The Straits Times, 12 December 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.504 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 184 1 ■ILRKAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Frioc dow $18.00 for esae BEAR BRAND MILK THE MILK THAT'S WORTH ITS PRICE QUALITY > O /r^^XlEI j ALWAYS NEVER s l^y^B^^^Si MOST VARIES "BEAR" BRAND EXCELLENT j HYGIENIC SWISS j ifs Jjwrved in its natural purt« h 3r a o r anvrK a nd
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    • 38 1 Is it "Turps "you want? Then ask for T U R TRADE lv M A. R K 1 E N E Pure Mineral Turpentine THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM Co. (S.S,), Ltd. (Incorporated in Bngfend) St. HB LBN'S OOURT, SINOAPORB
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    • 157 1 ROBINSON CO. ARE NOW SHOWING A large and varied assortment of silver goods for seasonable gifts BOXES fc*IBi««««««l««ll««l««IIIBlM PERFUME BOTTLES SMELLING g> y J SALTS BOTTLES .m a varied assortment ii^— i»—^— i^ B varioUs< ghapes m^^— LADIEB MANICURES SETS l^_^ S n ai^ P rices sterling silver, in vel-
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    • 19 1 i JEFFREYS J PILSENER BEER J! 1 Soli Aubnts AOAMBON GILFILUN A CO., LTD (Inco pur Me.l In KngUad)
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  • 1105 2 The followiDg oasnaJties are reported London, Novembor 6. Wounded,— Capt. C. D. Cams Wilgon, Yeomanry; 2nd Lit at. G. S. Ch rltoo, RF.A. Lieut. E. T). Cisrke, Flying Corps; 2nd Litnt B. >. i. >u» K.F A Liput.Col. J. Curling, U F.A. Jnd Ltut. \V. C DctJkinH, Cyclist
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 324 2 I A Hint about Blades. Never muriM that because a blade is sfcspssl like a Gillette blade it will shave with the easa* keeaneaa and comfort. Before the latest Gillette blades were put on the market over £100.000 was spent on machinery and expert* menu >n order to produce a
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    • 358 2 if*? '^Make y»w HAIR ffip If beautiful Nature inlrrtdrsl jour hair to he l>rau:iful. Whm tbe natural oil which protect* and bMBtMsV the hair i* detVicnt, ia mutt br *upplemrnted. Otherwise the hMr will li€C*ai« dull, -try, md SHttle it will v,,lii at the and prematurely fall ooL If
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    • 669 2 Mmm\m\m\m\wr s Nih!H!iiiiiiii When you are Weak. Anaemic. "Nervy," Run-down^ 'Wincarnit' offers you new health, new strength, new blood, new nerve force and new life. New health and new rife I Think what this means to yon whA are miserable and depressed by ill-health. Yet you need nor continue to
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  • 951 3 FRENCHMAN'S FINE HOMAGE TO HER COURAGE. Tribute to King and Queen. Locking very roboot in bin French uniform of a Stall' lieuttu&bl, M. do tiers, soldier and playwright, provides a living I example of tLo qmtr cbac(,es of metier mr I posed by the war. Biff ri
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 314 3 i •ole •mpopt*p« •HTCPKHTHNALCREDIETAHANDELSVEREENIGINO ROTTERDAM. SINGAPORE GOAN KIAT CO. LIMITED (INCOKPO RATED IN THE STRAITS SkTTLEIIEHTB) Head Ofl&ce: 36, Phillip Street, Singapore. ESTABLISHED 1017 Ship-ohandieps, Hardware Dealers, Government ana Munioipil Contraotons, Ganaral Importers and Exporters, Estate, Rioe and Saw Mill Suppliersand Commission Agenti T«l. Addram OUANKIAT. Codas used A.8.G., Bth
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    • 248 3 MkET/ Cycling Means <9^y/ Health Pleasure Ml A J If you only realised what Itfl'/y cycling would do for •J] '.JT y<"> from a health point J^—^ w f you would fet Ml Bicycle J3^^^ fitted with a B.SJi. \tT^m Thr "-Spfed or Eadie kUASS c P 4kS er "s
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    • 563 3 I Lassitude! R is a feeling of weariness, depression, fatigue, H F which affects equally men, women and child- 1 2 ren, and it is most important that these signs g S of a run-down condition be not neglected. S g Neglect may easily lead to more serious ailments. 6
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 480 4 steamer mum. N.V7K. JAPAN MAIL BTEAMSHIPCO..LTD. (Imoobpobatbd ih Jatab) EUROPEAN LINE A servioe is maintained bet a ion Yokohama, vat ports, and England under mail oontraet witu tU Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin sore w Steamers maintaining Ohio service bavo been specially designed and aoastrueted, and are fitted with
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    • 683 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.'rßrttish India Apcap (COMPAMiaS IhOORPOBATBD IB BxakiMD) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N CO. (Under Contrast wltb Hio Majesty 0 OrOTerniaanl) The Company's MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY arc at present suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are at present
