The Straits Times, 3 July 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 26,373 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 144 1 ROBINSON CO., LTD. FOR I ICY— HOT JARS BOTTLES B QwlSil ft r J^ .^a^g— a«-8t t I aL^ -v A NioVc! Plitrd NokelPlftteO $TB.BO Nickel Plat- d »9.60 Qq.h S:ze oniy «17.e0 Etowi Lefttbet 19.50 BionßLeatbei 13. 80 ICY— HOT CARRYING CASES B Tdlf> Casps for Pinis and Quarts
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    • 1 1 STERILISED
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  • 1127 2 .Open or Disguised Premiums The text rf tta laetease of R -at and Mott gs&e Icttvcs* jß?eti:otioas) Bill, wbioh wm presented to tbe Howie of Oommon by Dr, A?dison (the Minister cf Health) in May, baa I bow bees issued. i Clause 1 provides that where
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  • 35 2 A mountain, which is on the move, is threatening to destroy 40 houses at Mardy, a mining village in Glamorganshire, Wales. Under the pressure the walls are bulging, and the floors are being lifted up.
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  • 39 2 It is understood that the proposed Antarctic expedition which was to have been led by Mr. J. L. Cope, F.R.G.S., an eminent surgeon and naturalist, who was a member of Sir Ernest Shackleton's recent expedition, has been definitely abandoned.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 466 2 s Kimous, not only in O :S t!ie i)\A Country, but throughout fi \0 the Wur'.J, arc the super!) v. Ues obtainable from John Noble**. J^*C H W You should send today for the won- iffltpavaV. VS de ful 68 page Catalogue, B'ving mil I IWr TO^vS^ O Q p.iMi
      466 words
    • 441 2 Cuticora Is Ail You Heed For Your Skin I Bi-.he with Cuticura Snap to de.n-c-I and punfy tlic pores. II ;ignc cf pimples. I redncjs cr rr)ui?l:nPsx are present S'.nei-.r I gently vi!h Cut cura Ointmc.'.t befom I I.lm:.t:g For every pjrI poas of the toilet, bath and. curs ly
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    • 321 2 SLOOK FOR THE NAME=r The caution is necessary, for thus oily is one assured of receiving the genuine. To purchase a watch without the name Cavalry" on the -i-» dial is like buying gold and silver articles without i£3j' the Hall Mark—you are uncertain as to their true value and
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  • 1153 3 Hydrographic Conference Repoit. The lepc.i cf the Hydrotfraphio Conferetoe held ia London last year, whioh is bow oou pleted, will ba found 10 j lstify (ally the hifll hope* expre ssed it tbu time cf tbe noeetins of tbis body, writi a a ootret pocdeat in Tfcp
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 397 3 I LUCITKU The Best in Transportation I DUILT of materials which are rigidly tested I LJ and the best that money can buy. FEDERAL Motor Lorries will stand hardships of which no other lorry can boast, without breakdown. B I Tt c lorr y in P* rt of *c world
      397 words
    • 386 3 Anaemia I Our blood is composed of I I red and white corpuscle* B I the red to nourish the body, I I the white to fight disease. In I I Anemia or bloodlessnesa I the red corpuscles are more I I or less deficient Thus the I blood cannot
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    • 333 3 'WHOLESALE AND Jfljg^ HIG STREET. ft Europe Hotel Buildings. Yon can get well-known ENGLISH OR AMERICAN MADB MOTOR CARS AND MOTOR CYCLES 26-3, Orchard Road. Prices of can from $2,000 to $8,000 and ■otor cycles from $350 to $2,000. WARNING AGAINST UNNECESSARY ADVERTISING. aCA NOTICE is herebj ttFTI »!>*t tkt
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    • 261 3 IF YOU WANT GOOD WORK COMB TO RAFFLES TYPEWRITING BUREAU lUfflei Chambers, Raffles Place. Typewriting work of an? I d«..ripti,, n undertakes. General Correspondence jf i Mining Reports /%flf (jjv Reports I I YJf Journulistic Work (F W Contracts Accounts. Accuracy, Neatness Dei I ffiM^ patch and Secrecy guaranteed. 3*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 807 4 STEAMER SAILIMS P. 0. -British India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 9. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) fa* Cempany's MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY are at atvaaas aiaied LONDON FAB-KASTERN BEBVICC FROM LONDON TO MARSEIUJCB 4% LONDOH Daa
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    • 458 4 STEAMER SAILMS PRINCE LINE UMITEI, (Incorporated in Engl.nd) FAR EAST SEBVICB FOR NEW. YORK SLAVIC PRINCE (via Panama) In port MONGOLIAN PRINCE via Panama .bout Ist h.lf Sept. CELTIC PRINCE vi. Suez about Ist half Oct. For .11 information apply to ADAMSON. GILFILLAN A CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Agents.
