The Straits Times, 17 July 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 26^85 SINGAPORE, SATURDAT, JULY 17, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 127 1 ROBINSON CO., LTD. (Loot p -r»t. a in the Straits SettLme.t 0 NOW SHOWIN6 VERY URGE NEW STOCK OF FURNISHING FABRICS Cretonnes, Tapestries, Shadow Tissues, Bolton Sheetings. Plain and Bordered Casement Cloths, Art Serges, Repps, etc., etc. ROBINSON CO., LTD. tlnecrpun.ed in the Straita SsttlemeaU) If you fouud v' eellinsc
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    • 1 1 BTERUJBED
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  • 979 2 Ulu Raatau, Sungel Riachiog And Saogei Rejla. Thi teport o( the Uia Rtotaa Rabbet Eitateafor i'9a <»ales tbat tbe capital wu iaoreased to £68,003 by Ibe creation o( 88,000 farther shares ot £1 etch ranking pati pauu with the original share* iesued and allotted a* tally pail to
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  • 150 2 At the Madras Provincial Congress, Mr. K. Thiyagaraja Chetty moved a resolution regarding the condition of Madras Labour in Ceyon. He said that Indian coolies were taken to Ceylon under false representations and that they meet with very bad treatment at the plantations. It was necessary
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 546 2 w s l'.imous, not only in W W tiie Old Country, but t'iroiiglioiit y) W tlif World, are the superb vahics >5 W obtainable trom John Noble's. JI >f C^ H V-. You should send today for the won- /bTjSSIJjKS. W W derfu! 68 pnge Catalogue, giving lull I m\\
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    • 296 2 Comfort Feet That Itch And Burn With Cuticura For tired, aching, irritated, itching feet wsrm baths wi>h Cuticura Sonp followed by Rcntle aiiclicatwr.s of Cuticur.i Ointment are most successful. 50.p1...0,r>n,,,11...Td.«r<i2,.5^. Sold Uirou«hnotti:-K. ,i:r,. For I impv-r froc wlES FP(nk.iBro:.i LM ft, ChDrttrkam It-, lUitn Al- m -n- I or.irrs witl.
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    • 299 2 Charmer fch&rmeb 1 Small- dainty- beautiful, a "Jewel" f .ever is a fitting adornment for Milady's delicate Yvri«! Satisfies her captious taste for something serviceable yet smart in appearance. Above all, it is precise in action, as every good watch should he! Just as popular with ths Ladies flB as
      299 words

  • 1047 3 Entomolog cal Problems of To-Day B iisßgtly, aa thtoftb t y w» j ol a obajleage 10 the Imperial entcmologisti now aaaembled in Lcßdon, Britiib ion at pctts bid (ait to be mcie ■umerooa «Usb ntntl Ibis lammi" wiite« 0 A. B. io a borne papet ol
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 612 3 HJ "*W lorn My nit, -wr hit, tml t MIITix I A TRIBUTE S |3 TO HEALTH i People will pay because tlicy a j-J-K heavy 101 l to sickness, but how many ever r*"J think ol paying tribute to hea!t!i To keep gj Pi? the brain fresh and
      612 words
    • 614 3 .rl, f •>• afSJttSl »J' "J m by SPnrry jr vrr-work when vo'.- ,'j:i) is l-wt. I ro ur.ei. yiHi le«l"any-huw~ *S*n yfitn *rt "oa edf c wh»-n tbc Iratt rxrr- I! tir^s y;>.; -»ou are in a S Huir-dowa emdjuon Your i» r 1 p.*.i! that it <Ir.-cv:ri
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    • 404 3 PUBLIC HELP WANTED All names shown in the Singa- iLlflk pore General Establishment*. Clnb?, Insurance imj yiiippinc aVafttVa Companies. E«t»te«. and other Jll-V new Concerns, are inserted A[l *^_l 1 Vamee not found therein should be posted in time to meet our 1921 issue of *Hsf I THE CHINraE OOMMBKIAL
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 806 4 STEMIEI SMJWI P. O. British India AMD Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) The Company* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT ara at Iflll.l iaaaaadsl 1 LONDON FAR-EASTERN BKBVICH FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES sVBBBO* Da*
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    • 518 4 STEAMER SAILHMS PRINCE LINE UNITE!, (Incorporated in England) FAB EAST SERVICE FOB NEW TOBK MONGOLIAN PRINCE Tia Panama about Ist half Sept. CELTIC PRTNCE Tia Sues about Ist half Oet For all information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN 4s CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Agents. THE REN LINE STEAMERS, LIMITED (Incorporated
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    • 274 4 STEAMER SAIUMt HE EASTERN SHiPPINfi COMPANY. UDCTBB Oa*Ma*ratod la Strait* BettUmeate) Tal. frlsse table U sabjeet te MtwaMsa wlthaat farther aotie. Steamer aalllag fswat Stag***** POT SBNO— Every T«**day. at I pjb, |*r Part Swatteaaaai acd Paaaas. Freai aßalaeea te ■tagaia.t Vtwai Pasuag te MealaMia (Trata iearaey from MealmeU te
      274 words
    • 409 4 0. S K. TKB OSAKA BBOSsTS KABBA ÜBB. (I»eer**T»te* la laa«a] Warn, at Bam* Bammmmmaa ammmmtmmat Wfc awVmmmsTf PMBT^BJaTsj (lubje*. te «haa«* witheai awttQ FOB POET SAID, answiisa, LOBBOB. ANTWERP. BOTTBRDAa*. AITB BAaTBBM HIMALAYA MARU July 20 ALPS MABU mid. FOB BBW TOBK (Tia Paaaaat Oaaa!) HONOLULU MABU Aornrt