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    • 702 4 STEAMER BAILINSS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Imoobpobatbd im Sub) SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgana, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabi Baagaart, Telopla, Paaarai. Pataai, Singora, Laooa, Kobaamni, Bandoa, Laaggnea, Obumpoa, Kohlak a Baagkok, Dua Departure a.c. MAHIDOL Dec. 12, 8 p.m. a.a. YUGALA Deo. 17 IS, S p.m. a.a. REDANG
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    • 618 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBIMBO ■CRViaa O0 THEBCEANS.B.GO..LTI (Imoobpobatbo im a«a .j«d, alO THE WEST AUBTRAUAK 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Imookpobatbo ih Baoaam) BBTwaaa Pfwmamtla (Perth), Mvrth.Waet Auatrallan Ports, 4 mvu •■natapoea. Regular sailings betweoa Siagapore aaa Western Australia oalling at Java (as la duoemont offers), Derby, King's Souad (pore for the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 267 5 Best Manila Cigars Fancy Tale* Royala* Cxoetlenta ••♦•Otad Bud. Espeoialla* Londrea lmper<iil«i Londrat Fino Parfeoto* Petit Bouquets Army and Navy Ppinceaaaa Lord* of England High Ufa in tha East Bouquets Cortado I'ino Minarvai Neuvo Cortado Eetrellaa Neuvo Habano Rein a Maria S-a Cortado N.P.U. Reina Viotona Senoritaa Oeleetialee Blegantea, eto.,
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    • 633 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. 03AKASH0SENKAISHI (Imoorpobatid m Japan) (Osaka Marcintils Staamthip Co., ltd.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. Tbe Company maintains a -•egnlar oargt servioe with six steamerß oallirg at Moji. Yokkaiohi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swet tenham, Penang, Colombo and Bomb»/, and on tbe retarn voyage oalling at Totioorio, Singapore, Hongkong and Moji. PACIFIC LINE.
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    • 290 5 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be reoeived at tbe COLONIAL SKCRETARY'S Office, up to noon of December 17, 1917, fcr damping dredginga at Mount Zion Reclamation. Bvtry person applying for i term of tender will be required to deposit the turn 'of one hundred dollars with tbe Colonial Treasury and forms
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    • 25 5 Ready When Wanted DRUGS AND CHEMICALS LOWBST COMPBTITIVB PRICBS For partioulana, apply to K. TOMODA CO. Pharmaceutical Chemists, High Street TELEGRAMB: TIMOOA. SINGAPORE TELEPHONE 2247
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 481 6 Just Arrived Just Arrived Cornets, Baritone (in 0 and B flat), Euphonium (4 valves in C and B flat), Side drums, Bass drum and Cymbals. Violins by wrll-known makers (Couesnon, Amati, Stradivariue, Guarneriue, Vuillaume, Stentor, Comrapnon, etc.) Guitars, Mandolines, Flutes and Piccolos in C. Violin cat»es, bows and accessories. Call
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    • 189 6 Get a HarleyDavidson /TpHEN you 11 know the incom- I X parable joy that comes to him I who can go anywhere, any time, I either at a loitering pace or with I the speed of the wind at will. Your Harley-Davidson will open I to you a new world
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    • 392 6 LATEST -^ADVERTISEMENTS. The Famous STAR OPERA IT THE THEATRE ROY»L, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Will give a Special Pertormancs for the Mohamedan Mandi Sapha Festival Laily A Majnoon Phons HIS for Matt. K. H. CHEONG, Propiietot Y. L. TAN, Minage* PHILHARMONIC CHORAL SOCIETY. The Seseioral Meeting will be held
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    • 401 6 COUTURIEUXS Preparations to assist Doctors. PRESCRIBE LACTIMASE for flatulence, furred tonguo, constipation and slimy ructions, sick headaches, palpitation, disturbances of tbe liver and kidneys, and skin diseases. It has the same action as soured milk, and cures all intestinal affections. AZUFROL tablets for eczema, all rkin diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, arthritis
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  • 110 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, December 12. High Water, 8.18 a.m., 9.48 p.m. S. C. B. Assn. annual meeting, 8.80 p.m. Thursday, December 13. High Water, 9.0 a.m., 10.28 p.m. Friday, December 14. High Water. 9.89 a.m., 119 p.m. Municipal Assessment Appeals, 8 p.m. Drawing ol S. S C. War
