The Straits Times, 3 October 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 26.585 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 191 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Prim now $19.00 tier mk THE TWO-SEATER (NEW MODEL) MAXWELL CAR IS NOW ON VIEW AT Alec. Williamson, Limited, 4, Orchard Road. Price: $2,200 nett cash ex garage, ready for the road. Full particulars from the above, or from The Borneo Co., Ltd. SOLE IMPORTERS. »he
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    • 183 1 ROBINSON CO. rgrSlM LADIES' SILVER FITTED lurl VISITING CASES A. FRANKEL Co. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Viotoria Street (Established 1887) We furnish complete estate bungalows In solid teak throughout for (490 In waxed meranti throughout (or $350 Detailed price lists on application NEW STOCK Bordeaux Wines, Burgundy Wines, Bokma Gin, Bols
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    • 10 1 MARTELLS BRANDY. Soli Aoints A3AMBON.6ILFILUN CO., LTD. Incorporated in Knulnndl
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  • 983 2 The following casualties are reported London, August 81. Previously reported wounded, now reported wounded and miHsing. 2nd Lieut. H. S. Dcv, LivorpooU. Wounded and miening, believed killed. 2nd Lieut. J. F. Uouudry, Loodonn. Mißaiuy. Lu<ut. 0. Barry, Irieli Regiment 2nd Lieot. K. B Falkinor, R.I X. "ud Lieut.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 303 2 RUbJtB CO., LTD. a I »m I "J'' i k-IP- j a»f.»lab'i' i Blt.»N I 1 W Tecdfr" h for Any it t Piiaoi. Tendrri. wi V "for i, if I let Jam Tbt P-.rti'u'i at 4 1 I "CUK DW" '-A* FOUfGAU; km aa a.. I A »iv k»|
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    • 333 2 mi'm brothers r a H ion't Brlcue ttoad I UK DENTAL SUPPLIES Iv: I J t aJj, I jG. i OWB •r.dpe FUJIag aad Vair»oito. Duration «f Wear gnarrntuer!. UHtßOe<B MOI'BRATB I 1 otL Pcn-o- rs and Brm..'ina for nale /RYAWAGEHCY OFFICE. < ttwumm a«. 17, snttlV MAUT, atfltAMK. VtSTIO
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    • 312 2 rj Cycling Means <TJrV' leallH Pleasure *f,i.f l*roo only realised what JKt/y cycling would do for J m you from a health point of rew, you would get /ftCjJw-* bicycle at once. A [m Bicycle k?/^Kri with a B.S.A. T/~«^J TTjree-Speed or Eadie \al\9 Coaster is so easy to Jftn
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    • 433 2 iiiiiiiiifiiiiiii^ijiijiiiaiiiiiiiiiii^^ j\x J Nfflaina A speedy return to Health and Strength lor all who are Weak. Ansmic "Nervy." Run-down. What a comfort to you who are W»alc. 01 Ansemic, or Nervjf,"or Run-down V> know (hat you can obtain new hrahh and new life, surely and iinre Jjly. by ihe aid
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  • 894 3 Captain Who Tackled a Hornets' Nest. Thrilling storieß of British bravery especially on the part of airmen— are told in a long list of honours conferred on oar fighting men and pabli&hed in tbe London Oaaette. Tbe outstanding honour is tbe V.C. oarnrd by Capt. William Avery
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 913 3 ■^^i^^a. SAFETY TYPfc This is the PC^^^t,t>*SSnH^^^Bat-r^^ you will eventually ~^L&K\ 1 6«O'. Why not now? .JZ£" WatefnJan's^^^ •■SAI. I v •M.KVKR I-OCKKT I I Ck I SEl> FILLING," I XVXtrCll I N.b. to regular. w^ \^<XTTJ*r^.,-r% t^!di" Two types are illustrated. on» the Safety which c»n be I carried
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    • 681 3 I Debility 1 n When you feel limp and washed out, weary m 1 and fatigued with no inclination for exertion- U L your body is in a rundown condition— you are A 5 debilitated. You need something to put fresh 5 "go" into you you u-eeJ a fonnight s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 686 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.B ritish India rAVpcar Line. (Compamibs Inooepoeat.d vi Bkolamu). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICHJBPsININSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N Co. lUnder Contraot with Hit Majesty's Qovernuent), The Companys MAIL, SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY are at present •Mfended. The Companys INTERMCOIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are at present suspended
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    • 415 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. ME SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. (Imoobpoeat.o in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisnt, Semeraa, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bang.ara, Tolupi. 'anarai. PaUni, Singora, Laoon, Kobeamui, Bandoa, Langsuen, Chumpon, Kohiak at Bangkok Due Departure a. a. PRACHATIPOK Oot. 3, S p.m. s.s. ASDANG Oot. 8 10, 3 p.m. Mi
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    • 553 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHI (Incorporated in Japan) (Osaka Mareantila StMiaship Co., Ltd.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. The Company maintains a Tegular oargs nervioe with six steamers oallicg at Moji Yokkaiobi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swot tenham, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, and on the return voyape calling at Tntioom Singapore, Hongkong and Moji. PACIFIC
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 830 5 FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. Subject to the condition* prescribed by the htraito -tett!enj< nts Alien Enemies Winding-no) Ordinance, 1914 as amendid Irom timi to time by Ordinances I of 1916, XIX of 1916, XVI of 1916 and VI of 1917 sod as adtpted in this State: All that land
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    • 723 5 BE2IE3R Australia's Best RESCH'S NER I.LUUII U DINNER ALE Imperial measurement in 6 doz. pinta and 4 doz. quart THE AUSTRALIAN ASIATIC CO. 67. THE ARCADE NOTICE We have this day been appointed European stockists for Michelin tyres and tubes. A large supply of all sizes will always be stocked.
