The Straits Times, 25 August 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. NO. 20,4 IS SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 799 2 The Modern Octopus of German Commerce. Since the war, one man has emerged like a peak above the German industrial flood Horr Hugo Stinnts, whose insolence at the Spa Conference has reawakened the curiosity with which for some months he has been regarded. Yet it became increasingly
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  • 207 2 Alleged Profiteering By Government. The Director of Information, Calcutta, has issued the following statement On the assumption that rice is sold in Rangoon at Rs. 4-8 per maund, and that the selling price in Calcutta is over Its. 7 per maund, the assertion has confidently been made
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  • 17 2 People are wondering Who sold the "dud shells:" to the Chinese belligerent", gays tHp North China Standard.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 284 2 '"*aP* iRCrIAUH m^atni-i 'W— 1.—.. "JfgSM Lipton's Tea THH flavour, the delicate an. ma aod the fragrance of its !ea(. cnn never lie rqoallfed l<y auy other Ordinary tea. Liptoo s Tea is the pick „t the World's Finest Tea vjanlens -md, is pack-.-.-) by the must <m>cVrn sdeatifk OMtbodl
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    • 577 2 fHCETHAMS si-rola, Youv Ckln anl Wt Coirpltxion fl nl allhifJb^iaMcbenii»rsano Bj^|ft] •'iTHs'a *Von J^™H DR. CASSELL^" TABLETS Bepair Wsar «ud Tear of Nerrs an« B*e> Price Is. »d. and 4s. SUMMER AND THE BABY HOT WEATHER PERILS AND DOW TO AVERT THEM. The summer months are the most dangrfr..•;s to
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    • 118 2 flip CAR FOB THE TROPICS Boipmenti jast to hand. Book oarl* MALCOLM BKRANUEB, Sols AgnU JUST ARRIVED FIRST QUALITY WHITE Grass Matting 330 WARP U.tfhs 38 to 40 Y. di YAMATO CO. 41, High Street Singapore Ito Acetic, Nitric Sulphuric Acid All White Enamelled Utex Pans Cotton Duck Ko. 3
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  • 1057 3 Progress of Estate in Past Year. The third annual ordinary meeting of the Galloway Rubber Company, Limited, was held at Messrs. Whittall and Co.'s offices in Klang on August 14, when the following were present, says the Malay Mail Mr. A. Douglas (in the chair), Dr. W. M.
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  • 25 3 A man arrested at Acton for bein* intoxicated called a doctor for tho defence The doctor I found him noisy, quarrels' me, abusive, and drunk.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 140 3 AIR -FLOAT AND The Peace-Timyjffi dM that make the WHOLE HAPPY. J>« s»ll Dlapcnaarlei az»<9 Vtora* OONKEfr B«O9. C;,, ?!nrf»porc 'lßoorpvnt.diaUB.4.) •»li Agent* CODE BOOKS ANOTHBB CONSIGNMENT JUST RECEIVED Beatlvr'a Caamlata Phraae, BroomhaU'a Robber Edltloa A. B. C. Sta Edition, BroomhaU'a Imperial Cnrobinatioa A. B. C. Cth Edition Weatern Union
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    • 394 3 Here's the W. 1* identification- j jr| #j mark of li'"\^M* genuine i Bntis\ mm Formamint. It means a p.reat deal to you our name on this red- -^i and-gold seal /4 It means that you arc getting rrue Formamint not v shoddy Hvvjtion mcrel/ labelled Formamiut. It means the
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    • 369 3 M. EZEKIEL W^^^^l^; WHOLESALE AND I M RETAIL O">CIANS E]Sm\ Hi h Street, Europe Hotel Buiidlnfa. him OVERSEAS ASSURANGE COBPOKATION. UMTTKD Boar* »f Dlractara Has. Or. Llm Boob Xtog. O R.E. Cbairss-. '.'*> Noe soon. T*\ Tan Soo Gnan Cm Oa« Boon Tat K<ij. 8. Q. Wong Esq. Urn Cb»e«
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    • 362 3 SUCCESSFUL IN KVaVT HICI D Nut only has the CHINESE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY establiahad a reputation among adrartlaan for rcspon.-,vc-noss and quality of circulation in its own Fii-!d, bet also on those accounts that we BAT* carried in competition with the larg*at CoasaMrcUJ Direc tones published in th« S'raita and I-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 826 4 STEAMER BAILINSS P. 0. -British India BJD Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICM F PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) Company* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES ft LONDON Due
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    • 529 4 STEAMER SAILINGS prince urn Lnrm, (Incorporated la Baglaßd] FAB BAR SHBTIca FOB NEW TOEB CELTIC PRINCE vto Sacs about Ind hall Oct. For all Information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN ft OO 4 MB. (Incorporated ii Baglaat) Agoata. THE DEN LINE STEAMERS LIMITED (Incorporated la the United Kingdom) For China sad
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    • 258 4 STEAMER SAILINGS THE EASTERN SHIPPINI COMPANY. LIMITED (laoorponted in Stralto SetUemeata) This timi table is subject to altoratlea without further notice. fltesmer sailing from BiagapaM PERAK— Every Tueiday, at S p.m. Cor Port Swettonhsm and Penang. i ti From Malacca to Singapore: From Peaang to Moelmeia tTrala Journey from Moiilmeia
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    • 358 4 STEAMER SAIUNiS O.S K. TUB OSAKA SHOBEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated la Japaa) No. 1, De Seasa BtlMa. Propsssd Saillag froai Blacaaofa (Subject to Changs wiUent »etlea) FOB PORT SAID, MAR9EILLBB, LONDON. ANTWERP. BOTTEBDAM AND HAMBUEC ALPS MABU mU. Boat. ATLAS MABU oad Sept. (omit calling at Marseilles) ARGUN MABU mid.
