The Straits Times, 11 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.542 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 289 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Vrioe no $19.00 Libby's Soups (■BjI^B^Hi^BBIMBMBHasaMHBIBHiHHSISHSBBHBHSHS^BBHSHBBaHiKtiaaUkiAei&VA 'J. THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the best soup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jbibby, MeJi'eiU Jbibby state "If there was a way
      289 words
    • 238 1 ROBINSON CO. jjßji New Shipment of I Robinson's Silver Jl j^k Chronometer s^? MS Open Pace, Half Hunters, ,f «K Wristlet Watches *'K^^^ ••v/' v lc f re > lum'norH bands and fitarce, etc '^y ec A I 'nily j've! f.'. atid fitteu with d«iup and W^F dnst proof coable
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    • 14 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. 1 Soli Aobnts AOAMBO* 6ILFILLAN CO., LTD. tfc— I n KiikUdil)
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  • 960 2 The following casualties are reported London, September 11. Wounded— 2nd Liout. R. Frost, Welsh Regi ment Capt. W, C. Grant, R.F.A 2nd Lieut H. M. Hales, Woroesters 2nd Lieut. J. P Hanea, Yorkshire L.1. 2nd Lieut. H. L. Hargeet, Somersets 2nd Lieut. C. E. Hart Service Corps; 2nd
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 622 2 FOR PRIVATE SALE Freehold Godownn, No*. 66, 66. 67 and 68. Mohamed Sultan Road, area 16,170 square feet. Apply CHING KBNG LBB CO. 6*-o FOR BALE Good healthy rubber stamps, over onr year old, no bent fttnmpa or twisted roots and nil grown frc m Cioely Bstite Seeds. Prioe 122
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    • 370 2 CHEONG BROTHERS Dentltu. as. Boatb Brldgn Bond FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES First olasn Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crown Bridge Filling and Vuloanite. Duration ol Woa» guaranteed. CHARGES MODBRATB Best Tooth Powders and Brashes lor sale ftre You ftware thai the out-of-iom and low-spirited condition earned by a disordered digestive system may
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    • 353 2 Gear Your Complexion While You Sleep On retiring Rently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water, using plenty oi Soap and continue hatliing a few minutes with Soap. Kinse with tepid water. The cleansing, f"< thing influence of th treatment
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    • 644 2 FORD MOTOR LORRY FOR SALE Carrying capacity 1 to 1 J ton. Apply to Box No. 401, Straits Tmes. 24-9-11 DOG LOST. A wire-haired fox terrier, even marked, black and tao, white bead, with black patch near left sbtulder, in Cairn Hill Road, on tbe afternoon of October 6. The
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    • 766 2 NOTICE. Notioe is hereby given that I have this day sold tbe good* ill and stock in -trade ol the vuloanising business, lately oarried on by me at No. 40 4, Orchaid Road, under the style ol The Eastern Tyre L'cmpany, to Tay Lian Tonp, who will in future carry
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  • 1122 3 APPEAL TO THE CIVILIAN POPULATION. A Vitally Important Matter. Mr. R. M. S. Kindersley, ohairman of the National War Savings Committee, writing from the offices of the committee, says < Three years ago thousands of men voluntarily offered themselves to the servioe of the country aubeequently
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 375 3 Gentlemen's Tailoring Just arrived a •peciajly select range of exclusive suitings New designs and colourings Style, fit and finish guaranteed fl g Tailoring department is under the personal supervision ot a fully qualified and experienced European cutter. New supplies of gents, outfitting requisites, shirts, collars, ties, socks, hats, caps, etc.