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    • 174 5 VACUUM OIL COMPANY Specialists) in the manufacture of high-gpade lubricants) for every ola»e of maohinery. Obtainable everywhere in the world A DISTINGUISHED HONOUR We have pleasure in advising our many friends tLdt we have secured, in open competition, the exclusive contract for the supply of lubricating oil (except for Gnome
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 261 6 CLASSICAL MUSIC VIOLIN AND PIANOFORTE PIECES by E 1 nad Lalo. Pablo de Sarasato, Ju vi Manon, Bli/.abflth K-jyper, Cesar "ranok, II Vi C uxtemD«. H. Wiuniawnki, Anton Dvorak, i LiDinxki, Ernest Contola, Mai; Bruoh, Krani Ondnoek, Pietro NaHini, Jclian S Svend-on, Jono Uubiy, P T«chaiko«sky. J. Raff, Bdwari O«"man,
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    • 112 6 G.R.LAMBERT&CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS J a, Orchard Read, Telephone He. 1015 THE OLOEBT AND LEADING STUDIO Unequalled Facilities, Ample Resources, and the Requisite Experience, an all at our command, thus ensuring always tbe production of only the kett result* in Studio Portraiture, Child Studies, Outdoor Groups and Views, Commercial Work, Enlargements,
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    • 732 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. EABTERN RUBBER COMPANY, LTD. NOTICF is hereby given that Mr. C. Philippson is no longer in our employ and that the Power of Attorney granted in bis favour is hereby revoked. R. J. OBOTT t nwty W. O. QROPIUS Ulreo tB 8 10-9-10 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS.
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    • 376 6 Building Materials— Red Asbestos Roofing Slates Grey Asbestos Ceiling Sheets French Roofing Tiles Ridges Ventilators Half Tiles White Glazed Tiles Red Flooring Tiles Stocks held by J9L. Clouet «£tc Co. 7 Raffles Quay, Singapore. INSIST ON using only Johnson-PicKett Manila Rope Quali./ Prioe Very Unquestio -able Reasonable Economical Sole Agents
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  • 115 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, October 3. High Wai r, II.J'J Thursday, October 4. H«>i Water, O.lrt a.m., 0.1 p.m. Friday, October 5. High Watnr. 1.0 a.m 0 M p.ra llaii.'cipal C'onmiissioners, 'i.30 p.m. Saturday, October 6. '1 W*t r. I 41 m.. 1.12 p.m. CbiMroa's V- U: Mergui
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  • 146 7 TO-DaT tf<*Ua 3.80 pm P. Swettenbam and T. tr n 3.80 pm P. Swettoaham and Pcomik Ml pin Malacca 2.80 pa Muar and Malacca 2.30 raj Kota Tin^i 4 pm Palaa Galang 4 pm Kretay, Trengxana, Kelantan, Patani, Sin^ora and Bangkok 4 pm Thcksdat. PolM Batam and
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  • 262 7 Tbe mail tra b- Jrjiu Singapore for the •ortb leave Tank HoalxtationdailTat T.I a.m «■<] f f.m., arriving at Koala Lumpur at T.lB pn. and 645 «.ui. respectiToly. The tbroo^ii exprew- V, Penang loaves Ea&la Loiupn* at 8 a.ra lily, arriving at Penan? »t [>.B. the sa&e day.
