The Straits Times, 20 October 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 25.550 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 176 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED .CONDENSED MILK Priot now $19.00 fat owe THE TWO-SEATER (NEW MODEL) MAXWELL CAR IS NOW ON VIEW AT Alec. Williamson, Limited, 4, Orchard Road. Price: $2,200 nett cash ex garage, ready for the road. Full particulars from the above, or from The Borneo Co., Ltd. SOLE IMPORTERS. /Gh
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    • 168 1 ROBINSON CO. /^YjSSzkr^ New Millinery T xj Models r^ NOW ON VIEW ROBINSON CO. Delicious New Things Your table is doomed to failure without them -^t""^L- M r W -^L jßd.&m Telephone 622. Importer, Europe Hotel Building. Two Sporting Model CALTHORPE MINORS One 4-seater and One 2-seater British j^L fe
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    • 41 1 KARTELL S BRANDY. Soli Aoints ADAMBON, GILFILLAN CO., 111. In,-nrp,,«l]in Kn(Uiid) Billiard Tables Stocks held of ISHCROFT S RILEV S PAOMORE'S MO BURROUGHEB AND WATTS'. New and secoDd hand Billiard Table all »izoi<. Particulari and pnea from FRANKEL CO. Victoria street.
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  • 751 2 The following casualties are reported London, September 2S. Died of wounds. Lieut. D. C. Brown, Royal Scots 2nd Lieut. J. E. Oalo, E-wox. Woundod.— 2nd Lieut. J. W..8e11, R.F.A.; 2nd Lieut. F. Buntall, SaSolkfi 2nd Lieut. F. A. Burditt, RO.A. Caps. H F. Burney, R.F.A.; -2nd Lieut. F.
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  • 133 2 Romance and -a Policeman. The sending of cigarettes to the front by a young lady living in the village of Hildeoborough, near Tanbridge Wells, has had romantic results. Her name and address being on the packrt, Private Eaves, of tbe KoyaJ West Kent Regiment, aged 26, corresponded with her, and
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  • 60 2 Mr. Murray is publishing the long expected Life of Sir Charles Dilke. The work whioh was began by Captain Stephen Gwynn, MR, has been completed by Sir Charles Dilke's niece and literary executrix, Miss Gertrude Tuck well, and will be found to constitute not merely the life record of a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 362 2 IK* THIS METHOD OF GROWING BEAUTIFUL HAIR TO-DAY FREE. me c io-::ealth offer. POVERTY BY ACCEPTING THIS TflUUtLt «Kj Evfry nad*>r of tht« npwsi*p«T ao *»tt*r isar M kas aasa gtvinc y<m lr Th r lmm MM > IS, v ru ,1 *ni*aiCiß«a*ttar%«kalsaAsßß I r I SMI •■«< "Bhmh mas>
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    • 225 2 IfsEasyToGetßidofDaivM Csatty rnh spirts of dandrufi, scales, itrhinir and irritation with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo wilh t'utit ura Soap and hot water. This treat■nenl every two weeks is usually suffii ii it 'oke-pthescalpcleanand healthy. Sample Kach Free by Post. A'iilmn ixnt- r -f.Newbery«iSoofiJS7.Ch«rtexhoiMe S<|.. London.' &old everywhere. Dr. Cassells
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    • 250 2 Nerves Our nerves arc similar to an intricate network of telegraph wires. Controlled and nourished by a portion of tha brain known as the nerva centres the delicate threadlike nerves radiate in all direction! throughout tha body. So long as the ntrve centres are capable of continually supplying nourishment to
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    • 720 2 THE MANOAI-TEKONG (SINGAPORE) RUBBER ESTATES. LTD. NOTICE OF CLOSING OF TRANSFER REGISTER. NOTICE is heirby given t' nt tho transfer books of tbe Company will bo clohod from Octob r 26 to Oct. b. r tO. 1817, both days iculii-ivo, (cr lbs prop"r. tion of dividend SJOMfei By Order r(
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  • 1114 3 TRADE RELATIONS WITH GREAT BRITAIN. Supplies for the Allies. A Brazilian correspondent writes to The Times In recent enumerations of the Allied countries the Dame of Brasil baa often been omitted. Though technically justified, in ■>■ •c) 1 T l 'ni'!l i» not ytt no Ally
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 476 3 9 A or $3.90 Very Sellable 7 JEWEL Lever Watch In Dust and Damp-Proof SCREW Case. TMa la a Van Law Prim for tha S.llabla WaMh which wa ihow hara. m IU D.v and W r».'. lni t q.ialltlaa maaa It tha IDEAL WITCH for rmnaar. allnari »nH m. a
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    • 199 3 ■aßßw>^awi^aaßwWawMaißw>aaaiaa«aaaßw>Mawaßwwwßßßawa-«wivw>«w«>^>-w>« •mS^mmm^ C.&B.EN6EJSHf 3 ide in 30 Varieties All Delicious The Cuisine of one of the finest chef- in K v €rosse C HijtHwe. !or.?*"..* b, Rorai to be Bade under ideal eeaaflUo r.r> ai< eB tL. cies. AppOT»«a-l MBTfS Ttß LEA i V :«Bll^ SAKB. W <£_-* <& 0
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 438 4 <a STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL BTEAMSHIPCO..LTD. (iwOOaPOEATSD W JAF4*) EUROPEAN LINE 4 MrTtoe i, maintained between Yokohama, via potto, and England under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining thia ssrvioe have been specially designed and oonstrooted, and are fitted with all the
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    • 586 4 STEAMER MIUNQB. 1 P. 0.- British India! and A pear I— mo. (Cohp4miis Imoobpobatbo Bmoiojid). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICHB PBNINBULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N Co. (Under ContrMt with Hit Majesty' a Qoverniaenl). The Company! MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY ate at present suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM