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    • 269 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. STMMVMRT-MMTBCHAPPIJ "NEDERLAND AND ROTTERDAM LLOYD (iMooapoaUTiD w Holland) ROYAL DUTCH MAIL COMPANIES Fortnightly Mall Service between Java. Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai. Nagaaakl. Yokohama. Honolulu and SAN FRANCISCO TIC! TBB&a For freight, paaeage and farther particulars tffpiylo IRTfMUTIOMLE CREMET MD MOf UVEREEKIGING ROTTEROAM (laooaroßATiD n Holland) A^ente. 1 d* Almeida
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    • 262 3 GUAN KIAT CO., LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) Head Office 36, Phillip Street, Sicgapore. ESTABLISHED 1917 Ship-chandlers, Hardware Dealers, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Importers and Exporters, Estate, Rioe and Saw Mill Suppliersand Commission Agents Tel. Address GUANKIAT. Codes used A. 8.C., 6th Edition, *A 1 Office Telephones Noa.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 475 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIPGO.. LTD. (iNOOBPOaATSD IM JaTM) EUROPEAN LINE A service ia maintained but MM Yokohama, via ports, m"1 England under mail oontraot with UiC lmpoaial Japanese Government. Th; New Twin aorew Steamers maintainin|( •nil aorviee nave been apoeially de«it<nod and eoantroeted, and aro fittad with all
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    • 605 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. "British India Apcar Lame. (COMFAMUS iMOOBPOKAnD Ol BmOLAMEJ. ffIAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICSS PININSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8 N Co. (Under Contraot with Hit Ma] eat,- s Oovernueni) The Companya MAIL SERVICKS BAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are
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    • 720 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THESIAM STEAM NAVISATiiJg 00,, >Ji (Incorporated in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tiingganu, Bisut. Semerak Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai B&ngsara, Telnp<v, Panarai, Patani, Sinjiora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsaen, Chumpon, Kohlsk fc Bangkok. Ova Departure s.s. BORIBAT Oot. IB 17, 3 p.m. S.S. PRACHATIPOK 32 24, 3 p.m. a.s. ASDANQ 29
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    • 620 4 STEAMER SAILING. OOMBINBO SBRVIOB Of* THEBCEANB.B.Ce..LTe. fINCORPORATBD IN Skg jkl AIO THE WEST AUIIIUUAtf 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated im KNottri.. BBTWMM Pramantla (Parth), Morth>W«»v Australian Ports, Java and Sln«apora« Regular sailings betweon Singaporo and Western Australia calling at Java (as induoement offers), Derby, King's Sound (port for the Kimberley
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  • 93 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, October 1 1 High Water, 7.59 a.m., 7.9 p.m, Friday, October 12. High Water, 8 38 a.m., 8.17 p.m. Saturday. October 13. High Water, 9.4 a.m., 9.6 p.m. Sunday, October 14. High Water, 9.80 a.m., 9.43 p.m. Monday, October 15. High Water, 9 55 a.m
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  • 186 5 To-DAV. Port Dickson and P. Swettecham 3.80 pm Batu Pahat 2.80 poi Malaooa and Muar 8 pm Kote TingKi 4 pm P. Sambu and Bagan 4 pm FaiDAT. Pnlan Batam and Pulan Halang 8.80 an? Oooob 8.80 iv Caoob 9 am Urki and 9 am United Kingdnm
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  • 251 5 Tbe mail tram* from Singapore to. tb.asuaHi toaTb Tank Roao station daily at 7.7 a.m isd T p.m., Arriving at Koala Lompar at t.lB p-ia. Ati (.45 a.m. respectively. The sanaji to Penaog leaven Lbbbsoj at s a-oi. daiiy, arriving at Ponant; iU *..f p.d. ti> same
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  • 182 5 BXCHANOB. Swsafom, Ootobib 11, 1017. Oa Loim* -....Bank 4 m/s »/4 i Demaad m *7«t Privrto I ml S,'4|l On Fbahob Bank T. T. 818 O» Imdia Bank T. T. J5B Oa Ho««ao«s...Baak Hi 19*%pm Oa Ssubohaj ...Bask d/d 68 O»J*v» m BankT.T. m Ml I O»
