The Straits Times, 29 June 1920

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times NO. 26,369 SINGAPORE, TUESDAYJJUNE 29, 1920 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 211 1 Price now CARZOLEUM WOOD-PR dVATIVB for tho treatment of all kind* o" K O ft timber In order to prevpi.t ih« rarages of White Ant«, Oi*y-Rut, Teredo and Deoay. OARZOLEUM «n aW inraiuabie for treat nenl of all kinds of TreeDiseases. DIRECTIONS: FOR TIMBER— AppIy Careolenm hot (net boilibg) with
      211 words
    • 206 1 ptOBINSON CO., LTD. (Imootpo rated U iba Strait? SetUemcata) bIEW HUDS« LUXE j Lightweight, 21 h.p. two-speed Motor fycle Fine tw -stroke engine, main crankshaft mire of Chrome nickel etee\ reife;t lubrioation, C. A. V, magiiftto spenil spraf type carburetter, Lodge plug, tranemifeion Ifeby Renolde chsin and Dunlon be Carved
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    • 3 1 o tg STERILISED
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  • 1017 2 Reasons for Nou-Ptyment Of Dlvldecd. Tbe anaatl erneral meeting of the share holden ia tbe Sonawang Rabbet Estates Co., Ltd., was held ea Joae 9at Shanghai when Mr. O eiayrigge presided, •apportad by Mjsvi. B. T. Byrne, A. K Oraddook, and B. S. Kiioorie, direotors, aad Mr. 0.
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  • 82 2 The Buik of Bnglaad, wbiefa there in talk ol rebaiidinp, enaati uuosk its: distiaotioas, soooidioß to the Morning Pos l the lathes' sti»rg-i one of beiag the oaty oalieeneed pieaaiscs in Loxfoa with the. tight to btew scd tell beer. This ptiuilrge wh allowed the B»Lk
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 301 2 IB t£&£ 3 t M MOTOROKCY.LEO\TAU>CU,^K: M f^L^ 1 ir vcj »BE Ut r pid.m. ctcust H ortt LKTTE* nOUJT? COVfNTWV. KKfiLAr.D. .J--IHAN A i«to^- --3S^V ~^^J^ Agents UNITED ENGINEERS, Ltd.. Singapore GOH TAIK CHEE SONS. Jl. Beach Street, Peaaag HSME, DARBY ft Co, (For Pedal Cycle*) Singapore T. S.
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    • 290 2 Anoint Irritations With Soothing Culircra First hatlic willi Cuticura Soap and Jiia water. These sur<?r-C;'ea:..y emollients not only soothe, hit in most cases heal annoy iru rasher, irritations, eczemas, elc. Nothingsoin-" s;ircs a clear s!.in and goixi hair as making Cuticura Soap and Ointment your every-diy toilet prep^r So.p 1...
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    • 975 2 ESTATE OF THE LATE SULTAN IDRIS. SALE OF MINING LANDS Uadex instructions from the Trastee, tie aaderslgaed will aell by Axttssi Urn Mh*a«j Lands srhedaled below, at THE TOWN HALL, IPOH On Friday, July 16, 1920, at 10.30 a.m. If unfinished, the sale will be continued on the following day
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  • 1103 3 First Dividend for Twenty-One Years. The 21st annual general meeting of the British Borneo Development Company, Limited, was held on May 26 at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C., Mr. William James CottereU (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Ladies and gentlemen, with your permission
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 403 3 LINIt liUSte Prepared solely from pure Lime Juice and the finest refined sugar. THE STANDARD FOR PURITY and EXCELLENCE. Insist on having ROf^T' A 61EAN TOITH NEVER DECAYS OHNTSHI DMNTAL DISPHNSABT IM-S, Orchard Road H. OHNISHI, DJ).S. Tokyo Dental College. T. OHMOKI. D J>.S. Tokyo Dental CoUege. ■ABU ADDBBSBI BBOADSASSB
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    • 366 3 M. EZEKIEL Wholcule and Retail Optician* will supply you with the best spectacle* yon need. AT O, HIGH STREET Europe Hotel Building MINERAL COLZA OIL Beit for Ught-honaea, Bankers, Ships, KmUwaym, and Signal Ughts of all kinds. SOON TECK CO. 68, Market Str»«t. Tel. 1111. __TBADE CONDITIONS CHANGING Tfce time
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    • 167 3 GREEN ISLAND -CEMENT CO LTD (IneerperaUa In Honckonc) Head O*c. ana W«rt» I HONGKONG Dependability mmAllt BBAND CKMKNT has been ued for all dwcnptlons el werk. 4«-i aa4 reaerretra, tnavava, harbour works, hwb foanaattons, (ortMeaUoaa. ate- I fa* East, ana It has eTerjfAere given entire satUtaeti.m. TeUtxaphle address GREENLAND, SINGATORJ
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 779 4 STEAMER SAILIMS P. 0. -British India AHD Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 9. N. CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) The Company's MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY are at ptiast rntweadsd LONDON FAB-BASTEBN SKBVKT FBOM LONDON TO MARSEILLES ft LONDON Dae
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    • 486 4 STEAMER SAIUNIS PRINCE LINE UNITED, (Incorporated in England) FAR EAST SERVICE FOR NEW YORK SLAVIC PRINCE (via Panama) In port MONGOLIAN PRINCE about Ist half Sept. CELTIC PRINCE about Ist half Oct. For all information apply to ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO, LTD. (Incorporated in England) Agenta. THE BEN LINE STEAMERS, LIMITED
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    • 256 4 STEAMER SAHJiM THE EASTERN SHIPPINI COMPANT, LIMITED (IneorporaUd In Straito SettlemraU) This time table la subject to atterattea without farther notice. Steamer aalUng from Singapore PIN SENG— Every Tuesday, at t pja, for Port Swetunham and Penang. From Malacca to Hlngana— From Penaag to Mealsaaln (Train Joorn.y from Moulmela to
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    • 415 4 STttHER SAIURIS 0. t K. TKI OSAKA SHOSHN KAHHA LTD. (Inaorpersted la Japaa) Na. t. Do Bomta Street Prints* SelHage from MagiHH (flubjeet to change wttheat aetUo] FOB POST SAID, MIKSBTLLma, LONDON. ANTWERP, BOTTBBDAa AJfD BAMBTJBS HIMALAYA MABU mtM. July ALPS MARU mid. Sept. FOB IfBW TOBK (via Panama Canal)
