The Straits Times, 1 October 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ■NO. 25.538 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. OCTOBER, 1. 1917. PRICIHo CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 248 1 ■MAID ■Ktemeo condensed MILK Piiov now $19.00 pec dm* r Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE from the choicest materials under perfect Wr conditions and by ./experienced chefs. A tia makes six plates of the V best houp you ever ttvsted. iMe*sr*. Jbibby, McffeiTl Jsibby state BW ik lf there was
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    • 276 1 ROBINSON CO. I GOLF CLUBS I A Large Selection of Clubs by the Best Makers always Id stock J. H. Taylor of Surrey, D. W. Auchterlonie of St. Andrews, J. A. Simpson of Edinburgh, R. Simpson of Carnoustie DHvfcrs r Niblicks Brassies |S Jiggers Spoons K *^fe v *\JS& I
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    • 12 1 JEFFREY'S PILBENER BEER. 80l» AotNTS AOAMSON 6ILFILUN CO ITS. (laeorporaMti n Kaetoad)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 631 2 IN THE E8TATE OF 80H BOOH JUAV. ttAi KNOWN A8 80H MM, DECEA8E0. Pursuant to section 38 of The Truataaa I OrdinaMe, 1914," notiosk Ijereey 4 •11 creditors Of otbw »er*M« h»rue anj eU.iue or demands against the ciMe a* 3a Boon Juay, alwkaown »s 8 ih Jnay, l*k o*
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    • 201 2 To enrich' the bloo'dl To strengthen muscles, bones, nerves and brain you car. not I do tha* lake SCOTTS j Enrulsicn. In every Dart of ths I world ih.s valued md tonic has I p.oved its worth U the pi vst ot all fjfn-jo: -j--oil treatment and the richest
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    • 963 2 Britisk Casualties. The following casualties ftyifcrttA MAa«nt4l. j Previously reported wowmM, now report- !iillod.— 'ind Lieut. L. A. Lawrrcon, RA. Died of wopods.— 2ad Lfeut. F. O. L. E ;rrow, Northampton*; 2nd Lioct H. R Brussell, Someree* 2»« Lieut V. N. Lyons, i Wounded.- Lieut. H. C. Allen, R Capt
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    • 469 2 m solo And siDaCAsr BIDE A B-SA 4«/4 lip. MOTOB BICYCLE Fine 4 iM Caulcrakafl Tan* !»»»< fan. W« c«/i .rtpp{y JNM CYCLE ft CARRIAGE CO. Oratart IHtMtci i-Mk, Pmu( aid Kaaii Laapar Latest S.A. Catalogue free. TYRES ftjbro Miles for Tow Money. RffCwtl win i.'^Hl^iiE l^: ly ILi// UCmiCrCUCO..
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    • 292 2 tl KfV\O a burglar the name Yale M J^on a front door imans M nothing doing, To the house-^J holder it mc^^ijaLttll 1 lort n (^j4 sense of security whCn com^B from the kifowledge that a Yale^ lock is burglar-proof. I Fop Sals) by all ironmonger*. *VH Ask lor an
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  • 977 3 CROP AGAIN BEATS ITS OWN RECORD. Prospects for Current Year. Ttie tliirtpentb annnal meetiag of tbe Val lambrosa Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at Edinburgh on August 10, Mr. A. R. Wilson Wo»d lm*.Dsgiijg director) presiding. The Chairman said The report bavins beea in y«.ur bands for tbe
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 327 3 m SLiaVM ""^*^^T^ hEi BABO^ 1 i mtm Natlaaaaaah H.m, ,v p^ tMr *m£S: w »««*y iJnmpißa., doat it ea«y, ••iJoraartJ;^'**-*^ i»J WtM. to taU the trath, neither do we. But after a loa* Mitu f d Wf^«»a aaalnrg tb.n people wp {lkt aadaaaaa«le4' t d^«'w*^.bi'=aT.d OD^f!o r r the
