The Straits Times, 22 December 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.603 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 236 1 ■ILKiAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Price $18.00 yet w«e Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the best soup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jbibby, MeJHeiW Jbibby state "If there was a way to
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    • 151 1 ROBINSON CO. For Seasonable Presents t^~~^-^_^^. HALLMARKED STERLING BILVER ■p^^Sp 88 1 g^ CIGARETTE BOXES lj V*blS^"^ Lined Cedar Wood in four sizes 7 x ',¥> H x 2 s in". 9-CARAT GOLD CIGARETTE CASEBIN VARIOUS SHAPES i■ w I in plain and a large variety j -Sis gj of
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    • 13 1 JEFFREYS PILBENER BEER. Soli Aointb AOAMBON GILMLLAN co., in. luco poraud In KngUnd)
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  • 1168 2 GOOD REPORT FROM THE NEW VISITING AGENT. Fine Condition of Estate. The ordinary annual general mooting of the X.M.S. (Mala; States) lta.'ier and Coconut l'.iutatioDf, Limited, was held on November, 1 at the office of the company, 5, Whittingtor Ay uae, E .Mr. 1 \i. Ramon (cLaiim%n oi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 475 2 RECORD DEMAND FOR THE 3 HftRLENE GIFT HAIR HEALTH I #> MIHEK BEAUTY FOR ALL r !8llj!L 1,000,000 Narleiw Kair Drill j o^[JP^UERj£m Outfits FREE. BV****lnftfl fIUUI "TIIK .norrmous detiiaorl for the Great V BUyjjftfflf 1 Thr»*-Koia Gtft o< Harli-ii. Hair- fc FRiOBr W^T~t*'?!BrWS Drill" OutfiU ha» l«at»n ail rwoorda.
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    • 355 2 /TT^r\ Soft White yl&& Hands By Using Cuticura Soap If and Ointment On retiring bathe the hands J freely with the Soap and hot water. Dry and rub the Ointment well into x Y"^P the skin until it creams Vip p off Me> -Vy--~^_ plus Ointment i CH^~^\ w tn
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    • 178 2 'WOOSTER' BELTING IS MORI gCONOMICftL than, and SUPERIOR to, lMther, robber, or st^cbui canvas belting, as it bos no laps, plies, stitcuoe, ot cemented parts to open ap or foil apart. COLD, HEAT, STEAM *r OIL will not affeat ita Wo •r efficfeaoy. Bather tide oan be ran on the
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  • 1102 3 The following sMtuJtiea Me reported London, November 10. Killed— 'Jnd Lieut. H. M. Adama, K.F.A. 2nd Lieut. H. J. J. Boocock, Worcisters 3nd Lieot. M. A. Barke, Borders; 2nc Lieot. J. W. Downie, Scottish Rifles; 2n« Lieot. A. li. Dud lop, Yeomanry Capt. O D. G. Elton, Irish
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 406 3 W WAN PEN LjhKK are some reasons to show how excellently suited is the Swan Pen as a gift. I It adds to the pleasure oi daily life. It gives the best service and lasts ior yean. It is free of all complications and little faults. It is easy to
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    • 313 3 Anaeniia Our hlood i* composed cf red and white cwvucle* thrrrd R to nourish (he L>odv. the white fj to fight disease. In Anzmu I <jr b!ooJlcs!.ncs r the red torpuicles are more or less deficient. This tiie blood P cannot provide sufficient M nourishment ior the b>ty. I !Tht
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    • 482 3 IN AID OF RBI) CKOSS FUND 1017 GBAftD WAR LOAN LOTTERY INAUGURATED BY PENANG CLUB, PEN ANO, STRAITS SEITLSMBNTS 888 PRIZES Value $980,0C0, or euoh amount as may be subscribed CONI ITIONS 1. Value of each tioket SlO. 3. Lottery eloeea on Mordaj, Drccmbi r 81, 1617. t. The drawing
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 561 4 STEAMEa ttlUMf. N.YTK JAPAN MAIL BTEAMSHIPGO..LTD. (iHOOBrOBATBD 111 JaTAX) EUROPEAN LINE A sßTvioe is maintained betwton Yokobarca, via porte, aud England under mail oontraot witb the Imperial Jrpanese Government. Ih New Twiasorew r teamen maintaining tni* wiviou have been specially designed and aaMbrortod, and are fl .tod witb all tbe
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    • 672 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India Mpcar L»ine (COMFANISS iMOOaPOBATBD IK BNQfcAjID) MAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES PKNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N CO. (Under contraot witb His Majesty a Qovenuaenl) Tbe Company's MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY an at present suspended. Tbe Company's INTBRMBDIATB SBRVIGBS TO ANO FROM LONDON arc at
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    • 694 4 STEAMER MIIIHM. ME SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION Cfl.. LD. (laooßFoaaTao ih Siah). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgaau, Bisnt, Semorak, Baoho, Kelaataa, Tab«i Bbßgsara, Telupia. i>aaarai, Pataal, Siagora, Laooa, Kobsamui, Bandoa, Laagauea, Chumpoa, Eahlak aßaagkok, Due Departure s.s. REDANG Dec. 24 Deo. 36, 3 p.m. SB. PRACHATIPOK 31 Jan. 2, S p.m. a.a.
