The Straits Times, 9 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.540 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 155 1 MILKMAIO SWEETENED CONDENBED MILK 1 1 Prioe com $19.00 per east Best Quality mr ENGLISH SODIUM BISULPHITE In drums containing 140 lbs. nett. THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) MALTMOID j I MALTHOID reinforced ROOFING j Gives years and years of waterproofing service SPECIFICATIONS ANi PILL F*RTK'CLARS OK INQUIRY
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    • 203 1 ROBINSON CO. fNew Shipment of HK) Robinson's Silver J| Chronometer Jpsf Ok b^b\ 'IRK S wfe £&H^m ill li V ill' Svy Ur^ Open Pace, Half Hunters, TOgjfc Wristlet Watches in h icterp, lodd'oodf; hands end Bgores, etc., >.*' e>c AH 'nlly jowelled and fitted with dairp and dost proof
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    • 11 1 Goooeicti: -a. 1111 tTj Z (0 v. £7jZ2 k S TYRES
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  • 1051 2 Tbo following casualties are reported i London, September 8. Killed.- Lieut. R. C. Lodge, Soots Fusiliers; Lieut. O. D. Marriott, West Ridings Capt. W. Norrifb, Middlesex 2nd Lieut. F. G. Notion, Welsh Regiment 2nd Lieut. J. A. J. Nugent, Leinsters Lieut, R, G. Phillips, R.G.A. 2nd Lieut. M.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 700 2 FOR SAIE Abingdon Xi sg Pick motor cyole, 64 h.p., with caniage built m le car, in perfect condi tion. On »iew »t Messrs Cbing Kerg Leo k Co.'s u Kalfl* Plaoe. CHINO RENO LER k CO., Aoot.oi u.r« and Estate Agents 8-10-u FOH SALE Oood h aUliy rafcftM »t
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    • 269 2 CHEON6 BROTHERS Dentltu. 36. Soath Bridge Boad FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES First olass Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crowe Bridge Filling and Vulcanite. Duration ot Worn guaranteed. CH ARGUS MOUBRATB Best Tooth Powders and Broshee for sale PHSTSGRAPHIG DEALERS. A matenrs Work. Developing. Prlnttaal and Enlarging Repair ing CamerM. KONG HIN6 CHEONG
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    • 289 2 Itching Burning White Scales Around Little Girl's Eyelids and Over Nose. Cuticura Healed. Above are extracts from a signed statement recently received from Mrs. Marion Daish, 21, Kimbolton Road, Copnor, Portsmouth, Eng., July 20, 1916. You may rely on Cuticura to care for your skin, scalp, hair and hands. Use
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    • 475 2 KEMPAS. LIMITED. NOTIOB IS HEREBT OIVBN tbat the Seventh Ordinary Annual General Meeting of tbe shareholders will be held within the Registered Gffluu of the Company, No. 4, Fort lload, Malacca, on Thursday, October 11, 1917, at 12.80 p.m. for the purpose of transacting the annual general business of the
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    • 521 2 PAJAM. LIMITED. NOTICE OF CLOSING OF TRANBFER BOOKB NOTIUB is her> by given that the Transfer Booka of this Company will be dosed from Friday, October 12, to Saturday, October 18, 1917, both days inclusive. By order < f tbo Board, DERRICK Co., Chartered Accountants, Secretaries. 810—1110 SINGAPORE ROWING CLUB
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  • 1156 3 SECURING THE NATIONS FULL CO-OPERATION. Suggested Reforms. A correspondent writes to tbe Manchester Guardian. Many people must have notioed a remark abla fact about the recent engineers' strike. Obviously, a strike of munition worker! in wartime is a very grave proceeding, and to a nation which is thinking
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 547 3 THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Which now borne the Stamp of Public Approval for OVER FORTY YEARS. EIMO'S FRUIT SALT PLEASANT TO TAKE, REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING. IT 18 VERY BENEFICIAL IN ALL CASES OF Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Errors in Diet- Eating or Drinking, Thirst, Giddiness, Rheumatic or Gouty
