The Straits Times, 13 July 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,466 SINGAPORE. ffUl'lY. JULY 13. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 166 1 MILKMAID BWEETENEO CONDENSED MILK Price dow $19.00 pet east i Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect j conditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the best soup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jbibby, MeJieiU Isibby state "If there was
      166 words
    • 169 1 ROBINSON CO. V ft IB HbI^bIIIIIAlV!^bIIIIIIWHI MB I* t^M^ft.^By^MX*" "^M 8758- White Lace Curtains jjo. 0105— White Lace Curtains y»ra» loDf?, 5? iucL«s wide. 3j yards lodk. 80 inchoß wide. Price $3.50 per pair. p nco $4.28 per pair. H6&d.TBB. V 9' i > r^ocsKz^KajuEp^ Lc^HlS^BßjSaßjßßß^B^^^^ *4l S9vvS lar^/viS hPakSVvSI
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    • 4 1 GOODHICe > UJ (0 TYRES
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  • 1075 2 The following casualties »ro reported London, Juno 4. ■I -ii>)< -M>u>', It Anthony, Welsh 1 1 K xlus, Flying Carps ■I I. 1! F .res: K>igs R-jyal R.fles 1 i kit, Yu'k aaj Lincas 2i i 1.. Ml It. K. .Fell v, Kiyi-ifc; Jjrn I I '.l'l-ioao, ia
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 236 2 Cockle's ANTIB.I lOUS Fills free your Liver from Sluggishness brace you up make you feel fit and fine 1" ki ep )ouv If in the |unL of conditiun )ust take Cocklr't Vi\U once or twice a week. Thai's all -'9. jiml. cortti co ci or»w< n u«». ia» IMHMK AJM?w4o*a^W-^JV-
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    • 579 2 NO STROPPING NO HONING k 1 If (or no other rea*on than that it is per--1 (ectly safe (or anyone to shave with, the k J Gillette Safety Razor would be «r*»entiallv l lr M the razor for any nun who shaves himself. \ifcl|||ijsw^ B *:^^^t^fc M Hut id ackiitioo
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    • 127 2 I SUNBEAM !j experience of .landarduinf eitr. *f fieif Hey la the guiae of l*w increa*ing number* of SUNBEAM-COATALEN AIRCRAFT ENGINES being .upplied to the Britiih and tae All.c.' Air Serneee, iUYoWint, it doe., perfection o f design, method*, workman.hip and material., «»urt inoriUbly exerciae it* influence on out poet-war
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  • 1065 3 BATU CAVES, SCOTTISH MALAY AND RIVERSIDE. Annual Reports. The report of the Batu Caves Rubber Company, Limited, states that, including £7,056 brought forward (after making the appropriations aod adjustments applicable to 1915 and after paying three interim dividends, each ot 35 per cent., less tax), the profit and
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  • 38 3 > Marih HMI ntnttn that six mimlh, Ibe I'd.ulißt, Cyrix, Er;k I'M louni, TUmm(KI tons), Koell and OI K a (158 tong), w« re rook in the Golf of Bothnia. Over 60 Vei cent of le cargoe* were contraband.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 362 3 Weak Kidneys and Backache Dr. Cassell's Tablets Strengthen Your Kidneys and Cure Backache and Urinary Trouble. iurrs are tun <if nrl.r tili' (l with bad mattci UoiH again. Then tiny will ...»nse rha an »i-ak or ,11. Tak, Hi. ■< Or CHAI. FOIUHAW. F.R.M.3.. Die., an Enclith soienlist, I hsvc
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    • 425 3 If you don't see the name Yale on a padlock, you can be sure it isn't a Yale Padlock. If you do see it, you can be sure that the lock is the most dependable padlock you can buy. It not only locks— it secures. No matter what you want
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    • 736 3 i Quality. I With LEA &PERRINS* SAUCE, |>"f* a few drops sprinkled over the meat, fish or cheese, &c are all that is T&t iSg required to impart the most delicious 1& WtM P'quancy and flavour. jwl The QUALITY and concentration of its JMBrf ™,flj ingredients make a little of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 710 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LD. (Incoepoiatbb in Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. v«r KreUT Tringiranu, Bunt, Semerak, Bacho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupia, PanaraV PatanTsingora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsoen, Chumpon, Kohlak a Bangkok. Dm D«p«itu*« ASDANO Ju«y 18 8 BORIBAT July 28 July 28, 3 p.m. PRACMATIPOK July SO Aug. 1,
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    • 705 4 F.M.S. GOVERNMENT SIX PER CENT. WAR LOAN 1921. Bonds of the above issuo are ready for delivery at the Chartered Bank, Koala Lumpur, and Branches in the F.M.S. and S S. Holder* who have not already exchanged their Scrip Certificates are requested to do so at an early date. 13-7—
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    • 397 4 NOTICE. This is to give notice that Mr. Tan Boon Teng, who haa now left oar service, baa no right whatever to sign oar firm per procuration hereafter. Dated at Medan, this 7th day of July, 1917 BAN SAINOTBK KEE A CO. 10-7—16-7 BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE fall-sized billiard table
