The Straits Times, 6 December 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.589 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 233 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Prise now $18.00 Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs, A tin makes six plates of the best soup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jsibby, MefieiXi Jstibby state "If there was a way to make
      233 words
    • 158 1 ROBINSON CO. are now showing a large and varied selection of Gold iaTi»istlet ISTatolies /^^BB^BB>*^BSSSSBBBSIbb^BB>SS>BBS9SB!b!u^^^^I|b^BSSSSSSBSBBS>B>BBSBBBSBBBBBIBBW 14-Carat Square Wrietlet Watohee, with plain or entmel teoe Mid Milanese straps 14-Carat Wristlet Watoh, with Inmin 9, 15 and 18-Carat Wrietlet Watche., tM hw>dB Md fi nreB nd K old ***<** with R cld
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    • 12 1 MARTELL 8 BRANDY. Sols Aoikti AOAMBON SILFILUN CO., LTD Incorporated Id Kogiaod)
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  • 1101 2 The following casualties are reported London, November 1 Killed.— 2nd Lieut. H. Chaplain, Suffolks Major A. I. Draper, Liverpool* Lieut. A. Float, Londons; Limit. H. Oreatwood, R.F.A. 'md Lieut. C. J. Lovell, R G.A. Capt. R. H. Lowe, Essex 2nd Lieut. N. L. Riddett, Bast Surreys; Lieut. J.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 350 2 9 IAIJ. ESTABLISHED -fQIA M 10 14 100 YEARS, ill 14 J J JOHN C HADDON I S Export and Import C Agents j For ONE HUNDRED YEARS in fP the CITY OF LONDON we have acted as Buying and Selling ■k Agents for Traders.Storekeepers. Growers of Colonial Produce. C^
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    • 394 2 Fester on Limb, keying Burning Terrible. Formed a Hard Crust Healed by Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Above are extracts from a signed statement recently received from Mr. E. Edwards, Mautby Lane, Nr. Filby, Gt. Yarmouth, Eng., July 21, '16. Thousands of people suffer torture of mind and body because of
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    • 196 2 PATENT CANVAS BAGS for packing RUBBER R. ARISAKA, 496, North Bridge Road, Singapore. 't-ti-t-n "BRUNOLINUM" THE PERFECT WOOD PRESERVATIVE The Reliable Stop-Rot Antiseptic and Certain Protector against White Ants. Identical to the German Wood Preserver "Carbolinium" and Cheaper. BRITISH *3fl B^^C^.eBBBM BRIII>H MADE aflP^^^aßßafl Bak OWNED Protects Wood against Decay,
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  • 1229 3 "WHEREWITHAL SHALL WE BE CLOTHED?" By Sonia E. Howe. There was evident excitement among the women who formed the long queue in front ol the shops on the big square in Moscow, writes Soma E. Howe in the Daily News. It is those soldiers," I heard one
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 326 3 The only quality ACETIC ACID 99% Guaranteed. IMPORTERS YAMATO CO. 41, Hitfli Stv*«t. Telephone 43f1. lli-Ull ESTATE BILLIARD TABLES Size 7 ft. by 3 ft. 6 ins. BRITISH MADE Makers: Thos. Padmore Son*, En^nd, the world's best, same make as ueed for championship of the worid BUY NOW Sole Direct
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    • 293 3 6NEMI BRSTKERS DentlMi, 96. Sonih Bria.e Bo»d FULL LIKE BEHTAL SUPPLIES F'-nt-elacs Mcehaaieal L>es»istry Gold Ciowm Bridge Filling ud Vnloaaite. Duration of Wbai guaranteed. CHAKOar- MOI-RRATI Best Tooth Powders and Brashes for rale. FOR SALE DYNAMOS (Second-hand) 1-60 volts 16 amperes 1-35 20 3-35 16 1-50 35 On view at
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    • 567 3 NOTICE. BOARD OF LICENSING JUBTICEB. Notice is hereby given that the list ot applications for renewals, transfers, and new licences to be considered on Thursday. December 30, 1917, can be seen on application at the effioe of the Secretary to the Board of Licensing Justices, Government Monopolies Department. O. J.
