The Straits Times, 18 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.548 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 292 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Prioo dow $19.00 par mm Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the best soup you ever tasted. Messrs. Isibby. McfieiXi teibby state "If there was a way
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    • 200 1 Aluminium Wane MADE IN AMERICA THE IDEAL KITCHEN stock p iw. rjr Q _a Kettles, Tea Pots, Mixing "Ant Ig^s Bowls, Fry Pans, Colanclean, sanitary and whole- V ders Jel| y Moulds, Tea some, seamless and joint- C*. Strainers. less, easily cleaned. A arge Be ection in stock. Made of
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    • 42 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER. Soli Aoints AOAMBON GILFILUN CO., LTD (Incorporated n Kngliud) Billiard Tables Stocks held of MHCROFT S RILEY 8. PADMORE'S ARO BURROUGHES ARO WATTS'. New and sooam? band Billiard Table all sizes. Particular* aid price from FRANKEL CO. Victoria Street.
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  • 1037 2 Tbe following casualties are reported London, September 14. Killed.— 2nd Lieut. B. Bxntley, York and Lanoastcrs 2nd Lieut. J. P. Henderson, Northumberlands 2nd Lieut. A. Hill, North Staffords; Lieut. Col. Lord K. W. O. Manners, Northumberlands Capt. H. 8. Roberts, Welsh Fusiliers; Capt. C. T. W. Sauerbeck, Darhams;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 739 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE CHARGES FOR THE SUPPLY Of 6AB. The Municipal Commistioners of the town of Hingapore buieby give notice that, frcu November 1 nut, the nett rates per 1,000 cubic feet fur gas supplied will be increased as follows Where the consumption is lees than 100,000 cubic feet a month,
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    • 362 2 W^^r^& .>«^^l^SpVa^k&jr£a\. CHEONG BROTHERS Dsntffta. 25. Sontb Bridge Road FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES First olaes Meohanioal Deutistry, Gold Crown Bridge Filling and Vuloanite. Duration of Weat guaranteed. OH4ROBB MODERATE Beat Tooth Powders and Brushes for sale JAPANESE MASSAGE The Speoialiat AT HOME OR FOR CALL FROM 9 A.M. TO 10
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    • 400 2 Burning, Itching Eczema On Body Came Like Rash. Had to Go to Bed. Used to Cry whh Pain. Scratched. Cuticura Healed. "My limbs broke out with eczema from the knees to the neck of my foot, and then on every part of my body. It first came like a rash
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    • 662 2 THE MANDAI-TEKONG (SINGAPORE) RUBBER ESTATES. LTD. NOTICE OF CLOBING OF TRANSFER REGIBTER. NOTICE is hereby given fat the transfer books of tbe Company will be o on d from October M to October fO, 1017, bo h days inclusive, fcr tbe preparation of dividend warrants. By Order of tbe Board,
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    • 332 2 STEAMER SAILIHBS. FOR SAN FRANCISCO Via HONGKONG, JAPAN PORTS and HONOLULU A 14,000 tons first-class mailboat leaves shortly For passage please apply to INTERNATIONALE CREDIET AND HANOELBVEREENI6ING "ROTTERDAM (Inoobfobatbd in Holland) Ho. 1, d'tlmtlda Strest Phone Ml 1810—2010 FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. A 7,000-ton steamer will be despatched for Hongkong,
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  • 997 3 THE LION'S SHARE IN A VICTORY. Germans Who Rao. Mi. H. Perry Robinson writes from France to the Daily News The minor operation with the object of rectifying the line of oar reoent advanoe, of which I spoke yesterday, was even more oonspionoasly aaooessfal than appeared at
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  • 99 3 Mr. Gerard, writing of his negotiations with the German authorities on behalf of the victim* of their ttlave raid* in Belgium, says that deported Belgians in Berlin managed to inform hits diroctlj of their being brutally treated and compelled to make shells. He wont to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 432 3 MAYNARD Co., Ltd. Pharmaceutical Chemists, 18. Battery Boad. British Pharmaceutical Products Always in Stock Estates supplied at Moderate Rates. TELEGRAMS: "MAYNARD. BINGAPORE. TELEPHONE 115. GUAN KIAT CO., LIMITED (Incorporated ih the Straits Settlements) Head Office 36, Phillip Street, Singapore. ESTABLISHED 1917 Ship-chandlers, Hardware Dealers, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Importers
