The Straits Times, 15 June 1918

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.749 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JUNE 15. 1918. PRICE 10 CENTB
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 164 1 •ILRIAiB •WEmMtO GONDENBEB ■ILK Prteeaow $20.50 par *Me Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choiceat materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs, A tin makes six plates of the best soup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jbibby, McfieiXi Jbibby state "If there was a way to
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    • 44 1 Robinson Co. "Pellucidex" Raincoats COMFORTABLE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN SMART As supplied to jj StockB held by The War Office /^TU^^^Z^f The Admiralty Qifi n A ERA Nil PI Z Pfi The Crown Agents Complata Houaa Fiipmihtm for the Colonies, etc. vioto^a stpaat I I
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    • 3 1 GOODRICH > TYRES I
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  • 764 2 WEINBERG AND THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. Sense Overcomes Law. Commonsense and law are ao often divorced that a decision of tbe Court of Appeal recently is socially to be welcomed, says a London paper. It concerns the oase of Mr. Hogo Weinberger, a member of the firm
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 694 2 THE THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE und nc^ads that Is the greatrst wealth, and In no rrspect Is she mere ca-eful or vigilant than in combating iilniiit- and sf.idving the art of keeping ttrong and well. Sh« apprccta:e<, parti .-.ilariy, thf In p.irtancc of prevcn'iriß the digestive organs from gctunf ruu aowa.
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    • 421 2 Burning, Itching Eczema On Body Came Like Rash. Had to Go to Bed. Used to Cry with Pain. Scratched. Cuticura Healed. 1 1 "My limhs broke out with eC7cma I t lie knees to the neck of my fix*, and then on every part of my body. It first came
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    • 306 2 your money X^i^^^H I I I aavea and unneoesaa.pi- ▼^^V^M th We oan derMtpe y a' baiint-HD at a minimum cost bat witb mintnara r. sallH by meami of onr EFFICIENT AND ECONOMICAL Advertising Service This publication w well ratronised by BOUSTEID CO. and many others. CHINESE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY and
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  • 754 3 BRITISH GI'NNERS^AND THEIR TARGETS. By Major C. J. C. Street, R.G.A. Registration in tbe artillery sense is tbe art of discovering tbe necessary gnn elevations and directicßH to bit a given target, with a view to engaging tbat target on some future occasion, when it may be impossible
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  • 246 3 Two Popular Melodies Before The Court. Two popular son?*, Keep the Home Fire" Bnrning and II Yon Were the Only Girl," wr re thn "object of an action in tbe King's Bench Division recently when an injunction wu applied for and damages claimed by tbe Performing Righto'
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 447 3 TBY THIS METHOD OP GROWING BEAUTIFUL HAIR TO-DAY FREE. GIGANTIC HAIR-HEALTH OFFER. Banish Hair Poverty by accepting this Four -Fold Gift :or of tliis newspaper if itiviicd to enjoy v dcliKlitfully •jeasaut, compleU' eowft ol H.rr He*ltli and Ht-auty Culture FRUL lliitiK MtMaTI V> iiilucl your home h.iir health c<iur>»-
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    • 234 3 No matter bow thin, dull, or gennraH/ impjvrruihecl >our hair may matter bow long it lia* I'frn giviriK you cause for anxiety, "Harlene Hair Drill" will o»ercomt your hair troubles. Th» mi>4 fammi- beautiful ActreaMa, Uie moM famous Cinema stars, the leaders ol fashion, ail proclaim "Harlene HairDrill" the
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    • 357 3 HEALTH FOR ALL In hot climates nature needs Help wholesome nourishment for blood, bones, nerves and muscles. Nothing supplies this nourishment like SCOTTS Emulsion Whatever the cause of your weakness, it will make you stronger, healthier and better in every way. For nearly 40 year* doctors have recommended genuine scons
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    • 212 3 You hay heard of the Irishman Z*-<^\, who wandered the world searr p,J^, N ching fora four-leafed shamrock •S C^J and, returning in despair, found X; iA One Rowing on his home door- y lt jo»» nerves are broken down aud you feel yoarself Rrowiof? daily more drspondent, why £|b
