The Straits Times, 21 June 1918

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.754 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JUNE 21. 1018. PRICE 10 CENTR.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 215 1 ■MfclAiß SWEHENED 60NDEN8EB ■ILK ■ttaaaww $20.50 BEAR BRAND MILK THE MILK THAT'S WORTH ITS PRICE QUALITY I ALWAYS NEVER s 2L^^B^^r^ I MOST VARIES I -BEAR" BRAND I LXCELLENT HYGIENIC SWISS M' lK !Mrved in M natural puri* JJ JJ of I I anyS ||l d Wlthoul a(1(1Uion 1 iUis»
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    • 96 1 ROBINSON CO. HAVE A Large and Varied Selection a Silver and Electroplated SUITABLE FOR WEDDING PRESENTS Sliver Bon Bon Dishes and Cake Stands Sliver Batter Dishes and Salvers Silver Inkstands and Calendars K^&^M Silver Manicure Sets and Chain Bags, etc. iPfiLVvfißH Electroplated Gongs and Entree Dishes l^: r Electroplated Cruet
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    • 3 1 GOODRItH > TYRES j
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  • 1179 2 POPPY CULTIVATION BEING REVIVED. The Trade Dooming. Kr ,ra -i fit* of the latest issaos of the N. C. i L>v v X *i we Bi-.rAct tbe following partk i,.'.i3 i '^t u|( to ".iio gro«i jg oi luu f'pfy id >breo ili&erent province* Kwuiobow, AnMui an
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 362 2 For 15 Years the name of Has stood for a guarantee op u> >uauty whether in the construction originally of cycles, and later of cars and motor cycles, Th« Humbcr organisation haa bean at the SBBBI di<po*'tion of BrithS erW Allied Govtmnwnu *inca trw Wa/ bcjwb WITH THE COMING OF
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    • 288 2 !-KTery dye fit to ose aaade in the United States can be found I oa our list, and we aim to keep I ou. djre list thoroughly abreast of I the progreaa of American dye I uiAiiufacturert. DYES Direct Cotton Colours L, Sulphur Colours AciJ Colours Chrome Colours Basic Colours
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    • 260 2 Why wait. \s\jfiisM mflk thl. •To^rThit W\»wß^wF "r*pw.r.f. We oan 'develops your b<niur M a l a mioimam cost bat with maximum r suits b; moans ot ou EFFICIENT AND ECONOMICAL Advartiaing Sapvioa This pafaliottion is wll nntroniaod by MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA. LIMITED and many others. CHINESE COMM&RCIALi DIRECTORY and
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  • 880 3 PROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR UNMARRIED WOMEN. What Men Have to Realise. Tborr i« po doubt tbp«: thi* MmM, sf»rr tbe war, will be a comparatively man-le»s EJit, VOBM Mian Ella Hfpwcttl Diioc id tbe Laoy's Pictorial aol if tbere was, the adds, a shortage of available bachelor* befcre, they
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  • 163 3 Adventures of a Well-Dressed Ape An eDOrmoiu chimpanzee in evening dreas strolled into tbe lobby ol tbe Knicker bocker Howl at New York at tbe dinner-boar tbe otber night. I Tbe animal behaved deoorooaly, accordinit 'to tbe Canadian Preaa oorrespoodeni'f pictarewjae report of tbe affair, and attracted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 441 3 aayaj ♦'NATURE'S WAY >x sj t3S AS Nature has ordained that tht t^CB v iiiniulc oil glands beneath the skin tural 0.l to keep the skin VHfi soft and I will be acknowledged that |M fci *'f tiie only Face Cream that can act on the skin gjajr. in a
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    • 301 3 |H t Ba^^^^Bßßaaal^saa^n^^^i B^B^BBaaaa^^L^^Bas!saßßSM«aßs>*^BSßßß>BiMM^^lsßßßßaMMsaßM !2»S^ES BB^m^^"^ -i I SCIENCE EXPERIENCE 4 BaWN pVSMMOS prvffßM ■■> fttlaklv (MaT* l »<«u TW» K.4«atifie aaa «Kywriv«iUl work sßaaartekaa br tb* I SUNBEAM I C— paayka* b— a c— ltaao— a^ U r«fl«rt«J L igft law pwml »>«J»iiti«aii, >nd alae is (as SUNBEAM- COATALEN
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    • 405 3 vunut iw IiLUI bJC/113 ientlf.B ,o*h Bridf[( Bond FULL LINE BENTAL SUPPLIES -Dv.a»i«:.j. Oo;j Crow a ItiJrfp Fli.ißK and Vnloanite. Beat Tec»t rc«i*frf »md Fioif c- fcr isle KWOK6 SFKC CO. Tallsri, Outnttsn and Msrssrs. No 44, Ncbib FiiiLiui* Koad. 80 years' circiitEce in tbin line barinita. Qccd woiiatLtLip and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 492 4 STEAMER BAILIMM RyTK. APAN MAIL BTEAMBHIPGO..LTD. (lajoaaraakTßD m Strut) EUMPEAN LINE A sar flat Is maintained betweea Yokohama, via ports, aad Bngiaad under mail eoatraet wHb tbr, Imperial Japaaese Government. Tb* Mrw Twia sertw Steamers maiataiaiaK toll setvioe have ae<» specially deaursed aad isav je*ed, aad arc fitted with all
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    • 768 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. (British India AMD A\pcar I— |rte (OcMPAMiss laooareaATan i« ■■•»*»r) MAIL AND PASBENQER SERVICES PININSUUR AND ORIBNTAL S. f|. Go. (Under contraot with His Majesty a Oovertuasm) The Oompaays MAIL SBRVIOBS BAST OP BOMBAY Me al preseat saapeaded. The Company's INTBRMBOIATB BBRVIOBB TO AMD PROM LONDON