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  • 314 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices. Fruer Lyall Co. Evau. UorGajah(Jl) 4.40 4.51 4.25 4.fC Kmtd. Malay 1.76 pd. 0.76 0.85pm 0.80 0.40 Kjet Hitam (15) 15.00 16.50 16.00 15.50 iyer Kaning (II) 1 45 1.65 1.60 1.60 Iyer Molek (II)
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    • 157 5 Value Bn^ eni 10 10 Ampang 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wenß 1.90 3.16 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 £1 Lahat Minos f.'if. 680 10 10. Malayan Collieries 13.26 12.76 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 do 10 10 Middloton IB.CO 19X0 6/-
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    • 115 5 BS I BnyetSi BeUBft II 41 1. SmelWiaClo. 7.76 B.CO SI 41 Prel. 1.1.0 1.3.0 >/• I/- WeeMe T'wtya 4/- 6/--10 10 Fnaer Noave 46. C0 47.60 60 60 W. Hamniei A Co. 7-i.OO 78.00 00 100 Ksta Bm, Del. pur IJO.CC 10 10 Maynud k Co. 8.00 41
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    • 49 5 L'aited Engineers 6% 11,284,600 par Singapore Blectno Tramways 6% 4860,000 norn spore Municipal 6% 11,873,000 par s pore Municipal 4f% of 1907 11,600,000 10%dis Spore Municipal H% ofIWOW 11,000,000 10% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 I*% Spore Munioipal 4% 4400,000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1916 116,000,000 1(8 CO 14 0}
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 150 5 AUCriBN BALE Of HANDSOMB TEAK HOUSEHOLD FOHNirURB, BXCBLLBNT TONBD COTTAOB PIANOS, TYPBWKITBK9, KTC.KTO.. ITC. To be held at the Salerooms of Messrs. Powell A Co., Ltd Nob. 16 to 14, Kaffl s Pisoe, O* &ATCBOAT, GCTOMB IS, 1917, AT 11 A.M Comprising: Polished teak wardrobe with i mirror door, polished
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    • 653 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, FURNISHED APARTMBNTS. Apply Private family, o/o Straits Times. 11 10—10 U FOR SALB, well equipped robber laotory in favourable position Dear railway station in f'ernk most be sold shirtly. No reason able off r refused. Apply X.V Z., e/o Freeman and Madge, Holicitcrt, Kuala Limpur. 1 i-in 17
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    • 671 5 "EMBASSY" No. 77. t^H No. 77. CIGARETTES and MIXTURE AUCTION BALE Of TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. IRON SAFE, SIMGLB AND DOUBLE LMHT GAS LAMPd, SINGLE AND DOCB..E BBDSTBADS, PLANT-, BIC, ETC. To be held ft No. r9, Kampong Java Road, On Saturday, October 13, 1917, at 2 p.m. Co-rprieing: Carved t«ak
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    • 81 5 Tasjowg Pa»ar Boad Trams Pass tha Door""] •^^^■^b^^^Ml TO-NIGHT BECOND SHOW. 9.16 MAM TO-NIGHT The last two Bpi-odos of 20 episodes THE IRON CLAW 40 PART 101 Bis-n drama 2 parts CONSPIRACY 2 parts FIRST SHOW AT 7.80 BH&RP s parts THE UNATTAINABLE: 5 parts The wonder-9«rlal by Fylng "A"
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  • 1091 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11. MAKING FOR THE COAST. Tbe trat battle of Menin Road was begun on September 20, and tbe second followed within a fow days. Then came the battle of Broodseinde on October 4, one of tbe severest blows the German army has yet received, and
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  • 51 6 As the roHalt of a boiler explosion on a laanou at NouUban, Si»ui, recently, ten of the eleven peojjk on board wure killed. Messrs, Otrrick and Co. advise that the! output fruui the Ting Kil Tin Mine* f r >«'piembtr w»« Plaui )Ht piculs, tributors 121 60 picuU, toUl 805.60
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  • 40 6 Messrs. Barlow and Co. in their weekly copra report state The market since wo last reported has been inactive. Quotations remain auohongod and may be given as 10.20 for fine sandried and 15.70 to 15.93 for tair to good qualitiea.
