The Straits Times, 16 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.546 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 161 1 MILKMAID BWEETENED CONDENSED MILK i rice cc w 119.0 C pat em*e Best Quality ENGLISH I SODIUM: BISULPHITE In drums containing 140 lbs. nett. THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) t^MHQJD MALTHOID reinforced ROOFING Gives years and years of waterproofing service SPRCIFIC4TIO>S AND FULL PARTICCLAHS ON INQUIRY TO _n__n-
      161 words
    • 223 1 Aluminium Ware MADE IN AMERICA THE IDEAL KITCHEN 1?* m■ nr 0 b Kettles, Tea Pots, Mixing "AKt Bowls, Fry Pens, Colanclean, sanitary and whole- M J ders < Jel|y Moulds, Tea I^Mfl C some, seamless and joint- jflHa^BH stra >ners-lr-sp, easily cleaned. large selection in stock. Made of stamped
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    • 3 1 GOODKJCfi c TYRES
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  • 1000 2 The following casualties are reported London, September 18, Killed.— 2nd Lieut. J. F. Aitken, General List 2nd Licnt. A. Armen, Borders 2nd Lieut. F. Bailey, Lancashire Fusiliers 2nd Liont. T. E. Bartleman, Seafortbs; Lieut. O. S. Blake, RE. Lieut. A. O. Dunn, Medicals 2nd Lieut. F. L. Gee,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 733 2 EMPLOYMENT WANTED. MM* ilate Snd-Liont I A. R O.) retnrnrd from Indi*, want* management of rubber eaUtt onv experience; was formerly ruana4«r of kMHi well-known estate in tbe V M. S. Box No. B»7, Stia'ts Times. »m-9— ai-io FOR SALE Ono arvn-suitkr Daimlur motor oar, rectntt* o\-'t,ui I .t, nuw
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    • 292 2 CHEONG BROTHERS Dentuu, 28, Sontb Bridge Boad FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES First oUtw Meohanioal Dertiatry, Oold Grown Bridge Filling and Vnloanite. Duration oi Weai Riuranteed. CH4RGBS MODBR4TB Beat Tooth Powden and Brunei lor sale ESANOFELE An INFALLIBLE remedy against all kinds of malaria (even. A sure oore, highly reoommended by
      292 words
    • 178 2 SKIN TROUBLES THAT TORTURE (77*t\ an d Disfigure \'S»^> Quickly J5 JLa Healed by <gl (W CUTICURA arsssw SOAP OINTMENT Such as eczemas, rashes, pimples, dandruff, sore hands and most baby skin troubles. Sample Each Free by Post V. itn 32 p. Dkin Book Address post...r.i -K Ncwbery&SoiM,27 Charterhouut S<i
      178 words
    • 248 2 The only quality 4 S& \Q) 0 99% <Pure) X .r^sjtAciAt Acme ACioX.^ ACETIC ACID 99% Guaranteed. IMPORTERS YAMATO CO. 41, ECttfti Street. Telephore 439. 1-8-a— Mil AUCTION SALE Ot VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND AND PLEASANTLY SITUATED DESIRABLE EUROPEAN RESIDENCE, KNOWN A 8 CASSALA, MUNIOIPAL No. 2, TANOLIN HILL, At tbe
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  • 1109 3 IMPERIAL INDISCRETIONS THREE YEARS AGO. The Great American Myth." The Kaiser has bad his attention directed somewhat unpleasantly within the past few weeks to the despatch he addressed to President Wilson three years ago in which be indiscreetly betrayed tho fact that the war was entirely of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 662 3 OLD CHRONIC COUGHS All Coughs Yield to Veno's Lightning Cough Cure. The curative power of Veno's Lightning Cough Cure is never more strikingly shown than in those hard, chronic coughs and wheezings from which so many old peoplo suffer. The relief it gives is quick and lasting, because it loosens
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    • 309 3 THE HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDB PARA RUBBER CO., LTO. MIDLANDS ESTATE. KLANG. FOR SALE, seed from seiooted trees over ten years old. Average yield per tree 1916 teason 8 lbs. per troa. Limited supply available immediately. Price in sacks, F. O. a Padan« Java, II per 1,000 Apply Manager. 31 9-20
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 438 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL BTEAMSHIPCO..LTD. (Imoobtobatbd w Japah) EUROPEAN LINE A aervioe is maintained betv, e«n Yokohama, via ports, aud England under mail contract with lbs Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twinsorew Steamer* maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all tbe latest
