The Straits Times, 29 June 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,454 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JUNE 29. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 169 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK '1 1 Prioe now $19.00 per BMC Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the best coup you ever tasted. Messrs. Isibby, MefieiXi Jbibby state 'If there was
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    • 185 1 ROBINSON CO. Travelling J^e€a^uLis;i/fc,«£js ISrTR cowhide, lined HR ilffl H^^ ibizes: 10, 12, 14 1 BvSnT^V^fl NO. 1745 C. STOUT COW-HIDE GLAC- Ij"' 50 J^l ftflßSh STONE FAG. linen-lined, mckel IMB I 16 50 BBEsa^ F furniture, shoe* »nd Blide boltn, Z0 c ma U CTU etude on the bottom,
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    • 8 1 GOODRICe > Iw. OS 1 r > ,iiES j! r
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  • 1101 2 BUSIEST WATERWAY EAST OF SUEZ. Spirit of the British Soldier. A special correspondent of The English man, writing from Busra on April 7, says Tbe actual town of Basra is not the Basra of tbe British occupation. Real oriental Basra, with its narrow, dirty streets and covered bazaars,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 517 2 Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills The greatest of all old-fashioned remedies now in I use. Has outlived all others because it really cures Biliousness and Digestive ills. Try Cockle'i Pills next time. Buy a box to-day and have them handy. Of tkrmttt tkrougk.ut ike Wnld. ■a F.ngiMKd ///J tni 2)9. luu cocsu
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    • 261 2 K. TSUTADA Japanese Dentist, 74 i 74-1. BRAS BABAH ROAD Telephone No. 1348. EXTRACTION PftIKLESo. Chanel Modarate WORK GUARANTBBjI). Consultation In either Entfilib or fctaiay The Finest Light LAGER is 1 READ BROTHERS LIMITED' I EXPORT BOTTLERS LONDCN ENGIANtf trial wUI oonvlnoe you KIM HIN V CO., Kiing Street. Jog&^^
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    • 82 2 jvmngjg^gjugjgj c A Popular-Priced genuine Motor Car built on High-grade Lines. 1917 Models with DETACHABLE RIMS. Spare Rim Oil Gauge Self Starter Electric Starter Speedometer Foot Accelerator Valve-in-head Motor. EFFICIENT SERVICE GUARANTEED. A Mechanical Engineer from Chevrolet Factory is resident here and his advice is available free to all Chevrolet
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  • 1058 3 FAVOURABLE PROSPECTS FOR THE CURRENT YEAR. The Annual General Meeting. The first annual general u>< (ting of shareholders in the Shanghai Kclaulan Rubber Estates. Ltd., was Inlit at the offices of the w«n tarirH and general manager". 4, Yuenmingyuen Koaii, Shaugtiu.. ou Juue 5, says the N. C.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 444 3 I ESyseiitery and Fever Casseil's Tablets Make You Strong and Able to Resist Disease. ■i :ir. -irons v 1 yui I I u.rli lift and Mien?. »n-l nd lii. r Or. MM JAMES. D.Sc., H.P.S., *c, 11, WILTOM-PLACE, LONDON. w., ENC, wr.l««: It n a ploa:uri to mo to recom
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    • 234 3 OARS will be available as soon as the pressure of the Home Government work is relaxed. They are worth waiting for. HUMBER LIMITED. Works: COVENTRY. ENGLAND. AgtnU ntrywhert. I 111 I'lllllUllll iIWIWMM— AVON TYRES More Miles for Your Money. tPS T<u7 -snl If $on sre in need of a padlock
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    • 274 3 is Beyond diipule, the present war the gTMttatt engineering competition ever deviled. SUNBEAM production! have always achieved distinction is competition*. To-day Sunbeam can and SUNBEAM-COATALEN AIRCRAFT ENGINES are rnqa?ed in playing their parts in wellnigh every theatre in which, the Allies' arms are engaged, and arr winning grrater laurels ■a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 698 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SlAri STEAM NAVIGATION GO.. LD. (iKLoapoaano m Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For KruUy, Triuq;anu, Bisot, Semerak, Baoho, fnhataa, Tabai Banjraara, Teloprn, Panarai. iatani, Singor*, Laeon, kobbamai, Bandon, Langsuen, Cbompon, Eohlak i ßangkok Dm* D.partup« a. a. BORIBAT July 2 July 4, 8 p.m. Vbi HMnM IM (ittod throui<hom with
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    • 700 4 NOTICE. The undersigned Ban Ho Chew Keok of 347, Telok Ayer Street, Singapore, in appointed agent to collect duty on all dutiable liquors authorised by the Spirit Farmer* at Khio with the consent of the Resident Van Riouw on Oaderboorigheden dated Jane 20, 1817. Notice is hereby given that the
