The Straits Times, 27 July 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 26,393 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 198 1 Fries now CARZOLEUM WOOD-PR KSERVATIVB for the treatment of all kind* o' soft timber in order to prerent th« rarages of White Ants* Dpy-Rot. Teredo and Decay. OARZOLEUM is also iaTaluable for treat sent of all kinds of TreeOleeaeee. DIRECTIONS FOR TIMBER— AppIy Carzoleam hot (not boiling) with* an ordinary
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    • 174 1 ROBINSON CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settl- ments) •JUBT RECEIVED 4^*^TN NEW MILLINEI^ Y i^Mf^^ MORNING HATS W Black and olcured Velours Panamas end Untr miLfd Shapes lateet Noveltife for trin mir p ROBINSON CO, LTD. (Inootportte 1 ia the Bt»iti Bettlemcßi) IF you found us selling below coat,
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    • 1 1 BTERIUSED
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  • 763 2 Favourable Review of Past Year. Tbe il.votb aucuil general meotivg tl CUDgkut k Rabboa »nd Tin, L;d., was held at tbe irK-Bttiod (ffi c, Qiasgor, on J .dl 22, Hi. Toos. A. Gailie (obaitmaa of tbe b ard o! direotott) jwesidin?. Ths Cb-iiman aaid It
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  • 452 2 ■atten Before the Calcutta Rent Controller. Before R>i Bibkdm Bnaahidai Banncij.e Reel Ooniiollei, Calcutta, Mf. Hury Watson Kcyii, oooapying iojoib in tbe Cheat Bthttia Hjtel, Fat in an application piaying for the determination of standard rent. Tbe puitionet stated tbat be and bis wile were oocutyicK
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 302 2 t*a*» f. JKH99BtSIWOKtBtGBKtM Jl^''7S'a»tV'*^e.V^3C^SaßB r aWfl*«B?** r^SWl^WßWßl^B«|Jß^^ fa \{jr K 9 Lipton's Tea nplll- tl.ivout, the delict!. -^n.m.T and the fragrance r>i its leaf, can never he cqoallcd by «ny other Ordiowr tea. Liptoa'a Tea is. H'c pi«- k »i the World s Fiuest Tea jjardt-os and, ii. tvicked by
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    • 279 2 I VI b J Know The Joy Cf A BnAkM CoaplenMi Bak kA na^ds Tl-,cy nmy be >>irs it foa rrwks Cr.ticun Soap mi O itin r nt jjnar e»err-d»y uiV pr. pa rations- 'li'.e Sou) cL.. "set m ■CQI soi::cs I i rougimtss, pimple*, antl dandruff. Totpti thro-Ji-' (ice-
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    • 200 2 ARTHUR BELL'S Extra Special Whisky Monthly Shipments Arriving For s»'.ji s and p a> io.;l ua %:y'j to INDO MALAY CO, L^TD. 8, Ma Hal atiae IDWA "ORB, r HOP PIA HIN DIAMOND MERCHANTS AND JEWELLERS. No. 622, North Bridge Road, Singapore. ALWAYS IN STOCK Artiatie Chines* and European Jewellery
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  • 905 3 Financial Results in Past Year. The Chief Secretary in his annual repor on the F.M.S. for last year states The following table gives the financial results for 1919, together with the figures for the preceding three years (we give the preceding year only Ed. S.T.) for comparison 1919.
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  • 32 3 The fiftieth anniversary of the fuunda tion of Koble College. Oxford, was oele brute The Bishop of Winchester preach ed to a ereut company of Keble men amung whom were thirteen bishops.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 364 3 LllfiE. uUitib Prepared solely from pure Lime Juice and the finest refined sugar. THE STANDARD FOR PURITY and EXCELLENCE. Insist on ficling ROSE'S. til. BCtTTB BVIDGI IOAD. SINOAPOU IN STOCK i j Charles Martin Bank, medium and lc lbs. 4M "Nanyang" Ban!;, D'fscap, 16 lbs. C W A MSSL^ Vkf^V
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    • 260 3 M. EZEKIEL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OPTICIANS O, High Street (Europe Hotel Buildings). I I ijL 2g let vl IK 0 V Aa^BßsssssHsH T?y 111 '^BBBBssl W W /I THE OCEAN CO SALVAGE CONTRACTORS No. 171, Middle Road, Singapore. IF YOU KEQllltE IMMEDIATi: KKPAIRS TO YOl'R MOTOR CARS please send your
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    • 338 3 THK OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITKD Board of Directors > Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Kent, P.H.E., Chairmen Lim Nee Sen. I ri- Tan Soo (ivan Esq Ore Boon Tat Esq. S. Q. Wong Ejq. Lim Chwee Chian Esq. Tan Ear Kiam Esq Choa Poh Sianf Esq. Scab Eng Lim E«g Lee
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    • 431 3 RICHES DO TOU WANT TO lirn U c«, so not <U!ay br.t try Mr. C»la.a« 1 Mis Jin who Is <n the ooolttoa te a<: for yoc G«n:!ea-a. whether **U bay Iranaaet ssmstc* PROPERTY sseh as estates, lauo* sre»«rt««. aaaraa, etc. Please rail er «oa•unicato with Mr. Ctiang I.* i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 798 4 STEAMER S/ULMU P. Oi- British India AMD Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated la England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 9. N. CO. (Under Contract with Hit Majenty's GoTernneat) n« Caßiiiar*! MAIL SERVICES BAST OP BOMBAT an at svastal Tteniat LONDON FAB-MASTERN BEBTIO rSOM LONDON TO MARSEILLE ft Utßßttl Da*
