The Straits Times, 21 February 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.652 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1918. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 226 1 ■ILKMAIB SWEETENED CONDENBEQ MILK Prieaaow $19.00 >er mm Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest, materials under perfect condition* and by experienced chefs. A tin (makes six plates of the best soup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jbibby, Meffeill Jbibby state "If there was a way to
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    • 139 1 ROBINSON CO. ■I p AB a LOOSE-LEAF NOTE BOOKS Hi c Stocked in four sizes: H ,j :^r"' fli No. 420 494 x 3 inches ■1 —> No. 530 5Wi4 IB No SW/2 5 x 4 W No. 630 6\4 x4J Refills for all Nos. in etock. m FOUNTAIN PENS
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  • 1197 2 THE IDE4L OF MOST BRITISH HEARTS The French Soldier. All professions mast develop characteristic features in those who parsae them. These are noted and described by artists thus they are brought home to the imagination, and so a type of the doctor, or the lawyer, or the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 287 2 the World! This famous chewing sweet has won friends in every country. All the British Army is chewing it. WRIGLEYS is the great favorite of active men a> and women in Europe and the United States. It is made of the best materials wrapped to preserve its fine flavour and
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    • 446 2 It's EasyTo Get Rid of Dandr uff Gently rub spots of dandruff, scales, itching and irritation with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning: shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. This treatment every two weeks is usually sufficient tokeepthescalpcleanand healthy. Sample Each Free by Poat. Addrnn postcaf I •F.Nrwbery*Sona.27.Charterhuu»e Sy., London." boM
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    • 249 2 STOCK OF ATLAS MARINE CYLINDER OILS Samples and partlouiari from < PHONE3BI WADLEIGH COMPANY, LTD., Singapore ▲gents: SWAN A FINCH GO., Now York Ma m Gentlemen's High-class Tailoring and Outfitting NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED A Choice Selection of New and Exclusive Suitings The latest novelties in scarves and ties, hats,
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  • 959 3 THE PROSPECT FOR THE CURRENT YEAR. Difficulties of Transport. Tbe eighth annual ordinary general meet ing of tbe Songei Babru Robber Estates, Limited, was held on December 20 at tbe effioes of tbe company, Mincing Lane Hoose, 69, Eastcheap, EC, Mr. P. J. Bargees, chair man of
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  • 60 3 When oar children's children tell Armageddon's epic story, Safe in Freedom's citadel, Ossiog on oar deathless glory, They will blew tbe men who died Damning Kultar's crimson tide. Mioglt (1 with their clanmc lore, All old days outshining. Marshalled with the Great of yore. Heroes' palm*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 304 3 You've been waiting for Australian Sparkling Wines Burgundy Hock Champagne The Australian Asiatic Co. 67, THE ARCADE, SINGAPORE I COFFEE FOB BSTATB OR HOUBBHOLD OSB, DIRBOT FROM THB GROWBH TO THB CUNSUMBR. Bout and ground Price 8O ota. per lb. Roast beans ot«. packed in tins of not less than
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    • 320 3 CHEONG BROTHERS Deatißtd, M, Boatb Bridar Road FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES Fint-elass MecbaaioaJ Dentissry, ti id Orowa Bridge Filling and Vuleaaite. Duration of Wear Guaranteed. OHARQBS BtODBiUTB Beat Tootb Powders and Brushes lor sale PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALERS Amateurs 1 Work, Dereloping. Printing Bnlarging. Repairing Cameras. KoDgHingCheongilCo. Adelphi Hotel Buildings, Singipore Btnoh