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 491 4 itemib mumt ntytr: MPM MAIL STEAMBHIPGO..LTO. (ißoaßraaaTßD ia Jaraa) EUIOPEAN LINE A aarrlee is maintained betweea Yokohama, vta aorta, aad Bnglaad under mail ooatraei •Ml tbe Imperial Japaaese Oorerameat. The Mew Twia-sorew Steamers maiataiaiag Mi sarrioe bave beea specially deajgaed sad aaastJiiiitnl aad are fitted witb aU tbe latest laarajveneaai
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    • 770 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.'Srltlsh India Mpcap me (Ooapaßias lauoßpaaaraD ib BBeaaro) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORISNTAL S. H CO. (Under Contraat with Hla Majesty s oovarnineiu) Tbe Company's MAIL SBRVIOBS BAST OP BOMBAY an at preseat saspeaded. Tbe Company's INTBRMBOIATB BBRVIOBS TO AMD PROM LONDON are at present
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    • 547 4 BTEAMEN MILINH. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION OS.. LB (laawareaacaD ib Siaa). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, TringKaau, Blsut, Semerak, Baobo, Kelaataa, Tabs! Baagaaia, Tcirfu raaarai. Pataal, Siapora, Laeoa, Kobsamni, Baadoa, Laacraea, Ohumpoa, KohUk a Baat so* aan.un Ou# OapaPtUPO D MQ (MRS IT Juns 19, 3 p.m. •«°°MADIB 4unm M un ae,
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    • 648 4 STEAMEI BAILINM. OOMBIMBB MBVItM O* THEMEA»S.S.MaTI. (laoaaroa*raD i* Bae«vam THE WEST T«ITIALIA» S N. Gl. LTI. (laoeareßATaD ib Baaaaas) aarwaaa ■paaaanala (Poptlt), N«pi».Wih Auatrallan Pant, etavsr »iwgaaapi> Regular aailiags betweea ■"-imsaa aa« Westera Aastralia oallia k at Jbtslm to daeembai offeiß), Derby, Klag's Houad laait for the Kimaerley Gold Fields)
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 363 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO RISEN KAISHA (I»0OBPO*4TBD IM J»I AH 1 Soeaie note via Bongkoog, Shanghai Vagasaki. the Inland Sea, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Franoisoo to all points in the. United Stele* Canada. Mt lico and laroru, PROBABLE HILINQS FROM HONGKONG Steamer Tonnage Speed Probable sailing from Hongkong 1 »n»o
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    • 431 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC COAST SERVICE The following steamers will be despatched tot Paeifio Coast Ports aboot the dates mentioned B.S. TUKI MARD Aug. s.s. KIKU M ARU end Sept. For freight and farther particulars, apply to OUTHRIB CO., LTD., Agents. 30 Ha n SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS s.s, Oleacab- 8.T60
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    • 153 5 drii goi jf*n \n\ tm yoi |oi ir^i icn ~itt(\* 1 SIME, DARBY& C° IF II (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS.) ESTATE AGENTS. TIN MINE AGENTS. MERCHANTS. GENERAL IMPORTERS EXPORTERS. Agents 1 1 The Celebrated 1 ZENITH t I i !U Motor Cycles 1 1 j I l B^flßsff^^BV'Ww^r^^^aS^l 1 S
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 144 6 LAMPSJi A are unsurpassed for I STRENGTH, 1 1 BRILLIANCY I I ECONOMY. I f There are no better S&aum&toh Lamps. \W SIEMENS BROS. DYNAMO WORKS, LTD. I (N*CO«rOMATCO IN EMCLAWO) W I SINGAPORE m rciEeiaas sicmem* hicphomc aoi. > STATE SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN STOCK Wiite tor lowest
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    • 157 6 THE GREAT AMERICAN WAR SONG Over There ITS A LONG WAY TO BERLIN but we'll get there. We'll knock the heligo-into heligoout of Heligoland. Goad-bye Broadway, Hello Franoe. Homeward bound. I don't want to get well, etc. TO BB HAD AT H. C. HUDSON 100, Read to US) A^iSJEZ NIC
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    • 146 6 GET A MOTORCYCLE THIB YEAR TM 1111 HARLEY OAVIDSOV Mctoroyole is the greatest motorcycle we have ever seen. Its a beauty, and has more power and speed than yon will erer.have to use. Booklets oan be had bom Alee. Williamson, Singapore Aylesbury and Nutter, Ltd., Ipoh. Chin Sen 8 a
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    • 226 6 V v\ If// S Best Manila Cigars ■■eallanta Baiaotad Buds ■apaolaiiaa LondP«« Army and N.vy Lo»-^ Patlt SouquatLoPd. of Bouquata M|<|| u|fa Jn en- mm Mlnanai Oortau*o t-mo -t^ lM N.uvo 00rt.,.. Nalna Maria M«uvo Habano N.P.U. Ralna Victoria a a coi-tado Oalaatlalaa IsnoHtas Roya.laa Blagantaa. ato.. u (Bijeap. Quality
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  • 129 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, June 15. High Watm, M a am, Mi p.m Raoe meetioK, Third Day. Frawlry Co It pava to Advertise Fillift's Circua, Beach Road, 9.16 p.m. Sunday, June 16, High Water, 2.t6 a.m., 4.6 p.m. Monday, June 17. High Wtk« 8.54 a m 4 80 p.m.
