The Straits Times, 14 July 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.467 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JULY 14. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 181 1 WLOUID SWEETENED GONOENBED Pri#»B«w I $19.00 A FEW OF THE NEW MODEL MAXWELL CARS Are due on July 15 They will be available at the very reasonable rate of $2,250 "ettcash ex garage, ready for the road. Five seaters and two seaters. CARB ON VIEW AT Jllee. Williamson, Limited 4.
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    • 232 1 ROBINSON CO. w^3^^V2^^BQ Jp and '^v'itWflL 3 4jsb£t?!j^isß( vUFi3in wets. py* Ml 1758— White Lace Curtains NOi 6105— White Lace Curtains krOa long, 52 inches wide. 3$ jarJu long, 60 inohea wide. Price $3.80 per pair. rr 00 $4-28 per pair. 1 uSSstssftsi\iiSiii: v t^ Vc.Mi— White Lace Curtain Net
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    • 13 1 MARTELLS BRANDY. SOU AOIMTI AOAMBON. 6'LFILLAN a CO.. LID Incorporated in Kngluid) I
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  • 1007 2 The f oilowing casualties are reported London, Jane 7. Missing.- Lieut. T. R Conning, Welsh Kimiliers 2nd Lieut. S. B. Johnston, East Rente; >ad Lioat. K. W. E. Sheather, West Surrojs j Lieut. I. M. Soutborn, Field Artillery Previously reported missing, now wounded, prisoner. -2nd Lieut. McC. Daly,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 326 2 ft 1 «j^d lit Run-down When your fystrm i» undermined by oury or over- work »her,\oji vuiUitj .»*o*< r t<> I —when ym bal "«n»J»»" •—when voit nerve* *re *«n a^r whtn .f«t IMM e»erIkmi t>.-e» you— v»v. ait in a R».-»-d-i»i' tonoi' »>• Your Mtetn i» like a p.ant
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    • 322 2 SHItBe WfNoßalr m ,v! CuUcnra Soap 3.^3 ahampoospre. f n. t.>.<.M jfcof J. t i v r a OintI y™"l to **>• J» < I sWIn ara I jT mo-i.::., tive. V I*» V Tin.l n.l to y h»ir an 1 proy l^^-^^ Jl moto a heal- iilsuotolu PHOT96RAPHIG DEALERS.
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    • 563 2 HOW TO GROW FIT. Are yon one of the many pc pie who com- 1 pUin of bding "ran down"/ Are your I muscles ti tbby and yoat nervew on edge I Do you feel greatly d»pressod and are you rtstlen" at nights and acrefreshed by »!r t .p? Do
      563 words
    • 820 2 Registered If\%m f% I/CCMA The Wonderful L.bel UUNU'IVtBNA Blood Puriftor. Mixture for Internal and External Use. CURES Headache or drucke mesa, Stomubaobe, Earache, Kuptare, Cholera, Beriberi, Nervoua DiseMef, Cbeit ConipUinba, Heart-disease Milsria. Doni<ui, iu-u .v 1. vu-s. lumbago, Chronic Rheumatism, Cjogh aad Coagbing b'.ood. ColJ, Sjr .'throat, Bronchitis, Chronic Neuralgia,
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  • 763 3 MEDICAL UNIT ARRIVES AT A BRITISH PORT. In Khaki Uniforms. A correspondent of (be Evening Standard writing from a British port on Ma; 18, utateo Tbe first contingent of tbe American Army has arrived. I have seen them and conreraed with their commanding officer, and all of
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  • 229 3 The report of the SuDgei Salak Rubber Co.. Ltd., xtates that the net profit for the year .mount-, to iU7,963, to which has to be added £18,453 brought forward, giving a total to be dpalt with of £51,416, and this it is propcid to apportion as follows Two
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  • 31 3 Mr. W. L. Crick, of tfae I'unlop Company's Gomali (troup of estates, Geuxfcs, and formerly of the X.M.S. Kailwayi, leaves Penang by tbe next mail to take op military transport duties.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 490 3 THE CLEANER your teeth are kept the longer they will last, and the better they look, so Don't forget to use ColverMs 4J|L iboHi Powder IYJJ([ to-night and again in If rill the morning. flail oco Chewiste OJJ^ Stores. //f\l] Made by FC. CALVERT Co.. lU \j\ Manchester, England. (j)
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    • 185 3 TOUGHER /ffp^i FAMOUS f£'-ffi n\ THAN ||!f[ f FOR THE ROAD WgJ^:/ EFFICIENCY Agents: BEINKMANN CO.. Sintfnpore. THE WATERHOU3E CO., LTD. Muar. Malacca. (INCORPORATED IN TBI U.S.*. 1 KUftlß LUmpUF. R. T. REID CO.. Penan*. Just Received FlVE— %\i b.h.p. Bates oil engines (suitable for pumping and small power factories).