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    • 505 4 STEAMER BAIUNM. THE SIAM STEAM NAViaATIINN., LI. (laswaraaAtao in 8ia»). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. Fat Kretay, Triaggaaa, Blsat, Semerak, Baaho, KeltntaJt, lass! Baagvan. Telocla 'aaaral. Pasaal, Siavora. Laeoa, Kofesamui. Baadoa, Laa»nae». Ohu Jipon, Kohlak fcßrat Oil* DspartuM aUOOHAOIB June 34 rfuna OS, 3 p.m. •a. PRAGH4TIPOK Ju y July 3, S p.m. Tb*
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    • 606 4 tTEWEK MlUmt. OOMBMU SBBVIWI O* THE WEAN S.S.N.LTI (laoearoaAVßD n Bh«^a>b aaa THE WEST AUSTRALIA* s. n. ea.. i.ti. ilao*araa4TßD ia Bbmajtsi aarwaan •msb)m«i« (Pa^th), atos«ft.Wan Nustntlltn Porte, 4aw& and Unwww. Kegolar saiungg betweea blagayan tv Western Australia calliag al Java las la dooemeat offers), Derby, King's Sooad. |f*tl for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 884 5 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE ORIGINATING SUMMONS No. 10 OF 1916. In the matte- of Ohing Kit Neo, deceased Between Tay Swee Kin Neo (married woman) Plaintiff and Cnp huan Guan Defendant Important Auction Sale Of valuable freehold and leasehold lands and brick-built houses
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    • 779 5 LARGE SHIPMENTS OF READS "OOGSHEAD" GUINNESS JUST ARRIVED for quotations apply to MtE MHTt KIM HIN CO. 11, RHa| Strut SINBaPORI Who also hold extensive Mtocks of all kinds of liquors, ready for i nmediate delivery. OUTPORT ORDERS CAREFULLY ANO PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO so-6— 1a.11 BHERIFFS SALE In the Supreme
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    • 244 5 MOTOR BOAT AUCTION BALE at Hewn Chin* Kong Lee Co.'* saleroom, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Plaoe, O» Monday, Jdni 34, at 2 80 p m. The Kane Leng Soo K motor boat bail* at 1917. aa she now lies Roehore Market Length 84 feet, breadth 8( a •feo'b 8 feet, 3
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    • 374 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO RISEN KAISHA (laOOaPOBATBD IN JIPA«> Soenie route via Hongkong, bhanghai, Nagasaki, the Inland See. Koto, lokohama. Honolulu and San Franoises to all pointa in the United States Canada, Mezioo and Burope, PBOBABLB SAILINGS FROM HONGKONG Steamer Tonnage Speed Probable sailing (rom Boagkoa. ranyo Mini aa.OOO 21 knot.
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    • 149 5 RANGOON b.m. Lama will be despatched (or above port on or about June 24. Ezoellent accommodation (or passengers. For (reigbt and passage, apply to BODSTBAD CO. Agents, 8.1.8. N. Co., Ltd. 15-6—24-MO-CHINA STEAM MV. CO.. LTD llacsarsaAMD BmiutDl aipoo* Sarvioa to Japan via Hongkong A Shanghai, and to Oaloutta via
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 95 6 S 99% (Pure) ACETIC ACI^/^ Look for this mark on every jar ot ACETIC ACID you buy. It is the recognised hall mark of PURITY and EXCELLENCE YAMATO&CO. 41, High Street, SINGAPORE EPSOM SALT (Magnesium Sulfuricum) LARGE SUPPLY IN STOCK K. TOMODA CO. 43, High Street Telegram* TOMODA Singapore 'Phone
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    • 141 6 Vocal Scores Arlette Blng Boys are here Bing (Jirls are there Cash on Delivery Cinema Star Chocolate soldier Qirl from Utah Girl or the Film Merry Widow Mikado High Jinks Peggy Tina To-night's the Night, etc. TO BB HAD FROM HUDSON Phon« 1701. 100, north Indga Read. "ITMVITOMVEaTIIE" TRY ME
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    • 153 6 LATEST AOVERTISEMENTB. NOTICE Notioe ii hereby given that the above trade mark ia the trade mark of the Mitsui Bmatn Kaisfaa, Limited, of No. 1, Battery Road, Singapore, and i» aard by them on ttoh o habs of the wheels of rioksbaws imported by them. legal proceedings will be taken
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    • 161 6 Building Materials Grey Asbestos Cement Sheets for ceilings, partitions, etc. French Roofing Tiles Ridges Ventilators -Half Til M White Glazed Tiles and ctippinKs British Stoneware Drainpipes and channels, from 2" to 34" Stocks held by JBL. Clouet «Sc Co. 7, RaffUa Quay, Singapore The aad^riignel ate is a potitijn to
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  • 101 7 FIXTURES. Friday, June 21. Hwli *»»<■• H 14 a.ti 7 54 p.m Fillm" Circa*, Beach Road, 9.16 p.m. Aaturday, June 22. Hieb 'i"t 9.83 a m PB4 p.m Filln'H Circaa, 5 p.m. and 9.U p.m. Sunday, June 23. HiKii Wm >0 M a.m., 9 .a p.m Monday,
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  • 164 7 To-oav. P. Bwetteabam and T. Ansoa 2.80 pm Melaeea aad Maw 8 pm Puleu Sambti and Pon'iaoak 8 pm P. Sambo, Anamba. Rrno, Natana In. and Snrawian 8 pm Polau ttatam and Polaa Bulang 8 pm Kerimon 8 pm Pulao 6oegi 8 pm P. Samba, Rhio, Rilliton,
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  • 267 7 Tbe mall rraian from Siagapote lot the aartb leave Tank Road station daily a* 7.7 a.m iSoaday exoepted) and T pan., aniTiag at koala Lampar at 1 18 p.m. aad 6.46 a.m map noti mil The through express to Peaaag teavee Koala Lampar at 8 a.m. daily, anriYmc
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  • 7 7 (09oUl Po«t Offlc: Ko(«it..
