The Straits Times, 29 July 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 2<\: SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 341 1 NEW SHIPMENT his mm s voice ciuophoris w I2irch Cpa^^r^*- I>l-UM t) üble |> r'' LftBEL Sided /IC^EEF RECORDS NEW DANCE MUSIC MHYFAIR DANCE ORCHEBTRI o M iV«'ieOnnoTe(N.T'l«y Tawe 1 FrMhlla if can JBoatifnl Obio (W»' «> B fl fB *C'M miear Be»no»i-e" (W.Mz Metier m oc« I K> oonie
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    • 1 1 STERILISED
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  • 840 2 Impressive Scenes in Ancient Rome. I On the far side of the wide Piazza San Giovanni, opposite the church of St. John Lntcran, stands an unpretentious, almost shabby, building. But it contains one of the most precious relics in Chris- tendom, and throughout the day long i
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  • 253 2 Jews Hanging Back from Zionist Movement. Mr. O. S. Heizer, who in in Bombay on his way from Bagdad to Jerusalem to take charge of the American Conaulat* under the new British mandatory, interviewed on July 15, said that there has been a powerful back to the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 319 2 /7S. f]ff!l!lllllliilllll!ll!lllll!l!{lllljtlP lliinul l^lnflllllll^ (ffv 1 LIGHT^CAR 'f THE CAB FOR THE OWNER-DRIVER I Kv.ry part of the Standard Light Car ii l| built not only to perform its own particular functMin wan, but to harmonise perfectly with i-very other part of the Car. i' Send your enquiry for early
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    • 392 2 ERUPTIONS ON OABYIHEAD Itched And Could Net Sleep Cuticura Heals. "My baby f-'.l and cut the back c hrr bead, and about a wet U afterward l;er head was like one macs cf d.~ Bore eruptions. Th y itched and eh rcralcheJ.cnd iliry f^. tcrcj cllcvcrhc l.cad. They n:ade bet
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    • 208 2 THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO LTD. (lacartantet la Haagkaai) ■m«1 OtV* v. Wtvka HON6ROCS, MANUFACTURERS OF PURE MANILA HEMP CORDAGE M* laj«i«i tbr* *r ado^ratioß «f any kind ta aat4 I* «M tirlm mad* »y th* Hongkong Bop* Maaufaeturin* O*, LM, II It ttmfltii la ttnogth and wearing fiality, and
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  • 974 3 Yachting Adventures in Many Waters. At some time in his career of industry Mr. Arnold Bennett filled the dual role of owner and A.B. in a small yacht, and went cruising in the canals of Holland and up the Baltic. The story of these cruises is told,
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  • 52 3 Disapproving of the acceptance of a captured German (run by the local authorities of Ashbourne, Derbyshire, ex-Service men seized the weapon, and. followed by a larjre Ofowd, deposited it in the lake in front of Ashbourne Hall. The men declared that they wanted no reminders of the losses the town
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  • 54 3 By a new Royal Warrant, captains of the R.A.M.C. who are given a permanent commission in the Corps subsequent to May 25, 1920, must complete Btt year*' total commissioned service in order to qualify for the jrratuity of £1,000 payable under Article 597 of the Pay Warrant to officers who
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  • 440 3 NO LONGER A CHILI) If your daughter is pale, complains of weakness and depression, feels tired-out after a little exertion if she tells you of headache or backache, do not disregard these warnings. Your daughter needs help, for she is most probably anaemic that is, bloodless. Should
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 587 3 'The Iron Jelloid treatment surpasses former methods.' Says eaC^naV What better news can be con- Physician. rWflfw veyed than that impoverished i^av V blood can be made rich and Jjfk. good by means of taking Iron <53? v JmbbbbbbW JelloiJi >1 o those who suffer "ega» .•wftM H«V from a
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    • 260 3 Diplcm.l aad i,..1d Medal from the late Hit Va)«ty, the King or Denmark. By •!•■,>.. nimentit to His Mairsty the late Kins i.l" Siam. Hi- IlighneM> thr Sultan of Johore and Hie Highness the Sultan of J. DA. PEREIRA Horticulturist, Florist, Collector and Exporter of ORCHIDS, RARE PLANTS, ETC. Address
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    • 556 3 STEAMER SAILINGS FOR HONGKONG AND JAPAN The I. C. S. N. Co.'s s.s. Namxang. 4.055 tons, leaves 2 p.m. on Baturdny, July 31. For freight or passage, apply BOUSTEAD A CO., Agents. SURVEY OF CARGO Consignees of cargo ex undermentioned steamers are hereby notified that Survey of Cargo landed in
