The Straits Times, 11 July 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,464 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY JULY >1. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 160 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Price now $19.00 per ease Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the hest r-oup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jbibby, McfieiW Isibby state "If there was a way
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    • 169 1 ROBINSON CO. No. 8759— White Laoe Curtains No. 8105— White Laoe Curtain* 8 yards long* 52 inches wide. 3} yards long, 00 inches wide. Price $3.50 per pair. Prp r j ce $4.26 per pair. No 682— White Lace Curtain Net No 8301— White Laoe Vallanoe No. 54 -White Laoe
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    • 13 1 MARTELL'S BRANDY. Soli Aoints AOAMBUN. GILFILLAN CO LTO Inrorpor&Ud in Knnl. 4 n,D
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  • 1092 2 The following casualties are reported London, May 80. Mission, blievcd killed.- '2nd Lieut L. W. Armstrong, South W»l«s Borderers; Lieut P. New, Soath Wales B wderors. Mi«nii.g, believed wounded. 2c J Licat. D. T. Druninionrt, CauieroDß. Now reported prisoner.— Capt. M. B. Knowles, Londons. Drowned. —Rev. E. C.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 428 2 To build up C weakness nakj you w< 11 and keeo -thu is the work C [Tj LmuUion. in \>*s of AN/EMIA WASTING DEBILITY RICKETS '■<-• M -qvU few bungmc ba< k t«w cwijt, Mreugth Kour al fioriotu Wraith. Still «t j«n of lite tiki* freat •tr-ii/iir-:. but na
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    • 347 2 YOUR SKIN AND f COMPLEXION \m hif"ha'm *on.,|HS] K. CHti.riL.NHAU, JH| F.. Gl.\MDj^^i£ THE BEST ADVICE Ti. >iw'To aiiison Huff riat from HeadMl r or N'enral; a is to I a r-taedy tb«t "»!ll ve irj-Uct 'f li«f.— l i««>» touch of the wiaaid's mmi Little* Oriental Balm »olh .in
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    • 229 2 Up* <• A Popular-Priced genuine Motor Car built on High-grade Lines. 1917 Models with DETACHABLE RIMS. Spare Rim Oil Gauge Self Starter Electric Starter Speedometer Foot Accelerator Valve-in-head Motor. EFFICIENT SERVICE GUARANTEED. A Mechanical Engineer from Chevrolet Factory is resident here and his advice is available free to all Chevrolet
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  • 992 3 BRITISH METHOD "ATTENDED WITH SUCCESS." The Need for Food Economy. A new arid successful method of tiyhtins Oerman bubuiarioen was rtftrrid to by Mr. Kennedy Jones, M.P., Director Unit ral of Food Economy, in an optimistic speech at .Bdinba-ntb He said I believe we are br#inniDg to master
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 348 3 WOOD-MILNE MOTOR CAR and MOTOR CYCLE TYRES. Made In England on the £<*»*•»■« Scientific Principles. OUND a C DUK ABLE. Wood-Milne Special Pattern and Square Tread FOB STRENGTH, COMFORT. SAFETY. LOWEST COMPETITIVE PRICES. Wood-Milne Patent Foot Pump. With this simple and compact instrument you ci n flinate a large tyre
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    • 493 3 Debility 1 B When you feel limp and washed out. weary w and fatigued with no inclination for exertion U I U your body is in a run-down condition— you are A g debilitated. You need something to put fresh 5 X "go" into you you need a fortnight's Iron
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 436 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Ihoovoratbd ik Java* EUROPEAN LINE A setriee it maintained between Yokohama, vis ports and London onder mail oontraet with tin Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin «orew Steamers maintaining Ibia lerTioe have been speoialiy designed and mitniii' J and are fitted with
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    • 642 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.-Sritish India AND Mpcar L-ine. (CoMPiNIIS INCOBPOSATID IN ENatAHD). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PBNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contraot with Hli Majegty Qovenuuent), for China, 4»p+n, Panang, Oaylon, Auati-mlim, India, Adan, l(ypl, Maditarranaan Ports and London, MAIL LINES. HuiiwiiD (roa Kceoi Outward (foi Omm* l INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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    • 652 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SUM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoorporatbd in Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Triugganu, Bisut, Seuenk, Baeho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Tolupia, Panarai. Patani, SingoraTLaoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsaen, Champon, Kohlak Bangkok. Out Oepartup* a.s. PRACHATIPOK July 11,3 p.m. a. a. ASDANG July 16 July 18, S p.m. ■.a. BORIBAT July