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  • 185 7 BXCHANOB SOWAMBa, J»NB 21, 1918. O« Ls«Do».>....Bank 4 m/« m Demaad m 1/4 PtiTatelmls O« Hjubcb Bank 117 On Imdia BaakT. T. m 147 i O» HowoEon»...Bank d/d 40]%pm Ob Shabobu.l ...Bank d/d 49 i O« JA»A...........8aak T. T m 107 i Oa jAp*».........8a8k m 106 i
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    • 197 7 l ■■yen Beil«i. I II impuK r '0 1 1 iyei Wei« 39S 8.10 10 10 Eonta AnoebUoa 18 60 14 00 xd 41 41 KintaTi. 1.8.0 1.134) 11 41 L*h*l Mian 8.60 T M 10 10. HiUjh Collieries 14 28 14 75 41 41 lUUjm Tia 1.18.8 1.i7
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    • 103 7 41 41 I. BmeMbu Oe. T.BO 790 41 41 ml. 1-a.c iJiJt 1/ llMtrig T'wayi 8 8 «.l II II Fnw NMve 46 00 47.00 60 M W.HftmmeafcCo. MOO 88 10 100 100 K*li Bros, Del. 13t .00 UOOI II II Ibiuid 00. 6.50 S6O 41 41 Shell Tnuport
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    • 64 7 U aited BagißMn 8% 1 1 »«,dM as* Siagapotelileeerio Tramways 6\ 4860,006 aom d pore Muaioipal 6% 11,878,006 fat 3 pore Moaieipal Ol 1807 61.600^108 10% dl* 8 pore Moaieipal 4t% Of 1908 tIOM »N 16% ra. B'iore Mnaieipal 4% 1,000.6 M l»%m B'pore Manioipal 4% JSOOOtt F.M.y. 6%
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  • 370 7 Massra. Fraaer and Co. 'a and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt'a Quotations To-day's Pnoee. Fnaw Lrali* A Co. Bv*tt. A!ot <Hj*b (II) 2.75 B.fO 280 8.00 lmftl.lbU7f7.pi. 885 30) S3S 276 A to. HiUm (»6) 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 Atm Kaning (II) IOS 1.19 1.00 MB kym Molek
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 76 7 NOTICE Walt. Jackson a Co., have removed from tbe Aroade to No. 6 a, Bonham Street. 116-34 6 WALT. JfcJKSONaC V REMEMBER BATURDAY. JUNE 22 Aa eatirtly aew stcee SRI MAJLIS Will h)S) staged by t hs *v«f -popular STAR OPERA as IN TBUTBB «6T»I, BBBTB BBWM 8841 For t^o
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    • 624 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS W N iB" for Puoaog, a norse. Koropean or Bnrtaian for two boys sged 4 and 8. App v No. i»7. Str.ita Tim 11 8 2 1 6 B lAKD AND RBSIDBNCB, large donbe iro m available from Ju y 1 Near (own. Private fami y. App y
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    • 613 7 REDWOOD TANKS jND PIPES PARTICULARS FROM FRASER CHALMERS. LTD. (Incorporated In England) SINGAPORE Telegrams: "VANNER" Telephone: N0.2F5 IMPORTANT TO PACKERS CAREY'S UNIVERSAL EMBOSSED BOX BTRAPPING (sea damaged) 166 caces of inch width 87 cases of inch width For sale at our auction room 4, Nob. 16 and 17, Baffles Place
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    • 116 7 TMtIU »FI£R THRILL -SENSATION UPON SENSATION »T THE OIINfEMA. FRANCAIS (WIIH-.JICCA) Tbe coolest md bt»t u'cco Loa-» in th- of Mk.acat. TO-NIGHT arf« JUNB. 92 >nd 24 The continuation episodes ol tke 12 ratlsr lenal CRIMSON STAIN MYSTERY Bciwd^ll TORTURED Sf^UL fj THE RtSTLESS SPIRIT rasils Tbe latnt ammslstf ssws
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  • 1155 8 The Straits Times FRIDAY, JUNE 21. THE NEXT BLOW. On the Italian front Rome days will pain before it can be determined whether the Austrian attack wai as great a failure aa ba* betn represented. Tbe news that tbe enemy have thrown fourteen bridges across the Piavi and gained abont
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  • 17 8 Tbe Rotterdam Lloy i has notified tbat tbe transport of wounded oy their ships has been stopped.
