The Straits Times, 28 January 1918

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.632 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JANUARY 28. 1918. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 162 1 iIUMAIO SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK i i Prioe now I $19.00 i; per e«Me BEAR BRAND MILK ■THE MILK THAT'S WORTH ITS PRICE QUALITY M/S^^\JBL ALWAYS NEVER |i sTAiW^^^^fe^ HM MOST VARIES "BEAR" BRAND EXCELLENT HYGIENIC SWISS W |LK Us JS"* in Us na!ural s^ 0V anvrh!?? a nd without addition
      162 words
    • 35 1 Is it "Turps "you want? Then ask for T U R TRJIDE Ur ac M. RK E N E Pure Mineral Turpentine THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM Co. (S.S.), Ltd. (Incorporated in BorIadc)) St. HBLBM'S OOCBT, SINGAPORE
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    • 109 1 ROBINSON CO. igjß- STAND CAMFRfIS JUST UNPACKED ILFORD EMPRESS AND SPECIAL RAPID PLATES All sizes up to full plate. "Tabloid" Photographic Chemicals Johnson's Wellington and Ward's Bromide Paper Paste-on Photographic Albums, etc., etc. BACCHUS MARSH Concentrated MILK In quarts, pints and i-pint tins SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in
      109 words
    • 18 1 I JEFFREY'S. PILSENER BEER. 1 1 Sou Aumn AOAMBON 6ILFILLIN A CO LTI. loco p. r:ite,l Id Kngliu>,l)
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  • 1112 2 CONCERNING A SHORTAGE AND SOME DILEMMAS., By Barry Pain. The verb, to be that in, to be without matches— is grossly irregular, and is at present conjugated as follows I an? matchless. Thou bast a patont lighter that won't workHe— dirty dog— has four tbat he sneaked from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 252 2 New shipments constantly arriving Arnotts Biscuits The Famoue Milk Arrowroot (Invalid and Baby Food), Butter, Mari Cabin, Lawn Term s Soda. Adora Gr*nm Wafers, Creamy Cbocolale, Owrant i.uncheon, Thin Jbptain, P»ain Wafen>, Zu Zu Xiixtd, Sultana, O-born«\ Shredded Wheatmeal, .Ginger Nuts, M&Lted Milk and Raspberry Sandwiches. They are DELICIOUS.
      252 words
    • 466 2 "affi/ Cycling weans ™V/ Health Pleasure I ff f. J If you only realised what I If I// cycling would do for I J AT you from a health point I K y~~^ ot ew you would gtt I /fljj Bicycle j LV^j^J fitted with RSJU X.^«ao3 Three-Speed or Eadie
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    • 751 2 COrUriACT* 10 lahuum IN JOHORE Whereas it has come to tbe knowledge ol the Johore Govirnmect h«t agreements in writing have reosctly been made in Singapore whereby persoua have purported to bind themselves to labour for a period ol three handrod days on etita'es situated in Johore. It is hereby
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    • 742 2 JIMAH RUBBER ESTATES. LTD. (iMoaareaATßS raa Straits S in u a im> LOBTJCRIP Application has been made to tbe director. ol this Company to i«sce to Mr*. A. B. Forbo*. e/o Messrs. Ocfivim S eel A Co, 14, Old Court Houfe Btieet, Calontta, a dnpUoato c<rt hoatc for BCO share*
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  • 933 3 The foOowiag immHim an ispsrtad i— London, December 80. Wounded— Capt. O. H. Simmonds, A.8.0. 3nd Lit at. D. T. Slopcr, LeieenUre 2nd L.»i.t U. M Smitb. K G A. 2nd Lkat. 8. H. Stephens, R.0.A. 2nd Lieot. P. Taylor, InnickilliDg Fnxiliera Capt. J. H. TharnfieM, South Staffords
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 578 3 Vat la a* aassa-Saptal awaat Pa»t, hilt PMaaj maatf iM "aaatar BABOOL, tte coaoentrated food that puts on good, healthy flesh, sometimes at the sate al a poend a day, builds np the thin and weak, bring back the rosy blnsh cf hoalth. 1 1 saili oat the skinny, sorawny
      578 words
    • 460 3 Best Manila. Cigars Fancy Talaa Royalaa Exoallanta Saleotod Bud* Kapeoiallaa Londrea Imparialea Londrai^lno rl Parfeotoa p a tlt Bouquet. and Navy Prineeaaaa Lord* of England High Lif* in the Eut Bouquets Cortado Fino Minervaa Neuvo Cortado 1 1 ■■tP«JISM Neuvo Habano Ralna Msria 2 Cortado N.P.O. Rama Vlotoi-la Senontaa Galeatialea
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 564 4 steamer mum nTvvk. JAPAN MAILBTEAMBHIPCO..LTD. (Iboobpobaibd IB Jatap) EUROPEAN LINE servioe is maintained botwboa Yokohama, via ports, and Bogland under mail contract wttti the Imperial Japanese Oovercment. Tbe Mew Twin-screw Steamers maintaining ahi. m,Uui nave beea specially designed and eoastroeted, aad are fitted with all tbe latest bnar jvetaeats for
