The Straits Times, 16 July 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,468 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JULY 16. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 168 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Price now $19.00 per mm Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect c •< mditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the best soup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jbihby, McfteiXl Jsibby state "If there was
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    • 166 1 BRITISH C A ITIT C MADE OAF MLjO Made of bent steel hi h wWe d «p fire and burglar I f.^vSJ'S x \l Is""' prOOf* Ii- |U- 32 x2l x2O Solid steel doors and best powder-proof locks ROBINSON CO. I Fitters BRASS&NIGKEL BEDS M* t0 T **6f IN* JSSSSti
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    • 13 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER. Soli Agents ADAMBON GILFILLAN CO., LTD (IrUjrporatwl 11 KngUnd) 1
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  • 1069 2 The following casualties are reported London, Juno K Killod.- Lieut A. Andrews, R.F.A. Capt. E. O. Hadow, West Yotkshirts; Capt. B. R. Heape, R.F.A.; 2nd Lieut. J. Huyton, Sherwood*; 2nd Lieut. F. P. Joyce, Border Regiment 2nd Lieut F. J. Marine. Liverpools; 2od Lieut. A. H. Malcolm, Scottish
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 699 2 NOTICE. I Notioe is bercb, *im that Mt. Oob Hood Kiat has from this date joined mjr scrvire a* manager to my tirru jf K.i j A C 0.,6 b, Bit^rj Road, Singaporf, t'.at h« h** f<"l authority to entor »uy t;aneac»ion on my firm beoaU. LSE oHIM HAY, :op.ia<Of,
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    • 313 2 After Illness After the racking effects of fever, dysen'r--y. holera, colic or bowel comp'aints, eveiy part of th» body needs strengthening. It if not enon^K merely to take tonics or stimulants, for onfy by building-up every part of tfee body can health be MQfMMdL SCOTT'S Emulsion is a pure
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    • 610 2 Cockle's Pills should be kept in the house, to be ready when they are wanted. Many a small warning of constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, or livenshness, grows into something more distressing, simply because tbe right pill was not at hand at the right time. Whoa you want a pill
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    • 399 2 Whenever you leave your house you leave it safe, if your door is fitted with a Yale Night-latch For Sale by all leading ironmonger. Ask far a* lstsrsitis( Booklet on Val* products." THE YALE AND TOWN MANUFACTURING CO.. NEW YORK. NOTICE. BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE Order* are now being booked
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  • 879 3 LARGER SPHERES OF ACTIVITY OUTLINED. Progress of the^lnstitution. The Koynl Colonial Institute, which held its forty-eighth annual meeting tbo other day, has made greater progress during the war than almost any other institution. Jurl eight years ago (in February, 1909), when a Heform Committee was appointed, it
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  • 36 3 It is ifficially annonnced that tbe United States possesses more than enough ritles to srm a million soldiers and that preparations bave been made to arm a larger force as soon as it is rt quired.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 742 3 Vtt la tb« tame- t*rf> mbm >■■!, Pawlta »»sk ■••alar BAROOL, tbe concentrated food tbat pots on good, healthy flesh, sometimes at the ••le of a poond a day, baildg np tht thin and weak, bring back toe rosy blush ol health, i iiaa flu oat tbf> skinny, scrawny figures
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    • 403 3 CHEONG BROTHERS Dentists, 25, South Bridge Road FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES First class Mechanic H Dentistry, Gold Crown, Bridge Filling and Vulcanite. Duration of Wear guaranteed. CHaRQBS MODERATE Best Tooth Powders and Braehes for vale. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby giv jn that I, tbe under, •igned, Fong King Nami on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 450 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. (iMOOftPOBATID IN JaFA* EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained between Yokohama, via ports and London ander mail eontraot with tlic Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining Itaia servioe have been specially designed and „,r t fM d are fitted
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    • 605 4 STEAMER SAILIN6B. P. O. -British India Apcai* Line. (Companies Inoobpobatbd in Bnolamd). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contraot with His Majesty CrOTerniaant), for China, Japan, Panang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Aden, Bgypt, MtditcrninMn Port* and London. MAIL LINES. HOMBWABD (FOB KOBOPB) OdTWABO (FOB CrUll INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE