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    • 240 3 STIBMVMRT-NAATSCKAPPIJ "NEDERLAND AND ROTTERDAM LLOYD (IncoKrou*TiL in Holland) ROYAL DUTCH MAIL COMPANIES fortnightly Mall Servloe between Java. Singapore, Hongkong. Shanghai. Nagasaki. Yokohama. Honolulu and SAN FRANCISCO VICB Y»aM For freight, paMage and fnrtlior particular* lITERNATIOMLE CREOIET M 0 UIDELIVEREENiaiNS ROTTERDAM (Ikcobpoejitbu in Holland) Agents. 1, d'Almeida Street. 'Phone 931. FOR
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 478 4 STUMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIPCO..LTD. (Inoobpobatbd im Jatam) EUROPEAN LINE A servioe is maintained bet a ton Yokohama, via ports, find England under mail oontraet with the Imperial Japarene Government. Tb Now Twin scrow Steamers maintaining this sorviOH have been specially designed ana oonstruoted, and are fitted with all
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    • 617 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. "British India AND Mpcar -wine. (Companies Inoobpobatbd im Bnolamd). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICKS PBNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N Co. (Dndsr Contraot with Hit Majesty s Qovornuenl). The Companys MAIL BKRVICES BAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. The Companys INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are
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    • 690 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAN STEAM NAVIBATIUN CO., LD. (Imcobpobatbc v Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisnt, Semerak, Baoho, KolantaQ, Tabai Bangsara, Telvpt* Paaarai, Paiani, Singora, Lsoon, Kobuamci, Bandon, Langsuen, Chumpon, Kohlsk Bangkok Due Departure ASDANG Oot. 10, 3 p.m. m.a. BORIBAT Oot. IB 17, 3 p.m. c.c. PRACHATIPOK 99 94,
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    • 607 4 STEAMER 3AILIK6S. COMBINbUI MRVIOB OP THEBCEANB.B.CO..LTB. fIMOOBPOBATBD IH Bllfl \kMD. THEWEBTAUBTRAUAR 8. N. CO.. LTD. (iNooaroaATßD in Knav»»: BBTWBBX Fpwmantla (Parth), Mos4h-W*at Auetralian Port*, 4ava and llngapcpf Regolar Bailings between Singapore aad Wettern Australia calling at Java (as in dnocmC'Ct o£fcrs), Derby, King's Sound (port for the Kimber'oy Gold Fields),
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  • 109 5 FIXTURES. nesday, October 9. High Water, 510 a.m., 4.4 p.m Rowing Club looting, S.C.C., 6.80 p.m. Wed.- sday, < ctober 10 Hip Water, 6 M a.m.. 6.R7 p.m St. Hi-lon's Court, L'd., intg. v 12.8P pmThursday, October 11. 'l. X ii Water, 7.31 am 7.9 p.m. Kiley
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  • 174 5 To o»v ?ort Diokton and P. Swt'ttfnham '2.80 pm Mala- i and Muar 8 pm Sota Tiniaji 4 pm Wilvkoat. Polan BaUm and Pjlaa Bulang B.KO am Coeob 8- K 0 am P-ilaa Saiiilu. Prigi lUjab Tembilahan and Indragiri 8.80 am Cnoob 9 am Kerimnn 9.£0 am
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  • 241 5 i*be tnul kasM troru Singapore to. Che i ■ottfa U«ve Tank Road station daily at T.~ a.m. aad T p .m., tSBWSBR at K.ia'a Lompnc s4j T.lSpii:. .at "10 s.nj. rrspeotively. Tbe] tl-.-^ai.! tsMM Kuala Lsmp"! fi Sfrirlsij Penar.g at p.m. th>.> same daj. Ittd mail (rain
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  • 64 5 (Official Post Off L»rr Simgapori '■M 28 B. I. lulj 13 B. I. Inly 14 P. 0. (nly 24 B. I. Fuly 27 P. 4 O. lugmt 1 K. I. Luguat 11 M. M. l«|Ml 11 B. I. kogiMt 16 M. M. LosiMt 18 P. O. Bee
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  • 180 5 BXCHANQB. BiMINU, OCTOBM 9, 1017. O« Lo«dv- Bank 4 m/g l/4| Damud 1/4* MmH fc aft a/4|( On Pbamoi Bank T. T. BiB 0« I«du Bank T. T. 158 Oa Ho«aio»a...Ba*k d/d 30} %pm On Smawmai ...BMk d/d 67* Oh Java BMk T. T, 181J OmJapah BMk
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    • 157 5 Buyer* Sellers. 10 10 Aujpanx 6.00 1 1 Aver Weng 1.G5 2.10 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 11 41 Kioto Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 £1 £1 Lahat Mines (.36 5.60 10 10. Malayan Colliorio 12.26 12.7S 41 £1 Malayan Tin 1 .10.0 1.17.8 com 10 10 Middleton 18.C0 18.00 6/.