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    • 11 3 When a pJai?M coughs w^Jjißskl fn^ for tlyfl tne S^J^| RuptH
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    • 259 3 SKESNB BRSTKEkS Denttals. 86. Sootb Bridge, Road FULL LINE DENTAL &UPPUB 1» I ola*t.M<-oh».: i B O-Jd Okvwa Undue Fillin R and Vulewifc. DomtJoa *>«*» lootu t u«oero u<u ifrwat* to/ .^u, London Selling Agents lEA, INDIGO i HBRKS \SoU GUMS. AND B m P ol •«>» GENERAL >iKUltnm P
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    • 229 3 STeAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN BONDS. ■Mils* Mm* from tbe Mr of rnvhua at 6 per cent per i nMk l»yable Half-yearly or, t^ iSib fe-j and (fa Istb November. Repayable at par on the 15th A November, 1919. in^JLWij? waiba lan. to Hi. Maj^-, Oo^ranH-rl fa, Ih^ iapoaau. J J
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 372 4 sTEWElfsiuLiiiwri N. Y. K. JAPAmiLSTEARi$HIPCO..LTD. (IHOOmPOBATID W J4T4>) EUROPEAN LINE A Mrvioe is maintained between Yokohama, jLt3T«a England under mail oontrao* .^rilTE Imperial Ji*" 6 Government. Ih. New TwiHorew Steamer, m»nU>n»R this service have been specially designed w4 «d are fitted with >■ the .ate.t °S>rov«nent. the safety <**£<>* J
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    • 576 4 STEAMER 8AIUM68. P. O.- British India and Apcar 1—ine. (OOMPANIIS I»OOEPO«*T1D IM BmOUAUD). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N CO. (Under Contract with hii Maje.ty s Qovenuaenl). The Company. MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY •> P«"Thf Company s INTERMEDIATE SERVICE. TO AND FROM UONDOI "US? rC"e a.
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    • 530 4 STEAMER SAILIHy. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Imoobpokatio vi Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. -""•^^TBAITS BTBAM SHIP CO.. LTD., Ag.nt. 16 -8-16-8 iIJTLCTEWtMIP^IMPAMLVm ,nw to ftui. St.a«b F« M 8,»,«apo» to 6 pm. "JEataaj; jangkok (Ftom the whaH)~~ 4PUU. ~P^T~ 4.80 p.m. Kata'- Malaooaani^ 3nT Labuan, Jesselton, Kudat ai 13 noon- fttffiwak
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    • 538 4 STEAMER Slj Ll^»THE BCEAII B. S. 'f^Tß. (Incobpobatid in i AM I THEWraT»UrBf v**u ML, (IMCOI>°OBAtBO IK|C FNimntlt (P«rthlJ j Australian TjJ/*"* Mid Sin 'I Regain sailing be* l d eAt Java as Western Australia c>^X anoement offers), Dw*c»*' tor the Kimberley G* f*' ll^ 1 I (port lor Marble
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 362 5 STEAKR SAILINGS. GLN LINE LTD. j steamer from Genoa, e«o I lin M*° itK win r.abont- i■ H > I l ll BOttSTBAD* TO." Mb*-* 10 STvGMItTMAATSCHAPPU NEDER AND ROTTERDAM m LLOYD (ImcoXutiu in Holland) ftOVAL DUiH MAIL COMPANIES rortnlfltiy Matl service netween java. BlngapA Hongkong. Snanghal. NagaMji, Yokohama, Mono
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    • 517 5 NOTICE. Tinders wiil be received at tbe Office of the Hon. Tbe Colonial Secretary, S.S., op to noon of Monday, October 15, 1917, for the removal of refuse food from the Singapore Prison for a prriod of one year from tbe 1-t.latuary, 1918. Tbe covers xbould be marked Tenders for
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    • 450 5 TRONOH MINES. LIMITED (Imcobpobatbd in Knoland) Dividend No. 47. A dividend of 1/- per share leas inoome tax, 6/- in the ban b<en declared. payable in London on October 12 and will be paid locally on the arrival of the list of registered shareholders from the Home Office. J. H.
