The Straits Times, 9 November 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.50? SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 226 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Mm oow $19.00 r^r c»-' Anyone Requiring A First-class Two-seater Motor Car would do well to inspect the LATEST MAXWELL Pr.CE $1 ,8OO ?o e "the aS r h oa r d ady Only two cars available at this figure, the usual current rate being $2,2OO.
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    • 293 1 INTERNATIONAL GAUZE English-made UNDERWEAR English-made r^ T"""^"""*-—^ With op without buttoned < ROBINSONS INTERNATIONAL >J 1 \7^~ GAUZE BINGLETS&JERSEYS y Fitted with French unbreakable neck CHEAP bands, short sleeves. The best s. arment of GAUZE itB k' nci on t^ e market, full fashioned and JERSEYS well-made. All sizes 28
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    • 2 1 CiOODKItt TYRES
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  • 1099 2 CARE OF ANIMALS IN THE BRITISH ARMY. By Victor MacClure. No. 3. Despite the great increase in the numbers of the homes and mnlus with the army, the precautionary moauires, aud tbc systematic care that is takun of the animals have reduced the mortality and sickness figures
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 515 2 MUNICIPAL KOTiCE. Notioe i« hereby given that the book* containing tbe valuations of and ratos imP o« d on all brr'diri," fi'mtoi F-rt of Ui'nw kt Mm at tbj i 4 p.m (I p m. on >Jt And further noSic.i is lioreb- givim tbat tfn Manicipal Commissioners will betf
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    • 215 2 If you just want a padlo k, as y kind o' a padlock will do. If you want security, then look for the name Yale on the padlock you buy. For 40 >.<*'h t'.e ramn Tale on a aaaat u-<*te*t security, •..sign .'or each purpos?, most value for what jou
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    • 620 2 Health Pleasure If you only realised what I cycling would do for J ,J you from a health point of view, you would get 1 £=9 a bicycle at once. A 'M B.S.A. Jn% Bicycle l^^!^s fitted with a B.S.A. V~~>AoJ Three-Speed or Eadie X-Ii \M Coaster is ao easy
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    • 652 2 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICES Messrs. CHING KSNO LBE A CO. WILL SRLL BY AUCTION \T MALACCA On Monday, December 3, at 2 p.m. All tbat Illc of freehold land situa'e ia the d.s.rict cf Hi !.ir 1 1 «.-n, aval 14,200 wj. feet, being lot r>o. <V('88 of oovernui'jot
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  • 364 3 Th following oaaTraJtica m reported I London, October 13. I Wrnndfd.— 2riHLieot.H. Puwcll, Warwicks; i Maj i J. l'o»rie, ilcucurable Artillery Cempany 2nd Lieut. J. Preston, Scottish Rifles Snd Lient. P. S. Preston, K.F.A. 2nd Lieut. P. A. Roberts. Moru,< utbs Lieut. C. D. Robrrl-op, R FA. 2nd
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  • 531 3 Amusing Reminiscences of School Boy Life. L'nder tbe title of Some Humours of Boy- howl, tbe Rev. tbe Hon. Edward Lyttelton, I tbe late Headmaster ot Eton, gives some amimii y Btcrico and remiciscences of schoolboy life in tbe enrreot isbuo oi tbe Nineteenth Century, and After.
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  • 121 3 iii Wulll buctau niakin an atttujptto con.c tv thi' rtacau ol I'tioce Eitil Kritnrirb, a^siuxt »lxiv procndiofto liave been taken -by il L>i b. ia (or 1 iuii« «i>cki.d Ibt L'l att&u iiu 1-rit. ly i11..) dk tLat tliti tr.ncr Ii tiiiy Tie Gmiiien (rial, luwfvii. i .■mains an admitsioo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 764 3 Bad Stomach Weakness Dr. Cassell's Tablets Cure Stomach Trouble and Make You Strong. Whan »mi cam i t fast lira in your ttomitch. as it Sbtartil li» in a i' t. I That it why bail saM r f A ha'i, «nd ran I kap I.i .aut mup your health
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    • 431 3 ■—^NATURE'S WAY Nt— /AS Nature lias ordained tlit v t •f lninute oil glands beneath the skin t^ B r should secrete natural oil to keep tuc skin \VBSB soft and supple, it will be acknowledged tliat a^ra the only Face Cream that can act on the skin a™*
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    • 694 3 GGVERNKEkT NOTICE. I NOTI'B herrby fciror that anb"- r i p tionß [for tbe Httaita Settleminta War L-,an will ■ot be r. y. .v d her j Xuvtmber M, )Wi7. H. JaUiivlo.T, Acting Tr 'iicoror, S.S. j Oc'.ob r, 1917. U6 10— 14-11 GOVERNMENIJOTIFICATION. Tenderi. will fee received np to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 445 4 STEAHE* SAIL!* N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIPCO..LTD. (Imoobfobatbs im Jata*) EUROPEAN LINE A sßniim is maintained bet\?t«a Yokohama, via ports, Ml England under mail contract with >!c Imperial Japanese Govcinment. Th.i New Twin-sorew Stoamen maintaining this servioe have keen specially designed and eonstrncted, and are fitted with all the
