The Straits Times, 13 October 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.544 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 168 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Price bow $19.00 per M»e THE TWO-SEATER (NEW MODEL) MAXWELL CAR IS NOW ON VIEW AT Alec. Williamson, Limited. 4, Orchard Road. Price: $2,200 nett cash ex garage, ready for the road. Full particulars from the above, or from The Borneo Co., Ltd. SOLE IMPORTERS. I
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    • 200 1 ROBINSON CO. HH New Shipment of I Robinson's Silver m jS^ Chronometer 7^^ j^P%* A °Pen Pace, Half Hunters, M v bk Hunters. Wristlet Watches SfeVV in banters, Inm^nois hands and fi^urcß, etc., wr Hpr etc. All folly jpvePed and fitted with damp and BSJBr^ dast proof doub'.f cases. By
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    • 41 1 MARTELI/S BRANDY. Soli Aobkts i ADAMBON. 6ILFILUN CO., LTD. iDcorporat Ml, in Knjclikad) i Billiard Tables Stocks held of MHCROFT'S, RILEV'S, PAOMORE'S ANO BURROUGHES ANO WATTS'. Nrw snd seeond-baDd Billiard Tables all fizes. Particulars ana' price from K. FRANKFL&CO, Victoria Street.
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  • 994 2 The following casualties are reported London, September 18. Killed.— 2nd Lieut. G. S. Barlow, Slierwoods; Lieut. A. N. ca!la«han, Liverpool* Capt. U. S. Ulegliary, RE Litut C. Harthev, K.F.A.; Lieut. H. S. Kemptborm HI.A.; iud Lieut H. it It. Larcombe, Royal haln Lieut. T. A. G. MaxhiUr, York
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 716 2 NOTICE T«f><]erfl will be received at tbe Ofnoe of th. Hon T.n Colocial Secretary, S.S.. up o uooß ot fcond*y, October 16, 1817, f i miking up itiO Miit* more or lew of whit' •afan jtau for European W ardors ot ttit Scapaport Fr« on. Cloth will be provided for
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    • 270 2 Weakness Every movement of the body uses up a definite amount at vitality That is why you fa*) tired at ihe end ml \h» day. When you overtax yourself, er when your vitality it under* mmcd by illness, your whoi* system beevmestooexhaustad to recover ru lost vitality without attistancr. Your
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    • 344 2 Very Bad Eczema A!l Over Body Itching and Burning Enough to Diive Him Mad. Cuticura Soap ni Ointment HcaluL "I took severe chills and the effect caused me to have very bad running scaasaa break out all over the saiddla Htl of my body, lt was of a very bad
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    • 1001 2 SALES BY AUCTION. "OUR DAY" AUCTION Under the auspices of the E Ho Hean and the Garden Clubs AN AUCTION wi'l be held at the Garden Club, Raffles Chambers On November 6 in aid of "Our Day" Fund, at an hour to be announced at a later date. The public
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  • 922 3 BRITISH CRANKS AND A BRAZEN LIE. Traitors to Their Race Dr. Frederic Harrison, the famous barrister wbo was for many years President of the English Positivist Committee, writes to The Times As we enter the fourth year of war we find the Hon, now satiattd
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  • 166 3 The German Squadron Foiled In Attempted Attack on England. Information has now been reoeived which in a uiiunre explains the reason for the recent myoteiions Tisitatioa of Oerman aeroplanes over Holland and the bombing of Dutch village*. It woald appear that a large pqnadron of Oerman machines
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 398 3 An Active Service Pen for Active Service Men Just like our men on Active Service, tlie Swan Pen is ready at jll times to meet Jl unexpected cafll MM perform its duties tlioro-i^lily under all conditions. It never Tlie '"Swan fita snugly into the soldier's breast •ct .Hid Khsjh rawly
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    • 602 3 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THOSE WITH WEAK, FALLING, DULL. LIFELESS HAIR, 7 Day "Harlene Hair-Drill" home Outfit, FREE TO ALL. Mothing a lira in Natura lUarfa Mill. Tou fro forward ar backward. hut, yonr hair la either hntlthr or unhealthy— ■ill!;, unto day racofrniaa that "unhealthy" I ta ihe word to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 479 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIPCO.. LTD. (laOOBPOBATBD IM JiP»») EUROPEAN LINC a servioe is maintained bet wen Yokoha.-na, via ports, and England under mail eontraot with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. Ths New Twinsorew Steamers mainiainina Ibis serrioe have been spaoially dosignedaad mnn^^^^i M d are fitted with
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    • 630 4 steamer mums, P. O.- British India AND Apcar I— in©, (COMFAXIBS IMCOKPOBATBD IM BMOLAMD). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N CO. (Under Contrast with His Majesty OoTarnuant). The Company's MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are
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    • 691 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Imoobpobatbb or Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semeiak, Baeho, Eolantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telopir, Panarai. Pataai, Singora, Laooa, Kobsamui, Bandoa, Laagsnea, Cbumpoa, KoHak k Bangkok Due Departure a.a. BORIBAT Oot. IB 17, 3 p.m. a.a. PRACHATIPOK 29 2«, 8 p.m. a. a.