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    • 611 4 BTEAMEB BAILIKBB. OOMBINBO saarviOß O» THEBCEANS.B.CO..LTB. (Imoobpobatbd ih Baa. Man, AID THE WEST miMUk* S. N. CO.. LTO. (Imoobpobatbd m Baaauia) BBTWBBM fframantla (Parth), Narth-WaM* Auatrallan Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular sailings between Siagapora us Western Australia oalling at Java (a* laduoempnt oflfers), Derby, King's Sound (port lor tbe Kimborley
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 430 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OMKABHOSENKAISHA (iHooapoaAtao im Japan) (Osaka atareaatita Staaawkia Ca, ltd.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. Tbe UoiufMi; m»iu:ainb a .-bj<Q:sr car^. service witli sis jtaauierp Biiliru ut 340j Vokkiucui, Uuckkoc^, buiKapote, fort Swet .enbam, Ponsa^; Coicmbo and Hointaa/, and ju >Ijo lotcri. vojage rsllmn at Tavicoxm, Hongkong aod Moji. PACIFIC LINE. J'Lu
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    • 98 5 SINE. DARBY CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) MALACCA HAVE FOR DISPOSAL Five-ton ana eight-ton screw jacks, bench vices, inside and outside callipers, carpenters' chisels, braces and bits, Black Wing compass, 3-lb. and 4-lb. claw hammers, etc., at exceptionally cheap rates. Branches at SINGAPORE, PENANG, SEREMBAN, MUAR AND JOHORE
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 282 6 GIVE THIS A TRfAL Van Vollenhoven's Pilsener Sole Importers INTERNATIONAL CREDIET EN HANOELBVEREENIGING fOTTERDJM, SINGAPORE FOR THE HAIR TO BE BEAUTIFUL IT MUST BE HEALTHY falling bair dote not necessarily mean tbe presence 0 I germs, rit ia something capeed by lack cf vitality in tLe bair bnlb*. Bat, wbattver
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    • 763 6 GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Tenders are invited for the following works Metalling new road from Onstoms wharf to hospital, Knkob Plans and specifications for the above may be seen at P.W.D Offioe, Johore Babrn, on any day, Friday exoepted, between tbe hoars ot 9.80 a.m. and 4 p.m.
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    • 538 6 PAJAM. LIMITED. NOTICE OF CLOBING OF TRANBFER BOOKS. Notioe it h reby g'vtn tbat the transfer books of this Company will be closed from Thursday. December 18, to Tuesday, Decem- j ber 18, 1917, both days inclusive, tor thej preparation of dividend warrants. By Order of tbe Board, DERRICK k
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    • 504 6 MUSIC FRANCIS and DAY'S 86th Song Annual FRANCIS and DAY'S 86th Dunce Annual FRANCIS and DAY'S 88th Violin Annual FRANCIS and DAY'S Standard Polio of Waltzea FRANCIS and DAY'S Standard Folio of Pianoforte Solo* S N Bnd D^ V S KMofort e Ragtime and Foxtrot Album FBLDMAN'S 2;' nd Song
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  • 83 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, l)c«mb r 21. I p.m. Sunday. Oecember 23. p.m Monday, Decrinber 24. High Wator, 6 11 a.m 7.83 p.m. Tuesday, Oecember 25. Hit!*! VstSl 7.11 a.m., H. 55 p.m. CliriHtmas Day. No Issur of Straits 'I Wednesday, December 2a. High Water, m.s a.m., i 55
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  • 161 7 Today. Maar and Malacca 2.80 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Penan i< 2.80 pm Batu Pahat 2.80 pm Bangkok 2.8 C pm P. Samba, Bawe&n, Sourabaya, Bandjermassin. Sta^vn, K. Baroo, Saxarinda and Donggala 8 pm Kerimon 8 pm Polan Soegi 3 pm P. Batam and Pulaa Balang
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  • 270 7 The mail trains from Singapore for the sorts leavt- Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. Sunday i and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Loßipuc at f 18 p.m. ari 6.45 a.m. sespectively. The throogh express to Penan* leaves Kuala Lumpur at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at
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  • 35 7 iv/uioiAJ runt vi Lirr Swoapou )ctobor 8 P. AO. October 6 >otober 10 Jotofcor 16 October 16 >.-W,b r .b. r .1 Askivid London November U 38 38 •i Dooember 8 8 >
