The Straits Times, 13 December 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.595 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 253 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Price bow $18.00 pet (Me Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the best coup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jsibby, MeJYeiU Jsibby state "If there was a way
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    • 180 1 NEGRI SEMBILAN NAVY DAY Saturday, December 15 THE MAGPIE CONCERT PARTY (Cempo- ed of L« cal Amateurs) WILL MAKS THEIR FIRST APPEARANJB AT THB Sungei Ujong Club, Seremban BALLADS. TOPICAL SONGS. DUETS. QUARTETTES, ETC. TIME OF PERFORMANCE 9.18 P.M. The Felangor fctale Band will also be in attendance and will
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    • 13 1 MARTELL'S j BRANDY. SOU AlilNTg ADAMBON SILFILUN CO., LIB. (laeorporat*! Id Kngiand) I
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  • 941 2 The following aMosltiea Me reported Loadoa, November H. Wounded.— 2nd Lieut. F. Ibbottooas North Laaoashires 2nd Lieut. D. L. Inwood, West Surruys Cspt. W. B. Jepsoa, Medicals 2nd L. E. O. Ju.igo, North Lancashire* 2nd Lieut. O. M. \V. Knotl, North Laocasbirrs; 2nd Lieat. O. T. Laoey,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 251 2 GUAN KIAT CO., LIMITED (Inoorpobatbd iw thb Straits SsTTLBMEHTt) Head OflBcw M, Paillip fc treet, Singapore. ESTABLISHED 1817 mhlp-ohandlaps, HtrdwiM Dealer**, Govern ment and Mjnioipal ContraotoPß, 3an»ral 1/mpoPtepa and BxpoPteP*, estate, Rioe and Saw HUI Suppliep* aid Contmiaalon Agent* faji. Addr^ii uUAaiAtAT. Codata ua«d A.3.G., 6th ■Jltlon, AA Offloa) THsphonss
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    • 507 2 Watch Curtcurallear YoffSklDyr^J^i On rising uni retiring pcntly smear Xht (a«* witk Cuticura Ointment on end ol th* Jnger. Wash off Ointment in five msnutrs with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Continue bathing for some minutes ■aJur the Soap in i It. The easy, speady way te clear tha skin
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    • 228 2 ESTATE BILLIARD TABLES Size 7 ft. by 3 ft. 6 ins. BRITISH MADE '(Makers: Thoe. Padmore Scne, Engltnd, the world's 2 best, same make as used for championship of the world BUY NOW Sole Direct Importer* JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. Onlj Addreoa ORCHARD ROAD Only Addnias Ha MDReetiM with an}
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  • 966 3 PAINFUL PROBLEM OP THE HATED HUN. War-Mongers Hooted. That intimate personal question, "Why an we Germans no universally hated exercises a perennial fasoinatioa orer tbe Teutonic mind. Tbe latest attempt to answer it takes the form ol a series of utuupbltits, "Tbe War Day Book," which have
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  • 70 3 Major Harry Moorhouse, D 5.0.. aod bis son, Captain Kooald Moorhotwe, M.C., wbo weie in the aame battalion of the Yorkshire L'gtit Infantry, »i re both killod in action on October 9. Major Moochouae joiatxl the Wakititlii Voluuteera in 1891, aou s.rvni tlin iiyluiut the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 299 3 WRIGIEYS Famous Chewing Sweet "The Flavour Lasts" It cleanses the teeth— sweetens the mouth— allays thirst and fatigue. Soldiers in Europe are finding it a great comfort It gives them vim and staying power. Two It is pert ectly clean, FLAVOURS wholesome and delicious. Aids appetite and digestion. ©p Ob
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    • 148 3 ALBION MOTOR BUSES&LORRIES 12 seater bus $1,750 20 2,000 25 %JtSH Ik ton lorry 2,000 2 2,250 Just overhauled and painted Catalogues on application. CYCLE and CAnfiliGE GO. Kuala Lumpur. CHEQNG BROTHERS FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES Firstelan Mrcbaaioal Dentistry, O Id Crown Bridpe Filling aod Tolcasito. Duration ol Wear Ouarantetd.
