The Straits Times, 30 June 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,455 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JUNE 30. 1917. PRICE 10 CBNTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 156 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Prioe now $19.00 per ouc Best Quality ENGLISH SODIUM BISULPHITE In drums containing 140 lbs. nett. THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) fll^r^Tßfl^^B^^B^B^^^^t K^mBBIBB^r HHb wMCAr^I^kJUU fStsi I^Si^i SI v p/ 'i''' HH a^ PABCO PAINT WILL ADD YEARS TO THE LIFE OF ANY METAL
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    • 253 1 ROBINSON CO. Travelling Requisites '{■M j*| X able quality light brown 'f cowhide, lined HH vellum, good I^b^b^^^^^2B nickel locks. 1W ■i \_jJ^^ Sizes: 10, 12, 14 I and 18 ins. /^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^^jNm Prices 4H Sfl P^'^te" ißr NO. 1745 C. STOUT COWHIDE GLAD- Sl '1 I JrfV-^ SMF STONE BAG
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    • 15 1 MARTELLS BRANDY. > Soli Aoints AOAMSON. 6ILFILLAN I I DO., 11 D. i Incorporate! in KnxUnd)
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  • 1102 2 STORY OF THE CANADIANS' GREAT WIN. An Ever-ready Barrage. The followinn account of the capture of Vimj Ridge is issued by the Canadian War Records Office. Afjain the Canadians have acijuired merit." In the capture of V'imy Ridge on April 9, as in the lesser action
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 321 2 f "Nerves" Our nerves are similar to an wires. Controlled and nour !>ke nerves radiate in all P5 throughout the centrW arc capable ol continually supnlymtj nourishrerve centres become wnaki ned by overwork, worry or tr msmit the n'es an nour- i limcnt, and Me nerves be--1 hen it is
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    • 312 2 Why Not Rely On Cuticura """/S Coiicnra Soap r V to cleanse and purify, 1 1 t Cuticura Ointment i i) I'" soothe and heal /nCV^ dandruff and itching. 1 \N^\^ Nothing better To(kferli Hair and Sc^ HUDSON'S EUMENTHOL JUJUBES, The great Antiseptic and Prophylactic. A s 1 FOR CODOHS
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    • 239 2 J&on't fiv\ae£ to u&e I TooHi Powder to- n±&Ast I a rut aaatn <*>. Che, motnmq It enable* you to give the teeth every day that thorough antiseptic cleansing so necessary to keep them in the best possible condition, and it is so nice to use. ISoIJ by Ixml CUmnlt
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    • 715 2 NOTICE, I Orders are now being booked for Par* Robber Seeds from fine old trie?, with a 1 guarantee of 75 per cent, germination. Price 11.50 per 1.000 packed in bagx and 12 packed in eases, F. O. B. or F. O. R. Telnk Ansorj. Delivery commencing from September, 1017.
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    • 599 2 NOTICE. RE FREBH MILK. I reRMt tl at owiou to the increasing difficult j in obt lining Rfitlt't and Dairy rrqaisiti s from Kogland. anj thn high rate o( Indian exchange I k>ni cnmpoUtid to increase tbe prioe of Fresh Miilc to 1> cents per pirn, a"> fr-itn iidth inHt..
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  • 1160 3 GERMANY'S PURPOSE IN THE PRESENT WAR. Her Shame and Humiliation. The Right Reverend Monsignor F. Bickerstaffe Drew, K H.S., etc Protonotarj Apostolic S.'Dior 11. C. Cbaplaio to H. B. M. forces in tbe lotted Kingd< in, write*: It has always been maintained by those I most likely
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 400 3 TEN Years' GENT 'B £f& 18 JEWEL I Suarantee. 8^ WRIST WATCH. <"»l« IS JIWIL Luminous Lavar whist mutch a production -aaaaaw v- M tha Hi h«t Orrnto at a vary LOW r lc "-^^^W>jBf 1% II /ai TtoOcgratoi Itwur t.m nobain reached hi ihrt **««*^By^^^' VU/ 'S'HSS JK\T 4
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    • 126 3 Rubber Machines Rollers 17 x 12. Chilled or Hard Grained. British Make. Certain Deliveries. Price: $"|,700 Wallace T. PLATT, Singapore. <p| MOTOR LORRIES •%T^Sf«; f J I IPf II ft i I T Agents THE BORNEO CO., LTD., i W r^ M i,E. t J l A Popular-Priced genuine Motor
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 446 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD(lmoobpobatbd im Japam EUROPEAN LINE A scrvioe is maintained between Yokohama, via ports and London under mail contract witb 1 1 Imperial Japanese Government. Tbt New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and eoastrnctcd, and are fitted with all tbe
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    • 642 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.- British India AND •Mpcar (CoaPANiaa Inoorporatbd in Bnolamd). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contraot with Hit Majesty Oovanuaent), fo* China, Japan, Panang, Oaylon, Auatmlia, India, Adan, Bgypt, MaditaMwauMMn Poft. and Londoni MAIL LINES. Hombward (roR Edropb) Ootward (ros Canu) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE
