The Straits Times, 10 July 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times jNO. 26,379 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 302 1 ROBINSON CO., LTD. (Itooiporate I in the Straits SMtlpmett)) D. 8 0 COLONEL Large Btock in hand of SIX POLE MESH MARK- PLUS °Ji{f| L GOLF ING GOLF EAUS M **...*.,„>,*,« t«* _VJ i- inker size, weight 39 dwts. Eve early next week si«k«niie weight si a wta, fjg L.
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    • 6 1 flfl 8 aafVa^Bßß *E 8 STERILISED
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  • 1089 2 Distribution of Bonus Shares Contemplated. Tae toofttenkb annatl Renani meeting of the Consolidated Milaj Rabbet Estate*, Ltd., wm bold teceally in tbe Oooaoil Boom ol ibe Rabbet O»o wets' Awaoiation, 88, Eiatobeap, Ea, Mr. J. L, Loadonn Shand ptesiding. j Tbe Übaiimaa said Qtntlemeß, the estimate cf
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  • 44 2 Mrs. Lyon and children and Mr. A. B. MrMullin, of the A. P.M., left Bangkok for the United States via Hongkong by the steamer Luchow. Mr. S. E. Butler, of tha Siam Motor Works, is shortly returning to Bangkok. Mrs. Butler is accompanying him.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 386 2 Factory to your Home. Kuy ;J1 your Dress Requirements and Household <; >ods from the great British Mail-order House. You will be delighted with the quality and workmanship of the pood*, the up-to-date and attractive styles, and the low prices. You can be smartly dressed and yet be economical if
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    • 470 2 mm spots on mumuD Lost All Hair. Itched and Pained. Cuticura Heals. "My little girl bad dreadful places on her head, and all her hair was eaten away. There was a mass of red and white spots that itched and pained, and turned wet and I inflamed. "I saw an
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    • 336 2 INVAR I PRECISION LEVER FOR THE POCKET A good watch is a family heirloom to be handed down from fathir to.son. A periodical overhauling is ail that such a timekeeper requires to keep it in efficient working orJer i»i definitely. Moreover, there are never any setbacks —no disappointments —nethtWq but
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  • 1094 3 Remarkable Increase In tb Output Reported. Tbe ■lmtfa ordinary geßfial met ting of kbe Bokit S«nbawaDßßabbei Company, Limited, WM beld m Joro B, at Winoheetei Hoon, 0., Sii Itoi Philippe K.C.B D 3 0., HP. (obainnaa of tbe oompinj), pieaidiag. Tbe Chairman said Ths report »ad Mootutia
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  • 15 3 Mr. G. G. Daubeny is at present an inmate of the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 408 3 The Hand of the up-to-date Man and his "Swan" Pen. Men reaiiy modern in their ideas use Swan" Pens because Ham en;,'; ,V them to <io more aad I>ettcr work with Ic-^s trouble. In fact, ti.e possession of a "Swan" Pen by professional or business man is a sign of
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    • 730 3 WIAT 18 THE CORDITIOI OF YOUR HAIR? A*pt tk« Popular BeBtfictel "Haricot Hair-DrilL" t*M.*M ■alr-Cr««ln« and Hair■iiWIfytat tairiis FBEE <• A!'. I'rum wanted aboo« th« oondJtta* at ■row aair. If U Is weak, lmpomrteM< MUb« out. er alTaoU* with scurf, drynraa, ar «tiw frcaaineai. da aa million* af othars BjeU
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    • 301 3 IF YOU WANT GOOD WORK COME TO RAFFLES TYPEWRITING BUREAU Raffles Chambers, RaPVa Place. Typewriting work of any description undertaken. General Correspondence ■T V Mining Reports Oj-V Estate Reports /^A VfV Legal Work I \m Journalistic Work 1 0 H Contracts, Accounts, >£^har4f Accuracy, Neatness DeeEm patch and Secrecy IHBJ
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    • 318 3 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Can be had of slightly osed "TBB PRACTICAL CAB* Five-Seater touring body. Only limited number available. The first shipment of five ears was sold te ONE Company for hiring. Very economical on benzine. For further particulars, please apply to JITTS CO., LTD.. 48, Robii.son Road. CHEAP CATTLE FOOD
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 807 4 STEAMER SAHJNH P. 0. -British India AND Apcar Line (Compantas Incorporated In Englaad) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 9. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) ne Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at proses* wssj salad LONDON FAB-BASTERN ■ERTICB FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLB ft LQBBOBJ
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    • 459 4 STEAMER SAUMS PRINCE LINE LINITEI, (Incorporated in England) FAR EAST SERVICB FOR NEW YORK MONGOLIAN PRINCE via Panama about Ist half Sept. CELTIC PRINCE via Sues about Ist half Oc*. For all information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN A CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) AgenU. THE REN LINE STEAMERS, LIMITED (Incorporated