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    • 662 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED •■RVIOI OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. ilncokposatbo in Bnolamo THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN a 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Knoland) MTWIM Framantla P«rth Nerth.Wact Australian Ports, Java •nd Singapore. Regular sailings between Singapore aaj Western Australia calling at Java (a* in duoement offers), Derby, King's
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 478 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. ■MDO-CHINASTEAMNAV.CO..LTD. OSAKA SHOSfcN KAISH* (iHOOaPOBATBD IM ENGLAND) OlMOt l«p«io. to Japan via Hon. (InooapoaATßD in Japan) >on| Shanghai, and to Oaloutt* (taaka Mareaatil* Staamship Co td.) .(■NMnAfrM •■n.apo^. KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. I'-iing oat; on throuttb Hill* of Lad" g Cor I «nton, ii.«i. Swatow, Amo». Obtfoo 'be Company maintains
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    • 847 5 JONGKEENA TO MOTHERS SIMPLE HOME REMEDY If yon are living any distanoe from Town, you should keep a bottle of this wonderful medicine in your home, for it will never fail to give relief in all pains which oome on quite suddenly. If you will only kerp Ibis by you,
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    • 323 5 British Belting Is xoperior to that made in any other country therefore, in buying the best quality, yon not only make the bt t investment, bnt support home industries. Enquire the ORIGIN of Belting BEFORE YOU BUY. The GANDY Belting is one of the best British products. It is made
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 182 6 IVIUSIC SONGS lor Standard, Concert and Teaching, auJ Cliribtj <i Minstrel* PIANOFORTE Pieotn and I>uots, a Rood variety by eminent English composers. PIANOFORTE ALBUMS of Matches by Sonea 4 Patey and WillioV, Kitchener aud Baden Powell Marcli Albums, etc. PIANOFORTE MM tmoaioal comodie*. etc.) One and two-ttepe. VIOLIN PIANOFORTB Pieces,
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    • 54 6 UNITED ENGINEERS, LIMITED. Clients are respectfully requested to give legible receipts tor all goods received. Owing to losses occurring from time to time through neitherourselves nor ourcliente being able to recognise signatures on Delivery Notes no i initials or illegible signatures can be accepted in future. T. C. B. MILLER,
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    • 502 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THEATRE ROYAL North Bridge Road. TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT!! POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT OF THE GREAT HORACE GOLDIN The Royal Russian Illusionist A full London Company ot 86 Artistes, presenting a rtries of new sensational, spectacular surprises introducing The Tiger God TO-NIGHT COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME The following will
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    • 769 6 Arc You Anaemic? If yen have the sort ot ioelii v that uiake-i jou think you have not the xtrength to do any work, no matter how light, and jcur face and lips look pale, while you have not the appetite to eat oven the daintiest morse'i*. then you are
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  • 132 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, July 11. Riab Watet, 4. '22 am., 4.6 p.m "I" ti. Oat a, irf.tia Theatre. Harmston's Cireaa. Thursday, July 12. High Wiln, 6 .f H a.m.. (.11 p.m saafl I nion Jack Club. 5.1S p m. Th» CaiiK-M. Victoria Theatre. Friday, July IX High Watet.
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  • 191 7 P. Swef nang Malacca, Swctteobam and Teluk Adm 2 30 pm »1. lan 2 30 pm Muar anil Malacca '.'3O pm tluntok and P»leuibang J.SO pui ■J.:<o pm Saigon 2.80 pm Mm LafcaM, .M'^tUon. Kulat, Sandakao and /luibjang* 8.30 pm Kota 'I 4 pm Bawuan. S t
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  • 353 7 -De mMI trains from Singapore lor the -lhU-a p Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m i] 7 p.". arriving at Kaala Lumpur a: 7.18 p.m. i.n i 8.45 a.m. respectively. Tl BBf ugli express to Penang leaves Kaala DMM at ■i a.m daily, arriving at Penacsj *.'JB
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  • 23 7 Tin lJun.l of II ipo concert rcah oct. wlncli norn lias t.t v forwardc.l t.> tin 1 ruMorec of tbe I'bilJn nrt Aid