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  • 177 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, Dbcexbu 21, 1917 On London Bank 4 m/s V/l|| Demand 2/4.,", Private 8 m/s 2, iy On Francb Bank 819 On India Bank T. T. 160 On HoN(.KoX(i...Bank d/d 80%ptu On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 62 On Java Bank T. T. 127 On Japan Bank 108
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    • 166 7 MINI NG rSue B BeUwt 10 10 Amptne 0.60 7.60 I 1 Ayor Wenß 3.00 3.20 10 10 Kinta Association (.50 6.50 II £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 11 41 Lahat Mines 1.40 6.65 10 10. Malayan Collieries 10.50 11.00 Bl £1 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 norn 10 10 Middleton
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    • 101 7 vSLII Bnyew BeUati £l £1 I. SmelUagOo. 8.00 8.25 XI £1 Pief. 1.1.0 1.8.0 Bloctiio T'wayi 4/- 6/--10 10 Fnset Nesve 46.00 48.00 BO 60 W. Hammer* Co. 76.oo 77.00 100 100 K»U Bros, Del. p&i 120.00 10 10 Maynatd Co. 8.00 41 41 Shell Transport 5.10.0 6.17.0 10
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    • 59 7 United Bmrineen 8% 11,284,600 par Singapore Hlectrio Tramways 6% £850,000 aom Spore Monicical 6% 11,878,000 par Spore Municipal U% of 1907 11,800,000 10% die Spore Municipal 4 t of iso 9 •rnoo.reo io%dta Spore Municipal 2.000,00-: 10%du Spore MaDicipa! 4% «800,0 C* X.M.S. loan 191 A t'.S.n.V) 000 100.50
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  • 330 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyal! and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. FiMei Lyail A Co. Evntt. AIot Gaiah (II) 4.26 4.50 4.25 4.50 Amtl. Malay (y. pd. 2.86 8.00 2.85 8.00 Ayer Hitam (16) 15.00 16.00 15.00 10.00 Ayer Kaniog (tl) 125 1.49 1.30 1.46 Ayer
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 127 7 PRIORITY OF INDENTS COMMIHEE. BTRAITB SETTLEMENTS. NOTICE is hereby given that on or after January 1, 1918, Mr. H. A. Stallwocd, Public Works Department, Singapore, will be Honorary Secretary of the above Committee in snocesiion to Messrs. Bvatt Co Chartered Acoountants. Tbe next meeting of the Committee will be held
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    • 593 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I .THAND TYP'ST, ilre« aftor 4 p.m tat, of r-^u'at ;'aVir. Box 21-M typo -i l a i: ci as D w. seal) r* ffit to Fr K iti litre-. 2? 12-0 WISHING YOU BUD XMftS AMD A PROS PEROUS NEW VIM. DOLLAR DIRECTORY CO. J. h. Fiypn
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    • 352 7 "BOLD FLAKE" Ot g old flake i L C| <»AWETTt* 1 1 CIGARETTES MADE IN ENGLAND AND SMOKED EVERYWHERE FHE BTRAITB TRADING CO., LTD.. NOTICE. SINGAPORE. Notice is hereby given that all my inte-ost NOTICB is hereby given that the transfer in the business carrying on under cho "mDec'embtrTl ml
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  • 1080 8 The Straits Times SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22. DISMEMBERMENT. At tbe beginning of the war there was a prospect of Russia being made the greatest Power in the world, apart from tbe British Empire which, as a family of nations, is unique. There was a chance more than a chance that tbe
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  • 24 8 We have received a copy of that useful publication., the manual of statistics of the F.M.S. far 1917, from tbe F.M.S. Government printing office.
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  • 31 8 Yesterday morning five Hokiens assaulted Det. Police Constable Song Man Ch woe and r«'n:i c i ai" i- ut-r from his custody. Tliey dtcaiuDL-d and have not ytt b. in traced.
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  • 64 8 Mr. D. Beatty, Prote ctor of Chinese, Singapore, has kindly given a nubucnutiou of •10 to tbe Tientsin Flood K. litf Fund, which the committee accepts with thanks. Charges ot asbisting to carry on a public I lott'-ry were brought against two Post Office [cleiks, J. Johnston and Nob Hee,
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  • 38 8 Tan Lai Choon, of 1,421, Serang'xm Road, Ins complained to tbe pnlicn that t>ix Teo cbrws committed a |BSM vobb.ry ai Inn li'Uho lant night, and stole property to tho value of $50. No arrest bu boen made.