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    • 664 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Imoobpobatbd in Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgana, Bisat, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telapin, Panarai. Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamai, Band jn, Langsaen, Champon, Kohlak A Bangkok. Due Departure c.c. ASDANG July 16 July 18, 3 p.m. s.s. BORIBAT July 28 July 28,
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    • 662 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SBRVIOB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. (Ihoobpobatbd in Bnolamd MO THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incokpokatbd in Bnulanl) bstwbbn Fremantle (Perth), North- Weat Auetralian Porte, Java and Singapore* Regular sailing between Singapore and Western Anstra. a calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 667 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (Incorfokatid id Japan) (Osaka Maraantila Itumthip Co., Ltd KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. The Company maintains a .-ognlar oargc service witb six stcam&rs oallicg at Moji Yokkaicbi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swtt tenbam, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, and on tbe return voyage calling at Tntioonp, Singapore, Hongkong and Moji. PACIFIC
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    • 116 5 Eagle Forges 5 and 8-ton Jacks Claw Hammers— Carpenter's Chisels, and Braces and Bits Spirit Levels— Callipers— Wing Compasses Surveyor's Chains, etc., etc. Sime, Darby and Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS) MALACCA. SHIPBUILDING DEPARTMENT MOTOR LAUNCHES All types designed and built under skilled European supervision fc. WOOD MOTOR CABIN
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 352 6 BONOS for Standard. Conoert and Teaobing. and Christy's Minstrels. PI AMO FORTE P.ooes and Dnets, a good Tariety by eminent Bnglish composers. PIANOFORTE ALBUMS of Marches by Son.a Patey and Willis's. Kitchener and Baden Powell March Albums, e»c. PIANOFORTE Waltises (musical comedies, etc.) One and two steps. VIOLIN A PIANOFORTE
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    • 53 6 UNITED ENGINEERS, LIMITED. Clients are respectfully requested to give legible receipts lor all goods received. Owing to losses occurring from time to time through neitherourselves nor ourclients being able to recognise signatures on Delivery Notes no initials or illegible signatures can be accepted in future. T. C. B. MILLER, Secretary.
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    • 507 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, COMFORTABLE HOUSE offered to one or two paying guests large room*, veranda! all roond and baturcom attached. Box No. I 806, Straits Times. 16-7— 28-7 (WANTED, a oletk to take charge c< manufacture o£ aerated waters and to oontrol working coolies Apply stating age acJ salary exptchd to
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    • 287 6 ||SnMUtATING TOIMIC Everybody is Wearing It!— Why aren't YOU? a^OKE convenient in wear, more easily taken off and pat on, more c nifortable, more economical, more neat and dainty, more o!tan and ranitary, more lasting tban clo'h or leather straps, which rot, crack and look dirty and nnsigbtly in a
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  • 100 7 FIXTURES. Monday, July I ft. H.Rb*. V.H a.m. 9.44 p.m. Harm*ton> Cirooa. TiKsday, July 1 7. RMbi V It a m., 10.'2S p.m Hamilton's Circus. Wednesday, July 1 8 High Wstea. IUI a.m.. 10.57 p.m. Y. W. 0. A hostel opening, 5.15 p.m. iiarwrttou Cirons. Thursday,
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  • 82 7 To-d*i. •It mini; Ml pin Swettenham and Teluk Anson 3.30 pm Malacca and Maar 8 pm To-mobbow. <Jocob 6.30 am 'art Swettonham *n ''eoanß 1 1 am Port Swettcubam, d>oi>, i:' uai'i ami tiWin Uan 12.30 pm fort I>icknon Sin^kawant;. Pamingkat and Sambas 2.30 pm Selat Pandjang,
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  • 252 7 The mail trains from Singapore for the jorlb leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. tid 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.18 p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. Tba thrjcgu exprees to Penang leaves Knsla ;y nfcr at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Penan s; it
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  • 43 7 .tpoaj Dee in London Arrivid U V "I IUDf U M»y 8 M .11. 18 14 *O. 14 vO. 14 86 May 48. I. 14 >C»y 25 P. AO. 28 •ane I- I July 0 Jaae f 3d. M. 12
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  • 48 7 Oar abeotioa hai been ealleJ to thr fact that mt arrivalH io Lon.ion arc macb behind tbuM pB*lihiicd elsewhere. Oar rain in to |Ha tnivalH only wlii<n they are officially reported in Mm Poat Office notioea, and ao Utar dMe than that printed above hai bcea ■O repotted.