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    • 257 4 iTEAMER SAILIHI THE EASTERN SIIPPM OOMPANT. LIMTTaD (laeorporated la Straits Settlements) I»ls time table Is sabject to artoraMoa without farther notice. Steamer sailing frees Hassilll pJrTs^2iir2.d T 'p^."* Freas MaUuxa 8a Wa«aaiM Frees Peaaag U ■nhmsfTl (Tiala Jeam.y from Moulmeln to Biasiia 16 hours). BENONO— Onee a fortnight. Next sailins
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    • 391 4 0. S K. TKB OSAKA BMOBBH KABUL*. LTIV (laesrpsistod la Japan) rr I SaUbcd trees BUM 8s 1 (Bubjeet to aheap* witheat Betide] FOB POET SAID, ■IHBIIW, LONDON. ANTWERP, BOTTHBD AS ABD HAMBUBS HIMALAYA MABU mid. Jaly ALPS MARU mid. Sept. FOB hbw TOBK (vta Paaaaaa Caaal) HONOLULU MABU August
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    • 424 4 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA Cacerperatod ia Japaa) Uadar Mall Ceatnat walk tae 'nissl Japaaeae Sevenmeal Bsbjeet to altorarleas wltheat aaatam, EUROPEAN KAIL UNB Fortnightly tervie. Far Laaasa. Antwerp via (Malacca) FaaaaaV Cslssabs, taas, Part Bald aad at>raatllas> KAMO MARU July 18 IYO MARU Auf. 4 ATSUTA MARU Aug. 11 LIVERPOOL LINB
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 591 5 STEAMER SAILINGS DODWELL LLNB Incorporated la England! FOB NBW YORK DIBBCt LOWTHER CASTLK loading lit half July «W freight, please apply to PATKRSON, SIMONS. A CO, LTD, Agent* OCBAM STKAMSHIP CO- LTD. and CSDi Ml Tl AL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LIMITED Surveys or Damaged Cargo, Consignees of cnri;o per undernoted
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    • 430 5 STEAMER SAILINGS LLOYD TRIESTINO LINE We beg to advise that we are transfiriinc the above Agency both at this port and Penang, on July 15, 1920, to the Societa i Commissionaria*. di Exportazione c di Importuzione. PATERSON'. SIMONS CO., LTD. FOR VANCOUVER, B.C. (DIRECT) The s.s. Methven is due here
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    • 725 5 y**Kl^asMi»us» NOTICE is hereby given that the Mark depicted above is the property of The Austin Motor Company, Limited of Longbridge Works, Northtield, Birmingham. England. Manufacturers, and is used as a Trade Mark in respect of Automobiles and parts of electric lighting and power seM, aeroplanes, aero nnd marine engines,
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    • 701 5 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND FEDERATED MALAY STATES VICTORY BONDS Bearing Interest from the date of purchase at five per cent, per annum, payable on September 1 and March 1. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON SEPTEMBER 1. IM4. PRICE OF ISSUE— IOO PER CENT. All proceed* of thi* issue will be lent to
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    • 414 5 THB FAB EASTERN HiLKisT AGENCY •-a, Malacca Street, Singapor* The above firm clears ship*, and forward* 'rom the smallest parcel to n, aeroplane I n the wr» of passrnger'* baggage or personal effect* at economicsl rat**, and alia undertakes the warehousing of packagea e# any sixe or description. Special storage
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 778 6 WE«t COMING ATTH»CTION At Sisßspoic's Modern Pietare Tbeatrcs ia Beaeta Road ON TUB!DAY, JULY 18, 1980 AT TBB A Uoldwyn Simclkl Production. Preseuxiiw an InternationaUy Famoas Beauty aad Theatrioal Pavonriie MA.\;K.H BLLIOTI At one time well knows on the Bnglish stage, since then a celebrated star of the American ihadow
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    • 960 6 ilHt-MAi .T raj- HALL, LTD. S Bi^^nii BBOOND SHOW AT 9 II kUBIfI WALOAMP is the f/(Mm SPUR and SADDLE ■W/v liisK/ BTORIBS ia 18reels. Kos. 7 and 8 is 4 parts. Along with a Jewel feature, Lois Weber production 6 acts HOME 6 acts Starring Mildred Harris is the
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    • 258 6 L. C. Smith Typewriter "Silent Model" THE SUPERIOR MACHINE Because it is silent In operation. Think of what thia means in ner»e saving I Because It ha> a Decimal Tabulator, which saves time, and insures accuracy in billing and writing of figures in columns. Because the ball-bearing type bars give
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  • 90 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, July 10. High Water. 4.12 a.m., 4.88 pja. Medical School, Sports 4 p.m. Sunday, July 11. High Water, 6.32 a.m., 6.40 p.m. Monday, July 12. High Water, 7.14 a.m., 6.48 pja. Tuesday, July 13. Mich Water, 8.46 a.m., 7.64 p.m. Rent Board, 2.16 p.m. HMMWqri
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  • 149 7 ESBBLB AT THE DOCKS. East Wharf Basin.— Shrimp. i..i t Nliarr. I tola, Betsy Rosr. Main liarf. Benlawers. Kmpire Deck. Krian, Delngoa, Katong. \\.^t Wharf. Ataka Maru, Alciuoun, Ayuthia. Jardine Wharf. Nil Palo Hr.mi Coal Wharf.- Nil. Keppel Harbour. Main Wharf. Mcdway. Batavia, Circe Shell, la!i !>.<;< Lch
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  • 219 7 To-day Pulau S;imhu LM BJ i Halaccn, Toil Swettenham PaaaJsf 3 p.m. Mcdan 3 p.m. P. Sambu. Prigi Radja, Tembilahan and ladragiri -l p.m. ■at lag, K. Pnhang. Pt-kan and 4 p.m. Bangkok 4 p.m. Pulau Bead 4 p.m. Kerimon 4 p.m. Cucob 4 p.m. P.
