic (ianlen:; on Sunday, August 29, commencing at 9.30 p.m.. conducted by Mr. A. K. Bultitude March. On
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  • 172 6 The following properties \v« sole i> .luc-tion by Messrs. Cneong Koon Sang and Co. at their saleroom SO, k. Wednesday afternoon freehold land and attap house 1,720 Ceylon Road, ai sq. ft., bought by Mr. M. B. M. M. Raman Chitty for $::,00(i f r hold lun-1
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  • 152 6 The matriculation examination results .-if the University of Hongkong for July In eluded the following King Edward VII. Scholarship No. !>7 Tan Teik Guan, (Asgto-OIiMM School. Penang). Honours List. Anglo-Chini's^ School, IVmuitf No. HI, Tan Teik Guan, No. Yeoh Kok Chiang, No. 102, Khoo G«e Let St.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 60 6 ADVANCE DISPLAY Fashions Miiliner>% Novelty m M Frocks, Sunshades, JfftSip Jumpers, etc, etc. \3 JUST ARRIVED JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. (laeotpotated ia Bagliad) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. STANDS THE STRAIN t^g?T,T>A 1 AND DOBS THE WORK jb&*^#^-gL JA ECLAIR SPRAYER Full particulars from THE BORNEO CO., LTD Iceiipotated ii g
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    • 150 6 SELECT SUBJECTS AND BIG FEATURES AT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRES (Tan Chcni Kee Co, Ltd, Proprietors) ALHAMBRA VITAGRAPH SERIAL 16 Episodea THE WOMAN IN THE WEB Episodes 13 and 14 Featuring Hedda Nova and J. Frank Glendon 6 Pts. TWIN PAWNS 6 Pt«. Featuring; Mac Murray and Warner Oland Topical
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  • 960 7 Huge Captures by Polish Forces. British and Italian Views Explained. Reittir Telegrams London, August 23. \Var*:iw By grouping the Polish forces two army jlOf have been formed, the it hern under Haller and the centr* r POaadakt The latter is attempting to cut off the line of retreat
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  • 94 7 Revteb Telegram London, July "3. The great Clyde industries are practically at a standstill as a result of a novel twenty-four hours strike against high rents. In one shipyard employing 7,000 jnly IM turned out; and in other large yards the stoppage was complete. A hundred thousand
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 53 7 Reutek Telegram London, August 22. Lisbon A sensation has been created by the shooting dead in the street of Count Villar by Colonel Vieira Rocha, Director of the Gunpowder Factory. The latter's wife, who was accompanying Villar, was wounded. The lady was instituting divorce proceedings on the
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  • 40 7 Kei-ter Tfleoram London, August 23, Mr, Buchanan's child is safe in England. [Mr. Buchanan, an iirigation officer, was killed hv Arab* at Shahraban on the 16th insf. Mr-. Buchanan was captured, but is repotted to be safetnd welt treated.]
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  • 24 7 Rei'TEß Telegram London. August 21. Santiago, Chile An earthquake has occurred between Chilian and Conc»pcion. Several towns were damaged. No deaths are reported.
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  • 45 7 Rettn Telegrams London, August IS. His Majesty has conferred tlie Dame Qnad Cross (G.8.E.) of the Order of the British Empire m Mrs. Lloyd George. London, August 23. Kingston The Prince of Wales lias abandoned his visit to Jamaica owing to a chk'kenpox epidemic.
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  • 36 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August 20. The General labour Committee's sugges tion that an increase bf made in the re cruiting allowance for Tamil labourer: from $10 to $20 has been sanctioned.