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    • 700 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (liiooßPOßAtw> w Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay.Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Bacho, Kelantan, Tabai Bum»ara, Teinpn, Panarai, Patani, Siogora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langßuen, Cbampon, Kohlak k Bamgkok. Due Departure PRACHATIPOK Oct. 39 Oct. 34, 8 p.m. AS DANG aS 31, 8 p.m. BORIBAT Nov. 8
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    • 621 4 BTEMIEB MlUim. OOMBINID ■■RVIOI OH THE BCEAN 8. 8. CB.. LTB (Imoobfobatbd in Baa \um, THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incobpokitid in BuskAMD) iiiwiia Framantla Papthi, Nopth-W M I Australian Ports, Java and llngapors. Regular sailings between Singapore ud Western Australia calling at Java (as indaoement offers), Derby,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 446 5 STEAMER SAILINGS PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO, VIA MaNILA, CIBU AND HONOLULU. A fast 15.00T tons steamer will be des patctn I for tb« bove ports shortly For particular, of freight and passage, apply to ADAMSON, OILFILLAN A CO., Agents 1910—2410 FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. A 7,000-ton steamer
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    • 706 5 JQNG-KEENA TO MOTHERS A SIMPLE HOME REMEDY. If you are living at any distance from town, you should keep a bottle of this wonderful medicine in your home, for it will never fail to afford relief in all pains whict* come on r t uite suddenly. Yon will be so
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    • 649 5 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that all claims •gainst the estate of H. U. Sultan Mahmnd, of Pahang, deceased, shonld be preferred to me, the Administrator, before the 10th day cf November, 1917, at the undermentioned address. No claims reoeived after date will be admitted 8. W JONES. Pekan, Pahang.
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    • 502 5 THE HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDS PARA RUBBER CO.. LTD. MIDLANDS ESTATE. KLANG. FOR SALB, seed from selected trees over ten years old. Average yield per tree 1016 season 8 lbs. per tree. Limited supply available immediately. Price in sacks, F. O. R. Padang Java, tl per 1.000 Apply Manager. 21-o— 2olo
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    • 59 5 KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Direct to Rangoon without transhipment a 4,500 tons steamer. Accommodation for 44 first and 32 second saloon paspenners. For full particulars, apply to the Agent at 2 and 3, Collyer Quay. isio— a«-io NIPPON PAINT White Zinc, White Lead Paint, Red Lead Powder, etc 99 per cent,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 113 6 The only quality QS% (Pure) s£ ACETIC ACID 99% Guaranteed. IMPORTERS YAMATO CO. 41 HUh Street. Telephone 432. 1-b-b— n-a-i H. S. KIRWAN Harness Maker, Fresh Milk and Forage Contractor. Best quality Handsewn Har ness made to order. Repairs to all leather goods. Best quality Horse Food. Fresh Milk 22
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    • 315 6 G. R. LAMBERT CoJ PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS M, Orchard Road, Telephon« No. 1MB. THE 0LDE8T AND LEADING 8TUDI0 Unequalled Facilities, Ample Reeouroes, and the Requisite Experience, are all at oar command, thus ensuring always tbe production of only tbe fesst rtfulti in Studio Portraiture, Child Studies, Outdoor Groups and Views, Commercial
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    • 313 6 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT CINEMA CASINO AN UP-TO-DATE PROGRAMME A rare winner Equitable Motion Pictures Corporation presents the esteemed actor THOMAB A. WISE in Paul Armstrong's Romance of the Race Track BLUE GRASS THE HIT OF THE SEASON A real treat for all race-goers. A thrilling drama featuring all the incidents ot
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  • 111 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, October 20. High Water, Ml a.m.. 0.4 p.m. Hooiowiird mail clones. X* Thirl Day. Europe llot< I Supper and Dance. Sunday. October 21. High Water, 1.18 a.m., 0.86 p.m. Honda), October 22. High Water, M am.. 1.14 p.m. LagifUatif c Council, 2.30 p.m. Taaaday, October
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  • 183 7 Ti-r>»t. ftatn Pahat 2.80 pm MalMoa, P. Swetteabun and Ponang 2 3C pm ZM pm Baogoon 3-80 pm Soarabaya, Ban ljirtuaonin, SU^.ii, K. Haioe. 1!. I'apan, Sari"n ■i'i,i;i. I to 4 pm Manila 4 pm Cnoob 4 pm Pnlan Kaiam and Pulau Balang 4 pm Kntimon
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  • 261 7 Tbe maul tram- from Singapore for the aorthieav. Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. tad T p■, arriving at Kaala Lnmpar at T.IB p.m. and 8. i 5 a.m. respectively. The Ihroogb fexprem to Penang leaves Koala Imtapri 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Penan g •I B.HS
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  • 45 7 onußt 1 OgdHt 11 .ogaxt 11 OKUst 16 mm* aipiit 84 .ovaat 81 B. I. M M. 8.1. M. If P A 0. B. I. P. *0. 8.1. September 10 19 M IS 24 October IB 18 IB (Official Post Office Report.)