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    • 246 3 Gasolene Automobile Co. (BEACH ROAD NEXT TO RAFFLES HOTBL) jpr /a O 7w £2 J SL,^ t BL^^L^a^^^^^^^^-jfiBMsBBBi Reliable Motor Cars for Hire Day and Night Telephone TBS v io-m^.ib The Best Machine-Pressed CEMENT FLOORING TILES IN MALAYA Manufactured by TAMPENIS CEMENT TILE WORKS, LTD. 84, BO and 98-1, Sungei
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 448 4 STEAMEN SAILINIS. nTyTk: JAPAN MAIL BTEAMSHIPCO., LTD. (laooaroEATao n Jaraa) EUIOPEAN UNE 4 sib i Inn is maintained between Yokohama, via porta, and Bnglaad under mail contract Wttb the Imperial Japanese Government. The Mow Twin-screw Steamers maintaining Ibis service hay« bwai jpeeiaUy designed aad •aastraoted, aad are fitted wi*h ail
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    • 649 4 STEAMER BAILIN6B. P- St 0. -British India AMD Mpcar (ConrAKias booaroaATao v Hnoaans) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PININSULAR AND ORIBN TAL S BJ. Co. (Dnaor ContTMt with Hit Majesty QoTamusnil) The Company's MAIL SBRVIOBS BAST OP BOMBAY are at present suspended. The Company. INTERMEDIATE SBRVIOBS TO AND FROM LONDON
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    • 623 4 BTEAMEI gJUUNW. THE SUM STEAM NAVIGATION Cl.. LB. (Inoaareaavao at Bum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Krotoy.Trtnggaaa, Bisat, Semerak. Baeho, KaUatan, Taat* Bangnara, Telnpin Paaaral. Patani, Singora, Laeoa, Koasamui, Baadon, LaagaoeL, Chompon, Kohlak A Baagkok Du. Dspartur. a.a. PRACH4TIPOK Fab. 98 Feb. 87, S *.n>. a a. AS DANG Map. 4 Mar. 8,
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    • 611 4 BTEAMER MIUWM. oombimbo saßvtoa ot* THE MEAN IS.M.LT-5 (Iboobpojutbd i« B*« xms thewestTustmliah S. N CB.. LTB. (Iboobpobatsd ib Basauc; BBTwaaa ■pansaittla (Parth), 81a*«fi.WsMr Auatraltan Porto, 4ava ■»d Slrigaawipa. Begular sailings between Singapore bkA Western Australia ealliag at Java (as la. dooemuat offers), Derby, King's Soond (ae*« tor the Kimberley
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  • 104 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, February 21. High Water, 6.10 am, 8.48 p.m. Friday, February 22. Bwta Water. 7 9.42 p m. Municipal Commiaaioners, i-30 p.m. Sykora Concert, Taoglio Club, 0.80 p.m. Saturday, February 23. High Water, 8 SO a.m., 10.*) p.m. Paotai mtmtioii Derrick's, noon. Halifax Kalirf Fete.
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  • 159 5 TO-DAT. Bato Pahat 9.80 pm Malaooa and Muar 2.80 pm P. Diokson and P. Swettenbam %Xto pm M -'«~fi and Moar 8 pm P. Batam and Pulau Bolaag 8 pm Kerimon 8 pm Pulau Soegi 8 pm Batavia and Cheribon 8 pm Bangkok B.BC pm Saigoa 8.80
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  • 271 5 The mail trains rtom Singapore for the sorth leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.ia (Sunday ezoept^) and 7 p.m., arriring at Kuala Lumpur at t 18 p.m. and 6.46 a.m. respectively. Tbe through express to Penang learuft Koala Lnmjrai at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Peoanti
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  • 31 5 (iHßotal Post Offloe Report.) I'ewmber 4 Lewmber 6 Dooetuber 14 Daoembec 16 IKomber 29 January 4 January 31 V. braary 6 K.bru.ry 8 J»nu»ry 24 34 February 16
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  • 189 5 EXCMANOE SIHOiPOES, FSBKCABT 21, 1918. Om Londom Bank 4 m/s a/4} Demand M 2/4^ Private 8 m/s 2/4 J On FmaNca Bank m 816 Om India Bank T. T. 160| On HoNOKONo...Bank d/d 27|%pm Om Shamohai ...Bank d/d I4J Om Jata. Bank T. T. M 125J Om
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    • 166 5 10 10 Amraji 10.00 1026 1 1 ATeKnK 820 850 O.d 10 10 Kinte A^yni>tin« 7.00 7.60 11 41 KintaTin 1.10.0 1.16.0 II 41 Labmt Mines 6.60 675 10 10. Mal»ym Collieries 16.00 16.60 11 41 MaUtmi Tin 1.14 0 1.16.6 mom 10 10 Middleton 18 26 2C.00 P»hang
