The Straits Times, 19 October 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 25.549 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 189 1 MILKMAID SWEETENE'J CONDENSED MILK Price now $19.00 pat ea»c Best Quality ENGLISH SODIUM BISULPHITE In drums containing 140 lbs. nett. THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) riQj' II PAIN! H a^Bfel3 MAINTAIN RATHER THAN REPLACE YOUR IRON AND STEEL BUILDINGS Instead of writing depreciation against joar annual lots by
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    • 194 1 ROBINSON CO. jlfP^V New Millinery \Twf Models |^W^ NOW ON VIEW JROBINSON CO. Billiard Tables Stocks held of MHCROFTS, RILEY S, PAOMORES AND BURROUGHES AND WATTS New and second hand Billiard Table all sizen. Particulars and price from IV. FRANKEL CO. Victoria Street. Delicious New Things Your table is doomed
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    • 2 1 GOODKICti TYRES
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  • 1054 2 The following casualties are reported London, September 30. Previously reported niiaßing, believod killed, now wounded and prisoner. 2nd Lieat. J. B. M. Richards, Welsh Fusiliers. Previously reported mininK, now reported prisoners. 2nd Lieat. J. B. A. Hope, Border Kegiment Capt. F. M. Hudson, K»«t Kents 2nd Lieat. K.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 587 2 FOB SO!" AND SIDECAR ids A B-S-A 4' 4 h.p. MOTOR BICYCLE tillrd silk > •aalrrskafl Tkra* %r*r4 6*«r. Wm can tupply you with mm? USA. mo*U. CYCLE ft CARRIAGE CO. Orehai* U»4, Slagaatrt lack, raaaag t»4 Inn Laaear Latest IS*. Catatofac free. TYRE 3 ■ore Miles for Tour Honey.
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    • 371 2 Dr. Cassell's Tablets b.p.i- w r lln o Jj«'- of Nerve Pncmt it. 9d. mnd 4: JAPANESE MASSAGE The Spsoialiet AT HOME OR FOR CALL FROM 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Miss TAME Y, 73, Middle Road 110— 81 10 If yon are in need of a padlock for any
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    • 18 2 THIS cannot fly though it runs so smoothly you think it does ""A WADLEIGH CO., LTD., Singapore DISTRIBUTORS
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  • 1005 3 THE ESSENCE OF GERMAN DEFENCE. Use in Concrete Redoubts. The Times special correspondent at British Headquarters wrote on Angost 22 The value ol the machine gan in defence has been recosnised since the earliest days of the war. In my dispatches describing the first day's fighting on the Somme,
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  • 48 3 The Bangkok Timea Bays that the floods in the north ot Siam an very high, and have interfered with railway transit. A ateel bridge north ot Ban Pbaji ha* been swept away, and, in some parts, the water baa risen over halt a c etio above the rails.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 616 3 Weak Kidneys and Backache Dr. Cassell's Tablets Strengthen Your Kidneys and Cure Backache and Urinary Trouble. You <-»nn«.t rx> mrV, when MM k .Ineys ar» out of ordfr. No. you n: I v> Ih bad matter which {W I at \<hi need is Dr. <'a.«sell'» rour kidneys rtrong again. Then
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    • 351 3 *T— diapnt*. the praeaal war v the graataei aaninaarlin coaiaatitiaa mt daviead. I SUNBEAM ■reawrtlßßi kav* atwav* acUatraJ aiiliactian ia eaaiaatitiaa*. To4ajr Soabaaai car* «nd r< SUNBEAM-COATALEN \A AIRCRAFT ENGINES ara —(agsil la bUtibi taalr parte In well- Bigk mvrrf thratre is which taa Alliaa' ami ara anf aged, aad
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    • 739 3 THE MANDAI-TEKONii (SINGAPORE) RUBBER ESTATES. LTD. NOTICE OF CLOSING OF TRANSFER REGISTER. NOTICB in hereby given tbat tbe transfer books of tbe Compauy will be olosed frcm October 28 to October 80, 1917, bolh days inclusive, for the preparation of dividend warrant!) By Order of the Board, CHAN SZB ONN
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 442 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL BTEAMSHIPCO..LTD. (laOOBTOBATBD W JaTAB) EUROPEAN LINE A service ia maintained betwoen Yokohama, via ports, and England under mail eontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin aorew Steamer* maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, aad are fitted with all
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    • 628 4 STEAMER, BMLINBB. P. O." British India AND AVpcar wine. (OoMPAMias Imoobpobatso in Bnolamd). MAIL AND PASSENGER BERVICBS. PBNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N Go. (Under ContrMt With BU Majesty a Qovenu^enti The Company's MAIL SKRVIOES BAST OF BOMBAY are at present luspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON ire
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    • 704 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Imcobfobatbd n Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangaara, Telayi*, Pasarai. Patani, Singora, Laoon. Kobeamui, Bandon, Laagraea, Ohnnipon, Kofalak a Bangkok. Due Departure ■■a. PRACHATIPOK Oct. 2B Oot. 94, 8 p.m. S«of^i%- a 9 B 81 8 a.s.