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  • 191 7 BXCHANOB. Bimatou, Octobib 90, 1917. O« Lo»i m Buk 4 mji m I« s Denuad 1/4* Pnvate I mfi m *l*il O* F*a»ci Bank T. T. m 818 Oa Ihdu B»nk T. T. J65 O« Ho»Q«o»a...B»nk d/d wm lS^%pm On Sbamobai ...B»ak d/d 611 OmJat* Bukl. T.
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    • 157 7 vSm BBTew BeUei 10 10 Ampang 5.00 1 1 Ayer Weng 2.00 3.16 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 41 £1 Kioto Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 41 £1 Lahat Mines 6.40 6.65 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.76 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 norn 10 10 Middleton 18X0 19.C0 6/-
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    • 109 7 Bu,e». Mien. 41 41 1. SmelUu Co. 7.75 B.CO 41 41 P»ef. 1.1.0 1.8.0 8/- Hlectric T'wayi 4/- 6/ 10 10 Krasei Noavt 46.C0 47.60 50 50 W. Hammer 4 Co. 74 00 76.00 100 100 K»t« Bio, Del. pai rJD.OC 10 10 Maynavd Co. 800 41 41 Shell
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    • 48 7 United Engineers 8% 11,284,600 pat Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6% £850,000 norn S'poreMnnicipal 6% 11,878,000 par Sport Municipal *i% of 1907 11,600,000 10%dis S'poru Municipal H% of 1909 11,000,000 10%d!t B'pore Municipal 4% 3,000,000 II%<IU B'pore Municipal 4% 4800,000 P.M.S. 8% loan 1918 116,000,000 108.00 It 4 00
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  • 329 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. Fraser Lyall A A Co. Evatt. Alor Gajab (ID 4.40 4.61 4.80 4.£0 Amal. Malay 1.7S pd. 0.7S 0.85pm 0.70 O.hO Ayer HiUm (15) 15.00 16.50 15.00 15.50 Ayer Kaning ($1) 145 1.65 1.45 1.55
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 47 7 SPECIAL RACE PROGRAMME By the Famous STAR OPERA T THE THEATRE ROYAL, NORTH BRIDGE ROAO TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT That wsll-knewN plij ALIBABA ANDTHE 40 ROBBERS w.ll be staged f»-anrro» Sunday, Shakeaaaara's Tragedy HAMLET PRINCE OK UKNMAKK ritu IMS far seats. K H. CHBONO, Proprietor Y. L. TAN, Manaiiut
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    • 704 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED for entate hoipital in Sumatra experienced hospital dresser. Good salary tor competent man Apsly with t> Htimooialx to Messrs. Hooglandt A < o. 20 10—28 10 MOTOR CYCLB FOR SALS, a 4f bp. 1918 model, B>po-d get"; oomplete with Hpar'-H. In tirtit-o »ni rnr.dit'on. Aluo cacl built
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  • 1156 8 The Straits Times SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20. MRS. ANNIE BESANT. Men are growing quite old who were mere boys when Mrs. Annie Besant first became famous. She is seventy years old, and she has been tbe most amazing person of her time. Highly educated, well connected, the wife of a clergyman,
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  • 14 8 A meeting of the Federal Council will be Ik. ld on November 13. t(
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  • 24 8 An interim dividend of 7J per cent, baa been declared by S.r.-iubau Kubber K-ut. Cu., Ltd., payable less income lax on Njvem ber 5.
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  • 48 8 Ia connection with the dea'hs of Mr*. \V. Liiu Neo and Mr*. Chan Ah M >b. the Siu^a pur.. Family Benefit Son. ty P-t'J to th. ir ■a fi iatM a luueral grant ot 1605 and Ij'A'J r i|..Tii V< :ly, with reluod of tutxtcriptiuua paid by tutni.