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    • 385 3 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received, ap to noon on Friday, December 7, 1917, at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, from persons d{ sirens of contracting for tho supply of timber for a period of one year, commencing from January 1, 1918. Forms of tenders may be obtained at the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 477 4 STEMKI SAILHrtt. rytk: JAPAN MAIL BTEAMSHIPCO.. LTD. (laooaroßATßO at Jata») EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained betwcoa Tokobama, via ports, and England under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The Mew Twin sorew Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and ooastructed, aad are fitted with all the
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    • 646 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.- British India Apcar sUsine (Companibs Inuobpobatsd i» Bnoluiu) MAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIsJNTAL 8. N Co. (Under Contraot with His Majesty QoTenuaent) The Company's MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY ate at present suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are at present
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    • 695 4 BTEUER SAI LINGS. THESIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CB.. LD. (laooaroßArao ni Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For KreUy, Tringganu, Bisut, Semesak, Baeho, Kelaataa, Tabai Baagaara, Teinpia Paaarai, Patani, Siagora, Laooa, Koksamui, Bandoa, Laagsoea, Obompoa, Kohlak a «--p^«A Ova Dep.rtun a.a. MAHIDOL Deo. 1O 19, 8 p.m. -a. YUGALA ,17 19, 3 p.m. a.a. REDANG
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    • 617 4 STEAMER BAILINQB. OOMBMMBO aWRVHM OS> THEBCEANB.«.CB..LTI. (IHOOBPOBATBD ID Hh» AMD. THE WEBT AUBTIULIAIS S. N. CB.. LTD. (Imoobpobatbd n BaaiAKß) BBTWBBB ■ramantla (Parth), Narth-Waac Australian Ports, iuvu and Singapore. Regular sailings betweea Siagapore aad Western Aastraha oaUing at Java (as la duoemeat offers), Derby, King's Sound (pori for the Kimberley
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  • 107 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, December 6. High Water, B.Bi a.m., 2 56 p.m. A. D. S. presents D*ndy Dick, V. Theatre. Friday, December 7. High Water, 4.19 a.m., 4 0 p.m Saturday. December 8. High Water, 6.9 a.m., 8.14 p.m. Y. W. C. A sale of work, 4 p.m.
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  • 137 5 Tout Batu Pahat 280 pu P. Dickson t >d P. SwoUcnham 2.80 pni Malacca an., luar 8 pm P. Sanibu and Singki-p 8 pm P. Batam and Pulai Kulang 8 pm Krctay, Trunggasu. l\tlantan, P»tani, Singora, lUuduu and Bangkok 8.80 pm Kota Tinggi 4 pm Colombo and
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  • 264 5 The mail tron* from Sincapoid tor the north leave 1 aim rtoad station daily at 7.7 a.m sad 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at T.lB p.m. sad 6.46 a.m. respectively. The through express to Penacg luaves Euala Lampur at 8 am daily, arriving at Penaog at 6.28
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  • 37 5 (Offioikl Post Of nice Report.) Larr Simoapou Akrivid Londok Jetobec 8 P. Jt O. >ctotxr 6 Jctctaf 10 fetober It K**er 16 Delobor JO I'XIM 'it NoTember 12 38 28 38 December 8 8
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  • 173 5 EXCHANtIE Sihsapobb, Dbcbmbsb 8, 1917. On London Bank 4 m/s S/4| Demand 2/4J Private 8 m/s 3/4); On Fbancb Bank 818 Oa India Bank T. T. 102 On HoNOKONa...Bank d/d 37t%pm On SIIIS..U.U ...Bank d/d K\ On Jata Bonk T. T. 137 Ok Japan Bank 108 Sovereign