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    • 623 4 STEAMER, SAILIHB6. P. 0.- British India Mpcar aLuine. (COMPANISS iMUOBPOaATBO W EnoLAKD). 4 AIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N Co. (Under Contraot with His Majesty Qovernuenl). Tbe Company's MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY ate at present suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO ANO FROM LONDON are at
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    • 683 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LD. (bOOBFOBATBD I» SlA*). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Biont, Semerak, Baeho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangmara, TtJnpia, Paaarai. Patani, Singora, Lacon, Kobaamai, Bandoa, Laagsoen, Champon, Koblak a Bangkok Due Departure b.b. BORIBAT Oot. 17, 3 p.m. a.B. PRACHATIPOK Oot. 32 24, 8 p.m. s.s. ASDANQ
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    • 617 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STS6MVAART-MAATBGHAPPM •NtDERLAND AND ROnERDAKI LLOYD (Ihoobpobatbo vi Hol'.ahd) IOVAL DUTGH MAIL COMPANIES rortnUhUy Mall Servioe between lava. Slngauore, Hongkong. Shanghai. Nagasaki. Yokohama. Honolulu and SAN FRANCISCO VICB-VBBBA i-'or trei^ht, pawtage »dv farther partioalarp, •pplj lo IHTEIMATIOaALE CREDIET AND SAMEIf VEREENISIM ROTTERDAM (Ikoobfobatbd in Holland) A Rents. 1, a'
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  • 90 5 FIXTURES. Tjcaday, October 16. High WSJIsb, 10 '.9 am. 10.48 p.m Antn an Race looting opens. Wedn.-siUy, O.tober 17. Vater, 10.4) a.m., 11.21 p.m Thursday, October 18. High Water, 11.8 a.m., 11.56 p.m Races, Second Day. Friday, October 19. Sigh Water, 11.85 a.m. Saturday, October 20. aigh
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  • 211 5 To D»T Port D ion and P. Swcttenham 2.80 pm Malac- Colombo and Bombay 2-80 pm Bombay '-'.30 pm M» and Muar 8 pm Pontianak 4 pm Knta Tinggi 4 pm Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan 4 pm Ceylon and India 1 pm Mauritius. Egypt, 6 pm Earsst,
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  • 66 5 )Sci»l Pom Office Report.) Lmit Sinuapori Aerivid London inly -'4 B. I. September 10 Joly il P. 4 O. 10 Ac*n-t I B. I. 10 4«tr.rtS 11 MM 19 Aagut li B. I. v 4^nat 16 M M. 19 AiKoat It P A O. 34 Aaguet 24
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  • 169 5 BXCHANOE. SihaAPOM, Ootomb 16, 1917. Osl Lmdmi ——Bank 4 D >.,n m J '4» Demand Wi Pwi»*te C■£ 3/4|{ Oh Fbamob Bank T. T, 818 Oh Imdu Buk T. T. 156 On BoK9«OK«...Baafc d/d 18}%pm 1b Sbaxobjai ...Bank d/d «0{ psJtosa BaakT.T. M O« lapam B«ak 108}
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    • 160 5 Vatae BBTew BeUe > 10 10 Ampang 6.00 1 1 Aver Weng 2.00 3.16 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 41 41 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 J. 17.6 XI £1 Lahat Mines (.36 663 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.76 41 41 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 norn 10 10 Middleton 18.C0
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    • 109 5 k\ 41 1. Bmolti»R Co. 7.7S 8.00 41 41 Piof, 1.1.0 1.3.0 B.- BlßCtiio T'waye 4/- 5/ 10 10 Fraaei ft Neave 46.C0 47.50 50 60 W. Hwnmcc A Co. 74.00 76.00 10C 100 KaU Bro, Del. par 120 K 10 10 Maycatd *Co 41 41 SbcU Tnavpori 5.6.0
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    • 49 5 United Engineers 6% 11,384,500 par Singapore Bleotrie Tramways 6% 4850,000 norn Spore Municipal 6% 11,873,000 par Spore Municipal 4*% of 1007 tl,«OO,OOP 10%dis Spore Municipal i\% of ISO 9 11.000.0u0 i«%&Us Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 H%ih Spore Municipal 4% 4800,000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1918 116,000,000 ir>B.oo IP4 00