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  • 26 8 Heer Aalders of the Ron. Nederl. Stoom vaart Maatachappij baa left tbe H»gue fur tbe East Indies in order to oltar up the ship pin* problem.
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  • 31 8 Tbe case against Mr. Grover, who is charged with embezzlement at Shanghai, was mentioned before Mr. Ham this morning and, on tbe tpplicttioo of Inspector kandell, was postponed till Jane 28.
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  • 51 8 In th?ir prodooe report, rta'f d yeotf rday, M<-»»rg. Barlow aort C>. n;at> Tbe copra market baa oootioaed dull. There is bat v tin demand and »»1u..« bare further d clint-d. To day'x qiotaiiorm may be ai»<n »i 17 for floe tondried Mid $6.60 to »6.7u for. fair to f|aod
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  • 22 8 A mail from Europe is expected at K'iala Lumpur on Sunday evpnicg, tbe 28rd in-t., and probably in Singapore on Monday morning.
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  • 39 8 The annual athletic *ports of Raftl lostitution will be beld th afternoon. We are informed that there will be no prizes and do refreubm-ntn. the money U"U* ly npent on these being given to some war fund or charity.
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  • 57 8 Tbe Mtrvicns at tbe Seventh IHv Arivpntixt Chapel, Penang lane, tbis week in are follow Saturday, June 22, 8 a.m. mixnionary volunteer service ;9 a m Babb%tb school 10 a.m. Chinese service 1 p.m. M»l< v nervioe at 8 0, S:-raDgoon Road 6 pm. English service, sermon by Pantor J.
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  • 56 8 For tbe convenience of tbe members from lobore and other neighbouring places who find it impossible to come to Singapore on Sundays owing to tbe absence of train Hervioe, it baa been revolved at a genaral meeting of tbe Malayaleo A»f>oci*tion tbat its weekly, meetings be beld on Fridays, at
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  • 75 8 It has been proponed tbat the women and children of Penang cooperate in raising a -ilvcr wedding present to H M. (jaeen Mary. It in suggested tbat tbe gift take tbe form of money sent tbrorjgh Q leen Mary's Neeilewoik Ouili. Sataoriptionß will be received by Mrs. Winifred Peel aod
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  • 67 8 Violation of tbe Red Cross Convention by General Falkenbayn is alleged in a letter from a British newspaptr correspondent in Jernnalem. Ho writes: When the British took Jerusalem, they found Hying over tbe headquarters of General Falkenbayn the Red Crescent wbiob is tbe Turkiih emblem far tbe Red Cross. In
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  • 76 8 Representative of tbe Osaka Sbosen Kaiaba, Toyo Ki-<n K«i~ba, Mitsui Buß«an Haisha, Nipoou Yut-eu Kaisha, Ooko sbnkai, Yimashita S i[ yar 1, and Matvuda and Co nave addrtSß>d a m«-murial to the Mayor of Kobe, urging tbat sttps be taken to improve the equipment of the port. The memorialißttt Htate
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  • 79 8 With regard to tbe BPttlemrnt of tbe payment (or tbe bire of tbe Durcb ships which were fceizfl, a message from the Hague -»\j timt no agreement has yet been reached, tiogland winbe« to pay in pounds sterling. America iv dollars. No news has ytt been received tbat tbe rent
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  • 85 8 A Bill to amend tho Labour Code published in the current Fit f Osz tte baa for itx 'tj ct to enable a f>-e nf onu dollar to be collected in re«pect < f the r -arn'riitiou of each Inriinn labourer loca'ly r>ng«i(i instead of a fne of one d?ll«r
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  • 85 8 Tbe village ol Ayer Etaro, is infirt >d witb small pox. So far SO ea»e« bave bteo reported, aod other reports are otill coming in Ong Tek Pin, charged at Punaog on two counts with failing to report a xmtll pox case and aiding in tl.e removal nf ap. r
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  • 82 8 Aooorriiog to a Mnnioh paper National Court* in Frankfort bave been instrooted to take proceeding* against Houston Chamberlain in con>' qn nee of an allegation in (be Dentsobe Z itaDg tbat tht Frankfort iaze'.Ui is in English pay. Honston Obam b'rlain is beld in threat nontempt b >th to Boglanrl
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  • 353 8 O i tbe let instant, the police arrested Pauk»l Butin, tbe co'.onoa« murjtrer ol tbe iitt- Hi-er Hi), kilrii. Batiu, who wo aiwl ie >--i i>pidk truiu prmiiu, ban committed iboat j :lnrt. v marderH. Uiiru n the tima th»t be hoi bin companions iiifested fie Lampoon Districts, he torronited
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  • 345 8 Mr. E. J Howley bas left Kuala Lumpur for home, where be will j Aa up. Mr. Justhn Spronlt, wlio has b.^i-n nittios a« one of the Judge* if the Sir^apore Appeal Court, returns to Penacg to-day. Mr. Yer> Tiang Swee, senior Chinese interpreter, Supreme Conrt, Singapore,
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  • 37 8 A Chinese ftbopkeepnr was fined 150 by Mr, Sugarn, tbe i ffijiating first magixtratp, yesterday, for telling a tin of Hteriliiwd milk tor 80 cents, instead of tbe regulation price of 25 cents.