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    • 430 4 NIPPON YIMN KAISHA (Incorporated la Japaa) Under Mall Ontraet with the Itmji M Japtaeae Bavarnmaal, Subject to alUratiana without aetUe. EUROPEAN HAIL LTNB Fortnightly Service Far Leaden, Antwerp tin (Malacca) "nil. Colombo, Sees, Part Said and MareaUma, INABA MARU July t J KAMO MARU Juiy 17 IYO MARU Juiy 3ft
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 515 5 STEAMER SAILINGS HENDERSON LINE as. Bhame sailing from Rangoon on July IS, for Port Said and Liverpool. A few passages' available. Apply PATERSON, SIMONS A CO., LTD, DODWELL LINE (Incorporated in England. FOB NEW TOBK DIRECT LOWTHER CASTLE loading Ist half July for freight, please apply to PATERSON, SIMONS CO,
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    • 502 5 STEAMER SAILINGS ii RAJAH OF SARAWAK— FOR FREMA.NTI.E The fcbove steamer will be despatched for j Fremantle via Bandjermassin and Sourabaya I on or about 25th inst., taking cargo for all I three ports. Cargo will also be accepted for Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney with tran- shipment at FreWantle. I
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    • 919 5 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION Tenders will t* received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, op to noon of July 7, 1920, for the following works 1. Addition's to Laundry at the General Hospital. 2. Conversion of roof of Kitchen* at Labrador Villa into a tiled roof including repairs to floor. 8. Conversion of
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    • 873 5 UNITED SERVICES GREAT WAR ASSOCIATION OF MALAYA In pursuance of the resolution passed at a Meeting of Ex-service men held' at the Selangor Club on the 7th day of February 1920, this Association has now been formed and applications for membership may be received. Applicntion forms may be obtain- ed
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    • 489 5 FOR PRINCES AND RICH MEN ONLI THE ROYAL YAKUT. (ANANG VILAS). I This Yakntl or life-giving nectar has beer prepsred from the best, choicest and riches) vegetable drugs. It has a wonderful property of increasing the virile power and rectifies all urinary disorders. In fact, it makes mar a man.
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    • 527 5 ALEXANDRA RUBBER TREATING 1. Large supply of water and used oary once. 2. Customers have faeHltls* of supervising their work if wanted. No objection to customers servants at factory. 8. Our finished rubber gets better prices. 4. We guarantee our work to be of tba very best. 6. We can
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 568 6 wiaut ALHAMBRA From Friday, June SS to Wednetday, June 30 A BPBOIAL GOLDWYJJ PRODUCTION Presenting tbe well-known MABBL NORMAND in oompany with TOM MOORB in a charming story teeming with interest and with an element of suspense that grips the attention throughout ita entice portrayal DODGING A MILLION In •■van
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    • 225 6 ej L. C. Smith Typewriter "Silent Modal" THE BUPERIOR MACHINE Because it ia silent In operation. Think ot what this means in nerve saving I Beeanse it has a Decimal Tabulator, which saves time, ami insures accuracy in billing: and writing of figures in columns. Because the ball-bearing type bars
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  • 127 7 FIXTURES. Tuesday, June 29. High Water, 10.1 a.m., 9.15 p.m. The Quaints, Vie Theatre, 9.16 pja. Wednesday, June 30 High Water, 10.42 a.m., 9.52 p.m. Sandycroft Rubber Mtg., barker's noon I.o<l»;e Ailsa Regular 9 p.m. The Quaints, Vie. Theatre, 9.16 p.m. Thursday, July 1. Hiph Wnter, 11.16
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    • 113 7 TaIUOHQ PIQAI ■tat Wiut Baum.— Shrimp, D»endel<Mv»cca. B.« »V«Amf.-ObMio(s«, MaUjt, B.lej S 'MM 'VSABF iUllt AMD VIOTOBU Dei boss AeUoKor <a-i A n*»r TonlU, Ktmooior, H M.B Vjiom.t, f n'nm M»ru, (A de la Tonr. <«nu i>oc* U>ipbcDK. Heira, ftisi. M».a, ■afal* Ports id Mmo. J.KDINI*
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    • 129 7 Bemeralda, Brit (0 tons, from B*r«i 28/8 to/ b..».i r(,6 Ipoti, Brit., 62 i tons, from PenaDg 38/6, lo* Pco»n. 80 6. Medi»v But., 828 tons, from Dili 28/0, tot Deli 8 i>i,w»t-«. Brit, 8400 toa«, f/tm B:mb*v li Shin^h.i m/S. Ueim,, 768 tone, from Ujtnbij 28/0,
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  • 185 7 T«DAf Pil»o B»mba g.|r p PaM Uiet-o« a pu Maiaooa tad Mom t p: S%i«oe 4 [m Etkio, Anamba, N, Jiiainh Seraaaan 4pi rtnnxkoug, Atnoy and Swatow 4 l CaJoatta 4 (a Waoraaoat. PoUa Soegl 9 m Oaeo* w vi Palku B»l*m »>d Pal»o Balaar 9 ml
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  • 33 7 (OfloUi PMt Jffl3> Ba«3n in gnttniu Aimrtaa L»»-«-My i JiBB 1 M«y JiDfl 9 M«t 1> Ja 10 M*t 30 June IS May in Jane IT Ms; 37 -lane S3
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  • 93 7 A Bill is to be ntroduced into the Federal Council to ectend the power* of the Planters' Loan Board by enabling it to make leans to f o-operative Societies for agricultural purj oses as well as to planters. It autho rises the Board to make loans up
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  • 134 7 f EXCHANGE i Singapore, Jane 29. 'On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 8/32 Demand 2/8 27/32 Private 3 m/s 2/4% fOn New York Demand 45 >4 Private 90 days 49ft On France Bank 635 ;On India, Bank T. T. 120 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 63% p.c. pm.
