The Straits Times, 7 October 1918

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.845 BINGAPORE. MONDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1918. PRICB 10 CENT*\
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 186 1 MILKMAID BWEETENEO CONDENSED MILK Prioe bow 120.50 pet one BEAR BRAND MILK THE MILK THAT'S WORTH ITS PRICB T* QUALITY JH/j^^Niß I ALWAYS NEVER smDEN^^^^^pHomtti MOST VARIES "BCA^BRANO EXCELLENT «YOIENIC SWISS M"-* hs Jj»«rt in its natural JwrtS «^ot •f^^'^uaWe for maintt«n»^ ImpoPtar* »to«tai hy J. inAfCnO A cvnOi LIUi
      186 words
    • 33 1 Is It "Turps" you want? Then ask for T U R nun WJ is axk E N E Pure Mineral Turpentine THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM Co. (5.8.), Ltd. (lawrpontadia fafflud) it. HILIN'B OOUBT, BINQAPOEI
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    • 126 1 ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE ALL-STEEL THE ALL-STEEL Ouaranteod Forever au«r»nt«^ Forever RALEIQH CYCLE W& RALEIGH CYCLE INOTTINGHAMI HOOIL B Olive green jJl^mm, mZml Brilliant black enamel with enamel beaaticoloured artietic J^*=?>. fully lined 'in; lines complete J^^J^\ JMnr —^v l0 u Ur f omplet with Dlated lamp, #C
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    • 3 1 GOODfiiCH > y TYBES
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  • 4 2
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  • 33 2 Ilto»llTe»yweUtotalkai»nyaboat"p*ig horn attat U» war," vi the siafS ■oho. Pmign te Europe are-end *U pnaaUy nnSa lot yean te eeae-ee Mall. FolHexpeaaiTethat only a bloated millionßre wilf be able to afford the trip.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 406 2 2 Lb. BOX 8001 BISCUIT ALW»YS FRBBH UIN Bi -H.V 4T THE BENERAI BUPPLY AGENCY O, Bi .1 «nat, 6?-41. m OfJEftiAL notfic li the epecifle tor the rpeeUV ecmnlaiat Ml ot viu*-vu atacO< i«. IrwM V 35 fyE aRIESTAL PILE OiHTHfellt i» iltes:,p iirnr-jat (o> botb i»<-nii and external
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    • 327 2 Dtafrtß. 2" 3mti sr"dK« flitl UNI DfcHTJL tbtHJU nntehai Meehaiueal Dentistry, Qo)d Jrownßndgo Fiuing and Voloaniks. uorakuw at We« QuaraoWei CHARGES MODKKATH H Tooth Powlate ar>A IRnnbr tor mlr. JAPANESE MASSAGE HALL Mo. 539. Benvoien Btreet OPBN OAli-V a a.m p.m. TelaphOlM NO. 1467 H&IBAOB AHANICURE "Fob ma Bwmxd v
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    • 351 2 ttrimM rW^UtiH? Coa2hMla>Bal ao«!S ftJiWUhfJ In IM4 Wt tteto-iM, Kff 1 1 tllie,. our mrra— 4* main ad fey roaVtirc our cuatoencra' atarast* oar tttat tin. with nTcateat cat* own daaa ott aT""*l«, eiviov oar rwimai in an the twlrantac<^« of WUJ» ri|Mii<>i)<p> and rnrtrin. th t itiir. inr-,ut beiPtr
      351 words
    • 155 2 M INSURANCE I%' W ValawW^awH lataV A^o |Alirkinds of Insurance effected f^^M j on tae most favourable terms, I •I^awawaaJ <i^B MR VILH 30RK i^H^ 8, Raffles Quay, Singapore. f^^^kl I 4mlißßßa^a^BßßWl I B. S. A. SSS •al^^Mal CYCLE A CARRIAGE CO., LTD. Inoorportted in F.M.3.) Acetic Acid 99* GUARANTEED
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  • 1074 3 STRANGE BELIEF S HELD BY THE DYAKS. Souls in the Forests. It is natural that a toopwel ooontrj, TOoh M lhi..ooTeredbjden M io»«leu«l« L oitedbT pa*in tribes aboold, uyn tbe British North Botneo Herald, fauaish oossiderable endenoe t f the existence of tree- worship, but relatively
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  • 42 3 On the recommendation ol the QorernnKnl o« India, tbe SecrtUry of State has agreed that (ivil efficer* employed in Mesopotamia in tie ei«il administration of tbe ooontr* shall te giTen the foil benefit of rales regard, ing *coai and extra jcdinaiy pensioLi,
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  • 76 3 Tie Sviw BewtTkpen UMrt that tha entue population of Germany is ■cßettßg frrn oerioor detpondcDoj. The perple we nßeiiDu fr< m Ann ricaJi nisbtmtre. i: u -ijrum pamibletH we beiDR diaiiiboted in tbe prinripai towns. These nusphlets We aru beirf) attacked by two million* of Auitnoanß. To moirow tbe two
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 444 3 Dr CassHrs Tablets Fill Yon With Strength and Energy, Brace the Nerves, and Core Heat Weakness If the hot season makes you weak and tired you need Dr. Cassell's Tablets. You would not be weak if yon were healtliy, and Dr. CasseH's Tablets can make you healthy. They make you
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    • 182 3 il. c t :h: c: p^ HYDRAULIC SOLE AND CHROME BOX HIDES Ife-nr oonsiifnmentß ot beat quality juat arrived from Australia Price i and particulars The BORNEO Go., X-*cl. laouu'OuriD i« BwMimw f9TTYOJ9¥>ORJB MADB IN ENULAND WOOD MILNE TYRES 0 PNEUMATICS SOLIDS B| M FOOT PUMPS aViWala) IQUiBE TMEAB SOLE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 431 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JVW«MAILITEA«HIP6O..LTB. (laeenreaAVßD m Ja»ab) IUMPEAN UNE k lawke li maintaiaed betweea Yokohama, I aatta, aad SagUad undei mail eoatraat with the Imperial Japanese Ooverameat. foa New Twia-asnw Hteamew milatalaiag tale OMVIaB have been ayaaaUy Iwslgaidiaii I i wrested, aad an ntted with aU the late, m iHvemeat.
