The Straits Times, 17 October 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1917. NO. 25.54? PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 187 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Ptice now $19.00 par ohc THE TWO-SEATER (NEW MODEL) MAXWELL CAR IS NOW ON VIEW AT Alec. Williamson. Limited. 4, Orchard Road. Price: $2,200 nett cash ex garage, ready for the road. Full particulars from the above, or from The Borneo Co., Ltd. SOLE IMPORTERS. he
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    • 240 1 Aluminium Wane MADE IN AMERICA THE IDEAL KITCHEN *<*<; 1j.... h o Kettles, Tea Pots, Mixing WAnt s^mSSk Bowls, Fry Pbds, Colanclean. sanitary and whole- ders, Jelly Moulds, Tea some, seamless and joint- Strainers. less, easily cleaned. flB v arge se^ eetion in stock. Made of stamped 99 per cent,
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    • 11 1 KARTELL'S BRANDY. Soli Audits AOAMBON. GILFILLAN CO., LID Incorporated Id Kng'Mil
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  • 1035 2 MOST SATISFACTORY YEARS WORKING. A 30 Per Cent. Dividend. The fourth ordinary general meeting of the Mergui Crown Robber Estates, Ltd., was held on August 21, at the registered offices of the company, Nob. 3 and 4, Great Winchester Street, 8.C., Mr. J. l>. W. Wilson (chairman
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  • 99 2 However difficult international controls may be, we have to solve thefte difficulties, or our boss and our grandsons will have to pay over again as the younger generation is paying now, writes Mr. H. G Wells in the Daily Mail. The alternative to the United States of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 278 2 CTHE OMMERCIAL RUBBER CO., LTD. (ImOOVPOIUTID I* SINOAFOU) No. 8, Raffles Plaoe. Auctioneers. Rubber Merchants, Estate and House Agents. Auction Sales of furniture, jewellery, mer •bandiae and house properties conducted. Aocounts promptly rendered. Inventory and valuation ot household furniture of evory description made and oheoked. CHEONG KOON SENG, Manager. ONQ
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    • 78 2 Debility enfeeVled MITM, poor *i<.-alth and weakened biro i -these are troubles that can be overcome. SCOTT'S Emulsion never tails. It repairs waste, enriches the blood, revitalizes tlie nerves and gives strength to resist or drivs out weakness and disease. When you are run-down, out of sorts or in poor
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    • 393 2 1 BEET'tWlvftcVi Igfcroteb YOUR SKIN AND f COMPLEXION 1 B'l.l'hlm •La rait. ||".«V."~.!I, ifffinii all Ro»f haaM, Kaanat. Ti», fH W SoadiiM «ad Ra(ra4uat al f«Ma II Ot mil itih-cUuCkimlil, .»t St, X.M. BEE, HAM A *Q«tJ£2 K. CKSLTENHAM, JNga -OLArtP. I AVON TYRES More Miles for Tour Money. Dr.
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    • 332 2 SELANGOR TURF CLUB War Loan Lottery VALUE $500,000 OR SUCH LESSER OR GREATER AMOUNT AS MAY BE SUBSCRIBED TICKETS $5 EACH The amount subscribed will be distributed m follows 80 per oent. in 1 prize 12 per oent. in 1 prize 6 per cent, in 1 prize 6 i ci
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  • 530 8 Tbe following casualties are reported London, September 19. WouncUd— 2nd Lieut. V. A. P. Cowen, Wiltshires 2nd Lieut. E. E. Bradshaw, K.F.A. 2nd Lieut. A. Briercliffe, Lancashire Fneiliers 2nd Lieut. W. L. Briggs, Lancasters 2nd Lieut. A. J. M. Butter, H.E. 2nd Lieut. L. Cann, Flying Corps; 2nd
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  • 285 8 A Munificent Gift to The Nation. As a hospital for men suffering from the effects of shell tliock, Mr. John Leigh, of Altrincham, who early in the yew gave the John Leigh Memorial Hospital at Altrincham to the British Red Cross, has just presented to the Government a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 543 8 SINGAPORE SMPCHANDLERY CO. Pbotidokih* CovTmAOTOBS TUB CCMPANT'B LAUNCH MBITB INCOMING SHIPS. BFFICEB 16. BATTERY ROAD Take lift to top Door. Teteflicne No. 488 (Men prarptlT r-ttrtdej to lor daily lit suMtccK r up i) lies H W H. STBVBHS •VjBSJPs 10-n FOR PRIVATE SALE Freehold Godonns, Noa. 66,66. 67
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    • 390 8 fllllllliiiliiailtiiiiaillilWMJp^ UvNlM!ili!]!ll Wincarnis will give you the New Health you need when you are Ml took, "Nervy/ 1 Ron-down. Think what new health means to you who are Weak, or Anaemic, or Nervy," or Run-down. Think how splendid it would be to ba free from that burden of ill-health— to