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    • 115 5 41 41 B. Siccltu^ Ol 7.75 41 41 Prof. 1.1.0 1.3.0 C,'- BJtotria T'whju 4/- 6/ 10 10 Fraaer New 46.(0 47.60 60 60 W. Hamnit t k Co. 73 00 76.0Coxaiv 100 ICO iUi£ Hto, Dei. pat V2Q.X W 10 Mrvdbivl *Ob '< W £1 41 Sboll
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    • 49 5 United ßneineen 6% #1,284,F«. pai Singapore Blectrie Tramways 6°. £860,00 C com .pore Municipal 5% 11.(373,000 par -'pore Municipal 4,% of 1907 •I,«H> > 000 10%dis Spore Manicipal ii% of ISM 1,000,000 10%d(B Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 lt%Hh Spore Municipal 4% 4300,000 F.M.S. 6% lean 1916 115.000,000 10X50 108.60
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  • 308 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyal! and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. Frduer Lyali (Jo. Evatt. Uor G*iah (91) 4.40 4.6) 4.25 4.50 tmal. Malay (2) 0.30 0.60pm 0.80 0.40 I yet Hitam ($5« 1500 15.60 16 .00 15.50 Vyer Kaning (91) 145 1.6S 1.60 1.60 Iyer
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 STAMFORD HOUSE PRIVATE HOTEL, Bras Basab Road. CBNTRALLV SITUATED always cool and txposed to sea breeze rurolsbed Apartments wltb or Wltbout Board Comfortable Booms wltb Batbrooms attached Eleotrlr HUli gs inroughout Large Reception Hall and Billiards. Separate Tables In Spacious Dining Room. TEMM— the Most reasonaMe ia Town roc further
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    • 698 5 UTEBTAD¥ERTiBEIIEirrc. I FULLY FURNI-HBD BUNGALOW to be let from mid-.N vember to ucd of March No. 10, Leonid Hi I Rent 1110 per month 910 i 18 10 WANTED, a set of boricg tools (mining) I with pipes, etc. Four iucbes by preference. i oilman i cat u with Box
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    • 436 5 EMBASSY No. 77. l^M No. 77. I CIGARETTES and MIXTURE Michelin Tyres S FOCKISTS CHIN HIIAT HIN OIL TRADING COMPANY SEAH PECK SEAR Co 246, Sooth Bridge Road TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT CINEMA CASINO AT 9 An Opportune. Programme AT 9 CIVILIZATION Thomas H. Ince's World-renowned production. Tbe most darine and ttap?n<?ous
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    • 77 5 Gaiety C^i*jn«e»-Btmia SPECIAL CHANGE OF PROGRAMME! IX THB FIRST SHOW 1 Reels THE MANSARD MYSTERY I Reels An Imp. Drama of Mystery. 3 Reels THE INDIAN'S LAMENT 3 Reels A God Seei Indian Drams. IN THB SSCOND bHOW 4 Reels THE MYSTERIES OF MYRA 4 Reels Chapters Five and 'jix,
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  • 1108 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9. TIRPITZ. Yesterday k telegrams contained a reference to what is known as the Tirpi'z Fatherland Party. The name of Tirpitz smells strong among law-abiding nation*, for of all German fanatics he is perhaps the most dangerous and the most txtume. He i- the father
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  • 11 6 Rico is reported to be very cheap in Bnrm* at present.
