The Straits Times, 24 October 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.553 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 24. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 181 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK f'nc<> $19.00 far o»-e THE TWO-SEATER (NEW MODEL) MAXWELL CAR IS NOW ON VIEW AT Alec Williamson, Limited, 4, Orchard Road. Price: $2,200 «ett cash ex garage, ready for the road. Full particulars from the above, or from The Borneo Co., Ltd. SOLE IMPORTERS. The Portable
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    • 189 1 ROBINSON CO. SAFES 'ppjS^ SAFES Hh3 Sizes in stock Bent .t.eL thief and lire I, •IB I 22 xl6x 16 inches resisting, fitted with plug I S?*s2 -kl 24 x 18 y 18 key to prevent lorkpioking. i Qgf^ J 26 x2O x 20 BR.T.SH-MADE copy presses STRONG BOXES J^k
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    • 11 1 MARTELL'S BRANDY. Soli Aoints A2AMBON GILFILLAN CO., LTD. Ineorporatadl In KngUnd)
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  • 1050 2 The following oasualtioa are reported London, September L 9. J. Lieut. C. S. bowman, N'jitbum- Lieut. M. S. Carswu'l, B^rkßbires _.ieut. H. A. Oolli:n, SoatU Statfur Is Capt. V. D Coopt-r, Yoouianry Mijir Dargip, U.U.A.; M.,n- a. L). liarrisuo, U.K. A 2nd L'lj*. F N jr;>iamberUud«
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 396 2 o!.«i "i. CCMMIBSION. Tho ConnniiS'on will j- plad to U; *r j aov MM v i •'"M I bolorc it It auy :xn~ 1 or otl difflcu. I Hint I OF RAM I N WftTE OF PILOT BRIS. Inv.:. kpp'J 1 mate tt v avpoim 50 a fry* m'V'-m.' l.oav^
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    • 226 2 I 1 J JiC- JL* ttm4 1 rarr* a»*. < \¥r m Ml* r« B.JJL mUU. imi 1 GAKiiAGE c^ I lta«aB»7« sa aaj («ala It *pai te-^ Ci-e'r-i^- fr*s I 1 i j no siRJi I jMlj% < I L^^ti |t S a nY >: fT >>w 1 1
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    • 267 2 IjBL-rOl'Cb COMPLEXION I ■khvaiP^CMt.J BEE 1 HAM SOW. MEM CHSLTENHAM. This Famons Modicine will cleanse the Blood of HARkF S all imparities from whatwbNiini. v BVer the ariginK k safe Kemedy for Bccema, m mmk Bad Legs, Scrofula, BLOOD Blood Poison, Sores of aihvvai kindg Boilg^ Bmp tions, Cloars, Glandular
      267 words
    • 731 2 Here is "A case for 'Wincarnis" Everyone w>o needs new strength, new blood, new nerve force, or new vitality is A case for Wincarnis,' because 'Wincarnis' give* New Health to all who are* Weak. Anxmic "Nervy." Run-down* The wonderful results of Wincamh' in cases of Weaknets, Aniemia, N«r»* 'Troubles, and
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  • 804 3 MEAT PRICES IN BRITAIN AND MALAYA COMPARED. Distribution of 10 Per Cent. Tho fifu ;.nth annual Meoeral meeting of tht Singapore Culd Storage Company, L.o-itcJ, was held at the office of Messrs. Bousteac and Co. on Monday afternoon. Ti. prosent were MtSbrs. K J. A.. Jiu (chairman;,
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  • 80 3 It is officially armour ci d that the French Military Midel has been conferred on Coiporal Jamtf Hall, an air pilot. Discharged afti r serving a« a machine gunner in an Allied army, Hall enlisted an a pilot in tin Anurican Lafayette Squauron.aud displiye) splendid courage
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 264 3 HAYTOR RUBBER ESTATES. LTD. (laooaromATßD m thb gratm Sbttlbhsmts^ NOTICE Is HEI.EB\ GIVEN that the isßulam tiavc litlar. d ar interim div-'deod of 10 per con., frte ot w»r tax, H aooocnt ot Mm year ending December 81, 1617, payable to Uieabarelolderß on tbe rt*i«ter on NoveDiker 1, MIT. AND
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    • 74 3 ON ALL OCCASIONS when you require a specially strong antiseptic Soap lor instance, to protect yourself against mosquitoes and other insects, or to antiseptically cleanse their bites— use CALVERT'S 2070 Carbolic Soap. Use a light lather only, that is all you need w:th a Soap like this, wfcach •untaim *uch
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    • 694 3 f Debility 1 A When you feel limp and washed out, weary n f and fatigued with no inclination for exertion- U L your body is in a rundown condition —you are j 5 debilitated. You need something to put fresh S J "go" into you —you need a fortnight's