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  • 40 6 At the Prise Court at Bangkok, the bearing has been commenced in tbe i-a-ts of seven stoel l'i;'jterH known aa the Le.he, Bremen, Burgh, G e*tinande, Le-efuin, Bremerhaven, Vcgettak, and two coal bulks, tho J. B. Windt, and the Aldebaran.
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  • 42 6 It is announced that 127,700 discharged British soldiers (including disabled) register ed at employment exchanges from April, 1915, to July 13, 1917. Of these 65,450 cancelled their registration owing to having found employment and {9,400 were placed in employment by the exchanges.
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  • 53 6 Lieut. E. M. Berry, of tho American Army, wuo got into trouble with the Japanese authorities at Nagasaki on account of his having taken photographs in a fortitiid zone, has been fined Y. 30 by tho Nagasaki Court. Tbe CvUrt accepted defendant's plea thnt the act was committed through ignorance
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  • 63 6 The freehold land and compound honor, 1192, Upper Scrangoon H'lad, about half a milo from the tram terminal), area 40,100 -4'irtte feet, has been sold privately by the Commercial Rubber Company to Mr. Tay Guan Kiat for *3,5C0. Tbe steam launch Abmadi has been sold by auction at tho saleroom
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  • 69 6 The programme for the Our Day Variety Entertainment." which is being arranged by the Eurasian Literary Association, contains turns of hypnotism and conjuring and attraotive musical items. Tue entertainment, which will be held at St. Andrew's School Hall, Stamford Road, has been fixed for Monday, October 22, at 8.45 p.m.
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  • 79 6 In view of tbe fact that Siam is taking part with tbe great Powers in the world war, it has been thought right to add a colonr to the flag, namely, dark blue. Tbe national tlig will have dark blue in the centre occupying one-third of tbe ground, and on
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  • 85 6 A municipal cl< rk, a salesman in the Gas Department, was brought up this morning before tbe District Judge for criminal breach of trust as a public servant in respect of t126 49. The D P.P. Raid that as the money had been paid tip the Commissioners did not want
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  • 74 6 The German papers have confused Earl Grey with Viscount Grey, recently Minister 'or Foreign Affairs, and published extra ordiuary obituary notion strangely eulogistic >f the lute peer. They have apparently forgotten thnt Sir Grey was once the incaraattaa of evil." The Krupp uman lilieini-h W, ttfaelifhe Zcitung pays that probably
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  • 90 6 Iv tlm Supreme Court this morning, before Mr. .lu-tice Kbden, Mr. V. D. KnowWg mentioutd an action in the Hat in Mr. Jeorgc Michael was plaintiff and Mr. Henry Nugent Bucktridfte defendant. Mr. Kouvrlts said tbat be and Mr. Juhannes, who represented tbe plaintiff, had gone into the caw
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  • 114 6 I never have understood the cry against he Income- Tax Act, Bays a writer in the Hangoon Times. This may be, of course, oecause I havo never been in a position to appreciate its severity. It is always, however, i very good motto in respect of Income-Tax AoU to bear