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  • 145 7 To-day. Batn Pabat 2.80 pm 'P. Swettenham and Penang 2.80 pm Malacca 2.80 pm P. Batam and Polaa Balang 8 pm Pulaa Sambu, Montok and Palembang 8 pm Malacca and Telak Anson 3.30 pm Kota Tinggi 4 pm Eretay, Trenggano, Kclantan, Patani, Singora, Bandon and Bangkok 4
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  • 260 7 The mail trains from Singapore foe tbe jorth 1. ay, lank Koad station daily at 7.7 a.m aad 7 p. a. arriving at Koala Lumpur at 718 pja. and 0.46 a.m. respectively. The ihtougD expreae to Penang leaves Koala Lamp -r at 8 am. daily, arriving at Penan
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  • 31 7 moe neport.i Lart SnoAPOBi AiarriD Lokdob October 8 P. O. Ootobw 5 October 10 October 16 October 16 October 'JO October %t November 12 38 28 December 1
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  • 177 7 EXCHANOB Simoapobb, Drcsmbib 12, 1917. On London Bank 4 m/a 2, li Demand 2/4} Private 8 m/s 2/4§; On F&anci Bank 819 On India Bank T. T. 100 On HoNOKONo...Bank d/d 29%pm On Shanghai ...Bank d/ 4 6S| On Java Bank T. T. 1274 On Japan Bank
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    • 162 7 £5E« Bdtet 10 10 Ampang 6-00 0.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 2.15 3.80 10 10 Elnta Association 5.00 7.00 41 XI KintaTin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 £1 Lahat Mines 1.40 SB6 10 10. Malayan Collieries 10.50 11.00 41 41 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 num 10 10 Middleton 19X0 20.00
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    • 117 7 vXi Ba^- Beue i £1 £1 I. Smetbmg 00. 7.7S BXO £1 £1 i JHrel. 1.2.0 1.8.0 6,- I/- Hleotrio T'wtya 4/- 6 1 10 10 Fnset No»ve 45.50 47.00 60 60 W. Hammer 4 Co. 75.00 77.00 100 100 Kftti Bica, Del. pat 120.00 10 10 Maynaid 00.
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    • 58 7 United Engineers 6% 11,384,600 par Singapore Bleotrie Tramways 6% 4860,000 norn S'poreMunicipal 6% $1,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4*% ol 1907 •1,600,000 10%dis Spore Municipal 44% of 1009 H.OOC CP.I 10%dfa I Spore Municipal 4% 8.000,0% 10%dk I S'pnre Municipal 4% #»00,0"n P.M.S. A% loan 1916 115,000 000 101 .50
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  • 328 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day'B Prices. Preset Lya' l Co. *Evatt. Alot G»jah (91) 4.86 4.45 4.25 4.50 Amal. Malay fy. pd. 2.85 8.00 2.86 8.00 Ayer HiUm (95) 16.60 16.50 16.50 16.00 Ayer Koning (91) 1 83 1.45 1.35 1.45
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 123 7 AUCTION SALE Ol VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND SHU ATE AT ALEXANDRA ROAD, To be hoi' 1 at Mesirs. Cuing Keng Lac Co.'s Sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Plaoe, Oa Momdai, Dbcbmbbb 17, 1017, at 2.80 p.m. Lots Nos. 1 to 6, areas 44,801, 10,879, •Mil, 10,118, 30,044 square teet, respec tfrely. CHINO
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    • 578 7 LATEST ADVERTIBEMEWTB. TO LET, large godownp, boat laciliMen, suitable lor piodoce. Apply Store, c/o Strait* TiTics. ia-H— b DOUBLE AND SINGLE ROOMS, in excellent locality, near town, terms moderate Ap^ly O. J c/o "traita Times U-H— l7 li WANTED, twi stoondhtnd table tele phone instruments, fi«e miles. Manager, Sanßti Sayong
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    • 20 7 MICHELIN TYRES STOCKISTS: CHIN HUAT HIN OIL TRADING CO. (BEAH PECK BE«H ft CO. 348, South Bridge Road Telephone 437.
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  • 30 8 Gottlim. On December 12, at Orchard Road, Singapore, Felix Henry Valentine Gottlieb, Registrar of tbe Supreme Court, Singapore. Aged 66. Funeral at Bidadari Cemetery at s. at) today (Wednesday.)
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  • 1191 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12. RIVAL MAN POWER. For the present, tbe Allied situation is grave, because the Allies have bad the whole of their calculations upset by the defection of Russia. When tbe Asqaith Government was turned oat of office a year ago, one bitter complaint made against
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  • 24 8 Possession of counterfeit coins was alleged against two Chinese charged in the second police court this morning. The hearing was adjourned for a week.
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  • 23 8 Mr. N. Swamynatban, travelling representative of tbe National Mutual Life Association, who went to Ceylon on short leave, baa returned to the F.M.S.
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  • 27 8 Quite a number of Chinese-owned shops in Kuala Lumpur are now fitted with glass show windows. We believe tbis innovation comes from Shanghai, Hays tbe Malay Mail.