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 478 4 STEAiER 3AILIN6B. N.Y7K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIPCO.. LTD. (laOOBPOBATBD U JAPAN) EUROPEAN LINE A servioe is maintained between Yokohama, via ports, and Bngland under mail oontraot witb the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted witb all the
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    • 451 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. KONINKLUKE PAKETVAAST MAATBGHAPPU Boyal Packet Navigation Co. of Batarla (Incobpobatbi) n Houasd) 8-8, CoUyer Quay. UNDBR CONTRACT WITH THB NBTHBRLANDS INDIA QOVBBNMBNI The undermentioned dates of departure are oaly approximate. Reael Batavia. Oot. 24 Alting Muntok and Palembang. Oot. 24 Van Hoorn Sonrabays, Semarang and Batavia. Oot. 26
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    • 759 4 STEAMER BAILIN6S. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Imoobpobatbd im Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Baeho, Kelantan, Tabai Baagaara, Teinpit Paaarai. Patani, Singora, Laeoa, Kobaamui, Bandon, Laagsnen, Chnmpoa, Kohlak Baagkok. Due) Departure c.c. PRACHATIPOK Oot. 24, a p.m. a. a. ASDANG Oot. 29 81, 8 p.m. a. a.
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    • 558 4 STEAMER BAILIHCB. COMBIMBO SBRVIOB Or THE OCEANS. 8. CO.. LTB. (iNOOBPOaATBO IM BrnO <A*D, AN THE WEST AUSTRALIA 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Imoobpobatbd im BMeaA«n>) BBTWBBM ■remantle (Perth), Nof«h.Wae* Auetrallan Porte, deve and llngapoi-t. ReKnlar sailings between Singapore aad Western Anstralia oalling at Java (as indaoement offers), Derby, King's Sound
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 123 5 INTERNATIONAL GREDIET ft HANDELSVEREENI6IN6 ROTTERDAM. BINBAPOR* Borden's Eagle Brand Condensed Miik HAS NO EQUAL ~Z\ I OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE CONNELL BROTHERS COY. Raffles Chamber's. Sole Agents. Best Manila Cigars Fancy Talaa Royalaa Eitv.alUnts Selected Buds Especialles LondPM I m per. ate* Londret FinO Perfect o« Petit Bouquets Army and Navy Prmcessaa
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    • 779 5 JONG-KEENA FOR THE TEETH AND GUMS If you »ro safiering theavoniei of toothache j use this marvellous medicine, which is guaranteed to cure in 16 minutes and at the coat of a few cents. Direotionsi First olean the oavity of the tooth with a pace of oo'ton wool, thin i-atnrate
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    • 470 5 WOOD -MILNE MOTOR CAR and MOTOR CYCLE TYRES. Made In England on the Latest Solentlflo Principles. BOUND and DURABLE, Wood- Milne Special Pattern and Square Tread FOR STRENGTH, COMFORT. SfeFETY. LOWEST COMPETITIVE PRICES. Wood- Milne Patent Foot Pump. With this simple and compact instrument you can inflate a large tyre
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 224 6 Just Arrived! Just Arrived!! CorretH, Haritone (in C and B flat), Euphonium (4 va yes r.\ C and H flat), Sidw drums, Bass drum and Oyiiibals. Violms by well-Known makers (Couesnon, Amati, St'adivariu*, Guarmrius, Vuillaume, Stentor, Compagnon, etc.) Guitars. Mand>lin J B, Flutes and Piccolos in C. Violin canes, bows
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    • 500 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, a p'-pniatottrPDh 00-rator; a clerk for general offi~> work ntd a lady steco-rarher. Apply, statiuK balkiy require d, to D. and D., e/o Straits Times. 24 10-6 11 YOUNG MX wUh T ng to bo ooacbel up in shorthand, b: k-keepiaK and other com- j me- oial
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    • 496 6 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT ATTH" CINEMA CASINO AN UP-TO-DATE PROGRAMME A tare winner— EgniUble Motion Pictures Corporation present* the esteemtd aotc THOMAS A. WISE ia Paul Armstrongs Komanoe of tbe Kaco Track BLUE GRASS THE HIT OF THE SEASON A real treat tor all race-goers. A thrilling drama featuring all tbe inoidonts
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  • 103 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, October 24. High Water, 4. H1 a.m., 8.22 p.m. Thursday, October 25. High Water, 6.4 a.m., 4.8 p.m Dock Extension Ceremony, S p.m. Friday, October 26. High Water, 7.10 a.m., 6.48 p.m. Municipal Coiuiimsioners, 3.30 p.m. Saturday. October 27. High Watr-r, 7.58 am, 8.8 p.m.