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    • 579 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.- British India AMD Apcar fc—ine (CoMPANiaa IMOOBPOBATBO I* BM9kAML>) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PBNINSULAR AND ORIENTAa, 8. N Co. (Under Contraot with HU Majesty's Qoverti^ienu The Company's MAIL BERVIGES BAST OF BOMBAY are at preroni suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are at
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    • 679 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. fHE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (laooapoßArao ib Slab). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgauu, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kelaetaa, Tabt< Baagaera, Totapta, Paaarai, Pataai, Siagora, Laeoa, Kobsamui Randoa, Laagsaea, Chompca, Kohlakaßaagkak Dua Departure a.a. MAH IDOL Jan. 98 Jan. 30. 3 p.m. a.a. PRACHATIPOK Feb. 4 Feb. 8, S p.m.
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    • 617 4 STEAMER MILimS. oomsmmbo saavios op THEBCEANI.I.C«..LTB (Iboobpobatbo im Baa. \abd THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CB.. LTB. iInOOBPOBAIBD IB Bb*» Arp. BBTWBBB r reman tie (Perth), NorM w i Auatrallan Porta, 4awa and Singapore. Regular sailings betweea Siagapore aa--, Westorn Anstralia calling at Java (aa la ducomcat offers), Derby, King's
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 261 5 STEAMER BAIUNBB. 08AKA8H0SENKAISHA (I»ooapoa*TiD n Ja?»n) (Otaka aanaatlia •taawshis Ca., LM.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. The Uampaay maintains a .••galar earao Mrriee wMb «x steamers oaUicg at Moji, Yokkaiehi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port SwettPiiha?r>, Penang, Colombo and Bombs and on tb* talon voyage oalling at Tnticoria, Biasaaota, Hoagkong and Moji. PACIFIC LINE. The
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    • 196 5 The Straits Times Fad F.M.S. READERS. The Mail Timin postal serrioe enables as to •end into the F.M.S. each erening a cooiaJ Bdition ol The Straits Times oontaining all the important telegrams and news teoeived up to a late boor in the afternoon. This edition can be bought in loe
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    • 385 5 TO LOVERS OF DOGS It m a duty we owe to oar four-footed friends to keep them fr< c from illness, and on tie slightest indication that an animal is oat of cordition to do »bat we otn to restore him to health. Oar dumb companion* have not the nieaaa
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    • 109 5 Expanded Metal Supplies of the following sizes have just been received M inch mesh m m THE MH4SH IS MEASURED 1% n ACROSS THE SHORT WAY 2J4 m OF THE DIAMOND, 3 ,1 The size of sheets varies from 3 ft. 6 ins. wide to 7 ft. wide and 8
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 513 6 THE MOST POPULAR PIANOFORTE WALTZES HARMONY, Deotiay, Baatnei, Tietory.ete- by Sydney Baynea LOVED AMD LOST, Legend of the Sea. etc. ky Henry Oeehl KIEP SMILING, Tain de Trionapha, etc. by Henri Praaooie LOVE IN ARABIA, Si*h at U.e Deaart, etc- by Ales Ffrenoh DrtamOirl, Übatanto e«o. b/ D. B. H
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    • 471 6 EAGLE PENCIL NOTICB ia bereky irva* that Th« Pwm<l Compauty harisß plaeea of aoainea at 877 and 979, Broadway, New York, C.U. and 14, For* Street, London. EC. aw the cote proprietow of aba Trade Mark rupra— teJ afcoro, in reapeot of perioll oa— Maa* of praniom mf In o*>
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    • 313 6 —Building Materials— Red Asbestos Roofing Slates Grey Asbestos Ceiling Sheets French Roofing Tiles Ridges— Ventilators— Half Tiles White Glazed Tiles Red Flooring Tiles Stocks held by 7, Raffles Quay, Singapore. Mobiloils 11 A grade for each type of motor" Two different makes of oil may run your machine equally well
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  • 89 7 FIXTURES. Monday, Januay 28. High Water, 11.0 a-ui. Tuesday, January 29. High Water, 0.7 a.m., 11.38 a.m. Rent Board, 3.16 p m. Wednesday. January 30. High Water, 0.82 a.m., 0.11 p.m. ThurMiay, January 31. Hitth Water, 0.56 a.m., 0.46 p.m. Sporting Club intg., Exchange, 6.1S p.m. Friday,