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  • 59 7 (Official Post Office Report.) hmrt sin. MM illKI Akbivid Lohd Ml is lulj 14 luly 24 LU^UHt 1 Vacant II k:!,;u«t 11 kognat IS iaumti Is B.I. B. I. P.* 0. B. I. V. 0. It I. MM. B. I. MM. P. 4 0. Aagaat 10 17
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  • 154 7 EXCHANUB. BIHSAPOBB, OCTOBIB 8, WIT. On LoaotM Bank 4 m/l 1/4| w Ptiyate Bm* a/43; On FaAMOB Bank T. T. 818 °-I~* JJa^T.T. 158 O» Ho>aioaa...BMk Hi -.28j%pm O* S«A>aiAi ...Baak d/d 65J O. Ja« B«k T. T. lt>i °-J 109' SoTeteigaa—haying rale 18.64 ladia Oonmoil Bills
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    • 163 7 Value Baye SeUetB -10 10 Ampang 5.00 1 1 Ayur Weng 1.90 3.05 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 41 £1 Kioto Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 £1 £1 Labat Mines 8.25 660 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.26 12.75 c.d. £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 norn 10 10 Middleton 18X0 18.00
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    • 109 7 VX3 41 41 I. BmeMßa Go. 8.00 8.25 41 41 i Prel. 1.1.0 1.8.0 8/- I/- ■leotarie T'wayi 4/- 6/--10 10 Frene. A Ne»ve 46.10 47.60 60 60 W.H*mmei*Co. 72.00 76.0Cexdi 100 100 Kmli Bio, Del. pat 120.00 10 10 Mtynard Co. B.OP 41 41 Shell Transport 6.5.0 6.13
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    • 50 7 I United Engineers 6% 11,384,600 pat Singapore B lee trie TramwayH 6% £860,000 com S'poie Municipal 6% 11,878,000 pat Spore Municipal*, of 1907 11,600,000 10%dis 8 pore Mnmcip&l *i% of 1909 11,000,010 107 Spore Municipal 4% 3,000,000 11% <«» Spore Mnoioipal 4% 4800,000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1918 116,000,000 102.50
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  • 314 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. Fraset Lyall A Co. Evatt. Alor Gajah («1) 4.80 4.K0 4.30 4.60 Amal. Malay (2) 0.80 0.60pm U.BO 0.40 Ayer HiUm iJS) 15.00 16.50 16.00 16.50 Aycr Kaniog (II) 1f 0 1.60 1.45 1.46 AyerMolek
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 106 7 IN AID OF "OUR DAY" FUND Uatfar tha autaicst of ths Committaa raaraaaatia| tha Tamil Commuaity. AN AUCTION SALE Ol A VARIBTV Of AHTICLES TO BB H£LD AT THM VI TORI A MEMORIAL HALL On Wbdnbsdav, OcToaaa S4, at 4.80 cm. On view ooe day prfaj to rale at Mnaara.
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    • 383 7 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. LBSSoNS in French and Boglinh given by la«ty. Box 416, t- tra-ts Tim' s. 8 10-2 11 RBQI IRBO. a xmall rccotvJ hand oil mill'on. Reply KiviDy (v.l particulars t-> Box No. 418, Strait* Time. 8-10 —610 BOARD WAVTKD IMMKDUTELY by CeylcneS'-. (Burgher) o( qnirt habit <
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  • 1100 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3. MESOPOTAMIA. We have made a brilliant beginning to an offensive defensive in Mesopotamia. Mo doubt tbe view of experts aa to tbe impor tanoe of tbe operation!) which culminated in the fall of Ramadi is well founded. It ia more important than tbe capture
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  • 16 8 The list of Singapore aubtcriptions to tbe Red Cross Book now show* a total of 11,787.
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  • 15 8 A special meeting of the Municipal CommiiiHiciaera will be held on Friday afternoon at a.30
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  • 21 8 K'.aoq and its env irons is more or lee* under water at pi. sent. Busiuvsa at various point* ha* been stopped.
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  • 20 8 Tbe Minima Enactu>«ut, 1911, Amendment Ko*< ta, Lt. 1917, in publihlioi in tli. US. OazulU; and oonie* ioto force immediately.
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  • 24 8 Tbe output of the Rahman Tin Co., Ltd., daring tbe month of September was SHO piculs. Mill 874.56 piculs. Tribute 166 a 0 piculs.
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  • 27 8 A general meeting of tbe Planters' Association of Maaya will be held at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, tho 20th iuxt., at thu Johore ilotc I, Johore Bbara.