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    • 571 4 STEAMER 3AILINQ3. P- O.* British India Apcar i— me (Plan Asms Iminunii n Bseiisii) MAIL AND PASSENQBR BSRVIGBS PBMIMBULA- AND ORIBNTAI. BJ. Qo. lUnaer Contract with Hla MaJeatri flnTaT— aßH The Oompaay-. MAIL ■BRVKIU BAST OP BOMBAY an at I n.nal nspended, mm The Oompaay HtTUMBIOIATP] ■■RVIOU TO ABMi PBOBi
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    • 554 4 STEAMER BJULIMBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CIL LD. SINGAPORE-BANfIkOIC. iwl Kretay, Trlnggaaa, Bfant, Bemarak, Baabo, Kelaatw, Tafeal "lafairi. Taoniß fmwl.flllil,«lßgiii,TMli,T»aNatal,»ißli > l 4n t g < B»^ M.aUDOHADI H Owk. 1 Oat, aTa'p^r.. .—■■>«■ tl^miim, «ltaf. axateM aeaNb. ■TRAITS ITIAM SHIP 00. LTD.. A««t«, K. P. M. KONIHKLUKE PAKETVAART HMTBCHAPPU
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    • 540 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINBD •HRVIOB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTI. (booaroBATBD m BwaaAao) AH THE WEST AUBTRALUN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (laooatoßATSD a BaeaAns) naTwaaa Ps«aaeuitla (Parth), North -Waal Auatpallaut Port., aava ami Wngaaopa. Bagnlar sailiaßi betweea Stagapore tai WesWn Australia oalling at Java (ai Indoeemaßt offer.), Derby, King
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 659 5 STUMER SMUN6B. K. P. M. KONINKLYKE PAKFTVAART MAATBCHAPPY) ROYAL PACKET KAVIUTION CO., OF BATAVU. (Ihoobpositbd In Holland) Speolal 5,000 Tona Touriat Stenmet** From JAVA to AUSTRALIA iatayia. f iiF/rm. nn darwin. port Moresby. BRISBANE. SIDNEY. MELBOURNE, VICE VERSA In connection with the special fact saloon steamers MILOHIOR TBIUB AND RUMPHIUS.
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    • 632 5 CHIII)REN'B AID 80CIETY The annoal yaaeral meetlag ol the .bore sooiety will be held ia the board room ot the Monimptlity oa Tuesday, October H, at 10.80 >m. Hia Izeelleaey tbe Governor will preside aad all interested ia tbe work are cordially invited to be present. I FBANJIS DARBIBHIBB, 4-10-MO
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    • 473 5 NOTICE Ia hereby glvea that the stock-in-trade, bonk rtabto, furniture, etc, of Chop Liana Seng, ol No. 8 Oaaal Boad. Singapore, Sa««r Candy Merchant, lately owned by Tay Sang Kong (widow) and her abaro aad interest in Ohopa Obye Baa Seng, Obia Tarn Seas Hop Kce, ol No. IT New
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    • 68 5 REMOVAL K. TOMODA ft COS TEMPORARY OFFICE will be opened on and after October 1. at No. 884, North Bridge Road. K. TOMODA'S BRANCH (SURGICAL AND DENTAL DEPARTMENT) 'Phone 2247. The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book This handy little book baa now reached its ILS V HNTH ■DITION, a rare indication
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 138 6 JUST ARRIVED TMB UkTBBT FELDMAN'S 23rd BONG AMD DANCE ANNUAL TO BB HAD' FBOH H. C HUDSON TeL ITPS. (Th* Houu of C.tohy Mualo) Blsi#»OPa. CONCRETE LIGHTERS, BARGES. PONTOONS are no longer In the experimental stage We build them under a guarantee BROSSARD. MOPIN GO. SINGAPORE ■MlOfeMl BAIQON, HONQKONG, TIENTSIN,
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    • 67 6 GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE C.OBINB OF APPLICATION BOOKS NOTICB ia hereby given that bom Oetofcei 1, 1918, to Harob 11, 1919, iaebisiTa, aoaapU oaliooß lor agrieoltoral land ol aay am whatever wiU be raesived ie any ol the Lu< Offl «c Id the Stale, exoepl from person* wh olaim an interact
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    • 381 6 notice: Is hanky gtraa that the Bock Boa Otak ■ad Book Boa Eoag Keok, ticket brokers to tbe X.P.M. started by Chops Tong Beag Bin, Bia Book Seag, Tour Hiap Beng, Tong Bias Hin, Kian Seng Boat, Onan Kiaa Bin, Hook Soon Hin, Sia Qoan Boa, Hook Hia Chan and
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    • 579 6 BRITISH QUIZBO STONEWARE Whalaa and H>iv M -in all alua STOCKS HBLD BT T, Rafrlea Quay, Slngaao** DISSOLUTION OF_PARTHIRBH,P NOTICE WAN IiTjAWMILL IN THE IWnER~bTTHE TIOONG TIN MOTIOB la hereby giTen that the partner SYNDICATE. LIMITED. •hip hitherto sobnstiait betwasn the under (1» Lutoamon, I^'^*^!!r?o''J* I The creditor. onhTabove named