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  • 50 8 Six uiuntliN 1 rigorous imprisonment was tbo xcatonct- inflicted in tho district court thin morning on Chia Cbwa, a Teochew cuoho, who snatched a bag containing 11,214 fruui Neo Ub Seng in Reid Street. The money belonged to the coolies of an estate of which complainant was the bead coolie,
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  • 60 8 A special service of song with Christmas Carols will beheld at the Bouutead Institute on Sunday night at 8-16. Misß D. Polglase and Mr. O. H. Watts will be tbe soloists, and a short address will be given by Mr. L. O. Cranna. A cordial invitation is extended to the
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  • 58 8 Upon further enquiry, says tbe Times of Malaya, we learn that tin- F M S. Chamber ot Commerce has now received detailed information from the Chief S cretary of the steps being taken by Government to relieve tbe shortage of subsidiary coinage, and it is thought that these sti-ps will
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  • 66 8 The Cljkl Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K.Ci has given judgment in favour of the plaintiffs fur $550 and costs in an action brought by Messrs. Bukshoobbay against Mr. M. A. Namazie, as acent for a steamer, claiming damages for not taking on board certain goods sent by the plaintiffs. Mr.
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  • 66 8 An Order by the Governor in Council published in the Gazette notifies that on and after January 1, 1918, tho registration fee chargeable by the Post Office of the Straits Sottlero^cts .-hall bo 10 cents for each article laflMnsi aud the fee chargeable for an arkoowledgment of delivery of a
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  • 86 8 la '.be lobby of a Shanghai hotel a day or two ago two Shanghai o>>d, beiug moved to prophecy, began to argue about the length of the war. Ouu expressed the opinion it vould last three years more, the otber began M demonstrate that it couldn't possib'y last that long.
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  • 92 8 Some mystery attaches to tbe death of a Chinese in Taiping. He was found dead with bis body partly covered with water in a little river about TOO yards away from his lioune. There were no marks of foul play. :.e river is only from one to two feet deep,
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  • 154 8 Ti.e report of the sub-committee for ;lartIm trees on iSMCtt and opeu spaces wt (Bbmitted at the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary ISoard's last meeting. Tbe Board agreed Va "li. planting of Royal palms aloi.-g tbe Em b mkiiKDt fronting the Hoogkoog lUnk ano Ml IM John Little and Co.'s pstsslses, and
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  • 169 8 The two most notable elii^s on the I.S. Pacific coast, the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific, have been coiniuauil. i n < oy the US. Shipping Board. Tbe-n crack sister boats were built in 1914 16>for tlic Quasi Northern Pacific Sccaninlnp Cunipiny by Mm tVilli<tm Cramp shipbuilding yard, <
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  • 213 8 Mr. A. E. Coope, acting Second Magistrate, Ipoli, bold a preliminary inquiry on Monday into the circumstance* attendant on the death of a Chinese coolie named Chan Katt Koe, which occurred on Snngoi Prah estate, belonging to Malai Perumal I'illay, of liata Uajah. Seven coolies were being accused of rioting
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  • 452 8 Dr. C. L Sansom, C.M.0., has left toi India on a short holiday. Mr. W. Henry, of Pitcairn, Symo and Co., Ratavia, is on a short business visit to Singapore. Mr. Andrew Duncan, Balu Lintang Eitntc, ha* undergone an operation for appendicitis at tbe General Hospital, l'unang.