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  • 314 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyail and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices. Franor Lvall A A Co. Evatt. Alor Gaiab (II) 4.40 4.61 4.30 4.CC Anial. Malay 1.76 pd. 0.75 0.85pm 0.70 0.80 Ayer HiUm ($5) 15.00 16.60 16.00 16.50 Ayer Kunin« (»1) 1..'0 1.60 ISO 1.60
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 105 5 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL RACE PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT By the Famous STAR OPERA •T THE THEATRE ROYAL, MORTH RRIO6E ROAD A fetautiful Fairy play MASHOOR TERJANG w.l! be staged Bar tkras mw actors and aetrssats will take part. 'Mas* nil rsr ssats. 8. H. CHBONO, Prsynctar Y. L. TAN, Manager STAMFORD
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    • 685 5 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS, WANTED, honse or half a house for Dutch family. Apply W. S., o/o Straits Times. 1810-18 W WANTED, an experienced Cbinesa o'.erk with knowledge of shorthand tnJ typewriting. Apply to Box No. 486, Straits Times. 16 10-n VKKKY CaH FOB SALB, latest 1917 model almost new, 11 9
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    • 473 5 EMBASSY VT TT I Itwllrftr"' HkT TT No 77 l^M No 71 CIGARETTES and MIXTURE AUGTIBN BALE At Messrs. Ching Reng Lee a Co.'s Sa.'e-roon. Raffles Plaoe, On Satubdat, Octobbb 20, at 10.80 a.m. 1. One 6-seater 16/20 b.p., 4 cylinder Paige ear. Recently overhauled ard in good running order.
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    • 33 5 FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. A 7,000-ton steamer will be despatched for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, at oat November 1. Excellent aoccmmooVion for passengers. For fro'Rbt and passage, apply to BOCSTEADaCO., Agents. 1810— Ml
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    • 78 5 Taajast Pagar Rsad Trams Pass ths Doe7~] -^a^BB^BB^BBJ TO-NIOHT SECOND SHOW. 9.15 SHARP TO-NIOHT THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY 30 Episodes 60 Parts The most thrilling, realistic and heart-gripping >toiy ovor flashed on tbe ecrten. THB THIKD AND FOURTH EPISODES Lite Photo presents A PATRIOT OF FRANCE A thrilling foarrart
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  • 17 6 Captain and Mrs. R. W. Morris and fsmily thank all their friends for the kind message-a received.
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  • 1105 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16. UNHAPPY RUSSIA. Events run what one may almost term a normal course in Russia. There is little evidence of real settlement and restoration of discipline, but it is a good sign that M. heronsky is still in office and that there are no evidences
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  • 33 6 Id a Gazette Extraordinary appears a notification extending tbe time I at extcnting tbe Commission of Inquiry iut tbe Shortage of Subsidiary Coin. Tbe ext union is for one month from October 11.
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  • 47 6 The Legislative Council I -lets on Monday when auiougbt the bubineas to be dealt with besides the annual Supply Bill second reading, is a registration and Medical Examination Bill i iv connection with tbe present war) first reading, aud Lhu committee stage of the Volunteer Amendment Bill.
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  • 20 6 The Middleton Tin Mines, Ltd., output for September is as follows sluicing pels. 125.5U, tribute pels. 60.63, total pels. 185.96.
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  • 26 6 Kuala Lumpur beat Klang at Rugby football on Saturday at Klang by a goal and a try (8 points) to nil. Neither team was fully representative.
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  • 32 6 Lieut. P. H. Hogan, formerly of tbe Borneo Company's Siam and until recently an observer in the Flying Corps, received wounds in action in France which necessitated the amputation of a leg.