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    • 614 4 STEAMER SAILINM. OOMBINBO •■RVIObI OP THEBCEANB.B.CB..LTB. (Imcobporatbd im Baa juid, urn THE WEST AUBIRALWS 8. N. CO.. LTD. (IHUOBPOBATBD IM BmuMMD) BBTWBB* F reman l l* (Perth), NertlfWatt Australian Ports. Java and •ln«apo*«. Regular Bailings between Singapore aad We torn Australia oalling at Java as is-duoein-nt offers), Derby, King's Sound
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 317 5 BTEAMEP SAILINGS. NOO-CHIN* STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (iMOBPOaATID IM BMOLAKD) O.p«ot Servioo to Japan via Hongkonit A Shanfthai, and to Calcutta vi< Pen a from Sirnlapop*. Tal og Cargo n thrcugli Bills ol Lading lor Ctnton, Macao, Swutow, Amor, C'hefco, Tuntsin, Newohwang, Yangtsze port*, For mosa, the Philippine?, etc., etc.,
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    • 430 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOStNKAISHf (Ikoorpoeatid im Japan) (Oeafca Sanaatlle Steamhia Co., Ltd KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. tin iv.j, ajrea;..''inp a .'oguiar carve •ervioe v:sij -xi. steaia>.rs aailic^ at Moji Yokkaiclii, HoDgkong, Singapore. Por> Swettenh<km, IViiog, Cnlotpbo aud Porub*f, and on il.e <otcrn «nya»:e calling st Tuiioori?, SJagrpcrc, Hongkong and Moji. PACIFIC LINE.
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    • 703 5 JONG-KEENA THE BEBT ADVICE to give to a ppisoi snffirin^ from headache, seasioaness, stomachache or cheat oomplaints is to n c a remedy tbat will afford instant relief. Like a loach of tho wisard's wand Jong keen* ao'.s on these laiufnl disorders. The effects are Bimply marvelloar. One doable dose
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    • 394 5 BRUNNER MONO k CO., LIMITED, Northwich, England. ESCEnt WBfWtGS 3RAND MANTJFACTTJ3CRB OP Bicarbonate of Soda. Soda Ash. Caustic Soda. Carbonate of Ammonia. Sulphate of Ammonia Calcium Chloride. Pure Zinc, Etc. AOENTS, Straits Settlement* and K M. S, H. WOLSKEL CO.. LTD., Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Denby Motor LORRIES UJ^l J____M__^__»____«_jftLjd^—
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 316 6 TanJ— t Pa<ar Mee-Trawi Pass the leer ■^■•^■is^M TO-NIGHT SECOND SHOW 9.1S SHARP TO-NIGHT An All British Production pSS. BARNABY RUDGE Tale ot the Gordon Kiots by CHARLES DICKENS Adapted to the screen by THOMAS BRNTLEY, the Dickensian Actor FIRST SHOW AT 7.80 BHARP A PATRIOT OF FRANCE A thrilling
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    • 373 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KEPPEL GOLF CLUB. NOTICE. The Fifteenth Annial General Meeting of the members of the KcppU Oolf Club will be held in the Club House, on Thursday, Octo bar '25, 1917, at 6.15 p.m. BUHINBSS To receive the Committee's Repjr; and Statement of Accounts for the year ended Jons
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    • 543 6 Arc You Anaemic? If you have the sort of feeling that makes you think you have cot the strength to do any work, no matter how light, and your face and lips look pale, while you have not tbe appetite to eat even tbe daintiest morselx, then you are anseraio
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  • 98 7 FIXTURES. Friday, October 19. High Water, 11.F6 a.m. Saturday, October 20. Bisti Wat< r. 0.84 a.m.. 0 4 p.m. Homeward mail clones. Kaeos, Third Day. Sunday, October 21. High Water, 1.16 a.m., 0.88 p.m. 4Honda> October 22. High Water. 2 8 a.m., 1.14 p.m. LiOffihiat'te Couucil, 2.30