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    • 612 4 BTEAHEH BAIUWM. OOMMNIO HRVHM OP THE6CEANS.B.C6..LTB. (Ikoobpobaibi) vi Baa \Aao. THE WESt7uBTRALU» 8. N. CO.. LTO. (Inoobpobatbd im Bwownu' BBTWIBH ■pamantlai (Parth), Mavth-Wsm* Auatrsillan Ports, Java and Slngapora. Regular sailings between Singapore aad Western Australia calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, Kiag's Sound (port tor the Kimberley Gold Fields),
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 593 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. STBQMVMRT-MAATSCHAPPM 11 NEDERLAND AND ROTTERDAM LLOYD ;Ixco»PO»iIlD IK HOIIAWD! mVL OUT' H MAIL OOMPANIBS rortnlg My Matl Service Dctween Java. Singapore. Hongkong. Shanghai NMaaakl. Yokohama. Honolulu and SAN FRANCISCO VtCl *«!<•<» Kcr BStpittW i tU particn »r» apply >o I»Tf«MT|O«»LE CUBItT MO ■ikOELSVEREENiaiM dOTTEMMM (IHCOBJ-OBATSD IN HOLL4MDI A|(SBt«.
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    • 688 5 NOTICE. j Tdders will be received at tbe Offioe of tbe Hon. Tie Colonial Secretary, 8.8., ap to noon of Mot day, October 16, 1917, for tbe fcnpp'.y of the* ondurmi xtioned materials for manufactures (otbe Sint;»pore Prison during the year 1018: 1. Fine whi c ratUn No. 1 (Lontee
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    • 759 5 THE HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDS PARA RUBBER CO., LTD. MIDLANDS ESTATE. KLANG. FOR SALB, aeed from selected trtcs over ten years old. Aver»ge yield per tree 191S 3t*son.B lbs. per tree. Limited supply available immediately. Price in f ack«, K. O. R. Padarg Java, II per 1003 Apply Manager. 21 9-20-10
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    • 413 5 SIMIT SAVE-RQOM RACKS ECONOMISE IN FACTORY SPACE 288 of 18 in. x 9 in. x V/ 2 in. latex trays in a floor space of 10 ft, 8 in. x 3 ft. 6^ in. and 5 ft. 6 in. high. A Manager writes:—" I have much pleasure in telling you
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 121 6 The only quality QS% (Pure) >^ /•N^gCSciac acetic ACie^y ACETIC ACID 99% Guaranteed. IMPORTERS YAMATO CO. *1. Hiotlft Btr««t. Telephone 432. 18 b— Mil KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU Sailings to Rangoon WITH TRANSHIPMENT AT BELAWAN-DELI (SUMATRA) For particulars about freight and passage, apply to THE AGENT, 2 and 3, Collyer Quay.
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    • 223 6 Solo Importers INTERNATIONAL CREDIET 4 HAKDELBVEREENI6INB ROTTERDAM. BINBAPORE- SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE COMPANY. LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that the transfer books of this Company will be eloaed from October 16 to October 72, 1917, both days iuolasire. By Order, W. B. SUTHERLAND, Secretary. 18-10— 1610 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND SMOKING CONCERT
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    • 463 6 THE QBEAT OUTSTANDING PICTURE OF THE YEAB ME AND M'PAL Written by Robert Ganthony aod produce! by Harold Shaw, prodneer otlhi Hoase of Temperley, She Stoors to Conqatr, England's Menace sod Albert Chevalier's My Old Dutch. Picketing HriUin's Best Artistes OER»ID AMES, EM* FLIMMTN, DOUGLAS MUNRO. LEWIS GILBERT Mv STDIEY
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  • 99 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, October 13. High Water, 9.4 a.m., 9.S p.m. Sunday, October 14. High W«ter, ."HO a.m., 9.43 p.m. Monday, October 15. High Water, 9.5S a.m., 10.16 p.m Chamber of Commerce meeting, 2.15 p.m. Tuesday, October 16. Hiith Water. 10.19 am., 10.48 p.ra. Ant nun Kane Mooting
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  • 160 7 TODAT. Saigon 2.80 pm Medaa 3.80 pm kUlaoca, P. Swettoaham aad Penan 2 30 pm Kersini4 and Kemamao 2.80 pm Bangkok 3.80 pm Pnlao. sambu. Hlno Billiton, BaUs Cheribon, Smna.Ang Sonrabaya an Ampenan, Macasaar, etc. 4 pm Kota Tinggi 4 pm Oncob 4 pm Kesimon 4 pm
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  • 259 7 Tbe n.tjt trains from Singapore for the aortb leare Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m •ad T j arnvin» at Koala Lampar at f .18 and 6.45 a.m. respectively. Tbe tbrouqu express to Penang leave* Koala Ltuapc* at 8 a.ra. daily, arriving at Ponar.g at IM f
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  • 64 7 (Official Post Offi Boo Report.) Larr Simoapou Abrivid Lokdos Jane 20 B. I. JoIt 18 B. I. July 14 P. O. July 24 B. I. July 37 P. O. iMl 1 B. I. Aai<int 11 MM. August 11 B. I. Augunt 18 M. M. ka#wt% 18 P.