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  • 132 6 A further batch of suinmnnees for non rt filtration of firearms wan before Mr. Langbam Carter in the fintt police cnim ytstt-rday, tbe prosecutions being in charge of Inspector Dyas, of the Arms and Explosives Department. E. P. It. Munuin (revolver) was fined 18 and costs; S. NauiMciaya Pather (xbot
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  • 182 6 Stanley Wilson, M.P., returned to the House of Commons recently, looking little the worse tor big long cap'.ivity id Austrian handx. 110 stated that he had been si t free without any condition whatever, simply on the ground that he bad been long enough a prisoner. The Austrian*, ib
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  • 479 6 Sir Herbert Dcring, tho MMah Minister to Siam, who bos bec-n on a trip to China and Japan has now returned to lUngkok. Sir John Jordan. Britinh Mini .tor to China, who has bei.n on an extended leave of absence, i» reported to have left London for
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  • 139 6 Messrs Barlow and Co. in their report state For the usual weekly auctions which commccctd to day, sumo 1,246 tons wero catalogued fur sale. The tone of the market was quiet, andduuianu cau only bo described a* Uir. At the oututt, bidding was blow, but improved slightly
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  • 139 6 In tbe district court yesterday afternoon Mr. W. Langham Carter gave judgment in two ccsch in which milk dealers were charged with selling, through their servants, milk to which water had beeu added. With rtgard to tho cane uf Mr. E. A. Garuintr it waa held that although
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  • 286 6 On and after October 16, the line between TtUiU'liog and Kuala Lipis will be opened for traffic, and the tram service betwu* a Comas, Bahau. Kuala Pilah, Kuala Kran, TcmUhnx and Knala Lipia will be as follows A traiu will liavo Kuala Lipis evory Monday,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 142 6 CLARET IN BULK AND IN BOTTLE Prices on application to Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. FAIRBANKS' SCALES 1 1 fl Ipa The Standard giE^t^ weighing 400, 600 and "^"T^TI^ 1,000 lbs. and cattiee. i *~~^^gL The A ustral :•>; ~~4) 1,500, 2,000 lbe. and catties. Prices on application JOHN LITTLE CO., w
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    • 284 6 THE WORLDS BEST KNOWN AND MOST TALENTED BCREEN ARTISTES AT THE IftLHAJtBRI The Nous* for Music -Th« Pienatr and Praariar Houm lh« House of Quality Butch Road IN THE SBCOND SHOW a. r 9.16 SHARP Quality Picture* Corporation present* Francit X.Buihman, the crowned kiat of motion pictures, and loverly Biync,
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  • 4183 7 FLANDERS BATTLE. Important Objectives Gained. Heavy Fighting Still Going On. GERMAN POSITION. Grave Mutiny Among Naval Rll'THU* T«LI..Bi»S. London, October 10, 2.15 a.m. Field Marshal Haig reports: Continuous heavy rain yesterday noon and evening made the ground sodden and Tory difficult for the passage of troops. Notwithstanding stormy
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  • 115 7 Riotib's Tkleukah. L-joduD, October 9, 5 10 p in. Shanghai The fl >oin coovorted Hireams into rivers t*o mild* widn and forty f nt deep. Tbey caused broaches in tho Pi kia^ Uangkow railway at six hundred placed, broke down tbe banks of the grand oaoal, flooded
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  • 48 7 Rsotsr's Tklkiibamh. l.mlin, October 10, 12 p in Cairo: Thn S ilui of K jypt in deal. London, October 10, C 40 vin. Tbe death of tbo Sultan of Kgyp'. noune-ed. L >nrl >o p»ppr« «t»ta that Prince AhmedFuad in su :cee ling hiiu.