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    • 119 5 GENE RAL £1 £1 I. BrntWii 00. 7.60 8.00 £1 £1 Pwl. 1.8.0 16.0 6/- I/- aieoMo T'wajt 8.0 4« 10 10 Pnae* Neave 10.00 52.00 BO 60 W.H*mme>*Oo. 7200 74 00 100 100 K»li Bios, Del. 180.00 150.n0 10 10 M»yna»d 00. 6.00 703 41 41 Shell Tnnaport 8.10.0
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    • 59 5 United Hnpneere 8% |1,m,6U0 pat Singapore Blectrio Tramways 8% 4860,000 noru S'pore Municipal 6% ,1,878,000 par B'pore Munioipal «i% of 1907 11,900,000 10% die S'pote Mußioipal s t of 1908 tI.OT 3,0 M 10%d*l Spore Municipal 4% 3,000,000 10%dfci S'poto Munioipal i% 4800,000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1918 tlA.onn.OOO 108
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  • 321 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Piiees. Fimw Lyall* Co. BvaH. Malaka Pinda 2.40 250 246 IN Malakoff (»2) 4.10 480 410 480 Mandai Tekonß ($1) 0.75 0.85 075 OSS Mergui (15) 6.00 025 600 626 New Serendab (it) 4.f0 476 4CO
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 THE ORIENTAL SPECIFIC la tbe speoific for tbe sprciflo complaint and of whatever standing. Price $1.25 THE ORIENTAL PILE OINTMENT Aa tffloacioas ointmnot for both internal asd tx'emal piles. Prices $1 and $1.50 THB CITY DIBPBNBARY SaUgia Boad, Siogapore. 17 1-o-li 1 19 w.i.iAnaA. 1700. O
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    • 562 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. W ANT B l\ »tt n- gr-pher, either sz. Apply Steoo c/dSt »li limes. 21-I—2B 2 WaNIBU, oapabln teaoher ot tie MaUy largnaer, twiou weekly. Apply K. V, c/j titrait* TiaiF*. 2i 2—2 J i FOR SALB OR TO LBT, ounponnd bouse Nu. Ml, Kampoog Java Road, entrance
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    • 578 5 THE FAVOURITE MIXTURE AT HOME AND ABROAD Smith's "Glasgow" CAN: BE OBTAINED FROM ALL DEALERS IN BINOAPORE ft F.M.B. il^ B 1 TaaJaagr^4^raaaa-Ti^sis^MStks;sas7"| il^ il^ 1 TO-NIGHT BBOOND SHOW. 0.16 SHARP TO-MIQHT Balboa Film Corporation present SJOY AND i. THE DRAGON A fasoinating drama featuring Bsby Marie Osborne IN THE
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  • 1073 6 The Straits Times THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21. RUMANIA. It was one of tbe grievanoe* against tbe Asqcith Government tbat nothing was done to help Romania. For a year past that ooontry bas been in more dire difficulties than at mj time daring Mr. Asqaitb'* term of offioe. Komaai* may have entered
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  • 28 6 Tbe presence of rabie* in Kuala Lute par and Jaaia ha* forced tbe Perak Government to prohibit until further notioe tbe importation of dogs from Selangor and Malacca.
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  • 37 6 Tbe usual annual concert in aid of Barnardo'a Homes will be held this year on Thursday, March 14, at 845 pro., in the YMO.A. All interested iv Birnardo's cbil dren are requested to reserve tbe above date.
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  • 63 6 Tbe Full Court of Appeal at Penang opened on Tuesday in the Supreme Court before Justice Sir J A. S. Hockoill, Mr. Justice L. M. Woodward, Mr. Jastioe L. P. Eoden and I Mr. Justice W. J. Edmonds. There are I altogether thirteen canes oa tbe list, bat in tbe
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  • 23 6 The Rent A«e»-««ai«nt R> ard for Singapore I will i>it at Mm Municipal B<*M Room on Tuesday, tbe 26ib instant, at 2.15 p.m.
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  • 36 6 A suppl nimt to tbe F.MS. Qarette contains a Bill to be iotroluot-d in tbe Federal Council, tbe ot j ot o( which is to oontrol the use of tbe Heraldic emblem ot tbe Red Crosa.
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  • 35 6 Tbe F.M.S. Government Oaiette notifies tbat tbe British Resident is satisfied tbat the Pc rak Chamber of Commerce, tbe Batu G*jab Recreation Club, and tbe Coronation Club, New Columbia Estate, Sitiawan, have oeastd to exist.