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  • 188 7 BXCHANQB. SwaAToai, Octobib 18, 1917. Oa Loaf** Bank 4 m/s 1/4 j Demaad m Mi Print* Im* 8/4JIJ Oa Feahob Bank T. T. m 818 Omliidu Bank T. T. 15S O« Honaßoas...Baak d/d m 14j Jtpm Oa S«AM»HAi ...Bank d/d 69] OmJata m BaakT. I. 181 OhJapa«
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    • 153 7 Buy*. Mte 10 10 Anipang 6.00 1 1 A yet Weng 2 00 2.16 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 41 41 KinUTin 1.10.0 1.17.0 41 41 Lshat Mine* (.36 660 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.26 12.76 41 41 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 norn 10 10 Middloton 18X0 18.00 5/.
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    • 109 7 ▼s£i BeUei -41 41 I. Smeltimg Co. 7.75 BCO 41 41 Pwl. 1.1.0 1.y.0 6/- I/- Bleotrie T'wayi 4/- 6/--10 10 Fnwe* Noave 46.C0 47.60 60 60 W.H»mmer*Co. 74.00 76.00 100 100 lUti Bra, Del. pai I'iO.OO 10 10 Majnard Co. 9.00 41 41 Shell Transport 6.5.0 6.12 6
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    • 47 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284,600 pat Singapore B iectrio Tramways 6% £850,000 norn SporoMunicipal 6% 11,873,000 par o'pore Municipal H% ot 1007 11,800,000 10% dig Spore Municipal 4f% of 1809 11,000,000 1C Spore Municipal 4% 3,000,000 It B'pore Municipal X'BOO.OOO F.M.S. 8% loan 1813 »16,0U3,000 1(800 Itf)
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  • 310 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lya and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prioeo. Frasei Lyall Co. Evatt. Uor Gajah (»1) 4.40 4.6? 4.80 4.60 imal. Malay 1.76 pd. 0.75 0.85pm 0.70 0.80 \yer Hitam (15) 16.00 16.50 16.00 15.50 iyer Kuning (II) 160 1.80 1.50 1.60 Iyer Molek
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 98 7 MADAME CLAIRE 11 -a. Daminsara Terraoe, Near Kuala Lumpur Station. White embroidered dresses pair 115 til 00l Mai sad figured voiie dresses 110 llr); orepi*. deehine dresses 127 crepe <'c clime bloaaes 111; eveßiait dreasfw $18-154; eveoia* wraps ll»— IJ0; washing moroing irsiHH>ij-|18; hats, motor bonnets 14-117; ooilars HO eta
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    • 439 7 UTEBT ADVERTIBEMEHTB. WANTBD ono white Orpinwton, two wbitn Leghorn cock*. Ma^t b.i pare bred hmith Kluang, Jobore. 18 10— 16 10 CLERK WANTED. Peocption offio? ol> rk, Indian p-< urred mu<» be- able tospuak and write English. Apply Manager, Kuropti Hotel. 10— 171P RUBKKR BsTATE ASSIST iNT, AottloIndian with 5
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    • 388 7 "EMBASSY" Mn 77 IJ^MI Na 77 iNO. 1 la 110. 11l c icarette»-s^| CIGARETTES and MIXTURE Michelin Tyres STOCKISTS CHIN HIAT HIN OIL TRADING COMPANY SEAH PECK SEAH Co., 246, Sooth Bridge Hoad THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO.. LTD. (lncoaioa*Tst n Homusono) Established XBB3 I MANDFACTCBERS OF PIRE-*ROPE 8 STRAND
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    • 84 7 '^BajaBaBBBBBBJB| Tanjong Pagar Road Trams Pass tha Poor""] TO-NIOHT SECOND SHOW. 9.16 SHARP TO-NIGhT Tho last two Epi-ojos of 20 episodes THE IRON CLAW 40 mn 101 Bison drama 2 parts CONSPIRACY 2 parts FIRST SUJW AT 7.80 SBABP 5 parts THE UNATTAINABLE: spa ta The wonder-s?rlal by Fylntf "A"
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  • 1151 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18. GERMAN TIME TABLES. The later sections ol Mr. Gerard's most remarkable memoirs of bis experiences in Berlin, prior to the rupturo of deplomatic relations, witb the United States of America ate almost entirely concerned with the question of submarining. In 1916 Mr. Wuodrow Wilson
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  • 35 8 The Singapore Auafcar Dramatic Commitiec, and Hit PaUoe Tti>»irtw, Ltd artculled on, the former to furnihh proof if ixi-Udci, the littter to nrxi* c*uh<- why it h!i..'ilil not bo stiuck iff tl:u register ot companies.