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  • 25 6 Ia consequence of the fa' ral of the late Dr. Giluiuru Ellis, the Comix, indant, S V.C., has cancelled tiie parades fixed for this afternoon.
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  • 27 6 Several private motor garages in Kuala Lumpur l.ay been visited by a thief or thieves lately. Magneto parts, horn bulbs and so on are missing next morning.
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  • 9 6 The installation meeting of Klang Lodge takes place to-day.
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  • 34 6 Among other arrangements for Oar Day Fund at Malacca is a dance proposed to be held on the 26th inst., at Alexander House, kindly lent for tbe occasion by Mr. A. J. F. Paglar.
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  • 38 6 Tbe issue of the new ten cent notes from tbe Treasury was begun yesterday and this morning the attendance of large crowds seeking small change kept the officials busy. Ricksha coolies appear to accept the new notes readily.
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  • 46 6 Mr. C. Alma Baker has organised a trip with Mr. Sidney Kidman, Australia's "Cattle King," across Australia from Adelaide to tbe Galf. Cinema pictures will be taken on the way and the proceeds from the exhibition of these will go to the Australian Air Squadrons Fund.
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  • 45 6 The Raub Australian Gold Mining Compcuy's outputs for the four weeks ended October 6 were Bukit Koman Stone crushed 3,746 tons. gold obtained 948 o/s. average per ton 5.061 dwts. Bukit Malacca Stone crashed 4,170 tons.; gold obtained 276 ozs average per ton 1.324 dwts.
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  • 54 6 In the district court this morning tho master of the steam launch Acheen was charged with carrying thirteen passengers in excess of the number authorised, and was fined ten conts for each excess pas senger and costs. A dollar for each excess passenger and costs was tbe penalty in tho
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  • 76 6 Hari Kaia Puasa and Hari Raia Haji are observed throughout the F.M.S. by Government and mercantile offices, but not in the schools, complains a correspondent of the Malay Mail, who considers that if tbe schools can afford to close for six weeks at Christmas and Chinese New Year, surely they
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  • 92 6 Tbe Nieawe Coarant rrgards tbe reply of tbe Central Powers to tbe Pope as a bitter disappointment. Anything may be read into it, nothing which makes for optimism as to peace. The Pope is to send a now Note to the Allies which is to be a commentary on the
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  • 103 6 At the last meeting of Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board the question of a recreation ground for the Chinese community was again brought forward, and it was decided to allow the Chinese Recreation Club to use a portion of the ground known as the Puda Dam for recreation purposes on the
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  • 115 6 The best picturo at tbe Penang Imp res aionibts' exhibition, says the Straits Echo, was undoubtedly Mrs. Aid worth's Evening in Delhi," bet treatment of the Oriental crowd in the foreground and the Ijsz of dust floating above through which the glow of sunset is faintly seen has a remarkably
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  • 114 6 In addition to steel and wooden ships, the U.S. Emergency Fleet Corporation is experi uienting with the intention of building ships of reinforced concrete. Among the advantages claimed for concrote ships are they are fireproof woodboring worms cannot attack the hull they require practically no maintenance construction methods are economical
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  • 184 6 A meeting was held on the 3rd icst. in the District Office, Balik Pulau, with Mr. Mailer, the District Officer, in the chair. After having read all the proposals made by Government to encourage the planting of foodstaffs, the explanation was put in Malay and Chinese by the interpreters. Various
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  • 175 6 Says tho China Mail of HoDgkong Ternpora luatantor ot nos mutaajur ia illes. A manager of one of the local tewspapem a few joars ago bad occasion to argue with the authorities, the question of what is a !otlerj" but tbey did not then share the Governor's present view. There
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  • 339 6 The Hon. Mr. A. H. Lemon has returner from short leave. Mr. W. J. Wright, manager of Messrs v> hiteaway, Laidlaw and Co.'s Klang branch is returning from leavo by tho next mail boat. Among the marriages announced to take place in Hongkong shortly are tbe following:—Mr.
