The Straits Times, 8 August 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.487 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 8. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTH.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 110 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Prieo now $19.00 per 04k Best Quality ENGLISH I SODIUM: BISULPHITE In drums containing 140 lbs. nett. THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) BRITISH Typewriter Ribbons MADE IN ENGLAND IN OUR OWN FACTORY ARE BETTER AND CHEAPER Compare the Price and Quality. (Incorporatio in Bnoland)
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    • 200 1 I x^ e '^"''W BRITISH-MADE ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR INk 44. LIGHT WEIGHT all wool singlets, sleeves, in white or natural, made from carefully chosen yarns and pleasant to the skin. Sizes stocked 36 to 46 ins. No. 43. MEDIUM WEIGHT pure wool singlets, sleeves This is the all-the-year-round-weight, unshrinkable and
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    • 11 1 KARTELL'S BRANDY. Soli Aoints > IOAMBON.6ILFILLAN!' a CO., Lit. Incnrporat*! in Kn^lirnl) |>
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  • 1013 2 The following caiuiltiea aro reported London, July 18. Wounded. 2nd Liout. H. Acton. S. I Staffs; '2nd Liout It. H. Board, 11K..V; •io<l Lieut. A. W. B julton. N. Staffs I 2ud L.uut. Bucklu, B. V.rki; Lieut. T. Butler Swnoy, liiitb Ouird-i 2nd Lieut. O. M. Colijubouu, Northumberlands
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 668 2 M BUKIT UVL bUSBEI ESTATES. LIMITED. in hereby '.uv: declared a F.n< fi <*• I mc ul War Tui uj^V I yoaroadid April 1917 w'. >,j thu sha-.ho' t thf ahsvi I < rkj r *ny'h r -jster* oo A-ikh i 10, IMT, '.lio trailer bcoks of •'jo >.mp-uy '7'
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    • 289 2 Anaemia ■killt Aiuemic girl*, weak chiU dren nnd jaded mother* get new life and vigour by taking SCOTTS Emulsion. Medicine and food, ?t fortifies the blood, promote? appetite, and brings back the rose* and the joy of health. But be sure to get SCOTTS— no other has the approval of
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    • 334 2 S^-rolgb f COMPLEXION 1 r,i h. k«tM I. P.rf,*| O^Alu. ,P tra<m.> tit Han^mmt. Rrimnt. Tin. i-W I. rk Hd i. M.AMI, ti' Sowhx nd Rctraria* m >Tlta«. fl X.M. BEE i HAM A SOKJrM CHELTENHAM, JXm ENGLAND. PHBTOGRAPHIC DEALERS. Amateurs Work. Developing. Printing and Enlarging. Repairing Cameras. KONG HING
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    • 940 2 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of FURNITURE, GLASSWARE, ETC. To be held at Meesr*. Cbin« Ken« Lee Co.'* Saleroom, Uaffl-j* Chambers, Raffles Plac* On Thursday, August 9, at 11 a.m. Comprising half pint champ<i|<uo, port, liqueur Klasses, no«or bowls, ice croam plates, knives, bnitcr dinhee, plates, jjgs, vasos, bavin. puddini<
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  • 729 3 TALENTS NEGLECTED BY THE ADMIRALTY. Younger Men's Great Qualities. Commander Carlyon Bellaire, R.N., M.l., writes in thn Evenio^ Standard In an article in the Evening Standard on November 30, 1916, I ventured to point out that the selection and right use of men in command afliore
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  • 222 3 Callous Policy of German Government Stands in the Way. Lord Newton, (or tbe Foreign Office, stated in tbe Scoond Chamber recently that proposals bad been made to tbe German Government for the transfer to neutral countries of military prisoners who bad been confined for over two years. One
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 NO Hut. >^;-'..inls^y^*si Grovni on British owned plantations P_^^w[ in the British West Indian Island MWpr 1.000 rarVdinbag and l'lvltWCl C*ff*l» a M p«oked in Mm. KO.B.orF. O. R I y I«*C- Tolnk Anson. Delivery commeneinK from 11 wme J UICB fllilliwtr 1917. I I// IW «»est health bevera(!fr Warranted
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    • 630 3 I Lassitude 1 U is a feeling of weariness, depression, fatigue, fl f which affects equally men, women and child- m 2 ren, and it is most important that these signs g of a rundown condition be not neglected. S ft Neglect may easily lead to more serious ailments. 6
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 693 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (iMooapoaATßS in Siam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretaj Tringffann, Birat, Semetak, Baebo, Kelantan, Tabai Bangaara, Telapia, Panarai. Pataai, singora, Laoon, Kobsamni, Bandon, Laagwien, Cbnmpon, Kohlak a Bangkok Due Dtparturt a.a. BORIBAT Aug. IS Aug. IS, 3 p.m. The Steamers are fitted throughout with eleoirie
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    • 532 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. CHINA MAIL S. S. CO., LTD. Freight and Passengers A MAIL STEAMER will sail from Hongkong for SAN FRANCISCO via Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama and Honolulu. I uatuDPaitfo wrow-CLa»» nmmt smvici «t i«ti»bhouti mtii. For further particulars, kindly apply to •Phone No. 384. FRANCIS PEEK Co., Ltd,, Singapore.