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    • 44 8 FOR BALE Good healthy robber stamps, over one year old, no bent stamps or twisted roots and all grown frcm Cicely Bstftte Seeds. Price 122 per 1,000, F. 0.8. or F.O.R. Tel&k Anson, carefully packed. Any quantity supplied. Apply Charles Thomas, Telnk Ansoo 110—8110
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    • 606 8 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when die symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 668 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LD~ (laOOBPOBATBD SIAM). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringpanu, Bisut, Semevak, Baeho, Kelantaa, Tabai Baaga»ra, Telupla, 'aarai Patani, Singora, Laeoa, Kobsamui, Bandaa, Laagsoea, Chumpon, Soiilak a Bangkok. Duei Departure a.a. BORIBAT Oot. 17, 3 p.m. PRACHATIPOK Oot. 22 94, S p.m. a.a. ASDANO ,29 81,
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    • 507 4 STEAMEn SAIUIItS. OOMBINBD SBRVIOB Or THE OCEAN 8. 8. CB.. Me (Imoobpobatbo im Bm« \ami>. THE WEST AUBTRALJAM 8. N. CO.. LTD. (iMOOBPOBATaD IM BMSkAIO) BITWBIII FnimuM (Forth), Nwth.Wast Auetrallnn Porte, Java and Singapore. Regular sailings between Singapore aad Western Australia oalling at Java (as dnoement offers), Derby, King's bound
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    • 550 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDO-CHIN» STEAM MAV.CO..LTO. (laOOBPOBATBD IM BmOLAMO) Direct Servioe to Japan via Hongkong Shanghai, and to Oaloutta via Penang, from Singapore. Taking Cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Maeae, Swatow, Amoy, Cbefoo, Tientsin, Newohwang, Yangtsse ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc., etc., etc. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. FOR
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    • 216 4 JBsßaaaßsaMslPaßPy 3WWWPWaBwy* >**l* J^yjWC^«MWr^^HW»*^ffflM»PEWsj»Ws^W Sola Importer* INTERNATIONAL CREDIET A HAHDELBVEREENI6INB ROnEROAM. BINQAPORE. THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING GO., LTD. (IHOOBTOBATBD 111 HoNOBONU) Eatabllshed 1883 MANUFACTDRBRS OF PIRE-^-ROPE 8 BTRAND CABLE LAID 4 STRAND i* to 12* 8" to 10" 8» to 10" Prioes, samples and roil pattioulara will be forwarded on
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 205 5 Borden's Eagle Brand Milk HAS NO EQUAL The Best -g^ Infants f r BSII chMdpen *nin,- i jtt Ask for the Tbdt'S Edgle For S«'e by largest tin Brand all Dealers CONNELL BROS. COY. Sola Agents. Everybody is Wearing It!— Why aren't YOU? jy^OKE convenient in wear, more easily taken
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    • 779 5 WHEN YOU ARE WEAK. ANAEMIC. NERVOUS AND RUN-DOWN JAMU PARAM JAMU 6ALIAN Offer you new health, new strength, new blood, nerve force and new life. Think what this means to you who arc miserable and suffer from depression and fatigue, which affect equally men, women and children. It is most
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    • 275 5 THIS cannot fly though it runs so smoothly you think it does WADLEIGH CO., LTD., Singapore DISTRIBUTORS FHITBfiRAPHIC DEALERS. Mni tears' Work, Developing, Printing anil Enlarging. Repairing Camera. KONG HINB GHEON6 CO.. Adelpbi Hotel Buildings, Singapore. Branota at Pesang. 8161T ENGINES-BOILERS We have the following Engines and Boilers for sale
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    • 33 5 THE DRY GLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED PROMPTLY. Give our service a trial and let us convince you we can save you money. 32. WINCHESNER HOUSE. SINGAPORE 12-IC-A— ll-4-18
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    • 59 5 THE MANDAI-TEKONG (SINGAPORE) RUBBER ESTATES. LTD. NOTICE OF CLOSING OF TRANBFCR REGISTER. NOTICE in hereby given that the transfer books of tbe Company will bo closed from October 28 to October 80. 1917, both days inclusive, for tbe preparation of dividend warrants. By Order of the Board, CHAN SZB ONN
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 247 6 CLASSICAL MUSIC VIOLIN AND PIANOFORTE PIECES by Edoaard Lalo, Pablo de Sarasate, Joan Manen, Elizabeth Kayper, Oessr Kraoek, H Vieuxtempo. H. Wieniawski, Anton Dvorak, 0. Lipinski, Ernest Centola. Max Brueb, Frans Ondricok, Pietro Nardini, Johan 8. Svendsen, Jeno Habay, P. Tschaikowsky, J. Raff, Bdwarl German, Pugnani, Leone Sinigaglis, Lorenzo Somis.