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    • 210 3 FOUR-CYLINDER HENDERSON 1 1 MOTOR CYCLE A^coepted by critical experts ss thn moat highly developed type of motoroyole. In use among thoossods ot riders in ill psrta of the world, it his plesaed by its live responsiveness ol action, smoothness and silenoe of operation, esse of oontro' combined with irresistible
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    • 59 3 Gentlemen) Tailoring Just arrived a specially select range of exclusive suitings New designs and colourings Style, fit and finish guaranteed N.B. Tailoring department is under the personal supervision of a fully qualified and experienced European cutter. New supplies of gents/ outfitting requisites, shirts, collars, ties, socks, hats, caps, etc. J.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 442 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y7K. JAPAN MAIL BTEAMSHIPCO..LTD. (Imoobpobatbo n JapuO EUROPEAN LINE A wrriee is maintained between Yokoham via ports, and England under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Govornrcen Tbr New Twin screw Steamers mainUinin this ssrvioe have been specially designed an uunsmitnii and are fitted with all the latest
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    • 616 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.- British India and A pear i— inc. (OOMPAMUS IMOOEPOBATSD 111 HlfSlA>D). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVIGfIB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL I. N CO. (Under Contract with His Majesty Qoyernuenn. The Company'! MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY mo at present suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON
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    • 698 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SUM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Ihoobpobatbd n Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay.Tringmna, Bisut, Semenk, Baoho, KeUnUn, Tabai Bangaara, Telupta, Paaarai. Patani, SiEßora, Lhob, Kobsamai, Bandon, Laßßttnen, Chain pen, Kohlak k Rugkok, Due Departure PRACHATIPOK Oct. 32 Oot. 94, 3 p.m. ABDANO 29 SI, 8 p.m. BORIBAT Nov. B
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    • 605 4 BTEAMEK BMLINIB. OOMBINBD SBRVIOB O* THE MEAN S.C.CB..LTI. (Inoobpobatbd in Bus aid, THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in KMOfciMD; HTWiia Fi>*mantl« (P«rth), Movtti-Wcet Australian Ports, 4avm artel Slngspor*. Regular MiliiiKfl bntwoon Singapore ud Woktorn Australia oilling at Java (m induoeni' at offors), Derby, King's Sonnd (port lor
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  • 98 5 FIXTURES. Tburaday, October 18. High Water, 11.8 am., II.M p.m. Races, Second Day. Friday, October 19. B«h Wattr. 11.' 6 a.m. HoiiMjward mail oloaee. Saturday, October 20. High Water. 0..54 a.m., 0.4 p.m. Bacon, Third Day. Sunday, October 21. High Water, 1.10 a.m., 0.80 p.m. Monday, October
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  • 194 5 Te-DAi. Mening, Blair Harbour, Kimimm and Trenggaoo 2.80 pm Sumaisac and Trcnggaan 2.80 pm Pott Dick on and P. Swetteaham 2.80 pm Malacca and Maar 8 pm Christmas and Cocos Islaads 8.80 pen Samaraog and Now ZaaUad 4 pm Kota Tinggi 4 p-oi Hongkong, Slnnghai and Japan,
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  • 268 5 The mail trains from Singapore for the fcMtb Imtu Tan s Hood s. »ti .'a ii&ilr at 7.7 a.m •■d T p.'i ar Mag at Kuala Lampnr a-. I .It p.m. iud 3.45 a.m. respectively. Tbu -•jians to rVnaag leaven Koala Louicdi at 8 am. daily, arriving at
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  • 62 5 (Official Post Offioe Report.) iMTt SlIlliAPOKl Aruivid Lokdo oly 24 B. 1. aly 87 P. O. lavtiKi 1 B. I. Lagast 11 MM tasa-t 11 B. I. Lag** II M. M. U«wt 18 P. O. LORUt M B. I. Ioktu* SB P. O. L(uaat 81 B. I.