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  • 247 7 Boy Who Went to London to Seek His Fortune. ry uf a poor boy who London to tin i bm fortune, "made mtd," anil has t>iv<-n proof of his devotion to bm uatiw t"»D in I' von«liire, is revealed by .njptun Town Council. Mr. Sydney
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  • 180 7 EXCHANOB. Bik9afobb, July 10, 1917. Oh ......Bank 4 m/a l/4| Demand 2/4} Private lull m 2/4 1 (i Oh Francs Bank T. T. 818 Oh India Bank T. T, m Oh HoM<»oMa...Bank d/d 12J%pm Oh SsuHaiAi ...Bank d/d Cfc Oh Jata Bank T. T. 184 Oh
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    • 174 7 J3£ Buyer, Seller 10 10 Ampane 5.60 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 1.35 1.50 10 10 Kanaboi 1.2 s 1.50 19 10 Kinta Association 9.25 9.50 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 41 £1 Laliat Mines 4. C0 600 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.75 £1 £1 Malayan Tin
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    • 116 7 vXel Ba ce 1 SeUett 41 41 Smeltißff 00. 7.8S 7.7S 41 41 i, Pref. 1.8.6 1.C.0 6/- B/- Blectrie T'wayi 4/- 5/ 10 10 Fr&se» Neave 43.(0 44.00 60 BO W.HamiaeiACo. 85.00 68.00 100 Howarth Krekioe 65.00 76.00 100 7%Prel. 100.00 100 100 Eata Bio, Dei. par 120.00
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    • 45 7 United Engineers e%«1,2t)4,00C par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £860,000 norn Spore Municipal 6% 11,873,000 par Spore Municipal 4j% ol 1907 11,800,000 ld^die Spore Mi'Licipal 4\% ofIWOU $3,(X*J,('TO 10%dui S'pcre Muaicipal 4% 8.000.000 16% d« Spore y.uuicipal 4% 0% luan 1913 »l&,OtK),000 101.00 102.00
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  • 318 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To day's Prices. Fraser Lyall .v Co. Evatt. Alor Gajah (*1) 4.10 441 4.10 4.20 Amal. Malay (2) 0.30 0.50pm 0.1>0 0.40 Ayer Hitam (95) 14 50 15.50 14.00 15.00 Ayer Kilning i31) 130 1.40 LSI LM
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 550 7 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. CLXXX with ezperienoe of rubbat estate acotuniH wanted for ecta'ein J horu. Apply to BfcAnliffe, Davis and Hope Laidiav Building. 18.;— 18-7 FOX SALB, Bi-hp. motor cyolo, Jap engine, bo eh magn to, v riab.o gear. Good tunning oul r. VMi i otters Box Nr ans »tr».'.. T
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    • 425 7 FRASER 4 CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH i SINGAPORE. ELECTRO-MAONETIC SEPARATORS For tin-wolfram and other magnetic ores. WE BAVB ADDED SBVBRAL IMPROVEMENT* TO THE WBLL KNOWN AND SUCCESSFUL WETHERILL TYPE UPON WHICH OUR DESIGN IS BA3BD. 1/nrirg the latit year we have manufactured several of these plants. WE
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    • 69 7 GAIETY CINEMA Junction of Ai.biht and Pkv hks 5- IN THE SECOND SHOW, AT 9 80 SHAKP SPECIAL NUMBER OF THE ANIMAL WORLD SERIES A great Reliance fight drama 2 reels THE CRAVEN i reels Bluebird Photoplayt preient Cleo Madison in 5 BLACK ORCHIDS 5 Ht« Ingram* wonderful production in
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  • 1107 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, JULY 16. MESOPOTAMIA. It is difficult to explain to the public precisely what malign influences are at work in oar country. The Dardanelles report casting grave reflections upon Lord Kitchener, upon Mr. Asquitb, and upon other man who bore the heat and burden of the first
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  • 14 8 The Cowie Harbour Coal Company reached their record output of 7,834} tons in May.
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  • 43 8 The Vorwarta says that tbn German n.iti in ix suffering terribly and in lonpug for iv a-■ <*i'h all its heart. Aocording tv the H .ttardnrusche Conrant Btua.l di luocratic Ml will be of no avail. A large i. iut:unary movement is con-ing.
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  • 22 8 The Inter-denominational Prayer Meeting will be held today at Torridge, Institution Hill, at 5.15 p.m. Tbe speaker will be Mr. Dean Swift.
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  • 36 8 Mr. H. White, Government Veterinary Surgeon, Penang, is in receipt of information from the Secret iry Western India Turf Club that he haa drawn the 190 th prize. The date of tbe letter is July 4.
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  • 47 8 The Straits Chinese Reading Club will commence a new session to night in the CCA. ball at 8 p.m. The Rev. W. Murray and Mr. Song Ong Siang will be present to receive, intending members. The session lasts for six months and the fee is a dollar.