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    • 55 6 G.R.LAMBERT&Go. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS Is, Orchard Roso, Telephons He. 10JI. THE OLDEBT AND LEADING BTUDIO Unequalled Facilities, Ample Resources, and the Requisite Bxperionoe, are all at our command, thus ensuring always tbe production of only the Best rssiilti in Studio Portraiture, Child Studies, Outdoor Groups and Views, Commercial Work, Enlargements, etc.
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    • 410 6 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. SIN6APORE HOUSING COMMISSION. The Commission will be glad to hear from any person wbo is desirous of giving evidence before it. It will also be glad to consider any suggestions regarding building scbemts or other matters connected with the housing difficulties in Singapore. W, Obobob Maxwbll, President, Siogtpore
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    • 293 6 -Building MaterialsRed Asbestos Roofing Slates Grey Asbestos Ceiling Sheets French Roofing Tiles Ridges Ventilators Half Tiles White Glazed Tiles Red Flooring Tiles Stocks held by A. Clouet 4Bb Go. 7, Raffles Quay, Singapore. GUAN KIAT CO.. LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) Head Office 36, Phillip Street, Singapore. ESTABLISHED 1917
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  • 87 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, October 1 7. High Water, 10 48 a.m., 11.21 p.m Thursday, October 18. High Wafer, 11 flam., 11.55 p.m. Race*. Second Day. Friday, October 19. High Water, 11.95 a.m. Saturday, October 20. High Water. 0.:<4 a.m., 0.4 p.m. Races, Third Day. Sunday, October 21. High
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  • 220 7 TO DAT. Batn Pahat 2.80 pm Malso-a 2.30 pm P. Swettenham aod Penang 2.30 pm Malanc.'i, P. Swi tteoham and Taluk Anson 2.80 pm Medan 2.80 pm Bangkok 2.8 C pm Sarawak and Goebilt 8.30 pm KoU Tingtd 4 pm Samaraoj; and Now Zealand 4 pm Bangoon
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  • 63 7 (Official Post Office Report.) Lmrt Sinoapohi Arrived London B. I. September 10 laly 27 P. A O. 10 Acipat 1 B. I. 10 4 3i:u«t 11 M. M. 19 Atjmi 11 B. I 84 Aoguat 16 M M IB Aof;DRt 18 P.vO, 24 Aagoat 24 B. 1.
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  • 192 7 BXCHANQB. Biaaaroaa, Octobbb 17, 1917. Oa Loaisva ......Bank 4 m/s m I/«i Demaad m, «'4f Private I -./4|J On FaaNoa Bank T. T. 818 Ob lavia Bank T. T. 166 Oa HoaoaoHa...Baßk d/d 14 J %pm Oa Saaaaaai ...Bank d/d m 60; On Java Bank T. T
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    • 158 7 Value Beltafc 10 10 Ampanß COO 1 1 Aver Weng 2.00 2.16 10 10 Kinta Afisociation 7.00 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 41 £1 Lahat Minoa (.25 660 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.75 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 norn 10 10 Middleton 18X0 16.00 6/. 6/-
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    • 115 7 41 41 I. Smeltaa Co, 7.75 8.(0 41 41 Pwl. 1.1.0 1.8.0 5/- !-l- Bleetrio Twajs 4/- 5 10 10 Fiaaat Neave 46X0 47.50 60 60 W. Hammer Co. 74.00 76.00 100 100 Kats Bio, Del. pa* 120.00 10 10 Msynard Co. 8.00 41 41 Shell Transport 5.6.0 6.12
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    • 47 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284,600 pat Singapore Electric Tramwayu 6% £850,000 norn S'poreMuDicipal6% $1,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4J% ol 1907 $1 -r.00,000 10%dis Spore Municipal 4i% Ol 1909 $1,000,000 10 Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,001 1? Spore Municipal i% £800.000 F.M.S. 1% loan 1916 115,000,(100 K8.03 '4 00
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  • 334 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyalt and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices. Eraser Lyell Co. Evatt. Alor Oajah ($1) 4.40 4.60 4.80 4.£0 AmaJ. Malay 1.76 pd. 0.76 O.MJpm U.70 0>0 Ayer Hitam ($5) 16.00 If .50 16 00 15.50 Ayer Kaning (II) 1(0 1.60 1.45 1.65
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 159 7 IN THE MAnER OF ALIEN ENEM.ES 'WINDING UP) ORDINANCES 1914. 1915. 1916 AND 1917. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TENDER. Tbe island ot Pu'-j Daa', four miles from the Tort ol Labaan, h I i under Governmoiit Grant (or 999 yea's (roe o( quit rent and aomprising about 960 acres, partly
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    • 586 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TELKPHONB OPERATOR wanted. Apply to Tolepbone, o/o Straits Timns. 17 10 -19 10 FOR SALtf, Ford rar, excrl'eat condition, speedomt ter, tyrccarricr, tools. Apply M. 8a Vipw Hot*'. n'evy 17 in- 20 10 WANTED cctLpctetit s^r.rthand typi»t by largo commc-ci -I fi-m Good sa ary and prospects for
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    • 91 7 ■^■HSJOHS Al lUX i ..i l <i. II .\Y h-.i -R k m Tanjong Panar Road Trams Pass tha Door •^^■■•^■•w- TO-NIOHT SECOND SUOW 9.16 SUAKP TO-MMMT THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY 30 Episodes 60 Parts Tbe most thrilling, realistio and heart-gripping story cvor lUfli<,u on the Fceco. THB THIKD
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  • 1165 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17. AMERICA IN EARNEST. President Wilson has fixed on October 24 aa Liberty Day and he urges the people of every city, town and hamlet to assemble and pledge to one another and the Govern ment the fullest measure of financial support for the Liberty
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  • 34 8 T i Mtlny Mail undersUnU that a big hyl au lie luine will Hlir.rtly b« sttrud in K rim*, riif pipiu^H have arrived, Mai tin rotd leading to Ujo uinu is bting opened up.
