The Straits Times, 27 March 1918

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.681 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27. 1918. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 175 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONOENBED MILK Prtoe bow $20.50 •M MM BEAR BRAND MILK THE MILK THAT'S WORTH ITS PRICE QUALITY B/f^^Ajß) ALWAYS NEVER 1-"* 1 MOST tfAfT BRAND LXCECLENT SWISS W'lK 'rvedinitsnaluraipurttl/^for J and wiihoui addition o\ *u» security, this m«lk ""Kief valuable for maintaining he jjgs of tropical^^o Importers »tool.«d
      175 words
    • 208 1 ROBINSON CO. ASSOCIATION MATCH FOOTBALLS M Bk SCOTT TUGITE f A J 1 FOOTBALL /j 1 al hi TDRite the bofit I leather that can be proI duoed for the manofaoUW tare of footballs. It is m| 7" Urn the most waterproof, t'jun'.rht and bo-t wi ar B *^T***T**ii»***r iQ»<
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  • 1118 2 LONDON IN ITS FOURTH YEAR OF WAR. The Civilians Content. Eliminate the khaki, the navv blue and the f.iruig-i auif >rin and you havu little left of tbe males of military age an i physique, and yet there are plenty of civilians about. Aftor Ml, the age
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 219 2 Vulcan Trading Corporation General Merchants Importers and Exporters Manufacturers' Agents 120 Bro-fJway New York, U. ft A. The entire facilities ol our great organization are at your disposal for the conduct of your eiport and import business. Inquiries for raw and manufactured products of any country are solicited. Offers on
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    • 427 2 YOUR SKIN AND H\ COMPLEXION m I 1 m ii^ M i»n»ii »i<j»» n O/mUIUik-timmJCl I lit WStw, JF^f BEE. HAM A ftg CHAXTENHAM. Vf$ AVON TYRES ■or* Mm tar Tow lour. If Ysw 8>mn (torn uy Skin 01 Blood Disease, ■oafa m Bssema, Scrofula Bad Legs, Ibaoeaaas, Ulowa, Boils,
      427 words
    • 432 2 |l mur Ml M V i^SasßßßßV^^^^^ißa^lsßßßa^^^Mal I I bbbbbbb M I IF I I 1^ *^awf asH^T tassßßi asf a^aaP .J— aja^asa^^a^aat\a T^ Winc*rniB will give you the New Health yoa need when you are Weah, Anaemic, Nervy Rim-de wn Think what new health means to you who are Weak,
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  • 978 3 WHAT HE ENDURES AND DESERVES. By Flora Sandes. When I left the front at the end of November snow iv already tailing np in the mountains of Maoedonia. where the remnants of the pluck; Serbian Arm; arc still grimly, Bilently oarrying on. On those bare peak* the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 169 3 "BRUNOUNUM" THE PERFECT WOOD PRESERVATIVE The Reliable Stop-Rot Antiseptic and Certain Protector against White Ants. Identical to the German Wood Preserver "Carbolinium" and Cheaper. BRITISH fl |f\^jJ BRITIIH MADE J^vCTJI BL OWNED V^sM sT Protects Wood against Decay, Dry Rot, Fungi, and the ravages off Insects, Vermin and White Ants
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    • 76 3 Anaemia ■■krk T*^aaT Att csns> Ansemk girls, weak cU> dbren and jaded mothers get new life and rigour by taking SCOTTS Emulsion. Medicine and food, it fortifies the blood, promotes appetite, and bring* back the roses and the joy of health. But be sore to get SCOTTS— no other has
      76 words
    • 588 3 tA Great Soldier And A Great Tonic Iron Jelloids. k < fJARD pounding, gentlemen, but W* Msnfi see who can pound DUKB OP WBLLINQTON. ne longest. The— uordt of H clltrfton suit well the pretent time*. To Withstand date's pounding maintain your blood rich and red, replete with red corpuscles.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 454 4 tTEAMB SAIUmt. N.Y.K. MPANMAILBTEAMBHIPCO..LTD. (InoonpoaaTßD n Japan) EUROPEAN LINE A SMI lon is maintained between Yokohama, via ports, aad England under mail ooatraot with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. Ttu Now Twin-aorew Steamers maintaining thai servioe have been speoially designed and ■OMtraetod, and are fitted with all the latest Improvements tor
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    • 528 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. -British India UNO Apcar l—me (CoMTANiaS IhOOBTOBATBD U BMaaAHO) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PBNINBULAR AND ORIBNTAL 8. N Co. (Dnaer Contract trlth His Majesty s QoTsmuant) The Oompanyi MAIL BERVIOEB HAST OH BOMBAY an at present 3t^7 a^""""'*™ RVI M TO AH f JSLS --^^Bombay a-