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    • 434 4 STEAMER SAILINQS NIPPON YIMN KAISHA (tassrpoiatod la Japaa 7 Daa-or staff Caatract wit* Ike laaaodsi Japaaass Unruuil Saajeat to altorarleas witboat aoi'.ea BTJ&OPB MAIL UHa Fertalghtly Barrio* For Loads*. Antwerp via (Matoeea) Peasoa* Colombo, Saea. Tort Bald sad aUraaUlos. SHIDZUOKA MARU Aug. SI KAGA MARU Sept. II KUMANO MARU mid.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 575 5 STEAMER SAHnWS bji. GLENAVY, AUGUST l». 1920 Consignees of cargo ex the above steamer are hereby notified that the survey of cargc landed in a damaged condition will be held en Monday, August .Id. ia Codowns Nos. 46 and 47. Ma further survey will be held sfter Ikh BOU1RM) CO.,
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    • 412 5 STEAMER SAILINGS Mi CARNARVONSHIRE, AI'GUBT U, 192» Consignees of cargo ex the abort steamer ire hereby notified thnt the survey of cargo ancliil in a damneol condition will be held <n I'riday, August 27, at 9 a.m., in Godownt Vo.'. 17 and M. No furtlier »>irvey will be icld after
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    • 242 5 BRITISH GRAMOPHONES THE APOLLO DE LUXE mm Ihe APOLLO Gramophones represent the Best in BRITISH manufacture and the «uperb Models both in CABINETS. TABLE (.HANDS, PORTABLES, etc., are striking examples of the superiority of BRITISH craftmar.ship in the production of Instruments, which for pure tone reproduction and the elimination of
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    • 883 5 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will bt received at the Colonial 3eeretnry's Office, up to noon of August 81, 1920, for the following works 1. Erection of twelve terrace houset with outhouses, garages, etc., at Grove Road, Tanjong Katong. 2. Erection of the Cancellation Branch adjoining the Government Offices'. S. General repair?,
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    • 800 5 STAMP BARGAINS Kelantan, le. to $25, complete set of 18, fine used $25.00 Siam, Victory, 2 satang to 15 sat., set of 6, mused IT' Kedah, 1919 Provisionals, 60 cts. on $2 and $1 on $3, complete set of 2, nnused, rare 10.00 North Borneo, 1918 Provisional*, complete set of
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    • 1000 5 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS iftt FEDERATED MALAY STAVES VICTORY BONDS Rearing Interest from the date of purchase at Bye per cent, per annum, payable as) September 1 and March I. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON SriTBMBEB L 1934. PRICE OF ISSUE— IOO PEK CENT. All proceeds of this issue will be lent U
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 840 6 CINEMAS I Ml MFIR Hi I ataHMHtwHX fciMteilrimi I In tbe Seooad Show at 9,80 Tbe briliact eharaeter aator M NliOa SALISBURY mailer of emotioaal photo- j play in bin portrayal of tbe beloved rogne srf>ele THAT DBVIL Bt\TEfiSE 5 reels A storj of glowiog warmth of the Freaab Oaaadiass.
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    • 334 6 CINEMAS Hj§l| HALL, LTD."™ HrV^l^i BBCOND EHOW AX 9.16 l/i/SwlSm MARY MACLAREN /r /fU« /jffii In P io>n c (o> evef J wi(e HBlflr THE R9AD TO DIVORCE A piolaie that every wife, aad ever* womaa who iataada to be a wife, ahoald ace wilhoai fail Along with 3<aar! Paton'a
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    • 318 6 LEON KENDAI THE WORLD-RENOWNED ASTROLOGER CHIROMANT FOR A SHORT STAT ONLY STAMFORD BUILDING Room No. mil (Opposite Van Wijk Hotel) CONSULTATION HOURS 10 te t. USE ONLY BOSTON PENCIL SHARPENER WHY? REMEMBER THE POINTS 1. It is the neatest, the most economical and practical. 2. It can be easily fixed
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    • 135 6 Keep yourself fit for the rainy wcatker that is aaaatag by taking U.P. COUGH MIXTURE AND LUNG TONIC as soon aa you feel that a cold is coming By sheer merit it has become a household remedy in hundreds of families. It is the acme in couch remedies, sweet, palatable
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  • 83 7 n\TVRES. IVednsd.iv, August 25. 11.-.'i Rajra 1 .m.. 7.19 p.m. ll'.ursil.-iy, August 26. ..i.l, U4 p.m. I'riday, August 27. ■n.. I'.lrt p.m. 0 p.m. I IJ4 p.m. .ill'S Sunday, An.-.ii t 29. i pm. tub, .'it,;., 2.00 p.m. Monday, Aognst 30. •n. 11.6 p.m. M p.m. t
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  • 132 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, August 24. On Lonuon, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/16 Demand 2/3 13/1« Private 3 m. 3 credits 2/3 25/32 On New York Demand 41 Vi Private 90 days 47% On France Bank 665 On India, Bank T. T. 119 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 85% p.c.