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  • 153 7 To-DAI. Moar and Malacca 3.80 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Penang 3 80 pm Kaigon and Hongkong 3.80 pm Medan 8 pm Batavia, Cberibon, Samarang and Soarabaya 8 pm Polaa Batam and Pulau Bolang 8 pm Kerimon 8 pm Pulau Soegi 8 pm Kota Tinggi 4 pm
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  • 263 7 The mall wains from Singapore foi the aovtb leave Tank Road station daily at T. 7 a.m iSondav exoepted) aad T fan., arriving at Koala Lumpur at T.lB p.m. and 6.48 a.m. •eapeeti vely The through express to Peaang waves Koala Lampar at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at
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  • 29 7 March 38 April 8 April April 13 April 18 April 90 April 37 luitid L* Jane Jane H 10 ->0 ■i 4 5 8 6 4
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  • 183 7 BXCHANOB BnoAPoaa, Jem IS, 1011. Oi]Unw. Bask 4 m/i t/4tf Demand l < PriTateBm/t 1/4 On Faißoa Bank 817 O« Ikdu BaokT. T. 148 Ok Ho»o«o»«...Bank d/d 89 j %pm Ob Soa»»«ai ...Bank d/d 6C« Oh JATi...........8ank T. T, m 107) O« Jam* Bank] in t Sovereign—
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  • 17 7 lllMrt by PiMMO* and Co., Exohanga and Ihtr* Broitare, linl.por., Juno IS, Twalva noon.
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  • 185 7 Bayen BeUan. I M inpiu 9XO 9.60 I 1 Aye. Woag 295 8.10 I 6 Korlin R 6.60 7.C0 II 10 KinU AaßoetaUoa 12.75 18.38 zd II 41 KiDts Tia 1.8.0 1.12.0 n 41 Lahai Mines B.SO 7.25 10 10. Malayan Collieries 14.28 18.00 11 41 Malayan Tia 1.18.6
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  • 98 7 rX2 Bn^« II 41 I. SmelttaaOo. T. 60 780 II 41 a l-» 0 >-6° >/• llecteio T'wayi 8/6 4/8 II It Fnaet No«ve 46.00 47.00 CO MW.HunmeiAOo.67.Co ay rO 100 100 K*»i Bros, Del. 126.00 186.08 IS 10 lUymud k Co. 6.60 6.60 41 41 Shell Tnaapoit 6
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  • 59 7 Oaited Bngmeera 8% 1 1 lU(M aar Singapore Sleotrie Tramways 1% 48 50, DM norn B'pore Muaioipal 6% »1,878,00» »•> 8 pore Municipal of 190T 11,800,0 m 10%dit 8 pore MuaioipaJ H% of 1908 iiooo m u%ia B'pore Municipal I.OOOMt U%m B'pore Maaioipal i% 4800,001 F.M.S. 8% loaa 1918
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  • 362 7 ■>•••■••• Frtnf and Go. 1 and Maawr*. Lyall and Kvatt'a Quotations rMM» Lrftiifc *Co. Bratl. Uo»GaJata(ll) 3.76 B.fO 280 8.00 Lmal. Malay fy. p«. 1.26 2.76 226 2.76 Lye« Bitem (IB) 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 Lyei Ranißg (II) 106 1.26 1.00 1.16 I yet Molek (f 1)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 54 7 STAMFORD HOUSE PRIVATE HOTIL, Bras Basin Bo ad OINTRALLV •ITUATED Always aooi aad exposed to ssa breeae mnuabed Apartments Wltb or Without Board. Comforubla Booms wltb Batbroomi attaohed tleotrio Kittinis tbroostboat. fisvgsj Beoeptlon Hall and Billiards ■■parata Tables la Spaolooa Dtalnf Boom, rtMN-tas Mit rsaasasßH la Ttva. for tattbat partiealars,
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    • 541 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WaNTBD, premises facing tha Sin«i»p c River. Apply to Btx No. ill, Strait* Timcx I»«-il.6 WANTB D, doable bedroom, tarnithed. with or withont board. ..entrai. Beplv < ffictr, P. O Hafflui Hotel, 16 n— l7 fl WANTBD. junior clerk for larg meroan tile firm. Mast be mat writer
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    • 542 7 A shipment has just arrived 95 cts P er 50 From all Dealers The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book This bandy little book ban now reaohed its BLBVBNTH EDITION, a sore indioation of its usefulness. Price $1.50 per copy; pott free $1.75 Publishers: FRASER AND NEAVE, LTD., Collyer Quay, Singapore. SURELY
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  • The Straits Thimes. SATURDAY, JUNE 15. CAN FRANCE HOLD OUT?
    • 29 8 A Bangkok resident received on June 5 a note from Hongkong to tbe effect that the lottery drawing will probably take place on tbe 20th or may be later."