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  • 324 8 Hearing lo Camera in the Supreme Court. An action for divorce, in which Mrs. Maria Turn— Jackson in the petitioner and Mr. Joseph Stanley Jaokson the respondent, was begun iv the Supreme Court this morning bctoro Mr. Justice Ebden. Mr. U. It S hnder appeared for tho
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  • 348 8 An Attempt To Raise The Dagmar. Everyone who has visited the Quarantine Station at Koh Phai, says the Bangkok Daily Mail, must have bfjM struck by the ■MWPJttai i f the wreck of the steamer Dag mar. l)iDg olrse to the beach, and mast have wondered why
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  • 211 8 Probable Plan for Their Disposal. No official aononcee'n.ent baft bf en made, but Urn UauLknk UmO] Mail Klieves it is correct ia saying tli-.t of the nine sea-going t— seili alitady en 1< lute! by the Prize i.vurt. three, viz the Deli, Samsen and CLi* n^mai. are
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  • 71 8 W« regret to loam, uj* the J tp*n Chronicle, ih»t Urn Km*. Buclkj K Buxton, of Kobe, bM ]u»t rvceiTtd dc»h at the death of bin third coti, Limt. tnor^e H»rcl»j Bazton. I'ntil the btginDiDg of this yew he tv oa tbe Staff in Kfcjrpt, but li»tidk Tulanteered to join
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  • 501 8 The committee acknowledge with thanks ie following subscriptions to the abovj imJ Previously acknowledged »87,638.87 Staff ofJubnLittlo and C 0.... 808 Singkep Tin Maatftchappy, Singkep MO Contributed by Dane* in Singapore: Mr. and Mrs. E. Bendiuen, Mr. and Mrs 11 1. A. Holm, »160 each 1800
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  • 294 8 We have received 1150 for Our Day from the Singapore Harbour Board Police force, the subscribers being as follows Supt R. W. Meredith 110 Chief Inspector A. G. Brimble 6 Inspector G. L. Apps 8 J. Per he 8 Chief Clerk, Chandar Mani 8 34
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  • 64 8 The following are the events arranged for the ensuing week in connection with the Our Day Fond To- Day. Football Match, S.C.C. ground, S.C.C. T. League Select. Middlesex Regiment Entertainment, Tanglin Theatre. Star Opera Company Entertainment. Friday. Football Match, S.C.C. ground, S.C.C. v. S.C.F.A. Saturday. Fete at Tyersall,
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  • 70 8 Programme of drill°, etc., for week ending Friday, October 12, 1917. Friday, Octobeb 12. 6.16 p.m. Drili Hall S.V.A. (all details 1 4.30 p.m. Johnston'* Pier S.R E (V.) 6.16 p.m. T.P. Fire Station S.V.R., T.P.P. Drill Hall Signal Section 6 p.m. S.F.A. Co. 5.15 p.m. b.V.C.
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  • 10 8 No drills will take place during October.
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  • 57 8 We very gratefully acknowledge th< following addition to our fond for assisting the Overseas Club to provide smokes for ooi soldiers and sailors: Mr. M. Yager (Palembang) 112 The total we have received since the f an* was opened in August, 1010. is now
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  • 69 8 Mr. Lansing, American Secretary of State, has communicated to the American Consul General in Shanghai an expression of appreciation by the War Department at Washing ton to Americans residing in this Consul v district who have tendered their services for war purposes. The notification of tendering aervict-H has been made
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  • 80 8 When a hospiti' train bonod for Cbestor •topped at Cruwe a cut patient hutded a post oard to a Dame for posting. The our *<• went to the window of the train and asked a woman on the station to kindly drop it in the post. The woman took the
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  • 255 8 This Afternoon's Charity Match. This afternoon's Oar Day Fond match on the S.C.C. ground botweeu the S.C.C. and the League Select begins at 4.55 promptly, and spectators are requested to be in their places by that time The teams are as follows: League Select. Hayman (Sea Defences) L. M.
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  • 741 8 Or Flesh and Bones Versus Bullets. The Daily Mail's special correspondent writes: Fifteen months ago I was present at an official trial in London of the new steel helmets, which were soon afterwards issued in hundreds of thousands to the troops. At the time the idea was very
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  • 18 8 Djapot-ra (Sumatra).— 43,BoB lbs. Maitk. l'iuda.-43.<HK) lbs. Siak Sumatra. 21.44U Us. to date 200,447 lbs
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 48 8 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPH. The Star Opera is Riving Shakrupaare's King Lutr to night in aid of Our Day Kund. The show is under the distinguixbed patronage of H.E. the Governor, the Hun. 1 James and 11 B. Major General Utduot. The proooeds will be contributed to the fund.