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    • 272 4 STEAMER SAILINM THE EASTERN SHIPPINB COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlemeata) This time table la subject to aitoratlea without further notice. Steamer aalllag frem ■tacaaan PIN SENG— Every Tneeday, at I pja, fer Port Svettonhaa and Finang. From Malacca to Singapore Fresa Pemaag to TTm*alTtal (Trala journey from MoulmeU to
      272 words
    • 393 4 nun sAiuMs 0. S K. TKI OSAKA BHOUN KABIHA LTD. (laearpsreted la Japan) Ne. 8, De Beet. ■tree*. Prepeeed SalHaga frem T mill (Subject to eaaage without aetiaa] FOB POBT lAID, M IBSBTLLBB, LONDON, ANTWERP, BOTTBBDAaI AND HAJDUBG HIMALAYA HABU mid. Jaly ALPS MABU mid. Sept. FOB NHW TOBK (Via
      393 words
    • 432 4 IT»imt SaILIW, NIPPON YUBEN KAISHA (Ineorporatod la Jaaaa) Uatts* Mall Caatract wtta the Ibmsilhl Japaaaaa Gavaraateat. Subiert to alteratieas without aetiaa. EUROPEAN MAIL LINB FortnlghUy Service Far Leadaa. Aatwarp via (Malacca) nsift CeUaibe. Saaa, Pars laid aad ManafDaa. INABA MARU July 3 KAMO MARU July IT IYO MABU July Z8
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 533 5 STEAMER SAIUHSS HENDERSON LINE a*), Bhamo aailing from Rangoon on July 1», fer Port Said and Liverpool. A few paseaves available. Apply PATERSON, SIMON'S CO., LTD., FOR CALCUTTA DIKKCT The I.C.S.N. Co.'s s.s. Namsang, 4034 tons, leaves noon on Saturday, July 3. For freight or passage apply BOUSTEAD t CO.,
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    • 489 5 STEAiEB SJULWSS j S.ST GLENOYLE Consignees of cargo ex tbe above steamer are hereby notified that the survey of cargo landed in a damaged condition will be held on Saturday, July 3, at 9 a.m. in Godowns t Nos. 48 and 49. No further survey will be bald after this
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    • 1122 5 ESTATE OF THE LATE SULTAN IDRIS. SALE OF MINING LANDS Under instructions from the Trnstee, Uie undersigned will sell by Auction the Mining Lands scheduled below, st THE TOWN HALL, IPOH On Friday, July 16, 1920, at 10.30 a.m. If unfinished, the sale will be continued on the following day
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    • 307 5 GERMAN DEBTS.-PEACE TREATY BRITISH CLAIMANTS who have not already registered their claims are requested to notify the Custodian of Enemy Property i at once claims not registered by July 12 r next will be rejected. This notice applies only to claims which arose out of contracts I or obligations subsisting
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    • 855 5 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND FEDERATED MALAY STATES VICTORY BONDS Bearing intereet from the date of purchase at fly* per cent, per annum, payable ea September 1 and March 1. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON SEPTEMBER 1. 1114. PRICE OF ISSUE— IOO PER CENT. All proceed* of this issue will be lent to
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    • 594 5 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at th* following plicss fca Singapor* I— Hotol van Wijk. t Kelly and Walsh Ltd., Raffles Place. Money Changer, Adelphi Hotol. Money Changer, Europe Hotol. Money Changer, Raffles Hotol. Koh A Co, Bras Basah Road. Low Yong Swee, 1, Middle Road. Sahib Uany Co,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 967 6 •WfcLU» If a wile in ntgkoled by ber too bnsy haebacd, tias the tho rifibt to looept tbe at ten lie Di cl other men? BTaW ■saVTaTV You'll deaide when yon see K 1 Il\ 1 1 jf a hcatand doaaa't lore his wile should another man bo blamed if
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    • 262 6 L. C. Smith Typewriter "Silent Modal" THE BUPERIOR MACHINE Because it is silent in operation. Think of what tliia means In narve saving I Because it has a Decimal Tabulator, which saves lima, and insures accuracy in billing and writing of figures in columns. Because the ball-bearing type bars give
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  • 124 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, July 3. Hi c h Water, 0.16 a.m., 11.34 p.m. The Quaints, Vie. Theatre, 9.16 p.m. Sunday, July 4. High Water, 0.44 p.m. Monday, July S. High Water, 0.8 a.m., 1.13 p.m. Homeward mails leave. Outwnrd mail dv* lallTt Council. 2.30 p.m. The Quuints, Vie.
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  • 139 7 Vmhli at the Docks, TaMJOMS PI9AB. But Wbaet ßaiim.- Sbiimp. B^» OhttiDda, BJsj Ro»». Shbxrs Wkabv, iuin akd Vior&ajA Da D^c»*. EI. nd4l". «ai« N»m San?, Ba<jan, Roale Ninctij, T'ftonport Th-raaa. ■sWOH »->u« P. Hudjk, loaba Mm Havre vtotn. Brl'eropbon. *h» »jar_ B. lr or 8 PotlaWd Main.