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  • 34 8 The Middleton Tin Mines, Ltd., output for November waa Sluicing picols 20.57, tribute piculs 72- total 92.(7. Practically the whole of tho month was taken up in floating the plant to a new position.
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  • 34 8 The annual athletic sports of St. Anthony's Boys' School will be held on Saturday on the School Grounds, commencing at 3.30 p.m. Parents of pupils and all interested in the school aro coruially invited.
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  • 39 8 The case in which Marcos Zerner is charged with aa offence ander the Registration of Aliens Ordinance was to have come on for hearing in tbe third police coort this morning, but was further adjourned to the 21st mat.
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  • 49 8 The j£lo shown in the list of donations to the Lord Mayor Treloar Cripples Hospital and College as from the boys of St. Andrew's School shoald have been from St. Andrew's House, which, although the boys of the House attend tbe School, is not the same thing at all.
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  • 48 8 Any persons who have bought tickets in the Bangkok Oor Day lottery are warned that tickets Nos. ***** to ***** have been cancelled as part of the book has been lost or stolen. Holder* of these numbers should write to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Andrew Carson, in Bangkok.
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  • 49 8 It ia notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette that certain land in Bagan Serai, at tbe junction of tbe main road with Selama Road, is to be resumed by the Government aa being required for a public purpose," namely, as a Bite for a Government building (a rice mill).
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  • 50 8 The Hon. Mr. A. H. Lemon, the Hon. Mr. H. W. Firmstone, Mr. W. G. Maxwell, C.M.G., Mr. J. H. M. Robson, Mr. B. E. Sbaw and Mr. R. O. Winstedt have been appointed as a committee to report on the subject of Technical and Industrial Education in the F.M.S.
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  • 52 8 The following property was disposed of by auction by Messrs. Ching Keng Lee and Co., at their sale-room oc Motday afternoon I—Freehold1 Freehold land with house 106 B, Orchard Road, and freehold laud at Cairnhill Road, areas 135,626 and 37,172 square feet respectively, bought by P. L. N. Vyiavan Chitty
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  • 54 8 Tbe Selaogor Turf Club ia holding a gymkhana meeting for ponies with amateur riders on December 24 and 26. There are six races each day ranging from three furlongs to R.C. All stakes are being paid in F.M S. War Loans investment Trust shares. The net proceeds go to tbe
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  • 65 8 Tbe Perak State Council has passed an Enactment to provide for vesting in trustees for special religious and charitable purposes certain property forming part of the estate of his late Highness Sir Idris Mersid-el-Aazam Shah, formerly Sultan of Perak, and to pre scribe tbe objects of the trust and the
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  • 67 8 The Times of Ceylon, Colombo, issue as usual a very attractive Christmas number copiously illustrated with excellent photo graphs of Ceylon life and scenery and, as as far as a cursory glance discloses, excellently written as to the reading matter. Anyone who if, or has been, connected with Ceylon will
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  • 85 8 It is worth noting, says the Times of Malaya, that tbe first 20 cases of robber despatched to Singapore for aale on behalf of Our Day Fond realised $2,641.24, but tbe export duty— to which the Government! clung so tenaciously amounted to no less than 1294 16. That is a
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  • 81 8 A pleasant evoning was spent yesterday at No. 9, Sophia Road, where tbe members of the Eurasian Literary Association held an informal concert. Mr. E. W» Tessensobn, the patron, took tbe chair. In tbe course of the proceedings an opportunity was taken to thank the ladies present who had assisted
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  • 145 8 It is carious to find the Straitu Chinese Literary Association, at its monthly meeting, voting against the resuscitation of the Queen's Scholarship, says the Straits Echo. A regulation that the Queen's t>chularsbip shoald be established was debated. The speakers on the negative side fought hard againtit it, recommending in its
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  • 417 8 Mrs. and Miss Charter have arrived at Koala Lumpur from home. Mr. V. Hill has been appointed to officiate as district officer, Klang. Mr. H. S. Blacklin, late accountant to tbe Posing group of mines, has entered the Navy as an officer. The engagement is announced of
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  • 68 8 A series of articles on the Training of the New Armies, recently published in these columns, has now been reprinted in pamphlet form and may be obtained at this office at a charge of 20 cents per copy. Tbe articles were prepared under official authority and