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    • 581 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.-Sritish India AND Mpcar L-ine (OoBPANias INCOBPOBATBD im BMSfcAMD) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N Co. (Under Contraot with Hit MaJeaty a Oovamiauu) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are at
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    • 715 4 STEAMER SAILING*. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. (Imoobpobatbd im Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semevak, Baoho, Kelaataa. Tabai Baagaara, Telupia, Paaarai. Pataai, Singora, Laooa, Kobsajnui, Bandoa, Laagsues, CJhampon, Koiilac Bsikkok, Dua Departure a.a. PRACHATIPOK Nov. IS Nov. 14, 3 p.m. S.S. ASDANG „19 21, 3 p.m. s.s. BORIBAT
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    • 611 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBIHBO •■OVIOfc On THEBCEANS.S.CO..L7*. (Inoobpobatbd in Una \*ml> MB THE WEBT AUSTRAL} r« 8. N. C 6.. LTD. (INCOBJPOBATBD I* KHQUJ)D' BBTWaBN PMmantla (Perth), Narth>Wx.r Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular sailings botwooa Singapore aaj Wcftcrn AutitraU'a oalli^g at Java (as la duocra-.nt offor%;, Derby, KiDg's Sound (por?
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 184 5 UNQUESTIONABLE The best ROPE on the market to-ddy it the JOHN-SON-PICKEn 1 MANILA ROPE made in the PHILIPPINES, the hrme of Manila Hemp. Careful selection of fibre and modern methods in manufacture produces the QUALITY SOLE AGENTS i KEAT CHEANG CO., 61, Market Street Singapore and 415, Beach Street, Penang.
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    • 520 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. STIBMVAART-MAATBCHAPPU "NEDERLAND'ANDROnERDAKI LLOYD ■Tf (OIPOEATBD IN HciaAHOI 4OVAL DUTCH MAIL COMPANIES Fortnightly Mall Servioe between Java. Singapore. Hongkong. Snangnal, Nagasaki, Yokohama. Honolulu and 3AN FRANCISCO Vld VBBSA Fcr traigbt, par nage and fntti.p* part en!ani, IVERM4TIONALE CREDIET AND ■MDELSVEREENIBINQ ROTTERDAM lm ;bporatid in Holland Agentr. 1, d'Almaida Street.
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    • 377 5 THE FAMOUS FIAT CARS FABBRL.:. ITALIANA AUTOMOBILE TORINO (ITALY) A shipment of few cars just arrived For particulars and trial run, apply to AMBROSOLI, STOPPANI COMPANY SINGAPORE AND PENANG Sole Agents Denby Motor LORRIES t>« tfpt ef »ito« truck for Rubber Transport running every day'in Singapore. An ever increasing
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 314 6 Vocal Scores Arcaditns, Kalkan Prim***, Cinoroa Star, Cingil-f-. Crnntry Oirl, Ooun', of Luxirnboo'i'. D ncin« MistreSM, I ut Little Donmark, Fact. Gi(*y I.ove, Girl frnai K«M Oil from L't« i. Qirl on tlu Kiluj, Hiy'i-Tinks I. ttlvVicii'i-. Mikado, iil* of Un- Moantain, Vtriy Widow, Mm llook of Hoi'and. My Mimosi
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    • 56 6 S.R.LAMBERT&GO. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS It, Orchird Road. Tslsphons Ke. 1031 THE OLDEBT AND LEADINB BTUDIO Urjqoailod Facilities, Ample Resoorobs, and tbe ReqniHite Ezperienoe, are all at onr command, tho« ensuring always tbe prodoe lion of only the feMt rault* in Stadlo Portraiture, Child Studies, Outdoor Groups and Views, Commercial Work, Enlargements,
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    • 402 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE At onr Sale-room, No. 8, Raffles Plaoe, O» Wbdhbsdat, NoriHßia 14, at 2.80 p.m. Valuable freehold land situate at SCOTT'S ROAD, Singapore, an excellent site lor a compound bouse, area 24,926 sqaare feef, marked lot 78 T. S. XXVII. THB COMMERCIAL KCBBBR CO., LTD., Auctioneers. 0
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    • 253 6 -Building Materials— Red Asbestos Roofing Slates Grey Asbestos Ceiling Sheets French Roofing Tiles Ridges— Ventilators— Half Tiles White Glazed Tiles Red Flooring Tiles Stocks held by A. Clouet Co. 7, Raffle* Quay, Singapore. NEW YEAR SPORTS. 1918. NOTICE. A public meeting will be held in the North Room, Singapore Cricket
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    • 54 6 AUCTION SALE Of UN3BRVICBABLE POLICB STORE* UNCLAIMED AND CONFIBCATBD PRO PBRTY, INTESTATE BSTATB, BTC. By order cf The Chief Polioe Officer To be held at The Central Polioe Station South Bridge Road, On Friday, Novimbrr 16, at 2.80 p v. For particulars, nee catalogues. POWELL* CO., Ltd., Auctioneers (Incorporated in
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  • 90 7 FIXTURES Friday, November 9. High Water, 6.3S am, 6.19 p.m. Saturday. November 10. High Water, fjl a.m., 7.3,1 p.m. Government Holiday. The Cauii-00, Victoria Tlioatre. Sunday, November 11. High Water, H. 4 a.m., 8.80 p.m Monday. November 12. High Water, Ml a.m., U. 15 p.m. OovernmeLt Holiday.
