The Straits Times, 6 October 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.538 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 6. 1917. P*ICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 166 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Price now $19.00 par caw THE TWO-SEATER (NEW MODEL) MAXWELL CAR IS NOW ON VIEW AT Alec. Williamson, Limited, 4, Orchard Road. Price: §2.200 nett cash ex garage, ready for the road. Full particulars from the above, or from The Borneo Co., Ltd. sole: importers. MALTHOID
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    • 171 1 ROBINSON CO. fNew Shipment of Robinson's Silver m Chronometer Watches t V^&SB^. I yT^ Open Pace, Half Hunters, Wristlet Watches N "V in banters, lnminoas bande and figures, ito., '<,>i etc, All fnllj jewelled and fitted with damp and dost proof double cases. Delicious New Things Your table is doomed
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    • 44 1 KARTELL 8.: I BRANDY. Son Aoints AOAMBQN..6ILFILUN CO., LTD. IncorporaUd in Knuland) A. FRANKEL Co. COMPLETE HOUSE FURiSHERS Victoria street (Established 18b7i We furnish compete estate bungalows In solid teak throuRboi;* fe MtO In waxed meranti tiiroagluui, fi.- f}SO Detailed price lists on applicaion.
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  • 1124 2 Tbe following oasaalties are reported London, September 4. V'oundnd.— Capt. J. de V. Halard, R.E. Liout. W. A. Hnnderson, Koyal Soots; 'V- J s H iruHl.-y, South Wales Borderers; 2nd Lieut. It. Jardioe, Cameroua; 2nd Lient. J. P. Key, Seafortbs 2nd LWat. O. M.;[-ar<n. Royal Scots; 2nd Lieat.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 284 2 the L- SSS.a^4.«-~ V-VjA— al .1 c eszsrap Mauri »T^ > r C^hs from rj«>^-.«.*a. (rUW^J Yen'" f «l dome you e» ou last tout w» jl'- f m •m u(. i i rcouuanaad V\ tnc 41 C-in'i 4 >«> acorfesal) J lU '»:scann'»y— the «rt. •SWL IM J w-
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    • 277 2 1 I >VRIBT Watch.^j II JLfF^r I Mr™ i '•••''aßiss. i i-t 1 .r. >oi tills f.t n. I gold- I .1 AKS. I ■> ,f I* i <usr- tin I »lt V t nil! *w promp'Jy I. i* <•-«.<•■•. I IttratU I o."»r»l D HANDS. 1 l
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    • 216 2 IT'S VERY EASY TO GET RID OF SKIN TROUBLES With CUTICURA """""v Bathe with J^j/0^ A Cuticura 'W'**( if) So£ P» T^ rfl ly/ dry and I^/W^ \J apply the <^s k V/ M Ointment Stops itching instantly, clears away pimples, redness and roughness, removes dandruff and scalp irritation, heals
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    • 144 2 i Solo Importer* INTERNATIONAL CREDIET 1 H«NDELBytR£E»i6I»B ROTTEROAM. SINBAPOfIE. THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. (IncoaroßAiao in Homokonq) Established 1883 1 MANOFACfUKKRS OK PURE--ROPE 8 BTRAND CABLE LAID 4 STRAND V to 18" 6* to 10" 8* to 10* Piioes, samples and full particulars will be forwarded on application to
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  • 1224 3 BATTLE STORIES FROM THE WESTERN FRONT. 1 Cheerfulness of The Wounded. I j I was down at Albert before the Somme show started," Mud a recently wounded soldier. Bat the preparations made for that bffair wire never in it with wbat was going on before I left.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 326 3 THE CLEANER your teeth are kept the longer they will last, and the better they look, so Dorit forget to use dQ| Ur gljjfr to-night and again in i/im l^ c morr n sIf so^ by I ooo Chemists and Stores. (l[yUi Made by FC CA LVERT Co.. LM IJOk
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    • 127 3 C. B. OIFOED SAUSAGES UNEXCELLED. rjj^^ these aitf all thefr other MM- id ~*jL'ijim produced aader i.i-al conditions of cleanliness. **vKf S{i *r.rvrs f-« l-a •> i job, r :1 IB 1 1 cannot fly though it rui s so smoothly you think it does i»»«w I 1 i La
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 483 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIPCO..LTD. (Imookfobatbd in J*p»») EUROPEAN LINE A serviee ia maintained betwoen Yokohama, via ports, fttd England under mail oontraot witb the Imperial Japanese Government. The Now Twin screw Steamers maintaining tbis servioe have been specially designed and ijiintsnmti and are fitted witb all the latest
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    • 619 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND A I pear I— me. (Companhs Imooepokatid im Bnuland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICB8. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N Co. (Under Contraot with His Majesty a Oovenujent). The Companys MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY Me at present suspended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND
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    • 709 4 steamer, mums. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoobfobatbc im Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Krotay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangaara, Tolnpia Paaarai. Patani, SingoraTLaooa, Kobsamui, Bandoa, LangHuen, Chumpon, Kohlak a Bangkok. Due Departure s.s. ASDANG Oot. 8 Oot. 10, 3 p.m. s>.a. BORIBAT 18 17, 3 p.m. s.a. PRAOHATIPOK