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    • 613 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION GO.. LD (iMOOBPOBATaD IM SIAJi). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Baebo, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Talopta. Panarai. Patani, Singora, Lacon, Kobaamui, Band on, Laagsuen, Cbumpon, Konlak Bangkok Dv« Departure a. a. BORIBAT July 3 July 4, 3 p.m. The Steamer* are fitted thvougbont with
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    • 666 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINID UCRViOB OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD (Inoorporatbd in Bnoland THE WEST AUSTRALIA! 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Inoorporatbo im Bnolamd) BBTwaaM Fr«mantl* Perth), Nofth-Weat Auatralian Ports, Java and Ulngapor*. Boguai sailings between Singapore aaj Western Australia calling at Java (a* i« dooement offers), Derby, King* Soaa-.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 867 5 Registered if\WLtf* i/cCbJA The Wonderful Label JONG-KCENA Blood Purifl.r. Mixture for Internal and External Use. CURM t adacbe or drnokunntHv, Stomasbache, Earacbo. Rupture, Cholera, Beri-bsri, Nervous Che«t CompiuntH. Heart disease. Malaria. Dengue, Common fevers, Lumbago Oirocic Kl)(-utui»tism, Co.i«h and Coughing blood. CuM, Sorrthroat, Broncbitin, Chronic t biarrho— i W< ai
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    • 358 5 NOTICE. AH persons having claims against tbe BsUte of tbe late Mr. George Manby are requested to •end particulars of tbe same to Messrs. Topham, Jones k Railton, Ltd., Singapore, on or before July 8. 196—2-7 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The partnership between myself and Edward Sassoon Nathan, heretofore existing
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    • 191 5 M. C. T. Patent Process for Coagulating Latex We have undertaken to exploit the Maude, Crosee, Thomas patents, by which process complete coagulation is obtained without the use of acetic acid, or other coagulant. The process has been successfully employed for a considerable period on the well-known Cicely Estate: The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 603 6 auction sale: At Messrs. ChiDR Keng Leo a Co.'s sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raftlss Place, On Thursday, July 5, at 10.30 a.m. Blectiic fans, brackets, eleetrolierp, wire, one light cage pendant?, fuse boxes cable, rhades. cleats, etc., etc. Now on view. CHING KENG LEE CO., Auctioneers and Estate Agents. BOB— 4-7
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    • 189 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED capable book keeper for a first olat-s bottl duty frrm 6 a.m. till 6 p.m. 1100 per mentb and board. Address letters to Hal 1 c/o Straits Times. 80-6—B-7 WANTED, Surgeon for steamer proceeding to Yokohama about July 8, and tbence to London via Colombo and tbe
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    • 402 6 COUTURIEUX if- a iamcus French Doctor aod Chemist, wLo was at one time V.v chief of thu Lnb -ratery ot the H-.spii»> of Paris. As a rt>f>uit of tbo lod^ exp.riinco he vNjiMred iv pbarmacoatical preparations his name affoHs a soffioioct gaar actoe as to the trustworthy^ o( the pro
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  • 110 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, June JO. h «"-\te» I SS p ro.. 6.6 p.m. |>M I O» Vie. Theatre. A 'i <lo CbiD ->n Sports, 5.30 p.m. Sunday, July I. M.i/h Watot 9 '< a m., H. 86 p.m Monday, July 2. w,» r lO.'it am., 931 p.m.
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  • 170 7 To OAt Maiaieu Kemaman and Trtngganu 2.30 pm 'duar an<l Malacca 2.30 pm Malacca, P. Swettea*<«.n and Penang I 30 pm Medan 2.30 Batu Pahat 2.30 pui ■>elat Prfn'ljaD.;. BeagkaliK, Siak and I'akau I fm Hatti I'ahat I M pa Dnrban ami LouJon -.-(i pm Bangkok tM
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  • 259 7 Tbe mail ira.o from Singapore (or t>> jovtb lea»>' Tank rtoad station daily at 7.7 a.m md 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpnr at '.19 p.m. an j 4.45 a.m. respectively. Tb Mitougb i'xr--.«s to Pcnang leaves Kua'k Lam per at daily, arriving at Penan at 6.25
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  • 49 7 fjNrr SiH'*An>Ki. I \p\. i« M. M May H M M. Apl 2M M. M. Ma; H p \pl. P. .t O. May 1H K. 1. Ma; 4 B. I. Way IS P. Der in 1 London Akkivid lunt 13 Id 14 M 14 !M 14
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  • 47 7 Oat attention baa be*n oallod to tbe fact that our arrival* ie London art- much behind those prblint.oi' elsewhere. Oar rulo i* to gm arrivals only when they are officially ispnrUd in tbe Pont Offioe notices, and no laiei date than that printed above bai been WMposttx).
