The Straits Times, 20 August 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 26,414 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 164 1 I'rirc now $23.50 per case B9TABIISHBD NEAPLY 801 YEARS k I TRAV£ RS A WS, [ISR (Uooipciktcd in BiRl»d) B H| fj "'Sl'ojl MIB H N A-, M)R Or.RBRS %'^^^f B ~?x£?/J CONIUCTORITO THE B<tiTlH BOVrRRMEHT 'ydn "O*^ M HEAD CFFICB T&fi^^^ thacTT^rk. 119. CANNON STREET. LONOON E.C. SHIP BRAND
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    • 247 1 ROBINSON CO LT O. ißMipoTtted ia ii b Biraita Settle RALEIGH CYCLES The Cyc'e wi;h a reputation built ia a factory with up-to-3a c mach n*ry. Jv*- THE MODEL D fiALIEIGB m/ /\\k. S/f/\ B^ finiebed acd fitted n »uch wp^^^X _3iajK-V^ Elf manreras to be a credit to both
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    • 1 1 STKKII.ISI.iI
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  • 956 2 The Raw laUrlal In a British Studio. A fire reel fi'tu, which ia about tt.OfO ft. ci 7 003 St. id kagfci tak.B 1:m tban Iwo boat* to thew. The hoc film take* on »o »-:eta((C ibree ct fear rron'.tg to nuke. So mo long
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  • 176 2 Fdt some weeks ptat, Bia'.ra a Bombay meewge cf Jaly 80, there bis beta a oon aidetcble inflaw cf tiiTri topeea into tL» jasienoy offices. On Jane 22, the tuoti reeoive was 8,000 lakhs, wbish oa Jaly 32 bad iLOieaud to 4,401 lakbs, Tbia indicate*
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  • 27 2 Jod^e Cla'i wti iofarwed »t obricJiteb Joabtj Cooit tiiat aoibotft' oufttotiom no*> oosl f at «tiillic«» »n bout '"b: yin I «otd r what Ttcsjeoa paid T
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 319 2 "Kidney Bladder TTronbles Grateful Testimony from Former Sufferers Now Cored hy Or. CasseTs Tablets. Rd 5 S^u'h Mr'an. ssa Mrira. in th« !if'< ■y. with I ii F. 8.8 S.. i got < ;:1 v r many form, of I toi I ctur^« rAN ESS (ale Prc-ir.cicr^' "I codTbooks ANOTHER
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    • 423 2 FOUCAULD ACHE PAIN INSURANCE You insure your house against fire, yon insure your life— why not insure yourself ■gainst aches and pains Little's Oriental Balm is an Ache and Pain Insurance for those who keep it hardy can have INSTANT relief from Baekiiche. Headache, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains and EVERY pain,
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    • 209 2 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO LTD (InavrpciaUd In H»nikon«) lial OBm aarf W«rfa I BON6KONS BHJDIAJUI BXAIfS CSOUBfT tea baas U*d fot all Jaa«r!atl«aa vmtK, mh rMar*«ira, tra»»»yi, karboor wcrki, heavy foundatlona, firt'flaiMa—. la MM Bkt last, and It kaa •Tarrwhara clvaa aatiiw aaiWfmcttoa. r.).(T»« addraaa f GMKKNLAND, UNSAPOKi Telephone No.
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  • 1049 3 New Storits o! Conqueror 01 Bagdad. A Bf.w »nl meat miring aroouik of tbe lt«t momeat* ol Lieot. geaenl Sir Bt*pl« j Maude Riv* a prigsuit iatetast to tbe ♦dm.rable "Lite" cl that «»eat sjldiet bj Msjot Rtner&l Sir C. B. Cdwe". In th« boat
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  • 142 3 A man's tight Mm UUoof d with a wrcslfa, olaiped b»Dde, ked tb > word* "Foiset me net, Anci Ml r»o ye td fern NiiFt-* It vi r }<]»% below the f-.lin m J.lj 13. Ii i« clii ved to b 8 the a>m el Obuki
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 261 3 T il* *wo Firsts!/ Here is the new A.C. 6- cylinder model -the first six- cylindcrliyht car on the market f and one which when shown ai the motor show in London y gained golden opinions, from press and public, and like «Ke A.C. 4 cylinder light car, is first
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    • 432 3 V^A. "-Mil j^ r /F -A^lr^ 1 f A- tftsy*j' Increase Your Vital Energy 63% "To l>e in perfect henlth," writes A distitiKUishod physician, "the body must be well ftirnisht-il with what is popularly called vital unrgy, which controls and regulates the whole corporeal structure. Some men have nnyh of
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    • 404 3 Ranks stWaM v.-r»?se In THE CHINESE COM I lAI DIRECTORT The bank which, in the i.U days, would not advertise, is finding a hundred reason* for advertising to-day." The banker, too, has something to sell i It is service. Service is hi.i stock ip trad* The modern bank offers service
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    • 390 3 BRITISH MAKE AND QUALITY TATES MINING CHAN'GKOI.S 8H lbs. |H| 4 lbs. ASSAM FORKS CROSS CUT SAWS AND H.\M»LB3 4 ft. 0 in, S ft. 0 in. and ft. 0 io. PRUNING BAWB JE»ONG TAPPtna KNIVE.CAWIt universal M>l BTaUPPOfa in. -»r.d It Id. BUROPEAN ACETIC ACID Send your enquiries to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 746 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. Sc 0.- British India Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) The mnpanvs MAIL SERVICES'' EAST OF DOMBAY are at present suspended LONDON FAR-rASTEKN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES LONDON Due Singapore
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    • 565 4 STEAMER SAILINGS PRINCE LINE IWITIS, (Incorporated la E&rfaad) FAB EAST IRTICa FOB NCW TOBI CELTIC PRINCE t1« S* m •boot tnd half Ort. For |II Information apply to ADAHSON, GILFTLLAN 00, (Incorporated la EagUad) Ageate. THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LIMITED (Incorporated in the United Kingdom) For China aad Japaa BENALDER