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  • 19 7 n.s. Warwickshire sailing from Rangoon, July 20. A few passages still available. Apply PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD.
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  • 129 7 EXCHANGM Singapore, July 10. On London, Bank 4 m/s. 2/4 5/82 Demand 2/3 29/32 Private 3 m/s 2/4% On New York Demand *t 45 H Private 90 days 494 On France Bank 525 On India, Bank T. T. 117 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 42% p.c. pra. On
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    • 218 7 Im. Val. Pd. Buyer*. Seller*. 10 10 Ampang 16.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1.(0 nom. £1 £1 Kara. Kamunting 2.16.0 2.18.6 xd. 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 7.00 8.00 £1 «1 KinU Tin 1.7.6 bob 1 1 llitam Tin 2.80 3.80 xd. 1 Jelantoh 1.66 1.75 £1 £1 Lahat
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    • 118 7 Val. Pd. Bnyerß. Sellen. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 8.10.0 4.0.0 ll £1 E. Smelting Co. 11.50 12.50 6/- 6/- Electric T' way. 4/1 10 10 Fraser Neave 56.00 57.50 50 60 WHammerACo 110.00 115.00 100 100 Katz Bros. 130.00 150.00 <U £1 Mexican Eagle 9.5.0 i>.15.0 10 10
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    • 81 7 D En f 6 p.«. |1,554,!0t »ai CfAfa Spore Electric Tram-waj-i 6 px. M50.00C tarn Spore Municipal Spa $1,878,000 6 per cent. dii. pax Spore Man. 4H p.. of ISO 7 11,000,000 M ba l»tA«t» Spore Man. 4>4 p« of 1W»« $l,«00>00 If »A U Spore Mam. 4fc IMS
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  • 417 7 Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Bran's Quotations To-day*! Price* FnMei Lyall* Co. Evatt Alor Gajah ($1) 8.60 3.80 8.60 8.80 Am. Malay 4.25 4.75 4 4.60 AyerHitam ($5) 23.50 24.50 23.50 24.5U A. Kuning ($1) 1.26 1.36 125 1.35 A. Molek ($1) 8.10 8.40 8.10 8.40 A.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 96 7 JUST ARRIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF CYCLES CALL AND SEE THEM AY Sole Agents GUAN HOE HIN CO., 387, Victoria Street, SINGAPORE. CotLimaeiDK from to montow -aoday Malay Hitler cal Play in 6 paite DAD DAN STMH THB STAR OPERA Tut- r ti »-r. R y»i, Noith Mtiate Bead. TO.M
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    • 875 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE, two-seater B*lsir.e ear Nt. S. 879 in good order. Apply L. Tait, Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. VACANCY IN PRIVATE MESS, Stevens Road, end of this month. Garage and tennis court. Apply 777, Straits Times. SIDE-CAR WANTED for Henderson motor cycle. New or second-hand. Snowball, Jemima Estate,
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    • 56 7 X MT STOCK Bearing Metals Bronze Spring Wire Electrolytic Copper Wir* Mild Steel Sheets and Bars Scottish Crown Iron Miners Octagon Drill Steel Clyde Dog Spikes, Steel Rivet* Belts. Nuts and Washers Plain Galvd. Sheets Solid Drawn Boiler Tubes KEENEST PRICES Mace Hall Co., Ltd. (IniMcpanted to Fedenled Malay States.)
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    • 821 7 The Sab«c4Ph>») List will close on or befori- the 15th day of July. IS2O, at 4 pusw 1 JAMES CRAIG, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Federated Malay States under the Companies Enactment, 1»17.) I CAPITAL $750,000 Divided into 750,000 Shares of $1 each DIRECTORS JAMES CRIG Klang, Engine, r MALCOLM WATSON
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  • 1124 8 SATURDAY. JULY 10 NATIONAL EXPENDITURE. Britain worries along and there are some who say that she not only does so but that she is prospering. We have oui doubts about the prosperity. The Treasury memorandum which has just been issued shews that the total national expenditure in 1913-14 was £207.817,000
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  • 12 8 Mr. G. H. Harrop is going on a trip to New Zealand.
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  • 24 8 The- King will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance with respect to the Ordinance to amend the Chandu Revenue Ordinance! 1909
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  • 30 8 A quiet but pretty wedding took place on June 30 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Rangoon, when Mr. H. Wposter, Rangoon Times, was married to Miss Agnes Emilda Augustine of Rangoon.
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  • 38 8 Reuter cables the news of the death of Sir William Alexander Baillie-Hamilton, Officer of Arms, Order of St. Michael and St. George, Gentleman Usher of the Blue Rod and at one time chief clerk of the Colonial Office.
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  • 11 8 Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Jeavons have returned to Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 18 8 Tenders have been called for for the construction of the annexe to the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station Hotel.
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  • 33 8 A Chinese named Low Hai Bee of 12, Short Street, reports the theft from th ;re during the night of the Bth inst. of jewellery and other articles, which he values at $5,491.
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  • 33 8 Friends and members of the Tamil Church and Epworth League are cordially invited to the reception at 3, Adis Road, to welcome Pastor and Mrs. Doraisamy and Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Retnam.
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  • 34 8 Service will be held at the Boustead Institute on Sunday evening at 8-15. Mr. J. W. Jefferson will give the address. All are cordially invited, especially the men of mercantile marine, navy and army.