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  • 148 7 USA. Inn- put Ti oim, 6841 !c«p, froa V.adivwtik 'i/8, < r I'tieMe t/l. N*te»ic, B il > 808 toas, liom New Yjik 2/0. lot Cilco't* 4)'. B'larrpj.n But., 6748 ioop, fiom Lirer pjcl 2/7, tor Mici a doc. Aejoa, Biit.. W6 tons, (rcm M«l«eo» fcr U.lac-t r/7
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  • 180 7 T»OAt. P ilau S»u>bQ 2,80 pm Miliooa, P S#ttSenhacn k Penang B jm Me-iui 8 pu. t-ruau B->!»"i acd Polao Bal*ag 4 ya EoU 'iirm 4 ptL Polau 6oei<i 4 va Co/we 4 pa. P. Samba Medaa 4 pm Bstavia 4 pu, SiaTin^i (Bjttain) Spn, MOKOAT. K
    180 words
  • 33 7 (O?ota» Pr.«: C OHe Bopou mrt 3mtrtn M»y 6 M-y M., 18 M»y 30 May -JO Hay 21 Jaae 1 Jaae 3 Jaae 10 Jane IS Jane IT Jaae 32
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  • 93 7 An extraordinary aviation record has been established at Villa Coublay by the aviator Frandal whu has looped the loop 962 times wi.hout stopping. His previous record was 624 loops in 102 ifcinutes. He was in thu air 232 minutes nrl only came <lown when I. is petrol
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  • 133 7 f EXCHANGE Singapore, July 3. London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7/32 Demand 2/3 31/32 Trivate 3 m/s 2/4% On New York Demand 45 Private 90 days 49Vi On France Bank 535 On India, Bank T. T. 120 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 61% px. pm. On Shanghai, Bank
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    • 233 7 Iss. |Val.Pd. Buyers. Sellers. '10 10 Ampang 16.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1.60 nom. ±1 £1 Kam. Kamunting 2.16.0 2.18.6 xd. 10 10 Kinta Assoc 7.00 8.00 £1 «1 Kinta Tin 1.7.6 nom. 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.95 3.15 c.d. 1 Jelantoh 1.65 1.85 £1 £1 Lahat Mines
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    • 123 7 Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.10.0 4.0.0 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 12.00 13 00 6/- 5/- Electric Twayg 8/1 4/1 10 10 Fraser Neave 55.00 56.00 50 60 WHammer&Co 110.00 115 00 lOOlOOKatz Bros. 125.00 150.00 i'l £1 Mexican Eagle 9.0.0 9.10 0 10
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    • 78 7 5 ■■«-«P£tt.M«.iOt *s pSpore Electric Tramwayi 5 p.c. MSO.OOC „c Spore Municipal 6 p.» 11,878,000 6 per cent di». par S'por* Man. 4% p« of 1007 f 1,000,000 It p*. I»ba4li S'pcr* Mun. 4H p.« cf l»0» $1,000,600 UM- S'por* Mob. 4H p *t 5 port Mna. g
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  • 430 7 Franer »nd Co. and Lyall and Eratt'a Quotation* Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt Alor Gajah ($1) 3.60 3.80 8.60 8.80 Am. Malay 4.10 4.30 4.20 4.60 AyerHitam ($5) 22.50 23.50 22.50 23.50 A. Kuning ($1) 1.25 1.36 1.25 1.35 A. Molek ($1) 8.10 8.40 8.10 8.40 A. Panas ($1)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 971 7 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS I A DUTCH DOCTOR at Singapore, can go las a (hip's doctor to Europe. Apply 727 I Straits Times. WANTED A JUNIOR CLERK Must be intelligent and reliable. Apply Uardworker I Straits Times. WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRA- i no2 ood alary t0 '"'table person. Apply 730, Straits Times.
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    • 57 7 IN STOCK Bearing Metals Bronze Spring Wira Electrolytic Copper Wire Mild Steel Sheets and Bars Scottish Crown Iron Miners Octagon Drill Steel Clyde Dog Spikes, Steel Rivets B< Its, Nuts and Washers Plain Galvd. Sheets Solid Drawn Boiler Tubes KEENEST PRICES Mace Hall Co., Ltd. (UterpoiMeil ia Federated Mfcli? BMw|
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    • 381 7 1 a*. NANERIC frS B M^o*SW., t^nir,£nh. r ¥lotorla Theatre has now arrived and is discharging into Godowns Nos. 7 and 8. A general average has been declared and consignees will be Owirg to ibe eaormnai BDCoeaa of tbat required to sign a General Average Bond 4 il before Delivery
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  • 19 8 Mrs. Thompson-Robinson returns sincere thanks for the floral tributes sent, and the kind sympathy shown- in her bereavement.
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  • 46 8 In loving memory of my dear husband Thomas Morrison Maben, died July 4, 1919. What would I give to clasp his hand, His loving face to see Just to hear one loving word Would mean so much to me. Inserted by His Loving Wife.
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  • 1219 8 SATURDAY, JULY 3 DAYLIGHT SAVING- A Daylight Saving Bill is among the measures that will come before the Legislative Council on Monday. We have had opportunities recently of hearing some opinions on this subject, and, to tell the truth, they were rather pathetic. One gentleman was haunted by a dreadful
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  • 24 8 The Duke of Buccleuch has advertised his famous flower and fruit-gardens at Dalkeith to let. The gardens, vineries, and glass houses cover fourteen acres.
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  • 16 8 The Governor in Council is satisfied that the Singapore Social Purity Union has ceased to exist.
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  • 16 8 The Malay Mail learns that the proprietor of Grenier's Rubber News has decided to cease publication.
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  • 24 8 Lim Boon Thah, a native of China, who has resided in the Straits Settlements, for 48 years has been naturalised as a British subject.
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  • 21 8 Mr. Justice Sproule will be leaving Kuala Lumpur to-morrow for Bentong, Pahang, to hoM the Assizes there which commences on Monday.
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  • 26 8 The first annual general meeting of Malayan Rubber Factories, Ltd., is beinir held as we go to press. The full yeport will appear in Monday's issue.
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  • 24 8 The strike of the Lewis drapery establishment in Oxford-Street, London, has collapsed. 400 employees are now out of work, their places having been filled.
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  • 23 8 Our Penang correspondent wires that the Municipal Commissioners, by four to three, decided against Mr. Thorne's motion for the adoption of daylight saving.
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  • 34 8 I have sat here for eight years, listening to lie after lie," said Mr. Grant Jones, a Shanghai magistrate, recently.The senior beak of Singapore ought to be able to beat that record pretty easily.
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  • 36 8 Instead of the regular service at 8 p.m. at the Middle Road Church, the Rev. J. S: Nagle will give a lantern service at 8.15 p.m. at the chapel hall of the AngloChinese School to-morrow (Sunday).
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  • 30 8 Messrs. Chin Huat Hin Oil Trading Co., Singapore, have been granted a licence to deal in metal or metallic ores throughout the Colony under the Non-Fer-rous Metal Industry Ordinance, 1918.