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    • 160 5 10 10 Ampanß 6.00 600 1 1 Ayer Weng 2.16 380 10 10 Kinta Association 5.00 7.00 111 1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 41 Lahat Mines 8.40 605 10 10. Malayan Collieries 10.50 11.00 41 41 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.4 norn 10 10 Middleton 16.C0 20.00 6/- B/-
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    • 111 5 £&2 BoUeM £l £1 I. BmelMBHOo. 7.7S B.CO El £1 Piel. 1.2.0 1.8.0 I/. 8/- lleetrie I'nji 4/- 5/ 10 10 Fnaea Ne»ve 45.50 47.00 50 fO W.Hammet* Co. 76.00 77.00 100 108 K*U Brce, Del. pat 120.00 10 10 Mmywud Go. 8.00 41 41 Shell Transport 6.10.0 5.17.4
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    • 50 5 nnitedßneine«n6%|l,lB4,6Ul pa* Singapore Blectrio Tramways t% £880,000 som H'pote Municipal 6% «1,678,00 C pai S'oore Municipal *i% of 1607 •1,900,000 10% die S'poie Municipal H% of 1909 10%dis S'poro Municipal 4% 'J,COC,3N 10%dia S'pcre Municipal 4% «?OO,Cf!n F.M.S. loan 1016 tIS.CQO.OOO lor,, 1014 S.S. 6% loan 100 101
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  • 326 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices. Fraaet Lyall k Co. Evatt. Jot Gajah (II) 4.25 4.50 4.40 4.60 tmal. Malay It. pd. 2.8S 8.00 288 800 Ljer Hitara (15) 16.60 16.50 16.50 16.00 iyer Kaning (II) ISO 1.45 1 35 1.45
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 Tha Famous STAR OPERA •T TIE THEATRE ROVkL, lORTH ■RIME ROM TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT No Performance To-morrow, Friday AN ENTIRELY NEW PLAY will be given Passe 1111 tsr suit. K. H. CHBONG, Proprietor T. L. TAN, Manage* iv (-0 TU W. A BARCIA. $700. <J
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    • 576 5 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, offers rool seeosdbsnd piano. Reliable maker. Box No. 6 <9, Straits Tirade. 8 12— 17 12 WANTED OODOWN, rone etc flooring. Apply to Box No 180, Straits Times. 812-n BANS BOUOI, 6, Oxley Rise, A. MacDougall Gibson, proprietor. One double and one single room vanunt «linrtly H
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    • 177 5 TO-NIGHT A GALA NIGHT TO-NIGHT ■VTH...A CINEMA GASfIIO owaomw. THB HOUSE OF MERIT A SPECIAL SELECTED PROGRAMME NONE CAN BEAT A Regular Treat to our Patrons IN THB SBCOND SHOW AT 9 World Film Corporation presents a special feature bj Owen Oavit M v THE MARKED WOMAN 8 With Barbara
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  • 15 6 A dividend of 2/- per share, less tax, has been declared by Tronob Mines, Ltd.
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  • 15 6 The output of Rahman Hydraulio Tin, Ltd., during tbe month of November was 800 piculs.
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  • 18 6 Tbe Rent Assessment Board for Singapore will sit at tbe Municipal Board Room on Tuesday at 3.16 p.m.
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  • 19 6 The Malayan Tin Dredging, Ltd., November returns are Output 1,800 piculs, valued at •99,080, yards treated 278,000 oubio yards.
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  • 23 6 The output of tbe Rahman Tin Co., Ltd., during tbe month of November was 601 piculs:— Mill piculi 817.20, tributes piculs 148 62.
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  • 23 6 In tbe third police court yesterday Marcus Z rner was charged with failing to register under tho Aliens Ordinance. Tbe hearing was postponed.
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  • 26 6 Mr. Rodesse, secretary of Our Day Fund, wishes it to be known tbat all outstanding accounts against tbe fund should be sent to him at once.
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  • 36 6 A telegram from Mr. Oxenbam, Penang, states tbat owing to tbe enormous demand for tickets tbe committee ban decided to postpone closing tbe Penang war loan lottery till December 81 and the drawing till January 6.