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  • 51 8 Tbe American Red Cross Workirs ie StegspaM recently handed *J hi to tbe H'-ihop of Singapore for tho Church Army Ww Tents Christmas Fund. This act of kiudnrss is very greatly appreciated, and we are asked to publicly thank tbo American friends for their
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  • 26 8 We very gratefully acknowledge tbe following subscription on behalf of the hospital for soldiers suffering from serious facial ij juries: ME.N ISO
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  • 61 8 Wll very gratefully acknowledge the fo.lowing addition to our fund for seaisMafl the Ovirst-as Club to provide suiokus for oiu soldiers and sailois: Fiiend |10 Tbe total wo have received since V7c opened this fund in August, 1916, in now 119,419.16, ont of which
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  • 236 8 A meeting of no Singapore Chamber ot Commerce was hoi 1 at the Hxcbango Rooms yesterday afternoon for tbe purpose of approving the revised scale of tonnago for lighters and tho ri vised scale of boat hire and demurrage and to fix dates for thiso scales to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 207 8 CaEdbeck, Macgregor Go. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS "JUST THE STUFF" Fop Christmas Champagnes Sherries Port Wines Whiskies Liqueur Brandies Liqueurs Beer wholesale a retail Havana Cigars SPECIAL Kmas Shopping Tiffin WILL BE SERVED Monday, December 24 PRICE AS USUAL— BOOS SEATS EARLY JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. In. oHTOBATIiD IN ENGLAND'
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    • 195 8 POSITIVELY "THE LAST NIGHT AN ALL-FEATURE PROGRAMME AT THE ALHAMBRii Ths Hall for Music -Ths Pioneer and Premier House— The House of Quality -Beach Road The Hepwortb Film Company presents One of the two greatest plays svor written by Sir Arthur Wing Pinero IRIS in 5 Aots Being an adaptation
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  • 2611 9 MR. LLOYD GEORGE SPEAKS. Full Military Victory Essential. Condition of British Food Supplies. Rii-tik's Telesrams. London, December 20, 4 p.m. In tbo House of Commons, on the motion (or (be adjournment, Mi. Lloyd George, reviewing the war hiiuaticn, dealt first with food. He Raid that two circumstances bad
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  • 185 9 We are indebted to the French Consulate for the following telegrams Paris, December 18, 6.20 p.m. The French 3 per cent, bonds are at francs 58 50 and the 5 per cent, at 88.15. Tbe Senate adopted the removing of the Parliamentary immunity of Senator Charles Humbert
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  • 98 9 For the period from December 28 to January 8, inclusive, tbe value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at two shillings and four pence half penny per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem
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  • 356 9 F.M.S. Unofficials Unanimously Oppose Bill. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, December -I. At the Federal Council, in the discussion on the Land Restrictions Bill, tbe legal adviser, introducing it, said that the inconveniences foreshadowed by the local prei-s were in the main correct. He thought there
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  • 285 9 Arrangements are well in band in connection with the Christmas Tree and Social for the men of the Army and Navy, which is to be held in the V.M.C a on Thursday night, the 27th instant. Tbo Ladies' Committee feel that they are justified in carrying
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  • 58 9 The committee gratef ally acknowledge the following additional contributions to the W. C. T. U. Christmas Fund Previously acknowledged... %15O Mrs. Julian Frankel 5 Rev. V. Cross 5 Mrs. Scrymgeonr 10 MrH. Cheo Su Lan 8 Mrs. Dowar 6 Mrs. Doughty (Laba) 6 W.
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  • 119 9 Tbe following list of holidays in tbe Colony daring 1018 is published for general information in the Gazette New Year, January 1, public holiday. Thaipusam, January 26, bank holiday. Chinese New Year (2 days), February 11 and 12, bank holidays. Good Friday and following day, March 29
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  • 435 9 Wanted V.M.C.A. Huts for the British Garrison. Tbo capture if Jerusalem by the British 1 f.-irccx m a mi uiorable landmark in Jewish fur R«sociatod with the great military triumph there is tho "olemn pledge of the British (iovernmeut to make nm home for the Jb-wb— tho
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  • 122 9 To-day's Business. Macpliai' Co.'s daily report Silver- Cj. l Hongkong. 1 'M\. Slmnyl-iai 4 1| 64. Tin.— Sold 7"> kMS a |1M M Rubber.- London h 10. ally steady. The shire t:inrki:t is m rj ac'ive find a good deal of covering buying :h taking plan-. A
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  • 174 9 Previously acknowledged 1119,909.41 Per District Officer, KoU Tinggi Collected by Haji Ibrahim, lujruu Tan Yap Ili-ng and Tan Soou IV.uAoalJ bach 110 Smaller auiouutu H 78 Collected by Penghulu Endut, Knuipoog SuDjji'i Nipah 88.8s Collected by Tan Tow Warn, S.rkat 68 Collected by IVnulmlu Abdullah bin
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  • 3821 10 THE PA M. DISCUSSES LAND RESTRICTIONS. Rubber Duty Considered. •ion ef Maluya held a geee-ral uitettßf at 11 a.m. ou a*Matag at No. la, Marki Street, Kuala Ljuipur, reports y Mull, the fo.lowiug delegates and kuutom taiag prtr< I n. Mr. It. C. M. tviiurrsli y (chairman), the
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  • 690 10 Mr. Page on British and American Unity. Tbe war energies of tbe United States were described by Mr. Page, the American Ambassador, in a speech whicb be delivered at Leeds in opening an extension of tbe Second Northern General {Orthopaedic) Hospital. Mr. Page said that the
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  • 676 10 Toddy, Currency and Other Problems. The following is communicated by the Hon. Secretary A meeting of Ml C ritrnl Pabang Planter*' Association wan held at bentong on Deoctuber 15, Mr. I. J.A. Wil Hams presiding. The hecretury, VißCOuct H. do Bondy, expressed regret ou MM Willus,
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  • 173 10 At their saleroom on Monday, Ching Keng Lee and Co. in tbe presence of a large attendance sold by auction tbe following: Freehold land off Jalan Besar, area 6,850 iquare feet, bought by H. Souiapah for 1,350; five lots of freehold land, areas 44,801, 10,370, 65,211, 15,119,
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  • 133 10 It is announced that the business of secretaries to public companies and estate and general agents, hitherto carried on by Messrs. Barker and Co of Singapore and Penang, and tbe business of rubber selling agents, hitherto carried on by Messrs. Kimmel and Co., of Siogapore and London, will,
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  • 56 10 Wreckage whicb has been identified as coming fiom tho Matunga has been idemi ti i. She has been missing since Atignsi C. She was a vessel of 1,614 ;oas VNI and owned by .Monar^. Burnt, Pbilp and Co. She was bound from Brisbane to Rahul, and carried several passengers in
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  • Correspondence.