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    • 681 4 STEMKR BAILINM rHE SMM STEAM NAVIGATION CS.. LD. (InooareßATaß n Siui). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretoy, Tringgnnu, Bisut, Semerak, Baobo, ffelaatoa, Tabtl Bsagaara, Telonin, ranarai, Patasi, Shirora, Laooa, Kobsaraii, Baadoa, Laagsuea, Choirjpon, Kohl* 1 k Bangkok Qua DapartuM a. a. ABDANO Mar. Mar. 97, 3 p.m. a. a. MAHIDOL April 1 April
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    • 610 4 STEAMER MlLimt. OOMBINSO SBNVioB OS> THEBCEArII.I.Ci..LTt (iMooaronatao v Bna^vaan, thewestTustmua* t. N. CB.. LTB. (Ihcobpobatbd Basaansi sarwaan "Nnantlt (Parth), Nnr«rt.«r««> Australian Poraa, sawn and Sln«apar* Regular sailings between Bingapore si Western Australia oalling at Java (as hi dueement offers), Derby, King's Bound (pott tor the Kimberley Gold Fields), Browne, Roebuok
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 666 5 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. NINTH ANNUAL REPORT Singapore, 7th Maroh, 191 P. To Tbe Shareholders THB ORHAT BASTBRN LIFB ASsDBANCH, 00., LTD. Gentlemen, Your Directors beg to present the following statement of tbe results ot the business of the Company for the year ended December 81, 1917.
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    • 590 5 REVENUE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1917. Amount ot Life As- o. p. c Buranee Fund at Claims under Polithe beginning ot cies paid ard outthe year 1,800,\6«.61 Handi^ Preminms »ftcr de- By Dentil 87-^ t I2 dnoting Re-assu 4nnaities „5222? ranoes 887,741.41 Surrenders 41,466.81 Interest and Divi-
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    • 273 5 JOHNSON PICKETT Manila Rope IB UNQUESTIONABLY the besi rope on the market t>diy. Made in the Philippine?, the home of Manila hemp, and with careful selection of fibre and modern methods in manuacture, it produces the tested quality which all users enjoy. •OLB AOKNT8. KEAT GHEANG CO., Bi, Markat KnM,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 117 6 CORRUGATED IRON STOCKB 0F 24 G AND 26 G PRICES ON APPLICATION TO INDO-MALAY Co., Ld. (Incorporated in Singapore) M*4M <s^~> W. J. GARCIA. PIAIHO jjsami v Or h NOTICE TO BULLOCK AND HAND-CART pkom «Y /|> *f_o* TresFassers against oar boundary fenoe at $100 W WM Bto Lane will
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    • 264 6 Classical Violin Music with pianoforte accompaniment. Classical Piano Muaic of Modern composers. LATEST RAGS waltzes, piano solos, marches, two-steps, etc. To be had from .jm* V^so S^J M-MZ^9%*^J^l ISI, Berth Iridt* Road. Tsisphens B*. 1705. THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places "in Singapore Kelly and Walsh,
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    • 239 6 UTEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE PRIVATELY The well situated, two storey brick and tiled European residential property known as Munioipal No. 28-1, Oavanagh Road, or Valkyrie. Gas and water laid on. In excellent oondition of repair. Farther particulars from Missis. POWBLL CO., Ltd., 16 and 17, Raffles Place, Auctioneers. (100 rporated
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    • 179 6 —Building Materials Red Asbestos Roofing Slates Grey Asbestos Ceiling Sheets French Roofing Tiles Ridges— Ventilators— Half Tiles White Glazed Tiles Red Flooring Tiles Stocks held by 7, Raffles Quay, Singapore. Mobiloils "A grade for each type of motor IRREGULAR ACTION OF ENGINE-^""^. U Petrol teed to oarbu- 18 Result decrease
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  • 103 7 FIXTURES Wednesday, March 27. High Water, 10.41 a.m., 10.66 p.m Oomales Conoert, Vie. Theatre, 9.16 p.m. Thursday, March 28. High Water, 11.9 am.. 11.18 pm. Legislative Council, 2.80 p.m. Municipal Commission, 2.80 p.m. Prtday, March 29. Ugh Water, 11.36 a.m., 11.81 p.m. Good Friday. U. Choirs at
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  • 103 7 To DAT. Malacca 2.80 pm P. Swettenham and Penang 280 pm M oar and Malacca 2.80 pm Karimon 8 pm Pi Batam and Polan Bolang 8 pm Port Said, taking mails for United Kingdom 8 pm Malacca and Telok Anson 8.80 pm Christmas Island 4 pm Onoob
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  • 266 7 The mail train* bom Singapore for the sotth leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m 'Sunday exoepted; and 7 p.m., arriving at Koala Lumpur at f 18 p.m. and 8.46 a.m. isapeoaively. The tbrcagh express to Pen an k leaves Koala Lompat »t 8 a.m. daily, arriving