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  • 163 7 ToDAT. Malacca 2.30 pm P. Swettenbam and Penang 2.80 pm Malacca, P. Swttonham and Toluk \nson 2.80 pm Medaa 2.H0 pm BaUvia 2.30 pm Kota Tinggi 4 pm Rangoon 4 pm BanuV. 4 pm Madras, Negapatam and Bombay 1 pm Port Swottonhain, Punang, 2.80 pm taking mails
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  • 274 7 Tfaa uiti) irainß from Singapore for the lorthiia".. -i *nk Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. I uid T p.*s arriving at Koala Lumpnr at f.ltf p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. The I JbrouKh SKpreaa to Ponang loaves Knala Luicpan i 8 v in. daily, arriving at Pecans
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  • 61 7 (Official Pont Office Report.) Larr Six uroxi tugai-t 1 B. I. kuj'unt 11 M. M. togUHt 11 HI. iQ^ant 16 M. M la^uNt 18 P. O. ka K a8t 24 B. I. tagtiHt 28 P. O. HatiOHt 81 B. I. MjiU-mber 7 M. M. Arrived Long Soptember
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  • 203 7 BXCHANOB. SINSAFOU, OCTOBBB 24, 1017. Oh Lohdmi nm ßuk m/a m 3/4| Demaad m 1/*J Private a mil m WV. On Fsadoi Bank T. T. 818 Ok India Bank T. T. I6S On Ho*<Mo»a...Baak d/d 17%pm O» Bmajisbai ...Bank d/d m 6C| Ok J*ta Bamk T. T,
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    • 160 7 vK£ Bnyew Seller 10 10 Ampang 6.00 1 1 Aver Weng 2.00 3.16 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 £1 £1 Lahat Minoa 6.40 665 10 10. Malayan Collieries 13.25 12.76 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 norn 10 10 Middleton 18.(0 19.00 6/-
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    • 113 7 41 41 I. SmelUag Co. 7.7S BXO 41 41 P»el. 1.1.0 1.8.0 61- BleoMe T'ways 4/- 6/--10 10 Frasot Neavo 46.C0 47.50 BO 60 W.Hammei Co. 74.00 7^.00 100 100 K*ti Bio, Dei. pai 120.0 C 10 10 Maynatd Co. 8.00 41 41 Shell Transport 6.0.0 6.12 0 10
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    • 52 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284,600 par Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6% £850,000 doit S pore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 par S'poro Municipal 4f% of 1907 11,600,000 10%dis B'pore Municipal H% of 1909 11,000,000 icy S'poro Municipal 4% 2,000,000 18 j S'poro Munioipal 4% X.. no 000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1916 |1u,0U0,000 108
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  • 302 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyai! and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. Fraaer Lyall A Co. Evatt. klot Gajah (II) 4.40 4.61 4.50 4.f 0 \mal. Malay 1.76 pd. 0.76 0.85pm 0.80 100 Ayer Hitam (15) 16.00 16.60 15.00 IS.SO Ayer Kuning (II) 145 1.65 1.45 1.65
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 57 7 G.R. LAMBERT&Go. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS is. Orchard Read, Tslsaktac Ho. 1031. THE OLDEBT AND LEADING BTUOIO Unequalled Facilities, Ample Resonroes, and the B*|«iaTte Bxporienoe, are all at oar eocimarid, thus ensorinK alwayi- tbe prodaosion of only tbo feast rftwlts in Studio Portraltare, Child Studies, Outdoor Groups and Views, Commercial Work, Enlargements,
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    • 6 7 Change of Ppogramme Jit tfye Gaiety
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  • 49 8 Messrs. Kboo We Chye, Khoo Wepnan, Khoo Weich'o, Khoo We Tong and family beg to tender their sincere tbanks to those who sent wreaths, scroll*, letters of con dolence, etc in their late bereavement and alxo to those who attended tbe funeral of their father on Monday, October 23.
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  • 1081 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24. THE ZEPPELIN RAID. Why did the London defences remain silent when the Zeppelins paid their visit a few days ago Tho question is being asked by many people and no very clear answer has been given. We may take it that the raid has
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  • 235 8 Mr. Darbiabire is something of a blunderer in matters of good form, lie seems to be too crude to diatinguixh between per sonalities which are merely vulgar and critici.-ms of policy and actions which arc a vital part of the business of pnblio life It really does not matter two
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  • 18 8 The Sungei Besi Mines, Ltd., are paying an interim dividend of one shilling per share less income tax.