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  • 42 8 The Times of Ceylon has the following I His Excellency is steadily improving in health. He was able to git up yeitterday for Rome time. —Kandy correspondent, October 2. His Excellency passed a good night and it) progressing favourably. —Kandy, October 8.
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  • 59 8 On Friday at the Moslem Institute there was a debate That Wealth is better than Education, it was proponed by Mr. Janis bio Ati and opposed by Mr. Mu«a bin Mohatued EneofT. By a large majority it was decided that eduoation in preferable to wealth. On Friday next there will
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  • 69 8 At last wo see (bat there in one thing the Kaisor cmidoI do. He cannot sp>ll. The Daily Ti lenraph unkindly blazooB (urth tbe Imperial One's feelings by publishing in facsiuiili' his message to President Wilson. In it His Onjuiscient Majesty writes that ho was asked wether Germany would refrain
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  • 78 8 Tbe Governor having expressed a desire to I have a list drawn up of all those who, being rosidont in tbe Straits Settlements at the outbreak of war, have since left the Straits Settlements to join the imperial foreep, Military Heariqnarters are circulating a form J showing details of tbe
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  • 73 8 I Wbnn a Chinese boy was charged in the second police court this morning with asMalting tbe second engineer of a steamer coming to Singapore it was stated that one of complainant's fingers was bitten through to the bone. The aasault occurred after aecm ed had been ordered out of
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  • 74 8 J Criminal breach of trust with respect to articles registered to the value of $8,800 was tbe charge brought in the tbird police court this morning against a Po»t Offioe clerk named Kwang Oee Lip, of 46, Upper Weld Road. Tbe articles in qaestiun were fifteen 100 guilder notes and
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  • 88 8 The Red Cross Book published by the Dutch community in aid of the British and French Red Crocs I 1 tiuda will be offered for sale on the '27th instant, Our Day," at various places in town to be mentioned later. The edition is limited, but copies will be reserved
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  • 79 8 A meeting of residents held in Kajaug in May of last year, when a committee wat appointed with Mr. Gan Boon Tek as president and Mr. S. S. Arulampalam as Secretary, decided to approach Government with a view to the establishment of an English School at Kijang. The Government, the
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  • 79 8 At Philadelphia, Viscount Isbii and his party was the guests of Mr. Morris, new ambassador to Japan, before his departure fjr Tokio. Ihe mission was also the guests at a luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce, which was attended by 600 Uading business men. Mr. Morris at this luncheon made
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  • 88 8 In tbe case of three Chinese charged in the third police court with attempting to smuggle a number of bladders of chandu on board a steamer coming to Singapore from Sarawak it was alleged that two of thn accused, boys in the service of European passengers, conoealed tbe ppotls in
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  • 97 8 Mr. F. S. Ooodall, of Messrs. Ooodall and Co., 13, Boat Quay, waa Hummoned in the district couit this morning on charges ot offering carbolic acid and acetate of load for sale without a licence from the licensing officer and having fifty pounds of carbolic acid on his premises without
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  • 119 8 The Island of Oesel where the German landing was effected, lies across the entrance to the Golf of Riga. It is separated by a narrow channel from the Island Dago (Uagden Straits) and Mohn Island and is surrounded by binks, The surface, which is level although marshy, is well cultivated.