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  • 43 7 ITIXOOUU rOBt V. L«n Bu«4Toßa January 4 January 4 January 5 January 11 January 13 January 13 January 18 January 31 January 24 February 3 uiuoH nepun.i IUITID LoMDCm March 4 Kebrnary If March 1 1 February 18 March 30
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  • 178 7 EXCHANGE SwaAPoan, Marcs 27, 1918. O« London Bank 4 m/s 8/4Y, Demand 3/8 Private 8 m/s 2/4 1 Om Feamcb Bank 816 On India Bank T. T. 161 Om HoNOKOMa...Bank d/d 83 %pm Om Shanghai ...Bank d/d 62 Om Java Bank T. T. m 131* Om Japan
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    • 165 7 10 10 input 8.60 10.00 1 1 Aw* Weag 8.06 B.IS 10 10 Kinta Agßoei*M«i 8.03 8.60 41 41 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.16.0 41 41 Lahat Mines 6.80 6.00 10 10. Malayan Collieries 14.60 16X0 41 41 Malayan Tia 1.144 1.16.6 mom 10 10 Middleton 1940 20.00 6/- I/-
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    • 117 7 ▼s£l B"^ BeUen 41 41 I. BmelUag Co. 7.50 8.00 41 £1 a Prel. 1.8.0 1.6.0 5/- I/- ■leofario Twtjt 8.8 4 10 10 Fnaot Neave 10.00 52.00 60 60 W. Himmei Co. 65.C 0 59.00 100 100 K»»» Bros, Del. 180.00 160.00 10 10 M»ym»rd 00. 6.00 7.00
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    • 58 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284,600 pat Singapore B leotiie Tramways 6% 4860,000 non S'poreMunioipalß% 11,878,000 pat Spore Munioipal «t% of 1907 11,800,000 10%dis 8 pore Municipal 4t% of 1909 11,000,001 10% dl» Spore Munioipal 4% 2,000,005 10%«* Spore Municipal 4% 4800,000 F.M.S. 8% loan 1918 1 M. 000,000 104 KM
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  • 308 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs, Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To daj'B Prioea. Fruer Lyall* Co. Bvfttt. Alot (HJah (II) 8.85 8.7S 8.86 8.66 Amal. Malay fy. pd. 3.76 8.00 276 8.00 Aye* Hitam (15) 18.00 16.00 18X0 16.00 Ayei KuninK (II) ICO 1.10 090 1.C6 Aye*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 123 7 GENOA A steamer will be despatched (or Genoa via jpt early in April. For passages, apply H. W. BUCKLAND, Agent, P. 0., S. N. Company. It 4 HOTIGE We have appointed Messrs. Hooglandt and Company as oar agents for the sale of oar ice as from date. Nrw Singapore Distilled
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    • 413 7 LATEBT ADVERTIBEMEHTB. STOBB ASSISTANT WANTBD, one with experience in rr.bbcr packing prefemd. Apply Box No 788, Straits Times. 87 8—37 8 FOR SALB, a two-seater Ford landaulette, with bood and dicky teat, in good running ordtr. Recently overhauled and painted. Tyres perfectly new, Apply Box No. 784, Straits Times. 37
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    • 243 7 Capstan Tobaccos MEDIUM AHD FULL BTREHGTH Retail Price $2.30 per pound Duty $1.1 0 OH SALE AT ALL DEALERS cts.per tin (INCLUDING DUTY) FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH i SINGAPORE Sole Agents for TERRY IMPULSE STEAM TURBINES For Small Powers Horizontal and Vertical, Non- condensing and Condensing
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    • 79 7 Matheson Lang is too well known to need an introduction to the Singapore pnblio v bo have seen, beard and admired him on the stage but they are to be given an opportunity of ceeing tim IN PICTURES in company with another famous utar IVY CLOSE m a capital four-act
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  • 36 8 The funeral of the late Mr. Cbia Tiang Swee will take place on Friday, March 29, from his residence No. 74. Amoy Street, at 11 am to the cemetory at Boon Teck Road, off Balestier Road.
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  • 1166 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27. THE BATTLE. There is only one question worth considering in connection with the huge straggle in France Have the Germans broken through or gained advantages which make it probable that they will be able to do so T To that question, we think, an
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  • 29 8 Tbe Shipping and tbe Import and Export offices will be dosed on Good Friday and open (or two boars (from 10 a.m. to 12 noon) on Saturday and Monday.
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  • 35 8 The Malay Mail learns that tbe Cyole and Carriage Co., Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Penang, and Ipob, bas been incorporate:! into a limited liability company, and that Mr. (Jhua Cheng Bok baa been appointed managing director.
