The Straits Times, 31 October 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.559 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 149 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Pfioe now $19.00 p»T MH THE TWO-SEATER (NEW MODEL) MAXWELL CAR IS NOW ON VIEW AT Alec. Williamson, Limited, 4, Orchard Road. Price: $2,200 nett cash ex garage, ready for the road. Full particulars from the above, or from The Borneo Co., Ltd. SOLE IMPORTERS. he
      149 words
    • 34 1 Is it Turps "you want? Then ask for T U R TRADE MV M ARK E N E Pure Mineral Turpentine THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM Co. (S.S.), Ltd. (Incorporated in Bngland; St. HBLBN-S COURT, SINOAPORB
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    • 109 1 ROBINSON CO. iff' --^BP^ BHg E2 Granit— Fibre is extremely hard bends without cracking thus forming an ideal trunk foundation Granit— Fibre Trunks similar to illustration Stocked in three sizes: 32, 34 and 36 inches ROBINSON CO. Delicious New Things Billiard Tables Stocka held of Your table is doomed to
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    • 12 1 KARTELL'S BRANDY. 9OL« AUINTS AOAMBON BILRLUN ft 00., LTO. Incorporate!, in Knglnndl
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  • 1031 2 Too f jllomag oaai:*r..ea ato reported London, Ootober 4. Died of wonnds.—Lieut. W. Bee, R.F.A.; 2nd Liout. H. Braccwell, Sborwjuds; 2nd link it. liv l. '11. R F A.; Capt. H. H. E. Kergusou. ILL I 2aJ L .-at. li. U. Glover, H.K.A.; L' ut L. M. Haaler,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 412 2 Tpoi*cti wfll s«> rrci >'1 r to uocr oa H ■»Rry'a ?jatra< linn lor thufa?'J/-'l >o;Hv,rdniu»ti»i< !orm« Iconsrstinß ot tinif. .-.users, bcrt-, l.rm 1 4 a. U. j <9reUry'a Ofl-ie. Biafla c ot a< tn« ii. V. kj. Li-ili i%». li<.±~ K.^a, I —in- j S*mpice nt featasj MM Be
      412 words
    • 145 2 Anaemia Aruerric SfJrls, weak chilthen Mad ;a»kd motl»ei» v^i and vigour by taJlng M~OT 3 ilroul- tien ivieaiciws and food, H frr» f 1 v i? blood, nromctep tppetiUs. and bring* back the .o and the joy if hi all Sutbesureto gdt SCO r > S— no othc has the
      145 words
    • 455 2 iH-roieb YOUR SKIN AND f COMPLEXfON 1 b. k.^4 i. IWIm rn.JinM J Itx r* RHMd br r— .l. imm W B««bam'. L> r.U. li t.r~-... J R^tbr^, R.^.^. T» 5. 01t...« Hd L|,«Un v .!Trna» W Mil hil«nM k, \SL BEE. HAM A >« tjSS3 V" CHU.TFNHAH JfW&a .<MLAWD.
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    • 422 2 WlPlil" ;il!]|!V!J7;!<t!jW;}Wj^^ V <; -jp H L^UlllllllHlllf TO WlUliiUbh. lmlUUliiilii.ililljUr a ,M 1 f *^-^ulllllilliMii4 In youth— middle age— and, old age— Wincarnia gives new health to ail who are Weak. Aijfflfc. "Nervy," Run-down. In every waik in life— in every civilised country in the world thera you will find
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  • 965 3  -  F. J. Sleath A GRIN SKETCH FROM THE FRONT. By There had been fighting op tbc line, and the dty alter the attack an officer was Bent from divisional headquarters en a special uiihhiou K> the headquarters o< a bn^auc which bad been heavily engaged. The nay to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 614 3 a 4& t& *M i x a^ MaT > STROPPING NO HvJNING l« M not many ircari »<o «nee every bu who •Kn\ril uif J fin o\. ■'-•dV drapoiin of china. 1 o-day ovrr 7.0<X).U00 m*n Jhlh^^^ IU-or Can tKr.e b- any otser rea.on for tkia Wffßbtf'fjET"^' -J. i ...v
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    • 1186 3 I I 11, Ii IT, a* ftum 1 (T 9m Ni i tor oi IM ov., B I Tuudoru ohuitld bu Bbut in HaM joverti ir*:.,! •M, j.l T If 30 riquir i tbo toivJirer ma^t at tl i Mu.o o.' i it a tan if ]hi f-._ d -<i.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 623 4 HI SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD (laoouoßAtao m SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringvann, Bimit, Semerak, Baeho, Kelantaa, Tabai Baatpiara, Tulnpia, taarai, Pataai, Singora. Laeon, Kobaamni. Bandoa, Laaftanea, Übnmpoa, Kohlak a baagaek, Due Departure a.a. ASDANG Oot. 81, a p.m. a.a. BORIBAT Nov. a Nov. 7, 8 p.m. The steamers are fitted