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    • 221 7 Iss. Val.Pd. Buyers. Sellers. 1C 10 Ampang 16.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.00 1.50 nom. £1 £1 Kam. Kamunting 3.0.0 3.2.6. cd. 10 10 Kinta Assoc. 7.00 8.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin t.7«nni» 1 1 Hitam Tin 2.90 3.20 cd. 1 1 Jelantoh 1.60 1.70 £1 £1 Lahat Minea
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    • 119 7 Val.Pd. Buyers. Seller*. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.10.0 4.0.0 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 12.00 13.00 5/- 5/- Electric T'wmyi 1/1 4 1 10 10 Fraser Neave 54.50 55.50 50 50 W Hammer Co. 110.00 120.00 lOOlOOKatz Bro*. 130.*****.00 U £1 Mexican Eagle 9.5.0 9.15.0 10 10 Maynard
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    • 79 7 0 En*.»4,Mt ft it*. 9m Spore Electric Tramways 6 px. fSSO.OM Mm Spore Municipal Cdj $1,878,000 5 per cent dis. par 3'pors Man. 4H p.*. of 1907 $1,000,000 II p*. If p^. *1* -"'pore Man. 4H pj. of 1909 $1,600,600 UiAllM-tt S*pore Man. «tt p*. 1909 $1,600,000 If
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    • 417 7 Frasgr and Co. and Lyall and Evatt's Qaotattoas I [Latest available Sterling Quotations are printed on another page in each Friday II lssoe.l Frmaer Ljwtt* A Co. Evatt Mm Gaiah ($1) 8.60 3.80 8.60 3.80 \m. Malay 4.10 4.30 4.20 4.50 \yerHiUm ($5) 22.50 23.50 22.50 23.50 Kuning
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 708 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE, one fire-seater De Dion Car fitted with Swift engine. For further particulars apply to 700. Strait* Timei. CONVERSATION LESSONS in English wanted hy Daniah gentleman. Please atate price, to 696, Straiti Time*. FOR SALE, two-three neater, four-cylinder Scripps Booth, 1919 model in good running order, $3,600.
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    • 475 7 1 COMMERCIAL PROFICIENCY A capable and experienced commercial teacher ihaa arrived at the Y.W.C.A and proposes to start classes at once in SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOK- KEEPING, ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1. AND BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE. Intending; students should nj.nmunieate as soon as possible with the Educational Secretary, Y.W.CA. 8, Fort Canning; hon<] >
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    • 214 7 f Viotoria Theatre r TO-NIBHT o Bnormoui Buooess Poblio opiiioa better Usn I S It QUAINTS PLAN AT MOUTRIE'3 THE INTERNATIONAL OPERA CO. Beach Road i Circus Otcoad) TO-HIQHT TO-NMHT Grand Fairy Flay f-ETSI B mm G.NCHAH will be stalled. Bookiag it Bob lit v dnia* offloe be«*. WAN CHIN,
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  • 1089 8 The Straits Times TUESDAY, JUNE 29 LABOUR RAMPAGES. There has been a Labour Conference at Scarborough and it has done some strange things. The miners section of it noted the increase of 14/- in the price of coal per ton and promptly refused to believe the figures upon which increase
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  • 34 8 The President of China has donated to the Dr. Timothy Richard Memorial Fund in recognition of his great services to China in literature. The fund is to be spent by the Christian Literature Society.
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  • 33 8 The number of poultry exported to Singapore from Kelantan in 1919 amounted to 124,931 head. The shortage of supplies in Singapore has affected the price of poultry and meat in Kelantan very seriously.
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  • 42 8 Ex-Service men who have lost a leg in the war will be permitted to travel free of charge on the tramways of Northampton, Nottingham, Oldham, Southport, and Warrington. This concession has been gained for them by the Comrades of the Great War.
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  • 56 8 Sir Oliver Lodge, who has arrived at Liverpool after his four months' psychic research tour in America, s.i<l that there was a grtat future for that science when properly organised. The people they had to fear to-day were not the sceptics so much as the over-credulous. The superstition which circled
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  • 17 8 We have received a copy of the rules of the United Services Great War Association of Malaya.
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  • 18 8 Mr. Brunei Norman is now the general superintendent of service at the Grand Hotel des Wagons Litz, Peking.