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    • 81 8 The Interdenominational Prayer Meeting will be held at 5 15 p.m. on Monday, Jane 17, at the borne of Key. and Mrs. J. A. B. Cook, 1 Qilntead Road. Tbe Rjt. B. C. Roberta, M A., Chaplain to tbe Foroen, will give tt. address. All are cordially invited to attend.
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    • 35 8 Messrs. L. M. W. Wilkins and D. S. Cameron, planters of Ceylon, are granted leave to file a specification ot an invention for deflecting rain water from tbe tapping cute of rubber and other trees.
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    • 38 8 On arrival of a steamer yesterday a Chinese was arrested with tI.OCO worth of opium in bis possession stowed away in an almeirab having double partitions, which tbe accused bad among the articles be brought ashore with him.
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    • 38 8 Tbe King will not be advised to disallow the Ordinance to amend tbe Singapore Municipal Water Works (Loan) Ordinance and tbe Penang Municipal Loan Ordinance and tbe Ordinance to reduce tbe capital debt of the Penang Harbour Board
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    • 49 8 Dutiable goods being now allowed to pass Gemas if consigned to tbe Customs in any part ol tbe F. M. S., it is asked, says the Malay Mail, whether the same relaxation will be made at Port Swettenham in respect to dutiable goods consigned to tbe Customs, Kuala Lumpur.
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    • 50 8 Tbn Rangoon rioe market was closed on May 24 in consequence of the announcement by tbe Rioe Cjmmissioner that no shipment of rioe to the Dutch East Indies would be allowed until further instructions. It was expneted that forward buyings at R3BO to R240 would cause Belling at under R2OO.
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    • 54 8 There was a quiet wedding at St. George's Church, Penang, on June 12, the Rev. A. B. Champion officiating, when Miss Blsa M. Turnoy was married to Mr. L J. T. Ainsworth, of Sungei Patani. Tbe bride's sister, Mrs. B. J. Bennett, was present at tbe ceremony, and Mr. Bennett
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    • 58 8 Messrs. Harrisons and Crosfield bave received telegraphic advioe from the secretaries of the Bab Lias Tobacco and Rubber Estates to the effect that tbe annual general meeting will be held in London on the 19th inst., when payment of a dividend of 5 per cent to tbe shareholders will be
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    • 63 8 Tbe pineapple, in North Borneo, is found ii> every market gardener's clearing but its utility as an article of trade has never been really developed, says tbe B.N. Borneo Gazette. As a standard fruit of local consumption, it runs tbe banana very hard for first place, yet no one has,
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    • 55 8 Inspector Brownings yesterday effected a smart raid at ITU, Joo Chat, where be arrested three Chinese making ten cent counterfeit notes. He found no fewer than a tbousand of these, together with materials for manufacturing same. Aocus^d were produoed before Mr. Ham tuis morning, tbe case being postponed for f
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    • 69 8 In response to a popular demand for copies ot tbe Dollar Directory bound in null oovers, a limited number of tbeee valuable books bave been specially bound in stiff oard clothboand oovers and are now on sale for 11.76. There ha* been a big demand for these book* and the
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    • 59 8 A special London cable to tbe Ceylon Observer states that at tbe Linggi meeting on May 28 Mr. Noel Trotter said tue American import restrictions made the outlook very serious. Producers are faced with tbe gradual decline of market values, ana also a deadweight surplus of 100,001) tons at tbe
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    • 111 8 A bill is being introduced into tbe Legislative Council requiring every applicant (or a driver's licence, who intends to drive for hire or payment, to permit impre-sions of his fingers to be taken. At tbe present time, if th bolder of a driver's licence is convicted in the Colony and
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    • 158 8 A Calcutta wire dated June 1 to the Rangoon Gazette says At the High Court yesterday Mr. Justice Oreavea disposed of tbe suit brought by Lieut. Henry Harold Sanders, I A.R.O tor dissolation of marriage from bis wife Marianne Sanders on the ground of her misconduct with Mr. W. H.
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    • 153 8 Mr. W. H. Taylor, head preventive officer, charged tbret. Europeans named Jules H. Braoden, W. 11. Reyenga and Petrus M. Hendricks, before tbe second magistrate this morning, with being in possession of a quantity of bladders containing Government obandu, worth 12,600. The three European*, it appears, were arrested about 1
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  • 443 8 Mr. O. W. R. Millar, of St. Leonard's Estate, Port Diokson, ia leaving (or borne. Mr. A. V. Qnin, formerly in charge ot the Waterhouse Co., Kuala Lumpur, is joining tbe local branch of tbe Straits Trading Co. Mr. G. W. Russell is coming to Singapore on
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  • 26 8 We gratefully acknowledge tho following addition to Uiih fund Already acknowledged 11,646 Mr. S. J. Judab io 1,656 Tbe food is now closed.