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  • 35 8 The Supreme Court at Shanghai has awarded Tls. 30,000 damages to the Tsing Yue Dyes Co., against Frederick Large and Co. The damages are for breach of contract. The original claim was for Tls. 43.000.
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  • 37 8 The B. I. S. N. Co.'s steamer Takada which was coming from the Far East with passengers collided on June 20 with the port commissioners' steam tug Chapala at Kidderpore docks, causing some damage to the latter.
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  • 33 8 Graham Bushby, commission agent at Shanghai, has been found guilty of shooting and wounding a sampan man on the river. The evidence disclosed that the prisoner was addicted to opium. Sentence was deferred.
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  • 47 8 It is reported from Basle that the French, when entering Frankfort, found a great quantity of looted French tapestries, pictures, and furniture at the residence of a German, Captain Imhof, and that a French court has now sentenced him to 16 years' imprisonment in a French prison.
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  • 50 8 Service will be held at the Boustead Institute on Sunday evening at 8.15. Mr. L. G. Cranna will give the address, and a number cf the Czech soldiers on board the U.S.A.T. Thomas will render musical items. All are cordially invited, especially men of the Mercantile Marine, Navy and Army.
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  • 55 8 We have received a copy of the return of imports and exports, Straits Settlements for the quarter ended March 31 last. The imports were valued at $345,338,745 an increase of $151,543,754 over the corresponding quarter of 1919 and the value of exports was $321,702,691 as against $205,468,172 during the first
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  • 63 8 A Tamil chauffeur was charged before Captain Rowbotham, in the third court yesterday morning with driving his car in a rash and negligent manner. Suddenly emerging, it is said, from behind a lorry in Orchard Road he ran into Mr. Bennett's motor car damaging it badly and injuring Mr. Bennett's
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  • 66 8 A gang robbery took place at the 6'i mile, Holland Road, during the early hours of yesterday morning. Eight Kehs went to a house in which was an old woman. Four stayed outside, while the rest entered \and threatened the woman with knives. They took away $178 worth of clothing,
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  • 99 8 At Penang, W. C. Jollife, a European, pleaded guilty to a charge of landing two dogs in Penang without permission on June 26. According to the Straits Echo, he said that this, was the first visit to the Straits from India and he was ignorant of the local law. He
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  • 88 8 The Pinang Gazette says lt is certainly a matter for satisfaction that at a time when the attitude of certain firms ip regard to their members assuming public duties had threatened to create difficulties by eliminating them from the field of selection," Mr. Thorn and Mr. Duncan, both of whom
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  • 111 8 The installation meeting of L»dge Tullibardine in the East (S.C.) t<*k Mace in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday 4B^Bf**l largely attended. Bro. H. B. Wiflkn, was installed as R.W.M^ and thd' oiler officers for the year are I.P.M. Wor. Bro. A. D. Harcus W. D. M. Wor. Bro. C. W. Hall
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  • 347 8 Mr. H. J Levy is appointed a Cadet in the Civil Service of the Colony. The Hon. Dr. S. H. R. Lucy, P.C.M.0., who is now in Penang, returns to Singapore. Mr. E. T. Williams is granted leave of absence for eight months commencing on June 25, 1920. The Hon.
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  • 20 8 The outward B. I. packet Teesta, with mails from Europe, is expected to reach Penang at daylight to-morrow.
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  • 63 8 The following were present at a dinner party given at Government House last evening His Highness the Sultan of Kelantan, Raja Kelantan, Tengku Sri Indera Mahkota, Tengku Yusuf, Dato Sri Paduka Raja, Megat Osman, the Hon. Sir John Bucknill, K.C., Mr. R. J. Farrer, Dr. R. O. Winstedt,
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  • 61 8 American Independence Day, July 4, falls to-morrow, but is being celebrated in Singapore to-day. This morninpr the Ag. Consul-General, Mr. H. J. Dickinson, received a large number of callers, representative of all communities, at the consular offices. The Tanglin Club has been given over to the American
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  • 71 8 We understand that the F.M.S. Yacht Sea Belle has been placed at the disposal of His Highness Sultan Suleiman ibni Atonehum Al-Sultan Zainalabidin Sultan of Trengganu, who will be coming by her to Singapore next week on his first visit to His Excellency the Governor. His
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  • 103 8 The United States Consulate-General at Hankow learns from an authentic source that General Chang Chin-yao attacked the Reformed Church *of the United State* mission at Yochow and the Rev. Reimurt was killed. Liling, on the WuchangChangsha railway, was also attacked. The foreign employees escaped to Pingsiang. The Rev.