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    • 280 4 STEAMER SAILINGS on THE OSAKA BHOSEN EAIBHA LTD. (Incorporated In Japac) No. I. Do Beau Stra*. Propoaed Sailing from Slagapnr* (Subject to Chang* without n»«ea) FOR PORT SAID, MARSEILLE*. LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG ALPS MARIT mid. B. o t. ATLAS MARU end Sept. (omit calling at Marseilles) ARGIN MAKU
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    • 340 4 STEMKR SAILINGS KAIIHA (laaorporated Japan) Cadar Mai] Castries wit* U* btaaratf Janaaaaa f.iiaiaal «abJMt to altaratlaaa vitaaal mHh EUEOPB MAO, UNI Fortalgatly ferric* Far Laadaa, Aatwera via (Malacca) Ptoss; C«l«a»aa, Saea, Part Bald aad r'trt SHIDZUOKA MARU Aii*. end KA(iA MAKU Sept 14 KUMAMO MARU mid. Sept. YOKOHAMA MARD Seat,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 516 5 STEAMER SAILINGS DODWELI I In. 'iit'porat»il in Kngland) FOR NEW YORK DIRECT EGREMONT CASTLE commences loading and of August For freight, piease «.np!y to PATJEBSON, SIMONS CO, LTD., Agents AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, vis Terros
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    • 247 5 STEAMER SAILINGS NAVIQAZIONE GENERALE ITALIANA (Incorporated in Italy) The s.s. Masunielio is expected to arrive in Singapore about the end of October and sails for Hongkong and Shanghai, loading for these ports. i On her return voyage the s.s. Masaniello j will call' at Singapore taking cargo homewards. For freight
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    • 329 5 STEAMER SAILINGS j M.S. JI'TLANDIA This vessel will sail hence for Copenhagen late September-early October and will take cargo for Scandinavian ports. For freight and particulars, apply to THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. THE FRANCE AND CANADA STEAMSHIP CORPORATION Survey of Damaged Cargo Consignees of cargo per American schooner I
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    • 336 5 K'>B PRINCES AND RICH MEN ONLI THE ROYAL YAKUTI (ANANG VILAS). This Yakut) or life-giving nectar has beei prepared from the best, choicest and riehaa vegetable drugs. It has a wonderful property of increasing the virile power and reetifiei all urinary disorders. In fact, it makes mai a man. This
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    • 187 5 SUPKRM DISPLAY Of BEAUTIFUL BLOUSES DELIGHTFUL DRESSES FANCY SILKS (NOT HAM DPJ RQOniTELT EMMtOIDEHSD in a wid* variety of delicntc (hi contly matched. An elite selection of nearly 1.000 choice pattern-. No two iilik". The finest assortment evrr seen in Singapore, comprising. HEPE-l)E-( lUNK. Sll K VOII.E UUNTtnVG SII.K. sll
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 847 6 CINEMAS I li ®WM HWa% »i 11 1 II From Friday, Angml SO. to Wednftdny, A'Uiut 1 g5 A POTVgR'CL UN'VEKSAL HUM\N INIBRBiT DRA*A Fattariaß tbat Amerioaa Bjaniy of tho sorcen MASYMA 3LABBS In a ato>T »h«t breathus tbi aioao^ph^r-) ol ian'.e to? acd youtb, of (i ifl <h longiaga,
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    • 366 6 CINEMAS from Friday, August 30 to Mo iday August 23 Kg HALL, LTD. 5 BU'^TX^S SECOND ?HCW AT O.IE P/AOTk MARY MACLAREN ma /t/fflfi jMS\ Id picnic tn evrry wife THE RQAO TO DIVORCE A picture tbat ticty mile, and every woman who intend* to be a wJfp, abon'j Bee
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  • 75 7 FIXTI'RKS. FrMay, August 20. Bigh n 1.11 p.m. I p.m. n Vl«. Theutre, 9.30. S.iturdny, Au;:»-t 11. in., J7 p.m. Vie. Theatre. 9.30. Sunday. \u ;i^i U, 8.58 3.4"> p m. Monday, .'n ,i: ,t 2:i. ter, E.lB i 'n.. 1.48 p.m. August 21. r, II
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  • 104 7 SH IPPING INTELLIGENCE. VB»BU AT THE DOCKS. 10, Shrimp, Deni SVharl I bun Sang, Van lieemskcrk. Sheers Wharf, Aib.rt and Victoria Dry Dock* Havi i. ,\:ain \V!:ari Toaa :!aru. Alloway, Circe. Dg i, T.itonii Maru, Heishin Rmplrc I>«rk City of Spoknne, Santa Cruz, ..ay, Talthybius. v.-. Wharf Krian. Jai
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  • 84 7 from Pontia- I-.; :.i; tons, from Kuantan 19-8, i fr.iv.i T. Pandaa II .for P 1. :7 tons, from Cal- fl in C':il- u.:c. Brit, 1 :.s, from Labuan ins, from Uom. ions, from Kelantan Maru. .I.ip., 8,280 tons, from Yoko--21-8, tons, from Calr one. 1., n., I.2
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  • 213 7 To-day Pulau Sambu ».»0 p.m. Sourabaya 8 p.m. i'..rt Swettenhaa anJ Teluk Anson 8 p.m. Viis'Tn and Muar 8 p.m. Sarawak anJ Goebilt .4 p.m. ChrUtaas Inland 4 pm. P. S'ambu, Lii'iiton a:;d Batavia 4 p.m. mho and Calcutta J P' n K. Pahai Pekan, Kuantan and
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  • 27 7 (Officis 'OH' lM Report) Spore .luly f. July 7 July X July 13 Arrived London August 2 August 9 August 9 August 11
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  • 110 7 Tfc« Earl of Athlone (who served in the South African War as Prince Alexander ofTeck) delights in stories of his old Sir Charles Tucker, and this one in particular, says an old brother in arms i the Ilaily Sketch ln the South African \v;:r, 'c.-iv ral
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  • 32 7 41 I! li iu> lnuKhiriK matter, collecting r«>nt in my district. You never know whether you are (roinc to get the rent or a brick said a landlord at Bow County .'..jit
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  • 126 7 HCHANGB Singapore, August 19. On LoadUk, Bank 4 m/a Pomand 2/3 Private 3 m. 3 credits 2/4 19/32 On New York Demand 41% Private 90 days 46% On France Bank 665 On India, Bank T.T. 118 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 93 Vi p.c. pm. On Shanghai, Bank