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  • 143 7 Reltir Telegram London, August 23. It is officially announced that a great portion of Lisburn has been burned down. Over forty houses were destroyed. The situation in Belfast is very uneasy. Lisburn is a Unionist town of 12,000 inhabitants, eight miles from Belfast. It is stated that practically
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  • 751 7 Calcutta and a Registration System. The Anglo-Indian and Domiciled European Association understand that a system of registration is in vogue in some of the Cantonments of India, and they would press for an extension of such registration to other portions of Bengal where domestic servants are largely
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  • 83 7 In their report dated Wednesday, KmM Barlow and Co. state Since last reporting, prices have fallen off sharply and at the usual weekly auctions to-day the market was weak. Standard sheet sold at t;7 cents, a decline of ll'-i cents on the work, and standard crepe at
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  • 526 7 Company's Order as to Officer Privileges. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, With reference to the article which appeared in your paper some time ago regarding Mrs. Minto's passage per our s.s. Pilsnn, I am instructed by my owners, to hereby publicly express this
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  • 244 7 Family Driven into Flames With Bayonets. All hopes that the Russian imperial family ar< still alive may be renounced if the state.nent printed in La Derniere Tsarine by Charles and Henri Omessa are to bo accopUvl as troe. TV authors give a new version of the death
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  • 112 7 Mr. Maurice E. Bandman writes to the Stage "It having been brought to my notice that persistent rumours are being circulated in London to the effect that I have disposed of my theatrical interests in India and the Far East, I should be grateful if you would
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  • 16 7 March of civilisation Motor accidents are now of almost daily occurrence in the streets of Canton."
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  • 2056 7 The Past History and Future Possibilities. The following article is contributed to the first issue of The Planter, the official organ of the Incorporated Society of Planters, by the Hon. Mr. W. Duncan, who is a member of the I.S.P. and also a member of the Sugar
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  • 76 7 During the first week in August, live steamers sailed from Bombay for Jrddah with nearly 4,000 pilgrims, curving all those pilgrims who were waitnu: f<£ their departure in Bombay The\ anexpected to reach Mecca just in time for their religious observances. The outbreak of cholera among pilgrim a'"l
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    • 125 8 To the liditor of the Straits Times. Sir, Counting upon your liberality I eacf more take the liberty to reply to the article wihcli appeared in your journal of the 17th inst. under the above heading and signed Worshippers." From enquiries made I understand that the alleged writer
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    • 358 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, The question of raising the rate of pay of the coolie, and the cost of his living, s being actively discussed now everywhere, One of the recommendation! made hai been that every estate should run its own shop as it
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    • 698 8 To the 01 .if the Straits Times. Mr. T. Noon's letter •in this subject in to-day's issue of the i imea for, as he says, it is a suiv ct of vital .nij ortaaee. His letter, however, s not carry u> very far. In place
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  • 282 8 Creation of Auxiliary Officers Corps. The l'ioneer says In the r.».-ont announcement ro^a'.c n>a tho MrgHi'iMtian which if to succeed ;he Indian Pefence Torre the creation of an auxiliary (iffieers corps was foreshadowed. There are in India many ex-officers who rendered aluahle service in tlie British army
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  • 250 8 The .statutory general moetng of the ICapoßg Tin. Ltd.. will be held on Fri!ay, August 27. at 7, Hale Street, Ipoh. The directors have issued the following report to shareholders Since the registration of the company on April 22 but, jrottr property at Kepong has been equipped with
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  • 184 8 What would have ended in tragedy was :ivi rtid by the promptitude and pluck of an old Malay at Port Dirkson harbour at eleven o'clock on Friday morning iwriuvs a correspondent in the Malayan Leader) when a crocodile seized by the head a boy who, unaware
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  • 54 8 A Shanghai MM -ivs that, in reply! to an autoKi-ap)) deapatch of the Japanese I Kniperor to the Keyal Family of Great Britain soliciting the visit of the Crown I l'rincc to Japan, His Majesty was inform- oil that His Royal Highness will visit; Japiui noxt April. This, however, will
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  • 392 8 Experiment in Alternate Day System. S .S. D." writes to the Malay Mail as follows Your correspondent A.R.W. inquires re alternate ('ay lapping in the August 2 1st edition of the Malay Mail. A very careful experiment was carried out under scientific supervision in Selangor recently. From the
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  • 382 8 What is a Trainer's Adequate Remuneration 7 Mr. Justice Young has had before him ;1k- vist two days, eaya a Rangoon message of August 5, the hearing of a suit which has created some interest in raring circles. Mr. H. K. Smith, a big local
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  • 161 8 "His House A Base For Korean Plots." A Seoul message, dated August 10, says The police to-day issued an explanatory statement concerning the arrest of Mr. George L. Shaw of Antung on July 11. The statement says Mr. Shaw, who is Irish, used to declare
    161 words
  • 32 8 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, August 28, 1920 Saturday, August 28. Eurasian Co. Rifle Club, Balestier Range, 2.30 pan. (Sd.) R. SMITH, Lieut., Ag. Adjutant, S.V.C.