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    • 611 4 STEAMEn SAILINQS. OOMBINID MRVIOV OH THE6GEANB.S.CB..LTB. (Imoobpobatbd in Bng i>n AND THEWEBTAUBTRAUAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Inoobpobatbd in Rmovand) bbtwbbn ■ramantl* (Parthi, Nerlh.W N r Australian Ports, Java and •Ingaporo. Regular Bailings between Singapore aad Webtern Aontralia calling at Java (aa iaduoement offorH), Dorby, King's Sound (port for the Kimberley
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 743 5 FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. Snbjoct to the condition* prescribed hy the Strait < Hlonients "Alien Enemiei (Winding upi Ordinal"-. IWI4 M nni'-mii >1 from tim" m Hsm by Oidinances I tf 1910, XIX of 1816, XVI ot lHB»ud VI of 1917 tM* a* adapted in this State >I: tb«t
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    • 599 5 STEAMER SAILINGS, i STeeMVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ NEDERLAND" AND ROTTERDAM LLOYD (Ihoobpobatid in Holland) ROYAL. DUTCH MAIL COMPANIES fortnightly Mall Service between Java. Singapore. Hongkong. Shanghai. Nagasaki. Yokohama, Honolulu and SAN FRANCISCO VIC« TlB3* Foi freight, paceage and fortber particulars IaTEMUTIONUE CREDIET »N0 H«mCUV£REENIBIN{I ROTTERDAM ilnooßPrsATin in Hollanoj Agents. 1, «T Almeida Street.
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    • 386 5 SIMIT SAVE ROOM RACKS ECONOMISE IN FACTORY SPACE 288 of 18 in. x 9 in. x 32 in. latex trays in a floor space of 10 ft, 8 in. x 3 ft. 6j^ in. and 5 ft. 6 in. high. A Manager writes: I have much pleasure in telling you
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 450 6 The Royalty Cinema, Malacca Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 8, 9 10. Three nights only H. M. GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL WAR FILMS THE BATTLE OF THE ANCRE AND THE ADVANCE OF THE TANKS ALSO SCENES OF THE NAVY Filmed after the Battle of Jutland. NOTICE. -One-third of the gross receipts of
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    • 680 6 THE HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDS PARA RUBBER CO.. LTD. MIDLANDS EBTATE. KLANG. FOR SALE, seed from selected trees over ten years old. Average yiold per tree 1918 season 8 lbs. per tree. Limited supply available immediately. Prioe in sacks, F. O. R. Padaog Java, tl per 1.000. Apply Manager. 21-9-2010 NOTICE.
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    • 605 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Singapore Sporting Club. i NOTICE. "OUR DAY' WAR LOAN LOTTERY. I A Lottery will b i held in connection with Our Day Fund limited to One Million Dollars. Tickets aro now off. red to the Public at 10.00 eaoh, whioh may be procured from the Secretary, Singapore Sporting
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    • 352 6 SIEMENS BROS. DYNAMO WORKS, LTD. (Incorporated in England). Contractors to the Admiralty, the War Office, the India Office, the Post Office, the Office of Works, the Crown Agents for the Colonies, the British Colonial, and Foreign Railways, etc. OUR MANUFACTURES INCLUDE Electric Motors and Generators, Switchboards and Special Switchgean, Machinery
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  • 147 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, October 6. H *l, WttiT. 1 41 a.m., 1.12 p.m. Our L)»v Chil'lren's Ki<te. Mitsui Robber iiit*, Evatt's, noon. Sunday, October 7, Hinli Wator, 2 H8 a.m., 1.64 p.m Monday, October 8. Hi*!i Water, 3.4:1 am., 2.49 p.m. Tueaday, October o. Hii<h Water. 6 10
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  • 146 7 To-oat. tf edan 2.80 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Penang 2 80 pm Colombo and Bombay 2.80 pm Bangkok 2.8 C pm Sourabaya. Bandjermaonin, StagtD, K. Baroe. B. l'apan, Samarinda, otc. 3.80 pro Bangkok 4 put Hongkong 4 pm Kota Tiajaj 4 pm Pulau B&taui and Pulau
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  • 267 7 The mail trains from Singapore tor tbe aorth leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.iv aad T pi, arriving at Eaala Lumpur at f .18 p.m. snd 5.45 a.m. respectively. Tbe ttirongb expresß to Penang leaves Kuala Lairpor at S a.m. daily, arriving at Penang at 4.18
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  • 81 7 NOTICE IS BEKBBY GIVEN that tbp Annual General Me tinn will bu held at the Singapore Criokdt Clnb on Tuesday, Ontoher 9, 1917, at 6.60 p.m. BCSINBM 1. To reooive tbe Committee* Report and Statement ol Aooonats (or the year uiJed 80th June, 1917, and i( approved
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  • 177 7 EXCHANOR. BIK3APOBB, OCTOBBB 6, 1917. Ua LoaovN .^...Bank 4 m/i m *l*i Domaad m *l*i Private lull mil On Fbahob Bank T. T. m 818 Oblmdia BankT. T. m 168 On HoMaaoaa...Baak d/d 22} %pm O« Sbahobai ...Bank d/d 56, On Java Bank T. T. 1 i
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    • 164 7 10 10 AmpwiK 5.00 1 1 Aver Weng 1.85 2 OS 10 10 Einta Association 7.00 41 £1 Kioto Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 £1 Lahat Mines 5.25 663 10 10. Malayan Gollier-es 12.25 12.75 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 norn 10 10 Midd'oton 18.10 19.00 6/- 6/- Pahw.