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  • 32 8 Tbe Kamporjg Ksmuntint> Tin Dredging, Limited, output for the first fortnight of October was Hours ran Ci dredges) ft.Vi, cubic yards treated NB.OOO, total piculs 567 81, realised on sale 136,600 01.
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  • 31 8 Tbe Gazette announces that specifications of patents allowed to b; filed are 11. G. Lanibart, of Jenxelton, improved spout and cup bolder Nee Chim Hay, Singapore aerated water Dottle safety opener.
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  • 40 8 In tbe Normal Class Examination for 1917, tbe following scholars from Victoria Institu tion, Kuala Lumpur, passed Kboo Buck Cbee, Chin Yoon, Thye and X, Sabapathy (second year), and Abroad bin Mohamed, Tan Siew Tit and Miss Eberweio (first year).
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  • 45 8 It bas been decided that the railway department men are to get the war bonus, tnd circulars intimating this have at last been received in Ipoh, nays tbe Times of Malaya. The general manager contradicts the rumour that be was opposed to tbe war bonus.
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  • 49 8 Service will be held at the Boußtead Institute on Sunday next at U. 15 p.m., at which tbe Rev. W. T. Cherry, Pb.B will Rive tbe address. Pte. L.V. Mason will be tbe soloist. Men of the Army and Navy and tbe mercantile marine are cordially invited to attend.
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  • 46 8 A new gold mine wan discovered recently near a copper mine at I'itzuxhao, in Huitien Prefecture, Kirin, Manchuria, which is being worked by a Chinese called Sucbentang. Tbe results of assayirg tbe gold ore were encouraging, and a capital of S. Y 500,000 is being raised.
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  • 39 8 A Norwegian vessel lying in Singapore roads experienced very severe weather during tbe rain storm about five o'clock yesterday morning. One ot ber boats was blown clean from tbe davits, doing a considerable amount ot damage, says a correspondent.
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  • 57 8 Special meetings for young women will be held at tbe Y.W.C.A ball, S, Fort Canning Road, every day from Monday, October 22, to Friday. October 26, from 5.45 to 6.45 p.m. Mi-s Swinsen Gady, wbo has bad much experience in dealing with girle in England, will conduct tin xc meetings.
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  • 62 8 A correspondent writes I read in Het Xieuws v.d. dag v. Ned. ladie cf tbe 15th iost. that the Java Our Day f and has reached already the Hum of fl/27.J,000. The Editor remarks Tbe amount will increase considerably. It would not surprint) us if X«]. India would collect 800,000
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  • 64 8 Tbe up mail train from Singapore to Penang was derailed at Sangei Siput Station on Wednesday afternoon. Tbe eugine ran off tbe rail*, says the Times of Malaya, but the driver smartly brought tbe train to a stand still before any of the carriages went off the rails. Tbe passengers
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  • 62 8 A Hylam named WaDg Kee, second cook on a local steamer, while descending the hatch was affected by the gases fmm the cargo and fell down. Tbe first cook went to his aecigtance ani was alto overcome. The head coolie pluckily (jot botb men out. though badly affected bimatlf. Th
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  • 71 8 An interesting programme, consisting of music, drama, coi j iring, otc, in being arranged by the Ceylon Tamils' Association, for a Variety Entertiinm: nt, to be held in aid of tbo Our Day Fund, on Thursday, tbe '25th icst.. at Mi p.m., at their premises, 11, Dhoby Gbaut. Every member
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  • 78 8 At a well attended meeting of tbe Singapore Shorthand Writers' Association held last nigbt at tbe association's premises the sabjnet, Which is better Mercantile Service or Government Service I wan discussed. Mr. Soh Cheng Lim presidnd. Mr. Wee took the Mercantile tide, Mr. Abisbeganaden tbe Government side. A lively
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  • 92 8 A serious fire, which is estimated to have resulted in damage amounting to 117,000 broke out at Kwuog Winy Cheung Chan I 'ye Works, Koktotnun. Kowloon City, Hongkong, on the night of the 7th instant. Tbe police, with tbe assistance of some coolies, managid to extinguixb tbe outbreak, al though
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  • 108 8 The Peking correspondent of tbe N.-C. Daily News taye Sir R. A. Gamble, at present Comptroller and Auditor. General in India Salt Revenue, has been offered an appointment in tbe Salt Gabelle by tbe Chinese Government at £4,000 per annum. Tbe proposal is that Sir R. A. Gamble shall arrive
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  • 131 8 Tbe reprisal air raid on Frankfort reported to-day is by no nieana the lirst time that that German city has been under fire from aero planes. Frankfort on Maiue mast not be confused with Frankfort on Oder, which alone ia historically I'ruxsian as they now botb have become. Frankfort on
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  • 425 8 Mr. E. W. Tyler bas returned to Rualf Lumpur from Coonoor. Mr. R. A. Laing, of Knala Lumpur, it proceeding home to joiu up. Mr. 11. Berkeley, wbo baa lately bees serving in Mesopotamia, is shortly returning to the F.M.S. Dr. F. M. Croucber is appointed to
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  • 96 8 For tbe period from October 26 to November 1, inclusive, tbe value of the highest grade of rubber ir fixed at two Hhilliogo and scvenpence three -farthings per Ib and the. duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis