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    • 421 4 wuki mini NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (lasinsratoi ta /apaa) Pad*» Ball Cantras* wHa Ik* taa*rM •PalmWaH iMw^aTsVaßMwtwV Sabjest to altorartoa* witleal saate. BOBOPBAB BAIL LDfB P»rtalght!y Serriea F*» Laastoa, Aarwsra ria (Malacca) riaaaal (U**ab% Sara. Part Bald aad Maiwstlas*. KAMO MARU July 18 IYO MARU Aug. ATSUTA MARU Aug. 11 LIVERPOOL
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 607 5 STEAMER SAILINGS a* lI AITAN „ni.-r Ii due here on July 19. IMS, »nd will sail for Hongkoni:. on July 22. Tot f n nrlit and pi ige, please apply to CHOP SUNG IMA 11 Nn. r >H, Boat Quay. FOB BOOfOW AMI HOM.KOM; Bapani I. dec- I > sail
      607 words
    • 381 5 STEAMER SAILINGS DODWELL LINE (Incorporated in Kngland) FOX NEW YORK 1)1 It KIT :.OWn'..T. CASTLE commences loading July 15 SGREIfONT CASTLE eommeaaaa londing First half September id- freight, alaaaa upply to PATMBON, SIMONS CO, LTD., Agents. K. P. M. STRAITS CHINA LINE ».s. VAN WAKRWYt K sails aa or about
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    • 407 5 THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION. LIMITED Board of Director! I Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng, 0.8. E., Chairman Lim Nee Soon, Esq. Tan Soo Guan Esq. Ong Boon Tat Esq. S. Q. Wong Esq. Lim Chwee Chian Esq. Tan Ean Kiam Esq Cbua Poh Siang Esq. Scab Eng Lim Esq Lee
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    • 948 5 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND FEDERATED MALAY STATES VICTORY BONDS Bearing Intereat from the date of purchase at five per cent, per annum, payable on September 1 and Marcb 1. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON SEPTEMBER 1. 1*34. PRICE OF ISSUE— IOO PER CENT. All proceeds of this isiui will be lent to
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    • 130 5 Cheese is the most Nutritious Food-Stuff in the World. W am CtM*AT| r >4s^ On sale at all stores. CONNELL BROS., CO. .^r Solo. Agent:., Singapore. (inconxtrotted U.i>.A.) wS_ ABBOTS LAGER I THE BEER WITHOUT A RIVAL APPLY THOMPSON, LARSEN, LIMITED, 121. MARKET RTCaWT. TRUCKS AND BUSSES SHIPMENT ULPECTBD BMOstTLT
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 805 6 •MIMAS i ON MONDAY, JULY 19 jHLX-«"3E^: jg£ ML £I JRL JHL (Beach Road b'Bh) Tbe ron aill be oou.menoed ol Vitagraph's MasTellon* Pboto ttrial ol Melodramatio A-jTo.-.a-r. by ALBBRT B. SMITH AND CYRUS TOWNBEND BRALY Featuring HEDDA NOVA AND J. PRANK OLBNDON iAd»fittnre— Intiigae— My«teiy- V6n»e*to>! Yea, and Love—
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    • 360 6 sLLJ^LsUrsJ uf m| tiALLJLTD.S Hu^7T^S BBCOND BHOW AT 911 W/f- fy, MARIB WALOAMP la the tofam SPUR and SADDLE II II ftCJ 6T***** in 18 reels. No. 0 Tbe Final r ba?te* TBWPBBT CODY K ON APPIR ia 2 parta ▲losg with FKANK MAY with BDIT9 ROBERTS ia 5 aetH
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    • 185 6 L. C. Smith Typewriter "Silent Modal" THE SUPERIOR MACHINE Becanse it la silent In oporation. Think of what this means In nt.-r« saving 1 Because it has a Decimal Tabulator, which saves time, and insures accuracy in billing and witing of figures in column's. Because the ball-bearing type bars give
      185 words

  • 120 7 FIXTIREa Saturday, July 17. il h Water, <u> u.n-.., 11.20 p.m. li .in ;,:.i.y l.i i Vie. Theatre, 9.15. Si:nil;:y, July 18. BU Water, 0.."0 p.m. Swimming Club Mtt;., -J 30 m.m. Monday. July 19. Ilij-h Water, >J a.m., i.ll p.m. llumphny Bishop Co., Vie. Theatre, 0.16.
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  • 108 7 OBBJ AT THE DOCKS. Ea-,1 Wharf BaKin. Shrimp, Van Wai rwljck. F^ist Wharf. Whe.i'.land of Montono, Betty ttn Wharf. \Hierl and Victoria Dry Hi-.ton. Mala >\:..:rf. Ariaka Maru, Waal Cactus. „ii n. i .-.liia. Kirthcliir, T;-.n Takada, Doaai. Wi-t kYharf. Hector, D.-ucalion. .1a,.:. i. barf. Nl l-i
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  • 25 7 2■; M J 7. ins, from Uno] line. .i \oVo i 19-7. i Pi nan.; 177 fror.i Rhio 17-T. foi i [ndragiri It
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  • 178 7 IWaj 3 p.m. l'enang 3 p.m. 3 p.m. li fur I'.S.A. p.m. 4 ( I p.m. lUnu'V'ns 4 p.m. .1 I Ulan rtuiang ■> p.m. Cucob 4 p.m. Pulau So -I p.m. Swat .4 p.m. (iiy train I C p.m. Monday 9 a.m. Kenmon 9 a.m. Cocoa
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  • 20 7 Mifticiu June 10 JtlM A June 11 VI In i Report) July 9 July 12 July 12
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  • 198 7 The vi^ Id iKsiiiptidti by a Chinese of a flight over lVkinir proviilcs an int. ir-t iiiK' illu tr:iii- n oftM possibilities of aerial touring. Thus.- who have' never sven Peking from the air haw nrver seen it at its best. The Altai and Temple of
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  • 129 7 EXCHANOI Singapore, July 17. On Utodm Bank 4 m/s 2/4 3/32 Demand 2/3 27/32 < IVivatc I m/s 2/494 On New York Demand 44% i Private 90 days 48 V 4 On France Bank 520 On India, Bank T. T. 120 On Hongkong, Bank d/d Gl'ip.c. pm.