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  • 22 8 An account of tho "Our Day' fete at Johore Bshru kindly contributed by a correspondent is unavoidably held ovoi till to morrow.
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  • 27 8 It is notified for puMic information in a Gazettee Extraordinary that Bubscriptionn for tbe Straits Settlements War Loan will not bo received after Wednesday, November 14, 1917.
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  • 39 8 A report of the proceedings of tbe First \gricultural Conference of Malaya, held in Kuala Lumpur in April, including the papers read, has been issued in book form, tbe price being 12. It constitutes a valuable work of reference.
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  • 41 8 Tbe wedding took place yesterday of Mr. E. S. T. Eblers, manager of Messrs. Meyer and Meator, to Misx Karen Johanne Hansen, of Copenhagen. The Danish Consul, Mr. A. Hvalsoe, gave tho brido away and Mr. Agerholm was the best man.
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  • 47 8 A lad named Dorairaj, who win charged by Inspector N'eave in MM Ipoh Police Court with the theft of a fountain pen acd Fomo motor parts belonging to Mr. C. F. F. W.-arne. of Messrs. Wearne Bros., Ltd has been sentbnec-d to seven mouths' rigorous im priaonment.
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  • 53 8 News of the death of Mr. John Henry Knight, of, stirs some long sleeptan memories of tbo autocar';) early days. Mr. Knight's pluck in defying tho local authorities by waiving tho regulation red flig led to the framing of the Motorcar Act and reduced England's absurd handicap in the
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  • 56 8 Tbe engagement is announced of tbe Missea Foong Kon and Koong Pow, daughters of Mr. Ng Lean lieng, Chinebo Interpreter, Supreme Court, Ipob, s,nd niti-. s of Dr. G. li. Tuck. MA LL.D to two brothers, Messrs. Wong i'ook Yuw, manager of tbt* General rariu, Johore, and Wong Fook Hen,
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  • 57 8 The Siam Prize Court has given judgment cuQ'l> Miag as prizes of war tho remainder of the German ve*suln seized by tho Nary en July 22. The vwwU included the steam IMmbbi e'hantaboon, Pe'.new, Menam, Bang pakoDg and Tacbet n, the tug-boats Cyclop and L'ndine, and tbe lighters Lt he,
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  • 81 8 The case in which a coolie named Lim Teog Choon is charged with cansiug mischief by uutticg telephone wires in Knmpong Babru Road on October 15 again came before tbe second police court tbis morning. It was stated in evidence that sixteen wires were cut and that they connected military
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  • 81 8 Inspector McCarthy, of Gopeng, who, accompanied by an Assistant Surgeon, police and several witnesses from Mantin proceeded to Padang in Sumatra to give evidence in a murder case, has just returned. An Indian pedlar was robbed and killed near Mantiu in 1915 by two Malays, who escaped to Padang The
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  • 108 8 The funeral of tbe late Mr. Kboo Bee Chong, which took place on Monday morn ing, the 22nd iuot was held with the usual Chinese pomp. Tho procession of banners, drums, etc., wbisb started from Cecil Street, extended over a mile in length. The cortege was elaborately done up and
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  • 156 8 A great triumph of organisation and methods niunt have been the general verdict on the Fancy Fair bold in tbe Ipoh Town Hall on Saturday in aid of the Kinta Our Day Fund, says the Times of Malaya. To give an adequate idea < I tbe unusually ex tonsive scb<
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  • 469 8 Mr. G. M. Goodyear, of tbe FM S. Surveys, has returned from leave. Mr. C. F. Lunbington, of the R.F.A., has been promoted to Lieutenant. Dr. J. S. Rose returned to Pnnang from leave at borne on Monday via Singapore. Mr. N. D. Mndie is appointed to
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  • 71 8 Mr. Oxenbam wires from Pecang stilted that a paragraph we culled from the Timee ni Malaya i* erroneous. The I'enau is going Btrorg. Tickets worth 1 100,000 ■a*) b-ji-n printed np till now and are nearly ail taken up, and applications are coming in strongly c.very day.
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  • 84 8 Mr. Michell mentioned tho other daj tl»--long timo that had elapsed since a Km dent Councillor for Penatig addres.ioo the Legislative Council. It was, we believe, Mr Bland who did so, while Sir John Anderson was still our Governor. Mr. Bryant never spoke in council as R.C.