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  • 199 7 TO-ftAT, f. SweMenham and To' jk Anson 2.30 pm M. .ti 2.80 pm r. Sambo and Bag*,n 2.30 pm > *i'«~«« and Maar ft pm Befeavia. Samaranft and Scurabaya, taking Mails lor Port Darwin, Port Moresby and Australasia (except Western Australia) 8 pm Rangoon 8.30 pm Kota
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  • 194 7 EXCMANOB BIMATOM, OCTOBIB 19, 1917. Oa Lomumi Bank 4 m/s 1/4 1 Demaad M» Piivsie B m/i m, S/435 On Fbajtcb BankT. T. 818 Oh Imdu Bank T. T. 165 Oh HoH9BOHa...Bank d/d m. 18} Oh Bmahaku ...Bank d/d 61 Oh Java Bank T. T. ISO Oh
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    • 158 7 Buyew Selletß. 10 10 Ampang 5.00 1 1 Aver Wong 2.00 3.16 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 Jl 41 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 41 41 Labat Mines 6.40 665 10 10. Malayan Collieries 1'J.26 12.75 £1 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 notn 10 10 Middletcu 18X0 18.00 5/- 6/- Pabang
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    • 114 7 GENERAL vX>5 Bn BeUe 41 41 SmeltiM Go. 7.76 B.CO 41 41 i Piel. 1.1.0 1.8.0 6/- Hlecteio T'w&yi 4/- 6/ 10 10 Fraeei Ne»ve 46.(0 47. 80 50 60 W. Hunmei Co. 74.00 76.00 100 100 K*ta Bro, Del. pur 120.00 10 10 Maynud Co. 8.00 41 41 Shell
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    • 52 7 United ßnsineen 6% 81,284,600 put Singapore Bleotrio Tramways 5% £IMO,OOO norn ;;poreManicipal 6% 81,878,000 par Spore Mnnieipal H% of 1907 81,600,000 10%dis S'por-' yiasicipal 4^% of i 909 11,000 o<lo 1C Spore Municipal 4% 3,0C0.C0C It I B'pore Municipal 4% 4><K\o:' 1 F.M.S. 6% loan 1916 115,000,090 1(8.00 i'
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 240 7 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Teoders will be received up to noon of TTntTiifoj-. "-i-rmtiir 11 1917, attherffic? ■A tl.r 'Joiooi .1 secrtta'y, MinKapore, horn peraevs do-^r art- of contrsctiug for tho supply of r*-.una < ji prisoneis. Forms tl tender may bo obtained at tie eSev of tlie Inspector ol Prisons, Siogapore.
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    • 518 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTBD, a tecondhand motor eye'e, with or without sideoar; mint be in grod condition. Pleisd write particulars to rt>k<>, c, 0 Straits Time*. 19-10-22 10 LINBNEBBPBR WANTED. Must bs a good needlewoman ai d di&oiplnarian would b* required to keep lin> v hnrkx and to a*>i»t matron generally.
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    • 410 7 RUBBER SHARE MARKET. Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyaii and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. To-day's P»i Fraser Lyall i Frasot I>v vl 3 A- Co. Evan. k Co. I Alor Gajah (ID 4.40 4.63 4.80 4.CG Maloka Pioda (tl) 8(0 8.10 80' MS Amal. Malay 1.76 pd. 0.7S 0.85pm
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  • 20 8 Ha .FV7IFMB.— Oa October 11, 1917, at L icaruu imv tserlandi. Maria Caroline, wife of B. F. HageLzirker, Penang.
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  • 1190 8 The Straits Times FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19. THANKS TO THE ARMY. Generally tbe thanks of the Cabinet and of Parliament are not given to a commander or to bis army until their work is done. But tbe whole Empire will be glad that precedent has not prevented a very warm message
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  • 23 8 The services in Christ Cburcb, Malacca, on Sunday next will bo: Holy Communion 8 a.m., Mattins 8.4S a.m., Evensong and sermon 6 p.m.
