The Straits Times, 9 March 1918

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.666 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MARCH 9. 1918. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 136 1 ■lUUMIB tWEETENEO CONDENSEO iILK Piiee mow $20.50 j: pet mm Fete and Rubber Exhibition IN AID OF ST. DUNSTAN S HOWIE AND STAB AND CARTER FUND On mmlmoom Pattong, Saturday, March 23. J Side shows, aquatic and athletic sports, parade, ot decorated cars, bar, tea, special tiffins and dinners at
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    • 207 1 ROBIN SON CO. ENGLISH MADE BELTS NEW STOCKBOF ENGLISH P£vJASHING BELT^TJ ENGLISH LEATHER MONEY PIGSKIN BELTS JUST Ir^f ¥T ru R| R||f k| BELTB OPENED UP pa^XAXHADl^Dygv^^ ALBO BTO CKED WHITE WABHING TENNIS f~~~~7ZHT\ BELTS LgMg ■ngitoh Be.t., fitted with fitted with detachable Plmlll Kngllsh b.^., pl»ttd riDRi and
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    • 12 1 MARTtLL j BRANY Sou AaiNTi AOAMBON BILFILLAN ACO LTD (iMorporktad la KottUadi
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  • 1030 2 THE AMERICAN SOLDIERS IN FRANCE. By a British Officer at the Front. Oar meeting was in a French chateau— a very old chateau, (nil of gusts of vind and ((hosts and labyrinthine paisa-ee. My billet in this chateau was a windy attic, lighted by a gloomy oil lamp,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 527 2 TIT THIS METHOD 0f f GROWING BEAUTIFUL HAIi TO-DAY FREE. GIGANTIC HAIR-HEALTH OFFER. lANISB HAIR POVERTY BY ACCEPTOR TW IMI «X Brery reader of this ne wi paper "»w»at !»>■» taaijlTtag yaa It isTited to enjoy a delightfully TT**'***^'*^,"*^'* J* aumr •leMant, oowplet* ceurse of Hair- L VuaMITIJLBUj-iiaj Health aad
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    • 406 2 ITCHING BLOTCHES FOR THREE YEARS On Face and Back. Disfigured Face Greatly. Was Ashamed to Go Out. Cuticura Healed in Four Weeks. "I had tUick blotches come out on my face and hack. They used to itch and J burn and when the pimples became large they would break, and
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    • 174 2 "BRUNOLINUM" THE PERFECT WOOD PRESERVATIVE The Reliable Stop-Rot Antiseptic and Certain Protector against White Ants. Identical to the German Wood Preserver "Carbolinium" and Cheaper. ■a^flSaaßßßß H^^ aY *^k BRITISH Oj aV^C'^.a^MH B ITIB MADE) JaaT vQYa« WL OWNED bV|f m*t'*> ,^flH \O^\aaß^aE Protects Wood against Decay, Dry Rot, Fungi, and
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  • 787 3 LIFE IN NEW YORK AND AS A PRISONER. Disgusted with German Comrades. Leon Trotsky, Russia's Bolshevik Minister of Foreign Affairs, made a deep impression upon fellow Socialist, during his short stay in this city, says tbe New York World. He remained only a few months— from late
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  • 162 3 German Officer's Picture of The Ghastly Realities of Flanders. How the cimp^n in Flanders strikes the enemy is told in a remarkable letter taken from a German officer wbo wii recently taken prisoner. ■If I were not surrounded," be rays, "by m< n wbo bive been spared, wbo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 429 3 THE THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE undersuad; that health Is the greatest wealth, and In no respect Is she more I cartful or vigilant than in combating ail:nents and studying the art of keeping I strong and \tell. She appreciates, particularly, t'u- importance ol preventing the digestive organs from gctuug ruu Jowa. Bcheviag
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    • 372 3 Run-down When your pyslfm is umlertnii ed liy ivmiy nr over-work whrii ynurvitahty is lowerril lvii you frrl "uny-lmw wlu-n ymir nrrves arc "mi ■Aflt" «l"n tlwr least I'XCTticin tiri-s you you are in a Kun-dowu condition. Ymir system is like a plant that is drooping for want of water.