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    • 201 7 Iss. Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 16.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.25 1.50 11 1 Ram Kamunting 2.16.6 2.18.6 10 10 KinU Amoc. 12s 8.00 ill £1 Kinta Tin 2.7.6 nom. 1 1 Hitain Tin 2.90 8.10 1 1 Jelantoh 1.80 2.00 O il Lahat Mine* 7.60
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    • 428 7 Fraser and Co. and I.yall and Evatt's Quotations. [Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday.] To-day's Prices Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt Allenby ($1) 0.80 0.90 0.80 0.90 Alor Gajah ($1) 3.70 3.90 3.60 3.80 \m. Malay 4.26 4.75 4.60 4.75 AyerHitarn(S5) 23.00 24.00 23.00
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    • 123 7 Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers, il £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.10.0 3.17.6 Cl £1 E. Smelting Co. 12.50 13.50 V- 5/- Electric T'ways 3/3 4/3 10 10 Fraser Neave 67.00 58.00 >0 60 W. Hammer Co. 107.60 112.50 IOOIOOKaiz Bros. 180.00 15U.00 LI £1 Mexican Eazle 11.5.0 11.15.0 (0 10
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    • 85 7 U. 6 p.c. 51,234,:0u put 5 p.c. pn. Spore Electric Tramways 0 p.c. £350,000 com Spore Municipal 5 p.c. $1;878,000 par Spore Mun. 4 4 p.c of 1907 $1,000,000 16 p.c. lOp.c.dis. Spore Mun. 4H pc of 1909 $1,600,500.. 16 p.c. lOp.c.dis. Spore Mun 4>* t*. of 1909
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  • 107 7 DHU AT lUE DOC KB. I \^l .ct Baala A Bella. Giang Sen>,-. Wharf Fook Barents!. Ma- >. .V.bvTt and Victoria Dry mud. ilcbi 1 !v..l> I^. a Gitane, Kkmn, Mtinam. I i i linho Hal i. Kjiiang. We Whar! Ky- Leone, Oanfa. NIL lulu Kraal Coal Wharf.-
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  • 122 7 I. !a> I 3D Tcnane 8 p.m S p.m. 4 p.m. n and Calcutta 4 p.m 4 p.m. i Seattle 4 p.m. 'J I UMday Kt-rimon ..9 a.m i'm»l) 8 a.m Robkl onj 10 a.m. i i, Krlnntnn, Patani, i, 1 iindon and Bangkok 11 a.m
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  • 24 7 lUffid*l Pott ..ft S'por* July 7 July 13 t C'fflc* R»pcrt) Arrived London August 2 August 9 August 9 August 11
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  • 247 7 Life in America and England Contrasted. Mr. K. V. Locaa, lulmtomd in New Yorl; by the World, 111 lei ed these. quips in B life in America and En?lan:l. i-i 1"! nd they iay yi an I bj In Kr.- Lan 1 1 1 railway
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  • 87 7 In two cases the families of offiV- rs who gained distinction in the wnr are starving. ;ai<l Major Gen ra] Sir Frederick Maurice at tli opening of the exhibition of work of disabled ex-Service men in the Central Hall on July 21. One ha .vail', when eonunan k i
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 752 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE, Chandler nevon-.-rator car, in condition.' Apply 45, Straits Times. FOB BALE, Dodge I'm- neater, owner leaving the ■•lupy. Trice 1T, 500. Apply 43, Times. FOR BALE, PAIGE .V>TOR CAR, sixcylradera, Ave-aeater, only five months in .'-c. Apply •!'">. Stntltl Times. Kuvor motor cycle. Perfect condition an
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    • 191 7 i| REDUCTION IN PRICES f FOR ONE MONTH ONLY If ~ou really want the best Violin at the qJM' m j cheapest rate, then don't lose this oppor--7W 'i tunity. Book your order to-day with half -&t t>le v"!ue as aJvancc and you will get it Mwl" >""^0 y°ur Place
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    • 607 7 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of September 7, 1920, for the following works 1. Erection of four Quarters for Clerks at Penang Lane. 2. Erection of seven Quarter* for Clerks at Bukit Timah Road. Every person applying for a form of
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  • 49 8 Messrs. Lim Teck Siong, Lira Teck Hin, Tcck Chye, Lim Teck Kirn and Lim Teck Locke bee to thank their friends and relatives who kindly attended the funeral of their late mother on Sunday, August 22, and all those who sent wreaths, telegrams and letters of condolence.
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  • 1070 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 POLAND SAVED. It would be rash to speak with great confidence as to the situation in Poland but for the moment it appears to be nquestionable that Warsaw has been saved and that the Red armies have suffered the heaviest reverse that has fallen
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  • 20 8 The menial traffic staff of Bombay Port Trust, also engine drivers and firemen, numbering over one thousand, have struck work.
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  • 27 8 Replying to an Isle of Wight deputation Sir Eric Geddes said the tunnel under the Solent cost two millions. It would be doubled if traffic justified it.
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  • 25 8 Lord Clancarty took his three months' sentence of imprisonment at the Old Bailey for obtaining credit without disclosing he was an undischarged bankrupt quite coolly.
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  • 30 8 Influential support is being lent to the suggestion of utilising a portion of the Tilak memorial fund in national publicity propaganda in England by two congress representatives from Bombay presidency.
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  • 58 8 Mr. Justice Acton has decided that a claim by soldiers to sue on a petition of right for arrears of pay alleged to be due was not maintainable as all engagements between the Crown and those in military service were voluntary on the part of the Crown and gave no
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  • 24 8 Dr. R. O. Winstedt, Director of Education, is to lecture at the Edwar I VII Medical School to-morrow evening on Education and Local Medicine.