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  • 32 8 His Highness the Sultan of Trengganu will visit the Alhambra to-morrow night. During the screening of the picture. Blind Husbands, there will be a short interval between the second and third reels.
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  • 31 8 We are officially informed that recruiting has been resumed in the Madras Presidency generally except in Perambur Taluq of Trichinopoly district, which is still closed owing to the prevalence of disease.
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  • 38 8 The Prince of Wales received a cable from the King while in Melbourne telling of Spion Kop's victory in the English Derby. The message was receivnl in Melbourne 25 minutes after it had been handed in for despatch.
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  • 51 8 Next Tuesday at the Parsonage there will be a short devotional meeting at 5 o'clock in connection with the Mothers Union to which mothers and women workers are cordially invited. The subject of the address by the Archdeacon will be Religious helps and difficulties." There will be tea at 4.30
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  • 57 8 The further examination in bankruptcy of G. W. de Silva, a Sinhalese jeweller in Serangoon Road, Singapore, was fixed to take place yesterday before Mr. Justice Barrett Lennard in the Supreme Court. When the matter was mentioned Mr. Valpy said he found that the debtor had absconded, and his application
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  • 70 8 A woman of Brondesbury Villas. Kilhum. was summoned at Willesdon for threatening one of her tenants. It was stated that she was the landlady recently mentioned at that court who rented a house at £40 a year and sub-let part of it in sinele rooms to bring in over £200
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  • 72 8 Cable advice has been received to the effect that the directors of the Selangor United Rubber Estates, Ltd., recommend the payment on the 24th inst. of a final dividend of 15 per cent, making a total of 20 per cent, for the year ended March 11, the placing of £2,250
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  • 103 8 It will be remembered that at the beeinning of this month a 16 years old Chinese clerk named Chia Ho Chan, employed in the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank had the impii'lence to nnoket the cheque of the Chief Police Officer. Mr. N. A. M. Griffin, which was presented at «the
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  • 95 8 H.E. the Governor of Ceylon speaking at the Overseas Nursing Association meeting, referred to his early experiences in tropical lands. From the shortage of nurses many a promising young fellow lost a life which would have been valuable later on. He remembered thai nurses in Nyasaland were carried at night
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  • 127 8 The Ipoh correspondent of the Malayan Leader writes I have it on reliable information that the Railway authorities have raised the Station Hotel Rents. In Ipoh the rent was raised on the Ist of June from $700 or $800 per month to $1,400 or $1,500. As a result of this,
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  • 107 8 1 A London wire of June 25 says At 1 Wednesday's reception of the Ceylon Deputation, Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam asked that the Legislative Council should have a definite elected majority, I and that the people's representatives should be elected on a wide basis, not limited to men. Regarding the Executive
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  • 340 8 Mr. M. E. Sherwood in trrantod leave ot absence for eight months. Mr. L. V. J. Lavillc is appointed to act temporarily as Second Magistritr, Singapore. Mr. W. G. Hennings has been reeiected as a Licensing Justice f>i th< Settlement of Singapore. Mr. W. T. Hamlyn is
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  • 23 8 The mail steamer Sicilia which has on board outward mails of June 17 arrived at Port Said on Friday June IS.
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  • 120 8 At the Appeal Court in Johore, presided over by his Lordship Sir John Bucknill, with Mr. Justice Barret-Lennard, one of the appeals argued by Mr. H. A. R. Pauluz was of Soh lak who was sentenced to five years' rigorous imprisonment for culpable homicide. In the Lower
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  • 129 8 The statutory report of Craigk-lea Plantations Ltd., for presentation at the general meeting to be held at Messrs. Derrick and Co. on July 16, shows the number of shares allotted as a million, in respect of which $2 per share has been called up and paid. The expenses
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  • 139 8 In pursuance of the powers vested in His Excellency he Governor in Council under section 19 of the Printing Presses Ordinance, 1920, it is notified in the Government Gazette that the prining presses used by land documents published by the following companies The Straits Times Press,
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  • 160 8 The Dutch steamer Ban Foo Soon, which left this port yesterday afternoon for Pontianak returned this morning, reporting that at about 8 p.m. yesterday she came into collision orT the Horsburgh Lighthouse, situated at the entrance to tho Singapore Straits, with the Janlintsteamer Chak Sang, which
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 75 8 JOhn Little's MILLINERY DBPT. NOW SHOWING VEWUR H»TB 1 '4^\ nSJiuTiim N^^^ljii^W^p 1" 1"* JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Taoorportted i« Ba?U»d) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. sSߧp§|||| COPPER STANDS THE STRAIN fpENTRAI I AND DOES THE WORK [UteNfrgWtttegP'L BUCHANAN S Black and White Whisky Gordon's OLD TOM AND DRY Gins ROSS'S
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    • 240 8 SELECT SUBJECTS AND BIG FEATURES AT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRES (Tan Chens Kee Co, Ltd, Proprietors) ALHAMBRA Jewel Production BLIND HUSBANDS g PARTS PARTS Topical Budget giving- farther pictures of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Tour, etc. BETWEEN MAN AND BEAST I PARTS S PARTS Trick and Imp Comedies (Flrrt
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  • 908 9 Stern Warning at the Spa Conference. Mr. Lloyd CJeorjfc Demands An Explanation. Reuter Telegrams. London, July 6. A Spa communique states that at a fully attended sitting of the conference, including' the Allied powers' military anil naval a lvisers, the German Minister for Defence reported with regard to
    Reuter  -  908 words
  • 177 9 Reuteb Telegram. London, July 7. In the House at Commons, replying to Mr. Joynson-liicks with regard to General Dyer, commander of the troops in the Amritsar riots, Mr. Churchill announced that the Army Council, after considering the report of the Hunter committee and the statement of General Dyer,
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 185 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 7. Re, resentatives from all parts of the Empire attended the first meeting of the Imperial Forestry Conference at the Guildhall thi.s morning. The Lord Mayor presided. Lord Lovat in his opening address pointed out that timber imports into the United Kingdom in 1919
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 109 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 7. In the House of Commons, replying to Comdr. Kenworthy, Mr. Long Mid the British naval mission with General Wrangel was now withdrawing. America and France still had naval representatives accredited. Replying to Sir Frederick Hall.Mr.Bonar Law said he had read some reports
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  • 222 9 Bolshevist Offensive Against Poland. Reuter Telegrams. London, July 6. The War Office announces thatWrangel's cavalry encircled a Bolshevik cavalry corps consisting of eighteen regiments, which came under a concentrated fire from armoured trains, troops and aeroplanes. Only 150 escaped, and the battlefield was covered with enemy dead.