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  • 48 7 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 0 a.m. Greenwich m. *n time. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore ntandarxl time, on every day excepting San. lay wben it U firud at one o'olock.
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  • 54 7 Mr lifcy Crowther, a robber plant**, Uie KJH.S. and an old boy ol kingswood College, kandy, in at pntteot in Randy. He iia.« l«-f t 'is billot and ha* gone id order to proot«*i liouie to join the Navy, of which hia faUur, Mr K. f, t rowtber, late of
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  • 168 7 EXCHANOB SiHOAi'oaa, Juki 30, 1917. Ob Lo«iih,« Bask 4 m/« 2/4| Uumaait ii*t Private S iu/s 2I*H Ox Fianoi BankT. T. 818 Ob Ibdia Back T T. m O» HoH(»aoMO...Bank d/J B}%pm Ob SaAßoaAi ...Bank d/d Sli Ob Jat* Bank T. T. 184 ObJapaji Bani 109 Sovereigns
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    • 167 7 v 32 BayerB Selle iO 10 Atnpang 6.60 6.00 1 1 Aycr Wen* 1 30 1.50 10 10 Kauaboi t.2> I.CU 1 J 10 Kinta Association 9'2j 9.60 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.17.6 41 £1 Lahat Mines 4.00 500 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.75 £i £1 Malayan
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    • 117 7 vZI Bn erB SeUera *i Ml St. bmeitibK 00. 7.35 7.75 41 41 r»of. 1.8.6 I.IV *i- 6/- Bleotiio T'waya 4/- 5/ li) 10 Ftmcv Nea»fc 43.(0 45.00 60 BO W. Hammer A Co. 65.00 68.00 100 Howurth fcrbJune 58.00 65.00 100 7%Prct 100.00 ICO IUO hatz Bio, Oa.
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    • 59 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284,500 par Singapore Klectrio Tramways 6% £360,000 norn Spore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4f% of 1907 11,600,000 1.. fc.ii- S'poro Municipal 41% ol 190U 11,000,000 10% di* Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 16% di» Spore Municipal
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  • 302 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prices. i Fraser Lyall A Co. Evatt. Uor Gajab (II) 4.00 4.10 4.C0 4.10 Vmal. Malay (2) 0.30 0.50pm 0.80 0.40 Vyet Hitam (15) 14.25 15.00 14.00 15.00 Vyer Kaoiog (II) 1.20 1.30 l.'M 1.30 Uer
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 409 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, offioe clrrk for Jnly 1. duty from 8 a.m. till 7 p.m., board included. Salary •ISO per month. Letters t > H.I), c/o Strait* Times. 806-3-7 LOST, large brown dog. answers to name of Walley." 110 reward. Apply Maiden, E. R. Tel. Co. 80 6—2 7 THE
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    • 502 7 "EMBASSY" No. 77. I J^r-" No. 77. |ll C ICARETT6S-^gM it; W~^**' ST S. L .iti o '"'^-^P CIGARETTES MIXTURE. AUCTION SALE Of THB BRITISH STBAM LIGHTER SWEET 1 On Monday, July 9, 1917, at 2.30 pm. I> lßtcsiors. ttc Imgtb '7 ftct, brtadtb 17.25 fi-et, depth 6 0 feet.
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    • 51 7 Hotel van Wjjk^ Co.. Ltd., Telephone 682. Telephone 862. Every Night OUR EUROPEAN QUARTETTE wi)l play duriDK ard after Dinner, except Sundays. Saturday in addition at TIFFIN TIME. RICE TABLE on bunday, Tuesday and Thursday. EXTRA SPECIAL DINNERS in the open, every Wednesday and Saturday. G. J. JORISSEN, Manager. 27
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  • 1098 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, JUNE 30. THE BEGINNING OF THE END. The brat contingent of I nited States troops has arrived in France, and the incident has a great significance. The fighting power of a nation which is capable of becoming the greatest fighting power in the world is now
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  • 19 8 The N.Y.K. are booking a few women and children from Far Eastern ports to England, says the Malay Mail.
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  • 22 8 Mr. Swanson (chairman of the American Board of Naval Affairs) says the Government has placed guns and 6,000 gunners on 500 merchantmen.
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  • 22 8 A Japanese kongsi whici bought the Sot/koredjo sugar factory foi two millions intend buying further 15 augai actoriea, says a Batana wire.