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    • 487 3 STEAMER SAILINGS BIBBV LINK ».s. Lolcestcri-hir* aailing from Rangoon. August for Kurope. For pusaagca, apply PATERSON, SIMONS A CO., LTD. s.». IXNSBKKK Consignees of cargo per the above steamer from Italy are hereby notified that she ha* arrive.! and ha« dinchiirKid her cargo at liodowns 6 and 7, Tanjong l'»gar.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 796 4 oTEMEU SUHU P. On-British India AND Apcar Line (Companle. Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAS AND ORIENTAL 9. N. CO. (Under Contract with Hi. Majesty's Government) rke Camtaay'a MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT aza at iimrt MssVemCM rae iwiin nuu U)NDON JAB-EASTERN BEBVICB FBOM LONDON TO MARSBLLBB m
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    • 376 4 STEAMER SAILIMI PRINCE LINE UMlTttp (Incorporated in Englaad) FAB EAST SEBTICB FOB NEW TOBK CELTIC PRINCE via Sue. about 2nd half Oct. For all Information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO, LTD. (Incorporated in Agents. THE DEN UNE STEAMERS LDUTMD (Incorporated la tka United "-gitr? Far China aid Jspaa BENLEDI
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    • 257 4 ITEAMER SAHJMt THE EASTERN SHIPPING COMPANY. LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) Thi« time table is subject to alteration without further notice. Steamer sailing from Singapore PIN SENG— Every Tuesday, at 2 p.m, for Port Swettenham and Penang. From Malacca to Singapore From Penan* to Monlmeln (Train journey from Moulmein to
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    • 378 4 ITEAMR SAILIMI 0. S. K. THE OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) No. 2, De Souza Street. Proposed Sailing from Singapore (Subject to change without notice) FOR PORT SAID, MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG ALPS MARU mid. Sept. FOR NEW YORK (via Panama Canal) HONOLULU MARU August HAGUK
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    • 421 4 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated in Japan) Under Mall Contract with tka I—ntal Japaneee Government Subject to alterations without MtJaa. EUROPE MAIL UNI Fortnightly Service For London, Antwerp via (Malacca) Peaana, Colombo, Sues, Port Bald and MaraaiUsa. IYO MARU Aag 4 ATSUTA MARU Aug. 11 SHIDZUOKA MARU Aug. SS LIVERPOOL LINB
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  • 149 5 KIXTURE& ThurNday, July 29. II i t 'l> Water. MJt a.m.. 9.31 p.m. v. S.CF^. ridny, July 30. Higß Water, 10.. r >s a.m., 10.8 p.m. Km.a As n. llt«.. Barker's noon. Lafialative Council, 2..'!0 p.m. Muiiuipal Mtvtinif, 2.30 p.m. Saturday. Jaly 31. High Watar, 11.21 a.m.,
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    • 128 5 t.i-t \Yharf Basin. -Shrimp, Ban Honp I .cong Kasl Wharf. Shingo Maru. Betsy Ross, Vai U.ii-rwijk. Sheers Wharf, Albert and Victoria Dry l>o.k Nil. Main Wharf. KU-phantu. Kenkon Maru B, Hrnarty. Awa Maru. Klan X Fuh Wo. Kmpire l>ork. Kamunine. Haiphong. CalU Mara, Cyvlaa*, Hinvorlich. xv
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    • 115 5 Brouwer, Dut.. -\'24 tons, from Baroe 20-7. T. Pandas .:i 7. Kniirht Ti-mplur. Brit., Afii:> tonn. from Yokohama 2'J-7. for I.ivirpool B-S. Oreatea, Krit.. tons, from Shanfhai ."'7. f<ir Liverpool :tl-7 M:iru. J»|... L'.7i)l tons from Bomhay 7, for Japan Ports 10-7. uru, Jap. :i.7 17 tons
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  • 139 5 To-day Pala i Sambu *.8O p.m. Pert l)iik»on and Port Swettt-nham 3 p.m. Port Swettcnhau, Penaaa;, Colombo. Sum aad Londoa I p.m. Penang, Kaiwoofl and Calcutta 4 p.m. Manila mid Japan ..4 p.m. Palembaac p.m. Kridar K.rimon a.m. Cucob a.m. Km., Tiagfi a.m. Sourabayu and llnndjermasin t>
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  • 28 5 lumen June in Jane 4 June 11 June 12 June IK Jane 24 July t July 12 July 12 July 1« July 1< July 21
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  • 107 5 Tlir following statement has been issued hy the fiinwi Hill— l of Uinnal At a mwaHtlg of the ISmnjil Legislative Council •>n the M inst. the following resolution was passed: This Council recommeniN to the Governor in Council iliat ;i committee be appointed to inqu're M t..
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  • 32 5 I'h. >\ •iutnr> nf Charlie Vininjr, nuthor of thr play Diw*i proiluevil in Indin in 189.H, «iv clainiinn cianmt'i-s for iiifrniinn' 1 it of thr copyright airainst the rhe Maiil of th.' Mountains.