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  • 92 8 Tbe rate of moitaluy in tbe Settlement of Singapore lor the «ck eniitd June IS was 43.fa7 per tuille ol the population. Tbe total number of dtutbH w..« 3 y, of which 210 were male Butjoctß and WU fenmle. Convul-iouß cUiuien 29, pbthiHiH 87, tuftUri* fuver 61,
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  • 139 8 Lady Evelyn Yo;iou prei-idt d it a meeting, at the V VV.G A Fort Cunning Hoad, to day, Called (o cjo-iu. r a BOKgusdon tliat (he wooixn of Singapore nught wifh (o anite in tending a gift to (tie Queen on (be occasioo t ,l her silver
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  • 153 8 Tbe quarterly m tiug of the 11.-, dmtk jONtiofg woh tit:ld in the first mai'iiuratt.'s cuurt \e.«icnJ»y »f;i rnO'jn, Cou.maßdur Catur, R N. ivici- cliAiruj»o) pn milick, the uthuißi,itHD« on Hie bi neb »iM liiuj beioc the II ,n Mr. A. Ayocw, U.KB, thn Hon. Mr k J.Ad'ieanci
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  • 183 8 I In the Appeal Court on Ti.urNday before tbe Cbitf Justice (Sir J ..fau Baclmiil, XC.) with Mr JuHtirx v iwarii atid Mr Juntioe Sproalt-, tbe case in winch M V. k Saiuinatban Chittv appealtil attaint tbe dtoimoo of Mr JMM Kb.i. o in tbe aonon broDKbt
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 110 8 VELVET Specially Prepared For Pipe or Cigarette 2sfrl per tin of 4 oz. FROM ALL DEALERS FRESH STOCK OF jC q R PETS RUGS [p LIHOLEUM S_ v Jsgfr AND JAPANESE MATTING SQUARES in various sizaa and oolourings. JAPANESE MATTING in rolls, assorted colours. INIPECTION INVITED JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD.
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  • 6081 9 ITALIAN BATTLE. Position is Thought Secure. Heavy Fighting at Many Points. FICTIR i TILBOBAH. London, June 19, 4 30 p.m. The position on tbe Italian front after (oar and a half days' fighting is generally regarded as bigbly satisfactory. Tbo initial Aastriao gain* are gradually being reduoed by
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  • 90 10 THE NINETEENTH LIST. Amount already acknowledged. 158,172 A Sailor's Father 1' J Sooieta Comojiisionaria Orientate. Lid. 100 Mrs. Hamilton Gunn 20 Yamato and Co. 10D Evatt and Co. 250 Dr. J. M. Handy 60 K-tll InMU'.ution IC3 S W. F." 60 Incidentals 26 Mr. and
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  • 77 10 Amount already acknowledged 11,711.20 DiNtrict Offioer Staff aod Pangbulus of Alor Gajab District per Mr. E. T. Williams ...170 Mr. H V. Towner 36 C A. Simper per Mr. L. E. P. Wolf. r« tan 80 Tbe Puoggor K ibbtr Estate Labour Staff per Mr. Lim Kirn
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  • 107 10 To-day's Business atacphail and Co.'s daily report I— Silver.— Unchanged 48}. Hongkong,— 4('|. Shanghai— 4«i. Rsbber Qiiet. Tin.— Bayers $154. no sellers. Rubber shares ancbangc i, doll. In Tin share", Tins are still firm with buyers aboot 11)1.70. There is also a good demand for Tiogk-'s at
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  • 108 10 S. Mask's, Sirbmban —Sunday I Maltins 7.80 a iv., holy communion 8 a.m., Tamil service 980 a.m., children* servioe 6 p in., evensong and sermon 8 80 p.m. Monday, June 24, S. John Baptist's Day.— Mattios 7 a.m.. boly communion 7 80 a m Thursday, June 'it.—
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  • 235 10 It is onderatond, «ayi tbe Times it MtUys, t'attbe t rre<l opeuiagof tbe X.M S Siam Ktilway ban ben provi»i<>oally fixed f ,r .VI iirUy, July 1, tbe first passenger train tor Btnickuk leaving Penang to tbe alter nooo of tbat day. Tbe nervioe will, at firnr,
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  • 80 10 Special attention is diawn to tbe notifies tion of tbe Cuiet Polio* Olfijer to tbe eff ct that all r-oi n in pisneaaiuu of firearms are remind* d that permits for suob firearms expire on Juo~ 8 nex'. and shooJJ be renewed aa soon alter tbat daw as pj-mbln. r>.