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  • 92 7 FIXTURES. Monday October 7. High Water, 11.24 a.m. Tuesday, October 8. High Watts, OH a.m.. 1144 p.m. Wednesday, October 9, High Water, 0.8 1 a.m ,0J p.m. Cnlted Engineers meeting, noon. Thursday, October 10. High Waast, 1.2 am., 0.38 p.m. Bastera I'nit d Corpnation mesetiag. 8.0.0. meeting,
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  • 123 7 To OAT. P Swetteaham aad Penang 2.80 pm P. Bwesrannam and T. Aasoa SJO pm Maltcoa and Moat 8 pm PnlaaSoegi 8 pm Pnlaa Batam aad Pnlaa Balang 8 pm KotaTinggi 4 pm KotaTiaggi 4 pm ToatDAi. Ootob 8 80 am P. Sambo, Singkawang, Pamaagkat and Huabat
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  • 250 7 The mail wains from Singapore lor the Tf-P-'tr— ir^- wp -ti-'f*atliißflanyatTTam (Saadaj enepted) aad T p.m., antviag at Koala Lumpur at MS p.m. and 8.45 s.m. •aafcerivelv. The throngh sinters to Peaang latvas KaalaLunpor at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Peaang at aJSun. the sama day. The sonthward
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  • 49 7 jn fame lug 'dm loss lua foaa lS? liJ, loly Inly fny luly rolj lolf 1 Snruiron 11 i 14 M 1 16 11 18 to AIEIVID Lo«DO» Aagart 10 10 ii U M i. V s 10 v I 18 11 n ■i U U
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    • 142 7 V line JJ l«liWt hIH i uimh an i« I 1 kjmlftm >« 3.88 U II KlaaiAaMUfcMMOO 14.J0 41 41 KMI Tta lAS IMM 41 41 Labat MbM IJ» BJI LtagidTta Ml MO II 11. MaUrma HnWIM It JO U6O 41 AlUkfMTIa MM UMbmb 1 1 leulntg 086 1M
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    • 78 7 laoe 9 tiua 2 Wmm -41 *> ■■IfgO*. \M %M U M. LM I.IJ ll'lMriiTfiii lit «M UtmmmkMmm HIM «SM H WTT miiiiiw > TTI HI! TUN 1H 1M KmH Wma, D+. UOM HUM II U Minirf Ot. UO UO «41 tbA Tiu^ori I.OJ iUOnti H M B>cwDHjßMif MM
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    • 56 7 United Bagtattti 8% 1 1 ,284,500 par Singapore Bleotric Tramways B% «80,000 bob Spore MnnioipalS% 11,878,000 pa. Spore UumiJpU 4,% Of IBIT 11,600,000 10%dls S'poro Munioipal 4,% Ol 1908 11,000,000 lOVdaj S'pora Municipal 4* 2,000,000 18% dli Spore Munioipal 4j« 4800,000 F.M.B. 6% loan 1818 116,000,000 108 104 S.S.
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  • 327 7 •Saanw*. «paaar ana OaVa and Hiiwi. Lyall >nd Bvatu'a Qaaaatlaaa Fmot LrmU* *00. rfratt. e^Ul(|l| MO LIB 1.8 J 1.10 •LMkteyH.ta. LOO IU 1.00 LM >BlMB(N) 11.63 IMO 11.00 IMS JfcaimKdl) 1.00 1.10 a9S 1.15 Mofek(tll 1.76 IXO 1.80 2.00 PMUu(tl) 8.10 MO B.M 8.8 gawale(ll) *M
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 100 7 FEDERATED MALAY BTATEB RAILWAYS TENDERB INVITED The BaUway Department have tor ditposal •boot 46 tons terap boiler tabes. Sealed tenders far part or the whole of the tubes will be received at the Stores Superintendent's Offloe, Oentoal Workshops, op to S p.m. on Monday, Ootober 14, 1918. HO a— MO
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    • 339 7 UTEtT ADVERTISEMEHTI LBBSONB ia BngUah, Frenoh aad Mala; rirea fey lady. Box 49) Straiti Timrs. T-IC-8 1 FOR SALB, Buick, »ix cylinder car. L perfect running order. Recently overhaalei and repainted. Price 84 000 or effet htply Comfort, o/o Straitt Times. 7 10-18 1 WAITED KtTCHBN BANOB (large o small)
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    • 683 7 Machinery J FOR 1 Tin L° AND Wolfram Mines FRASER 4 CHALMERS, LTD. (In«OPFO»ttd In InglMd) Singapore AUCTION SAIaE. Of valuable teak aad rattan hou»hold furniture, gramophone with records, iron tingle and dosble bedsteads, crockery, glassware, eto., eto., To be held at onr saleroom, Baffles Chambers, Baffles Place, On Friday,
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    • 52 7 la a oharming World feature The Hungry Heart A ureen version of the celebrated Frenoh PUy IM MILS) Allot Brady oatobes the tpMt ol Frou Ftou a/m r rahly aad indicates her varying mood, with a praiseworthy degree ol undenlaading aad lexterity in the art ol acting AT THB I
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  • 32 8 Mrs. 800 Cbong Chin, nee Tan Test Neo> aged 88 years. Funeral starts at 4.80 p m.-to-day, from No. 8 Kinta Road to Bidadasi Cemetery, where the interment will take place.