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    • 290 4 RHODINE A GREAT FRENCH TRIUMPH OVER GERMAN ASPERIN yv RHODINE "USINES I>U RHONE" means acetyl salicylic acid of the purest quality. It is the equivalent of the German ASPERIN and surpasses this product when applied for the fame therapeutic purposes. Each tablet contains 0.50 gramme of pure RHODINE. RHODINE is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 616 5 MORTGAGEE S SALE Of one fifth share or interest in the estate of Chi or Kit Neo, deceased, in the freehold lind situate at Bakit Bruang, containing an area of 6 (acres or thereabouts, and in the lands on which houses Nos. 12 and 18, Oajah Berang. are erected and
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    • 852 5 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEES BALE Of VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND AT LORONO NO. 38, OFF QAYL4NG KOAD At onr Saleroom, No. 8, Raffles Place, On Widnbsoat, July 18, at 2.80 p.m. Bight lots of freehold land situate at Lorong 28, off Oalang Road, area 33,870 eg. ft being lot Nos. 242
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    • 116 5 BRUNNER MONO CO., LIMITED, Northwich, England 0 ?CSCCNT ITB"M*3t(SW BRAND MANDFACTDSKRS OF Bicarbonate of Soda. Soda Ash. Caustic Soda, Carbonate of Ammonia. Sulphate of Ammonia Calcium Chloride. Pure Zinc, Etc. AGENTS, Straits Settlements and F-. M. S. H. WOLSKEL CO.. LTD., Singapore and Kualn Lumpur. D MOTOR LORRIES 4SBSBA Nl
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 222 6 Saiwnann. T«cli»iko»skf, eto. Pumoforte and Violin Albums by Oemann, Hofuiann, Hubiy. Vieuxtempi. Vk>H«'«nd Pismofort. Pi«o«- b T Bylod, Cz bulka, DrdU. Kom«k S*b»till. Wasntr. etc Two-Violin* Albums by Uellmesberßer. Em 1 Kross, Rimbault, etc Two _Violina »nd Pianoforte Album by Emil Kross. Wiokm'a Violin and Piano Music Books, etc, etc,
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    • 130 6 HARMSTQN'S CIRCUS Location: BEACH ROAD AGAIN TO-NIGHT! Our Great Programme, every item received with rounds) of applause Not a dall moment from start to finish. See oar beautiful Arab stallions and performing ponies. Our Menagerie contittl of Elephants, Lioiu, Tigtrs, ■•art, Lsopsrst, Emu. Zafera, Wallakys, Babosni HMikaya, Dots, etc. NEXT
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    • 493 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE PRIVATELY ONE MOTOR LAUNCH Particulars approximately aa under Dimentions 88 ft. x 8 ft., Engine 86-b.p., Oray kerosene motor witb reverse Rear, air starter, high tension Bosch magneto, dual ignition. For further particulars, apply to POWELL it CO., Ltd., Auctioneers (Incorpobatbd in Sinoapobs) 18-T— a MORTGAGEE'S
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    • 204 6 Silverware We have just received a grand collection of Silverware comprising ash triyd, afternoon tea spoons, cream jugp, photo frames, flower bowlo, etc., etc. Quality Workmanship Prices Superior Exquisite Moderate CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELF ISMAIL and RAHEEM (ESTABLISHED 1605) No oonnection with any other jewellery dealers and no middleman or
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  • 110 7 FIXTURES. Pridav, July 13. «lv^ *'»t. 7. Si am., 0.87 p.m St A aJrow's Srhool prize giving. A ictoria Theatre, 4.45 p.m. Hoini warl mail clune* Tli. t'»inro». Victoria Theatre. Hamilton's Circus. Saturday, July 14. fTate* 9.H am.. 7.57 p.m. Kinta Assocn mtg., Barker's, noon. Homeward tuiil
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  • 245 7 To-oai. <.lat Pundjant: 2.30 pm P. Swcttenbarn and Tetuk Anson 2.30 pm ■•1,.. 1 an 2 30 pm Malacca and Muar 8 pm Batavia, Saruarang and Sourabaya 3 pi I Malacca 8 pm Muai 3 pm Kota Tin^gi 4 pm Bangkok 4 pm Sourabaya. Kandj^rmaMin, Stagon, Kota
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  • 259 7 The mkh trains from Singapore for the I'UiloaviTank Koad station daily at 7.7 a.may av arriving at Kuala Lumpur at ;ij p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respectively. Tl c iuW- I'enant' leaves Koala it R m. daily, arriving at Penat-g m 9.28 pjx. tbe samo day. The nathward bound
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  • 97 7 >.t «tioa baa bees esJk-d to the fact UuU oat arrivals in Loaios are much behind thoae ■aWishuil elsewhere. Our rule is tc Kive anivali only when they an- officially r. |> >rUJ in the Port Office notice* and m UUt 1»t« tbaa that printed abuvo bai
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  • 182 7 EXCHANOB. StMaaroßa, July 18, 1017, On Louisa ......Bank 4 m/s as 1/4) Demand m *l*i Private S m/l 3/4 i,-; Oh Feancb Bank T. T. 818 On India Bank T. T. Oh HoMOEOHa...Bank d/d IK tpm Oh Srajtobai ...Bank d/d as C 9 Oh Java Bank T,
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    • 162 7 10 10 Ampang 6.60 6.00 1 1 Aytr Weng 1.35 1.50 10 10 Kanaboi 1.29 1.60 10 10 Kinta Association 8.25 9.60 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.8 11 1 Lahat Mines 4.C0 600 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.75 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.16.6 1.19.8 norn 10 10