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  • 172 7 EXCHANGE. SiMOAPOBa, Jcly 11, 1917. On Lo*Dt,« ......Bank 4 m/s 1/4| Demand m, 2/4* Private Injl m W\f On 9mm Bank T. T. 816 O» Imdu Bank T. T. Om HoHaKona...Bank d/d 12J%pm Om Sbamobai ...Bank d/d 80 O»Jav* Bank T.T. 184 Oh Japan Bank M 109
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    • 173 7 vSw Bayera SeUers -10 10 Ampang 6.60 6.0 C 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.35 1.60 10 10 Kaniboi 1.2} I.SO 10 10 Kmta Association 9.25 9.60 XI £1 KintaTin 1.10.0 1 17.8 £1 £1 Labat Mines 4.C0 f.OO 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 13.75 £1 £1 Malayan Tin 1.1f1.G
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    • 121 7 vXel Bu y erB SeUerß 41 41 B. Smelting Go. 7.85 7.76 41 41 i Ptel. 1.3.6 1.f.0 6/- I/- Blectiio T'wajo 4/- 5/ 10 10 Franc» k Neave 43.(0 45.00 60 60 W. Hammei 4 Co. 85.00 68.00 100 Howarth Krskioe 60.00 70.00 100 7%Prel. 100.00 100 100
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    • 49 7 United Engineers 6% 11,384,600 par Singapore Electric Tramways S% £850,000 ncm Spore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4t% of 1907 11,800,000 10%dis Spore Municipal 4f of 1909 •1,000,000 10% Jit S'po/e Municipal 4% 2,000,000 16% d« Spore Municipal 4% faOO.OOO F.M.S. 6% loaa 1910 115,000,000 101.00 102.00
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    • 317 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices. Frtser LyaTl a v Co. Kvatt. Alor Gajah (31) 4.10 4.2S 4.10 4.2) Amal. Malay (2) 0.30 0.50pm 0.80 0.40 Ayer Hitam (S3) 14 50 15.50 14.00 1 .3.00 Ayer Kuning t»l) 1 30 1.40
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 564 7 UTEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, two stroke (re» eoaine motor bike. Apply H t'j Straits Times. 11-7—14 7 REQUIKkD. a Rood high power microrcope. Kail particular!* and price to Manager, BataDg Benar Estate, Nrgri Stmbilan. 11.7— 17 7 FOR HALE, one 26/ :9 Tangye oil engine in perfect running ordor. Price very
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    • 393 7 "SPRINGBOK" THE GENUINE BOER TOBACCO Manufactured from the finest Magaliesberg Tobacco. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE in 4-oz. SEALED BAGS SAWMILL MACHINERY (RANSOME'S) IN STOCK: One 3' 2 foot Self-acting Saw Bench with carriages and rails. One Sharpening Machine for Circular and Frame Saws. Prices and particulars from FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in
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    • 123 7 AUCTION SALE O! VALUABLB HOUSEHOLD FORNITORB, BOOKS, ETC. To be held at Room No. 2, Methodist Publishing House, Stamford Road. Om Satckoay, Jcly 14, at 8 p.m. Comprising: Polished teak book case with glass doir, bentwood and rattan standard chair*, electtic ttova, electric coffee pot, pistares and engravings in frames,
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    • 155 7 IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. •CHLOROGEN" "FLYQUM" (Neafield'a Prooeaa) Non-poiaonoua. For the Sterilisation of Drinking Water Flieg are t of di*«ases Supplies* The Prevention of Enteric, Typhoid, SMh B teric T »P hoitl Chol<)f Md Dysentery and Cholera. Dysentery. NOTE.-A very grtat feature of this Tho simplest method of catching uioa Sterilizer
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  • 1170 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, JULY 11. FOR KING AND COUNTRY. We had a call recently from one who it now getting ready to "do his bit in tbe beat of battle. Putting on quite his sternest air, be thus exprtttstd himself Sir, you have made it impossible for any healthy,
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  • 34 8 With reference to tbe prohibition of the importation of horses into the Colony, liceese* will bo issued for tbe importation from neighbouring countries of local bred posies to be umhl exclusively for hackney carriages.
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  • 11 8 The Dutch grainsliip Amstel has been torpedoed. The crew waa saved.
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  • 13 8 The output of the Titi Tin Company for June was Tribute, piculs 247.47.
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  • 20 8 Perak tin export for June was Block tin 1,844.13 piculs, tin ore 35,866 23 piculs. duty $545,212.88, super tax 141,158.77.
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  • 23 8 Tbe Dutch Government denies tbe rumour that a large number of Gorman prisoners of war is to be interned in tho East Indies.
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  • 30 8 In the third police court yesterday a Tamil named Pakiam was committed to tbe Assizes on a charge of murdering a Tamil woman at 68, Dunlop Street, on June 15.