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  • 121 8 The text of several new bills is published i» tbe Gazette. An amendment to tbe Tamil Immigration Fund Ordinance provides that the funds may be applied to the payment of passages of immigrants to Kedah, P< rlis and Kelautan to thd payment of recruiting allowances and travelling expenses
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  • 141 8 There were several first priic* blunder* in August. There was the bluuder ol the National Service clerk who sent a notification to tbe Speaker of the House that he was wanted as a labourer in a Wolvi rhampton factory. There, was the blunder of tbe clerk who
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  • 156 8 We regret to announce the death, which took plane on October IH, of PmlmM Edward Holl, L.L.D., F.K 8., fatlitr of lire. Kcruutton Davie. l'rofeasor Hull was an ex Director of the (ioological Sur?ty of Ireland and, until be retired in IH9O, Professor of GcoloKy
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 183 8 Just arrived a shipment of YOUNGER'S 1 EDINBURGH ALE in barrels PRICES ON APPLICATION TO Caldbeck. Macgregor Co. Xmas Cards for England New season's goods now to <' hand. Prices 5 cts. to $5.50. J Topical subjects $1, $1.50, $2, «y m $3 per bcx. Jaelanco special "r,*" apeortei bex
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    • 219 8 THE LAST AND FINAL CHAPTERS OF THE GREAT SECRET SERIAL AT THE ALHAMBR.A The Hall for Music -The Pioneer and Premier Houm The House of Quality leach Read IN TUB SBCOND SHOW AT 9.15 SHaRPI Quality Pictures Corporation presents Francis K. Bushman and Beverly Bayne, sweetest of start, in Wm.
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  • 3230 9 GULF OF RIGA. Details of the Recent 1 r Fighting. i WESTERN CAMPAIGN. c General Results Gained This; r Rn ten's Tkligk«ms. i London, October IJ, 1 a.m. Petrograd An I flicial note announces that tliu Russian destroyers continue to frustrate the attempts of tbe enemy war c
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  • 120 9 We are indebted to the French Consulate for the following telegrams P*ris, October IS, 6.50 p.m. The Norwegian steamer Tbbmii, 12,800 tons, was sunk in tbe Mediterranean. Paris, October 19, 6.20 p.m. The French 3 per cent, bonds are at (r. 68.25 and the 5 per oent.
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  • 2344 9 PRESIDENT WILSONS PEACE STAND. Picture of Ten Seconds of War. London, August 80. To-day President Wilson's reply to tbe Pope's peace overtures is tho only topic of conversation. It is an addition to tho great documents of tho war of tbe very first importance not merely
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  • 386 10 NEGRI SEMBILAN NAVY DAY." We are anked to publish the following list of subscription collected in Seremban by the Chinese committee Mr. Cbu Sbu Ming (Kong Sang) $400 Wong Vick Tong 16Q P. P. Cbient :SiO Cbai Chit Sam 300 Siow Koon Cbia 300 Tan See Kee 250 Tay Scow
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  • 51 10 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on page 6. An excellent wind-up to race day is provided this evening at the Seaview Hotel where a special dinner is boing served, to be followed by a picture display. On Sunday, uiunic will be provided during both tiffin and
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  • 643 10 MEN FROM THE FRONT AND LOCAL SERVICE Since one or two letters were received from men who bad served at tbe front, complaining that after having held coos missioned rank on active service they have been required to sorve as privates in the local defence forces, we have
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  • 750 10 i'o tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Tbe following dated Juno 30, 1317, from Majorlieatral Sir A. H. Kassell, commanding a division of New Zealanders in France, to tbe chief of tbe General Staff in New Zealand may be of interest to One of Them," Another of
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  • 519 10 Lack of Competition and Poor Demand. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 317 th auction was held on Wednesday and Friday, when there was offered for sale 16,218 piculs or 2,029,066 lbs., (tons 905.83). Prices realised Messrs. Barlow and Co. report: Singapore, October 19. Some 1,103
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  • 93 10 A Malacca correspondent writes Asahan village, of wbioh the English population is a branch of tbe Malacca Rubber Plantations, held an entertainment for Our Day on Sunday. Tbe proceedings began with games in the afternoon bat unluckily vt ry heavy rain fell just at the boar fixed. A
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  • 72 10 The oommittee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to tbe above (and Previously acknowledged ItITjMBJI Chip Ngi* Club 80 Koninkylku Paketvaart Maatschappy 1,500 I). Y. Perkins 250 Hing Wo tiong y0 Collected by Ladies Committee for Shipping Captain and Officers, steamer Tecumseb 45 D. Beatty Hoo
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  • 454 10 The boD. treasurer begs to acknowledge with thanks receipt of tbe following: Fifth List. Already acknowledged S 1,470.75 Minn E. M. OifkiDs 20 Staff of Malacca Electric Lighting Co. 89 Collected by tbo Malacca Japanese Society I Mr. C. l-hii Jin Mr. N. TgatHui 10
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  • 152 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The President, The I,vly Evnlyn Young, the Ladies Committee and Stallholders would be very grateful if you would extend the courtesy of your paper in publishing their thanks to all the h< Ipi th who did so much for the
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  • 33 10 Kntries for tbe Gymkhana next Saturday close at noon on Monday, October '2'i. Entry forms may be bad from the Hon. Secretary, Mr. G. P. Owen, at the S.C.C. pavilion.
