The Straits Times, 19 September 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 25,523 SINGAPORE). WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 136 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Piiec now $19.00 p,T O»fC THE TWO-SEATER (NEW MODEL) MAXWELL CAR IS NOW ON VIEW AT Alec. Williamson. Limited, 4, Orchard Road. Price: $2,200 nett cash ex garage, ready for the road. Full particulars from the above, or from The Borneo Co., Ltd. SOLE IMPORTERS. YOU
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    • 278 1 ROBINSON CO. Have just received a large shipment of the celebrated PROBBER BPECIALCORONA TENNIS RACKET The finest racket made The frame of this racket K::| J|!p:ffl The rackei that is used by is selected from the finest Vj mW-di:! aeh, and only the best the leading players of the black
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    • 11 1 KARTELLS BRANDY. Sots Aoints IDAMBON. GILFILLAN CO., LTD. Inoorpuratad, in Koglancl)
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  • 1069 2 OBJECTS OF HIS VISIT T8 PARIS. 11 Duality in Public Life. The ciroamstanoeN attending Mr. Henderson's vißit to Paris in oompany with Mr, Ramsay Mac Donald formed tbe subject of an extremely animated debate in the of Commoau on Aagast 1, says Tbe Times. Mr. Henderson
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 557 2 SUBSIDIARY SILVER COMMISSION Momber of tbe pnb'Jc who are in posset sion a* iLforn* t.. d a > to (Le oeasrs ol the pr sent abortaga ol saaaidiary tilrer or who havo uiiLLOstinni to make as to remedial measures are leqneatad to oomuanicato with tbe Buorotarj of the Hnbudiary Silvtr
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    • 149 2 Anaemia m,, j 1 *W tl.c cvfa. Anaemic girls, weak children and jaded mothers get new life and vigour by taking SCOTrS Emulsion. Medicine and food, >t fortifies the Mood, promotes appetite, and brings back ihe roses and the joy of health. But be sure to get SCOTTS— no other
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    • 367 2 J||9SMHB*JB^BBa|iaBaaaB^M^j&BBBPHBBB| ■^P*^Hbbw^b»k ,k4b^bb 'Y/r Cyclta* ateans <yr Health Pleasure I dm*/ M.yoaosdyreaJbedwfcat r/' Ss*E* would do for I X AT yjkvom a heatth poart I SS^v *<" new, yon would get I ijkyMX CTcI *t cnee. A I ijW« 6*ted wrta a RS.A. I V^ift^p Three-Speed ar Eadie \J|VC Coaster
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    • 87 2 For Reliable Watches and the Ideal Novelty Band GO TO ISMAIL and RAHEEM Ths ftousa Quality. Bras Bank Uosd. No connection with mj other jewrllery dealer. No middlemen or oanvasser employed. MAYNARD Co., Ltd. Pharmaceutical Chemists, 16, Battory Road. British Pharmaceutical Products Always in Stock Estates supplied at Moderate Bates.
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  • 980 3 Tbe (onowinK oaaaaltiea are reported London August 15. Wounded.— 2nd Lieut. F. Coebill, Scots Fuaitii i- 2nd Lieut. 0. O. Co, hill, Sects Kosilierß Cspt. P. H. Colpridge, Sberwoode 2nd Lieut. J. S. Collins, Sumkx 2nd Lieni. W. L. F. Collins, R.F.A. Major J. D. B. B. Cowan,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 316 3 S mtt H>£ tsj^ FOR EFFICiENOY Agents BRINKMANN ft CO., Singapore THE WATERHOUSB SO.. LTD. Muar. Mr.laeca (Ihcobpobatid in th. U.S.A.) (Kuala Lumpur B. T. BEID ft CO.. Penang ~^»i^»_^ i m m m §H^^3 Grown n pntish owned potations r lIW I liniU UII> -S^Mgg^J in the Brihsh West
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    • 622 3 I Lassitude 1 U is a feeling of weariness, depression, fatigue, fl F which affects equally men, women and child- 2 ren, and it is most important that these signs S of a run-down condition be not neglected. I g Neglect may easily lead to more serious ailments, p g
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 493 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIPCO.. LTD. (iKOOaPOBATBD ID JA»A») EUROPEAN LINE A guryjoe to mminUined ba* to Yokohama, via port*, »nd England under mail ooutraot with the Imperial Japanese Oovornment. The New Twia-serew Steamers maintaining this serrioe have been specially designed and oonstraoted, and are fitted with
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    • 529 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.- British India AND r\ pear L-ine. (OOMPANMS ImOORPOKATID IN BNOLAND). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICBB PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N Co. (Under Contract with an Majesty' Qoverniaenl), The Company* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present BQBpended. The Company's INTERMEDIATE SERVICES TO AND FROM LONDON are
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    • 787 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoobfokatid im Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, TriugKanu, Bisnt, Sememk, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangßara, Telupfa Panarai, PkUni, Singer a, Laoon, Kotaamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Chnmpon, Kohlak a Bangkok Out Departure c.c. ASDANO Sept. 19, 3 p.m. ■.a. BORIBAT Sept. 24 26, 3 p.m. .a.