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  • 40 8 It is notified in the Gazette that the Chief Judicial Commissioner, with the concurrence of the Cmef Secretary to Government, dispenses with the sitting of the Court of Appeal appointed to be held in Kuala Lumpur on July 26, 1920.
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  • 43 8 At the inquest held yesterday over the death of Lee Ah Nic, the road sweeper who was killed by a tram, the coroner. Dr. Murray Robertson, returned a verdict of misadventure, and the driver who was under detention since the accident, was discharged.
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  • 51 8 It is understood, says a Hongkong paper, that the fourth cable line which was in course of erection between Bombay and Aden has been completed by the Eastern Telegraph Company. The cable, howevar, is not working well at present and his developed faults at some places which are being attended
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  • 50 8 The Port Dickson correspondent of the Malayan Leader telegraphs to that paper that in the case of coolie registration by Mr. Handover against Mr. Chas. Champion of Sungei Chuah judgment was delivered. The Magistrate convicted the accused and find him $190 or $10 for each of the 19 unregistered coolies."
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  • 69 8 The carpenters at Shanghai have been on strike for an increase of 15 cents a day in their wages, giving as their reason the high cost of rice and other commodities. Some of the cabinet makers employed by Hall and Holtz, Ltd., Weeks and Co., Arts and Crafts and Tai
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  • 74 8 The head boy of a local hotel was arrested last night for being in possession of 290 counterfeit ten cent notes. The case came up in the third court this morning, and was postponed for a week for mention. Bail was fixed in $2,000. A Chinese was also arrested by
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  • 72 8 Of all devices to speed up production that introduced by a laundry at Bath is the most curious. A gramophone has been installed, and to the latest popular ditties the girls scrub and iron with an added zest, which is producing great satisfacion to the management. It has been found
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  • 76 8 An ingenious statistician has calculated that it takes 7,000 lb. of pure gold each year to make the wedding rings for English brides, comments Globetrotter in the Globe. It is interesting to take the calculations a step further. Taking the average weight of a wedding ring at uoz. and the
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  • 79 8 An experienced commercial teacher has just arrived at the Y.W.CA. from London. This lady has worked for several years in commercial educational circles in that city she will now commence classes in shorthand, typewriting, English correspondence and book Keeping. She should be a great acquisition and commercial firms might do
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  • 100 8 The Commissioner of Police at Calcutta received an extraordinary letter on June 11, signed by a man giving the name of Patrie, stating that, while insane, the writer had killed three of his children and asking that the prison van should be sent to a house in Waterloo Street to
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  • 94 8 A camp to accommodate 5,000 of the Boy Scouts who will attend the Scout Jamboree at Olympia (to which reference was made in a recent cable) from June 30 to August 8, will be pitched in the Old Deer Park, Richmond. The site, which will be on the Eighty-Seven Acres,
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  • 104 8 A report for the publication of which permission has now been £iven, shows that the recent wedding of Prince Vi of Korea cfnd Princess Masako Nashimoto, which was marked by an Imperial amnesty to hundreds of Korean political prisoners, plight have been marked by a great tragedy. Shortly before the
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  • 121 8 Attired in civilian cloches, the Rev. James Atherton Sinclair, 27, late pastor at the Adlington Congregational Church, entered the dock at Chorley, and smilingly greeted a crowded court. A large number of accused's congregation were present. Sinclair appeared to answer a charge of obtaining from Captain Herbert Corner a banker's
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  • 476 8 Reuter cables that the Countess of Dudley was drowned while bathing at Rosmuck, Connemara, on Saturday. Among the arrivals from home by the Pyrrhus was Mr. R. F. M. Johnson, of Dunlop Plantations, Malacca, who was accompanied by Mrs. Johnson. The wedding of Mr. S. S. Turner
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  • 52 8 Captain Can oil is due to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore to-iky, leaving at one o'clock and being expected to land on the Race Course at four. En route he will give stunts over Kajai.<r and Seremban and will also drop a message in Government
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  • 58 8 In the matter of the application made by Mr. L. E. Gaunt, on behalf of Tan Cheok, who was fined $10,000 by Mr. Lang-ham Carter for being concerned in the importation of npi— i anil chandu in January last, Mr. Justice Banfcfct Lennard in the Supreme
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  • 94 8 During the recent visit to Singapore) of the Penang Mutual Improvement Association's Chinese amateur dramatic party $16,000 was realised at the Victoria Theatre and $35,000 at the Chinese Theatre. Two-thirds of the former sum and half the latter were given to the Raffles College fund.