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    • 680 4 NOTICE Oiden are now being booked lor Para Robber Beods from fine old tries, with a gaaraatee of Tt per cent, germination. Ptiee $1 50 per 1.000 packed in bags and •2 packed in oa<es, F. O. B. or F. O. R. Telok Ajmod. Delivery ooauneaoiDK from September, 1917. THE
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    • 481 4 IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. CMLOROGBM FLVGUM (Neafield'a Ppoooh) m Non- poisonous. Foe the Sterilisation of Drinking Water K itkm Supplies. M w Kre t lere of dißeucw The Preyention of Bnteric, Typhoid, tuob Bnteric, Tjphoid, Cholera and Dysentery and Cholera. Dysentery. NOTE.— A very great feature of this The «'™plest method
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 643 5 NOTICE OF SALE. In the Court of the Judicial Commissioner at Kuala Lumpur Application No. 1 of 1917. ycle und (J»rria*'> Co Mortgagees M. Tljo Straits and F.MS. Motor Service Co., Ltd. Mortgagors Id puraraorr of ao order here in made by ttio Jodicial Commissioner, Koala Lnmpnr. and dated tbe
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    • 754 5 SALES BY AUCTION. VPORTANT AUCTION SUE HIOUCLiSS QUARRYING MACH INBRY. STBAM AND OIL ENGINE PLANTS, STONE CRUSHER, KTC. Consisting of the following: Lots 1 to 5 Now lying at Malacca Reclamation •round. (1) One Huston Portable Oil ilngine 16 IS.H.P on refined oil or 12 B.H.P. on good erode oil
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    • 321 5 Bi»it>isli Belting Is papericr to that made in any other country therefore, in bujic, the bc«t qatiity, jon net only make the best inTestmi nt, bat vjpport home industries. Enquire the ORISIN of Belting BEFORE YOU BUY. The GANDY Belting is one of the best British products. It is made
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 246 6 MUSIC Pianoforte Portrait Claamics by Bach. Boethaveo, Brahms Chopin, Greig, Junsrn, Kjirnlf, Meyer Helmand. Mo/art, Mendelsaotn Rachmaninoff, Schnmaon, TFchaikowxky. etc. Pianoforte and Violin Albuma by Gcrmann, Hoftuann, Hubay, Vienxtemps, etc. Violin and Pianoforte Piecea by Byford. C/ibulka DrJla Komzak, Sabatbil, Aatn. r Two-Viol. nm Albuma by HeliLjeebergcr, Buiil KrofeH, Rimbault.
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    • 456 6 NOTICE. AM persons baring claims aflainat the Bstato of the late Mr. George Man by are requested to send particulars of the same to Messrs. Topham, Jones A Bailton, Ltd., Singapore, on or before July 8. 10 6—2-7 WAR TAX ORDINANCE. 1917. Prinoipal offioers of Companies and Associations are reminded
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    • 123 6 UTEBT ADVERTISEMENTS, Last Two Days OF THE WORLD'S WONDER SHOW BOSTOCK'S ROYAL ITALIAN CIRCUS LAST MATINEE. TO-MORROW. Grand New Programme Book at Moutrie 5. 7-8— v The Famous STAR OPERA AT THE THEATRE ROYAL North Bridge Road TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! wil! stage a well-known Uindostati play LAL GOHAR TO-MORROW SATURDAY will
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    • 390 6 DULLOCH LG«,LO LABEL ADE'S SCOTCH WHISKY Sola Agents: CALDBEGK, MA.GREGOR GO. Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants. Silverware We have just received a grand collection of Silverware comprising ash tray*, afternoon tea spoons, cream jugp. photo frames, flower bowle, etc., etc. Quality Workmanship Prices Superior ExqulslU Moderate CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELF
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  • 119 7 FIXTURES. '•d«v, June 29. »»i«»h Water. 4.39 8.1 l p.m. H^-newurd mcl olo«e« (train. > th mis Tra 1 nu Co. meeting, nooo. M lii-ipal < mraivtion, '2.80 p.m. Oh xx)lato S lier. Victoria Theatre. Saturday, June 30. Hl«ta Watn r >.5S p.m.. 0.6 p.m. Theotlor«
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  • 212 7 To.cii V. Swettcnham and Tuinii Anson l:< 0 pm Medan Ml pm t^an J.HO piu Malacca and Muar 1 .iitavii, ■vuuarani: an.l Soiiraliaya I pin > in i -atupit ami t. i -:ui«-iii 4pm .Hawi-an, Snuratata Baßdj<>nua.««in. Stagi-D, Kota tat Ml I'apan. Sani.ii -1 pni KotaTinsyi pm
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  • 310 7 The vail tra:c- from Sinyaporn for t.i «O»th U -we Taut Road etition dail> at 7.7 am ted 7 .u MtMag at Kuala Lumpur .1? p"j Rod (J. 45 a.m. respectively. Th ihawiaii ezsroee to Penang loaveo Kua'i jon, rr at s *.m. daily. arriTing at Pcnao. p.