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    • 203 7 Iss. Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 16.00 1 1 Aycr Weng 1.25 1.50 U £1 Kam Kamunting 2.16.6 2.18.6 10 10 Kinta Amoc. 7.26 H.OO 1.1 il Kinta Tin 2.7.6 nom. 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.90 3.10 1 1 Jelantoh 1.90 2.10 tl Cl Lahat Mine* 7.50
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    • 127 7 Iss. Val. IM. Buyers. Sellers, il £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.10.0 3.17.6 a £1 E. Smelting Co. 12.75 13.75 5/- Electric T'ways 3/3 4/3 10 10 Fraser Neave 57.00 58.00 0 50 W. Hammer Co. 107.50 112.50 00 100 Katz Bros. 130.00 150.00 ■-1 £1 Mexican Eaple 10.15.0 11.10.0
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    • 88 7 LT. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par S p.c pc Spore Electric Tramways 5 p.c. £350,000 com. Spore Municipal 5 p.c. iIjOTSgN par. Spore Mun. 4^4 p.c. of 1907 ?1,000,000 16 p.c. 10 p.c. dis. Spore Mun. 4H p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500.. 16 p.c. 10 p.c. dis. Spore Mnn. 4%
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  • 429 7 Frastr and Co. and Lyall and Evatt't Qaotatfoaa. [Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page on Friday.] To-day s Prices Fraser Lyall I Co. Evatt i Mlenby ($1) U.BO 0.90 0.80 0.90 Mor Gajah ($1) 3.70 3.90 3.60 &£0 \m. Malay 4.25 4.75 4.60 4.75 \yerHitaro(ss)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 717 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BALE, TWO NEW HI'PMOBILKS (1920), and one second-hand two-aealsr Dodge. Apply 21, The Arcade. FOB SALE, Brand new Harley-Davtdsoa n.otor eyela, magneto ignition, 7 '9 h.p., suitable for mi; ear. What offers Apply 18, Straits Times. CLERK WANTED for omce of shipping Bta, One with knowledge of
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    • 133 7 DO NOT BEAD THIS IF YOD DO NOT WANT TO DRINK GONNESB'B ".TOUT, THE ONLY STOUT THAT TONES IP THE ATHLETES. Guinness* Stout was and has been brewed only in Dublin. With the exception el the Lewton Bottling, the various brand of Guinness's Stout are bottled outside e4 Dublin. Being
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    • 354 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE The Municipal Commissioners of Singapore invite tenders for the construction and completion of 12 inch and 9 inch stoneware pipe sewer in River Valley Road. Drawings and specification may be inspected and tender forms obtained at the Municipal Engineer's Office during office hours. Tenders on the prescribed forms
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    • 167 7 VICTORIA THEATRE MONDAY, AUGUST 30 MAI'KK'E E. BAMIMAX IKKSENTS TIHS BANDMAN COMEDY CO. In a Repertoire of the latest Lnmton SUCCe The Hooking »ill be open at MOl TKIKS ON MONDAY, \k;ist 23. To-morrow Saturday Km Iflllll ..nd Dwilll will be »bo»r. THE STAR OPERA The Theatre Royal, North
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  • 1169 8 FRIDAY. AUGUST 20 COUNCIL OF ACTION. There is hardly anything more pungent]}illustrative of the widespread, wholly unreasoned unrest in the world to-day than the attempts of the Labour Party to upset the democratic principle. Recently we had direct action threatened about Ireland. and the latest phase is the formation by
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  • 47 8 A Reuter cable dated London, 17th says the Eastern Telegraph Company announce that owing to a serious breakdown of cables between India and the Far East, all messages are temporarily subject to delay. Information to this effect has already been made public locally by the Telegraph Company.
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  • 59 8 A daring gang robbery was committed at 7.30 p.m. on August 17 at Mengkuang in Bukit Mertajam. A dozen armed men rushed into a house and attacked the inmates with heavy sticks, cutting them with parangs. The house was ransacked by the robbers who decamped with a booty of $200.
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  • 64 8 In their produce report, dated the 19th inst., Messrs. Barlow and Co. state Copra The firm tone mentioned in our last report has not been maintained and during the greater part of the week under review the market has been quiet. Closing quotations are as. follows No. 1 standard $19.30
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  • 21 8 The Rent Assessment Board for Singapore will sit on Tuesday, the 24th instant, at 2-15 p.m. in the Municipal Board Room.
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  • 38 8 The iron girder bridge now being used for traffic over the Kallang River will be taken down in about six to eight weeks time and the material deposited on both sides of the river and offered for sale.
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  • 38 8 At a committee meeting of the Perak Motor Union held on July 24, the following additional members were elected Major McD. Graham, Messrs. A. M. Wall, A. M. Pilter, G. M. P. Hornidge and Ahmad bin Abdul Wahab.
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  • 43 8 A tiger entered Mr. Whittle's bungalow compound on Amherst Estate the other night and carried off an Irish terrier named Socks, who was given to Mrs. Whittle to look after by Col. Fox when he retired from the East about 18 months ago.
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  • 38 8 A Government Gazette Extraordinary issued yesterday notifies that the maximum selling price of Nestles Milkmaid Sweetened Condensed Milk by importers is now $24.50 per case. Retailer's price $24.95, or 52 cents per tin, wholesaler's price $24.65 per case.