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  • 263 8 A wedding of considerable local interest was quitely solemnised at St. Andrew* Cathedral on Thursday, June 24, at noon when Mr. J. E. Kempe of the F.MJ3. Civil Service, at present District Officer at Pekan in Pahang was married to Mia* Francis Brown, sister
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 140 8 BRITISH ALUMINIUM WARE MRW «BIi?MIMT JOBTUNPaCIHD K'TflE FITPAN 80. »».9 > > «3 r H.TB'iiiHl »B ft. UuirVN MO GOVER L'PPEO 84UCEPAN AND GOVEI lDi»»«'.tO i pia. f BO 1 piai Liioo ft. BO yial pnoe S«.«B I 5.38 ft S9O 8 880 4 820 pa« » ALUMINUM I M
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    • 156 8 SELECT SUBJECT AND BIG FEATURES AT SINGAPORE'S MODERN PICTURE THEATRES (Taa Chenf Kee ft Co, Ltd, Proprietors) ALHAMBRA DODGING A MILLION T PARTS I PARTS Featuring Mabel Normand and Tom Moore. Removal of the body of the late Crown Prince of Slam taken by Pathe Frerei, etc THE SCARLET VIRGIN
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  • 633 9 Situation in Eastern Area. Mr. Smuts on the League Of Nations. Reuteb Telegrams. London, June 25. Paris In the Chamber in the course of a debate on foreign affairs, M. Millennd drnii-d any change in the government's policy in Syria, but acid action trust be proportionate to
    Reuter  -  633 words
  • 273 9 Reuter Telegram. London, June, 26. San Francisco The representatives of the organisation Frirvto of Irish Freedom, which intended to urge a plank in the Democratic platform regarding Ireland, have decided to abandon the idea in view of the activities of Valera and Irish sympathisers. The announcement is
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 136 9 Reuteb Telegrams. London, June 27. Rom* Following revolutionary propaganda a battalion of Bersaglieri mutinied at Ancona, and arrested its officers. The men then entrenched themselves in the barrack grounds with armoured ears. The loyaa garrison surrounded the barracks, counter-entrenching. The town is in a panic. Houses are barricaded
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  • 132 9 Reuteb Telegram. London, June 23. Bagdad It is officially stated that the Imperial authorities anticipate that the British mandate for Mesopotamia will lay on them responsibility for the maintenance of internal peace and external security and require them to formulate organic law framed in consultation with the people of
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  • 73 9 Reuteb Telegram. London, June 28. The Daily Express publishes the outline of an elaborate scheme to establish a King's House as a memorial to those who died in the war. The scheme consists of the establishment of a vast bureau in one of the new Government buildings at
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  • 294 9 Rebels Capture General Lucas. Situation at Londonderry Improves Reuter Telegrams. London, July 28. Sinn Fcvners have captured BrigadierGeneral Lucas and two officers at Ferrooy. The other officers have returned to Fermoy, but the whereabouts of Brig.-General Lucas are unknown. Later Brig.-General Lucas's companions were Colonel Danford and Colonel
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  • 89 9 Reltxb Telegram. London, July 27. The report of the advisory committee on civil aviation says that as regards the development of imperial air routes concentration must be made on one route, namely Egypt to India. It recommends direct state assistance to companies operating over foreign routes, limited to a
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  • 83 9 Reutei Telegram.' London, June 26. Sydney The Prince of Wales' visit to New South Wales concluded yesterday. A noticeable feature of the tour was the enthusiasm of workmen, who, on the Prince's departure for Western Australia, shouted, Good-bye, Ted. Have a good time." Prior to his departure
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  • 169 9 The annual report for the past year of the Commewal Union Assurance Co., Ltd., again shows a remarkable increase in the figures from all departments. The Fire account shows an increase of £770,000 in premiums, Accident £753,000 and Marine £35,000. The Life Department yielded an addition
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  • 700 9 Seventeen Knights of The Bath Installed. Those who were privileged to witness the installation of the 17 Knights of the Order of the Bath at Westminster Abbej (which took place in the middle of May) must have been struck with the traditional continuity in perfect detail of
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  • 347 9 The Comments of the Provincial Judge. We have already briefly reported that W. N. Haigh, who was recently appointed Secretary of the Hankow Race Culb, was sentenced to three months' hard labour for forging certain cash sweep prize tickets. Mr. C. A. Kirke, Acting Provincial Judge,
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  • 1646 9 Malayan Collieries and The Railway. We take the following fron. the Malay Mail We published in our issue of Jane 10 a copy of a communication which we were told was being prepared and would be issued to all the larger customers of the Malayan Collieries.
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  • 416 9 Time-Keeping Tests on Aeroplane Trials. The use of wireless time-sigtfals a* a method of measuring longitude values has called forth efforts on the part of chronometer manufacturers to raise their standard of accuracy. Mr. Paul Ditisheim, a Swiss expert, is arranging a series of trials in which,
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  • 50 9 Are you the defendant asked the clerk in a court-room, speaking to an old man. No, boss," was the reply I ain't done nothing to be called names like that. I'se got a lawyer here who does the defending." Then who are you "I'se the gentleman wat stole the chickens."