    32 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 177 8 Yesterday's results were as follows I Mixed Doubles A Class. Major and Mrs. Shore owe 15 v. Miss Lamb and Mr. Gaunt owe 30, unfinished, j l,a<i> Kidout and .Mr. Miles owe 15.4 beat Miss J. Gunn and Mr. Griffith Jonei owe 15, w.o. I Mrs. Hunter and
      177 words
    • 173 8 The August medal of the Keppel Club was played off on Saturday and Sunday last and resulted in a w.n for Mr. D. Suttie. The four best scores were D. Suttie 81— I equal 76 J. W. Hodgins 92—14 78 S. C. Campbell 98—18 80 C. M.
      173 words
    • 51 8 A Beater wire of the 2:! rd atntes The final of the 1,600 metres relay race resulted in Britain being firs:: and South Africa second. The time was 3 mins. II 1 ."> sees. In the tennis singles final Raymond, South AfKca, beat Kumagae, Japan, 5 7, 6—4,
      51 words
    • 112 8 A schoolboy correspondent, who writes suggesting an inter-school football league, make the naive assertion, As there are certain players who reluse to play on another school's ground I am sure the S.C.C. and S.R.C. would not mm.l placing their plus lag fields at the disposal of the Khootl "i!
      112 words
  • 100 8 Something different to the usual run of pictures at the Palladium will be given in the programme which starts to-night, a Paralta play featuring handsome Warrvn Kerrigan and entitled A Man's Man. in five reels, being the principal, attraction. In addition there will be a special picture showing
    100 words
  • 204 8 Whilst the Great Northern was at Honolulu quite a stir was caused amongst the American Congressional party aboard i by the appearance in their midst of a stowaway who carried himse.f with an air of distinction and gained the ship's deck by the simple experiment of passing
    204 words
  • 121 8 His Highness {he Rajah left Sarawak by the Kuching on the 15th inst., reports the Sarawak Gazette of the 16th inst. A heavy storm came on just before the ship was due to sail but this did not prevent a large company both Europeans and natives
    121 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 232 8 RAFFLES CAFF. Bras Basah Road ADELPHI HOTEI" BVERT EVENING OUR SPECIAL ORCHESTRA I PLAYS FROM 7 TO 10 ADELPHI HOTEL LIMITED, R. TJEERDEMA, Managing Director. NOTICE is hereby (rirea that the Murks d«-pirted sboTe are the proprrlv of tha National Commercial Tobacco Company having a Singnpore Branch at No 20
      232 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 870 9 -V-. CINEMAS GAIETY CINEMA ANOIHBR BXTRA ORDINARY PROGRAMME OF QUALITI AND PCiWBB FBAIORINO FOUR GREAT STAKS First Show at 7.8 a Sharp Win. DiIMONO in THE ICKD BULLIT A ttirillirg triangle-Ktybte detcotive stoty in five ports. CHARL'E CHAPLIN In CHARLIE BHANQHAIID A r ot of fan and laughter in two
      870 words
    • 748 9 CINENAS 7, r." ."T aa 1 :fa HALL, LTD. g Hr V"'^^» fcBCOND frHCW Ai 8.1 J Bf /r //ia' Io P ioln e 'o* evc»j wife A ,-ff/JBf THE ROM TO DIVORCE A piotnie that erei y wife «cd ovrr wimw who inlenda to be wife, shonU gee witbont
      748 words
    • 487 9 JUST ARRIVED FROM SHANGHAI NEW EXPERT CARPENTERS. ENGRAVERS POLISHERS, AND PAINTERS. Give M a trial ami we will make your old home look new. THE BRISK FURNITURE CO. OFFICE, 17, CHANGE ALLEY (Top floor). GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received »t the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of September
      487 words