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  • 35 8 The representatives of the Straits Chinese Literary Association, accompanied by some member*, will leave for Malacca to-morrow evening by the night train to meet the Malacca Chinese Literary Association at billiards, ping pong, debate, eto.
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  • 39 8 A correspondent writes U it not time that Singapore, wbioh is so progressive in many respecte, was provided with letter boxes in different parts of the town The smallest Mofussil town in India is now provided with these conveniences.
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  • 41 8 The trial of four Hokiens on a charge of uttering, or alternatively possessing, forged currency notes proceeded at tbe Assizes yesterday afternoon and this morning. There was a good deal of legal argument as to tbe precise meaning of uttering notes.
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  • 46 8 A fire broke out in a Malay house in Joo Chat Road, in the Siglah district, shortly after midnight last night. Tbe Fire Brigade turned oat but did not proceed beyond Rochore Police Station as tbe fire was outside Municipal limits and no water was available.
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  • 48 8 Despite the fact that the question of the removal of tbe headquarters of the district of Liv Selangor is as yet not settled, a well known Chinese landowner of Kuala Kubu bas in contemplation tbe erection of a few shop houses in the town in tbe immediate future.
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  • 47 8 According to a London cable to the Times of Ceylon a strong and representative committee is being formed in Mincing Lane to examine the details of tbe Boheme for tbe national control of tea, wbioh it is said strikes at tbe very foundations of tbe tea trade.
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  • 54 8 Under the auspices of the Ceylon Tamils' Association, a publio meeting of Ceylon Tamils will be held to-morrow at S p.m. in the association hall at 11, Dboby Ghaut, to pass a resolution of condolence, on the death of His Excellency Sir John Anderson, Governor of Ceylon. All Ceylon Tamils
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  • 49 8 With reference to the rumour recently mentioned in certain Straits papers regarding the establishment in Japan of factory for the manufacture of tbe famous Micbelin Tyree, Messrs. A. Michtlin and Cie., of Clermont-Ferrand, Franoe, request us to inform the public that such rumour is entirely without foundation in fact.
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  • 77 8 Iv tbe King's Gold Cup race si Bangkok on March 10, the Jockey o( Ssy When fell at the first bend, the saddle of Silver Cross slipped at the hut bend and the rider of tbe winner, Bbisavoogs, tainted on coming in and had to be carried to scale by
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  • 72 8 Tbe drought in tbe Klang and Fort Swettenbani districts is assuming a more serious aspect. Planters applying for water from Port Swettenham are informed that they can be supplied for household purposes only, and that there is not sufficient tor their rubber factories. This means that tapping will have to
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  • 81 8 A Chinese women named Leong Van was produced before Mr. Ham this morning tor oommital to tbe Asylum as a lunatic. As the husband, whe attributes her mental condition to the bite of a dog, was not in Court, the Magistrate said be could not commit her, and she will
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  • 79 8 Tbe Hon. Bertrand Arthur Russell, heir presumptive to tbe second Earl Russell, and the author, in 1890, of German Social Democracy," baa been sentenced to six months' imprisonment, and Miss Joan Beau champ bas been fined £60, for having pub lished statements prejudicial to Great Bii tain's relations with America.
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  • 89 8 A Russian named Vrublevsky, a quartermaster on board a vessel in Singapore harbour, oame before Mr. Ham this morning, charged with voluntarily oausing hurt to a Japanese named Hizu Kucbi, on board yesterday morning. Tbe accused pleaded guilty under provocation and said that he acted in self defence. Inspector Randell
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  • 93 8 A special service will be held in tbe Presbyterian Church, Orchard Road, on the evening of Good Friday, at 9 o'clock. The united Choirs of tbe Cathedral and the Presbyterian Church, assisted by some members of the Pbilbarmonio Society, will render Stainer'c Crucifixion." Yen. Archdeacon Swindell and Rev. William Cross
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  • 116 8 Extensive thefts are reported of water meters which are generally placed on the five foot ways, says the Straits Echo. Tbey are so exposed that they seem to invite the light fingered gentry to pounce on them, ami in conscquenoe of these reports of theft, we hear that in future
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  • 454 8 Mr. H. Asbworlh Hope is on a short visit to Singapore. Mr. James Stark, of Ipob, is on a visit to Siogapore. Mr. Liin Eu Toh bas been duly elected President of the Penang Chinese Chamber ot Commeroe vice Mr. Qoah Beng Kee, resigned. Mr. J. W.