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    • 221 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, May I crave the courtesy of your columns to make a few observations on your leader of May 21 last You doubt whether France has much pleasure in the acquisition of Cilicia, for she has plenty on her hands elsewhere. Now,
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    • 671 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—With reference to your appeal for signatures to the petition against the Defence Force Ordinance, and Compulsory Service in this Colony, inaugurated at the in-tance of Mr. C. W. Darbishire, and in response to his letter from London, it seems to me
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    • 218 10 [Mr. Brown is both unfair and illogical. A public meeting passed a resolutior against the Defence Force Bill, preferring a line of policy which preserved volunteer ing for all who wish purely military seriyce under military control, and sanctionim compulsory service under civil control for exclusively local defence. The Leirislntiv
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  • 784 10 Considerable Business at Kuala Lumpur. Messrs. Baker, Fearon and Co., Kuala Lumpur, report, under date June 25, as follows Business during the last week has been a continuation of the conditions contained in our last report and a considerable volume of transactions falls to be recorded. The
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  • 143 10 At Butterworth Police Court on June 23. says before Mr. A. V. Aston, Magistrate, the manager of Ayer Melintas Estate, Province Wellesley, was charged under the Crimping Ordinance of 1896 with retaining in his service three Indian coolies belonging to MalakotT Estate after he had received
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  • 501 10 Successful Opening Performance Last Night. There was no doubt about the instant success of the Quaints at the Victoria Iheatre last night. A large audience took about two minutes to decide that it liked the show and then settled down to an evening of undiluted enjoyment, loudly applauuing
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  • 99 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 28. A number of Chinese dealers have intimated to European firms their ability to meet only a proportion of current accounts until trade improves. The Kamunting Tin Dredging dividend is a shilling on fully paid and sixpence on partly paid, shares, tax
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  • 165 10 A deputation of the society for the Prevention of Venereal Disease consisting of Lord Willoughby de Broke, Sir W. Arbuthnot Lane, Sir James ChristonBrowne, Mr. Athelstan Rendall, M.P., Mr. W. Wansey Bayly, Miss Norah March, Dr. Jane L. Hawthorne, Dr. A. M earns Fraser,
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  • 228 10 Mrs. Lazaro, living temporarily in Singapore, on her way to Penang from Bangkok, charged her Siamese amah before the second magistrate yesterday for leaving her service without giving a month's notice. The facts, according to the prosecution, are that Mrs. Lazaro •ngaged the amah at Bangkok
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  • 604 10 Position of Property at Close Of Year. The fifteenth report of the directors of Sandycroft Rubber Co., to the shareholders states Gentlemen, your directors beg to submit a duly audited statement of accounts for the twelve months ended January 31 last. Uhe net profit for the period
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  • 329 10 shl^LiH venth nu general meeting of shareholders of the Dispensary (Penang) Limited, was held at the registered office* > f t^e company, 3, Weld Quay, Penang on Saturday, reports the Straits Ecnf ihere were present Messrs. G. N Save MrTV"r kM Chalmers (C S.), and vl'Ji' a J
    329 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 825 10 Staffords' First Defeat The Staffords had their unbeaten soccer record spoilt for them when they visited the S.C.C. ground yesterday, the Club winnii.g a good game by 3—l. Thus the honours are even between the teams after .hree meetings a win each and
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    • 50 10 The Vade Cup at the Singapore Golf ~lub has been won by Mr. F. S. Gibson who beat Mr. W. R. Forde in the final by 2 and 1. The July Medal (Bogey play) will be played on Saturday and Sunday, and the Ladies July Spoon competition on Monday.
      50 words
    • 30 10 A Reuter message from Auteuil states that "Iroytoun, winner of the Grant National, running in the Prixdes Drags, broke a leg and had to be destroyed.
      30 words
    • 251 10 sohn for distributing the prizes by M T. de Silva and three more for Mr. E. Tos-* sensohn brought the function to a close. The following is the list of prizewinners Championship Winner A. E. Coelho runner-up W. A. Balhetchet. A Singlts Winner A. E. Coelho run-ner-up
      251 words
    • 212 10 A further meeting is to be held at the S.C.C. this afternoon to consider arrangements for the proposed league among local football teams for the tropics which have been presented. Although last week it was decided to have a competition on league instead of knock out lines,
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    • 79 10 A Reuter message from Cleveland, Ohio, states that Battling Levinsky beat Sergt. Smith in a ten round bout. It has been stated that Levinsky is to meet Carpentier sometime in July. It >s not clear who Sergt. Smith may be unless he is the Englishman Dick Smith, who lasted
      79 words
    • 30 10 Our Penang correspondent wires ln the Cricket Club bowls championship Southam beat Wright-Motion. Southam was -also the winner of the singles handicap and in the championship pairs.
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    • 91 10 A Reuter wire of the 27th states At Wimbledon in the fourth round of the singles Tilden, America, beat Kingscote, England, 6-3, 6-7, 6-4, 5-7, 6-3. It was the most sensational singles match ever seen on the centre court owing to the sustained very hard hitting by both
      91 words
    • 27 10 A Reuter wire from Paris of June 27 says The result of the Grand Prix was 1. Comrade 2. t'mbry 3. Sourbier Fifteen ran.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 44 10 Reuter wired on June 26 Cambridge beat Sussex by ISI runs. Gloucestershire beat Essex by an innings and 56 runs. The Oxford v. Surrey match was drawn. Lancashire beat Derbyshire by nn innings and 228 runs. Nottinghamshire beat Hampshire fc» six wickets.
      44 words
  • 155 10 MacphaU awl Co.". Daily Report. Singapore, June 29. Silver. 53. Hongkong 83%. Rubber.— Market weak with July sheet transacted around 75c. Aur.-Sept 7614-77 and Oct-Dec. 82-82V4c. Tin.— Buyers 124.50. Share Report. Exceedingly quiet. Rubbers Jimahs sold 2.40 (with further buyers), Bukit Jelotongs at U6c., Ayer Moleks 3.20,
    155 words
  • 114 10 That bewitthing Carmel Myers is to be seen in her most novel production The Little White Savage, a wild tale of a wil.l woman, at the Liberty Hall in the second show along with two new chapters of Tempest Cody series, Nos. 5 and 6, in four parts.
    114 words

  • 1914 11 Prospects of tbe New Company Tbo Btatnlory general meeticg of the Seafield Kabbw Unupaay, Limited, was held ra May 18 at the oompaay'i registered offioe, 1», Lme S'.reeS E.C, Mi. John Moßwan pteßieiog. Tbe Chairman said i The real baßteeaa ol the m c' ing is ia ooaneotion
    1,914 words
  • 474 11 Tbe Building of a Beautiful City. Tbe dew Delhi, with its widt avenues and Bptsioos paike, will be a oity whiob ia giaoe md dignity ar.d beantj will oompate witb Paris and wi;b \V«Fbir.B>on. la addition, tie splendid tombs ol tbe Mogul K-Liperois aid mo Lodi dysah' bj
    474 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 134 11 8. MOUTRIE and CO., LTD. (laootforated ia Hoagkoaß) beg to announce tbat having recently augmented their Tuning Staff, they are prepared to undertake tuning contracts at special rates. All tunings will be done by HIGHLY EFFICIENT EUROPEANS ONLY and satisfaction will be guaranteed. All orders will have our prompt attention.