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  • 121 9 Reuteb Telegram. London, July 7. A crowded meeting of English, Scottish and Welsh M.Ps. discussed federal devolution. Mr. Walter Long, presding, referred to the failure of the present House of Commons to keep abreast of the growing volume of work. He believed the system of standing committees was
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  • 130 9 Reuter Telegrams. London, July 6. The annual conference of the Miners' Federation has opened at Leamington. The executive recommended that the conference should demand a reduction in the price of domestic coal by 14s 2d., the amount which was recently added to the price, also an advance
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  • 103 9 Kxuter Telegram. London, July 6. Genoa At the International Seamen's Conference Captain Devines, Indian Government delegate, proposed an amendment to the draft convention relating to hours of labour, replacing the word Lascars by Indian seamen," in view of the uncertainty of the legal meaning of the term Lascar,
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  • 172 9 Reuter Telegrams. London, July 6. San Francisco Mr. Cox was elected by acclamation on the forty-fourth baliot. The withdrawal of Mr. Palmer after the thirty-eighth, thus releasing his' votes, marked the turning point in the Conference, Mr. Cox immediately forging ahead until he reached 568 on the forty-third
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  • 168 9 Riuteb Telegram. London, July 7. The world Zionist conference has opened in London, 250 delegates attending. The principal subjects of discussion were the colonisation of Palestine and the rapid organisadk of immigration. The chairman, Mr. Sokolow. speaking in Hebrew, declared that the Jews had regained their place among
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 185 9 Reuteb Telegram. j London, July 6. In the House of Commons when the standing committee was considering the Nauru Island Agreement BUI. Lord Robert Cecil moved an amendment making the agreement subject to the provisions of j article 22 of the covenant of the League of Nations. Mr.
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 111 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 6. In the House of Commons Mr. Chamberlain said the reduction in the duty on sparkling wines to 33 1/3 per cent, was proposed because a 50 per cent, duty was calculated on the basis that the average value of imported wine was
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  • 347 9 Description of Marvellous Escape. Reuter Telegrams. London, July 6. Bridgetown Details of the accident to the Prince of Wales' train show that >t occurred on a sharp curve of the line, where the track had been softened by rain. The first saloon to leave the line was
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  • 109 9 Riuteb Telegram. London, July 7. An obstacle which has hitherto prevented the creation of an international court of justice has been overcome. The jurist? advisory committee of the League of Nations sitting at the Hague adopted a plan whereby judges will be selected by the council and
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  • 77 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 7. In the House of Lords Lord Midleton drew attention to the great increase in the estimated normal revenue. He moved a resolution stating that it was incumbent on the Government to reduce the present undue strain on the nations resources and appoint special
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  • 93 9 Riuteb Telegram. London, July 7. Following on a meeting presided over by the Lord Mayor of London on June 30 the British League of Help, which was formed for the purpose of arranging for British towns to adopt centres in the French devastated areas, is receiving most
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 80 9 Rxitii Telegram. London, July 7. Nairobi Major-General Sir E. Northey, who returned on July 3, announced in the Legislative Council that an order in Council had been signed annexing British East Africa under the name of K'-nia Colony. The Sultan of Zanzibar's coast dominions would retain the
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  • 64 9 Reuter Telegram. London, July 6. The Lambeth Conference has opened and was attended by 276 bishops- from all parts of the world. The official report says that the Archbishop of Canterbury addressed the conference on the subject of Christianity, am' thu international relations of the League of Nations
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  • 37 9 (Aneta Service.) Batavia, July 9. The chairman of the Sugar Employers Union revoked to-day his ultimatum to the various directors of Sugar Factories and it is believed that a satisfactory soluion is being neared.