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  • 169 7 EXCMANMr;. 8mo»poi», Junb '29, 1617. Lonuta Bank4m/« 2/4 i Demand Wt I'nvate Bass 2/4^ On Franci Bank T. T. hlB Oh India Bank T T, On Homobono ..Bank d/d 9%pm On Sbahobai ...Bank rl/d GCj O* Java Bank T. T. IS4 O»J»p»n Bank 109 SovereißßS buying rake
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    • 162 7 J™°e Buyors Sellers. iO 10 Ampang 5 .60 6.00 1 1 Ayur Weng 1.30 1.60 10 10 Kanaboi 1.25 I.SO 10 10 Kinta Association 9.25 9.60 SI £1 KinU Tin 1.10.0 1.17.0 n £1 Labat Mines 4.00 500 [0 10. Malayan Collieries 12.2,3 12.75 El £1 Malayan Tin 1.15.0
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    • 117 7 Value 1 Buyer8 Seller9 41 411 B. .imuUiiH Uc. 7.85 7.76 41 II Pto:. 1.3.6 l.f.O C, 6/- Blt«rw'l'v. ivh 4/- 5: 10 10 Fnwer N< are 43.10 45.00 ;(i 60 W.H*mmt<f.t Co. 65.00 68.00 10U HowuthBrskue'58.00 65.00 100 7%Pf8t. 100.00 IX! lcli Ka:r. Bio, i>et. par 120.UU 10
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    • 60 7 United Engineers 9% |1,284,«..'- pai Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £»60,0uC norn Spore Municipal 6% 11,879,000 par Spore Municipal 4<% of 1907 »1,6u0 000 l.j-fe lih Spun ..luni^ipui -it% of ISO 9 11,000,000 10%dJ« Spore Municipal 4% '2,000,000 15% dii S
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  • 303 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day's Prioes. Frauer Lyall .v Co. Kvatt. Alor Gajali i«l) 4.00 4.10 4.(0 4.10 Auial. Malay 12) 0.30 0.50pm C.hO 0.40 Ayer Hitam (So) 14.25 15.00 14.00 15.00 Ayer Kaniog (SI) 120 1.30 Lull 1.30 Ayer Molek
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 100 7 On *ttoalio!i has bi-n c%l.-.i to Ui>> fm-t thai oar arrival* in Loo Jon wo 'ouch behind Ifaoae pubiiHl.ix) elanwhere. Oar rat" i« M Vive arrival* ocly wh«n thry \r. uffciilly «po»V<i in tbo P»; Offian i.otio-, »n^ no '•M> a«te thhc t v. printed abovn ha. b»o T HIIIM.
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    • 445 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED injrnediaUly, qnalified Arei'er on estate in Jobore. State salary required to J. c/o Straits Times 29 6 a 4 7 FOR SALE. 80 godown t-t»nrt« aod SOO iron cap*. W lbs. and 7 lbs. Apply No. 15. Er.ggor Street. Mo— s 7 XIX SALB, Fi-hp. PWnet motor
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    • 538 7 SAWMILL MACHINERY (RANSOME'S) IN STOCK: One 3*2 foot Self-acting S^w Bench with carriages and rails. One Shar^ning Machine for Circular and Frame Saws. Prices and particulars from FRASER CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) WINCHESTER HOUSE, SINGAPORE. THE EASTERN EXTENSION A. C. NOTICE. TELEGRAPH CO.. LTD. (In, orporateu in Ekuland) Xhe
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    • 14 7 RUNNYMEDE HOTEL PENANG (Sea-side). Every Wednesday and Saturday Musical Selections during Dinner. 80 3-i-n
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  • 38 8 boo Hi -x Yiin.,.— On June 27, at Medan. Deli. Kboo Hun Yeang, in his 58th year. By cable. Olimii o.— On June 2h, at Batavia, Anna Catherina (me Pestana), beloved wife of Mr. E. C. Oliveiro.
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  • 1123 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, JUNE 28. MESOPOTAMIA. All that the Mesopotamia report does is to confirm what was already well known. India entered into a task quite properly assigned to it by the Imperial authorities and made a dreadful hash thereof, with the result that thousands of men and some
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  • 23 8 In tbe third police court this morning Leo Silberman was fined 9)50 on a charge ot assisting to carry on a public lottery.
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  • 23 8 An amendment of tbe list of persons to whom articles may be consigned in China is published in a Government Gazette issued yesterday.
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  • 25 8 There will be matins and sermon followed by Holy Communion at 8 a.m. on Sunday next, July 1, at Christ Church, Malacca. Sermon, Subject Heaven.
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  • 28 8 Messrs. Gutbrie and Co. have today received advice by cable that tbe directors of the Sendayan (F.M.S.) Rubber Company have declared an interim dividend of "i per cent.
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  • 28 8 La Suisae, Geneva, reports that tbe Germans recently shot Madame Pfbister and her daughter on a charge of espionage. They forced Madame rfeister to witness her daughter's death.
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  • 44 8 Tbe subscriptions of the Oriental Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd., to tbe War Loan now amount to tbe large sum of 10 lakhs of rupees. In addition, the company has subscribed £15.000 sterling, or 2 lakhs of rupees in the British War Loan.
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  • 50 8 According to a New York report Charlie Chaplin, the famous cinematograph comedian, has declined an offer of £250,000 for 12 moving picture plays. He says he will accept that amount for eight pictures otherwise he will carry out the picture plays him self and sell them to the highest bidder.