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  • 245 10 An attractive shooting competition has been arranged for which .aluable pri/.es are being awarded as follows: Stationary Targets.— (l) Jicst shot of tbe day, Ladies; (i) Best shot ot the day, Gontlemen (3) Mcst shot of the day, Malays (4) Best shot of the day, Joboru Recreation
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  • 70 10 The following are tbe events arranged for tbe ensuing week in connection with the Our Day Fond To-day. S.C.B.A. Entertainment, Victoria Theatre Supper Dance, Europe Hotel. Sunday. Fete at Johore I'ahru. Monday. Eurasian Literary Society Entertainment. Tuesday. Gaiety Entertainmeat. Wednesday. Tamil Auction, Victoria Hall, 4.30 p.m. Philharmonic Society
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  • 287 10 The Registration and Medical Examination Bill. A Bill entitled "an ordinance to make provision for tbe Registration and Medical Examination of certain ienidentB in tbe Colony in conue-ction with tbe prexent war" is published in thu Gazette. Tbe objects and reasons stati s 1. This Bill provides that
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  • 6 10 Sembrong.— 2j7V lba,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 444 11 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Time. Sir,— How much longer is the admitted scandal of the Malacca roads to be endured Tbe roads arc bad— very bad indeed. They were bad eight years ago, when traffic was montly by bullock cart. Since then Malacca has prospered enormously
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  • 142 11 To-day's Business. MacpLai' bti i'" 'g daily report Silver.— l town 42|. HongkoDv BMfaaaaad— 3/7}— l*i pm. Shanghai unptianged— 3 1M 01. Tin.— Sold i»j.i tons at *114. Rubber- B <*Jy. liandai TekcOK indicates a final dividend which is Raid to be 7 per cent., making 12
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  • 232 11 A gcod show h always welcomed in Singapore and the general verdict regarding Wilhson's is tbat it iff a good show. For the past three years the company has been touring in Java and adjacent islands with macL success and it reflect credit on the management
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  • 110 11 Adi l< u at< i the AuHtralian miners, wbose name m m pi ilurnl in tbe French press as H. BengtPHoD. baa published a remarkable statement renprcting tbe manner in which Genoa* y evio in war timt- is flooding tbe world with bogos prtckos stonta through ageatx in n< utral
    110 words
  • 477 11 Sunday, October 21, 1917. St. Andrew's Cathedral. •20th Sunday after Trinity.— 7.Bo a.m. Litany 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 8.16 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion 4 p.m. Sunday School and Biblo Classes 5.30 p.m. Evensong and sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy lanes.— 6.Bo p.m. Evensong and sermon. Hymns,
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  • 240 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, October 26, 1017. Saturday, Octobkb 20. Nil. Sunday, October 21. 7.30 a.m. Balestier Rng. S.V.R. Monday, October 22. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Recruits. 5 p.m. Jardine's Steps DJLV. and GL. Specialists. 8.30 p.m. Drill Hall SHE. (V.) 5.15
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  • 66 11 No drills will take place during October. Tbe marriage is announced o( Mr. Burleigb Close, late assistant Engineer, P.W.D., F.M.S., youti;tr son of Samuel P. Close, A.R.H.A., Kodct'D, Carricklergos, and Miss Beatrice HutUon, elder daughter of tbe late Charles Huffton (IC.S.) and Or. Editb Huffton, Ouildlord, Surrey,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 318 11 We are in a position as ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS of the Moutrie Piano to offer you the finest value in pianos in S.S. and F.M,S, We shall be pleased to demonstrate our latest models if you can call on us, or we will send catalogues on application. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD.