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  • 166 7 MM Hatn Pahat 180 pm T. Swettcnham and T. Aaaoa S.BO pm Bangkok 2.8 C pra Hongkong, Amoy and watow 2.80 pm Malacca and Muar S pm P. Sambu, Rliio, Anamba, Natuna U. aad Seraaaaa 8 pm Pontianak 8 pm Pnlao Bataro and Polau Bulang 8 pm
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  • 261 7 The mail trains from Singapore for the north leave 1 iok Road station daily at 7.7 a.m aad 7 arriving at Koala Lumpur at T.lB p.m. ana 6.45 a.m. respectively. The tbsoagh express to Penang leaves Koala Luapur at H a.m. daily, arriving ai Penang *t MS
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  • 46 7 (Offloial Post Offioe Report.) Lmn Sihoapou Akkitid Lohdob August 34 B. I. Ootober IS August P. O. a 18 August 81 B. I. ,,18 September 7 M M. 28 September 0 B. I. 17 September 10 P. O. ■^>»iiii it b. i. n
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  • 188 7 BXCMANCIR. SmaiPoaa, Novbmbib 9, 191 T. Oa LoauMi Bank 4 m/s 1 4 j Demaad ll*i Private Oft m >/«il Oa Faaaoa Bank T. T. 818 Oa Ixdu Baak T. T. 155 Oa Ho«a«o«9...Baak d/d 38] %pm Oa Siamma! ...Baak d,d m *7* ObJava m BaakT.T. 180
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    • 156 7 I"*?* Buyers Selleto. 10 10 AmpanK 6.00 I 1 Aver Wend 2.20 3.80 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 (1 £1 Kinta TiD 1.10.0 1.17.6 II £1 Lahat Mines 6.40 5.65 10 10. Malayan Collieries 11.75 12.25 El £1 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 nonr 10 10 Middloton 18X0 18.50 >/■
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    • 110 7 ™«2 Bn 8eUeM 41 41 1. SmelttMOo. 7.75 8X0 41 41 Prel. 1.1.0 1.8.0 8/- Blectrio T'wsyi 4/- 6/10 10 Fnaei Neave 45.C0 46 00 e d 60 60 W.H*mmei4Co. 76.00 80.00 100 130 KaU Bros, Dei. pai 120.00 10 10 Maynaid Co. 8.0C 41 41 Shell Transport 6.6.0
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    • 50 7 United Bneineors t% 11,304,600 par Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6% £860,000 noni S'pore Municipal 5% 11.878,000 pat S'pcre Municipal «i% of 1907 11,800,000 10%dif S'pcro Mnnicip&l 4J% of l»0» 11,000,000 16%' Sporn Municipal 4% 2,000,000 lf%£ Spore Municipal 4% 4300,000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1616 116,000.000 100 00 ***** ex ink
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  • 319 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Pvtoar Fraoer Lymll ft k Co. Wvaf. Malaka Pinda (II) 8.00 810 BCS .15 Malakofl ($2) 4.45 4.C6 444 l« Mandai T; -kon^ (fl) 0.96 l.GPxd OSS 15 Mer(jui 5.C0 6 75xd 6.60 f'» New Serendab
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 THE SANDYCROFT RUBBER COMPANY. LIMITED. NOTICB is hereby given that a suoend taterim dividend, of 74 per coat., on aooouut al the second quartet of the year ending laauary SI, 1918, haa been declared by the directors payable on November 80, 1917. Aad NOTICE is also hereby givea that the
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    • 587 7 UTEST ADVERTISEMENTS, FOR SALB, one Pope tn-in-cylinder motor bi-yole and cygnet rear car, 8h p. A) ply 16H, Se'tgie U-jad. A trial given. 6-11— n WANTED, Javanese cook, main or ftmalc, boy and tnkang ayer. W»g«<i 120, »18, and 14, rw-pectivuly. Maca-km Klang, Selaogor. w-11— 16 11 WANTED, good Kuoptan
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    • 113 7 TO-NIGHT'S SUPER ATTRACTIONS Oaiety Cinema, IN THE SBCOND SH')W Final Bpisode THE THOUGHT MONSTER in 2 Parts ot THE MYSTERIES OF MYRA What bocomes ot the Grand Master? Wno nins Myra I FIRST FOUR PAR T S Of the treat Pathe military ny«torf strial PEARL OF THE ARMY With daritg
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  • 18 8 Ismail.— On November 8, at Galle, Cpylon, M.O. M. Ismail, partner of Mtetirs. Ismail and Haheem, Singapore.