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  • 554 9 M. PAUL FAINLEVE. No Financial Aspect in Mission To China. My mission to China has nothing to do with finances or with the Consortium. The mission is purely educational, scientific and technical and intended to lay the foundation for a more thorough knowledge of the Far East," said M. Paul
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  • 62 9 The Rev. F. S. Hollis who ha.> bMB m charge of St. Thomas 1 .Pro-Cathedral Kuehing. Sarawak, for the past twelve months, is at present on a visit to fr.enda of his in Malaya, among the* N;« t he Rev G. Dexter-Allen and Miss McNeil, of St. Mary's School, both
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    • 848 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l take the liberty of writing in comment upon a short announcement in your issue of Ist inst. of a forthcoming Oil Palm Estate flotation. From the tenour thereof I assume the details given were supplied by the holders
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    • 153 10 Dr. Timothy Richard Memorial Fund. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, This fund will remain open for a short time only. The aim is to raise $30,000 (Shanghai currency) in China and among the Chinese abroad to continue the work of the late Dr. Richard in the preparation
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  • 374 10 Local Celebration of Slesvig's Restoration. Reference was made in brief to the At Home given by Mr. A. Hyalsoe yesterday in honour of the restoration of Slesvig torn from her 64 years ago to Denmark, but the celebration deserves more than passing mention, being as it was
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  • 403 10 F.M.S. Government's View Of Co-operative Scheme. A special meeting of those interested will be held in the F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce on July 14, for the consideration of the following agenda 1. To consider and, if approved, accept the terms proposed by Government. 2. To approve of the
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  • 175 10 Now that the Quaints have finished their season, Singapore is having a short respite from visits of theatrical companies. On Wednesday of next week, however, the Humphrey Bishop Comedy and Operatic Company, whose visit has been long awaited, open at the Victoria Theatre for a season of
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  • 616 10 Tributes from Bench And Bar. Yesterday morning before the full b»r Sir John Bucknill, K.C., Chief Justice, with whom was associated on the Bench Mr. Justice Barrett Lennard, made the following reference to the death of a late Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements, the late
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  • 467 10 "Goondaism" Rife in Northern Quarter. A message from Calcutta dated June 21 says _Calcutta, that is to say the Northern or native part of it, is becoming a dangerous place to live in. As the Englishman says in a leading article this morning, although one or two officers
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  • 47 10 A Universal special attraction Under Suspicion a splendid comedy-drama, rich n humour, will be screened at the Liberty Hall to-night in the early show. In the second s|Mk Mrs. Charlie Chaplin's feature pla^^^hne, a human play, and Tempest series seventh ami eighth episodes iHHin another three nighU.
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  • 608 10 A Rubber Company to be Wound Up. The Financial Times of June 8 says The directors of the Indo-Chinese Hevea Rubber Estates, which at the end of November last made an issue of 22,500 £1 shares at par, recommend that the company be wound up because of an
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  • 346 10 Confirming an Arrangement With Tebak, Ltd. The following is the official report of proceedings at the annual meeting of Kemaman Tin, Ltd., held at the registered offices of the company, Chartered Bank Chambers, on July 8. There were present. Mr. Chew Woon Poh (chairman) the Hon. Mr. W.
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  • 70 10 To-night in the change of programme, the Marlborough brings the Girl and the Game serial to a close with the screening of the fifteenth episode. In support of this there will be an exceptionally good Jewel production, Borrowed Clothes, in six reels, featuring Mrs. Charlit Chaplin, and a two-reel Lubin
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 467 10 It took the S.C.C. players all their time to beat the S.R.C. by the one goal scored in yesterday's match. Except in the first minute and almost the last it was a particularly uninteresting affair. Right at the start the S.R.C., who had the sun behind
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    • 100 10 Members of the Swimming Club are requested to note that on Sunday, the 18th inst., there will be a 75 yards handicap instead of the 440 which is on the fixtures card. The 440 will come later in the season. As already announced, the annual meeting of the
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    • 203 10 The following were yesterday's results in the S.C.C. bowls tournament Doubles Handicap. C. M. Van Cuylenburg and J. Nelson (scr.) beat C. Hogarth and J. H. Mackail (plus 2) 21—8. B. Cousins and R. W. Chater (plus 2) v. D. Main and T. J. Hume (plus 2)
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    • 113 10 The American Tournament at the Ladies Lawn Tennis Club, will take place on July 13, 14 and 15. Although three days are allotted for play, it is hoped to complete it in two and all players are requested to make every effort to play the first day. The entry
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    • 176 10 A match between the Singapore Golf Club and the Sepoy Lines Club will take place on the Race Course to-morrow morning. Teams and times of starting are given below, Singapore Golf Club member* being mentioned first in each cas<» 9, Farrant and Cavendish v. Sanderaom and Griffin. 9.5, Lee
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  • 410 10 Sunday, July 11. St. Andrew's Cathedral. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins and Litany. 4 p.m. Sunday School and BiUe Classes. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's Sepoy Lines No servien. Presbyterian Church, Orchard Road. 8 a.m. Public Worship. 9 a.m.
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  • 2281 11 IV.— Attitude of the Japanese Empire. Continuing his series of articles in The Times, Mr. J. O. P. Bland writes on Misunderstood Japan as follows In describing the situation in Chirv I have endeavoured to show that if the world's oldest civilisation is to be saved from
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 185 11 8. MOUTRIE and CO, LTD. MocrpMted in HoagkMU) beg to announce that having recently avgmented their Tuning Staff, they are prepared to undertake taning oontracts at special rates. All tunings will be done by HIGHLY EFFICIENT EUROPEANS ONLY and satisfaction will be guaranteed. All orders will have our prompt attention.