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  • 28 8 Service will be bil.l at the tfoustead Institute on Snodav evening at H. 15. The Hey. T. C. Maxwell will give the address. Special music has been arranged.
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  • 15 8 Limitation of meal courses is now in force oa some of tbe European steamship lines.
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  • 25 8 European papers in India generally approve of the internment of Mrs. Besant and some think tbe same course should be taken with regard to other).
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  • 27 8 Tbe Pheng Man Tut Shu I'j She, Singapore, being used for purposes incompatible with tbe peace and good order of tbe Colony is ordered to be dissolved.
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  • 31 8 At the expiration of three months the Batu i'ahat Steamship Co., Ltd., will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the register of companies and will be dissolved.
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  • 32 8 The Singapore Hunting Party, Singapore, has bfen duly registered in Singapore, and the Chung Hua Library, Penang, has been duly registered in the Settlement of Penang, both under the Societies Ordinance, 1909.
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  • 44 8 The G. P. London, reports that parcels posted in Singapore between February 14 and March IT last were lost at sea through enemy action. No corresponding letter mails were lost. No compensation is paid by the Post Office for loss arising in such circumstances.
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  • 49 8 Tbere are now over three hundred boys on the register of the Confucian School in Kuala Lumpur. This is a Chinese school at Kampong Attap, carried on by private subscription. All the masters are Chinese. The boys wear a semi-military grey uniform and have a band of their own.
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  • 45 8 A correspondent writes to the Malay Mail i How seldom the silver dollar is used here now. Where have all these silver dollars gone to? Can it be that they have been gradually withdrawn from circulation preparatory to some further alteration in our currency system
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  • 55 8 Reports from the United States say that daring 191 C, fifty-three railway companies used oil burning locomotives in twenty one States, consuming 42,126,417 barrels of low grade petroleum, or IS per cent, more than was used in 1915. The reports showed that a barrel of this petroleum supplied energy for
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  • 66 8 An extraordinary general meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines will be held in Ipob on Saturday, July 14, at 230 p.m., to discuss The Hon. Mr. Payne Uallwey's Bill to amend the Mining Enactment a letter from Government relative to the suggested amendments to the Mining Enact ment the
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  • 190 8 The existence of an extraordinary plot against conscription has been discovered, and as a result 11 persons have been arrested in Texas and Virginia. A society, formed in Virginia for the ostensible purpose of cooperative buying, bad its headquarters in a mountain fastness, and its members were bound to secrecy.
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  • 102 8 A Pioneer cable, dated London, June 13, says One of America's great military assets consists of her railwaymen who are highly expert and outnumber those of the whole of Europe. It is understood she has already arrranged to give the Allies the fullest benefit of this advantage. The best of
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  • 140 8 The Daily Chronicle's correspondent describes the operations of the British monitors off Trieste. He says:— "They are the Dardanelles veterans, which have been assigned a part in the Carso battle. At dawn they wallowed out to their firing statiou, midway up the Gulf of Trieste, their great guns being trained
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  • 173 8 There was a sensation at the TanjoDg Kambutan market the other day when a poisonous cobra somehow found its way into the basket of a Chinese vegetable seller The snake wriggled out of the basket and the Chinese round about set up an uproar, says the Times of Malaya. The
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  • 273 8 Mr. M. D. Daly, of tb<> F.M.S. Civil Service Batu G&jah, has left for home on furlough. Mr. K L. Watson, of the Nestles Swiss Milk Co., I. as rotui dih! to Kuala Lumpur. Mr. H. B. Ward, of Evatt and Co., lift foi borne yesterday on
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  • 146 8 The Hon. Mr. H. W. Firmntune, Directoi of Education, in the course M his report on education in the F.M.S. says It has been stated in earlier paragraphs ti it a certain number of boys and girls entir < ach year for the Cambridge I'niversity Local Examinations.