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    • 239 3 FBR THE HAIR TO BE BEAUTIFUL IT MUST BE HEALTHY Falling hair does not neeewarily mean the presence o Reran, (or it to ■OBNhiag oaoßod bj lack 01 vitality in the hair bolba. Bat, whatever tbe oause MAYNAROB ORIENTAL HAIR WASH wDI prove an effective remedy tor restoring health and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 410 4 STEAMER SAIUWS. KY7K. JAPAN MAIL BTEAMBHIPCO..LTD. (laooaroaATßo n Jatab) EUIOPEAN UNE 4 asrvtee is maintained betweea Yokohama, via ports, aad Bngland under mail eoatrael wttb the Imperial Japanese Government The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and suast till aad are fitted with all the
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    • 684 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P> Ot O. "British India AMD Apcar I— me (OoaPAMias laooaroßATßD ib Bbslud) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PBNINSULAR AND ORIBNTAk S. H Go. (DnOar Contract with His Majesty CrOTsjnuDaai) The Oompanys MAIL SSRVIOES BAST OP BOMBAY ate at present suspended. The Oompanys INTBRMBOIATB BERVIGSS TO AND FROM LONDON
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    • 657 4 BTEAMEH BAIUpHB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATIBN Cl.. LB. (IBOOar«BATSD DI SIASI). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kntay, Tringganu, Bisot, Semerak, Baoho, ffelsataa, Tabti Baagaara, Telufta, faaarai, Pataai, Siagora, Laooa, Kobaamui, Bandon, Laagsuea, Chnmpoa, Kohiak a Bangkok. Duo Dapaptupsi aa. MAHIDOL Mar. 11 Map. 13, S p.m. a a. PRAOHATIPOK Mais 18 Mar. 30,
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    • 621 4 STBuiEk mum. oombihbo aaarvioa ot? THEBCEANI.I.CI..LTB (Iboobpobatbu oi Bna »»r> THE WEST AUITMLMR S. N. C 6.. LTB. (ißooaroßiTSD n Bbsiibdi SBTWBSB Pr^nsantla (Parth). saawtti.W««t Auatpullan Porte, 4av« and aingmpopaj. Regular sailings betweea Slagapore a»« Westera Austrsiia oalhag at Java (as la duoemeat offers), Derby, King's Sound (part for the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 284 5 FOR BSTATB OR HOCSBHOLD USS, DIRBCT FROM THB OROWBR TO THB CONSUMKB. Roait ana ground Price BO ote. per lb Koast beans *5 ota. paoke lintiia ol int I M tban 5 Ibi F.O.R WmfKk Oreen beans Prioe 3O ota. per lb. packed in bags.- For lar K e qnanlities,
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    • 670 5 STEAMER SAILINGS INBO-CHIU STEAM HAY. CO^LTD. (IVOOBFOaATBD IN BuOLAMD) OlpsMt Sarvioe to Japan via Hongkong Shanghai, and to Oaloutta via Panang, from Singapore. Taking Cargo on through Bills at Lain g lor Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Uheloo, Tientsin, Newohwung, Tangtsse ports, For- op», the Philippines, etc., etc., etc. FOR PENANfI
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    • 191 5 GRAND FETE AND RUBBER EXHIBITION In aid of ST. DUNSTAN'S HOME AND STAR GARTER FUND To be held on Malacca Padang MARCH 23, 1918 Rubber Exhibition on a large scale, /quatic aod athletic sports, side shows, Malay and Javanese ronggengs, parade of decorated cars, special tiffins and dinners, Selangor State
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 54 6 STAMFORD HOUSE PRIVATE HOTEL, Bras Basah Road. CENTRALLY SITUATED llways cool and exposed to sea breeze furnished Apartments with or Without Board. Comfortable Rooms with Bathrooms attached Eleotrto Fittings throughout. Large Beoeptlon Hall and Billiards. Separate Tables In Spaoious Dining Boom, TIRSW— thi mast rsasoiubl* la Town For farther particulars,