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    • 210 7 IM. Val.Pd. Buyen. Seller*. 1C 10 Arapang 16.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1.50 nom. 4.1 £1 Kam. Kamunting 2.16.0 2.18.6 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 7.25 8.00 £1 *1 Kinta Tin k.?.6a0» 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.80 3.00 xd. 1 Jelantoh 1.65 1.75 £1 £1 Lahat Mines 7.50 8.00
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    • 118 7 Iw. Val.Pd. Boyen. Seller*, il i'l Br. Am. Tobacco 3.15.0 4.0.0 il £1 E. Smelting Co. 12.00 13.00 S/- 6/- Electric Twin 111 4/» 10 10 Frascr Neave 56.00 58.00 50 50 W Hammer &Co 110.00 115.00 •>, 100 100 Katz Bros. 130.00 150.00 i'l Mexican Eaple 10.0.0 11.0.0
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    • 81 7 U Ksg. 6 p.«. <1.£84,*0« PM 94k Spore Electric Tramwovs 6 p.c. *85C,0C? i pore Municipal t o.« $1,878,000 6 per r«ot. dii. par dfota Mun. aa af IM7 11,000,000 II M 's Spore Mas. 4H p.* »t IWB ll,«00.t03 19 I Ur«.*l» S'pora Maa. 4H i^ 1909 $1,500,0Ce
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  • 420 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Erstt'a Qantatiou J*. TLatest available Sterling (Quotations are printed oa mother pace la vaek Frltfmr't BMMj To-iimft Price. Fraser Ty&U Co. Evatt Alor Gajab ($1) 8.60 3.8r 8.60 S.80 Am. Malay 4.25 4.75 4.50 4.75 AyerHitam ($5) 23.00 24.00 23.50 24.50 A.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 810 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS DRESSER REQUIRED for Jcram Kuant.nn estate, Kuantan. Apply Barker it Co., Lid. WANTKD COMPETKNT LEDGER CLERK. Salary aeeordiag to ability and experience. Apply 825, Straits Times. WANTKI) MANAGER" for produce dept. Good eone.-p.inil.-Mt. tru.tworthy and man of experience required. Apply stating salary' required to K27, Straits Times. i
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    • 391 7 BON Particulars please apply THE GENERAL SUPPLY AGENCY O, HIGH STREET. A NEW ADDRESS Mr. Jnck Brisk would ssk his numeroi" customers to note that as a result of Bka dissolution of his partnership in the Bri*t Furniture Manufacturing Co., as from Jun> 30, 1920, the OFFICE of his reconstitute'
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  • 1194 8 SATURDAY. JULY 17 THE PRICE OF RICE. We note that the Chinese in Penang are appealing to the Government to reduce the price of rice. It seemed to us that the case was stated very fairly in the communique issued by the Food Controller a few days ago. It would
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  • 15 8 Mr. Mackenzie flew from Peking to Tientsin and back on July 8 in eighty minutes.
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  • 35 8 Details have been received at Shanghai of a piratical attack on the steamer Robert Dollar II near Chunking on June 30. A lively fusilade was exchanged. Mrs. Wortman, an American lady passenger, behaved very pluckily.
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  • 14 8 The Hon. Mr. Oliver Marks ha* been elected President of the Selangor Turf Club.
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  • 19 8 Messrs. Barker and Co. have opened a Pahang Agency at Kuantan. Mr. J. W. Boyd Walker is in charge.
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  • 21 8 The Selangor St. Andrew's Day Society will celebrate St. Andrew's Day this year by a ball and supper on November 30.
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  • 21 8 The Siamese Board of Rice Control has issued further regulations to secure the retention of stocks of grain in certain areas.
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  • 27 8 The Governor has appointed Mr. A.H.C. Allen to be a Municipal Commissioner of the Town and Fort of Malacca, vice the Hon. Mr. E. E. Smith resigned.
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  • 29 8 Mr. W. Adams, of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., has passed the Board of Trade examination for First Mate. The candidate was a student of the Nautical Academy, Sailors Home.
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  • 42 8 It is duly recorded in the Times under a heading and on the leader page that Mr. N. W. Chisholm of the Calcutta staff of the National Bank of India, and a lady were the joint winners of the Calcutta Derby Sweepstake
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  • 31 8 The Interdenominational Prayer meeting will be addressed by the Rev. J. Horace Johnston on Monday, at 5.15 p.m. at the Chinese girls' (C.E.Z.M.) School, Government Hill. All interested are cordially invited.
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  • 40 8 The Hon. Mr. W. F. Nutt, 0.8. E., President of the V.M.C.A., is issuing invitations for a tiffin at Raffles Hotel to-day, to meet Mr. J. J. Virgo, C.8.E.. National Field Secretary of the English National Council of the Y.M.CA.
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  • 35 8 Through the courtesy of the Far Eastern Film Service Ltd., a cinema entertainment will be given in the V.M.C.A. Hall this evening at 8.45. An interesting programme has been arranged. Members and friends are welcome.