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    • 432 4 SUAMkK FAILINGS. OSAKA 3HOSENKAISHA (Inoobpobatbd in Japan) (Osaka MsrcaslHs Staaiaihlp Co., Ltd.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. Tbe Company maintains a .regular oargt servioe with six steamers oallicg at Moji Yokkaiohi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swet tenbam, Ponang, Colombo and Bombay, and on tbe return voyage oalling at Tatioorin, 'Jingapore, Hongkong and Moji. PACIFIC
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    • 191 4 STEAMER SAILINIS. Ban Lee Ann. Ld. (INCOBPOBATBD 111 SINGAPOBB) 88 89, Market Street. STEAMSHIP SERVICES For Meraing, Penyabong, and Remaman a.a. Mereing. For Batn Pahat a.a. Mersn. For Rhio, Lingga and Singkep a.a. Eamer«lda. For Malaooa a. a. Sri Q itsni. For Caoob, Pontian Besar, Pontian Ketohil and Sennit a.a.
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    • 248 4 I; 1 t HI '*,n -VW V ray ,n |i wv Jks i por j >^pP»Pi*i ||t^i7!i wHSbbbA M W til .jJ I I I I 9ft t.-Ja^jl B ■^kKI H^B& kV^^'v^bk^lHEblbEb; r v «*^t a^g r Bole Importer* i INTERNATIONAL OREOIET ft HANOELBVEREENI6INB ROTTERDAM. BINBAPORE Bl Best Manila Cigars
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 886 5 JP j AUCTIONEERS VALUERS E7- c IncoaroßATßD In Simoapobb. MdTABLJSHBD 64 YBARS. M; FORTHCOMING SALES. Not. 18. At oar saleroom, at 8 p.m. By order of tbe J Custodian of Ed; my Property pn<-noant to so aB i(Tl«*i order of His Bxoelleney tne Governor id Council. Sale of a valuable
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    • 627 5 JONG-KEENfi ISWEETI In consequence of the bitter taste of this preparation, the Proprietor, Mr. Y. Tan, has much pleasure in announcing j that aft^r protracted experi-' ments he is now in a position to offer it in a sweetened form which, while being more palat-; able, will be found quite
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    • 454 5 What is "Pudlo"? Pndlo is tbe name of tbe new waterproofing compound which has been reoeotly plaoed on the market by Messrs. Kerner-Greenwood Co., of King's Lynn. Tbe word Padlo ia coined from tho day puddle which wap so Rood friend to Brindley and the early engineers. Tbe pnbstanee is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 237 6 MANAGER WANTED A European firm, intending to open a ■ranoh in Singapore, requires a young man, active reliable, with a Singapore market experience and a thorouiih knowledge of export prodnoes. Fir^t class referenoos wanted Good futoro tor tbe right man. Confidential solicitations to be addressed C. B. A. 10*25, Strait*
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    • 369 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. -OUR DAY" Under the auspioes of tbe SINGAPORE RECREATION CLUB, a DANCE will be given at the Victoria Memorial Hall ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1917, AT 9 P.M. I IN AID OFTHE RED CROSS FUND Admission by tickets Gentlemen, 18 eaob (with privilege of inviting one lady) Ladies,
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    • 513 6 "Triomplie" Sardines IN oil> Wat tomato* Packed in Mb. and J lb. white tins with brass labels as above. Easily opened by keys attached. BUY "TRIOMPHE" SARDINES YOU WILL LIKE THEM. Because they represent the highest quality in Sardines, being packed in pure olive oil and in tomato. These Sardines
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  • 110 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, October 31, Hiyh Water, 10.25 a.m., 11.27 pm rkoraday, November I. Hlßh Water, 10 57 am. •VUay, November 2. Hi K b Water, i) 9 ».m.. 11. 53 a.m Municipal Coinmuutionera, 2.80 p.m. Saturday, November 3. ■feb Water, 0 60 am., 0.8 p.m. Pnlan RalanK
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  • 165 7 To-day. Malacca 2.30 p'u Seta Pabat 2.80 pm P. Bwettenham and Penang '2.80 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Telak Knuon 2.30 pm t. Sambo, Anauiba, Natuua Is. and Scrasaan 8 pm Polau Batam and Polaa B- lang 8 pm Pontiauak 8 pm -Ui..- t; 4pm Bangkok 4