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  • 31 8 Representative elevens of Boustcad and Co. and the Mitsui Buss&n Kaisha met on tbo Old Gaol Site in a football match yesterday. The former team won by one goal to nil.
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  • 36 8 Messrs. Wbittall and Co., Klang, are in reoeipt of a telegram from the secretaries of this company that an interim dividend of 7J por cent, has been declared payable loss income tax on Novembt r 5.
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  • 42 8 News baa been received tbat Mr. William Gunatilaka, son of Mr. E. W. Gunatilaka, manager of P. and O. Co. 'a wharf, has successfully passed bis B. A. at Cambridge and tbat tbe degree was conferred on him at tbe last convocation.
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  • 45 8 A first interim dividend of 6 per cent, in rtsprct of tbe year ending June 80, 1918, has been declared by Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd., payable oa October 80, 1917, 10 those shareholders whose names appear on the register of members on October 16, 1917.
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  • 49 8 Tbe heariDg of the petition for divorce of Shirley Bruok»s Langp, in which F.iith Mildred Laoge is the respondent, was begun in the Supreme Court yesterday before Mr. Justice Ebdcn, and after some evidence bad been taken was adjourned until to morrow. Tan Luang Kia is cited as corespondent.
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  • 56 8 In the second police court this morning a coolio named Sob Nuug was charged with culpable homicide with regard to tbe death of one Tan Ah Pang. It is alleged tbat in tbe course of a fight in Orchard Road on Septem ber 20 deceased was struck with carrying poles,
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  • 50 8 A tramway trolley wire broke opposite tbe Central Police Station about noon to-day. Fortunately no one was struck although, as ÜBOal, the road was fairly crowded. The wire broke at almost tbe same spot some time ago and some attention to it would no doubt be appreciated by tbe public.
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  • 62 8 Tbe Chairman informed Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board at its last meeting that Mi b-ts. F. G. Spring and J. N. Milsum, of the Agricultural Department, had consented to serve on a sub-committee for the planting of shrubs, trees, etc., with a view to beautifying the various open spaces in the
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  • 64 8 Apropos the cultivation of foodstuffs by small holders, it ia interesting to note that the Collector of Kuala Pilab has cancelled five grants of small plots to Malays owing to tbeir failure to pUut the kauipocg with 20 coconut trees per aorp within twelve months." Tbe Collector of several other
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  • 62 8 Seventh-Day Adventist Cbapel, Penang Lane. —Saturday, October 20—8 a.m. Missionary Volunteer Service, 9 a.m. Malay service, 10 a.m. Sabbath School, 2.15 p.m. Hakka service, 8.80 p.m. Hokkien service. 5 p.m. English service. Sermon by Pastor C. E. Weaks, of Shanghai, China, who is secretary of tbe pablishiLg work of tbe
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  • 80 8 Dr. C. Paglar delivered an interesting W cturo to tbe members and friends of tbo Eurasian Literary Association last night at 50. Bras Baeah Road. The lecture was on Tbe Brain, aud the absence of technical words made it an instructive one. The next meeting of the association will bo
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  • 89 8 Tbo proposed curtailment of tbe night train from Penang, by stopping it at Taipiog instoad of bringing it on to Ipoh as hitherto, is welcomed in the Ipoh Post Office, where (be sorters are looking forward to a relief from the nightmare overtime that has been usual on tbe arrival
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  • 90 8 A true though almost incredible story is narrated in London Opinion. A British officer, following up tbe German retreat from th« Somme, entertd a church and fo'ind a black cat socured by a wire to the crucifix. The poor starved animal was ecrt-aiuing pittously. Tbe officer, witbuut thiakiug of anything