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  • 88 8 We very gratefully acknowledge tbe following addition to our fund for assisting the Overseas Club to provide smokes foi our soldiers and sailors Per tbe Hon. Secretary, Batu Anam (Jobore) Club, being amount subscribed by members of tbe Club during May and voted to
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  • 141 8 There was anotbor large and appreciative audience at the Victoria Theatre last night to witness the company's perfurmaooe of me Rainbow, a comedy with a bomely story in which husband and wife are brought together after all misunderstandings are driven away. Mr. Daniel Frawley was ezoellent as
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  • 172 8 Tbe following communique regarding tbe passports for women and children to travel through tbe dinner zones, i c tbe Atlantic Ocean, tbe Mediterranean Sea, and waters round tbe United Kingdom, was notified on May 81 at tbe Secretariat, Colombo lt is hereby notified for general
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 154 8 Whatever You MAY Require To-morrow YOU WILL BE MOST LIKELY TO Obtain at ,'Q FINEST §.t^- A Wfift* EAST OF SUEZ (Inorporatsd in England) jßjji^^ SPENCER-MOULTON TYRES HAVE ARRIVED •o- IpENTRAJTI importer. Q IENGINE WORKS LTDIL zocus ■BMMiaHMMUSSmSH THE ALL-BRITISH ANTIFOULING ANTICORROSIVE SHIPS' COMPOSITION is supplied under contract to The
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    • 231 8 A THREE-FEATURE PROGRAMME F«r ail nights commencing Saturday, June IS, and including lundsj, June It, at th. A L HA MB R A Th. Hall for Music Th. PionMr snd Praml.r Houss Th. Housi of Quality- teach Road IN THB SECOND hH >W AT 9.lft it Metro production, itnsitional and
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  • 4751 9 FIGHT FOR PARIS. German Forces Firmly Held. Position of the Opposing Armies. Rsurst's Tileoram*. London, June 13, 7.60 am. Thorn is a growing tone of optimism in the newspapers as it becomes dearer that tbe Germans have been obecked. They have certainly compelled the French to withdraw from
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  • 156 10 We are indebted to the French Consulate for the following telegrams Paris, Jane 12, 6 45 p.m. French, official Yesterday we counter attacked on a front of 12 kilometres between Conroelles and Mortemor. We recaptured Belloy and the Bois de Qenlis we reached the. southern outskirts of
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  • 76 10 THE SEVENTEENTH LIST. Already acknowledged $55,832 Hun Mr. K. S. .Tame*. C.M.G IUO Mr« A Daly i Ipob), per Capt. W.I, Fawcoi 10 Mr. C W Kil,»ntyne, per Capt. W. S I i«rn 10 Mr. V I. WaUtH', per Capt. W. s. Fawcoa 6 Mr.
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  • 56 10 Mi. A. W. Vick, Chartered Bank, Singapore, baa received (or tbe Koyal National I lifeboat Institution Already acknowledged 12,283 Song Gag Sim* jo K. J. Bartlett 10 Francis Peek and Co. staff O B. Farqabanoo $10. C. C. Bewaber 16 15 »i,817 Thia fund i» bow iilii— l.
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  • 133 10 Opening Ties of the Summer Tournament The Singapore Cricket Club lawn tennis tournament op< dh on Tuesday when the following ties will be played A. SINi.LK. Kachwaldy v. Leggatt, Stoat v Mitlig&n, Adler v. Caatrell. Perkins O. P. GriffithJones, Potts v. Sinclair, Natban v. Wodehonse. B. SI.VtiLK.
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  • 135 10 To-day's Business. Macphail and Co.'i daily report i— SUrei— Unchanged 48}. Hongkong.— 39 J% p.m. Shanghai.— 6oJ. Rubber— Doll. Tin.— Sold 175 tons at $153*. Market still lifeless. Jerame have been done at *1 17 j. Malaka Pindas are wanted at $1 95, Jimahs at 11.25, Scadais
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  • 460 10 A Public Reception wm held at the V.M.C.A. Hall, on Monday, Jun< 10, and attended oy a large representative audience to welcome Miss S trout, the Organising Secretary of tbn World's Women's Christian Temperance Inion, the largest women's organisation in existence, having aa its president
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  • 119 10 The report from the Australian Institute of Tropical Mi-dicinti tx tbe year ended December 81 was presented to tbe Federal Parliament at Melbourne on May 15. It states tbat daring tbe first half-year 127 patientM were treated in tbe tropical ward of tbe Towntville Hospital. Ul these seven
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  • 98 10 At notified in the Oasette of India dated June 3, the title of Strdir Sahib baa beeo bmlwiiiJ od Jamadar Dalip Sin^h, who retired on penaion from the F M.S. Police Force on May 81, 1918, after 28 year, aervioe. Thu honour baa beeo conferred on the Jamadar in r<
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  • 660 10 Report on Last Six Months Of 1917. Mr. S. A. Lane, aoting Chairman of the Singapore Harbour Board, signs the report of the Boatd (or the ball year ending December 31 latt From it we take the following tacts The credit balance of income and ex pec
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  • 225 10 The Ceylon Observer, of May 80, nays I'lanters in Malacca and his maoy friends in Ceylon will learn with much regret of the death at the General Hospital, Colombo, at 10 last night, of Chas. Mitchell, manager of Ayet Molek and Diamond Jubilee estates, Jaein, Malacca. Accompanied
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  • 713 10 Passenger's Story o Andre Lebon's Appeal. The Rev. Father T. Vander Scbaeren, the well-known Calcutta priest, who recently left India on a voyage for bis health, sends to the Catholic Herald an interesting description of the wreck of the Andre Lebon daring the cyclone at Singapore.