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  • 197 5 BXCHANOB. BiaaAroßß, Octobib 18, 1917. On LoaDMl -....Bank 4 m/s J i Demaad I'4J Private Im> m a Om Fbamoi Buk T. T. 818 O« Inu Bank T. T. 15 J O« HoxuoM...Buk d/d m l. v pa. Ow Sbamiai ...Baak d/d m 6T| O«J*v» BankT. T.
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    • 155 5 MINING vSUe SeUen 10 10 Ampang 6.00 1 1 Aver Weng 2.00 3.16 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 41 41 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 £1 Lahat Mines 6.36 660 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.26 12.76 41 41 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 norn 10 10 Middloton 18X0 18.00 5/. 6/-
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    • 110 5 41 41 I. Smelting 00. 7.76 BXO 41 41 PieJ. 1.1.0 13.0 </• I/- ■leefarie T'wayg 4/- 6/ 10 10 Fnata Numve 46.C0 47.60 SO 60 W.HiunmeiACo. 74.00 76.00 100 100 Ss%» Bio, Dei. pai 120.03 10 10 Maynwd h Co. 8.00 41 41 Shell Transport 6.6.0 6.12 6
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    • 47 5 United Bngineera 6% 11,384,600 par Singapore Bloctno Tramways 5% £850,000 aom SporeMunicip»Jß% 11,873,000 pu S'porc Munioipal 4i% of 1907 $1,800,000 10%dis S'poro .Municipal 4*% ol 1909 11,000,000 10% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 M% Spore Municipal 4V, 4. F.M.S. 8% loan 1916 IIS.C.uIi.GOO 103.00 11 4 f)
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  • 309 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lya!1 and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices. Fraser Lyall A Co. Evatt. Alor Gajab (II) 4.40 4.61 4.80 1M Arual. Malay 1.76 pd. 0.76 0.85pm 0.70 O.ho Ayer Uitam (15) 16.00 16.60 16.00 16 50 Ayer Kuning (II) If 0 1.60 1.45
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 633 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. 810 3COPB OPERATOR required. Good salary. Apply RobiDson and Pt auro, 4, l> cil Btro-t. IHIO-19 1' WANTktU,*>e asxiatan) store-keep* r, one with exp-rieace 1 1 engineering tools preferred. Apply Box No. 441. Straits Times. 18-10—2010 ASSAYRR BS, of prfcienl exprieDoo in tob Ac i U'nnanvtarp, gr
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    • 336 5 "EMBASSY" No. 77.|^^| No. 77. Virginia P. C ICARETTt»-^^J CIGARETTES and MIXTURE RUNNYMEDE HOTEL PENANG (Sea-side). Every Wednesday and Saturday Musical Selections during Dinner. 80-8-I— a BESUIT OF THt POPULARITY ITAKEt-THE PALLaDIUM IN EMV WINNER, THE FINEST RatE PROGRAMME IN TOWN All THE FAVOURITES ARE HERE David Warf isld't treat
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    • 84 5 [~tanj»iit Patsr Road- Trams Pass tha Deor -^^ala^a^am TO-NIOHT SECOND 3HOW 0.15 SBARP TO-NIQH An All British Production p^s BARNABY RUOGE RE X LS A Tale of the Gordon Kiota by CHARLES DICKENS Adapted to the screen by THOMtS riBNTLBY, the Dickeasi.-.n Actor. FIRST SHOW AT 7.80 SHARP A PATRIOT
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  • 1054 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18. HOLLAND AND CONTRABAND. The incident between Holland and Britain with reference to transit of sand will no doubt get settled peacefully as many other and moi6 delicate matters have done daring the past three years. We have a good deal of sympathy for Holland.
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  • 12 6 The Court Cards may pay a return visit to Malaya in December.
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  • 19 6 The Lanka Fresh Process Oil Mill is the i ill.- of sn invention just r. watered in the F.M.S.
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  • 20 6 A bl ok leopard was shot a few days ago os the Krian Road, a few miles out ot Taipin*.
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  • 20 6 The Rent Assessment Board for S.ntjapore. will sit at the Municipal Board rouuj next Tuts iay at Xl 5 p.m.