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  • 36 6 It is rumoured tbat tbe large rubber factory on the Emerald Rubber and Coconut Company's Bukit Slarong Estate, near Kreb, caught fire through alleged carelessness tbs other night, causing considerable damage, says the Times of Malaya.
    The Times  -  36 words
  • 44 6 All members of the Middlesex Regiment in Singapore were invited by the management to attend the entertainment at the Palladium last night, and a large audience was present. In addition to tbe programme of pictures tour song* by Mrs. Altord proved acceptable additional items.
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  • 53 6 Under tbe auspices of the Simpolan Mubebah Clnb, in aid of tbe Our Day Fund, tbe Star Opera Theatrical Co. staged Chatra Hawai Majlis before a big crowd on Sunday. During tbe interval Dr. M. Ibrahim, on behalf of the Simpolan Mohebah Club, thanked those present for the warm support
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  • 51 6 Messrs. Derrick and Co. advise that the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company's output for tbe tour weeks ended December 1 were:— Bukit Koman Stone orusbed 6,906 tons, gold obtained 938 ozs., average per ton 3.412 dwts. Bokit Malacca Stonu crushed 4,636 tons, gold obtained 289 ozs average per ton UM
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  • 56 6 It is notified in M.S.V.R. orders for December tbat tbe forthcoming examination of officers will commence in Penang on Monday, December 10, and candidates should reach that centre not later than the evening of December 9. Should tbe examination not be completed on tbat day candidates may be summoned later
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  • 78 6 Messrs. Sitoe, Darby and Co Ltd., Penang, advise particulars of tbe outputs from tbe following companies for November, as under Kamuoting Tin Dredging, Ltd.: Piculs 970, hours run 010, yards treated 80,000, value of output 971,600, cost of mining $9,500. Chenderiang Tin Dredging, Ltd. Dredge piculs 383, hours run 611,
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  • 103 6 Tbe marriage of Mr. Ooi Pak San, of tbe Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd., second son of Mr. and Mrs. Ooi Kean Hean, to tbe fourth daughter of Mr. Kam Boon Tcong, took place on Monday, says the Straits Echo. During tbe day tbe usual procession took pIaCH and at
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  • 112 6 A general meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya will be beld at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, the 19ib inst., at the Meeting Room of tho Association, No. 12, Market Street, Kuala Lumpur. The agenda is as follows:- 1. Minutes of Meeting of October 20. 2. War Relief. 8. Labour:
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  • 140 6 In tbe Kuala Lumpur Police Court, bi fore Mr. A. W. Jiist, Magistrate, oo Tun-day morning, Mr. T. 0. Nock, Ansistant Agricultural Inspector, tnmmoned P. R. M. Alagappa Cbetty, of Ampantf Sinet, for failing to comply with a nnticu to treat the rubber trnes oo hit, block of land id
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  • 464 6 Mr. G. N. Magill, manager, Cbangkat Serdang Estates, Limited, has left for Ceylon on a short holiday. Mr. Justice Earnsbaw and Mrs. Earnsliaw left Kuala Lumpur on Monday on a short holiday in Japan. Mr. A. C. Valpy has succeeded Mr. H. M. Hatcbell as People's Warden
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  • 30 6 We gratefully acknowledge tbe following contributions from Melville Blinded Soldiers' Children's Fund (25 Facially Wounded Fund 26 We bave forwarded these amounts to tbe respective Hon. Treasurers.
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  • 45 6 In yesterday 'b issue in tbe report of tbe Assessment Board a gentleman named R. Davidson was described as a teacher in tbe Anglo Chinese School A correspondent states tbat is no teacher of that name in tbe Anglo-Chinese Free School.