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  • 125 5 EXCHANS» Singapore, July 29. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/3 Private 3 m/s 2/4 H On New York Demand 42% Private 90 days 47 On France Bank 535 On India, Bank T.T. 118 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 76 px. p.m. On Shanghai. Bank d/d 39
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    • 200 5 VaJ. Pd. Bojer». Sallara. 10 10 Amput 16.00 1 1 Ay«r W«m 1M IJO ao». £1 £1 Kam Kamuntinf 2.16.6 2.18.6 10 10 Kinta Amoc 7.26 8.00 •1 41 Kinta Tin U.l.tmtm. 1 1 Hitam Tin J. 90 8.10 1 1 Jelantoh 1.80 1.90 £1 £1 Lahat Mine* 7.60
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    • 119 5 Val. Pd. Buyert. Seller*. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.15.0 4.0.0 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 12.25 13.25 6/ Elwtrie T'wayi 4,1 10 10 Fraser Neave 56.00 58.00 50 50 W Hammer &Co 110.00 115.00 100 100 Katz Bros. 130.00 150.00 i'l £1 Mexican Eagle 10.0.0 10.15.0 10 10
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    • 83 5 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 6 px. pn. S'pore Electric Tramways 5 p.c. £350,000 num S'pore Municipal p.c. $1,878,000 par. S'pore Mun. 4V4 p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 15 p.c. 10 p.e. di». S'pore Hun. 4H px. of 1909 $1,600,500 15 p.c. 10 p.c. die. S'pore Mun. 4H p.e.
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  • 420 5 Frasrr and Co. aad Lyall and Evatt's Quotations To-day's Prices Fraser Lyall A. Co. Evatt Aior Gajah ($1) 3.50 8.70 3.60 8.80 Am. Malay 4.25 4.75 4.50 4.75 AyirHiUm(ss) 23.00 24.00 23.00 24 00 A. Kuning ($1) 1.20 1.30 1.20 1.30 A. Molek ($1) 1.10 J. 40 S.lO
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 843 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS |*OI SALE, one Ktudebaker motor car in splendid condition. Apply BHI. Straits Times. CHINESE GUAJtANTEID STOREKEEPER WANTED for large import godown in Singapore. Apply to HX. r >. Straits Times. POH SALE, VEST POCKET KODAK with Kfi.9 Aaaatigmat Ims. together with dcveloplag tank. dish—, etc. Mi-nin. Straits Times.
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    • 279 5 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND FEDERATED MALAY STATES 5 PER CENT. VICTORY LOAN 1920 It has been decided to close the above Loan on August 31, 1920. No applications for Bonds will be received after that date. THE TREASURY. Singapore, July 28, 1920. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Fire,
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    • 91 5 VICTORIA THEATRE SPECIAL MATINKR SATURDAY, JULY 31 AT Ul I'M. GRAND BALLET by Unw. S. PATAPOVITCH Assisted by Local Amatears BOOKING AT HOUTRIarS Adnlt Prices as asaal Children THE INTERNATIONAL OPERA CO, Telak hursu. East Coast aWad Keban SUnge* Theatre Ball. TO-NIGHT NO I'F.KFOKHAS'r To-morrow. Friday. Jaty M k
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  • 39 6 To the ever dear memory of our beloved grandson and son. Lionel Yorke Ganno who died at the General Hospital, on July 29, 1919. A bitter grief a loss severe To have parted with one so dear.
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  • 1096 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY. JULY 29 POLAND AND THE POWERS. There is to be another conference between the heads of the British and French Governments, and no doubt is entertained that it has reference to the Polish situation. The prospect is somewhat lightened by the fact that Russian representatives are
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  • 56 6 In connection with Malacca Raffles College Fund, Mr Tan Soo Hock informs us that subscriptions promised also include:— Previous amount $27,100 $600 annual subscription, Ong Hin Hong $5,000, Leong Tow Toon $3,000, Low Kay Seng $1,000, Tan Swi Kirn $1,000, Li Cliim Giang $200 Tan Lian Tee $200 and Dr.
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  • 60 6 At Teoh Bong Leong and Co.'s saleroom Malacca, on July 27, the following properties were sold A rubber plantation, at Tangga Batu area, U acres, 24 poles, trees seven years' old, bought by Teoh Chin Sech for $6,925 and a rubber plantation, at Bukit Senggah, area II acres, 1 rood,
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  • 78 6 The fourth Singapore Assizes presided over by Sir John Bucknill K.C., Chief Justice, came to a conclusion yesterday with the retrial of Ng King Pang, charged with committing gang robbery at Grangi' Road in February last. The first jury, it will be remembered, disagreed as to his guilt. The second
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  • 18 6 The Rent Assessment Board will sit at the Municipal Board Room on Tuesday, August 3 at 2.15 p.m.
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  • 19 6 The Penang Municipal Commissioners have decided to erect a clubhouse for municipal employees at nn estimated cost of $5,000.
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  • 30 6 Vickers are launching an airship, Ihe Rs>o, which will have a speed of ">0 miles an hour for touring a range of 6,300 miles. The craft is 530 ft. long.
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  • 30 6 Mr. Montagu has written to the V.M.C.A., in London, paying a tribute to the undaunted and enthusiastic work of the association for Indian soldiers in war time in every field.