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  • 17 6 The German steamor Landrat Schciff bas been declared a prize of war by the Siam Prize Court.
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  • 45 6 laspeotor Miller in tbe Taiping Police Court on Monday last prosecuted Ong Tob, of Chop Sin Quan Hin, for selling a tiu of Milkwatd Milk at a prohibitive prioe. Tbe offence having been pruved, accused was ordered to pay a fine ot f2O and costs.
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  • 45 6 In view ot tbe recent proposals that planters ghculd apply for the licences to run toddy-shops on their estates, it may be interesting to note tbat the dates for tenders in the various districts in Perak are published in the F.MS. Gazette of Ootober 16.
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  • 43 6 Messrs. Barlow and Co. in thtir cpra report state: The market for tins commodity romaina inactive. Quotations since we last reported show a slight dtsolino and may be given as $5.80 for fine sundried and 96.20 to 96.60 for fair to good qualities.
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  • 51 6 Messrs. Simc, Darby and Co., Ltd., advise us of the particulars of tbe outputs from tbe following companies for the half month ot Ootober, 1917, as under: Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd., piculs 860, hours run 308. Cbendoriang Tiu Dredging, Ltd., dredge piculs '240, hours run 268, Vnbutora— piculs 50, total
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  • 56 6 The half-yearly report of tho Yokohama Specie Hank shows that the gross profit, including bring forwatd, amounted to nearly 40 million yen, tbo net for appropriation being Y4,946,757. To tbe reserve fund it is proposed to add YBOO.OOO and pay a dividend at tbe rate of 12 per cent, per
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  • 58 6 Refusing to accept a ten cent currency note was the charge brought in tbe distriot court this morning against Hcng Ah Chan, a market stall bolder. He denied the charge, stating tbat the reason be did not accept tbe note waa that he bad no change, tbe customer coming so
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  • 57 6 Tbe following is the agenda for the meeting ot the Planters' Association of Malaya to be held at Johore Bahru on Saturday War Relief, Labour, (a) Indian, (b) Javanese, Toddy, Railway Liability, Plant Diaeases' Control, Hospital)), Malaria Prevention Enactment, Statistical Department, Silt Control, Currency, Preservation of the Malayan Food Supply,
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  • 90 6 The fourth of a coarse of monthly lecture* to mothers to be held ander tbe aunpirt a of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be given on Monday, October 2*2, at 445 p.m., at tho Y.W.C A. Hall. It is entitled Games, Pastimes and Hobbies and will be given by
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  • 136 6 Mr. Claude Arthur Cary Aekew, news of whose death at sea caused by enemy action, ia seat by Renter, was the second too of the late Rev. Johu Aakew. In llrOO, he married Alice, only surviving daughter of the late Col. Henry Leake, who shared the same fate. He took
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  • 150 6 What is claimed as tbe tallest chimney in the world was recently completed for a copper smelter at Sagonoseki, Japan. It is constructed of ooncrete, 670 ft. high, 26{ ft. inside diameter at tbo top, and 42 ft in diameter at tbe base. Tbe great height was decided on to
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  • 157 6 The subject of the nationality of tbe third and succeeding generations of poroons born of Britons in China is one of importance to many families, says the London and China Express. A Briton concerned, lest tbe continuity of the Britiah nationality of bib descendants might be affected by thtir birth
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  • 163 6 On October 1 the well-known retired plaoter of Ceylon, Mr. Kuith Rollo, completed the fiftieth year since his arrival in Ceylon. Mr. Keith Hollo came out to Ceylon by tbe P. and O. steamer Bangalore, and landed at Oalle on October 1, 1867, being then IB years old. He proceeded
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  • 365 6 Mr. 11. M. Latham, of Telnk Anson, baa left for Selangor. Mr. A. H. de Fonseca, Revenue Auditor, Selangor, is shortly goiDg on leave. Mr. aod Mrs. J. C. M. Mattbows have left Kuala Lumpur ou a trip to Japan. Mr. E. Wallace has been appointed a