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  • 53 8 A dramatic development took place in the 'bos strike on May 14, when tbe Com missioner of Police issued a warning that any impediment to the traffic used by munition workers constituted an offence under the Defence af the Realm Act, as it was equivalent to an interference with tbe
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  • 54 8 The whole of tbe Berlin newspapers telegraphed to von Betbmann Hollweg declaring that owing to the shortage of paper and coal it will be impossible for them to publish from the middle of May and demanding an immediate remedy. They assert that the political consequences of the stoppage of the
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  • 58 8 Tbe Secretary for Defence at Melbourne, (Mr. Trumble) stated on May 28 that from the beginning of the war until May 21, 1917, the Australian casualties for all ranks were Dead, 24,106; wounded, 31,595; missing. 5,102 total 60,793. It was explained that the men listed as wounded did not include
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  • 49 8 A P.A.M. general meeting was held at Sungkai on Wednesday. The matters discussed included hire motor cars, tbe restriction of Indian immigration, tbe Machinery Enactment, the increase of local food supplies, the curtailment of rubber shipments to the I niteii Kingdom and America, and railway liability for rubber consignments.
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  • 72 8 A London wire of May 22 says The modern German submarines are able to tire torpedoes while submerged witb considerably incrc&sed accuracy. The Germans are also sowing mines of excellent workmanship and extraordinary power. When tbey blow up, thousands of fish, apparently dead, come to tbe surfacei^jrhey are stunned and
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  • 72 8 Tbe National Tidende states that when a German submarine sank tbe Norwegian steamer Fjeltoe, tbe commander took the steward and his wife aboard tbe submarine, and cross-examined them respecting the time certain steamers were leaving Bergen. The steward refused to give the information. He and bis wife were placed on
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  • 90 8 A Pioneer cable dated London, June 11, says A correspondent of tbe Paris Journal at the British front mentions tbe tale of a tank behind Messines which sweeping over some gardens turned into some trenches and drove tbe defenders into a cave organised as an emplacement for heavy guns and
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  • 79 8 There was recently in the Port of Calcutta a new steamer which was built entirely in Hongkong. She was constructed at the Hongkong Docks for tbe Imio China Steam Navigation Co., Messrs. Jardine, Skinner and Co., agents. Since she was completed another much bigger ship of 8,000 tons burden has
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  • 100 8 A correspondent writes An enthusiastic and crowded meeting of the Singapore Tamil Students' Association was held in the Sang. ham premises in Tank lioad on Saturday, when Syed Kagdoom Sichan Ganamgoodi Musthan Sahib, of South India, gave an instructive discourse on philosophy and sang religious songs. Mr. K. Doraisamy, whose
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  • 107 8 The Mayor, at a meeting of the Semarant: Municipal Council, criticised the attitude of the I Mitch Government with regard to the publication of the report of the proceeding of the Cooimi«hion referring to assietance for Semaiang harboMr. The speaker con sidered that tho heads of morcuant firms and Government
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  • 327 8 Mr. Conrad Peter, late u-anager of tlir Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, is dead. The Ray. W Drury, chaplain with the Seaforthn. has beon wounded in action. Brigadier-General A. B. Hubback, < M i, was mentioned in despatches for the fourth time on May 15. A Norwegian Lewnpaper
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  • 188 8 The following message from tbe War Office dated May 1, sets out the medical ijuali tications for recruits for active service I am to inform you that recruits to be passed as fit for general service should be well formed and developed and should be able to
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  • 192 8 As the Bishop of Singapore explained it his letter, on June 14, a Church Army Tent which can be moved close in rear of the fighting lines in France, costs 12,600 fully furnished. We are very pleased to hear that those collecting for Penang, Selangor and
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  • 239 8 A sister of Mr. It. N. Cuthbert, formerly of the Nestles Milk Company offices, Singa pore, sends some further particulars of bis death in action whilo serving as Second Lieutenant in tbo Seafortb Highlanders Mr. Cutbbert's parents are still alive, the father aged 90, the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 "EMBASSY" No. 77. >^T*/ No. 77. CIGARETTES MIXTURE. Fine Manila Cigars FROM La GIRALDA The British Factory. Londree, 100, $5.75 iIaHBHFjBH I INCLDDINO DCTV |M| Sole Agents 'MmijßiljJ JOHN LiniE I CO., LIMITED (Incorporated in Bnoland) JODELITE THE TIMBER PRESERVATIVE hrn been in general use in the Straits Settlements and
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    • 206 8 SOME SPLENDID FEATURES Programme of Hi(h Degree or Excellent* AT illK ALHAMBRA The Pioaeer ana' Premier Houie The House of Quality Beach Road Pathe prttenti a brilliant photo-slay MADELEINE, in three A very fine film p!»v eoaoted amid (be mo-a beamiful sarroandines and with exo»Hent effec's, intensely iLtrreotine throui(liout. Eiianiy