      134 words
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  • 2706 12 Shanghai Zionist Association HUttiig. There was a well attended meeting of members o( tbe Jewish Community of Sb«ng hat at tbe Palaos Hotel, Stjingbai, on May 18, btld nudt r the ennpioeß ol tbe ShangtuiZioaut A -uooiauor, with Mr B. S. Ktdoarie, President ol tbe Hhaaghai Zionist
    2,706 words
  • 461 12 Proposed Capitalisation Of UodiTided Profits Tbe eleventh ordinary geaeral meeting of tbe Alor Pjagra Robber Bstate, Ltd., waa held os Hi} 19, at 84, Great Winohebter Street, 80. Mr. B B. Moreaa, wbo presided, said tbat in the balaaee-sheet the eapital remained at £40,000, although tbe
    461 words
  • 307 12 Sale of tbe Property Approved. Presidiag at the meeting of the Bojoag Robber E <ia»e, Limited, oa May 18, Mr C. B. Welldon said tbat the board were aot anxious regarding (he future of this oompaay, bat the small aoreage of Bajoag and the impossibility of inereaaUg
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 197 12 Bungalows Godowns Land SINGAPORE REALTY CO S-a, Malacca Street. RJCHES DO TOD WANT TO BB Bid T If so, do not delay bnt try Mr. Chiang Kla Jin vho ia In the position «c act for yon Gentlemen, vhetaer I* •ell buy traoaaci ornate* PROPERTY sneh ai estates, landed prcptrtlee,
      197 words
    • 122 12 JOHN PLAYER SONS ENGL&ND Player's Navy Cut Cisaritks in tin of SO QfJ fJJJ, Puyeh's Navy Cut Tobacco in M lbe. tic 8 $1.20 Plaui'B Navy Cut Tobacco tot Luxe inHlb.tios $1.80 te W Henry Gardner Co -Ltd., LondonlManchester-Glas^onv •Dealers-i n-R aw Rubber 1 DO O O tZ.~ZD 2 Metall
      122 words

  • 761 13 An Experiment in Cold Storage Described. M am CB Oatomlag «ad HA H dgea eati'tiotx iti«> following article to the Agri eullu Bu-Ltia oJ (be F.M.8.: Tbe dutian it the. frail of the Dwio z bttbinoi (Halaj, da<i, thoto) tbe only apteiea wbiob aeewi to
    761 words
  • 386 13 Accorded a Hearty Reception la Melbourne. A orowd of Sftveral tbonaind;, ioolnJing leading Salvation Aimy omoers, assembled oa tbe Spencer Si'efct slati n at Melfeoarne to gftei Genual W. Bramwell Booth (Chit! ol Ibe Salvation Amj) who arrived ay the Adtlaide ezpie-a ou M«y 8. Aa tbo nain
    386 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 209 13 AIR -FLOAT AND The Peace-Tim- M that make the WHOLE W sm HAPPY. If '^'/'l Jtts mil X>lai9*T*ai««vt*>ai »nd «top«tai CONNBt/^ Br?Of3. CO., Ilagapor* I»erro»"- <* C 1 4.) *oia Aganta JUST ARRIVED Sir William Crookes' Glasses Can ba inspected at oar showrooms HEFRAI TIQHISTS 3, Raffles Place a lCaaiifactnren
      209 words
    • 109 13 HAIPHONG Jf A DRAGON \^S/ CEMENT Supplied to the S pore Municipality, Government of Johore, Malacca Municipality, F.M S. Railways and all leading architects and contractors. DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents, Singapore GANDYS-BELTING HAIR AND COTTON BBBT QUALITY AUSTRALIAN LEATHER At favourable prices THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. (Inoorporated in Entflandi -BINGIPORB,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 791 14 SALES IV AUCTION DEFAULTER'S SALE Messrs. Powell A Co., Ltd., will sell by suction on Friday, July 1020. at 11 ajn. 420 tins fish oil lying at 47, Upper Cross Street. POWELL k CO, LTD., Auctioneers. (Incorporated in Singapore) AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTIES AT EMERALD HILL ROAD AND
      791 words
    • 361 14 SALES IV AUCTION MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF THE BRITISH TONGKANG KNOWN AS ILYAS, OFFICIAL No. 2376 Registered tonnage 79 feet. Lenfrtd 77.3 feet, breadth 17.7 feet and depth 8.6 feet. As she now lies at Singapore Harbour alongside Godown No. 1, Teluk Ayer Reclamation, inside the break water, at our saleroom,
      361 words
    • 569 14 Aaacta avar ft,ftt,fft S.C Aaßurance In force over $15,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (Iseerper.t.d la Btraita SettlemenU) MEAD OFFICE I Wl ill 111 It BaaMi Magafr^ LONDON OFFICE I O, OM Jewry. EX. The Ceataaay has OHM llllrtlit with the Savreate Oeart ef laglaad and complies with
      569 words
    • 383 14 BANKINe THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED (Incorporated in Japan) Capital Subscribed Y100,000,00» Capital Paid Up V tIJOOOfIO* Reserve Fund V 44.000,00. President, N. Kajiwara, Esq. Viee-Pre.ident, S. Susuki. Esq. DIRECTORS R. lehinomiya. Esq. K. Morimura, Ese, K. Kodama, Esq. M. Mitsui, Eeq. Y. Yomakaya, Esq. M. Odagiri, Esq. Baron K.