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    • 525 6 THE SINGAPORE STAR (BRASS) BAND ■S. 191. Qumm ItrMt, linftipora The above band of talented musicians from India (discharged from military service) undertakes to play sweet and melodious mnsio to suit every one's taste. These musicians belonged to a regimental band of the Indian Foroes. The above band will undertake
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  • 111 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, March 9. Hiftb IVater, 6.18 am, 8.42 p.m. Sunday, March 10. High Water, 7.42 a.m., 9.2S p.m. Monday, March 11. High Water, 9.48 a.m., 10.S p.m. Tuesday, March 12. Hi«b Water, 9.37 a.m., 10.81 p.m. Rent Board 2.15 p.m. St. Andrew's Mission, 6 p.m. Wednesday,
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  • 197 7 To DAI. Hoar and Malacoa 2.80 p'ji Maiaooa, P. Swuttenham and Penang 2.80 pm Batu Pabat a.BO pm Kerimon 8 pm P. Baiaiu and Pulau Bulang 8 pm Me lan 8 pm Sourabaya, Bandjermassin, Stagen, K. Baroe and Samarinda 8 pm Calcutta 4 pm Kota Tinggi
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  • 270 7 The :a»il tt&.u< fioiii Sintapor. lor |b< Math leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m (Soaday exeepted) and T p.m., arriving at Koala Lriwipur at T 18 p-m. and 6.46 a.m. ■eapeetivoly Tfa* through express to Penan*; leaves Kuala Laaopai at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Peaang
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  • 45 7 (Offouki Port Offloe Report.) Larr Simatou Auitid Lohdo* Prwmbet 28 March January 4 February It JaDoary 1 March 4 JtDUtry 4 1 Jtuutrj 6 T January 11 1 J tmitry 13 4 Jaooary 11 ,,4 January 16 1 January Jl February 30
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  • 183 7 EXCHANGE SiMOAPoaa, March 9, 1618. Oh Lokdon Bank 4 m/s 2/1^ Demand 2/B}} Private 8 m/s 3/4 On Fumes Bank 818 On Jjrou Bank T. T. 161 On HoNBEONa...Bank d/d m 81%pir Oh Shahohai ...Bank d/d 62] Oh Javi Bank T. T. 138 Ok Japan Bank 106
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    • 168 7 vSL h9rmu BoUaM -10 10 Ampans 9.00 975 1 1 Ayoi Weng B.iO 8 16 id 10 10 Kinta Aasooiattoa 7.60 8.00 11 1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.16.0 II 41 Lahat Mines IJO 676 10 10. Malayan Collieries 14.60 16.60 11 41 Malayan Tin 1.14.0 1.16.8 1011) 10 10
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    • 114 7 El 41 I. Smeltißg 00. 7.60 8.00 SI 41 Ptel. 1.8.0 1.6.0 I/- I/- lleotorie T'mjl 8 8 4 10 10 Pnaw Nora 60.00 62.00 60 60 W.HammeiAUo. 71.80 72(0 100 100 R»»i Bros, Del. 180.00 160.00 10 10 Mayn»»d Co. 6.00 700 41 41 Shell Transport 6.10.0 (.16.0
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    • 57 7 Doited Bngineun 6% 11,184,600 pai Siagaporeßleotrie Tramways 6% 4860,000 aonj B'pore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 pai Spore Munioipal 4J% ol 1907 11,900,000 10%dit Spore Momioipal 4 f Of 1808 •1.0M.0W 10%« i Spore Municipal 4% 8,000,000 10%dfc S pore Municipal 4% 4800,000 F.M.S. loan leiMlK.iWO 000 108 10t B.S. 6%
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    • 314 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. FiMet Lyall k Co. Kvatt Aloi Gajah (II) 8.21 8.68 826 860 Amal. Malay fy. pd. 2.H6 8.00 276 8.00 Ayei Hitam (16) 14.00 lt.oo 18X0 16.00 Ayer Kuninfl (»1) 0.86 1.00 0.70 1.(0 Ayer
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 2 7 /^-y- w.iiarcia.