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  • 45 8 Tbo steamship Maruda formerly on the N.D.L. ran to Borneo has been seised by tbo American Government. Her funnel was still painted tbe familiar N.D.L. yellow and tbe words Marudu— Bremen still remained on the stern, when she arrived at a British North Borneo port.
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  • 64 8 It was recently reported (says the Bangkok Daily Mail) that Mr. H. S. Oldbam, formerly of tho Bangkok Police, had been killed at the front in France. Wo are glad to cay that there is no truth whatever in tho sto-y, but, on the other band, are sorry to say
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  • 79 8 The second of a coarse of monthly lectures to mothers, to bo held under the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance L'nion, will be given on Thursday, July 19, at 4.45 p m., at the Y.W.C.A. New Hall. It is entitled, Care of the Baby in Sickness and Health, and
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  • 82 8 The funeral of Lieutenant-Colonel R. S. Frowd Walker, C.M.G., Commandant PriBoners of War Camp, Alexandra Palace, and for many years Commandant of tho Malay States Guides, in the Malay States, took place with full military honours on May 21 at the Paris Church, Koockholt, Kent. Among those present were Mrs.
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  • 104 8 We have beard a great deal lately about tho value of land on the East Coast for sugar planting, says tbe British North Borneo Herald. Our land is said to be as good as. if not better than, that of the Philippic? Islands and we have the advantage of biiny
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  • 115 8 The Straits Ecbo announces the death of Mr. Gan Tcoug Eng which took place on aa hUl} night at his residence in Bixbop Mrect, Penang. The deceased gentleman, who was 41 years of age, had ban in in ititterent health for over a year and succumbed to an attack of
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  • 150 8 In the debate on ths Datch East ladies Indian Kudget, Mr. Fleyte, Dutch Minister for tbe Colonies, saiJ that he desired to banish opium from Netherlands India, but that so long as opium was grown in British India it would hardly be possible to prevent smuggliog, so that a regie
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  • 74 8 Tbe celebration of French National Day at tbe Adtlphi llutt-1 proved in every way a thorough success. A large company sat down t > the special dinner, at tbe conclusion of which a collection was mado by M 1 and Mrs. Ellis on behalf of the French National Association of
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  • 80 8 at the Victoria Theatre. Tlic tota) rais^i was 9777, which will bo banded cv. r tj Hi French Consul. During ilium rat thi Adelphi a iuusi. 1 il entertainment was given by the Mm i'acktts and La Bella Lolita, the charming SpaDii-h dancer. The latter, who has j Ist return:-J
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  • 215 8 Mr. S. G. ForbeH, Chief Electrical Engi oeer in My»oro, having returned from leave, has takeu ever charge from Mr. S. 1). Soshadri Iyeugar, tue Chief Operator from Sivasamudram. The fifth installation of 4.G00 h.p, of the Cauvery power schnmo will be completed in September next. It will be by
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  • 340 8 Mr. Percy E. Cobhnm, manager, Lauder dale estate, Matang, has left for homo on long leave. Captain Brooke, the Tuan Muda of Sara wak, is a passenger per a Japanese steamer to Singapore. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Physick and chill, of Ipoh, are spending a holiday
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  • 46 8 The General Officer Commanding hopos, i.ll those who are home to join up, without having filled iv tanm and 1? will send their names to Fort ('anmo<_', id order to complete-, as far as possible. th< records of those going home to tuht.
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  • 105 8 Tbo Cameos closed their short flea -on here on Saturday evening with a very successful performance. The first part of the programme was especially good. Miss Peggy K'j»a and Mr. Atbol Tier winning special applause, the former by a delicious rendering of the LoDg Long Trail," tho latter
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  • 86 8 Mrs. ltidoat, bou. treasurer of tht I Ki.oiiliL-s Kuuil, Ikks to acknowledge with tbauks the receipt of tbe following amounts. Mrs. Kkiout takrs tbig opportunity uf bimid trinnin^ tbis fund before the public, ami to say bow sle will be to receive Mib-ciip ttoDS, do matter how
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  • 124 8 At the continuation of the. preliminary enquiry in tl.e Imm i M-iyis'.rati Ipoh, on Friday, into Mm oiioui jitinjuattendant ou the diaili of Mr. John IMmiiaim who was murdered in Lihat Uoari, l|>r>h, on the night of J ll l CullbP iufonued kbt Magistrate (Ml that tbe
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  • 134 8 The (ioneral Officer Commandini; I S. hM much pleasure in forwarding for publication an extract from a War Office letter motived in acknowledgment of a report from the officer in cLart; of Electric Lights and Telephones. The Army Council txpreaa their appreciation of the valuable service*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 251 8 "SPRINGBOK" THE GENUINE BOER TOBACCO Manufactured from the finest Magaliesberg Tobacco. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE in 4-oz. SEALED BAGS Insist on your Day and Night Wear be*ng made of genuine Viyella" VO WASHING MATERIAL has a greater r> uta un throDgbojt tLu world f r Price confident nliili.l.ty whenever and ■wherever PfiCe
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    • 210 8 BETTER PICTURES. BITTER MUSIC. BETTER SURROUNDINGS AND BETTER SERVICE IRE SOME OF THE lE4TURESOF THE ALHAMBRfe TIM Pioneer and Premier House The Houie of Quality Beach Road Pathe present* a powerful Gold Rooster Play THE EMPRESS In B Acts. The stirring portrayal of an igODisiDg soul's triumph ever threatening evil.