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  • 1198 8 The Straits Times MONDAY, OCTOBER 7. DOWNFALL OF KAISERISM. The etndea* ot human attain w ill no t be watching events on the Western front jast now bait as keealj aa be watches events at Berlin. Tbe Kaiser shakes in his shoes. He knows that hi* throne to tottering. He
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  • 6 8 Middleton Tin Mine, ontpat for Septem
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  • 23 8 Titi Tin Company output for September is aa follows tributiag 62 picul., bydranlioins 40 piculs, battery 800 piculs, a total of 402 piouls.
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  • 19 8 Tbe Malayan Tin Dredging, Ltd., September return was Output 1,126 piculs, valued at 1108,270, yardage treated 260,800 oobio yards.
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  • 19 8 Renter announoes from Washington that the Senate has accepted for reconsideration an amendment to the constitution granting women's suffrage.
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 24 8 We regret that in recording the reception to Mr. Hailey, Commissioner of Delhi, the »»«lft. »jed Gulab Shah was given as Syed Gulab Bingb.
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  • 25 8 Tbe House ot Representatives at Washington has passed the bill authorising tbe exolusion of ansrobistic immigrants. Tbe bill now goes to President Wilson lor signature.
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  • 35 8 It to offloially reported from Madrid, says Rtuter, that the Spanish Government steamer Franooli was torpedoed 14 miles ol Cape Palos. Tbe crew state that a submarine sank tbe ship by sbeel fire without warning.
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  • 38 8 Aooordicg to Renter message dated Saturday a British steamer oollidtd on the Brd inst., with tbe Elder Dempster liner Brutu which sank immediately. Forty-one survivors, including a lady, have landed. It to reported at Liverpool that 86 perished.
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  • 51 8 According to telegrams to Australian papers an air postal service has been oom meneed between New York and Obioago, tbe maobines flying at tbe rate of 100 miles per hour. An airplane mail tram Ottawa to Toronto and back baa also been successfully carried out. Tbe distance oovered waa 640
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  • 52 8 A deputation ot tbe relatives ot prisoners interned in camp in Turkey waited on tbe Governor of Madras on September 9 to present a petition organised by the Madras Mail asking for stops to be token tor their exohang The Governor expressed sympathy and promised to transmit the petition to
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  • 56 8 A London message sent by Renter on tbe 4lb inst., says that Sir Henry Dalsiel has purchased United Newspaper!, Limited, in olnding the Daily Chronicle. Tbe Saturday Review, writing prior to tbe announcement, said that tbe Daily Cbrouiole bad been sold to a syndicate formed to soppost Mr. Lloyd George.
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  • 57 8 The Pinang Gasette understands that in response to the petitions of Penang Chinese men and women reosatly presented to HE. tbe Governor an official nounoation haa been received by Mr. Cheab Kee Be, to tbe effect thai by an order in Counoil HE tbe Governor has sanctioned the permissive registration
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  • 63 8 Cabling from Amsterdam on October 3, Beutnr aays that it to offloially announced that tbe piices of coal, ol which Germsnv haa agreed to supply Halland with 12j,0U> tons monthly tor five monibt, nave been raised by 45 guilders a ton, making tbe average pithtad price 90 guilders a ten
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  • 76 8 Tbe following cable has been received in Melbourne by a well known firm of mann faciurers' agents from their New York Offloe Snipping conditions are very serious. Priority cargo is more than unmcieni to take all tbe tonnag* available. All easiness booked, and whioh to not on the priority list,
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  • 47 8 The infloaaM epidemio haa itrnok Ipofa ud the Mfaoola lie closing. On Thorodsj morning about 16 employee! of tbe PoaU ad Telegraph Department were down with Mediae *c and il i« reported that doable that Dumber ol railway olerks are alao ill. Ail the arailable aooommodation for
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  • 42 8 (tie better data people in the local hocpital baa been taken up, bat two oat of three assistant snrgeons of tbe hospital are alto in bed with the diaeaae (for mash more than three dajt), tcgathe* with tome of tbe noriing ataff.