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  • 54 6 Two caae* of death from bobonio plague were investigated by tbe coroner tbia morning. Ia one tbe deceased was a Chinese wbo was broogbt up in tbe second polioe comt on Monday on suspicion of being a lunatic He was remanded for observation at tbe Tan Took Beog Hospital where
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  • 57 6 A fire tbat might have proved very disaatroos if not lor tbe timely aid rendered by the Ipob fire brigade broke out at Menglemba shortly after 88J on Monday ni|(ht. Several shop booses were burnt down and tbe damage is roughly assessed at twelve to fifteen thoasaod dollars, a Rood
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  • 60 6 A charge of theft of seven sheet* of rubber, tbe property ot tbe Singapore Harbour Board, was investigated in tbe third police court this morning. Two Tamils are accused, and one is represented by Mr. H. B. Sammy and the other by Mr. A. de Mello. Evidenoe was given by
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  • 73 6 A correspondent write* to tbe Straits Echo to ask what ts the inner significance of tbe paragraph in the Government Gaiotte which dates that a b'gu official bas been granted six months' leave on tall pay witb tbe exoeption of one day for which he is only to be granted
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  • 64 6 The London correspondent ot tbe New York Times states tbat ho baa learned from a high source tbat tbe tonnage of British ships of mure than 1.600 priur to the war aggregated 16.841,519 tons, and tbe losse*, alter deducting oaplures, purchases and sbips ot recent construction aggregate 2,70U,000 tons. Assuming
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  • 71 6 Tbe undermentioned Singapore properties were sold by auction at tba-aaieruoui •>f Tbe Commercial Rubber Company en WedneNday afternoon Freehold land and house 22, Owen Road, containing he respco tive areas of 1,680, 1,690 and I.7UU tquare feet, bought by Mr G. H. Shiran fur it.tiLl) Mixteen pieoes ot freehuld lana
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  • 103 6 A match expert gives some interesting tips about tbe figlit way ot striking a light. Tue wrong way aoooiuing to tbia eooiiuuiist— is to strike ttie match on tbe box. Tue rigut way ia to strike or rather rub gently tbe box upon the match. It ensures wore oerikiu iguitioD,
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  • 101 6 A Bill to amend the Customs Regulations Enactment ia published in an F.M.S. Gazette supplement, tbe "objects and rea sons" being Federated Malay States export duties are now in some cases collected in Singapore at a station appointed by the Governor in Cuoucil aoder Ordinance No. 10 of IUI3, and
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  • 132 6 Witb referenoe to Notification No. 8177, publiatied in tbe F.M.S. G.xotte on U tuber 0, 1916, tbe following, being the ■obataooeof a 11-nalation iasaed on January 24, IvlB, by the Imperial Japaneae Government, ia publisbea lor general information Oa and after February 1, 1918, any foreigner, exoept Chinese, arriving in
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  • 174 6 Aostralian manufacturers and exporters aboold note that a new act of regulations will oome into foroe in Singapore, Georgetown and Penang (Strait* Settlement*) on May I, 1818, sajs a Mtlnouroe paper. Tb«ae prohibit the importation of batter containing any preservative ntht r tban salt, and tbe importation of milk (whether
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  • 366 6 Mr. and Mrs. W. Frew have left Ipob for Penang en route to Singapore. Mr. and Mm. R. M Duff have returned to Ipob after a short holiday in Singapore. Mr. P. Z. Crect, proprietor of tbe Grand Hotel, Ipob, ia on a visit to Singapore. Mrs.
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  • 24 6 The bon. treasurer acknowledge* witb thanks receipt of the following contubjiioß) towards the above fund Mr. Scet Tiang Lim |S0
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  • 85 6 Land and sea sport* have been arranged l to be held at the 6] mile, Paxir Pai jang Road, on Sunday next under tbe management of Mr. Poey Kane Song. Those misbicg to .compete are rt quested to send in tbeir names to Mr. Poey Keng
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  • 69 6 We very gratefully acknowledge tbe following addition to our fund for assisting the) Oversea* Club to provide smokes for out soldiers and sailors I. A. B. F. |10 Tbe total we have received sitoo we open- d this fond in August, 1916, i* now
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  • 138 6 The fourth rdition of tbe Motor Car Directory published by Mrs. Dolores Jarkson is a more nteful volume thao ever. For motorists it is invaluable, and even those wbo are only now and then motorists, so to speak, will find it of considerable use. The ouujpilation teems
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  • 182 6 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report oodm yesterday 'a dale Some 9.9 tons were catalogued (or sale at tbe usual weekly auction which commenced to day. At tbe opening of tbe sale, tbere waa a goooV demand for Rood parcels of all grade* and prices for the orepe
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 203 6 Whiskies of Renown FOR WHICH WE ARE Sole Agents Johnnie Walker, Black and Red Label Usher's Green Stripe and Special Reserve Crawford's ow sootoh LaWSOn'S Liqueur Antiquary House cf Lords Madachlan'S lona and Five Castles aggj pP EAST OF SUEZ L^aTteaWslßnißß^>^ -^4SSmmMr iaapWaw»^^'^^^sn»sßßßtJ|*B^*B»»^^_ JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. I (IvcoßPOkiTiD in
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    • 171 6 /UHAMBRA TIM Hall Hr Mvsic TNs ••onesr as* »r*mi*r wsasa-Tba *f fMlity- Baack Raa*. BBCONDSHOW 9 16 TO II Metro Film Corporation presents Mtas Kmu.y vVtbl nin THE OUTSIDER In 6 Acta From tbe novel Nobody by Lmis Je«epb Vance. r resenting a story of absorbing interest and fine acting.