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  • 26 8 An action by Mr. Grorge Micbaol against Mr. Henry Nugent Buckerid^e appears i j tho list of cases for tuis month's uittiuga of the Supreme Court.
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  • 27 8 In the district court this morning eight licenced rubber dealers were charged with various olfences under the Ordinance, and were fined sums ranging from S2O to 930.
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  • 31 8 Daring August 87 persons were banished from the F.M.S., of whom 26 were from Perak, 10 from Selangor, and one from Hajsl Sembilan. All but four of the toUl <vere Chineee.
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  • 31 8 For assisting to carry on a public lottory at 169, Orchard Road, Luong Ah Hua was lined t'2oo in tbe second police court this morning, in default thrOe months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 39 8 Tbe Times of Malaya is officially informed tbat Hid Highness tue Sultan of Perak will leave Kuala Kangsar on Thursday on a tour down tbe river, proceeding as far as Lowur Perak, returning to Kuala Kaogsar ou October 15.
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  • 48 8 For selling milk to which 10.6 per cent, of water bad been added, K.itcbaba Singh was lined $25 by Mr. W. Langham- Carter in tue district court yesterday. In tbe cane of another dealer named Munasa, who had added 23 per cent, of water, the tine was ttiO.
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  • 52 8 At tbe Koala Lumpur Sanitary Board's last meeting it was decided to circulate a copy of the s.S. Ordinance to restrict the increase of rents ou small dwellings and thu correspondence thereon to members, with the toject of obtaiaiug their views as to the adviHi»b'.lity of introducing similar laws in
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  • 57 8 Two actions for divorce are included in thy list for this month h bitting* of tut' S'.prouie Court. In one Mrs. M*na Tare»a Jackson is the petitioner and Joseph Stanley ielv-uu the respondent, and in thu second 1.) (j> utiunur is Shirley Brotki-, Lunge and the rcHpondent Mrs. Kditb Mildred
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  • 84 8 M- Hsrs. Simp. Darby and Co., Ltd., advise v* of tho foiiowiD,' particulars of the outputs from the f jllowicj companies for tho month if Se'p.cuiuer Katuuntipu Tin Dredging, L:d Piculi 600, hours run 577, yards treated 71,000, value of output 38,000, cost cf mining Iii.OOO. Chenduriang Tin Dredjjicg, Ltd.:
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  • 117 8 Tbe Roman Catholic community of Ipoh are making fcood progress towards tue t v tuition of a club for the spiritual as well a* the social improvement of its members. At a sMatiaa held recently at the Parochial lioo»e, presided over by the Rev. Father J. B. Coppin, who was
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  • 123 8 A pecial event cf considerable interest to tbe Iprb CbiLC^e community was the marriage, which took place according to Chicott custom on Friday, and wbiob was ratified by a registration before Mr. H. A. Furrer, Registrar of Marriages, on Monday afternoon, of Dr. Low Chew Seng, of Kampar, %cd Miss
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  • 128 8 The following properties were disposed of by auction by Messrs. Ching Keog Lee and Co. at their saleroom on Monday afternoon 999 years' leasehold laud and house 177, Rochore Road, area 1,972 square feet, bought by Shaik Sale*, bin Tabib bin Alley Altway Banalamah tor Ii HOC 999 years' leasehold
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  • 203 8 Information baa reached tbe Pinang Gazette that a eon of C«pt. Oerrard, who was one of the victims of the Singapore mutiny, Fit. I dr. Thomas Krancii Setter vilte tterrard, K.N.A.S., bas been awarded tbe Dietinguisbed Service Crosa, in recount tinu of tii.i tvicoh during an air fight on Jane
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  • 379 8 Mr. 11. D. Jpn«pn, of Krlantai, who is now a major and hoi in th< Military Cross, has) gone to the Near East in command of a balloon squadron. l>r. Gilmore Elli*. Principal Civil MefiosJ DM it, underwent a sever,. abil<uuioal operation at the General HoppiUl yesterday.
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  • 46 8 Mrs. Hidout, Hon. Treasurer, 1 ackuowlul^e with vi my Uianks U: of the fjlluwing donatiobH to the fond Capt. Brcdonburg, monthly sub. Au<^. ...910 .^-il-i. 10 S. D. Logan, monthly sub. Aug. 25 Sept.... 35 H. A. Mason, stall of Lanadron, Muar 85
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  • 106 8 The following report of the committee foe the year ended Juue .SO will be prestutt-d at th# annual LutoUu* to bo Leld iv the Cricket Club ou October yai >'< JU p.m. It was not found possible to hold any Club racing during the period under review.