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  • 40 8 His many friends in the United Provinces regret to learn that Mr. W. Raw, 1.C.5., late Collector of Saharanpur, died in nursing home near London on June 1. He had been seriously ill since his arrival in England in April.
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  • 36 8 A Reuter message from Palm Beach. Florida, states that the court has annulled the temporary injunction restraining Bois Croker and his wife from disposing of the former's estate. The judge ruled that Crokcr was mentally competent.
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  • 41 8 The King wiil not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance with respect to the Ordinance to amend the Penal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code and the Ordinance to amend further the Penal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code.
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  • 45 8 The case in which Mr. C. Grant, is charged with threatening the British ConsulGeneral and with smashing a typewriter at the British Consulate, Bangkok, was adjourned till the 12th inst., by the Borispah Court. The accused being unable to find bail, is detained in custody.
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  • 64 8 The following motion was passed by the Penang Municipal Commission by 4 votes to 3 That the Commissioners ar in favour of daylight saving of nat less than twenty minutes and not more than half an hour and that the clock in the Clock Tower be altered to synchronise with
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  • 51 8 A Chinese weary Willie endeavoured to put an end to his existence this morning by jumping off Johnston's Pier into the sea. A marine policeman with a more materialistic mind perhaps, rescued the man, who will be charged for to leave this sinful world in other than the orthodox
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  • 60 8 We are informed by a correspondent that a very generous gift of $1,000, has been received from Mr. Chwee Swee Cheng of Cecil Street, Singapore for a scholarship to the Government English school, Labuan. Mr. Chwee Swee Cheng some six years ago donated $1,000 for educational purposes in Labuan and
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  • 103 8 An Asansol correspondent writes to Calcutta On June 24 the boys of St. Patrick's College were taken down to the river Damuda for a swim in charge of several of the Christian brothers. Whilst a number of boys were standing on the sand bank a sudden rush of water came
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  • 114 8 The late Canon Rawnsley records a remarkable premonition on the part of his famous friend, Lord Tennyson. Speaking sadly of politics at Farringford, he foretold the coming of Armageddon, the breaking of a terrible storm in which all the forces of evil would be let loose upon the world. I
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  • 129 8 The price of tin has begun to move up a little to the (jreat satisfaction of a large number of Chinese miners and others who have been storing tin, says the Times of Malaya, and there is every indication from the published statistics that the metal will rise still higher
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  • 507 8 Mr. J. Johnston, is anpointi 1 Librar-rm, Kaflu's Library Singapore. Mr. R. Bird, Cadet, is appointed to act as District Officer, Alor Gajab. Mr. F. O. K. Brown, who left to join up in 1915, has returned to Malaya. Messrs. V. G. Ezechiel and C. W. Dawson
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  • 42 8 It is intended to hold a dinner for Old Bedfordians at Kuala Lumpur shortly and Mr. W. S. Reeve Tucker, of Sungei Way Estate, Selangor, will be glad to hear from 0.85., 0.8.M5., or O.Es. who may desire to participate.
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  • 63 8 In the current issue of the Government Gazette appears the report of the Hon. Mr. F. S. James, C.M.G., as Colonial Secretary, on the Straits Settlements for the year 1919. It is an extremely interesting document which we intend reproducing by sections in our subsequent issues. In
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  • 101 8 A court of appeal composed of Sir John Bucknill, Chief Justice, and Justices Bar-rett-Lennard and A. B. Voules sat on Wednesday, 14th instant, to hear the appeal of Nagurdas Purshotomdas against the decision of Mr. Justice Woodward in the sugar case. This came up bi-foiV the
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  • 137 8 That the General Hospital in S is an anachronism from tha buil.lin- point of view is a truism that the merest tyro in the medical world would not deny. Hutli in the big cities in India and Colombo the hospitals have been brought into line with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 60 8 JOhn Little's MILLINEKY DSPT. NOW SHOWING JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. C»corpoi»»ei la Bag'tid) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. jsgpsg SKOOKUM 100 per cent. HENTRAI MFANBION IN BITHBR IXRHCTION l"sff?^ oi^**r CNDBR FRHS3C3B I WIINIMAX FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Have extinguished over 1,250 actual fires in India since July, 1912. FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE
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    • 314 8 NOTICE TO PATRONS OF THE ALHAMBRA Bench Rosd. (Tan Cheng Kee A Co., Ltd., Proprietors) The Screening of the VITAGRAPH SERIAL THE WOMAN IN THE WEB on Monday, July 19 snd thereafter will commence nightly at 8 o'clock which necessitates the fixing 'of the commencement of the SKCOND SHOW AT
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  • 517 9 DecstSß About Polish Situation. Rupture wftJi German Delegates Threatened. Reuter Telegrams. London, July 13. Spa It U authoriUtively asserted that Mr. I.'.oyd George has received a message from the Bolshevists accepting the Allied prop. iaU for an armistice. The statement larks confirmation. London. July 13. Paris I* Petit Parisien's
    Reuter  -  517 words
  • 114 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 14. The Lord Mayor of London is appealing «.n bi-half of the Imperial War Relief Fund for funds to combat disease and distress in the war stricken areas of Europe and Asia. The appeal says £1,000,000 is required immediately und points out that
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 592 9 Statements in the House Of Commons. Reuteb Telegrams. London, July 14. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Asquith, Mr. Bonar Law read a telejrram sent by the British Government to the Soviet Government on July 11 proposing an immediate Russo-Polish armistice, under which the Polish
    Reuter  -  592 words