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  • 388 12 Over 500 Acres Planted li Formosa. I The Taiwan Sbimbua t Form Ma) on April 20 published an artiole oa the oultivst'oa 0 loooaine in Formosa. A Peking di«patofa 'gives tbe following translation cf the avtiole, iftom whioh it will be seen Ihtt Jap in seems determined to
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  • 356 12 Ship's Furnace Utilised As Crematorium. PartiooUrly gruesome details oonoernitg the treatment meted out to the missicn Btesmer Soot tern Cross on her lut voyage are ooatained in a letter written by a member ol tbe mission staff to the seoretaty of the Aostialian Board ol Mission*. Not
    356 words
  • 336 12 Hamlet's Father's Ghost The Cheapest Character, Are lovers ot Su»ieep«are to lol'Mlo a shabby J alias C;iiar or a uotb-ealen Hamlet oa account ot Ike high trice oi material lor the stage costumes? Btalvolio bu bow to paj more (01 hut ofOfeSfcartf ing and K'ng John baa been
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  • 217 12 Tenders are hereby invited for the erection of the undermentioned buildings ia Johere Bahru. Every person applying for a form of tender will be required to deposit the sum of $100 with the State Engineer, and forms will only be issued on production of
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  • 179 12 A unique opportunity to acquire a large block of property in the very heart of the town, only once before in the market Owing to extension of business, Messrs. Central Engine Works, Ltd., having obtained more extensive and commodious premises, the undersigned have been instructed to
    179 words
  • 197 12 UNITED SERVICES GREAT WAR ASSOCIATION OF MALAYA Tn pursuance of the resolution passed at a Meeting of Ex-service men held at the Se< .ngor Club on the 7th day of February 1920, this Association hus now been formed and applications for membership may be received. Application forms may be obtained
    197 words
  • 160 12 BRITISH CLAIMANTS who have not already registered their claims are requested to notify the Custodian of Enemy Property at once claims not registered by July 12 next will be rejected. This notice applies only to claims which arose out of contracts or obligations subsisting on August 4,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 280 12 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 and 109, Market Street HIGHLY EFFICIENT IN THE EXECUTION OF ESTATE, SHIP AND MAIL ORDERS QUALITY ASSURED PRICES MODERATE (I jj J^Y^L l g ;lllllll!llll!lillllllill!:!III!i!lllllll!!'llli!lllllllllllI (U RSp^ I One of the I I Household vsfisnMSßi? gods- H ,«i To i.rin;; colour lo lie cheek 'CvJVq function
      280 words
    • 167 12 NOTICE NOTICE in hereby given that Mr. Lim Teck Guan, Manager of Chop Wah Lim and Co., is no longer in the service, therefore we the undersigned shall hold no responsibility for any business transacted by him from this day, July 2, 1920. Mr. Lim Kirn Hock is appointed Manager
      167 words
    • 136 12 l| THE ENEMY OF GREASe/I? Wg Makes hands Snow-whits *»cyT*«r T" "t^ (^Vy Splendid for Motorists aad M^~^-\ Engineers rr-=-»ra.-pr. jfvSflQM .^L-F 1 Best for washing up Greasy Plates, etc jj Obtainable from li Cleaning and whitening Kit. U Messrs. Guan Cbin Hong a O«, chen Tables, Shelves and k
      136 words

  • 1088 13 The Ou'put and Sale Price Increased. Tha eigbth tan ail Renewal meeting of the Nndanal (Johste) Kabbai Batatas, Ltd., «i held on Hit 28. is the csunoil loom of tbe Rabbet Oiower*' AuoaUtin, 88. Etilobcap EC, Mr. TbomM Cashbeilson (tbe eh*i» m»o) piesiliaß. The CLaiimfcn sail Qen'l-m:o, the
    1,088 words
  • 20 13 Mr. J. A. Russell has left Kuala Lumpur for China and is expected to be away for about a month.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 117 13 WHITE4WAYS The noted House ffoi* Crockery NEW SHIPMENT TOIIET SETS JUST UNPACKED WE HWI JwutixA TsXA oui orowery A BPLENBID ™V^E\\ jS^ DEPT. 18 WILL ABBORTMEHT OF f£fil WORTH YOUR GLASSWARE fi^'ffi INSPECTION Plain white English-made five-piece toilet se^, co.-np ising jug, basin, chanber, soap dish B,d tooth brash vase
      117 words
    • 205 13 AFRAID OF FOOD Sufferers from Indigestion very often become faddists as regtrds their food, and find themselves in time reduced to a very meagre and unsatisfying diet. Hudson's Eumenthol Jujubes correct acidity of the stomach, and their antiseptic properties prevent abnormal fermentation of the food, thus allowing the natural digestive
      205 words
    • 76 13 yj2| mnHKQz a^y I Qualty I] via Phone 354< J E~ VERYBODY IS VINRUDING VERYWHERE (over IM.OM sold— uti by over 25 Gofernments) No thought of tiresome rowing to mar the pleasure of your outing, when there's an EVINRUDE on the stern of your boat. A pull of the flywheel
      76 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 740 14 UL£% 1Y AUOTIOi PRELIMINARY NOTICE The undersigned will sell by auction at their saleroom, No. 30, Kling Street, at an **l ly Valuable freehold land and the Urge *üb«tantial magnificently brick-built and tile-roof compound house, outhouses and subling erected on a beautifully laid out impound known as No. 1607. Joo
      740 words