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    • 413 3 UNQUESTIONABLE The bent ROPE on the market to-day is the JOHN--BON-PICKETT MaNJLA HOPE made in the PHILIPPINES, the hi me of Manila Hemp. Careful selection o^ fibre and modern method? in nrnnpfacriiir prrducps the QUALITY BOLH AGENTS i KEAT CHEaNG CO., 81, Marhat Street, Singapore and 41 5, Beach Street,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 482 4 STEAMER BAILIWIB. n.yTK. JAPAN MAIL BTEAMSHIPCO..LTD. (Imoobfobatbd i» Jafab) EUROPEAN LINE A sen toe is maintained betwoen Yokohama, via porta, and England under mail contract with the Impomal Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamer* maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all the
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    • 671 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India and Mpcar f^ine (Compamibs Imoobfobatsd iii Hmmabd) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVIOES PatNINfJULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N CO. (Under Contraot with His Majesty a Qoverniaent) The Company's MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY ate at proeent suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are
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    • 680 4 BTEJWEB MlUmt. fHE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. (laOOBTOBATBO W Sus). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Krelay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semetak, Bacho, Kelaataa, Tabii Baagaara, Telupin, Panarai, Pataai, Siagora, Laooa, Kobaamui, Bandon, Langsuea, Cbumpoa, Kohlak a ßaagkok, Ova Departure o S«h^ DeO 1T Deo 18 P- m O* RBDANO 24 26 3 p.m. P
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    • 630 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMOINIO SBRVIOB O» THE WEANS. 8. CB. LTI, (IMOOBPOBATBD HI Hlla AHu •M THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CB.. LTD. (InOOBPOBATBD IK ■■a&ABD) BBTwaaa Pramantla (Perth), MaPth-Waat Auatrallan Porta, Java and Slngapora. Regular sailings betweea Sinfrapote ana Western Australia oalling at Java (as la duoeiaent offers), Derby, King's
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  • 107 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, December 13. High Water, 9.0 a.m., 10.28 p.m Priday, December 14. High Water, 9.89 a.m., 119 p.m. Municipal Araemiment Appeals, 8 p.m. Drawing of S. S. C. War Loan Lottery, Victoria Theatre, 9 p m. Boy Scouts Concert, 9 p.m. Saturday, December 15. High Water,
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  • 176 5 To-day. Batu Pahat 2.50 pm P. Dick-ton and P Swtttenham 2.80 pm Malacca and Mnar 8 pm P. Batam ao<l <'ulau Bulang 8 pm P. Sambu and Hitsjan 8 pm P. Sambu, Labaean Bilik, Tandjong i'.»lei and Medan 3 pm Bangkok 4 pm Kota Tkngip 4 pm
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  • 264 5 Tbe mail trains from Singapore for the ■ortL leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m and 7 p m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur a. f .18 i-.m and 8.46 a.m. respectively. Tbe IhioofrL express to Psnang leaves Euala Loupe at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Penang •l
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  • 29 5 ruiut) IMjpurfc.l Lift Swoafou Aerivid London )otober 8 P. *O. Jctobec 6 >otober 10 >ctober 15 )ctober It Vtobrr November 12 28 38 88 Deoomber B >
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  • 178 5 EXCHANGE Smoapobe, Dbcexmi 13, 1917. On Loxdon Bank 4 m/s 8/l| Demand 2/4} Private 8 m/i 2/4,! On France Bank 818 On India Bank T. T. 180 On HoNOKONci...Bank d/d 28J%pm On Shanohai ...Bank d/d 68J On Jata Bank T. T. 127* On Japan Bank 108 Sovereign—
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    • 161 5 10 10 Ampang 6.00 0.00 1 1 A yet Weng 3.15 3.80 10 10 Kmta Association 6.00 41 41 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 41 Lahat Mint* E. 40 6.65 10 10. Malayan Collieries 10.60 11.03 XI 41 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 norn 10 10 Middlcton 18.60 20.00 5/.