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  • 21 8 The annual exhibition of the Ncgri Sembilan Agri-Horticultural Society will be held on the Station Padang, Seramban, on Saturday, September 25.
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  • 36 8 Our Penang correspondent wires that Chin Seng and Co., motor car importers and hirers, have made a profit of $46,248. A final dividend of 45 per cent, is recommended, making 75 pgr cent, for the year.
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  • 37 8 The monthly meeting of the V.W.C.A. will be held at 8, Fort Canning Road, on Monday, the 30th inst., at 5.30 p.m. Yen. Archdeacon Swindell will conduct the meeting. It is hoped that many members will attend.
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  • 37 8 It is notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette that to-morrow instead of Thursday, August 26, 1920, will be observed as a public holiday throughout the State of Pahang in connection with the celebration of Hari Raia Haji.
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  • 40 8 Captain Ricou made an attempt to fly from Macao to Shanghai on August 15, but owing to running out of gasoline had to descend near Pagoda Anchorage. It is understood that Captain Ricou expected to reach Shanghai in eight hours.
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  • 40 8 A typhoon which visited Japan on the 4th inst. did considerable damage in various parts of the country chiefly due to swollen rivers. A remarkable feature was a snowstorm on the famous Mount Fuji, snow falling to the sixth station.
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  • 35 8 Jassim, a constable belonging to the Straits Police, was brought up before Mr. Codrington, Police Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur, on Monday charged with deserting. The accused admitted the charge and the case was transferred to Singapore.
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  • 44 8 X-rays are now being used to test golf balls. The North British Rubber Company, Ltd., fitted up a motor-van, which was situated near the course at the open championship. Golfers were there able to have their golf balls tested by X-rays free of charge.
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  • 44 8 Weihaiwei has been suffering from a great heat wave." A resident there writes The heat here during the past week has been terrific and the thermometre, as in Shanghai, registers in different parts of the Settlement from 88 fip to 96 in the shade."
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  • 52 8 At the last meeting of the Colombo Municipal Council it was decided to leave the running of motor 'buses entirely to private enterprise. No monopolies of any kind wiil be given to the companies. They will be allowed simply to run their 'buses and to pay the usual taxes on
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  • 65 8 It is notified in a supplement to last week's F.M.S. Government Gazette that the Food Controller fixes the maximum price for the sale of Nestles Milkmaid sweetened condensed milk by importers at $24.50 per case, and the retail prices at 52 cents per tin and $24.95 per case and the
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  • 63 8 Throwing a bomb at one Nagalingam was the allegation against a Chinese named Ah Tye Seng, who was brought up in the second court yesterday. It was stated that Nagalingam was proceeding in a motor car about 9 a.m. on Monday when the attack was made. Complainant and the chauffeur
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  • 69 8 The German invasion of Singapore has begun that is to say with presumable recognition by the local author". ties. A half-dozen or so of Teutons are openly registered on the books of a local hotel but our readers will be gratified to know that they are merely passing through to
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  • 74 8 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., Penang, in their share "circular dated August 21 state The share market has been quiet throughout the week but at the close some of the more popular rubbers have come into better demand and with holders well distributed there is comparatively little stock available at current
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  • 79 8 Patriotism in England does not seem to extend to the income-tax. The English papers report the flight of people to Jersey and Guernsey, where there is no incometax. Unfortunately, however, there is also the inevitable lack of houses. It is extraordinary that people who cheered Britain on during the war
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  • 81 8 An appeal against a sentence of year's rigorous imprisonment in each case passed in the lower court on three Chinese was brought before Mr. Justice Barrett Lennard in the Supreme Court. The accused, Chan Huan Poh, Chan Kirn Joo and Ang Choon Joo, were charged with stealing $25,000 worth of
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  • 98 8 With the approval by the Diet of the Budget for the current fiscal year, the Japanese naval authorities are to realise their cherished desire (says the Japan Gazette), namely the construction of an Eight-Battleship Squadron and an Eight-Cruiser-Battleship Squadron during the next few years. The Nichi Nichi learns that the
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  • 427 8 The Hon. Mr. Cleaver tarns to? none on the steamer Kalyan. Mr. Hastin;*s Rhodes is leaving Per.ang for Homes this month. The Rev. H. C. Renhau Chaplaincy of Bt Mark's Church, Beremban. The Rev. E. K. Oreenhow and Mrs. Greenhow, of flmeillliaa. are leaving for home this
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  • 64 8 The Librarian desires to inform subscribers »hat in future lists of new books will be printed and issued Quarterly instead of Monthly. In the interval between the publication of Quarterly lists temporary typewritten lists will be Issued giving the numbers of new books. l>y adopting this course new
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  • 115 8 We regret to learn that the death occurred at Sitiawan yesterday mondag <>f Mr. F. W. F. Day, of the Rubber G sowers' Association, Ipoh. Mr. Day was sullVring from malignant malaria, and his illness was only a very short one. Mr. Day
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  • 134 8 The statutory report for presentation to shareholders in Robinson and Co., Ltd., at the general meeting to be held at Chartered Bank Chambers, Friday, September 10, states that the total number of shares allotted is 5,000 preference and 100,000 ordinary of which 2,000 preference and 40,000
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  • 148 8 The statutory meeting of Broga Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held yesterday, at Kuala Lumpur, with Dr. E. A. 0. Travers in the chair. The chairman announced that there were already 100 Tamils on tinestate. The Visiting Agent's (.Mr. Bevan's) report on Kingsland Estate Wtt favourable, an up-to-date