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  • 258 7 The nail traiae from Singapore for the morth leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m and 7 ejn., Moving at Kuala Lompar at T.lB p.m. ana 0.43 a.m. respectively. Tbe through expmes to Ptnang leaves Koala j Lumpur at t) ».:j. daily, arriving at Penang at 6.23
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  • 48 7 (Oficial Post Uffloe Report.) Ltrr Swuapokb Arbivid LoHDoa AayUft 24 1. OffTlHt 38 P. O. AagOHt Ul B. I. September 7 M. 91. tfaptomker 0 B. I. geptoaiber 10 T 0. •rptembw 12 B. I. I MHB Mr 13 18 18 28 17 17 37
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  • 182 7 EXCHANQU, Bnwriu, OcTossa 81, 1017. Oa LoaoM 4 m/s t/4| Demaad as Mi Private lD|l m Ml j Oa Fauraa Bank T. T. 618 Oa Imu Baak T. T. 16S Oa Howaio»B...Baak d/d 29%pm Oa SaAaaiAi ...Baak d/d 6«i O»Jav* BaakT. T. 180 O»Japah... Baak 108 i
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    • 157 7 £g Bayew Sell*.. 10 10 Ampang 6.00 1 1 Ayot Weng 200 3.26 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 41 41 KintaTin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 41 Lahat Mines 6.40 605 10 10. Malayan Collieries 11.75 12.25 41 41 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 norn 10 10 Middleton 18.10 10.00 6/- 6/-
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    • 109 7 GE NE RA L. 41 41 I. SmeltiM Oo. 7.7S 8.C0 41 41 PTel. 1.1.0 1.8.0 6/- I/- Blootoio T'wayi 4/- 6/10 10 Fraaet Neave 46X0 47.00 c d 60 W W.HammetACo. 75.00 80.00 100 100 K*»i Bro, Del. pur 120.00 10 10 lUynwd Co. 8.00 41 41 Shell Transport
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    • 47 7 Unitedßngineers 6% 11,284,600 par Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6% 4860,000 norn sporeManicipal 6% 11,878,000 par a pore Municipal «t% *****7 11,600,000 10%dis Spore Manioipal 4| of 1609 11,000,000 10»c^ Spore Manicipal 4% 2,000,0C0 11% rk Spore Manicipal 4% 4800,000 F.M.S. 8% loan 1916 116,000,000 108.60 IU4 00
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  • 331 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prioea. Frasoi Lyall k Co. Evatt. Hot Gajah (II) 4.40 4.00 4.40 4.60 Imal. Malay fy. pd. 2.75 8.00 0.80 1.00 Iyer Hitam (»6) 16.00 16.60 16.00 15.60 Iyer Kaning ($1) 145 1.66 1.45 1.65 Iyer
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 129 7 FOR SALB. a seafcr Calthorpe oar in tfffff""*** oondition with spare wheel and tyre, Bjbc'j magneto, lamps, etc. Owner learind the colony. Prioe 81,600 or near alter. To be seen at No. 880, Serangoon Boad. 8110— 18 11 MEBBRB CHIN 6 KENS LEE 00. WILL SELL BY AUCTION Oa S»tou>ai,
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    • 517 7 LATEST ADYERTIBEIIEIITB, WANTBDATONCB.inaSiBRapore hotel, an experience 1 pantryman who oan prepare of ffoo. 886 per month BaUry with board and odsios. Letters to H. X o/o Strait* Times. 81-10-1-11 TO LBT. Lady has partol nioelr furnished honse to let in «ood luoalily. Tencia, gas and «at r laid on. Apply
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  • 1208 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31. NATIONAL GRATITUDE. It is not our intention to attempt the painting of tbe lily or the gilding of refined gold. Mr. Lloyd George has paid a glorions tribute to the men of tbe navy, to tbe men of the merchant marine, and to tbe
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  • 25 8 The F.M 8 Government G»» tte of October it, c ntiiDs a li-t of taveuty vine person* baai bad during the mouth of Sepleiobei, 1»17
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  • 17 8 Tbe Selangor Turf Club's lottery closes to-day. It is expeoted that the amount realised will exceed 1800,000.
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  • 19 8 A Frenob Consular oable states that tbe mail steamer, Mascara, bound from Marseilles to Tunic sank with all hands.