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  • 57 6 A donation of Guilders 50 to the Red Crow Fund bas been generously contributed by Sewa Singh, of Patoembah Estate, Medan. He further expresses his intention ot subscribing Ouilders 12.50 per month, commencing with November 1, until the end of the war and is of opinion that friend*
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  • 57 6 We very gratefully acknowledge the following addition to our fund for assist in* tbe Overseas Club to provide smokes for ou soldiers and sailors Mr. K. Pears »J0 Bridge IS The total we have received since lbs fond wasopenod in August, 1016, is now
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  • 90 6 The rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore tor the week ended October II was 88.07 per millo of the population. Tbe total number of deaths waa 228, of which 148 were male subjects and HO female. Convulsions claimed 26, phthisis 19, malaria (ever 84, brri-beri
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  • 132 6 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report Some 1,108 tons wire catalogued for sale at the weekly auction which commenced to-day. Prices all round show a considerable decline on the week and evtn at tin lower level there waa a lack of competition, and poor demand. The majority of
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  • 197 6 In tbe Kajang Police Court a few days s«o a young Indian Tauiil wan elnr(<eii with cheating, by protending tbat he was authorised by tbe Rer. W. T. Cherry, of tl Motbodist CJiurob, Singapore, to collect subscriptions (or a nuppowd orphanage, says tba Malay Mail. Aocnscd called
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 146 6 Just arrived a shipment of YOUNGER'S EDINBURGH ALE in barrels PRICES ON API LICATIOS TO Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. Xmas Cardsfor Tngland v w ew BeaBon B goods now to V hand. Prices 5 c's. to $5,50. j Topical subjects $1, $1.50, $2, $3 per box. Jaelanco special V aneortei bex
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    • 228 6 THE LAST AND FINAL CHAPTERS OF THE GREAT SECRET SERIAL AT THE ALHAMBBfI The Hall far Mutio-Tk* Pionssr and Prtwisr ■MM— TIM House of Quality teach Road IN THE SBCOND SHOW A t 9.15 SH\HP Quality Pictursi Corporation present) Francis K. Bushman snd Beverly Bsyne, sweetest of start, ia Win.
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  • 1727 7 WAR CABINET AND ARMY. Warm Thanksfor Great Service. RUSSIA'S DANGER. Grave Position in Gulf Of Riga. RbCTIk'S TILBOBAMS. London, October 18, 11 p.m. Tbe I'reet Bureau announces that Mr. Lloyd Georgo Las sent the following mtasage to Sir D.jujla- Ilaig The War Cabinet desire to zougratulate you and
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  • 88 7 To-day's Business. Macphail and Co.'s daily report Silver.— Down 1/4-48,. Hongkong— l4% pm. Shanghai— «oj. Tin.— Sold 100 tons at •112.60. Rubber. -Dull. The auction reopens tomorrow. Rubber share market. Indragiria have been done at 1608, Ayer Moleks at 1290, Malacca Pindas 13.06, Pantais 1195, Lonaa •8.46,
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  • 483 7 HOUSE OF COMMONS ON THE BESANT CASE. Rioter's Tiliobaw. London, October 18, 6.6S p.m. In tbe House of Commons, Mr. Montagu made a statement regarding the release of Mrs. Besant and her associates. He declared that the coarse followed in nowise constituted a criticism of tbe action of
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  • 287 7 Need for Caution on Part Of Dealers. A charge of dishonestly retaining a ton of rubber, valued at (2,300, having reason to know tbat it was stolen property, was brought against a dealer named Swee Long in the district court this morning. It was alleged that the
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  • 96 7 A mail paper states Major Tom Lowis Boardillon, M.C., King's Boyal Rifle Corps (killed in action on August 24), was the only sou of the late Sir James Boardilloo, X.C.S.I V.D., and of Lady Bonrdillun, of Weatlands, Liphook, Hants. Aged twenty nine years, be was engaged in the Malay Civil
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  • 337 7 KING'S MESSAGE ON RED CROSS WORK. Noble Tribute to Noble Service. Tbe following message from His Majesty the King was received by His Excellency the Governor on October 17, 1917, through the Secretary of State for tbe Colonies Buckingham Palace. Daring tbe last 12 months I have bad