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  • 1024 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9. RUSSIA AND ITALY. Russia has a great and imperative need ot peace. It is doubtful, indeed, whether she can emerge from htr present chaotic condition without it, yet if she makes peace shu plays false to the cause which was almost more her cause
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  • 34 8 On Monday next, a public holiday, tbett> will be no ifasue of the .Straits Times. Telegram sheets will be issued as on Sunday h and will be available at the office about 4.30 p.u.
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  • 14 8 There will be evensong in Christ Church Malacci, at p.m. next Sunday, November 11.
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  • 17 8 Mr. Lansing has exoorrated Chevalier Van Rappard, tho Ml ••rl.iiiiJ- Minister, from th« chargu of pro-Gciuian Mtivity,
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  • 19 8 Mo<tin«K of tic l)|>.ti!c. Onoral Lodge and Chapter of Ifca K. ban Arcl-.ip-.lago artbeing In Id in I'tbHEg u-d»y.
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  • 27 8 Mr. Tan Hock Mch of Mm. rs. Hrn Witt nliaviDg fir Mulnci-a |Mi i veaiog ■<v injportaut buhiii^s »yd Hill probably L-t back Borne time ot-zt «nk.
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  • 31 8 Two Hylams wore fined tIOO each, in default one month's imprisonment, in the third police court this morning, for assisting to carry on a public lottery at the Sea View Hotel.
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  • 45 8 A concert specially arranged for the offioers and men of the Army and Navy will bo beld m the V.M.C.A. ball to-morrow at B. 'lo pm. Tbe best known local talent, both civilian and military, has been secured and thu programme is a capital one,
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  • 36 8 At tbe Taiping Assizes, which commenced before Mr. Justice Farrer-Manby, at Taipiug on Monday last, Adolpbus J. Marcus was charged with forging a cheque for 176. Accused was convicted and sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 58 8 The next meeting of the Chinese Christian Association will be beld in tbe CCA. Hall, Prinsep Street, on Thursday, the 1f 1 1 1 inst., at 8 p.m., when tbe following subject will bu discussed Would the resuscitation of tho Queen's Scholarship be an incentive towards higher education ?j" The
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  • 68 8 It is reported that a Chinese resident of Singapore, Wee Ah Teari;;, who owned a saw mill in Johore, was drowned off Johore Bahru some days ago as tbe result of a motor boat accident. He had started out with a number of friends and tbe boat capsized through being
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  • 75 8 Tbe name of the lucky Hylam coffee-shop employee who won the first prizo in the Selangor Lottery is Hec» Ab Soon. He has two brothers in or near I poh, and an aged father in China. He states that he intends investing half of his winnings in buying a rubber
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  • 152 8 News have bf en rproivi d hy cable from Galle of the death of Mr. M. O. M. Ismail, of th-j firm of Messrs. Isumil aud Raheem, diamond merchants and jeweller of Bras Baa&h Road, Singapore', which took place la*t eve-nit>g. Tho deceased, who was nearly CO yean of age,
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  • 152 8 The district magistrate, Rangoon, disposed of tbe application of Mr. H. C. Ward, com ■aercial traveller, residing in tbo Strand Hotel, for exemption from military service. His worship said Mr. H. C. Ward stated that be was not ordinarily resident in British India. I have examined him on oath. He
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  • 161 8 Wm are anked to state that forms aid particulars for driving lie* ne-ts, renewals and registration of motor cars, cycles, etc may be bad at the Traffic Office Central Police Station. Applicants will be tested between 10 and 11 am. on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays only. Forms may bd obtained
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  • 172 8 Referring to the figures regarding agriculture in tbe X.M.S. The Financier o*ys it will be seen that the copra trade la ore ot tl c most valuable in Malaya and one w II worth preserving. On the coutiaiy, bowevr, tLe ■liort-sighted policy is be-in y followed of reducing tbe acreage
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  • 169 8 Ai we know tbo agriculturists of Netber Ihdilm lodia arc satfcring Hevtrely on account of the shortage uf tonnage. This shortage in aggravattd by thu commandeering of tlu> Bant Indian eotuciorciil ttctt by the Dutch Gcvornnient and thu viow is beld in some quarters both in the Dutch East Indits
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  • 421 8 Mr. B. J. P. Joaquiru is shortly leaving for India to join op, says tho Malay Mail. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Craigeo, of Penang, wilt be leaving for India shortly on a holiday. Mr. D. Beatty, I'rottctor of Chinese, Siogapore, is on a visit ot inspection
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  • 23 8 We have to acknowledge |;>0 on behalf ot tbe aboro fund from the Tanjong P«j;ar Dock Recreation Club.