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  • 125 8 The Pass Lint* for the Normal Classes for Teaoiiers for Singupo:o for 1917 are: Seniors: H. Cohen, C. da Silva, A. Doray, L. Duckworth Mibh M. Foster, Mi B s >!. Kox, MUs 8. Govindon, Miss H. HoHbimi, Hwang Chin Chan, S. D. Tillay, C. R.
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  • 202 8 Tbe funeral of tho late Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn, C.M.0., will take place next Sunday at 11 am. sharp, from his residence, fanglima Prang, Riv_r Valley Hoad, to bis family burial ground in Alcxsidru Itoad. It may bo mentioned, in addition to what bit*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 227 8 The Antigraph Filing System The letter which knows where to go Cot the human eUment out of your filing system and you will be able to find any paper the moment you want it. Tbis system has the endorsement of the loading London business booses. They would not praise it
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    • 206 8 THE BRAND OF EXCELLENCE TMOI IRCE'S FILM OF ACTION a«0 THRIUS. STUPENDOUS IN ITS SCOPE AND SENSATIONAL AT THE AU HAM BRA Ths Hall for Muiic Ths Pionoer and Prsmier Housa The Horns of Quality, Beach Road. SBCOND SHOW AT 9.16 SHARP A powerful Ince Kay Beo production Ths*. lacs
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  • 4100 9 MINOR BATTLE. Allies Cain Additional Ground. NATIONAL ECONOMY. Fine Speech by the Prime Minister. liii'Tin'* taMM Lonlon, October 2«, 1 26 a.m. MUtaM Hii« report" Highly •accutwful minor opjn'.ijtn we-e carried oat by uh tuis vi iruia;» in tli o-^'iboarhood of Poelaappollo and in coajaa:.ion with the French
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  • 133 9 Entries for the Race Events. The entries reoeived for the Gymkhana on Saturday are good. There are ten for the driving competition. The following are the entries for the race events Ex-Griffin Race— Distance Race Course Singapore 10.9, Tim 10.7, Mertbyr Boy 8.18, Baba Ketchit 8, Dara 7.12,
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  • 114 9 To-day's Business. Macpbail and Co.'s daily report Silver.— Down i~*H Hongkong- 2/* i— 7 pm. S langbai— 3/10i— «0|. Tin. -Sold 100 tons at 1113 25. Rubber.— The auction opened with a fairly good demand for No. 1 nheut at from lI IS to 1119 and for
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  • 1429 10 Governor's Speech at the Annual Meeting. At the annual general mooting of the Children held ymteutay more ing in the NaaMpal Hoard Koom, the chair was taken by Him Kxoellency the Governor (Sir Arthur Youug, G.C.M.0.), who is the Society's president, and the others present included Laij
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  • 263 10 Possibility of Establishing A Local Mint. In view of tbe possibility of the Colony's coinage being minted here, Government officials have recently visited Bangkok to examine tbe working of tbe Siam Mint. The Bangkok Times of October 18, says: Tbe Straits Settlements have no mint of their
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    • 60 10 A friendly game of soccer will be played between tbe Simpolan Mohebab Club and the Straits Chinese United Club on St. Joseph's ground. Bras Basah Road, on Saturday, at 5 p.m. As this is tbe first time that a Malay team has met the Chinese for a long time, a
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    • 62 10 Following is the rcalt of the Keppel Oolf Clab men's medal for October i O. R H.Webb 84—10=74'.. V. Mont(jonierie 84 10 74 H. C. Kiußman 79 4 T5 K. F. BiDDie 79 3 76 Goli> Mkkal *****917. F. Montgomerie 84—10=74 K. F. Binnie 79 3 76 Lal'lK>' Sioms.
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  • 298 10 Interesting information has been received recently concerning Singapore Frenchmen at the front. Mr. Raymond Dillon Corneck, the Bleuet of the class 1918, is now in fall training at Fabaise, in Normandy, while his brother Roger, who has seen bard fighting at Verdun, and on the
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  • 1427 10 Tbo committee acknowledge with thank* tbe following subscriptions to tbe above fnnd Previously acknowledged 11-25,876.02 Ong Kee Soon 16 Collected by Mrs. FergusonDavie (2nd list) Dr. F. 150 Dr. Norman Black 26 Dr. F. de Souza 36 Dr. Chen Su Lan 20 130 I. Flinter
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  • 74 10 The following are the events arranged lor the ensuing week in connection with the Ont Day Fond To-day. Tamil Auction, Victoria Hall, 4.80 p.m. Philharmonic Society Concert, Victoria Theatre, 9.16 p.m. Thursday. Dinner, Dance and Concert, RaMos Hotel. Friday. Philharmonic Society Conoert, Victoria Theatre, 6. 1S p.m. Saturday.