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 446 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL BTBAMSHIP GO., LTD. (Imoobtobatbd m Jit-am EUROPEAN LINE A servioe U maintained between Yokohama, via ports and London under mail eontraot wife the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamer* maintaining Ibis Mrriee hare been spec ally designed and isnslniri J and are fitted
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    • 633 4 STEAMER BJULINBB. P. O." British India AND Appear Line. (Companies Inoobfobatbd im Bwoland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PININ3ULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. ;Under Contraot with Hit Majeity OoTemuent), for China, Jtpin Penang, Oaylon, Auattwlla, India, Adan, Bftypt, Mediterranean Port* md Londom NAIL LINES. HOMsWABD (FOB BOBOPs) OOTWABD (Ml OIDUI INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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    • 653 4 STEAMER SAILINGS THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD.I (Ihookpokatid im Sun). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgann, Bisat, Semerak, Bacho, Kalantan, Tabai Bangnara, Teiapm, Panarai. Fitani, Singora, Laoou KobMmai, Band on Laagsnea, Champon, Kohlak Bangkok Dim D«p«rtui^ ASDANG July 16 July 18, S p.m. .a. BORIBAT July 23 July OS, 3 p.m.
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    • 668 4 STEAMER BAILIMBS. OOMBINBD SSIIVIOB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD (Inoorporatbd in Bnoland mm THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (InCORPORATBD IN EnoIAND) litflM Ff»m»ni.c Part hi, North -Wast Australia.-. »orta, Java ■nd Slngkpwc Regular sailings between Singapore acl Wettern Australia calling at Java (aa indooement offers), Derby,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 189 5 THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. lln<i 81-OIUTID 111 HoIHMOMa) Eatabllahed 18S3 MANUFaCTURBRS OF PURE" ROPE l ITMNB GABLE LAID 4 ITMND to \T V to 10" r to 10* Prices, sample* aid (nil particular* will be forwarded on application to Agent: ALLAN KEITH, if...V.V«V" GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD. (tnooapo&4TU>
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    • 647 5 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of FREEHOLD LAND AND HOUSE NO. 17, OILSTEAD ROAD, At our Sale-room, No. S, Raffles Place, On Wednesday, Jilt 18, at 2.80 m Valuable freehold land and house known as Newlyn, No. 17, Oilstead Road, Sioga pore, near the Newt n Railway Station and within
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 485 6 AUCTION SALE At Messrs Chin* Keng Lee Co.'s Mle room, Raffles Chambers, Raffl Place, On Wednesday, July 18, at 11 a.m. Fifteen B»lu» of Cow Horns. Samples now on view. 1 CHING KENG LEE CO Auctioneers and Estate Agents--14 7—17-7 MORTGAGEE'S SALE Of LIFE INTEREST OF SYED OMAH BIN ABDULLAH
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    • 221 6 1 LATEBT ADVERTIBEMEWTB. FOR SALE BY TENDER. Two MULTITUBULAR RETURN TUBS BOILERS, salved ex Chiyo Mara, as they lie on wharf of Taikoo Dockyard, Hongkong. Particulars: Diameter over all, IS' 3*; length. 11' 6"; four furnaces weight about 56 tons. Tenders will be opened at Tokio on August 4. Survey
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    • 635 6 NOTICE. A fresh consignment of Allday and Unions, I two-seater British motor can has just been landed and is now on view at the undersigned. GASOLENE LIGHT CYCLE 00., Beach Road. BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE A full sized billiard table by Bunoughea and Watts with extra fast and low Eureka
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    • 502 6 "Triomphe" Sardines tN OIL* (I*t TOMATO* Packed in lib. and i Ib. white tins with brass labels as above. Easily opened by keys attached. BUY "TRIOMPHE" SARDINES YOU WILL LIKE THEM. because they represent the highest quality in Sardines, being packed in pure olive oil and in tomato. These Sardines
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  • 95 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, July 14. Mi; b Watn 9.8 a m., 7.67 p.m. H'wanl iinil closeti Tlip <'am«oH. ictoria Tlieatre. 11 iruiston's Circus >unday, July IS. Hißb Wator, 9.54 a.m., 8.57 p.m. Monday, July I A. Bikl' Watot, K.W a.m., 9.44 p.m. Tuesday, July 17. HigL Watet, 1C.57
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  • 150 7 To-dai. Mat I',-iU'l |anu. Rongkalis Siak and I'akan Baroe 2.30 prx Medan 2.90 pa Malacca, P. Swettenham and Ponang 2 80 pn Pontianak 2.30 pa Malacca, < olruubu and Buiubay "0 pa Saigon B. HO pui Baugkuk 8.30 pui rtatn Pahat 4 pm aad Japan 4 pui
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  • 250 7 Train Ser vices The miul trains from Singapore lor tlic a jrih leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. iid 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.18 p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. TLc .hrjoub express to Penang leaves Kuala •'^utrpur at 8 a.m. daily, arriving at Penarg it
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  • 103 7 Our attention ban been called to the fact that oar arrivals in Lod Jon arc much behind tl <-< pnblipbed else whore. Oar rale is to Mil* only when they are officially in the Post Offict- notioes, and no l»u date than that printed above hai been
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  • 188 7 BXCHANOB. Swaaroaa, July 14, 1911. O» Loaf** ......Bank 4 m/s 1/4 1 Demaad m 2/4* Private t mil m 2/4*J On Fkancb Bank T. T. 818 Oh Imdu Bank T. T. O» UoNaKONO...Bank d/d 14) pm On Saaaoaai ...Bank d/d m t* On Java Bank T. T,