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  • 21 8 The committee beg to acknowledge with thanks the following donation to tbe fund Middle Road Church ...$26.60
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  • 99 8 The American Consul General, Singapore, advises that a supply of forms lor tbe use of American citizens in making a return of their net incomes for tbe calendar year 1917, aa required by law, bas been received at the Consulate General, and that copies of these
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  • 162 8 Yesterday before the Criminal District Judge Villian, a Tamil tapper, employed by the Singapore United Rubber Co. in tbe Ponggol Division, 9th mile, was charged with voluntarily oausing grievous hurt by means of a knife to one Nagamah, a girl of about 16 years of age, also
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  • 264 8 Mr. Samuel Coaling's Encyclopaedia Sinioa, which Messrs. Kelly and Walsh have jast issued, should realise the author's aim of helping "to interpret and opeo op China for the foreign reader." It is isaoed in two parts and is a packed storehouse of useful information. Mr. Couling Las
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 153 8 RONEO Filing Systems SAVE TIME AND MONEY Get a RONEO Filing System and your letters will be found and filed in a minimum of time. TIME 18 MONEY THINK IT OVER RONEO, LTD. (lnc< in England), Singapore YOU CAN CONTINUE TO HAVE G Y~:£tnd Opera in your home toy buying
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    • 144 8 ALHAJMBRA Thi stall tar Music Ths Piomsp aad Pwwlw ■MM— Tat hw sf Qualitj teach M d. MATHESON LANG IN PICTURES! For tho first time in Singapore. Ths Broadwsit Fil*J Co. prtsaati The Famous Aolor so well known to Singapore public MATHESON LANG And another famous star IVY CLOSE In
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  • 4611 9 WESTERN BATTLE. Progress of Titanic Struggle. ALLIED CONFIDENCE STILL UNSHAKEN. French Forces Joining The Fray. Kbctsr's Tbuokaim. London, March 26, 11 If p m. Tbe Prets Bureau announces I FieldMarshal Haig replied to the King's Dressage His Majesty's message has given universal encouragement to the whole army. I
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  • 105 10 We are indebted to the French Consulate tot the following telegrams Paris, March 24, 4.10 p.m. The Premier. M. Clemenoeau, bad a conference in Compiegne with Generalissimo Petain. The bombardment of Paris by a long-range gun firing from a distance of over one hundred kilometres was resumed
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  • 340 10 Perak Planters Oppose Its Abolition. (FB'JM Ji O** CoBBBSPONDKNT.) Ipeto, March 26, 730 p.m. At the CesitrsJ Perak Planters Association annual meeting, Mr. P. G. Lawford was elected Chairman aad Mr. A. B. Milne Vice Chairman. Mr. J. I Kergnaon reported a check in the negotiation* with Mr.
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  • 28 10 Reuter's Telegram. Peking: Tou Ksi jni b»» been reappointed Premier, this constituting a political triumph lor the northern provincial governors following their military succeeees against the southerners.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 36 10 (From Our Own Corrbspondent). Penang, March 26: The murder verdict against three tindals on Bukit Selarong Estate was upheld by the Kedah State Coancil. Sentence of death by the high court judge will follow.
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  • 288 10 Sixth List of Subscriptions. The committee acknowledge with thanks the following farther subscriptions received since tbe last lists were published Sinqapori Hut No. 2. Previously acknowledged ...11,620,65 Dr. S. C. Yin 28 Mrs. S. C. Yin 30 Leslie Roy Mrs. O. E. Farqnharson 25 T.M." 10 J.
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  • 146 10 The following sums are gratefully acknowledged Already received 115,821 06 Mrs. T. Robinson, V 6th) April and May 10 Mrs. Wolskel (7th) 6 •16,887.00 Money received t16.887.0A Spent 14,***** Balanoe 600.80 Tbe following letter baa been received from M. Danjou Consulat de France. March
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  • 3637 10 CHAIRMAN'S SPEECH AT THE ANNUAL MEETING. The Trade Outlook. The annual meeting of tbe Singapore Chamber of Commerce. The chairman (the Hon. Mr. W. Wallace Cook) presided, and the attendance of members included The Hon. Mr. C. W. Darbishire and Mr. W. P. W. Ker, Peterson Simons