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    • 744 4 FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. Subject to the conditions prescribed by the Straits Settlements Alien Enemies iWindingup) Ordinance, 1914," as amended from time to time by Ordinances I of 1916 XIX of 1915, XVI of 1916 and VI of 1917 and as adopted in this State All that land known
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 261 5 .Hobart .Motor Gyeles 1917 TWO-STROKE MODEL Tern I monisl. D. J. Michaf I, Esq., Lianartbney, Carmarthenshire, 220 J July. 1916. I ear Sirs, I am very pleased to state that tbe Motor Cycle is giving .\.ry natii-faction co far I have had no bother whatsoever .vitb it; ronlly yon ought
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    • 635 5 JONGKEENA POULTRY OWNERS KINDLY NOTE should jon ti id on opening th door of your fowl boase, one morning, tbat some of your best birch are enable ti walk and bold down their beads, doe to an attack of some disease of wbicb yon are not aware, do not be
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    • 398 5 WOOD-MILNE MOTOR CAR and MOTOR CYCLE TYRES. Made in England on the Latest Scientific Principles. BOUND Mid DURABLE, Wood-Milne Special Pattern and Square Tread FOR STRENGTH, COMFORT. SAFETY. LOWEST COMPETITIVE PRICES. Wood-Milne Patent Foot Pump. With this simple and compact instrument you can flinate a large tyre to 75 lbs.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 190 6 MUSIC Pianoforte Portrait Claeeioe by BaoL, Beoihofcn, Brahms CUopin, Qr u i« Jenßon. Kjerull, Meyer Helmund, Morart, MendelßHobn, Kaobmanino Schumann, T*cliai*o«skj, >f Pianoforte and Violin Album* by Oermaon, Uofmann, Hubiy, Vienxtemp?, V.ol.n'amJ Pianoforte Pieoee by Bylord, Czibalka, Drdla, Komaak, Sabatbil, Warner, etc Two-Violine Album* by Hellme«oerßer, Bin 1 Kro«s, Rimbaalt,
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    • 56 6 STAMFORD HOUSE PRIVATE HOTEL, Braß Baaah Road. CENTRALLY SITUATED Mwayn 000 l Mid exposed to bob breeze furnished Apartments with or without Board. Comfortable Booms with Bathrooms attached. Electrlo Fitting! throughou:. Large Reception Hall and Billiards. Separate Tablet In Spaolous Dining Boom. TERM -'he meet rtitonabla la Tm, For farther
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    • 513 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BANKaUPTOY ORDINANCE 1889. In tbk Scpbbmb Coubt of tbk Straits Sbttlbmbnts. Sbttlbmint or Sinuapobb. IN BANKRUPTCY Malacca, No. lof 1916 Re Tbe Malacca Import Company. Notice is hereby given that tbe Official Assignee will apply to the Court at Singa pore on Friday, August 17, 1817, at
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    • 239 6 —Building Materials— Red Asbestos Roofing Slates Grey Asbestos Ceiling Sheets French Roofing Tiles Ridges— Ventilators— Half Tiles* White Glazed Tiles Red Flooring Tiles Stocks held by 7, Raffles Quay, Singapore. Everybody is Wearing It!— Why aren't YOU? ■/(ORE convenient in wear, more easily taken off and pot 00, more ccmiortable,
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  • 95 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, August 8. High Water, 1.26 am., 1..'>0 p.m. Thursday, Aumst 9. High Watrr, I U a.m., 2.80 p.m. t riday, AuruM 10. High WaU'r I 1:: a.m.. -1.11 p.m Saturday, August 11. ■Ui Water, 4.22 a.m., 4 6 p.m. Kelomak meeting, K»ati noon. Sunday, AuKu.«t
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  • 216 7 To DAI Malacca 2.80 pm Medan 2.30 pm lionib > and Bombay 2.80 pm r'.aUvia Cberibon and Samarang 2 30 pm fort Swettenham and Penang 2. 50 pm Malacca, P. Swcttonham and Teluk Anton 2.:50 pm Mi.utok and Palombang %M pm \emaman and Trenggana LM pm Bangkok
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  • 257 7 Tbe mat! tram* from Singapore for tin. lortbletv Ta»i Road station daily at 7.7 am 1-1 7 i SB. kC'nn; at Kuala Lumpur at l?pn. »nJ 5.45 a.m. respectively. Tit '•hroagc, express to Peoang leaves KuoU ijMßfat at H a m. dail >, arriving at Penacg \t 4.