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  • 5458 9 KING AND QUEEN IN FRANCE. Warm Thanks to Brave Army. BATTLE OF THE DUNES. Graphic Description of The Struggle. Rll VMS. v, J jly 14, 4.50 p.m. Th'_ Kiny has issued a sp-:c'al army order saying: "At tlic conclusion if uiy fourth visit to the British armies in
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  • 217 10 We are indebted to the French Consulate for the following telegrams i Parii, July 14, 6.15 p.m. The French National Fete was celebrated with great splendour, one of the features being the presentation of the tla^s to the regiments which have covered themselves with glory on the
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  • 186 10 REPUBLICANS ATTACKING PEKING. Rll'Tßß's TKLK.iKVM. London, July 13, 7.10 p.m. Shanghai The Republicans are attacking Peking with artillery, machine guns and aeroplanes. Already three thousand of Chang Hsun's troops have surrendered. London, July 13, 8 p.m. Tientsin The Republican headquarters reports th. t throe thousand of Chang
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  • 33 10 Reutkr's Tklkokau. London, July 13, 6 p.m. The death has occurred o( the old-time jockey Tom Cannon, senior. South Monmouth by-election result Sir Garrod Thomas, Liberal, 6,769: Pardoe Thomas, Independent, 727.
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  • 213 10 Chamber of Mines and the Proposed Amendments. (From Oik Own (taMMNMMRj Ipoh. July 15. A special meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines was held to consider Mr. A. Payne Gallwey's aud the Government's bills to amend the Mining Enactment, also the Government letter regarding amendments to
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  • 157 10 The Kieler Zeitung announces that the film taken by Lieutenant Commander Wolf on board the German commerce raider Moewe during her second ctuise was shown for the first time in Kiel on May IS, Everything, from tho torpedoing to the exchange of gunfire and the blowing up of
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  • 55 10 Japan has decided to appoint a Consul in Egypt. Hitherto Japan has not been represented in Cairo, as she had no political n Uliuus with Turkey. The decision is due to the increase in Japan's commericial interests in Egypt, and may be regarded, states The Times Cairo correspondent, as a
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  • 273 10 HELP NEEDED FOR OVERSEAS CLUB. During the ten months ending Jane. 1917, we sent $8,833, on behalf of our readers, to the Overseas Club. London, to assist in pro viding smokes for our soldiers and sailors. We began the second half of the year with a
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  • 535 10 Lord Rhondda on State Aid For Building Schemes. A deputation, which was the outcome of a non-party conference held iv Rmmm last on the housing of the working MMi waited upon Ljrd Rhondda, FMbMmI of the Local Government Board, and i.ii I befora him a resolution setting
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  • 87 10 The new programme presented at Harm ■ton* QmM on Situr lay evening was generally considered to bo still better than in brut. It iiiftludcd a net? jockey act by Mr. and MM. llirm-tou and Master Bruce p'i'i a tuple wire act by the same three ailirik-s.a M acrobatic
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  • 40 10 As the result of the Trinity examination of students of the luns of Court held by the Council of Legal Education, Mom Chow Tougtor, luner Temple, pused in Criminal Law, and Chan Sin Kok, Middle Temple, iv Roin&n Dutch Law,
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  • 1246 10 Business at the Ordinary General Meeting. The thirteenth ordinary general meeting of the Kinta Association, Ltd., was held on Saturday at the registered offices, Chartered Bank Chambers. The Hon. Mr. W. W. Cook presided and the others present were: Messrs. W. H. Macgrxgor (director), J. Somerville, J. MacNaughton,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 108 10 -To the Editor of the Straits Timee. Sir,— Your correspondent "Taboleh Taban" will 1 trust be encouraged to die bard by the fact tbat all tbc men whoHe Dames appear in M.V.It. Orders of 12th inst., as having been transferred to tbe Field Ambulance aro to
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    • 45 10 The 1 30 yards race iv the Jackson Millar cup competition was the chief event at the Swimming Club yesterday morning. Tho result cf a good race was a win tor the captain, J. Biynal'. vith L Borneman .■lei nd aud W. Mathieson third.