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  • 34 8 The Honorary S. sretary cf the Soldieri and Sailors' Families Association acknowledge with many thanks tho Mai of •267 19 from the Cctuuiitteo of the I K jte-rtuiument Fund.
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  • 57 8 We very gratefully aekuowli following addition to our fund low rrmslicjj the Overseas Club to provide smokes (or out soldiers an J sailors Mr. Albert L. A. Daley IT Tho total we havo received since the fund was opened in August, IVI6, is now
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  • 60 8 The Chinese Consulate-General has received the following telegram from tLe Foreign office at Pekiag Ministry Financa writes according reports Canton Military Government propose float loan fifteen million dollars in Nanyang aad America. Arrange .vith territorial authorities circulate instructions subordinate's to prohibit purchase and assist flotation
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  • 140 8 The Presbyterian >.'hurch in Ore-bard RoaQ was yeste'riiny tlk: MM of a pn t;y w: diling of local inteiim wliou Mr. i.'. Ha I Itrown, of Mf.sHrn. HouHti-ad Bampabira sad Oo"a Port riwottouhiiu bramli, um,ri> i Mus Margaret Miller Forbes, of Brook):n I ,S.A. After tho servici eoadaotad by
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  • 145 8 Attention was dmctud iv Thn Age" (Melbourne) recently to an important pin•ion probltni arißiag out of thy tLi.rttiutut iq the AIF.of vi lit tin -a. It wi.s pointed oul that notwitLstaudiDM tlif 1n.,1i m iiml ctandard inxiiited upon iv Majawi to volunteer*, many unfit men had succeeded
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 EMBASSY' No- 77. jO^k No. 77. 1 CICARETTtS-^fa CIGARETTES and MIXTURE THE ROTOSCILLO THE SUPER SEWING MACHINE Insist on seeing the Rotoscillo before buying. A glance at its construction will convince you of its superiority. There is nothing just like it," neither is there anything "juet as good." Sol* Agents
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    • 237 8 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY AT THE ALHAMBAA CEACH ROAD SECOND SHOW AT 9.15 SHARP Introiiaoiog for thn first time in Mnunpore Uwil J. Salinick't world renownad super production Featuring tbo greatest favoari'.e of all moving piotnre actreMaa CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG IV THE COMMON LAW in 7 r**la of tine drami Produced by
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  • 4013 9 ITALIAN POSITION. Conference of Allied Ministers. RUSSIAN SITUATION. The Kerensky Government Overthrown. Rei Tin's Tii. London, November 8, 13.30 p.m. New Yoik: The As*.«ia»ed Press correspondent at Italiar. Va.i.|iiartcrs says that thanks to the Wt'.iaa rearguards and aeroplanes and an airnlr.p harrassing the enemy and delaying vii aivanoe,
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  • 37 9 Rcutih's Tilhuwi, London, November 7, 9 r »5 p.m. Official Prince Albert has soflicieiitly recovered to take up work ashore. Lindon, November 8, 7 a.m. The death has occurred of the actor Mr. W H. Kendal.
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  • 58 9 Mr. fankOkeaf Hoo, of Penan^, wh< se. death in I «ad dn«l of typhoid' wVaf attat a lurtuit;ht b illne&i. The diceaatJ, «i i wa educated at tho Henang Free Scho I I that institution for HoaMiiate. II HaBM. Brown, i'UUliimand Mtcwait iv ItM and at tbe litue of his
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  • 1940 10 THE CHELSEA DRILL SCHOOL By a Correspondent. The drill book," as the late Colonel Henderson wrote in one of his essays, does not pretend to be an exhaustive tactical truatine. It should bo thoroughly understood, •ben, that the drill book was never intended to be tbe
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  • 147 10 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. MMWa Fraser and Co. report, under date November 7 All t-li irea io this market continue very steady although some profit taking has been noticeable in a few industrial flocks. Mining. Sungti Gaus are available at $18.50, Tiny Kils w, re
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  • 407 10 Acquittal on Charge of Culpable Homicide. At tbe A sgi res yesterday afternoon a unanimous verdict of guilty was returned in tbe case of Mak Seng, a Cantonese, who was charged with robbery. It was alleged that accused waa one of three men who broke into a house
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  • 108 10 To-day's Business. Macpbail and Co.'s daily report Silver— Down 1,4 43 j. Hongkong.— up 1^ 2, 104 24% ptn. Shanghai. Unchanged -4 OJ 57. Tin.— Sold 105 tons at $122$ (making a new record price). Rubber.— Dull. Share Market. Dull. Indragiris are firmer with buyers about $6.40,
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  • 106 10 OUR DAY." St. Anthony's Boys School. We have received a cheque for $150, with a letter informing us that the Boys of St. Anthony's School have decided to contribute that sum towards tbe Red Cross Fund. In tbe ordinary course this money would have been spent upon prizes for the
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    • 62 10 Mrs. Payne won the November spoon with a nett score of 04 100 150 Nett Total yd., yd* Score. Mrs. Payne 80 84 =64 6851 a Booty 29 81 60 66.5H Lyall 82 28 60 66.49 Mugliston... 21 27 48 66.10 Lady Evelyn Young 22 22 44 65.93 Mrs.