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    • 563 4 STEAMER USUm PRINCE LINE LIWTEi, (Incorporated tn England) FAB BAST BES\in FOB NKW YORK CELTIC PRINCE via Bom about 2nd half Oct. For all information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN 00, LTD. (Incorporated In Kngiaad) Agenta. THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LUfiITU) (Incorporate* la tka United "igtm) Far Cfclaa amd Jaaaa BENARTY
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    • 316 4 on THE OSAKA BHOSEN KAIHIfA LTD. (Incorporated la Japan) No. 2, D« Soua StrMt. Proposed Salllni horn SbCMam (Subject to ehanfa »ithoit notle*) FOB PORT SAID, MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG ALPS MARU an fept FOR NEW TORS (tU I'iuu Canal) HONOLULU MARU Amcu* HAGUE MARU «nd Sept nrsn
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    • 349 4 «raun mm NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (Incorporated In Japan) Under Mall Contract with tIM Imperial Javanese Gorenuaeat Subject to alteration! without mom. EUROPE MAIL LLM Fortnightly gerrlca For London, Antwerp »'a (Malacca) Pcatat, Colombo, Sue*. Port Said and Maraailioa. IYO HARU An* ATSUTA MARU An* 11 SHIDZUOKA MARU Au«. LIVERPOOL LLNK
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 499 5 STEAMER SAILINGS TIMOR DII.LV Montoro will \>e despatched for thf above port at about 6 a.m. on JuK 2t For freight and paaaag*, upp'y to BOUSTKAI Bta, Baraa Philp Line OCBAM <<»., LTD. CHINA MUTUAL STKAM NAVIGATION <).. LTD. Kurvr\n of DamaKed Cargo i ..n rfgaaaa al Cafga pt'r undernotod
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    • 336 5 STEAMER SAILINGS STEAMER SAILINGS BIRKY LINE s.s. Leicest. r^liire snUinc from Rangoon. 7. fnr Kurope. For passages, apply PAT-CBSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. IN\SitlM( K gnaes of earn per the above steamer from Italy are hereby notified that she has arrive'! and hu< discharged hor cargo at liodowns 6 and 7.
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    • 589 5 i FOR VANCOUVER, B.C. (DIRECT) The s.s. M.-thven is du« her* about August 6, 1920, and will have prompt despatch for Vancouver, B.C. taking cargo on through Bill of Lading for U. S. A. and Canadian Overland Points. For freight and further particulars apply to ItnUSTEAD CO.. t Agents, C.
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    • 828 5 RUBBER ESTATES I Tenders are invited for the purchase of a very desirable and compact European owned Rubber Ksi.te situated 2 miles from flahau Railway Station and having a frontage of nearly mile both to the Government Road and Railway line. Particulars as follows Area 599 Vi acres of which
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    • 644 5 TING KIL TIN MINES, LTD. I NOTICE is hereby given that at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held on Tuesday, August 3, 1920, the directors will recommend that a dividend of 10 per cent, (free of income tax) for the year ended April 30, 1920, he
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    • 594 5 IFOR PUNCH AMD mCB Hfcl -JNL_ THE ROYAL YAKUT. (ANANG VMjVS). This Yakuti or life-giving ncrtur nas baaa prepared from the bast, choicest and richest vegetable drugs. It has a wonder .ul property of increasing the virile power and reetiflea all urinary disorders. In fart, it makes roam a man.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 749 6 IWiMAt f^f w w j *T*T*7tn r&3 I Frotw T/mrtttay, July gg, to Tw«fay, Ju/y 2? PATH! 8BRI4L OF THRILLS, 8BN&AIION AND MYSTICISM Featuring RUTH ROLAND AMD OBORQE LARKI* Foil of »o ion and tetmiig with excitemeat THE TIGERS TRAIL In 16 opieodes 01 81 reels Bpieoie 8. TNC MIMM
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    • 285 6 ml*** H| HALL, LTD .g W^S^k' BIOOND BHOW AT 9.11 bWT/ \/l^ MART MAOLARBN I'SBi Ia Fannie Horst's Greatest Story A PETAL OF THEGURRENr A j>ia(nre vbich nalike Ibe Petal, will nf rer wbither, neror fade from y?nr memory. Thn bii« «l, most bnman of all Mary Maelaieo's saicesses. Xbe
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    • 343 6 Telephone 266 Telegrams i VANNER CRASER GHALMERQ yT BWOINBEHINQ WORKS m I PBOPBIETOB8: THE GENKBAL ELEOTBIO CO., LTD. \Jf ClDCorporaied la England) CAFITALi £8,000,000 OoatraotoM to the British Admiralty, Wat Offlee, ladla Offlee an] 0 iloa'al Quvefnmenls Tbe assooutica ul Fnur and Chalmera slngintMH'g Wortca •be Taiiocs (aotoilci t tbe
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  • 109 7 FIXTURES. Tuesday, July 27. Water, S..VJ a.m., 7.53 p.m. lluir."-,ird mail leave*. Wednesday, July 28. lllch Water, Ml n.m., 8.47 p.m. i Hall due. Mcntak»i> Uubber, Barker's noon. Thursday, July 29. High Water, 10.-J6 a.m., 9.31 pjß. ball S.C.C. v. S.CFA. I'riday, July 31). iliirh Water, 10.65
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  • 127 7 I.SSELS AT THE DOCKS. Ea-t Wharf Ba»in. Shrimp, Ban Hong 1-oonß. ■aal harf. Teesta, Van Waerwijck. Sheers Wharf. Albert and Victoria Dry Dcirl.s. 11.I 1 !~y Ross. Main Wharf. Glensania, Fook Sang, Kenkoti Hot S, llye Ixitinc Andre Lebon. Knip re hoik, llaiphonc, Atreus, Mindcroo, Cyclops \\e>l Wharf.