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 54 8 4t >V W~' r*-r fjk q> i. ID VIRGINIA r Jl lFv?£}il t9" WEDDING PRESENTS JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Ireorcrteted is Brgl&cd SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. SAN IT AS DISINFECTANT Insist on getting drums with the PINE TREE CHOP Sole Importers The Borneo Co., Ltd. n<* rporated in Xnglani)
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    • 88 8 $1,000,000 (D REWARD <P offered for the return of BETTY THORNDYKE to PIETERSDORF South Africa For further information, apply to M.T.. No. Beach Road. 2-3 t«n LORRIES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BODIES BUILT TO SUIT CUSTOMERS OWN REQUIREMENTS. SOLE AGENTS GUTHRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in S.S.) ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH MEANS
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  • 503 9 Three Bolshevist Divisions Annihilated. America Congratulates French Government. Rbitf.r Telecrams 1..n!0n. August 21. B^r' I' hi reported from Warsaw that !!.<• Poles have captured Brest I.itov i 'Hi report adds that three Bolshev: dhrWoSM wire annihilated in the ©per.: Warsaw. Pari- Ia- Matin, confirming the capture of Brest-Litovsk,
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  • 42 9 Rxuter Telegram London, August 21. The National Relief Fund has decided to appropriate £700,000 towards meeting the outstanding liabilities of voluntary hospitals in tlie United Kingdom incurred as a result of the war. The fund will wind up shortly.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 22 9 Reuter Telegram London, August 2?. Major-General Baron Rawlinson succeeds General Sir C. C. Monro a* com-iiiaiiil-r in liief in India.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 507 9 Important Result of MilneMission. Full Local Autonomy Being Granted. Reuter Telegram London, August 23. The Times publishes a summary of the agreement reached in London between the Milner Mission and the Egyptian Mission headed by Miaghlul Pasha, whereby Britain recognises the independence of Egypt and guarantees Egypt's
    Reuter  -  507 words
  • 85 9 Reiter Telegram London, August 22. There has a been a series of attacks over the week-end on police in Ireland. District Inspector Swanzy was shot dead at Lisburn, Ulster, while leaving church, by five men who escaped in a motor-car. Swanzy was stationed at Cork. His name was frequently
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 71 9 Reuter Telegram London, August 22. Paris, from Haifa The Premier of the provisional Syrian Government and another minister have been assassinated at Damascus. It appears that the ministers were in a train bound for Doraa when they were attacked by armed bands. The Premier and the President of
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 118 9 Rei tf.r Telegrams London, August 21. !< rlin Th.> troubles in Upper Silesia culminated, according to the Berliner Tageblatt's Breslau correspondent, in the roles unli-ring Kattowitz in the afternoon. The German inhabitants are MfOTtad to be fleeing. The Polo hcJ previously iydged a scries of demands arising out
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  • 41 9 The Aviators' Arrival In Sydney. [Aneta Service.] x Weltevreden, August 24. The aviators Lieuts. Parer and Mclntosh arrived in Sydney to-day and had a mayoral reception. They will continue their flight in a few days, proceeding to Melbourne.
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  • 90 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August 24. At a farewell at home at the Kajang Club, in honour of Major C. Burn Murdoch, Mr. Kindersley paid a tribute to his services in two wars. Mr. Kindersley referred to the split amongst the Kajang nlant. IS, and Major
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  • 585 9 Young England's Newest Education. The London correspondent of the N.C. Daily News writes Those who went to school years ago, and have not been home to this country since, will probably be surpiised to iind the innovations which have been introdoctd nowadays into the education oi the
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  • 658 9 Orders of the Day for Forthcoming t Meeting. ollowing are included in the tHwi o day for the meeting of the Legisiali"' ncil to be held at Penang on FriUaj September 3 Petition by the managers and th( iranag ng committees of the Chine:;. Schools in the State
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  • 283 9 Pleasant Trip from Singapore To Hongkong. That travellers who have never made a voyage on a motor ship have much to learn and have certainly missed an unexpected luxury is the confirmed opinion of the small complement of passengers who arrived in Hongkong on August 13 by
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  • 16 9 Our ideal summer resort is one where fish bite and mosquitoes don't.— "f&Jlk delphia Public Ledger.
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  • 959 9 Public Interest in Local Affairs. The following minutes have been of fieially communicated Report of committee- meeting of thi Straits Settlements Association held a' the board room of the Straits Trailinj Company, Limited, on Thursday, July 15 Present Mr. G. S. Carver, vice-pre 3ident (in the chair),
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  • 49 9 Another sign of progress "at Canton is indicated in the following paragraph from the Canton Times Since so ma:iy streets in Canton were flooded during the recent rain, the Canton Municipality intends having all ditches in the City ■caned out shortly M to prevent ■act (roubles in the future."
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  • 658 9 Policy of Retrenchment and Road Repair. An ordinary meeting of (ho Municipal Commissioners will be held Friday at which Mr. Mugliston will ask the following question For the purpose of enlij>!~tcninn public on the question of roads will you kindly confirm thu following facts The total lengths of
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  • 144 9 Macphail and Co.'s Dailj Report. Singapore, August 25. Silver. 60%. Tin.— ss tons at 136. Rubber. Auctions opened weak. Std. sheet realised 67 cents and std. crepe 69 V4 cts. Outside the market is quiet with September 67-68 and October-December, around 73-74. Share Market. Quiet with little
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  • 158 9 A sea turtle, 6 feet long and 5 feet wide, was caught by the people of Yosiz-aki-maru in Mie-ken, south of Osaka. The monster's mouth was 12 inches in diameter. It was first discovered by Mrs. Takakura in a large pond formed by an arm of the
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  • 27 9 The directors of the Brauu.Uon i Malay > Rubber Estates have declared an interim dividend rf n~ pwr p«i( nn arenont of tlm jiu; ending September SO, l'J-0.