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    • 88 5 WHISKEY THE BLAIR ATHOL BLEND Special rates for wholesale quantities An excellent whiskey for hotels, etc. Sime, Darby and Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) And at SINGAPORE. PENANG. SEREMBAN. irrtfcß JOHORE BHARU. STEELWORK We have large stocks of the most useful sections of Angles, Tees, Channels, Flats, Rounds
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 285 6 r>i Accirzii Miicir G.R. LAMBERT Co. (jLAI9IM(jAI-J iflLJljUj PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS V Ol Jo^ l ln > e D PI B v"a D b! r "Ty'p ?SS a" inoß" V^itoniSjH. WtooU^! fflE OLOEBT AND LEADING BTUDIO Anton Dvorak, a Lipinski, Ernest Centola, Max Bruob, Frana Ondncek, Pietro Nardini, Johan S Svendsen,
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    • 700 6 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE Good healthy rubber stomps, over one year old, no bent stamps or twisted roots and all grown frcm Cicely Bstate Seeds. Prioe 122 per 1,000, F. 0.8. or F.O.R. Teluk nson, oarefally packed. Any quantity supplied. Apply Charles Thomas, Teluk Ansoc. 1-10- -81 10 AUCTION SALE
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    • 292 6 :i h. I ■Ml //M^IL If 1 &m\ I m IRriMIJIATINGTOr^JI GUAN KIAT &JpO.< (Incorporated in the Straits Setti fjiJß^. Head Office 36, Phillip Street, Singair*. ESTABLISHED 1917 Ship-chandlers, Hardware Dealers, Govt' Ll 'Hk»nt ano Municipal Contractors, General Importers J Estate, Rice and Saw Mill Suppliersand Comr" '■on Agents Tel.
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  • 86 7 HTURES. Monday, Octob r I Hi«t- Water, 10 .i a.v., 10.5 m Tuesday, Octotrr 2 High Water, 10..-* a.iv. 1138 y.m. Wednesday, Ocobri 3. High Watur, 11. a. ii. Thursday, <)cto-«T 4. High Water, C.l'n-t^., 0.1 p.m. Friday, October s. Hi»(h Water, 1.0 iv O.BS pm. Saturday,
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  • 136 7 P. Swetteohani anJ T.lak Anaoa 2^o pm Malacca and M-;v 8 pm Pulan Samba Rhio, Billiton. )«-»Tia, Cheribon, S«ni»r 'S Soorabaya and I lpinan, etc. 4 pm Kota Tingx> P m Rangoon 6 pm Batavia, Samaraa^ -t i Sourabaya 4 pm Port Darwin, Thor- lay Island 8
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  • 255 7 The mail train-Krom Singapore for tb*' aortL leave Tank i|,i etati in daiW at 7.7 a.m «Bd T p.m.. arri.S> at Kuala Lumpur ac f .lB p.m. an. l 6.45K.1T. respeotivnly. Ibe throogh express Pansn^ leaves Kw-.\\ Lampoi at 8 a.m. alt, arriving al Penacg at 9.28 p.w;.
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  • 57 7 (Official Po Office Report.) Lin SutuAPoit! ABJtivsD London Jane 29 K August 10 July U B IT Jaly 14 P. O. 28 July '24 ft September 10 Jnly if? P. O. n 10 4agast 1 It. 10 August 11 MM. 19 August 11 H 34 Aaguft 16
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  • 196 7 BXCHANUB. SIVftATOU, OCTOBBB 1, 191 T. Oh Lom>mi -....Bank m/s 1/4 j Doma»d M 1/4} Private 8 tn/t a/4 j; Oh Fbamoi Bank T. T. 818 Om Imoia Bank K. T. 108 O» H OMOKOHa. .Balk d/d 2J fc pm Om SiAaoHAi ...Bask d/d 64j O«J»ta BukT.T.