      318 words
    • 324 11 BAFFLES HOTEL "OUR DAY" It SPECIAL DINNER, CONCERT. CINEMA AND DANCE will be held on Thursday, October 25, 1917, from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m Ticket for Dinner, Concert, Cinema and Dance $4 Ticket for Concert, Cinema and Dance $2 The whole proceeds of the sale of tickets will be
      324 words

  • 1785 12 YELLOW RIVERS NORTHERN BANKS BURST. A Long Foreseen Disaster. Kcgarding tbe burting of tbe northern bank's ot the Yellow River tbe North China Daily News says It will be remembered that in 1852 the Yellow River abruptly changed its course north of Kaifungfu, Honan, and instead of
    1,785 words
  • 392 12 We are indebted to tbe Food Reform Society for tbe following menu and recipes I Mem. Potato and rice soup. Vegetable cutlets and brown sauce peas mashed potatoes. Crust patties. Fruit salad and golden salad dressing. RtlllK-. Potato and Rice Soup. Cook a quart of sliced potatoes
    392 words
  • 94 12 Cbarcb Notes, HoDgkoDK. comments on tbe question of raising money (or tbe lied Cross Society as follows:— We much regret that a public lottery has been chosen as one of tbe methods for obtaining money for the tunds of tbe Ked Crow Society. Whilst gambling is not one of tbe
    94 words
  • 838 12 TORPEDOED— AND AFTER. By One Who Has Undergone The Experience. I have been torpedoed. I was torpedoed about midnight. Of course tbe experience was unpleasant, though we nearly all survived it, thanks to one of those inconspicuous auxiliary ships that now belong to tbe British Navy. But I will maintain
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  • 222 12 Millionaire's Adopted Daughter Marries a Lance-Corporal. It baa just become known that Miss Gertrude Vanderbilt, adopted daughter of Mr. Frederick Washington Vanderbilt, tbe millionaire, ban been quietly married at Seaford, Sussex, to Lance- Corporal Loajaell, of the Canadian Army. Mrs. Looqoell told a Star correspondent, in her rooms
    222 words
  • 316 12 First Three Years. 1914. Jane 27. Assassination of Archduke Fran/. Ferdinand and bis Consort at Serajero. July 25.— Austrian ultimatum sent to Serbia. August 1. Germany declares war on Russia and France. August 4.— Britain declares war on Germany for violating neutrality of Belgium. August 23. Battle
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  • 475 12 1916-1917. August 16. British capture Langemarck. French splendidly cooperating. 17.— The Pope has made a most earnest appeal for peace, but it is felt that there can be no peace until German militarism is finally broken. 22.— Great t tench offensive in Verdun area is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 214 12 Bacchus Marsh CONCENTRATED FROZEN Milk In quarts, pints and half-pints SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED i lncorporated in straits Settlements) We are tbe only lmporterslof BRITISH BLANCHARD LAMPS Direct from Factory Beware of Imitation* You are certain oi obtaining spares If you buy your BLANCHARD LAMP FROM US 300 C.P.,
      214 words

  • 1033 13  -  INDIAN VIEW OF MR. MONTAGUS PROMISE. By St. Nihal Singh. It was singularly appropriate that India should receive a poletun fWHUranceof administrative and political progress fron. a mrroher of bis Majesty's Government, an I in Parliament. The message was meant for India's brain and not for her
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 155 13 r 7, "'"'~"Z^” IHU«r Of EMPIRE SMIES. !7/ l^fJ^MW/Wk. THE HORSE .^*^*^jJS^ij|l% JflMO!* I hi t i MILES OF AVON tours London and gives en route some littleknown particulars of famous places in the Heart of the Empire. It is interesting to know that the War Office of to-day is
      155 words
    • 92 13 LjyS/', J HAS FORCED jr^r-Z^vJ^r-^^-.^^^ ITSELF ON THE*' >^^^%^ PUBLIC s^SkkY T^R^W 5 09^ "BLUE MYSTO" WHITE-ANT EXTERMINATOR ALL BRITISH STRONG, RELIABLE and CHEAP "MYSTO" POWDER (made to approved formula) The powder tbat kills, and does not corrode the tabes McAlister Co., Ltd. INCOBPOKBATBD IN SINOAPORB. BOLE AGENTS Aerated Water
      92 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 597 14 PIACI, FaMINM or PIIMTT. Lin InBURANOI IB WGKTH 100 OKNTB ON THI DOLLARS THE BREAT EABTERM UfTaSSuSmCE GOffIPAKY, LIMITED. mntwm m»«»— t nmmmm. T— anrr— UNIMM OVfiea i SB, OM Jtwry, «.o. fJki Ccm»« i h« »W»iOOO teffMnad with the hsmt Owrt H ■■itad. •onpHe* wlto Ihe ■ritkb LMa Amwmmm
      597 words
    • 508 14 BAMKIM. HBN6KMN AND SHANBHAI BANKING 68NP8IUTI8N (iMoiraiino w Hmm«m) PAID-UP CAPITAL lIIJOMM 8338RV8 FONDB Sterling 41,600,000 at tit UM.MfI SUrer HMOBJW »M,M0.080 BeMrre Liability ol Proariston |ll,M«,0O0 COURT OP DIRECTOR*. Hod. Mr. 8. H. Dodwell, Chairman, Hoa. Mi. P. H. Holyoak, Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. O. B. Anton. 1 0.