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  • 46 8 The Municipal Commissioners have notified shipping that the improvement in the local water supply resources, owing to the recent rains, has enabled them to postpone the reduction of supply of water to ships and that they no longer contemplate the necessity of entirely ceasing this supply.
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  • 46 8 The battle exploit memorial committee at home in a report on claims for erection of memorials refers to numerous applications from Indian units in respect to France, Gallipoli, Mesopotamia and East Africa. The East African Expeditionary Force has chosen Tanga as a site for a memorial.
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  • 56 8 Owing to the untimely death of Mrs. Chia Gue Khiam, the general meeting of the Catholic Union is postponed to Sunday, the 29th inst., at 10.30 a.m. Members of the Union are requested to attend the funeral which will take place to-day at 4 p.m. at the Church of St.
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  • 78 8 For driving a car in a rash and negligent manner at Tanglin Road yesterday two Malays, Sulaiman and Hassan, were mulcted in the sum of $30 each, in the second court this morning. It was alleged that the first accused allowed Hassan, who was only a novice and had no
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  • 72 8 There is a great demand for silk embroideries in Canton because many American ladies use them for trimmings on fancy dresses. More than twenty embroiderers' shops have been organized recently in the city and no fewer than two thousand women workers are being employed by these concerns. It is reported
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  • 87 8 The rank and file of the Chinese army, it said, can outbugle any army of the world. One thing," says an American writer (quoted by the Liverpool Post), the Chinese soldier does do. He bugles. The one great insatiable unconquerable passion of the Chinese army is bujrlinir. I have never
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  • 84 8 The Peking Jih Pao and other vernacular newspapers state that Generals Hsu Shu-tseng and Ting Shih-Yuan, travelling to Mongolia by aeroplane, were shot down by General Wang Tingchen's men with an anti-aircraft gun in the Nankou Pass. The reports add that both were captured. No confirmation of this report ran
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  • 107 8 A sensation was caused in the Fort this afternoon, says the Ceylon Observer ol August 9, when the business establishments of a certain Moorish firm, having branches in India and elsewhere, were closed and guards placed. It is stated that overdrafts were allowed the firm by two of the leading'
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  • 100 8 The third annual report of the Chinese Benevolent Association, Pcnang, for the year ending December 31, 1919, states lhat the limit of. 1,000 members was reached at the close of the year. The total amount of investments at the close of the year was $22,000. The excess of income over
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  • 133 8 The Menis Own Cookery Book is the attractive title of a publication issued by the Commercial Press of Seremban. The authoress is Mrs. W. E. Kinsey, and she presents "420 tried and economical recipes for Malaya." The object of the book is a very worthy one, for it is hoped
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  • 404 8 Mr. W. 11. R. Allen, of the Strata Trading Company, who is in Penang Oneral Hospital, is improving. Mr. A. W. Curtis*, proprietor of tho Kobe Herald, who has bow s.-riously ili Tor some time, is now fully reuwwod. Mr. G. N. Burnhani, of Messrs. Barktcr and
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  • 69 8 The Straits Settlements Gold Medal has this year been awarded by Aberdeen University to William Linton Millar, M.A., M.D. (1918), for the best thesis handed in during 1918, 1919 or IU2O for the decree of M.D. on a subject dealing with tropical medicine. Dr. Millar was
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  • 74 8 In all probability a meeting of the Legislative Council will be held in Penang durinjr the first week in Seplember. It was mentioned some time hack that a sitting might take place in the Northern Settlement during His Excellency's stay there but upon enquiry we were informed officially
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  • 91 8 We are informed l.y tin 1 MCTCtan thai the company's dredge has been completed ami is now ready for shipment by the steamer Malayan on her return voyace from Melbourne direct to Port Swettenham whence it will be railed direct to the mine. The erecting
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  • 129 8 A correspondent writes to the Malay Mail The voluntary parade at Klnnjr on Tues day was a great success. Over ;i0 turned out and every one carried a rifle. Thp ranks contained several n-vAcwi, some of high rank, and Mttxada lii[> was pi.od. Sergt. Major (Instructor) Incite
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  • 145 8 The following properties wire sold by aucton by Messrs. Chcong Koon Seng anil Co. at their saleroom, 80, Klui Stnet, on Wednesday afternoon Freehold land and houses 106-2 to 106-4, Bukit Tfaoafa Road, area 13.98G sq. ft., bought by Mr. Al. Inl Kadir Marican for 40 cctits
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 83 8 $1.15 VIRGINIA r I O\9 CIGARETTES j\ kiJ&SJ BRISTOL 4 LONDt" 1 i s§s*J^ *y 'J^HyNiL tub rik/rcT BBIMMi wJi 11 "IILUJI I ilfr int. MNL3T NOW SHOWING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS im 1 JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Ineoiporatcd is Bsglstd) S!NG*PO»t AND KUALA I.UMIUR. BDCH&NAM'S Black and White Whisky Gordon's
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    • 163 8 BELBCT SUBJECTS AND BIG FEATURES AT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRES (Tan Cheag Kec Co, Ltd, Proprietor.) ALHAMBRA TTTAGRAPH SERIAL 15 Episode. THS WOMAN IN THE WEB Episodes 11 and 12 Featuring Hedda Nora and J. Frank Glendon 7 Pta. LOVE WITHOUT QUESTION 7 Pta. Featuring Olive Tell Topical Budget and
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  • 629 9 Polish Forces Make CounterOff ensive. Hopes of Averting the Fall Of Warsaw. Kki'tkr Telegrams London, August 16. The Times POMI correspondent states that Da! i.itui and other members of Un diplomatic corps have <i-rived from Vmnr, The Italian and Danish rcpri- i!:nms have receive;! oMers to rema: -i
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  • 41 9 Kei.ter Telegram London, August 17. Qui-lii British companies in which Lord Rothermere and Lord Northcliffe are interested have assumed the ownership uf the Gulf Pulp and Paper Company, which hus a rfiily output of 150 tons of dry pulp.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 372 9 Reuter Telegrams London, August 17. New York M. I": r.nentier, representing the French Minister of Finance, states that France is paying tier share of the Anglo-French loan maturing on October 15. London, August 17. Wellflcct, Massachusetts: The people of Cape Cod district have begun a long series
    Reuter  -  372 words
  • 67 9 Reuter Telegram London, August 16. His Majesty has sent a letter to the Lord Lieutenants, Lord Mayors and Lord Provosts emphasising that he is anxious that every effort should be made to support Field Marshal Haig's appeal on behalf of unemployed ex-Service men and requesting recipients to cooperate
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  • 49 9 Reuter Telegram London, August 17. Following the shooting of Inspector Wilson, armed police turned out and practically wrecked the town of Templemore. The town hall, a large building in the main street, was burned and many business premises were wrecked. The rifle fire lasted for about four hours.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 43 9 Reuter Telegram London, August IS. The Empress of Canada, the largest vessel on the Pacific, has been launched. Her tonnage is 22,000, and she carries 840 first and second class passengers and 930 Asiatic steerage passengers, with a crew of 56.