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  • 92 8 Karopar, aennrding to a correopondeot to tbe 1 Hue! of Malaya, has been a particularly heavy nuffortr by the recent heavy Iftjaa, tlie main streets Doing knee deep in water for quite half an boor one day towards tbe latter half nf last week. Tbe public garden, which has loDg
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  • 99 8 Fines of 12.000 each, in default six months' rigorous imprisonment, were imposed in the thud police court on Leo Ann Sang, Chang \h Jew and Tan Tee Jin, who were convicted of attempting to Ruiugglu chanda on a vessel from Sarawak. It was in this case that two of tbe
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  • 124 8 Tbe impending withdrawal of all bat a fi w Sunday trains on tbe F MS Railways is nut being ngardtd too favourably by those uf tbe department's employees who have ooouted on them hitherto as a boon and b!e»Ring in tbe matter of overtime pay, says ho Times of Malaya,
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  • 359 8 The Rev. D. J. Ross has returned to Penang from Sumatra. Mr. W. B. Penman will shortly join tlie staff of Messrs. Brown, Phillips and Stewart, says tho I'mang Qazotte. Mr. Alaatair Duncan has left Penang for China, and expects to return to tbo Straits ia about
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  • 86 8 The owners of good driving horn* are reminded tbat one tvent in tbe Gymkhana programme for Saturday, 27tb inst., is a driving competition fur which three prises will be presented, provided there arc> not less than six competitors. Entries should be made on the special entry forms,
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  • 117 8 An engagement ju«t announced binds stilt closer tbe bonds which unite Parliament and tbe Bench. Captain Cyril Aeqnith, son of the ex-Prime Minister, is to marry Hiss Pollock, great-granddaughter of chief Baron, Sir Frederick Pollock, uf whom it was said by Baron Martin that Pollock, thu Apostle
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  • 132 8 The latest go«sip in regard to war lotteries id that the Penang one lias been abandoned for lack of support that the Sungei Patsni venturo has been suppressed and that what is called a "pour uiuu's lottery," tickets two dollars each, has l.em iuaagutattd in J. bore, say.i
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  • 202 8 The new Alor Star Club wm formally opened on Mi mlay by II H. Mm Sultan ol Ki-dah, X.C M.0., in tin. prueencw of (be leading Malaya and Eurup^auH of tbe Stain. H 11. tbe Sultan was accom, anieil by II EL tbe lucent, President State
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 152 8 "EMBASSY" No. 77. l^i No. 77. I^Pfl t,^D t &HOWig|i CIGARETTES and MIXTURE XMAS PRESENTS MANILA CIGARS ORDER? NOW BOOKED ft Tbo follow i n g brands Jftk can be delivered any- *-W£#» where in Great Britain, \^*rjr's?~fB m^*rf9m*£? dnty P iid ai p° Bt tiee > t-*,^-* k■" *sT
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    • 211 8 THE LAST AND FINAL CHAPTERS OF THE GREAUECRtT SERIAL AT THE ALHAMBR/1 The Hall for. Music —Ths Piosssr and Prsmisr House The ;Hou«s of Quality Beach Road IN THE SSCOND SHOW AT 9.18 SHARP Quality Pictures Corporation present! Francis K. Buihman and Beverly Btynf sweetest of stars, ia Wm. CHRISTY
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  • 3033 9 GULF OF RIGA. Gravity of Russian Position. GERMAN PEACE INTRIGUE. Revelations in the French Press. Rii-tir's Tilsqrams. London, October 17, 10.50 p.m. Petrograd Tb( Krnsian artillery yesterday destroyed a number of enemy bridges which were being thrown across tbe Dvina. Lonc'ou, < 'ctober 18, 185 a.m. Tbe Admiralty
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  • 64 9 Rbctbr's Tiliuium London, October 17, 8.28 p.m. In the House of Commons in the course of a discussion on the Electoral Reform Bill Sir E. H. Dake said the expectations and prayers of the best citizens of Ireland went up for the success of the convention. It
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  • 18 9 KIUTEBS TILKURAM. London, October 18, 12.15 p.m. The death is announced of Sir W. P, Byles, M.P.
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  • 82 9 Forthcoming Events. The following are the events arranged for the ennaing week in connection with tbe Oar Day Fund To-day. Photographic Exhibition, T.M.C.A., 0 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. S.C.B.A. KnterUiment, Victoria Theatre Sapper Dance, Europe Hotel. Sunday. Fete at Johore Bahra. Monday. Eurasian Literary Society Entertainment. Tuesday.