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    • 120 7 SSil BnyefB> BeUpM< II 41 I. Smelling Go. 7.85 7.7S II 41 PieJ. 1.8.6 1.8.0 I/. 5/- Bleotoio Twajß 4/- 5/--10 10 FiMei Nmtb 43.C0 44.00 SO 60 W.Hammt'iA Co. 65.00 68.00 100 Howutb Brskino 65.00 76.00 iOO a 7%P»e(. 100.00 iOO 100 Kati Bio, Del. par 120.00 10
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    • 45 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284,600 pa* Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £860,000 norn S'poreMunicipal6% 11,873,000 par Spore Municipal 4 oi 1007 11,800,000 lO^dis Spore Municipal 4f% of 1909 11,000,000 in%dla Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 16jfcdia Spore Municipal 4% £800,000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1910 115,000,000 101.00 102.00
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    • 314 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyali and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices. Fraper Lyall Jt ft Co. Evatt. Alor Gaiah (»1) 4.10 4.25 4.10 4.20 Amal. Malay (2) 0.30 0.50pm 0.80 0.40 Aver Hitam (SSI 14 50 15.50 14.00 15.00 Aver KaniDg .«1) 1 30 1.40 1.V5
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 533 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED Ifootania Locomotive. Ar ply with particulars to K mttead Co Shipping D ip t 18 7—19 7 WANTRD Chioeen clfirk Mn»t be a capable b ok kceier. O 1 Hilary to suitable man. Apply hta'irg pnvniin experience, to Box No 2u5. Straiti Timon B 7— B 7
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    • 648 7 SAWMILL MACHINERY (RANSOME'S) IN STOCK: One 3^2 foot Self-acting Saw Bench with carriages and rails. One Sharpening Machine for Circular and Frame Saws. Prices and particulars from FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) WINCHESTER HOUSE, SINGAPORE. ALWAYS IN STOCK i Tyres, Solar Oil Liquid Fuel, Shell Motor Spirit. CHIN HUAT
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    • 70 7 GAIETY CINEMA Jl N TION OF ALB»RT AND Fk.M "JLKN S IN THE SECOND SHOW, AT 9.30 Hill SPECIAL NUMBER OF THE ANIMAL WORLD SERIES ft great Reliance fight drama 2 reels THE CRAVEN 1 reels Bluebird Photoplays praient Cleo Maditon in 5 BLACK ORCHIDS 5 Rex Ingrain's wonderful production
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  • 1086 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY. JULY 13. NIEUPORT REVERSE. It is a long time sinoe tbe Germans have bad anything tbat could be called a success against tbe British. Since tbe beginning of July, 1916, we havo steadily driven them from one point after another never suffering more than tbe local
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  • 23 8 The Middloton Tin Mine* output for June was: Sluioing Ij7 81 piculs and tribute 78.0 j picula, a total of 285 86 piculs.
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  • 44 8 Fourteen Java tobacco companios have approached tbe Dutch Government to re quisi tioo, for tbe voyage Java- Holland, a st> timer vi tho Rotterdam Lloyd, one > f the NederUu I Company, aad one ol tbe Ocean Uoru y my, in order to load tobacco.
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  • 17 8 The charge d'affaires in Copenhagen has declared that Rumania would continue to fight to the bitter end.
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  • 17 8 The British Government has opened offices in Broadway, Now York, and hopes to enlist 20,000 British volunteers.
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  • 21 8 There will be matins and sermon followed by Holy Communion in Cbrish Church, Malacca, at 8 a.m., next Sunday, July 16.
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  • 18 8 "Tbe British offensive has been arrested," says the Vossische /eitang. "Presumably for exceeding tbe speed limit," adds Punch.
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  • 20 8 In future all persons travelling to Spain must have their passports vised by a competent Spanish Diplomatic or Consular Offioer.
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  • 21 8 M. Leva), French Missions Food Expert, states that England, France, and Italy will need 560,000,000 bushels of grain before next harvest.
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  • 27 8 According to a telegram from Osaka, dated June 27, a Japanese steamer, the name of which is not known, is reported to have been sunk off Colombo.
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  • 55 8 At tho annual meeting of the Rukit Mertajam Rubber Co., Ltd., tc he held on August 1, the directors will recommend a final dividend of 10 per cent., making 15 per cent, for the year ended March 31 last. The decrease in the dividend over tbe previous year is due
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  • 41 8 It is estimated that the first month's subscriptions to the Russian Liberty Loan considerably exceed a thousand million roubles (£108,785,830). Over ;'O,OOO gramophone records of speeches < i eminent statesmen, appealing for support of the loan, are being distributed throughout tbe country.