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  • 32 6 The quantities of Indian coal available for foreign ports is to be strictly limited, and for the present exports will be restricted to Colombo Aden, and Singapore, with occasional cargoes for Sabang.
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  • 34 6 The members of the Singapore Indian Catholic Union are arranging for a picnic to Cucob for the coming holidays. These who are desirous of joining should communicate with the secretary as soon as possible.
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  • 13 6 In commemoration of the ninth anni versary of the Peng Hoe Kok Associa
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  • 25 6 tion, the members will hold a picnic on Saturday and Sunday July "1 and August 1 at the old Chinese Swimming Club building, Tanjong Katong.
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  • 39 6 Our Penang correspondent wires that in Mr. McCormack's suit against tht Criterion Press and Mr. Chesney Duncan for alleged libel in the Straits Echo the plaintiffs suit was dismissed without costs. An agreement was arrived at between the parties.
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  • 35 6 The Australian Government have forwarded £300 compensation for damage caused by the misbehaviour of Australian troops who recently passed through Colombo. The sum has been handed to the Inspector-General of Police who will distribute it.
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  • 45 6 Messrs. Sandilands, Buttery and Co., Penang, are advised by cable that the annual general meeting; of Bukit Mertajam Rubber Company Ltd., will be held on August 6 when it is proposed to declare a dividend at the rate of 15 per cent, less Income Tax.
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  • 47 6 The Malay Mail hears that tenders, have been invited in Rangoon for the supply, for export to the Straits as tonnage offers from Rangoon, of 18,000 tons of rice as tonnage offers from Bassein of another 18.000 tons and as tonnage offers from Moulmein of 4,000 tons.
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  • 56 6 This morning a fire broke out in a shed at the back of 2 Orchard Road, the premises occupied by the Australasian Films. The Fire Brigade was summoned, but the fire had been got under in the meantime causing the loss, it is believed of a few films, which were
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  • 53 6 A correspondent writes that on Sunday afternoon a python was caught by Chinese coolies employed on Bukit Kuppoh Division of Devon Estates (Malacca). It measured 21 feet 6 inches in length and two feet in circumference at the middle. This is the second of its kind caught on the Division
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  • 50 6 Irene Hostel, near the famous Botanic Gar.'ens of Ptraddeniya, Ceylon, ar.d the prounils appertaining to it have bce:i recently purchased by the Ceylon Government for Rs. 00,000 for the purpose of a permanent Tropical School of Agriculture and Laboratory. Work in connection with the new building will commence very shortly.
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  • 59 6 It is proposed to issue porcelain money throughout Germany. A number of specimens of coins from 10-pfennig to five-mark pieces have been manufactured by the Meissen porcelain factory. Municipal coins of porcelain have already been prepared for the city of Meissen, and 300,000 20--pfennig pieces have been ordered by the
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  • 64 6 From Bangkok Captain Guyomar telegraphed to his assistant, Lieut. Sicot, in Saigon, a full account of the circumstances under which he arrived there on the 18th ult. He added I received the kindest welcome and the most helpful aid from all the Siamese authorities and the French Legation." The Saigon
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  • 74 6 It is the custom of Indian politicians to speak of State prisoner? as rotting in gaol." The Inspector-General of Prisons, Bengal, referring in his annual report to prisoners says The very generous indulgences in food, clothes, tobacco, books, games and other luxuries given to these men are upsetting to gaM
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  • 97 6 Cockney pronounciation was discussed by the Association of Headmistresses at their annual conference. The speakers enunciated theories on -the right and wrong sort of voices, and the wise and wicked ways of using them. One said Londoners are mostly mouth breathers," and in talking do not make enough play with
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  • 123 6 It is notified, under the Arms rules, that no fees shall be payable by any per son, British or Indian, below' the' rank of a commissioned officer, who has been discharged from His Majesty's Naval, Military or Air Forces, and "who is in receipt as such of a pension, has
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  • 212 6 Capt. T. K. Welsh, of the cable steams Patrol has returned from leave. Mr. C. K. Rooke. asistant traffic- manager, Ipoh, has been appointed chairman of South Perak Fuel Pool but is carryinj: on his traffic duties. According to a report from Pretoria the late General Louis
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  • 37 6 The Treasury formally announce that it has been decided to close the S.S. ami F.M.S. five per cent. Victory Loan of 1920 on August 31 next. No application* will be received after that date.