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  • 61 8 Forty Germans, who were interned at Lourenco Marques, the chief port of Portu guese East Africa, secured revolvors and overpowered their guard. Some fled into tbo bu-h. Others seized a brig, but a shore battery prevented them putting out to sea, and these also tied into the bush, Portuguese cavalry
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  • 63 8 An extraordinary general meeting of the stockholders of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha wad to be held in Tokio on June 'i'J at which tbe question of strengthening the company's financial stability and improving its working system was to bo considered. Tbe disposal of V. 0,000,000 paid by a British firm
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  • 61 8 It ie asserted tbat as a result of air reconnaissances 72 German batteries were silenc ed in one day recently. Correspondents state that one of the new British weapons called tbe oilcan," or boiling oil," threw a considerable distance projectiles containing highly inflammable matter which bursts on concussion, Bcatteiing tire
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  • 69 8 The N.-C. Daily News has been asked to state tbat arrangements bave been concluded under which the China and Japan War Savings Association will accept subscriptions in Straits' dollars, provided that they arc in the form of demand drafts on the Singapore Office of the Hongkong and Shanghai back. Drafts
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  • 65 8 Tbe quarterly returns of the Chinese Maritime Customs for the quarter endiLg March 31, 1917, are just published sad show a total increase of about half a million taelß only. Shanghai, Tientsin, Dalny, KUochow, CLungkiug, Harbin, Antung and Kowloon, and a few other smaller ports, all bave increases, whilst all
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  • 91 8 According to tbe story of tbe purser of a well-known trans Pacifio liner, told to a Kobe pressman, the Hawaiian Islands bave had a severe set back since tbe United States entered the war. Honolulu is only a shadow of its former self, speaking of tue tourist trade. Immediately upon
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  • 94 8 The cultivation of rice in California is a comparatively new industry, as it was in 1911 that the first rice was milled for com mercial uses. At that time there were about jou acres planted to rice, and the season's production was 2.010 sacks. In 1911 the production had iLcrtascd
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  • 102 8 There arrived in Shanghai a few day ago, tbe yacht Penguin, from Hongkong, haviu^ oailtd tbe distance in 22 days and having been forced into Formosa by the Lad weather which prevailed during the earlier part of the trip. Tbe master and owner was Mr Geo. Waard, a member of
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  • 95 8 A charge of committing a breach of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance w&» brought against Mr. E. V. A. Swarm, manager of AlfHsrH. llailow and Co., in the district court yesterday. It is alleged tbat defendant made a declaration for tbe transhipment of goods arriving by a Spanish mail
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  • 101 8 Contracts covering tbe purchase by tbe China Mail Steamship Co., Ltd., and reconstruction of the former Paciti: Coast Steaoikbip Company's Congress were concluded in the latt«r part of May, and, according to present advices, the ship should be ready for*«ervice on the Pacific some time during November, and may be
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  • 107 8 A Bill is to bo introduced in the Federal Council to amend the Cvi! I'rocedure Code, 1003 In 1910 a decision was arrived at to provide for reciprocal assistance between the Contts of tbe Federated Malay States and the Straits Settlements in matters of msol vency and bankruptcy. The legislature
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  • 344 8 D.iiiabhai Naoroji died at Bombay on June 3D. Sir Cliarlrs Elir.t, Vice Chancollor of tlic University of Hongkong, bas gone to Peking. Mr. W. A. White is to bo a Collector und- r tbe War 'fax Ordinance for the Settlement of Singapore. Echo de Paris states that
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  • 96 8 In connection with the opening of the Union Jack Club by His Excellency the Governor at 5.15 p.m. to-morrow, tbe committee desire to notify all Indies ir wrested in the welfare of the men of tho services that they are invited tc be present. As
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  • 87 8 We understand thai the promoters of the Irwell Bank Fete, in aid of tbe Belgian tied Cross Fund, have decided that it will bo an advantage to postpone the fete from tin.21st to the 2Kth July, the former date beirjg Hari Kaya. The committee are grateful kg
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  • 152 8 A painful picture of the rnin and desolation of Hamburg is painted by Dr. A. Koetsr, a special correspondent of the Munich Post i The great port of Hamburg is suffering more from tbe war than any other Oarman town. It is true tbat shells are being
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  • 230 8 We have received a copy of Three Hun dred Quentionn and Answers on the Criminal Procedure Code." These questions embrace the whole of the cole fruin cover to cover and have been prepared by Mr. T. Trevor late Inspector, KM S. Police. Looking through the little, booklet
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 250 8 Rone: 0 steel cabinets for BULKY BOOKS. No. 718. Fitted with one to ten shelves, ad•tble every half inch, and fireproof collapsible curtain. V .le Lock. I .SHOW AT 14a, COLLYER QUAY. RONEO LTD.. SINGAPORE. (I*i oh. ui.uei' in K i Insist on your Day and Night Wear being made
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    • 231 8 STRONG DOUBLE ATTRACTION AT THB ALHAMBRA Ths Pioneer and Premier House The House of Quality, Beach Road. The London Film Co. pretentt a production of Unusual Power CHARITY ANN in 3 acts A vivid and powerful be tea story, dramatic, realistic and p <tt otic, excellently portrayed by a company
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  • 2400 9 RUSSIAN ACTIVITY. Reports from Enemy Sources. RUSSIA AND GREECE. Proposal to Hold Balkan Conference. i I I M8. LonJi-n. .Inly 4 5 p.m. A wireless Kissian olfi :i»l aMMfie says We bad successful offensive west of Sia nislan. General Korniloff captureil on ban.lay several Til! m, 7,000 men.