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  • 58 6 We very grat fully acknowledge thefollowing additions to our fond for amtistini: tbe Overseas Club to provide smokes for out soldiers and sailors •*•!>■ $10 Mrs. Delmege (Seremban) monthly 8 The total we have received since the fond was opened in August, 1916, is
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  • 86 6 With regard to the Christmas and New Year letter and parcel mails, the Postal Circular states :-Owiig to abnormal condi tions it is not possible this year to foretell with any degree of accuracy on what date any particular mail will reach tho United Kingdom. It is
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  • 178 6 The last case in the calendar waa tried at tbe Assizes this morning before the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K. C), when a Hokien coolie named Tan Peh was charged with using as geuuinc a forged document, ho knowing it to be forged. Mr. H. R. S.
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  • 262 6 The following two announcements which appeared in the London Ga/.otte dated August 16 are of local interest Appoint ment as Companion of the Distinguished Service Order Capt. (T. Maj.) Frank Mills It. W. Fas.— "He showed the greatest coolness and skill when in charge of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 248 6 CLARET IN BULK AND IN BOTTLE Prices on application to Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. FAIRBANKS' SCALES t IT^ir* The Standard weighing 400, 600 and P^ **>sbr~3Rl 1,000 lbs. and catties. LJ\iJ|^ The Austral "^t" 1,500, 2,000 lbs. and catties. Price* on application JOHN LITTLE CO., (IMOOBPORATID IN Bn'GLAND) DODGE BROTHERS I
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  • 2240 7 HORRIBLE GERMANS Examples of Degraded Action. Things the World Should Notice. Kll r»B s TILSUBAMS. London, October 8, 10.5 a.m. Madrid I Tbo crew ot the U 298 whicb •s reported yesterday has escaped, were given full liberty at Cadir.. The officers gave tbe i word of honour
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  • 119 7 A TERRIBLE LOSS OF LIFE REPORTED. Rel-teb's Telioram. London, October 8, 430 a.m. Tokyo The number of deaths reported as a result of Monday's typhoon increases hourly. Tbe casualties and damage are so great that a comprehensive estimate is not yet available. It is beliuved that the
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  • 245 7 The floods in Cbibli are extending terribly, says the North China Daily News. Oar Tientsin correspondent reports that experts are of the opinion thai the destruction of part of the Tientsin-Pukow Railway track is essential. Bat this would mean much destruction of crops, tor whicb tbe
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  • 548 7 Funeral with Military Honours This Afternoon. In connection with the death of the Hon. Dr. Gilmore Ellis, the following Gazette Extraordinary was issued yesterday afternoon It is with tbe deepest regret that His Exoellency the Governor has to announce the death of the Hon. William
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  • 42 7 (From Ocb Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 9. Tbe Hon. Mr. W. C. Michell has assumed tbe Resident Councillcrship. He was accorded a guard ot honour of Sikh police. Mr. W Ptel and other officials received him on Victoria Jetty.
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  • 276 7 Local Subscriptions for October. Mr. E. Gill sends us the following statement of amount forwarded to the Overseas Club this month Straits Times Fund $1,000 United Engineers, Ltd. 66 Civil Guard inn Public 7 Total t1,179 Previously acknowledged 116,921.27 Total to date 118,100.27 Civil Guard subscriptions
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  • 15 7 Ayer Molek.- 14,084 lbs. Asiatic Industries.— s,B4B lbs. Anglo- Ma1ay. —142,549 lbs.