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    • 166 8 RAFFLES HOTEL A SPECIAL SCOTCH DINNER AND DANCE will be given on ST. ANDREWS NIGHT, NOVEMBER 30 Commencing at 8 o'clock sharp All Scotsmen intending to join the above are requested to apply for tables early. 25% OF THE TAKINGS OF THE ABOVE DINNER WILL BE GIVEN TO THE RED
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 365 9 RAFFLES HOTEL "OUR DAY" I SPECIAL SINNER, 30,'f.fRI, CINEMA AND DANCE will be held on Thursday, October 25, 1917, Irom 7 pm. to 1 am Ticket for Dinner, Concert, Cinema and Dance, $4 Ticket for Concert, Cinema and Dance $2 The wliol proceeds of the silt- of tickets will be
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    • 748 9 NOTICE. Tendon will b-j received at the Offioe of tbe Hon. Tbe Colonial Secretary, S.S., np to noon of Monday, October 16, 1917, for the ■apply ot tbe undermentioned materials for manufactures to tbe Singapore Prison daring the year 1918:--1. Pino white rattan .No. 1 (Lantee export) per picnl. 2.
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    • 124 9 THIS cannot fly though it runs so smoothly you think it does WADLEIGH CO., LTD.. Singapore DISTRIBUTORS PAJAM. LIMITED. NOTICE OF CLOSIN6 OF TRANSFER BOOKS NOTIJK is btrf by given tbat the Transfer Books of this Company will be clu-^d from Friday, October 12, to Saturday, October 18, 1-617, both
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    • 112 9 AUCTION SALE Ot VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND SIICATR IN THE DISTRICT OF TUAH SINQAPORB, To be htU a; tbe of M>.' srs. I cwe'l h Co Ltd. On Wednesday, October 17 at 2.30 p.m. P rtico'ar".— Ml tbat af freehold Hnd situate in tbe District of Tea', Singfrporo marked
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 622 10 Warn o« Pbaoz. Famine or Plenty. Lifi inßumANoi is woeth 100 omntb on thk dollars WWA* OVKIIB X>XtOB>B9SKW l«t [HE SREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Jt #«M«»» i* Ituiti aavraaßDinO wi^k^tn mmm iiukMM. t.OtJBrO» o««»««« i m+, Old Jewnr, «.O. tgfCrwIWBB I W lHSli^lV' ■■l l ßja^afaßa^ai^B'^-^Bei Tte Owifaay
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    • 519 10 BAHKINfI, HeNGMNa AND SHANGHAI BANKING GMPBRATIBN (laooaroaarap w HeaMoae) PAID-UP CAPITAL fIt,BM,MC RBSBRVB FUNDtt Sterling 41,*****00 at if- IILOOMM Silver t15,600,0M M 5.100,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor! tlt,Mf,OOo OOURT OP OiRBOTORO. Hon. Mr. 8. H. Dodwell, Chalrmaa. Hoa. Mr. t. H. Bolyoak, L'-paty Chairmaa. Hon. Mr. O. B. Aatna- 1
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    • 627 10 BANKINB. NEOERLANDSCHE HANDEL-MAATBCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING 80CIETY. BSTABUSHBD *****. PaW-ys CABital fl 60,100,000 < about 45,000,000) tstutori Rssarx Faaa fl 11,605,463 (about £9M,28«) Hbao Ornca n Ahstbboah. Hbad Aosnct w Batavia. BRANCHBS Penaag, Hongkong, Shang bail Rangoon, Soerabaya, Semarang, Weltevreden, Bandoena (Java), Cheribon, Tegal, Peoalongaa, Tjilatjap, Djumber Djokja .Java), nolo (Java),
      627 words
    • 725 10 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LBT, famished donble and single rooms, bathrooms and verandahs attached. Cloao to town. Moderate. Apply A.8.0., o/o Straits Times. 1110-18 10 RBQUIRBD, prodaoe storck eprr for export firm. Previous experience rtqairrd. Apply with copies of testimonials to Box 481, Straite Times. 11-10-1810 LOBT, on Satarday, October 6,
      725 words
    • 873 10 INSURANCE. ABSTRACT FROM 12th ANNUAL REPORT YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1917. Average rate of interest earned. 6.59 per cent. Increase. 0.28 per eeat. Insurance or Reserve Fund. 16,124,626 90 1664,642 38 Total Assets 6,894.826.50 742,877.31 New Insurance issued 6,061,261 00 688,875,00 Total Insnranoe in Foroc... 24,067,204.88 2,486,977.62 A copy of