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  • 250 9 (Contributed.) The first of tbe new tents from Malaya is already s< cured. Before this appears in print tbe sum of $2,600 will have been cabled home and probably in lens than a fortnight many of our fighting lads at tbe front will be blessing their
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  • 192 9 At tbe eighteenth annual general meeting of shareholders of S. Moutrie and Co., Ltd., at Shanghai, on June 28, Mr. K C. Pearce, tbe chairman, in moving tbe adoption of tbe accounts, said the company bad again made material and satisfactory progress. The net profits,
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  • 35 9 Vice-Admiral Kicbitaro Togo, commander of the Naval Pirt at Chinbai Bay, Korea, met with a serious motorcar accident recently. Tbe accident occurred abnu twenty miles from Masampo and tho Admiral eustaini d two broken ribs.
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  • 1116 9 GENERAL POSITION REVIEWED From Our City Correspondent. London, May 24. Nothing of great importance has occurred in the financial world during tbe fortnight in which I was not able to send my usual letter, bnt tbe interval may be useful to take a broad view of the general
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  • 126 9 Results of the Tanglin Club Cafe Chantant. Tbe sale of work and caf j rhantant held at the Tanglin Club last month showed the very gratifying result of t.'t,MO.H2 and thus proved the sale as successful financially as it was artistically. Mrs. Gallinagb and Mrs.
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  • 325 9 Street Fighting Between Rival Parties. It has been apparrnt during the last two or three days that the ricksha service is not proceeding as smoothly as MmL Than has boen a difficulty in tium.iy nek-m.i* la some parts of th town, and srhsa they Ml found some
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  • 210 9 The fifth anniversary of tin P nunu tlircin Sabha wan ceKbratrd on Sunday, at tho Hindu Sabha Hall, Penan*;. There was a good attendance of rJituJui. both <>f I'.-naiiu and Province Wellesl. y. Mr. A. Pillay was in the chur. The hon. Mr. V. Nadasa I'illay, read
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  • 37 9 On account of bis publishing inf i concerning tbe movements of *h!rv m Procurator General, in an actiou Brought against tli" chief editor of tho Simr.'V.aj-i Handelsblad, Tirttocg, asked for a punishment of two months' imprisonment.
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  • 44 9 Ah tbe result of a compoHitorH 1 stril>», tho Manchester Guardian, ore if tl,. I al known of the English provinciil px, not published on Jut b«i Brst 'niarilian ba« misiMxl ac n>irly a century. The Minrli. sUr wa- i:NtabliHhi"l >n May 5, MM.
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  • 1833 10 THE ENEMY'S EAGERNESS FOR PEACE. la a recent mail exchange wo tind tbe I I. Mowing 'try informing artir Every stadaat of the enemy press must be struck with tho fn MMMf with which tho word pern MMH in ttu 1,, ad lines in large Ma
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  • 151 10 The excellent impression made by the Cameos at their first performance at tbe Victoria Theatre was thoroughly maintained last night when another large audience their entertainment. All tbe artiste* enj iyid a well deserved success, perhaps the ■MM striking being that of Miss Lillian Gascoine, whose splendid singing
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  • 95 10 The importation into the Colony of any newspaper, book or document wholly or in pail written prepared or produced by Tarak Nath Das Ml of Kali MmH lUs. prohiUM I MBMM tho Soditious Publications il'rolubitiou Ordinance. Any person who is Liulty of an olleu.'e MMHMM] MM! ordinance mmII he li-ble
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  • 989 10 Suggestion for the Control Of Shops. Tbe general report of tho Toddy Commission, which recently concluded its sitting, is signed by Messrs. P. J. Sproule and A. K. K. Hampshire, the Hon. Mr. L. E P. Wolferstan, and Dr. D. J. Galloway and Dr. B. Day. Tbe principal
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  • 37 10 The Basle papers state that five bridges of boats hare been constructed across the Khine MM 1 Altkirch. This is rogarded as an indication cf a possible retirement la tho meantime, they are a hindrance to navigation.
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  • 65 10 Tbe French won't have the Biitish method of throwing bombs, in which we claim that a knowledge of cricket a«sists the thrower If you want to pUy cr.ckot, play cricket," Raid ati expert commentator recently. In the French Army, we poise the body from its fullest height, and then burl
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  • 1323 10 MAHARAJA OF BIKANIR ON THE NEW ERA. Special Statement. I Tbe Maharsji of Bikanir bas made tbe following statement to a representative of Tbe Times At the Mansion House I acknowledged the j consistent sympathy and courtesy shown to tbe Indian delegates to tbe Imperial
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  • Correspondence.