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  • 364 7 The committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to the aboTS land: Previously acknowledged 1114,489.57 D. J. Blias 26.29 Staff of the Lunatic Asylum, Singapore Dr.H. J. Oibbs »50 Mrs. C.Gunn 25 C. T. de Souza, E. K. Johnson, J. Ker* and J. D. McLaren, #6 each 30
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  • 380 7 Collected by tho British Agent, Trenggana (first list). Taukeh Lim Cbwee Cbian 91,000 Tankeh Tan Wi Van 500 Taokeb Ang Soon Huat 600 KrcUy Plantations 600 Manager and Staff Kretay Plantations 820 Tankeh Goh Tiong Lay, cbinchu stoatner Hong Ho 800 J. L. Humphreys 250 Taukeh Lim Boon
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  • 74 7 In connection with tbe Johore Oar Day Fete on Ootober 21, the Federated Malay States Kailways have made tbe following arrangements Special train (Ist (.'lass only*, stopping only at Newton, depart Tank Road 10.8 a.m., retnrning from Johore at 7 p.m., stopping at Clony Road and
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  • 86 7 Tbe following are the events arranged for the ensuing week in connection with tbe Oar Day Fond To-day. Bridge Drive, Radios Hotel. Photographio Exhibition, T.M.C.A., noon to 7 p.m. Friday. Photographic Exhibition, T.M.C.A., 9 a-m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. S.C.B.A. Entertainment, Victoria Theatre Sapper and Dance, Europe Hotel.
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  • 795 8 FINAL DISTRIBUTION OF 15 PER CENT. Government Loan Repaid. Following is tho report by tbo directors to the seventh annual general rmetinp of tbe shareholders in tbe Jimab Rubber Estate*, Limited, to be held witbin tbu registered office of the company, Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore, on October 27,
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  • 6 8 TupiOK -18.H50 Ui«.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 482 8 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,- With reference to the letter from Une of Them and your comments on tbe same will you kindly allow me to make a few obseivatione. 1 am at present a temporary lance-corporal in tho Volunteers, bat hope to revert to
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  • 464 8 Two Singapore Men Killed In Action. Lieutenant Colonel Victor Augustine Flower, D S O London Regiment, who was killed on Auras' IS, was the youngest son of the late Sir William Flower and of Lady Flower, of V6, Stanhope gardens. He was at Winchester, and
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  • 46 8 Programme of drills, etc., for woek ending Friday, October In, 1917. Tm-KSDIY, OCTOBIS 18. '4.30 p.m. Drill Hall S.F.A. Co. Friday, Octobib 19. 6.30 am. B*l<*tier Range Mai. Co., S.V.I. 6 p.m. Drill Hall S.F.A. Co. O. O. Waci, Captain, Aching Adjutant, S.V.C.
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  • 10 8 No drills will Uke place daring October,
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  • 1528 8  -  Archibald Hurd. VIGOROUS OFFENSIVE BY SEA AND AIR. By I. Victory over tbe Central Powers can be secured only by defeating Germany, and Germany can be defeated only by developing our air power and maintaining our sea power the power residing in men-of-war and merchantmen, Bays Mr.
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  • 272 8 Colossal Number of British Guns Employed. Tbe chief importance of tbe advance consists in tbe Italians having definitely broken tbe resistance of tho enemy on th. right bank of tbe Isonzo bear Tolmino, eoubhng them to threaten the Austrian left wing. The offensive, which waa
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  • 67 8 A presentation of the story of Barnaby Rudge in an all- British six-part film ia tbe present attraction at tbe Empire. The Palladium presents a new programme to-night with the chief feature in A Jewel in Pawn, a new Blue Bird photo-play which ia well spoken of,
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  • 253 8 Tbe following properties were disposed of by auction at tlio Bale-room of Meesrs, Powell and Co., Ltd., yenterdny afternoon Eleven residential Bites having frontages on Tanglin KjaJ, Cbats worth Road and Chatsworth Avenue: (a) Lot No. 1, area 112,908 sq. ft. bought by Mr. T. J. B.