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  • 37 9 Reuter Telegrams London, August 17. Captain Fryatt's vessel the Brussels realised £3,100 on the Baltic Exchange. London, August 17. Berlin The money order service with British Colonies and post offices in foreign countries has been resumed.
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  • 168 9 The Visit to India Definitely Postponed. Riuteh Telegram London, August 17. A Royal Proclamation announces that His Majesty's hope to send the Prince oi Wales to India next winter cannot unhappily be realised because the unceasing and devoted labours of the Prince of Wales in other parts
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  • 81 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, August 20. The Pinang Gazette asks the committee of the Chamber of Commerce to reconsider its decision r< trailing the Straits Settlements Association. It also points out, dealing with the Defence Force Ordinance, that Sir Arthur Adams was a compulsionist only in
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  • 327 9 Lebanon Cedars and Californian Trees. No form of life on our planet is as longlived as the tree. Tradition says that the cedars of Lebanon were planted by God at the creation of the world, and that they will endure until the last day. Of the three
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  • 142 9 Macphail and Cu.'s Daily Report. Singapore, August 20, 1920. Silver.— 6o%. Tin.— lso tons sold at 141. Rubber. The market is weaker and irregular. Std. sheet for September realised 72 to 74 cents with Oct-Decr. transacted at 77 to 80 cents. Share Market. A trifle weaker to-day
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  • 74 9 Canton authorities have offered $20,000 reward to the army and navy for the capture of the two rebel leaders, Chow Chi-ching and Ho Hak-mo, who recently attempted to start a rebellion at Kongmoon. To earn the full $20,000 it will be necessary to capture the men alive if they are
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  • 502 9 tlusions of British Malaya Committee. report of the executive of thi General Labour Committee, Britis) Malaya, on Indian labour an I labourers has been published above the signatures ol Messrs. W Duncan and A. B. Milne, foi the executive committee, and C. WardJackson (secretary). The concluding paragraphs state
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  • 369 9 Messrs. Fraser and Co's Weekly Report- 'n tla-ir share circular dated August 18, Messrs. Kraser and Co., state The conditions of the market are very much the same week by week only lattery there hts been considerably more business about. The slight rise in the price of
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  • 141 9 The search for Mr. Ambrose J. Small, the millionaire theatre-owner of Toronto, who disappeared last September, is being vigorously prosecuted, and active efforts are also being made to discover the whereabouts of John Doughty, for many years Mr. Small's secretary, who is also misvng. Mrs. Small is now offering a
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  • 858 9 Speculative Demand and Erratic Prices. The 460 th auction of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was held on August 18 and 19, 1920, when there was catalogued 1,920,030 lbs., 857.16 tons. Offered 1,695,167 lbs. 756.77 tons. Sold 1,171,068 lbs., 522.79 tons. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked
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  • 21 9 Cholera cases throughout Japan totalled 2,300 on July 24, including 400 in Osaka Prefecture. Korea had 701 cases, including 343 fatalities.
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  • 73 9 A strange star that is said to stand' as a forerunner of civil war has made its appearance north-east of Shanghai, according to the native press, and those who claim to have seen it are disputing its shape, some conceding it is octagonal and others that it is hexagonal. All
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  • 1017 9 Revival of the Rice and Curry Tiffin. My dear Madge,— The subject of Pro nteers and Profiteering has large in the papers and in the minda of the public that the following st.iry, told to me by one of the newly-arrived ladies in this country, may
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  • 25 9 The reason an article costs $10 niora is because the material in it now costs 13 cents more and the labour 9 cents Baltimore Sun.
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  • 1102 10 An English Wife In Berlin. This private memoir of events, politics, and daily Ufa in Germany throughout the war and tl: K>cial revolution of 1918, is written by Lancashire lady, who in 11)07 married Prince (then Count) Bliicher, great-great grandson of the famous Marshal for
    1,102 words
  • 665 10 Flying Through a Thunderstorm Described. The following; is contributed to The Times by a correspondent The sky was strewn with the femnants of a morning cirrus, as the climb was made carefully but swiftly on the wings of a warm wind. Eight thousand feet were reached
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  • 226 10 The Gaiety management are putting a four-star programme in to-night's show. William Desmond will appear in Iced Bullets, five parts, Charlie Chaplin in Shanghaied, two reels, Little Mary McAlister in her new serial, second series, Do Children Count and, lastly, Alice Joyce, in the Vengeance of Durant, by
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  • 30 10 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, August 21, 1920 Saturday, August 21. S.R.E.Cv.) Rifle Club, Balestier Range, 2.30 p.m. (Sd.) R. SMITH, A*. Adjutant, S.V.C
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  • 34 10 It is possible to mail a baby by parcel post. The dancer lies in the fact that the child is liable to be full grown when it arrives nt its destination. Philadelphia Public Ledger.