    • 306 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. I Sir, -There is a rumoor current that Gjv I ernment is favourably considering an appeal I from the subordinate b< rvice for pecuniary relief owiug to the present high prices of the necessaries of life which is daily
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    • 163 10 To tbe Editor of tbe Str-.its Times. Sir. May I ask through the medium of your paper why there is no rate fixed for motor cars on hire, whereas there ate rates for otber vehicles Tbeir existence has proved beneficial both to drivers and paseeng ;rs, and
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  • 111 10 To-day's Business. Sannders and Macphail's Daily Report. Silver— up 3 S-40 5/16 {a record for over '20 years Hongkong op 1/4 7 (11 pm.) Shanghai up 1 4 -3 10; (60). Tin.- Sales 50 tons at 1110.60. Rubber.— The auction opened rather unevenly but with prices very
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  • 159 10 80,000 Pistol Rounds in German Residence. Discovery of 80,000 rounds of automatic piatol ammunition in a German private rcsi deuoe is reported by the police depirtmont in the Shanghai Municipal (ii/ ■at" Tbe ammunition was tak n over by Government authorities last month. The report stat"s
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  • Sporting Intelligence:
    • 97 10 The Hongkong Amateur Athletic Federation Swimming sports are attracting increasing interest from year to year. This year it has been found necessary to separate Schools K vents and Open Events, and accordingly two separate sports nirotiugs are being held. The purposo of the J.A.A.K. is to encourage all manner
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    • 151 10 The following arc (he results of yesterday* play Championship. Batemau beat Adler 9-7, B— a. A, SIMILF-. Edwards beat I'pcott 4—B, 6—l, 7—6. C. Sis..i Wn»ht beat Williams '2-6, 6—o, 6-4. Turner beat Watt 6—2, 6-;!. Nkw.i.mkuV, Lecot beat Savage 6 —8, B— 0. Webb v. Lindnn,
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  • 281 10 (From Oi/r Own CoRBK-roNPisr.) Malacca, July 10. The death took place suddenly early yesterday of Mr. Li Kirn Kok, of tbe Pos* Office. Malacca. Mr. Kirn Kok went to cilice, as usual, very early in the morning, and was at his work when he suddenly becanio ill
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  • 370 10 Tbe Middlesex li -giuient is nf course the old "Die Hards," the 57th Foot Duke of Cam bridge's Own. The -iecond Battalion of the Kegimcnt is the old 77th, one of the three regiments Mint stormed the breach at Ciudad Kodrigo. Tin- ITth were
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  • 1313 11 TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. DIVIDEND FOR PAST YEAR. Progress of the Property. Tin <<l< .toth ordinary general meeting of Htian lioliKth in the Kibu linbber Co., Ltd., was held recently at Colombo. Mr. David Scott, director, presided, and tbe others pro sent were —The Key. M. .7. Harrows,
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  • 99 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, July 13, 1917 Wiumsiiav, July 11. 430 p.m. Balestier Range S.R.E.IV.) 6.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 5.10 p.m. S.V.R. and M.C.B. 5.15 p.m. T.P. Fire Station S.V.R., T.P.P. hnllHall Veterans Co. Thursday, July 12. No Drill. Friday, July
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  • 86 11 1)1. ILL OftDIRS FOB JCLI, 1917. Friday, 13— Parades at Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.15 p.m. Monday, 16.- Route March-Parade Boastead Institute, 5.15 p.m. Dismiss Boustead Institute Friday, 20.— Parades at Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.15 p.m. Monday, 23.— Parades at Havelock Road Police Station
    86 words
  • 291 11 Alor Gaiah.— l3.o4o lbs. Aver Pauas.-ii2.6OU lbs. Baljjownie.— 26,2oo lbs. til. nialy. —2o,soo lbs. Pajam. -2-i,44" lbs. I'antai.- 14.700 lbs. Tambalak.-10.400 lbs. Telak Anson— lbs. Bakit Kubu 14.700 lbs. Port Swettenbam. 3,512 lbe. Australasia.— 3.3oo lbs. Lanadron —107,497 lbs. U.lbury.- 63.649 lbs. C1uny.— 22,859 lbs. SenawaDK—
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 506 11 E. and O. HOTEL Situated beautifully by the sea The leading hotel in the island. CRAG HOTEL I PBNANO HILLS THB SANATORIUM OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Compl«t«lj Renovated. Twtnty-tix|houri from Singapore A PERFECT HEALTH RESORT AND AN IDEAL SPOT FOR SPENDING HOLIDAYS BUN6ALOWB FOR FAMILIES. ALBO BIN6LE AND DOUBLE ROOMS
      506 words
    • 252 11 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER ft CINEMA SNOW Saturday, July 14 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily RAFFLES BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY The best in town Upcountry orders promptly executed. Bread delivered at private residences daily. RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Cars repaired, garaged, and cars on hire. Ring