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    • 113 7 vXI BeUeM 41 41 SmelHas Uo. 7.75 BXO 41 41 Piel. 1.1.0 1.8.0 lleoteio Twajm 4/- 6 10 10 Fnsev Ji Neave 46.10 47.C0 60 60 W. Hammer 4 Co. 73.00 76.0Cesdiv 100 100 Kiti bro, Del. pai 120.00 10 10 Maynard A Co. *.in 41 41 Sboll Transport
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    • 48 7 United BnuineerH 8% 11,^84,600 par Singapore Bleotrio Tramways 6 £860,000 norn o'poreManicipal 5% 11,878,000 par b pore Municipal 4i% ot 1907 11,600,000 10%dis Spore Mi.kiCipaJ 4*% of IUOS 11,000,000 10% I Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 It) Spore Mi:uioipal4% £800,000 F.M.S. 0% loan 1918 115,000,060 102.80 108 SO
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  • 308 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyail and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices. Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt. Alor Oajab (II) 4.80 4.61 4.25 4.60 Amal. Malay (2) 0.80 0.60pm 0.80 0.40 Ayer Hitam (15) 16.00 16.50 16.00 15.50 Ayet Kaning (11) 150 1.60 1.45 1.56 Ayer Molek (II)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 104 7 NOTICE. Notios is hereby Riven that I have thin day aold tbo goodwill and titock in -trade ol the vnlcaaUioß bamnean. lit- ly oarriud on by iur at No. 40-4, Oreba'd Koa<i, nia^aporc, ondor tba »tyle ol Tao Ba»t. m Tyre ompany, to Tay Lian Tom, who will in future
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    • 718 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WAITED, good prism binocular*. Apply to Box No. 420. Stra-tB Times. 6 IC— lB 10 WaNTBD IMMKDIA 1 ELY, a antonoec '■cok. Apply Dr. Adamu. Tan Tock Serg'" Hopjtal 010— B10 WANTED immediately produoe ►alenman, (binesa, with previous xptneuce Apply Box No. 42., Straits Time. 6 IP— 9-10
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    • 539 7 "EMBASSY" No 77 L^H&ifl No 77 |> C ICARETTt»-Sj§a CIGARETTES and MIXTURE GUAN KIAT CO., LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) Head Office 36, Phillip Street, Singapore. ESTABLISHED 1917 Ship-chandlers, Hardware Dealers, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Importers and Exporters, Estate, Rice and Saw Mill Suppliersand Commission Agents Tel. Address
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    • 93 7 ■wpBBBBBBBJBB^BB B^^^^^^^ I Tinjong Pa|ar Road Trams Pass the Door TO-NIGHT SECOND SHOW. 9.1S SHAHP TO-NIGHT Two Now Epi°odes of 20 episodes THE IRON CLAW 40 PART Episode 17 THE VANISHING FAKER 2 parts Episode 18 THE GREEN EYED GOD 2 parts 3 Parts WON BIT GRIT 3 Parts Tlo
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  • 1113 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6. BLOW AFTER BLOW. Victory is ours said Hindenburg to bis countrymen while they were celebrating bis birthday. It is a pity that Germany was not as easily satisfied before tbe war as she seems to be now. Victory is ours was what every German
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  • 18 8 Tbe total output ot the Tronoh Mines from all sources fur tbe month ot September was picals 1,685.