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    • 641 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINBB »SRVIOB OP THEBCEANS.B.G6..LTD. (Imoobpobatbd in Bnoland, THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Ingobfobatbd ih Bmhiabd: BOTWBBN •>amantla Parth), North- Wame Australian Port*, Jay. and llngcport. Regular sailings between Singapore and Western Australia calling at Java (aa inrinnetnent offers), Derby, KiDg's Sound (port for the Kimberley Ojld
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 407 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INOMHINA STEAM NAY. CO..LTD. (iMOOBTOaAMD IN EnOLAHD) Oireot Servioe to Japan via Honghong Shanghai, and to Caloutta via Penang, from Singapore. Tab >« oarg< -n through Hill" ol Lading tor Cr .ton. Bta o. Swatow, Atuoy, Cbafoo, Tktnthin, Newohwann, YamtteEe port*, For--3)o«a,tbe Philippines, etc., etc., etc. FOR PENANG
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    • 254 5 FOR SALE Teak motor launch, 43' x 10', I J' draught, 40-b.p., 4 cylinder, Kelvin engine, 80 to 80 passengers, 7 to 8 tons. Awnings, spare cylinder, complete equipment. Recently overhauled thoroughly. Trial by arrangement. Apply to VICTOR k Co., 18, Leitb Street, Penang 15 9-'2l 9 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF
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    • 709 5 JONG-KEENA Jong-keena is a valuable n. ixtare for cattle aad poultry when suffering from diseases common to them. It should be given to them on the first appearanoe of Hcknean. Jongkeena will give instant relief if given at once. It ahoold be given internally one hour before food. DIRECTIONS For
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    • 376 5 AVERT FLOODS AND WASHOUTS BY USING "ARMCO CULVERTS AUTOMATIC DRAINAGE TIDAL GATES. ALL SIZES from 12 inches to 6 feet diameter IN STOCK. Largely used by the Public Works Departments and Leading Estates. Tl*^ BORNEO Co« 9 I—t>d (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE:. WOOD-MILNE MOTOR CAR and MOTOR CYCLE TYRES. Made
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 225 6 Cornets. Baritones (in C and B flat), Euphoniums (4 valves in C and B flat), side drums, bass drum and cymbals. Violins by well-known makers (Couesnon, Amati, Stradivarius, Quarnerius, Vuillaume, Stentor, Compagnon, etc.); jjultars, mandolines, flutes, piccolos in C, violin cases, bows and accessories. Call op write for particular*. (Lati
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    • 414 6 G.R.UMBERT&CO. Tenders will be received at the office ot tbe PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS Adviser, Alor Star, np to noon of October 1, I*, Telephone.*. lIH. »17. *<* the pnrohwe of 2,800 wrot iron hoops, 9" diameter, approxiTHE OLDEBT AND LEADING BTUDIO mate weight of each.. b.s ibs 1,600 wrot iron hoops,
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    • 465 6 Are You Anaemic? If yon have the sort of feeliDg that uiakei you think you have Dot the strength to do any work, no matter how light, and your face and lips look pale, while yon have not the appetite to eat oven tin daintiest morsels, then you are anaemic
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  • 101 7 FIXTURES. Thursday, September 20. High Water, 0.19 a.m., 0.14 p.m. Lioenaint! .1 untie**. 8-30 pm. W. C. T. I', mating, 8.80 p.m. Tbe Bli«hties, Victoria Theatre, 9 p.m. Friday, September 21. High Water, 0.48 a.m., 0.89 p.m. Saturday, September 22. High Water, 1.24 a.m., 1.6 p.m. E.