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    • 158 7 Value Buyers Seller*. 10 10 Ampang 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wenß 1.70 1.90 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 41 41 Kioto Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 41 Lahat Mines 6.25 660 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.7S c.d. 41 41 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 norn 10 10 Middleton 18X0 19.00
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    • 111 7 41 41 Smelttmc 00. 8.00 8.25 41 41 Pwbt. 1.1.0 1..5.0 6/- Hleetrie Trnjn *l- S/--10 10 Fmae* Neavo 46.C0 47.60 60 60 W. H»mmoi 4 Co. 70.00 TS.OCexdiv 100 100 K»l« Bio, Del. par 120.00 10 10 Maynard 00. 8.00 41 41 Shell Transport 6.5.0 6.12 8 Issue
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    • 48 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284,600 par Singapore Bloctrio Tramways 6% XC60.000 norn Spore Municipal 6% 11,874,000 par b'pore Municipal 44% of 1907 11,000,000 10%dis b'pore Municipal H% of 1W» 11,000,000 10 B'pote Municipal 4% 2,000,000 1» Spore Municipal i% £800,000 P.M.S. 8% loan 1918 116,000,000 103.60 108 SO
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  • 317 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. Fraser Lyall ft Co. Evatt. Alor Osisb (II) 4.80 4.M 4.80 AM Amal. Malay (2) 0.80 0.60pm 0.80 040 Ayer Hitam ($5) 16.00 16.60 If .00 16.50 Ayer Kaning (II) l.f o 1.60 1.45 1/6
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 403 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, a ohief clerk for engineering firm in Koala Lnmpar. Good prospects and paj to capable man. Apply Box No. HI, Kaala Lunjpnr. I 10 a— 510 REWARD. A reward of 180 will be award' d to the ersoa or persons giving information of tbe whereabouts of bill
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    • 85 7 I Tinjont Pagsr Boad Trami Pass ths Door -^^^^fcals^R TO-NIGHT SECOND SHOW. 9.16 SHARP TO-NIGHT Bluebird Photoplay presents p.',, GODS CRUCIBLE p. 5 Photographed in the nature wonders of Arizona's praod canyon. 20 episodes THE IRON CLAW mpahts Episode 16 THE DOUBLE RESURRECTION 2 parts Episode 18 THI UNMASKING OF
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  • 1198 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, OCTOBER 1. MENIN ROAD BATTLE. There are feature! in the Menin Road battle distinguishing it from all that have gone bofore. Up to a certain point in the history of thin epoch-making war the trenches beat the guns. Then the British munition workers gave such power
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  • 34 8 The Band of Hope will meet on Wednesday, October ft, at 5 o'clock sharp, in the Palladium, kindly lont by Mr. Koss, and Mr. R. D. Pringle will give a lantern lecture on London.
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  • 39 8 Information has been received that a sunken Hohooner of about 200 tonH lios in 13 fathoms of water with her maßts 24 feet above water. The position of the wreck is latitude 4° 15' N, longtitude 10a 31' E.
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  • 48 8 The famous painter Hilaire Degas, whose death Renter announces, was born in Paris in 1834. Among his paintings are War in the Middle Ages, Steeple Chase, Family Portraits, Ballet of La Source, Portraits of Criminals, Races. Interior of a Cotton Brokers' Office at New Orleans and The Rehearsal.
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  • 65 8 A Hylam fisherman at Taojong Katong on Friday morning, while battling near the Swimming Club, suddenly disappeared. The man was a good swimmor. A search was made by his friends, and in the afternoon at low tide the body was fonnd. There were marks as of a big fish bite
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  • 62 8 Sir Alexander Sharp Batbune, of Scotscraig, of Russet House, Tadwortb, Surrey, formerly of Blebo, Fife, chairman of the Associated Tea Estates of Ceylon, and a director of the Hidden Streams Rubber Syndicate, Ltd., and the Karak Rubber Co., Ltd., and of a number of other tea and rubber companies, left
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  • 81 8 The identity of the brave young lady who on Friday last performed the wonderful act of courago by leaping into the deep canal lock at Bath and rescuing Jack Cutting, a schoolboy, from drowning, was yesterday revealed, says The Star, of August 22. She is Miss Joyce Brooke, aged 16,
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  • 119 8 Another instance of the daring of Chinese gang robbers is reported. Two constables were patrolling between Ipoh and Guntoag. about two miles out from town, at about midday on Tuesday, when they were suddenly confronted by Chinese and relieved of their rifles, without bting given a chance of lighting, says