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  • 58 10 Following are tue scratching for todays race meeting Divided Griffin Handicap (R.C,).—Konggee's Cartridge. Merchants Plate (Scurry).— Highgate Velge SUkcH R C Norpe, Four Aces, Prince Kupert. Grand Fleet, Firefly. Divided Griffin (Scurry).— Chestnut, Jam sheed Visitors Stakes (Scurry),— Baba Kechit Bligbty, Tambun. Merchants Stakes (Scurry).— St. Albani, Loaddeer,
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  • 95 10 For (be period from Jane 14 to 20, 1918, inclusive, the doty on cultivated robber on which export doty ia leviable on an ad valorem basin in accordance with Notification No. 764, published in the X.M.S. Government Gazette of March 15, 1018, onder the Customs Duties
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  • 122 10 (The Straits Times is not responsible to. ■be opinions of its correspondents Correspondents should bear in mind th«. letters nost be short and to the point Long rambling epistles are liable to b. rt justed or ruthlessly oat donra.j BuDiiK Problkm —Look np Rale 91, in the Laws of
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  • 709 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l regret tbat in my last letter, through a mistake, money collected in Penaoy and Perak was returned as having been collected in Singapore; and I should therefore be much obliged if you would kindly allow me now to
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  • 403 10 To the Editor ol the Strait* Time* Sir, All honour (or your long and oonsis tent o«U to mm the Rons, m w«11 m to stand by them till the Iwt shot and the last man. You will be your own record in the press for the
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  • 176 10 The following farther donations are gratefully acknowledged Cbcbcb Army Tbnt No 8. Balance from Tents Nog. 4 and S $215 10 D. Smith |50 H. J. Gibbs 25 P. F. David JUS W. W. de Moruay 25 H. C. Oooko Yarborough 25 N. A. M. Griffin It)
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  • 187 10 Tbe Albambra chaoses its programme to ni|(bt, and ig putting on two five-reel Metro pictures, Tbe Haunted Pajamaa and Come Back, an original drams, one in each show. Tbe second show feature is nupportod by another five act drama, Her Great Hoar, a production in which both
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  • 1799 11 PERSONAL MPRESSIONS. France, March 13. There is a great deal written by press oorrtspondentß about oar Air Service which the airmen at the front woold probably dieruiMi as "iye was!:." There is a «reat deal written in magazines by airmen themselves which presume on the
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  • 381 11 Programme of drills, etc, for week ending Saturday, Jane 22, 1918 SCNDAY, JCNB 16. S.V.R. Details.— Balestier Range, 7.30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Mokoat, Junk 17. S.V.A., G.L. and I>.K.K.-Jar' ne's Steps for Fort Silensing, 4.60 p m. S V.A. Details.— Balestier Range, 4.30 p.m. V S
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 287 11 Whenever you like His Matter's Voice Gramophones and Record" provide yon with the m-ano of a danoe whenever yon jast feel like it." Call and hear the latest darce morio on sne of the many model machines we have in stock. 8. Moutrie Co., Ltd. (Incorporated is Hongkong) Tasjaag Htar
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  • 2106 12 First Three Years. 1914. Jane 27. Assassination of Archduke Franshi rdinand and tun Consort at Serajero. July 26. Austrian ultimatum sent to Serbia. August 1. Uormany declares war on Russia and France. August 4. Britain declares war on Germany for violating neutrality of Belgium. August W.— Battle
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  • 586 12 Chinese Towkay Held Up in Broad Daylight After a lapse of some time a very daring gang robbery was committed on June 1G near Kampar, the victim being Towkay Loke Yew, of Kampar, reports the Times of Malaya. The Towkay was coming from Kampar to Ipob for the
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  • 552 12 3rd Sunday after Trinity, June 16. St. Amdrbw's Catbsdbal. 7.80 a.m. Litany 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9.15 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 6.80 p.m. Eveusong and Sermon. Preacher: The Right Reverend G. Trower, D.D., Bishop of North West Australia.