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  • 31 8 Says the Malay Mail The Director of Agriculture would be much obliged if any estate which has planted up any acreage of castor oil would communicate with him in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 28 8 Tbe Germanpighterp, Lehe, Bremen, Barg, Geestemuude, Let>am, Bremerhaven and Vegcsack and the German vessels Weudt and Aldebaran have been condemned as lawful prizes by the Siamese Price Court.
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  • 35 8 Freehold land and houso No. 98, Middle Koad, area 1,260 eqjaro feet, were sold by auction by Messio. Chiug Keng Lee am! Co. at their saleroom on Monday afternoon to Mr. S.A.B.A. Altway for 1i,700.
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  • 36 8 A ricksha puller is in hospital suffering from injuries received by being knocked down by a motor car in Pasir Panjong Koad. He complains that the car drovo on, but thinks he could identify tbe driver.
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  • 38 8 Owing to an outbreak of rinderpest in Province Wullesley the Resident of IVrak has prohibited tho importation of cattle thencu into Perak. The veto on the importation of cattle from the West Coast of Siam has been removed.
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  • 41 8 The Our Day football match, Penang v. Kedah, was played ou tho Esplanade, Peiiang, on Saturday last, before a large crowd of spectators. Although well contented, the Karne was not remarkable for any first-class play, and ended in a goalless draw.
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  • 48 8 News reached Hongkong on October 28 that tbete has been fighting for two days in tbe district of Poklo, about twenty miles N.E. of Sheklung, between the independent troops of Waichow aud a force sent against them by the Canton Government. The battle appears to have been iudeoisive.
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  • 59 8 Dr. von Sandt, tbe civilian Governor of Belgium, has been dismissed, says &n Exchange Telegraph despatch from Amsterdam. Tbe dismissal is incomprehensible," adds the despatch, "as the Government had trusted him to write tho history of the occupation of Belgium. He was the only Cicrman official in Belgium who ever
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  • 72 8 Official reports from the Japan Home Office place tbe total number of casunUies from the Tukyo typimou at 1,618 with M 0 persons de&d, 818 missing aud tbe injured at 660. Tl.e number of buildings completely or partially carried away by tbe floods total--26,107 and tbote flooded total 160,208. Tbe
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  • 90 8 Mr. D. R. DavidHon, mb accountant of tbe i.'harten d Bank, Ipoli, who has been eingo larly unfortunate in the matter of motor cycle accidents, says the Times of Malaya, met with another on Saturday afternoon probably Ibe worst of tbe three experi enccd during the l&Kt six months. II?
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  • 104 8 In order to consider tbe allotment of tbe cargo space on the trans Pacilie service for the next year, a conference was held between tbe representatives of the three leading shipping firms comprising tbe Nippon Yusen Kaisha, the Osaka Shosen Kaisha and the Toyo Kiaen Kaisha and a groap of
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  • 108 8 A pa>sengpr by tbe mill train on Friday night from Singapore states, says the Malay Mail, that Bbortly aft-, r leaving Tampin a Chinese prisoner, who was handcufiYd and hi charge of two Bengali policemen, asked to bd allowed to go to the lavatory. His handcuffs were removed and he
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  • 109 8 John H. Bossfter, of San Francisco, vicepr'Siiirnt and mml mauager of the I'.u-iric Mail Steamnhip Company, was tbe owner of tbn nine valuab'u rauchorsos reported lout when tbe American transport Minnehaha wus kubmarined off the Irinb coast. Kokw-t-T, who was importing the horses for hix riouama county ranch, received confirmation
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  • 140 8 Mr. A. West, of the Preventive Service, pro pcrok-d a Chinese engineer, Lin Han, in the S coud Court, Cenang, on Muuday, with importing opium into tbo Colony. It appeared 'hat on Octobers Mr W. »t beard.d th.i Hild in Lint Dour, and < n proceeding to tbe accused'H cabin
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  • 460 8 Capt. H. A. Neubronner has returned to Penang looking quite fit after bis trip to Australia. Mr. R. Billet, the well- known jockey, oi Penang, has returned from India where ha bad a successful season. Mi. A. Nisbot, manager of the Scmpaa Hydraulia Mine Co., Ltd., has
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  • 89 8 The changes in tho X.M.S. railway timetable, which wire to hay» come into operation on November 1. have been deferred, and will be pat into fcrce from December 1. It was firxt announcod that the changes would come into i fleet from October IS, and then