      508 words
    • 527 14 BAMKINtL CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. TNC'(. > KPO« > /> >r i*..D IK 3M6LAX9 BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital in 80,000 Sharea of 430e*eu 41,100,000 Reserve Fond 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor!)... 41,200,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, TUo London City and Midland Bank, Ltd.. The
      527 words
    • 566 14 BANKING. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING 80CIETY. Established 1834. Paid-up Capital fl 80,000,0C0 (about £6,000,000) I* Statutory Raserva Fund fl 11,696,483 (about £986,289) HBAD CiFK'B IK AMSTBBDUI. HSAO AOBNCT IN BaIAVIA. BRANCHES Penaag, Hongkong, Shanghai, Rangoon, Soerabaya, Semarang, Weltuvrt-dun, Bandoen« (Ja\a), Cheribon, Te«al, Pecclongaa, Tjilatjap, Djember. Djokja (Java), Solo (Java;, Medan
      566 words
    • 422 14 INSURANCE. ABSTRACT FROM 12th ANNUAL REPORT YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1917. Averago rate of interest earned. 8-59 per cert. Inorease. 0.2:1 per coot, Insurance or Reserve Fond. 16,124 52C.90 1664.642.2t) Total Assets 6,894,220.60 742,877.21 New Insaranon.imned 6,051,2rtt 00 FOR 275 00 Total Insoranoe in Force... 24,067,264.86 1,488,977 62 A copy
      422 words

  • 748 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Fuel the Great Factor. Since the war broke out Great Britain onnuettionably has become a well drilled country It is now, howevnr, about to be drilled iv another sense, the Government having decided to explore these islands for oil in the
    748 words
  • 823 15 Persist in Preferring Russian Freedom to Prussian Order. Thing* in Poland are not going well for the A astro Germans masters. So much is clear from the various pronouncements in the German Press, which are becoming more outspoken every day. In a long article the Koloische Zeitang
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 117 15 JUST RECEIVED BY SPECIAL PERMISSION Of THE MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS Two British Austin Motor Lorry Chassis, War Office Type CAPACITY 2 TO 3 TONS These machines are magnificent examples of the very latest British motor engineering practice. Any type of body can be fitted to suit customers' requirements. Prices and
      117 words
    • 64 15 OILD4G SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Garages Full particulars from DUPIRE BROS. sole: agents. Sub- Agents for Perak: Messrs. BERRY Co., Ipoh. SINGER CARS Please apply to International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE Sole Importers. (EINCHER Tsfie fPremier JW-S3ritisd tsyre. MADE OF PLANTATION RUBBER in ,he Largest
      64 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 650 16 V^*^ Jl lye snger f/F jj^" jj^^^i Tl :> !'-i t'H-on nicer and l^iBafc*'>FrLl](sJ~ i>>> '^J I x^ tC >.'! 411J) with r* IB i^Sßß^a^a^P^ Ia lc t rs > so c P^Mrtr^ the (joodritli tyre hold X ilic road with its tiic rui.iK-r m^^^ fingers of sujK-rtine Para. f^
      650 words
    • 597 16 BOARD AND LODGING. 1 FUBNISHBD APARTMBNTS. Apply Private family, c/o Straits Timos. 11 10— 1011 FRENCH BOARDING HOUSE. Comfortable rooms with verandah. Tennis. Sarage. No 106 a, Orchard hoad. 12 10- 26 10 ST. ANtiREW 8 HOUSE. A Church of England Boarding Uoubo for European and Eurasian boys who desire
      597 words
    • 328 16 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D c CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT CO. L Market Street. I NEDSELLIWi THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore IS CONDUCTED BY h. n. buckeridge; Late of Metirt. Lafayette, photographers to their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 paces north oT
      328 words
    • 305 16 TAY GUAN KIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipalityfortheyear 1918 Full particulars on application to above address. 'Phone Nob. 1361, 1362 and Private 1450 and 1073. In Stock, 1,200 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes V 2" and 5 8 outside diameter. 1 Tangye's Duplex Pump 5 diam.
      305 words
    • 453 16 STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE I I i i FIRST-CLASS GARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT I 'Phone 1233 TYRES and TUBBS are repaired by best methods at Moderate Prioes. 215 216. ORCHARD ROAD. Ban Lee Ann, Ld. (Inoorporatod in Simqapou) 68 and 59, Market StroMt. Ship-Owners Ship-Chandlers Steamship Agents Estate Suppliers Forwarding Agents
      453 words