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  • 40 7 (Official Post Office Report.) JKTX takiAniKi Ai.kivpi. UMI Jane 1 B. I. Jane 1 M M. .lane 9 M. M. Jane 8 P. *O. Jaae IS B. I. June 23 M. M. laly II ao a» 81
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  • 81 7 SALE OF TOWN LOTS AT KLUANE. The road truui Batu l'aliat to K! »t the 41Mb mile on tbe J jhoro State Hallway beiag now opes to traQie, about 100 building lots is tbe township of Klaang will be disposed of bj public auction at Kluao«, ou
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  • 186 7 EXCHANGE. BWOAPOM, Ai'ocst 8, 1917 Ua LonDkii -...Bank 4 m/ 8 1/4 j Demmad m VH PriTßte B m/i a/4+Ji Oh Feakcb Bank T. T. 818 Ob Imou Bank T. T. 100 On Homuioko ..B»ak d/d 14{%pm Ok S«i«a«Ai ...Bank d/d n EBi O*J*V4 a Bank T.
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    • 170 7 Value SaU 10 10 Ampang 5.60 6.00 1 1 Ayer W L ng 1.85 1.50 10 10 Kanaboi 1.25 1.60 10 10 Kinta Association 7.50 8.60 41 £1 KinUTin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 £1 Labat Mines 4.C0 600 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.75 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.16.6 1.19.6
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    • 123 7 fiZi Bayer.. Selle... U 41 B. SmelliM 00. 7.80 7.7S II 41 i Pftl. 1.8.6 1.f.0 I/- Hloctrie T'wayi 4/- 6/--10 10 Fiuei Neave 44.C0 .00 60 SO W. Utmmei Co. 65.00 08.00 100 Howartb Brekine 85.00 75.00 100 7%P»el. 100.00 100 100 K»« Bro, Del. pat 120.00 10
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    • 49 7 United Bnoineen 8% 11,284,500 par Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6% £850,000 norn pore Municipal 6% 11,873,000 par Spore Municipal 4j% ot 1807 11,600,000 10%dis Spore Municipal 4*% of 1909 51.000.000 10%dta Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 16%du Spore Municipal 4% £800,000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1916 115,000,000 101 50 102 60
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    • 332 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. Frwer Lyall A Co. Evatt. Alor Gajah i«l| 4.20 4.40 4.20 4.40 j Amal. Malay (2) 0.80 0.50pm 0.80 0 .40 Ayor Hitam (»5) 14.50 16.50 14.50 15.50 Aycr Kaning ,*l) 1 30 1.40 1.30
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 521 7 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST, brindled boll biteb from No. 8 k, Tanj ng Katoog Reward at the above addrrM 8 8-118 TO LET, second flx>r cool and airy, near town. Pent t<o oily. B xNo 823, Strain Tiroe». 8 B—2l-8 FOR SALB, onx 'H h p., Indian motoreje'e with fide oar.
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    • 367 7 Have You Tried VELVET? THE NEW SMOKING TOBACCO Specially prepared for the Pipe and Cigarette. On sale in 4-oz. airtight tins with packet of cigarette papers at K. P. M. HUSSAIN, 15, Battery Road. MOHAMED HISSAIN, Free Press Alley. FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH I SINGAPORE. Sole
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    • 86 7 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that tbe mark depicted above is tbe property of Measrs. Tamato Co of No 41, Hi«h Street, Singapore, and is used by them as a Trade Mark in respect of Razors, Pocket Kuivee and Cutlery. Any person who uses sach mark or any colon'able imitation of
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  • 1051 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8. M. KERENSKY. We know very little yet about M. Kerensky. He bas sprang into sudden prominence, and in the telegrams we published yesterday it was stated that he alone "stands between Russia and ruin. That we believe is no exaggeration. There are great and
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  • 20 8 Messrs. Gattey and Bateman adviso us that tbe July output of the Titi Tin Co., Ltd., was piculs 219.41 (tribute
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  • 21 8 Tbe July output of Malayan Tin Dredging Ltd., was 1,070 piculs, valued at 172,750 The yardage was 274, HX) cubic yards.