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  • 79 7 Taiko Uaru, .l;.p MM tons. fro:n Valencia JO-7, foi rlrinbury 27-7. Haiphong, I -.1 tons, from Suigon 2'\ -7. i :<<>- 7 Quoera, Brit, s:i tons, from ft««||»— 26-7, for Trengann ia. Brit, .V.i ton.-, from Bugan 27-7, for Uac: i iis, from Indrugiri M-7, !cr Indragirl '■'■>■'■
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  • 193 7 To-day n:kuns, Shanghai and Jupan 3 p.m. l'ort Dickaoa ..8 p.m. Malacca :.nd Muur 3 p.m. l'ort Bwettenham, Penang, Madras cn<l Ne^apatau, taking mails for Europe, iic, via Bomba>) 8 p.m. Registration up to 1 p.m. Parcels noon gup: lenient ary Mail by train to I'enang. tckint;
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  • 30 7 (Wtticiai rost utiice ttcpon > .Tune 10 July June 4 July 1? June 11 July 12 Imm 12 July 1C June 1- July 16 Jim- 24 July 21
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  • 145 7 A pallid, middle-aged man played piano fur 15 hours at a Croydon kinema recently without a break, in training for the world's championship for continuous piano-playing. He described himself as Arthur Kemp. The record he wants to bivi-.k is that of Mr. Schroeder, of New Ymk, who is
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  • 41 7 How rs know what Anfu meant The interpretation is by implication a- asoal. The phrase in full is "an kuv, fu mm "--pacify the nation, and pmpta. We've all noticed them •loinpr it.- -Kodney Gilbert, in the N. C. Daily Newt.
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  • 121 7 BXCHANOK Singapore, July 27. On T-n?~n. Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Damaad 2/3 I »n/s 2/4% On Not Y'-k Dmand 427^1 Private :»i days 47. On France Bank 625! On India, Bank T.T. 118 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 73 p.c. p.m. On Shanghai, Bank d/d 40 On Java,
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    • 212 7 Ist. Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Ampang 18-00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1.60 norn £1 £1 Kam. Kamunting 2.16.0 2.18.6 10 10 KinU Assoc. 7.25 8.00 k'l fl KinU Tin 1.7.6 mom 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.90 3.10 xd. 1 1 Jelantoh 1.80 1.90 £1 £1 Lahat
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    • 123 7 Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.15.0 4.0.0 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 12.25 13.25 5/-J/- Electric Twayi t/» 4/« 10 10 Fraser Neave 67.00 59.00 50 60 WHammer&Co 110.00 115.00 f IOOIOOKatz Bros. 130.00 160.00 £1 i'l Mexican Eagle 10.0.0 10.15.0 10 10 Maynard Co.
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    • 88 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 par 6 p.c. pn. Spore Electric Tramways 5 p.c. £350,000 nom. Spore Municipal 5 p.c. $1,878,000 par. Spore Mun. 4 '-a p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 15 p.c. 10 p.c. di*. Spore Mun. 4tt p.c. of 1909 $1,600,500 15 p.c. lOp.c.dis. Spore Mun. 4% p.c.
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  • 419 7 Fraser and Co. and I.yall and Evatt'ti Quotation*. To-day's Prices Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt K. Sidim (|1) 3.90 4.10 3.90 4.00 Kundung ($l, 1.20 1-Sj: 1.21 I.SO Lunas ($5) 14.50 15.50 14.50 15.50 Malaka Pinda 2.70 2.90 2.65 2.85 Malakoff ($2) 6.50 6.76 6.50 6.80 Man Tekong ($1)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 742 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WANTFD IMMEDIATELY, a smart junior fhonh:'i<'-typi' t. Apply 86i>, Straits Times. PIANO WANTKD. Good condition and make. Stitc lowest cash price, to 866, Straits Time.v ENGLISH LADY, requires employment, anj position of trust, plain writer. Apply 863, ts Times. TO LCT, GODOWN ak*a* 10,000 sq. ft.. Raffles Square.
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    • 834 7 TAIPING SKY MEETING SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, I*2o PROGRAMME Event 1. 2.50 p.m. POLO PONY RACE.— A Handicap for polo poniei that have played in any recognised Tournament or Inter-Club Match in Malaya. Distance 3 fur- L longs. 8.00 p.m. POLO PONY RACE.— A Handicap for polo ponies other than those
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    • 633 7 VICTORIA THEATRE 'SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY, JULY 31 AT S.IS P.M. GRAND BALLET by Mme. S. FATAPOVITCH Assisted by Local Amateurs BOOKING AT MOUTRIETS Adult Prices as usual Children II.M. JOHORE GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Tenders are invited for the following works at the Lunatic Asylum, Joktr* Bahru 1. Brick Boundary
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  • 1225 8 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, JULY 27 THE AMERICAN NAVY. It is estimated that before the end of 1924 the American navy will be more powerful than the British. This subject is dealt with by that very able writer on naval affairs Mr. Archibald Hurd in The Fortnightly Review. He shews
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  • 24 8 A Chinese charged at Penang with offering $500 gratification to Capt. Barry of the gambling suppression department was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 30 8 At Penang, a Hokien was convicted of theft as a servant of cash and other property, valued at $1,282, from Mr. Rougal, animal trainer with Fillis's circus. Sentence was deferred.