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  • 53 6 His Excellency the Governor is due hack in Singapore from the F.M.S. to-morrow morning, and w.ll preside in the afternoon at a meeting of the Legislative Council On Monday evening H.K. will leave on hi Trengganu-Heiantan tour, returning to Singapore on August \'A alter which hi goes
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  • 56 6 Sir Aubrey Goodman has been grantei: three months' extension to his leave so that if he is permitted by his medi«-al adviser to return to the East he should bt back in Singapore in Dei-ember next t<> take up his appointment as Chief Jus*i<iof the Straits Settlements
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  • 131 6 Mr. Mujjliston has given notice that a( the ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commission to be held to-morrow he will ask the following questions Can you indicate when the 10 per cent, iaci Municipal Officers' salnries retrospective from January 1, 1919, as recommended b) the Commissioners, is likely
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  • 181 6 From the report on St. Mary's Horn* during 1919 it is learned that the mont importnat cha.iges possible in sj: han insti tution as that took place lust j-ar. There were many changes in the stall" and on the committees including the los; of I.ady Evelyn Young
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  • 187 6 The statutory meeting uf Um ilpntakud Rubber Estates was he-Id radar the pre*i deucy of the Hon. Mr. W. V. Nutt, O.B.E., in the registered office of the company. Chartered Bank Buildings, yesterday. Th» others present were the hon. Mr. Lawtbwr Kemp and M>ssrs. A. I'. Kohinson.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 179 6 NOW IN STOCK 6UNB, RIFLES. PISTOLS AND REVOLVERS ***** 12 16 BORE *£>*" V J^KSJh| BORE k Imro ►eUc'.ion ot doable b.ttel bunion or bs^iiseiless Roui. Boglub or ImeilwD mikci bom SBS.C O to S9BO OO MTOMA'IC SZESJS W PISTO.S con •^^^jSSttfir Cd.SM HjjM Webley 458 C l Btt«.to« 6.85
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    • 141 6 BKLCCT SUBJECTS AND 810 FEATURES AT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRES (Tv Cfcaac Km ft Co, LUL. Proprietor.) ALHAMBRA VITAGRAPH SERIAL 15 Episodes THE WOMAN IN THE WEB Episodes 3 and 4 Featuring Hcdda Nova and J. Frank Glendon Parts FORBIDDEN 6 Parti Featuring Mildred Harris Pathe Gazette, Topical Budget 2
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  • 209 7 Turkey Accepts the Peace Treaty. RIUTEB TELKGRAHB. London, July 27. The Turkinh (iovernment's decision to sign the peace treaty is unanimously approved by the newspapers in Constantinople, which declare that Turkey is determined loyally to abide by the terms. London, July 27. A Moscow wireless states that the
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  • 118 7 Recter Telegrams. London, Ju.y 2~. Mexico City: A Government bulletin states that Villa telegraphe I to Huirta offering to surrender unconditionally. The Government instructed him to report to GaMnl Martinez and repair the railway. Villa replu I that the railway is repaired, signing the reply affectionately Francisco Villa."
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 98 7 Riura Telegram. London, July 27. Sir Michael O'Dwyer, late Lieut.-Gover-ncr of the Punjab, writes lengthily to the Morning Post regarding the Amritsar riots. He complains of harsh treatment of officers administering martial law in India and the persecution of officials and loyal Indians by extremists. He justifies
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  • 86 7 UIITII TEUtCBAM. London, July 27. Simla The British-Afghan conference, which has been sitting at MusSoorn since April, has concluded, the Afghans returning to Kabul^o submit the results of the discufsions with a view to ■iajllat a treaty of friendship. The discusmuiis, inter aiia, dealt with the effect
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  • 37 7 RCL'TEB TBLKGRAM. London, July 27. Brisbane Tke I'rince of Walei has arrived. Ixindon. July L'T. T»v Morning -t Mm that the I'rinct of Wales' visit t» India h*r been post poned owing to ill-health.
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  • 155 7 Shamrock Loses the Final Race. KIITII TELIOBAM. London, July 1* [Apparently a wire not yet to hand an noumed that Resolute won the re-sailed fifth race for the America's Cup.] Sandy Hook Sir Thomas Lipton, on seeing Resolute win, declared, I am sorry, but the best boat
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  • 293 7 Inventors' Claim for Anti-Submarine Device. The Royal Commission on Award* to Investors has considered the joint claim by Commander Wyatt, formerly in the Navy, and Captain Lewis, R.N., in respect of an invention known as a zigzag clock.' 1 Commander Wyatt read a letter written by Rear-
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  • 153 7 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report Singapore, July 29. Silver.— s6%. Tin.— Buyers 159.50. Rubber Report. The auctions closed weak. Standard sheet realised 03 V4 cts. and crepe 71 cts.. shewing decline on last week's auction of 414 cts. on sheet and •i ct. on crepe. Outside the