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  • 16 8 Tbe Sangei Gau output for September was battery 226 piculs, tributors 42 piculs, total 265 picals.
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  • 16 8 Tbe November mooting ot District Grand Lodge will be held ia Peoaug on Friday, November 9.
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  • 16 8 Billntt rode two firsts lid one second at I the C tiontta second mousoon meeting on
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  • 18 8 Tbe total subscriptions to tbe Straits Settlement* B rw<r cint. war loan up to October 1 were 136,668,000.
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  • 14 8 Tbe Singapore Amateur Dramatic Society has been exempted from registration under tbe Societies Ordinance.
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  • 31 8 An alteration to the Postal Kales mshes it permissible on payment of a fee to cancel or reduce tbe amount collectable on a CO D. packet, but not to increase it.
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  • 28 8 Tbe Gazette notifies tbe following as having ceased to exist tbe Shan On Shee, tbe Eastern Kinrmatograph Association, the Singapore Printers Guild and tbe Batn Pabat Steamship Co.
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  • 35 8 Service will be held at tbe Boustead Institute on Sunday evening, at 8-15, at which Lieut. H. H. Treacber will speak. Men ot tbe Array and Navy and Mercantile Marine are cordially invited to attend.
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  • 49 8 All advertisements and articles for tbe Dutch Red Cross book must be in by October 14. Advertisers who wi»h for copies should order them to be reserved. Many circulars have been issued in Java, and unless notice is given of copies required it may be difficult to secure one.
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  • 57 8 Tbn trial of Mohamed Abas, lately Sani- 1 tary Inspector of tho Tapah Sanitary Board, who was alleged to have forged a voucher for 133, was concluded on Thursday at tbe Ipoh Assizes, before Mr. Justice FarrerManby. After addresses by counsel, His Lordship convicted tbe accused and sentenced him to
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  • 79 8 In connection with tbe Auction Bridge Drive at Rallies Hotel on October 18 one important change has been made in the arrangements. It has been decided to devote j 60 per cent, of the proceeds of tbe sale of tickets to Our Day Fund and 50 per cent. to prizes.
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  • 81 8 The foundation stone of the new Presbyterian Church (St. Andrew's, Selangor) was laid on Wednesday evening by the Rev. W. i Cross, MA., on the site of the church in Weld Road, Kuala Lumpur, there being a good gathering of members acd friends ot the Presbyterian Church congregation, ineluding the
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  • 85 8 The enthusiasm with which tbe General Committee of tbe Taiping Oar Day celebration has set about their task is indicative that tbe collection there tbiß year will be a decided increase on that of 1910, cays the Times of Malaya. Tbe main function this year will be arranged very much
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  • 138 8 As a Btippl to a recent Chinese wedding in Ipoh one of tbe guefeta, a Chinese nooia, Ho Ah Ltin, was charged in tbe In li Police Court ith tbe theft of a gold anklet belonging to the little daughter of Mr. Wong Fook Hong, say* the Times of Malaya.
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  • 128 8 In the Kuala Lnmpnr Police Court, on Wednesday, before Mr. A. W. Jnst, magistrate, with Chief Court Inspector Taylor for the prosecution, tho preliminary inquiry into two spec he c'jarg s of perjjry, originally preferred against Yee Chan and Yap Khi, parti, ers in tUe Chop of Van Ko,of RawaDg.but
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  • 146 8 An interesting little ceremony took place at Aian Kailway Station, Perlis, on Saturday, wueu Mr. Thomas Grieve, Divisional Engineer, F.M.S. railways, was presented with an illuminated address by his stkff on his departure on leave. Mr Grieve in a most po| ular official. Not only has be won the cm
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  • 178 8 The English School at A lor Star in making good progress under the guidance of tbe beaduj&nter, Mr. E. A. O. Stuart. There are over 200 boys on the roll, the majority of whom are Malays, says tbe S' raits Enbo's corro ipumii ot. There are 20 per cent, fret)
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  • 346 8 Lient. A. Dnpnis Brown, M.S.V R., ha* been seconded for duty at the War Office few tbe period of tbe war. Mr. R S. Nelson, manager of Uln Tiram Estato, Johore, is leaving for home at tho end of this moctb to join up. Mr. J. M.
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  • 42 8 It has been decided to extend the period ol his lottery and the closing date for bale of ickets will be December 14 instead ol )ctober 26. The public drawing of the ottery will taku place on December 14.