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  • 182 8 It is possible that Capt. R. S. Carroll will be giving a flying exhibition in Singapore next week. He was unable to give one eitheT at Kajang or Seremban as troublo developed in the pressure pump after leaving Kuala Lumpur for Singapore. The nature of the trouble
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 215 8 WHITISH ALUMINUM WARH I RVWBIPMBNT JOBTUNPAOHD 94.80 «».8O »-d 13/O »-l.7B»nd»1 BB AIUMIHUM f fif S\ V *W*»<W" HALFPIHTTUMBLtIiI \j I MU6B WITH HAMDLE BO.t-e.rb V Vvi/ •I.aoewh Mt»t Plato $I.9Oeub Pn-.diwg Pl»« fi.OO ewh JOHN LITTLB •»a CO.. LTD. ilnerrpo'tted id »>d) Singapore MX Wu*la t urn u» TRUCKS
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    • 198 8 LECT SUBJECTS AND BIG FEATURES IT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRES r»n Chenf Km ft Co, L/d, Proprietor.) ALHAMBRA THE MERCHANT OF VENICE PARTS PARTS Featuring Mr. Matheson Lane and MUa Huttin Britton resentation of award* to the Singapore and I Malaya Boy Scouts by H.E. The Governor on June 19,
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  • 361 9 Decisions at Democratic Convention. Strong Comments on Republican Policy. Rbutkr Telecrams. London, June 30. San Francisco Senator Class has been appointed chairman of the rules committee and Mr. Robinson permanent chairman. Both nre strong supporters of the administration. Senator Glass subsequently ;.n--pointcd a sub-committee to draft a platform
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  • 129 9 Grave Italian Reverse In Albania. RWTER TELECRAMS. London, June 29. Smyrna The extreme limit of the Creek advance at present is the line beyond Soma, Akhissar, Alasehr and Keles. The advance was stopped to permit «f the consolidation of this position. London, June SO. The Times reports that
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  • 42 9 Reuter Telegram. London, June 29. An industrial court has been mened for the hearing of a general wages application on behalf of over forty engineering and ahipbuilding unions. An increase of sixPence an hour is demanded, involving an additional £20,000,000 year.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 42 9 Reuter Telegram. London, June 29. Paris: M. Millerand, at the closing session of the congress of international Chambers of Commerce, congratulate 1 the congress on establishing a permanent organisation acting as a commercial liaison between the countries of the world.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 31 9 REI-TER Tni.ERRAM. London. June 29. Sinn Feiners have kidnapped Hrn stationmaster at Mallow, an important junction in County Cork, who had dismissed officials for refusing to urive military trains.
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  • 63 9 (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden, July 1. Negotiations between the Sugar Factory Syndicait and the Sugar Employes Union regarding the 'Vmand for a" hundred per cent, increase in salaries have been suddenly broken off, the union sending an ultimatum granting a fortnight in which to grant the increase, otherwise
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  • 43 9 (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden, July 2. It is learnt from Shanghai that labour disorders and looting of foodshops are occurring owing to the mounting price of rice. It is estimated that a supply of rice for only four days is available.
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  • 36 9 (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden, July 2. Fire broke out last night at Tandjong Pandan, capital of the island of Billiton, and destroyed a number of buildings. The damage is estimated at $650,000 guilders.
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  • 333 9 Sirtgie-Seater Machine Flying to Australia. Bert Hinckler, an Australian aerial pilot, on a Baby Avro aeroplane, left Croydon at 4.50 a.m. on May 31 to fly tv Australia. Last year he was debarred from competing for the prize of £10,000 offered by the Commonwealth Government for the first
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  • 210 9 Story of Baby Offered to "Holy" Crocodiles. A shocking case of infanticide, an outcome of a serious type of religious frenzy has occurred at Bagerhat, India. One F»l'kf m"" of the village KanthaH Fakirhat, a Namasundra by caste, had made a vow all his children having died shortly after
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  • 698 9 I Mt. W. Brass, writin- in TV Times of May 24, says Sir, Every one is to-day complaining bitterly of the increase in the cost of-«l commodities. Members of Parliament attend meetings and write articles protesting against the increase in the cost of this and that commodity,
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  • 240 9 With Mr. Song Ong Siang in the chair, writes a correspondent, the Clerical Union held its first special general meeting at the Victoria Theatre, yesterday evening. The chairman, in opening, said that the object of the meeting was to discuss daylight saving. The subject had been thrashed
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  • 119 9 It is stated that up to the end of last month contracts had been placed under the Housing Act for 7,100 concrete and reinforced concrete houses, or about oneseventh of the total number of houses contracted for under the same Act. Many contracting firms are busily engaged in
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  • 1843 9 |lL— China The Prey of Wea s thy Mandarins. Continuing his series of araicles in the Tinws, Mr. J. O. P. Bland deals with the present conditon of China in the follow"*C terms No one who has studied the practical working of international agreoments in China am
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  • 310 9 The Question of Excess Profits •pd>Ml.>-[(| Mr. F. O. Osbome presided at the annual meeting of Gopeng Consolidated held on May 8, and in moving the adoption of the reports, said quarterly dividends of ninepence per share had been paid absorbing £79,032 out of a profit of £83,779.
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  • 519 9 Government Providing For Half an Hour. Following is the text of the bill respecting daylight saving which is being introduced into the Legislative Ccuncil at the meeting on Monday A Bill intituled an ordinance to provide for the time of the Slra.ts Settlements being half-an-hour further in advance
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  • 174 9 Th# new torpedo boat Radiant which has been purchased for Siam by the Prince of Jumbara in England is a rhornycroft built vessel, 265 feet long with a beam of 27 ft. 3 ins. fitted with four water-tube boilers, burning oil fuel, turbine engines, twin screws
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  • 154 9 The following return for the mondljflh January, 1920, is issued by the Currtflcj Commissioners of the Straits Settlem (A) Whole amount of Currency Notes in Circulation on 31st January, 1920 183,208,301 70 Average amount of Currency Notes in Circulation during the month of January A j92O 181,131,955
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  • 1181 10 To See Ourselves as Others See Us. Sir John Jordan, in a prefatory note to a useful and fascinating volume, compares the China of to-day with the China as he first knew it forty-three years I those early days the English language was practically unknown
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  • 384 10 Sunday, July 4. St. Andrew's Cathedral. 7.30 a.m. Litany. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion. 4 p.m. Children's Service. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. A selection of music will be sung by the choir after Evensong. St. Matthew's Sepoy Lines No service.