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    • 384 10 Following were tbe results of yesterday's play B. SINiiLS. Todd 1 beat De Mello scr., 6—B, 6—2. Meade 8 ueat Henderson scr., 6—B, 6—l. Allan scr. v. Fuller 1, postponed. C. Singu. King scr. beat Gibson I, 6—B, 6-2. Williams scr. boat Sbarpe scr. wo. Parish
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    • 81 10 Tbe clnb launches on Sunday, 28rd inst, will ran a« under JobostonV Pier: 9.10 and 11am.; <i 8 and 8 80 p to. ilub Baogalow 9HO aod 10 80 a dj. 12.15, 8 and 6 p.m High Tide: 10.14 a.m. Tnere will be a hundred yards handicap
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  • 77 10 Mpsars. Cunningham, Clark aod Co, Peoang, advise tbat tbe undermentioned prioes were realised for robber snld by them by auction and private tender on Wednesday ic» X) tin Itio smoked sheet '.•ujond oosmoked sheet luo aonmuked (beet or»p crepe Itrk orepe )l»okel crepe •crap sheet irnin «cr»p
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  • 99 10 Frauds in oonneotioo with tbe manufacture of soap have been retevltd in Ocr many Oeruian agents oolUcted fat* worth i ."0. (XI in occupu d territories aud neutral CJinuiM Tbese lan were sent to a soap xyudicate lur manufacture into utaodard i-oap. Toe syndicate > ntrunted tbia jib to a
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  • 617 10 Moderate Demand and Decline In Prices. The Singapore Chamber ot Commerc Rubber Associations' 851 st auotion, was beld on Jane 19 aod 20, wben there were offtrt i for sale picols 16, 138. 'J i or 2,118,427 lbs. (tons 968.68). Prioes realised Smoked Sheet Tho next auction
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  • 311 10 Tbe change of pn gratuaie at tbe Empire last night lutruduceM a ounjfair of new iv* terestinit piaHM which should euaure goo<i boutcK lor tbe MM of tbe wuk, and wbo bave et j y <l Najj uf the Aimy are now being khowo ibe 1
    311 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 476 10 To tbs K Jitor of tbe Straits Times. I Sir,— Tbtiiu two. wordH denotes roal and proat tbings. Some would read them as Empire aud Brotherhood, but tbe fuctH are tbe other way, lor had there not been I brotherhood in arms and in aim. and apt
      476 words
    • 373 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l crave space to oall further attention to a -ial grievance which has already been mentioned in your paper. I refer to the inordinate increases in boose rent which are now the rale. I state my own case. I
      373 words
  • 262 10 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. In their Singapore share circular, dated jente rday, Messm Kraeer aid Co. matt Tlib past b*s j iml been a dull week (of wblob race Wtik was partially refpjnt-ible, but an iv •dilitioo njuvcunuta in butb o jm-o-uditin tio ami rubber
    262 words

  • 419 11 Position of Company at Close Of Last Year Tbe following is tbe dirf ctors' report to be sobtuitted to the «hari liol.lers at tbe fonrth unutl ufot r»l meeting of tbe TrunoUon la and Power Co. to bw beld at tbe registered 'ingapore. on June 26
    419 words
  • 105 11 The Second List The Hon. Treasurer of Oar Day Fund acknowledges the following Previously acknowledged 102 80 Mr Tan Wi Van 600 Mr Tan Lian Cheng 800 Liv jji rout; Wolfram Mine 800 Sungai Cbt odfrong Wolfram mine 250 Mr Sob iio» Jim 300 Sum ai
    105 words
  • 461 11 Necessity of Counter-Stroke To Germany, Incti ad of Germany building a Berlir to Bagdad railway, event* in the East indicate that it may b-> the ituk of American or Briiioh capital tv tioanoe the coujajerci&l union of Orient and Occident by new and speedier routes, terminating
    461 words
  • 56 11 The Nippcrj Yorrn Kaisl.a, tayv. the Japan Cl ronicit li.» deciOed to raise f it igbt. on the Calcutta Japan line via the >trait«, beginning with a non.r nailing from Kobe at the b> gmniag of the rnrrrnt month. The new rati I* ««id to be T4A frr general cargo
    56 words
  • 626 11 "To Sucb as Tbou Death Hath No Terrors." The following appreciation of the late Oso.ral Sir Stanley Maude, Commanding (be armiea in Mesopotamia, appeared in a recent ■sane of Bl Arab, of Bagdad Like stars without the moon, or like a string of pearls when the
    626 words
  • 168 11 Colonel Repington in the Morning Post aay* Many new development* are opening oat east, and it is truly astonishing to be told, as we were by Mr. Bonar Law, that the control and sopervision of oar eastern theatre should rest with Versailles, which haa in truth
    168 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 270 11 Young and old alike enjoy a Dance at Home The His Master's Voice". Gramophones and Records provide the best dance music played by the best bands and orchestras Send for latest catalogue S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. Raffle* Plaoe (Incorporated in Hongkong) NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE STEENKOLEN HANDEL M&ATSI HAPPIJ (NETHERLANDS IND A
      270 words
    • 337 11 BAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, June 22 j SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW ADELPHI HOTEL EVERY NIGHT OUR FILIPINO BAND will play during dinner I SEA VIEW HOTEL Saturday, June 22 SPECIAL AND CINEMA DINNER SHOW Sunday, Jane 23 During Dinner I E. and O. HOTLI. PBNJLNQ Situated beautifully by the sea The
      337 words

  • 1682 12 LEGISLATION AND THE FUTURE PRICES. The Company's Investments. The sixth annual urm ral meeting of the Broadwater KabUr Batata Co., Ltd was held on March 27, at 28, Baal >lk Street, Pall Mall, London, S.W Mr. ti. St. Lawrenoe Mowbray (chairman of tbe company) presiding. Mr. F. N.