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  • 54 8 To be added to tbo list, says the Malay Mail A local resident recently received au anonymous letter complaining about his coolies. According to tbe writer not only did they rob him. tbey also drank, gambled and made a yell of a nice." These words puzzled the recipient of tbe
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  • 59 8 It is notified in the Government Gazette that any person guilty of an offence against the Food Control Regulations, 1917, shall be liable on conviction before a police court to a tine not exceeding eight hundred dollars cr to imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to
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  • 59 8 A telegram from Bandoeng states tbat on July 9 Captain Engelbert van Bevervoorde made his second flight over tbe mountains, this time via Randjatkek. He reached a height of 4,500 metres, and daw over Bandoeng, Tjimohi, Pddalarang, in the direction of Poerwakarta, along Kalidjati, over the crater of Tangoebau I'renoo,
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  • 68 8 A Hague cable dated July 7 says that the Besttvaer sank in two minutes. Tbe Germans did not give time to lower the second boat. The captaia aod eight others are, in all probability, drowned. The tirst boat turned turtle, in consequence jf tbe suction caused by the foundering vessel,
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  • 67 8 Tbe new Y.W.C.A. hall and hostel, S. Fort Canning Road, will be opened by the Lady Evelyn Young on Wednesday, July IS, at 5. 15 p.m. This will be followed by a programme of music and speeches in tbe new hall, when the gathering will be presided over by Sir
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  • 75 8 Mr. W. LaDgham Carter gave judgment in the district court yesterday afternoon in the MM in which Tan Kong Lan, propiietor, snc< Tan Chin Ktat, manager of Chop Tan h Ny Uuan, were charged with committing a breach of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance by declaring goods for export
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  • 85 8 La<-t year durians, mangosteens and ram busteens were to be had in great abuudanoe and very choaply, locally, states thu l'inang Oazette, but tbe indications are that quantities this year will be smaller aud prices considerably higher in consequence. At present tbe prices ruling are said to bo three or
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  • 102 8 t'nder tbe auspices of the League of Empire a service for the Boys' and Girls' Bri gades cell bration of Empire Day took place at St. Paul's Cathedral on June 2. Tbe con gregation includrd 5,000 Connaugbt Hangers. MmM Patricia and Princess Louise at tended. Sixty four flags of tbe
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  • 161 8 A correspondent writes: On Saturday evening last tbe large ball of tbe V.M.C.A. was crowded with an appreciative audience of pi Mil th and sailors, who foregathered to »njoy wbat undoubtedly watt tbe best of the series of concerts held to date. Tbe talent was all local and really of
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  • 322 8 Mr. J. Craig, of Klang, has arrived safely at home. Tho deatb baa taken place of Mr. Powell of Brooklands Extate, Hunting. Mr. A. Denny, of Sepajig, ban left for borne. He hopes to rejoin tbe army. Mr. O. D. H. Turnbull, of Reko Hill Estate Kajang,
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  • 67 8 Tbe local manager of tho Hongkong anu Shanghai Banking Corporation MonM v be has received a telegram from bis bead office in Hongkong stating that an iutrrim dividend of ii 3a- it«o pounds three hLi.'lings) per share, subject to deduction of income tax, has been declared
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  • 69 8 It is announced that tho Bishop oi Singapore is to preach a course of five sermons, commencing next Sunday, tho subject being Tho Original Christianity.' The subjects of tho sermons are The Bible and the Church, the Christian Faith, tbe Christian Fellowship, the Christian Conduct and tho
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  • 129 8 A fair audience gathered at tbe Du'ch Club last night for the recital given by Frof Gerard /.alsman, tho well known baritore, acd enjoyed coma very tine singing. All tingood reports rect ived of Mr. Zalsnian were proved to be fully juetiuid. He has a
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  • 145 8 The late Rajah of Sarawak was a wise and enlightened ruler, and his exposition of the ideals wbicb guided him in the ndministration of his once turbulent kingdom embodies a philosophy that is woitli reaiu-i of Marcl'iavellian doctrine, says a writer in a borne paper.
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  • 167 8 An ocean phenomenon occurred tbe otbei night, says tho Bribbane Courier. At dutk the sea was quite calm along the southeastern coast, but at 6 o'clock, without any apparent reason the. air being comparatively still, a buavy swell suddenly set in, and by midnight great breakers were rolling
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 272 8 "SPRINGBOK" THE GENUINE BOER TOBACCO Manufactured from the finest Magaliesberg Tobacco. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE in 4-oz. SEALED BAGS Insist on your Day and Night Wear being made of genuine "Viyelk" NO WASHING MATERIAL has a greater reputation tbroogbout tbe world 1 r PriCC toDMHtoDt rthabil'ty whenever and wherever PflC6 purchased tuch
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    • 244 8 BETTER PICTURES. BETTER MUSIC, lETTER SURROUNDINGS AND dETTER SERVICE ARE SOME OF THE IEaTHRESOF THE ALHAMHA Th. PiotMW and Premier Home The Home of Quality Beach Road Paths presents a powerful Geld Roaster Play THE EMPRESS In 8 Aots. The stirring portrayal of an igonising scul's triumph over threatening evil.
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  • 267 9 NIEUPORT REVERSE. The Dunes Position Described. RUSSIAN VICTORIES. Armies Making Gratifying Progress. kmrt Thkokaxs. London. Inly I' 2. 130 a.m. Field-Marshal Haig reports Tho enemy artillery great Nieuport ha-> diminished. Ours continues active. The tmemj pressed back slightly our advanced posts to thn east of Moncby le Prcux
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  • 192 9 I ndon, July 12, 6.6 a.m. T lie Times aitr'ary correspondent points out that the British only recently took over si ;W north of Nienport from the 1 tench, 1h ncj ijey are nnt yet thoroughly -ti'quaiatol tci its cLaracteriatice. The sector is trduuuily fairly safe, bat
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  • 83 9 London, lily 12, 12.10 a.m. Trench communii|ne There was a somowhat violent artillery firing in tbe of I'antbooo, south of Moronvillicrs and Hill London, July 12, 4 40 p.m. French communique There was a fairly lively artillory struggle in Champagne and o tbe Aisne. Kueray attacks south of
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  • 361 9 ANOTHER VALUABLE CAPTURE. London, July 12, KUOam. We continued the pursuit in ttjf> direction of l>olma. We occupied Halicz at midday on Tuesday. Advanced detachments crossed the left bank ol tbe hniesUr aud reacbtd tt t valley of tbe Lonwica which we croaaed, Ul.iloiki and P.abin. We took
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  • 57 9 London, July 12. 1 40 p.m. Mr. Macphersnn announced an important Arab success. Tbe King of the Htdjiz's forces had captured Turkish pists between Tafilaoaan and Akaba, 700 Turks bein^ killed and 600 captured also a mountain gun. A Turkish battalion was destroyed on July 2 and tbe
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  • 34 9 London, July 11. 9 35 p.m. A British message from Salonika reports that tbe health of tbe troops is particularly satisfactory, with a considerable reduction in the percentage of sickness compared with 1916.