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  • 64 8 We have received from Dr. Kennedy, acting Principal King Edward VII Medical School, cheques for $300 being money subscribed by the Mudical Student Recreation Club for the following war funds The Officers Families Fond 1100 Blinded Soldiers and Sailois Fund 100 Indian War MM Fund 100 We
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  • 95 8 For tbe period from October 12 to 18, inclusive, tbe value of tbe highest grade of rubber is fixed at two shillings and eight penoe per Ib., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accoi
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  • 84 8 We very gratefully acknowledge tbe following additions to our fund for assist ins the Overseas Club to provide smokes for out soldiers and sailors Per Mr. T. A. Mancbip (Sungei Burong Estate) T. A. Mancbip in W. J. Manchip 5 D. Farman 6 W.
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  • 190 8 With reference to the urgent call foi "A Clans men for military service, the General Officer Commanding notifies for public information that tho War Office baa recently released a ii Class man from military service in order to obtain the services of an A Class man from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 164 8 ELARET IN BULK AND IN BOTTLE L Prices on application to Kaldbeck, Macgregor Co. SCALES "The Standard" waigh'ng 400, 600 and J 1,000 lbs. and catties. "/n»*"*~T I>so0 2 lbB# and catties< T'r^.-^.J.^:* v^?^ Prices on application ■JL JOHN LITTLE CO., V (iMCOBfOBATBD IN EsuLASD) JL DODGE BROTHERS Ha«B«aCBBSaaB«B«BBBtkZSJBaBWBBVBB«9a«*aL. AND
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  • 4458 9 SPLENDID SUCCESS GAINED. German Army Heavily Beaten. Every Objective Gained. GENERAL SMUTS* SPEECH. The Agonic and Horrors Of The War. R»imK> TkL«.R«u London, October 1.5 Field Marshal Haig report* The attack was orei an eight milts trout, (rom south o! Tower Hamlets to \pres Staden railway, north
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  • 46 10 I ..union, October 5, AM a.m. Tbo redistribution scheme drafted by the boundary com iiikhv morn under tin Hupnseotatiou of tb.i l'u< pl.i bill adds thirty-one ■eats to tUe H .u*u of Commons, including twenty nine in KngUud and one each in Wales and Scotland
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  • 33 10 London, October 5, 8.33 a.m. Melbourne Early restoration of normal industrial conditions throughout tbe Com monwealth is vow assured. Sydney Most of the coal miners of Now South Wales resumed work yesterday.
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  • 112 10 London, October S, 1.4 p.m. -Mr Arthur Lee is presenting the estate of Cbequors Court, Buckinghamshire, as tbe official country residence of future Prime Ministers of Kngland. London, October 5, 4.55 a.m. The death has occurred of Admiral Tower Hamilton, commanding the Rosyth naval base. London, October 5, Mi
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  • 405 10 Bye-Laws Regarding Advertisement Hoardings. A special meeting of the Municipal Commisnioueis was hold y. sterday afternoon to consider the propostd new bye-laws with regard to advertisement hoarding. Tbe President (Mr. F. Hallifax) was in the chair, and tbe other- pn ut w.n> Dr. Veerasamy, Messrs. A. \V. Bean,
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  • 171 10 At Ibe Aaaizoa ywrterday id toe CMc oi Leoog Ah Chtong, a Cantonese, who was oliari;.<l with the attemp'H murder of a (Jluurw detective police countable on July 37, l.Jl'i, by tiricg at him with a revolt cr, the jiry fiand socased not gnil:y of atteoipit'il n.'jr.Jti bat
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  • 3217 10 ALLIES DEVELOP THREE GREAT OFFENSIVES. From Our Special Correspondent. London, August 23. Since I last wrote the real peace movement, that which holds oat the best promise for the fatare, has been going strong. The real peace movement does not draw its inspiration from Stockholm or
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  • 403 10 The Great Energy of the Wilson Government. A leading firm in Singapore has received a letter from its American export agents in which thu following very interesting passages occur: At tbe present time export business is becoming more difficult every day owing to the treniiadnas
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  • 151 10 The committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to the above fund Previously acknowledged ♦78, S. ManaHHeii and Co. SCO Mrs. J. H. Batten, H. J. Batten 15 each 10 Staff ScholarsofC.E.Z.M.S. CLiuese Girls' School 70 W. A. Sims 250 Andrew Agnew 750 Tbe Asiatic Petroleum