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  • 26 8 For professing to tell fortunes a Japanese uamed Naokatsu Suibata, of 241, Bencoolen Street, was lined 115 and MM in tbe tirst magistrate's court this morning.
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  • 34 8 Cndet the auspices of the Chinese Chris tian Association Mr. Lee Ab Cbew will give ,i Itctuio on. A Student's liupres Hongkong in tbe CCA. Hall, I. icstp Street, ou I'ljuitJay, at S
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  • 62 8 Over 600 of the M.S.V.R. were present at the War Anniversary parade in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. The turnout for the field day on Sunday was rather smaller. The FMS Agricultural Bulletin for May and June, 1917. contains a further instalment of the papers read at the Agricultural Conference of
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  • 38 8 Mr. D. R. Davidson, assistant accountant ofthelpoh branch of the Chartered Bank, met with a motor cycle accident on Sunday. It appears that be collided with a cart and was thrown uIT his machine, hurting his knee Udly.
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  • 46 8 Congratulatory mesaagee on Siam's entry into the war have been received by tl<r King of Siam from the King ot Italy nnd Urn Ire sident of France, in addition to King (iiorge. His Majesty asked M. Poincare to accept the order of the House of L'hakri.
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  • 43 8 Tbe IVkin ■> Gazette of July 21 nays Wo regret to learn that owing to tbe illness of bU (laughter Claire, who, it is feared, bas contracted scarlet fever, tbe American Minister and Mrs. Reinscb are in quarantine at their summer residence at Peitaiho.
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  • 45 8 A mail from Europe will arrive by train to morrow moruiog. Correspondence will bo ready for delivery about 11 a.m. Two mails close for home ou Friday; both close at 4 p.m.. bat one goes via the Cape and carries specially superscribed letters and parcels.
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  • 65 8 A Kling trolley boy was found dead underneath a tram car on Saturday night. Tbe car was one from Gaylang to Tanjong Pagar and stopped at tbe junction of Kallang Road and Lavender Street. On again starting. the conductor beard a shout, and stopping tbe car he found the trolley
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  • 76 8 Austrian and German members of tbe Royal Bangkok Sports Club and the Siam Turf Club have been notified that tbeir membership bas ceased. A special gazette has been issued stating that all enemy aliens on whom Siamese rank has been conferred have been deprived of tbe same, and also of
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  • 94 8 Another man wbo bas lived to read his own obituary notices in tbe Press, apparently, is General Alexieff. A report has recently been published in Japanese papers cf bis death, and, as be was at one time Viceroy of the Russian Far East, his reported death bas been the subject
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  • 88 8 A sad tragedy occurred across river this morning (August 1), says the Sarawak Gazette. Mr. J. W. Staples was found dead in his house from the effects of a revolver shot, evidently stlf-iutlxtcJ. No reason can be assigned for the deed, and as fat as ikuown Mr. Staples had no
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  • 104 8 It Las come to cur knowledge, says tht report of tbe Hongkocg and Sjuih I'bin.i War Savings AsaociatioT for the first half year, ending June 30. that tbe Straits Gov ernuient have declined to accept any more subscriptions from War Savings Association* owing to the fact, we imagine, that the
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  • 132 8 Three deaths occurred at the beginning of July as the result of an amok at a I>yak village at Tebia Bawa in I pper Sarawak. It appears that a Dyak named Nyainid wert into a room where anothor namtd Kanee was lyioe down wben suddenly tbe latter got up, drew
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  • 122 8 After tbe war anniversary meeting at Ponang on Saturday the padang was cleared fur the parade of tbe l'enaug Volunteers and Sikh and Malay Police, who wire inspected by the Hon. Mr. \V. I\e|, acting Resident Councillor. Major J. Sl liar was in command, the turn out being au txcelleut
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  • 148 8 Mtßßrs. A. L. Ytnyadanaliim Chitty and N. C. bulaiubram Pillay, of Singapore, entertiim il Mr. I. Thanibiah, gtatiODDiaitf r, Tank I; .ail. on his promotion to ti»iho inspector, Tauipio, on M «nr),iy, at 7J, Tank Koad. Almost all tbe leading uitm'jern of the Tamil and Chitty con.niunities were prieent, including