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  • 188 7 To-DAT. Malacca, P. Swettenham and Telnk Annoo 2.:i0 pm Port Swettenham ud Panang 'J.:tO pm Medan 2.80 pm Batu Pabat 2.30 pui Malacca LM pm Malacca and Maar 2.80 pm ->aiu<in 2.80 pm Koto TinKKi 4 P 1 Tboisdat. Coeob s.P.i am Polan Batam and Pnlaa Bulang
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  • 258 7 Tbe sail trains from Singapore for the aortfa leave Taok Road station daily at 7.7 a.m sad T p.m., arriving at Koala Lumpur at 1.18 p.m. and •16 a.m. respectively. The thSMgh expraan to Penang leaves Koala Lumper at 6 a.m daily, arriving at Fenaog a* €.18 p.m.
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  • 42 7 (Official Post Off Larr Sihoapoo Jhm B. I. i-:. t 13 b.i. July 14 P.* 0. July 24 B. 1. July 27 P. O. August 1 B. I. fioe Report.) Arrived LomdohAuyast 10 17 28 September 10 10 10
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  • 193 7 EXCHANUR. SIKaATOU, SIPTIMBIK 19, 191 T. Ob Lwdmi .....Bank 4 m/s 1/4) Demasd sa 1/4J Private S mhj S/4}j Oh Pkamoi Bank T. T, M 818 Oh I>du .........Baak T. T. 169 Oh HoHmoH«...Baak d/d 89^%pm On S«A»am*i ...Baak d/d m 47 Oh Java ...B»mk T. T.
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  • 155 7 v3l£ SeUen -10 10 Ampang 5.00 1 1 Aver Wonß 1.60 1.70 10 10 Kinta Association 7.00 41 £1 KioUTin 1.10.0 1.17.0 41 £1 Lahat Mines BXO 550 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.7S 41 41 Malayan Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 norn 10 10 Middleton 19x0 iU.CO S/- Pahang Consol
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  • 110 7 vS£i bb j»"- BeiieM 41 41 I. Smelttms Co. 7.78 8.25 41 41 P»el. 1.2.6 1.8.6 5/- I/- Hlectiio T'waya 4/- 6/--10 10 Fruei Neave 46X0 47.00 60 60 W.HammetiCo. 68.00 TS.OO 100 100 Ktti Bio, Del. par 120.00 10 10 Mtynud Co. 8.00 41 41 Shell Transport 6.0.0
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  • 47 7 United Engineers 6% II.WM.SOO pai Singapore Klectrio Tramways 6% £850,000 norn S'poreMnnicipal6% t1,87H,000 par Spore Municipal 4f of 1907 11,600,000 10%dia Spore Municipal 4 T of 1900 11,000,000 10 Spore MunicipaU% 2,000,000 H e Spore Municipal 4 £800,000 P.M.S. 6% loan 1010 115,000,000 103.60 18 60
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  • 315 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices. Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt. Alor Oajah (II) 4.80 4.41 4.26 4.50 Amal. Malay (2) 0.80 0.60pm 0.80 0.40 Ayer HiUm (15) 15.00 16.60 16.00 16.50 Ayer Kuniog (II) 1.46 1.60 1.45 1.56 Ayer Molek (»1)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 117 7 THE BANKRUPTCT ORDINANCE 1888. Ih thi Sursaiiß Codbt or Tan STHiITS SSTTLBHBMTS. SITTLSMSNT or SIN..»POB». IN BANKRUPTCY No. MO, of 1916 Summary Case Re Chop Kong Hap Aik, Che Kwai Veow, bankrupt. Notiou is hereby given that tbe adjourned spticiial meeting of separate creditors in the •Lots natter will be
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    • 549 7 UTEBT ADVERTIBEMEHTB. TO LET, farnitbed, two rooms, bathroom; near town. 120 each. Apply Box No. 89S. Straite Time*. 19 8 '2 10 WANTBD TO BUY, three qnartet and fall Biz<i billiard tables, with aor.-««orie« Lowe-t oaiib price and particnlars to Billiard*, o/o Btri>it» Timea. 19 9— 22 9 WANTBD TO
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    • 120 7 ATTHE CINEMA CASINO offbe TO-NIOHT TONIGHT A PROGRAMME THAT 18 DRAWING PACKED HOUSEB EVERY NIGHT In the Second Show, Butterfly Pictures present MAN &> BEAST The film which has) proved itself to be the world's most stupendous photo-dramatio success Tbere%re no murderous plots or tbinviog eobemes to distract or agitate
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  • 33 8 Hctchimgs.— On July 19, in France, from wounds leceived in action, T. Clifton Hutching*. Captain, Ist Lancashire Fusiliers, Managing Director of the Kuala Pabi Estate, Kelantan, and devoted husband of Emmeline Hatchings.