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  • 187 10 The versatile Quaints played to another large and appreciative audience at the Victoria Theatre last night, and found their way from the very start into the favour of their listeners. There was not a dull moment in the performance, singing, whistling, dancing and witty dialogue keeping the audience
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  • 72 10 The following is the June list of contributions to this fund Previously acknowledged $65,510.31. Mrs. L. Polglase 5, Mrs. Campbell (Ipoh) 6, Mrs. E. J. Williams (May and June) 2, Mrs. J. Lomie 5, Miss Ryan 3, Miss Tolley (June-Dec.) 21, Miss Blackmore (half yearly
    72 words
  • 931 10 Two Serious Problems For Producers. The annual general meeting of the Balgownie Rubber Estates, Limited was held at the registered office*, of the company, Gresham House, Battery Road, yesterday, the Hon. Mr. R. C. M. Kindersley ■presiding. The others present include 1 the Hon. Mr. W. F. Nutt,
    931 words
  • 86 10 - The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended June 19, was 33.54. The total number of deaths was 251 of which 172 were male subjects and 79 female. Convulsions claimed 34, phthisis 45, malaria fever 29, typhoid fever 1, dysentery 20, beri-beri
    86 words
  • 52 10 The Asiatic Inquiry Commission at Capetown has issued an interim report, in which it states that owing to the rice shortage and other causes, a large number of Indians are prepared to retyrn to India, and it %-gently recommends that immediate steps should be taken to provide shipping to facilitate
    52 words
    • 453 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Have the S.V.C. authorities power and authority to refuse applications for discharge from the Corps, at the present time What is the position, legally, of men now in the Corps Are you of the opinion that the present protest against mi.itarism will
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    • 305 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, When last we wrote, our attention was drawn to this subject at the time of Chinese New Year. Now we have just passed the big Malay Festival Hari Raya and again the gambling, and its attendant evils
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    • 552 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I shall thank you for a little space in your columns for a reply to the letter from An Obesrver. An Observer seems to think that the telegram he partly quotes belies your correspondent An Armenian from Java. The telegram he
      552 words
  • 406 10 Dry Champagne as a Mouth Wash. A three days' conference on the prevention of diseases of the teeth was formally opened at Manchester on May 13, by Lady Rhondda. There was agreement among the experts on the origin of decayed teeth, though all were not as
    406 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 124 10 Shimidzu Loses in Final. A Reuter wire of June 29 states At Wimbledon in the world's tennis championship singles semi-finals Shimidzu, the Japanese, beat Mavrogordato, 3—6, 6 4, 6—0, 6—2. Tilden America, beat Garland, America. 6—4, B—6, 6—2. In the ladies' singles semi-finals Mis* Ryan beat
      124 words
    • 178 10 The game on the S.C.C. ground yesterday between the S.C.C. Reserves and Gresham House resulted in victory for the former by 4-0. It was a one-sided affair in the first half, and Heath scored twice and Valentine once for the Club. After the interval Cullen added the fourth. Gresham
      178 words
    • 34 10 Reuter wired on June 30 Henley Regatta has been resumed after an interval of five years. The course wast thronged with spectators, and hundreds of punts helped to form a kaleidoscopic scene.
      34 words
    • 72 10 A team of Hongkong polo players, comprising the Hon. Mr. John Johnstone, Major Timmis, Capt. Beaver and Mr. J. J. Peterson, was to leave for Shanghai on July 1, to play a polo match against the Northern Settlement. Although by ao menas the best four which Hongkong earn produce,
      72 words
    • 126 10 A message of June 23 states ln the first annual British and French services! boxing tournament at Holboro Stadium to-night Britain beat France by eight matches to three. Prince Henry presented the prizes. The following are the results of the services boxing at Olympia. Bantam weights Naval Lieut, ilaynes
      126 words
  • 145 10 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report. Singapore, July 3. Silver.— sl tt. Hongkong 61 V4. Shanghai 43' i. Tin.— Buyers at 132%. Share Report. Tin section more actives Rubbers weak. Rubbers.— Buyers ot Jimahs at 2.4214, Ulu Pandans at 2.10, Bukit Jelotongs UOc. Kuala Sidims at 3.70, Ayer
    145 words
  • 77 10 An amazing mystery drama of a yomf millionaire who gambled with destiny, entitled A Game with Fate, the Vitagraph'sj master feature, with Harry Morey and Betty Blythe, is being screened at the Liberty Hall in the first show along with 2-reel L-Ko comedy. In the second show. Carmel
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  • 32 10 The death has occurred at Perth of m native woman named Polly, whose age is stated to be 113. She is believed to have been the oldest aborigine in West Australia. W
    32 words
  • 41 10 The flood damage at Louth is estimated at a quarter of a million. Over 700 are homeless. The river rose ten foot in 40* minutes and swept through the town at 20 miles an hour. About a 1,000 houses wen damaged.
    41 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 138 10 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc.. for week end ing Saturday, July 10, 1920. Saturday, July 3. S.R.E.V. Rifle Club, Bal. Range, 2.30 p.m. Sunday, July 4. Eurasian Co. Rifle Club, Bal. Range 7.30 a.m. Saturday, July 10. Eurasian Co. Rifle Club, Bal. Range 2.30 pjn. R. SMITH, 2nd
      138 words

  • 1396 11 Large Increase in the Net Profit. The seventh ordinary general mfetiug of F.M.B. Rubber Planters Bsiates, Limited, wu beld on May 31 last at the rvKistetei offloe of tbe ootopany, 18, Philpol Lino, E 0 Mf. J A, Ma3(jrtf<o» (cbtitmsn ol the com ■any), piesidiag. Tbe Chairman
    1,396 words
  • 419 11 THE SPEEDONIA BLAZE Thrilling Fight with Fire At Sea. The Loreaao Marquee, correspondent of Tbe Times, writing oa April 17, aaya The font masted sailing vest el Saeedoaia, witb 1.003,000 gallons of oil on board, waa towed iato tbia port laat aigbt, her arrival marking tbe termination of oae of
    419 words
  • 538 11 Tbe Battleship Renown at Work An Play. The special oonesf ondea* of tbe Moraiag Pott ttowd of H.M.d. Beaowa seal the following report oa Apiil 11 It ib wiihia a day of one month tiaoe we lett Portsmouth. We hare ooreted 10,000 aaalioal mile* ia Mmetbiag o»e» fife
    538 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 221 11 8. MOUTRIE and CO., LTD. (laoorporatad is Hoagkoasj beg to announce that having recently augmented their Tuning Staff, they are prepared to undertake tuning contracts at special rates. All tunings will be done by HIGHLY EFFICIENT EUROPEANS ONLY and satisfaction will be guaranteed. All orders will have our prompt attention.