      252 words

  • 1345 12 BRITISH AND GERMAN METHODS OF TRAINING. Sportsman v. Automaton Mr I 11. Manners Howe write*:— A jear or two before the war 1 was chatting with soini.' (iorman officers n*. Cologne, and we fell into a comparison of oertain features in the training of the British and
    1,345 words
  • 732 12 Considerable Increase in Price Probable. Tbe Financier of May 17 has the following: To day London is the cheapest market in the world for t.n, and the price here is £256 10s. per ton. The New York price, meanwhile, is from £300 to £30~>. These figures, of
    732 words
  • 211 12 Tho report of the Malacca Habber Plantations, Limited, states that the profit (or the yew was 4230,710; add balance from 1915 profit and lons, £62,863; less debenture interest, £U,IW2 income tax, £87,702 French taxation, £j,871; debenture sinking (and, £V>fiU, Rubber Roadways. Ltd., last year's balance and addition
    211 words
  • 1339 12 Effect of the Excess-Profits Tax On The Dividend. The fourth annual general meeting of tbe Sangei Bain (Malaya) Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on May 14 at the offices, 149, Leadenhall Street, 8.C., Mr. Edward Lawrence Hamilton (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, the
    1,339 words
  • 693 12 Dividend Raised to Twenty Per Cent. The seventh annual general meeting of tbe shareholders of the Choi* Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on May 15, at the offices, 7, Martin's Lane, E.C., Mr. W. Arthur Addis sell (tbe chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, I move That
    693 words
  • 253 12 The nport of the Kurau Rubber Estate, Limited, states that tbe crop of rubber harvested in 1916 amounted to 827.010 lbs. 410 lbs- were supplied to Rubber Roadways, Limited, with a view to developing the uses of rubber, and the average gross price realis ed (or 326,600
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 232 12 FRESH PURE CREAMERY BUTTER always obtainable. The whole of the Dairying industry of Australia is under strict Government inspection and all Fresh Butter imported by us is certified as Ist grade by Australian Government Certificate. SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) JULIAN'S PRICES MAKE DOWN-TOWN SHOPPING AN
      232 words

  • 1095 13 DIFFICULTIES WITH SUPPLY OF LABOUR. The Financial Position. Tbe fourth ordinary annual meeting of shareholder* of tho Kapala Islands Estates, Ltd., was held on June 19, at tbe offices of the secretaries and general managers, Messrs. Meyer and Measor, 4, Ynenmingynen Road. The chairman of directors, Mr.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 270 13 WHITEAWAYS Gents 1 and Ladies' Serviceable Boots Shoes tm\ KRAND Ladies' Tan Calf Court V^J^Q Shoes, wi h smart back'e. Gents' Imperator Boots, superior quality, I^4. xmart ibapt in blark or tan tf'a'K kid. p^k Irict $IO.SO per pair. > JH^k Oents' Tan Willow Calf j^^EflH^^^^^P^^ Shoes, English make, 'Itrby
      270 words
    • 241 13 CHEONI BROTHERS Dentists No. as, South Brlged Road FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES Fint-olMh Muehanioal Dentistry, i lold Grows Bridge Filling and VnleMite DarMtaa of Wear gaatMteed. OHAKOBS MODHRATB Beat loolj Puwdera ud brnitics foi nle I **********811 l IBBBBBBBBBBBBBI BBB— PROVED STERLING fe& BY EVERY TEST. LU.i ff Framroz£Co.'s AERATED
      241 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 608 14 WAB or VSAOI. FAMINI or PIINTT, LlFl InBUBANOK IB WORTH 100 O*NTB ON THE DOLLAR. THE GREAT EABTEr¥llfl ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (I>soarsaataa m BvaAits Ssttibbbbtsi V osrsjio« i WlnsiHsMftV Nsjaisw, B)la»g«»»s«< LOMOH OMIOI i Old Jsrwsy, sT.O. PJBB Oomtn-y bas MBOtOOO deposOed wilt the naasisn Oeasi of ■aglaad, tad oomplies
      608 words
    • 517 14 BANKING. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. ■aas Ofties tiagaasra. Rafflai Ckssjsars, I a a. Ipsschss ■alasea, ill, First Brass Itrast, ■uar, 77/71, Jalan taletSMS. CAPITAL i Registered 18,000,000 l-»aed 14,000,000 Subscribed •8,*****0 Paid op 11,750 000 BOARD OF DIRBCTORS; Usj Past tlast Ess, Bbalrsna. Tka a M Dr. Lin lass
      517 words
    • 488 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CBRPBRATION (Incowobatbd ik Hobocobs; PAID-UP CAPITAL •11,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,C00,00C at •15,000,000 Silver •18,600,000 •88,600,000 Reserve Liability oi Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. S. H. Dodwoll. Chairman. J. A. Plummor, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton- O. 3. Oubbay, Bag.