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  • 1032 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. MUSCOVITE REPUBLIC. For the present, nothing done in Russia is necessarily decisive. A Republic has been declared a week hence a Republic may be repudiated a month hence the mon»»chy may be restored. We do not anticipate these things.^ On the contrary we incline
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  • 17 8 According to the Malay Mail a mail was to arrive at Koala Lumpur from Europe this morning.
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  • 22 8 Tan Koh was arrested for being asleep while driving his bullock cart, and be wan to day fined tl by Mr. Sugars.
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  • 23 8 A Gazette Extraordinary issued yesterday gives the coinage commission power to in qnire into the shortage of copper coin as well aa silver.
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  • 34 8 A warrant for criminal breach of trust has been iasned against a paying out counter clerk named Leong Kin, of the Kwong Yik Rank, Kuala Lumpur, in respect of 91,116. The man baa disappeared.
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  • 35 8 The Japanese Home Office has made public tbe results cf its investigation of the population of Japan at the end of 1915. The report states tl ,i; the total population of Japan proper was 57,442,177.
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  • 34 8 For assaulting sub-Inspector Jaroat who went to execute a gambling warrant, Ng Yoog Tian was sentenced by Mr. Ham to-day to 14 days' imprisonment, and fined 910 for playing in a common gaming house.
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  • 39 8 The entertainment last night at tbe Adelphi Hotel givon by Monsieur Camilo and bis friend was a real success. Tbe amount sent to the British Ked CroM Fund through Major General Ridout was 955. The whole collection was 9110.
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  • 38 8 Messrs. Latham and Co. supply the following particulars of tbe Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Limited, output for the first fortnight of September Hours run, two dredges, 656 cubic yards treated 96,000 total piculs 627.51 realised on sale 940,624.43.
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  • 45 8 Shaik Abamed bin Abdullah, who arrived in Singapore from Sourab.tya, was charged with attempting to land without a passport and was lined 95 by Mr. Ham to day. Mohamed Noordin who arrived from Indragiri, and who was charged with a similar offence, was fined 910.
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  • 45 8 Mr. Sigmond Saxe, a New York business man, has offered to present a thousand dollar Liberty bond to the first American aviator who drops bombs upon Berlin. The remembrance of the Americans lost in tbe sinking of tbe Lusitania prompts him to make this offer.
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  • 54 8 An Arab named Alimsah, of 120, Tanjong Pagar Hoad, was yesterday found dead in the drain of his house. Tbe body was removed by the deceased's friends to tbe five-foot way and the Coroner informed. Tbe cause of death was found to be asphyxia from drowning. There was plenty of
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  • 53 8 The "annual meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance C'nion will be held in the V.M.C.A. Hall to-morrow at 8.80 p.m. Tbe Rev. W. Cross will give an address, and a gcod programme of music and recitations has been arrangbd. The chairman is the Rev. B. C. Roberts, C. F. All
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  • 67 8 Messrs. Sime, Darby and Co., Ltd., advise us of particulars of tbe outputs from the following companies for the half of September, 1917 Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd Piculs 27 v, hours run 250, dredge stopped 3 days for boiler inspection. Chenderiang Tin Dredging, Ltd. Dredge— piculs 200, hours run 3U6.
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  • 67 8 Among the after the war developments which the Malay Mail hopes will be undertaken by the Straits Steamship Company is the running of one of their comfortable steamers between Singapore, Port Swettenham, Belawaa for Medan and Penang, returning to Singapore by the same route. This, it says, would enable many
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  • 80 8 Three Malays from a rubber estate at Ponduk Taojong were charged at Taiping by Inspector Miller with having on the lUtli instant voluntarily caused hurt to a compatriot on the same estate with a small axe. The magistrate oonvictud the three accused, sentencing each to pay a fine of 930
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  • 75 8 Mr. Velge, Supervisor of Customs, charged a Chinese at Taiping Police Court, with having imported 37 tins of matches into Perak without having paid duty. The accused pit aded guilty and said he brought them in a sampan at midnight. The officer valued the articles at 1333, and duty on
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  • 98 8 A local Dutch reader writes I received a letter trom Holland by last mail aud it might be of interest to you. It aays One of my relations who lived for soniu time in Germany was compelled to return with his family to bis own country. A week's stay each
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  • 92 8 Tennis matches, three of singles and three of doubles, will be played on Friday and Saturday of this week on the Malacca Club courts, between players representing the Salangor and Malacca Clubs. The following have been selected to play for the Malacca Club— F. Salimann, V. G. Savi, A. B.