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  • 157 8 As the Bishop of Singapore explained it I his letter, on June 14, a Church Army Tent which can be moved close in rear of the fighting lines in France, costs 12.6C0 fully furnished. We are very pleased to hear that those collecting for Ponang, Selangor
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  • 167 8 Judgment was given in the Court ol Appeal yesterday on aj appeal againat a decision of Mr. Justice Earnsbaw given at Malacca. In the lower court action was brought by Tan Bee Neo against Neo Hon. Hee claiming a piece of laid. Defendant held that he had
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  • 97 8 The committee acknowledge with thank the following subscriptions to the abovi fond: Previously acknowledged 110,746.9t» Contributed by the Sikh community of Kelantan 2,8'J6.5:" Victoria Bridge School- Boyt>... 100 Half of the proceeds of the entertainments held by the Adelphi Hotel on June 9. 18 and 19
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 140 8 JUST RECEIVED Fresh Shipment of AUSTRALIAN BEER IN HOGSHEADS FROM A WELL-KNOWN BREWERY For particulars and prices, apply to CALDBECK,MACGREGOR&CO. "SALUDOR" ENGLISH FILTER fitted germ-proof candles, giving drinking water of absolute purity. 2 Gallon Size 114.M Spare Candles MOB each. 8 Sl9OO Tape $2.00 4 S2JOO Washers «ctt JOHN LITTLE
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    • 211 8 'some splendid features Program** of a High Dafraa of Eicellsacs AT IUK ALHAMBRA The Pionear and Pramiar House The Home or Quality teach Road Pathe presents a brilliant photo-play MADELEINE, in three «ot. A vert floe film-play enacted amid the moat beautiful anrruucdiDen aDd with excellent effects, inten»ely ictrreatiDe throughout.
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  • 3234 9 BRITISH PROGRESS. Pressure on Germans Continues. MR. LLOYD GEORGE. Full Confidence in Allied Success. RrctbbV Telumum. London. Juno 29. 12.1.1 a.m. r leld Marshal Haig report* i We made considerable farther progress south of Souclxv Kiver and captured a number of prisoners. < >ar line in tins art
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  • 69 9 Rrctuh's Tilkokam. London, June 28, 12.40 p.m. Peking The President has accepted a* number of Chang Hsun's demands, including the reorganisation of the Cabinet with a reduction of its powers. The President is re-drafting a constitution tor the re-election of a Parliament with a reduced membership. Consequently, the commanding
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  • 35 9 Rbutkk'- Tklbobam. London, June 28, 12.40 p.m. The death has occurred of BrigadierGeneral G. K. Holland. London, June 28, 10.55 p.m. The death of Sir George Birdwood has taken place suddenly of heart failure.
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  • 220 9 The Pinang Gazette of Jane 27 say We regret to record the death of Dr. C. H. Darrant, Penang, which occurred this lorenoon at his residence under distressing circumstances. He had recently been suffering from neurasthenia, and had only just come out of the General Hospital.
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  • 380 9 KEEP UP MALAYA'S MONTHLY THOUSAND. On Jnne 14 we intimated that wo had paid tho last of ten monthly contributions made by tho fund we organised to assist tho Overseas Club in providing smokes for our soldiers and sailors. Tho total sont in tho ten months,
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  • 143 9 In very gratefully acknowledging the following additional subscriptions, we would like to say that it would be a pleasure were it possible to do so by direct personal letter. We trust that the donors will accept this public assurance of our warm appreciation of their most kindly
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  • 368 9 Cost of Food 98 Per Cent. Higher Since War Began. Tho statistics of the course of retail prices of food given in the Board of Trade Labour Gazette published on May 16 show that on May 1 prices, as compared with July, 1914. had moreased by 98
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  • 23 9 Mr. T. S. D. Wade, of Shanghai, who is a Sergeant in the lOtb Battalion Yorkshirr Regiment, has been awarded the Military Medal.
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  • 2075 10 LORD DEVONPORT ON HIS DEFENCE. From Our Special Correspondent. London, May 11. The promise of the secret session cf the L'oo«e oC Commons, which took place yeater day, was an excellent weapon in the ariuoury the War Cabinet for putting a stop to awk wai .1 en<iairies.
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  • 671 10 Question of Singapore Market Prices. A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon. The President (Mr. F. J. Hallifax) was in tbe cbair, and the others present were Messrs. A. W. Bean, M. A. Namazie, Dr. N. Veerasamy, Mossrs. See Tiong Wah. J. A. Elias, E.
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  • 54 10 To-day's Business. Saunders and Macphail's Daily Report. Silver down i— ;t9J. Hongkong down 4— 2/6 j {&i"' o prem.) Shanghai J -3/9', (61 Ji. Tin.— Sales 75 tons at tIUO. Rubber steady.— The market ia still featureless and as this is a half holiday, the amount of
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  • 1244 10 The British Resident's Annual Report. Mr. O. E. Cator, the British Resident, Brunei, has forwarded to as a copy of his annual report on the State for the year 1916, from which it is gathered that, on the whole, the period under review was one of prosperity
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  • 690 10 Directors' Annual Report to The Shareholders. Mr. Koh San Hin signs tbe following report for presentation to the xliart boliieis of this company at the annual meeting next Saturday Gentlemen, your directors submit herewith a duly anilitod statement of tbe accounts of the company for the
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  • 93 10 For the period from July 6 to 12, 1917, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at 2s. 6d. per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 353 10 Following are tbe results of play in tba S.C.C. lawn tennis tournament last evening C. tMHM Thomson boat L»yton, 7—5, 7 i>. Watt beat Holdeo, 6-0, 6-8. Mokb beat Pedlow, 6 -1, 6 6—o. Gibson v. Bood (postponed). NfW' OMIRs'. Lindon v. Bordman (postponed). Harst v. Kankin (postponed).