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  • 114 6 Messrs. Barlow and Co report under yesterday's date: For this week's auction which commenced to-day, tome 1,092 tons were catalogued. The demand was (air and wbilxt prices for stun laid grades show a farther decline, those for medium crepes mark a decided improvement. Ribbed smoked sheet From
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  • 300 6 This very hnman touch on realities of tbe war is from a lady's letter, recently received in Singapore We caw lota and lots of boys ruluriiici; from Frar.ce all eager to get homo to their loved ones, perfectly snucd in limb and ry bronzed. We asked
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 149 6 Caldbeck, Macgregor Go. The oldest established firm of Wine and Spirit Merchants in the Far East. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I- Just Arrived Pocket Diaries from $0.60 Rough Series 0.80 Office Series 1.7S fci-.' ftm Full and corrplete range. JOHN LITTLE ft CO.. LTD. -.^.ft i"JTtft«*g> (Incorpcntsd in England) TYRES j
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    • 188 6 AN ALL-BRITISH PRODUCTION ■T THE LONDON FILM CO., WITH BRITAIN s LEADING PLAYER!, AT THE JUHAIMBRI Ths Hall for Mutic -Ths Pionssr and Prsmisr Houm Ths Houm of Quality bach Road IN THB SECOND SHOW AT 9.11 A PICTURE OF QUALITY London Film Co .1 greatest production THE CHRISTIAN 8.000
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  • 3670 7 BRITISH BATTLE. Enemy Offensive Has Failed PRESIDENT WILSON. Powerful Speech on War Questions. RacTih's Trlboeams. London, December 4 11.68 p.m. Field Marshal Haig reports Our artillery broke up enemy concentrations eastward of Gouzeauoourt and in the neighbourhood of Moeuvrcs before their attack could develop. The enemy's artillery was
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  • 17 7 Rictkr's Telegram. London, December 5, 7.20 a.m. The death has occurred of the Earl of Portsmouth.
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  • 202 7 K.C.M.G. Insignia by High Commissioner. (From Oub Own Corrispondbnt.) Ipob, December 5. Large crowds of Malays attended the ceremony of the presentation of tbe K.C.M.G. to H.H. the Sultan of Perak at Koala Kangsar. At tbe railway station, which was decorated, the High Commissioner and Chief Secretary
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  • 234 7 Railway traffic on tbe Kuala Kubu section is considerably impeded on account of the floods during Monday night, when the heavy rush of water washed away tbe large embankmen*, only recently constructed, says tbe Malay Mail. There was another break in the line between Risa and Kuala
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  • 108 7 The following sums are gratefully acknowledged Already received 112,7*1 46 Mrs. Lowther-Kouip (3rd) 30 Hallifax (Bth) 10 112,701 40 Total received 112,761 49 Spent on material 12,2 1 b»2 Balance in band 643.14 Twenty-five more long oane obairs are being sent off to Egypt,
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  • 119 7 On the occasion of the departure of Dr. G. W. Park, Municipal Health Officer, who will be proceeding home in the immediate future on retirement after long and m<-ri-toiioOS servioe in tbe Punang Municipality. the staff of the Health Department promoted him on Monday with a gold wristlet w»<c!i on
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  • 554 8 Mr J. Ashworth Hope's Indignant Protest. The following is the letter addressed by Mr. J. Ashworth Hope to the Times ol Malaya: Sir,— l wa« glad to see in your leader of Saturday last that yoa drew attention to Lord Ladsdowue's recent letter to the Daily Tfl««rapb,
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  • 524 8 Serious Offence Alleged Against Chinese firms. A v. ty iouiibtint; case was commenced in tU- Kjila Lumpur Police Court oa Satnrcay la- Abtn the D.P.P., Mr. McCabe Reay, appeased hi the preliminary bearing of a r,»r(» preferred against eight Chinese whole jlu Bajael merchants, heads <f difforeat chops,
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    • 42 8 There will be a Rugby practice match, Whites v. Colour?, on tbe S.C.C. ground this afternoon. On Christmas Day tbe S.C.C. fifteen will visit Selangor to play for tbe trophy. A Nt'gri Sembilan team will visit Singapore on the 31st inst.