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  • 145 8 It will be appreciated by all who are interested in the young producer type of plantation rubber companies that the com uuittee appointed at the meeting of directors beld early in June, for the purpose of working with the Kubbor Growers' Association on the subject of amendments to be brought
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  • 414 8 Dr. and Mrs A. R. ;Wtllmgton left Kuala Lumpur on Sunday. Mr. F. D. Evans' appointment to be 2nd Lieutenant. in the M.S.V.R. is gazetted. Mr. G. W. Tempter, late of Selangor and Kelantan, is now a Lieutenant in the A.S.C. Mr. E. W. King is now
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  • 48 8 Ladies Our Day Committee. A meeting will be beld on Wednesday. September '26, at 10 a.m., in the our l Women's Christian Association Hall. Will all members of the committee please attend and bring with them the notes of their proposed arrangements for the Fete on October 13
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  • 58 8 We very gratefully acknowledge the following additions to our fund for atMisting the Overseas Club to provide smokes for out soldiers and Bailors: Mr. V. 3. Davey (3. Kondda) 95 The total we have received since the fnnd was opened in August, 1916, is
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  • 160 8 We regrot to annonoco that His Exci lit dcj the Governor received a telegram from Batavia last night xtating that the death has occurred, following an operation, of Mr. W. R. D. Beckett, CM G., the Hritish Consul General for the Netherlands Indira.
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  • 173 8 We have received the following from the Deputy Controller of Labour, lVuang The Indian Immigration Committee have decided in view of the plentiful supply of labour available at itie present nine in Southern India that conditions are favourable for a general reduction of recruiting comuiixsions. In
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 193 8 The Antigraph Filing System 1 1 The letter which knows where to go Cnt the human element ont of your filing system and you will be able to find any paper the moment yon want it. This system has tbe endorsement of the leading London business bonnes. They would not
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    • 224 8 A VERITABLE PROGRAMME DE LUXE IKTEREST SUST AINI NG A ENTERTAINING PICTUREI AT THE ALHAMBRA The Pioneer and Premier Homa The House of Quality, ■mcH Road. IN THE SBOONI) SHOW AT 9.16 SHARP Quality Pictures Corporation present! Francis K.Bushman, the crowned king of motion pictures. and Beverly Bayne. sweetest of
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  • 2741 9 FIGHTING IN FRANCE. German Man Power Shortage. GENERAL SMUTS ON THE WAR The Prospects of Allied Success. Rn v !> \u*. London. Srctmiiber I*. 12 p.m. Field Marshal !1»ij; MM I There wen only patrol oncour.t. >- o the Vproa sector. London. S. p\ember IS, 1.10 a.m. A
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  • 125 9 (From Ocr Own Corrfspondrnt.) Penang, September 18. Tbe Penang Automobile Club at its meeting voted 9725 to tbe Red Cross Fund, tbe total proceeds of the gymkhana. Tbe chairman reported a credit balance of 1959. Various road improvements bad been carried out at the request of
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  • 463 9 Man Blinded By Corrosive Acid. At the fifth of the year yesterday a Chinese woman named Kong Tua Moi was next indicted for abetment on June 80 of voluntarily causing grievous hurt, by a person unknown, to one Teng Neo Teh, by means of a corrosive substance,
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  • 99 9 Third list ol subscriptions for the Scottish Soldiers Comforts Fand Sept. 11— Brought forward 13,745 E. E. Adamson SO J. C. Peter 260 John Soinerville 250 J. M. Urqohart 25 D. Hathorn 28 W. M. Batohart SO 1). Bisset 10 Key. W. Murray 13 T. C.
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  • 35 9 A telegram dated August 7 from the correspondent u> l>e Temps in New York reports that the town of Detroit in United States has decided to rebuild tbe{to«n of Soissons entirely at its own expense.