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  • 238 8 In the early boors oi th< Mtb inst., tbe Shanghai Fire Brigade was ca led oat to what tbu North China Daily News describes «s probably one of the large»t fires for some years past. Tho premiHis involved wero the godowns of the Oriental Cottob Spinning
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  • 273 8 A charge of boarding a quantity of silver ooirjH, uuru than was r< (|iiir. <i for pri-f, ired SKainnt a nou>i,i, Ntok (Juan Kui, n siding at 16H, Si am; T. 1< l< ..»d, in the Second Court, i'enani;, ou Monday, bi(. re Mr. O. C.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 210 8 The Antigraph Filing System The letter which knows where to go Cnt tbe human element out of your filing system and you will be able to find any paper tbe moment you want it. Tbia system baa tbe endoriement of tbe leading London business booses. They would net praise it
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    • 137 8 A DELIGHTFUL PICTURE STORY BOBWORTHS ATTRACTION BHEWIN6 BOSWORTH S INGENUITY ATTHI jUHAMBRA The Hall for Malic Th« Pionaar and Premier Houm The Houm el Quality, Btach Road. SBCOND SHOW AT 9.16 SHARP HotMPt Boiworth pi-MMtt Elila Jani. la NEARLYALADY In 8 acti Tbia film play gives a vtry fine example
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  • 4500 9 ITALIAN POSITION. German Move Getting Weaker. WESTERN ACTIVITY. Another Attack on German Lines. Rbitiu'i Tt i •uvs, Lon Ion, October 80, 2.6S a.m. The Italian newspapi rs testify to the nation's stiffening of morale. Party differences are being forgotten. There art* linking demonstrations cf patriotism on all sidei,
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  • 1870 10 THE PREPARING OF DRAFTS AS REINFORCEMENTS. By a Correspondent. Sinoe tbe kx ginning of 1916 ihe main work of infantry training bu consisted in pre paring drafts an reinforcements to uuit« already ai the (runt. It will be remembered that according to tbe original organisation of
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  • 393 10 Good Prices and Estimate Exceeded. Tin- seventh annual general meeting of tbe Mandai Tekong (Singapore) Rubber Estates, Ltd, was held at the offices of the coinpauy in Market Street yesterday. Mr. I. liiui Tuan was in tbe chair, and the others preM nt wore Messrs A. W.
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  • 1913 10 LABOUR AND THE STOCKHOLM CONFERENCE. From Our Special Correspondent. London, September 0. If a German submarine or a stray mine! has not sen' my two previous letters to (he bottom of tbe sea, you will have learned something, I bope, of Labour conditions and sentiment in this
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  • 181 10 Tbe committee acknowledge with thaoki the following subscriptions to the above fund Previously acknowledged 1152,447.14 Li Shi Shu Sbet i Per Phun Yee Wwi Kun Phun Yee Wwi Kun HO LeoDg Cbeong and Co. 10 10 Heng Yen Kuan 10 Fraaer and Neave, Ltd. 600 C.
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  • 352 10 The Palladium management was able to secure some excellent talent tor the successful concert given last nigbt in aid of the Our Day Fund, and the result was a well varied programme which gave every satisfaction to tbo audience. It was a light and bright entertainment
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  • 110 10 The following are the events arranged for the ensuing week in connection with tbe Our Day Fund To-day. Sacred Concert, Presbyterian Church, 9 p.m. Thursday. Casino Entertainment. Friday. S.V.C. Smoker. Saturday. Masquerade Ball, Adolphi Hotel. Monday, Alhambra Entertainment. II baa been decided to postpone the Garden Club auction
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  • 89 10 To-day's Business. Macphail and Co.'s daily report Silver.— Up Bd. i4B to) 40. Hongkong.— 2/1 H 29% pm. Shanghai.— S/2 65. Tin.— No market. Robber. Tbe aaotion has opened with a fair demand for No. 1 grades at about last week's quotations— crepe 1121/124, sheet •117 120.
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  • 219 10 Orders of The Day for Next Meeting. Following are the orders of the day (ot the meeting of the Legislative Council on Monday next Motion by the acting Treasurer— "Tbat tbia Council approves an addition of 16,000 to the vote Government contribution to Hospital Board, 1262,941, Item 1,
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  • 702 10 t Decision in Favour of SubTenants. The weekly meeting of (be Rent Assessment Board was held yesterday afternoon, tbe President (the Hon. Mr. C. J. Saunders) being in tbe cbair. Tbe Board further considered tbe application of tbe Chinese newspaper publisher of 128, Cross Street, who recently
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  • 107 10 Tbe following paragraph is taken from a Peking contemporary Oeneral Chen Pingkan, Tuchun of Kuangtung, in replying to the n quest of ex-Premier Usiang Hsi fin for relief for the poor flood sufferers, says that all old uniforms of the troops have been sold and there is nothing ho can
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  • Correspondence.