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  • 830 7 SIR W.ROBERTSON'S CASE. Sensation in Political Circles. Waiting Prime Minister's Statement. RICTSK's TbLBUBAMS. London, February 18, A 58 a.m. Tbe case of General Sir William Robertson is tbe absorbing topic oi the day. Mr. Lloyd George's statement is awaited with the greatest interest. General regret is c xprcssed
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  • 247 7 GREAT LOSS OF LIFE IN SOUTH AFRICA. Seventy-Five Feet Flood. Rbotib's Tblbokam. London, February 18, 10.15 a.m. Durban As tbe result of a terrific storm a wall cf water seventy five ft*t high descended tba White and Black Umfolosi llivers and submerged Umfolusi Village, tbe centre of the
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  • 297 7 Three Killed Through Collapse Of House. (F«om Oob Own Correjpomdint Penang, February 20. A 'wo-floor brick house in Victoria Street collapsed, burying tbe inmates. Two women and a child were taken out doad. Several were injured and sent to hospital. Two more fires bave occurred sicce tbe rice
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  • 4918 7 IMPORTANT DISCUSSIONS AND DECISIONS. Third Quarterly Meeting. The third quarterly general meeting of tbe Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association was held at tbe Brian Club, Parit Buntar, on Sonday, says tbe Straits Echo. There were present Mews. J. W. Kennedy (vioe preai dent) in the chair, J. Cruicksbaoks, E. I>.
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  • 437 8 Messrs. Fraser and Cos. Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser and Co. in their weekly ahare circular, dated February 21, state There has been a general revival in mining ■bares this week and a few neglected stocks bave shewn some life. Small transactions were recorded in local rubber shares
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  • 106 8 Appearing To-morrow at the Tanglin Club. Below is given the programme for the conorrt to be given at the Tanglin Club to morrow evenitg by Mist Catherine Catup kail and Mr. Bogumil Sykora. These distinguished artistes have already provtd their quality and are sure to bu
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  • 11 8 Bnkit Katil.— lB,i9l lbs. nine months MJK» la*.
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  • 1540 8 French Poli tical Sensation C4ILLAUX ACCUSED OF PLOTTING FOR EARLY PEACE. Proposed Alliance against Britain. A message from Paris, dated December 12, state*: Tbe application by the Military Governor ol Paris for authority to prosecute M. Caillanz (an ex- Premier of France) ood tains statements of fact which appear seriously
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  • 202 8 Employers Fear "Aims of A Socialistic Character." Employers discussed industrial reconstruction at a oonferenoe in the Central Hall, Westminster, recently. Nearly every industry in Britain was represented. Sir Kicbard Temple, who presided, said tbat tbe Government proposal tor joint standing industrial councils wero acceptable to employers in
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  • 195 8 What Men Will Expect After The War. Men would return from the front feeling that after their great sacrifices they could not be satisfied with a country tbat was not substantially better than before they went, said Dr. Addition at a luncheon cf the City Tradesmen's
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  • 42 8 The Swimming Club launches leave on Sotd«y a* follow Jutiußton Pier 0, 10 and 11 a.m.. 380 and 8.80 p.m. Club Bungalow: 9.80 and lON a.m 12.15, 8 and 6 SO p.m. Hi»U tide 9.88 a.m., height 8 ft. 0 ins.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 571 8 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— There is a letter from A Man in the Straits Times of the 18th inst. which I feel it is op to me to answer. He states lLat Women are simply tools in the bands of men." Instead of
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  • 151 8 An entire change of programme will be made at the Empire Cinema to-night. The principal item is a Balboa feature in five parts, Joy and the Dragon, together with two episodes of the Crimson Stain Mystery the five part film, Pay Me, and other pictures. The Palladium
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 157 8 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc for week ending Saturday, February 28, 1918. Thursday, Fkkki akv 21. 5.15 p.m. Braa Bush Rd. Malay Co. P.V.I. Drill Hall S.V.C. Band. Fbiday, Fibbuahy 33. 6.15 p.m. Drill Hal< 8 V A. Sections III and IV. 8.KE.,V.i H Maxim Co., S.V.C S.V.R.atd.