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    • 167 7 10 10 Arupanß 5.60 6.00 1 1 Ayer Wong 1.35 1.60 10 10 Kaoaboi 1.25 1.60 19 10 Kinta Association 9.25 9.60 41 1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 61 £1 Lahat Mines 4.C0 600 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.75 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.16.6 1.19.0 nbm 10 10
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    • 118 7 vS£l Buyew. SeUew. Ml Ml SmelWna Co. 7.35 7.7S 41 41 Ptel. 1.8.6 l.f v S/- 6/- Bleotoie T'wayn 4/- 5/--10 10 Fr»sei Neave 43.(0 44.00 60 CO W. Hammer dk Co. 05.00 08.00 100 HowartL Srskioe 65.00 76.00 100 7%Pref. 100.00 100 100 Kati Bio, Del. par 12U.00
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    • 49 7 I United Engineers 6% 11,*****0 par Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6% 4860,000 norn a poreMomcipal 6% 11,873,000 par o'pore Municipal 4 t ol 1907 11,600,000 lO%dit S'poro Municipal 4j% of 1909 11,000,000 10%dis Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 lo%dis Spore Municipal 4% 4800,000 X.M.S. 6% loan 1816 t15,0U0,000 101.00 102.00
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    • 311 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. Fraser LyaJl Co. Evatt. Alor Gajab (II) 4.10 4.25 4.10 4.21 Amal. Malay (2) 0.30 0.50pm o.l*o 0.40 Ayer UiUm i.So 14 50 15.50 14.00 15.00 Ayer Kuning i»l) 180 1.40 LM 1.35 Ayer Molek
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 55 7 STAMFORD HOUSE PRIVATE HOTEL, Bras Dasah Road. CENTRALLY BITUATBD Always cool and exposed to sea breeze Furnished Apartments with or without Board Comfortable Rooms witb Bathrooms attached. ■lectrlo Fittings throughout. Large Reception Hall and Billiards. Separate Tables in Spacious Dining Room. TfMn— las mtl rtasWMMs la Tewa. For further particulars,
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    • 579 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. YOUNG LADY de-ire* to reside with private family fsp»)im> gmst. Kit r locality TangHn prtftred. Fall pwticu'a s to B' X No. tO4 Btf>tw Times. 14 7 -177 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, conirouod boasp, four bfdioms, furnikhtd preferred. Koply particulars to U. T. 8., c/o Straita Timor. It 7 ii
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    • 1052 7 "SPRINGBOK" THE GENUINE BOER TOBACCO Manufactured from the finest Magaliesberg Tobacco. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE in 4-oz. SEALED BA6S FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. Subject to the conditions prescribed by the -traits Settlement a Alien Enemies* Wio:iiuiMir>' iir hDacoe, 1014 »s amended fiom tima to time by Ordinances I of 1916, UK
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    • 67 7 GAIETY CINEMA Junction of Albi hi and IsjaooSUSt tTMBri IN THE SECOND SHOW, AT93O SHArIP SPECIAL NUMBER OF THE ANIMAL WORLD SERIES A great Reliance fight drama 2 reels THE CRAVEN 1 reels Bluebird Photoplays prssent Clao Madison in 5 BLACK ORCHIDS 5 Rex Ingrsm's wonderful production in five parts
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  • 1117 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, JULY 14. GERMANY INSIDE. We refrain from mach comment apon the internal condition of Germany. The censorship over the Oerman press is far reaching, and one can never bj quite sure of the iumner in which it is baing used. SDtnetimes when things appear that seem
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  • 13 8 A Dutch wire say h that the SpaniJi Monarchy ia in great danger.
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  • 14 8 Holland has appointed an international •••nmissiun en the legality of the internment of ('23.
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  • 39 8 The China Merchants' ship Anping, carry Inn Dambrons pa<weDgor% and a big cargo, ■track a rock in th« fofl on My 3 ,(f Chffoo and sank. Tho paattenKerd uod crew Tbe Pope has protested against tbe new Belgian deportations.
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  • 26 8 A proclamation in tbe Government Gazette extends tbe application of the Army Act to the Colony for a farther period of three months from to day.
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  • 37 8 A formal meeting of tho fpoli Gymkhana Club waa held at tbe Ipob Club on July 11, wben a resolution was adopted voting JHOO to tbe Red Cross Fund oat of a total profit of about 11,600.
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  • 44 8 A mail from Europe will arrive by train tomorrow morning. Correspondence will be ready for delivery about 10 a.m. The Q.P.O. will be open from 8 a.m. till noon. There will be one general delivery to all part* of the town and residential districts.
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  • 51 8 In the House of Commons, on May 9, Or. Macnamara informed Mr. Peto that since January 1 15 British ships had been reported overdue, about which no information had yet been received. It was impossible to say how many of these were marine casualties and bow many due to enemy
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  • 49 8 Tho Herald correspondent with tho British headquarters in France cabled to New York on May 29 that German prisoners say that tbe Hindenburg lino is a fairy tale, and that the Oerman soldiers are blind fools led by blindfolded officers. They describe the Australian troops as demons of Beelzebub."