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    • 110 5 mLi BeUetß Cl XI I. Bmelti»B do. 8.00 8.50 61 £1 a Prel. 1.1.0 1.8.0 6/- Heebie T'waja 4/- 5/ 10 10 Fimoi Nesve 48.03 47.00 60 60 W. Hammei A Cc. 75.00 77.00 100 100 Katt Bkb, Del. pai 120.00 10 10 Maynard Co. 8.00 41 41 Shell
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    • 54 5 United Engineers 8% 11,381,800 pai Singapore Eloctiic Tramways 6% XBS O,OOO norn Spore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 par S'pcre Municipal H% of 1907 11,800,000 IU-t.iih Spore Manicipal 4i% of 1009 11.000.00t in%di« S'poro Manicipal 4% 2,000,00^ 10%dU Spore Mnnicipsl 4% £SOC,O^ F.M.S. tl% loan 1910 f1C.000.000 101.C0 101.(0 S.S. 6%
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  • 318 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Fraset Lyall Co. Evatt. Alor Gajah (II) 4.25 4.60 4.25 4.50 Anial. Malay fy. pd. 2.85 8.00 2.88 8.00 Ayer Hitam (15) 16.00 16.00 16.50 10.00 Ayer Kauing ($1) 180 1.45 1.30 1.46 Ayer Molek (91) 2.60
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 K. TBUTADA JAPANESE DENTIBT 1 iriiliMk IcU 1141 EXTRACTION PAINLESS MAMEI ■OOEUTE WOII lUAUITEU saUatlsn la tlt^«r Eatllsk er Slilsi PHILHARMONIC CHORAL SOCIETY. Tbe Sossioral Meeting will be held on Wednwday, Tecembdr 19, in tbe Memorial Hall at 6.15 pm. )lcuDe«s: To receive a report ol tbe session I nd
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    • 551 5 UTEBT ADVERTIBEMEHTB. SHOKTHAND-1 YPIST wrntod (Pitman's ■yattm preferred* Ood sa'ary to suitable applicant. Box No. 683, Straits Times. 18 12—16 12 WANTED for Kapala Islands, a qualified drearer, preference Lb otse. Good salary, Apply Medical Offioer, Poeloe Botlang. IB 12b -1212 REQUIHED tor Oar n« Esta'e, Malacca, good seoond band
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    • 93 5 SEE METRO'S GREATEST MYSTERY SERIAL 1 Tsaje«t »a|ar Ho— 'Trams Pass the Dor SBCOND SHOW, 8.16 SHARP Red Feather Feature presents Ri th Stone-bon* anlJ&ck Mulhall in ac sts5 ts LOVE AFLAME AC s rs A spectaou'ar romantic drama. FIRST SHOW, 7.80 SHARP Universal preterits Louis Weber t iatski triumph
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  • 1134 6 The Straits Times THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18. THE GERMAN WAY. Almost Germany makes peace impossible by her ways of seeking to obtain it. She uses the most despicable kind o( agents to promote pacifist agitation, and she squanders money upon the meanest and moat corrupt classes in the hope of getting
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  • 21 6 The Rent Assessment Board for Singapore will sit at the Municipal Hoard Room on Tuesday, the 18th instant, at 2.16 p.m.
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  • 25 6 Gattey and Bateman inform us that the output of the Titi Tin Co. for November was: Tribute 150 piculs, battery 230 piculs, total 3t*o piculs.
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  • 28 6 Mr. Lim Hoon Bee, of the Audit Office, Taiping, has left on transfer to the Customs Office at Oeuas. He was formerly in the Cbandn Monopoly Department, Ipob.
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  • 23 6 I People who sell local rubber shares at present prices are fools who deserve to lose l their money, says the Straits Echo.
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  • 23 6 An old Chinese woman was knocked down in Anson Road yesterday by car 1585, drives by a Malay, and died in hospital later.
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  • 17 6 The F.M.S. Government has sanctioned the proposed amalgamation between the Jendarata, Rajah Una, Westenbola and Corner Estates.
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  • 30 6 Jewellery and other property to the value of 91,112 is reported to have been stolen from 126, Kangoon Road, which was broken into in the early hoars of yesterday morning.
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  • 36 6 A Chinese, 67 yean of age, was arrested by the police yesterday for attempting to commit suicide by throwing himself under a bullock cart. He stated that he bad had no food and wished to die.