    • 383 14 COMBINE OF SLUYTERS A CO. JAVA SEA FIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Batavia, Java) A.D. 1861 Combined I apitals fully subscribed Fl. IUN,W Reserved per December $1, 1118 Fl. 5,093,419.91 Head Offices BATAVIA, AMSTERDAM Branch Offices SINGAPORE, 3-b, FINLAYSON GREEN Hedan, Semarang, Sourabaya, Bandoeng, Macassar, Rangoon, Shanghai, Tientsin, Melbourne,
      383 words
    • 964 14 AteWta *m |MN,ff« B,C, Assurance In force over $15,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (laeerperaUd la RtraHa Settlements) arsiAfi omCBI WIMkMM Ms«M, Wagst*** LONDON OFFICE: 11. Old Jswry, E.C. Th* Company ha* UI.III ls>nt>il witk trnfttmt flsvl sf Baglaad aad seatplle* with th* Briti.h Llf* Assarsnc* Compani** Act
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    • 564 14 BANKING THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlements) Head Office s SINGAPORE, 61, XI.ING STREET. Tel. No. 1«M Branca PSNANG, 14, BEACH STREET Agencies IPOH AND DELI CspltsJ I Authorise $80,000,001 Issued 10.500,00« Psld-up 6.260,0 M Reserve Liability of Shareholder* 6.260.0W Board ef Directors Th* Hon. Dr. Lim
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    • 589 14 BANKING BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE OE CHINE, Authorized Capital Prs. 260,000,00* Subscribed Capital Frs. 160,000,00* Paid-up Capital Frs. 76,000,00* (1/1 of th* Capital enbscribed by th Oov«r-a..-ul of the Chines* Republic) Chairman of th* Board of Directors i Andrt Berthelot General Manager A. J Pernottt HEAD OFFICE 74, Sue daint Laxare. I'arl.
      589 words

  • 914 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Speed Without Dtoger. When tbe polioe institute a oampaiß* of motor tapping) tboy are ioi, m a rule, backw»id ia socosinn eu'priti of driving to tbe daaget of the public, U then is My toasonable cbanee of lush an offence being
    914 words
  • 55 15 The marriage will take place at St. ■Michael and All Angels' Church, Polwatte, Ceylon, shortly of Mr. Norman Rctrinald Blande, partner, Messrs. Tarrant and Co., Colombo, and Miss Alice Jeffree. Miss Jeffrw, who is at present in Ceylon, ia a sister of Mrs. Gillespie, wife of Mr. R. B. Gillespie,
    55 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 116 15 -„—^m wfrMr jf Xt\ Bar aM AND THE LITTLE FORD Shall lead them It's first In sales— first in eoonomy— and first In the esteem of those who love safety, surety aad oo nfort— because of Its wonderful simplicity, strength anu lightness. It leads In SALES SERVi&E SATISFACTION THE FORD
      116 words
    • 529 15 .41'//, IV iVI I -w CYLINDER .V'» yy JIX,XI^ Vjf automobiles )yp h llj VAj This year's Touring Car offers many refine- V If 111/, ments which sho«ld make even more popular •|r y\ \fS 1 f this widely favored family automobile. I *J IA H' J lill Simplicity and
      529 words
    • 127 15 McKenzie's Lavender Soap A reliable toilet soap, it is one that truly saves saves money beeanse of its price and good looks, because of its skin-nourishing qualities. There is no need to pay more when McKENZIE*S LAVENDER SOAP is proved to be as good, as pare, as healthful and as
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 957 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Want*, For Sale, To Let, etc, la ordinary close-act type (average six word* to line) are Per line one insertion 28 cts, two ins. 46 cts three ins. 64 ets, four ins. R2 cts, five ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ten ins. $1.40, twelve
      957 words
    • 843 16 SITUATIONS VACANT ESTATE AND MINING. WANTED CAPABLE DRESSER. Apply .;,:,/rr. I.iili:ulri'7i K-;:i'-. I':i;u-hnr, M,'i:ir. DRESSER CLERK REQUIRED for estate in Johore, healthy and good prospects. Apply 693, Straits Timely COMPETENT CLERK required for healthy estate in Johore. Good handwriting necessary. Apply 692, Straits Time*. PLANTER with previous experience wanted for
      843 words
    • 985 16 MOTOR VEHICLES CARS FOR SALE. Rover, Vulcan, Studebaker, Buiek, Ford. Bargains. Apply 762, Straits Times. FOR SALE, one two-seater Standard motor car for $3,600 or a near offer. For particulars, please apply 34, The Arcade. SELL YOUB CAB NOW. Wa are prying the beat price*. Bring it to our office
      985 words
    • 562 16 LAND AND HOUSES FOR SALE. No. 136, Bnkit Timah Road, •bout 3V4 mile* from town, area about 65,000 sq. ft., fully planted with rubber trees. Apply to Tan Lian Cheng, 25A, South Canal Road. FOR SALE, European single itorey compound dwelling house. Three bedrooms, etc. Water laid on. Under three
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    • 167 16 Straits Motorcar Service LIMITED (Incorporated in Etr: it? Settlements) 213 to 21K, ORCHARD ROAD LORRIES iND CARS HIRED OVERHAULS TO MOTOR CARS AND CYCLES WELDING of all metals, under .•European supervision SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PRICES VERY MODERATE Phone1233 DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUMTT We have received a small shipment of BRITISH MADE
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 307 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General M Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office J244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be address** to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, ments, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc., should be addressed to THB MANAGER.
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