  • 121 9 Beuter Telegram. London, July 14. The League of Nations has published a communication from the governments of Great Britain and Japan, dated Spa July 8, and signed by Viscount Chinda and Viscount Curzon, stating that the governments of Gnat Britain and Japan had concluded that the Anglo-Japanese
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 405 9 Question of the Troops In Ireland. Statement Issued by the Irish Office. Reiter Telegrams. London, July 13. The special trade union congress at the Centi-.l Hall, Westminster, overwhelmingly rejected an addendum by the Locomotive Engineers' Society in favour of an imme itate bellot on the question of a
    Reuter  -  405 words
  • 145 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 15. The British Empire Forest Conference has unanimously approved of the suggested standardisation and verification of forest terminology throughout the Empire. Mr. Mackay, of the Forests Commission of Victoria, introduced the subject of Empire resources and consumption and presented an interesting tabulated statement on the
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 57 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 13. Sir Frank Barnes is designing a national war memorial for Hyde Park Corner consisting of a gigantic pylon with two flanking temples. The style of the design U Egyptian with great bas reliefs symbolical of the efforts of the Empire. The whole
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 420 9 Rbuter Telegrams. London, July 14. Chicago The Third Party Convention has so far been unable to complete its platform, Senator La Follette objecting: to the foreign plank which endorses the League of Nations and favours recognition of Soviet Russia, Irish independence and the raising of the Russian
    Reuter  -  420 words
  • 63 9 Rn m nuatft London. July 13. Representatives of Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India and other countries are attending the conference of the international federation of university women in London. Viscount Grey, addressing the preliminary gathering, said the only sure basis of peace was an
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  • 62 9 Re-jtei Telegram. London, July 14. Tokio Disorderly scenes followed the the House of Representatives' rejection of the Universal Suffrage Bill. Thousands of students attempted to demonstrate against the government and were dispersed by the police. There were a number of collisions between the police and public, in
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  • 41 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 14. A fresh wireless crisis has arisen. It is understood that the negotiations of June 24 have broken down. The recent resumption of work was conditional on a settlement within a month ending July 28.
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  • 116 9 Reuteb Telegrams. London, July 14. Peking Except for skirmish 12 miles south of Peking in which the Anfu outposts were driven back, so far no fighting has occurred between tke rival military factions. Tuan-Chi Jui's men are not eager to fight and their moral is bad. Accordingly
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 40 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 15. Santiago, Chile Revolution has broken out in Bolivia and overthrown the government. The revolutionary leader Saavedra has assumed the power of the ex-president. Members of the Government have taken refuge in the American Legation.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 15 9 Rsiter Telegram. London, July 14. Melbourne The striking gasworkers have accepted a compromise.
    Reuter  -  15 words
  • 50 9 Weltevrden, July 16. The eighteen persons who were still missing from the X.P.M. steamer Maetsuyckcr, on which fire broke out during a voyage on June 24. have now arrived at Soembawa, so that now everybody has turned up. These people originally landed on the island of Pandjang.
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  • 100 9 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore, July 17. Silver.— s24. Hongkong 61 V4. Shanghai 42>4. Tin.— lso tons at 141. Rubber Report. Market weaker with July at 70 cents, Aug.-Sept. 71 cents, Oct.-Dec. 76^4 for standard sheet. Share Market. Slightly improved. Rubbers. Quiet and neglected. Ulu Benuts
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  • 119 9 On Sun 'ay evening at 8.15 in the V.M.C.A. Hail, Mr. J. J. Virgo, C.8.E., Honorary World's representative of the Voun;* Mtn's Christian Associations, will give an address. Mr. Virgo is so wellknown that iheie is no need to enlarge upon his powers as a speaker.
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  • 63 9 - The Government of Madras have published the passport regulations (1920) of the Government of the Straits Settlements, and have authorised the Deputy or Assistant Superintendent of Indian Immigrants •t Penang and the Assistant Superintendent of Indian Immigrants at Singapore, respectively, to exercise the powers of competent authorities for
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  • 120 9 The monument to the memory of Miss Edith Cavell that has been presented by the Matin to the city of Paris was to be unveiled on June 12 by Viscount Burnhum in the presence of the Ambassadors of Great Britain, the United States, and Belgium, and of representatives
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  • 30 9 Mr. G. Kahn is not returning to Bangkok, having received an important appointment in the central administration of the Foreign Office. He is to be succeeded by Mr. Fernand Pila.
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  • 1540 9 Progress During Centenary Year. The following extracts are made from the report on the Straits Settlement* for the year 1919, prepared by Urn Hob. Mr. F. S. James, C.M.G. The year was memorable. It wu:= the Anniversary of the founding of Singapore by Sir Stamford Raffles, and
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  • 259 10 Why England Ctinnot Rival America- ('hicnjro, wo are told, wi.l soon be able to uing the largest hotel in tK Pour thousand n t:, have been and anienj; I itur^s of iiij.' will be a theatre Mating 2,500 mall kitchens for the use of who prefer to
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  • 241 10 Parer and Mclntosh to Resume Flight. Lieutenants Parer and Mclntosh have Ik-.ii in Singapore for a month waiting for repairs to their De Havilland to be completed so that they may continue their flight to Australia. These have now been effected, the new propellor, which was the principal
    241 words
  • 34 10 I police engaged upon patrol duly In tV London suburbs are now armed with a long truncheon carried before them i.'i the left-lianl side of the horse, the protruding handle and strap berighi hand.