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  • 32 6 Odd lots of War Loan Investment Trust of Malaya, representing lottery prizes recently won, have been disposed of at a small discount in Kuala Lumpur, report Messrs. Baker, Morgan and Co., Ltd.
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  • 33 6 Derrick and Co. advise the following mine outputs for November Sungei Gau Battery 137 picals, tributora 56 piculs, total 102 piculs. Ting Kil Plant 133.60 piculs, tribu tors 73.60 piculs, total 207.20 piculs.
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  • 41 6 The heavy rain in the Kinta District on Monday night was responsible for tLo Kinta Hirer overflowing its banks in the early hours nexl morning. The low-lying lands adjacent to the river were flooded for the greater part of the day.
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  • 43 6 A cable (rom the Bishop o( Assam just received by Mr. R. D. l'ringle. General Secretary, V M.C.A., states that his proposed tour of Malaya has had to be abandoned owing to the church staff there being insufficient to allow of his absence.
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  • 36 6 H.E. the G.O.C. Major General Ridout addressed the officers of Penang Volunteers and Cadets on Monday evening on the field operations held on Sunday morning, and indicated some points upon which there is room for improvement.
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  • 45 6 A general meeting of the Malacca Planters' Association will be held in the Malacca Club on Sunday next at 10 am. The business of the meeting includes Minutes of Previous General Meeting, Planters' Relief Fund, Proposed Exhibition and Fete, Roads, Rubber Thefts and General Items.
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  • 59 6 The Inspector of Schools has roceived a postcard from Sergeant W. G. Green in Mesopotamia addressed to the children ot Penang and Province Wellesley saying. Very many thanks for tobacco roceived. No gift could be appreciated more by the boys out here. It's always the right thing at the right
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  • 62 6 A correspondent writes to the Pinang Gazette that the name of a German manager of a Sumatra Rubber estate, a company incorporated in England, figures in the Straits Directory still. Either this is a mistake, or, he says, a great scandal has passed unnoticed for more than three years. Perhaps
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  • 93 6 Petrograd is one of the few European capitals never besieged or captured by enemy forces a fact due partly, of course, to its modtrmty. It was on May 27, 1708, that Peter the Great founded the city by building himself a small wooden hot upon the site. In 1710 Court
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  • 132 6 A Singora correspondent writes to the Pinang Gazette We are having remarkable weather, no N. E. Monsoon rains yet, only small showers. In the first half of November we should have torrential rains for eight or nine days on end without stopping. It is going to be a bad year
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  • 126 6 According to the last annual reports of the three most important navigation companies with services to the Netherlands Bast Indies, the following details are given about the fleets, capital, etc. The duets of the Stoomvaart Maatscbappy Nederland consist of thirty-six ships, Pleasuring 231,794 tons of the Rotterdam Lloyd, twenty eight
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  • 167 6 We read in a Home paper What is important in the decision of the Government with regard to the remuneration o( the officers and seamen of the Mercantile Marine is not so much the substantial advance in the wages of the men (from Hh to ill per month), with a
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  • 400 6 Mr. C. Waddoll, ot the Mercantile Bank, is transferred to tho Penang branch and leaven Siugaporo this week end. Mr. W. J. M. Muirbead, ot Bakap Rubber Plantations, and Mrs. Muirhoad, who went to Ootacamund for a holiday, have returned to Province Wellesley. Mr. A. M. Sellar,
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  • 54 6 Major General Dudley Ridout, Hon. Treasurer of the Soldiers Hospital for Facial Injuries Fund, begs to acknowledge with grateful thanks the receipt of the under mentioned donations to the fond H.E. Sir Arthur Voun;,', G.C.M.G. »200 Melville (per A. W. Still) 25 Winning Nomber (per
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  • 34 6 Major General Dudley Ridout begs to acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of the following monthly donation in aid of the above fund Mohammed Hossain (Wearne Bros.), 2nd donation |c
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  • 68 6 A series of articles on the Training of the New Armies, recently published in these columns, has now been reprinted in pamphlet (orm and may be obtained at this oflice at a charge of 20 cents per copy. The articles were prepared under official authority and
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  • 68 6 We very gratefully acknowledge the following addition to ou. fund for assisting the Overseas Club to provide smokes for our Soldiers and Sailors i Mr. A. E. G. Coveney (monthly) 13 The total we have received since we opened this fund in August, 1916,
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  • 60 6 Church Army Tents— Christmas Appeal. We have to acknowledge the following contribution made in response to the Bishop of Singapore's appeal for a fund to provide some Christmas luxuries in the Church Army Tents, recently subscribed for by Malaya Previously acknowleded 1158 Mr. G. E. Bartlett 60 T. L. G.