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  • 12 8 Tbe installation meeting of Tullibardine Chapter took place in Kuala Lumpur last
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  • 15 8 The number of Chinese immigrants who arrived in Singapore daring tbe past quarter was 27,912.
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  • 20 8 Rales m%do by tho Governor in Council regarding tb censorship of cinema ti'.uis aro i published in tho Government Gazette.
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  • 26 8 Kirwan bas found a purchaser for the racer Tim, which has boen acquired by Mr. W. E. Vowler, of Seletar Estate, says tho Times of Malaya.
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  • 27 8 Tbo funeral of the wife of Mr. Oog Teck Hin, Malacca, will take place in Smgaporo to morrow. Tbe deceased died on Wednesday after a long illness.
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  • 32 8 Consumers of cocoa in Ipoh aro the latest gnffertrs from the inflation of war piices owing, it is believed, to the dwindling of stocks and tbe lack of facilities for fresh supplies.
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  • 33 8 The Interdenominational Prayer Meeting will be hfld at the V.W.C A Fort Canning Road, on Monday, at 5.15 p.m. Lieut. H. H. TiracU-r will give tbe address. All are cordially invited to attend.
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  • 36 8 The Bentong Police have arrested a man on suspicion of having bfcen concerned in the highway robbery on tbo Bentang Pabang Road on Friday, September 28, when Mr. P. J. Beal, of Singapore, was fired at.
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  • 34 8 Tbe members of Singapore Keraleeya Mabajena Sangbam are informed that a general meeting will be held at 5 p.m. tomorrow at 148, Prinsep Street, to consider tho rulos and regulations drafted by tbe committee.
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  • 40 8 In celebration of tho birthday of Confucius, the great sage of China, yesterday, the Heap Seng School he'd a reception en their premises at Tanjonu Pagar in the afternoon. There was a good attendance to do honour to the occasion.
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  • 47 8 The directors of Sr pang Valley Estate, Ltd., have declared a third interim dividend on account of the year ending December 31, 1917, at the rate of 15 per cent, on the paid up capital of the company, payable to shareholders on tbe Register on October 15.
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  • 51 8 The usual service at the Boastead Institute wiU .be held on Sunday night at 8.15, when the Rev. A. J. Amery, 8.D., will give the address. Mr. G. H. Watts will bo the soloist. A hearty invitation is extended to the men ot the Army and Navy and the Mercantile
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  • 63 8 I A preliminary inquiry was began at the Marine Court this morning with regard to the sinking of the steamer Hong Wan, belonging to tbo Ho Aik Company, of Singapore, which was engaged on the Singapore, Muar and Malacca run and foundered on Thursday morning neat the entrance to Muar
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  • 68 8 I In the district court yesterday three Chinese coolies were charged with stealing six rolls of brass steam pipe, one long brass pipe, and twenty six pieces of brass instru ments, valned altogether at 91,500 from tbe wharf. One of the accused was sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment, to
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  • 77 8 Mr. Justice Innes, acting Chief Judicial I Commissioner, F.M S., proceeds to Ipob on Thursday to take the rehearing of a trial 'on a charge of murder preferred against i> I Chinese. This man was tried before Mr Justice Farrtr Manby at the Ipob Assizes on September '24, when the
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  • 78 8 The Times ot Malaya bears that a war lottery has been arranged by Uur Day Committee in Sungei Putani, the tickets being priced at only a dollar each, with the result that it already promises to be among the biggest successes among the multitudinous Hud Cross efforts in the Peninsula.
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  • 84 8 A correspondent to the Times ot Malaya thinks that Jatfua Tamils in Malaya will be interested to lirar that Mr. P. Cooke Jayaratnam, the University Scholar of 19 4, from tbo Hoyal College, has just pasxed the. Indian Civil Service Examination, coming third in order of merit. Mr. Jayaratnam ia
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  • 99 8 The Government Gazette states tLat tl.t Man-oni Company in granted leave to fi e fbtv.ntationf, etc of an iuvention for con trolling the i-pnii of machines. Mr. H. L Jarvis, of Seaport Estate, in authorised to file apt'Cifications, etc, of an iuventiou for the prepare packing uf rubber. Mr. It.