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  • 273 9 Reduced Submarine Losses. London. July 11, 9.35 p.m. The Admiralty reports that the arrivals during the week were 2.H98, and the sailing* 2,798. Fourteen vessels over, and three under 1.600 tons were sunk. Seventeen were unsuccessfully attacked. Seven fishing vessels were sank. London, July 12. 2.25 a.v
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  • 219 9 American Action. London, July 13, 5.20 p.m. Washington i The House of Representatives has passed the Government's bill prohibiting trading with tbe enemy or the enemy's allies and providing for the Governmental seizure of any property and patents. Washington Vessels on routes which are regarded as unnecessary
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  • 216 9 KUSER AND HOLLWEG CONFER London, July 11, 8.5 p.m. The decision of the Centre to support Krzberger does net imply any yielding of the Government in tbe diroction of peace such as the Radicals and Socialists desired. Prolonged party discussions and most heated debates in the main committee
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  • 111 9 London, July 11, 9 3"> p.m. In the House of Commons, Sir Arthur Stanley, on behalf of tbe Board of Trade, stated that a committee on Empire cottongrowing would investigate and advise the Government as to the necessary measures whereby the industry can be best developed. Tbe names
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  • 154 9 London, July I*2, 6 »o a.m. The East Clare election result is a severe blow to the Nationalist* showing that they no longer have a single safe seat. It is expected in Dublin that Mr. Redmond will seek reelection for the purpose of testing the issue of Constitutionalism
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  • 117 9 London, July 12, 8.50 p.m. Regarding tbe Angle-Dutch communica tions concerning tbe placing of a new British minefield in tbe North Sea, Reuter learns that the Dutch Government has been folly informed that the British action is solely and specifically dictated by military considerations and is not
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  • 77 9 London. July 12, 10.20 p.m. The Admiralty states that naval aeroplanes last night carried out raids on military objectives on Gbistelles and Varssenaire railway dump causing a heavy explosion and an intense conflagration. They attacked by gun-fire a railway siding at Farren, bombed a train at St.
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  • 97 9 London, July 12, 12.35 p.m. It is announced that tbe tea control scheme has been modified, enabling 30 per cent, to be retailed at 2 4, and from 40 to 45 per cent., or possibly more, retailed at from 2/6 to 8/-, Thus the proportion of free tea
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  • 74 9 London, July 12, 12.10 a.m. Tbe Minister of Munitions, in an interview, that a thousand factories were manufacturing aeroplanes. The output is increas ing by leaps and bounds and now exceed thrice last year's and^by December 31 would be doubled last April's. Tbe monthly output of aeroplane engines
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  • 82 9 London, July 12, 12.25 p.m. Shanghai The North China Daily News makes a feature of extensive German bribery of Chinese policians and gives as an instance that every parliamentarian voting against tbe rupture of relations with Germany, on March 14, was promised J2.000. The autbo rities
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  • 137 9 London, July 12, 5.40 pni. In the Commons, Sir George Cave stated that arrangements are being made to establish a wide circle of observation posts around London with a view to warning tbe public of the approach of enemy aircraft. London, July 12, 5.30 a.m. Paris: In tbe Senate
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  • 149 9 We are indebted to the French Consulate for the following tolegrams Paris, July 12, 6 p.m. The French 3 per cent, bonds are at 60.50 and the 5 per cent, bonds at 88.45. The political situation in Germany is getting worse, following the decision of some groups
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  • 57 9 RstTiß's Tblioram. London, July 12, 7.56 p.m. Rangoon Tbe British India steamer Cbilka, 8,952 tons, from Madras, on Jane 80 caught fire and it was necessary to abandon her. Fifteen European and 1.600 deck passengers were aboard. There are no farther details, but it is reported
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  • 345 9 HELP NEEDED FOR OVERSEAS CLUB. During the ten months ending Juno. 1917, we sent $8,833, on behalf of our readers, to the Overseas Club, London, to assist in pro viding smokes for our soldiers and sailors. We began the second half of tho year with a
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  • 67 9 We have to acknowledge the following additions to tbe fund for providing Singapore Church Army Recreation Tent No. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Song Ong Siang $20 J. O. 10 The position of the Fund now stands as follows: Total received by Straits Times... 2,257 Per Editor
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  • 136 9 That freight congestion in China is greater than in the Philippines with no prospect of improvement for at least six months, is tho opinion of Mr. K. K. H >w.\ manager of tlie Robert Dollar Company, in a statemeut made on June 16. Mr. Howe, who
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  • 165 9 The following appeared in the Daily News Here is a remarkable story, wot me by a correspondent. The owner* of a little U et of fishing vessel, offer a priz<j of £.'(00 each fear to the nkipper with the best banl of fish, t is almost invariably