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  • 102 6 Mcssru. Barlow and Co, report under yoater day's date For this week's auction, which commenced to-day, the quantity catalogued amounted to about 960 tons. Tlitro wan a poor demand and prices show a dtcline Bibbed omoked sheet The highest price paid wan 194 a decline of }7.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 151 6 Galdbeck, Macgregor Go. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS "JUST THE STUFF" For Christmas Champagnes Sherries Port Wines Whiskies Liqueur Brandies Liqueurs Beer wholesale retail Havana Cigars f\ XMAS SHOPPING Special display in all departments Provisions, Crackers, k Wines, Toys, Xmas L Cards, etc., etc. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. ■MM Cr.bnm* (INCORPORATED
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    • 235 6 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY Tonight md for three Rights onlf Ths world's greatest war pictures will ba thowa (xcluslvoly at tho ALHAMBRA Tho Hall for Mutio— The Pioneer and Premier Houm The Houoo Of Quality Beach Road Under the distinguished patronage and in the immediate presence of His Excellency the Governor, Sir
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  • 2703 7 BRITAIN'S PURPOSE. Mr. Asquith's Resolute Speech. RUSSIAN SITUATION. Conditions Becoming More Chaotic. tUI-TIK Tili«>l»»». London, December 11, Mi p.m. Mr. Asquitb speaking at Birmingham said that history would a -k, was it worth Britain'o while to enter the war >it iuswered without doubt or hesitation }<.-«, only provided
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  • 41 7 Riciii'i Tiliobam. London, December 12, 5.53 p.m. In tbe House of Commons, Mr. Bonar Law announced that tbe Government had sent a message of sympathy to Halifax, and also made a gift of £1,000,000 to the relief fund.
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  • 23 7 KritikV Tiliobam. London, December 12, 2,15 p.m. Lisbon Tbe President of the Republic has been arrested owing to bis refusal to resign.
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  • 80 7 (Fbom Oub Own CoitßKspONDßir*.) Penang, December 18, 10.88 a.m. A White Book issued by the British Government states that Holland is the only neutral country that does not allow armed merchantmen in her ports. It describes this as a non-neutral act and contends that no international law
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  • 469 7 Large Attendance at Bidadari Cemetery. The funeral of tbe late Mr. F. H. V. Got tlieb, Registrar of the Supreme Court, tookplace at Bidadari Cemetery yesterday afternoon, the Yen. Archdeacon Swindell officiating, His Excellency the Governor (Sir Arthur Young, G.C.M.G.) was present, and
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  • 190 7 A mooting of the ladies Oar d»y Committee took place on Deoember 11 at the Y.W.C.A. Hall lor the purpose of passing the accounts in connection with the fete recently held at Tyersall by the ladies of Singapore under the presidency of the Lady Evelyn
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  • 77 7 CONDITIONS QUIET AND PRICES DOWN. From Our Own CorrespondentLondon, December 10. Tbe market is quiet and prices are lower. the quotations being Fine sheet 2/2 to 3/8 Crepe 2/8 a/4 Fine bard Pan 3/5 3/e The last report was as follows London, November 19. The market is
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  • 599 7 Hotel Proprietors Sued By Tenant, In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Ebden continued tbe bearing of tbe action in which Mr. Mohamed Abdul Latil claims from Mr. H. Reeser and Mr. Tjerdoma, of tbe Adelphi Hotel, the specific performance of an alleged agreement for the
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  • 138 7 The following communique has been issned by the Punjab Government: The Sikli community of Kelantan in the Malay Statex has recently taken the opportunity of presenting to tbe acting British Adviser an address expressing its sincere loyalty to the British Crown and its devotion to
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  • 119 7 A correspondent writes to tbe Straits Echo Your Ipoh contemporary some time back gave prominence to the noteworthy record of Mr. Jacob Soter Malcolm Holmbergt who completed his 35 years' pensionable service on the Ist inst. and asserted that it was an unparalliiled record. This has urged me to make