    • 374 11 To the Editor o! the Strait* Time*. Sir, Your correspondent, Mr. S. 11. Vardon, writes an interesting letter, bat, I'ici pt that I am always prepared to admit that H. O. Wells writes most entertainingly, I am unable to agree with bis whole-hearted admiration of thin writer.
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    • 484 11 To tbe Editor ol the Strait Times. Sir,— Will you kindly allow me to thank Street: through tbe colntuDS of your widely read journal for having championed tbe cause of tbe officials of the most overworked Ui'Viruiucnt departments in Malacca If I bad not been away I should
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    • 140 11 To (lie Editor of tin Strmita Time*. Sir,— When travelling, lately, through the Molucca* IhiamU I unearthed, in the uld church, Aiuboiua. tablet* to the memory of the following British offioera, who died duriDK the British occupation oi tbo Dutch Indies, viz. < apmin Henry l!lankenhaK»n, ill*. Lieutenant
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  • 30 11 A warrant baa bass iatasd (or the arrest of SB* Lam Siew Took, eaabier to Taa Oeok *uaa. of 141. Crass street, OS toe complaint ■ht! baa aascoadsd witb 11.578.
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  • 568 11 Statement at the Statutory Meeting. Tbe statutory meeting in connection with Muar Robber, Limited, was held yesterday at the registered offices, French Bank Building. Tbe chairman (Mr. A. H. Fair), presided, and the others present were Messrs. J. M. Sime, P. M. Robinson, Tan Kheam Hock (directors), T.
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  • 80 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, November 2, 1917. WIDKBSOAT, OCTOBIB 81. 5.15 p.n. Drill Hall S.V.A. all details. 4.30 p.m. Balestier Rng. Maxim Co., S.V.C. 515p m. Drill Hall S.V.H. attd. Max. 5.10 p.m. S.V.K. 4.80 p.m. Johnston's Pier S.V.R. details. 6.15 p.m. T.P.
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  • 107 11 PhuuKakmi or DMBU i'»n N ■■tbmiik. Friday 2rd Both Companies Parade Pcaris Hill, 6.15 p.m. Monday 6th.— both Compauii.R Parade Nark Hill, 5.15 p.m. Knday 9th. -Both Companifs Parade li.jii-'.'. ad loHtituti-. 5.15 p.m. .V.nday I'Mi.— Koute March— fall in Pearls Hill, dismiss Sepoy Lines Police Station.
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  • 175 11 Tbe Palladium makes a change of programme to night with the principal attraction in new Bluebird production, Tbe Reward of tbe Faitblesn. Bluebird films are always worth seeing, u.iJ the latest one promises well. In to night's change of programme at the Albambr* the Htar attraction is
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 491 11 We are in a position as ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS of the Moutrie Piano to offer you the finest value in pianos in S.S. and F.M.S, We shall be pleased to demonstrate our latest models if you can call on us, or we will send catalogues on application. 8. MOUTRIE CO., LTD.
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    • 287 11 RAFFLES HOTEL A SPECIAL SCOTCH DINNER AND DANCE will be given on ST. ANDREW'S EVE, NOVEMBER 29 Commencing at 8 o'clock sharp All Seottmen intending to join the above are requested to app'y for tables early. 11% OF THE TAKINGS OF THE ABOVE DINNER WILL BE 6IVEN TO TNE RED
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  • 1932 12 PROPOSAL TO FORM A RUBBER PLANTATION. Low Working Expenses. Tbe annual general meeting of the Posing Bhst i Tin Mines, Ltd., in held on September l J, at the registered offices of the comriuj, 05, London Wall, Mr. William Antrobus lining (chairman of tbe company) preeid icy.