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  • 109 8 Tbe following is from tho Times List of Honours: "lei to Military Cross: Lieut. Noimau 1-iilUen Dart, M.C., li F.A. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Wuen in cuargo of v parly constructing a dug-oat, a heavy fire was opened oa them. He directed them in
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  • 141 8 Tbe committee of the Dutch Club Fets, wish to thauk the ladies and gentlemen who ho willingly assisted in making the fete success and the various firms whose generous hop is much appreciated. The committee especially wibh lo ujeulion tho Municipality, Kibeiro and Co., Hatlluc, Europe and
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  • 146 8 Our Day Entertainments. Tbe Elocutionary and Recital at the Victoria Theatre, airaDfcud under the auspice* of the Aryan Singhalese Fraternal Association has been postponed from tbe ttth to the HJi ins*., in order to avoid clashing with auotticr tngagement. Madaiue Florence Uunatilaka, 1.L.C.M., who is to be akbiHted by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 225 8 The Antigraph Filing System The letter which knows where to go Cut the human elrment oat of yoar filing system and yon will be able to find any piper the momnnt you want it. This syntem ha* the endorsement of tbe leading London business bouses. They would not praiitn it
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    • 212 8 A GENUINE TREA.X MORE INTEREST-COMPELLING. INSTALMENTS OF THE SERIAL ANO AN ABSOIUTtIV AND SCREAMINGLY FUNiY TRIANGLE KIYSTONE COMEDY AT THE ALHAMBBI The House far Music- The Pionssr and Premier Houm— The Nous* of Quality -Beach Road INTHB SHO'IND SHOW ATBIS Si kttfl Quality Pictures Corporation presents Francis X.Bushmin, the crowned
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  • 2755 9 HEAVY FIGHTING. Menii. Road Battle Resumed. MESOPOTAMIA. Greatness of the British Success. RirtiK's huwii London, October 'i. I.S a.m. Field-Marshal liaig report* I The enemy launched a powerful attack on a mile front north of the Ypres Mcnin 1 and east of Polygon Wood. The infantry advancing in
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  • 2134 9 CABINET AND THE STOCKHOLM CONFERENCE. From Our Special Correspondent. London, August 17. In the statesmanlike ami dignified speech which Mr. Asqnith made on resigning the office of Prime Minister he promised that as head of the Liberal Party he would give earnest and sympathetic snpport to the
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  • 775 10 Inwardness of The Demands For Reform. What appears to be the true inwardness of Herr Eriberger's demands in the Main Committee of the icbetag for reforms at borne and in foreign policy, and for ptace without annexations or iudeinoities" was revealeti by Herr Geyi r, the
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  • 924 10 Reasons for Increased All-in Cost Of Production. The Secretary communicates tbe following:— Tbe seventh annual ordinary general moeting of tbe Bukit Jelotong Kuboer rotates, j Ltd., was held at the Company office on Friday, September 14, at 12 noon, Mr. Tan Cheng Lock (chairman) presiding. Tbe other
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  • 189 10 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.'s Weekly Report. Messrs. Francis Peek and Co Singapore, supply as with the following report on the position of tbe Java produce market for tbe week ending September 29 Batavia, September 28, 1917. Kubbor. The rubber market is week and prices for both
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 299 10 Tbe Second Trial Game. In neither of the two trial games bave the teams played as selected, and in tbat last i night there were quite a number of changes. It is doubtful whether tbe game disclosed any form to guide the selection committee. The Colours' left wing, it
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    • 27 10 In the 3.R.C. tournament yesterday tbe A Singles handicap final tie resulted in E. E. de Souza,- 40, beating W. A. Aeria,— 44o, 7—5, 6—7, 6—4.
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    • 26 10 On the S.C.C. ground yesterday a good game between tbe Club and a United Services team resulted in a win for the former by 21.