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    • 244 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, My r.ttcnticn has be^n drawn to the somewhat lenprthy report of the meeting which appeared in your issue of the 17th instant. To say the Ibbsl 1 v. ml i pnint out that your c .i
      244 words
    • 1044 10 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir- 'vc your editorial on above on 19th I think you put too much stress on the p .int of the high wages being paid to the British working man when dealing with economic questions. High wages do not necessarily
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  • 306 10 Instructive Figures for the War Period. Figures recently compiled by the Nippon Yusen Kaisha Steamship Company, says the Japan Advertiser, show the gTowth of Japanese shipping from the beginning of the war, until its first big drop was registered during last year. The greatest part of the total
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  • 421 10 How Our Supremacy Has Been Undermined. Those whose business it is to get together the British Olympic team to dc duty at Antwerp in games must experience some qualms when they reflect upon the manner in which our sporting supremacy has been gradually undermined, says
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  • 33 10 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, August 28, 1920 Saturday, August 28. Eurasian Co. Rifle Club, Balestier Range, 2.30 p.m. (Sd.) R. SMITH, Lieu^ j Ag. Adjutant, S.V.C
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  • 770 10 Mining Engineer's Threatening Letters. A Canadian mining engineer named Charles Grant has been charged by the Public Prosecutor in the International Court with causing damage to t"he property of the British Legation and with sending insulting and threatening letters to the British Consul-General, says the Siam Observer.
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  • 54 10 Seventeenth List. Previously acknowledged $20,799.25 C. A. Newman (K. Lumpur).. 50 Miss I. Peche 10 $*****25 Endowment Fund. (Inaugurated by Sir Arthur Young, G.C.M.G., K.8.E.) Previously acknowledged 2,745 Estate of Miss H. M. Cazalas as Readuary Legatee 8,201.31 Proceeds of sale of The Shanty 3,000 $13,946.31 W.
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  • 70 10 Owing to an alteration in the cast the management of the Bandman Comedy" Co. are reluctantly compelled to make a slight change in the order of the plays to be presented next week, the order now being as follows Monday, Nothing but the Truth Tuesday, The Naughty
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  • 57 10 Mr. Chan Ah Thong, who for over 36 years was in Government service in Selangor, died yesterday morning. He was born in Sarawak on July 28, 1861, and at the age of 20 became an interpreter in the police court at Singapore. In June, 1882, he X tared Government service
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  • 415 10 Mexican Consul, Wife and Child Injured. Aberdeen, Hongkong, was the scene of a terrible accident, on August 9, when a motor-car turned turtle, injuring eight persons the new Mexican Consul (Senhor victor Galindo de Bourgg, his wife and ;hild a little girl, ten years of age
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  • 386 10 aovernment Interferes and Wants Control. The mining of tungsten ore lias gone on ipace during the past few weeks, writes he IZar.chow correspondent of the N. C. Jaily News, there being reported to be i few thousand people here, and what was »nly a short time ago
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  • 248 10 The report of the directors of Colinsburgh Rubber Estate, Ltd., to be present.■d at Malacca, on September 4, covers the -•ear ended March 31. it says After charging to revenue all secretarial and office expenses, directors' fees, $4,000, and writing off depreciation, $7,056.18, the year's working resulted
    248 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 415 10 New Rules Approved. A special general meeting of the Singapore Yacht Club was held in the S.C.C. esterday, the Hon. Mr. W. F. Nutt, 0.8. E., presiding over a good attendance. At the outset the chairman said he had to apologise for not calling the members
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    • 216 10 Yesterday's results were as follows Profession Pairs, Qualifying Rounds. Law 1, Battishill and Dyne beat Merrhants 3, Brown and Ruchwaldy, 6 2, J— 4. Merchants 5, Case and Franklin v. Merchants 15, Griffith-Jones and Prentis, unOnished. Merchants 6, Clarke and Dove beat Civil Service 3, Kinder and
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    • 251 10 Yesterday's results were as follows Championship Pairs. Mrs. Salzmann and Mr. Cameron beat Mrs. Saunders and Mr. Wishart, w.o. Mrs. Connell and Mr. Gaunt beat Mrs. Shore and Major Gunner, 6 4, 6 3. Ladies Doubles. Mrs. Hubback and Mrs. Maxwell plus 15.4 beat Mrs. Skilton and Miss
      251 words
    • 35 10 - An interesting soccer match was witnessed last evening on the old gaol sit* when the II team rre! Ihe St. Joseph's secrnd team. After a har.l gam* St. Joseph's won by 3 l.
      35 words
  • 574 10 British Resident Drowned At Yokohama. While out for a swim in company with two friends just outside the Yokohama breakwater latt on July 24, Mr. Robert Brand, recently arrived from Shanghai to join the local o.Tice of the Union Insurance Society of Canton, suddenly disappeared, and although every
    574 words
  • 374 10 Aeroplane Service from London To Glasgow. While, almost without exception, officials and publicists have been urging that th« first and greatest opportunity for aircraft sen- ices would be over great distances and with countries ill-provided with railways, arrangements have been truing forward to demonstrate almost the exact
    374 words
  • 28 10 According to a Bombay message, Mr. R. D. Tata of Messrs. Tata and Sons had been nominated to the Imperial Leffiiibttive Council in place of Sir Fazull>boj Currimbhoy.