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  • 88 8 Bridge Maxims, by Kbanboo (Messrs. Kelly and Walsb) oonsists ot twelve tiny pages and a neat card covering only, bnt the player ot Auction Bridge who sanies it in bto waistcoat pocket or her vanity bag will, no doubt, appreciate the virtues of multem in parvo, and will find enough
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  • 252 8 We wonder it anjbody in authority oan aay off band what a pioul of riot, a tin oi kurrsine oil, a load of firewood, a packet of matobas, a gantang of padi, a pair of eanvu •bow, a doion eggs, a kati ot pork, qniamt tabloids, a box ot soap,
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  • 155 8 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Bit N. J. Moore baa been returned on opposed for St. George's, Hanover Square. We regret to learn that tbe death haa ooooned at borne of Mr. W. T. Wood, late of the F.M.S. Burvey Department. The Hon. Mr. F. S. Jsmcp, who has been in Penang
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  • 80 8 Inspector D. Killourby, of Relau, baa gone to Singapore on transfer and Inspector McQuarrie, wbo has been acting tor bim, will remain in charge ot the Relau Division, says the Straits Echo. Inspector J Cannon baa arrived from Singapore and will be stationed in the Dindings. Inspector North is expected
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  • 76 8 According toaßtuler message ot October Mr. Lloyd George, in sending birthday congratulations to Marshal Foch, ssid "I do not know whioh to admire most— your wonderful genius for leadership or the undaunted courage and unshakable faith in viotory that you have displayed dunrg the whole war." Marebal FocL replied "I
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  • 85 8 Tbe marriage ol Miss Leslie Brown (second daughter of Mrs. R Brown, Tsnglin, Clayfield) to Mr. William Bartley (Director of War Trade, Singapore will take plaoe at the Choicb of England Cathedral, Singapore, early in, says the Brisbane Courier of September 14, and in this oonneotion the same paper
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  • 24 8 We have to acknowledge panels of books lor tbe troops from Mr. J. Guston, N. Binmentbal and Mr. D Miller.
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  • 68 8 M"*ars. Gattpy and Bateman forward us the following information regarding Titi Tin Company, Ltd. Hydrsulicing work hss been temporarily suspended owing to unsatisfaotory retnms daring the past month. Tbe new hjdraolioing position, namely tbe Town Lode Hill is being close pitted, and the results show good
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  • 69 8 We very gratefully acknowledge tbe follow ing addition to our fund for assisting the Ovssseas Club to provide smokes tor out soldiers and sailors Collection by School Children, per H. G. 8. 16 Tbe total we have received sinoe we opnaed this fond in
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  • 179 8 We are glad to see a second edition of the Planters' Medioal Guide (Kelly and Walsb, prioe 18). Tbe book is ooe of the best of its kind we have ever Been, beoauxe the author, Dr. R. N. Graham, K. K. O 8. (Edin.i, in his eapaoity
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  • 158 8 Private J. L. Newman, No. 1( 74, of the 17th BattalioD, a Newcastle miner, wbo enlisted in Sydney, has arrived in London after extraordinary experiences. He escaped from a prison oamp in Bast Prussia io company with two Kossians. He oorcred 660 miles in a montb, and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 95 8 BXiUE SMOKING MIXTURE $1.15 PER TEST NEW CONSIGNMENT OF RACE MILLINERY f\ti_B»^^^^^^jWl SU^V^lanßSs_a JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (IMOOBPOBATBD IN ENGLAND) AVON TYRES Stock sizes for cars: 30" x 3" 700 x 80 30" x Zy 2 m 710 x 90 32" x V/ 2 760 x 90 33" x 4"
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    • 215 8 FIOM SIO>O«r, OCT 7, Till MTMMV, MT. 11 a •karaing aetrams la a eaarsxlaf pnaaatiaa At tbe ALHAMBJLA Ths Ball r»r aiuis ana Festms leacs lias TN THB rIBOOND SHOW AT 8.16 TIN Wsrls Fllaj Csraeratwa en seats Iks sssraAUCK IWAOT in a pbo. drama that will make a big
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  • 5759 9 GERMANY DESIRES PEACE. Appeal to President Wilson. Prince Max Addresses Tbe Reichstag. THE FIGHTING LINES. Allied Forces Continue Progress. RSDTSB'S TSLBOIAXS. London, Ootober 4, 9.40 p.m. Amsterdam, from Vienna: Tbo Berliner Tageblatt states authentically that AustriaHungary has requested Holland to invite the belligerents to negotiations and Holland has
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  • 406 10 The Entries (or the Three Days Proceedings. The following are tbe entries tor the Ant Jay, Tuesday, Ootober 16, 1918 1 and 8. Tat Malaya Peas. *m> Puts.— Royal Plume, The K.rl, Mum Linaore, Cara mat, Britisher, Ampang, Paul, Good Omen, Pretty Molly, Fallowland, Boumania, Aringa. 8,
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  • 491 10 Our obihwry notices on Saturday anncuoe ed the death of Robert Donald Keith, M.A., M.D., the news having been received by cable. Dr. Eeith has known himself doomed tor a long time past, bat be struggled with characteristic cbeerfulnen and pluck, aad tow beyond