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  • 71 7 To hi. Malacca and Muar 3.80 pm P. Swettenbam and T. Anson 2.6' i pm Malacca and Muar 3 pm P. Bakam and Balang 8 pm Kerimon 8 pm Tdisdat. Cuoob 8.80 am P. Swottenham and Ponang, 11.80 am P. Diskaon and P. Swettenbam 2.80 pm
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  • 269 7 Tbe mail trains from Singapore lot tbe ■ortb leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m (Sunday exoepted) and 7 p.m., arriving at Koala Lumpur at MB p.m. and 6.46 a.m. respectively. Tbe through express to Penang leaved Kuala Lumpni at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Penaog at
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  • 28 7 fOffioiU Post Office Report.) November 17 Noreuuber 20 November 24 Deoembet 4 Dc 3*3 bee 15 December 20 Jaoaary 12 IB 11 21 h 34
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  • 174 7 EXCHANGE Sinoapori, Janoabt 38, 1918. Om London Bank 4 m/a 2/4J Demand '.M Private 8 m/s 3/4 J} On Francs Bank 817 On India Bank T. T. 158 On HoNQKONO...Bank d/d 294 %pm On Shanghai ...Bank d/d {8} On Java Bank T. T. 126 On Japan Bank
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    • 167 7 Faiue Bu^ 8eU i 10 10 Ampus 9.00 10.00 I 1 Ayoi Wen« 2-20 340 10 10 Boots Association 6.00 0.50 II 41 KinU Tin 1.10.0 1.16.0 11 1 Lahat Mines 6.60 6.76 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12 60 38 50 El 41 Malayan Tin 1.14.0 1.16.8 norn 10
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    • 120 7 GE NERAL rSZt Bnyew 86Uettl El £1 I. Smeltißß 00. 7.76 8.00 x J M £1 i Prel. 11.0 1.8.0x1 BleeMe T ways 8 0 4 8 10 10 Fnaor Ne»ve 40.60 48.00 60 50 W.UammeiACo. 74 00 70.00 00 100 kktE Bkb, Del. pat 130.00 10 10 MkyßMd Co.
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    • 56 7 United Bnginww 6% 11,384,(00 pai Singapore Hlectrie Tramways 6% X860.000 bob) 9'poreMuDicipal 5% 11,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4*% of 1907 •1,600,000 10%dis LVpoie Municipal 44% of 1909 $1,000,006 10% to Spore Municipal 4% 2.00n,000 10%dis Spore Municipal 4% 4800,000 F.M.S. B* loan 1916 tlS.nnn 000 IG2/0 108.00 S.S. 6%
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  • 311 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. Pruet Lyall A Co. Evatt Alor Gajah (111 4.25 4.50 4.20 450 Amal. Malay fy. pd. 2.88 8.00 2.86 800 Ayoi Hitam (IS) 15.00 16X0 16.00 16.00 Ayer Kuning (II) 131 1 40 1.30 1.45
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 251 7 IN THB SUPRSMB COURT OF THB STRAITS SBTTLBUENTS SETTLBXBNT OF SINGAPORE In tbe oaose of Chop Ban Haat Hin, Plaintiff;. Tinas Cbtp Kwong Siacg Defendants. AUCTIBN SALE 'Of THB CONTESTS OF A TANNERY To be held at No 154, Kampong Bogit, off Kallang Rotd, Oa Tau-KSDAY, JiiOAgY 81, at 11
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    • 457 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HONGKONG A steamer with excellent loccmmodation is intendei to be d.spaUbfcd to Hcngkonp to morr jw afternoon. Apply to BOCSTEAD CO. Sinß»p'.'r<-, January 'M, 1918 88 I—BB 1 FOR PRIVATE SALE BUILDINGS (Shcphouut, Dwelling Moumi and Bunjilowt) AND LANDS THE STRAITS BUILDING GO. 111, Market Street muxt to
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    • 340 7 Fraser Chalmers, Ltd. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH— SINGAPORE Can deliver from stock (subject to being unsold) ONE RANSOME SHARPENER For Circular and Frame Saws BELTING From 2" to 10" wide PRICES ON APPLICATION The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book This bandy little book bas now reached its TENTH EDITION, a
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    • 24 7 NIPPON PAINT White Zinc, White Lead Paint, Red Lead Powder, etc 99 per cent, guaranteed. T. NAGAI Co. HIGH ITRIIT. M 1118. in a-ioe
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  • 1257 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, JANUARY 28. CRITICISM OF GENERALS. We are rather thankful that Renter has refrained from sending as any extracts frcm the criticisms which have been passed on British General?, more particularly upon Field Marshal Haig and Sir William Robertson. There ia, however, some indication that The Times
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  • 32 8 Fire broke oat in a sbed stored with rubber at 75, Minto Road, about 2 50 yesterday morning. The Fire Brigade turned out with two engines, and tbe blaze was soon extinguished.