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  • 3498 9 UNITED STATES MEN ARRIVE. French Win Dragon's Cave. MESOPOTAMIA. Comments in the London Press. Kfi tuk's Thjh.k< London sVBi -7, 10.50 p.m. Field Marshal Haig report.-* We repulsed raiders north of Roeux after sharp fighting And considerable enemy loss. We brought down six and drove down two enemy
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  • 79 9 Rrutkb's Tilroram. London, June 27, 6."> p.m. At a meeting of tbe P. and <>. S. N. Co. a resolution was passed unanimously con firming tbe arrangements for tbe acquisition of tbe L'nion Company of New Zealand. Lord Inchcape, presiding, mentioned that the purchase price of
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  • 457 9 KEEP UP MALAYA'S MONTHLY THOUSAND. On June 14 we intimated that wo bad paid the last of ten monthly coatributions ma i by the fund wo organised to assist the Overseas Club in providing smokes for our soldiers and sailors. Tbe total sent in the ten
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  • 63 9 (From Our Own CoßßKsroNotirr.) I'enang, Jane 28. Dr. C. E. Darrant died under tragic circumstances from a revolver shot at bin residence this morning. He returned from the front some months ago and had been suffering from insomnia which necessitated bis going to hospital. He was formerly
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  • 85 9 Certain statements havn be* n made, wi are «lad to say .not in Mt-gapore, against Mr. Detording, a gentlem""! well known in the Straits Settlement" rptlooting both on that yi ■ntleiuau auJ M Mm Ifeal li'Oup of oil conpinies with which he i» largely con nected. We are authorised by
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  • 1869 10 CONCERNING MONEY, MEALS, AND MALT. From Our Special Correspondent, i London, May 4. Mr. Bonar Law has introduobd his first budget. At any other time than the present it would have been tbe occasion of feverish anticipation and as feverish discussion, but in these strenuous days it
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  • 127 10 The profits of the Kbota Tampan Rubber Company for last year, after allowing £761 for deprivation, totalled £12,047. to which is added £4,609 brought forward. Dividend 15 percent, (less tax) 1,000 to reserve; forward (subject to excess profits duty), £7,672. Last year the dividend was 10 per cent.
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  • 492 10 Better Demand, but further Fall In Prices. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 301 st auction was held on June 27 and 28, 1917. Offered for sale 9,363.59 piculs or 1,248,478 lbs. (tons 557.85). Prices realised Sheet smoked fine ribbed $120 to $128 good ribbed 100
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  • 374 10 Method of Drawing the Club Sweep. The secretary to tbe war loan lottery writes to the Bombay press As there appears to be some doubt as to bow tbe drawing of tbe Western India Turf Club war loan lottery will be carried out may I ask you
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  • 87 10 In connection with the Belgian Red Cross Feto on July 21, three prizes are being offered for the best Limericks on There was a young girl of Oatend. All attempts, wbicb should be accompanied by the sum of one dollar for every attempt made, should be
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  • Correspondence.
    • 107 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, As a habitual theatregoer I quite agree with Victim's" remarks regarding the insufficiency of ventilation at the Victoria Theatre. I love to see a play whenever it is a good one and therefore often go there, but am
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  • 478 10 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. In their weekly circular dated June 27, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state Our market is experiencing its customary June set-back in rubbers tbe fall in the commodity is not reflected to any great extent in the shares and on the whole
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  • 158 10 Shortly before 5 p.m. yesterday news reached the Singapore Harbour Board that a Chinese-owned ship was afire in the roads. The fire floats Varunha and Titho were despatched without delay with Capt. Farrell, Capt W, L. Edwards, Inspector Meredith, and Mr. W. Hocquard and firemen aboard.
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  • 89 10 Tbe rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore for the week ended June 23 was 43.08 per mille of the population. Tbe total number of deaths was 297, of wbicb 212 were male subjects and 85 female. Convulsions claimed 38, phthisis 48, malaria fever 46, beriberi
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  • 115 10 Mr. Kuoo Han Yeaug, one of the late opium and spirit farmers of ton Straits and recently a senior partner of the farm at Rbio, die<i at Medan, Deli, on the 27 inst., from the effects of a motor oar accideut wbicb be sustained during a visit to Mayor Cbong
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  • 330 10 Two Judgments Go By Majorities. Judgment was given yesterday with regard to an appeal arising out of an action entered by I. Ellison against the Kangoon firm of Lim Soo Hean and Co. and Lim Chin Tsong. Tbe case in the lower court has not yet been
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  • 109 10 To-day's Business. Saunders and Macphail's Daily Hoport. Silver up I9J. Hongkong unchanged 2/6.! (9" o prem.) Shanghai 3/9,' (60>,1. Tin.— Sales 75 tons at *109 L Rubber.- bout tM firmer. In sympathy with the commodity tbe rubber share market is slightly firmer. Kelemaks aro enquired for at
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  • 46 10 Heer Hilgcs, with Captaiu Engelbert us a passenger, has made a brilliant flight to Bandoeng, over Tjileuntjub, Padalarand, Tjimahi, and back over the crater of Tang koebau Parhoe to Kalidjati. The aviator attained a height of 3,000 metres. The flight lasted two hours.