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    • 191 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Ricksha pullers resident at Duxton Road, are causing much annoyance to the public. They do it only at night, by taking passengers from elsewhere bound either for Duxton Road or Neil Road or General Hospital, anil when they reach
      191 words
    • 408 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, My object in venturing to address you again is not to indulge in lengthy argument with Mr. Choo Kia Peng respecting his iengthy letter of the 11th inst. in reference to myself, but to endeavour to convince him and
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  • 320 10 Appreciation from American Mariners. No other fruit in the world has been so maligned as the mango. Marines who have served at Haiti are in accord with the views of early travellers, who said that the mango resembled a ball of tow soaked in turpentine
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  • 60 10 One thing was going to kill the fine spirit shown by our Army, declared Earl Haig at Bangor, when he was presented with the freedom of the town, and that was the feeling among ex-Service mm that the sacrifices they had made were now forgotten. In June over 185,000 exService
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  • 714 10 Brigade Superintendent's Annual Report. Mr. T. Wilson, Superintendent, Singapore Fire Brigade, in the course of his report for li»lu, says The number of calls to fires or supposed fires was 48, a decrease of 2on 1918. Of these calls 32 proved to be genuine fires on assessed
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  • 183 10 No company of entertainers that has visited Singapore in the last twelve months has made a better impression than the Humphrey Bishop Company, and these players' return for a brief visit is very welcome. It speaks much for their popularity that in spite of the short
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  • 66 10 "I smoke, and in Lent try to give it up, God knows, but I fail." This admission was made at the Wesleyan Methodist conference at Hull by Dr. Kirklan, of Portsmouth, (luring a discussion of the subject of fasting days. It was resolve I that quarterly "fast
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  • 34 10 Along: with Sir Oliver Lodge's declaration that the world will exist a million years longer, it is interesting to speculate on how high sugar will be by the end of that time. Lexington Herald.
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 413 10 Member, S.C.C. writes Your correspondent of last evening who asserts that it is unfair to the S.C.F.A. to ask them to play four hard games in succession I think touches a point where the opposite is the case, since the S.C.F.A. are having good practice which the
      413 words
    • 129 10 Another correspondent, who signs him self A Football Enthusiast, writes I have been waiting for an abler pen than mine to ask the committee of the Singapore Football Association publicly ft r an announcement as to the reason for the non-allowance of the National Union Club and
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    • 20 10 The match in the S.C.C. cricket tournament arranged for to-morrow is C.S. and Law v. Merchants A to K.
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    • 38 10 The Swimming Club launch will run on Sunday as follows Johnston's Pier 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. Club 9.30 and 10.30 a.m., 12.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. High tide is at 3.45 p.m.
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    • 53 10 A Sweepstake Race will be sailed on Sunday morning. Course Start U. E. Pier, round buoy ulf Master Attendant's pier, inside breakwater, round man-o-war buoy, mark boat off Swimming Club, hulk Oscar, mark boat off Seaview Hotel, and finish at starting line. Once round. Boats leave Tanjong
      53 words
    • 138 10 The match between the Singapore Garrison Golf Club and the Singapore Golf Club, played on the former's course, resulted in a win for the visitors by 8 to 6. The scores were as follows. Garrison players being mentioned first Mills and F. G. Stevens I'm, Forbe and Smith 1.
      138 words
    • 119 10 The following were yesterday's results in the tournament at the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club Championship Pairs. Mrs. Turner beat Mrs. Wishart, B—6,8 6, 9—7. ladles Singles. Mrs. Maxwell plus 15.4 beat Mrs. Cringle scr., 6—l, 6—2. I.adi.s Doubles. Mrs. Hunter and Miss Naughton plus 2
      119 words
    • 111 10 The following ties in the qualifying ro^ii n Pain in 1h 8 CjC. tennis tournament will be stayed on Monday Civil Service, Talma anil \V. I anchnni Carter v. Municipality 2, Manchester an. l Kyfc. Merchants 11, H. S. A. White and B Williams v. Merchants .■<,
      111 words
    • 140 10 A Reuter wire of August 17 states Enormous crowds at tile (Hal i have testified to the revival of public interest in critket. The weather has been brilliant. Spectators have lined up Irn deep beyond the appointed limits, and each day queues of 200 and .WO have assembled
      140 words
  • 545 10 Ei K ht Million Cigarettes Destroyed. It has long been an established fact, says the Shanghai Gazette, that the average Chinese coolie holds the opinion that the majority of foreigners in Shanghai are, if not exactly insane, at least not quite right in the head, but the
    545 words
  • 78 10 When the workmen own the workshops And the railroad men the rails And the grocery clerk the groceries Anil the mail clerks own the mails When the preachers own the pulpits And the pressmen own the shops And the drillers own the oil wlls And the jails are owned
    78 words
  • 32 10 Mr. A. J. Clntworthy has passe. l I•% examination for first mate in the Mr' chant service. He was a student ti t Nautical Academy, Sailors' Horn rv.'uh Mr. Cl.itworthy tmeses >'< >"* career.