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  • 177 10 Johore Depot. Subscription List Dr. Wilson I 50 Mrs. Burgee. Si Wilbams 80 HaUitax 10 U"l»" 16 Poole 15 Manohip 8 Wayte Wood, proceed, of sale 180 Tiffin 1 Mr. B. Netooa, pet Mrs, Trevett G. Kimmoad Mrs. Logan (Aug. to Dee) U HaUifax
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  • 107 10 Sixth List "Previously acknowledged §8,131 50 I*l n munis ot aa entertainment held at tbe Malaooa Otaa (pat Mrs Butler) 1,45 a MrlTomlia (0 Mr. Heron M Collections at sarvioM held at Taijrfng robber plantation, Trass; aad Brnas Bstste, Broas (per Bar. E. A. Hone)
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  • 399 10 We are feeling somewhat at a loss what to say about the latest production ol an illustrated Rubaiy.t ol Omar Khayyam." It to produoed looally, and ot course we are not going to slip into the sweet error ot the young reviewer who bad never
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  • 82 10 A report of tbe marriage ot Mr. W. H. Compton of Hongkong to Miss Matilde Carisio, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. 0. Oarisio. at Shanghai on September 17 says:— "The bride is one ol tbe popular members of the younger social set ol Shanghai and has taken a prominent part
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  • 569 10 Two World Famed Artists at The Victoria Theatre. It to a long time, perhaps, since Singapore has been treated to soon a feast ot mosio as that whioh took place at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday aigbt, when tbe two world tamed artists M. BatalewaU and
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  • 605 10 Novel Method o! Registering Efficiency. When it is explained to you it is mnoh less formidable and complicated than it sounds, observes Lieutenant 0. Vinoe in a home paper. It is in fact nothing more than a •imple way ol enabling men to soore bull'seyes on a target
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  • 39 10 ITbe Straits Times is not respomsikle lot ■be opinica. of its oorrespondelsT^ Correspondents should bur la mind thai Letters most be short and to the point, Losg rambling epistles are liable Cbe rejected or rotbleasly eat do* B.l
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  • 266 10 To tbe Editor ol tbe Straits Times. Bir,— With regard to tbe paragraph bear Ibr tbe above heading in you issue ot Thursday last, where a correspondent point, out the extraordinary ooincidenoe ol three separate tragedies having oeoorred on the same premises within living memory, it
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  • 106 10 T.-day'i Bulitis Maophail tad Co. Ltd.'s daily report Saver.— Unchanged 49*. HoafpW-M. Shanghai.— 4% Rubber.- Dull, 45 cents. Tin.— Sold 80 ton at *****. Nearly all robber shares are in a gool demand— Scndais at 16 75, Kelemaks at »6, Tambalaks at 86 oeote, Panggon at 47*
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  • 330 10 Why tbe^Measure was Passed By Parliament. The Marquess ol Lansdowae, having reoeived gifts ol 8,800 pearl, and pig, appealed to the House ol Lords for advioo as to their disposal lor tbe benefit ol tbe Red Cross Society. Never was a pig so honoured. In the tint
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  • 45 10 Alor Gejah 10,100 lbs. Australasia.- 8,200 lba. Ayer Paaas.—sl.<oo lbs. Balgownie.- 2 1 ,830 lbs. Bokit Kobo.— lB,ooo Ibt. Olenealj.- 83.( 00 lot. Pfj»m.— 69,099 lbs. P»nt«i.— l4,sl o lbs. Port Hwettcoti.ra.-4 900 lbs. Tembalak.— ll,77B lbr Terok Anson.- 18,8 M lot.
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  • 98 10 The following are tbe results of the reoea held at the Swimming Club on Sunday Clnb Championship, 100 yards.— l W. W. Harris, il. J Bagnell, 8. «J. Sailer. Won by three length, in 61 2/5 seconds. Team raoe, 60 yard.— lst teun No. 8 (C. Sailer,
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  • 24 10 The muter butcher* ol Rodney hava decided that, unit*, there i« satisfactory edj uttmenl of the mwt portion, all butchers' •hops may be dosed.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 52 10 PUBUC NOTICB PARAGRAPH, A complete change ol programme to announctd at the Palladium to night inolod ing a thrilling Butterfly feature entitled Tbe Phantom. Secret, starring the famous mignon Anderson. New Lko aad Nestor comedies, the Animated Oasstto, and the final episode ol the Hidden Hand make op a splendid
      52 words

  • 151 11 DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR U'LLY JUSTIFIED. Directors' Policy Criticised. proposed dividend Be deferred rat the Pr Mr. n W. B. de Ste. Croix seconded the amendment. Tbe Chairman pointed out that tbe company at tbe present time bad about 416,000 in tbi bank and in liquid investments,
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  • 345 11 Commemorative Medallions to Be Issued. A number ol silver Mexican dollars ware recovered from the Bmdea alter her engage ment by HMA.S. Sydney, a portion ol which are to be made into oommemorative medallions aad are to be distributed among tbe offiosrs and men oi tbe Sydney who