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  • 2860 9 BATTLE OF AT LEAST 100 DAYS COMMENCES. From Our Special Correspondent. London, August 9. Tbe third anniversary of tbe war has had a welcome tonic effect. It has recalled people's minds to the greater issues and to the meaning of tbe wbole conflict. War weariness and
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  • 114 10 To-day's Business. Macphail and Co.'s daily report, Silver.- Up id.— 6» f Hongkong.— (39 o pin.) Shanghai. (47.) Tin -Sold 75 tons at $111.50. Rubber. The auction has opened with a strong demand at from $126 to $181 for top grades. Tbe share market this morning consists
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  • 99 10 The committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to the above fond Previously acknowledged 151,827.66 Harley Thomas Weltevreden.. 38 B. F. C." 60 11 Two Marksmen 100 Lt. Col. O. A. Derrick, V.D. 600 Mrs. Elsa Scott 50 $52,552.65 Johore "Our Day" Fund, 1917. In addition
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  • 1146 10 CONCENTRATION ON WESTERN FRONT. The Training Organisation. The military correspondent of the Daily News writes: As all the world knows, when war was declared we had for the defenoe of the Empire i less than half a million of traiced and par- tially trained soldiers
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  • 625 10 Important Work of Japanese Mint. The Imperial Japanese Mint's last year was tbe most strenuous of all Fince tbe institution was founded, because the mint was asked to coin tbe remarkably increased amount of bullion brought home from Europe anu America while it rend ired efficient
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  • 65 10 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on pages 7 and 11. The Palladium's chief attraction, Even as You and I, is a Lois Weber production and is a worthy successor to others by the same producer that the Palladium has shown. Indeed, it is probably the best
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  • 226 10 Preaching in the Church of St. John the Divine, Ipoh, on Sunday evening, the Rev. U. C. Henham, of Batu Gajah, the doyen of the Church of England ministry in Malaya, paid an interesting and graceful tribute to the Rev. E. L. Danson, late of the Singapore
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  • 437 10 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to tbe point. Long rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down.] Mosquitoes and Ravines. To the Editor ot the Straits Times. Sir,—
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  • 559 10 What a Blind Man Saw In France. Blind people learn to perceive without seeing," said Sir Arthur Pearson, the redoubtable and resolute blind leader of the blind before leaving lately for a visit to the British front in France. Tbe truth of this statement was
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  • 32 10 Adolphns J. M».-"qh, of the Taiping Kubber Plantations. Trong, who was charged with forgery of a cheque, haa been committed to the High Court for trial, writes the Straits Koho's Taiping correspondent.
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  • 324 10 FOOTBALL. S.C.C. Beat Brookdale Rovers. On a very heavy ground last evening tba S.C.C. defeated tbe Brookdale Rovers by two goals to one. Both goals were got by Buckley who has thus had six in two matches. His command of tbe ball may not yet be great, but
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  • 474 10 [Local householders will be glad to read tbis ballad if only because troubles which they believed peculiarly tbeir own are' known and bewailed elsewhere. Tbe Ballad of Pan Ab Chan is almost comforting] Pan Ah Ch'an was a pirate, tbe bead of a robber
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  • 96 10 The death of Lord Auckland has occurred at Bournemouth at the age of fifty-eight. He was the son of the fourth Baron Auckland and of Lacy Walbanke, youngest daughter of John Walbanke Childurs, of Cantley, near Doncaster. Ho succeeded bis father in 1890, and in the following
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  • 79 10 Information having been received that contagious pleuro pneumonia i sifts among goats iv Penang, tbo Reeidcot uf Herat, prohibits the importation of goatH into the State of Perak from Penang until further notice. Exception is made of goats intended for slaughter for human food in the Ipoh abattoirs which may
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  • 1419 11 DIVIDEND EQUIVALENT TO 6 2-3 PER CENT. A New Acquisition The third annual general meeting of Chenderiang Tin Dredging, Limited, was held at the Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., Mr. John I. Phillips (chairman of the company) presiding. Tbe Chairman said Gentlemen, I have bo doubt that you have