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  • 15 8 The Hon. Mr. F. S. Jamea, C.M.G., inspected the Prai works at Penang on Sunday.
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  • 22 8 All applications for Sunday labour permits should reach the Master Attendant's Office not later than 3 p.m. on Friday, the 30th instant.
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  • 27 8 We understand that Mr. E. E. Solomon and family, of Solomon and Co., have gone on a combined business and pleasure trip to Medan-Deli for ten days.
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  • 26 8 Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks have departed for Holland, en route to Paris. They have abandoned their proposed aerial tour of Europe owing to unfavourable weather.
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  • 31 8 Sir Charles Ballance, Consulting Surgeon to the British Army, told the Society of Masseuses that he had successfully grafted two inches of a sheep's sciatic nerve into a wounded officer's arm.
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  • 49 8 The case in which A. Klyne was found by the coroner on Saturday to have caused death by a rash act in respect to the late Mr. C. W. Johnson was called up before Mr. Pepys, in the second court yesterday, when Klyne was discharged for want of evidence.
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  • 54 8 Captain W. H. Wrigley, D.F.C., and Warrant Officer A. M. Murphy, D.F.C., have each been awarded the Air Force Cross in recognition of the valuable services rendered by them to aviation by their flight of 2,800 miles across Australia. The award was made by the British authorities on the recommendation
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  • 64 8 The President and Committee of the Tai Wah Fund announce that the unveiling of a tablet commemorating the erection of the Lo Van Ward from funds provided by the late Dr. Loke Yew, C.M.G., LL.D., will" take place at 5 p.m., on Friday, July SO at the District Hospital, Kuala
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  • 67 8 Failing to register forms apparently from the prosecutions instituted by Mr. Sheedy one of the sins of omission in Singapore. Yesterday two Americans for failing to register within 48 hours of their residence in the Colony were fined $75 by Capt. Rowbotham, while a similar fine was imposed on a
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  • 90 8 The case in which Tan Seak Cheng stands arraigned on the treble charge of falsifying accounts with the alleged -vilful intent of defrauding his employer. Keh Siew Kirn, of Chop Hua Seng, of $i,150, occupied the attention of the Chief Justice and a special jury at the Assizes the whole
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  • 91 8 The Ethnographic Branch of the F.M.S. Museums had considerable opportunities towards the close of last year of acquiring Malay silver work, of which a large iunntity came into the market owing, no doubt, to the high price of the metal and the greatly increased cost of living. Full advantage was
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  • 95 8 A bill being introduced into the Federal Council Bill re-enacts with amendments the law relating to small offences, and incorporates a number of the provisions contained in the Straits Settlements Minor Offences Ordinance, 1906, and its amending ordinances. It provides increased protection for traffic on the public roads and a
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  • 98 8 Nearly £10,000 was received for the fund which was raised in connection with the golden wedding of the Rev. Prebendary and Mrs. Carlile, celebrated last month. At Prebendary Carlile's wish the money will be added to Urn fund for making oldage provision for Church Army Evangelists. Among the personal gifts
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  • 112 8 The Singapore Harbour Board are getting well forward with their building scheme. The single-storied bungalows at Keppel Harbour, which are built to quite an artistic design, are nearing completion and when the grounds are laid out should prove a feature in the neighbourhood. The houses on Spottiswood Park overlooking the
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  • 122 8 A correspondent writes The members of St. Joseph's Old Boys' Association will celebrate the first anniversary of their foundation by a social entertainment on Sunday, August 1, at 8 p.m. in King George's Hall, St. Joseph's Institution. The members and their friends, and all the past pupils of the school,
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  • 457 8 Mr. J. Borthwick, an assistant superintendent of the Hongkong and China Gas Company, for the past seven yarn, died suddenly a few days ago. Mr. E. N. Sinclair, of the Chartered Bank, has passed through Singapore from leave en route for Haiphong where h» takes charge of
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  • 16 8 A mail from Europe, ex Turn, is expect tid to arrive by train to-morrow.
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  • 72 8 His Excellency the Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner for the Malay States liavinjr left Singapore on July 26, for the Federated and Unfederated Malay States and the Settlement of Penang. an instrument, passed under the Public Se?l of the Colony, constituting and appointing 'lie
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  • 111 8 At a meeting held at thi Protectorate Office on April 24, 1920, convened by Messrs. Chan Kang Swee, Tan Soo, Hock, E. Kong Guan, G. C. Dodd and Sit Keo Ann, the following subscriptions were promised Messrs. E. Kong Guan $10,000, Tan Jiak Choo $8,000, Ho
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  • 112 8 The following Singapore properties were sold by public auction by Messrs Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd., successors to Messrs. Ching Keng Lee and Co., at their sale-room, Raffles Chambers, on Monday afternoon Freehold building site at Holland Road (Ulu Pandan) areii 71,874 sq. ft., bought by Mr. F.