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  • 688 8 Annual Meeting of the British Association. The annnal gtncral meeting of tbe Straits Chinese British Association was held last evening at the (iarden Club, Riffles Place. The President (Mr. Koh San Hin) was in the chair, and amongst others present were the Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng, and
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  • 136 8 Tbe following subscription* are gratefully acknowledged Already received $14,081 51 Mr,. Kawcus 10 J M Sime 10 Wobster (December 4) 5 Swind. II (December Hi 6 Miss Nancy Raogel ijth) 3 914,114.61 Total received ti 1, 1 14 ,11 includes moneys received from Spent
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  • 163 8 Lieatenant Geoeral Sir William Kaine Marsball, who has been appointed to succeed <t ncial ManJe in comtuaod of the British force* in Menopotauiia, hirvul in the N. \V. rrootur aud Tirali caiupai^ca of 1497 H, and in the South African war, io which be won tin' brrvt-ti
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  • 301 8 Subscription for December. Mr. E. Oill forwards as a statement of the contribution sent to the Overseas Club for December. Tbe details are aa follows Straits Times Fund 11,000 Staff of United Engineers Ltd. 50 Civil Guard 110 Public 14 Total tor December 1,174 Sent previously
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  • 303 8 Contractor Attacked Near lpoh. With tbe near approach of Chinese New Year, one may expect to hear of tbe usual crop of highway and petty robberies, by which means oertain individuals enrich themselves so as to celebrate tbe occasion in a fitting manner, says tbe Times of Maiaya.
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  • 50 8 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on pages 5 aud 0. A big spectacular production, The Triumph of an Emperor, in which 100,000 people are announced ai taking part, will be shown at the Casino tbi* evening in addition to new episodes in The Girl from 'Frisco.
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  • 208 8 The Government of India have had under consideration the question of providing some pecuniary alleviation while travelling by rail to the families of army officers who have died or been killed during the present war, whose widows owing to the existing restric tions on -oa travelling
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  • 158 8 From tbe Straits Echo Mr. P. P. 8. Pillay, Chief Clerk, Post Office, is proceeding to India early next year on a short holiday. Dr. .1. Ando, acting Medical Officer, Oeneral Hospital, is going to Singapore on a month's vacation leave. Mr. E. E. Chambers, of the Chartered Bank, is
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  • 1042 8 Reluctance to Try the Case Explained. The interesting fact that the application of the Belgian authorities for tbe trial of Lieut enant Charles Aagbaet before a Belgian court martial had tbe approval of Sir Frederick Smith, the Attorney-General, was disclosed recently, when the application on
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  • 49 8 A correspondent writes I Last night at the Aluambra Theatre Mrs. Ong Eng Tee, of Telok Ayer Street, dropped a brooch worth some 1800 in tbe theatre. Happily it was picked up and returned to her by Mr. Charles E. Caabin, one of tbe employees of the Alhambra Theatre.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 182 8 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, In last night's edition of the Straits Times I noticed a correspondence regarding Kindness to Soldiers." The unwillingness of the oivil population of Singapore to lend their oars for an boar or so to give pleasure to the sick
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  • 109 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, December 15, 1917. Thursday, Dicimbeb 13. No Drill. FuiDiv, Dkcbmbsb 14. 5 p.m. Jardine's Steps S.V.A., D.R.F. G L. Specialists. 5.16 p.m. Drill Hall S.R.E.(V.) Maxim Co., S.V.C. 4.46 p.m, T.P. Fire Stn, S.V.R, T.P.P. 6.15 p.m. Drill Hail
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  • 61 8 Pkogramjjb of Drills fob Dkcixbib. Friday 14th.— Parades, Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.16 p.m. Monday 17tU. Pearls Hill Company parade, junction of Neil Road and Kampong Bahru Road, C.15 p.m. Tanjong Pagar Company Parade, Kampong Bahru Police Station, 5.15 p m. Friday 21st.— Parades. Pearls HiU
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  • 36 8 Pelepah Valley.— 'is -00 lbs. Jimah.— 24,777 lbs. Kota Tinggi (Jobore).— l9,ooo lbs. Siginting.— lB 600 lbs. Clovelly.— B.9S6 lbs. Burma D. v. Syndicate.— 6,6ol lbs. Ayer Molek.-14,500 lbs. Siak Sumatra.— l9,47s lbs.