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  • 1242 11 The Pilgrim in Search of a New Spirit. I have come out here because I understand that there are now many other pilgrims going along the roads that lead to the old battlefields and the graves of those who died in the war that was to end
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  • 664 11 Some Famous Records on The Road. The pai-ade of old coaches bids fair to he the most popular and picturesque feature of the International Horse Show that opens at Olympia (a Morning Post correspondent wrote). It will bring the mind back to a more romantic age than our
    664 words
  • 163 11 The Kianfiiun Dcx-k and Eagiaeerfasff is exceptionally busy at the present time. Work is proceeding smoothly on the two Shipping Boar.l resaela now on the stocks ami the tial are bcinjr litte«l into her whilst the Mandarin is iyinir mar the Celestial in a nearly completed condition. Two
    163 words
  • 49 11 .It.urnulism U-nds to run to the "bright" jiikl thf snappy," but The Times report of the Lord Fishi r s.rvk-e at the \'.(.cv ((.ntained a tcntence at :!xi words. It \va« n perfectly clear amisssuly balanced •entente, t>ut for length it must rarely mark a record in recent journalism.
    49 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 190 11 JUST RECEIVED Complete New Stocks Musical Instruments INJLDDING Guitars, Mandolines, Cymbals, etc., etc. With all accessories. Also all «izes Drum Vellums S. MOUTBIE CO., LTD. (loeorpoiated ia Hongkoag) RAFFLBd PLACE, SINOAPObB I WOOD PRESERVATIVE PROOF AQAINftT SVHITB AN Ti AND DRY ROT IN TIMBER TdRHi SHaDBi JwM^L BTOOK3 0? BRO
      190 words
      260 words

  • 1548 12 Late Admiral's K«en Sense Of Humour, Whin Lori Fivtei, en beocminf, First S?a Lord lot the Orel limr, proposta t£at tin South AUantio Sqaadiuo g joald bo nbolitLr S it wm itfU'uu to him by Ljri BflbatLe, Ifa'.n at tbe heal of the A:miia:ty, thtt th: Jtqoadroa
    1,548 words
  • 421 12 Enterprise of Messageries ■arltlmes. Details weie avaitatl-> reoeatly regardio the new oargo liae to be i-.»UKur»sed btl wee Antwerp and Calcutta by tbo Messagerie M(riiimbi> tJ.impaDT. This service, wbie will b? rtsrted this moc -b, will be tbc Bfs BtEten one to be L:sti:u»cd by European o
    421 words
  • 351 12 Lord Morley and Lord Fisher On W. T. Stead. Lord Motlej, who wai invited to be pie sent at th naveiling of the memorial to the l»»e W. T. Sfead, o« the Thimes Hmhank meat, sent tbe M lowing letter to Mr. WiokhMn Steed, E
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      309 words
    • 140 12 FREBHJUPPLIEB PISH Halibut, Plaunders game: Teal, Pigeons SINGAPORE GOLD STOiUSE eoMPAiv, Limr^o. CHOP PIA HIN DIAMOND MERCHANTS AND JEWELLERS. No *U. North BrUc* Road. 9lagap*ra ALWAYS IN STOCE AxUatl* Chine** and European Jewellery of rariou* de*criptiont ,*i .< cka latest fashion. EaaeraUa, Sapphlraa, Rablea, Opaia aad other predoaa noaea. ala*
      140 words

  • 1255 13 Tbe Peculiar Failure of The Japanese. 1 A t-tjeot ol ite*cagir.g impsstacee ii Ibe medical a»peo» ol fly n .j »ai tbe ailments oi the flying nun, wiUes Ibe aviation eerie spondent ol tbe N O. Daily News. Dating tlie Utter yearn o! tbe w»» Ibe mediotl
    1,255 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 79 13 WHITEAWAY'S RECORD-BREAKING SALE SPECIAL SALE OFFER ladies' White Canvas Court SHOES All Sizes Only $7.50 pair Whiteaway, Laidlaw Go ltd (laecrporntetl in ■as.laad SINGAPORE F^9H BTOCKS^OF OBTAINABLE FROM MAYNARD Co., Ltd. TEB LBADINO CHEMISTS SINGAPORE. MOTOR GARS ft LORRIES In stock— .'irmediate delivery CHANDLER CARS ESSEX CARS BROCKWAY LORRIE %V
      79 words
    • 339 13 ARE WE RIGHT? WITH PLAISTOWE'S TOFFEE DE LUXE A tropical elimste tries the digestive organs. A tropical elimata is enervating. Doctors say that Daring bodily exer tlon the system consumes more aagat •electing from the foods the sngar element* »nd rejecting the other properties, and that giren sufficient sugar, the
      339 words
    • 124 13 Make a Note I I iKr FRAMROZ 1,-JJ£<&/ FOR PRIME QUALITY I AtRATCD WATERS THE HONGKONG R0 pn MANUFACTURING CO, LTD. (laMravratai la Be ■«■•■■> ■*a«t OUce aad Warka 1 HOH6KOHS. MANUFACTURERS OF PURE MAN! 1 HEMP CORDAGE Ne laJerler Ibre ar aaalWratioa ef any Un 4 It aas4 Is
      124 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 783 14 I SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE taeludinK .uTk. hnmoh.l.l furniture .nd plants The undersigned have- received instruction* to -11 kT public auction at their sale-room. Raffles Chambers, Raffle, Place. «n Monday. August M 1926. at 2.5« p.m. 1...1 All that pi. c, „r valuable 9i>9 years' leasehold land ritoata
      783 words
    • 817 14 ULEI iV AJfttlOM MORTGAGEE'S SALE At our sale-room, No. 80, Kling Street, on Wednesday, September 1, at 2.30 p.m. Valuable 99 years leasehold land and the compound houxc erected thereon and known as No. lOC, Minto Road, Singapore, area 4,449 square feet. CHKONQ KOON BKNG A CO., Auctioneers (Telephone No.