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  • 76 8 In a Gazette Extraordinary it is notified for public information that persons travelling to Denmark, if they aro subjects of States to which Danish travellers are only admitted on production of passports duly vised by diplomatic or consular officers of such States, are required to possess passports
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  • 96 8 It has been decided to draw tbe Sporting Club Our Day Lottery at 9 o'clock on Friday night, on the stage of tbe Victoria Theatre, which has been kindly lent for tbe purpose by Mr M. S. Cowan. Thore are still about 1.600 tickets available to
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  • 117 8 No trace has been found of the Singapore towkays, Mr. Wee Kay Chiang and Mr. Tan Bee Jong, who, as reported ytsterday, have been missing since, they visited the foroiir's rubber estate in Johore on Sunday morning. Search parties have been out sin^e Monday morning and a
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  • 115 8 Church Army Tents- -Christmas Appeal. We have to acknowledge the following contribution made in response to tho Bishop of Singapore's appeal for a fund to provide some Christmas luxuries in tho Church Army Tents, recently subscribed for by Malaya Previously acknowledged 1113 Key. Geo. Dexter Allen 10 Mrs. Stovell 10
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 226 8 Rone.o STEEL CABINETS FOR BULKY BOOKS No. 721. JRQ .j-p^ ri Fitted with one to ten roller shelves adjustable every half inch, and fireproof collapsible curtain. ON SHOW AT 14a, GOLLYER QUAY g J RONEO LTO.. BINGAPORE I 3*s (Incorporated in Unhand) j£i.v*+*^^ j Amas fittr Shopping SPECIAL DISPLAY IN
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    • 239 8 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY To night and for fear nights only Th« world's greatest war pictures will In ihown exclusively at th* alhllbri The Hall for Music -Tha Pionaar and Premier Housa The House Of Quality Beach Read Under the distinguished patronage and in tbe immediate prestnoe of His Bzcellenoy the OovoMior,
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  • 1958 9 FALL OF THE HOLY CITY. King's Thanks to His Army. GERMAN MUSTER. Huge Chemical Factory Destroyed. RICTIV- TkLKIiLAM*. London. I .member 10, 11 p.m. Official The Kirn: bas sent a met: age- to General Allenby that the occupation of Jerusalem will be received throughout tbe Empire with the
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  • 57 9 linmt's Telegram. London, December 11, 2 30 p.m. Halifax Twelve hundred a.c known to be dead, 2,000 missing and B,uoo injured. Terrific storms ot snow and rain are greatly augmenting the sufferings ot the victims. The homeless are quartered in tents, barracks, private residences and public buildings, Relief
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  • 19 9 Recter's Telegram. London, December 10, 1 p.m. The death is announced of Pasquale Villari, the eminent Italian historian.
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 58 9 PENANG OUR DAY." (From Our Owm Correspondent.) Penang, December 11. Panang bas forwarded to Singapore 1225,000 and the balance will be remitted later. The sum of 9175,000 represents Our Day collections and 950,000 is on account of the lottery. The total of 118,174, collected tor tbe Scottish branch of tbe
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  • 347 9 Tbe Draft of a Consolidating Enactment. The F.M.S, Gazette contains the draft of a Bill, running to 210 pages, to be introduced in tbe Federal Council, to amend the law relating to Civil Procedure. The objects and reasons state This Bill provides for repealing and reenacting as
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  • 285 9 The President (the Hon. Mr. C. J. Saunders) was in tbe chair at tbe weekly meeting of tbe Rent Assessment Board held yesttr Jay afternoon, and tbe other members present were Messrs. Gaw Khek Khiam, M. Meyer, E. Tessensobn, H. Carpmael and S. Tomlinson. Messrs. Alkaff and
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  • 57 9 Tbe Residents of tbe various States have ordered that tbe amounts to be paid as warehouse rent, under tbe Customs Regula tions Enactments, on dutiable liquors, tobacco, matsbes, motor vehicles, motor bicycles, motor tricycles, cycle-cars, bicycles, and tricycles, deposited in any Customs store or warehouse, shall not bo chargeable during
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  • 1525 9 SOME CAPITAL STORIES FROM FLANDERS. By Grenadier." ilt will add to the reader's interest in the following article to know that tbe writer of it is now in Malaya, after seeing a deal of service in France. We hope from time to time to publish contributions
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  • 749 9 Death of Registrar of Singapore Supreme Court. The legal fraternity of tbe Colony and tbe public generally will learn with much regret ot tbe death of Mr. Felix Henry Valentine Gottlieb, Registrar of the Supreme Court. which occurred at 4.80 this morning at his
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  • 24 9 Tbe Malay Mail of yoatorday uft W. regret to luara, just as we go to ProM, ot tbe death o( Mr. C. E. UonalJuon.