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  • 38 6 Sir Frank Swettenham, 0.C.U.0., joint director official press bureau, has been made a Companion of Honour of tbe Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. His colleague, Sir Edward Cook, was made a Knight Commander of tbe Order.
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  • 45 6 The estimates for Dutch coast defence for the following year show F1. 1,759,100 for the building of a fort near to Vlissingen, for the improvement of the fort at Kijkdinn, and of the forts at tbe Hock of Holland, I j maiden, and de Harssens.
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  • 51 6 Tokio now boasts possession of the first and only licensed woman chauffeur in Japan. She is 26 years old and came from near Nikko in January with the determination of becoming a public motor driver. She attended an automobile school, graduated, joined a garage, and received her license some weeks
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  • 49 6 A party of representative Japanese business men will shortly visit China for the purpose of inspecting commercial conditions in the country and promoting a better understanding witL the Chinese not only in regard to commercial but other relations. The visit is being arranged by tbe Tokio Chamber of Commerce.
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  • 50 6 Mesitrß. Gutbrie and Co. have received a cable from tbe London secretaries notifying that at the forthcoming annual general meeting of tbe K. M. S. (Malay States) Rubber and Coconut Plantations, Ltd., a dividend of 10 per cent, will be recommended, with l"2,000 placed to reserve and £2,537 carried forward
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  • 52 6 Staff Seryeant Major T. B. Maguire, formerly chief steward of the Shanghai Club, has been granted a commission as lieutenant in the Army Service Corps. He left with the first contingent of volunteers from Shanghai on October 16, 1914, and since joining the Army Service Corps has been almost continuously
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  • 69 6 A certain British firm in Kobe (says tbe Japan Chronicle) has offered tbe sum of V.5,000 to the local branch of the British Association in lieu of the war- profit tax it would have to pay if its bead office were in England. Tbe disposal of this sum for warcharity
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  • 71 6 In the Supreme Court this morning an action by Kochu Pillay against Messrs. Brossard and Mopin came on for hearing before the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill. K.C.). Mr. V. D. Knowles, for the plaintiff, stated that the parties bad come to a settlement by which it was agreed that
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  • 67 6 A correspondent advises us that a paragraph in Saturday's issue stating that Cbeab Loon Cbee, gambling farmer, Jesselton, died on September 30 is inaccurate- Mr. Cheali Loon Ghee (not Chee)," he says, travelled with me on the Borneo trip from which I have just returned. He arrived in Jesselton on
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  • 90 6 A true though almost incredible story is narrated in London Opinion. A British officer, following up tbe German retreat from the Somme, entered a church and found a black cat secured by a wire to the crucifix. The poor starved animal was ncreamiDg piteously. The offievr, without thinking of anything
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  • 96 6 Tbe steamer Suiyang, which has been built for the China Navigation Co., Ltd, was successfully launched from Taikoo Dockyard, Hongkong, on October 6. She measures 820 feet long over-all, 41 feet beam, snd 24 feet 9 inches moulded depth has a gro?s tonnage of 2,555 and is built of Siemens-
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  • 121 6 Sir R. A. Gamble, at present Comptroller and Audit General in India and formerly Commissioner for tbe Northern India Salt Revenue, has been offered an appointment id tbe Sa'i Gabelle by tbe Chinese Govern vi' nt at X' 4 0 per annum, (says the Peking cor respondent of tbe North
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  • 131 6 Mrs. Matvu Kod/. arrested on the charge of taking a sealed tin box containing my sterionß documents from Shanghai as Voko Lama, and then released, disappeared on September '24 from the Horaiya Hotel, Yokohama, where she had obtained lodgings (says the Japan Advertiser). Before Mm. Kunz reached Yokohama, it trauspiivq
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  • 527 6 Mr. C. B. Mills, of Kuala Lumpur, is noin;. to Australia on leave. Lieut. A. C. Churchill, formerly of the Siam Education Department, has been woundod in action in France. Mr. B. M. Montgomerie, brother of the late Mr. Love Montgomerie, of lodragiri Rubbei Estate, Sumatra, has
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  • 58 6 So many ladies gave splendid abflisUncu at the fete on Saturday afternoon that we have cot attempted to give a full list, but we overlooked iv our notice one or two very succesHtul futures tbe lei d'adressc (Madame de Courtois), th. I Cart, the Houp La, MM
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  • 88 6 The Secretary of tins Sporting Club (Mr G. P. Owen) M— to state that Race 6 has fallen through, all the horses entered being scratched. The times of starting the remain ing races have in consequence been altered as under:— Raco Xo. 1, 2.45, No. 2, :J.15 No.