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    • 125 8 SCOTLAND V. TUB KBIT. Tbe teams in tbe match Scotland versus Tbe Rest to be playtd on the Race Courso on Saturday will be as follows 2.50 Miller and McKenziu v. George and Sibary. 2.55 Knox Wilson and Sutherland v. Farrant and Vick. 8 Morrison and Waddell v. Strickland
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    • 160 8 November List.— Previously acknowledged •38,021.02 Mr. R. M. Ezokiel 9100, Lanadron Estate Staff 1100, Tanjong Pagar Dock Recroation Club $30, Meedames G. Miller Bj, Zebnder, Oct. and Nov., $6, Parbury 13, Lyall 13, Toft, Nov. and Dec., 14, A. P. Williams 11, Farrant 3 months,
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    • 107 8 The sentiments of loyalty of tbe citizens of Labuan and Brunei cannot be more clearly shown than by tbe splendid response they made to Our Day, 1917, says a correspondent. Generous and patriotic support to all undertakings on behalf of tbe fund was given
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    • 43 8 It ha» been decided to hold Our Day in North Kudah at Easter, 191S, at Anak Bukit near Alor Star, and to raise a lottery for tIOO.OOO in tl tickets with 158 prizes; 50 per cent, will go to the Red Cross Fund.
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    • 142 8 Although tbe United States is at war with Germany and has severed diplomatic relations with Austria Hungary and Turkey, the fourth member of the Alliance of the Central Powers Bulgaria still maintains a fully officered Legation at Washington. Stephen Panaretoff, tbe Bulgarian Minister to tbe United States, went
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    • 145 8 Speaking tbe other day, Mr. JoynsonHicks said There were many Oerman towns munition centres and garrison towns —within bombing distance of the Allies, and nearly all of tbtm had important bridge-s iivrr the Hlune. These pUcea were tbe links between G-rmany and her army at tho front,
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    • 90 8 The Her. K. J. Campbell is now a London vicar. Ti n years ago his unorthodox volume. I Ik. New Theology, aroused as much excitement as Mrs. Humphry Ward's doll novel, Hubert KUmere, did a generation back. From advann d Congregationalism to the Establishment is a
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  • 552 8 Strong Need for More Research Work. It will be remembered tbat at tbe last meeting of tbe Hapntale Planters' Association a resolution was passed to the effect that, in view of tbe steady increase of rubber diseases in tbat Province, Government be urged to strengthen the
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  • 274 8 Kuala Na1.— 26,000 lbs. Bernam Perak.— 2l,9oo lbs. Dindang.— 7,o36 lbs. Kalubi.-2.ri41 lbs. Cice1y.— 54,744 lbs. Glenealy.— 23,soo lbs. Hill Rise.-11.800 lbs. Hopeland.- 2,843 lbs. Lower Perak.— lB,6so lbs. Ratanui.- 25,716 lbs. Strathisla.— 2o,B9o lbs. Trolak Plantations— 26,060 1b5. Straits Rubber Company.— 2l2,ooo lbs. Penang Rubber Estates.—
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  • 35 8 Tbe Empire Cinema bas a change o( programme to night, the principal items being a farther two episodes of Tbe Great Secret. These will be supported by another film entitled The Fugitive*.
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  • 331 8 Possibility of Death Duties Id Lifetime. A recent number ot Common Sense foresees tbe possibility that tbe present generation may be called on to accept a larger share of the financial burden of the war in tbe shape of levy of capital," and prints what it
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  • 386 8 The following menu and recipes are sent by tbe Food Reform Society Mbnc. Macaroni Milanaiee. Potato croquettes. Cheese Souffle. Iced fresh fruit. Reslpbs. Macaroni Milanaue. Boil tbe macaroni for 20 minutes to half an hour. Meanwhile make the following sauce. Take two goodsized ripe tomatoes, wipe carefully,
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  • 78 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, December 7, 1017. Thursday, Uiuxuie 6. No Drill. Friday, Dkcbmbbb 7. 6 p.m. Jardine's Steps S.V.A., D.R F. and O L. Specialists. 6.16 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. (all details). S.R.E.(V.) S.V.C., all Recrts. 5 10 p.m. Chin. Co., S.V.I.