    1,682 words
  • 783 12 British Fight with Bar'.s to The Wall. Mr Philip Gibbs, the special correspondent of the London Daily Chrooiole, wiring on April 14, says Field Marshal Hair's special order of the day should reveal to the w.nlj what is happening oat here. The enemy's objectives are to seize
    783 words
  • 493 12 Gallant Officer in tbe Cameroon Campaign. Lieut. J. P. Lloyd writes to the Press as follows In the early days of the war tbe eyes of the world were naturally focussed on tbe battle- fields of Europe. Yet at tbe same time great things wero being
    493 words
  • 475 12 Revised Prices Demanded by The Trade. There is a prospect teat the retail prices of all classes of tobacco may shortly be in creased. Nothing has been definitely decided yet, but tbe tobacco trade has forma lated a demand for a general revision of tbe existing scale ot
    475 words
  • 1019 12 In 1000 a hamlet of a dozen inhabitants. In 1018 a city ot more than 11,000 oitisens. This remarkable growth is one- of tbe features upon which is based that justifiable pride that makes anyone of tbese 11,000 oitisens sign tbe hotel register in another
    1,019 words
  • 85 12 In the kampong Tjoepek, in Upper Padang, Division of Solok, a looting expedition degenerated into a terrible bloodbath. Eleven people were killed and four were wounded. The wounded were taken to Swab Loeoto. Tbe booses which wen attacked were set on fire and burnt with their inhabitants inside. Revenge is
    85 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 120 12 Pineapple Hams Bacon SUPPLIES NOW AVAILABLE SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY. LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) (9^f^mi WB STATB RB JI&mS evinrudes The BEST yet in detachable J^SSfeff^^^ row-boat motore JK£ SCSjJI DON'T ROW JUST GO Ul2^ Immediate delivery {t\H# UL WC ULL LT UT>IT OOlli \T~* Our prises |W each
      120 words

  • 738 13 LORD DURHAM ON MISTAKE OF HUSTLING. Record Output in 1917. The Earl of Durham, in bis presidential address at the annual meeting of tLe Institute ot Naval Architects, at the Society of Arts, referred to the shipbuilding crisis. I will not," be aaid, disguise my opinion that this
    738 words
  • 242 13 Career of the Tracker of Many Anarchists. Mi. William Melville, who was for a number of yean chief of the special branoh at Scotland Yard, recently died in a London hospital. Up to the time of bis retirement in 1904 Mr Melville was one of the
    242 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 225 13 Electroplated Silver Goods SUITABLE FOR WEDDING PRESENTS Hallmark. d ..ailver To- Spoons, jji^^T7A '/SvV> eaaeecnttin nit V a-icom, Xi Jv^l/^ with fanov i i C il'cnt,ir.oip6« n» Eggf /{%s Priofi. 539.50 Pric $38 SO PliHiv^'a'Sy »nd sas so RFliy&Qf IA uacn **W»¥i*Cy'i*^'^ Cut-glaaa Claret Jug ~^j. English Sterling-ailvcr wilb K.H.N.->
      225 words
    • 271 13 FOR THE FOURTH YEAR INSUCCESSION vVe secured the Contracts for the supplies of Portland Cement during 1918 70 E /i^iitlA T0 THE kiuhicipality I^l W§ Wr*w GOVEFNIIENT SINGAPORE Y%J J JOHORE This is sufficient proo' of the superiority of the HAIPHONG OR AGON BRAND -Beinr«n?e of Imitations DLTPIRE BROTHERS Sole
      271 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 543 14 asmU ow IS 000,000 1.0. Awnirane* in foroa over $9,000,000 S.O. WE SREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COKPANY, LIMITED. (I»c»ar»BAT«D n Btbatts SißUimi) Sail OVtncr WlMMttw Howm, mngnmom. LO«OO« OVFIOB I SI, Old Jewry, K.O. 'KO.OOO SepotlW wM lbs rim— v Oenrt of lag»»^4. Md eamcHet wlvb Ibr BrWib LSe Aasci
      543 words
    • 448 14 BAMKIWt. KQNGXGNG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CMPOMTION (IMOOBPOB4TID 111 HotSBOM) PAID-UP CAPITAL m •11,000,000 KBBBKVH FUNDS Sterling 41.600,000 at •16,000,000 SUtw •15.M0.000 MMOO4XX) Rewire LIlNHty ol P'oyrlpWi t11.000,000 COURT OF DIBBOTOB9 Hoa. Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Chairman. 6. Ti M Bdkins, Bsq,, Depot? ObsJrmaa. F. 0. Butobet, Bsq Hon. Mr. D,
      448 words
    • 518 14 mimm. TUB MERCANTILEBfiNK Ur INDIA. LIB. (INCORrOKATBD IN BNGLAND) Capital Authorised 41,500,000 Capital Snbueribed m, 41,122,000, Capital Tuid up m m. 4862,600 Reserve Fond »»d Real M 4708,000 BOAHi> OF DIRBCTOBB K. J. BUok, Bag., Chairman, J. M. Ryne Bag. I H. Melvill Slmoaa, Baq P. R. Chalmers. Bag. I
      518 words
    • 559 14 BAHKim. NEDERLANDBCH INOIBCHE HANDH.SBANK (NETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK) BsTAaIIUID IRBB. a»PiT»t i F1 M.000,000 (about <8,ooo,ooo; ItUCB UW j Fl. 86,000,000 (about PAW HP «2,900,000) IOlraH 4J,600,P00) HBAD OFFICB IN AMSTBRDAM. HBAD AGBNCT IN BAT* VI*. BRANCHI8 1 Hongkong, M dan, Boerabaya, SamaranK, Bandotcu. Wtltevredea, i Cbcribon, Tegal, Pbcaluagan, r»ot*/jiiK»(o,
      559 words
    • 917 14 THE MOTOR UNION INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. (Inoorf-nrate-d n EMimV HEiD CFFICE 10. ST. JAMES 8 STREET. LONDON. LIFE INSURANCE ag a J?£2XZ at rates which ocmpaie very favourably witu those of any ether Company.' FIRE INSUPAKCE MARINE INSURANCE %ffl'g t £jft:?£& i iiv h WAX >' 1^ MOTORCAR INSURANCE T»
      917 words

  • 789 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS M CURRENT TOPICS. Testing the Mixture. The following practical hints for testing the mixture are given by a contributor in the Light Car and Cyclecu: It is often useful in case of doubt to be able to cheek the condition of the combustion of
    789 words
  • 315 15 State May Yet Retain The Railways. Sir Albert Stanley, President of the Board of Trade, speaking at a luncheon in connection with the annual meeting of the Association of Chambers of Commerce, ■aid be did not see how the railways or canal* could revert to their pre-war position.