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    • 458 7 UTEBT ADVLRTIBEMENTB. W 4NTED, a fox turrier deg, nix montbs to a year old. Beply Box No. 687, Straits Time*. 9 8 1-IU WANTBD, a smart typist, preferably with knowledge of shorthand Apply S. T., r/o Straits Times. 9-8-c— lB-8 FOR SALS, six-cylinder, five neater Bui-k ear, in txco.lent rooning
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    • 164 7 A shipment has just arrived of the favourite Boer pipe tobacco SPRINGBOK From ALL dealers At 55 cents per ,-lb. bag. FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (INCORPORATED IN BNOLAND) EASTERN BRANCH SINGAPORE STAMP MILLS AND ACCESSORIES BELTING TELEGRAMS: VANNER "-TELEPHONE NO. 266 Classical Violin Music with pianoforte accompaniment. Classical Piano Mutio of
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    • 53 7 TO BE PROJECTED ON TO THE SCREEN ON MARCH 11 A film drama with an interest-absorbing plot showing to advantare t>ie flee aoting of charming little Miss Emily Stevens THE WAGER A S-act Metro Super Production A picture to see and an aolrohs to be t namoared ol AT THE
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  • 1148 8 The Strait s Times. SATURDAY, MARCH 9. MINISTERIAL MATTERS. We are very sorry indeed that it has been thought neoesaary to discass the position of Sir John Jollicoe in tbe House of Commons. The tone of tbe discussion is unpleasing in tbe last degree, and there waa dragged into it
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  • 15 8 Mr. J. O Watson bagged a fine seledang the othei day in the Teuibeliog district.
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  • 27 8 Tbe annual general meeting of tbe F M.S. Chamber of Com aeroe will be held in tbe Sanitary Board Offior, Xpoh, on March 2>, at !1.16 pin.
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  • 13 8 Yesterday was tbe anniversary ol tbe big floods in Kuala Lumpur last year.
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  • 18 8 The body of a ooolie who had been missing from a twako was found in the river yesterday.
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  • 29 8 The Malayan Tin Dredging, Ltd February return was:— Output 790 picnls, valued at 167,946, yards treated 181,400 cub. ysrde. No. 2 dredge was stopped for repairi during tbe month.
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  • 32 8 For breaking into a godown at Keppel Harbour Cbna Hiam Siam was sentenced in tbe district court this morning to nine months' rigorous imprisonment to be followed by two years' polioe supervision.
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  • 39 8 Tbe Government Gazette oontains tbe text ol an ordinaooe to vest in the Chief Secretary, F.M.S., tbe Singapore railway and to provide for the pasHa«e of railway traffic over the Johore Straits by the construction of a oanse- way.
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  • 43 8 Fourteen men were charged in tbe second polioe court this morning witb being oon oerned in an afiray in Fraser Street last nigbt. Four appeared with bandaged heads. The bearing was adjourned for a week, bail of 1100 being demanded in each case.
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  • 47 8 Service will be held at the Boustead Institute on Sunday evening at 8 15. Tbe Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Singapore will speak, and Pte. W. Spinks will be the soloist. Tbe men of the Army and Navy and Meroantile Marine are cordially invited to attend.
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  • 42 8 The Daily Press learns on good authority tbat all the German firma in the Philippines are in process of liquidation, and tbat tbe Pacific Commercial Co., the Philippines Vegetable Oil Co., and other leadiDg firms have already dismissed ail their German employes.
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  • 108 8 Tbe second criminal assizes for the year commenced in Taiping before Mr. Justice Farrer Manby. The calendar is a short one. Id tbe first case on the list Marogan, a coolie on Suogei Gedoog Estate, was charged with murder, the result of a drunken quarrel on the estate. It was
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  • 110 8 There was a very large gathering on the Padang at Ksjang on Wednesday, when a farewell entertainment was given to Mr. F. E. Taylor, the District Officer of Ulo Langat, by the Indians and Ceyloneae cf tbe district. The Selangor State Band was in attendance and a decorated pandal bad
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  • 107 8 A particularly brutal murder was committed in Ipoh on Wednesday evening, at about six o'clock, at Tnwkay Lee Ah Cbee's timber shed in Lahat Road, says the Times of Malaya. It appears that Mr Lee Fung Mob, a nephew ot Mr. Lee Chee, was sitting in bis offioe, attending to
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  • 138 8 There was some commotion in Menglembn in the early hours of Thursday morning when it was discovered that a fire bad broken out in the shop of a shoemaker named Kong Hee. How tbe fire originated is a mystery at present. Tbe premises were insured, say* the Times of Malaya.