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  • 340 11 Some Interesting Official Figures Published. According to latest official investigations, says the Peking Daily News, the number of enemy subjects in China, along the Yangtze valley, from Shanghai to Chungking, is 2,612. Of this number 1,868 are Germans and 174 are Anstrians, and the remaining 17
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  • 183 11 Programme ol drills, etc., (or week ending Friday, September 31, 1017. Wbdkbsday, Ssptibbib 19. 5.16 p.m. brill Hall S.V.A. and Maxim Co. 4.80 p.m. Balestier Range S.RE.(V). 6.15 p.m. Kampong BLaru Maxim Officers and N.C.I), h. 5.10 p.m. DriU Hail S.V.R. and M.C.S. 5.15 p.m. T.P. Fire
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  • 18 11 Maiaka Pinda.-48.046 lbs. twelve months 516,700 lbs. Bokit klatil— lo.oBl lbs.; (oar months 87.080 lbs.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 580 11 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. MADAME CLAIRE 11 -A, Damansara Terrace, Opposite Kuala Lumpur Station. KECBIVKD BT SUNDAY'S MAIL: White embroidered voile and coloured voile drecses; silk, orepe-de-obine and eolienne dresses black lace, white embroidered and orepe-de-cbine blouses tnnios in cottons and flics with and without skirts to matob silk go)< coats. Evening
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    • 315 11 Due Shortly A few famous American GRANT 6-cylinder touring cars, model X,'* 1917, fitted with magneto, speedometer, electric light, demountable spare rim and all accessories. Colour grey. gaSjjy $2,925 BOOK NOW RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Rafflei Hotel Building.. APELPHI HOTEI NOTICE. We have received from Holland out of the steamer's ice-room
      315 words

  • 1519 12 INCREASED FREIGHTS AND CHARGES. The Costs Reduced Tbe fourteenth annual ordinary general ol the Bukit Kajah Rubber Company, Limited, was held in tbe Council Room of tbe Koboer Growers' Association, :<B, Eastebtmp, 8.C., Mr. H. K. Katberford (tbe chairman of tbe company) presided. Tbe Chairman said Gentlemen,
    1,519 words
  • 691 12 Traveller, Student, and Brilliant Soldier. The Petrograd correspondent of The Times wrote on Aopast 1 The news came tonight that General Korniloff has been appointed supreme Commander in Chief. He has been in command of the armies on this front for just 12 days. Bnt to dispassionate observers
    691 words
  • 1362 12 SHIPPING DIFFICULTIES RESTRICT DIVIDEND. A Satisfactory Report. The seventh ordinary general meeting of Juru Estates, Limited, was held at tbe registered office on August 3, Mr. Thomas A. Gallic (tbe chairman of the company) presiding. Tbe Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said I
    1,362 words
  • 873 12 What the German Newspapers Are Saying. In the first weeks of July the Germans were confident that the Allies bad made their great effort for 1917, and were now going to wait until next year, when the Americans would be ready to help. Major Morhat, one of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 202 12 FRESH PURE CREAMERY BUTTER always obtainable. The whole of the Dairying industry of Australia is under strict Government inspection and all Fresh Butter imported by us is certified as Ist grade by Australian Government Certificate. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporated In Straits Settlements. FULL-SIZE ENGLISH BILLIARD TABLES Ready for
      202 words

  • 1040 13 THE BUILDING OF MIGHTY SHIPS. By Jeffery Farnol. Henceforth the place will be associated in my mind with the ceaseless ring and din ol riveting-hammers, where, day by day, hour by boar, a new fleet is growing, destroyers and torpedo boats alongside monstrous sabmarines yonder looms the
    1,040 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 211 13 NEW AND EXCLUSIVE STYLES For Ladies now being displayed at WHITEAWAY'S Pr 1 i J V N LADIES' WHITE FELT HATS A sketch >.^>-' J Mw $10.50 each FLOWERS lost tmparked, Im W uud tflfW i\ cction :f attifij al tlo*ir- cal r -ilk f n acd tin:. J cokuts
      211 words
    • 151 13 Forbi L>IOttNBBB ll iffe *i &tra: iciiness "|k M mP mm MOTHERSILLS 1... recaind ike un. I^L 111 I|% If i. ft^-n th. wofld'. r«'«« 1 »d iiuli'ution*. Aa«f Umw hi SSA j>W" Bi^iop T« r !o. Snmk (Ch.pUk Ccncral M"^ <W ife. Bru^ Forcn). Docton. Bnkm., *> I PolrUckM
      151 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 631 14 ab or Peace. Famimm or Plbntt. Lin Imbueanox ib wobth 100 cbntb on thb dollars THE 6REAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (liiiMMiaaiaa hi Strnam Sanuaana) «—i— TTI- iWMiI y-tnn IOMOfI OMMIi 11, Old J*wpy, 8.0. Tna Oom»»a» baa <MOiOOO iLflrtui wttfa to fcayi Ooort 1 ■—1-4, ud oomplioß with