      221 words
      273 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 147 12 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 and 109, Market Street' HIGHLY EFFICIENT IN THE EXECUTION OF ESTATE, SHIP AND MAIL ORDERS QUALITY ASSURKD PRICES MODERATE AIR-FLOAT AND The Peace-Ti J|M|fi that make the WHOLE fflHI HAPPY. M.% sail Dispensaries and Otores CONNELJL BROS. CO.. 61ng»por« laoovuotsred in D ii.| Sola Agents ARISAKA'ft
      147 words
    • 875 12 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of July 7, 1920, for the following works 1. Additions to Laundry at the General Hospital. 2. Conversion of roof of Kitchens at Labrador Villa into a tiled roof including repairs to floor. 3. Conversion of
      875 words
    • 961 12 ■ORB ABOUT QUEEN ELIZABETH. An American's Lecture ii Her Defence. Ia bis oonoludiay h olare oa Ibe private abuaotfr of Queen BlEsbeth, at the Royal Isttitut'ot, Dr. Frederick Obamberlla, tbe Anaerioaa historian, made a esrefullyreasoa ed deteaoe of tbe Q ieea against ber maay ttidooert. 11 In this lecture," said
      961 words
    • 197 12 I C LE VeSWI HMAILYjjie |1 THE ENEMY OF G!IEASt /ng^BS U '»yj'. Makes hands Snow-waita uu;t<u> y wt^t <hr& Splendid for Motorists and Mi\'{-li Bast for washing op Greasy EaMlaw'J^iytFg»'--itf K .vVi-t'.....-yMi-.-.a!i Plataa, ate. ObUinable from K Cleaning and whitening Kit- m Messrs. Guan Chin Hong Oa. cha. Table*
      197 words

  • 635 13 Views of Dr. Bns Vat-sen on Its Renewal Dr. Stu Yateea has T«j definite ideas .about .Lj üße*ai of the Anglo Japaaeee AliiaftM, rB4 W Joee 10 be apoie wj bitoaßly on the m v ject to a repaetxntatiTe of tte NC. D»ilj N urn, He U opposed
    635 words
  • 542 13 The Need for Farms io Differeet Parts of Ce>lon. Tbe ever in-sreasing demand for sgriool tniai tnllt, tbe immiaest poseibnKy of a meat Umine in C jloa. aal tiio steady d em M.J lot fre^h milk and loe^y-pfjdaoed baiter, pays tbe Tim.B if (J.yDo, ar e all ooinoioinK
    542 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 105 13 WHITEAWAY'S NEW STOCKS LADIES' UNDERWEAR JUST RECEIVED FIRF VILUF IN J^^f LADIFB' NAIKSCOKCHEMiIE /4L /v NI6HTORESI Exact to sketch MadiToHam trimaaed Val i»C9 J^*^f^ exa"-t to sketch lmts '/^v iw V neok trimmed rice $8.50 \WA I l2[ Vai U« c o.s. size *e.oo Price 12 -*o LADIES' NAINSOOK CAMISOLE
      105 words
    • 346 13 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY /^aißß^isaEsiisi^E^ Cab be had of slightly used \Jr J If^i W^%M^n Make a Note "THE PRACTICAL CAB" 'VwMfrV Al^ FWe-Seater touring- body. AllltPk &>W I" t\ si sss I W% t% Only limited number available. '"'fltW- t» V^ 1 I II W IB I I M Tht first
      346 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 715 14 SALES BY AUCTION AUCTION SALE OF 800 BAGS SHANGHAI WHEAT FLOUR BATTLKSHIP BRAND (in good condition) at our saleroom. No. 30. Kling Street, on Monday, July 6, at 11 a.m. Sample now on view at our saleroom. Bulk can be seen at No. 69, Japan Stiect. for account of concerned.
      715 words
    • 551 14 SALES IV AUCTION SPECIAL NOTIFICATION HOLLAND PARK (OLD PANDAN) riie nad«*si>Tied haTs receive hutro^isßt 13 die* Iff na'e ay puelia ateiloa laa oarl j ■»ro a* their Mle ro:>tri«, BaJßai Chunlftß tfafflet! Place, Ftftrea freehold fccih*>*« sites Mdtaale lot liuopeaa aaagaiown. The aitM Me hieb. ry aad hcaiahy, wilh a
      551 words
    • 537 14 Aneti »Ter IMN,tN B.C, Assurance in force over $15,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (Incorporated lr Strait* B.ttl.m.nt.) ■BAD OFFICai Wlaiaaataf atagaaaM. LONDON OFFICE i 12, Old Jewry, E.C. Th. Compaay Ua BMW aaa»attaa vita tas hum Cjart Kaglaad a*d Muplles with th* Brltl.h Life Assurance Companies Act
      537 words
    • 406 14 BANKIIiQ THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED 0 (Incorporated la Japan) Capital Subscribed TIOO.OOO,** Capital Paid Up T «1,000,0« Reserve Fund T 44,000,0W President, N. Kajiwara, Esq. Vice-President, S. Sutuki, Esq. DIRECTORS t R. Ichinomiya, Esq. K. Morimnra, Em K Kodama, Esq. M. Mitsui, Esq. T. Yomakava, Esq. M. Odagiri, Eaq.