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  • 101 10 News has been received of the death in action of Capt. D. C. P. Kindersley, late of Kajang also of Capt. J. R. Hill, formerly of the F.M.S. Institute of Medical Research. Captain Kindersley would have been forty four years of age this year. He married the sister of Mr.
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  • 121 10 News has just reached Singapore from home that Lieut. John Taylor has died from wounds received in action in France. Deceased will be remembered as the IGO yards champion sprinter in the Strait* and as an active member of tbe S.R.E (V) for about five years. He origiually came to
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 559 10 S.C.C. 2: Wireless 0. It happens often in sport that a man or m team will make a better show against a good opponent than against a mediocre one. The play of the Naval Wireless in their league match against the S.C.C. yesterday is a case in point. In
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    • 64 10 A match has beon arranged for tomorrow between tbe S.R.C. and S.C.C. on the S.C.C. ground, play commencing at 2.80 p.m. The following have been asked to play for tbe S.K.C.: Emile Galistan, Jiui Galistan, A. H. Gauder, S. V. Gauder, G. G. James, A. K. Coelbo, T. de
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    • 78 10 There was no play in the S.C.C. tournament yesterday To-day's Tie*. C. tMK'.LKs. Layton v. Thomson. Holden v. Watt. Moss v. Pedlow. Gibson v. Bond (postponed). Nk» oMBRs'. Lindon v. Bordman (postponed). Hurst v. Rankin. Allan v Salt, r. LaNauze v. Brown (postponed Prokkssion Pairs. Mer. V, Doig
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    • 56 10 The ties arranged for yesterday had to be cancelled owing to the unfit state of tbe ground. Ties for To-day. C'IIAMI'IONSIiIP. \V. A. Aeria v. T. Leijssius. A. SINULK.s. E. E. de Sou/.* owe 40 v. K. E. Aviot owe 4 15. B. Sl.Nl.Lh>. E. O. Angus owe
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  • 163 10 The Bandman Opera Company presented Tina at the Victoria Theatre last night to an audience of moderate sJm and evou mom moderate eotuusmsu. Tina if not a piece about which to rntlnlse. It in a poor specimen of itie modern melange of ineln ly and ncusenitu and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 259 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. A Gold Seal three reel drama, Tbe Indian's Lament, is tbe chief item in tbe Harima Hill's new programme this evening. Ten more reels of tbe sensational Diamond from*the Sky serial will be shown at tbe Gaiety to-aight, taking tbe story np to chapter '•21^^ The final
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  • 603 11 German Sneaks at Every Keyhole' In Holland. Tbe special correxpondent of the VoaaidM V.citung in Amsterdam publishes an article o which lie warns hin countrymen against KritMi afica workirg to tbe I>utch capital.! According to this imaginative (ierman, every waiter, every porter, tvi ry rhaniberina'd ,n Mr]
    603 words
  • 217 11 "Must Win Great Triumphs in Next 25 Years or Go Under." In W, 6. S.lbi. npial.iun at tbe annual iwnjbly of t'.t Baptist I'aion at tbe Blc Jtufbury intra! CLurcb, s-aid we wert liv.Ei.' in oci i the ureat cataclymic periods of tbe work) i»tory, and tbe rtaponitibility
    217 words
  • 131 11 Tin- ruv. Kail, t Krttliruk I>i< c-VuiiOii. it** r'i c'olli o*4 at thi writable »>>i it 77. Mr »i-lrrn«l Sw.ti.n *ui;uf-t 11, -»4 J. Hi btinil ll,i sin.ij of .lisuh at the age of Htd. aft. r crmpUtiog bit studies m ».i itikuy iihl Xii; u
    131 words
  • 166 11 It i* sati-factury tliat tin- i >ovirDmtnt ol tbe Malay S:at«- of I. r,-k in tatitx a good deal of inUicHt iv tit education oi tbt tLWdriool iujuji^rant*, ol wbonj so :\.a»y liavc yont to Firak to work on or in m< n m rubber plants .i tli. re
    166 words
  • 630 11 Record Created in Net Premium Income. Mestn. Karlow and Co. as representing tbe Rcyal Exchange Assurance, send tbe report of the corporation for tbe year ended I l*cenibrr M. This states that in the life department 1,377 propooals were nceived for £968,444, of which 1,188 were completed,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 232 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, July 39, 1917. Friday, Junk 29. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S V.A. Recruits s i; E v.) Maxim Co. 6.10 p.m. Boost* »d Institute S.V.R. and M.C.S. Drill Hall Chinese Co. 5.15 p.m Brans Basab Rd. Malay Co. 5.10