    32 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 2518 11 The Planting Programme for Tbe Year. The ninth otdio'.rj Ktaeral u eating ol Ihe j 8 tmpaog (Java) Kabset PiaatatioDß, Limited, was held tcoonlly in tbe Conncil Roomol tbe Bnbb.i Ofoweia' Aascoialion (lioorporaled), se, Bislchcap, E.G., Mt. R N. Bingley (chairman cf tbe company) pteaidißß. The
    2,518 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 322 11 JUST RECEIVED Complete New Stocks Musical Instruments IN :LUDIN3 Guitars, Mandolines, Cymbals, etc., etc. ail accessories. Also all sizes Drum Vellums S. MOUTBIE CO., LTD. (Ineorpotated ia Hoagkoag) RAFFLE j PiA.B, SINQAPO'E THE CHATWOOD SAFE OF the many thirgs in this world which should be sele tel by reason
      322 words
      231 words

  • 974 12 LONDON EXCHANGE STERDLINf. PRICES JULY 21 AND SINGAPORE DOLLAR SHARE PRICES AUGUST 19. Par Value. 2/- l. £1 £1 £1 £1 21--£1 21--£1 1--21-£1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 £1 -2-1-£1 21--2- 21-£1 21--£1 £1 £1 £1 Company. Anglo-Malay Bakap i'lanius. Batu Caves
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 682 12 SATISFACTION IS BEST ASSURED IF WE WORK WITH YOU RATHER THAN FOR YOU t GET IN TOLCH WITH KIAM KIAT COMPANY 108 and 109, MARKET STREET, AND YOU WILL EXPERIENCE IT. GOVERNMENT NOTICE Teadms t the .lonial Secretary's Offlee, pp to noon of August il, 1930, For the following arerka
      682 words
    • 650 12 STAMP BARGAINS KeUntan, lc. to $25, complete set of 13. fine ased $26.00 Siam, Victory, 2 natang to 15 sat., I act of 5, unused 1.50 Kedah, 1»1!> Provisionals, 50 ets. on $2 sid $1 on $3, complete set of 2, unused, rare 10. Of N'or'h Borneo, 1916 Provisionals, complete
      650 words
    • 259 12 OFFICES AND GODOWN TO LET at No 6. Battery Road and 4, Boat Quay, tiround Floor, 6, Battery Road. B. Office, area 924 square feet. C. Office, area 1,008 square feet. Rronnd Floor, 4, Boat Quay. A. Godown, area 2,456 square feet. First Floor, 6, Battery Road. G. Office, area
      259 words
    • 84 12 NEW SHIPMENT OF EUROPE-MADE CUSHION COVERS for Hup and Buick 1920 IBO.M BRASS FOOT I'UMPS with gauge.. IS.M riRE PRESSURE GAUGE, pocket size J.OO valcamsim; compound 10 lbs. siie, for tube and tread 20.M SEARCH LIGHT for Motor Car 25.00 THF PATENT PATCHQUIGK COMPANY 26-3, ORCHARD ROAD. NEO ENG KIAT
      84 words
    • 70 12 FRESHJUPPLIES SMOKED SALMON SMOKED EELS SMOKED HERRI&GS SALT HERRINGS AND ANCHOVIES IN FLASKS BIN6HPORE COIO STONE eOMPAhY, LIMITED. AIR-FLOAT AND 1 !f%f m ws vX *'■> Ifr-p Ihe Peace-Timev er^ that make the WHOLE S HAPPY. At s»ll Oltpensarlcs nnd k(or«« CONIfELi. BROS. Cu*. Htnais»«>oa?ei '.aeotpotsled ia O •ola Agent*
      70 words

  • 815 13 Ooe Vast Factory and Never A Factory Chimney. ot< agtu is a BBcckc'e's ou t«e of indostiy. writes a o.rrtPnondent in tbe N. 0. i»aiij N -wn. Taa euaK tbe mint, tbo elfotn? irjht pl»n», tbo pjwdw fsoisiy, snd two o» shtfe mnobiao Fnoy 1 ta^'j
    815 words
  • 225 13 Ko Camphor and Dear Tio Plates. The output ot many kinds of men's and womea'a eiotbitg ia being delayed by a button eboitagd Tbe buttons, wbiob ate last beoomiiß unobtainablr, are net tbe tancj and oinamtoDtat varieties that were so scaroe doiißK tte w»» OAicg to
    225 words
  • 38 13 11 He oalif d me a slaoket," laid yoocß man at tbe Btai Ham eoail, poistiog to bia atsailant, wlio woie tbe Mona libboa. I bave been in front ol mcie medical bowds than he b»L efb* tcta."
    38 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 202 13 WHITEAWAYS 103 fairs 100 Odette Corsets ]a Bilk L\oc' a ar.d Ocatll, perfect iv every detail. Ail s:zes to bi oltsUWd at HALF PRICE I i Il.t3v>l!l U 111 CUI1I11& 250 Ladies 250 Trimmed cmiTrimmed and Untrimmed _r*_> r J/L* 59 I At r-iccs r.^i g frojo $460 to $3O
      202 words
    • 343 13 HAIPHONG I oBk DRAGON V£g/ CEMENT Xd/PH Qjy Supplied to the Spore Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, F.M S. Railways and all leading architects and contractors. DUPIRE BROS. Sole Ajj as, Singapore ARE TOU GOING HOME? DO TOU FIND DIFFICULTT W OBTAINING PASSAGES T WE CAN SOLVE THE PROBLEM As
      343 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 832 14 I SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Th.- nnderslgaed have been instructed to sell I" 1 thelT sn!«-room. Rnffles m— haw RaJsea I'laci-, OB Monday. August X, 1920. at 2J» pjn. All that pate* "f VKhmble freehold land Bituat* at Nam Lock Strict estimiiU-d to contain an area of :;i.(H<>
      832 words
    • 775 14 SALE! IV IWCTIOH AUCTION SALE Of MOTOR CARP, MOTOR LORRIKS, MOTOR CTCLM AND SPARK PARTS, KTC. to be held at the Motor Shed. Fort canning, n Wedne»da>. AußUst 25. 1920. at 11 a.m. Comprising 1 Ruick, Humber, U.S.A. and Ford motor cars, Stoewer BVs tons and other light and 15
      775 words
    • 470 14 AsWMts) tjv#r IMttiMt B.C- 11 Assurance In force over S] 5,000 009 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (Userperated U itralts lettlesseata) chad oma 1 whttimi nsM, London ofhce t v. ou Jewry, ta Tke Osmpaay ku OMM is t ialtai Vttk Us fcriama aVbt Kaglaad aad eeavpll.s wlt»