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  • 144 8 A distressing accident occurred near Momrs. Wearnti Bros." garage, Ipob.'at about 8 p iii. on Wednesday, when a Chinese lad was ran over by a motor buc, says the Tuuu* of Malaya. It appears that he was cycling out of town at- J had overtaken the bus on the wrong
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  • 186 8 Mr. W. Langbam-Carter postponed till Munday his decision in the cane heard yesterday in which Li Cheng Poll, of 67, Shaik Madraaaah Linr, was cbargt-d wini pbrmitting his bouse to be ustd for the purpose of the administration of a deleteriou-i drug by a person oilier than a medical practitioner.
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  • 519 8 Mr. W. J. Trowell has been granted eight months' leave from February 37. Mr and Mrs. O. F. Stonor have left Kuala Lumpur for Japan and will be away tot about three months. Tbe Governor provisionally recognises Mr. George L. Logar as oonsal in charge of the
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  • 158 8 We very gratefully acknowledge tbe following additions to oor fund for assisting the Overseas Clob to provide Huiokes for oui soidiers and sailors European members, Singapore Polioe Forco ill where not stated) A. R. Chancellor IS, C. Uannigan •2, N. A. M Oi.lUu 12,
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  • 199 8 The protest by the Russian Ea.bas«v in Paris, winch appears in liiu wiros to day, may bo Hupplenieuted by anutlior which is instrteil iv the Hnogkopß Daily Press by Captain D A. of iho Russian Voiaoteer Fleet. Those who bare the good fortune to know C-tptain
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 169 8 EDISON'S DIAMOND DISC PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS INSPECTION INVITED Sole Agents 8.8., F.M.8., BANGKOK, SAIGON little^ *S—^^^oP JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Imcorpobatid in England) TYRES Spenoer-Moulton Three-Ribbed Motor Tyros are made from pure rubber, treated by a special prooeas to perfect it to commercial use. In their manufacture the essential needs
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    • 151 8 ■PECUL ATTRACTION AT THE ALHAMBBa BEACH ROAD TO-NIGHT The African Film Productions, Ltd. present THE VOORTREKKERS OB WINNING A CONTINENT IN NINE RIELS, DIRKCTED AND PRODUCED BT HAROLD SHAW Viswsd and praised bj H. I. ths BovarnorGanaral, Vncount] Buiton, Bsneral ths Rij-nt Honeuribls Louii Botha, Prims Minuter of ths U
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  • 3402 9 ALLIED PROSPECTS. Mr. Bonar Law's Lucid Statement. No Doubt About Gaining Victory. Rictbr's Tblboeabs. London, March 7, 5 60, In the House ot Commons, Mr. Bonar Law introducing a vote of credit for £600,000,000 sterling said this was tbe largest single vote ever introduced. He was glad
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  • 40 9 RiDTBR's TaLBORAM. London, Maroh 7, 11 p.m. Lisbon Owing to the refusal of the Unionist members of the oabinet to adopt universal suffrage at the Presidential elections the cabinet has been reconstructed without the Unionists. The premiership is unchanged.
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  • 19 9 Rbutbb's Tslbobam. London, Maroh 7, 2 p.m. Madrid The Cabinet is unanimously approving of the proposed military reforms.
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  • 51 9 (Fa.* OCB Own CORBK9PON»BNT.) Penang, March 8. Two men, a Tamil and a Chinese, were charged in the police court with setting fire to the Kbie Heng Bee rice and oil mills on February IS. The hearing was postponed till the 15th inst., bail of 15,000 each being
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    • 137 9 Macphail and Co.'s daily report Silver.—Up 42}. Hongkong.—B/- 31 pm. Shanghai.-4 ,'3* 62}%. Tin.—Sold 100 tons at 1151 (stilt another reoord). Robber.—Locally, crepe 187 to 188, sheet •80 to 182. Rubber shares are fairly steady on tb« recent rise, mainly supported by outside buyers. Jeram Koaotans are in
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  • 913 9 Measure to Improve Existing Law The following bill whioh is about to he introduced in the Legislative Council, is printed in the current issue of the Government Gazette: A bill intituled an ordinance to amend the Increase of Rent (War Restriction) Ordinance, 1917. It is hereby enacted by
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  • 54 9 The British Medical Journal »taW-« that many fifing aooidtwta cap be traced to a pilot k° iu K °P wljt v llfc not Dt> Ao A Medical S»rvio« in sugK«ite.f, and the Secretary of Stai* for trie Air is asked to tiiCour«K« ib« h ulj uf medical
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  • 3697 10 THE SALVAGE OF WAR IN FRANCE. Special for the Straits Times. LondoD, Deoember, 1917. In a rapid tour ot tbe Somme region it is to be noted tbat tbe olimax ot that Titanic strugglo was tbe series of battles along tbe Ancre valley. In strategic geography it
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  • Correspondence.