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  • 131 8 The Depaty Commissiooer of Katha (Burma) thiuks that the keeping ot cattle ■nude villages is a main factor cundncing to tho maintenance of breeding grounds for malaria-carrying mr»quitoes, and says that a; Xauiai thi in the Upper Cbindwin district ■Majh has a particularly deadly climate in (tie rains, be found
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  • 464 8 Mr. Kara Teng Bonn, managor ol dock and Co., Kuala Lumpur, has come to Singapore to take up an appointment in tho rubber business. Twin children (son and daughter) faavo been born to Mr, Kenneth Coullie, of the Chartered Bank, Sourabaya, formerly of Singapore, and Mrs. Coollie.
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  • 22 8 We have to acknowledge seven books for the Union Jack Club from tbe Superinten dent of Road Consliuction, Sedenak.
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  • 54 8 We very gratefully acknowledge the full 'wic^ addition to onr fund for assisting the Overseas Club to provide smokes for out soldiers and sailors Anon 128.57 Tbe total we have received since the fund was opened in August, 1916, is now 117,855.10 and 112,833.76
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  • 106 8 This novel form of entertainment in aid ot Our Day Fund will commence at U 45 p m on Thursday, tho 18th inst. Tickets may be obtained, or seats reserved on application by letter, message, cr telephone to Rattle* Hotel. Tickets for the Special
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  • 130 8 We are asked to remind tho public that H.H. tho Sultan of Johore has kindly offered a very handsome brown gelding, speciallj imported from Australia as a saddle horse and general hack for himself, to be put up for sale by auction after the third
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  • 171 8 Mr. J. ft. O. Lyons, a Barrister in 'he service ol the Siamese Ministry of Justice, has startled Bao^kok by the action he baa taken with regard to the Koyal Bangkok Sports Club. Since the resignation of the secretary the Club Committee has carried on without
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 348 8 The Antigraph Filing System |/jTr--j.- H .r'XJ The letter which knows where to go Cnt tbe human element oat of your filing system and you will be able to find any paper the moment you want it. This ■ystfm baa thu endorsement of tbe leading London businea* bouses. They wo'ild
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    • 209 8 THE LAST AND FINAL GHAPTER3 OF T E GREAT SECRET SERIAL AT THE ALHAMBRft The Hall for Music -Th» Pioiiaar and Premier House Tha House of Quality Beach Road IN THB SBOOND SHOW A I 8.15 SHARP Quality Pictures Corporation presents Francis K. Bushman and Beverly Bayne, sweetest of stars,
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  • 2471 9 RUSSIAN POSITION. Events in the Gulf Of Riga. GERMAN POLITICS. The Socialists Demanding Peace. Rbutrr's Tilbobams. Lom'on, October If. 6 55 a.m. Informed circle* in Petrcgral regard tho Oesel and Da^o Ulamip the Gait ot Riga as lost. NevtrtLblesn. the valuo of Riga to tbe omj will bo
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  • 126 9 To-day's Business. Macpbail and Co. 'a daily report Silver.— Down 8/B— 4B|. Hongkong 2,8—14% pm. Shanghai 8/10—00. Tin.— Bayers 1112, no sellers. Rubber— There ie a fairly good demand for No. 1 sheet at the auction at 1119, bat crepe is only steady about the same figure
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  • 520 9 Deliberate Attacks on Casualty Stations. An R. E. man in Franco writing to a lady in Singapore gives some details of tbe hideous oonduct of the Hans in bombing casualty clearing stations. While we are striving to raise funds for tbe Red Cross, which works for all
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  • 411 9 Questions Between Landlord And Tenant. A meeting of tbe Rent Assessment Board was held in the board room of the Municipal Commissioners yesterday afternoon. The Chairman (the Hon. Mr. C. J. Saunderit) presided, and tbe other members present were Messrs. S. Tomlinsnn, A. Angolia, M. Meyer, Goh
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  • 141 9 A mesaago to Bombay from Jamnagar, dated Stpleiuber 21, lays: The birthday ol His Highness Jam Sahib Sri Ranjitsinjbi was celebrated on Thursday in tbo presence of Mr. Maooooobie, Agent to the Governor id Kathiawar ami otber distinguished goett!s. At a Dirbar His Highness announo d tin establishment of an
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  • 1853 9 MILKY WAY WINS THE BIG EVENT. The First Day's Results. The racing yesterday was not without interest, though the fields were small, and it brought out a fair attendance. The scratching of the Redfern-Goodall stable, however, robbed the first day's events of part of their interest, and
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  • 244 10 M port of the .'uyra Land and Rubber Limited, stales that, in common with other estates in tbe Federated Malay States, a shortage of coolies was expeneneed during thu year. With the new arrangements which have been mado in India, it is hoped that this may
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  • 14 10 A Ku^uy match will be played on tbe ground this evening bUwitn Whites lours.