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  • 136 8 It will be recalled that in September last year, the Straits Steamship C<>:< steamer Kuala was tied up alongside godown No. 3 at Tanjong Pagar, and tin Hong Wan I, which was leaving port for Penang failed to keep her course and collided with the Kuala,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 130 8 NOW IN STOCK 6UNB, RIFLES, PISTOLS AND REVOLVERS A Itiße releotion of donb'e bmd baicmei ot ha-smertesi rudb. English or Jmeiican mtkta bon 985.C0 to $260 OO COLT Webley §.»6 <W.M§ W/-4* V. W|bl y 4M Cal 810 C^ BM ■>% Biow»n R 6.85 G»L B«Tlge BSD fV. ..».pMiegr««* MITH
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    • 178 8 4SLJBCT SUBJECTS AND 810 FEATURES AT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRES (Tn Ke« ft Co, Ltd, Proprietors) ALHAMBRA VITAGRAPH SERIAL 15 Episodes THE WOMAN IN THE WEB Episodes 3 and 4 Featuring Hedda Nova and J. Frank Glendon 6 Parta FORBIDDEN 6 Parti Featuring Mildred Harris Pathe Gazette, Topical Budget
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  • 383 9 Trade Unions Meet Prime Minister. The Fears of a Darker Period Emphasised. Reittb Telegrams. London, July 24. The official report of the deputation of the Trade Union Congress to the Prime Wini. r to present the Congress resolutions <n the subject of Ireland states that Mr. 1.1 \ii George,
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  • 117 9 Bnim Telegram. Lon.ion, July 24. After receiving the free lorn of H udders•fieid. Viscount Beatty in a speech stated that to-day's navy, both in commission and reserve, was the minimum compatible with the safety of the Empire. The Navy's policy regarding reconstruction had been to investigate the
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  • 36 9 REUTKB TELEGRAM London, July 26. Peking, 22nd The President has acccpt•d Tuan Chi Jui's resignation, has abolished the frontier defence force and placed the troops under the War Ministry, thereby nullifying the Sino-Japanese military pact.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 26 9 Rcutcb Telegram. London, July 25. Sydney H.M.S. Renown with the Prince of Wnles aboard has arrived. The now starting on his Queensland luur
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  • 221 9 Austro-British Peace Finally Confirmed. Beuteb Telegrams. London, July 25. Vienna Full diplomatic relations between Great Britain and Austria have beer formally renewed. The Hon. Mr. Francis Lindluy I. as presented his credentials as British Minister. London, July 25. Athens, July 24 The newspapers announce that the Greeks have
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  • 95 9 RciTtu Telegram. London, July 25. Melbourne Mr. Hughes at Bendigo vigorously denounced Archbishop Mannix's utterances in America. He said, I want to tell the American people that Australia repudiates him. (Loud Cheers.) Australians look to America for a continuance of cordial relations. We intend to remain part of
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  • 28 9 RiiTEk Telegram. London, July 25. Venice A disastrous fire has occurred at the ai .enal, followed by explosions. Several million lire of damage was caused.
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  • 23 9 Reuteb Telegram. London, July 23. Chicago The railway unions have decided to bring their case before the labour board again.
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  • 378 9 Following is the report of the directors of Ting Kil Tin Mines, Ltd., to be presented to the shareholders at the annual meeting of the company Gentlemen, your directors have pleasure in submitting herewith the company's balance sheet, mining account and profit and loss account
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  • 814 9 Difficulties and Delays Fully Explained. The following questions by Mr. Mugliston were put and answered at a sub-com-mittee meeting of Municipal Commissioners held on Friday, July 23 No. 1.— For the benefit of the Singapore public will you kindly verify the following facts with regard to Kallang Bridge,
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  • 112 9 An interesting matinee is announced for the Victoria Theatre at 5.15 on Saturday next, when the Polish classical dancer, Mme. Potapovitch, who appeared here with much success some months ago, will perform. During her last visit Mme. Potapovitch trained some local young ladies to give an able
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  • 71 9 We are officially informed that the Ayer Molek Rubber Company, Ltd., has just acquired at Batu Anam. in the district of Segamat, about 465 acres of land, of which about 200 acres are planted with rubber 18 months' old, and about 265 acres of cleared land
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  • 32 9 Jewels which belonged to the late Mdlle. Gaby Deslys, the noted French danscuse, wore offerer] for snle at auction for the benefit of the poor of Marseilles, ami realised 2,304,000 francs (about-£92,160).