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    • 103 10 An S.R.C. team received a Naval visit yesterday, and the game resulted in a win for tho home string by 2 l. The visitors made a good bid for victory, and several men showed a decided aptitude for the game. The first goal came I ist before the interval,
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  • 242 10 Though there have be- n various opinions an to other productions there is no doubt that the liandman Company scored a distinct MiecrHs last night. The Chocolate Soldier was given an adequnte presentation, and the story of the jaunty Swim and the melodious music which accompanies it
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  • 65 10 The following donations liavu been rucoivod by Mr. A. W. Vick at the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China: Already acknowledged $1,584.50 Direct to the Bank Mrs. C. Dalmugs (Sereinban) 6 Capt. O. D. Wilson (Lady Weld) 10 lUHM 1100 more will fully cover the £200 some
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 116 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. Latest advertisements of the day appear on page* 6 aod 7. Katllas Hotel has received the new roller skates from Australia and will have a practice skate on Wednesday next to be followed by a skate proper on the succeeding Saturday. Episodes nineteen to twenty-three of the
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  • 478 11 Hydroplane Trip on the River Hooghly. It U fan ly xafu to say. says a correspondent 10 tl.e Kuniif that tin Hoo^lily li»h never borne on itn wati r« bdt viim-I that lish tra\(lled at the rate nf thirty miles an hour until quiti rreeatly, w\
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  • 143 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, July fi, 1917. Satlki»ay. Jim 30. i3O p.m. John*ton'» Pier S.V.A. Section 1 and a. Balestier Range Maxim Co. SrsuAV, JfLr 1. litan« Maxim Co. *M p.m. Monday, lilt J. 515 p.o. Drill Hall SKE.Vi Maxim Co. Veterans
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  • 108 11 LJit«LL U>l>lHS I')K Jtti, 1917. UoDday. i>—Parades at Pearls Hill and Tanjoet I'axar, Ul p m. Ik— Pssssss nt Pearls Hill and Tanj. l^ t'a^ar. Ml p.iu. Mcuilay. IV—Eutirv Ci uirany Parade at Boaatcau laaMl KriiUy. My—Parade- at Ptarls Hill and TanjoDK P»^ Mooday, 16. Ra«SS Murclj
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  • 78 11 Mow*. AlU e l'( unyt. acd Co. advise tb»t tin unJiriuinticned* w. n rmhhid for ti< n f»lt on Wednes«i»3 acd Thortdsy -Haaokcd ribetd sheet 1118 to »124 No. S smoked sheet diamond 100 117 < oi>Uiokid ikc.t 110 115 oLi. t 110 10« CMetifte
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  • 273 11 Seventeen Chinese Released At The Old Bailey. Two groups of smiling Chinese, number ing seventeen all tcld, filed out of the Old Bailey on May 16 and returned to the East Knd. Tin y were arrested somr time ago an the n suit of a faction fight between
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  • 645 11 Sunday, July I, 1917. St. Andbsw's Cathedral. 4th Sunday after Trinity.— 7.Bo a.m. Litany 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9.15 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Com l.'tiDion 4 p.m. Children's service; 5.80 p.m. i X.< lsodh and sermon. St. Matthew's. Si pjy Lines. 5.80 pm. KversODß and ReriuoL
    645 words
  • 97 11 Mr. Frederick L>. Saasooo, whoee death announced, apeiit many years in China aa a partoer in a branch of the firm of Me*ttrs. l>»vid Sasaocn and Co which in IMOI became a private limited liability company. While in Hcnfikrng Mr. Sassooa served as a member of the Hongkong Legislative Council
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 413 11 Moutrie Pi sin OS" Built in the East for the East BENO FOR CATALOGUE OF LATEST MODELS S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN HONGKONG) Raffles Place VISITS TO JAVA. GRAND HOTEL JAVA BATAVIA. Cable Address i JAVA HOTEL. Code: A.B.C. Sth Edition. Marouur Code i 3rd Edition. The best situated
      413 words
    • 246 11 BAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT Special Dinner AND Cinema Show APEIPHI HOTEL TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER AND Dancing after Dinner SEA VIEW HOTEL TO-NIGHT SPECIAL ANO CINEMA OPEN DINNER |R SHOW Sunday, July 1 MI7AZO During AFTERNOON TEA and DINNER. E. and O. HOTEL PENANO Situated beautifully by the sea The leading hotel
      246 words

  • 2104 12 1916-1917. A diary sf thr war up SI August 4, 1916, M nt* I'musoi \uxuRi li 1W«. Tin recor i if iv.'Dtw h now contiu Mid from the beginning o( the third year ot war. August. 5. A battl" lias boon fought in K/ypt, about 14,00(1
    2,104 words
  • 536 12 Debate on "A Medixval Anachronism." The fatuous grille in front of the Ladies' Gallery in tbe House of Commons ma; be removed. Sir Alfred Mond, the First Commissioner of Works, sustained on May I, by the general fueling of members in a somewhat thin House, announced
    536 words
  • 225 12 Only Disused Shower Batb At Dartmoor. Si instrument i pivaleot to tbe Chinese water torture existed in any English prison, Mr. Brace states in the Parliamentary Debate*, in reply to a question in which Mr. Jowett bad made tbe insinuation that it was ased on malingerers or
    225 words
  • 36 12 Heer Boer, assistant manager of tbe Java State Railway, baa been instructed to proceed, as quickly as possible, to America, to obtain tbe necessary tools and engines there for tbe railways ia tbe Netherlands East Indies.