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  • 29 8 Chinese Clergymen and students can now go to Canada for tho purpose of higher education in any approved college or university without paying tbe former tax of 1500 gold.
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  • 35 8 Mr. F. Brooksbank, of tbe Kinta Association Mine, had his garage broken into a few nights ago. Tbe thief or thieves took with them a wheel of a Hupmobile car with a new Micbelin tyre.
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  • 35 8 The twenty-eighth anniversary meeting of the Chinese Christian Association will be held in the V.M.C.A. Hall on Thursday next, at a p.m. A special collection will be taken in aid of the Halifax Relief Fund.
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  • 48 8 From TO to 80 piculs of vegetables are leaving Ipoh every day for Singapore, where there appears to be a great demand for them. Thus tbe price of vegetables in Ipoh has gone up nearly 30 per cent, in tbe last two months, says the Times of Malaya.
    The Times  -  48 words
  • 42 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires that tbe cuetoms duties prosecution was concluded on Saturday. All tbe remaining defendants were convicted and fines from •3,600 to 120,750 were indicted. Tbe total fines in the two days were 1114, l;io. Defendants are all appealing.
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  • 50 8 Punctuality and the F.M.S. Railways are absolute strangers, tbe Ipob paper remarks. If one is to judge from the unconcerned manner in which most trains steam into Ipoh ten or sometimes fifteen minutes late. In tbe old days some one bad to pay up every time a train was late.
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  • 53 8 It is stated, says the Peking Daily Newß, that the Government has decided to appoint a special representative to Switzerland to protect the interests of Chinese citizens in that country. Switzerland has no treaties with China, but a new commercial treaty wbich has been under negotiation for some time, will
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  • 95 8 Plans arc being prepared for tbe extension of tbe Ipob railway power station, so that an extra generator may be put in, to enable power to be supplied to tbe new goods yard that may be), tbe running sbed (wbicb will be on the Tronoh line), and the locomotive workshops
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  • 118 8 We learn that so great has been tbe de mand for tickets in tbe North Kedab Our Day Lottery that the whole series of book* of tickets are now in the bands of seller* throughout Malaya and that no more can be supplied by the organisers in Alor Star, says
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  • 125 8 Qaite' a number of Federal otlicers attain tbeir majority in tbe service this year, says the Ipoh paper. Mr. T. C. KJiui ing, D.0., TaipinK, is due to retire in March, Mr. J. T. Wood, of tbe Survey Department, Batu Oajah, in April, Mr. E. O. Wood and Mr U.
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  • 122 8 A special meeting of the Kiota Sanitary Board was held recently to discuss plans for the future in relation to tbe Town Planning Enactment. The chairman read correspondence relating to schemes for public works and town improvement", and invited the members to select a committee who would undertake to draw
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  • 154 8 Says Saturday's Times o( Malaya Sans oeruwooj, Sana salute, sans State b.ed, and sana Natio al Aoibum, the flags of three more Alueu— Portugal, R<im*Dia, and Siam —were untorled (or the tirst time this morni-itf on the terrace adjoining the Ipoh Club. Considering that the unfurling, in the pant, of
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  • 377 8 Mr. Quab Beng Kee, of Penang, in on a businesH trip to Singapore. Mr. G. H. Johnston, of Taiping, who waa on a short visit to Ipoh, has returned to Taiping. Mr. A. A. Stronach, manager of Oldfklda' Dispensaries, Limited, Ipoh, has returned from Singapore. Mr. H.