    • 422 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— As one who taken an inronqo interest in everything done on bohalf of the men at the various fronts, it seems to mo that tho local organisers of tl". Army and Navy Department of the V M.C.A. do
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    • 123 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Might I ask you to acknowledge tbe following subscriptions Previously acknowledged 9248.97 A Cbistian Chineso 10 1.T.C." 100 Mr, J. R. O. Aldworth, per Mr. Purdy 15 Mr. A. C. Valpy, per. Mr. Purdy S
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    • 45 10 In tbe match between tbe Gymnastic Party and the Nestle and Anglo- Swiss Condensed Milk Co's team the latter won by two goals to nil. In a friendly socoer match yesterday the United Engineers' team beat the G.P.O, team by one goal to nil.
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    • 78 10 The Swimming Club launches leave as follow Christmas Day. Johnston's Pier 7, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. 2.80 and 8.30 p.m. Club Bungalow 8,80, 9.30 and 10.30 a.m. 12.15, 8 and 6.30 p.m. High tide 7.11 height 8 ft. 8 in. Boxinu Day. Johnston's Pier 7, 9 and
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    • 117 10 Keppel Golf Club Christmas and Now Yemt competitions will be held during the holidays Nine Holes Eleotic competition best nine boles.— Not more than six cards to bo taken out, entrance fee 20 centß a card. Handicaps. Two-thirds of Club Handicap. Bogey Competition 1* Holes, Club Handicaps, entrance tee
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  • 17 10 Taiping Kubber.- 14 r 27 Ib Bukit Jdotong.— «,067 lbs., six months 41.4U1 lbs.
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  • 305 11 Text of the Proposed Restriction Ordinance. iverntuent Uazette of yesterday contaiDH tbe text of an ordinance to amend the liubber Lands (Restriction) Ordinanro, 1»17," which is about to be introdoced in the Legihlative Council. We give the full .details:— I 111 reby enacted by the Governor of
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  • 604 11 Sunda>, December 23, 1917. St. Andi iw Catuidkal. 4tb Sunday in Advent.— 7 am. Holy Communion 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) Matins (Choral i 4 p.m. Sunday Scbool and Bib'i Classes 5.30 p.m. Even sont> and btrmon. St. Matthew h Sepoy Lines.— a.m. Holy C'vUiuiucion 530
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  • 890 11 Satisfactory Result of Year's Working. The 83rd ordinary general meeting of the Eastern Extension, Australasia and China Telegraph Company, Limited, was held at Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, 8.C., Sir J. Wolfe Barry, K.C.B. (chairman of the company), presiding. li.i Chairman said: Gentlemen, before entering upon the details of
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  • 29 11 Programme of drills, etc., for wouk ending Saturday, December 22, 1917. Saturday, Dkcixbir 22. 2.30 p.m. Balestier Rng. Casuals. G. G. Wac«, Captain, Aoting Adjutant, S.V.C.