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  • 144 8 During the past few weeks Ipob has been making great strides towards becoming the best place in Kinta to be out of in the present season, says the Times of Malay. With the adv-at of an unusally long wet period something appears to have gone wroDy in the sanitation of
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  • 221 8 Sportsmen will be interested to bear that Mr. John Qilfillan, manager of I .v Piah Mines, shot an unusually large wild goat on the limestone hills near Tambun on Wednesday evening, says the Times of Malaya. Wild goats, which wuru found in many parts of the Peninsula 20 years ago,
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  • 211 8 The wedding, on August 16, is announced to-day of a daughter of Mr. W. G. Niven, who was foi many years secretary of the old Tanjong Pagar Dock Board and previously of the Taojong Pagai Dock Company, Limited. The marriage was oelebratcd in Kelvinsidu United Free Church, Glasgow, W., of
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  • 96 8 With reference to thtQ, cent order regardiug postal orders o 0 ludia a special Gasette of Saturday do- is the amendment of the order of Deceuibi i, 1911, by adding after the figures Rs. l cf -»100, the words but in the case of on, v issuea on
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  • 420 8 I Mr. W. B. Stephens in }l in Taiping hospital. He hopes to leave ft Australia by the end of next month. I Mr. Jules Martin will I leaving Penangfor Medan and Java in tbelnmediate future. Mr. M. L. W. Lloyd.fof Bagan Datoh Estate, will be leaving
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  • 102 8 For the period from olusive, the value of 1 rubber is fixed at t«T C pence one farthing per .it cultivated rubber on leviable on an ad valor* with the rules under Enactment, will be al 145 per picul for all s tional duty of S
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  • 127 8 A report was givon in o r columns of the judgment on an interim ing point whicb arose in connection with the above case. utter a length; argument by Mtasru. It. U. Van Someren and Kolan.i Braddcll for tho defendant, A. M. S. Au ha, and
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  • 134 8 French Interests in En emy Coun tries. The French Consul in Igapore has bier informed by the Minister Foreign Affaire in Paris tiiat, following Ko stops already t\ki;n by Germany, and uA-der to safeguard French interests, tho iTKicu (jjver v incut has established a decrcVpromulgated on September 10, obliging Ireush
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 248 8 "EMBASSY" No- 77. y^j No. 77. I f°^W^f% CIGARETTES and MIXTURE XMAS PRESENTS MANILA CIGARS ORDERS NOW BOOKED The following brands i can be delivered anywhere in Great Britain, duty paid and post free, at net; prioes. jt' n K m Victoria, boxes ICO ....i* aitt A A ,kJL.
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    • 248 8 ALHAMBRA Thb Piotiflflr brq ppghihf Mouse tim House of Quality Beach Road IN THB SBOOND SHOW AT 0.16 SHARP Quality Pictures Corporation presents Francis K. Bushman, the crowned king of motion pictures, and Beverly Baynr. sweetest of start, is Wm. CHRISTY CABANNE S MASTER PRODUCTION THE GREAT SECRET A Serial
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  • 5243 9 THE FICHTINC \INES '»itish Gains Firmly w fold. GERMAN WAR POLICY. Refusal to '»tate Present Ai'iis. Rtri Pi .'«L«OBAM». London, Str -mber 99. 12.15 a.m. t Field Marshal 1b reports: There has been no further crai tor attack. Infantry t cnoounters wore c r mod to patrols. We
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  • 67 10 Rll'Tßß's TILBORAM. London, September 29, 5 a.m Sinn Fieners paraded at Cork on Thurs day night in connection with the death of Asbe, mantioned on the 29th. They stoned the police, who charged with rifles and bayoneis and restored order. There were flight casualties. A police guard,
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  • 239 10 At tbe general meeting of tbe Malayalees held on Saturday a new Association by the name Kerala Mabajona Sangham was formed, when tbe following members were elected as office boarers. Mr. V. R. Menon, president; Mr. H. P. Pereira, vice-president Mr. Francis Noelankavil, bon. secretary Mr. G.
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  • 28 10 Mr. W. J. C. Stevens, Surveyor. Grade I, Revenue Surrey Branch, KM S. Survey Department, reported bis return from leave of abeoDoe and resumed doty 00 August 29.