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    • 148 10 The first match to be played on tbe new V.M.C.A. athletic ground brought the Middlesex and a Naval team together yesterday before a large crowd of spectators, and an excellent game resulted. A draw of one all was the position at the finish, the soldiers equalising five minutes from
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  • 876 10 Opening of New Athletic Ground And Supper Bar. Two important extensions ot the excellent work of tho V.M.C.A. in Singapore were declared open by His Excellency tbe Governor (Sir Arthur Young, G.C M.G.) yesterday afternoon. The first was tbe athletic ground opposite Messrs. Wcarne Bros., which has
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  • 108 10 Subscriptions to October 31, 1917. SUtel Applications. Subscribers. Amoan tSolanfoi 018 807 1 1,488,370 Perak 434 804 616,180 N'ogri Sembilan 184 83 206.2 10 Pahaog 147 92 88,790 Jhina 196 125 411,850 3. Settlements 101 60 01,810 Siam 101 71 95,770 Sarawak 46 11
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  • Correspondence.
    • 930 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir, Excuse mo returning to tbe charge ooce more, but I find your footnote to my letter more confusing (ban your original statement. On Monday you said "We estimated that Oermauy had 10 million men who could be used for
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    • 257 10 To the Editor of the Struts Times. Sir,— The following extract from a letter to me from the Secretary of the Royal Colonial Institute is worthy of publication in the Far Bast. It should be well worth whilo to make investigations and experiments in the matter of transporting
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    • 222 10 To tho Editor ot the Straits Time*. Sir,— On having read the article Holland's difficulties by a Hollander in your Tuesday's paper, I feel it my duty to throw tbe light lacking, over that epistle. My worthy compatriot has only been corroborating things which everybody knows of already,
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  • 512 10 Weaker Tone and Limited Number Of Buyers. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 320 th auction was hold on November 7 and 8 when Mm offered for sale 15,307.96 picnls or 2,011,U61 lbs. (tons 911.18). Prices realised Smoked Sheet Fine ribbed llln to $120 Good ribbed
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 135 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. A fine new Bluebird production, Tbe Pulse of Life, is the chief feature of tho present Palladium programme. The Casino is at present showing a World hilm Corporation play of quality entitled The Arrival of Perpetua. Tbe Gaiety baa a special programme for to night, preventing the
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  • 1228 11 UNUSUAL NUMBER OF DEATHS AT PORT SWETTENHAM. Meeting of the Committee A meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee wu held at Pcnang on October no. Tl n »-i re present The Controller of Labour (Mr. J. H. O. Aldworth), chairman, tbe Principal Medical Officer, F.M.S. (Dr. C. L.