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  • 1815 9 STATEMENT IN PARLIAMENT, Reasons for Release. RIUTRB'* TILIORAIt*. London, Ootober 16, 11 p.m. In bis statement in tbe House of Commons regarding tbe release of Mrs. Besant and her associates Mr. Montagu farther quoted the answer given to a question in tbe Legislative Counoil on Soptembcr 5,
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  • 260 10 Messrs. Fraser and Cos Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraxer and Co. in their share circular dated October 17 state: Dollar rubbers and industrial stocks were both in steady demand throughout tbe week but fluctuations were insignificant in both sections. Mining .ibares remain a dull patch with only occasional
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  • 301 10 Life Risked to Save a Drowning Officer. The heroism of Captain tbe Rev. G. J. F. Verscboyle, who tried to save a drowning officer at the risk of bi«own life, was warmly commended by the coroner's jury at the inquest at Blyth, Northumberland, recently, on seven of
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  • 103 10 To-day's Business. Macphail and Co.'s daily report Silver.— Down 1/4-42J Hongkong— 2/7 J 14" a pm. Shanghai— 3 yj— 61. Tin.— Sold ISO tons at 1118. Kubber.— Prioes at the auction are more or less unchanged (1116—121 for top grades) but the tone is slightly firmer. Share
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  • 128 10 A He i Feather feature in five reels, The S irli t i/ryi-ttl, will be sbo«n at the Harima Hall to night in addition to a new Universal Gazette, an L Ko cjmedy and other items. At Cbitty and Co 'n sale at Malacca, yester day, land
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  • 1375 10 MILKY WAY AGAIN BEATS BLACK WATCH. The Second Day's Results. The going was better yesterday than was tbe case on Tuesday, fields were larger, and, all over, the racing waa better. The attendance, too, was much improved. The surprise result of the day waa Dara's win in
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  • 181 10 First Rvse.— The Earl J0.12, Ampang 10 7, Fallowland 9.4, Pretty Molly 9, Oh La La 8.12, Idnnno 89, Britisher 8.4, Black Prince 8, Bourn ty Bob 7.12. Second Raco.— Ma Belle 10.7, Pjlar Star 9.10, Charles K. 98, Argyll 9.8, Dara 8.12, Princess 8.7, High Jinks
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  • 537 10 Turn-about of America's Picture Weeklies. One can always toll bow war has come to a great nation by studying its illustrated papers, says a writer in the Daily Express. In no country in the world now engaged in this war is the illustrated paper which
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  • 1188 10 SENSATIONAL STORIES BY A GERMAN JOURNALIST. New Light on the Dardanelles Mr. J. C. Segrue writing from Berne recently said The inner biotory of Turkey during the present war has been disclosed in a remarkable book just written by Herr H. Stuermer, a German journalist who acted as
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  • 865 10 Liebknecht's Pamphlet a Terrible Indictment. The Daily Telegraph's special correspondsnt at Rotterdam writes:— There has reached me a copy of an open letter which Dr. Karl Licbknecht circulated in Berlin last year, and which is believed to have played a great part in tbe trial which resulted
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  • 485 11 Terrific Fighting in The Ungemarck Battle. Desperately tried, bat still heroic to the oVath, Mr Philip Oibbe pays enthusiastic »B»agn to the Irish troops who ioagbt at kMgMMrrk. vhrre they met with less than occat. i'l.i Iriphtmn bad no luck at all. They ffmu 1 i urn), bat
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  • 357 11 Time We Had Less Kaiser Says Austrian Soldier. This is tbe greatest of Italian battles, says Mr. Perceval Gibbon in a vivid narrative of the fighting. Tbat great war genius, Cadorna, has held bis band till it was armed as it was never armed before. His artillery
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  • 577 11 Labour Programme to Cost £250,000,000. A striking statement on tbe bousing problem as affected by tbe war has been drawn np by tbe Joint Committee on Labour Problems after tbe War, wbicb consist of representatives of tbe Parliamentary Com- 1 mittee of tbe Trade L'nion Congress,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 424 11 SIKHS IN KEWNTAN. Appreciation of Their Conspicuous Loyalty. The following correspondence has been forwarded to us for publication ICopt.] Tbe Residency, Kelantan, September 26, 1917. Sir I bave tbe honour to inform you that I bave received a letter from Hid Excellency the Higb Comuiisnioner instructing me to convey to
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    • 40 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drill* etc., for week ending Friday, October 19, 1917. Friday, Octomb 19. 6 p.m. Drill Hall S.F.A. Co. O. O. Waoi, Captain, Aoiiag Adjutant, S.V.C. Singapore Civil Guard. No drills will take plaoe daring Ootober.