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  • 278 12 Kalubi.— 2,26l lbs. Ci0e1y.— 46.949 lbs. Glenealy.— 2l,7oo lbs. Hill Rise.- 12,200 lbs. Hopeland.— 6,lB6 lbs. Lower Perak.— l4,9oo lbs. Ratanui.— lB,ooo lbs. Trolak 24,877 lbs. United Malacca. -10,637 lbs, Bandar Sumatra.— 86,864 lbs. Eastern Sumatra.— 22,22s lbs. Glen Bervie.— 2o,o62 lbs. Langkat Sumatra.— 9.000 lbs. Lankat
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 118 12 BACCHUS MARSH CONCENTRATED MILK In quarts, pints and half-pints SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED i lncorporated In Strain Settlements Wl STATE RB 3|f^ EVINRUDES SSte The BEST yet in detachable IPlwEil row-boat motors jtf^^p sjjf DON'T ROW JUST GO Immediate delivery {\ffl_# v mi lELI LT TMI LmsT 00IL1 Oar
      118 words

  • 848 13 BUILT CHIEFLY FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE. Views of an Expert Artillerist. The new German long-range gan, whic haR bombarded Paris, is in my opinion pnrel a fnak weapon, bciilt for parely politica purposes, saya a writer in a bomo paper. A natural question to ask is whether such
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  • 211 13 for the year ended August 81 last the profit of Djapoera (Sumatra) Rubber was £18,020, making, with £12,183 brought forward, a total of 30,054. It is proposed to write £2,002 off depreciation on buildings and machinery, leaving, subject to exoess profits duty, .028,062, which the directors, after
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 250 13 MICHEMN TYRES One Quality Only The Best jAo The tyres that are built up to the highest standard of quality not down to a low price Prove their superiority by giving them a trial. Stockists SINGAPORE Straits Motot Garage, Chin Hoat Hin Oil Trading Co., The Cyole and Carriage Co.,
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    • 174 13 e^Aed^2l9lSßri g MWalraJ^^. .^^(m MMnj BTM^rStrAZMeBCReMHIJBi YOU CAN HELP US TO SAVE BELGIUM'S LITTLE ONES! Bend your cheque now and hf lp to save a suffering little life. A Belgian Committee in Holland. "L'Oeuvre de la fcante de L'Enfance Beb/e" (under the Presidency of H.B.H. Princess A de Ligne) receives
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 656 14 aVlMts O*«r 18,000 000 8.0 A»iurance in force over 19,000,000 8.0. THE fiREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (iHooara-RATaD n Stbaits Sbttibmimts) aMABOPPIOBi Wlnohetts* Houas, Blr.«apoPa. LOBIDOH OPPIOB i Old Jewry. B.C. The Compaay baa aWO.OOO depoaited with the Sußwtae Ooart ot Baglaad, tad oompliee witb tbe BriUah Lite Asaoraaee
      656 words
    • 451 14 BMKim. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (iMUURPOHTiD IK HOHSBOH*) PAID DP CAPITAL M 116,000,000 RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling *1.600,000al If. 115,000,000 Silver •10,600,000 184,600,000 Reserve Liability ol Proprietor! 116,000,000 (jOURT OF DIRECTORS Hoa. Mi. P. H. Hoiyoak, Chairman. O. T. M. Bdkißß Bag,, Deputy Chairmaa. r, a Bateber, Bsq. Horn. Mr.
      451 words
    • 512 14 MWKIIH. TNI MERQAN TILE BANK OF INDIA. LTD. (INCORPOBATBD IN BNGLAND) Capital Authorised 41,600,000 Capital Subscribed 41,138.000 Capital Paid-up m, 4662,600 Reserve Fond and Beit 4708,000 BOARD OF DIRBCTORS R. J. Black, Bsq., Chairman, J. M. Ryrie, Bsq IH. Mel vill BimoM, Big P. R. Chalmers, Hiq. Bit David Tale.