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  • 656 9 Messrs. Baker, Fearon and Co.'s Report. Messrs. Baker, Fearon and Co, Kuala Lumpur, reported as at 5 p.m. on Friday The feature of the week under review has been the attention paid to tins in which a large business has been done, the Ipinaivl for shares continuing;
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  • 98 9 M.u -phail and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore, July 27. Tin.— l2s tons sold at 143.50. Rubber Report. Market weaker with indications of further decline. August sheet transacted around 67, Sept. 67 V 4, October-December 74, January-June 80 cent 3. Share Market. Tone slightly better. Rubbers. Weak .-nd
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  • 235 9 News of a sad tragedy which took place at Nuwara Eliya on July 19 is to hand. Mr. J. Moir, of Medacumbra, Watagoda, Mrs. Moir, his mother, and his uncle, Mr. A. C. T. Meyer, of Bogawantalawa, who have been staying at the Carlton Hotel, Nuwara Eliya,
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  • 2495 9 The Origin of a Historic Contest. The contests for the America's Cup, which Sir Thomas Lipton has been making his fourth attempt to win for Britain, form a very interesting chapter in the history of yachting. This international trophy was originally a cup gven by the Royal
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  • 776 10 Voluntary Winding up of Company Agreed To. An Extraordinary meeting of the IndoChinese Jlcvea Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on June 11 at Cannon-street Hote'. to consider a proposal to wind up the company voluntarily, Mr. T. C. Owon presided. The Chairman, in moving the resolution, said
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  • 79 10 Two captured German 77mm. fieldpieces have been placed in the grounds of Buckingham Palace, and two 105 mm. guns on the Terrace at Windsor Castle, l.y command of the King. All the captured enemy guns suitable for issue have now bMa allocated, and no further applicationi f< r such trophies
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  • 513 10 Work of the Indian Committee In Java. The Madras Mail of July 7 says The Indian Sugar Committee has arrived in Madras after a most successful and interesting tour in Java. The arrangements for the tour were placed by the Government of the Netherlands East Indies in
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  • 224 10 That animals live and move, while plants live and are fixed is still an article of popular belief, though scientists discarded the dictum long ago as a definition of difference between members of the anima 1 and the vegetable kingdoms. In a lecture on the various methods
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  • 194 10 It is quite possible for a person to die of what is familiarly known as a broken heart, said a high medical authority to a Daily Chronicle representative. "To my mind, the case reported from Paris of the beautiful 17-year-old Italian Princess, Francesca Rospigliosi, who pined
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  • 119 10 A bogus V.C., who was feted by the Blackpool Corporation and thrilled many banquet guests with his story of how the coveted distinction was won, was exposed at Preston Police-court. He was sent to gaol for six months on a proven charge of wearing military uniform and medal ribbons to
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    • 167 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Your correspondent J. C. P.'s letter is a.l very well in the main and we all know about it but for goodness sake don't let us have a split in the camp at the present moment and over trifles. If this
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    • 428 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I read with much interest the reprint published in your issue of July 23 re Mr. S. J. Peachey's invention of a new process of vulcanising rubber without the application of heat. This news should give a refreshing: tone to
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    • 516 10 - To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, A letter appears in your paper, signed Portia, under the heading Rubber Estate Assistants, will you permit me to reply and publish my letter in its entirety p. ease Portia's personality in very evident by his letter. Were
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  • 239 10 Revolt Against High Prices In South Africa. Evidence of the revolt of consumers against the prevailing high prices, is now gradually spreading throughout South Africa. The movement has not yet attained large dimensions, but is unquestionably gaining impetus, and traders who have amassed fortunes since 1914 are now
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  • 298 10 Open-Air Treatment for New OrangUtan at Zoo. In a remote corner of the Zoo— the North Bank Sandy has taken up an involuntary residence far from his anthropoid companions in the Ape House, and more or less cut off from the public owing to structural alterations, writes a
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  • 48 10 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, July 31, 1920 Tuesday, July 27. Malay Co., Balestier Range, 4.30 p.m. Thursday, July 29. Malay Co., Balestier Range, 4.30 p.m. Saturday, July 31. S.R.E.V. Hilly Club, Balestier Range, 2.30 p.m. (Sd.) R. SMITH, Ag. Adjutant, S.V.C.
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  • 52 10 Orders for week ending July 31 Tuesday, July 27: Fifth and Sixth Troops Parade, 5.15 p.m. Wednesday, July 28. Third Troop Parade, 5.16 p.m. Signalling Class, 5.15 p.m. Thursday, July 29. Physical Culture Class, 5.15 p.m. Friday, July 30. Band Practice, Malay Volunteer Club,
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  • 137 10 Quite apart from the saving of money which will be effected by the fusion of the Mayor's Court and the City of London Court proposed in the Lord Chancellor's Bill, the scheme will be welcomed by many Jawyers who have watched with regret the decay of both Courts. Both jurisdictions
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  • Sporting intelligence.
    • 180 10 Much interest is being taken in the cricket fixture between the S.C.C. and SelanRor which is to be played at the S.C.C. on Saturday and Monday. The S.C.C. XI will be A. H. Assiter, R. L. L. Braddell, G. C. Clarke, Dr. Noel L. Clarke, N. A. M. Griinn
      180 words
    • 56 10 Yesterday's results in the S.C.C. Bowl* Tourr.ament were Championship. (Semi-Final.) Main beat Ruchwaldy, 21 12. Singles Handicap. Norrie (minus 4) beat Mair (plus 3), TO-DAY'S TIES. Championship. Norrie v. White. TO-MORROW'S TIES. Henderson and McKean (minus 6) v Lowndes and Clifton-Smith (scr.) Norrie and Elphick (minus 4)
      56 words
    • 142 10 m S^* wire ot the 23rd st *te» that ilnnnA 7" £°!l bran has ffe red Dempsey "°.°oo to fight Carpentier in London at the end of the year. Fifty thousand pounds for a fight, and this Dempsey's end only Who can wonder at champion boxers being
      142 words
    • 74 10 Taiping racing men are to hold a sky meeting on Saturday, August 7, and full particulars will te found in an advertisement on page 7of this issue. The events include polo pony races, a mule race for 1/70 Barn a Rifles transport, hurdle race for horses and
      74 words
    • 51 10 The following will represent the S.C.C against the Stafford* at hockey tomorrow H. S. Burgess, A. N. I .aybourne, H. H. Sturt, R. E. I ulgor, R«rr. T. A. Lee, N. A. M. Griffin, K. T. (Joslinjr. E. E. Franklin, F. C. Stocks (raplain). F. R. Smyth, R. E.