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  • 230 10 Tuihu List. Tbe Hon. Treasurer begs to acknowledge with thanks receipt of tbo following Already acknowledged* 12,278.46 N. V. Mudie 2» High School Malacca Stall and Students 200 A poor Chinese 2nd sub. 10 Radel.a Rubber Estate W. J. Wallace 120, Tan Hung Seek 16,
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  • 548 10 Full Programme of Events At Tyersall. I We understacd that great preparations are going forward in connection wtb tlu< <1 inlen Fetti at Tyersull, which is being orgauised under the presidency of kfca Lady Kvelyn Young on behalf of "Our Day." Wet or fine, a very enjoyable
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  • 89 10 To-day's Business. Macpbail and Co.'s daily report. Silver Down 1.-46 J. Hongkong.— 22 pm. SLanghai.— s6. Tin.-- Sold 125 tons at »112.25. Rubber.- Dull. Cbangkats are en<]uired for about 1960, Lucas about 18.30, but otherwise prices are unchanged and business negligible. Some of the less well known
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  • 246 10 Ayer Panas.— B9,soo lbs. Alor Gajah.— l2,2oo lbs. Balgownie.— 26.410 lbs. Glenealy.— 22,ooo lbs. Pa jam.— 36 927 lbs. I'wiu:. -18,000 lbs. Tambalak.— ll,473 lbs. Teluk Anson 15,000 lbs. Armtralania.— s,4oo lbs. Bakit Kubn.- 16,000 lbs. Port Swottc'iihiUi.- UN lbs. Singapore Para.- H 074 lbs. S'nigt i
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 109 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. Malacca is to have an opportunity of witaasning the Britmli films depictiug thebattlt of iln Ami- ajo the advance of the Tank-. ksfjataM ith naval views. They are to be hhown tindi r the Banduian mana^.~>mrnt at the Royalty l'ni.m* Malacca, un Mooday, Tuesday and IFaasM
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    • 188 11 The >.C.C. team to meet the lea#ne select*d ttum in next Tliureday'x match will be K H. Kowcrman W. C. Hill and K. U. Oale R. A I'arisu, J. Lynch and N. A. M. Griffin C. J. PotUr, K. H. Mom, V. M Doi*, W. M. Tosccnie and H
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    • 33 11 The October monthly medal of tbe Singapore Oolf Club will be. played to day acd Sundaj Tbe links will be clow J alter Sunday until the conclusion of tbe Autumn Race meeting.
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  • 828 11 Undertaking in a Very Sound j Condition. i > c j i j f j i The directors report to the shareholders in KaujpoDt; Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd fur tlji half year ended June 30, 1917, says: I>n 'It'iDu Operation*. —Both dredges have worked weH and without
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  • 552 11 Sunday, October 7, 1917. St. Andrew's Cathedral. 18th Sunday after Trinity.— 7,Bo a.m. Litany 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9.16 a.m. Matins followed by Jtely Communion 4 p.m. Children's service", 6.80 p.m. Evensong and sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines.— s.Bo p.m. Evensong and sermon. Hymns, 155, 106, 82?
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  • 214 11 I Programme of drillp, etc., for week ending Friday, October 12, 1917. Saturday, October 6. 2.30 p.m. Johnston's Pier S.V.A. Sections land 2. D.RF.| and 0 L. Specialists. Sunday, October 7. H a.m. Tbe Gap Maxim Co., s.v.c. 7 p.m. Bras Basab Road for Kampon« Babru Malay
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  • 10 11 No drill* will take place during October,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 473 11 We are in a position as ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS of the Moutrie Piano to offer you the finest value in pianos in S.S. and F.M.S. We shall be pleased to demonstrate our latest models if you can call on us, or we will send catalogues on applicuton. STRAITS HOTEL 101. 102
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    • 246 11 Due Shortly A few famous American GRANT 6-cylinder touring cars, model X," 1917, fitted with magneto, speedometer, electric light, demountable spare rim and all accessories. Colour grey. ™jtf" $2,925 BOOK NOW RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Raffles Hotel Buildings. APELPHI HOTEL Thursdays and Saturdays EVERY NIGHT, DINNER CONCERT Saturdays during Tiffin our
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  • 1637 12 BRITISH NORTH BORNEO RUBBER TRUST. Steady and Sound Progress. njbtb ordinary general meeting of the Hritisb North Borneo Rubber Trust, 1.'.-iiited, was held at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, 8.C., the Earl of Verulam (ohairuian of the company) presiding. '1 hi Chairman naiil: Gentlemon, in accordance with