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    • 77 10 The match on the S.C.C. grounV-on Satur :ay between olevtns captaiued by I)r. Mai "in aud Mr. Griffin result, d iv a wia for the latter's by H> runs. For tho winners, Dr. Clarke had to his credit tho goo -I per-formitnc-j of taking Mm wickets for 20 runs
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    • 68 10 The nren's June medal (bogoy) at the Garrison Golf Club was won by K. L. D. Wodebouao one down. Five cards were taken out. There was no-competition for the ladies' J;ire medal (stroke) owing to insufficient entries. The men's July uioda' (stroke) will ba played for oc Saturday and
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    • 144 10 The following ties will be played to-day: c. \tm >■■ Parr v. Moss, p. stpaned to Tuesday. Nbw.-ovKits' Hakhk ai\ Jamieson v. Laybournr, to finish. Lecot v. Jamieson or Laybourne. A. CLA-s DmU H.YMili Al Tinslf-y and Grimth-Jones v. Thorongood and Wodehouse. B. Class fjKMI Ham.i.
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  • 42 10 The position of the Singannro Tent Nu. 1 Fund now stands as follows Total received by Straits Times... Per Editor Free Pnm Tio Gross Total I: I Required to complete Tent No. 1. 11 M Total cost ».',600
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  • 61 10 A ti 1' Ljram to Holland from BdUvia r.-purt* that tin; Mji<»dron at Sourabaya ha-t run It a trial of tliu coals of thu Hoi kit -Aseui mil.' iv l'alt lubang, with very much suco I quality of the coal is equal to that of the Cardiff mines. The Haul
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  • 561 11 Drastic Method Proposed by Lord d'Abernon. Lord sT Vbernon. chairman of the Liquor Control Board, foreshadowed special treatment for the habitual drunkard in an address delivered id London to the members of the Chief Constables' Association. The chief defect of the existing methods, be said, i* the failure
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  • 277 11 Sir Albert Stanley on Functions Of British Trade Corporation. On the vote A his department in the House of LoomoßN ou May 17 Sir Albert Stanley, t<ie President of the Board of Trade, described tin I ritish Trade Corporation, whir. i hsa rx'.n started with a
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  • 157 11 A* ijuaiot and inj;' nioua article by Mr. >«uki akainia baa appeared in a Japanese journal cooU nding that the bod favoan the yellow race which therefore readily acclina tim itself is the tropic*, and on this account lies the poMihUity and reason of the tropics
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  • 689 11 Count Witte's Remarkable Revelations. The Matin of May 18 publishes a remarkable statement which appeared in a recent issue of the Russkoye Slovo, of Moscow, to the effect that the ex -Emperor Nicholas definitely signed an offensive and defensive Alliance with the German Emperor at the time
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  • 123 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending r.iday, July 20, 1817. Monday, Jclt 16. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.R.E.(V.) Maxim Co. Veterans Co. S.V.C. Band. Tdbsoay, Jdly 17. 6.16 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 480 p.m. Balestier Range S.Y.It. 5.10 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese Co. Wedmsdat, Jcly
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  • 75 11 Dull Obdsu fob July, 1917. Monday, 16. Route March. Parade 800 stead Institute, 5.15 p.m. Dismiss Bouatead Institute Friday, '20. I'aradw at Pearl's Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.15 p.m. Monday, 28.— Parades at Havolock Koad Police Station and Tanjong Pagar, 5.16 p.m. Friday, 27.— Parades at Pearl's
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 295 11 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW Saturday, July 21 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily RAFFLES BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY The best in town Upcountry orders promptly executed. Bread delivered at private residences daily. RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Cars repaired, garaged, and cars on hire. Ring Telephone
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  • 583 12 Wonders of the Modern Blast Furnace. Continuing their tour of the industrial centred of the North West, the King and Queen od May 17 visited armament works at Harrow and iron works at Workingtoc. by train at Furness Abboy, their ved liy Hear Admiral til Admiralty Con
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  • 402 12 The Order of the Temple of The Orient. At Marlborough street Police Court, before Mr l >enni4t. Mary Davies, 'iO, who described her— U as an authoress and preacher, was :in J £40. with 10 guineas costs, for profess int to tell fortunes. 1 1 was Ktated that
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  • 42 12 1 eWers and General Workers' Trien mal Conic runoe on May 'Hi pambd a resolution drawing the attention of the Govern meat to the inadequate pay received by the ■oldisrs, aad rlnmi tiding an immediate in crease of M 0 per cent.