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  • 1046 7 IS MALTHUS RIGHT? [CONTItIHUTBD.| Ourpnblio men have recently been lamenting, and rightly lamenting, the terrible toll of life levied by tbe war on the boat of Hi nation, and inoidently, of other nations. Many suggestions, some well conceived, others wildly, regarding tbe recuperation of this manhood,
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  • 1091 8 Annual Meeting of Chamber Of Commerce. Tbe following minutes of the seventh anuual general meeting of the North Borneo Oi.imkxr &f Commerce beld on September Ii iic communicated Tba Hon Mr. W. G. Darby was in tbe cliair and addressed tbe meeting as follows, Ti« Our first
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  • 197 8 Handicaps for the First Day's Events. Race No. I.— The Earl 10.10, Fallowlaod 10.10, Pretty Molly 10 2, Ampang 9.9, Ob La La 96, Field 9.4, Idunno 86, Bonnety Bob 7.11, May B 7. Race No. 2.— Princess 9.7, Polar Star 8.12, Dara 8.9, Argyle 8.8, Farisba 81,
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  • 566 8 (Fbom Ocr Own Cobbbspondbmt). Malacca, October 9. At the inquest held on the body of tbe robber who was shot at Batu Berendam by Towkay Chia Bian Wan on tbe night of Thursday, September 20, it was a unani mous verdict returned exonerating Mr. Bian \%tn- from
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  • 135 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, October 12, 1917. Tdbsdat, October 9. AU Parades CanoeUed. WbDNBSDAT, OdOBU 10. 6.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. (all details.) 4.80 p.m Balestier Range S.H E.(V.i 6.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co., S.V.C. 6.20 p.m. Junction Holland Road and Bao
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  • 365 8 The committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to the above fund:— Previously acknowledged 182,208.81 Schmid Schudel and Co. 200 The Theo Chew Cheo Hug Kong Ktk 40 Van. Archdeacon and Mrs. Swindell 100 Hon. Mr. C. I. Carver 250 Rigold Bergmann and Co. 260 Collected
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  • 243 8 An interesting game was seen on the S.C'.C. ground yesterday between the Sea Defences and tbe S.C.F.A. It formed a useful practice for tbe Chinese in view of their match with the SC.C. on Friday, but the team was not at full strength and one or two absences necessitated
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  • 92 8 The ltte Lieut. R. N. Wood, R.N.R., whose death on active servioe ni recently recorded, wm for many years in the servioe of the China Steam Navigation Company. He m a native o( Croft, near Darlington, and joined the C N.S. Co. in 1910, eventually rising to the rank of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 365 8 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, A paragraph has recently appeared in the local newspapers anent tbe release of A class men by It class at home and it seems tbat tbe G.O.C. here is making an attempt to have the same done out here
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  • 102 8 Subscriptions to Sept. 30, 1917. Applications. Amonnt November, 1910 287 $427,760 December 144 288,040 January, 1917 192 243,870 February 205 882,680 March 328 246,900 April a 142 814,560 May 115 265,220 June a 74 169,440 July "I 152,470 August 117 138,840 September 110 106,970
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  • 166 8 September, 1917, List. Previously acknowledged $37,542.44, Medical Students Recreation Club 1100, Capt. Jones $15, Bridge Army, Kelantan $2, Anonymous 7.40, 8.F.H." »2, N.S." $2, Messrs. Toft $2, Basevi (Sept. to Dec.) $4, Strays (Sept. to Oct.) 14, F. W. Lyall, (Aug. to Sept) $6. Parbury
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  • 101 8 To-day's Business. Macphail and Co.'s daily report. Silver— Down J.— 45 J. Hongkong 2/9 J— 20* pm. Shanghai 4,0*— 67*. Tin.— Sold 100 tons at 1111.76. Rubber.— Dull, 1118 to 1121 for top grades. Pajams are offering at 120.25, Radellas at 118.86, Kempau at 99.20, Tambalaks at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 10 8 Singapore Civil Guard. No drills will take place daring October.