    1,637 words
  • 536 12 Prodigious Work of British MarineAfter three years of war, and in spite of the piracy of German D boats, the United Kingdom still possesses over 15 million tons of oceangoing shipping. That is the salient fact of an examination of some figures dealing with the mercantile marine
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  • 790 12 Extensions in Planting; Financial Position Sound. The seventh ordinary general meeting of the Laras (Sumatra) Rubbor Estates, Limited, was held on August 9, at the registered offices, London House, New London Street, E.C Mr. W. Turing Mackenzie (chairman of the company) presided. The Chairman said Gentlemen, I
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  • 256 12 The report of the I'lu Pandan (Selangor) Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the net profit for the year amounts to 46,174 dols, as against 86,322 dols. for the previous year. To this mast be added 6,974 dols. brought for ward, making a total of 52,148 dols. available
    256 words
  • 65 12 The Norwegian Court in Bangkok has given ju'luoiunt in the case in which the captain and owners of the French steamer M'lulut claimed a ram of Tcs. 3\ooo from the captain and owner* of the Norwegian steamer Heim, as damages, the result of the eollimon near the Bangkok bar on
    65 words
  • 647 12 First Three Years. 1914. June '27.—Assassination of Archduke FranzFerdinand and bis Consort at Serajero. July 26. —Austrian ultimatum sent to Serbia. August 1. —Germany declares war on Russia and France. August 4.—Britain declares war on Germany for violating neutrality of Belgium. August 23. —Battle of Mons and
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  • 117 12 The soaring level of rubber prices, says the Japan Times (Tokio), has made the returns of the rubber companies large. A certain firm has been reported to have declared a dividend of 300 per cent. In view of such prosperity, local businessmen have started the promotion
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 173 12 Bacchus Marsh CONCENTRATED FROZEN Milk In quarts, pints and half-pints SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED (incorporated in Straits Settlement!; FULL-SIZE ENGLISH BILLIARD TABLES Ready for immediate delivery. Makers Thos. Padmone Sons, England, STEVENSON THB MAKE USED FOR MELBOURNE INMAN The WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP ITS OWN RECOMMENDATION Exclusively Sold by JULIAN FRANKEL
      173 words

  • 871 13 MORNING RUN ON THE PEKING BRANCH. Altogether $100,000 Cashed. A Shanghai contemporary, cf date Tuesday, September 18, has the. following The Peking office of the Yokohama Specie Bank in the Legation Quarter bad a run made on it on Friday morning. In consequence, notes amounting to $100,000
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  • 132 13 The Communications Office, Tokio, baa drafted a plan to establish a Ships' TypeteßtiuK Station in order to conduct practical te-itn over the different patterns of halls, their ■peeds, etc., for the purpose of contributing t j the development of the Japanese post Ixllum shipbmldioK industry. The new programme
    132 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 144 13 f UEAIT OF DaTIIE SEMES. 7 r-trtm. j THE HORSE jlP^'^^^^^ MILtS OF AV r ON tours London and gives en route some littleknown particulars of famous places in the Heart of the Empire. It i* interesting to know that the War Office of to-day is situated almost opposite the
      144 words
    • 444 13 f^fk -©Quality nZ? 9mr MAYNARD Co., Ltd. Pharmaceutical Chrmlsts, 16. Battery Hoaa. British Pharmaceutical Products Always in Stock Estates supplied at Moderate Bates. TELEGRAMS: "MAYNARO. SINGAPORE TELEPHONE 115. GROW BEAUTIFUL HAIR FREE! A SUGGESTION ALL MAY ADOPT. Distribution of 1,000,000 Three-Fold Harlene" Outfits FREE. Her* M a gr«at opportunity Uid
      444 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 585 14 Wul or Piaoi. Famine or Plihtt. Lifs Inbueanok ii woith 100 osnti on thb dollars THE BREAT EASTERN UFeIsSURaTcE CettPANY, LIMITED. (laeßßweaana) n lium Sinuam) OOABfOOTIMi Wl— >— b> WaißiWP, LOJWPJI WiWll H, Old Jewry, 8.0. The 111-1 bai bIRSiOOO o^fHßel wttb Mm Oaernme Oeart el ■agkwfl, Md •oraplles wttta
      585 words
    • 493 14 BAJIKINI. HBNGKMM AND tHAWHAI BANKING CSRPMATIBM (laOOBFOBATBD IW H*Beß«r9) PAID UP CAPITAL ■> •11.8W.0C0 RBSBRVB FUNDB Bterling 41,600,000 at I/- 818,0M.0N Silver |18,800,00» 188,800,000 Reeerve Liability ol Proprieten III^OO.OOO COURT OP DIRBOTORB. Hon. Mi. S. H. Dodwell, Obairauui, Hob. Mr. P. H. Holyoak, Deputy Ohairmaa. Hob. Mr. C. B. Antok-C.