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  • 406 10 THE SINGAPORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Daly instructed by Government, I have tbe honour to forward to you for publication a second and concluding list of the results of applications made to the above committee. This list includes the cases which
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  • 348 10 Successful Effort in Aid of Red Cross Funds. The very large crowd of visitors which thronged tbe grounds of tho Dutch Club on Saturday evening were all of the opinion that the fete organised in aid of the British and French Red Cross Societies was one of
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  • 132 10 The ohi'jf strengthening factor in tin last week was the steady rise m tbe Eastern markets where good sales were ejected at comparatively high prices, largely for direct shipment to America, says a home piper io mail wck. This induced buying on thie side at a
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  • 4658 10 INTRODUCTION OF THE SUPPLY BILL H. E. The Governor's Speech. Following is the text of the speech of His Excellency lbs Governor on the introduction lof the Supply Bill at the meeting ot the Litxißlativs Council this afternoon 1 Addressing yon ooce more during the continuance ot war,
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  • 307 11 On the night of September 2b a general meeting of the Punjab and Hazara Mohammadans was held at tbe house of Messrs. M. A. Ahmad Din Brothers, Tailors. Tanglin, in connection with tbe Our Day." Most attractive lectures were delivered by tbe various members, and prayers
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  • 29 11 Mr. C. Petit, manager of tbe Society Francois des Mi boh d'titain, KepoDg, and Consular A^unt of France and Belgian) in Knalt Lnmpor, in oa a business visit to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 190 11 JOHORE "OUR DAY" FUND, 1917. In addition to 13,742.26 already received from Jobore a further amount of $661, baa been received, as per list attached. The total from Johore is now brought op to 54.406.J5 tor 1917. Juuori Rcbbbb Lands, No. 1 Division. Collected by H. E. Burgess Dr. J.
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    • 725 11 The Famous STAB OPERA AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT I A Beautiful Fairy Play THE MOON PRINCESS will be staged •Phone ISSS tar Mats. K. H. CHEONO, Proprietor T. In TAN, Manager NOTICE. Tie Annual General Meeting of the Sepoy Lirpn Oolf Cnb will he beld
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    • 265 11 Due Shortly A few famous American GRANT 6-cylinder touring cars, model X," 1917, fitted with magneto, speedometer, electric light, demountable spare rim and all accessories. Colour grey. gjgffy $2,925 BOOK NOW RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Raffles Hotel Buildings. ADELPHI HOTEL "OUR DAY" A Grand Masquerade Ball WILL BB HELD IN AID
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 451 12 S.G C. v. G.G.C The fallowing is the result of the four.ome match played at the Race Course jvZtttj baween tbu Singapore Golf Club iosnd^HoldenVv. Perkins 10 and n '6 U P ndSibary 12 v. Smith and Dr'iujmond 10, 7 up. Knox Wilson 12 and Lrqubart 12— v. Lt.
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    • 86 12 The tie for ti-dty, if the weather is favourable, is A SisciLK Handicap.— Final tie. E. E. de Souza-40 v. W. A. Aeria— i 40. This should excite a deal of interest among tbe members, as, should E. E. de Sonza prove w be the winner, be,
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  • 91 12 To-day's Business. Macpba.' and Co.'s daily report. lewn id.- 49. Hongbaag.— 2/10* p.m.) lluliday.-(5-»i.) Tin— SoM 75 tons at 1112. Kobbcr.-Dall. Tbe robber share market is still suffering Crt-m a scarcity of buyers. Malaka Pindas an hoKtvi-r. slightly firmer with buyers tamer over f 1 95. Ayer
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  • 257 12 gelore Mr. Pryde io tbe T»ipiny Police Court case of iome interest was brought by Momra. Starsenegger and Company of l'enang and Singapore, an agents for Younger and Sodh' Kevolfer Brand Stoat, against three Chinese for Laving been found in POMMM ion of bottle of stout bearing
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  • Correspondence.
    • 197 12 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Would you kindly let as many as possible of your readers know— especially autograph collector* —that a draft telegram written and signed by tbe late Lord Kitchener is for sale on behalf of tbe Ponang lied Cross Fund. Offers
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    • 323 12 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, With reference to tbe meeting of tbe Legislative Council on tbe 21th inst., and to tbe views expressed by Mr. Uarbishire and others and more especially to tbe remarks of Mr. Niven, wbo stated that be was short handed
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  • 178 12 Programme of drills, etc., tor week ending Friday, October 5, 1917. Monday, Octobkr 1. 4.30 p.m. Baleatier Range S.V.A. SIS p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Recruits. Corner of Nelson and Tanjong Pagar Roads S.R.E.(V.) Drill Hall Maxim Co., s.v.c. Veterans Co. Signal Section. S.V.C. Band. TuiSDAT, OCTOBKB 2.