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  • 149 8 MarnthaD, Tamil niandor on Sin Mow Vio Estate, Se,<aiubut, iv tlio Ka*la Lampur Police Cod rt, before Mr. A. W. Just, w*u>" trale, on Thursday, was charged with causu^ Hie death ot Viilian, a coolie on tLe sam>fhtau, od September 24. From the evidence i-ki v it win' ld aipt
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  • 491 8 Mr. J. R. Crawford, accompanied by If itut Crawford, is now on his way back to Ipoh from Australia. The Britinh vice-Consul at Pnket, Mr. J. F. Jolilm, who was on a visit to Penan);, wae to leave for Singapore by tbe Krian. Tbe death took place
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  • 55 8 We very graft fully acknowltdge tbe following addition to our fond for assisting the Overseas Club to provide smokos fur oat soldiers and sailors: S. L. 110 Tho total we have received since tbe fund was opened in August, 1910, is now $17,811.1? and
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  • 85 8 Yesterday's Government Gazette an noanccs the composition of the Housing Commission. The following Messrs. W. G. Maxwell, R. St. John Braddt 11. J. A. Elias, Dr. G. A. t'inlayxon, Cboon Ciuan and J. Lornie, are appointed to enquire into the question of the pretent shortage of
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  • 97 8 We hear, but for the present we decline to believe, that the enemy business known aa the Singapore Oil Millh, has been sold to an alien. Months ago a special law was passed, and we were led to understand that tLe positive determination of the autlorities waa
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  • 244 8 The Government Oh z tin mntains tliu »tati mriit of the Municipal Estimates for 19i8. These propose a consolidate.! ruto of twelve per cent, on bouses-, luoJi, etc., other thun agricultural lands, and a coneoliriattd rato of five per cent, ou agricultural lands, with an additional
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 182 8 _i— i Just arrived a shipment of YOUNGER'S EDINBURGH ALE in barrels PRICES ON APPLICATION TO I Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. FAIRBANKS' SCALES The Standard" H V weighing 400, 600 and a,; 1,000 lbs. and catties, ,i, V The Austral 1,500, 2,000 lbs. and catties. Prices on application JOHN LITTLE CO.,
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    • 220 8 THE WORLD S BEST KNOWN AND MOST TALENTED SCREEN ARTIBTEB AT THE! ALHAJMBJLA The Mouse for Music— Tha Pioneer and Premier House The Houie of Quality Beach Road I IN THE StfCOND SHOW AT 9.18 SHARP Quality Pictures Corporation presents Francis K. Bushman, the crowned king of motion picturos, •nd
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  • 2489 9 ANOTHER BATTLE. British Press Recent Advantage. MR. ASQUITH SPEAKS. Insists on a Conclusive Victory. Riniu'k Tii lk. hums. London, Oct. ber 12, 12.25 a.ul. Field-Marshal Haig reports: Improved weatbor and good visibility have favoured the work of the artillery. There has been much effective counter battery activity on
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  • 94 9 To-day's Business. Macpbail and Co.'s daily report. Silver.— Down J— 44}. Hongkong— Down J 2/8 14}% pm. Shanghai— Down i S> IUJ S'JJ. Tin —Bayers ti11. 50. No sellers. Rubber.— Doll. Share bosinetia is limited in volume bat prices are firm. Scadais bave buyers at 4)8.80, Kempaa
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  • 361 9 The committee acknowledge with thanks tbe following subscriptions to the above land: Previously acknowledged 1103,967. (W Jaeger and Co. 800 "N. L. C." 25 F. R. M." 100 Mah Eng Association 7 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. G. Tisdall 36 Per Chinese Chamber of Commerce— collected
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  • 180 9 It is eighty seven years this week since Belgium claimed her independence. The revolt against Dutch sovereignty broke oat in Brussels on August 25, 1830, but Kurop regarded tho affair as of trivial importance until tbe insurgents defeated the Dutch force aud compelled them to withdraw from the
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  • 78 9 In the third police court this morning tbe magistrate, Mr. Uara, dv missed a chargo of assisting to carry on a public lottery brought against Teo 800 Soon, ot 29, River Valley I Koad, considering that tbe evidence for tbe prosecution was not conclusive. For receiving money for a lottery
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  • 750 9 Proceedings at the Seventh Annual General Meeting. Tbe secretaries contribute the following The seventh animal uencrsl meeting of Kunipas, Ltd., wan held at f bo registered office of tin 1 company, No. 4, Fort Komi. Malacca, on Thursday, October 11, Mr. T. F. Anderson Pole presiding. Tbe notice
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  • 176 9 A gang robbery is reported to have been commitVti early on Tlium lay morning in Cbnlia Street, Ponang, tlie victim being a Chinese photographer. It appears that at about half pttst four seven Cantonese with their faces covered with white bandkercbit I removed an iron bar of