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  • 356 10 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company. Oar oolamna contain today tbe report of tlio Great Eastern Lifu Assurance Company's meeting, and we are very glad to note tbe continued prosperity of this local oompany, which baa had the best year in its history, shewing substantial gains in all
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  • 146 10 The following extract from a letter written by the chairman of the standing cornmitto of the Cbnrob Army (Naval and Military Department) gives some interesting information about the tents which were given from Malaya We have despatched four tents to the Italian front today with the
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  • 84 10 Tan ah Ching, Captain of a junk, wbioh has come from China, wax charged by Dr. Brooke, Port Health Offioer, before Mr. Ham yesterday with allowing emigrants to leavo tbe vessel for shore before they had been vaccinated. The Magistrate, in fining the accused t25, remarked that
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  • 478 11 Tributes from Ceylooese In Singapore. A meeting' of tbe Ceyloneoe oommunity waa held in tbe Memorial Hall yesterday afternoon to pass resolutions of sorrow at tbe death of Sir John Anderson, Governor of Ceylon. Mr. Gunatilaka was elected to tbe chair and in opening said that
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  • 83 11 The Netherlands Gutta Peroba Co. write with reference to a paragraph that appeared here yesterdi-y Messrs. Adamnou, Giifillan's statement pnMi-lnd in ymr ytsttrd&yV issue regara.r.: ibr fo called pteviou* short age of solid trrer, is not quite correct. We are meiißfa&urtrs of solid tyres and of gentral
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  • 100 11 Tbt following properties were disposed of by auction by Messrs. Cbing Kens Lee and Company i.t tl.eir saleroom on Monday sfteraoon Laid anJ bouse No. 709, Con federate L«taUi Road, area 46.820 square feet, bought by P. P. V. P. L. Meysppa Cbetty toe 12,260; two pieces of land at
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  • 420 11 A atMiing ol tbn !U>nt Board ma held in tbe kanicipai office yesterday afternoon. The Bos Mr. C. J. S»udJith presided, tbe oUtat merabera preaeot being Memn. M. Meyer, S. Tomlineon, A. M. E. Angulia, Gaw stitk Ki»nj, and H. Carpmael (Assessor). Tht firat application was that
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  • Correspondence.
    • 249 11 To the Editor of the Strait* Time*. Sir, As there i§ no way of reaching people scattered over a wide area as effective as the daily press, may I use your columns to bring to the notice of your many readers the Prayer to be said before A
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  • 132 11 To-day's Business. Macphail and Co.'s daily report Silver. No advices. Hongkong. 8U|% pm. Shanghai, 62. Tin —Buyers IM9, no sellers. Rubber. The auction is quite steady today, No. 1 crepe being done up to 197 and i No. 1 sheet np to 187. The rubber share market
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    • 26 11 The GarriM n Golf Club, will hold an eclectic competition from to-morrow (Thursday) to Wednesday, April 8, both dates inclusive. Cards are twenty-five cents each.
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    • 68 11 The Swimming Club launches leave on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, March 29, 80, 81, and April 1 aa follow Johnston's Pier: 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2.80 and 8.80 p.m. Clob Bungalow 9.80 and 10.80 a.m., 12.16, 8 and 6.80 p.m. The usual hot tiffins will be provided
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  • 27 11 fmooMAMtm ro> Maich. Friday 8»U>— Parade at Pearta Hill and Tan joDH Pa^ar, 6.16 p.m. AJTOBBW ASMIW, Offioui Ckwnmamiiin, OirUOwd. Singapore. February 37, 1918.
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  • 70 11 A gentleman, lotg resident in Germany, has arrived at The Hague and baa given Tbe Times correspondent extracts from bis diary which show tbe fluctuations of German opinion. Tbe people talk of revolt one day and broome loyal tbe next on receiving obaawiag news Ire m tbe front. Tbe advanoe
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme ol drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, March 80, 1918:— Weohudat, March 37. 6 1Bp.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Sect i ons III ud IV de tails eompulsory 6 p.m. Baleatier Rng. S.V.A. Recruits. 6.16 pan. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 8.V.C. n S. V.R. attend Maxim Co.