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  • 29 8 Mrs. Ridout, Honorary Treasurer of tbe above fund, begs to acknowledge with grateful thanks the receipt of the following donation F.H. Simpson, per W. Makepeace... 160
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  • 31 8 We very gratefully acknowledge ISO from HUB. wbich we are a*ked to distribute as follows Facially Wounded Fund 1 20 Blindtd Soldiers and Sailors 16 V.M.C.A. Huts 15
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  • 37 8 Major- General Dudley Ridout, Honorary Treasurer of the above tund, begs to acknowledge with grateful thanks the receipt of the undermentioned donations F. H. Simpson $£0 "Anon." ,80 Alms, S.A.C. 5.00
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  • 55 8 Major General Dudley Ridout begs tt) acknowledge with grateful thanks tbe receipt of tbe undermentioned monthly donations to tbe Red Cross and Indian War Relief Funds January list Akbar Ali Oillani $5 Ouiam Uyder g Mohammed Husxaio (Wearne Bros.) 6 Syi 1 (ihnUb
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  • 299 8 It is not generally known, says the Times of MaUya, that both the plaio'iffH, Mtßsrs. Allan Van Cuylenborg and D Urabam, and the d. ft-bdautß, the State of Perak, are apppaiiuK »KMDi.t the decision of Mr. Justice Fair* i .Mii>by in Him water riguta case. Tuat 18
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 132 8 JUST ARRIVED A large shipment of the finest Egyptian Cigarettes in the world Bouton Rouge Felucca Maspero Specials Clysma Hemely Just Arrived New and complete stocks of GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS AND SCOTCH HOMESPUNS HIGH-CLASS TAILORING BY OUR EUROPEAN CUTTER John Little Co., Ltd. (Imooepobatid vi Bmolaiid) IN THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS
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    • 214 8 CHOICE SELECTION OF PICTURES WILL K PIEIEHTEO, COMMENCING MOMMY, JANUARY t% AT TIE ALHAMBRA The Nail "or Mutic Ths Pionesr and Pramisr Nouta -Ths Houm sT Quality B>»ch Road. SBCOND SHOW AT 0.16 ft Metro wondarplay of a t mblo for lovt it ar r i n{ MISS ETHEL BaRRYMORE
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  • 5268 9 HERTLING SPEECH. Brings Us No Nearer Peace. Evasive Answer te Allied Declarations. THE RUSSIAN CHAOS. Brutal Civil Warfare P Progressing. RSCTBK 1 IbLIORAXS. Londea, January 25, 9.45 a.m. Count Hertling in jis speech added Mr. Lloyd George no longer scolds. He seems to wish to prove his power
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  • 39 10 Raima's Tbliobax. London, January 27, 2.80 p.m. Peking Plague bas spread inside tbe great wall towards Taiquaneru, but authorities are now taking more active preventive m.->asures. It is hoped tbat tbe outbreak will sooo be oontrollcd.