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  • 309 12 We have received the following menu and recipes from the Food Keforni Society Menu. Barley soap or broth. Savoury roast. Spinach. Potatoes and brown tfravy. Cheshire fritters. Leckie cream Recipes. Barley soap.- Two teacups of pearl barley, 6 small oarrota, lb. potatoes, chopped parsley, 2 quarts of
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  • 945 12 (Fbom Ocb Own Cobrkspondint.) Malacca, October 29. Oar Day celebrations in Malacca at any rate, the prinoipal one* are now things of the past, but they will ever linger pleasantly in the memories of the citizens of the plaoe. Mention has already been made of tbe successful
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  • 179 12 The Dowager Lady Dimsdale appeals (or woollen oomlorts, hassifs and oretonne ditty bags (or oar merchant seamen. There ii a constant demand, she writes, (or olothes and comforts. Seooud hand clothing is also needed (or the crews of torpedoed vessels. Twelve thousand torpedoed seamen from 468
    179 words
  • 594 12 An Account of the Executive's Work Tbe following letter, which was read at the meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya held in Johore, gives a concise account of what tbe executive of tbe Planters' War Relief Fund is actually doing. As there Hoems to be
    594 words
  • 230 12 The deatE took place recently at Hampstead of the Rev. Dr. John Hunter, a famous Soottish divine, who, however, studied theology at Nottingham and Birmingham, and began his career as a preacher at Salem Congregational Chapel, York, to which be was appointed in 1871 in succession
    230 words
  • 165 12 Mr. Clement Shorter, in The Sphere, quotes some delightful letters written by the peasant poet, Franois Ledwidge, who was reoently killed at the front. On April 9, 1916, be wrote from Dublin We are now on tip-toe ready to depart. Every evening I go far
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  • 68 12 After differences lasting from his appoint ment in 1911 the Rev. James Redgate Brown, rector of Fenny Compton, neat Leamington, has been petitioned by his parishioners to resign the living. The Bishop of Woroestor has promised a full inquiry. Relations between pastor and flock reoently led
    68 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 217 12 "PINEAPPLE" HAMS and BACON SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY. LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits) Settlements) We are tbe only importers ;of BRITISH BLANCH4RD LAMPS Direct from Factory Beware of Imitations You are oertain of obtaining spares If you buy your BLANCHARD LAMP FROM US 300 C.P., windproof. 32 hour* on one gallon
      217 words

  • 798 13 MEN'S TERRIBLE STORIES OF BRUTALITY. Tortured by Women. Many eoldierp, repatriated the day before, after internment of varying lengths in Switzerland, started on September 18, for the second half of tbeir journey homewards from tbe No. 1 London General Hospital, Camber well, where they were accommodated for
    798 words
  • 147 13 The following has been forwarded from the Canadian War Records Office Pressure upon defences of Lens is unrelenting. Posts have again been pushed out into No Man's Land in the region southeast of St. Laurent, and ground, in defence of which the enemy a month ago fought
    147 words
  • 103 13 In a letter to a correspondent at Vancouver, Sir Robert Borden says ln case lam returned to Ipowet it is my purpose to place upon tbe statute- book a measure granting the franchise to all women of British birth, and conferring upon women of foreign birth
    103 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 292 13 Boots Shoes RELIABLE QUALITIES. JUST UNPACKED AT WHITEAWAY'S I MA| Th Regal Brand m /M Gent's Black Mimm A Box Galf Boot* jGa /W „j» Derby shape, flexi- &4~^ i >I T-^^L b lt tbrr hwjd- S*/i B_mH^^bV mwd salon, f-peeial f^u/ Jji- quality, a' l Mies, M Price 915.50
      292 words
    • 171 13 Health Pkasnre y. mjf f^ f K k lj I// cycling would do for V^" f""^ I i] j^-v of view you would get I M -^»y bicycle at once. A J \jgr 'i^Hsl B.S.A. ti l$M Bicycle HIGH gk CLASS r'^W^B Three-Speed or Eadic ride and control thai
      171 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 597 14 War or Peace. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollars WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB? IK GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (InCOKFOBATID IN STKAITS SlTTLlMINTS) M t AD OFFICE i Winoheater Houw, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE I 32, Old Jewry, E.G. The Company bM «2O,OOO deposited
      597 words
    • 514 14 BMIKIIII. HBN6KBNB AND tHAKBHAi BANKINB 68RP8KATI8II (iMCOKi OBATID n HMK0II«) PAID-UP CAPITAL tUJW.OW '■••SBRVB FUND 3 SterUng *1,KW,000 at I/. tISQQMM Silver M M tlW,6fwja» %n tM.OOO Reaarvt Liability at Proprietors DIMtOOO COURT O* DIRBOTOHIt. Hon. Mr. 8. H. Dodwell. Obairmaa. Horn. Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr.