      488 words
    • 504 14 BANKING, IHMTUED BANK OF INDIA. AytTNALIA_AND CHINA. INCOBPORATBU IN BNOLAND BY ROYAL CHARTBK Paid -ip Capital ia 80,000 Shares of 410 each JI,XCO,UOO Reserve Foad... «1,800,000 aeserre LJabiUty of Proprietors- sU.IOU.aou BANKBRB The Baak of Baglaad, Tbe Loadoa City aad Midlaad Baak, Ltd., Tbe Loadca Ocoaty sad Westmiaater Baak, Ltd.,
      504 words
    • 857 14 THE ORIENTAL GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASBURANCE CO., LTD. (Incur! ratkd in India) invite applications from Experienced Chinese Agents with influential connections in Singapore Liberal terras will be offered to bona fide applicants who can undertake to introduce substantial amount of good Life business. Low Rates of Premium. Immediate cover, to
      857 words

  • 1187 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Care in Oiling. Mr. A. J. Loavur writes in tbe Brisbane Courier Very few motorists teem to realise the importanoe of keeping their road springs well lubricated at least, this is tbe conclusion one comes to after examining the springs of
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 229 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES AAv USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. THE ADMIRALTY AND OTHER GOVERN- MENT DEPARTMENTS i 1 THE ROM THREE-RIBBED TREAD TYRE. THIS ifl MM Kins" nn^r.iiet tyres for Colonial mere. The RibntantUl ribs proviit tbe tyre with tuo finest rubb.r l m »k 1 !inn propensities possible
      229 words
    • 104 15 IN NORMAL TIMES Every other tyre on the road is a Dunlop. This is a fact which speaks for itself. KrEXESr J^Ku HaY BL DUNLOPS SUPPLIES JUST ARRIVED OF Provisions, etc. "Bebe" Condensed Unsweetened Milk, Economy Evaporated H Kop's Ale and Stout, Cope's Cigarettes, %k^ Boots Toilet Soap, Boot's Bath
      104 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1152 16 A^&_B. MACKAY'S §TH£ ORIGINAL LIQUEUR WHISKY. jyßil'^ Ab supplied to both Houses jf iMy*^MrV Parliament I IU P OBTAINABLE FROM ALL igPP^ FIRST-CLASS DEALERS fl^^ Sole *s entB ADAMSON, GILFILLAN *^*Mm ANO COMPANYi LIMITED 111 Incorporated in England) It'fmlgCJl Sin^ d P° re Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT EXPERIENCED COMPOSITORS
      1,152 words
    • 559 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT. Houses No. 7, Cbanoery Lane. Apply to Ching Kong Lee Co., Auctioneers 1811— n TO LBT, Hyi.r Lodge, No. 39. St Micba- 1 s Read, or for sa'e Apply R. Sajan 4 Co No. 6. Malacca Str. et. 32-6— 31-7 HE KM 1 a VILLA,
      559 words
    • 244 16 KIAM KIAT GO. 108 4 109. Market Street Phone tame No. 411. THE MULCOTT BELTING CO.. LTD. Have just received a treeh shipment of Jackson's Varnish Stains In Colours of Rosewood, Oak and Mahogany at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R. LAMBERT Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 3 -a, Orchard Road, Telephone No. 10SS. THE
      244 words
    • 292 16 GUAN KIAT Co., No. 36, Phillip Street Telephone No*. 1861 and 1862. Private 1450 and Sonnysido 1078. Large Stocks of Angle Iron, Flat Iron, Round Iron, Tee Iron. Bolts «t Nuts, Rivets, Galvd. Plates Navy Canvas. BUY NOW DO NOT WAIT Sole Agenti tor THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID The ideal
      292 words
    • 481 16 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICEC «3 and I aeatep Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 Charges Moderate. Oarage open Day ami Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICi SI B A 216, Orchard Road (Next to Wearuo Bros.. Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations j advertisements, tmch as change** ia sailing dates of
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 322 16 Straits Isimes. Temporary Talephona i 58 All oommanications relating to editorU matters and news should bo addressed tt THB EDITOR. All communications relating to basinees matters advertisements, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT UATES.—Miseellanc ous wants of every description are inserted in tho oidinary body
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