    36 words
  • 811 12 Fine Episodes of A Desperate Fight. Detailing how Scottish troops ruptured Guumappe in tin; battle of Arras, Mr. Philip (iibDH, in tbe Daily Chronicle says: It is a great episode in the history of tho Scottish troop* iv France. It was fighting which lasted for nearly a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 231 12 CHEESE New stocks just received of Australian Cheddar certified as Ist grade by Australian Government Certificate. ALSO _> English Cheddar, English Stilton, Canadian Cheddar and Gruyere. Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). JULIAN'S PRICES MAKE DOWNTOWN SHOPPING AN EXTRAVAGANCE THE COOLEST SPOT IN THE CITY CORNER ORCHARD
      231 words

  • 1051 13 The following SMmMh arc reported London, May 19. Killed. -2nd Lieut K S. ArmiUtic Service Corps; 2nd Lient. J. B. Birnea, Field Artil lery; 2nd Lieu*. N Batterwortb, Mancbeaters Capt. W. H. Colli", l iiin-Uillin>jt» 2nd Lieat. O. Lindsay, Royal Scots; Lieut. M. Mersoo, Scots Fusiliers 2nd Lirut.
    1,051 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 241 13 ♦-¥-?jgS£ag J <r C.& B.English Soups fi|H^« Minut. 30 Varieties AH Delicious T.ic Cuis:nc cf one cf the finest chefs in the world available for your table. Crosse Black well Guarantee these Soups By Ro'i to be nade under ideal conditions, as are all their table delicacies. AGENTS FOB LEA
      241 words
    • 193 13 Sf^Ph^ I FRAMROZ'S Wjt "*>%£ '■^S_^ ijf AERATED WATERS 1/ S flB Imports Exclusively AUSTRALIAN Biscnita. Butter, Cheese, Canned Meats. Corned Meats, Floor, Jama, Preserved Fruits, Hatux, Bacon, Sauces, eto.. Beers, Pilsener, Wines, .-"-■•p, Disinfectants, Medicines, Oils, Confectionery, Motor Tyres, Hardware, Paints, Varnishes. We are Sol* Agents for Fcffgit, Jones
      193 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 653 14 «Vab or Psaox. Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance ib wo&th ioo oentb on thx dollar. THE GREAT EMTCMLffi isSURAHCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (laaoaraaAtaa w Stbaits Sbttibmbitt«> •>■••> o*«ilOB Wiwan— >*» H— m, mtmmm*— UOHOOst OVPtOli Old J.wi-v, «.C. The Oompaay taas ««O 1 000 deposltod wr»b tba Baftama Ooorl ol Bagfcwd,
      653 words
    • 389 14 BANKING; THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED ■aaa Nataaera, taffies Cbaaikert, s*l ■ranchtt Malacca, Ut, First Cress Street, ■uar, 77/71, Jala* SaWaMB. CAPITAL 1 Registered 18,000,000 Iwued t4.000.000 Hobaeribed 1R.604.000 Paidup •1,760,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS i<m Pt HI Slant lag ChslrißSß. Tba Bee. Or Lha Beea Taa Caeag Leek, Ess
      389 words
    • 493 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incobpoeatbd ill Honokono) PAID-UP CAPITAL tIt.OOO.nCO XX SERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 3/- »18,000,000 Silver |1H,600,000 »88.600,000 Reoorve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 OOURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. S. H. Dodwell. Chairman. J. A. Plummor, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton. I C.