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  • 2152 9 IRELAND TO SETTLE THE IRISH QUESTION. From Our Special Correjpondent London, May 25. At a dinner at tho Savoy the other night, General Smuts was the guest of a number cf men who are or have been associated with South Africa, and ho took occasion to sketch
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  • 454 10 Good Competition for Fine Pale Crepe. I The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 303 rd auction was hell on July 11 and 12. Offered for sale piculs or 1,397,846 lbs (tons 624.08). Prices realised Sheet smoked fine ribbed *****:1 J l2O 127 good ribbed smoked 114
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  • 263 10 As one of tbe outcomes of the Edinburgh Conference there was established a China Continuation Committee which has met annually. After the last meeting several of tbe Chinese leaders present expressed their impression. One write*. I have learned more this week than in all
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  • 1545 10 SINGAPORE'S NEW RECREATION CENTRE FOR SAILORS AND SOLDIERS. Opening by the Governor. The Singapore Inion Jack Club, which I has come into existence to help meet the I social needs of tbe soldiers and sailors stationed here, was formerly opened yesterday afternoon, and its' many members entered
    1,545 words
  • 973 10 Comfortable Accommodation And Facilities. In the Singapore Inion Jack ('lab the men of the services have a place of recreation wbicb tbey should find thoroughly to their taste. The model followed ban been, as far as possible, that of the fatuous Co ion Jack CM in
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  • 647 10 Forthcoming Dog Show at Irwell Bank. We are indebted to a correspondent for the followiDg information It is expected that dog lovers will give the heartiest support to tbe dog show at Irwell Bank to assist the ncble cause for which it is inaugurated and to avail
    647 words
  • 198 10 Tbe report ot tbe Sungei Matang Rubber Estate, Limited, states that the crop lar vested for the period amounted to 221.8M1 lbs., against an estimate of 250,000 lbs. The average gross price realised was 2s. B]d. per Ib. The output >f rubber for the current financial jear
    198 words
  • Sporting Intelligence:
    • 117 10 Following were tin results of yesterday's play id tlic S.C.C. lawn tennis tournament Championship. Howe beat I'pcott, 4—6, 7—5, B—2. A. SIMiLNS. Donnell beat Tyler. 6—2, 6—l. B. Sis'.i.k-. Pash beat Laybourno, 6-3, M— 6. Thorouflood beat Badham, 6—4, 6—o. C. SINciLRS. Terzano beat McKerrow, 6—B, 6-2. NIWiOMKRS'.
      117 words
    • 57 10 The following will play cricket to-morrow for Mr. Griffin's team v. Dr. Martin's team. Players are requested to turn up as near 2 p.m. as possible O. P. Griffith-Jones, Nl A. M. Griffin, I. N. McLeod, H. R. S. Zubnde* Dr. Campbell, A. C. Smith, Dr. Chill, P. Howard,
      57 words
    • 95 10 Swimming Club launches will leave on Sunday as follow Johnston's Pier: 9. 10 and 11 a.m., 2.Bo and 3.30 p.m. Club Bungalow i 9 30 and 10 :;0 a.m., 12.45. 3 and 5.30 p.m. High tide 9.54 a.m height 7 ft. 'J in. 160 Yards Jackson-Millar Cup.— This race*
      95 words
  • 100 10 To-day's Business. Saunders and Macpbails Daily Report. Silver up 1 4 40iHongkong 2 7» (14% pm.) Shanghai -3 11 (M). Tin.— Buyers 9108, no sales. Rubber.— Steady. Tbe rubber share market in practically unchanged. Tapahs are wanted at 919.75, Pajams at 918, Jimahs 91 Sty, Jerams fr1.55,
    100 words
  • 71 10 Mr. E. II junior aasiitant on tbe Consolidated Rubber Kitate*. Mtiawan, ii applying to go to tbe front. He was in tliu arujy forme rly, and through severe injuries sustained while oo active mrvic was placed on tbe pension list. Towards thu Utter portion of 1916. states the Strait*
    71 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 283 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. Latest advertisements of tin- day appear on pay 6 and 7. The Harima Hall can always be relied upon to screen good pictures and tin new change of programme in testimony tn the fact. The Gold Seal threo reel drama Desperation apart from other sublets both grave
      283 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 458 11 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir.— Will vca allow me to point out a rather oonapicnons discrepancy between yonr leading article in to-night's edition and your advertisement columns in the same issue. I am snru tbat all your readers will agree with the tone
      458 words
    • 195 11 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— Your cormpeodent A Sufferer does not goffer alooe, if tbat is any coneolaUod. H s tigart. $4'o per month. Hounds princely to tbose w'jo draw lees tbao $300, ami id some ca«m much less. It may be oews
      195 words
    • 338 11 To tht Editor of the Straitu limes. Si* it not seetu a pity tbat the Wihnr tt of a very few and very foolish fouop oifco should be rapidly acquiring for Singapore the reputation of bad manners in th. theatre I Wednesday performance by tLc Cameon wiastswd
      338 words
    • 65 11 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, Malacca's New Parade Ground, is Kubn Plain, where tbe dirt and rubbish go to." There is a yoang man in Malacca Who's as keen on tbe Corps, as bis bacca But to drill on tbat Plain Of bis life
      65 words
  • 210 11 Programme of drills, etc., lor week ending Friday, Jnly 30, 1917. Friday, July 18. 6.16 tun. Drill Hall S.V.A. Recruits S.R.E(V.) Maxim Co. 6.10 p.m. Orchard Rd. P.S. S.V.R. and M.C.S. 8.15 p.m. T.P. Fire Station S.V.K., T.P.P. 1.10 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese Co. 5 p.m S.F.A.