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  • 145 6 A meeting of the Singapore Chamber ct Commerce and Exchange was held yrHterday afternoon for the purpose of confirm MM ilk. MMla_ai with regard tv tin alteration of a rule passed at the last meet ing. It had been agreed to delete the word* and to consider
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  • 169 6 A correspondent writt-H to the Malay Mail I desire to mention a grievance winch ever) traveller inuat experience) in landing Iron, any steamer at the wharf at Port Swettenbam. On arriving at the place, tbt writer asked the coolkh down there tc Lave his trunk removed
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 Just arrived a shipment of YOUNGER'S EDINBURGH ALE in barrels PRICES ON APPLICATION TO Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. Xmas Cardsfor England _^fe^. ew BeaBOnB goods now to Wl _fl hand. Prices 5 cts. to $5.50. V^ t4^ Topical subjects $1, $1.50, $2, Ys| $3 per box. Jaelanco special V^' apeorted brx
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    • 240 6 POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT THE WORLD S BEST KNOWN AND MOST TALENTED SCREEN ARTISTEB AT THE -LHAMBR. The House far Music —The Pioneer and Premier House The House Of Quality Beach Road IN THE SECOND BHOW AT 9.16 SHARP Quality Pictures Corporation presents Francis K. Bushman, the crowned king of
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  • 2067 7 MUD BEATS THE BRITISH. Robs Them of Great Victory. RUSSIAN POSITION. Speculation on the German Plans. RICTBR's TIUIORAMS. London. October 14, 11.46 p m. Field Marshal llaig reports Eastern county troops sucassf-.iiy raided south-east of Moncby le Precx. Friday's prisoners row total 9,487. including 41 officers. A British
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  • 46 7 RICTIS's TKLKi.i'tMS. London, October 15, 8.50 p.m. The Archbishop of Dublin, addressijg the protefctant Syncd, said Ik* Irish Convention discussed very grave, and controversial matters in a spirit ot goodwill which bad grown daily. He asked their prayers for tbe success of the Convention's task.
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  • 385 7 Interesting Point Decided in The Supreme Court. In the Supreme Court this morning the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K.C.) gave judgment in the matter of the trusts of tbo will of the late Mr. Henry Abrams and the estate of tbe late Mrs. Mary Ann Abrams.
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  • 119 7 The Gazette notice imposing import duties on petroleum and tobacco in the F.M.S. has been amended by the addition of the following Value means the wholesale cash price, less trade discount, for wbiob, at the time of the importation of the dutiable goods, goods of
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  • 55 7 Mr. A. C. Salter, K.C., M.P., who has been made a Judge of the High Court (King's Bench Division) has been Unionist member for Basingstoke Division (Hants) since 1906. He has been Recorder of Poole since 1904, and is 58. Mr. A. A. Roche, the other new Judge was made
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  • 69 7 Captain O. B. M. Loagmore, South African Forces, who has just been given that rank, was formerly connected with the Cont>tab>i lary of the Federated Malay States, in whic.ii ho held the rank of district inspector. Hejoined the East African Administrative Service in 1911, and was there when the war
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  • 758 7 Control of Subsidiary Current Coin. In a Gazette Extraordinary issued yestor<3ay are published the regulations made by H.E. the Governor for the control of subsidiary current coin. They are as follow 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Subsidiary Current Coin Control Regulations, 1917. 2. Except
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  • 316 7 Former Singapore Resident In Mesopotamia. Mr. R. P. Russell, formerly of the firms of Messrs. Siemens Bros, in Singapore, and now in Mesopotamia, writes as follows to a friend in Bangkok It was great news to hear that Siam had decided to cou.j in
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  • 23 7 The engagement in announced between Mr. Charles A. Johnson and Miss Vera Mabel Webb, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Webb.