      873 words

  • 961 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Transport in Australia. Slowly but surely indications are growing throughout Australia tbat mast make for a big extension of motor transport in tbe future, sajs a correspondent of the Commercial Motor. The heavy loss incurred by all the railways in
    961 words
  • 103 11 Brigadier-Gtceral F. E. Johnston baa been killed in tbe front line by a wiper', ballet. He had lately been in oomwand of an infantry reaerva group in England, and bad only (writes Mr. Malcolm Rom, correspondent with tbe New Zealand Force.) been a few days back in
    103 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 118 11 JUST RECEIVED BY SPECIAL PERMISSION OF THE MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS Two British Austin Motor Lorry Chassis, War Office Type CAPACITY 2 TO 3 TONS These machines are magnificent examples of the very latest British motor engineering practice. Any type of body can be fitted to suit customers' requirements. Prices and
      118 words
    • 86 11 OILP4G j SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Oarages Full particulars from I DUPIRE BROS. sole: agents. Sub- Agents (or Perak: Messrs. BERRY Co, Ipoh. i i SINGER CARS JZsl^^^LM -"^2sSS^SsVs^iit^B^BSSK j B^^LfeL* FURTHER LEFT IN STOCK F^q JHs»ss^bBH2SEHSJ( (•fe^JPti*^ Please apply to International Trading Co., Ltd.
      86 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1276 12 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS LIMITED (Imcorporatbd in Enol*hd). L SPECIAL ADVANTAGES SOLE AGENTS: Adamsori, Gilfillan&Go.. Ltd. (iNCURPOBATaD IN ENGLAND) IMPORT DEPARTMENT, SINGAPORE. PENANG and MALACCA. Biri)ATIONB VACANT 1KB!', shorthand and typewritioji c\ m. Oooi salary nnd prrspects. AppU Kuv r«y. c/o Strai«n Time*. 8 1U 18 10 "SHORTHAND
      1,276 words
    • 561 12 OFFIGEB TO LET. TO LBT, 2nd Floor, N-.. 8, Melaoca Street. Immediate tevry. Apply Meyer Brouiers. Ui-I— a TO LBT, Hrgo airy offices, No 4, Cecil Street, immediate entry. Apply on the premises. 12-7 n OFKICB TO LST. Small office in Battery Road, bright, cheorfm and coot. Apply ■..C, c/o
      561 words
    • 447 12 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D f CANVAS I S L D KIAM KIAT CO. Market Street. NEDSELLIW THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO In Singapore IS CONDUCTED BY H. N. BUCK FRIDGE Late of Messrs. Lafayette, photographers to their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 paces north of the
      447 words
    • 299 12 TAY GUAN KIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the .Singapore Municipality forthevear \*>\H Full particulars on application to above address. ■Phone Nos. 1 361 1 362 and Private 1 450 and 1 073. In Stock, 1,200 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes V 2' and 5 8 outside diameter. 1
      299 words
    • 183 12 STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE FIRST-CLASS GARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT Phone 1233 TYRES and TUBBS are repaired by best methods at Modorate Prices. 215 216. ORCHARD ROAD. I I Ban LeeAno.ld (Incorporated in Sinoapobb) 58 and 59, Market Stre«t. Ship-Owners Ship-Chandlers Steamship Agents Estate Suppliers Forwarding Agents Provision Merchants and Commission Agents.
      183 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 259 12 Straits JDimes TELEPHONES Editorial and General 68 Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be add rtbHed t<i THE EDITOR. All communications relating to busineca matters— advertisements, Hubcriptioni, accounts, printing, etc. -should bo addressed to THE MANAGER. Chequea and money order:
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