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  • 1540 10 A VIVID STORY OF STIRRING TIMES. The Public Calm. A correspondent kindly lends as tbe following very interesting description of what these adventures mean to the ordinary householder, says the North China Daily News. The writer is Mr Frank Souter, whom many friends in the
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  • 805 10 Better Housing, Wages And Health. A deputation representing the whole of the approved instance societies of England and Wales waited upon tbe Prime Minister recently at 10, Downing street, to urge upon him tho necessity of the creation of a Ministry of Health, to ask for
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  • 676 10 The committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to the above fund Previously acknowledged 1802,846.17 Collected by Mr. Yeo Hock Hoe:— Cbing Keng Lee and Co. 1250 Yeo Hock Hoe, T. O. Mayhew, ISO each 100 Lim Ah Woo US Cbua Kirn Teng 10 388 Kam
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  • 317 10 >» A Lady Doctor's Evidence in Murder Case. A Tamil coolie nauied Appadu was charged on Monday at the Ipoh Assizes with the murder of a woman named Paidama at Bandar Bbaru Estate, Salak North, on October 38. Mr. Justice Farrer-Manby tried the case, with Mr. A.
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  • 545 10 How the Montenegrins Are Treated. An authentic story of the conditions prevailing in the Austro-Hungarian prison camps of Karlstein and Boldogasszony, where thou sands of Montenegrins are interned, has just reached the Montenegrin Ked Cross and Relief Fund from a neutral, who, because he acted in the
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  • 1239 10 THE RATION SYSTEM TO BE INTRODUCED. A Small Corn Harvest. The Paris correspondent of The Times wrote recently In the course of the debate in the Chamber last week on the food question, both M. Fernand David, Minister of Agriculture, and M. Maurioe Long, Minister of Food
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  • 328 10 (From Our Own Cobbhspondeht). Malacca, December 10. The big and ratht-r sudden drop in tbe prices of the various grades of rubber is producing sinister effects in Malacca, and there are many whose countenance no longer bears the wonted smile. It is oven feared that, should tbe
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  • 132 10 To-day's Business. Macphail and Co.'s daily report i Silver. Unchanged 42}. Hongkong.— 2 11 J M% pm Shanghai.- 4/8 53}. Tin.— Sold 125 tons at 5188 (another record price). Rubber. —There bas been considerable private buying this week at prices slightly above last week's market, but the
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  • 116 10 A general meeting of the Perak Kongsi Cocomils was held at 3 p.m. on November 15 at the office of Messrs. Keell and Waldock, Colombo, when the report and accounts were adopted the directors *ere empowered to remove tbe registered office of the company from Nuwara Eliya
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  • 96 10 For the period from December 14 to December 20, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at two shillings and fire pence per lb., and the duty on cultivated robber ou which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in
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  • 145 10 Deep regret, which was shared by over* community in Penang, win felt when it became known that Mr. J. M. Anthony passed away at big residence, CbatHWOrth, Northam Hoad, on Saturday night. Mr. Anthony, who wan 70 years of age, had been unable to attend business for several woeks, and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 79 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. Latest advertisement* ol the day appear od pages 6 and 7. Those who have not seen that great picture Even As Yon And I by Loai» Weber, in seven acts, should make it a point to go to the Empire Cinema, where it is now being shown.
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  • 819 11 Some German Foreign Office Tricks. Tbe Berne correspondent of tbe Morning Pont writen Tbe tricks of German diplomacy are becoming obvious not only to neutrals, but to tb«< Urrman ptoplc tbenmoWes. Tbe Socialist journal, tbo Leipzig VolkfiKbitang, poinW-d out ricontly how prejudicial to tbe inti n stH and
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  • 258 11 It is wortb wl:iii- ri DMiietiD^, Hays tbti M»l»jHia ■hmp tirHt of all, what will con-t-tituti tin ti ik triumph cf tbo UiiHHionary tmtM pi isi Tbe final success of foreign iui~-iodr will be iuirktd, not by tbe trebling of our gilts or by tbo
    258 words
  • 697 11 Profits of the Canadian Minister Of Munitions. Some time ago the Canadian War Minister, Sir Sam Hughes, resigned pending examination into tbe Wesley- Allison graft charges; another colleague, tbe Hon. Bob lingers, implicated in what are known as tbe Manitoba scandals, did tbe same. The report prrs-rtite'd two
    697 words
  • 206 11 Programme ot drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, December 15, 1917. Wkdnesday, Dkiixbkb 14. 5.10 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.R., N.C.O'a. 6.15 p.m. I.P Fire Stn. S.V.K., T.P.P. Di ill Hall S.V.C., all Recrts. Chin Co., S.V.I. K a m p o n g Yet. Co., N.C.O's. Bahru
    206 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 432 11 New shipment of Moutrie Pianos Just to hand. Call and make your choice NOW 8. Moutrie Co, Ltd. (Incorporated in Hongkong) STRAITS HOTEL 101. 103 and 103. Tanjong Pagar Road. Singapore The only hotel under Straitg- i nrs i manaiem- n: MEALS AT ALL HOURS Pionic, Tiffin and Dinner pantiae)
      432 words
    • 405 11 BAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, December 15 SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW SEA VIEW HOTEL MUSIC I DURING New 'Phone on tbe lawn DINNER No. 110 by the sea BY Ttlß Spa View Orchestra EVERY EVENING EXCEPT MONDAY HOTEL VaN WIJK CO., TtdT Tiliphont 682 Telephone 669 EVERY NIGHT OUR VAN WIJK QUARTETTE
      405 words

  • 2206 12 SOMETHING IMPRESSIVE ABOUT THE MEN. Their Fine Physique. The Paris correspondent of tbe Morning Post writes 1 bave just returned from a visit to tbe portion of tbe American Army that is now in France, training under its officers, with tbe help of ail expert advioe
    2,206 words
  • 58 12 Dorian SabeWog.— 2,BBo lbs.; eleven months 88,133 Dm. l'abaDg.- 35,860 lbs TaojooK 01ak.— 90,061 lbs. United Malaooa.-14,046 lbs.; seven month* 04,219 lbs. DjaxiDKa liubber— 64,ll6 lbs. five months MMMIbs. Laotsen Java.— 79,600 It* three months SIMM lbs. Kamntoe.— 44,ooo lbs.; eleven months 642,909 Ist. 5ap00g.— 80,422 lbs.