      51 words
  • 592 10 London Memorial to Captain Srfonx. A memorial to i < ->os» killed in action in Grrman Ki i. has been placed in i' N: jrml i Museum, South Ken gallery which I help to III h lap specimens of African annr.-ils and on June 10 it was
    592 words
  • 214 10 Replying to addresses of welcome given by public bodies in Krishnagnr on the occasion of his visit, H. E. Lord Kunaldshay referred at length to the attitude of Indian Muslims towards Turkey, in the course of which he said Let me refer to one more rumour
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  • 193 10 Dr. Ethel Mordaunt, a well-known woman doctor, of Bromley (Kent), has died from injuries received in a motor-scooter accident which occurred within a mile off her home. Dr. Mordaunt had only recently purchased the machine, and, as tba> result of something going wrong while she was riding
    193 words

  • 938 11 The Sinn Fein Intelligence Service. A ipwial correspondent in the eoursi of a ieries <>f articles in the Morning Poet on hish terrorism, thus deals with the menace of the Volunteers It was only natural that with the failuM of the Government to maintain law i,,,,l ORhf in
    938 words
  • 114 11 an:n Hastrrman at Bow Chorea, i.eapside, recently outlined an alternative s hems of church reform in the City on lines less drastic than that proposed by the hop of London's Commission. He said Hint he would retain fifteen ehorcbes 'or S inday worship, fifteen others for weekday services
    114 words
  • 2522 11 Satisfactory Record of The Industry. B. D. Porritt, writ ing in the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, says In considering the share which this country contributed to the final downfall of the German-Austrian cause, it ia impossible not to include reference to the plantation
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 166 11 MASTER'S JJli» GSAMOPHONES AND Nir^^fl RECORDS ARE SUPREME NEW SHIPMENTS of th« LITEST SON IS and DANCES just received. Hear these played la our comfortable, new AUDITION ro)m Records at popular prices from |3.00 upwards S. MOUTfiiE CO., LTD. (Inoorpotated ia Eongkoifz) RAFFLB4 PLAGE, BINOAPOBE CLYNO Successes in the RIOBNT
      166 words
    • 221 11 RAFFLES CAFE Bras Basalt Road ADELPHI HOTEL EVERT EVENING OUR SPECIAL ORCHESTRA PLATS FROM 7 TO It ADELPHI HOTEL LIMITED, JL D. TJEEBDEMA. Menacing Directar. Grand Hotel, Lembang JAVA (JM FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL TELEPHONE It LEMBAKO The highest, mod modern and fashionable health resort of Watt Jaya, situated at
      221 words

  • 666 12 Notable Address by Mr. Justice Younger. Vice-Admiral Oliver received a party of the International Law Association aboard the King George V. at Portsmouth recently, the visitors including Sir John MacDonneil and Mr. Ricketts, Rector of Portsmouth. At the afternoon conference, the Chairman, Lord Justice Younger, delivered
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      126 words
    • 248 12 EXCELLENT MOPE Antored ud pwotuued fcj Ibe D. 8. M«r< aid imj, the rhllif ffiae (Lvenmeßt tad the lMdi»« eJijowaert. TUia Id 188 PURE MANILA ROPE TOC CAN BAFBLT TBOST Wt'lH TOCB LIFB AND PORT ONB A trial will convince) you Solo Ageata KRAT OHBANO GO. SI, Mutel Stoeel, Si»e»fore—
      248 words

  • 939 13 important Research Work Undertaken Sir B. L. Brocknun, Chief Secretary to the FMS Oviituttt, in ike eoono of hie ant-aal report, 1*19, e»ys The expenJ-.tate ol the Aijriocltar.' 1 Dopattmc-nt doting tbo jr%i aaoncied o 15 8,168 and ino levetuo to 1******, botti rap.'-scutirg
    939 words
  • 110 13 The Colombo Port Commission has just issued an interesting little booklet dealing with the Port of Colombo which it describes as The most important port of call in the East." As the liner left the wharf at New York the free and enlightened American citizen heaved a sigh of relief.
    110 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 280 13 AIR- FLOAT INO The Peace-Tin;- that make the WHOLE I HAPPY. At nil Dlapnmnrlei aantt StoMi C I ws; i. BRO^. C«» M Mntf»port 'lap-j»;.3f.»^d ia U. 5.1.) SOU «g«nta REDUCTION IN PRICES FOR ONE MONTH ONLY If |roa really want tlie best Violin at the (J* oVmpi' t rntu,
      280 words
    • 107 13 HAIPHONG M A DRAGON CEMENT Supplied to the Spore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, F.M S. Railways and all leading architects and contractors. DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents, Singapore CAN D YS-BELTING HAIR AND COTTON SfiST QUALITY AUSTRALIAN LtttTHEB At favourable prioea THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. (Inoovporatod in Rntflnndl aiNO4PO
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 753 14 SALES BY AUCTION IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Xbc undersigned have been instructed to at.l by public auction, at thoir Sale-room, Rafltvs Chambers, Raffles Place, M Monday, August 9, l»20, at 2.30 p.m. Twenty-five valuable freehold building •ites on Reserve Road, off Telok Ayer Street, auitable for godowns. etc. ESTATE AM) TIUST
      753 words
    • 542 14 SALES BY AUCTION MORTGAGEE'S SALE At our sale-room, No. 30, Kling Street, on Wednesday, July 28, at 2.30 p.m. Ten pieces of valuable freehold building land off the 7 1 milestone East Coast Road, iv the district of Tannh Merah Kitchil, area 21,200 square feet. CHEONG KOON SENG CO., Auctioneers.