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    • 309 11 Moutrie PianosBuilt in the East for the East SEND FOR CATALOGUE OF LATEST MODELS S. MOUTRIE CO.. LTD. (INCORPORATED IN HONGKONG) Raffles Place Hotel vanjijlijo., Ltd., Telephone 602. Telephone 683. Every Night OUR EUROPEAN QUARTETTE will play during and after Dinner, except Sundays. Saturday in addition at TIFFIN TIME. RICE
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    • 234 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, June 30 Special Dinner AND Cinema Show ADEIPHIjiTiET Saturday, June 30 SPECIAL DINNER AND Dancing after Dinner SEA VIEW HOTEL Saturday, June 3O SPECIAL ANO CINEMA OPEN PINKER m SHOW Sunday, duly 1 XVEXXaSXCZ? During AFTERNOON TEA and DINNER. E. and O. HOTEL PENANG Situated beautifully by
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  • 1884 12 BOOK AND CAPITAL VALUE PER ACRE REUiJCtD. Annual General Meeting. I ni tint; of Ha) S, ijan^'ol Robber i L H in ■•ipaay No. 1, D. A. M. Browu presided, and the others prew<nt E. Mitchell. A. I. IkaJN, l>r. Piik, L. M. 11,11, l.iui Cheng Lyo
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  • 297 12 A TRUMPERY CAUSE." Amazing Attack on Oar Alliesl Blackwood's. Some remarkable Nosings without Metbol" devoted mvniy to oar Alliei, the i'aitel States and Kjoaia, appear in t>i<cum at uomber of BUck wood's lUgaziLt Wo are told President Wilson is led by the nation over which be presides to make war
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  • 1918 12 The following casualties are reported London, May 17. Missing, believed killed.— 2nd Lioat. W. 11. Blades, Rifle Brigade. Missing.— '2nd Lieat. J. H. Baillie, Darh*ms; (.'apt. A. Ball, Sherwood*; 2nd Lieat. J. Concannon, Lancashire Fasilicrs; 2nd Lieat. R. Devonport, Lancashire 'uiiliers '2nd Lieat. C. S. Gaskian, K F.A.
    1,918 words
  • 94 12 (With Apologies.) Come into tho garden, Maude, For the black browed Turk hath flown, Come into tbe garden, Maude For tbe fall of Kut atone And tbe "Woodbine" spices are watted abroad. And tbe bluff of tbe Hun is Mown. For tbe screen
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  • 36 12 A London wire atys that the robber plan Ution imports lor May amounted to 4.46S ions, and deliveries to 6,204 tons. Tbe total ■toeks ol Para, sad Plantation robber Amount to 9,767 tool against y,588 tons.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 220 12 FRESH PURE CREAMERY BUTTER always obtainable. The whole of the Dairying industry of Australia is under strict Government inspection and all Fresh Butter imported by us is certified as Ist grade by Australian Government Certificate. SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Strait* Settlements) JULIAN S PRICES MAKE DOWR-TOWR SHOrPIKS
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  • 1130 13 SCENES ABOARD A HOSPITAL STEAMER. The Maddened Teuton Wolves. There are many ships sailing the sea tab nosed, big bellied tramps with the scrapings of every port on their paint long stately liners traversing the known road with a strong measured pace which speaks of aa
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 165 13 WHITEAWAY'S Are Now Displaying A Superb Collection OF Everything New Fashionable FOR Ladies' Wear REAL IRISH POPLIN in all HmUhR shades, width 14 and 40 inches, p>> $6.50 $10.00 i" >r > ard LADIES' FASHIONABLE TRIMMED HATS in large variety, mm $7.50 TO $25.00 LADIES READY-TO-WEAR HATS !n all fashionable
      165 words
    • 162 13 JOHN BULL BELTS I JOHN BULL "DEEP-DRIVE" We draw attention to the fact that tho respective sections of John Ball Belta -^ggfll contain macb more material than any other Du m *d e 'h QS showing the fjllowiny ijjn3 **\^J*Jbi (1) Greater Strength. (2) In- Hflk opeated Driving Surfaces over
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1034 14 Wab or Pkaok. Famine or Flinty, xarx Jnsukanok is wostf ioo oknts on the dollar. WHAT OZ2BR PROPERTY IK THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITEO. (iHßoaraßAtaa m Braam Sbttmmbhts) MMbOMIOIi WlnahNtar Ha«M, IHiaiBOM. LOHDOM OPPinfii B>, Old aawiy, 8.0. Tne Compaay hat aMOiOOQ daaoatted wtab the Bost«Bi<> Ocwi ol
      1,034 words
    • 479 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (Incobpobatbd in Honobono) PAID-UP CAPITAL tI.VOCn,OCO RKSEHVB FUNDS Sterling £1,600,000 »> v »ie,Too,ooc Silver 116.600,000 »BB,6OU,L¥M Reservr Liability al Prornietcrt IKS.OGO.QOO COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. S. H. Do-Iwol!. Chairman. J. A. Plummer, Bsq., i uputy (.oairman. Hon. Mr. C. B. Anton. C. S.