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  • 1035 10 Mr. C. W. Harrison's Account Of The F.M.S. A guide book is not as a rule a production which can be described as literary. If it gives accurate information it generally accomplishes all that it claims to do, and the reader looks for nothing more. The F.M.S.,
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  • 37 10 Nordanal (J0h0re).— 63,0,14 lbs Pundut.— 43,ooo lbs. Rim (Malacca).— 3B,soo lbs. Stinting.— l3,2oo lbs. Sitiawan Mssion Plantns. 5,602 lbs. Seletar.— l6,l7s lbs. Serdang Central Tlants.— 33,(>s7 lbs, Siak Sumatra.— l6,s34 lbs. Taniiang. 83,752 lbs.
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  • 751 10 The Chairman Reviews Company's Position. The statutory meeting of the members of the Craigielea Plantations was held at Gresham House, Battery Road, yesterday, under the presidency of Mr. J. M. Sime. Others present were Messrs. J. A. Elias, Tan Kheam Hock, and 1). Ward. The Chairman made the
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  • 121 10 Commissioner Lamb, who is a member of General Bromwell Booth's party paid a courtesy call on the Acting Premier of Queensland the other week. Army work in general was discussed, and considerable attention was devoted to immigration. Commissioner Lamb told him of the remarkable success of the
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  • 82 10 The Humphrey Bishop Company, which now occupies the Victoria Theatre, scored probably its greatest success so far last night, when a full house waxed quite enthusiastic over the programme. The comedians Joe Brennan and Robert Roberts were in great form, and all the artistes did well. There
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  • 24 10 Saturday, July 17. S.R.E.V. Rifle Club, Balestier Range 2.30 p.m. Sunday, July 18. Eurasian Co. Rifle Club, Balestier Ranre 7.30 a.m.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 179 10 A Reuter message from Sandy Hook, dated the 15th inst., states In the America Cup race Resolute turned the outer mark five minutes ahead of Shamrock IV, when she met with an accident to her rigging and withdrew. Shamrock continued and completed the course within the
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    • 59 10 A Reuter wire of July 12 states that Sussex beat Kent by four wickets. Reuter reports on the 13th Nottinghamshire beat Northamptonshire by an innings and 41 runs. The Lancashire v. Essex match wai abandoned. Yorkshire beat Derbyshire by an innings and 71 runs. Warwickshire v. Somersetshire was
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    • 208 10 Mr. R. O. H. Law, hon. treasurer of the Singapore, Football Association, writes A meeting of representatives of all football clubs wishing to compete in the Singapore Football Association's cupcompetition, will be held in the North Room, S.C.C., at 5 p.m. on Thursday next. No entries can
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    • 46 10 Tiie Amercian tennis tournament at the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club was concluded on Thursday, before a large concourse of friends of the members and subscribers. The winners were A Class Mrs. Shore and Mr. Gaunt. B Class Mrs. Ellis and Mr. Elwes.
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    • 34 10 A Keuter message from New York states that Tex Rickard ha 3 leased the Madison Square Gardens for ten years, and will hold leading boxing contests when the new boxing law is effective.
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    • 276 10 A Reuter wire of the 11th states that at Bisley the prizewinners in the Alexandra Cap competition (ten shots at 200 and ■jOO yards) included Private G. Santeens, Malacca Volunteers, 90, and Sergeant H. W. Lambert, Shanghai Volunteers, 89. In the "Qualifier" (ten shots at 300
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    • 133 10 A meeting of delegates from the principal clubs of the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States will be held in the Secretary's Office of the Selangor Club on Sunday, states the Malay Mail The Hon. Mr. Oliver Marks, Ag. British Resident, Selangor, will take the chair and
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    • 181 10 The following is the draw for the foursomes stroke competition to be nlaved nt the Keppel Club to-morrow P y C. M Jamiesor. and C. P. McLaehlan (<) v. H. A. McLean and W. S. Barrett F. B. Montgomerie and J. Tryner (6) v G. Hogg and W. N.
      181 words
    • 53 10 Yesterday's results in the S.C.C. Bowls Tournament were as follows Championship. Manchester beat Brown, 21—15. Singles Handicap. Hogarth (plus 3) beat Geddes (plus 3) 21—11. Black (plus 6) beat Riches (plus 3) 21—9. Nelson (minus 3) beat White (minus 3) 21— C. Main (minus 1) beat Cousins
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  • 398 10 Sunday, July 18. St Andrew's Cathedral. 7.30 a.m. Litany. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion. 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's Sepoy Lines No service. Presbyterian Church. Orchard Road. 8 a.m. Public Worship. 9
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  • 86 10 - The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended July 3 was 34.07. The total number of deaths was 255 of which 177 were male subjects and 78 female. Convulsions claimed 28, pthisis 36, malaria fever 38, typhoid fever IS, dysentery 13, beri-beri
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  • 612 10 The Recent Visit of Sir West Ridgeway. Mr. T. EfTord, secretary of the North Borneo Chamber of Commerce, forwards us a copy of the minutes of a committee meeting held on June 26 over which Mr. James Morton presided. From it we take the following A letter
    612 words
  • 163 10 X: J f at Pnha«g Assizes at Benton*. Chow Ah Sow, alias Sap Pah Chew, w2 charged with gang-robbery and voluntarily causing hurt. It was alleged 1-y the pro', secution thnt accused and five other Chi nese, about midnight on March X fojeed their way
    163 words
  • 155 10 With regard to the Times announce ment recently that the Ellerman Lines. Limited, are inaugurating in July a rrgular monthly service it appears that this direct monthly service will be from Montreal to Port Said, Soudan, Aden, Bombay Colombo, Singapore, Batavia and oilier Java ports. The first
    155 words

  • 2383 11 Farther Extension ol tbe Cultivated Area. Tlio twenty toatth annnftl genera) meeting ol tbo membtrd ol Linggi Plantatiota, L>d., waa held on Jom 8 at Winohestor Hon*. Old Btoad Btrce>, B. 0.. Mt. Nooi Tro»»e» (the ehaitmKa) presiding. Tbo Chairman said: Gentlemen, -Io the list of the K
    2,383 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 141 11 8. MOUTRIE and CO, LTD. (iMOorDOTarod ia Honxkoßt,) beg to announce that having recently avagmented their Tuning Staff, they are prepared to undertake tuning contracts at special rates. All tunings will be done by HIGHLY EFFICIENT EUROPEANS ONLY and satisfaction will be guaranteed. All orders will hare our prompt attention.