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  • 438 8 Mr. A. L. Simmons ban taken over charge of Horn pin Estate, Babau. Sir Herbert Dcring, British Minister la Siam, is taking two months' Itavo and arrived in Singapore from Bangkok yosterday. Mr. L. Forrest Smith, of Nova Scotia Estate, Teluk Anson, is leaving for home this
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  • 72 8 We gratefully acknowledge 525 from Anonymous, per Messrs. Adamson Gilnllan and Co.. for our fund to assist the Overseas Club in supplying smokes to our soldiers and sailors. Tbe total subscribed by readers of the Straits Times is now $15.155 76, and tbe amount
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  • 152 8 We have p. ccived a letter from Mr. I! M le, accountant, Pul.iu l!nlnn<> Kubb. r and Produce Company, enclosing a pay order for $300. The letter explains that at au informal gathering of British and Mgiaa subjects held on the sth inst. to commemorate tbe
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  • 154 8 The Health I'rouioticn Association celf brated i's first anoivtrsary by a picnic In Xi at Taujoag Kttnrjg, dmii.^ tie Auguht holidays. .U the tuedini:. with Mr. Tay lim (Juee iv tho chair, Mr. Tun II I Lee, thu hon. stcrctaiy, iUmml tho members. He >.aid Unit li"
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  • 169 8 Sptaking at tho Society of Arts ncintly < aptain B. C. Hucks said thin- I mi be-i n a large number of fatal accidents entirely due to flying t hrouyli clouilh. lie t Id (A a hi^h Higbt in deuuu cluud. aad said tho machine literally tumbled
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 160 8 Rone: 0 steel cabinets FOX BULKY BOOKS. No. 718. Fitted with one to ItslMsfcr shelve?, adjustable every half BE i^» t |<ft^ii.»»^'* i inch, and fireproof collapsible curtain. Ya^e Lock. ON SHOW AT 14a, GOLLYER QUAY. RONEO LTD.. SIX6APORE. ENGLISH HARNESS uality harness with martingale ard bearing rein, black or
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    • 200 8 SPECIAL PRODUCTIONS OF UNUSUAL STREN6TH AT THB ALHAMBRA he Pionwr and Premier House -The House of Quality Beach Road Paths presents the most powerful Bold Rooster play IN 4 ACTS K|QK |M IN 4 ACTS k wonderful ecreen version of Will ird Mack'e gripping stag'; play One oi tbe most
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  • 1478 9 LULL IN THE WEST. Stories of the Recent Battle. The Allied War Conference Meeting. IMU JKAMS. :i Augast 7, 1 DO p.m. r icll Marshal llnii sti>- There is nothing to report. London, \ugist 1 1" 30 p.u.. i icld Marshal ll.iig reports There is the usual reciprocal
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  • 173 9 The Rubber Lands Restriction Bill. Tbe following sapplenentary orders nf the Jay For the Legislative Council meeting were issued today n by Mr. C. W. Darbishire: 'With reference to the statement by the Treasurer in Council on November 3, 1916 that tbe Government proposed to take respon ib'.hty
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  • 362 9 A Brother Officer's Tribute to His Bravery. The (ullowiag is an extract from a letter vrittra by i British offi-er interned in Holland in r. _ar i la the exploit of Lituten ant Morreli, o: the Muntters (attached R.F.C.), in tavfcaj a arjwning man Sunday w\. i
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  • 89 9 To-day's Business. Saunders and Macpbail'o Daily Report Silver up *d.— 4l f Honckoog up ;-.'sii), j pm.) >h»Dgh*i up t 3 il ij->. Tin.— Sal.s Ml tons at Illtk liubber 1.->odou J. r>. Locally steady. The share market continues steady and there are very few cheap shares
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  • 31 9 A patent has b- 1 a granted in .Tartan for a wirele«s telephone system by which the por-nnsat each ecd can talk simultaneously us is the case with the ordinary telephone.
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  • 1164 9 Position Regarding Notice To Quit. Before Mr. Ralph Scott in the Civil District Court yesterday action was brought by His Highness the Sultan of Siak (as landlord) and Lim Nee Soon (as lessee) against Mr. T. L. Gosling, merchant, to recover possession of house and premises 33,
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  • 87 9 Some days ago Mr. Tse Tsan Tai captured near "Section" behind Stone cutters Inland, Hongkong, where be has a farm and seatide retreat, a mon«ter garoupa weighing 154 catties (over 2HO Ib^.l. Thre» boats were mployed in getting tlio h«h (ree from the net, which had to be cat open
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  • 2770 9 FRENCH AND BRITISH MEDICAL SCIENCE. Purloined and Exploited by The Hun. German methods are getting to be under stood, bat there is still a good deal of stupid belief that Germany did everything, the fact being that she advertised herself all over the world, often shamelessly. We heard
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    • 25 10 The -mcla'r v. Donnell has been fixed for to m irow. So far no other ties have been arranged for this week.