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  • 245 7 The following Singapore properties were sold by auction by Messrs. Cheong Kooa Seng and Co. at their saleroom „n July El and 28: Mt years' leasehold land at Clyde Street, area 813 sq. feet, bought by Mr. Abu Hassan bin Mohamed Aley for J 1.750 freehold land
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  • 1157 7 Extent of Damage to Royal Train. A Bridgetown message of July 3 give* details of the mishap on the railway to the Prince of Wales. It says the astonishing occurrence took place a few minutes after the royal train had left the Jarnadup station, en route to
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  • 506 7 Amusing Story of a Light Horse Capture. The story of how the famous mosaic captured by the Light Horse in Palestine during the war came to Australia owing, seemingly, to red tape regulations of the British authorities was told by General Sir H. Chauvel to an amused
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  • 377 7 Purchase of German Interests In Eight Countries. The Germans are selling out their foreign investments. The Daily Express understands that, acting for British interests, Major Norman Holden, of Messrs. Haes and Co., and Mr. J. C. Graham, of the Famous Players-La-.;ky Corporation, have purchased from the Germans
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  • 18 7 Acute congestion prevails on Indian' railroads an<l delays the distribution of goods to and from up country centres.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 65 7 A Reuter message from Newark, c'ated July 27, says Harry Wills, the negro heavy-weight, knocked out Fred Fulton in the third round of a twelve round contest. Wills is a very formidable person, so good that he has found it hard to get opponents. Fulton hoped to beat him
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    • 186 7 The S.C.C. is not putting its strongest team against the S.C.F.A. this afternoon Cushway. Black and Roy Smith being away, resting in view of the Kuala Lumpur visit, but the players should be quite capable of giving the Chinese a good game. The teams will be S.C.C— Dean Hill
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    • 106 7 The hockey served up on the S.C.C. ground every Wednesday seems to improve all the time. Yesterday, when the Club had another match with the Staffords, the game proved the fastest of a good many fast games. The Club reversed the order of things of a few weeks ago
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    • 103 7 The Bowls Tournament at the S.C.C. is now reaching the final stages. In the Championship White and Main will meet in the final, the former having beaten Norrie and the latter Ruchwaldy. In the Singles Handicap Nelson is one rinal-st and will have to meet either Norrie
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    • 184 7 The Old Boys of St. Paul's Instituton, Seremban, who entertained a team of the St. Joseph's Old Boys' Association of Singapore at Easter, an- sending down a team to play football, tennis, billiards, and ping-pong during the holiday. On Saturday two billiard matches will be played at
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    • 55 7 Un account or tne yachts being laid up the Singapore Yacht Club will not hold a race on Sunday. The first annual inter-troop sports of the Singapore and South Malaya Boy Scouts Association are to be held on Raffles Institution ground on Monday at S p.m. Mrs.
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  • 339 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co's Weekly Report. During the last two days baafcMM aai been considerably reduced and in the general absence of buyers of rubbers it certainly looks as if lower values may .soon be reckened with. Mining shares >till look attractive and in the early part
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  • 476 7 Furlough. Pensions and Salaries Questions. A sub-committee on planters' salaries, etc., met on July 9 at the Victoria Commemoration Building, Kandy, and resolved That this sub-committee is in favour of improving the present position of planters, as regards salaries, pensions, furlough and passages to
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  • 84 7 The third quarterly Criminal Sessions of the Supreme Court (Western Circuit) w».< begun on July 19. His Lordship Mr. Jus •ice Dias took his oaths formally U Com missioner of Assizes, and atten !<• size Service which was held Ml Church, Hultsdorp. After ten i< c 1 ship mounted the
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  • 929 8 The BiK Aeroplane in Future Warfare. The aeronautical correspondent of The Times writes A Belgian writer on aviation recently discussed, as many writers in this country have, the place that the big aeroplane will hold in the next war, but his dissertation was of uncommon interest
    929 words
  • 115 8 The London Ga/.ette announces the following au.inls for irallantry and de- <>ti-->n to duty in the Meld. Tlie M. C. is unferred upon KissaKlar Kadraisis Khan, Hi'.h l.ancers, I.t. Robert Marcombe and < apts C. 13. Kussel and G. A. Tarwell. There are v number of awards
    115 words
  • 16 8 N'u.ut 106,000 tor; of coal were i»rie 1 Juring March, of which '.J ton rta i.