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  • 52 8 Recently a number of men started goldmining at Long, in the Mabaraj Mondhol, Siam. without applying for licence to the Mines Department. Tbe placo is a very remote one, far .away from any regular gendarmerie or military station, but tbe authorities are endeavouring to eject tho miners without the use
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  • 55 8 Rumours are circulating at home to the effect that tbe Germans are tapping tbe American cables to Russia, says a Washington message dated June 8. The Note to Petr*grad explaining America's war aims, which was sent over ten days ago, has evidently not been received. It is reported that German
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  • 72 8 The Bouillons, tbe famous popular Paris eating-houses, havo risen to the occasion to meet the difficulties of tbe meatless days. Tbe menu t.iey now offer their clients contains tbe following Muttou potatoes, veal carrots, lamb haricot bean*, stewed gooee turnips, roast beef cress. The recipes are simple. Tbe vegetables are
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  • 89 8 For tbe period from July 20 to 26, 1917, inclusive, the value of tbe highest grade of rubber is fixed at 2a. 5Jd. per Ib and tbe duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance »i;h the Rules under the F.M.S,
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  • 91 8 A note in a New York paper on How to tly tbe American fl »g," says —The flag shonU not be hoisted before sunrise nor be allowed up after sunset and should never be allowed to touch tbe ground and suouM never be raised or lowered by any mechanical appliance.
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  • 81 8 At the annu jl general meeting of the Jim Wah Koh Association held at 30, Beach Road, on Wednesday, tbe following gentlemen were elected office bearers for tbe ensuing year President, Wee Guan Cboon vice-president, Cbua Swa Cbwee bon. secretary, fan Boon Seng; asst. secretary, Yeo Boon Ann; hon. treasurer,
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  • 77 8 The Rambling Section of the. Middlesex Regiment Entertainment Club at Hongkong was well supported during the past month. The total number of individual trips made by the men from Mount Austin and Victoria Barracks was ML Much appreciate refreshment was provided on the journeys by the Set vices' Entertainment Fund.
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  • 124 8 It does not seem to be generally known, says Truth, that under the provisions of Army Order 209 of 1916, any time-expired Warrant Officer, N.C.0., or soldier, serving on a Regular, Special Reserve, or Territorial Force attestation, who is retained in the Service for tbe duration of the war under
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  • 167 8 This story of child-martyrdom comes from the Berlin Vorwarts :-Katharina Folkel was charged before the Fifth Penal Court With gross maltreatment of the eight year-old daughter of a woman named Winkler, who left bbr in talker's charge when she herself was taken ill and convoyed to hospital. One night the
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  • 410 8 The King has appointed Lviy May a Lvly of Grace of tbe Order of tho Hospital ol St. John of Jerusalem in England. Lieut. Colonel R. M. Jobnson, D.5.0., R.A., who was in tbe China Expedition of 1900, baa been appointed General Staff Offiocr, First Grade, on
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  • 89 8 The rate of mortality in tho Settlement of Singapore for tho week ended July 7 was 40.76 per mille of the population. The total number of deaths was 281, of which 206 were male subjects and 75 female. Convnlsions claimed 30, phthisis 46, malaria fever 35, beriberi
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  • 178 8 Tbe sixteenth consignment of Hod Cross garments from the ladies of Singapore has been despatched- addressed to tbe British Red Cross Commissioner, Malta. The canes contain:- 66 pyjamas, 46 day shirts, 52 night shirts, 68 hospital shirts, 218 bags, 406 handkerchiefs, 208 jug covers,
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  • 156 8 A Gazette Extraordinary JHFuml yesterday contains an order tixiug the maximum price of certain milks in the Inland of Singapore, to come into force to day. Tin retail pried are as under. A schedule contains the list of wholesale dealers. A second order prohibits attempts to procure
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 181 8 Just Received, a Small Shipment ol ALLENO CIGARS Havana Leaf Supplied to THE SPORTS CLUB, LONDON. CALDBECK,MACGREGOR&CO. m J. W. BENSON'S Noted London-Made Watches. f\ I FIELD. LUDGATE BANK OF ENGLAND fN ifc- WATCHES rf»^| 1 Sterliog Silver Cases from £6 t-> £18 *""^»JI; Solid 18-et. Gold Cases from £13
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    • 213 8 UTTER PICTURES. BETTER MUSIC. BETTER SURROUNDINGS AND BETTER SERVICE ARE SOME OF THE lE4TIIRESOF THE ALHAMBRI The Pioneer and Premier House The House of Quality Beach Road Path* present! powerful Sold Reader Play THE EMPRESS Irt S Acts. Tbe stirrinp portrayal of an pgonising soul's triumph over threatening evil. It
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  • 102 9 RUSSIAN ADVANCE. Cossacks Still Pushing Forward. MESOPOTAMIA. Debate on the Recent Report. Hutu's TtLK-uiAXS. Londot <5 p.m. fvtrogra.l Now tbat tbi river Lomnitza has been crossed tbe ey«* of General Komi loff's Cossacks have bur turned to the great railway ccn:r at Siry. Two distinct movements an proceeding,