    • 354 9 M. EZEKIEL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OPTICIANS O, Hifh Street (Europe Hotel Baildinfi). NOTICE We beg to notify the public that we shall not hold ourselves responsible for any contract or transaction made unless the same is signed and confirmed by either our Mnnaging Proprietor, Mr. S. AnandayaH, or our Manager,
      354 words
    • 332 9 PARIS ELEGANT Millinery and French Dressmaker 46, Orchard Road. Speciality for EVENING AND AFTKRNOON DRESSEtt ALSO EVENING (OATS, ETC Ju«t received from Parl» LATEST STYLE HATS. TVfiEI. SIIAPK4 FELT HATS. CHILDKEN S HATS, we ■Im MANILA EMBROIDERY INDERWEAB (ONw can In. «Mi four day,) Madame B. CARPENTIER. ARE WE RIGHT
      332 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 846 10 SALES BY AUCTHW BT ORDER OF THE CHIEF POLICE OFFK XX AUCTION SALE jßf unserviceable poKre stores unclaimed and confiscated property, intested estate, etc., etc. T. be held at th.- Central Police Station South Bridget Road, ..a Friday, August 27, 1»2«, al 2J» Pm. Comprising :Khaki and white coats and
      846 words
    • 821 10 UHJEI IV AMCTUM AUCTION SALE OF EXCELLENT WAX-POLISHED TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC. To be held at Room No. 14, Crescent, Tanjong Katong, on Monday. August 39, 1920, at 2.30 p.m. Comprising -.—Excellent wax polished teak sideboard, almcirah and wardrobe with bevelled mirror door, dining table, marble top washstand and dressing
      821 words
    • 431 10 SALES BY AUCTION AUCTION SALE »f one seven-seater Studebaker motor car -ix-cyliii.lei, 35 h.p. just overhauled, and one set covers, etc. At the sale-room of the Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd., Raffles Chambers, on Saturday, Auirust 28, 192t, at 11 a.m. ESTATE AND TRUST AGENCIES, LTD, Auctioneers. MORTGAGEE'S SALE At
      431 words
    • 827 10 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of August 81, 1920, for the following worka 1. Erection of twelve terrace houses with nuthoues, garages, etc., at Grove Road, Tanjong Katong. 2. Erection of the Cancellation Branch adjoining the Government Offices. 3. General repairs,
      827 words
    • 899 10 ■ALB Or GOVERNMENT (RUBBER) PLAN- 1 TATIONS, KUALA TEMBEUNG. PAHANG. TENDERS INVITED Tenders will be received at the Office of the Director of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur, up to noon of Saturday. September 25, 1920, for the purchase of the Government (Rubber) Plantations Kuala Teinbeling as a going concern. The following
      899 words
    • 959 10 (Vide Gazette No. S3 of July 30. 1»2«.) TENDERS FOR TODDY SHOP LICENCES, SINGAPORE, 1921 NOTICE ii hereby given tliat Tender* will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office until noon on September 10, 1920, for the exclusive right, subject to the limitations of the Liquors Revenue Ordinance. 1909, and
      959 words

  • 951 11 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Road Hogs. I We have isob with oui own eyei tbe road hoggin* tbak goe9 on in Ibis aoantr j. And 'our oontorapoia?iei have deolarcd unta at jtie tiinilar wiekednees tbat is p<rpetr»ted (e'Biwbfie. Ttirjg Me done tegula;ly and jot set
    951 words
  • 154 11 Canton, e»ja the Oanlon Timor, b»s about 41 COO laboniets in tbe ginning trade. Tin j are mostly found oatsida Ib ■< NjrHi G%'e cf tb-j oily, "bile aojio live in Htk Xi Cberp, jam Tia C cog and Nam Taaa, in Hasftu:. Theii (oiaier w*ge«
    154 words
  • 18 11 Price of sujrar goes No use wasting type you know which way it always fOM. New Orleans Times-Picayune.