      514 words
    • 983 14 BANKINfI. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of 430 each M 41,100,000 Benerve "and m 41,900,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41,300,000 BANEBRS The Bank of Bngland, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County' and
      983 words
    • 1016 14 INSURANCE. ORIENTAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. BSTABUSBBD 1674. InX JkPOHAl tD IN INDIA. 85.84S ASSURANCES now in foroe for $79,622,348.14 ABBETS exceed $31,800,000.00 LOWEST RATES of PREMIUM. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. A PBOBPBCTDS will be Rtnt on application to J. R. MACPHBRSON, Branch SeoicUry, 28 2b, The Aroade, Singapore. THE CHINA MUTUAL
      1,016 words

  • 615 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Leaks from Carburetters. When I use petrol now I feel like Cleopatra of old mast bavo done when she enacted her little performance with the pearl, writes a Lome correspondent. 1 am preparing for my extravagance by having the petrol system
    615 words
  • 233 15 Major Duadas Grant, consulting surgeon! to the Central London Nose, Throat, and Gar j Hospital, has been appointed chairman of the I Special Aural Board which has been set up I by the Pensions Minis tn io deal with the cases of deaf discharged soldiers. The
    233 words
  • 244 15 The banning of dancing in the wateringplaces of the Calvados Department of France, as the result of protests against the dancing of the tango in the Deanvillo casinos, shows that the problem of reconciling amusements with the deadly business of war baa not everywhere been solved.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 97 15 SPENCER MOULTON TYRES phenomenal mileage records unJer all sorts of road conditions prove their durability beyond question. They enjoy an equal popularity in temperate ami tropical countries, thus showing that they are unaffected by climatic conditions. A shipment from London has just arrived and supplies may be had from !f»ENTRA|
      97 words
    • 81 15 Absolutely the HIGHEST GRADE TYRE it is possible to manufacture REASONABLE IN PRICE RELIABLE IN SERVICE RIQHT IN CONSTRUCTION £mm:ihi The best H^|# Tyre for «flpftp all Cars DETROIT ENGINES Four-cycle horizontal, effectively governed, magneto ignition, portable, water cooled BBMI V Following In stock Small fuel f \ji |J 2M
      81 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 645 16 A^B. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL fe, LIQUEUR WHISKY. ha supplied to both Houses of /_f7__Pi__\ Parliament f J\ OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS Sole A^ ents ADAMSON, GILFILLAN \'l^L-m-\ AND COMP HVi LIMITED I Iv ß 'r Incorporated in England) v !iwSSj|{^ Singapore Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, an
      645 words
    • 576 16 FOR SALE FOR SALB, five-seater Hupmobile car, learly new, in excellent running order. Apply Hoi No. 443, Straits Times. 24-10— o yoi\ SALB. 200,000 rubber stumps from 12 year old tree eeed. F.O.R. Elang or F. 0.8. Port Swottenham. $16 per thousand. Barteng, 26 10— 1-11 FOR SALB, Australian horse,
      576 words
    • 671 16 BOARD AND LODGING. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Apply Private Family, c/o straits Times. 1110-1011 PAYING QUEST REQUIRED in a pri vbte family. Close to town. Tennis, etc Box No. 468, Straits Times. 3810—8-11 BOAKU AND RESIDENCE. Fine large room, verandah and bathroom attached, suit eooplo or two bachelor?, moderate. Near town. Private
      671 words
    • 303 16 KIAM KIAT CO. MARKET STREET Stcck for immediate delivery SPECIAL MINING CHANGKOLS THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore IS CONDUCTED BY H. N. BUCKERIDGE I ate of Mssirs Lafayette, photographers to their Majastiu. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 paoss north of the Adslphi Hotel BUN BEE AND COMPANY Retail
      303 words
    • 317 16 TAY GUAN KIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality forthe year 1918 Full particulars on application to above address. 'Phone Nos. 1361, 1862 and Private 1450 and 1073. In Stock, 900 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes V 2' and 5 8 outside diameter. 1 Tangye's Duplex Pomp
      317 words
    • 65 16 I STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE i DAY AND NIGHT Phone 1233 {I• i > TYRES and TUBBS are < repaired by best methods at Moderate Prioes. 215 216. ORCHARD ROAD. Ban LeeAniUd (Tnoukporatbd in Simoafou) B 8 and 89, Market Street HAN PATENT LATEX CUP HOLDER REGIBTEREO PATENT Will
      65 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 385 16 Straits Wmes, TELEPHONES Editorial and General 68 Manager's Offioe 1117 Job Printing Offioe 1344 AU communications rolatins to editorial matters and news should oe addressed to THE EDITOR. AU communications relating to business matters —advertisements, Babcriptione, accounts, printing, etc. —should be addressed to THE MANAGER. Chequer and money orders should
      385 words