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  • 301 11 Programme of drills, etc., tor week ending Friday, November 9, 1917. Friday, Xovkmbir 9. sp.m. Jardines Steps D.R.F. aad G.L. Specialists. 5.15 p.m. DriU Hull S.V.A. all deUiU. 4 M p.m. Johnston's Pier S.R.B I V) 5.1 o p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co., S.V.C. 6.10 p.m. Drill
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  • 81 11 IK" .IHSIHK OP Dl'.lLl. I VKMBSB. Friday 9tU. Both Companies Parade Boatload Institute, 5.16 p.m. Monday l'2th. No Parades owing to I holiday. Friday 16th.-Parades Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 6.15 p.m. Monday ltfth Both Companies parade BouHtead Institute, 5.15 p.m. Friday '23rd.— Parades Pearls Hill and
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  • 85 11 A Chinese of Ksmpong Attap was summontd in the Kuala Lumpur Polioe Court, before Mr. A. \V. .last, Magistrate, on Wednesday, for allowing his dog to be at large on a public road without its license badge, and forUier, at the same time, allowing his dog at large without a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 350 11 New shipment of Moutrie Pianos Just to hand. Call and make your choice NOW S. Moutrie Co Ltd. (Incorporated in Hongkong) THE CIRCUS OF NO REGRETS WILLISON-WIRTH'S ANGLOAMERICAN CIRCUS MENAQERIE THIS EVENING AT B.l O'JI.OJK PARTIAL CHANGE OF PROGRAMMME On KxumiTioN Daily 10 am. to 10 I'M. Our mastodonio menagerie
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    • 188 11 RAFFLES HOTEL A SPECIAL SCOTCH DINNER AND DANCE will be given on ST. ANDREWS EVE, NOVEMBER 29 Commencing at, 8 o'clock sharp All Scotsmen intending to join the above are requested to app'y for tables tarly. 25 OF THE TAKINGS OF THE ABOVE DINNER WILL BE GIVEN TO THE RED
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  • 1419 12 A DARING PARTY OF WAR CORRESPONDENTS. Thrilling Experience. Die up to-dato newspaper woman is as wit ig to takn chance* quite as sensational us in r brothers al the press in obtaining li it -band news of world stirring events in urder that ea«or readers at
    1,419 words
  • 360 12 The following new books arc ready for issue: J. E. Buokrose, The Gossip Shop, 1917 S ***** S. K. Crockett, The Azure Hand, (n.d.) S ***** Beatrice Grimehaw, Nobody's Island, 1917 S ***** Headon Hill, The Man from Egypt, 1917 S ***** Amy Le Feuvre, Tomina in Retreat,
    360 words
  • 185 12 As a proof of bow pressing bad vital is the call for moo at the front a norrespondont sends as the following par culars The Military Hill, voted by the French Parliament, and called Mourier, after the name of its author has as one of
    185 words
  • 1542 12 THE INFANT AND HIS GREAT SHOW. By 2nd Lieut. J. P. Lloyd. The Infant was sitting in the crazy dugout, that served as A Company's Headquarters, writing a letter, and sucking alternately at a cigarette and the business end of an indelible pencil. His "tin-hat" was
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  • 669 12 They Make a Better Fist Of Social Life." Mr. John Galsworthy has recently been in France, and gives some interesting impressions in the Fortnightly Kcview. I And the women of France If the men are bound in that mysterious kinship, how much more so are the
    669 words
  • 88 12 A vegetarian society which appealed tot the exemption of its members on the ground that they do not eat fish, flesh, 01 fo#l and are consequently opposed to the killing of buman beings," received from the Deputy Attorney General a diverting reply. I think," he wrote, there is no idea
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 213 12 Bacchus Marsh CONCENTRATED FROZEN Milk In quarts, pints and half-pints SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE I COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in straits Settlement!) We are the only lmporterajof BRITISH BLANCHARD LAMPS Direct from Faotory Beware of Imitations You are certain ot obtaining spares il you buy your BLANCHARD LAMP FROM US SOO C.P.,
      213 words

  • 1043 13 NEW CRUSADE AGAINST THE SWASHBUCKLERS. The Kaiser's Mad Dreams. The campaign against the Shooters," as tbc Pan-Gerniauiacs are now called by the German Socialists, is beginning to assume quite formidable dimensions. Herr Philip Scheidomann's challenge to Dr. Michaelis to repudiate tbese fire-eaters and their policy is, in
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 213 13 LARGE NEW STOCKS Just unpacked at WHITEAWAY'S LADIES' BATHING COSTUMES Oos piece navy bine-i ced white. Small nfdiam aod large "izes Price. $1.50, 1.75. 1.95 each. LADIES' COTTON UNDERVESTS Tvo P'«e-n«vy b'ne laced wh.te, »!1 sizes. Lowciri i»ud njßl. vt-H. w u «b and Price $5.50 fdoh. wearwi.l A Prices
      213 words
    • 172 13 FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN SUCCESSION We secured the Contracts for the supplies of Portland Cement during 1917 to m jjfs^y rOTHE MUNICIPALITY GOVERNMENT Singapore lL %W^ m mm. This is sufficient proo" of the superiority of the HAIPHONG DRAGON Brand Beware of Imitations DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents: Straits Settlements,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 566 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollars WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (iMOKPoaATU) in Stbaits Sinimum) HBAD OFFICI i Winoheater House, Sintfapora. LONDON OFFICE i Ba, Old Jewry, E.G. Tbc Company has C 20.000 deposited with
      566 words
    • 513 14 BANKINe HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incorporatbd in Homokonb) PAID-UP CAPITAL 115X00,000 RBSEKVB FUNDS Sterling jEI.COO.OCO at 2/- |16 OCO.COO Silver $18,600,000 188,600,000 Reserve Liability of O-oprietors *18,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. S. H. Dodwell. Chairman. Hon. Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Deputy Chairman Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton.iC. S.