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    • 379 8 BAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, February 23 SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW SEA VIEW HOTEL I^T MUSIC 7~T" on the lawn during by the sea DINNER No. 1 10 BY THB Sea View Orchestra EVERY EVENING EXCEPT MONDAY E. and O. HOTEL ■■■OHM Situated beautifully by the sea The leading hotel in the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 481 9 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALES Ol VALUABLE FRBRHOLD BDILDINO LAND AT TaNOLIH ROAD, BINOAPORB, To be bold at -or Saleroom, No. IT, Raffles P.aoe, On Tuesday, March 5, at 2.30 p.m. All tbatpiec of freehold land sitnate and fronting Tanglin Koal Singapore, estimated to on' in an acr'oxiruate IMS of
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    • 862 9 Halifax Relief Fund Tbe postponed Fete will be held on Saferday, February 88, 1916, from 3to 11 p.m. on the Raffles Reclamation Ground. TAN CHBNG BIONO, Hon. Secretary, Singapore, February 19, 1918. PROGRAMME. 1 Parade. By over 900 pnpils of tbe Chinese Boys Schools of Sicgapore. 2. Chmeae Wayang. (a)
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    • 135 9 Straits Motor Garage We can now offer the following motor car accessories from a shipment recently to hand: "SOUR" CARBIDE LAMP GENERATORS japanned, of the finest quality material and workmanship, twoway connection Price $22 each ALSO OIL TAIL LAMPS japanned and nickel-plated. Sole European Stockist for Michelin Tyres for Singapore
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 603 10 Assets over $2,000,000 B.C. Assurance ia force over $9,000 000 B.C. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incobpobatbd in Straits Sbttlbments) HEAD OFFICE t Winchc»ter House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE I 89, Old Jewry, E.C. Tbe Ccmpany bas «20,000 deposited with tbe Supreme Court ol England, and complioe with tbe
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    • 491 10 IWKINO. HIN6K9MB AMD SHANBHAI BANKING CMPORATIIN (laTOonreaATan im Bobobom*) PAID-UP OAPITAIi m, 111,000,000 bBSBKVB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at I/- |16,000 000 BUTet |1»,SOC,000 188,800,000 Reserve Liability ol Oropnetors 111,000,000 COURT OF DIRBOTORB Boa. Mt. 8. B. Dod well, Cbairmaa. Boa. Mi. P. B. Bolyoak, Deputy Uhairmaa. Boa. Mr. O. B.