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  • 583 10 Taunts Over Non-Entry Into Tbe Baltic. A message from Amsterdam states According to a telegram from Berlin, the Imperial Secretary of State for tbe Navy made a statement to a news agency in regard to tbe recent spfeech of Sir Brie Geddee. First Lord of tbe Admiralty. Admiral
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  • 679 10 Mr. Fisher on the Needs of The Countryside. Mr. H. A. L. Fisher, President of tbe Board of Education, addressed a meeting of members and friends of tbe General Association of Church School Managers and Teachers recently in Church House, West minster. Lord Parmoor, chairman of tbe association,
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  • 180 10 Confirmation bas been received in Bangkok tbat Messrs. S. Smith and Son (MA.) Ltd., have concluded tbe negotiations and taken over tbe well-known aviation instrument factory— including all tbe patent right* of Mesm. E. Hollooombe Clifts, of Acton Vale, London, Mr. Clift remaining with tbe new
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  • 93 10 Tbe late Lord Forester formerly possessed the qoaint privilege of remaining covered in the Sovereign's presence, which bad been usurped. William Perm, when be first attended tbe Court of Charles 11, would not remove bis bat, whereupon the Merry Monarch promptly took off bis own bat. Friend Charles," queried Perm,
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  • 61 10 There are rumours current here, says tbe ipoh paper, that some settlement may soon as reached with regard to the food question as it oonoerns Siam and tbe F.M.S. It is said that it is possible that the Siamese Government will take steps towards seeing that tbe rice at present
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  • 663 10 Evidence For The Defence Concluded. Tbe evidence tor the defence in the trial of four Japanese on serious charges was concluded this morning, when three witnesses for the fourth accused were called. Tbe accused Fashi, Nissi, Cbo Tok Gen (alias Okamoto) and Hokoshima, are charged with going to
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  • 426 10 Taipusam Festival Display Concludes Abruptly. The firework display on tbe Reclamation Ground butt night, which was tbe couclnding event in tbe three days Taipasatu festival, came to an abrupt conclusion through ao unfortunate accident. The procession with the Silver Cm bad arrived at nine o'clock and tbe ascent
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  • 566 10 Surplus For Last Year of Over $20,000. The report to be presented to tbe annual meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club states: Tbe statement of accounts shews a surplus for the year of 920,616 99 after deducting the sum of 98,087.58 for depreciation, and 917,000 given to
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  • 125 10 To-day's Business Macphail and Co.'s daily report Silv.r— Dowd 1/8 43,. Hongkong.— Up 2, 11J 29 J% pm. Shanghai.— 1 penny 4 3| 68. Tin.— Sold 175 tons at 9188.40. Rubber.— London 2;3 J New York 68 cents locailv »y0 to 194. Share business is quiet. Pulau
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  • 131 10 Latest advertisement* of the day appear on page* I and 11. Tbe Albambra's new programme for tonight includes a Metro play featuring Miss Etbel Barrymore in Tbe White Rsveo. a drama in six acts. There is also Tbe Innei Chamber, a three act play by tbe Lubin
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  • 123 10 A very warm tribute is paid to tbe splen did work of the late Dr. Elsie loglis by tbe Chief of the Medical Staff of the Southern Slav Volunteer Corps. He says that the arrival of Dr. Elsie Inglis iv October, 1816, on the Dobrudja front
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  • Correspondence.
    • 243 10 That Egg Club Again. To the Editor of tbe Strait* Times. Sir, The order, one of whose offshoots is known to the uninitiated as the Malacca Egg Club, is of more ancient origin than any other cult in the world. Compared to it tbe Dervishes are but infants, the Rosicrncians
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    • 150 10 For the Men at the Front." To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir, Yoar correspondent Ironside whose norn de plume and letter would appeal to indicate more strength in the ribs than in tbe bead is apt to be misleading in his remarks on motor cars. I have owned
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    • 249 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— I have just read Invalided's letter in your issue of the 18th instant in which he takes particular exception to the action of tbe Ipoh Gymkbana Club Committee in suggesting tbat a batch of pony griffins might be imported
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    • 41 10 The result nf the men's monthly medal competition at the Garrison Golf Club was as follows Rev. B. O. Roberts 51 49-19-82 H. W. Noon 61 53 14 90 There was no ladies competition owing to insufficient entries.
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    • 294 10 We understand (says the Times of Malaya) that arrangements are being made for a series of triangular contests between the Chinese of Pt nang, Ipob, and Singapore, to take place in Singapore during the coming Easter holidays. An effort is being made to play football, cricket, and tennis
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  • 1569 11 INCREASE IN OUTPUT AND REDUCED COST. Extensions Sanctioned. The '■ighth annual general meeting of the member* of the Kemnuing il'erek) Rubber and Tid C Ltd was held at the office of the Robber Grower*' Association, 88, East cheap, London, E.C Sir William Hood Treacher, K.C.M.O. (tbe chairman), presiding.
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  • 461 11 F.M.S. Railway Station Raided At Midnight. An extraordinarily daring robbery was committed a few nights ago at Malim Nawar by four Chinese, for whom the police ot tbe district are searching very actively, reports the Times of Malaya. It appears that Mr. Ponniab, tbe stationmaster, who lives
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  • 205 11 Wimbledon Park Experiment In Saving Food and Labour. With the object of saving food and labour a Co-operative Kitchen Association has been formed for Wimbledon Park. Premises have been taken where luncheons and dinners will be cooked by gas for 200 families. There will be soups, joints, vegetables,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 350 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE ULU PANDAN (SINGAPORE) RUBBER ESTATES. LTD. NoTIOB IS HBRBBY OIVBS that application has been made to the directors of this Company to iasae duplicate share certificates in plivoe of the nnd^r mentioned whion are alleged to have been lost i Certiflcite No. 2858, date! 18th Fibra ary.