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  • 128 11 The uHUblnljujont of a College in Singapori' by the American Mission seems in a lair way to becoming an accomplished fact. Kt-crnt corn hpou IcDce between the Rev. J S. N»ulc and Mr. Manesaeb Meyer elicits tbe interest io t: (acts that one gentleman ban initiated
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 455 11 New bhipment of Moutrie Pianos Just to hand. Call and make your choice NOW 8. Moutrie Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Hongkong) SUPERIOR GAIETY ATTRACTIONS i IN THB SECOND SHJW AT 8.10 SHARP REAL FILM SCENES OF THE GREAT TIENTSIN LOOD SEPTEMBER 1917 Rtd Faather photoplay THE FLOWER OF DOOM A
      455 words
    • 221 11 RAFFLES HOTEL I Xmas and New Year DINNER DANCE MONDAY (XMAS EVE) DECEMBER 24 MONDAY (NEW YEAR'S EVE) DECEMBER 31 Patrons are requested to book tables for the above dinners early. SEA VIEW HOTEL TO-NIOHT SPECIAL ANO CINEMA OWNER Zl SHOW Xmas Eva, Monday, December 24 XMAS DINNER DANC£ DINNER
      221 words

  • 1970 12 SOME GEMS OF PUREST RAY SERENE. The Third of The Name In a recent issue of tho Nation appears an article entitled Tlio Third Horatio, which will be perused with intenwt by readers of II and by ottur^ .ic-quainted with the lif and work of Mr. Buttomley,
    1,970 words
  • 361 12 Predicting at the meeting of the North Borneo Trading Company, Limited, Mr. C. P. Bennett (the chairman) said the balance at the debit of the profit and loss account tor tbe year was £11,729, and, deduction the credit balance brought forward from 1915, the net debit balance
    361 words
  • 1209 12 First Three Years. 1914. Jane 27.— Assassination of Archduke FranzFerdinand and bis Consort at Serajcro. Jaly 25. Austrian altimatum sent to Serbia. August 1-— Germany declares war on Russia and France. August 4.— Britain declares war on Germany for violating neutrality ol Belgium. August 23. Battle of
    1,209 words
  • 555 12 Allow Time for Rescue If Torpedoed. Transports and cargo ships now contracted for by the United States Government will not fall an easy prey to the German submarines if the methods of construction pat into effect by the Emergency Fleet Corporation of the United States Shipping
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 870 13 DESPERATE AND PROLONGED ATTACK ON LONDON. Lord French's Report of Raid. London experienced early in November one of tbe most determined aerial attack* since this form of civilised warfare has been inaugurated by the Huns, no fewer than 30 Oothas in seven relays seeking to spread
    870 words
  • 103 13 The Wall Street Journal note* that tbe Inter-Continental Rubber Co., through it* subsidiary, has acquired 9,053 acres of land in Arizona for tbe cultivation of Guayulo, Another subsidiary, known as tbe Continental Plantation Company, has a lease for 125 yean on 20,800 acre* in Sumatra. In reference to this it
    103 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 385 13 >aj. Ml FOR EFFICIENCY BRINKMANN ft CO. SINGAPORE PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALERS Amateur*' Work, Developicg, Printing A Enlarging. He pairing Cameras. KongHingCtaeong&Co. Adelpbi Hotel Baildings, Singapore Branch at Panang 81.6-17 CHEONG BROTHERS r<tntisto, 26, Sooth Bridge Road FULL LINE DENTAL BUPPLIEB Fint-elaas Mecbanioal Dentistry, Oold Crown Bridge Filling and Vulcanite. Dotation of
      385 words
    • 282 13 gpi=Jl=]|=ll= I=ll=1 1 i. ■<=„ Pl ft a /S J VIfA Areai deal of SkavinS Comfort /\V\^ <S 1 1 Jl 11 if-L %w^ I is packed in this very small outhti v^Xj\ i~ Next to the paramount fact that the Valet" Auto Strop '< \4^f Safety Razor is the
      282 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 591 14 Wax or Peaox. Famins or Plenty. Life Insurance ib worth 100 cents on the dollars THE GREAT EASTERN UFEMSURARCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (IjtOOaPOBATBD 111 SIBAITS SBTTIBBBKTa) mAD OFFICE WlnahattM Housa, lliMjapow. LONDON OFFIOBi 82, Old Jewry. E.C. Tbc Coxpany has 00,000 deposited with tbe Supreme Court of laglaad, and complies with
      591 words
    • 514 14 BANKING. HSNGKBN6 AND SHANGHAI BANKING CBRP9RATIBN (Inoobtobatbd id HoHOBOMe) PAID-UP CAPITAL *****00,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at I/- 116,000,000 Silver ♦*****,000 188,600,000 Reserve Liability of Oropretora 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRBCTORS Hoa. Mr. 8. H. Dodwell, Chairmaa. Hob. Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Deputy Chairman. Hob. Mr. C. B. Anton. C. S.