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  • 157 9 The pending retirement ot Commander H.O. Wilson, R.N K .from tbe post if marine superintendent to the Clan Line will remove a well known and popuUr personality fioro, active participation in shipping buHintwH. II-Mticrf-mnr is Capt .1. A. Miephereon, win hi i vi it hi« appreuticoNlup in tho well known
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  • 2333 10 SIR WILLUM ROBERTSON ON THE WAR Counsel to America The following interview with General Sir William Kitxtrtßon, Chief of the Imperial Gesteral Staff, appears in tbe New York Times:— From the soldier's point of view," I asked him, how goos the war I If he bad said
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  • 44 10 The rnid.-neo of Mr. Yeoh Paik Tatt, Punaug, wm the ssene of a happy gathering on Wednesday night, the occasion being the evu of his third daughter's wedding, l'.uner was provided to a large number of gue->t«, ana a ronggeng performance kept things iivtly.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 499 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l wish to draw attention to tbe position of ex-Britisb officers, N.C.O.'s and men, in tbe Straits Volunteers. There has been from time to time oriticism of tbe efficiency, or otherwise, of the volunteer forces, and to one who bas
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    • 311 10 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, After reading Mr. Cecil Round's article in your issue of the 9th, one does not get a clear idea of what be means. Ho begins bis article entitled Tbe Significance of War witb tbe question 'Is Malthus right,' and
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  • 1561 10 CONSUMING ARMIES WITH HEAT RAYS. famous Inventor's Views. Gaglielmo Marconi, tbe invrntor of Wireless Telegraphy, in the coarse of an I interview, said I What forces might be utilised, you ask. ilt would seem big gnns and high-power explosives had reached the limit of tbeir
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  • 342 10 Ancient Church and Beautiful Mosaic Found in Palestine. The remains of an ancient Christian Church, a beautiful mosaic inscription, and bones believed to be those of M George have been discovered near Gaza by the Australian troops witb the British Expedition in Palestine. Describing the result
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  • 210 10 Grouping of War Pensions Areas For Tbe Purpose of Training Schemes. Tbe local committees throughout Groat Britain to whom the training of disabled soldiers and sailors has been confided are now bard at work arranging for suitable courses at tbe technical institutes and in workshops and factories.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 617 10 S.C.F.A. Defeat the S.C.C. The threatening weather .ast evening kept away many who would otherwise have watched the S.C.F.A. defoat the S.C.C, but the crowd was a fairly big one all the same. For tbe second evening in succession spectators saw a fine game and watched tbe S.C.F.A. do
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  • 542 10 Thieves who were Burnt To Death. Russian papers arriving continuo to provide strange and ghastly pictures of mob justice, wrote the IVtrograd correspondent of tbe Daily Telegraph recently. One day four dragoons carrying a large placard with the inscription Comrades, we are thieves was marched up
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 199 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. At a sale held yesterday by Messrs. Cbitty and Co., Malacca, land at Melekek was bought by Mr. Tan Jin Kiat for 12,490. Tbe Lion and the Girl, at present being shown at tbe Alhambra, is one of tbe funniest pictures seen here for a long time.
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  • 435 11 Dramatic Story of a Daring Dash. A remarkable story of a non-com., a private, and a Tank is told in a list of awards (M.C. aad D.C.M.) published as a supplement to tl'f London Gaxutto. The official account of tbe part played by tbe private
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  • 636 11 The Joy of Rising High And Fast. A ar pilot write* in the Daily Mail Tli- re in no satisfaction like flying a •i. at can climb, and climb hiyb and fast. IV in at • up with a powerful machine is to feel sense i f i
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  • 594 11 Sunday, October 14, 1917. St. Andrew's Cathedral. 19th Sunday after Trinity, Harvest Festival. 7 a.m. Holy Communion 7.46 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9.16 a.m. Matins and Litany 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 6.80 p.m. Evensong and Hermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines.— 9.l6 a.m. Holy Communion 6.80
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  • 84 11 Programme of drills, etc., (or wu.ik ending Friday, October 19, 1917. Satcrday, October 18. All parades cancelled. SCMDAY, OCTOBIB 14. 7.80 a.m. and Balestier Range Veterans Co., 2.30 p.m. S.V.C. Monday, October 15 AaDWSDAT, OCTOBK 17 I CaDCelle<l Thursday, October 18. 2.30 p.m. Drill Hall S.F.A. Co.
    84 words
  • 23 11 Malacca Robber Plantations -358,750 lbs. Tiram.-H.825 lbs. to date 43,000 lbs. Kelemak.— l6,B3s lbs., not ***** as pre vionsly given.