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    • 295 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS are built specially for the climate and are guaranteed for five years. Call or send for catalogue S. MOUTRIE CO LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Rafflea Place GRAND HOTEL SELABATOE SOEKABOEMI, JAVA 2,800 FBBT ABOVB SBA LEVEL Cool climate and health resort. First-class accommodation. Terms moderate. A.PPLY MANAGER. ■as
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    • 384 11 RAFFLES HOTEL AFTERNOON TEAS Will be served in the hotel lounge and on the lawn every Thursday from 4.30 p.m. MUSIC IN ATTENDANCE ALSO Cinema Show on the lawn, specially for children, at 6.30 p.m. (weather permitting) ADELPHI HOTEL EVERY NIGHT A FILIPINO BAND will play during dinner SEA VIEW
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  • 1920 12 MR. CHURCHILL ON ENFORCING OUR WAR AIMS. The Pace that Wins Mr. Winston Churchill, Minister at Monitions, was on January 11 entertained at lun cb< on at tbe Savoy Hotel by the American Luncheon Club in London. The gathering was presided over by the American Ambassador,
    1,920 words
  • 410 12 On February 18, 1018, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a terrible earthquake occurred at Cbaocbow Prefecture. Tbe earth shook more tbao thirty times and in consequence, citj walls tumbled down and bourn h (ell in rains. The number of people injured or crashed to death by
    410 words
  • 858 12 Net Profit More than Double Last Year's. The sixth ordinary general meeting i (adjourned (rom December 81, 1917) of tbe above company was held at 80-81, St. Switbin's Lane, E.C., on January 14. Sir Ernest W. Birch, K.C.M.G, (chairman of the company), presided. Tbe Chairman Gentlemen, we held
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  • 186 12 Proposals bave been made for increasing the Japanese tonnage on the Indian service *ud (or extending tbe term of drafts tor encouraging exports to India to help sqaare ibe balance of trade between Japan and India. A farther measure is now suggested, and that is the
    186 words
  • 566 12 Financially the Vassal 0( Germany. i The Austro-Hungarian Bank has just made a loan to tbe Austrian and Hungarian Governments of £62,500,000. It is to be repaid eighteen months after tbe conclusion of peace, and it is to bear interest at tbe rate of one-half per oent. From
    566 words
  • 347 12 Hero of Many Scraps With U-Boats. After a brilliant war record, Captain J. Watson Black, of Plj mouth road, fenarth, has succumbed to typhoid (ever in a Southampton hospital. Captain Black, who was 45, had had a most distinguished career. He was educated at Penarth, and, after
    347 words
  • 128 12 Tbe Kcknmin Sbimban pats Austrian and German prisoners in Siberia at about 1,000,000 and 800,000 respectively, and says they are already practically released. Tbe Radical Government not only does not duly control them, but has even been supplying them with arms. Recently all Siberia was swayed by the Radicals and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 152 12 BACCHUS MARSH CONCENTRATED MILK In quarts, pints and half-pints SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated In Straits Settlements) WE STATE RE EVINRUDES $$5B The BEST yet in detachab l e 'Tp£J^ l ;ii JKr row-boat motors DONT ROW JUST GO <*/s^fflfftMr Immediate delivery (iMSar v SIZES: WE SEU OI Y
      152 words

  • 1062 13 ROAD TO INDIA AND BRITAIN'S PLANS. Hamburg to Bagdad Policy. Tbe surrender of Jerusalem and tbe conse quent strengthening of Britisb power and prestige in the Middle East will have a chastening effect on the protagonists of the Hamburg to Bagdad policy. It was a policy which
    1,062 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 408 13 WHITEAWAY'S FOR RELIABLE BOOTS AND SHOES For Lades and Children, just unpacked. Ladiaa' Black Qlaca Kid On >m- fWM __k wall Shoaa, Kaperior qa»u«y, d(K' witb Brunt patent bockle Mid bow, k v ___P medium sole and Cuban beel, all JH _P^7 silt s. JB. iAr^__v Price $13. 50 per
      408 words
    • 396 13 JONGKEENA THE MAGIC CURE for heta'acbe, sea tickoe<<s, ntom&eh trooble. obest eo_plaict. earache and sore eyes. Tbe tffeot rf Jod|< Keua in i-nch oases issimpl] marvelloas and to bn provided with a mpply on all ooeasions ia a tjnarsntee of immunity from theee trying disorders. It has been lound saoces^fnl
      396 words
    • 60 13 rH II M M II II II KS__ T HE I O SUPERB BEVERAGE I/p|p\ Unvarying Jgjjgn^ in Character fo Unsurpassed in Excellence I if§y FRAMROZ and CO. Ll^fi^T^j SINGAPORE /at NIPPON PAINT White Zinc, White Lead Paint, Red Lead Powder, etc. -f__o«eyfc;_..«_: jflLeJLd 99 p«r cent, guaranteed. T. NAGAI
      60 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 592 14 AsmU over $2,000,000 B.C. ABaarance in foroe over $9,000,000 B.C. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (brOOBFOBATBD DC STRAITS SSTTLBHSMTS) HBAD OFFIGB Winehaatar Houta, IMngapOM. LONDON OFFICE i 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has atSO.OOO deposited with the Supreme Court ot England, and complies with the British Life
      592 words
    • 460 14 BAJiKINQ. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incobtobatbd in Honokons) PAID-UP CAPITAL •15,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Starling 41.600,000 at 3/- 115,000,000 Silver 119,500,000 •84,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors »15,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS Hoa. Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Chairman. G. T. M. Edkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. F. O. Butcher, Bag. Hon. Mr. D.