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    • 362 11 EUROPE HOTEL FOR "OUR DAY" FUND A SUPPER AND DANCE WILL BE HELD IN AID OF THE BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY AND THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN Saturday, October 20, 1 91 7 TIOKETS $2. 50. The whole of the proooeds from the sole of tiokets will be gi?en to
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    • 334 11 RAFFLES HOTEL "OUR DAY" A SPECIAL DINNER, CONCERT, CiNEMA AND DANCE will be held on Thursday, October 25, 1917. from 7 p.m. to 1 am Ticket for Dinner, Concert, Cinema and Dance $4 Ticket for Concert, Cinema and Dance -$2 The whole proceeds of the sale of tickets will be
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  • 2145 12 LEADING POINTS ABOUT THE QUESTION. By H. G. Wells. 1 ho international situation at ;he present tiuie is beyond question tbe most wonderful that the world has ever seen. There is not a country in tbe world in which the great majority of sensible people are
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  • 1488 12 Cockchafers' Defeat. HOW THE WELSH BEAT THE BOASTFUL HUNS. Bitter Blow to Germany. Mr. Philip Gibbs wrote recently from headquarters in France: Oue of the most bitter blows to Germany, if she has beard the news, must be the destruction of the famous regiment of "Maikiifer," or Cockchafers," by oar
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  • 1807 12 Clever French Journalists With The British Army. The French war correspondence have a manner of their own, quite different from that of their British colleagues (Bays The Times in a review of La Machoire Carrve.) One gets less military information from them than from our own men,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 220 12 Bacchus Marsh CONCENTRATED FROZEN Milk In quarts, pints and half-pints SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated In Straits Settlements) We are the only importers "of BRITISH BLANCHARD LAMPS Direct from Factory Beware of Imitations You are certain ol obtaining spares 11 you buy your BL&NCHARD 2L1LMP FROM US 3OO C.P.,
      220 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 211 13 Ladies' Fashionable and Dainty Goods Now being displayed at WHITEAWAY'S LADIES' TRIMMED AI SEMI-TRIMMED uitc LAUIto WHIlt SILK BLOUSES |ho newe>t anl m rt»U» «d cation, iv while »n<?. oclonw. BJl^ Prices fn $3.50 t< $37.50 each. p riceB 6.25, 7.00 1 T o 12.50 eacb. LADIES WHITE VOILE BLOUSES
      211 words
    • 104 13 THE NEW COAGULANT ACETOLEX ACID gives results closely resembling thoe obtained from acetic acid AT A QUARTER THE COST OF ACETIC ACID SAMPLES ON APPLICATION E2* VITII-iSON <&L> CJO«* Singapore: SOLE AGENTS FOR THE MIDDLE EAST FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN SUCCESSION We secured the Contracts for the supplies of
      104 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 630 14 A* o» PlAO*. WmMIWM or ITLBNTY, LjP* iNBURANOX 18 WORTH 100 OBNTB ON TH« DOLLARS THE GREAT EASTER* LIFE ASSURANCE CSiPAHY, UNITED. (iMnmtMtv at Hs*m hnwim) mmmQmmmmt «iMft M i»NMM,ib«s M ixmrnom ommmm* m, on ..wn, «.o. TU Oja>)i»«» bM ««O«00« m**** CM u« lo*s«rs Osort «l BagUsrf, wd aompliei
      630 words
    • 612 14 BANKING. NEDERLANDBCHE HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. HsTAßLisasu IoJ4. Paid-up Capital fl »<.',( 00,000 (about £8,000,000) lututori ■sasrva Nat fl 11,695,462 (about £966,289) Hbau Cmca im Amstbbdam. Hbad AaaMof im Batavia. BRANCHES Peuapg, Hongkong, Shanghai, Raßfc'uon, Soerabaya, Bemaiang, Wcltevreden, Bandoeng (Java), Chcribon, Tegal, Pfovlongaa, X}iiatJKp, Djembei. Djokja (Javal, Solo (Javal, Modan
      612 words
    • 251 14 CHEUNG BROTHERS DentUts, 26. South Bridge Road FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES First class Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crown Bridge Filling aad Vuioanite. Duration ot Weai guaranteed. OHARGBS MODBRATB Best Tooth Powders and Brushes tor sale FOR PRIVATE SALE Freehold Oodowns, Nos. 86, M, 67 and 88, Mohamad Sultan Road, area 16,170
      251 words