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  • 207 10 Tbe committee acknowledge with thanks tbe following subscriptions to tbe above fond Previously acknowledged 171,706.04 Clerical Staff of Barker and Co. R. H. Beins, G. F. de Souza, Or. L. Velge, Miss E. I. Bdlin, Cbok Boon Kwee, Tan Kee Hong, Seah Peng Khern, tat •8
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  • 70 10 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 6 and 7. A combination of artistry and trickery is tbe description given to Polly Redhead, tbe film which is the chief item in tbe present programme at the Palladium. The clever juvenile actress Ella Hall plays a double
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  • 136 10 At the Assizes yesterday, before the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K C a Cantonese name Tham Loi was found guilty of voluntarily causing hart while committing a robbery and was sentenced to three' years' rigorous imprisonment. The trial of a Javanese named Kasman bin Dollah on a
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  • 124 10 News has been received of tbo death in action on August 15 of Mr, W. H. Tbirlwell, late of Braunston Estate. Mr Thirl well obtained a oummt&sion in tho Bast Surrey*, but h&d latterly been attached to a machine gun corps. He was awarded tbe Military
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  • 1522 10 CONCERNING RAILWAY-MAKING IN FRANCE. By Victor MacClure. His company had been laying a line over what some time ago was No Man's Land. Tbe British Infan' ry bad moved forward and the guns, quick firing and hnavy had follow ed up. Behind them again caoie tbe railway
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  • 429 10 Final Distribution of 15 Per Cent. Proposed. The report by the directors to tbe seventh ordinary annual general meeting of Kumpas, Limited, to be held on Thursday, October 11, at 12 80 p.m at tbe registered office of the company, 4, Fort Road, Malacca, states Tbe directors have
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  • 103 10 To-day's Business. Macphail and Co.'r daily report. Silver down jl. -47^. Hongkong uuwn i— 2/10.23} p.m.). Sbaughai unchaugt*!. 4/i (5uJ). Tin -Buyers 1110.00, no sell, r*. Hubb;r.-- Auction weak— largu quantities bave been withdrawn. No. 1 grade* 118/123. The hlure ruirket is unchanged. K iala MUims h»vu
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  • Correspondence.
    • 222 10 To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,— l beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of a letter of July 12, enclosing draft £200, the amouut receive I in response to an appeal made by tbe 'lev. J. A. B. Cook on behalf of this Institution
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  • 434 10 A Scotsman leads tbe British armies, and with him are tens of thousands of his ooantrymen— hard fighters a them. Scotland has given of brr best almost lavishly, and those who cannot fight themselves strive earnestly to stir tbu ponls of their fellows or to cheer them in their
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  • 227 10 If we keep oar eyes fixed on trench liaM and accept tbe German formula thnt every engagement is a German victory which does not result in the piercing of the Gorman* lines and tbo rupture of the Oermau trunk which does not result in a general re
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  • 75 10 Mr. F. W. Howl, of tho FM.S. railways, hay bo n appointed Lieut, pint in the 11 ijal Bm^MMsj and has MM tv I- MM* Mr. C. T. K, reuson, of Jemima Estate, baa obti.iin 'I a i:iiiuuuhhiou in a Labour lia(ta ion, ami hurxß to be tranßfesfbd 10 a
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  • 1420 11 A BLACK SHEEP WITH WHITE SPOTS. By A. G. W. Monds. Taff j wan a Welshman and an exceedingly amumnt: odo at tliat. but be was tbe bigyubt ■■insnn id tbe company, or in tbu battalion for faal matter. Karly in August, 1914, be fortook bia trade as a
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  • 164 11 Mount Austin (Jobore).— 197,248 lbs. Devon Estates.— 40,287 lbs. Ayer Kuniog.— 76,000 lbs. Bradwall.— 46,818 lbs. Cuirsonese.— 86,480 lbs. I >encihtown.— 46.000 lbs. Highlands and Lowlands.— 128,046 lbs. Klabanu.-2M.850 lbs. Krian.— 18,600 lbs. Songei Krian.— 48,000 lbs. Sqdki i Way.— 50.022 lbs. Malakotf.- 44,500 lbs. to date
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  • 231 11 A war corrtspondeat recently reported I that German prisoners complaioed of the nbortage of tobacco in tbe Fatherland. Bat the German geniiM for substitution is again at work witb tbe object of finding a way to ■till the craving for something to smokeWhen a hardened smoker bag do