      460 words
    • 528 14 miKINH, NEDERUNDSCHE HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPY NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY Bhtablishid 1834. Psidup Capital fl 90,000,000 (about £(,000,000) Statutory Rsssrvs reeo fl 11,596,483 (about £906,380) Hbad Omoa w Amstbbdah. Hbad Aobncy in Batavia. BRANCHBS Penang, Hongkong, Shanghai, Rangoon, Soersbaya, Semarang, Weltevreden, Bandoeng (Java), Cberibon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Tjilatjap, Djember, Djokja (Java), Solo (Java), Medan (Deli),
      528 words
    • 497 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTBR. Paid np Capital in 80.0C0 Sharea ot £20 each 41,300,000 Reserve Fund £1,900X00 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,300,000 BANKERS: The Bank of Bngland, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
      497 words
    • 946 14 INWHMIBE. THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LO. (Incorporated in Hongkong and RegUtered under the Aararanoe Companies Aot (HOB) England) Paid to Polieyholders by Singapore Office in 1916 •363,890.00 Paid to Polioyholders einoe the Company's inception 15,627,828.69 Total Insoranoe in foroe 81.13.18 30,426,520.86 Total Assets 10,868,803.69 ALL KINDS OF POLICIES
      946 words

  • 949 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Coal Gas. The economising of the products of distillation ol crude petroleum— to wit, paraffin and petrol is a matter ot extreme miltary importance (writes the editor ol the Commercial Motor in The Times). There is no secrecy about this, but
    949 words
  • 140 15 Containing leas than 160 words, the will, executed on November 10, 19 M, ia now prored of the Right Hon. Sir Leander Starr Jmimm, Bt., the Itmoaa South African administrator and Prem.or, of Oomkerland -place, Hyd« Park, W., Prime Minister Cape Colony 1904 and 1006, President ot
    140 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 188 15 CHEAP ELECTRIC LIGHTING The Lalley-Light is a small compact, private electric light and power plant consisting of electric generator directly driven by a motor engine. Simplicity and economy of operation, foolproofness and durability, all are embraced in its design. It furnishes ample light and power for your home. It will
      188 words
    • 76 15 DUNLOP TYRES V^2L "one Better I Few as Good Vn^ It I if t^^vY uQf Nik E& \y U They have a reputation for service DETROIT ENGINES Four-cycle horizontal, effectively governed, magneto ignition, portable, water cooled H^BA# Following in stool Small fuel mJ&Sf %4»' 1 AHL 2 horse power oonsumpilon
      76 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 694 16 NOTICE TO LORRY OWNERS A large consignment of SOLID TYRES Has just arrived, and enquiries are invited. Sole Agents. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. (Incobpoeatbd in England) SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, Master, officers and engineers tor a steamer to sail shortly. Apply to Bonste ad Co. '■'6 B— o WAN i ED,
      694 words
    • 480 16 ■HBCELUHEBU, LESSONS in French and English given by lady. Box 679, Straits Times. 68—4 4 LADY TYPIST, Mrs. F. Cooper Abbs Address Burlington, Coleman Street. 168—144 BACHELOR desires apartments with private family. Apply Box No. 729, Straits limes. 86-B—o BUNGALOW REQUIRED, by the sea. for the Banter Holidays. Reply Box
      480 words
    • 679 16 BBARD AND LBD6ING. SANS SOUCI, 6, Oxley Rise, A. MacDougall Qibson, proprietor. One double room vacant 16-8 n KVVINO IiLBsT WANTKD by private family, two large rooms now available for married couple or bachelor, in Tanglin district. Apply Box No. 6»8, Straits Times. 14 8—27-8 ST. ANDREW'S HOUBE. A Church
      679 words
    • 426 16 THE MULCOTT BELTING COMPANY. LTD. (Incorporated in England) Manufacturers of THE MULTIPLAR BRAND BEST HAIR BELTING Sole Agents: KIAM KIAT Co. Market Street. THB LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore II 00MUCTED IV H. N. BUCKERIOGE Late of Mtiirt. Lafayette, photofrapheri to their majeitiei AT THE BURLINGTON Formerly Hotel
      426 words
    • 363 16 6UAN KIAT AND COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) Head Off lea: 36, Philip Street, ■STABLISHED 1917 The successful tenderers to the S.S. Government and Municipal Commissioners for the year 1918 Tsl. Address MIAMKUT. Codas used A.8.C., sth Edition, and A 1. Offioe TsleanoMS Not. 1361, IMS sad
      363 words
    • 278 16 FIRST-CUSS CARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT 'Phone 1233 We have numerous enquiries for seoond hand ears from oar olients in the Straits and F.M.B. If you wish to buy any, eoaaalt as, we will be able to fulfil your needs. When yon intend to sell, eoasolt 03, we shall fetch a
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 262 16 Straits TDimes TBLBPHONM Bditorial and General... M 68 Manager's Offioe m m HIT Job Printing Offioe ml it« 4 AI 1 oommnnioations relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THB EDITOR. All oommunioations relating to business matters—advertisements, snbriiptioas, aooounts, printing, eto,—should be addressed to THB MANAGBB. Cheques
      262 words