      406 words
    • 552 14 BAWKiWG THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in th* Strait* Settlements) Head Offlce SINGAPORE, CS, KLING STREET. Tel. No. 1655 Branca PENANG. 14, BEACH STREET Agencies IPOH AND DELI Capital t Authorise* 120,000,00* Issued 10,B00,0(K Paid-up 6.250.00 C Reserve Liability of Shareholder* 8.250.0 M Board of Director* Th* Hon. Dr. Lim
      552 words
    • 577 14 BAWKIWG BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE DE CHINE, Authorised Capital Frs. 280,000,00* Subscribed Capital Frs. 160,000.000 Paid-up Capital Fn. 76,000,000 (1/8 of the Capital subscribed by taGovernment of th* Chinese Republic) Chairman of th* Board of Directors i Andre Bertheiot General Manager A. J. Persott* HEAD OFFICE 74, Roe Saint Laiare, Paris BRANCHES
      577 words

  • 751 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Flats and Flying. The aerial reootd from Home to Turin bae beet biokda by Lieut Btaak P»p», the pUot of the bi«h epce 1 A R F. bipUoe equipped with a 760 bp, 13 oylinder Fiat engine Starting ttom tue Miraflori
    751 words
  • 273 15 Extensive Scheme (o Apply To Territorials. The Army Sports Uontiol Board, which hsa done so moon to cr tniee on Bjß'e.tistic mm games fji the Ni.y, A uny, ud Ait Force, ia now turning its attention to tbe Icintorial Force nhiob ij in crooess of le ooDßUootioe.
    273 words
  • 25 15 The Governor of French India, with his private secretary, Monsieur Barbier, left Pondicherry on tour to the French Settlement of Mahe, on the Malabar Coast.
    25 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 103 15 AND THE LITTLE FORD Shall laid fiom It's first In sales— first In eoonomy -aad flrat in tha esteem of those who love safety, surety aad oo nfort— bepause of its wonderful simplicity, strength an* lightness. Is is vis In SALES S£RVM£ SATISFACTION THEFORJJ3QN TfiACrOH THS. FORD ONE-TON TRUCSK Wf
      103 words
    • 384 15 TYPEWRITING BUREAU BURLINGTON HOUSE Coleman Street. IF YOU WANT RUBBER ESTATES BUNGALOWS TOWN LANDS SHOP-HOUSES AND MOTOR CARS Please apply to THE MALAYAN TRADING AGENCY, 12A and B, Change Alley, Singapore. i-NASAL CATARRH^ I EVERY form of Nasal Catarrh, Head I I fc Cold, Influenza, Hay Fever, dry- C I
      384 words
    • 178 15 One of the biggest items in the up-keep of a car is tyres, and cf no it*m in it more true that the best is altimat-ly the cheapest. But all tyres must b«» weed intelligently to get the beet out of them «.peci*l y inipor ant in these days of
      178 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      477 words
    • 933 16 OASSIFB ADVIRTMMENTS^ The rKCPAID charges fer Waota, For Sale, To Let, ate- la ordinary clo.s eat type (average aix words to line) are t— Par Una one Insertion 28 cts., two Ins. 46 rti three ins. 64 ets, four Ins. 82 cts, five Ins. $1.00, six ins. $1.18, ton ins.
      933 words
    • 882 16 MOTOR VEHICLES FOR SALE, one Harley-Davidson side-car, price $200, F.O.R. No offers. Apply 645, Straits Times. WANTED TWO— THREE SEATER, fourcylinder ear. Good condition, reasonable price^ Particulars to 686,_Stralts Times. FOR SALE, single-cylinder Barley Davidson, new engine, first-class order, nearest offerJJOO. Apply 646. Straits Times. FOR SALE, Hupmobile, 1917 model,
      882 words
    • 979 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE, Strohmenger upright piano. On v s ew at Messrs. Moutrie and Co.'s premises. FOUR CHRONOMETERS and three Engineroom indicators for sale. Apply Chronr, Straits Times. WHAT OFFER T 800 shares ($1) The Chinese Directory and Press, Limited. Apply 628, Straits Times FOR SALE, ONE AUSTRALIAN
      979 words
    • 477 16 LAND AND HOUSES FOR SALE, housa No. 27, Paya Lebar Road, corner of Macpherson Road, area about 101,000 sq. ft., fully planted with rubber trees. Apply to Tan Lian Cheng, 25A South Canal Road. TO LET FURNISHED, bungalow No. 68 Tanjong Rhu, next to the Swimming Club. Excellent sea-side residence
      477 words
    • 171 16 Straits Motorcar Service Limited (Incorporated in Singapore) 114 to 216, ORCHARD ROAD. LORRIES AND .—-a.;- a: OARS HIRED REPAIRED SECOND-HAND CABS FDR SALB Overland S-seater $2,250 Chevrolet S-seater 2,25* Empire 5-neater Overland 5-seatar 2.2 M If you wish to sell any, consult us. Phonel233 GOOD WINE NEEDS NO BUSH NEITHSss
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 306 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General 68 Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Offlce 1244 All communications relsting to editorial matters and news should b* addressed to THE EDITOR. All communication* relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, ments, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc, should be addressed to Till MANAGER.
      306 words