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  • 77 10 Forthcoming Events. The following are the events arranged or tbe ensuing week in connection witb the Our Day Fond rtiursday. Bridge Drive, li.Mll-s Hot< 1. Photographic Exhibition, V.M.C.A., noon to 7 p.m. Friday. Photographic Exhibition, V.M.C.A., 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. S.C.B.A. Entertainment, Victoria Theatre. Supper and
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  • 155 10 The supper and dance given at tbe Europe Hotel last night in aid of the Our Day Fund proved a very enjoyable affair for the large number of guests who were present and realised a substantial sum for tbe cause. Things were done in tho satisfactory manner
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  • 503 10 Far Eastern Journalist's Experiences At the Front. Mr. John Malone. formerly on the staff of tho Siam Observer, writmg to a friend in Bangkok says My last m siive wishing you a happy Krut Thai or whatever you call it, was sent from France to give you
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  • 193 10 On a recent Saturday evening about 2 o'clock a party of Germans in tbe Deli Hotel on the Luitenantsweg in Medan, sitting around a table, were discussing tho war when a Hollander approached and desired to join the company, says a contemporary. Tbe Germans did
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  • 1126 10 TO RULE THE SKIES FOR FREEDOM. Britain's Coming Opportunities. Tho Aviation correspondent of Tbe Observer writes Of all tbe things discovered by the war, the practical value and vast possibilities of aircraft is the greatest and most wonderful, destined as it is to influonoe oar life
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  • 503 10 British Aviator's Terrible Experiences. The terrible experiences of a British airman in tbe East Africa jungle are told by him in a letter received by a relative at Gaildford. Tbe aviator, Lieut. G. Garrood, of the Koyal Flying Corps, went op to bomb a German
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  • 342 10 German Flag Replaced By American. In reference to the fine German ships taken by tbe American Government in Philippine waters and turned over to the Pacific Mail the Japan Advertiser gays: Five Teuton vessels have been acquired by the Pacific Mail Steamship Co., for its Pacific
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  • 160 10 In days of peace Constable Wilson, of Hall, enjoyed much local distinction as a swim mer, and was a well-known figure at the annual swim acrou the Hu tuber. The experience gained in breasting a rapidly running river proved useful when, as a prisoner of war
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  • 924 10 An Amusing Contest at The Front. Not many days ago the talk waxed load and largo iv a certain mes* not far behind tbe front liuo. Bets were scattered broadcast and boasts were made that demanded fulfilment. Therefore a day was appointed for the test and a
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  • 317 10 The news was learned with rrgrot by a wide circle in Hongkong that two of its former residents, both Tatkoo men, have made the great sacrifice, (.'ant. A. N. Joseland, younger brother of Mr. F. E. Joselanil, was killed in action in East Africa on
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  • Correspondence.
    • 168 10 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, I am glad to take this opportunity ot strongly endorsing the views of your correspondents One of Them and Another of Them." I havo long held the opinion that tbe general lack of enthusiasm of members of certain sections of
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    • 236 10 To tbe Editor of tho Straps Times, Sir, Can you please tell me if tbe laws of this Colony permit our Chinese friends very noisily to mourn a relation's death during the whole of the night until five o'clock in the morning? This is what
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  • 323 10 Provision for the Present Rainy Day. The property taken by tho new Government in Kuscia from tho ex-Tsar is valued at £140,000,0C0, but from this he only was to enjoy the revenue during bis life time. A special commission of tho Goverument has been discussing whether
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  • 98 10 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 6 and 7. Mr. Bert Willison, director of Willisons and Worth Circus, has arrived from Java. The circus has been there for three years, but it is coming to Singapore shortly. Mr. Willison promises something quite out of tbe
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  • 11 10 Bukit Katil.— ll,ooo lbs.; five months 48,030 lbs.