    • 640 14 THE HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDS PARA RUBBER CO.. LTD. MIDLANDS ESTATE. KLANG. FOR SALB, seed from selected trees over ten years old. Average yield per tree 1916 season 8 lbs. per tree. Limited supply available immediately. Prioe in sacka, F. O. R. Padang Java, $1 per 1.000 Apply Manager. 21 9—
      640 words
    • 485 14 INSURANCE. THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co., Ltd. (lnoorpontted in Hongkong and Registered under toe Aainranoe Companies Ant (1909) England) DO YOU REALIZE that you can secure to your wife and children the sum of $5,000 by saving merely $0.35 a day. Fob particulars apply to H. LACHAMP, District Manager,
      485 words

  • 877 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Help at the Front. Motor vehicles play an important part in carrying out observations from captive balloons. Bach balloon has attached to it a special automobile in the Italian army it is a 81-ton Fiat track chassis— with a powerful
    877 words
  • 185 15 How Germany Treats Her Fallen Soldiers. Among tbo interesting things found on prisoners recently token are two snapshot photographs of German dead being taken back to tbe rear by light railway. There are views, write* Mr. H. Perry Robinson, of three truckloads. On one track, which is
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 136 15 SPENCER MOULTON TYRES The phenomenal mileage records under all torts of road conditions prove their durability beyond question. They enjoy an equal popularity in temperate and tropical countries, thus showing that they are unaffected by climatic conditions. A shipment from London has just arrived and supplies may be had from
      136 words
    • 84 15 The RIGHT START IS THE BEST START FOR oag^^ s^^m^\ K FOR Fffi //Iff IF YOU ARE NOT 1 Iff ALREADY USINO l| c I I DUN WPS 1] FOR ECONOMY and SATISFACTION Use Dunlop Tyres DETROIT ENGINES Four-cycle horizontal, effectively governed, magneto ignition, portable, water cooled *<H\H "wSwJSHsWsldr n
      84 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 580 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER HKKH. BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT TELEPHONE OPERATOR wanted. Apply to Telephone, o/o Straits Times. 1710—1910 WANTED, an exptuenoed Chinesa clerk with knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. Apply to B jx No. 4b6, Straits Times. 16 10— n WaNTBD, Chinese asustant store keeptr, one with experience cf engineering
      580 words
    • 504 16 MISCELLANEOUS LBSSON3 in Fronoh and Bnglish given by lady. Box 416, Straits Timea. 8 10— 211 FOR SALE FOR SALB, one dogcart, English make in first-class condition. Apply W it. Diethelru. ■20, Collyer Quay. 1610— 20 10 FOR SALB, Ford car, excellent condition, speedometer, tyrecarrier, tools. Apply M. Sea View
      504 words
    • 527 16 DNDIB THE DISTINGUISHED PATR OSAQB OF H. B. TUB OOVBRNOR IN Ali) U: "OUR DAY" 1917 FUND A VAHIETY BNTERTAINMBNT will be presented under the auspices of the 5.C.8.A., at Victoria Theatre, on Saturday, October SO, 1917, commencing at 9 p.m, sharp Tickets are on sale by numbers of the
      527 words
    • 375 16 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D c CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT a CO. L Market street. NEDSELLIW THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore II CONDUCTED IV H. N. BUCKERIDGE, Lataef Messrs. Lafayette, photographers te their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 paces north of the
      375 words
    • 323 16 TAYGUANKIAT 36. PHILLIP BTREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality forthe year 19 IM Full particulars on application to above address. 'Phone Nos. 1361. 1362 and Private 1 450 and 1 073. In Stock, 1,200 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes V 2 and 5/8" outside diameter. 1 Tangye's Duplex Pump
      323 words
    • 444 16 STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE FIRST-GLASS GARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT I HPHOMEJ233J I TYRES and TUBES are repaired by best methods at Moderate Prices. j; I 215 216. ORCHARD ROAD Ban Lee Ann, Ld. (Incobpohatbd in SiMOAPoaa) 5S and SB, Markst Street. Ship-Owners Ship-chandlers Steamship Agonts Estate Suppliers Forwarding Agents Provision Merchants
      444 words