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    • 247 8 RAFFLES HOTEL Fop "Our Day" Fund AUCTION BRIDGE DRIVE SPECIAL DINNER Thursday, October 18, 1917. Ticket— DlNNEß AND BRIDGE DRIVE $3.50 Ticket— BßlDGE DRIVE ONLY $2. For every Dinner and Bridge Drive Ticket sold Ii will be given to the Bridge Drive Fund. Division of Prooeeds: 5O "OUR DAY" FUND.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 288 9 ADEIPHIJOTEL Thursdays and Saturdays EVERY NIGHT, DINNER CONCERT Saturdays during Tiffin our Filipino Band will pby. Saturdays Dancing after Dinner HOTEL tan WIJK Co., Ltd. T. to phon. 66*. T...phon. EVERY NIGHT OUB VAN WIJK QUARTETTE will play during and after (dinner, except Sundays. RICE TABLE every Sunday, Tuesday and
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    • 619 9 NOTICE. Notioa i« hereby Riven that I have thin day sold t c goodwill and stcck in-trade of the Tuc»Di»icß buaine»B, lately carried on by me at No. 40 4, Orcbaid Roa?, Hrgapore, under the style of T! c Ba*t» m Tyro Company, Tay Lian Ten?, who will in future
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    • 221 9 I THIS cannot fly though it runs so smoothly you think it does ■mil— 4 I^^SjgSißfrß m I WADLEIGH CO., LTD., Singapore I DISTRIBUTORS rHEHI6H r B E A RTr 08PARA The Traveller's Malay midlands estate, klamg. Pronouncing Hand-Book FOR SALB. a^d from selected tr le over teftobed TBNTH co
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 616 10 97 AM o, PatAO*. Famine or Plsntt, .Lit* Insurance is wokth 100 gxnti on thk dollars WMM OVVXJBSK PHOPMBTT last THE 6REAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURAN6E CiiPANY, LIMITED. ilJMCMaaata* aa Btbaivs Bimmm) aMlOmtli Wl— li— H— Wmwuw. UMBM>« OVtMMU Old J*w^y, B.C. tfea Cmaaay has aVMtOOO deaostMl whto Mm ■aaaaun Omm
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    • 507 10 HOKfiXem ANB SBANfIHAI BANKIN6 6IRPIMTIIN (laooaposAtaD w Heaocoiia) •AID-UP CAPITAL t11,000.00S HRSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41.600,000 at B> IIi.CM.B»I Bilver iift.6Ce.oOl) »8« 6^,000 Reserve Liaatlity of Propneion •UMO.OM COURT OC« OIREOTORS. Hon. Mr. 8. H. Dodwrll, Obainoaa. Hoa. Mr, P. H. Holyoak, Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. O. B. ft, iit»aaay,
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    • 546 10 MWKINI. CHAIff RED BANK OF INDIA, AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATBD IN BNGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital in 60.000 Shares of 430 each 41,300,000 Reserve Fond 41,600,000 Hwerve Liability of Proprietors... 41,200,000 BANKBRS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., Tbe London County and Westminster
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    • 571 10 BANKING. NEDERUNOSCHE HANDEL-MAATBCHAPPY. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. BSTABUSHBO 1824. Paid-up Capital fl 60,000,000 (about £6,000,000) Statutory Rsssrvs fußd fl 11,696,462 (about £966,269) Hbad Omcß im Amstssdam. Ha ad Aobnot in Batavia. BRANCHBS Penang, Hongkong, Shanghai, Rangoon, Soorabaya, Semarang, Wcltevreden. Bandoeng (Java), Choribon, Tegal, Peosloogaa, Tjilatj«p, Djembur. Djokja (Java), Solo (Java), Medsu
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    • 864 10 INSURANCE. ABSTRACT FROM 12th ANNUAL REPORT YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1917. Average rate of interest earned. 0.60 per cent. Increase. 0.28 per cent. Insurance or Reserve Fund. 16,124,626 00 1864,642 28 Total Assets 6,894,W6.60 742,877.11 New Insurance issued 8,061,2*1 00 688.U75.00 Total Insurance in Force... 24,087,284.88 3,488,877 B'i A copy
      864 words