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  • 59 10 Thu Ministry of Munitions has sprum; up overnight into a buiinoss which employs Honje 2,000,0.0 people, sp.-n h si\ hunlreii millions or more of publ o ujoury in employs over l;i,000 people at it« liead.i'i irters ib London, and ants in tli association with the other war departments in transacting
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  • 1334 11 HiIiTING IN HOLLOWED OUT MOUNTAINS. Like a Fantastic Romance. Mr. Hamilton Fyfu write* Over and over again I was anked by Italian j Ocen How does oar front compare with efaer fronts?" 1 told them that it is im- osaible to institute comparisons between i kjecta essentially
    1,334 words
  • 374 11 Kings Medallist Who Came From Australia. Among the recipients of the King's medal for services of special merit to the Empire in mancal and other work, announced in a recent list of honours, was Mr. Thomas Harper, of West Bromwicb, a man of 74 yearn. Mi
    374 words
  • 289 11 Revelations at the Sukhomlinoff Trial. Giving evidence in the trial of General Sukhomliuoff, ex -Minister of War, and his wife on charges of high treason and pecula- I tion, General Yanushkevitch, formerly Chief j of the General Staff of the Commander in- j Chief, gave
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 62 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., for woek ending Friday, October 19, 1017. WlDMSDAT, OtTOBIR 17. All parades cancelled. THURSDAY, OcTOBIK 18. ajJO p.m. Drill Hall S.F.A. Co. Kbioay, Octomb 19. 6.30 a.tu. Balestier Kange Mai. Co., S.V.I. 6 p.m. Drill Hall S.F.A. Co. Q. O. Waob, Captain, Acting
      62 words
    • 357 11 HOTEL vanJfjJK Co., Ltd. Telephone 882. Telephone 887 EVERY NIGHT OUR VAN WIJK QUARTETTE will play during and after dinner, except Sundays. RICE TABLE every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. SPECIAL DINNERB in the open every Tuesday and Friday. ■oeklstt for 11 Tiffisi or II Disnors at SIB.OO obtaiaabto strictly M»nit<cuh
      357 words
    • 352 11 RAFFLES HOTEL For "Our Day" Fund AUCTION BRIDGE DRIVE SPECIAL DINNER Thursday, October 18, 1917. Ticket DINNER AND BRIDGE DRIVE $3.50 Ticket— BßlDGE DRIVE ONLY $2 For every Dinner and Bridge Drive Ticket sold %i will be given to the Bridge Drive Fund. Division of Prooeeds: 50% "OUR DAY" FUND
      352 words

  • 2224 12 OUTPUT REDUCED THROUGH SHORTAGE OF LABOUR. The Excess Profits Tax. The eighth annual ordinary general meeting at the Jeram Rubber Estates, Ltd., was Li id on Thursday. Aognst 28, at the offices of the company, Mincing Lane House, 59, Eastcheap, 8.C., Mr. Herbert Wright, chair man of
    2,224 words
  • 89 12 The King has conferred the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath (G.C.8.) upon Mr. Justice James Watson Gerard, late American Ambassador in Berlin, in recognition of his unceasing and courageous efforts to ameliorate the unfortunate lot of British prisoners in Germany," says the Daiiy
    89 words
  • 1811 12 THE ESTIMATED OUTPUT EXCEEDED. A Satisfactory Result. The ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Bidor Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on August 22, at the Council Room of the Rubber Growers' Association, 88, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. Gilbert F. Traill (chairman of the company) presiding. The
    1,811 words
  • 534 12 Distribution of 140 Per Cent. For The Year. The report of the Cicely Rubber Estates Company, Limited, states that the net profit, after providing for administration expenses, directors' fees and commissions and allowing for depreciation, is £24,557. To this has to be added £5,428 brought forward, making the
    534 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 208 12 "PINEAPPLE" HAMS and BACON SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE COMPANY. LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) We are tbe only lmportersjof BRITISH BLANCH4RD LAMPS Direct from Factory Beware of Imitations You are certain of obtaining spares if you buy your BL&NCHARD LAMP FROM US 300 C.P., windproof. 32 hour* on one gallon kerosene.
      208 words

  • 1065 13 HOW THE DIARY OF A SPY CAME TO ENGLAND. His Desire to Make Good. Many will remember tbat astounding story of Walter Green way, Spy, which Blaekwood's Magazine publu-Led some time ago irom the pen of Mr. Richard Holmes, a police court missionary. They will be interested
    1,065 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 113 13 I N^ WHITEAWAY S LADIES WHITE VOILE BLOUSEB LADIES VOILE BLOUSES Good w»l >.:■ .v»!;» De=i(?n similar '«> white-trimmed c-ccbtt buttons, toth teb. imorkfii fr:nt. Mcc $2.75 each. P»»« $5.95 each. iP^" LADIES BLOUBE JUMPERS >V^ The very newest style* in voile, LADIES COAT FROCKS Detl lk Md crepe de
      113 words
    • 162 13 &j Health I Pleasure H Jr. if you only realised what cycling would do for J y you from a health point fl (p~V of view> you wo "'d B*t I fUZf bicycle at once. A i?m B.S.A, d^G& fitted with a B.S.A. V FvW Three-Speed or Eadie yJ]iVJ Coaster