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  • 58 12 Xo drills will take place daring October. Mr. Donal* Wickett, eldest son of Mr. Fred. Wickett, estate proprietor, EDggor, has arrived in Parak, and is joining the staff <>« Oopeng Consolidated, Ltd. He is a Perak boy, having been born in Ipoh. A natural disability prevented young
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  • 2093 12 AN APPRECIATION OF THE OLD ARMY. Tbe Leaven in the Lump, A New Army Officer writes from France i The Battle of Messines was victory com- i plete and flawless, and it baa been bailed as i tbe greatest triumph yet achieved by tbe New Armies. It
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  • 192 12 Restoration Should be Resisted To the Utmost. A recent message from Sydney says In a speech delivered at Rockdale Mr. W. Johnson, Speaker in the Houseof Representatives, referred to the renewal of peace talk in the German Reichstag. Tbe cry of peace without annexations," be said, might
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  • 62 12 The Far Bast remarks that H.K.H, Prince Cbudadhuj, of Siam, 8.A., Magdalun College, whose portrait apptars in tbe Cambridge Magazine, was, when be played in the Cambridge University Musical Society concert in June, 1918, the first Cambridge undergraduate harpist to play for tbe society. He is also tbe first Siamese,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 182 12 /4£^rocWof^§L of Industry jw SW& •JXPRfSS Cigarettes No. 555 per tin of 50-80 cents '•nduding duty) tepp kCIGARE<TES, ■x«ms) b 'Hanufaoturers ARDATH TOBACCO CO., LTD. LONDON. FULL-SIZE ENGLISH BILLIARD TABLES Ready for immediate delivery. Makers Thos. Padmope Sons, England, STEVENSON TUB MAKE USED FOR MELBOURNE INMAN The WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP ITS
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  • 1010 13  -  A. J. Dawson. ALLIED VIEWS OF BRITAIN'S EARLY WAR WORK. By M. Jules Destree's book, L' Effort Bri tannique— AugUßt, 1914, to February, 1916," should be widely read on both sides of the Atlantic, and it is to be hoped that some competent band may before long
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  • 103 13 In the House of Commons, recently, Mr. J F. Hope, answerinK an inquiry by Mr. Billing aa to who was responsible for granting the release from imprisonment of German pruonrrn of war, naid ln the case of civilians, the Home Office in the case of combatants,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 283 13 TARANTULLE TOOTALS PIQUE The neweal and bvot material tor ladi. few"c w > aye jast received onr new stock and cbilJrens underwear stocked in c Toota.s Piqne in the foUowinK Hbadt6: Stxe. khaki, black, reseda, three qaalitics, width 40 inches. crelm M( w!)ite y ery hi)<hlj Standard price 55 GTS
      283 words
    • 231 13 C|^ List of American Cars and ,'Motor.. i f^K Cycles C Showing correct pattern of Kinrrl SPARKING PLUG C to use. |j^__ a^y^^B The foll o wing Lodge Plugs are made for American We engines j£'~_ MODEL P. F. 18 m/m Metric Thread MODEL A. F. I" Taper Thread MOUSL
      231 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 189 14 W Roberts Motors fM \jT Marine Motors Aircraft Motors yj^BjJ Farm Engines Efficient Dependable Continuous batd service oader all conditions stamps ROBBBTS MOTORS Thoroughly Efficient and Dependable." Roberts Marine Motors are adaptable ia all types and siaea of Boats from light Pleasure Craft to Crnifors, Submarine Chasers and Patrol Boats;
      189 words
    • 626 14 ■UIIKH.Q. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATBD IN BNGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital in 60,000 Shares of XaOeach £1,3004)00 Reserve Fond 41,900,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41,200,000 BANEBBS The Bank ot England, 'iho London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., Tbe London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      626 words