      479 words
    • 500 14 BANKING. BARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AMTRALIA AND CHINA. JNOOKPOKATBI) INBNGLAND BY ROYAL OHARTHB Paid ry Capital ia ec.uoa Bh*?ee ol 4»Ja»sh 41,100,000 Best-.-' >^:.»a 41,900,000 •aaw.T, Liability o* Projwih)r»... 41.5U0.000 BANKBRt ■i:iii %»mx ol alaglaad, Tht Laa Job tlily aad iiidiaaU iiaak, u%&.. The Loadoa Oooaty aa3 Wostmiaster Baak, Ltd.,
      500 words
    • 907 14 INSURANCE. ikWM UNITED ASSUME* itffcPtflA TlBN. LTt. 1 -v 1 Oflee Slßgap jr Jaaarporated la the IMb ScHleuieats) "»na ■aata.rtanana. Riaka accepted ot Bnildiaft* aad Merchandise at tuneat ■Ha 4n*Hw Oa-aptwaawß Caaotaaee effect ci oa Halls and Cargo. rat tall particulars aa to tatei aad ail 'hMiaformatioa, apply to H,
      907 words

  • 824 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Traffic Rules at Kuala Lumpur. Tbe Malay Mail of Wednesday, says j There appeared in tbe Kuala Lumpur' Policy Court yesterday before Mr. A. W. Just various owners and drivers of cars. Mr. Kitaerow, of tbe Robinson Piano Company, and Mr.
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  • 153 15 Tbe latest ihcape of Lieutoaant Tbeleu. tbe Germau prisoner wbo has junt tioi away from tho Chtlmsford Camp (bis third exploit of tbe kind), rival? in .u><euuity bis previous escapes from Donington Hall in September, 1915, and from Miideuhead iv February, 1910, wbicb resulted iv Thelen
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  • 126 15 Tlic Nation proposes a war levy upoo ISntisb capital id order to abate the resent luent utaiDst war pn tittering by tbe business and propeitied classes. Tbe journal sajs: Imm classes have already supplied X'-'.f00.U00.000, much of wbicli was nully war loot. The war «i I cer:uinly
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 243 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES 9 USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. THE ADMIRALTY AND OTHER GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 1 THE ROM THREE-RIBBED TREAD TYRE. THH hi ;liy Kkw' (msD*-" tyre* for 1 "iml :nn, Tlu> Hubttaoiial rib< irn.i-t Hip nre wit'] l >ie fit-it rubber nna «kcHiDi{ nroper.gis en po"nible and tlii-i
      243 words
    • 125 15 Are You Satisfied That you are getting the value per mile oat of you) Motor Tyres that you would do if you used c i pi inn floo n 1 1 HI I I r*% lJ ipL? uUiiLUrO v ng; .Jjlt THAT IS ALL E ASK SUPPLIES JUST ARRIVED OF
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 566 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. BREWED In SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED, COMPETENT SHORTHAND TYPIST. Apply to Box No. 308, Straits. Timeo 25-4 n WANTED, an Invoice clerk. Mast be able is typewrite. Apply Box No. 283, Straits Times 28 8 v WANTED, expert shorthand typiot by Una in K. M. S. Apply
      566 words
    • 566 16 SITUATIONS WANTED PLANTER seeks change of billet, speaks Tamil fluently. Please apply to Box No. 378, Strait- Times. 25-8—27-7 YOUNG BRITISHER requires employment. Cemmercial or planting. Rubber experience. Reply Box No. 286, Straits Times. 27 8—26-7 POSITION WANTED. M.chatica! engineer, chief engineer's certificate, sge {2, married sixteen years' engine <riDg
      566 words
    • 517 16 HOUSES T8 LET^ TO LBT, seaside residence, Apply M. Sayen, 4, De Sonca Street. 27 6— n TO LBT. Houses No. T, Chancery Lane. Apply to Chins; Keng Lee Co., Auctioneers, 1811— p HERMIA VILLA, 47, Cairn Hill, furnish cd. Fivb bedrooms witb batb rooms. Entry August 1. Apply Miss
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    • 244 16 KIAM KIAT CO. 188 A I*B, Market Street Phone name Ne. 411. SOLB AOBNTB. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited 'Incorporated la England Have just received a fresh shipment of JACKSONS Varnish Stains Celeurs of ROSEWOOD, Oak and Mahogany at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R. LAMBERT Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS I-a, Orchard Road, Telephone
      244 words
    • 322 16 GUAN KIAT Co., No. 84, Phillip Street Telephone Not. 1861 and 1882. Private 1450 and Sunnyside 1078. Large Stocks of Angle Iron, Flat Iron, Round Iron, Tee Iron Bolts it Nuts, Rivets, Galvd. Plates Navy Canvas. BUY NOW- DO NOT WAIT. Sole Agents for THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID The ideal
      322 words
    • 473 16 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICEC O and tester Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 CharfcCß Mode rat* Oarago open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 215 218, Orchard Road (Next to Woarne Bros., Ltd., To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations ie advertisements, sacb as changes ie sailing dates of steamers, oftun
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 316 16 Straits V)imes> Temporary Telephone i 58. All eommanicationß relatiug to oditoriat matters and news should bo addressed tc THE EDITOR. All couti.unhatioDs relating to btisicoe matters advertisements, Hubßcriptions, accoaotd. printing, etc. should be ad-drc-«ed to THE MANAOER ADVERTISEMENT RATES.-MisoelUct. ous, wants of every description utc inserted in the ordinary body
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