      513 words
    • 967 14 BAHKIHQ. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN BNGLAND BT ROTAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital in 60,000 Shares of jSOeaeb 41,100,000 Reserve Fund J81,900,000 Reserve Liability ol Proprietors... 41,200,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County i and Wostmi&ster Bank,
      967 words
    • 1082 14 INSURANCE. THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co., Ltd. 'inoorpomted la Hongkong *na Registered under the Assurance companies Aot (1909) England) Paid lo Polioyholdors by Singapore Office in 1916 $382,390.00 Paid to Polioyholders since the Company's inoeption 15,627,833.69 Total Insurance in force 81.12.18. 86,426,520.88 Total Asscta 10,888,303.60 ALL KINDS OF POLICIES
      1,082 words

  • 537 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Boat Racing. The speed motor boat, Mystery IV, so called because of the secrecy coucerning its engine, lowered the veil after breaking tho record in the Catalina Island classic raoe, when the ownor, Frank Uarbutt, permitted inspec on of the
    537 words
  • 285 15 How London's 5,100 Daily Guests' Are Welcomed. Interesting statistic* have been issued oi I tfae accommodation and transport arrange- uifcuts mudu in Londoc for the benefit of men on leave daring Jaly last. The total number of persons engaged in the carrying oat of thbbe
    285 words
  • 110 15 Tho Tokyo Government recently announced that an aurtemont has been entered into, whereby Japan agree* to float for Russia a loan oi V .66,667,000, on condition that the whole of ttiti loan i« taken op by the Japanese Tuarury tot pl&ced on tho open
    110 words
  • 85 15 ■itfc'rn, is the sj-eat-•t fct;n.adott< Napoleon's famous TM4i-.ii ,1, wio, ujru the bud of Pan lawyur, »-etnJcJ the Swedish lliruno in 1818 and M tlv ny KaftasMii king who contrived to keep liis irown. Kint; Oastavus is, theref n .1- Mich by difotnt, but marriage has brought him m jch
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 127 15 MOTORS fPOQA Engines are made by the 1 irgest marina 6«n \J engine plant in the world Popular Prices o_|» n Single cylinder, complete d-n.p. %eady for installation $500 6-h n Twin-cylinder, complete ready for installation TOO 10-H.D. ■*->ylinder,completeready q-tct for installation i O 2O 35-h.p. Tflffi,,?** 2 ,250 The
      127 words
    • 143 15 DUNLOP TYRES Remember, every other pneuJ*^^^ > J matic tyre on the market C fc^a 2£ to-day is in principle an imi\P*J| f tation of the original Dunlop c\ K tyre and the tyre manufactur-SiQ-^laffi ers of to-day were many of *jJO&S&i/i W them once licensees under the L~~~~jSf[ %L
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 563 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENEB BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT. MUKT .K'N'IOR TYPIST WANTED Apply Box No. 476, Straits Time 8 11— IS 11 WANTED, a nnrsery governess for one little girl. Apply Box No. 474 Straits Times. 8-11—7-12 WANTED, a general clerk with knowlodge of typow">>:<g and acccuuts. '-pply Box 471. Str»r-
      563 words
    • 546 16 MISCELLANEBUB LBSSONS in French and Bnglish given t.y -■> -il Mra.: Til:.- U U--4 1LADY TYPIST, Mrs. f. Cooper Abbs. Address BURLINOTON, Coleman Street. 811— 2 13 SO A Xl > AND RESIDENCE WANTED by bachelor. Tennis court essential. Apply Box Xj 472, Straits Times. 8 11-9 11 TU LKT,
      546 words
    • 493 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LSI, tarnished, 1337, Confederate state about 260 feet from tbe saa, rent 986 pr month. Apply M. Sayers, 4, l)o Sonza treet. 8 11— n TU LE i Mount Levina No. 86, Barker Road. Excellent view, (onr bedrooms, rent xoderate Apply S. J. Jodah A Co.,
      493 words
    • 278 16 KIAM KIAT CO. MARKET STREET for immediate delivery SPECIAL MINING CHANGKOLS THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore IS CONDUCTED BY H. N. BUGKERIDGE Late of Men p». Lafayette, photographer i to their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 pacei north of the adelphi Hotel BUN BEE AND COMPANY
      278 words
    • 322 16 TAY GUAN KIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality fortheyearloiM Full particulars on application to above address. 'Phone Nob. 1361, 1362 and Private 1450 and 1073. BOON SENG CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS AND SAIL MAKERS 11 and 19, Robinson Road Phone No. 1161 Sole Agents for PONTIUS BOILER
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    • 246 16 FIRST-CLASS GARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT 'PHON 1233 Wo have nuniorous enquiries lor second hand cars from our clients in the Strait* and F.M.S. If you wish to buy any, commit us, we will be able to fulfil your needs. When you intend to sell, consult us, we shall (etch a
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 261 16 Straits !&imes, TELEPHONES i Editorial and General 58 Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Offioe 1U44 AU communications relating Io editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to busmen matters advertisements, pubcrintione accounts, printing, ew.— should be addressed to THE MANAOBR. Cheque* and money orders
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