    23 words
  • 136 11 The King has awarded the Albert Medal of the First Class to Lieut. Douglas Wood, Lancashire Fusiliers, in recognition of his gallantry in saving life when instructing a class in bomb throwing in France. At Warloy, on April 17, 1916, while a class of 80 men was
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  • 72 11 Mr. J. Kllix Barker has written a volume to be published by Mr. Murray shortly, entitled The Great Problems of British Statesmanship. It is a healthy sign that forethought is being given to problems which will confront oar imperial democracy as soon as the war in ended. Mr. Ellin Barker
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 292 11 We are in a position as ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS of the Moutrie Piano to offer you the finest value in pianos in S.S. and F.M.S, We shall be pleased to demonstrate our latest models if you can call on us, or we will send catalogues on apj lication. S. MOUTRIE CO.,
      292 words
    • 292 11 RAFFLES HOTEL I For "Our Day" Fund AUCTISN BRIDGE DRIVE SPECIAL DINNER Thursday, October 18, 1917. Ticket— DlNNEß AND BRIDGE DRIVE $3.50 Ticket— BßlDGE DRIVE ONLY $2 For every Dinner and Bridge Drive Ticket sold 12 will be given to the Bridge Drive Fund. Division of Proceeds: 50% "OUR DAY"
      292 words

  • 2618 12 THE DEPORTATION OF FRENCH WOMEN. Vivid Story by a Victim. The only tint liand account that baa yet beri\ obtained of the feartal Bufferings of wi ui-o and girls deported from their homes in Northern Kranoe by the Germans is pub Imbed in La Revue del Deax Mondcs
    2,618 words
  • 234 12 Government to Own and Develop National Supplies. A Bill was read a first time in the House of Commons recently making provision for searching and boring for petroleum in the United Kingdom. Mr. Walter Long, who introduced the Bill, said it was designed to develop the supplies
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  • 205 12 0 LORD, HOW LONG Weary and sore, and filled with lamentation, Bleeding and stricken with the fangs of War, The old earth seeks in Thee her preservation Hearken O Lord, as Thou bast done before; Change sobs of sorrow into glorious song Answer thy children's cry O Lord, how long
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  • 68 12 A good deal has been written about sol diers' experiences in battle, bat not a great deal has been printed about tbe hardly less vital work done in the canteens behind the lines. Mr. Murray is publishing a volume by Miss Agnes M. Dixon under the title of the Canteeners
    68 words
  • 112 12 Though tbe internal relations of directors and shareholders are not everything to be desired, the Mawchi tin and wolfram mine is being effectively worked by the manager, Mr. Harold Geodon, says a contemporary. The belated report for the year ended July 81, 1916, shows that 12,U82 tons of ore was
    112 words
  • 720 12 First Three Years. 1914. June 27.— Assassination of Archduke FranzFerdinand and bis Consort at Serajero. July 35. Austrian ultimatum sent to Serbia. August I.— Germany declares wai on Russia and France. August 4.— Britain declares war on Germany for violating neutrality of Belgium. August 23.— Battle of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 218 12 Bacchus Marsh CONCENTRATED FROZEN Milk In quarts, pints and half-pints SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED i Incorporated In Straits Settlement!) We are tbe only importers of BRITISH BLANCHARD LAMPS Direct from Factory Bewaro of Imitations) You are certain of obtaining spares If you buy your BL&NCHARD i-AMF> FROM US 300
      218 words

  • 1100 13 WHAT CHINA GAINS BY JOINING IN THE WAR. The Customs Tariff. From a partly financial print of view, without consideration) of tbo great moral gain, bow much baa China profited directly by declaring war agaiost Germany and Austria? Lately, there appeared a brief Renter telegram from Londor,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
      93 words
    • 144 13 ir i A) Make a Note! a I i^FRAMROZI I 'WffiSL FOI i f W 9rime Quaiitv I jfepM AERATED I WATERS I 'WOOSTER' BELTING l« MORI ECONOMICAL than and BUPBRIOR to, leather, robber, or Rtitched canvas bdlting, as it has no laps, plies, stitchos, or oemented partd to open
      144 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 595 14 Wab or Pbaoi. Famine or Plenty. Lipb Iniubancb woetb 100 ointb on tbk dollars THE 6REAT EASTERVuFiIsSURANCE COHPANY, LIMITED. fXaaoavaaam m Itauri Bimiaiml ffBBBOMIMi Wlwft— *m M— Wajgaiaiaf LONBOM O**>aaii n, OM isawy, n* cwwaaay has aIMtOOO aeacit«t«d wiKi Mm ■apmug Oaarl H Bogk»a4, aad sompliaa wttb tbe Brittak Ufa
      595 words
    • 497 14 B/WKIIH. HeNGKINB AND SHAMHAI BANKINS 68RPIIATIIN (laooaraßATßo n HaaaaoKa) PAID-UP OAPITAIi M lU,OOe,OCO I RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling «i,600,000 at I/-,oM j Silver llMoajM IMJOOJOO Boaorve Liability at Proprietor* •11,900,000 COURT OP DIRBOTORS. Hon. Mr. 8. H, Podwi<!l. Cbalrmaa. Hoa. Mr. P. H. Hclyoak, Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. C. B.