      817 words
    • 1716 14 AtMti wT»r 9Mtf,w#w BaOL Assurance In force over $15,000,004 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. [Uaorper«Ud U wtralts asttUments) ■BAD omca t VtostMaaa* Baoa, LONDON OFFICE M. Old Jewry. Ic. Th* Ocmaaay ha* fM «M iaaialiiM with UU Bapreme 0«btI *fl Brglaad aad «*mpli«s with Ue British Ufa Assurance
      1,716 words
    • 590 14 BACKING BANQUE (NDUSTRIELLE IE CHIME, Authorise Cafttal Fr«. 1J0.000.00* Snb'rrihed C»r.»! Frs. 180.000.C0f Paid-up Capital Prt. 78,000 i*W 'I/I of the Capital lubscrlbed by list OoTemment of tb» Chinese Repablis; Chairmat oi the B<:ard cf Directors Andre P.-nhelot General Manager A. J. liratt* HEAD OFFICE i 74. Baa Saint Laiare.
      590 words

  • 1148 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics, Explanation of Puzzling Occurrences. ''Wbj?" isofiea tbemoai-_jil:qr.eatio« jin fir Kn^lsb lang-ege to ane MR Boing moßOßylUfcis, it is apparently ai tuple sic i jei tho reply my be beyond one. > 7ba e.ttb b rsnnd, a.-.d rtvolves aronn3 the fob," one
    1,148 words
  • 16 15 It is a question now which will break first, prices or the ultimate con»umer. Baltimore Sub
    16 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 311 15 f-^_h__S ____P^ NE\ KKLEF.h KEEPS lf.< SHAPE H oo ,i it results with NEVERLEER. It is flexible enough to allow emsy WOlU n yet it does not stretch and sag. Through lonj; rear I dinustM i: remaiaa waterproof nnrt retains its color. NKVEE U— CK i^ thor t— d by
      311 words
    • 224 15 r y New Columbia Double-Disc DANCE RECORDS ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED i Incorporated in Hongkong) w _*_t«_-- S3CS*-. ft— FOURNIER'S HYGENIQUE MIXTURE (FOR LADIES) WASTE NO TIME Tested and Proved for Years Immediately you notice any disorder of tho system take Fournier's Hygenique Mixture. It quickly removes all suffering There
      224 words
    • 131 15 81--. THE TYRES THAT CARRY COMMERCE ■—■—11 1 1—— 1 1 H Write for illustrated catalogue and prin- M-j c.f the nr.NLor s(»i id i:vm) mat, Tbe Dun.op Rubber Co <f*«^st) Ltd. [l -f-.if- itf-si In Japan' ♦I/48 BCBiN.OK KP4D STURDY DEPENDABILITY MORI THAN TRN TEARS AGO THE FIRST GARFORD
      131 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 392 16 QUAD KIAT CO I.IMITEII (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) M, Phillip StrMt, SINGAPORE ■tw Shipments just united of spon(;e cloth brass oil cups emery cloth brass bib cocks. brass lock beer cocks brass padlock tank cocks hubbuck's patent driers bit stock drills, etc., etc., etc. Alao Large Stock* of Canvas Hour
      392 words
    • 548 16 CALLENDER'S "VERIBEST" READY ROOFING In Bolls containing 218 aq. ft. 1 PLY. Useful for roofing light structnres, farm buildings, etc., ami as special lining medium. 2 PLY. A medium quality used on Factories, Bungalows, etc. 1 PLY. Strongly recommended for increased strength and efficiency in exposed situations. Obtainable at GUAN
      548 words
    • 1831 16 CLASSIFIED AIMRmEMENTSI Tfca PKBPAID charges for Wmata, FWr Sale, T« Let, ate. In ordinary tlota ast |n* (average stz words U Una) arc Per line one iniertion 28 cti., two int. 46 eta- three ins. 64 ct«., four lna. 82 eta., flTe ma. $1.00, biz ma. $1.13, ten ma. $1.40,
      1,831 words
    • 885 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS OFFICE VACANT, at end of month. Apply The Dispensary, 33^ Raffles Place. TO LET, stores and offices. Apply Ed. M. Nathan Co., 4, Pr Souia Street. TO LET, No*. 18s to 1»7, North Hoat Qoay. Apply Inraail and Raheem, Bras Basah Road TO LET, ground floor No.
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    • 301 16 Straits Motorcar Service LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlement*) 218 to 21«, ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVERHAULS TO MOTOR CARS AND CYCLES WELDING of all metals, under European «uper»l*len SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PRICES VERY MODERATE Phone 1233 WE HAVE A GROWING CLIENTELE Planters, Shippers and Miners are patrooiiing us in
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 206 16 STRAITS TIMES TBLEPHONW Editorial and General Manager's Office hit Job Printing Office 1144 Post Office Box No. 6M All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addresae* to THE EDITOR. All eommunicatieaa relating to business matters—adverti*** ments, subscriptions, accounts, printing etc., should be addressed to TU ADVEI'TISEMBNT RATB9
      206 words