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 121 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, October 5, 1917. WlDNISDAY, CkfCBIR 8. 5 15 p.Li. Drill Hall S.V.A. Maxim Co S.V.C. 5.10 p.m. S.V.R. 5.15 p.m. T.P. Fire Station S.V.R., T.P.P. Drill Hall Veterans Co. Signal Section 9 p m. Braa Basah Road Malay Co.,
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    • 351 11 The increasing popularity OF THE MOUTRIE j PIANO is solely on account of its extreme beauty of tone, fine touch and constructional stability. We invite you to inspect our latest models STRAITS HOTEL 101. 102 and 103. Tanlong Pagar Road. The only up-to-date Chinese hotel in Singapore. Terras moderate. Trial
      351 words
    • 260 11 Due Shortly A few famous American GRANT 6-cylinder touring cars, model X,'' 1917, fitted with magneto, speedometer, electric light, demountable spare rim and all accessories. Colour grey. f n T»« c apT d $2,925 BOOK NOW RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Raffles Hotal Buildinga. ADELPHI HOTEI Thursdays and Saturdays EVERY NIGHT, DINNER
      260 words

  • 1884 12 COMMITTEES REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS. The Case of Second Lieutenants. The report of the committee on promotion of officers in the special reserve, new armies, and territorial force has been issued. The committee consisted of Mr. Churchill, M.P., Colonel Lord Burnham, Lieatenant-General Sir Francis J. Davies, Military
    1,884 words
  • 203 12 There U a widespread feeling in agricultural circles in some parts of Great Britain that the land occupied by golf clubs should be made use of for food production. The Food Production Department have been in communication with a larger number of golf clubs all over
    203 words
  • 1737 12 JUNIOR BRANCH OF THE AIR SERVICE. Kite-Balloon and Its Work. A correspondent writes to the Morning Port:— To-day the praise of our flying-men is deservedly in every one's mouth, as their achievements are in the forefront of all the fighting. They are in no danger of escaping their
    1,737 words
  • 431 12 The Work of the Imperial Institute. The last report on the work of the Imperial Institute presented to the Executive Council, of which Lord Islington is chairman, Btates that, apart from confidential reports to the Admiralty, the Ministry of Munitions, the War Trade Department and other Government departments,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 194 12 GAME A large shipment in excellent condition has just arrived PHEASANTS ALSO WILD DUCK, TEAL and SNIPE. Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in Strait* Settlements). FULL-SIZE ENGLISH BILLIARD TABLES Ready for immediate delivery. Makers Thos. Padmone Sons, England, STEVENSON THB MAKE USED FOR MELBOURNE INMAN The WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP ITS
      194 words

  • 1082 13 MR. LLOYD GEORGE PLEDGES COMPLETE RESTORATION. Tribute to M. Pashitch. Lord Robert Cecil, Under- Secretary for Foreign Affairs, took the place of Sir Edward Oar-on, who was prevented by indisposition froi i attending, at a luncheon given by the Serbian Society of Great Britain in London recently to
    1,082 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 158 13 Latest Fashions in LADIES' WEAR AT WHITEAWAY'S Exclusive and Dainty Styles y^ *S ~<ri Just arrived from <1_ r> newest creations in LADIES 1 MILLINERY Y^/p i Ci" white and colours. '^V^/Prices $10.50. 12.50. %'/a r. )&V 16.50. 25.50. 27.50. 2^i 29.50. 37.50 each. LADIES BLOUSES f/ 4 VN n;wh:te,
      158 words
    • 211 13 ON A U .1, A YACHT, IS\ A M\ MOTOR A CHANNEL 1^ Jf M\ STEAMER, A COASTER or |V VC MM A TBADEH Yjk Mft fi% WW MOTHERSII.LS SEASICK REMEDY S W^ l^ V W i» guaranteed to jir-vent an.l cure Sea Sick- > (TEfc net*, or monty rtrlundc-.t.
      211 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 582 14 •7 AX Off PatAOS. FAMINI or PIBNTT. LlFl ImBUKANOK IB WORTH 100 OBNTB ON THS DOLLARS THE GREAT EASTErTufIIsS^CE CfIMPAWY, LIMITED. (las— i—IM m Imril Binuum] gatsowiwi ar imnMoniMi n, oid 10. Tbt Osmtaaj hu aIRSiBOO ili|CaHel wNb Mm ■■sens Owrt at Baglaad, and oomplles with Iba BsWan LBe Assojraase
      582 words
    • 527 14 BMKIIH. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. Head Offiea llmitn, Harriet Chaafeers, Ia I. ■ranches: tMacci, 111, First Crssi Mrsst; ■uar, 17/71, Jalaalalaiame; late Pshat, la 17, Mm InraalH. CAPITAL t Registered •8,900,000 Subscribed »8,600,000 Paid up m. m. »I,7W,iX» BOABD OF DIRECTORS! Lisi Nag tisst EX BIMIrMS. Tks ten. Dr.