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  • 84 8 Peooramms of Drills fob I.'scimbib. Friday 7th.— Both companies) parade, Boustead Institute, 6.16 p.m. Monday 10th.— Route march, fall in Pearls Hill. Dismiss, Sepoy Lines Police Station, 6.16 p.m. Friday 14th.— Parades, Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 6.16 p.m. Monday 17th.— Pearls Hill Company parade, junotion of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 9 8 Latest advertisements ol tbe day appear on page 6.
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    • 305 8 RAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, December 8 SPECIAL DINNER WITH RAFFLES ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE SEA VIEW HOTEL MUSIC DURING New 'Phone on the lawn DINNER no. 110 by the sea KTHI M== Sea View Orchestra. a EVERY EVENING EXCEPT MONDAY STRAITS HOTEL 101. 102 and 103. Tanjong Patfar Road. Singapore The only
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 366 9 Raffles Bakery Confectionery (RAFFLES HOTEL BUILDINGS) Orders are now booked for Xmas and New Year Cakes Xmas Puddings and Mince Pies Sweets and Crackers Telephone No. 1181 HOTEL VANJrVJJK CO.. LTD. Tslaphont 882 Telephone 882 EVERY NIGHT OUB VAN WIJK QUARTETTE will play during and after dinner, except Sundays. RICE
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    • 661 9 NOTICE. The Ho Hong Bank Ltd., begs to announce that it will open onmnt »ooount« at it« bead cffica in Singapore from tbe beginning of Jacna-y, 1018. SKOW POH LBNO, General Manager. 112— 81 13 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. NOTICB is hereby Riven that all octstanding bills against tbe Government should be
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    • 201 9 There is nothing new under the sun New things seem to be combinations of the old. We like a Dice car. We look for the gotd points in it and we admire them, and straight away make up our minds that the car we buy must have all these refinements,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 594 10 Peace. Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance ib worth 100 cents on the dollars WHAT OTHER PROPERTY 18)7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (IMOOVPOUTID IN BTBARS SITTUniTTS) H« AD OFFICE. Wlnoh-f* Hou-, Slngapo~. LOWDON OFFIOB. SB. Old J.wry, E.O. Tbe Company has CBO.OOO deposited with tho Supreme Court of
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    • 517 10 BANKING. HMGKONB AND SHANGHAI BANKING CBRPBRATI6N (Incobpobatbd in HosauoMo) PAID-UP CAPITAL 116,000,000 RBSBKVB FUNDS Sterling «I,eOQ,OCO at 2/- 116,000:000 Silvor ♦19,600,000 •88,600,000 Reserve Liability of Oroprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. 8. H. Dodwcll, Chairman. Hon. Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Deputy Chairman Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton. jC. S.
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    • 508 10 BANKING. CHARTERED lANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA ANB CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 80,000 Shares ol 430 each m, a. a. 41,100,000 Reserve road a. 41,600,000 B««™ Inability of Proprietors... 41,100,000 BANKERS I Tbe Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The
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    • 586 10 BANKING. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED (I»COH-OBATSD Dl JaPAM). ■apltal laksarifeea M ItIMM Oi vital PaM as f iI.OSt.OOI hanK fn< T 1 591,008 Preatfeai J. Ixoura, Btq. VioePresidcni, V, Yamabawa, Btq DIBBCToas. J. laocra, Bsq. Y. Yamabawa, si** N. soma, Hbo. M Op«ai«i K. Bmooa, iT. Kawasbima, R. KIMDBA,
      586 words
    • 978 10 INSURANCE. A POLICY IN THIS WELL-MANAGED LEGAL RESERVE LIFE Insurance oompany affords a combination of tbe fallowing desirable features that no other investment can even approximate 1< It may be purchased in instalments, for tbe convenience of the buyer. 3. In case of death, further instalments are cancelled and the
      978 words