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  • 176 9 L mdon. July IS, 1.15 a.m. M irsUal H lig reports Wo drove off wefct of vi-.unt and took some prisoners. Th. r »j- p at aerial activity yesterday. A large nuuber of bombs was dropped ou onemy aerodromes and aumuni tion dump?. Wt carried oat eight other
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  • 254 9 GERMANY'S CHANGED ATTITUDE. I. on Jon. July 13, 4 p.m. Mi Balfca;. at the Mansion House, reply v s congratulatory address on tbe siMCMn of bis visit to America, said it was inter>Mting and almost amusing to a cynic to ofcaerve how German aims changed With the
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  • 251 9 DEBATE IN THE COMMONS London, July 12, 11.35 p.m. lo the Mesopotamia d< bate in tbe House uoai, tli.- Attwaey General stated that tbe appoiatment of a i jlicial tribinal eti|uiry into the Commission's all.^it^ni adversely affecting tbe conduct of military officers was merely an act of justice, because
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  • 209 9 AGREES TO MODIFY GERMAN CONSTITUTION. London, July 12, 7.15 p.m. Tbe latest authentic news from Berlin stitt s that tbe Kaiser has received the Austro Hungarian ambassador and also the Crown Prince. There is the strangest reason for believing that Vienna is strenuously urging the necessity of
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  • 178 9 London. July M, 7.10 a.m. Mr. Lloyd George has written to tbe chairman of tbe National War Savings Com mittee, thanking him for bis efforts and paying a tribute to tbe success of national food economy. He adds tbat be has every hope that the people of
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  • 148 9 London, July 12, 7 85 p.m. Tbe following letter from his Command ing Officer to tbe father of Second Lieut. John Young, K F.C., who was killed in Saturday's air raid on London, strikingly illustrates tbe qualities of tbe young defeuders of ibe Metropolis. After paying a tribute
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  • 61 9 London, July 18, 8 a.m. Paris Daring the week ending July 8, the arrivals were 1,067 and tbe Bailings 1,009. The sinkings were three above and one below 1,600 tons. Unsuccessfully attacked, nine. London, July 13, 6.50 a.m. Paris The shipping losses and accidents in 1916 account for
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  • 58 9 London, July 18, 2.45 a.m. Manchester It is understood that a census of s ocks of cotton in tbe spinners' hands reveals a quantity lower than was supposed. It is probable that tbe control board will recommend a curtailment of tbe production of mills to four days weekly.
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  • 50 9 London, July 12, 4.40 p.m. Casualties, naval Wounded. Lieut. Atbol E. Gudgeon. *of the Reserve, and Lieut. <;.>orgo R. Turner, Volunteer Reserve; 1 slightly wounded, Flight Sub-Lieut. John C. Tanner, Naval Division; wounded, Su- Lieuts. Stanley M. Pettitt, Bernard Elphicke and Ronald M. Pym, all of the Volunteer Reserve.
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  • 41 9 London, July 13, 2.45 a.m. New York American bankers have purchased from the Mining Corporation of Canada two hundred thousand ounces of silver at 83 The highest recent price in New York was fOJ. A heavy foreign demand continues.
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  • 68 9 RE! lH.'s Tn.F'.RAM. London, July 18. 5.50 a.m. Twelth of July processions were resumed in Ulster, but were quiet affairs and Hags were not carried. In Belfast a religious service replaced the customary speeches. London, July IS, 12.55 p.m. Tbe death has occurred of Mr. I'atrjck O Brien. M.P.
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  • 38 9 (From Ocb Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 14. Owing to panic on the B. I. steamer Cbilka about 90 deck passengers were drowned by jumping overboard. The vessel was beaabed on the Indian coast.
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  • 457 9 Prizes Distributed by Lady Evelyn Young. Tbe annual prizo distribution of St. Andrew's School attracted a large attendance of parents and friends to tbe Victoria Theatre yesterday afternoon. The Lady Evelyn Young distributed tbe prizes, and among tbe others present were the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill,
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  • 830 9 Proposed Expansion of Planted Area. Tbe following accoant of the seventh annual ordinary general meeting of tbe shareholders in Punggor Rubber Estates, Ltd., held at the company's office on July 10, is supplied officially Mr. Tan Soo Hock (chairman) presided. Tbe minutes of the previous annual ordinary
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  • 79 9 To-day's Business. Sunders and Macphail's IHily Report. Silver up 1 4-41. Hongkong unchanged '2 7J (14° o pm.) Shanghai 3/11 (59). Tin.— Buyers $106. Nosellers. Rubber.— Steady. The Rubber Share Market is quite steady. Indragiris have buyers at t !5, Tapahs at $20, Jerams $1 57*. Lunas
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  • 74 9 Messrs. Allen Dennys aad Co. advise that at their auction sale tbe prices realised for rubber were: Smoked ribbed sheet 1123 to 1127 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 105 119 Losmoked sheet 110 111 No. J unsmoked sheet 107 108 Crept tin-< pale thin and blank, t
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  • 29 9 Licnt A. F. Gimson, Royal Field Artillery, late of tbe Public Works Department, Shanghai, has been promoted captain and awarded the Military Cross. He has again been slightly wounded.