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    • 102 11 THE ORIENTAL SPECIFIC Is the specific for the upeoiflo complaint and ol whatever standing. Price $1.25 THE ORIENTAL PILE OINTMENT An efficacious ointment for both internal and rx'ernal piles. Prices $1 and $1.50 THB CITY DISPENSARY Si U'giu Road, Singapore. 17 l-Q-15 1 IB STAMFORD HOUSE PRIVATE HOTEL, Bras Basab
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    • 383 11 BAFFLES HOTEL AFTERNOON TEAS Will be served in the hotel lounge and on the lawn every Thursday, from 4.30 p.m. MUSIC IN ATTENDANCE ALSO Cinema Show on the lawn, especially for children, at 6.30 p.m. (weather permitting) SEA VIEW HOTEL -=r music t^r on the lawn DURING by these. Dl
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  • 2633 12 IMPROVED YIELD OF RUBBER LAST YEAR. Increase in Dividend. The twelfth ordinary general meeting ot the Kuala Lumpur Rubber Company, Limit ed, was held at Cannon Street Hotel, London, EC, Mr. Edward Henry Tootal (chairman ot the oompany) presiding. The Chairman said I should, first of all,
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  • 529 12 Increased Output but Reduced Cost. The ordinary general meeting of the Galang Besar Rubber Plantations, Limited, was held at the offices, 5, Whittington Avenoe, London, 8.C., Mr. J. U. Renton (the obairman) presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said I regret
    529 words
  • 206 12 Brilliant Deeds of British Airmen Who "Live on Top of Enemy Guns." Relating some exoiting stories of the bravey of British flying men at the front. Boyd Cable" (Captain Ewart), at the Overseas Club said tbat one pilot, who was attacked by three enemy machines, looped the
    206 words
  • 77 12 Cement for Pill-Boxes." Lord Robert Cecil, Minister ot Blockade, stated in the House of Commons that there was no doobt that oement of German and Belgian manufacture was used for the con Htruction ot pill-boxen on the Western front. No evidence, however, had been dis covered that any British oement
    77 words
  • 786 12 Unproductive Labour in The Home. Sir Auckland Geddes's demand for more and yet more female labour to get on with tbe war will give many housewives cause to think how by tbe redoction of domesticity and tbe consequent release of female labour, tbey have it in their
    786 words
  • 166 12 In an address on aerial transport, before tbe Royal Society of Arts, Col. Mervyn O'Gorm»D, consulting engineer to the Director General ot Military Aeronautics, said tbe great problem would be to bridge the hiatus between tbe cessation of aeroplane manufacture for war purposes and tbe starting of
    166 words
  • 122 12 Rev. Alfred Brandon, of Chelsea, who waa 101 years old on September 'i' 2 iast, died recently. Until five years ago he was pastor ot the Particular Baptist Chapel, Chelsea, and waa able to preach up to the advanoed age ot 95. Of late years, however, the
    122 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 270 12 Aerated Water Bottles 7 oz. and v oz. They have ready stock. gained a high reputation among the aerated water factories in SAMPLES SS# and Fjns> may be obtained for their free of charge on appi.ct.on. strength and fine quality. G. OTOMUNE CO. BINGAPORE ANOTHER BIG POPULAR VICTORY fy JF/T*3
      270 words

  • 1034 13 AN ITALIAN WRITER ON THE REAL CAUSES. A Tribute to Britain. In an article in the Units, of Rome, entitled Perfidious Albion," Angelo Creapi exposes what, in bis opinion, are the real causes of the prejudices against England, so widely entertained on the Continent. What, be ask*, are
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 45 13 GOOD v NEVvS WHITEAWAY'S Great Stocktaking Clearance SALE COMMENCING TO-DAY JANUARY 28 And continues for fifteen days only BARGAINS FROM 23 DEPARTMENTS True war-time economy Visit this sale and save money WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in ■noland) SINGAPORE and BRANCHES
      45 words
    • 142 13 FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN SUCCESSION We secured the Contracts for the supplies of Portland Cement during i >\7 10 m IS/ #U^>^l\"i tothe MUNICIPALITY Sri GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE ly V t JOHORE This is sufficient proof or the superiority of the HAIPHONG DRAGON Brand Beware of Imltatlom DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole
      142 words
    • 15 13 PATENT CANVAS BAGS for packing RUBBER B. AHISAKA, 496, North Bridge Road, Singapore. t».t i.