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    • 37 10 will bo a soccer match between Navy anJ Army officers un the S.C.C grounJ The Navy team will be :t anl Wnittaker: Frame. i >v< sfl irkt-r Stewart, Hum iU.- ..l I HiJdiestone. Mr F. W.
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    • 122 10 iO'i latermtinv game of hockey was I ii. K r "und yesterday be C. team and the Service!-. lit was a draw of one all, and on the well justihxl. Tbe borne team i.< forward short, and after a few y also lost McLeod, wiio received a bad cut
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    • 116 10 The following in the draw for the mixed (satfps competition at the Singapore Gulf Club Mr- o>w ati'i Mtaterton v. Mrs. Marriott mi Ciourber. Mrs ll.illen and Lorcio v. Mrs. Stevens and Mughston. Mrs. I .ya.ll ami lip m Mm. Elder and Koox. Mrs. Griffiths Jones »n t Smith
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  • 106 10 Mr. Lous s a .uipton) asked in the Hooae of Commons whether the correct interne. i»t ion of the <te to President WiLjn was that it not proponed to diwnsa»»r» the Anstrian .otu two or mom independent MalM, I lhat Mutable formi of home rule ware gnmU
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  • 28 10 The Shinjika M»ru, steauier of 11,000 tons KriMR, built to tin; order of the Tatnuma lias b 111 launched at the a-»uj hjckyatJ. at T Minimi, near Tokyo.
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  • 1508 10 A FORETASTE OF WHAT IS TO COME. Sound Principles of Strategy. The former Berlin correspondent of the Naval and Military Record writes: During tbe last few weeks that section of the Belgian coast in the occupation of tbe enemy has been subjected to a series of violent
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  • 399 10 Discussion in Home Labour Circles. Tbe London correspondent of the N.C. Daily News writes There is a good deal of discussion in labour circles in this country regarding the employment of Chinese in this country, mostly engaged in two occupations, maritime work and laundry work. The
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  • 177 10 IVlepab Valley.— Bo,ooo Iba. stinting.— l3.2oo lbs. C10v011y.— 8,471 lbs Incb Kenneth. 10,400 lb«. Glenshiel.— 45,100 lbs. Kajang.— 34,soo Iba. Sungti Rama 1. —21,176 lbs. Conoemara. 090 Iba. Mambaa.— l9.27o lb«. Seletai.— l6,2so lbs. to date 16,260 lbs. The Burma Development Syndicate. ;,Mn Iba. Tirane.— 3,s2s Iba.
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  • 2172 10 BRUSILOV SAYS IT IS NOT MORTALLY SICK. Soldiers Are Like Children As bearing upon the all-important question of the reviving morale of the Russian armies the following interview with Genoral A. A. Brnsilov, translated for the Japan Advertiser from the I'tro Rossii, should prove of more than
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  • 120 10 The following statement, dated December, 1916, was lift by Major Rtdmond, Ml', in the keeping of bis solicitor in Ireland:— lf I should die abroad I will give my wife my last thought and love, and ask her to pray that we meet hereafter. I shall
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  • 1070 10  -  the Countess of Warwick, B> BEGINNING TO MAKE ITS VOICE HEARD. We are all aware that the world war is in certain aspects a violent prelude to changes that will be no less violent in result. Prophecy, always dangerous, is more than ever dangerous jast now, for the
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  • 1531 11  -  A. J. Daw son. BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM." B> When the historians of the future come to deal with the various moral and pyschological a spurts of the great war they will find irrefutable cviHenoc of the fact that one side fought consistently for
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  • 77 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, August 10, 1917. WIDNISDAY, AluOT 8. 5.16 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. 4.80 p.m. BalestLr Range SRE.iV.) 515 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. FRIDAY, Al'uL'ST 10. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall s.V.A. Recruits. i, i, Maxim Co. ■*.:30 p.m. Chinese Co.