  • 692 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Westcott Company Orders W-K Taxis. Within a few months after its initial order of 50 Willys-Knight taxis, the Westcott Express Company of New York City has favoured Willys- Overland Inc., with a second order for an equal number. This makes in
    692 words
  • 210 11 Mr. Crackentborpe, First Secretary of the British Legation at Athens, was received by the King, when he handed to bis Majesty an autograph letter from King Oeorge replying to King Alexander's letter announcing bis advent to the throne. The text of King Oeorge's letter is as
    210 words
  • 81 11 Wiiile fighting as lieutenant in the Qoeen't during General Maude's victory at Kamadie, Adrian Stoop, the famous Harlequin and English Rugby international, was wounded. The official report says seven ly wounded," bat Stoop telegraphed Very slightly wounded, returned to Bagdad Stoop enlisted immediately after the outbreak of war,
    81 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 61 11 WATCH THE FORDS GO BY The car that made motoring for the million possible Sole Distributors for British Malaya WEARNE Bros., Ltd. SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH ft PENANG. Aerated Water Bottles 7oz.anduo«. They have ready stock. gained a high reputation among the aerated water factories in SAMPLES SS> and FMS>
      61 words
    • 112 11 OILD4G SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Garages Full particulars from DUPIRE BROS. SOLS AGENTS. Sub- Agents for Perak: Messrs. BERRY Co., Ipoh SINGER CARS Please apply to International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE Sole Importers. I C. B. OXFORD SAUSAGES I UNEXCELLED. 3J F Crosse Blackwell guarantee
      112 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 636 12 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS 4f LIMITED (Incokfobatid in England). SPECIAL ADVANTAGES BOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan&Co., Ltd. (Incobtobatsd in Bholamd) IMPORT DEPARTMENT, SINGAPORE. PENANG and MALACCA. SITUATIONB VACANT. WANTBD, a nursery governess (or one little eirl. Apply Box No. 474. Straits Times 811-7 12 WANTRI), an ezpenenoed book keeper
      636 words
    • 496 12 SITUATI9NB WANTED ADVERTISER is dispensing with good ail round estate oondoctor. V'ill readily reeomuond him. Reply Box 635, Straits Times. 413-10 H OPBN FOR BNGAGBMBNT, froua January, expei iecoed prospector and miner; any mineral, ary class ot mining. Reply Box No 520, Straits Times. 1-12-121 IB WANTED by yoDng European
      496 words
    • 570 12 OFFICES TO LET. TO LB T, Sad Floor, No. I, Maiacea Street. iuirjediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. 181— O HAFFLBS CHAMBERS. To let, Section No, 3, Ist floor. Ching Keng Lee and Co., Anents. 80 11— n TO LET, offioe No. 4-a, Prinoe Street. Immediate entry. Apply Ang Hook Siew,
      570 words
    • 199 12 KIAM KIAT CO, MARKET STREET Stcck for immediate delivery SPECIAL MINING CHANGKOLS THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO In Singapore IS CONDUCTED IV H. N. BUCKERIDGE Lata or Messrs. Lafaystts, Bbotegrapaari to their Majestiss. AT THE BURLINGTON IN paess north ef the Mslshi Hetol BUN BEE AND COMPANY Retail Wholesale
      199 words
    • 349 12 TAY GUAN KIAT 36, PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE NOW LOOK HERE Firewood is one of the chief factors in your kitchen You will want it, so try at the above address or 'phone Nos. 1361, 1362 (Private) 1450 A; 1073, where the Municipal Commissioners get their supplies. BOON SENG AND COMPANY
      349 words
    • 123 12 FIRST-CLABS Gars-hire DAY AND NIGHT 'Phone 1233 We have nnmerous enquiries for second hand oars from oar clients in tbe Straits and F.M.S. If you wish to buy any, consult as, we will be able to fulfil your needs. When you intend to sell, oonsnlt us, we shall fetch a
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 387 12 Straits V)imes. Telephones; Editorial and Ueneral it Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1144 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressee to THE EDITOK. All communications relating to businaas matters— advertisements, subscription* accounts, printing, etc.— should be addressed to THE MANAGER. Cheques and money orders should
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