      512 words
    • 561 14 ■■■BaBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBB^B^^B^^^^^^K" BAHKIWa. NEOERLANDSGH INOIBGHE HANOELSBANK (NETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK) atsTAaaiaaau 'an W T I «6,000,OUO) iIIUED AM i Fl. 86,0U0,000 (akout Pall UP 42,900.000) lESEIVE FUID j Vl ".000,000 (about usaavt 1 41,600,000) HBAD OFFICB IN AMBTBKDAM. HBAD AGBNCY IN BATa VIA. BRANCHBSi Hongkong, Medai Soetasara, Bamaraag, Bandoeng, Weltevredea, ihumbon,
      561 words
    • 907 14 m^ IMtUBAMCE. THE IMMEDIATE VALUE OF LIFE INSURANCE Those who have accumulated money by the laborious process of mere saving know what b hard and uncertain method it is. A man says. I will save so much out of my income for a oertain time and at the end ot
      907 words

  • 635 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS OR CURRENT TOPICS. Tyres, Oil and Petrol. I Some advice by a large tyre-making bouse is worth noting. It is simply put: (1) Avoid all ruts as much as possible. They affect the 'side wall of tbe tyre. The rubber at this I place
    635 words
  • 300 15 I Loan from Messrs. Harrisons And I Crosfield. I The directors of Lanadron Robber Estates, I Ltd., announce that they have arranged I with the commercial agents of tbe (j enmpany, Messrs Harrisons and Crosfield. that tbe agents should offer a loan to tbe company ot £65.000
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  • 218 15 The desired movement of fit men over military me, bat Dot more than 60 years old, to the borne defence force* bu began, says tbe Diily Telegraph, bat there are still more vacaDcies than reoruit* Maoy mm, said a National Service effioia', who are over
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 86 15 WILLARD STORAGE BATTERIES LARGE STOCKS FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS DUE SHORTLY The Willard Storage Battery is the most reliable on the market. It is standard on 75 per cent, of all electrically equipped cars. WEARNE BROS., LD. SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH AND PENAN6 Bole Agents for the Strait* and
      86 words
    • 72 15 BERGOUGNAN TYRES LE GAULOIS BOLE AGENTB DUPIRE BROS. 2, De Souza Street, Singapore STELASTIC TYRES The only tyres holding the R. A.C. certificate for 5,000 miles without ■~""5P cuts or punctures. fc/S-^ British and made In Britain Sol* Importer* INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD. fill fl CHER Wfie Premier jm-®ritis6 %iv.
      72 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 846 16 SITUATIONS VACANT. XPBRIBNCBD COMPOBITORB WANTBD tor the Straits Times (new* n>) Good salaries given to oapable WANTEU junior xhortbaud typist tor Bingapore office. Apply Box No 30P Strait* Times HB-81-6 WANTBD. an experieooed laboratory boy to work in a dental offioe- Apply to Dr. *->blaand Company. 33 6— n
      846 words
    • 757 16 MISCELLANEOUS. CABCAL TYPING neatly txecnt-d. Apply Swno<rapLer, Straits Times. 12 6— IS 6 LADY TYPIST, Mrs. F. Cooper Abbs. iddress Burlington, Culeman Street 17 f— lB6 LBSSONh in Eoglirh, French and Malay nven by lady. Box 181, Straits Times. M-6-7 WaNTBD, small eolleotion antique bract curios. Price and particular to
      757 words
    • 478 16 KIAM KIAT CO. MARKET STRBBT. NEW STOCKS ON HAND Salamandrite Jointings Gauge Glasses Tack's Gen. Packings Saw Files Connecting Links. SOLB AOBNT3 FOR THE MULCOn BELTING CO., LD. (Incorporated in England). DICTATB TO TMB U<lr\ DICTAPHONE I|P\ Instal the Dictaphone system in your office and you will have no further
      478 words
    • 366 16 TAY GUAN MAT MaaßtiHl Omactor. GUAM KIAT A Co., Ltd 36, Phillip Street, Singapore FIREWOOD FIREWOOD From Municipality, Government, and hospitals to steam launches, hotels, and private dwellings I am toe oon tractor and supplier of firewood Remember me when next yon are in the market for this necessity. Boonomy
      366 words
    • 402 16 GUAN KIAT AND CO., LD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) ■sad Off 'os i 18, Philip Street, tle|aaore Ship-chandlers. Hardware Deaian, Boisrnmant aad Municipal Contractor). Ssaera! Importsrs and Eieorters, Estate, Rica and Saw Mill Suppliers and Commimon Ateats Tel. Address: GUANKUT. Codes used A. B. C, Sth Bdition and a
      402 words
    • 232 16 First-class MOTOR GARS For HIRE Day and Night JThonel233le DUNIOP TYRES of all the useful aizea FOR SALE Any time during Day op Night STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 21 S 211, Orchard Road. BAN LEE ANN, LTD, (Incorpobatbd in SiHOAPoaa) •8 and M, MariMt ••r aaa Merchants and Shipowners, Ship-chandlers and
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 267 16 Straits IBimes TILIPHONBB I Bditor'al aad General— M Manager's Offioo M Job Printing OOee H it« 4 All oommonications relating to editorlo. matters and aews shoald cc addressed tt THB EDITOR. All eommenioatioas mis ting to feoslaesr. matters advertisements, ■nberiptioae accounts, printing, eto *boold be ad. dressed to THB MANAGBB.
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