      470 words
    • 384 14 BANKING THE MERCANTILE BANI OF INPIA, LTD. (Incorporated ia England) Capital Authorised aa,OOO,OOC Capita' Subscribed £1,800.00 C Capital Paid-up 41,060,000 Reserve Fund snd Rest 51,14«,400 BOARD 07 DIRECTORS J B. J. Black, Esq, Cnalrmaa. J. at. Ryrie, Esq. I H. M elvill Simons. F. R. Chalmers, Esq. Sir David Tale
      384 words
    • 566 14 BANKING THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements Head Offlce t SINGAPORE, 64, itl.iV. 3TREST. a> kv.i. MM Braacb t PXNANO, 14, BEACn a 1 XXXI Agende* t HUH AND DBLJ Capital 1 Authorise* 110.000.0 M Issued 10^00,OM Paid-ap 1^50,0M Reserve Liability of Shareholders 1.W0.M4 Board of Directors
      566 words
    • 581 14 BANKING BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE II CHINE, Authorised Capital Fr«. idO.OOu.OGi Subicribed Capnal Frs 150,000,uJ« Paid-up Capital Fie. 75,000,00! (1/8 of tha Capital autiscrlbed by t&> Government of the Chinese Rspubll:) Chairman of the Board of Directors Andre Berthelot General Manager A. 1 Percent* HEAD OrFICE Tt, Roe Saint Lasare, Parlf BRANCHES
      581 words

  • 940 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. 4t the Cross-roads- The toltawtaß ai.iole it teprodaoed (torn tbe Motoi O *»c: A piooacv motorist wm onoe beafd to remaik that he dovo ovir ciojb foadi and P»b< eonwtiled to.nings ca the aßsnmp.ioa thai ihcre might' be anotbei tool there
    940 words
  • 170 15 A »tc»y v tc.'d c the- Scndsy T am ~i fit«t en t cf Si B<]*io C-.rcw.t:, M ct.« D pu»y rtitUmtP of O-jiui_iilt.t li 1. 1 Hoose o' CciooiOes in.> s Gucroffli'-t D ;->.«sn>Ptt. On t*ie BOMtefl th"«t ho p. mMe»se.' big da'- en
    170 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 145 15 SHIPOWNERS GREYHOUND BRAND ANTI-iiORROSIVE ANTI-FOUklNi JsL JC^sß JL i H. M 8 f^NOWN OOATIO WITH GREYHOUND BftAND »OLB AGENTS I "a?Bla|! KkfiBEEEEEEBB C/Ylq£^S '2E£&8EB8BDBV i I Me Qualify jj QUALITY I.:'. Mack Lorries are giants in >.3 Vf sine- power. They are" made M fcr i.transportation. (S Or- r tha
      145 words
    • 246 15 Columbia "JEWEL" GRAFONOLAS JUST ARRIVED EACH A "MULTCM IN PAKVO" FOR $185.00 Sole Af enti ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in Hongkong) ARE WE RIGHT? WITH PLAISTOWE'S TOFFEE 0E LUXE A tropical climate Mm 'h» 4ic*(tiv« organs. A tropical climate it enervating. Doctors say thnt During bodily »»»r ilcn t<i«
      246 words
    • 80 15 LORRIES At Prices that Defy Competiton FI AT vasaaaalaH haaaßaaj|aaa2bLwv>^ 3i ton Model CHASSIS PRICE $8,500 The Oolonial Motor Uompany 196 3, ORBH JO ROAD C<l>plHMat 950 —m—m——^. Pho^e 143S I om hire: ALBC MMOR OARAGE 918, Ore ai-d Road. sn^snnwl II ISN'T WHAI YOU PAY— ii wjit you get
      80 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      406 words
    • 720 16 CALLENDER'S "VERIBEST" READY HOOFING In Rolls containing 216 aq. ft. 1 PLY. Useful for roofing lisht structures, farm building, tic, aad as a special lining medium. 2 PLY. A medium quality used on Factories, Uungalows, etc. 3 PLY. Strongly recommended for increased strength and ctßciency in exposed situations. Obtainable at
      720 words
    • 957 16 CLASSIFIED pifl>EieJTS_ The PREPAID charges for Wanta, For Sale, To Let, etc, la ordinary close-set type (average six words to lias) are Per live one insertion 28 cts, two ins. 46 ets, three ins. M cts., four Ins. 82 rts, five ins. fl.oo, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40, twelve
      957 words
    • 871 16 MISCELLANEOUS PONY WANTED. Must be good for both saddle and harness, complete with outfit and also sulkey, immediately. Only good horse will be considered. Please communicate 969, Straits Times. AGENT (BUYING) wanted to sell Paints, Dry Colours, Distemper, Varnishes and Lubricating Specialities In Straits Settlements. Excellent terras offered to energetic
      871 words
    • 937 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, stores and offices. Apply Ed. M. Nathan Co, 4, De Souta BU— C OFFICE TO LET, Meosfl floor, No. 1-b, Raßas. Quay. Apply ground floor. OFFICKS TO LET. Centrally situated. Apply to Mr. A. de Mello, 7, Boat Quay. TO LET, Nos. IGB to I*7,
      937 words
    • 290 16 1 Straits Motorcar Service LIMITKI) (Incorporated in Mrsiu Settlements) 213 to 216. ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVEStHAfiLS TO MOTOR CARS AND CYCLES WELDING of all metals, under European supervlslsa SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PRICES VERY MODERATE Phone 1233 WE HAVE A GROWING CI.IF.NTELI Planters, Shippers and Miners are patronixing us
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 208 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELErHONBS Editorial and Genera! 11 Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 Post Office Box No. 56e All communications relating to editoria' matters and news should b« addreaM to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters— advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing ate, should be addressed to TKB
      208 words