      383 words
    • 556 14 BANKING THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated la the Straits SettlemenU) Head Office SINGAPORE, KLING STREET. TsL No. 1«W Branch I PENANG. M. BEACH STREET IPOHAND DELI Capital i Authorise* 120,000 fiM Issued 10,500,000 Paid-up 6JSO,OO< Reserve Liability of Shareholders •.ISO.OM Board of Directors I The Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng,
      556 words
    • 587 14 BANKINB BANQUE INDUSTRIES DE CHINE, Authorised CapiUl Frs. 160,000,00f Subscribed Capital Frs. 160.000,000 Paid-up Capital Frs. 76,000,000 (1/8 of the Capital subscribed by U, Government of the Chinese Republic) Chairman of the Board of Directors i Andre Berthelot General Manager t A. J. Pernotte HEAD OFFICE 74, Rue Saint Lasara,
      587 words

  • 890 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. > Motor-car Building. The world's motor-car industry is nearly in full production on a post-war scale, writes H. M. Buiut in the Morning Post. We are rapidly approaching a state of industry and trade which will b« quite unprecedented, some of
    890 words
  • 143 15 Almost unanimously the Court of Common Council of the City of I-ondon has passed a resolution condemning; the proposal to do away with 19 City churches, and calling upon the authority to withhold its sanction. Mr. A. Moore asked what people in America, in Canada and
    143 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 104 15 AND THE LITTLE FORD Shall leid tbam. It's first Inf sales— first in _,J eoocomy— aid first In the esteem of those £j who love safety, surety and go nforl— because of Us wocderful simplicity, strength an^ lightness. II leads In SALES SERVifiE SATISFACTION 'J^Hl\ f I \'M^,amm% V*a\^ v
      104 words
    • 297 15 TYPEWRITING BUREAU ACCURACY bR Bm NXATNWB 3fl DESPATCH and .^aw^t SBCRKCT :^V GUARANTEED T@HS BURLINGTON HOUSE Coleman Street. HOST POPULAR NOVELS AT JI.JO EACH By the following well-knewn authors A. Conan Doyle H. Rider Haggard Baroness Orczy Charles Garvic* Wm. Le Queux Mo rice Gerard and many others MARBOROUGH'S SELF-TAUGHT
      297 words
    • 191 15 GEORGE'S A ddream i Burlington, Go lem no St. eWB mll&ble and modern eara for hire jf^ ttontlon and prompt amrvloe gumrant end Ivo our oara a trial. 'Phoie it OS m m xperlenoed and competent ohauffeurm BNQOIRIRS: TBR MANAQRR, OBORGRB GARAGE THE BEST gPOUT IN THE MARKET C'ameron-Wilklns (Patent)
      191 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      665 words
    • 514 16 GUAN KIAT CO., LIMITED (Incorporated la StraiU Bettlementa) Head Office It, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. Telegraphic Address GUANKIAT," Codes used A.B.C. 6th Edition A Al Office 'Phone Nos. IS6I 11«2 Authorised CapiUl $200,000 Paid-up CapiUl 162,000 Building Fund 60,000 Board of Directors i Tay Gaan Kiat, Esq, Chairman On. loon Kiat,
      514 words
    • 929 16 0A33.T0 ADVroEMENTS The PREPAID charges far Wants, Far Sale, To Let, ate, la ordinary eloas-aot type (average six words to line) are I—Per1 Per line on* Insertion 28 cts., two ins. 46 eta- three ins. 64 Ma, four Ins. 82 ets., five ins. $1.00, *lx in*. $1.18, ten ins. $1.40,
      929 words
    • 878 16 MOTOR VEHICLES SACRIFICE. 6-cylinder 6-passenger ca>. For information enquire at 62 '64, Arcade. FOR SALE, one Harley-Davidson side-car, price $200, F.O.R. No offers. Apply 646, Straits Times. FOR SALE, single-cylinder Harley Davidson, new engine, first-class order, nearest offer 8700. Apply 646, Strait. Times. BUY A CAR FROM US and you
      878 words
    • 817 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, Morton, Holland Road. Entry August 1. Apply Powell A Co, Ltd., 16-18, Raffles Place. WANTED EUROPEAN COMPOUND HOUSE. Will purchase or lease. Price secondary consideration. Apply Merchant, Straits Times. WANTED to rant, furnished European house coming vacant about end of June next. Three bedrooms and
      817 words
    • 168 16 Straits Motorcar Service Limited (Incorporated in Singapore) 114 to 216, ORCHARD ROAD. LORRIES AMP OARS HIRED REPAIRED SECOND-HAND CARS FOB SALE 1 Overland 6-seatrr $2,ZM Chevrolet 6-eeater 2.25 a Empire 5-seater M*» Overland 5-seater 2,jo# If yon wish to .ell any, consult us. Phonel233 GOOD WINE NEEDS NO BUSH NEITHEB
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 303 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONES Editorial and General 68 Manager's Office nu Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be ad.lres**_ to THE EDITOR." All communication* relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounU, printing; ments, subscriptions, accounts, printing; MANAGER ld ddrel d to ADVERTISEMENT RATES
      303 words