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  • 93 8 The Swimming Club Uancbes leave on Su ni*y aa follow Jobustou'n Pier 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 230 and 8 80 p.m. Club Bungalow: 930 and 10-80 a.m., 1216, 8 and 5-80 p.m. liitfh ti'lb 12-.W p uj height 9 ft. 2 in. 2UJ yard Jackson Millar Cup.— This
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 296 8 BAFFLES HOTEL For "Our Day" Fund AUCTION BRIDGE DRIVE SPECIAL DINNER TO-NIGHT Ticket— DlNNEß AND BRIDGE DRIVE $3.50 Ticket— BßlDGE DRIVE ONLY $2 For every Dinner *ud Bridge Drive Ticket •old ti will be given to tbe Bridge Drive Fond. Division of Prooeeds: 50% "OUR DAY" FUND 5O PRIZES As
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 365 9 BAFFLES HOTEL "OUR DAY" k SPECIAL DINNER, CONCERT, CINEMA AND DANCE will be held on Thursday, October 25, 1917, from 7 p.m. to 1 am Ticket for Dinner, Concert, Cinema and Dance $4 Ticket for Concert, Cinema and Dance $2 The whole proceeds of the sile of tickets will be
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    • 645 9 NOTICE, NOTICE is hereby Riven that all claims against the estate of H. U. Sultan Mahmnd, of Paliacß, deceased, should be preferred to me, the Administrator, before tbe 18th day cf November, 1917, at the undermentioned addre«* No claims received after date will be admitted. S. W. JONBS, Pekan, Pabaoß.
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    • 70 9 European Stockists for Singapore STRAITS MOTOR GARAGE (ABRAMS) S-a, Orchard Road STEELWORK We have large stocks of the most useful sections of Angles, Tees, Channels, Flats, Rounds and Joists. We can undertake contracts for constructional steelwork for prompt delivery at present. YOUR ENQUIRIES WILL BE APPRECIATED. Estimates given for Factories,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 594 10 w Piaoi, FaMIMX or PIBNTT. LIF» IhBDRANO« WOmTH 100 O*HTi ON THS DOLLARS WML** CTHfOHSt PROPBKIY ifST THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED. (laoowoaatw n Snuiv* Samaanum) wiia*o— > Hmm, iiiimiw tommm owwi. oii inmr, s.o. Tfco C«o»Wf ha. sWiBSO iefotftad iritD Mm ftaarcaM OnM at sanhafl, aad ecnyliM
      594 words
    • 516 10 BAMKIH HSNOKMIfi «N0 tHAJiBHAI BANKING 88XP§RATWN (iNcoaroaAiao n B*a«aoas) 'AID TP CAPITAL m, »llflßt,OOC i"sBRVH FUNDB Sterling 4i,««,u00 at I/- Mi.ON.OCM Silver »16,K0,0M MS.NsVOM Beserre Uaaility of Proprietors IIIJM4M COURT OF DIRBOTOHS. Hon. Mr. 8. H. Dodwell, Cbalrmaa. ■Job Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Deputy Chairman. Hob. Mr. C. B. Aatoa-
      516 words
    • 548 10 BAHKIHQ. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN BN GLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of 430eaeh 41,300,000 Reserve Fund 41,900,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41,200,000 BANKERS Tbe Bank of England, The London City and Midland Baak, Ltd The London County aaat Westminster Bank,
      548 words
    • 584 10 MNKIIIB. NEOERLANDBGHE HANDEL-MAATSCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. BsTABLUBCb liU«, Psldup Capital fl 00,1100,000 (about £3,000,000) Itatutor j Baaarrs Fyss fl 11,5»6.462 (about £1M,769)\ Hbad Oftiob in AasTsaDAa, Hsad AoBNOf Of Batavia. BRANCHES Pecaas, Hongkang. Shanghai, Raogocn, HoeraDßTa, St maraug, j Weltevrcden. Bandoeng (Java), Cher bou, Tegal, PooMloagaa, l'jilatj»p, I>jt>mber. Djokja (Java),
      584 words
    • 499 10 INBURANCE. ORIENTAL °=r LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Establish sd 1874. Incobpokatkd in Ism a. 88.8A3 ASSURANCES now In force for $72,522,348.14 ASSETS axoeed $31 ,800,000.00 LOWEST RATBS of PREMIUM. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. A PROBPBCTCS will be sent on application to J. R. MACPHBBBON, Branoh Secretary, 28 26, Tbe Aroade, Singapore. THE
      499 words

  • 736 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Use of Armoured Cars. Armoured cars have not been used on tbe Western front to anything like tbe extent popularly imagined by the public. A little reflection, indeed, wonld have shown that with troops deeply entrenched, and a practically immovable