      15 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2072 14 Wab or Pbaos. Famine or Plenty. Lifb Insurance ib wobth 100 cents on thb dollars THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPLY, LIMITED. (I>ooar«BATao n Stbajti gimraam) HEAD OFFIOB I Winohoatar tlaaaa, Blntfaaowo. LONDON OFFIOE I SS, Old Jewry, B.C. The Oetupaay has 1190,000 dejoaited with tbe Bopreme Court of Baglaad,
      2,072 words
    • 771 14 MSBRANIE. ORIENTAL LIFE ASSMAN6E CO., LTD. ■atAßUsaan 1«74. IneeareaATßD w ludu ■B,B«a ASSURANCES Mw In lorn tarn «72,822,54a.14 ASStTTS SUMMMd $31,800,000.00 LOWEST RATES Of PREMIUM. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. A r KOBPBCTUS will be sent on application to F. P. JOSBPH, Asting Branch Sesntary, BT, Tho Aroade, Siaeaaire. THE SHI»A MUTUAL LIFE
      771 words

  • 1087 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. War-Worn Cars. For the first time linoe the war the French military authorities aro offering for sale a large number of motor cars and lorries con sidered unnuitable for farther service with the Forces, writes \V. F. B. in The Motor.
    1,087 words
  • 92 15 Mtjor Cdaeral Sir G Pbilippa atked the First Lotd of the admiralty, rt-ctutly, if be will favourably consider tbe »d»i«»bility oi ■I once ofiuriuK a pi.zo of, »»y, jEIOO.COO to the invt-nUr who discovered a tore and certain meaus cf detect id n, locating, and follow
    92 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 105 15 SPENCER Moulton Tyres Whatever the temperature or climate, Spenoer-Moul-ton three -ribbed tyres prove ever reliable. A special process of hardening pur 3 rubber without loss of resiliency accounts for this and for remarkable endurancs over the w ?rst roads. For running comfort, for economy of wear, for immunity from skids,
      105 words
    • 128 15 FINE TREADS don't make (ikk^k PERFECT TYRES jM i IT'S the material and workmanship in a tyre that counts. -J Knowledge of tyre building t~~T\ is the surest guide to tyre efficiency. l| C~"T The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., made the first pneu- f Til matic tyres ever marketed \lSft
      128 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 957 16 CODuRSCH 5 SAFETY TREAD M^A Tvprc dW For Security and Economy Thtrt mrt other rubber non-tkid Tyrei which have an initial grip upon road sarfaca*. bat their formation is tuch that the anti-skid principle scon disappears, and they become to all intents and purposes a Plain Tread without Salety value.
      957 words
    • 728 16 SALE OF BUILDING LOTS A sale of 12 building lots with frontage on Eras Street, will take place in the Singapore Land Offioe, at 11 a.m, on Wednesday, February S!0. 1918. Further information may be obtained at the offioe of the Harbour Board, or at the Land Office. 26 1
      728 words
    • 421 16 KIAM KIAT&Co. 108 and 109, Market Street. STOCK ON HAND Pure White Zinc Powder (ENGLISH MANUFACTURE). THB LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO In Singapore II CONDUCTED IV H. N. BUCKERIDGE Lats of Maun. Lafayette, photographsn to thsir majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON IN paces Berth of ths adslphi HoUl BUN BEE
      421 words
    • 284 16 TAY GUAN KIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE NOW LOOK HERE Firewood is one of the chief factors in your kitchen. You will want it, bo try at the above address or 'phone Office No*. 1361, 1369 and 1863. RESIDENCES 87, Tank Road No. 1460 Sonnygide, Qaylang... 1073 27-4, TanjoDg Kat;rg
      284 words
    • 249 16 FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT 'Phone 1233 We have numerous enquiries tor second hand cars from our clients in the Straits and F.M.S. It you wish to buy any, consult us, we will bo able to fulfil your needs. When you intend to sell, consult us, we shall fetch a
      249 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 266 16 Straits V>imes, TBLsVMODim i Editorial and General... 68 Manager's Offloe HIT Job Printing Office M 1144 Al) oommunicatioM relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THB EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters— advertisements, subcriptiona, accounts, prtitina, eto, should be addressed to THB MANAGER. Cheque! and money
      266 words