      162 words
    • 18 13 x^jr) Make a Note! I I ffrnD? prime \f /J/ QUALITY I r^|W AERATED j LffßS WATERS I
      18 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1680 14 back. Famihi or Plenty, Ijifi Inbu*anoe ib woeth 100 cents on the dollars WVfJIW OVBUilt PROPIBTT I»f THE fiREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GQNPANY, LIMITED. !liihutuiM ia Sibaits SavTMnats) Tbt OJin^nf hM mmmiOUO dofctsd wttii Mm IssJMßa Owrt d Md «»«pHe. wltli toe £ti*tsb LU. in»»«a Ge»|*aia« Act l« er^, .^^.^TrrTß
      1,680 words
    • 607 14 BANKING. NEOERLANDBCHE KANDEL-MAATSCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. &STABMSHBO 1824. Paid-up Capital a 50,t00,000 (about £5,000,000) Statutory Aewrva Fvn* 11,668,463 (abont £366,2fi) Hiad Cmci in Amsterdam. Bud Aqinot im Batavu. BRANCHES Penaae, Hongk'iDß, Shanghai, Rai-soon, Sotrabtvt., Semaraog, Wcltevrrrteo Bandoeng (Java), Cberibon, Togal, PeoloßKan, Tjiiatj^p, Ljtmbet. Djokja .1»v»). Solo (Java), Medan (Deli),
      607 words
    • 1137 14 SALES BY AUCTION. auction sale: Of VALUABLE CHINESE HOUSEHOLD FCRNIXUHE, FIRE PROOF-IRON SAFB. GRAMOPHONE, ETC., To be held at No. 38, Cheng Cheok Streut (off Tanjong Pagar Paad On Saturday, October 20, 1917, at 2.30 p.m. Comprising Two sets of beautifully carved bardwoia Chinese drawing room nut*. curved and gold
      1,137 words

  • 839 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Indigestion. The so-called hot spot in the petrol engine is exactly where one would expect to find it, says a writer in the Westminster Gazette, and it has never changed its place, nor is it ever likely to. Nor will
    839 words
  • 197 15 What a Captured Letter Reveals. The correspondent of the United Press with the French armies states that ample evidence is secured in France from time to time both of the damage and of the tenor wrought in Germany by the French aviation squadrons when they go to bombard
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 115 15 SPENCER MOULTON TYRES The phenomenal mileage records under all eorts of road conditions prove their durability beyond question. They enjoy an equal popularity in temperate and tropical countries, thus showing that they are unaffected by climatic conditions. A shipment from London has just arrived and supplies may be had from
      115 words
    • 87 15 The RIGHT START IS THE BEST START FOR F R Fir lin IF YOU ARE NOT II Iff AI -READY USINQ Mj l c if DUNLOPS l]j J Tf yx^ >3| pT i. I FOR ECONOMY and SATISFACTION Use Dunlop Tyres DETROIT ENGINES Four-cycle horizontal, effectively governed, magneto ignition, portable,
      87 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1241 16 A^B. MACKAYS Qj THE ORIGINAL Q LIQUEUR WHISKY. jTmlsfl As supplied to both Houses of /^^BVPVEv Parliament OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS 2^WgtM\ Bole Aftents Hh?a adamson, gilfillan U^fg^ AND COMPANY. LIMITED I 1 1 PI (Incorporated in England) Singapore Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS WANTED A MEDICAL MAN (British qualifications
      1,241 words
    • 528 16 BO*HD MP LOPfiIHB, rUI..V-HEL> APARTMKNTB. Apply Private family, c/o straits Times. 11 10— 1011 FRES 1 H HOARDING HOUSE. Comfortabie rooms with verandah. Tennis. Oarage. No 1(6 v, Orchard Road. 18 10 -26 10 BT. ANDREW'S HOUSE. A Churoh ol England Boarding House (or European and Eurasian boys who desire
      528 words
    • 380 16 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D c CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT a GO. L Market street. NEDSELLIW THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore It CONDUCTED BY H. N. BUCKERIDGE latsof Messrs. Lafayette, photographer! to their Majeit las. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 pncei north of
      380 words
    • 361 16 TAYGUANKIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality forthe year I9IN Full particulars on application to above address. ■Phone Nos. 1361, 1382 and Private 1450 and 1073. In Stock, 1,200 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes j£ and 5 8 outside diameter. 1 Tangye's Duplex Pump 5 diam. cylinder
      361 words
    • 198 16 STRAITS MOTORCAR I SERVICE FIRST-CLASS GARS-HIRE i DAY AND NIGHT [THONE 1233 J I > TYRES and TUBES are repaired by best methods at Modorate Prioes. j; 115 ft 216, ORCHARD ROAD. Ban Lee Ann, Id. (iNCOBCOHATBO IN SINOAPOBBi 68 and 89, Marfcet Street Ship-Owners Bhip-Chandlers Steamship Agents Estate Suppliers
      198 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 255 16 Straits Wimes. TELEPHONES• Editorial General 68 Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1U44 All commucications relating to editoria! matters and news should Be addressed to THE EDITOR. Alljj communications relating to business matters—adve-rtisementH. pobcriptionp accounts, prictitig, etc. —should be addressed to THE MANAGER. Cheques and money orders should bo made
      255 words