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  • 793 12 Interesting Lecture by the Rev. J. Steele. A very interesting lecture was delivered recently by the Rev. John Steele, of the Board of Study for the Preparation of Missionaries, at Muswell Hill, on Chinese Animism, under tbe auspices of the Chinese Society, at Acton Hall, and in spite
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  • 194 12 TO GIVE UP ANTWERP Hamburg Hint of Germany's Intentions. Hamburg papers report a meeting of the leading merchants to discuss the position of Hamburg in view of the progress of the war, as well as tbe proposed construction of a canal linking the Elbe with the Danube. They did not
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  • 376 12 Question and A Company's Explanation. A question is to be asked in tbe House of Commons concerning the lapse of some 7,000,000 policies issued by industrial insurance companies. It is alleged that the companies in 1918- 14 received £35,000,000 and only paid £15,000,000 for claims and surrenders.
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  • 381 12 Organisation to Assist South African And Empire Trade. An important conference of South African industrialists, held at Cape Town, has resulted in the formation of an association, operating under a liberal constitution, to which it is hoped every producing organisation in the country will, in time, become
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  • 253 12 Death of the Man Who Killed The Best Parlour. Sir Arthur L&senby Liberty, chairman and founder of Liberty and Co., died recently after a short illness, at his country home, Lee Manor, Lee, Bucks. Few men have deserved so much gratitude from their generation. Sir Arthur Liberty
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  • 976 12 The Amenities of Life Spent In Billet. I. DlPOMACY. A Private (to another private who has just been before the company officer) Wot you net, Lone Tn Long In: Two extra drills. 'Orrible beas'Iy war, this A Private You was lucky. I made sure you'd get
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  • 41 12 The House of Representatives at Washing ton has ratified the amendment to the Wat Taxes Bill increasing by 25 per cent, the tax on incomes of from 1500,000 to 11,000,000 and by 45 per cent, on incomes of M,000,050 or more.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 213 12 /st^ Prooucfof* \slL of Industry jm <(v Lo nd on 5W6 iJXPR.ESS Cigarettes No. 555 per tin of 50-80 cents including duty) Sole Manufacturers ARDATH TOBACCO CO., LTD. LONDON. JULIAN'S PRICES MARE DOWN TOWN SHOPPING AN EXTRAVAGANCE THE COOLEST SPOT IN THE CITY CORNER ORCHARO ANO TANK ROAOS WHERE HIGHEST
      213 words

  • 1105 13 EXPERIENCES OF RIFLEMAN RYNAN. By Patrick Mac Gill. Whin we got into the inimy trinch I spied a dugout filled with Germans, who just would not come out no matter how lovin'ly we called 'em. and that dugout was such a good one that 1 waa loth to destroy
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  • 39 13 The New York Times declared on June 3 that a separate peace would mean bankruptcy for Russia owing to the immense advances in money she has obtained from the Allies and to the enormous amount of her paper currency.