      497 words
    • 529 14 BMKIIML CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid ap Capital in 00,000 Shares of 430 each 41,300,000 Reserve rnnd 41,900,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors... 41,'i00.000 BANKBRS The Bank ot England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd Tbe London County and Westminster Bank,
      529 words
    • 627 14 BAHKING. NEOERLANDBCHE HANOEL-MAATBCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. BsTAßLisaao lt>3t. Paid-up Capital fl 80,000.000 laboot £f3,000,000) Ktatutory Reasrva Fuad fl 11,088,483 ,'abcnt r'68,258) Hbad Cpfiob in AasTBBOAM. Hbad Aobnot o> Batavia. BRANCHES lcnaag.Hongkt rjg. Shanghai, Rangoon, Hoerabaya, Srmarang. Wpltevteden. Bandoeng (Java), Chenbon, Tegal, Peonlotgaa, TJiiatjsp, I>jfmbe». Djokja >'Javb), t-oJo tfava), Medan (Deli),
      627 words
    • 799 14 INSURANCE. ABSTRACT FROM 12th ANNUAL REPORT YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1917. Average rate of interest earned. 8.6f pet cent. Increase. 0.L3 poroeat. Insoranoe or Reserve Fund. 18,124,(10 00 1004,042.28 Total Assets 6,894,110.60 743,877.91 New Insurance issued 0,061,***** 688,375.00 Total Insoraaoe in Foroe... 24,0t>7,2(34.98 3,480,977 03 A copy of oar complete
      799 words

  • 1055 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Racing in 1917. The motor oar racing season in tho U.S.A. for 1917 started under circumstances much different than last year's. In 1916 it was early conceded that one man, or at the oatside, two only, had a chanoe to win
    1,055 words
  • 70 15 Nine cases ol bubonic plague with six deaths occurred among the ctew, all natives of India, of tbu uteamer Matiana on a voyage from Bombay to Gravenend where the ship arrived reoently. The fatal cases were buried at sea the three convalescent or more chronic oases were taken off at
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 249 15 JUST RECEIVED BY SPECIAL PERMISSION OF THE MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS Two British Austin Motor Lorry Chassis, War Office Type CAPACITY 2 TO 3 TONS These machines are magnificent examples of the very latest British motor engineering practice. Any type of body can be fitted to suit customers' requirements. Prices and
      249 words
    • 71 15 OILDAG SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Oarages Full particulars from DUPIRE BROS. SOLE AGENTS. Sub- Agents for Perak: Messrs. BERRY Co., Ipoh. SINGER CARS Tr'aaw'^^ aa^ M »*££^flaaia%t \iVm!\tß' /"^^^■aaaalWllil'Ml?'?"'**'^ BtaTl Please apply to International Trading Co., Ltd. Singapore: Sole Importers. (tl/ICHER Wfie fPremier Jlll-ftritisl) T3yre.
      71 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 653 16 I T 'l_ w£ /fßffraßT% X U^T as the engineer and Wnf T Jt£s> I I c climber grip with fr* jg&^?~ I a 'l l^ e fingers, so does tj/ tn c Goodrich tyre hold |j^ir the road with its five rubber it JBhßP'^ fingers of superfine Para. This
      653 words
    • 452 16 I SITUATIBNB WANTED A MBDICAL MAN (British qualifications) wishes to offer bis services free on a steamer sailing to England. Apply Box No. 410, Straita T:m;f. 10 10— o BILLET WANTED on rubber estate by lie csed surveyor (British), 14 years' ex;en enoe, nr-.Tied. Koos.B planting, mining. Speaks Malay and
      452 words
    • 763 16 SITUATIONS VACANT REQUIRED, shorthand and typewriting clerk, Good salary ard prospects. Apply Energy, c/o Straita Time-, 8-10—18 10 SINGAPORE FIRM have vacancy f?r expert Eurasian shorthand-typist. Good salary and prospects. Bex No. 410, Straits Timps. 6-10— n TWO TAMBIES required, one for hotel and one for manager's effioe. Apply between
      763 words
    • 376 16 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D c CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT ft GO. L Market Street. NEDSELLIW THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO In Singapore IS CONDUCTED DV H. N. BUCKERIDGE Utaof Messrs. Lafayette, photographeri ts their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 paces north of the
      376 words
    • 289 16 TAY GUAN KIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality forthe year 1918 Full particulars on application to above address. ■Phone No*. 1361, 1362 and Private 1 450 and 1 073. In Stock, 1,200 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes V 2" and 5 8 outside diameter. 1 Tangye
      289 words
    • 195 16 i 1 j I STRAITS MOTORCAR I SERVICE FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT I I; 'Phine 1283] TYRES and TUBBS are I repaired by best methods i at Moderate Price*. US 4 216, ORCHARD ROAD. Ban LeeAnn.Ld (Inoobporatbd in Simoapou) OS and 69, Market Street Ship-Owners Bhip-Chandlers Steamship Agents Estate
      195 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 261 16 Straits Wimes* TELEPHONES. Editorial and General 68 Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1344 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subcriptionc accountb, printing, etc— should be ad dressed to THE MANAGER. Cheques and money orders
      261 words