      493 words
    • 565 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRAL!* AND CHIN*. INCORPORATED aY aUBKeJiB Li ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital in 60,000 Shares ol 420 each XI ,900,000 Reserve Fond m. «l,» 00,000 Reeerve Liability ol Proprietors... £1,300,000 BANKBRS The Bank of Bngiand, lhe London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., Tbe London County
      565 words
    • 618 14 BANKING, NEDERLANDBCHE HANDEI.-MAATFCHAPPY. (It intKuiflUa IKAUiNb SUUIt I Y KsTABLISHBn 1834. ?aid-up Capital fl 60,000,000 (about £6,000,000) Statutory Reserve Fdnd fl 11,696,463 (about £866,389) Hsad Onica in Abstbhuam. Hbad Aubni't in Batavia. BRANCHES Pcnaag, Hongkong, Shanghai, Rangoon, Soerabaya, Semarang, Weltevreden, Bandoeng (Java), Cheribon, Tegal, Peetlongan, Tjilatjap, Djember. Djokja (Java), Solo
      618 words
    • 941 14 INSURANCE. ABSTRACT FROM 12th ANNUAL REPORT YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1917. Average rate ol interest earned. 8.69 per cent. Increase. 0.28 percent. Insurance or Reserve Fond. 18,124,528.90 1864,842.28 Total Assets 5,894,226.60 742,877.21 New Insurance issued 8,061,261.00 588 275.00 Total Insnranoe in Foroe... 24,087,264.88 2,486,977 62 A copy ol oar oomplete
      941 words

  • 816 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Protest About Petrol Licenses. The petrol question—a real storm centre in its way —continue*! to give trouble, tbe most recent subject for criticism being the Petrol Controller's Order cancelling petrol licenses, issued in respect of private motor cars and motor cycles
    816 words
  • 177 15 Frem the Berlin Vossische Zeitong we learn that a final effort to inflaenoe the English-speaking world is to be made by the publication in Berlin of a new journal in English known as The Bridge. The Westminster Gazette makes merry over the project "It is touching
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  • 108 15 Here is a story oar wourded soldier* h»»e brougl t back from the ir jot bciit Sir DoQuiaa Haig. S'r DoDgl** was 1 j« tew weeks (go, in a great bniry to got to a pl»ct He f»and bin c*. but the cb*uff> or was miiwiiiK.
    108 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 148 15 JUST RECEIVED BY SPECIAL PERMISSION GF THE MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS Two British Austin Motor Lorry Chassis, War Office Type CAPACITY 2 TO 3 TONS These machines are magnificent examples of the very latest British motor engineering practice. Any type of body can be fitted to suit customers' requirements. Prices and
      148 words
    • 62 15 OILD4G SAVES Petrol, Repairs, Money! To be had from all Garages Full partioulara from DUPIRE BROS. sole: agents. Sub-Agents for Perak: Messrs. BERRY Co., Ipoh. SINGER CARS Please apply to International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE Sole Importers. (LINCHER Xsde JUI-53ritis6 TSyre. MADE OF PLANTATION RUBBER in *,he Largest Rubber Mills
      62 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 618 16 t£dH ve Finger f jQi^ wk^-f T I T ST as the engineer and HB >^^^/ I all the tinkers, su J T '^t^^^A \y *J the Goodrich t\re hold T^_ j^r ud with its five rubber lingers of superfine Para. jr* Tins iv the Five Finger Grip of s.ifety
      618 words
    • 460 16 FOR SALE FOR SALB, Australian horse, in excellent condition, and Calcatta-built victoria, with harness and ali stable accessories complete. Apply Bos No. 391, Strait' Times. 17-9— o FUR SALiB, one A. J. t. 4-h.p. motorcycle, with coach-built sidecar, aimost new, and machine in perfect ruuning order. Price $600 or nearest
      460 words
    • 496 16 "OUR DAY" CONCERT By the Philharmonic Society in collaboration with the Amateur Dramatic Society on Wednesday. October 24. at 9 15 p.m. Friday. October 26. at 5.15 p.m. Admission Wednesday $3. $2 ft $1 Friday Children and Adults accompanying tbem $1 each. Adults $3. Booking at Mout ne'a Plan open
      496 words
    • 344 16 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D c CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT ft GO. 1C Market Street. I NEDSELLIW THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore IS CONDUCTED IV H. N. BUCKERIDGE Lat« of Meif rs. Lafayette, photographers to their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 paces
      344 words
    • 276 16 TAYGUANKIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality forthe year 1918 Full particulars on application to above address. 'Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and Private 1450and1073. In Stock, 1,200 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes li" and 5 8 outside diameter. 1 Tangye's Duplex Pump 5 diam. cylinder x3'. diam.
      276 words
    • 242 16 STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT j pPHOHE 1233 TYRES and TUBES are repaired by best methods at Moderate Prices. 215 216. ORCHARD ROAD. Ban Lee Ann, Ld. (Incorporated in Simoaporr) 68 and 89, Market Street Ship-Owneni Ship-chandlers Steamship Agents Estate Suppliers Forwarding Agents Provision Merchants and Commission
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 203 16 Straits V)imes. TELEPHONES I Editorial and General 68 Manager's Offioe 1117 Job Printing Offioe 1344 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subcriptioneaccountn, printing, etc. should bo ad dressed to THE MANAGER. Cheqaeo and money orders
      203 words