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  • 33 13 There are repo.ts of serious food rioting in the outskirts of Brussels on May 20, when crowds fought with the police. The damage caused amonrted to £12.500. Finally mounted police dispersed the rioters.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 297 13 WHITEAWAYS Gents' and Ladies* Serviceable Boots Shoes jl THE Bk?lEVi aW\ HPAMFt Ladies' Tan Calf Court Shoes, will eoiart buckle. Cents' Imperalop Boots, tnperior ality -mart shape, io black or Ua glac kid. k^aW. Prict $IO.SO per pair. i anLmaifcat. EEESh ►"■^■H Gent*' Tun Willow Calf «B ■3'^^ Shoes, Kuii
      297 words
    • 207 13 List of American Cars and Motor Cycles LODGE Showing] correct pattern of LODGE JL bDOOE JJL tißgV SPARKING PLUG W m #^S to use The following Lodge Plu<s are mado for American B^H J^ 2JJ^J^3^» engines: -T^rEE^R MODEL P. F. 18 m/m MeSric Thread r^- MODEL A. F. |f Taper
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2194 14 PIACI. FaMINB or PIKHTY. LIFE InBUBANOK IB WORTH 100 OENTB ON THI DOLLAR. WCftJIT OTHBR PROPIRTT THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (UNOttfMin w BfßAiT* Binunml MA* WflCI i Wl««l«rt«» HMM, •lng«»oP^ LOWDOM OVVIOB SB, Old J.wPy, 8.0. Tbe Coopsay bM ASOiOOO flofCHiltoil wMfa It a Sofraae Ooort ol
      2,194 words
    • 1027 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY At Messrs. Chiog Etng Loe Co.'s dale-roam, Raffles Chambers, Ratios Place On Monday, July 23, at 2.30 p.m. All that piece of freehold land area 1.6(0 tq. H. Tog>thnr with that desirab's dwelling hoase No. 7, Duxton Hill. CHING KENG LEE
      1,027 words

  • 840 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Light Car Talk. Runabout writes in tbe Autocar of April 21 as follows:— It is odd that so few people mention what is tbe real demerit of tbe Ford from the standpoint of so many British motorists. I endorse every word
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  • 250 15 Inauguration of the New Building. The new building of tbe North China Insurance Co Ltd., standing at the cornet of Kiakiang aad Szechuen roads, Shanghai, was formally inaugurated on June 19, wben tbe chairman, Mr. C. M. Bain, and the directors were at home to tbeir
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 234 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES AYV USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. THE ADMIRALTY AND OTHER COVERNL MENT DEPARTMENTS. i THE ROM THREE-RIBBED TREAD TYRE. THIS is the Kins amongst tyres fat Colonial nscrs. The substantial ribs profile the tyre with the ft seat rubbar non ek: ling propensities possible and this
      234 words
    • 172 15 IN NORMAL TIMES Every other tyre on the road is a Dunlop. This is a fact which speaks for itself. In a multitude of I^^^J i counsels there lieth -^KJKK&p wisdom— in this case jfc^""d£ jf the wisdom of fitJR^ ting Dunlop Tyres Wi y° uv car now Sfck and
      172 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 516 16 HOOD No tyre by any other name grips the romd Ukm Goodrich Safety Tread. Safety comet from •ayinM 'GoodncA Safety TratsT when you are buying If rm iUuLJ "A grip on the rutd it worth two on the steering wh««L a Fit GoodricA Safety Trwwl' I. m J and feel
      516 words
    • 423 16 SITUATIONS WANTED PLANTER seeks change of billet, speaks Tamil fluently. Pleaso apply to Box No. 278, Straits Times. 26-8— 27-7 YOUNG BRITISHER requires employment. Commercial or planting. Rubber experience. Reply Box No. 286, Straits Times. 27 6-26 7 BUSINESS GENTLEMAN (32) proceed ing or leave, desires position cf responsibility and
      423 words
    • 613 16 HOUSEB TO LET. TO LBT. Houses No. 1, Chanoery Lane. Apply to Cbing Keng Lee Co., Auctioneers. Ull—o TO LET, Hyder Lodge, No. 39, St. Michael s Road, or (or sale Apply R, Sajan A Co., No. 6. Malaooa Street. 22-6— Bl-7 TO LBT, a dwelling bonae with oompouud at
      613 words
    • 241 16 KIAIYI KIAT CO. IN 109, Market Street.— 'Phone tame He. 411. THE MULGOTT BELTING CO.. LTD. Incorporate! In England Have just received a fresh shipment of Jackson's Varnish Stains In Coiouri of Rosewood. Oak and Mahogany at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R. LAMBERT Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS J a, Orchard Road, Telephone no.
      241 words
    • 347 16 GUAN KIAT Co., No. 86, Phillip Street Telephone Nor. 1861 and 1802. Private: 1450 and Sanoyside 1078. Large Stocks of: Angle Iron, Flat Iron, Round Iron, Tee Iron. Bolts Nuts, Rivets, Galvd. Plates Navy Canvas. BUY NOW-DO NOT WAIT. Sole Agents for THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID The Meal fluid tor
      347 words
    • 479 16 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICED O and aeater Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 Charges Moderate. Garage open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 21S A 916, Orchard Road (Next to Wearne HroH., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As roquosts to make alterations advertisements, such as changes ia sailing dates of steamers, often react
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 317 16 Straits V)imes. Tampoi-ary Telephone i 68. AH oommnnioations relating to oditoria! matters and news should be addressed tc THB BDITOR. All communications relating,' to business matters—advertisements, Bnbscriptiona accounts, printing, etc.—should be ad dressed to THB MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellanc oos wants of every description an inserted in the ordinary body type
      317 words