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  • 208 8 Kippel Golf Club and Singapore Golf Club meet on Sunday at Keppel. The following is the order and times of play K O.C. S.G.C (i. Chancy IT. Sibary w F. Tradewell f T \O. N. Farrant an.H. T. White I iG. C. Knox w°° G. DsJgety T< \J. L.
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  • 105 8 In a letter from Edinburgh received by a recent mail Mr, D. Douglax, formerly manager of Caledonia Estate, Province Wellesley, mentions having met Mr. Alan Wilson who was in good boaJth and expecting to be busy in a war-work billet in the course of the next few days. Mr. Douglas
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 259 8 RAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, December 15 SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW SEA VIEW HOTEL MUSIC I DURING New 'Phone on the lawn DINNER No. 110 by the sea m TBB Bea View Orchestra. EVERY EVENING EXCEPT MONDAY New shipment of Moutrie Pianos Just to hand. Call and make your choice now S.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 440 9 Raffles Bakery Confectionery (RAFFLES HOTEL BUILDINGS) Orders are now booked for Xmas and New Year Cakes Xmas Puddings and Mince Pies Sweets and Crackers Telephone No. 1181 HOTEL VAN WUK CO.. LTD. TttoahOM 663 Telephone 669 EVERY NIGHT OUR VAN WIJK QUARTETTE will play during and after dinner, except Sundays.
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    • 639 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR DURBAN A steamer will b) despatched about the middle of January for Durban. For freight apply to OUTHRIE CO LTD., Singapore Agents 18-12-n SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXCHANGE. Notioe is hereby given that a general meeting of the members of tbe Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Exchange
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    • 154 9 Straits Motor Garage (Abrams) "Commerce" One-ton Motor Trucks A shipment of these well-known trucks has just arrived. These trucks embody a rare combination of high-grade materials, engineering skill and workmanehip. In every detail will be found only those features which experience has set the seal of approval upon. All users
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 605 10 War or Peaos. Famine or Plenty, Lite Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollars THE GREAT EASTErIufTaSSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Imoobpobatbd n Stbaits Samarairrs) HBAD OFFIOB Wtne4iaatas> Houaa, Singapore). LONDON OFFICE i SB, Old Jewry E.G. Tbe Company has aTSO.OOO deposited frith the Supreme Court of England, and complies with
      605 words
    • 512 10 BANKING. HBN6KON6 AND SHANGHAI BANKING CBRPORATIBN (Inoobpobatsd in Homokono) PAID-UP CAPITAL 115,000,000 RBSSKVB FUNDS Sterling 41 ,600,000 at I/- 116,000,000 Silver t18.600.000 ,88,600,000 Reserve Liability o« Oroprietors •15,000,000 OOURT OF DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. S. H. Dodwell, Chairman. Hoa. Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton. C.