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  • 369 11 Programme o! drills, etc., lor week ending Saturday, October 13, 1818 1- MoaSAt, Ociobsx T. B.V.A. Details.— Balestier Range, 4 JO p.m. Veterans' Co., B.V.C.— Dtill Hall, 6.16 p m. 8.V.0. Reoruita.— Drill Hall. 6.16 pm. Eurasian Co., B.V.O.— Drill Ball, 6.16 pu. Malay Oa, S. V.1.-Bras
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  • 44 11 The aew volnme ol Lloj d'B Rr gi*« eon Uice tbe Damn of 612 new ittumwi owned by the British gbippiOß Controller, all baring tbe pn fis W»r, fc aa Wat Batoa," Wat Duke." Bobm it* olbtr ateaaien a» alao owned by tbe eoaciollet.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 349 11 j Whenever you like His Haataf Voioe Gramopiioaea and Beoorda provide yon with the meant dance whenever you Just teel like it. 1 Call and beat tha latest dance manic oa oae Of the many model -"»"t we baveiaetook. 8. Moutrie Co., Ltd. (laaaraarats. la awatkaat) B CINEMA M^ i
      349 words
    • 288 11 RAFFLES HOTEL SINGAPORE Tbo largest aad most ■nc.easfnl hotel ia the Straits Settlements. Bplend,d location facing the set, Telephones in each room for services and tusince i. Tbe Coierae which ia directed by a larapeaa Chef j ia under the paraosal supervision cl tbe Maxtger, New wing with luxurious suites
      288 words

  • 1375 12 DIFFICULTIES THROUGH LACK OF SHIPPING. Company's Outlook. The eighth ordinary general meeting of the Kwaloe Rubber Estates, Limited, was held at the effiocs of the Robber Growers' Association, 88, Eattoueap, B C, on July 81, Mr. Rishard J. Arnold (ohairman ol the company), presiding. Tbe Chairman said
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  • 350 12 A Woman's Plea (or Kilts And Colours. The leer whioh baa been stealing upon many ptrtriotio wearers of old olothes that their 1916 suits, however well prssssd, may not look attractive reoeived painful ooofirmat ion reoeatly. It waa reported that Mitt Helens Normanton, 8.A., University Extension Lecturer
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  • 431 12 Manifestation of Alertness In England. The Home papers containing news of tbe New Star ia Aqoila are to band, and tba following ia a summary of the available information. It is still doubtful who aaw the •tar first, bat tba fallowing paragraph "From an Oxford Note Book"
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  • 496 12 Wanted the Kaiser at Buckingham Aa ci oonviot, who had been employed oa Government work, and m said to bave oiptetacd strong pro German views, was given three months' imprisonment at Manchester recently lor making false state meats prejudicial to tbe realm. Tbe prisons, was detoriesd
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  • 242 12 Sentence of Five Years' Rigorous imprisonment. Five years each was the leateaea imposed on the German armed robbers, Carl Lindow, Robert Franok and Carl Vellage, by the Shanghai Mixed Court on September IT, before Mr. R P. Tenaey, American Asesasor, and Magistrate Li Heiariob BiaoboO, obarged
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  • 251 12 Tbe Chins Mutual Lite Insunnoe Co., Limited report ia respeot of tba yaw ending Dooember 81, 1917, presented at tbe twentieth annual meeting bald at tba bead office ol toe oompany, at 10, Canton Road, Shanghai, June, 1918, states that In new business applications ooaridend during
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  • 433 12 Amundsen's Arrangements for The Voyage. Captain Roald Amundsen, the leader ol tbe Norwegian expedition to tbe South Pole, left Ohri^tunia about tin middle of June on a North Polar expedition in tbe Maud, and expects to be absent lor some live years. After calling at Bergen, Tromso,
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  • 378 12 An Appreciation of General Galda. General Horvath, Colonel Semenoff, General Dietriohß, General Paris, General Fail), Dr. Girsa and also tbe British, French and Japanese Military attaches an among the persona who have arrived or are on their way ben for a oonlcrtnoe whioh General Gaida, the
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  • 164 12 A story bom Lite: Aa AmerUmn negro atevedore assigned to the great docks ia Booth- western Franoe bad written several letters to bis black Miranda ia Jacksonville Fie, when she wrote back, saving Too all don't neveh toll ma aolbJa' 'boat da battle a tall. Tilda Soblet'i
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 249 12 of Industrv/W don .jz? Cigarette. No. 555 per tin of 50-SUS ■olm Hanufaoturar.i ABOATH TOBACCO CO., LTD. LONDON DISTINCTIVE CARS An those fitted with MACBETH LENSES America's beet, the lights with the Green eyes, watoh them approioh, clean and olever NEW SHIPLOAD ON THE WAY OVER HERE (Now made to
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  • 822 13 COMPETITIVE SPIRIT AMONG BRITISH COMPANIES. The Fire Business. The Acting British VioeConsol reports from Sourabaya, (says The Board of Trade Journal), aifoUows:- The insurance business of this eoantry is a mot* valuable one, and then U a wide field open for eaoh of its various breeches. Up
    822 words
  • 163 13 The possibilities of development of the mineral resources of Ireland, referred to by Lord French in bis speech at Belfast, is probably oonneoted, says the Evening Standard, with a wider totaeme for the re organisation of the industries in the Sister Ida. Intend ha. hitherto bees supposed