    16 words
  • 738 8 Visitors Decoyed and Detained In Ireland. A strange experience, in a house of i-'stery on an island of mystery, befell he Daily Chronicle Special Correspond•nt in Inland on June 18. While visiting a small island in the west, he and his uarty, which included three ladies, were held
    738 words
  • 167 8 The death of Thomas King, clue/ coolc on the steamer Orestes, was the subject of an inquiry held by Mr. G. W. Kinir, H M. Coroner, Shanghai, on July 11!. The i-hii'f stcwanl at the Orestes Rave evidence that on the previous evening he visited the PyTrhus in
    167 words
    • 407 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Your correspondent Mr. Huang Hsuan Wen was certainly wrong when he accused the Straits-born Chinese of interfering with any bill intended for the benefit of residents of Malaya and meddling with laws aimed at checking the Chinese revolutionaries and
      407 words
    • 328 8 To the Editor of the Straits Timer Sir, I am writing to thank you oa behalf of my friends and myself for publishing that jolly letter yesterday by Skellater (Is that his name: or wha« does it mean It is indeed seldom that anyone, still less
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  • 167 8 Critics who have had an opportunity to obtain a pre-release view of the latest Universal-Jewel production, the Virgin of Stamboul, starring Priscilla Dean, have been unstinted in their praise of this picturesque photodrama which is announced for next week at the Liberty Hall. The central figure
    167 words
  • 62 8 From the Ceylon Observer of July 19 V Sinhalese lad was fined Us. *> to-day lor fighting on the. road. On his way to tie cage from the dock he re nrke.l Without any offence you can't fine m?." The Magistrate immediately ordered him to be brought up again, and
    62 words
  • 605 8 Failure of Batavia Trust Appeal. The Court of Appeal recently dismissed the appeal of the Batavia and General Plantations Trust for judgment or new trial of the libel action, tried at Glamorgan Assizes in March, brought by Mr. Robert J. Davies, Mid-Rhondda Printing Works, Tonypandy. The special
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  • 309 8 In view of Mr. Farrer's proposed black list the following taken from the Madras Mail of July 8 is as appropriate to Singapore as it is to towns in India Mr. J. C. Molony, 1.C.5., when he was President of the Madras Corporation, once gave us a
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  • 117 8 Holland American Plants.— l,o22,ooo lbs Netherlands Langkat.— 27,222 lbs. Si Para Pare.— 41,646 lbs. Japanese beer, which withstood the effects of the boycott, has now begun to suffer through competition from other sources. The falling-off in the exports is attributed partly to the gradual increase of the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 69 8 SINGAPORE VOLUNTBEK COKPS. Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, July M, 1020 Thursday. July 2». Malay Co., Dalostier Kaiu'.o, 4.30 p.m. Saturday, July 31. S.R.E.V. Rifle Club, Balestier Range, U.."!0 p.m. (Sd.) R. SMITH, Ar. Adjutant, S.V.C. SINGAPORE AND S. M. HOY SCOUTS. Orders for week ending July
      69 words
    • 134 8 RAFFLES mi Bras fiasah Road ADELPHI HBfj~ ■TUT STONING OUR SPECIAL ORCHESTRA PLATS FROM 7 TO 10 ADELPHI HOTEL LIMITED. A. V. TJnBDKala. Maaactac Diractor. nM W £+m -i^nn»^»B^ MASTER'S GHAMOFHOES AND X^!^| RECORDS ARE SUPREME NEW SHIPMENTS of the LITEST 8ON"»S and DANCES just received. Hear these pliyed ia
      134 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 742 9 li lETY CINEMA CHANQB OF PROORAMMB at 7.80 VOD'A-VIL MOVIES AT 8 Final instalment of tbe tbrilh'ai; British sorial THE QReAT LO«DON MYSTBRY Bpieodea 1 and If, E ob two parts at 9 Bhsrp BY:OENBRAw. REQOB3T CHARLES CHAPUN Id SHOULDER ARMS In three tarts at 8.4S FRANCIS K. BUSHMAN AND
      742 words
    • 259 9 •if.i.ftA» HALL, LTD. 5 BBQNHIHQ TO-MORROW NIQHT (Fbioat, Jult f 0.) THE FATAL SIGN A Bupor dieadusnßbl photo eerial of MYSTERY— 3ANGER— THRILLS IS Bpiaode) BO reela. The eerial thai IhriU to tbe very core. Intense excitement inrvorj suene— the kiad tbat clntohei t c heart ni makca the pnla
      259 words
    • 386 9 M. EZEKIEL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OPTICIANS O, High Street (Europe Hotel Buildings). NANSON CO. 77, BEACH ROAD. GENERAL MERCHANTS Invite tenders for the purchase of BLACK PEPPER 200 tons per month for six months. Tenders Close Angnst IS, 1920 Have also on hand RATTAN AND OTHER STRAITS PRODUCE SNG ENG
      386 words
    • 363 9 CINEMA PHOTOGRAVURE PORTRAITS Suitable for Framing Kviry Movie K;m will want a Set to Decorate His or Her Home. Album No. 1. 8 Reautiful Portraits 8 in. by 6 in. of K..nnlr including JaTar.T PickfWd, Anita Stewart, Norm.i Tnlm«d t t.-. ate. Album No. 2. s ll.uutiful Portraits 8
      363 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 769 10 1 SALES BY AUCTION AUCTION SALE OF A l r ./-0 h.p. FOUR-CYLINDER, FIVEV SKATKR, WOLSELF.Y CAR. fcuwly painted and overhauled and in splendid condition, at our nale-room, No. 30, Kline Str.-it, on Saturday, July 11, at l«Jt a.m. CHKONG KOON' SENG A CO., Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE fiT. KOI'R SEATKR
      769 words