      514 words
    • 629 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN BNQLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital la 50,000 Share* of MtO 64\?h 41,100,900 Reaerve FubiS £1,*****0 Reserve Liability ol Proprietors... 41,100,000 BANKBRS i The Bank of England, Tho Loadoa City aad Midland Bask, Ltd., The Loadoa County aad vVeatmißßter
      629 words
    • 464 14 BAHKINB. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED (laooßroßATan di Japak) ■aaftal lataariM M M u.H1.11l ■apltal PH* Ip lIMIIOM Umnt* hK m. I Hill 111 Premdeat J. Ibootb, Big. Vice-President, T. Yababawa, Bsq. DIRBCTORS. J. Imura, Bbqi iY. Yamabawa, Bi«, N. Son-*, Bsq. M. Odaoibj. Bsq. K. Sohoda, Esq. !T. Kawasbuia,
      464 words
    • 833 14 INSURANCE. A POLICY SN THIS WELL-MANAGED LEGAL RESERVE LIFE Insurance company affords a combination of the following desirable features that bo other investment can even approximate 1. It may be purchased in instalments, for t!ie convenience of tho buyer. 3. In ease of death, further indtaiiucntK are cancelled aud the
      833 words

  • 782 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Rapid Jacking. We bad the opportunity recently of thoroughly testing the hand-operated Rapid jiek fitted to a 2- ton saloon. Rolls-Royce, and the results were so extraordinary that due prominence should be given them, says The Motor. Had we been asked
    782 words
  • 145 15 A Humble Clerk writes to onr Koala Lumpur contemporary I am not getting 1435 nor anyone near it my salary is only $90 a month, and, like your correspondent, I have also a family to support at home (India). Is there nothing that can be done
    145 words
  • 136 15 At the City of London Local Tribunal on November 5, a solicitor claimed exemption tor his clerk (84), married, and passed for general service, Tbe claimant said he was London agent of the Textilo Alliance New York, an organisation officially recognised by tuti I'nited States Government That agency involved tbe
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 161 15 BULB HORNS The Lucas model 38 T is admitted by all motorists to be the best bulb horn ia the world. W e have just received a shipment and have forwarded a supplyto all our branches. Prompt delivery can now be given at Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang as well
      161 words
    • 64 15 OILD4G SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Oarages Full particulars from DUPIRE BROS. SOUS: AGENTS. Sub- Agents for Perak: Messrs BERRY Co., Ipoh SINGER CARS Please apply to International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE: Sole Importers. (EINCHER TBlje m-Sdritis6 '(Byre. MADE OF PLANTATION RUBBER in 4 Jie Largest
      64 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 688 16 Jf >Caj£jflfr i*^ir T UST as the engineer and jo! fc"4H s***"jl I the climber grip with [Pi I f^^^^^sy I all the fingers, so does Bb^^S Wr l^ c <x^" cn t y re no^ >^*^H the road with its five rubber a*^^^^ fingen of superfine Pant. r^ This
      688 words
    • 504 16 FOR SALE FOX SALE, a oottage piano by Moutrie in good condition. What offers? Box No. H54. Mraite Times. 1 1-12 10-116 J- OK SALIf, one Pope twin-cylinder motor biryoie aud cygnet roar car, 8 hp. Apply 15b, Seitgie Road. A trial given. 8-11 v Pits FuR SALE, thoroughbred wired
      504 words
    • 495 16 SITUATIONS WANTED DRESSER Chinese, t>urtn years' oxperi tnce, wishtfi to bitter himself Box No 644. -tra t» Timea 11*12— 28 12 OPEN FOX ENGAGEMENT, from January, experienced prospector and miner any mineral, any clats of minicg. Reply Box No. 620, Str»itB Timfß. 1 12-12 1 18 PLANTER, 27, senrr assistant,
      495 words
    • 368 16 KIAM KIAT A Go. 108 109. MARKET STREET JUST RECEIVED Dietz Reliable Hurricane Lamps FKIOB REASONABLE THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO In Singapore IS CONDUCTED IV H. N. BUCKERIOGE La ta of Meiin. Lafayette, photos raphe r i to their Majeitiei. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 pacat north of the
      368 words
    • 281 16 TAYGUANKIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE NOW LOOK HERE Firewood is one of the chief factors in your kitchen. You will want it, so try at the above address or 'phone Office Noa. 1361 and 1362. RESIDENCES 87, Tank Road No. 1450 Sunnyside, Gaylang... 1073 27 4, Tanjong Katong Rd. 1824
      281 words
    • 119 16 FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT 'Phone 1233 We have numerous enquiries for second hand cars from oar clientsin the Straits and F.M.S. If you wish to buy any, consult us we will be able to fulfil your needs When you intend to sell, oonsult us, we shall fetch a buyer.
      119 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 385 16 Straits V)imes TELEPHONES i Editorial and General 66 Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Offioe 1344 AU communications relating to editoiia. matters and news should bu addressed tc THE EDITOR. All communications rolatiag to businecc matters advertisements, subcriptions. accounts, printing, etc.— should bo addressed to THE MANAQBR. Cheque*and money orders should
      385 words