    58 words
  • 1585 12 THE WEAVERS OF A WESTERN THRUMS." Making the Tartan. Cliok, clack! Tick, tack!-tho shuttle clatters, and over tbe small panes of the cottage windows the broad, high wooden beams of tbe looms peer curiously into tbe street. Kilbarohan old town climbs stolidly uphill after rambling quietly along
    1,585 words
  • 662 12 German who was the Essence Of Hundom. Militiaman writes from Somewhere in France to toe Evening Standard I Last Tuesday night I killed a German. I may have killed Germans before, in the melee of an advance. Certainly, I have usually emptied my revolver, and I have thrown
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 189 12 "PINEAPPLE" HAMS and BACON SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) ESTATE BILLIARD TABLES Size 7 ft. by 3 ft. 6 ins. BRITISH MADE Makers: Thos. Padmore Sens, England, the world's best, same make as used for championship of the world BUY NOW Sole Direct Importers JULIAN FRANKEL
      189 words

  • 727 13 "WIFE ALLOWANCE" OF £25 IN THE NEXT BUDGET. New Scale of Income Tax. The Chancellor of the Exchequer proposes to include in the next budget an income-tax measure which will grant a married man an allowance of £25 for bis wife. Such an allowance will greatly relieve
    727 words
  • 206 13 A triple tragedy is reported from Kboregaon, Is uiilea irom Poona, where Mr. E. W. Home, lately superintendent of tbe Agricultural College Dairy Farm, was residing in tents. Tbe ayah of bis little son had gone out to an encampmect that morning, and tbe tragedy was apparently
    206 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 252 13 I GOOT^NEWS^ FROM WHITEAWAY'S Large new stocks just opened Handkerchiefs in great variety for Xmas and New Year Gifts <C m f-^4-^ Ladies' Fancy O rt r > •-*LjfFr |V S O° loul< Bordered I A 1/ fR c l -rrrf K nl YS \^SSIA The Ideal L.diea' I I
      252 words
    • 275 13 Analjsed by Sir Charles Cameron, C.8., Ml).. President Society of Public Analysts, England. Does not contain Cocaine, Morphine, Opium, Chloral, or any of the Coal Tar Products. NO BAD AFTER EFFECTS.! Monourmbla Mra.L*wthar,wlfa of tha tpaakn af tha Houaa af Common*. London, ln(lan«, writMl Mr» Jaaaaa Lawtkar it rfati to
      275 words
    • 105 13 y We Solicit Comparison Guarantee Satisfaction fg] FRAMROZ&CO. CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE NETHERLANDS. NOTICE. The right to levy the tax on boy n timber a>a 1 to levy coyan money in inspect of "uch timber when exported to places outside Netherlands India in various parts of tbe district Linfrga will
      105 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 569 14 17 AR or PEAOI. FAMINK or PLENTY. LIFE INSURANCE IS WORTH 100 CENTB ON THE DOLLARS THE GFtEAT EASTErI«T|F^sErIkCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (IHOOBPOBATBO IM STBAITB SsTTtBMBNIS) HEAD OFFICB i Winormetep rtouts, Singapore. LONDON OFFIOIi 82, Old Jewry, E.C. Tbt Cuiupft--y has. 4190,000 deposited with the Snpreme Court of England, and oooplies
      569 words
    • 519 14 BAHKINO. HBNGKON6 AND SHAN6HA! BANKING CeRPORATIBN (Imcobpobatbd in Homskohq) PAID-UP CAPITAL 115,000,000 KM J.BKVB FUNDS Sterling £1,800,0C0 at 9/- 116,000,000 SiKor 118,600,000 188,600,00^ Reserve Liability of Oroprietors •16,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. S. H. Dodwell, Chairman. Hon. Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Deputy Chairman. Hoa. Mr. C. B. Anton. C.