    • 600 10 SALES BY MICTIOi AUCTION SALE OF EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, •t No. 213, Serangoon Road (Ist floor), I on Saturday, July 31. at ZM p.m. Comprising a beautifully carved teak I drawing room cabinet with mirror panels, I teak and iron round tables with marble tops, bentwood standard chairs and settees,
      600 words
    • 641 10 JOHORE GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Tenders are invited for the following works at the Lunatic Asylum, Johort Bahru 1. Brick Boundary Wall. 2. Administration Block. 3. Thirty Bed Ward with outhouses. 4. Two Twenty Bed Wards with out houses. 5. Sixteen Bed Ward with outhouses. 6. Earth filling. 7. Sea
      641 words
    • 718 10 SOON KECK, LIMITED j (Incorporated in the Straits Settltments) I LOST SCRIP > WHEREAS application has been made to 4 the Directors of this Company to issue duplicate Certificates for 62 shares numbered 1654 to 1683. 3730 to 3749 and 3065 to 3076 inclusive in the name of Yeap Koon
      718 words
    • 368 10 ENGINEERS' STORES ESTATE SUPPLIES Mild Steel Plates. Light Rails, Tip Waggons. Hex. Bolta and Nuts. R. S. Joista, M. S Angles, Round and Flat Steel Bars, etc.. etc < Gas or Crude Oil Engines. Momis, Sodium Bisulphite, Wire Nails, T. Beer, Corrugated Iron, Pipings galvanised, Black Gas and Hydraulic, all
      368 words
    • 299 10 NOTICE TO SHIPPERS Kate of Exchange to he F.mplftyrd ia Ihr Conversion of Currency in Consular Invoice* Local shippers are inform il that the rata of exchange to be employed in the conversion of currency in consular invoices will, in future, be that which a bank would pay for a
      299 words

  • 1018 11 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Ford Jet Control. I I! the needle valve of the Fotd carburetter be ocnttolled, »oJ the mixture varied to Bail weather Mid f o»d conditions, a much gteato mileage pet galloa oaa be obtained Iban by •ay tet aJjaetmcn 1 says
    1,018 words
  • 110 11 Amusement was caused in Thames Police Court by a constable's description of an altercation which a middle-aged man had with a lamp-post. The man, who was charged with drunkenness, was first noticed by the policeman in the act of squaring-up to the post. "He made a swinging blow at it,"
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 113 11 AND THtli LITTLE FORD Shall lead them. It's tlrst In sales— first in eaonomy— aad flrot In the esteem of those who love saf dty. surely and co nf art— baoause of Us wocderfui simplicity, strength anu lightness. It le^ds In SALES SERVICE SATISFACTION B aw^* '^^^^^Hf Pnanannanaißß^^^ J1 1
      113 words
    • 338 11 6ANDVS-BELTIN6 HAIR AND COTTON REST QUALITY AUSTRALIAN LEATHER At favourable price* THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated la* Entflnndi SINGAPORE, IPOH AND PSMTA.NO FOR SALE NEW SEVEN-SEATER HUPMOBILE $2,000 As a proof of the quality of our Carbon papers of English Manufacture, we have made C copies of the above attraction,
      338 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
      422 words
    • 436 12 GUAN KIAT CO LDOTKD ,I««rp.rm<.4 Id ■traits ».tt».s»eßt«) Bui OBee I I*. PHILLIP STRICT, HNGAPORR. Telegraphic AUnu GTJANKIAT," Codes used A.6.C. »th Fdition Al Office 'Phone Nob. IS6I and 1162 (Sill) 2 Lines. Authorised C»pit»l WOO.OOO Paid-op Capital 182,000 BniUinc Fund 10,000 Board of Directors t T«t Gaan Kiat, E§q
      436 words
    • 999 12 CLASSIFIED ADVIRTIMttNTS_ The PREPAID charge* for Wants, Far Sale, To Let, etc. In ordinary clone-let type (average six words to line) arc Per line one insertion 28 cts., two in*. 46 cts, three in*. 64 cts, four ins. 82 ct*, five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40, twelve
      999 words
    • 868 12 SITUATIONS VACANT ESTATE AND MINING. WANTED MEDICAL OFFICER, locally qualified, for a property in Trengganu. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected to Medical, Straits Times. MISCELLANEOUS PIANO WANTED. Good condition and make. State lowest cash price, to 866, Straits Times. CONVERSATION LESSONS in English, French and Malay given by lady.
      868 words
    • 956 12 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE, one Snnbeam side-car with fittings complete, practically new. Can be seen between 6 and 6 pjn. at 20-1 Niven Road. What offers T Apply 583. Straits Time* MAXWELL, tive-seater, three months' old, first-class order, five wheels, tyres and tubes. Horn, cushion covers, tools, magneto. Owner buying
      956 words
    • 195 12 Straits Motorcar Service LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) 213 to 216, ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVERHAULS TO MOTOR CARS AND CYCLES WELDING of ali^metali, under European supervision Satisfaction guaranteed prices very modkrate Phonel233 WE HAVE A GROWING CI.IENTELB Planters, Shippers and Miners are patronizing us in increasing numbers
      195 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 307 12 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General 8» Manager** Office ill' Job Printing Office 1244 Pout Office Box No. ,'i.v A!l communications relating to editoria matters and new* ihould be addrtoer to THE EDITOR. All communication relating to business matters— advertisements, subscription*, account*, printinc, menu, subscriptions, accounts, printinc, etc., should
      307 words