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  • 1121 7 DETAILS OF THE GOVERNMENT'S PROPOSALS. A Perak Criticism "Semper Eadem," writing in the Times of Malaya, after criticising the giving of a blank eh gM to Sir R Iwaroi Rr-rknun it the last Federal Council meeting for tho development works at Prai, without any questions being asked, or
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  • 2275 8 A VISIT TO THE GRAND FLEET. Better Than New. The military oorreapoadent ol The Times w i ms When tbe grim, grey forms of the King's Grand Fleet loom op before as in these Dortbern latitudes they convey to us a sense of power that no one can
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  • 79 8 Holland American.— 674,39o lbs. Si Pare Pare.- 30,680 lbs. Netherlands Langkat.— 2s,o46 lbs. lfajong.— l3,ooo lbs.; to date 149.463 lbs. Benar.— 7,4oo lbs. to date 97,988 lbs. Leuggeng.— l6,47o lbs. to date 140,310 lbs. Henrietta.— Bs,7o4 lbs. to date 308,719 lbs. Koala Pergaa.— 34,9-JO lbs. to date
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  • 266 8 The oommittee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to the above fond: Previously acknowledged $118,096.82 O. R. S. Bateman 100 Collected by Madame J. de Conrtois: The Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus 360 V. Gottlieb 26 Arya Sangam 18.76 Collected by Ladies Committee for Shipping
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  • 57 8 We have received from Brother Stephen a cheque tor #667.88, tbe amount being subscriptions received from tbe boys of St. Joseph's Institution as a contribution towards Oar Day" Fund. We congratulate the Institution upon tbe noble example thus set by its pupils, and we
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  • 64 8 The following are tbe events arranged for the ensuing week in connection with the Oar Day Fund To-day. Sapper and Dance, Europe Hotel.. Thursday. Bridge Drive, Raffles Hotel. Photographic Exhibition, V.M.C.A., noon to 7 p.m. Friday. Photographic Exhibition, V.M.C.A., 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. S.C.B.A. Entertainment. Sapper
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  • 73 8 To-day's Business. Macpbail and Co.'s daily report Silver.— Down J 43 j. Hongkong— Unchanged 2/7} 14% pm. Shanghai— Unchanged 8/10 60*. Tin.— Buyers. tlli, no sellers. Rubber.— Unchanged. Tbe race meeting attracts more attention than shares to day and there is little business doing. Robber shares are
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  • 58 8 Programme of drills, etc., for weak ending Friday, October 19, 1917. Tubsdat, Octobib 10 i all parades WiDvasDAT, Octobbb 17 i cancelled. T.HOBBDAT, Octobbb 18. 2.30 p.m. Drill Hall S.F.A. Co. Fejdat, Octobib 19. 6.30 am. Baler Mer Raoge Mai. Co., S.V.I. 6 p.m. Drill Hall S.F.A.
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  • 10 8 No drills will take place daring October.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 379 8 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir,— The letter of "One of Them" appearing in four issue of October 18 calls attention in no uncertain fashion to a farcical state of affairs regarding oar Volunteers of the Crown Colonies and the F.M.S. As Another of Them I
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    • 219 8 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, Recently an announcement appeared in your paper to tbe effect tbat Wearne Bros., Ltd., Singapore, had donated a Ford Car to tbe Singapore Our Day Commit' toe. To day's issue contains the announcement of the Penang Branch
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    • 32 8 A Malacca correspondent writes that a match between Old Bailding and New Building, St. Francis InstitDtion, played on Saturday, resulted in a win for the former by the one goal scored.