    315 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 172 15 WARNING mommmTwl mmmm I come to our knowledge that cheap md nferior ELECTRIC LIMPS are being offered on this market. '.'UK THCSE LAMPS H WE SHORT LIFE AND EXCESSIVE CURRENT CONSUMPTION. They will prove expensive to use no matter at what price purchased. VVheu purchasing ELECTRIC LAMPS remember that price
      172 words
    • 101 15 *S~mip3r>r They convince the expert fi^B^T^r^ They delight the purchaser V *MM\ THE HALL-MARK I !~S« OF EFFICIENCY JU la\ Ow^m TVTTIVTT r\T\ ■IJl\fe# DUN LDP USE ONLY DUNLOPIYfiES and TUBES "U.E." Scrap Washers (PATENTED) 1918 PATTERN O I *»t* r V Sr SHbA 'JBA VHK *^L 4 W inY
      101 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 838 16 tITUATWNS VACANT. BXPBRIBNCBD COMPOSITORS WANTBD lot the Straits Times (news 4Byaftß>eat). (rood salaries given to capable aea WANTBD an experienced laboratory boy K> work in a dental offioe Apply to Dr. Woala and Company. 32 6 o WANTED, junior Chinese olerk and typist Salary aooordin* to ability. Apply in own
      838 words
    • 748 16 FOR SALE FOR 8»m two-seater Saxon car; also Douglas motor cycle Apply Alec. Williamson, Ltd.. Orchard Road. 17 8-83 6 FOR SA.LB, Kori oar in good order, running tine months. Four new tyres. Box No. 2'iB. Straits Times. 'JO 8—26 fl FOX SAL.B, sddlemare, 16 hands, very pretty action and
      748 words
    • 618 16 KIAM KIAT GO. MARKET STRBBT. NEW STOCKS ON HAND Salamandrite Jointings Gauge Glasses Tack's Gen. Packings Saw Files Connecting Links. SOLB AGBNTS FOR THE MULCOTT BELTING CO. LD. (Incorporated in England). IRANSHIPMENTB We undertake transhipments ol all kinds from the smallest parcel to fuM cargoes Our service world wide. Correspondence
      618 words
    • 485 16 THY GUAN KMT ■aaatiM Director, SUM RUT Co., Ltd. 36, Phillip Strett, Singapore FIREWOOD ECONOMY Since firewood is a necessity in your kitchen aud economy tbe chic' topic during these trying times, yen must not hesitate to plaoe yonr orders with me. ECONOMY I Being in possession ol lour in
      485 words
    • 298 16 GUAN KIAT AND CO., LD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) ■ass Offies i 16, Philip Itrsst, tlatapera Ihlß-ahaadlers. Nardware Dsalsrt, Bovsrnmsnt aad Musiciaal Contractors. Gsasral Inportirs snd Eiportsr^, Estate, ■la* aad taw Mill Supplier! tad Commission afaati Tel. Address: OUAMKIaT, Codes used A. B. C 6th Bdition, and a 1
      298 words
    • 102 16 First-class MOTORCARS Fop HIRE Day and Night I Phone *****= DUNLOP TiRES Of all tha uaeful a.zeo FOR SALE Any time during Day op Night STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 21 S A 216, Orchard Road. BAN LEE ANN, LTD. (Incorpobatbd in Simoapobb) M and MaHuu ■»*•*>■ Merchants and Shipowners, Ship-chandlers and
      102 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 395 16 Straits Wimes. TBLBPHONM i Editorial aad Qeeeral-. m M Manager's Offioe HIT Job Printiag Offloo m 1146 All communications relating to editorla matters and aewß shouU be addressed If THB BDITOR. All oommunioatioßS relaMag to busiaest a otters— edvertisemears, snarriptioat, accounts, printiag, etc.-should be ad' dressed to THB MANAOBB. Cheque
      395 words