      631 words
    • 502 14 BAMUML HE NO HONG BANK, LIMITED. Mi OTfiea Slat* part, Chß«asrt, sat tranches: Dalaeca, Ift, Firtt Bran Itrset; lu«r, 77/79, Jalsslulsiman; latuPaaat, 10.17, Mm laraaia. CAPITAL! Registered »8,800,W0 Subscribed 18,600,000 Bufl op 11,760,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: lbb Ps«t tiaag. Em thßlrma. :h« Has. I*. Ua tmm I Tn Cheat Lack,
      502 words
    • 413 14 INSURANCE. i OBIEKTAL ":rr- UFE ASSURANCE GO., LTD. Tim uiaaiiiiii UTi. IxcoaroßAtao m I>ru. 85. 84 2 ASSURANCES now in force for $72,522,348.14 ASSETS exceed $31,800,000.00 LOWEST RATES of PREMIUM. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. A PROSPECTUS wfll be sent on application to J. R. M ACPHBRSON, Branch Secretary, 8* ft 86, The
      413 words
    • 1340 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALES 01 WAX-POUSHBD TBAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ETC. Comprising W«x poliifced leak (Mtsxard with bevelled mirror panel, wax-polished leak dresaug table with bevelled sva»« **A wiog minora, teak and meranti washstaods with matbte topi, ootfcB« ai BTot< Ac To be bald at oar Sale-roam, RaJles Chambers, Raffles
      1,340 words

  • 1046 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A New Superheater. It is, of coarse, no news that, sinoe it has I become increasingly difficult fer users of commercial ▼abides to obtain sufficient petrol to meet their requirements, many have perforce tamed their thoughts to the ase of paraffin
    1,046 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 57 15 Several BRITISH MARINE MOTORS and MOTOR WINCHES have just been received. Full particulars on application to |f*ENTRA| I in Straits S«Mt«ments) SINGAPORE. "BLUE MYSTO" WHITE-AST EXTERMINATOR ALL BRITISH BTR NC, RELIABLE: and CHEAP "MYSTO" POWDER (made to approved formula) Tiie powder that kills, and does not corrode the tubes McAlister
      57 words
    • 122 15 Jt is Jahe Economy to attempt to effect a saving by the purchase of 'cheap' types. OHEAP tyres are not cheap, mas—i much as they are not j<&& c en d-that is the LH' W {2r Te wn i cn makes /^W^fcS*:/ VI Mileage is the test ki USmJ \1
      122 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 616 16 A^B. MACKAY'S §THE ORIGINAL LIQUEUR WHISKY. As supplied to both Houses of _fT9_T~^S_\ Parliament lyj OBTAINABLE FROM ALL Ijl^P^l FIRST-CLASS DEALERS Sole fVents Hjffl ADAMSON, GILFILLAN •^tttfTH AND COMPANYi LIMITEO I ill i lncorporated in Bn^land) > Jlf^Hn^w Sinfedpore Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT WINTBD, a t>ach>r for girls' ncbool
      616 words
    • 576 16 BITUATIONB WANTED PLANTER with five years' experience desire* billet. Conversant with all branches of planting. Box No. 894, Straits Times. 189— 1710 WANTED, POSITION, by qualified mining man fresh from large wolfram mines Burma, seven years in F.M.S. and Siam, either as mine manager or pro&pecticg and reporting work don
      576 words
    • 549 16 BOARD AND LODGING. BOARD AND RESIIENCE. Single and doable bedrooms, also suites tv suit married couples. Apply Tbe Mansion. 18 9—l-10 ST. ANDREW'S HOUSE. A Church of England Boarding Houbo for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend tbe schools of Singapore. Applications to be made to the House
      549 words
    • 200 16 WILLESDEN I GREEN E L WATERPROOF D CANVAS 1 S L D KIAM KIAT ft CO. C Market Street. NEDSELLIW THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO in Singapore 18 CONDUCTED DV H. N. BUCKERIDGE Late of Metsrs. Lafayette, photographers to their Majesties. AT THE BURLINGTON 100 paces north of the
      200 words
    • 388 16 ALWAYS AT THE TOP Because of our Rook-bottom Prices GuanKiatfFCo. 36, Phillip Street. Ship Chandleri and Commission Agents Office Telephone Nor. 1861 1862. Private Teliphcn? No?. 14(0 k 1078. Suppliers of Miscellaneous Articles to the Singapore Municipality GALVANIZED BARBED WIRE We sell a lot of it. Come before it is
      388 words
    • 191 16 STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE FIRST-CLASS CURS-HIRE I DAY AND NIGHT j Phone 1233 1 1 TYRES and TUBES are repaired by bent methods at Moderate Prices. I 215 216. ORCHARD ROAD. Ban Lee Ann, li (Incobporatkd in Sinoaporb) 68 and 59, Market Street. Ship-Owners Ship-Chandlers Steamship Agents Estate Suppliers Forwarding Agents
      191 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 251 16 Straits V)imes. TELEPHONES, Editorial aud Oenoral 68 Manager's Offioe 1117 Job Printing Offioe 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters—advertisements, subcriptiona, account, printing, etc.—should be addressed to THE MANAGER. Cheques and money orders should be made
      251 words