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    • 63 8 Tbe men's monthly medal (stroke) will be played on Saturday and Sunday, October 20 and 21. Tbe ladies spoon is played on Monday next. Tbe gold medal for 1916 17 will be played in conjunction with the Ootober medal. The following members have qualified Cullen, Barrett, White,
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  • 160 8 Tbe following is published in tbe mail papers:— Tbe Secretary of State for India wishes to make it generally known that, in consultation with tbe Secretary of State for tbe Colonies, a committee has been formed which will hold meetings at tbe India Office to assist disabled or
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 244 8 RAFFLES HOTEL For "Our Day" Fund AUCTION BRIDGE DRIVE ft SPECIAL DINNER Thursday, October 18, 1917. Ticket— DlNNEß AND BRIDGE DRIVE $3.50 Ticket— BßlDGE DRIVE ONLY $2 For every Dinner and Bridge Drive Ticket sold 12 will be given to tbe Bridge Drive Fund. Division of Proceeds: 50% "OUR DAY"
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 419 9 RAFFLES HOTEL "OUR DAY" A SPECIAL DINNER, COSSERT, CINEMA AND DANCE will be held on Thursday, October 25, 1917, from 7 p.m. to 1 am Ticket for Dinner, Concert, Cinema and Dance $4 Ticket for Concert, Cinema and Dance -$2 The whole proceeds of the Bile of tickets will be
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    • 662 9 DOG LOBT. A wire-haired fox terrier, even marked, black and tan, white bead, with black patch I near left shcaldcr, in Cairn Hill Road, on the afternoon of October 6. The dog answers to the name of "Oleo." Fiader returning same or communicating with S. Q. W at 10, Kirn
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    • 225 9 THIS cannot fly though it runs so smoothly you think it does WADLEIGH CO., LTD.. Singapore DISTRIBUTORS NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that all claims against the estate of H. H. Sultan Mahmad, of Pahang, deceased, Bhoold be preferred to me, the Administrator, before the 18th day of November, 1917,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 593 10 Wl* of FiAOi, Famine or Flinty, Lin Insurance ib wojtu 100 cunts on thx dollars Wm*.* UTSEK PROHBBTY X«T THE 6REAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (UNSsraaiiu at Inuti BaTnauims TSAB)O9«l»a|i Wf>— H— *.OM»O«I tr**!** sit, Old ««w*y, 8.0. Tb* Ctoci*aai DM «BMiiO4M dsaovtad Witt) ifae Stiatoma Oeart af ■agtaftd,
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    • 511 10 BAWKINQ. HSNGKtNB AND t§AN6HAI BANKING GBXPeiIATIBN (IkOOarOBATBD n HoHSBOMO) PAID-CP CAPITAL «i IILSOMN RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,000,000 at I/- lit CtM.ON Silver ■Ib.BOO.OXa »8t.800,00C Ueeerve Liability of Propt.etors IHOOCfIOO COURT OF PIRCOTORSHon. Mr. 8. H. Dodwell, Chainnaa, Hon. Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. C. >. Aaica..-', ii.
      511 words
    • 510 10 BMKIIIQ. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATBD IN BNGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital in 60,000 Shares ot «SUeaeb 41,100,000 Reajrve Fond 4»,900,000 Reeerve Liability ot Proprietors... £1,200,000 BANKBRS The Bank ot Bugl&Dd, The London City and Midland Bank. Ltd., Toe London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      510 words
    • 532 10 BANKINB. NEDERLANDBCHE HANOEL-MAATSCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. KSTABUSBBO 1834. Paid-up Caaital fl 60,000,000 (about £6,000,000) Itgtutory Rsatrvs Fvaa fl 11,696,46 a (about £$66,289) Hiad UFnca ik Amstbhdam, Hbad Aobnoy in Batavia. BRA NiJHES Ponaag, Hongkong, Sbangbai, Rangoon, Soerabaya, Somaihng, Wcltevrtden, Bandoeng (Java), Cheribon, To«»l, Pecalongan, tjilatjap, Djtmbet Djokja (Java), Solo (Java),
      532 words
    • 762 10 INSURANCE. ABSTRACT FROM 12th ANNUAL REPORT YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1917. Average rate of interest earned. 0.50 per oent. Increase. 0.28 per oent. Insoranoe or Reserve Fund. 16,124.626.90 16A4.812.28 Total Assets 6,894 220.80 742,877.41 Now Insuranoe issued 8,061,***** 688.276,00 Total Insuranoe in Foroe... 24,007,284.98 2,480,977 62 A copy of oar
      762 words

  • 576 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Channel Tunnel Road. Mr. Duncan contemplate* tbe establish ment of Do Dion worka at Dover, near tbe Channel Tunnel." Probably, the game idea has occurred to other manufacturers who propose to become British if we pat a tariff on imports.