      493 words
    • 493 14 BANKING. •HARTEREO MNK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATBD IN 3NGLAND BT BOIAL CHABTBR Paid up Capital ia 60,000 Shares of 419 eaeb 41,M0,000 Seserve turnip. 41,900^00 Beeerve Liaailrty of Proptiatora— 41,100,000 BANKBRS The Bank ot Baglaad, The Loadoa Oily aad tfidlaau Baak, Ltd.. The Loadoa Oouaty aad Westminster Baak,
      493 words
    • 808 14 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incopobatbd in Honokono) ENDOWMENT POLICIES are issuid for 10, 15 and 30-year terms. Ihe annual deposit under tbe 20 year plan in but five and a friction per cent, of tbe sum assured, for a man 80 years of age Should the death
      808 words

  • 862 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A Caterpillar Tractor J. O. writes in the Westminster Gazette It is not a question now of wbkt particular tractor we ought to employ, but of putting to the fullest use every machine of the kind we can lay hands on.
    862 words
  • 153 15 A writer in the Westminister Gazette says I read with gome alarm this morning that the badge of the bread-savers will be struck within tbe next few days. It is a gold coloured button, about three fortbs of an inch in diameter, with tbe words On Voluntary lUtionn
    153 words
  • 83 15 Oa the night of June 11, the whole of rUngooo was left in darkness for about an boor owing to a breakdown in the Power Station of the Rangoon Electric Lighting and Supply Co. The incident was cauned by a rat running act «a the high tension switch connection, rausiug
    83 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 198 15 THE CANADIAN FORD The Most Economical 5-Passenger Car on the market and the Best Motor Car Value in the world. READ WHAT A SINGAPORE MOTORIST SAYS: IM.s-r*. WEAKNE BRO>. LTD.; Sii;s With reference to the FOII car pur.:has;d from you 9 month* a«o, I have kept a c*refiil n
      198 words
    • 60 15 OILDAG Saves Petrol as well as Oil, and the running is as smooth as silk. TO BE HAD FROM ALL QARKOE& yuil particulars from DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents. SINGER CARS Importers International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. Wfie JU(-SBritis6 'Gyre. MADE OF PLANTATION RUBBER in Mie Largest Rubber Mills in the
      60 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 538 16 IfbOD No tyre/ by any other name grips the road like Go:>drtcAr Safety Tread. M?ICH SafVtv comes from aayiaf 'GoodncA Safety Tread 1 when you are buying tyrea. Km a tB ,f-l I "A grip on the road is worth t^vo Mi the steering wkmtL" Fit 'C si Is* Safety
      538 words
    • 451 16 SITUATIONS WANTED PLANTER seeks change of billet, speaks Tamil fluently. Please apply to Box No. 278, Straits Times. 26-6—27-7 YOCNG BRITISHER require employment. Commercial or planting. Kubber experience. Reply Box No. 286, Straits Times. 27 6— 86-T EUROPEAN, with thorough practical experience of rubber and coconuts, seeke management of SMALL
      451 words
    • 597 16 HOUSES TO LET. TO LBT, seaside resideooe. Apply M. Sayei>, 4. De •'onza Street. 27 6— a TO LBT. Hooves No. 7, Ohaaot.ry Lam. Apply to Chinv Keng L»c k Co., Aactionoers. 18-11— o HERMIA VILLA, 47, Cairn Hill, furnished. Five bedrooms with bat). room". Rntry Aogkst 1. Apply Miss
      597 words
    • 246 16 KIAM KIAT CO. 101 109. Market Street-Phone same No. 411. Sols Agents. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited (Incorporated 111 England) Have JGBt received a fresh shipment of JACKSON'S Varnish Stains IN Colours of ROSEWOOO, Oak and Mahogany at REASONABLE PRICES. 6.R. LAMBERT&Go PHOTOGRAPHir ARTISTS 5 a, Orchard Road, Telephone No.
      246 words
    • 283 16 GUAN KIAT Co., No. 36. Phillip Street Telephone Nos. 1861 and 1862. Private: 1460 and Sunnysido 1078. Large Stocks of i Angle Iron, Flat Iron, Round Iron, Tee Iron Bolts Nuts, Rivets, Galvd. Plates Navy Canvas. BUY NOW-DO NOT WAIT. Sole Agents for THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID Ths ideal fluid
      283 words
    • 478 16 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICEC O and m seater Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 Cbarges Moderate. Garage open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE SIS A 216, Orchard Road (Next to Wearoe Bros., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations m advertisements, such as changes is) sailing dates ot steamers,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 321 16 Straits V)imes. Temporary Telephone! 58 All communications relating to editoria. matters and news should be addressed tc THB EDITOR. All communications relating to boHinese matters advurti'iemunts, subscriptionn accounts, printing, etc.— should be ad dressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.— Miacollane oub wants of every description an. inserted in the ordinary
      321 words