  • 962 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Gas v. Petrol. The past week will be memorable for the most remarkable rise in petrol prices in Bngland that has ever been recorded, reports The Motor of July 24. On July 14 the motor spirit suppliers announced that the wholesale
    962 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 139 11 JUST RECEIVED BY BPECIAL PERMISSION OF THE MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS Two British Austin Motor Lorry Chassis, War Office Type CAPACITY 2 TO 3 TONS These machines are magnificent examples of the very latest British motor engineering practice. Any type of body can be fitted to suit customers' requirements. Prices and
      139 words
    • 66 11 OILDAG SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Garages Full particulars from DUPIRE BROS. sole: agents. Sub- Agents for Perak i Messrs. BERRY Co Ipoh. SINGER CARS Please apply to International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE Sole Importers. FOR EFFICIENCY A«enu BBINKMANN ft CO.. Singapore THE WATBBHOUSB CO.. LTD.
      66 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 594 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. SR£WEO in SGOTLANO SITUATIONS VACANT 1 El) immediately produce i alt -mat, i hiussc, with previous txperience. Apply Hox No. 421 Stra-tH 7imo'. 6 IC— H-li iBgCIREIV shorthand and typewriticg cl-rk. Gooi salary and prospects. Apply Kiurgy, c/o Straits Timef. 8 10—18-10 SHORTHAND- WRITER TYPIST, tboroughlj qualified,
      594 words
    • 605 12 miSHEi UNEOUb WANTED, gocd prism binocular;. Apply I I V. 4.U. Mra t- limiH. SIC 101. LBSioNS in French and Sngliab given by lady. Box i 5, btra'ts Titu-s 6 10— 2 11 WANTED, se:ondhand bicycles in gocd :oudition. State lowest cash prioe to Cycle c/o Straita Times. 81 »-n
      605 words
    • 653 12 BOARD AND LODGING. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Single and double bedrooms, also sniies to suit married couples. Apply Tbe Mansion. IS B— lf 10 BURLINGTON. Coleman Street. KOHMBRLY HOTEL DE LA AIX. Tin: above establishment has now been taken over by an entirely new management. Thoroughly renovated aud fitted throughout with
      653 words
    • 356 12 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D c CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT CO. L C Market Street. I NEDSELLIW THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore IS CONDUCTED BY H. N. BUCKERIDGE late of Mssirt. Lafayette, photographers to their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 paces north
      356 words
    • 300 12 TAYGUANKIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality forthe year 1918 Full particulars on application to above address. 'Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and Private 1450 and 1073. In Stock, 1,200 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes Y 2 and 5 8 outside diameter. 1 Tangye s Duplex Pump 5
      300 words
    • 193 12 I STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE i DAY AND NIGHT j [Thohe 1233] ji > TYRES and TUBBS are < repaired by best methods > at Moderate Prioes. 215 216, ORCHARD ROAD Ban Lee Ann, Id, (Inoohpobathd in Sikoapokb) B 8 and 89, Market Street. Ship-Owners Ship-Chandlerti Steamship Agents Estate
      193 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 259 12 Straits Wimes TELEPHONES Editorial and General 68 Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed tc THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters —advertisements, subcriptiona, accounts, printing, ttc.—should be addressed to THE MANAOBR. Chequer and money orders should be
      259 words