      512 words
    • 927 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AKD CHINA. INCORPORATE O IK BNCLAND EY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital ia 80,000 Shares of 420 each 41,100,000 Reserve Fund 41,900,000 Reserve Liability of Prontiotors... 41,100,000 BANKBRSi The Bank of Baglaad, The Loadoa City aad Midland Bank, Ltd., The Loadoa County aad Westminster
      927 words
    • 884 10 INSURANCE. A POLICY IN THIS WELL-MANAGED LEGAL RESERVE LIFE Insurance oompany affords a combination of tbo following desirable features that no other investment oan even approximate 1. It may be purchased in instalments, for the oonveni* noe of the buyer. 2. In case of death, further instalments are cancelled and
      884 words

  • 831 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Some Hints to Owners. Wbon using the sblf-starter be Bare thai tbo Bpark is retarded, as a back kick ma; wreck the mechanism. This is not necessary if the car is equipped with a magneto as the engine start* best when
    831 words
  • 93 11 Mr. John Burns, the Sphinx, was in evidence as usual the moment Parliament mut, aays a writer in a home paper. Be never speaks— in public abuut the war, but he shows more soldiers over the building than any other M.l. lam told that bis big son, who
    93 words
  • 97 11 A new and characteristic story of Dizzy and jaeen Victoria is related by Utti late rd .1-ttdaii. in bis Further Memories," jost published (Huwuinbon and Co., 165.). Dixay was always persona grata with her Majflsty, especially after he becAu.e the instrument of creating her £m press of
    97 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 60 11 WATCH THE FORDS GO The car that made motoring for the million possible Sole Distributors for British Malaya WEARNE Bros., Ltd. SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH PENAHG. "BLUE MYSTO" WHITE&NT EXTERMINATOR ALL BRITISH STRONG, RELIABLE and CHEAP "MYSTO" POWDER (made to approved formula) The powder that kills, and does not corrode
      60 words
    • 122 11 OILD4G SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Oarages Full partioulars from DUPIRE BROS. sols: agents. Sub- Agents for Perak: Messrs. BERRY Co., Ipoh SINGER CARS ir^aVasVsfHß%«^r>',^Aillk v Please apply to International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE Sole Importers. *\> cKVfELL CONFIDENT c&B Hi H y r T 0
      122 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 636 12 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS 4f LIMITED (ImcorpobatbJ' in England). SPECIAL ADVANTAGES SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfilian&Go., Ltd. (Incobp >ratki> in England) IMPORT DEPARTMENT, SINGAPORE. PEN ANG and MALACCA BITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, mining assisttnt acec'tomed to handle lab or. Long mining experitnee unnecessary. Appy Box No. 587, Straits Times 12
      636 words
    • 512 12 SITUATIONS WANTED OPEN FOB ENGAGBMBNT, from January, experienced proepeotor ana miner any minertl, aiy clats of mining. Reply Box No. 620, Stroitß rimiMi. 112— 18 118 PLANTBB, British European, seven years' experieuoe in tLis country in rubber, from jungie felling to profits, seeks fitostion as stioior assistant cr manager. Please
      512 words
    • 741 12 FOR SALE FOl'. SALB, a cottage piano by Moutrie in good oondition. What offer s? Box No. 684, Straits Times. 11-12 -10-1-18 FOR SALE, one Pope twiii-cylinder motor bi-yele and cygnet rear oar, B h.p. Apply 168, Selegie Road. A trial given. 9-11— n FOR SALE, stcond band bicycle. Only
      741 words
    • 295 12 XI AM MAT Co. 108 109. MARKET STREET JDST RECEIVED Dietz Reliable Hurricane Lamps PRICE REASONABLE. THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore IS CONDUCTED IT H. N. BUCKERIOGE Lats of Messrs. Lafsystts, photographers Is their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON IN moss serth of the Adslphi Hotel BUN BEE
      295 words
    • 276 12 TAY GUAN KIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE NOW LOOK HERE Firewood is one of the chief factors in your kitchen You will want it, so try at the above address or 'phone Nos. 1361, 1362 (Private) 1450&1073, where the Municipal Commissioners get their supplies BOON SENG AND COMPANY SHIP CHANDLERS
      276 words
    • 120 12 FIRST-CLASS GARS HIRF DAY AND NIGHT 'Phone 1233 We have numerous enquiries for second hand cars from our clients in tbe Straits and F.M.S. If you wish to buy any, oonsult as, we will be able to fulfil your needs. When you intend to sell, oonsult us, we shall fetch
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 386 12 Straits Wmes. TELEPHONES I Editorial and Genera] 68 Manager'*) Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 AU communications routing to editorial matters and news should be addresaod to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to batuneta matters advertisement*, sabcrip.iona, accounts, printing, etc.— should be addressed to THE MANAGHR. Cheques and money orders
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