    18 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 98 11 y^»^Wg»alaW»WfcaMJM^ AND TH^ L(TTLE FORD Shall laad them. Id's lirst in sales— first in eJOQOtny— and first lc tna esteem of those wholov3saf-.t7, aufany aadco afar; -baaause o( Us Jvronddrfu! ilcnpliolty, st"eagtli an v ilgnmess. It leads in SUES S£f!V>JE SvISFISTON IE POBO 140 TOB THK POSD 0118-TOM TRUCK WEARNF
      98 words
    • 197 11 MOTORISTS KNOWINQ the inflation pressures of your tyres will enable you to Have hundred* of tyiemtles f§\ AIR is the backbone This pref sure gauge W^ f/ gn J J tells you when more j, rect preßflttre ifJ STOCKUD BY TTJHIIE: J3ORNE3O Go« 9 JU-fcd. ncotpora»od in Bnglacd) BINOAPOBB, IPOH
      197 words
    • 126 11 CODE BOOKS ANOTHER CONSIGNMENT JIST RECEIVED B«atl«7'« Complete Phrase, Broomhall's Rohher Editlna A. B. C. Sth Edition, Broomhall's Imperial Combination A B. Sth Edition Western Union ff clition) A E C. Stb Edition (Improved) Western Union (unirersal edition) SCOTTS 10th EDITION THE MUSIC EMPORIUM CO. (British-American News Agenta) 105-IM,
      126 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 390 12 GUAN KIAT CO LIMITED (Incorporated in StraiU Settlements) 84, Phillip Street. SINGAPORE _f— Shipments jattt arrived of SPONGE CI.OHI BRASS OIL CUPS EMEKY CLOTH BRASS HIB COCK.-. BRASS LOCK BEEK COCKS BRASS PADLOCK TANK COCKS HUBBUCKS PATENT DBUM BIT STOCK UK ILLS, etc., etc.. Kr. AUv Large Stoeks <»r Canvas
      390 words
    • 409 12 CALLENDER'S "VERIBEST" READY ROOFING In Rolls containing 218 sq. ft. 1 PLY. Useful for roofing light structures, farm building.-, etc., and as a special lining medium. 2 PLY. A medium quality used on Factories, Buugalows, etc. 1 PLY. Strongly recommended for increased strength and efficiency in exposed situations. Obtainable at
      409 words
    • 1840 12 JMSSIFIED MV_RIMMENTS__ T-. PREPAID ehargee for Waata, Par Sale, Te Let, etc- la ordinary eloMt-set type (averac* six words to line) ar* Per line one insertion 28 els., two in*. 46 ets., three ins. 64 etc, fonr ins. 82 cts., five In*. $1.00, six in*. $1.13, ten In*. $1.40, rw-We
      1,840 words
    • 918 12 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, stores and offices. Apply Ed. M. Nathan Co.. 4, De Souza Street. TO LET, Nos. ISS to 117, North Boar Quay Apply nn.ail and Rah« >m. I1r«« :!»<»h R-»<i TO LET, ground floor No. 128, Cccii Street. SuiUble for office or godown. Apply M.S. jl
      918 words
    • 302 12 Straits Motorcar Service LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlement*) 213 to 218, ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVERHAULS TO MOTOR CARS AND CYCLES WELDING of all metels, under European supervises SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PRICES VERY MODERATE Phonel233 WE HAVE A GROWING CLIENTELE Planters, Shippers and Miners art patronizing us in increasing
      302 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 203 12 TUB STRAITS TIMES TBLEPHONBS Editorial and General 81 Manager's Offlce Ul7 Job Printing Offlce iw Post Office Boi No. 5(1 All communications relating to editorU! matters and new* (hnuld bs *ddre»**t to THE EDITOR. AH co:omur.ieatioat2 relating to business matters—adv*/tie*, menu, subscriptions, account*, pristine •te., should be addressed to TaTO
      203 words