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  • 72 10 The death is announced of Mr. K. E. McHugb, tbe Canton Manager of the Stan dard Oil Company of New York. About a week before ho died Mr. and Mrs. McHugb fell seriously ill after taking a commonly used medicinal corrective. Mrs. UcHugb goon recovered, bat Mr. Mcllugh had to
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  • 712 10 Passing on Increases to SubTenants. A meeting of the Root Asst -Hsincnt Board was held in the Municipal Board Room yes. terday afternoon. The chairman (the. Hon. Mr. C. J. Saanders) presided, and the others present were Messrs. E. Tomlinson, A. M. S. Angalia, M. Meyer, Goh
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  • 99 10 Latest advertisements of tho day appear on paged 6 and 7. There was a good house at the Gaiety Picture Palace laßt night, to lit -Ip tho Our Day fund. Tho management must be congratulated on the saaaflsat programme presented which was ecjoyeJ by all present. A
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  • 242 10 A review copy of tbe Hongkong Dollar Directory has been sent to the office of this newspaper, with tbo information that tho publication is now on sale in tbo store of Kelly and Walsh. It is an admirable little book and of wonderful value for one
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  • 32 10 The wedding took place on the 17th itmt at St. Luke's Church. Teluk Ansou, of Mr. M. !l. Hartley and Mists Kuthleen Amanda Jones, daughter of Mis. K. A. Junta, of Ipyb.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1091 11 A Reasonable Man's Peace." To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— ll. (1. Wollh' article in your issue of Friday (copied from the Daily News) is the sort of literature ono would prefer to have relegated to the waste paper basket. His statements arc both misleading and pernicious, and
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    • 496 11 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir, Under the heading "Malacca Roads" in yoor issao of 20tb inst., a correspondent asks how much longer is the admitted scandal ot tho Malacca roads to be endured. I have beon for Home years in t lis Settlement and
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    • 77 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, -I think Municipality might strain a point and allow tli"ir dog shooters go half a mile beyond the Municipal limit and destroy the numerous mangy mongrels that are wandering ownerless about the main road ami in the compounds of buuses.
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  • 33 11 Mr. A. Keir, Headmaster ot Matang School, is shortly proceeding to India. The Normal Classes at Taipiog will be taken by Mr. Sumner, In»pector ot Schools, I'erai, in addition to his ordinary duties.
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  • 48 11 The death occurred on Sunday, of Mr. Narayana I'ilUy, at the age of tt» years. Deceased was a leading figure among the Hindu community of Pttnang, and was one of the oldest Indian pioneers. He came to Penang when a yonng man. The funeral was very largely attended.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 170 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. rojramuie ot drills, etc., for week ending Friday, October 26, 1917. WIDHBSUAY. OCTOBIB 24. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S V.A., (all dotls.) 4.80 p.m Balentitr Rng. S.R.E.(V.I 3.1,-f p.m. Drill Hall S.V.K. attd. Max. 5.10 p.m. S.V.R. 6.15 p.m. T.P. Kiro Stn. S.V.Ii., T.P.P. brill Hall, dis-
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    • 328 11 We are in a position as ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS of the Moutrie Piano to offer you the finest value in pianos in S.S. and F.M.S. We shall be pleased to demonstrate our latest models if you can call on us, or we will send catalogues on application. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated
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    • 371 11 RAFFLES HOTEL "OUR DAY" A SPECIAL DINNER, CONCERT, CINEMA AND DANCE will be held on Thursday, October 25, 1917, from 7 pm. to 1 a m Ticket for Dinner, Concert, Cinema and Dance $4 Ticket for Concert, Cinema and Dance $2 The whole proceeds of the sale of tickets will
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  • 1411 12 MARKED PROGRESS IN EVERY DIRECTION. The Question of Dividend Tlio seventh annual general meeting of tbe Had k Rubber Estate, Ltd was held on il at tbe company's registered office, Ceylon House, 49 and 51, Uastcheap, E.C., Mr. Alfred R. Warren (the chairman) presiding. Tl.o Chairman said Gontlemen,—