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    • 533 10 BAWKINB. NEKRUWBtSHE HANBEL.UATMIMPPY. NETHEILANN TIABINB BNIETT. BstABBIBBDW 11* "•Map IsslUl 0 M,000,(X)0 i about 46,000 000 llsuisn kassm Ms* flil.»9(.4Bl(aaoat sWsa.SMi Bbas umn n AawraaoASi, Hsad Aaaasi w Batatu. BRAMcMBB i— feaaag, Hongkong. Shanghai, Baagoooi, Boeraaava, Semataag Wblterredea, Baadoeag (Jara), Cheriboa Tegal, Peosloagaa, Tjilaljap, Djembea DJokja (Jara), Solo (Ja»ai, Medaa
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    • 657 10 BAKKINQ. CHAMTEREI lANK OF INDIA. AMITRALIA ANI IHINA. INOORPORATBD IN ENGLAND BT ROTAL CHABTBK. aid op Capital la M KM Shares ol ATWoaob a* ass ss> aa 4:.U*.VO taserre Faad J.MMOOO Bhbbttb LUMttf ol Prqerietor s_ 4ijuo,ooa BANEERS i Tbe Baak ol Baglaad, Tbe Loedoa Olty aad midlaad Baak, Ltd.,
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    • 925 10 INSURANCE. THE IMMEDIATE VALUE OF LIFE INSURANCE Those who have eceomolatf d money by the laborious process of mere saving know what a hard aod uncertain method it is. A man says. I will save so much out of my iooome for a certain time and at tbe end of
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  • 719 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Car Restored by Novice. The agents of the King car supply the following interesting account of the adventures of od» ot tbeir oars Since the beginning of the world the tales that come from the sea have been remark- 1
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  • 240 11 American Demand for Unity Of Allies' Action. The Petit Parisian recently published an interview with M. Andre Tardieu, the French High Commissioner in the United States, on the subject of What America expects from France." M. Tardieu says What the United States aeks of us is discipline
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  • 76 11 The Carnegie Trait bti offered to meet the oost of erecting and eqaippioK tt Shore ditch one of four model welfare centres in England and Wales for promoting the phyxi cat welfare of mother* and children. One condition it that the scheme should be made part ot the comprehensive system
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 91 11 WATCH THE FORDS GO BY The car that made motoring for the million possible Sole Distributors for British Malaya WEARNE Bros.. Ltd. SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH PENANG. "BRUNOLINUM" THE PERFECT WOOD PRESERVATIVE The Reliable Stop-Rot Antiseptic and Certain Protector against White Ants. Identical to the German Wood Preserver "Carbolinium" and
      91 words
    • 214 11 OILP4G SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money To be had from all Oarages Full particulars) from DUPIRE BROS. sole: agents. Bub- Agents for Perak: Messrs. BERRY Co., Ipota STELASTIC TYRES #The only tyres holding the R. A.C. certificate for 5,000 miles without British and made in Britain Sole I m porters INTERNATIONAL
      214 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 656 12 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS 4f LIMITED (Incorporated in Enoland). SPECIAL ADVANTAGES BOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan &Go.. Ltd. (Incorporated in Bnoland) IMPORT DEPARTMBNT, SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTBD, billet by a junior book keeper and stenographer. Good testimonials. Apply stating salary and prospects to No. 686 Straits
      656 words
    • 542 12 MISCELLANEOUS LBSSON9 in French and Bngliah given by lady. rVx A2R. Straits Times. 6-2—4-8 LADY TTPIsT, Mrs. F. Cooper Abbs. Address Burlington, Colt man Street. 14-2—lB 8 WANTBD, offers of good oooonut estates. Reply stating acreage, age of trees and full particulars to Box No. 826, Straits Times. 8-B— n
      542 words
    • 638 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT, 20, Ntwton Rjad. Kent moderate. Apply 4, I e:il Street, 20-2—19 8 TO LBT, elevated ground tixir, three to four rooms, verandahs, bathroom, i to. Furnished or unfurnished. Apply Near Town, c/o Stiaits Times. 80 I—2B 2 TO LBT, Mount Levina, No. 86, Barker Road.
      638 words
    • 533 12 KIAM KIST&Co. 108 and 109, Market Street. STOCK ON HAND Pure White Zinc Powder (ENGLISH MANUFACTURE). THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore II CO»OUCTEO IT H. N. BUCKERIDGE Utaef ■essrs. Ufayetta, abetetraahert te their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON Formerly Motel da la tail CIGARS Beet quality cigars in
      533 words
    • 322 12 TAY GUAM KIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to Government and Municipality, Singapore, for 1918. •Phone Nos. 1381, 1362 and 1863. RESIDENCES 87, Tank Road No. 1400 Sonny side, Oaylang... 1078 IT -4, Tanjong Katong Rd. 1894 JUST RECEIVED NBW SHIPMBNT OF GREEN WATERPROOF CANVAS for making tarpaulin, screens,
      322 words
    • 151 12 FIRST-CLAM GARS-HIRE DAYANDNIBHT 'Phone 1233 We have numerous enquiries for second hand oars frtm our clients in the Straits and F.M.S. If you wish to buy sjiy, ooasuM us, we will be able to fuliU your needs. When you intend to sell, consult us, we shall fetch a buyer. Several
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 399 12 Straits Wimes, TELEPHONES I Editorial and General... m 6b Manager's Office inj Job Printing Offioe m ltH All communications relating to editorial matters and news should le addressed ao THB EDITOK, All communications relating to business matters— advertisements, snbrriptions, aooounts, printing, etc— should be addressed to THB MANAOBB. Cheque* and
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