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  • 201 11 Drill Okukks fob Aivot, 1917. Wednesday B.— Parades at Pearl's Hill and Tanjong Pagir. 5.15 p.m. Saturday 11.— Nos. 1 and 2 Sections. Pearl's Hill Co., Normanton Range, 3.80 p.m. Sunday 12.— Nos. 1 and 2 Sections, Pearls Hill Co., Normanton Range. T. 30 a.m. w, inesday
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  • 87 11 Alter an inspection of the shattered motor ambulance in Trafalgar square the Duke of Portland remarked on the fact that the number of the wrecked car was 13. "I am not superstitious in regard to it, be said. I think it the best number in
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  • 66 11 'J l.i liiiui ol M. Vtoiiclos in Athens, which lms been officially sealed since the anti-Ally disturbances in December, has been opeu. .1 am The walls were found to hat i bttn riddled with bullets and books bad stolen 01 disttuyed. Miners had dog np the cellars to a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 586 11 VISITS TO JAVA. GRAND HOTEL JAVA BATAVIA. Cable Addre» i JAVA HOTSL. Code i A.B.C. 6th Edition. Merouur Cod* i 3rd Edition. The best situated and most comfortable Hotel, possesses the most beautiful Diningroom in Java. Moderate Charges, Excellent Cuisine. Barber's Shop, Livery Stables and Motor Cars. Over 100 Rooms.
      586 words
    • 274 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, August 11 Special Dinner At 8 And SKATING 10.15 to 11.30 ADELPHI HOTEL Monthly Rate for Tiffin $2O m Dinner $2O n n Breakfast, Tiffin and Dinner $5O EVERY EVENING DURING DINNER CONCERT BY OUR FILIPINO BAND. Saturdays —SPECIAL DINNER SEA VIEW HOTEL music I DURING New
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  • 2449 12 HARDSHIP OF EXCESS PROFITS DUTY. Record Years Profits. Theaßvonth annual general meeting ol the 01 III! (X.M.S.) Estates, Ltd wm held on Line 14. at the Cannon street Hotel. 8.C., Mr. Noel Trotter (chairman of the company) 1 be Chairman said Gentlemen, I proposo, with your permission, to
    2,449 words
  • 1351 12 The Legion that Never Was Listsd. Io connection with Britain's effort in the war everyone has read with grateful pride of the fine work and brave deeds upon all the fronts of the Scots, the Irish, the Welsh, the Indian troops, the Canadians, the Australians, New Zealanders, Sooth
    1,351 words
  • 718 12 IS RUSSIA PLAYED OUT Need for Patience with New Regime. Zinovy N. Preev writes in the Evening Standard What is happening in Russia t Is Russia played ont 1 Is Russia going to fall .•at of tbe war I Is Russia going to piece 6?" There is not a Russian
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 222 12 CHEESE New stocks just received of Australian Cheddar certified as Is*; grade by Australian Government Certificate. ALSO English Cheddar, English Stilton, Canadian Cheddar and Gruyere. Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). PREPAREDNESS MONTH OF AUGUST Tons over Tons of NEW GOODS FROM GREAT BRITAIN and AMERICA We
      222 words

  • 1038 13 GENERAL PERSHING IN THE FRENCH CHAMBER. M. Viviani's Great Speech. Tbe Times' Paris correspondent, writing on Juno 14, says: Tbe Chamber to day beld a sitting which will rank in historic grandeur with the finest in its history. The message of France, delivered to the world
    1,038 words
  • 89 13 Roar Admiral C. D. Ooodricb, of the United States Navy, advocates tbe baot-inx of the German submarine officers and crews wben caught red banded Onilt," be says, "is personal, acd it is idle to contend tbat tliey obeyed orders." Fifty years ayo BritisL officers would have Btrun^ up tbe first
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 221 13 SALE OF Perfumes, Toilets Stationery AT WHITEAWAY'S hJ&*S Toilet Soap, 3 rnkea in b x, d fferMl Tricfs 18 ots. p< r box. Vardlty'i Fragrant Perfume, different kindr. in I oz bottle, in VWNh^S !:ic. $2.35 M KSilflfiF I SOv/qvlt I jwy«i<i«irLiic»^J MbSH BBIT^T V^V^i^Wi^l V«rdley'« Hair Wash, Sale Price
      221 words
    • 170 13 nI A Jfyouonlyrealised what I! !i I] I cycling would do for toja /A rvi^ou'w'oiirt Proved sterlin /M Bicycle iMi tlf s?«.ysfc DM Framroz Co.'s ■IT' ride a™ l con<roT\hat 6" M rW '"^e^" 1 rh*A AERATED WATERS> M¥ CYCLE 4 CARRIAGE CO. k|i_^ ifji Orchard Road, Singapore i~\ '"""i
      170 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2091 14 WAX or PIAOI. FAM INI or PUBNTT, LlFl InBURANOK IB WOKTH 100 OINTB ON THE DOLLARS THE GREAT EASTERN UFilsSlßliifboSiFAKY, LIMITED. (laeoarsßAtaa m Blum SaTtaaaaßtt) ■MeMB Jfnet Wiwel>ea>e» Ma>a— BHwgapar-a LONDON Dlllßßi ■>, Old 4awry, CO. Tbe Ocnceaay cat ABOtOOO deaotajed wafa tbe Boawiße Opnet ef Baglaad, aad somplie* with