    • 666 14 BAWKINQ. MERCANTILEIANK OF INDIA. LTD. (INCORPORATBD IN ENGLAND) Capital Author iaad «1,800,000 Capital SubaoiMbed ...411,108,000 Capital Paid-up MSS.SOO Reserve Fund aMOO|OOO BOARD OF DIBBCTORS R. J. Black Bsq Chairman. J. M. Ryrie, Esq. I H.MelvillSimoas,BBq P. R. Chalmers, Bsq. Sir David Yale. Lord Carmichael. Chief Manager Peiey Mould, Bsq. London
      666 words
    • 865 14 INSURANCE. ORIENTAL LIFE ABBURANCE CO., LTD. Established 18T4. Incobpobatbd in India. SS.B4S ASSURANCES now In force for $7«, 622, 348.1 ASSETS axoMd $31 ,800,000.00 LOWEST RATES of PREMIIMt. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. A PROSPECTUS will be sent oa applicatioa to J. R. MACPHBRSON, Branoh Secretary, 28 26, The Arcade, Siagapore. THE CHINA
      865 words

  • 944 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Live Axle. The Inspector writes in the Commercial Motor. It is, of coarse, quite a number of years since I took part, in a more or less insignicant way, in the A.C.0.8. and I 1,000 miles trial. Bat I particularly
    944 words
  • 183 15 The Secretary of the National Association of Master Bakers has issued the following statement The master bakers of the couutry will strongly resent the attempts of the Ministry of Food to plaoe upon them any part of the responsibility for the uneatable bread which
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 127 15 SPENCER MOULTON TYRES The phenomenal mileage records under aIK forts of road conditions prove th^ir durability beyond question. They enjoy an equal popularity in temperate and tropical countries, thu3 showing that they are unaffected by climatic conditions. A shipment from London ha? just arrived and supplies may be had from
      127 words
    • 167 15 MILEAGE Is both JUDGE and JURY on the y-3 TYRE ECONOMY XTOW obscure yet how *^85/ '.'y amazingly obvious is j^MmWwt& -/■"^ilr* s < 3 ue3 *i° n °f ty 1 6 economy. -ylt *|fl n f*^ M%Mhs^ UBers wno persuade themselvds Qp B\ T 1 ifeA^^^^Ki Relieve that a
      167 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 947 16 For Security and Economy Theri are other rubber non-tltid Tyret which have an initial grip upon road »urfacei. but their formation is tuch that the anti-skid prinrrle soon disappears, and they become to all intents and purpose* a Plain Tread will-cut Safety value. The Goodrich Safety Tread on the other
      947 words
    • 487 16 SITUATIONS WANTED PLANTER with five years' experience desires billet. Conversant with all branches of planting. Box No. 894, Straits Times. 189— 1710 PLANTER, science degree (Oxford), 11 years' experience robber and fibre crops, Straits Burma, and Assam, now managing estate in India, desires billet elsewhere as conditions of present appointment
      487 words
    • 225 16 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D c CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT CO. B Market Street. NEDSELLIW THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore IS CONDUCTED BY H. N. BUCKERIDGE I Late of Meurs. Lafayette, photoeraphers to their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 paces north of
      225 words
    • 360 16 TAYGUANKIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE Firewood Supplier to the Singapore Municipality forthe year 1918 Full particulars on application to above address. 'Phone Nos. 1361, 1362 and Private 1 4SO and 1 073. PONTIUS BOILER FLUID Acknowledged by several engineers here and abroad to be the most reliable fluid for cleaning
      360 words
    • 366 16 STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE |i 1 I 1 FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE DAY AND NIGHT I [Thone 1233J TYRES and TUBES are repaired by best methods at Moderate Prmee. 215 216, ORCHARD ROAD. Ban Lee Ann, Ld, (Incorporated in Sihoaporb) 68 and 59, Market Street. Ship-Owners Ship-chandlers Steamship Agents Estate Suppliers Forwarding Agents
      366 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 85 16 Straits Wimes. TELEPHONES 1 Editorial and General 68 Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed tc THE EDITOR. All communications relating to bußinesr. matters advertisements, Bubcriptions accounts, printing, otc.— should be addressed to THE MANAGER. Chequer and money orders
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