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  • 548 9 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. In their Singapore share circular, dated July 11, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state The tendency of rubber shares has been steady with a fair business passing. Investors have again given attention to some of tbo better dividend payers but there is
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  • 292 9 Tbe position of the Singapore Tent N-i. 1 Fund now stands as follows Total received by Straits Times... 2,257 Per Editor Free Press 225 Gross Total Received 2,482 Required to complete Tent No. 1. 118 Total cost 12,600 Malacca List. Tbe Hon. Treasurer begs to acknowledge
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  • 45 9 That always entertaining combination Harmaton's Circus, which has continued to do good business duriug the week, announces the first full change of programme for tonight. New arti^u* and new acts will be presented, and there should be the usual Saturday night full bouse.
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  • 466 9 HELP NEEDED FOR OVFRSEAS CLUB. Oaring the ten months ending Jane. 1917, we sent 98,838, on behalf of oar readers, to the Overseas Club, LondoD, to assist in pro riding smokes for oar soldiers and sailors. We began the second balf of the jear with a
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  • 194 9 As already mentioned in theso columns, at 1.30 a.m. on Wednesday tbo Pcnang I'iro Brigade received a call to the rioe mill at Tek Soon Street, owned by the Clung Law Company. It appears tbat on arrival tho brigade found the premises— a wooden bi.iM ing
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  • 68 9 That versatile and talented party of entertaineni tbe Cameos are sare of a big audinnce at the Victoria Theatre to niyl''.. when the last performance of tinseason will be given. By rerjuoat the cum pany will repeat the farcical sketch ft I Baby. After a tour through Ch
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  • 1267 10 AGENTS SATISFACTORY REPORT ON ESTATE. The Year's Work Reviewed. Tka •event!) ordinary general meeting o< tbe Jasin (Malacca) liubber Estates, Limited, was held on May 17, at the registered offices, Wine-hmter House, Old Hroad Street, EC, Mr. T. Hitcbie the chairman) presiding. The Chairman said I have
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  • 379 10 Prussian's Tribute to Australian Kindness. The Cologne Gazette publishes a letter which Prince Friedrich Charles of Prussia wrote to bis parents before his death. After describing bow be was wounded while endeavouring to escape, be remarked that tbe Australians treated him in a very friendly and careful
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  • 164 10 I Programme of drills, etc., tor week ending Friday, July HO, 1917. Satitruav, July 14. 2:30 p.m. Johnston's I r B.Y.A.MM 1 I J l p.m. K. Bahru. PS. Maxim Co. 6.80 am. Drill Hall 7 am. Balestier Huge CumeBe Co Slsiiav, Jin 15 6.30 a.m. Drill
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  • 76 10 Drill Obuibs fob July, 1817. M nday, 16. Route March. Parade Bon■aai Institute, 5.15 p.m. Dismiss Boustead Institute Friday, 20.— Paraded at Pearl's HiU and Tar. jong i'agar, 5.15 p.m. Monday. 23.— Parade* at Havelock Road Police Station and Taojing Pagar, 5.15 p.m. Friday. 27- Parades at
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  • Sporting Intelligence:
    • 102 10 The following were the results of yesterday's play in the S.C.C. tennis tournament C. SIS'.LKS. Terztno beat Cruttwell, 6-3, 7—5. Parr v. Moss, postponed. Nk\W'iMKR9. Laybourne v. Jamieson, unfinished, A. SISOLKS. Wodehouse v. Rucbwaldy, postponed. Bateman v. Hartnell, postponed. B. Sinolks. Potts v. Pasb postponed. Monday's Ties. A.
      102 words
    • 180 10 Tbe Union Jack Club football ground was opened auspiciously yesterday with the match Navy v. Army. There was a big gathering and plenty of enthusiasm over a hard fought game which ended in a well earned win for tbe Navy by 2—o. No goals had come by half time,
      180 words
    • 121 10 The fact that the Civil Guard have subscribed the cost of a bjxing ring at the Union Jack Club lead* those interested in the sport to hope that there may at last be something done locally with regard to it. Two or threeservice shows were given nearly a year
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  • Correspondence.