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  • 398 12 Mr. Gerard's Revelations as To Their Treatment. Speaking at Chicago recently, Mr. Gerard warned a certain section of Irish- Americans who have been unconsciously working band-in-band with the German propagandists tbat they run a grave risk of playing into the enemy's hands. The Irish Americans mast learn
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  • 244 12 Action for Breach of Promise Adjourned. There was an amusing discussion in tbe King's Bench Division recently when Mr. Turrell applied to Mr. Justice Darling that tbe case of Murray v. Nicbolls should stand over until next sittings. Tbe action, be said was for breach of
    244 words
  • 54 12 Brunei 6.004 lbs. to date 17,906 lbs. Kuierald.-17.85tf lbs. j to date 135,550 lbs. Soiabilan.— 42.s92 lbs. to date 80,707 lbs. Kwaloe.- 16,463 lbs. Sumatra Caoutchouc. 72,845 lbs. Bakit K»j*d«.-72.57« lbs.; to date 234,261 lbs. Bakit Jelotong.— 7,l62 lbs. to date 25,274 !bs. Snngei 8uaya.— 47,900 lbs.;
    54 words
  • 1518 12 RECORD ESTATE FIGURES LAST YEAR. New Coagulating Process Tbe twelfth annual ordinary general meeting of the Cicely Rubber Estates Company, Limited, was held on August 31, at 4, Lloyd's Avenue, 8.C., Dr. S. Rideal (the chairman) presiding. Tbe Chairman said This is our twelfth annual meeting, and,
    1,518 words
  • 670 12 Ex-King's Refusal to make War On Turkey. M. Wniielos on August 23 laid before the Bureau of the Chamber the letter which be addressed to King Constantino in August, 1914, when, after pointing out that tho tendencies of the Crown were in contradiction with the views
    670 words
  • 77 12 Readers of CapUio J. W. Knight Bruce'H open-air novel Dartmoor Days with the H orest Hunt, of which a second iuipre>u<ion has already appeared, will be gratified to know that the author is one of the batch of repatriated officers that recently reached Britain. The book was written within the
    77 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 218 12 "PINEAPPLE" HAMS and BACON SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE COMPANY. LIMIIED (Incorporated in Straita Settlements) We are tbe only importera^ot BRITISH BLANCH4RD LAMPS Direct from Factory Beware of Imitations You are certain of obtaining spares If you buy your BLANCH«.RD I^AMP FROM US 300 C.P., windproof. 32 hours on one gallon kerosene,
      218 words

  • 1045 13 A NEW PHASE OF THE REVOLUTION. Sheep Without a Shepherd. Dr. Harold Williams, the Daily Chronicled special correnpondent at Petrograd, wrote on September 2 Life in Russia is a troubled dream. One sleeps to Bee id fresh and bewildering disorder the visions of the day, and
    1,045 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 318 13 Notable Values AT WHITEAWAY' S OUR SPECIAL I rrm three-part i BEDSTEAD fitted with patent galvanised 1^ WBg am immm^i^^^ spring mattress, pack quite it^\'' Bat or tr E8 P ot The best bedsteai e»er put on the I fc -jft-^^Vv^£^^^s^^A market. Largely used on 5 o-t»tes and licp.tsls. *S*"
      318 words
    • 209 13 Analysed by Sir Charles Cameron, C.8., M D., President Society of Public Analysts, England. Does not contain Cocaine, Morphine, Opium, Chloral, or any of the Coal Tar Products. NO BAD AFTER EFFEOTB. Henourmbla MfftUwtkar, Olfa oftht Ip«.k.r •'t»«a Mouaa af Common Undan. Indiana, WtHHI Mi* JaaMLawtUriadaaiaMttiiv v. MuihanUl'i" baiai tW
      209 words
    • 4 13 HIGH M Ci ASS
      4 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 484 14 Biscuits Manufactured by Meaara. William Arnotta, Ltd. famous biscuit manufacturers. Absolutely reliable British goods. A trial will convince yon. All tbe favcurite kit ds obtainable from Singapore Messrs. Ooan Chin Hon^ Co. 91, Robiuscn Road Wing Fatt and Co. 11, Robinson Road Kiacg Brothers 9, Orchard Road Khye Joo and
      484 words
    • 673 14 POLICE NOTICE. MISSING, black silk umbrella, straight handle with carved ivory monkeys. This wae left at the Cniio Stall at Tyersall on Saturday, October 18, 1917. Information oonoerning the above will be welcomed by tbe Chief Police Offioer, Singapore. a HANNIOAN, Chief Polioe Officer, Singapore. Chief Police Office, Singapore, October
      673 words