    210 words
  • 85 11 Drill Okdiss fob Jclv, 1917. Friday, 13.— Parades at Pearl's Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.15 p.m. Monday, 10. Route March. Parade Boostead Institute, 5.15 p.m. Dismiss Boustead Institute Friday, 20.— Parades at Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.15 p.m. Monday, 23.— Parades at Havelocli Road Police Station
    85 words
  • 353 11 All Nature is sick from tbe heels to her hair, She is all out of kelter and out of repair, When a feller is out of a job. Hain't do juice in the earth, or no salt in the »ea, .(ain't no
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 437 11 VISITS TO JAVA. GRAND HOTEL JAVA BATAVIA. Cable Address JAVA HOTEL. Godsi A.B.C. 6th Edition. Merouur Code i 3rd Edition. The bent situated and most comfortable Hotel, possesses the most beautiful Diningroom in Java. Moderate Charges, Excellent Cuisine. Barber's Shop, Livery Stables and Motor Cars. Over 100 Rooms. Total area
      437 words
    • 208 11 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW Saturday, July 14 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily RAFFLES BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY The best in town Upcountry orders promptly executed. Bread delivered at private residences daily. RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Cars repaired, garaged, and cars on hire. Ring Telephone
      208 words

  • 2255 12 SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN THE PROFITS. The Extension Programme The twenty first annual general meeting of tin members of Linggi Plantations, Limited, was held on May 15, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, 8.C., Sir William Hood Treacher K.C.M.G. (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman said: (lontlt turn, it is
    2,255 words
  • 1272 12 No Likelihood of Cutting Down Crops. Mr. Macfadyen said he had been regularly visiting the company's properties for more than tour years, and it was barely six months since be last wont round them, so that be had a fairly close acquaintance with their present condition, and
    1,272 words
  • 574 12 Sir William Robertson's NewWar Facts. Sir William Kobertson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, supplied some arresting figures with regard to tbe war, at the anniversary dinner of the Newspaper Press Fond, at the Mansion House. LorJ Northclilfi! presided, and he was supported by the Lord
    574 words
  • 401 12 Distribution of 30 Per Cent. For Year. The report of the Third Mile (F.M.S.) Rubber Company. Limited, states that tbe net profit for the year, after allowing £1,558 for depreciation on buildings and machinery and j£2,46j for income tax, was .£27,858 less interim dividend paid on November
    401 words
  • 72 12 Hsaan Tang, who has just abdicated the throne at Peking, is now about ten years of age. He succeeded to the throne of the Manchus in 1908 on the death of the Emperor Kwang Hsu and tbe Empress Dowager, which occurred about the same time. The new monarch being an
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 213 12 CHEESE New stocks just received of Australian Cheddar certified as Ist grade by Australian Government Certificate. ALSO English Cheddar, English Stilton, Canadian Cheddar and Gruyere. Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in Straita Settlementa). JULIAN'S PRICES MAKE DOWN TOWN SHOPPING AN EXTRAVAGANCE THE COOLEST SPOT IN THE CITY CORNER ORCHARD
      213 words

  • 833 13 GENERAL SMUTS ON THE COMING TASK. Vision of the Future. General Smuts sat on May 22 at the Savoy Hotel between Lord Milner, the Pro Consul of the South African War, on bis right, and Lord Selborne, the Pro-Consul of the South African settlement, and among
    833 words
  • 296 13 The report of the Tangga Batu Rubber Company, Limited, states tbat the net profit for the year, after allowing £860 for deprccia tion on buildings and machinery and £1,174 tor income tax, w«s £10,188, less interim dividend paid on November '22, 1916, of 1C per cent, (less
    296 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 312 13 WHITEAWAY'S Gents' and Ladies' Serviceable Boots Shoes r /"LvtiD»wr\ Ladiea' Tan Calf Court IK^M fc i>K/\!\L> Shoes, wi'b smart buckle. B^B fe»V Price $8.75 per pair. Qents' Imperator Boots, superior ality smart Rhapr. in black or too glaco kid. *•-"•> 3bl Pricv SIO.BOptr psir.| i3ijs*^ JMfc Ma? aa^Baf^^* "^fc^B Gents'
      312 words
    • 161 13 JOHN BULL BELTS I JOHN BULL "DEEP-DRIVE" We draw attention to the fact tbat the respective sections of John Bull Belts contain much more material tban any other J»SpB belt made, thus showing the following la^ (1) Greater Strength. (2) In- £k |J oreaaed Driving Surface* over '*r^ jB^B/%- 1
      161 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 615 14 FaMIMI or PISNTT, LlFl InBUBANOK IB WOETH 100 OSNTB ON THE DOLLAR. WKJLX OTHBR PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (laaoarMAtw m Bvaun Bimai«ti) v fJf 10 w M i. H i.rHH Ml H iM M umoou omi. v, om <•»», i.o. Tbe Conpaay ha. «MiOOO deftMMed
      615 words
    • 521 14 BANKING. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. MM tmes lißtaae**, Wllu SkMtart, I Iniehii MaIMM, 111, First Brtaa tin*, ■uif, 77 71, Mai SaMaaa. CAPITAL i Regiatered •WOOOOO Uiwrf MJOO.OOO described 18,600.000 Paid ap II.THMJOO BOARD OF DIRECTORS I Lim Hat BlMfc lM n Baalrwu. TIM IM Br Lla B*M I