    736 words
  • 295 11 A Warm Tribute to British Humanity. Dr. Max Kindler, recently acquitted at the Mixed Court, Shanghai, on a charge of conspiracy, baa asked the North China Daily News to make a statement in the paper on bis behalf, expressing bis sincere admiration for and tbankß to the
    295 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 118 11 JUST RECEIVED BY SPECIAL PERMISSION OF THE MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS Two British Austin Motor Lorry Chassis, War Office Type CAPACITY 2 TO 3 TONS These machines are magnificent examples of the very latest British motor engineering practice. Any type of body can be fitted to suit customers' requirements. Prices and
      118 words
    • 51 11 OILD4G SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Oarages Full partioulara from DUPIRE BROS. sole: agents. Sub- Agents for Perak: Messrs. BERRY Co., Ipoh. SINGER CARS Please apply to International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE: Sole Importers. A Good Tip _'''Wh> FIRESTONES II HAVE A LONG RUN FOR YOUR
      51 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 605 12 INSURANCE OP PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS FRANCE LIMITED (Ib«obpobatbi> in Hnolamd). SPECIAL ADVANTAGES SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan&Go., Ltd. (Incobpobatbd in England) IMPORT DEPARTMENT, SINGAPORE. PENANG and MALACCA. SITUATIONS VACMT TELEPHONE OPERATOR wanted. Apply to Telephone, c/o Straits Time*. VVI 1710—1910 WaNTKD, an experienced Chines j clerk witb knowledge of shorthand
      605 words
    • 526 12 FOR SALE FOR SALB. one dogcart, Ecglish make in first-class condition. Apply WR. Diethelm, 20. Coilyer Qua? 16 10— 20 10 FOR SALB, :'ord car, excellent condition, speedometer, tjrtcarrier toolß. Apply M. Sea View Hoki, Katong. 17 10—30 10 PERKY CAR FOR SALB, latest 1817 model almost new, 11 9
      526 words
    • 527 12 UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATR OVAGS O? H. R. THB GOVERNOR IN AID O-' "OUR DAY" 1917 FUND A VAi.IETV ENTERTAINMENT will be presented under tbe auspices of tbe 5.C.8.A., at Victoria Theatre, on Saturday, October 20, 1917, commencing at 9 p.m. sharp Tickets are on sale by members of tbe
      527 words
    • 357 12 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D c CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT I GO. L. |T Market street. I NEDSELLiW THB LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO In Singapore It CONDUCTED BY H. N. BUCKERIDGE latstf tours. Lafsyatta, photo(!r*ph«ri to thsir Majeitiei. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 BMSS north
      357 words
    • 281 12 TAY GUAN KIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality for the year 19 18 Full particulars on application to above address. 'Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and Private 1450 and 1073. In Stock, 1,200 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes V 2" and 5/8" outside diameter. 1 Tangye's Duplex
      281 words
    • 65 12 I j j STRAITS MOTORCAR j I SERVICE FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT j ij 1 'Phone 1233 |i |> TYRES and TUBES are repaired by best methods at Moderate Prioes. 215 216. ORCHARD ROAO Ban Lee Ann, 11 (Inoobporatbd in SiNOAPoaa) S8 and 89, Market Btreet Ship-Owners Bhip-Chandler* Steamship
      65 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 387 12 Straits Winter TELEPHONES I Editorial and General 68 Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Offico 1244 A.V oommanications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed la THE EDITOR. All commanications relating to business matters— advertisements, subcriptione. accoants, printing, etc. shonld be addressed to THE MANAGER. Cheques and money orders
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