      542 words
    • 942 14 AMtU •m $MM,Mt B.C. Assurance in force over $15,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERJLLiFEASSURANCE CO. LTD. BEAD OrnCEl Vtaaaeaao* Ink, Bl.reMr* LONDON OPTICE i II OM J.-« aU The Co«»a.y Of.«N de^M wttt tk. hpM 9^ el ■,«!..< a.d o.« V Ue. with th. British Ul. Aasurano. Co-p»le. Art I ever, p.S.r
      942 words
    • 577 14 BANKING THE OVERSEACHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated 'in th* Straits Settlements'* Head Oflee SINGAPORE, U, KLING STREET 1 Tel. No. MM Branch FENANG, 14. BEACH STREET Agencies IPOH AND DELI Capital t Authorised ajo mo oa* i"."* 0 10^0«,»tt Paid-up (.250 004 Reserve Liability of Share■oldere IJKO.OM lioard of Director* i
      577 words
    • 591 14 BANKING BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE DE CHINE, Authorized Capital Fr* fBP.OOO 0M Subscribed Frs. ISO.OOoioo Paid-np Capital Fre. 7o,O00,0O« d/» of the Capital snbsenhed by tfc Government of th* Chinese Republic Chairman of the Board of Directors i Andre Rerthelot Genera! Manager A. J. P«rt>e-1« HEAD OKFICF. 74. Roe Saint Lazars.
      591 words

  • 1017 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. The "Guy" 2-2 Vi ton Chassis. Among those makers who intend to continue their policy of specialising in one type of lorry are Messrs. Guy Motors, Ltd., of Wolverhampton, who are continuing to produce their 2-2 hi ton commercial chassis. The
    1,017 words
  • 33 15 The commemoration of the HOOth ann iv.-ary of Peterborough Cathedral was to be obaerved on St. f'fter's Day. Jua<> 2'J, 1 1 'i Kit-hop Brent, of New York, «>■ to piva-h th<- commemoration sermon.
    33 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 101 15 AND THri LITTLE FORD Shall laad tbam. It's first in sales-first in ©ooaomy-aid fl-:t in shs esiaena those who lovasafity, surety and oo afo t— beoau3e of Its woLd-rful stTiplioity, stieagta an* ligntness. 1 1" lc ds In SUES SESVI^s SVI3FASTION *ll\^^\ffsfj^tftfffi^r :^a^HPy THE PDRDdON TRAOfOB THE FORD ONE-TON TRUCK
      101 words
    • 399 15 BACK AGAIN Once mori' Influenza in epidemic form is thoroughly upsetting the life and work of the Country. We wouM warn you to take care, and if that heavy feverish feeling be noticed, do not hesitate and allow it to get a urm hold upon you, just buy a bottle
      399 words
    • 172 15 GEORGE'S A Burlington, Co fern an St. •wit &ti~blo and modern oar* for hlro J9 ttentinn and prompt morvloe gum" rantood Ive our cur* a trial, 'ihonn 11 0 8 g^ xperlenoed and competent eh c fevrm I KNQVIIUKS: THE MANAGKii, GK iRGES GABAuK j i^ *t w^aMar mk! vBL
      172 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      363 words
    • 368 16 GUAN KIAT CO LOOTED (laeen wrated U Itraita Settleae-to) Heal OBce. It. PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. Telegraphic Aaaress "GUANKIAT." Coaes used A.B.C. 6th Edition A Al Office 'Phone Nos. 13S1 and 1362 (311$) 2 Line*. Authorised Capital $100,000 Paid-up Capital 162.000 Building Fund MMWO Board of Direetara i Tay Guan Kiat.
      368 words
    • 1002 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc. In ordinary close-set type (average six word, to line) are Per line one in.ertion 28 cts, two ins. 46 cte, three ins. 64 cts, four ins. 82 ets, five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40, twelve
      1,002 words
    • 870 16 SITUATIONS VACANT ESTATE AND MlnTn& WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a Chinese clerk with knowledge of book-keeping and typewriting also a junior clerk. Apply to Manager, Tampoi Estate, Durian Tunggal, Malacca. BOOK-KEEPER WANTED for rubber es^ tate in F.M.S. Only men with good testimonials and thorough knowledge of estate accounts will be considered.
      870 words
    • 997 16 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE, one five-seater Wolseley car, I five wire wheels, new tyres with tool!, etc., complete, and in first-class running order. Owner leaving Colony, will accept reasonable offer. Apply 844, Straits Times. FOR SALE, one Matchless motor cycle, Jap engine, 3Vi h.p. complete with horn, etc., in first-class
      997 words
    • 168 16 Straits Motorcar Service LIMITED (Incorporated in Strait. Settlement.) 218 to 216, ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVERHAULS TO MOTOR CARS AND CYCLES WELDING of all metals, under European supervision SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PRICES VERY MODERATE Phonel233 WE HAVE A GROWING CI.IENTELB Planters, Shippers and Miners are patronizing us in increasing
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 307 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and"General BS Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 Post Office Box No. suO All communications relating ;>> editorial matters and news should b««ss*e to THE EDITOR. All communication! relating to business matters advertise ments, subscriptions, accounts, printing, menti, subscriptions, account*, printing, etc, should
      307 words