    • 174 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Surely your leader of Wednesday last must appeal t-i everyone. Apart from tbe question of going home, it seems inconceivable that there are men still out here who look upon their local military obligations whether compulsory or voluntary,
      174 words
  • 234 10 Tbe report of tbe Kuala Pabi Kubber Estate, Limited, states that the balance of the profit and loss account is £1 1,837. The amount carried forward is £1,790, the balance of profit and loss account being £13,418, which, subject to tbe shareholders consent, the directors propose to deal
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  • 1920 10 BRITISH OFFICIALS AND GERMAN TRADERS IN THE EAST. The Governor of Hongkong. (June 1.) Some British officials in tbe Far bast seem to entertain peculiar views on the future of Germans in British overseas possession, says tbe Englishman. It is a pretty general sentiment, strongly held in
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  • 363 10 Judges Who Have Earned The Right to Retire. Why is it that so many judges have remained on the bench long after they bave earned the right to retire (asks the Law Journal) At present there are (our Supreme Court judgee, who bave served for more
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  • 951 10 Appalling Cruelty in Chinese Yamen. The correspondent of the N.-C. Daily News, writing from Hingi, on May 24, reports tho following extraordinary story The local magistrate has had two honours bestowed on him. Tho ono was a tablet which the people have bestowed on him because
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 132 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. Latest advertisements of the day appeal on pages '5 and 'i Service will be bold at the Bousteai] Institute on Sunday at H 1,1 p.m., wben tliu Kiiv. \V. T. Cliurry will tbe address. Mm. Williamson will be the noloist. A cordial invitation is ixteuded to tbu
      132 words

  • 1292 11 THE INDISPENSABILITY OF THE PRODUCT. How it is being Utilised. Tbt India Rubber World, of May 1, says:— Tin call to arms has come. Army and navy an |>r,'parin<{ for action. Men are of little avail without munitions and equipment, among which rubber in one form or
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  • 579 11 Sunday, July 15, 1917. St. Andmw's Cathedral. '■tu Sunday after Trinity.— 7.Bo a.m. Litany 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9.15 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 5.30 p.m. Evensong and sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines. 5.80 p.m. Kvonsong and sermon. Hymns,
    579 words
  • 31 11 Kelemak. -16.790 lbs. Kelantan.— l6.9sl lbs. Djapoera.— 4o,B73 lbs. Pulau 8u1ang.— 6,786 lbs. Kuala Sawah.-8,968 lbs. six month! 40,463 lbs. ludragiri (Sumatra).— l7,6B6 lbs. eight mouths 127,161 lbs.
    31 words
  • 183 11 Although the rubber crop returns to date (May 22) certainly «ivc no indication of any redaction of output in the Middle East, it would seem that the time has arrived when the producing companies will have to reconsider their position in this connection, says The Financier. Recent reports
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 452 11 VISITS TO JAVA. GRAND HOTEL JAVA BATAVIA. Cable Address i JAVA HOTEL. Code i A. B.C. 6th Edition. Merouur Code i 3rd Edition. The best situated and most comfortable Hotel, possesses the most beautiful Diningroom in Java. Moderate Charges, Excellent Cuisine. Barber's Shop, Livery Stables and Motor Cars. Over 100
      452 words
    • 202 11 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW TO-NIGHT RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily RAFFLES BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY The best in town Upcountry orders promptly executed. Bread delivered at private residences daily. RAFFLEB MOTOR GARAGE Cars repaired, garaged, and cars on hire. Ring Telephone No. 89
      202 words

  • 2227 12 1916-1917. A diary of tbo war up to August 4, 1918, was published in tho Straits Times of August 11, 1818. The record of events is now con-Unm-il from tbe beginning of tbe third year ol war. August. 6. A battle has been fought in Egypt,
    2,227 words
  • 361 12 Experiences with Makers of The Empire's History. A correspondent writes to The Statesman On Jane 12, there passed away at Satara at the advanced age of 85 years Mrs. M. T. O Kearney, a very old resident of the station, who waa also very well known
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  • 870 12 Great Deeds of the Cheery Engine Of War. I Peroival Phillips writes in the Morning Post: I We are still hearing many stories about I tho tanks. The German experts spent the winter deviling ways to combat their de- structiveness, and the battle of Arras gave them
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  • 151 12 Mr. Arthur Henderson, member of the War Cabinet, speaking at Richmond at a demonstration in support of the Brotherhood Continental Relief Fund of France, Belgium, Serbia and Rumania, said that never before had civilisation experienced the awful horrors of war, as sinoe Angust, 1914. It bai been
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 1040 13 WORK OF ASIATIC ZOOLOGICAL EXPEDITION. Two Thousand Miles. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman Andrews, of New York, lately arrived in Rangoon after a trip of over two thousand miles in Yunnan and nnadministered and unmapped territory on the Tibetan and Burma borders. Mr. Andrews is in charge
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 151 13 Rubber Machines Rollers 17 x 12. Chilled or Hard Grained. British Make. Certain Deliveries. Price: $1,700 Wallace T. PLATT, Singapore. nnrw~¥~f~f~*"+ ♦gWß»jj» »i C. &B. English Soups pig r 30 Varieties All Delicious ||||jg The Cuisine of one of the finest chefs in the world available for your table. Crosse
      151 words
    • 205 13 t PLANTERS. MINERS VI 0% deposit to pay I I LM I I return of empties 1 1 heay y cost I bother of bottle X 1 W accounts OUTSTATION RESIDENTS NIPPON PAINT White Zinc, White Lead Paint, Red Lead Powder, etc. A<2^*;ics AcidL 99 per cent, guaranteod. X^m-fce:x Cups
      205 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 610 14 Psaob. Fam ini or Plenty. Lifi Inburanok ib worth 100 obntb on thb dollar. THE 6REAT EASTERTuFTiisiIRAHC^ LIMITED. ilasoareaaiaa at Svaurs Sstiisaawts) 9 moa. Win***- lOBOPB OWIOH Old ..wry, 8.0. The Coapaay hai MO.OOO dsaoeited wttfa Mm B<ujrema Chart el Bagiaad, aad eorapliee wiab Mm BitUah Late Aisaraioe Compaalee Aot
      610 words
    • 494 14 BANKING. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. Haas Offles imtapere, RsfTlss Chapjasrt, I A I. IrascßM ■llaaca, I*s, First tNW It ml, ■Mr, 77, 71, Jataa MataMa. CAPITAL t Registered IWJOOOOO l*ned 14,000,000 Sobwribed •8,800.000 Pwd up tMBO.OOO BOARD OF DIRECTORS i Urn PMgtlaat Em-. Ghalrau. TIN lea. Or. Lla M*a
      494 words
    • 494 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING GBRPBNATIQN (Incobpobatbd n HoMocowa) •AID UP CAPITAL m 111,000.000 IBSBR'B FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at J/- 116,000,000 Silver ♦18,600,000 158,600,000 I ieservb Liability ol Proprietors 111,000,000 1 COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. S. H. Dodwell, Chairman. j J. A. Pluxomer, Bag., Deputy Chairman. ion. Mr. C.