      521 words
    • 492 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (ItfCOBPOBATID IN HOMMOMO) PAID UP CAPITAL 111,000.000 RKSKRVE *UNba Sterling 41,500 300 at 3/ •16^)00,000 Bilver 119,600,000 »85,W0,000 Reserve Liability at Proprietor! 111,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. S. H. Dodwell. Chairman. J. A. Plommer, Bsq Deputy Chairman. Hod. Mr. C. B. Anton I
      492 words
    • 510 14 BANKING, tHMTERED lAMK OF INDIA. AytTRALjA_ANO CHINA. INCOBPOBATBD IN BNGLAND BT BOYAL CHARTBR Paid op Capital ia 80,000 Sbarei ol 410 BMb 41,100,000 Boserve Foad... m m m Jl,«0C,000 Reserve Liability ol Proß/i&tOM.- 41,100,000 BANUBB The luk ol Baxlaad, The Loadoa City aad Midlaad Baak Ltd.. The Loadoa Cooily ud
      510 words
    • 1045 14 INSURANCE. THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Icoorporated in Hongkong ana Registered under the AMnranoe Companlei Aot (1909) England AN INCOME POLICY The best lorm of proTisioa that can be m»do for wife aod family. This plan has been doviaed lor those whs wibh to avoid the neoesuity ot
      1,045 words

  • 781 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Carbon Deposits Every owner of a motor vehicle has his own views about carbon prevention and removal, but not all of them are by any means correct. A writer in a Canadian newspaper, giving advice on the matter, says carbon is
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  • 255 15 The report of the BritUb Rubber Estates of Java, Limited, states that tbe profit and loss account for the year shows a credit balance of £11,024, to which has been added £4,273 brought forward, making a total of £15,298. Out of this balance it is
    255 words
  • 106 15 The Übeiniscbc Westphaeliicbe Zeituog reports that an English submarine in the Channel on April 19, while steaming under 1" '.urfaoe, rammed a Ct.rman submarine. lue uouck, bays Uie paper, foroed the British vosael to come to tbe surface, bringing the German up also, a* tbe latt< r's bows
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 245 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES 9 USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. THE ADMIRALTY AND OTHER GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. THE ROM THREE-RIBBED TREAD TYRE. THIS is the Kins" Minuet tyres (or Colonial ussrs. The hubstantiil ribs provide tbe tyre with the Coest ribbur non skidding propensities possible no 3 this remit is obtained
      245 words
    • 172 15 IN NORMAL TIMES Every other tyre on the road is a Dunlop. This is a fact which speaks for itself. T In a multitude of \^^^l counsels there lieth -J^^B^7 wisdom— in this case |fcv the wisdom of fitjK^l 1 ting Dunlop Tyres to your car now X/ V^ nu
      172 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 552 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT EXPERIENCED COMPOSITORS V ANTED for tbe Straits Times (news oVrartment) Good salaries given to capable Lj. g. WANTED, (JOMHBTBSI SHOKTHAND TYHST. Apply to Box No. 208, Strait* 26-4— a WANTED, cierk for itock books immediately smart and intelli^en Good pro-psctr Apply B.
      552 words
    • 545 16 SITUATIONS WANTED PLANTER seeks change of billet, speaks Tamil fluently. Please apply to Box No 279, strait- Timrs. 25-8— 27-7 YOUNG BRiriSHER requires employ ment. Commercial or planting. Rubber experience. Reply Box No. 286, Straits Times. 27 6—26-7 EXPEKIENCED PLANTER, English, re quires post on a rubber estate either as
      545 words
    • 623 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT. Houses No. 7, Uhanoen Lane. Apply to Ching Keng Lee Jk Co., Aoctloneem. 18-11— n TO LBT, Hyder Lodge, No. 89, St. Michael's Road, or tor sa'e Apply R. Sajan k Co., No. 6. Malacca Street. 22-o—3l-7 TO LBT, a dwelling house with oompouud at
      623 words
    • 247 16 KIAM KIAT CO. IN IN, Market Street— 'Pheae tame Ms. 4*l THE MULCOTT BELTING CO.. LTD. llno«rpor«t»d la England! Have just roooived a fresh shipment of Jackson's Varnish Stains In Colours of Rosewood, Oak and Mahogany at RBASONABLE PRICES. 6. R LAMBERT&Go. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS i a, Orchard Road, Telephone He.
      247 words
    • 288 16 GUAN KIAT Co., No. Se. Phillip ItNtt Telephone Nos. 1861 and 1862. Private 1450 and Sunnyside 1078. Large Stocks of Angle Iron, Flat Iron, Round Iron, Tee Iron. Bolts Nuts, Rivets, Galvd. Plates Navy Canvas. BUY NOW-DO NOT WAIT. Sole Agents for THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID The ideal fluid fer
      288 words
    • 476 16 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICEI O and I Mate* Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 Charged Moderate. Oarage open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 216 A 218, Orchard Road (Next to Wearne Bros., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations a advertisements, ouch as changes ia sailing dates of steamers,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 316 16 Straits V)imes. Temporary Telephone! SB. All communications relating to miifcaias matters and news should be addreeaed THB EDITOR. All communications relating to Iwliuea matters advertisements, iiiilininiiwfcjeiß accounts, printing, etc.— should oe addressed to THB MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.— MisoeUaaoous wants of every description ate inserted in the ordinary body type of
      316 words