      141 words
    • 218 11 RAFFLES CAFE Bras Basah Road ADEIPHI HQTiT TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER TBE HOTEL ORCHE3TBA WILL PLAY DURING AND AFTER DINNER ADELPHI HOTEL LIMITED, X P. TJtXKDKMA. Manaaiac Director. Grand Hotel, Lembang JAVA 4.M0 FEET ABOVE BEA LETEL TELEPHONE 1* I.EMBAKfI Tb* higheit, moit modern and fashionable health reiort of Weat Java,
      218 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 194 12 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 and 109, Market Street HIGHLY EFFICIENT IN THE EXECUTION OK ESTATE, SHIP AND MAIL ORDERS QUALITY ASSI RKD PRICES MODERATE j| THE QJL^M I Lipton's Tea I *T* i 1 1- flavour, the delicate ati.i the fragraooe of its leaf, ran neveT he equalled l.y
      194 words
    • 879 12 TO CAPITALISTS AND INVESTORS A unique opportunity to HUbl l»rf« block of property in the very heart of th* town, only once before in the market Owing to extension of business, Messrs. Central Engine Works, Ltd., having obtained more extensive and commodious premises, the undersigned have been instructed to offer
      879 words
    • 1196 12 B ;G4N SBR4I COMPANY. Tiie Cb iir-nan s Review Of Operations. The Mlowitg oncaiaf b%« bee» is-icd to tfae shareholders of tco Bags a 8e»»i Com- y, Ltd Bifcn. 1 by tbe obtirmao, Mi. E L Hamilton:— Tiiis cotcpsny was formed *ito s oapital ol £lf 0 COO to take
      1,196 words
    • 147 12 Dr tw Bi C F \JFkL !^W/ y ||THt ENEMY OF C&EASt/^^JT^y if"" "1 vtjj U Makea hand! Snow-whlU 4MHT"" l v>. fij a Splendid for Motorlat. sad jLf Engineer. 3»4^^^ j Bebt for waahlng op Grcaay gtWfftrfi-fcst-SX i'latea, ate. Obtainable from leaning and whitening KltS_ Keren. Guan Chin Hon«
      147 words

  • 895 13 Impressions of a Glorious Welcome. The ip'.oial leprefenUtive at Sydney of tbe Brisbane Courier, telegraphing on Jnae 17, skatee: For tbe seoosd time in its bisto'y Sjdn y has given a iJRbi roytl wbloome to tbe b°ii to tbe Btttiab Crown. The eircnmsU' o ■ad oenditiens
    895 words
  • 202 13 Ironclad Pill-Box** (o Hold Up 1 Crooks.' Covered ly revolvers Itom a couple of mound pill bases," which- on the i»»h'(» preieing button, dropped ftorn the oeiting, Bimult&atonsly with »Le automatic; "trains of tbe at*f't (100t a terser who bad r< ncoted n bogus chf qic
    202 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 92 13 WHITEAWAirS FAMOUS W. L. RANGE OF Turkish Towels I £/t ff^^S'fi/^i BORDERED t *4K P MADE FROl I §31 FINEST EGYP[?T TIM COTTO* W. (j. 1 fn I.j o rroi $0 65 acb 2 )?xM 9S I7s<t 4 Ux 41 1.78 6 2! i<o 3.48 B 7 »<x n aco
      92 words
    • 284 13 FOURNIER'S HYGENIQUE MIXTURE (FOR LADIES) WASTE NO TIME Tested and Proved for Years Immediately you notice any disorder of the system take Fournier's Hygenique Mixture. It quickly removes all suffering There is Nothing to equal it. Anything so Widely Known. It is justly described as the FINEST REMEDY IN THE
      284 words
    • 61 13 f^Mßors is '•-■r— Trrrr-m-n ~r r hi i i him— a»—^ CODE BOOKS 4th CONSIGNMENT JUST RECEIVED SECURE YOUR COPIES EARLY Bentley*. Complete Phrase Code 1&5.M A. B. C. Sth Edition 16 M A. B. C. Sth Edition UM Rroomhall's Imperial Combination <ro* A. B. C. Sth Edition (Improved) ft&M
      61 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 833 14 SALiI 1Y AUCTION AUCTION SALE A- Messrs. CRING KENG LEE A Co.'* ..Ic room. Raffles Chamber*, RafTles Place, on Monday. July 19, IS2O, *t 2J» p.m. Lot 1. All that piece of land situate at Changi. area 36,000 square feet U>t 2 All that other piece of land situate at
      833 words
    • 410 14 SALES BY AUCTION MORTGAGEE'S SALE At our sale-room No. 30, Kling Street, on Wcdnenday, July 21, at 2.30 p.m. Valuable freehold land and house No. 40-a, in Lorong 29, off Gaylang Road, area 11,616 square feet. CHEONG KOON SENG CO., Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE DAMAGED MARBLE TABLE TOPS Messrs. POWELL CO..