      494 words
    • 518 14 BANKING. •HARTERED lANK OF INDIA. HytTMLIA AKD CHINA. INOORPORATBD IN BNGLAND BT ROYAL CHARTBR Paid up Capital ia 60,000 Shares ol 410 each a* as «a> 41 400,000 Beeerve Toad... ■> 41,0004)00 Reaerva Liability ol PrapfietoM^ 41,100,003 BANKBRB The Baak ol Baglaad, The Loadoa City aad HUlaail Baak. Ltd., Tbe
      518 words
    • 1099 14 m g INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorfobaiid in Honokomo) The man who says be is not reaiy to in»'iro can't afford it, or most pay off certain obligations fir it, doei cot understand lull j tbe s::opu ot lite insurance. The aan wbo will not spare onetentb
      1,099 words

  • 586 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Marine Motor Industry I Altuougb for some years past, the builders I of petrol marine engines in the United States have been the foremost in the world, and lirger numbers of pleasure motor craft have been built there than in
    586 words
  • 441 15 Steamer Built Entirely In Hongkong. Shipping and the necessity of an extension of ship builiing throughout the Empire are j so much the questions of the hour that it is > interesting to know that there is at present in the port of Calcutta, says the Statesman,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 226 15 THE CANADIAN FORD The Most Economical 5-Passenger Car on the market and the Best Motor Car Value in the world. READ WHAT A SINGAPORE MOTORIST SAYS>Me*srs. WEARNE BROS., LTD. Deak Sirs, With refer- nee to the FORD car purchased from you 9 months ago, I have kept a careful record
      226 words
    • 61 15 OILDAG Saves Petrol as well as Oil, and the running is as smooth as silk. XO BE HAD FROM ALL GARAGES. yull particulars from DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents. SINGER CARS Importers i International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE!. (EINCHER W6e JUI-SBritisd MADE OF PLANTATION RUBBER in <ihe Largest Rubber Mills in
      61 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 536 16 No tyre, by any •ther name grips the road like GoodricA Safety Tread. Safety comes from ssjJM 'Goodrich Safety Tr*jatT when you are buying tyresv J-^H *j sj fca*S£& "A grip on the road b wtr* two on the tteering wkt)«L" Fit Goodric/i Safety Trwt! B 1 t g fc
      536 words
    • 409 16 SITUATIONS WANTED PLANTER seeks change of billet, speaks Tamil fluently. Please apply to Box No. 278, Strait. Times. 26-8—27-7 YOCNO BRITISHER requires employ ment. Commercial or planting. Robber experience. Reply Box No. 286, Straits Times. 27-6—BB-7 BUSINESS GENTLEMAN 02' proceeding or leave, desires petition cf responsibility and trust in mercantile
      409 words
    • 672 16 HOUBEB TO LET. TO LBT. Houses No. 7, Chanoery Lane. Apply to Ching Keng Lee k Co., Auctioneers. 1811-n TO LET, Hyder Lodge, No. 30. St. Michael's Road, or for sale Apply K. Sajan k Co., No. 6, Malacca Street. 22-B—2l-7 TO LBT, a dwelling boose with compound at No.
      672 words
    • 245 16 KIAM KIAT ft CO. IN a IN, Market itrwt -PheM ammt HO. 411. THE MULCOTT BELTING CO.. LTD. (Incorporated In England I Have just received a fresh shipment of Jackson's Varnish Stains In Coloun of Rosewood, Oak and Mahogany at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R.UMBERT&Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 3 a, Orchard Road, Telephone
      245 words
    • 247 16 GUAN KIAT Co., No. BS, Phillip Street Telephone Nos. 1861 and IM2. Private 1460 and Sannyside 1078. Large Stocks of: Angle Iron, Flat Iron, Round Iron, Tee Iron. Bolts A Nuts, Rivets, Galvd. Plates A Navy Canvas. BUY NOW -DO NOT WAIT Sole Agents for THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID Tht
      247 words
    • 478 16 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICEC S3 and aeater Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1 233 Charges Moderate. Oarage open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE SIB A 91 6, Orchard Road (Next to Wearne Bros.. Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alteration] u» advert memento, such as changes m sailing dates
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 316 16 Straits Wimes. > Temporary Tslephonei S8 All communications relating to editoria' matters and now* should be addressed tc THB EDITOR. All communications relating to busineM matters advertisements, subscription*) accounts, printing, etc. sht-nld be addressed to THB MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellane oos wants of every description a»-c inserted in the ordinary
      316 words