      2,091 words
    • 912 14 INBURANGE. THE ORIENTAL GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Established 1874. Incokporatkd in India. Funds exceed $30,500,000— Absolute Security. Thcmas Wallace, Esq. F.1.A., F.F.A. of Kd nlur».l>,tl cCerupaoy> Ccn.u't ng Actuary, in bis recent Valuatiou Report, nattd "Pclicj holders may with unabated confidence reccamend Hie comptiy to laah friends becatso
      912 words

  • 561 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Form-A-Truck. The latest American conversion system to adapt the Ford to heavy commercial uso is an attachment by which a Ford oar owner can change his car, in two or three hours, into a one-ton commercial vehicle, capable, it ib atatod,
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  • 191 15 Sufferings of Crews Through L-Boat Ruthlessness. Two more instances of German submarine officers' inhumanity to merchant service sailors were recently reported. The British steamer Ksrib was sank without warning 230 miles from land by an enemy submarine on April 13, the starboard lifeboat being smashed
    191 words
  • 212 15 King Constantine going into retirement, with some friends," adds one more to the lengthening list of unemployed monarch*. It is really getting somewhat difficult to keep them all in mind. The amiable Abdul the— (well, there is no use in being premature) is still living. Then
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 244 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES A w USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. THE ADMIRALTY AND OTHER GOVERNh MENT DEPARTMENTS. THE ROM THREE-RIBBED TREAD TYRE. THIS is the Kiau amanzst tyres tor Colonial users. The substantial ribs provide the tyre with the fi jest rubber aon skid ling propensities possible and thii
      244 words
    • 156 15 IN NORMAL TIMES Every other tyre on the road is a Dunlop. This is a fact which speaks for itself. y I In a multitude of I^-^pJ counsels there lieth <-J^BBH^7 wisdom- in this case jp^ g the wisdom of fit-jSL-l i ting Dunlop Tyres t° your car now Jj
      156 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1125 16 A^&J*. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL O LIQUEUR WHISKY. Ai supplied to both Houses Df /a^EßpiKv Parliament OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS fWf^ ADAMSON, GILFILLAN \i^ZiMvL ANO COMPANYi LIMITEO |itf| 111 Incorporated in England' 1 4rlfilCEi Singapore Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT XPERIENCBD COMPOSITORS WANTED for the Straits Times (news department)
      1,125 words
    • 539 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT. Houses No. 7, Ghanoery Lane. kpplj to Chins Koue Lee Co., Auctioneer*. 18 11-o FURNISHED hBASIDB KBSIDSNCKS Ftenioline, and late Chinese Swimming Clnb. Apply H. Somapali 817, Serargoon Road. 8010-n TO LET, Mount Levina, No. 15, Barker Koad. Excellent view, four bedroom*, rent moderate. Apply
      539 words
    • 231 16 Kiam Kiat Co. *****09. MarkatStrMt. Phong No. 421 (Private No. 22 J8) Just Arrived Stout Navy Canvas American Cotton Canvas Green Treated Canvas Waterproof Canvas. WILLESDEN) PRICES REASONABLE QUALITIES SUPERIOR. S.R.LAM6ERT&GO. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 3 Orchard Read, Telephone Ho. INS. THE OLDEBT AND LEAOIN6 BTUDIO Jnsquallcd Facilities, Ample Resources, and be
      231 words
    • 352 16 GUAN KIAT Co., No. 88, Phillip Street Ship Chandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors. Office Telephone Noa. 1801 and 1862 Private Telephone Nob. 1460 and 1078. Telegraphic Address Gufcnkiat Boodt ready and in stock now NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Pig lead, sheet lead, Hubbnck's white /inc. red lead powder and white
      352 words
    • 134 16 Straits Motorcar Service 'Phone 1233 CARS FOR HIRE.— We be* to notiiy our patrons, pant ami prefect, tha°. we have just received a few niort new B and 7 icaler cars for hire, which will enable us to meet requirements. We are the only yar..^.-' supplying b**t carß at ordiDary
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 390 16 Straits Isitnes. TELEPHONES: Editorial and General 5H Manager's Office HIT Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial matters and news shoul'J be addressed tc THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters— advertisements, subcriptions. accounts, printing, etc.— should be addressed to THE MANAGER. Cheques and money orders should
      390 words