    • 833 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Much bas boen written about Chinese marriage laws tbe necessity for which tbjjr( is not the slightest doubt even among tbe less educated Chinese. But tbe matter tor wbioh I crave space in your valuable
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  • 113 10 Richard C. Wallhead, prospective Ltbour candidate fur Coventry, w«« fluid > or four luou'.hi' imprisonim-nt, at Nt-ath Is* mtkiig statements at Briinoferry aad C«mc)n Ltbonr meetiogs o mtrary lo tlin D- fenoe 1 1 the K aim Act. Ha was ordered to pay cosih on imi
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  • 1629 10 INCREASED COCONUT CROP LAST. YEAR. Difficulties of Shipment. The second annual general meeting of the Bukit Tambuu Estates, Ltd., was held on January 9, at tbe registered offices, 6», Bishopsgate, E C, Sir Gordon B. Voolee (the chairman) presiding. Tbe Chairman said Gentlemen, I have now the
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  • 361 10 The Report on Last Year's Worl^ The report of the Singapore Y.M.C.A. (or 1917 is issued in the form of a booklet containing several good illustrations of the reconstructed headquarters. It in announced that, in spite of the upheaval and the uncertainty which reigns in consequence of the
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  • 214 10 Y.M.C. A. BUILDING FUND. Tbe Hon. Treasurer herewith acknowledges the receipt of donations as follows, with thanks Amount already acknowledged... 11,620 28 Mrs. Braddtll 2nd and 3rd instalments 80 »L" 6 Mrs. Fowlie SO Mrs. G. E. Penny 3S Mr. J. W. Jones 10 Nett proceeds of Btsaar held December
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  • 1404 11 WHAT CONSCRIPTION OF MONEY MEANS. Suggested Levy on Capital. Mr. Bonar Law, as Chancellor oi the Exchequer, has made the startling statement that after tbe war be would not be averse to the oonscription of wealth, or to a levy on money He was speaking to
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  • 643 11 Sunday, March 10, 1918. St. Andbbw's Cathsdral. 4th Sunday in Lent.— 7 a.m. Holy Comuiuuion; 7.40 a.m. iiuiy Communion (ohoral); v ii a.m. Matins aud Latany 4 p.m. Sunday Sotiool and Bible Clauses 5.50 p.m. Kvunsong and sermon. I'rt-achur Tlie Lord bioiiop. Subject Christ and Sickness. St. MatUiuw'H,
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  • 24 11 Cohrisburgij.-2,10e lbs. Merlimaa.— l4l,o66 lbs. Dorian Sabatang.— B. (XX) Iba. two month* 6,500 lbs. Anglo-Johore 27,018 lbs. to date 280,784 Ik..
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 327 11 MOUTRIE PIANOS are built specially for the climate and are guaranteed for five years. Call op send for catalogue IS. MOUTRIE GO LTD. (Inoorporated in Hongkong) Raffles Place GRAND HOTEL SELABATOE SOEKABOEMI, JAVA 2,800 FBET ABOVB SBA LEVEL Cool climate and health resort. First- class accommodation. Terms moderate. APPLY MANAGER.