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 389 13 SMART RACE FROCKS AND BLOUSES A-6 laVhiteaiway's V It yen are looking tor a tmatt Frcok or 1* c .m jren Ctcrot do &.TmiK*. s j?3 better tbaa mstect car itMk. aßßßß>ar^7> We bavf j isl i pel u-j oat a new 1 lw>«Oj ihipmenl, i-cljdi ,< all «be lat-
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    • 126 13 FOR THE FOURTH YEAR INSUCCESSION We secured the fontracU for the supplies of Portland eemant during |9|g ■UMICIPALITt 3|^^P^^\-hl| GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE '^J /^p^ J JOHONI This It sufficient proo'.of the superiority of the HAIPHONG DRAGON BRAND JBowrngp ot lMatta\tionti DUPIRE BROTHERS Sole Agents: Straits Settlements, P.M.5., Johore, etc, SINGAPORE BHIPCHANDLERY
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1754 14 ABBtMB etwt i 8.000.000 KO, AbWUtMbM to fbret) cm 19,000,000 8.0. nr m at eastern life mmum iiipaNy, \mm. tUlistiaatas Biaaivs hnusnm, BWAsißiot"--' rr inni Hi --T.T-«rrT— mtmmom ammmm.* ■■.owttwn.u. P» Otsaaaa. hat m Hsßjiil>sfl tts Bat tssjatSM Oasts si gltal, Baa ttaußss sli las tWaisaLan Ibbhii Hiihislsi Ast ta
      1,754 words
    • 704 14 THE MOTOR UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated hi Bagland) HEAD OFFICE: 10. ST. JAMEB 'B STREET. LONDON. LIFE INBURANCE SP 00 1 *Mraetivo aohemes ol Lite Asboranoe inelojing Whole Lilr. Bcdowment and Bdaeaticoa! noltsiea, at rates which oompare very tevouraxly with those ot acy othw Company. FIRE INSURANCE «i buildings
      704 words

  • 830 15 ROTES AND COOEim IN j CURRENT TOPIC!. Motor Union Insurance, It ia probably ao axagßamlioo to »y, obaerrea tba btook Bxotaaage Ouette, tUM in the loaf; history ol the insanaoe world never hive ceealta m lemukasle been reoorded aa those Mbieved by the Motor Onioß iManawe Oompaay
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  • 0 15
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  • 3 15
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 68 15 of all kinds White Zinc Red Lead White Lend etc. Send youp orders along to BRUNOLINUM THE PERFECT WOOD PRESERVATIVE The Reliable Stop-Rot Antisaptla and Gortain Protector against Whita Ante. Identical to the German Wood P"«SSrv» "Oapbollnlum" and Cheaper. Protect. Wood against Decay, O-y Sot, Fungi, and tha ravage. o
      68 words
    • 201 15 Jb-^- THE PERFEST TYR VlEf y There Is no secret in an ideal tyre All font ulae, all ■r// J methods are well-known. IF jll A perfect tyre Is simply a I jll question of care, skill, mamn J|4< terial and cost i The tyre that made motoring possible //^Xx^W
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 764 16 BITUATIBNB VACANT ■XPBBIBNOBD OOMPOSITOBS WANTBD tor tho Straita Timea (news aspartmeat). Good salaries given to oapable men. WANTfID a eompounder. Apply person ally to the Straits Pharmacy. 18-8 11-10 WANTBD, sa experienoed laboratory boy «o work in a dental oOee Apply to INoblo and Oompany. nt—u WANTBD, BHORTHAND-TTPIST and moral
      764 words
    • 729 16 BITUATIONI wAHTEO. PLiNTBR, aged thirty four, two years' "imnoo (exempt) seek* work. Apply Box k Mi, Btraits Timea M 8 —14.10 BITUATION WANTBD by young ener etie Ceylooeee with wide knowledge ot field, astory, offloe. High references; in any apaoity. Apply Bncrgetio, e/o Straits Times. 88 9—ll-10 ~WANTBL> BMPLOTMBNT by
      729 words
    • 559 16 CONSULT XI AM WAT GO. i(K>n<i in, M«Hn>t Itraat, HAIR BELTINGS You will be wise if you do so. TRANSHIPMENT We undertake transhipments of ail kmds bom she Imallnst paroel to tall oargoes. On satvioe world wide. Oonespnadosto. bivitetl hi iHifli laaurr inn, No. I, nalaysoa Green Singapore 1-1-411 "OUR
      559 words
    • 463 16 f AY GUAN KIAT (iiiimi mbiitwi mimTan, in.) Government and Municipal Contractor Jndertakes to supply shipchandJery stores, etc. Offlee "Phones: Nob. 1361, 1362 and 1363. Residences Nob. 1450, Tank Road, 1073, Gay lang. OR WRITB TO 16, Phillip Street. Singapore THB LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO »n Stagqwn h. n.'buckeridge
      463 words
    • 525 16 SHIP CHANDLERY STORES I Che good, better, and the best 3heap, cheaper and cheapest imported from East and West. Exported throughout the t?.S and F.M.B, GUAN KMT CO.. LIMITBD (laoorpomted ia tho StraiU Settlrmsan) House of Quality Supplying any Quantity SEND US A TRIAL ORDER 36. Phillip Street, Slngapre. JOI-
      525 words
    • 258 16 Flrat-olatM MOTOR GARS Fop KIRE Day and Nitfiat CPhbne 1233 b DUNLOP T¥SES of all tha uaafui blbsm FOR MLS Any tint* duping Day ar- Night BTRAITB MOTORCAR SERVICE IliilllntlrtMU ATTENT.ON In ppite of the War we are always in the position to supp y lantern and Miners with the
      258 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 261 16 Straits Wanes TBLBIPHOMM9II BdMorlal ud Oeaeral^. K Managei'a OOm m m 31lf Jok Printing Offln .UN All nnmmnaloaMoßi telaMßs tt editofU mattota sad news BhooU W addressed t* THB BDITOB. AB onmrnnnioatlona tataMaf M bwbu» m.ttwii adfoitlseimsm, aiiiarißßteßa aooounts, artaMag, iN. >oli ke dtesssd to THI MIXMtIM Ohaqua and money
      261 words