    576 words
  • 180 11 THAT YOUNG WELSH LAD." Story of 25-Year-Old Photograph Of Mr. Lloyd George. During a recent visit to bis constituency in the tar north of Scotland, Mr. Munro, the Secretary for Scotland, was presented by a friend with a photograph taken 25 years ago of Mr. Lloyd Oeorge and Dr. Clark,
    180 words
  • 183 11 Keoent modifications of the regulations governing military service lor the clergy were discussed by the United Free Church Commission of Assembly at Edinburgh recently. Professor Martin, of Edinburgh, pointed out that all theological students, other than those classified in B 8 or CB, were not to be
    183 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 114 11 JUST RECEIVED BY SPECIAL PERMISSION OF THE MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS Two British Austin Motor Lorry Chassis, War Office Type CAPACITY 2 TO 3 TONS These machines are magnificent examples of the very latest British motor engineering practice. Any type of body can be fitted to suit customers' requirements. Prices and
      114 words
    • 51 11 OILD4G SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Oarages full partioulara from DUPIRE BROS. SOLE AGENTS. Sub- Agents for Perak: Messrs. BERRY Co., Ipoh. SINGER CARS Please apply to International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE: Sole Importers. A Good Tip jlSfck FIRESTONES II HAVE A LONG RUN FOR YOUR
      51 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 626 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT SINGAPORE FIKM bare vacancy f.w expert BuraHian shorthand-typist. Good *.1 .ry and prospects. Box No 410, Straits Times. 8-10-n v 1 XXX WANTED. Reception omct clurk, Indian preferred munt be able to speak and write in^lish. Apply Manager, tforope Hotel. 18 10-17 10
      626 words
    • 518 12 BITUATIONB WANTED A MEDICAL MAN (British qualifications) wishes to offer his sorvic.e free on a steamer sailing to BngUud. Apply Box No. 410, > trait* T-mes. iO 10— BILLET WANTED on rubber EBttte by licensed surveyor (British), 14 years' ex.eri encu, mviied. Knows plantiDg, mining. Speaks Malay and Tamil. Bex
      518 words
    • 504 12 BBARD AND LODGING. FURNISHED aPARTMBNTS. Apply Private Family, c/o Straits Times. 1110—1011 FRENCH BOARDING HOUSE. Comfortable rooms wilh verandah. Tennis. Garaye. No 106 Oroherd Road. 1210- 26 10 BURLINGTON. Coleman Street. FORMERLY HOTBL DB I^A PAIX. Tbe above establishment has now been taken over by an entirely new management. Thoroughly
      504 words
    • 377 12 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D c CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT ft GO. L. ET Market street. NEDSELLIW THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore IS CONDUCTED BY H. N. BUCKERIDGE Ute of Meurs. Lafayette, photographer. to their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 paces north
      377 words
    • 281 12 TAYGUANKIAT 36. PHILLIP BTREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality fortheyear I *>1K Full particulars on application to above address. •Phone No*. 1361, 1362 and Private 1 450 and 1 073. In Stock, 1,200 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes V 2" and 5 8 outside diameter. 1 Tangye's Duplex Pump
      281 words
    • 190 12 STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT j I 'Phone 1233 |i TYRES and TUBES are repaired by best methods at Moderate Price*. H5 ft 216. ORCHARD ROAD. Ban Lee Ann, li (Inoobpobatid im Sinajj>ou) 68 and SB, Market StrMt. Ship-Owneni Ship-Chan dlers Steamship Agents Estate Suppliers Forwarding Agents
      190 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 260 12 Straits V)imes TELEPHONES I Editorial and Oeneial 6S Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1344 All oommunicatioua relating to i-ditoritw matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All] communications relating to buhict matters advertisements, subcription. acoouotu, printing, etc. should be ad dressed to THE MANAGER. Cheque and money
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