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  • 1690 12 First Three Years. 1914. Jane 27.— Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and bis Consort at Serajero. Jnly 2b. Austrian ultimatum sent to Serbia. Aogast 1 —Germany declares war on Kassia and France. AnKURt 4. Britain declares war on Germany (or violating neutrality of Belgium. August 2a.— Battle
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  • 658 12 Two First Novels Worth Reading. Seeing that Love by Halves by Alan Mackinnon (First Novel Library, T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd.) is a first novel we started it with some trepidation, bat a number ot the ventures in Mr. Fisher Unwin's First Novel Library have been suooesses so
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  • 303 12 Future Must Be Founded On Justice And Security. The Speaker of the House of Commons, addressing a war aims meeting at Carlisle said that we were fighting for justice and security for tbe future. Until justice was obtained he was sure the people of Britain would never
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  • 236 12 Cheap Vessels that May Solve The Food Problem. It is satisfactory to know, in the familiar phrase ot a shipping expert, that the responsible authority is "up to its neck in concrete ships. And concrete ships may provide one of tbe solutions of the food question, says the
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  • 259 12 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, March 16, 1918 Saturday, March 9. 2.80 p.m. Balestier Rng. S.V.A. (details). Sunday, M.vnra 10. 8 a.m. Balestier Rng. S.V A. (details). 6»oa.m. The Gap Malay Co., B.V.L Monday, Marcb 11. 4.80 p.m. Balestier Rng, S.V.A, 6.16 p.m. Drill
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  • 81 12 Peooraxiu fob March. Saturday 9th.— Norman ton Range, 4 p.m, Monday 11th.— Route March, Sepoy Line* Polioe Station, 5.16 p.m. Friday 16th.- No drill. Saturday 16th, Normanton Range, 4 p.m. Monday 18th.— Parade at Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 6.16 p.m. Friday 22nd.— No drill. Saturday 38rd.—
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  • 70 12 Lord Newton and General Sir Henry Belfield bave returned to England, on the conclusion ot their mission to Switserland .o negotiate with Turk sb delegates on 1 ri»ooei questions. Tbe two mam points •ecured are tbe inspection of camps by the protecting Legation (Dotch) and an
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  • 1128 13 WHAT iS THE PEACE THAT WE SEEK? By the Rt. Hon. Lord Buckmaster. The supreme need of mankind at this hoar is peace." These words are not merely a plain, ooorageous statement as to the needs of suffering humanity they are also an encouragement to everyone to
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 95 13 The Michelin Red Inner Tube is made of pure para rubber it insures: the maximum mileage the minimum expense because it lasts 3 times longer than any other inner tube and costs the least Stockist a I SINGAPORE Straits Motot Garage, Chin Huat Hin Oil Trading Co., The Cyole and
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    • 426 13 'I'm?! STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., Raffles Place. Money Changer, Burope Hotel. Money Changer, Adolphi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Money Changer. Raffles Hotel. Koh Co., Bras Banah Road. Kwong Seng Chiang, Selegie Road. Low Yong Swee, 1, Middle
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    • 14 13 IF YOU BUY FRAMROZS You will get the best quality every time 'Phone 354
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 620 14 Assets over $2,000,000 B.C. Assurance ia force over $9,000,000 8 C. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporatbd im Straits Sbttlbmbnts) HEAD OFFICE i Winchestsr House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32, Old Jewry, B.G. The Company has eTSO.OOO deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and oomplies with the British
      620 words
    • 479 14 BAWKIWQ. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporated in Hongkong) PAID UP CAPITAL •15,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 1.500,000 at 2/- 115,000,000 Silver 919,500,000 *34,5C0,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $15,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTOR* Hon. Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Chairman. G. T. M. Edkios, Bsq,, Deputy Chairman. F. C. Butober, Esq. Hon. Mr.