      519 words
    • 1007 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUoWLIA AKD CK2NA. INCORPORATBD IN BNGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER, raid up Capital ia BC.OOO Shares of 430 each 4M00.000 rTssmie Fnad M 41,900,300 Reserve Liability of Proprietors^. 41,100,000 BANK BRS I The Bank of Bnglaad, The Loadoa City sad Midland Bank, Ltd., Tho Loadoa Coualy
      1,007 words
    • 887 14 INSURANCE. ORIENTAL"-." LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. BSTABUSBBD 1874. IMCOBI URATBD IN INDIA. 80.84S ASSURANCES now in foroe for> (72,622,848.-14 ASSBTS eicoeed $31,800,000.00 LOWBST RATSS Off PREMIUM. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. A PROBPBOTUS will be sent on applioation tn F. P. JOSBPH, Aotiog Branoh Saarotary, 27, Tho Aroade. Sim-.n THEGHINAMUTUALLIFE INSURANCE uo., Ltd.
      887 words

  • 816 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Cars For Canada. Proof of the ever-growing popularity of the automobile throughout Canada is contained in figures representing the number of licences issued for this year as compared with pre.i ous years, and it is becoming increasingly evident that the automobile
    816 words
  • 210 15 Three European assistants (two Englishmen and one Irishman) of the Malay Tin Corportion. Ltd., registered in Sydney and operating at Ratrut near Renorjg, nave been charged before the Renong court with an lawfully causing the death of a Siamese aabject, Nai Saang, at Ratrut on October 14,
    210 words
  • 44 15 The following Enactments passed at the last meeting of the rcderal Council are publia'jod in the F.M.S. Gazette Civil Wooed ore Code Amendment. Supervision of Alien Missionaries, Town Improvement, Excise Enactment Amendment, Legal Tender Enactment Amendment, Silt Control, Sun'y (1917) and War Taxation (1917).
    44 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 98 15 Motors pp qqa Engines are made by the lirgeat marine engine plant in the world Popular Prices * r% Single cylinder, complete P" ready for installation $500 R.fa v Twin cylinder, complete H ready for installation 750 10-h,Di 4-rylinder,^impleter«ady O^f= for installation 975 20/35-h.p. 4-cyi^ 9^.h 2>250 The famous FERRO
      98 words
    • 82 15 THEY WEAR SO LONG A tyre is worth the service it gives you O/S^r how it wears, is it easily sS^fc'f^^Hv' punctured or not, ask ji \l The highest grade /tK J tyre §t is possible to \/fl If* 1 manufacture. DUNLOP DETROIT ENGINES Four-cycle horizontal, effectively governed, magneto ignition,
      82 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1188 16 A. B. MACKAYS Q THE ORIGINAL S LIQUEUR WHISKY. yßTj^ Kb supplied to both Houses ol jjrr^KT*^BK\ Parliament OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS J&jpjLjm Sole Agents igy AOAMSON, GILFILLAN W^iiit. ANO COMPANYi vmm 1 j'psrated in England) ■'rfSipßl-. Sin&d P° re p enang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, a general
      1,188 words
    • 581 16 BOARD AND LODGING PART OF FUKNI4HBD HOUSB vacant Elderly oouple or gentlemen of quiet babits only. Board per arrangement. Apply Peaceful, c/o Straits Timvs. 8 13- 15 Vi BT. ANDREW'S HOUSE. A Church of England Boarding House for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of Singapore.
      581 words
    • 283 16 KIAM KIAT GO. MARKET STREET St ck for immediate delivery SPECIAL MINING CHAN6KOLS THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO In Singapore II CONDUCTED IV H. N. BUCKERIDGE Lats of Messrs. utaystts, photographer! to their Majestic*. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 pacts north of the Adeiphi Hotel BUN BEE AND COMPANY Retail
      283 words
    • 276 16 TAYGUANKIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE NOW LOOK HERE Firewood is one of the chief factors in your kitchen You will want it, so try at the above address or 'phone Nos. 1361, 1362 (Private) 1450&1073, where the Municipal Commissioners get their supplies. BOON SENG AND COMPANY •HIP-CHANDLERS AND UII-MMERS II
      276 words
    • 121 16 FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT 'Phone 1233 We have numerous enquirios for second hand cars from our clients in the Straits and F.M.S. If you wish to buy any, consult us, we will be able to fulfil your needs. When you intend to sell, oonsult us, we shall fetch a
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 390 16 Straits V)imes. Telephone*: Editorial and General IS Manager's Offioe 1117 Job Printing Offioe 1144 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. Ail communications relating to basinaac matters— advertiaementa, snbseriptiua* accounts, printing, etc. skoold be addressed to THE MANAOBR. Cheques and money orders should
      390 words