      527 words
    • 417 14 SftLES BY AUCTIONAUCTION SALE Of UNREDEEMED PLEDGES THB PROPERTY OF STXTWF* P»WNSHOPB At Messrs Ching Keng Lee Ca's Mle-room Raffles Chambers, Raffles Piaoe, Om Thursday, Octobbb 4, at 10 a.m. Oh Satubdat, Octobbb 6, at 10 a.m. Cn Tdbsday, Octobbb 9, at 10 a m. The pledges consisting of watches,
      417 words
    • 437 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of UNREDEEMED PLEDGES AND J«WELLERT, From Chop Heng Fatt, of No. 126, aoutu Rridxe Road, Chop Tbyc Loy, of No. 170, Middle Road, Chop Wing Fob, of No. 672, North Bridge Road, Chop Tye On, of No. 106, South Bridge Road and Chop Tye Seng
      437 words
    • 738 14 IN3UBANCE. ORIENTAL M" LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. EsTABLIMHBD 1874. InCOBPOBATBD IN INDIA. cc,842 ASSURANCES now In force for $72,622.1*48.14 ASSETS •jmsmsl SSI ,800,000.00 LOWEST RATES *rf PREMIUM. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. A PROBPBOTUS will be sent on application to J. B. MACPHBRSON, Branch SecreUry, 28 26, Tbe Arcade, Singapore. THEGHINA MUTUAL LIFE
      738 words

  • 997 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. An Opening for Invention. Henry Starmey writes in tbe Commercial Motor: la this country we are chary of new ideas and do not accept innovations with the readiness with which they are accepted in America. That is, in fact, one of
    997 words
  • 119 15 London's next Lord Mayor, Alderman diaries August in Hanson, is a youthful seventy. He represents the onion of England with the Colonies aa his wife is a Canadian lady. The year of bis new i Sm> will be the 'wtnty-tiftli ot i -ik'ti.. ;e, r
    119 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 97 15 SPENCER MOULTON TYRES The phenomenal mileage records under all forts of road conditions prove tieir durability beyond question. They enjoy an equal popularity in temperate and tropical countries, thus showing that they are unaffected by climatic condition*. A hipment from London has just arrived and suppMes may be had from
      97 words
    • 165 15 MILEAGE Is both JUDGE and JURY on the TYRE ECONOMY NjßT.flo TCTOW obscure yet how -jKir v amazingly obvious is S*&fa s question of tyre economy. P|' *m I iir Thereare still thousands of tyre KtSl^fT J^S users who persuade themselves B\ l\iL.^ofer* b eneve that a cheap tyre SB
      165 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 597 16 A^B. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL O LIQUEUR WHISKY. |pm"j As supplied to both Houses af J_f »Ml"^s«v Parliament I iyi OBTAINABLE FROM ALL P*^ FIRST-CLASS DEALERS <A^T jZ^/Ljrf] S Ol6 Agents *9€A ADAMSON, GILFILLAN kt s^g|f™ ANO COMPANY, LIMITED II if H (Incorporated in England) JLf^ftnlH Singapore Penang and Malacca.
      597 words
    • 503 16 FOR SALE FOR SALE, onu Eodge tiveeeater c»r, has oaly rnn .',OOO miles What offers? Box No. 406, Stra.ts 'i imoß. 26 9— n FOR SALB, Australian horse, in excellent condition, and Calcut'a- built victoria, witb harness ani all stable accessories complete. *p; ly Bex No. 891. straits limes. 17-9—
      503 words
    • 494 16 EMPLOYMENT WANTED. Britisher liate 2oi Litnt I. A. H. O.) returned from Indis, wants management of robber estate lonti experience was formerly manager of large welt-known estate in tbe F. M. S. Box No. 807, Straits Timea. 33-9— 31-10 REWARD A toward of $60 will be awarded to tbe person
      494 words
    • 256 16 WILLESDEN GREEN E L WATERPROOF D c CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT CO. L Market street. I NEDSELLIW THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore IS CONDUCTED BY H. N. BUCKERIDGE Lataof Messrs. Lafayette, photographers to thsir Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 paces north of the Adelphi
      256 words
    • 332 16 TAYGUANKIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality fortheyearl<> 1 8 Full particulars on application to above address. 'Phone Nos. 1361,1 362 and Private 1450 and 1073. In Stock, 1,200 Lengths Brass Condenser Tubes and 5 8 outside diameter. 1 Tangye's Duplex Pump 5 diam. cylinder x
      332 words
    • 64 16 1 -~v I STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE OAV AND NIGHT I Phone 1233 |l TYRES and TUBES are repaired by best methods at Moderate Prices. 215 216. ORCHARD ROAD. Ban Lee Ann, Id, (Inoobporatid in Sinoapom) 68 and 59, Market Street Ship-Owners Ship-Chandlera Steamship Agents Estate Suppliers Forwarding Agents
      64 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 386 16 Straits Wimes* TELEPHONES I Editorial and General 5a Manager's Office IH7 Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed tc. THE EDITOR. All communications relating to busint»e matters advertisements, subcr accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. Cheques and money orders
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