      479 words
    • 534 14 BAHKINB. NEKRLANBMHE HANBEL-iAATWHAPPY. NETHEILANBt TMBINB BMIETT. ■it.tmwn JBJ4, »sl« sp ■aattal fl 88,000,001 (about 4f,8M ,0001 Hmt n 11,I8»,4M (about JSMIWi Hbad Omsa v Abitsboab, Haas Assart w Batatia. BRANCHES i-Peaaag, Hoagkoag, Rhaagbal, Raagooa, Soerabaya, Bemataag Weltevredea, Baadoemg (Java), Cberiaoa. legal, Pettloana, TJilatjao, Djemaet. Ojokja (Java), Solo (Java), Medaa (Deli)
      534 words
    • 437 14 BAKKINQ. IHARTEREB BANK OF INBIA. AV STRALIA ANB CHINA. INCORPORATED IN BNOLAMD BT ROTAL CHARTER, aid up Capital la M 000 Bharet el JMeaata Ji.lM.apa ieeerve ruad M 4..8 M.000 ioserve Liability of Proprtetort... 4.100,000 BANKBBBI The Baak ot Baglaad, The Loadoa Oily aad aUdlaad Baak, Ltd., Toe Loadoa Uooaty
      437 words
    • 819 14 WBIIMNCE. THE IMMEDIATE VALUE OF LIFE INSURANCE Those who have accumulated money by the laborious prccesa of mere saving know what a hard and unoertain method it is. A man says. I will save so much out of my inoome for a certain time and at the end of the
      819 words

  • 1066 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Anatomy of the Car. A motor cm may be regarded from two points of view— first, as the synthesis of fcl number of beautifully adjasted component I parts second, at the evolution of an idea which has, by the two processes
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 162 15 THE SPHIJIX (ENGLAND S MOST DURABLE PLUG) We have pleasure in announcing that we have been appointed Sole Agents for Sphinx Spark Plugs for the Straits Settlements and Malay Peninsula (South of Siam). If you wish to be absolutely free fromplug troubles, fit the Sphinx, it is the best that
      162 words
    • 80 15 OILD4G SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Oarages Full particulars from DUPIRE BROS. SOLE AGENTS. Sab- Agents for Perak: Messrs. BERRY Co., Ipob STELASTIC TYRES The only tyres holding the R. A.C. certificate for 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures. British and made in Britain Sole Importers
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1056 16 I <^T sP Jvt^V^W .sssSb^BK^bi^b**^^^^ if[ s^JT YUST as the engineer and J^Hfer^w Jf I th« climber grip with yji B *r y^S^^S* I all the finger*, «o does 9 IL^«|M Br Goodnch tyre hold Hr the road with it* five rubber |^^B Si^^ finger* of auperfine Para. gr^ Thi*
      1,056 words
    • 742 16 SITUATIONS VACANT. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY, txperienced bock keeper. Apply Bookkeeper o/o Straits Times. 8 B—l4-8 WANTED, a capable bookkeeper. Full details of ci perienoe, qualifications, and age to Box No. 688, Stiaitb Times. 6 B— u WANTBD, a smart essittant for gents' outfitting department. Apply John Little and Co., Ltd., Kuala
      742 words
    • 481 16 KIAM KIAT&Go. 108 and 108, Market Street. FRBSH SHIPMENT OF THB DNDBR MBNTIONBD GOODS JUST RBCBIVBD Sponge Cloth Paper Varnish Eyelets and Rings (brass) Combination Pliers Insertion Cloth American Axes Lead Wire THB LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO In Singapore IS CONDUCTED BT H. N. BUCKERIDGE Lsts of Messrs Lafayette,
      481 words
    • 371 16 TAYGUANKIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to Government and Municipality, 'Singapore, for 1918. ■Phone Noa. 1381 1363 and 1883. RESIDENCES 87, Tank Road No. 14SO Sunnyside, Oaylang... IO7S 17-4, Tanjong Katong Rd, 1594 BOON SENG CO. Ship-chandlers and Sail-makers 18 ft 19. ROBINBON ROAD 'Phone 1268 Bole Agent* for
      371 words
    • 151 16 FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE DAY AND NIBHT 'Phone 1233 We have numerous enquiries for second hand oars from oar cliente in the Straita and F.M.B. If you wish to buy any, consult us, we will be able to fulfil you needs. When you intend to Mil, consult us, we shall fetch a
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 390 16 Straits Tsimes. TELEPHONES Bditorial and General... m 68 Manager's Offioe M hit Job Printing Offioti 1144 AU eommunioations mlatinr to editorial matters and news should fee addrofinod to THB BDITOa All eommunioations t'nMsin to business matters— advertisements, saaoriptioas, aooounts, printing, etc,— should be addressed to THB MANAGBR. Cheque* and money
      390 words