      410 words
    • 549 14 Am«U »T*r IMMtwwf B.C. Assurance In force over $15,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (ißaarparated in Btralta lettUmant*) ■BAD Omca I Wlaehaatar He***, llmjswav*. LONDON OFFICE 12, Old Jewry, E.C Tb* Company baa OMN t*»**T»*a with tha hina. Onrl a* BaglaM aad compile* with th* Brltlab Life Aiiurane*
      549 words
    • 427 14 BANKING THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED (Incorporated in Japan) CapiUl Sub»eribed 77" V100,00«,0«J CapiUl Paid Up T 61,000,00t Reserve Fund V 44,000,00* President, N. Kajlwara, Esq. Vice-President, S. Sosukt, Esq. DIRECTORS R. Ichlnomtya, Esq. K. Morimura, Es* K. Kodama, Esq. M. Mitsui, Esq. Y. Yomakava, Esq M. Odagiri, Esq. Baron
      427 words
    • 562 14 BANKING THE OVERSEA-CHINESE i BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In the Strait* S*ttl*m*nts) Head Offlee SINGAPORE, U, KLING STREET Tel. No. lfW Branca ntNANG. 24, BEACH BTKECT Agenclea IPOH AND DELI Capital 1 Authorise* fJO.OOO.Oot Issued 10,BOO,(XM Paid-up «,2B0,00» Reserve Uahility of Shareholder* 1J50.00* Board of Directors The Hon Dr. Lim Boon
      562 words
    • 598 14 BANKING BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE DE CHINE, Authorised CapiUl Frs. tSG,oOo,ut>« Subscribed CapiUl Frs. 160,000,00« Paid-up CapiUi Frs. 75,000,« M (1/8 of th* CapiUl subscribed by tfc Government of the Chinese Repoblle) Chairman of the Board of Director* 1 Andre Berthelot General Manager A. J. KernotU HEAD OFFICE 71 Bo* Saint Lasare
      598 words

  • 966 15 Notes and Comments On Currant Topics. Tbe Vehicle Tax, The argameata in favoni of tbe »o«ge»ted new eobemo lor the taxatisn ot motoi oars have been very f uirly preaented in tbe Press generally, aaya a home Mptr, tbe baid tict being tbut very lew motorists are
    966 words
  • 175 15 The mytterj o( tbe bareluiea »t tbe Red Towtt ia Spandso CittdeF, wbioh formeilj contained the wai teseive from tbe indemnity psid by F/»see altei tbe F<»nco Piu'-eiai vtm, has now been solved by tbe Betlit Ciiminil Poliae. A jew ago it wig duoovetc d -bit a
    175 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 108 15 AND THE LITTLE FORD Shall lead them. It's tirst In 3alee— first in eoonomy— and first in tha e3teem of those who love safety, surety and co oafort— beoause of Its wonderful simplicity, strength an v lightness. It leads In SALES SEtIViOE SATISFACTION 111 FORD3DN TRACTOB *>'ifc^ Inii' hi I
      108 words
    • 360 15 Low Mileage -Costs Splendid Service from start to finish. i Famous throughout the World for their Resiliency, Durability Economy. Stockists: BIN3iPORS: Str»i*B Moot G»*«(r»,Ghia Ht»t Hio OilTra?>ngCt Th-> »n.i C^rring* Ci, Ttl Oaa 8* L OBU Co. 9 Kijasno.Gae AntonibiV <:i v >>~ Otnl Malaya T.wlia* 00. JOHO'iH BlH«trj
      360 words
    • 227 15 *i.hai Sun As Co. fIOtJTH BEIDGr SOA.D. RraOAPOM IN BTOCI I t 4jtjLt Charles Mai tin Bank, medium and 18 lbs. ftSC -vTWP Nunyang Bank, D'f jcap, 16 lbs. C \V A Ji^J \^S^ A/Wove. 4nS^*' Kraft Wrapping Q'in peria'. 180 lbs. SM. G. Cap White Wrapping, 20 lbs. 30
      227 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 946 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc. In ordinary close-set type (average alx words to line) are Per line one insertion 28 cts., two ins. 46 cts three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 cts., five ins. 91.00, six ins. 91-13, ten ins. 91-40, twelve
      946 words
    • 879 16 SITUATIONS VACANT ESTATE AND MINING. CLERK WANTED for estate in Kclantan. Must be conversant with estate accounts. Apply Barker A Co., Ltd. WANTED MEDICAL OFFICER, locally qualified, for a property in Trengganu. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected to Medical, Straits Times. DISPENSER (TEMPORARY) WANTED for mine hospital in F.M.S.
      879 words
    • 963 16 MOtOR VEHICLES UNUSED AUSTIN five-seater for sale. What offers Apply 797, Straits Times. FOR SALE, beautiful eight-cylinder motorcar Oldsmobile, splendid condition. Apply 81K, Straits Times. FOR SALE A HUMBER CAR, five-scater. For further particulars, apply to Nanson and Co.. 77. Beach Rood. SELL YOUR CAR NOW. We are paying th*
      963 words
    • 507 16 LAND AND HOUSES IMMEDIATE ENTRY. New bungalow for sale in Tanglin. Apply 796, Straits Time*. TO LET FURNISHED, bungalow No. 68 Tanjong Rhu, next to the Swimming Club. Excellent sea-side residence and view. Apply to M. H. Dawood, No. 11, Bali Lane, off Beach Road and Arab Street. FOR PRIVATE
      507 words
    • 473 16 Straits Motorcar Service ■LIMITKD (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) 213 to 216, ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES AND CARS HIRED OVEHHAULS MOTOR CARS AND CYCLES WELDING of all metals, under European Hupervisioa) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PRICES VERY MODERATE Phonel233 DON'T MISS THIS OPI'ORTUNITT We have received a small shipment of BRITISH MADE CAUSTIC SODA
      473 words