    • 647 14 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEES SALE Of one robber-tyred gbarry, No. 215, i brown Asaban pony, a set of harness and lamps oomplete. At No. 18, Orchard Road Or: Tbcbsdat, Octobbb 28, at 4.4S p.m. THB COMMBBCIAL RUBBER CO., LTD., Anotieneers. 38-10—2510 AUCTION BALE At Messrs. Cbing Keng Lif\* Co.'s Sale-room,
      647 words
    • 831 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALI2 Of VALUABLE WAX-POLISHED TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURVITURE, COTTAGE PIANO, MOTOR CYCLE WITH SIDE CAR, PLANTS BTC. To ba held at No. 23, Norris Road (c ff Serangoon Ko*d) On Saturday, October 27, at 2 p.m. Comprising: Wax-poliehed teak aoraslenal tables with marble centre, flower pot stand,
      831 words

  • 1032 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Noises in the Engine. Automobile engines often have a knock of some kind which annoys the driver. These noises vary from a barely distinguished click to a blow that may be heard twenty feet away. What is their significance —what should
    1,032 words
  • 76 15 I county b.i'.'uli id, says Hen tor, was marching through Him main thuroughfuri ot a jtruiu lawn in Nj:il.oru Franco at the time that a O toian air raid was in progress. Tin- band continued to play without faltering, and tbe enly <!■ par' ire
    76 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 146 15 SPENCER MOULTON TYRES The phenomenal mileage records under all to'td of road conditions prove ut ir durability beyond question. They enjoy an equal popularity in temperate and tropical countries, thus showing that they are unaffected by climatic conditions. A shipment from London has just arrived and eupplie° may be had
      146 words
    • 84 15 There is no other TYRE jMK^X which gives such good serff Iff THE HALL Lrrluitlib DUNLOP HZ) The exp3rienc3 of car owners is that Dunlop Tyres give better service greater mileage at LESS COST DETROIT ENGINES Four-cycle horizontal, effectively governed, magneto ignition, portable, water cooled Small fuel v '2wßK&&&\ml M
      84 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 660 16 A^B. MACKAYS Q Trlt ORIGINAL Xi UQULvUH WHISKY. As supplied to both Houses of /■JTJJM'^MSI Parliament OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-GLASS DEALERS fWk ADAMSON, 6ILFILLAN AND COMPANY. LIMITED I 111 I!" Incorporated in Eigland) Singapore Penang and Malacca SITUATIONS VACANT. WiNT&D, an cxp.rieucod Chiuesj ;.ork witb knowledge of uliori' «nd and
      660 words
    • 442 16 MISCEUASEBUS LESS \'S in Krench and English given by lady. Box 416, Straits Time*. 8-10— 211 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, to purchase i j miles of light railway, complete witt trucks, iron sleepers, fish plitcs, bolts, etc. Please rend full particulars and prico* to W X., c/o Ssraits Tim t. 38-10—2610 HOUSES
      442 words
    • 565 16 TO LET. Furnished, seaside residences; entry November 1. Apply to A. Frankel, Victoria Street, or at Siglap Estate. 30 10-n FOR SALE Atias marine engine oil.—A. 75 barrels; B. 78 barrels. Atlas marine cylinder oil.— A. 43 barrels; B. 48 barrels Sample now on view CHINO KBNO LEE ft CO.,
      565 words
    • 367 16 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D c CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT I CO. L |T Market street. I NEDSELLIW THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore IS CONDUCTED BY H. N. BUCKERIDGE lat« of Mesirs. Laf a jette, photographers to their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON
      367 words
    • 312 16 TAY GUAN KIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipalityforthe year 1918 Full particulars on application to above address. 'Phone Nos. 1361, 1862 and Private 1450 and IO7S. In Stock, 900 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes V 2" and 5 8 outside diameter. 1 Tangye's Duplex Pump 5'
      312 words
    • 63 16 I STRAITS MOTORCAR I SERVICE FIRST-CLASS GARS-HIRE i MY AND NIGHT t I' 'Phone 1253 \jj TYRES and TUBBS are repaired by boat methods at Moderate Prioes. 215 216. ORCHARD ROAD. Ban LeeAno.Ld (Inoorpokatid in SiMOAFoaa) 68 and 59, Market Street Ship-Owner* Ship-chandlers Steamship Agents Estate Suppliers Forwarding Agents Provision
      63 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 388 16 Straits Wimes* TELEPHONE*, Editorial and General SB Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 AU communications relating to editorial matters and news should De addressed to THE EDITOR. AU communications relating to business matters—advertisements, subcriptiocf account*, printing, etc.—should be addressed to THE MANAGER. Choqoee and money orders should be mado
      388 words