The Straits Times, 26 June 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,451 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JUNE 26. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 MILKMAID BWEETEHED CONDENSED MILK > Price now $17.90 C por owe Best Quality ENGLISH SODIUM: BISULPHITE In drums containing 140 lbs. nett. THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) MALTHOID reinforced ROOFING Gives years and years of waterproofing service. SPBCIFICATIONS AND FULL PARTICULARS ON INQUIRY TO Ooodcill <dsV 4*L^o««> Bole
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    • 66 1 Save $2 ton every letter-book you buy. The RONEO Press-Copier not only provides the quickest and most efficient means of copying outgoing mail, accounts, etc., but also saves $2 on every 500 documents copied. Press-copies 100 letters in six minutes. No water or carbons used. I NO SMEARING No late
      66 words
    • 113 1 ROBINSON CO. v 0* Just received, fine >\ hand embroidered pi Manilla Underwear MM. r^ ir-j Daintily made on I *Jtf I Fine Lawn. J? Js%^f§, Z\ y The designs are J^'-fSf f^ very similar to -f T illustrations. ROBINSON CO. Fitter's BRASS NICKEL BEDS Obtainable prom A.FRANKEL&CO.,!!:— V BUTTER
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    • 5 1 GOODRICB 111 c-^~"^ W TYRES
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  • 1158 2 The following casualties are reported Lundos. May 15. Killed. -Lieut. J. Adamson, R.K.A. Lieut. J. Armstrong, R.F.A. Capt. A. L. Brown, Cameronians Lieut. O. K. Brown, West Yorks, Capt. W. 11. Bull, Bedford* 2nd Lieut. L. O. Carlyon, Cameronians 2nd I_i< ut. C. Candle, Honorable Artille ry Co
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 715 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. NOTICE is boreby given that tbe Trade Mark PAIUB is the Trade Maik of Paige Detroit Motor Car Company, a Corporation duly organised and existing under tbe law of the State of Mioliigan Unit* d -State* of America, with offices at MoKiu^try and West Fort Streets, City
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    • 491 2 NOTICE. All persons bating claims against the Batate of the late Mr. George Manby are rtqaetkd to ceod particular* of the Mine to Meura. TopUam, Jouts ft Bailtoo, Ltd., Singapore, on or before Jnly 8. 19 B—2* ASIATIC MONEY CHANGER COMPANY. Notioe is hereby given that tbe power of attorney
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    • 465 2 HEALTH HELP IN TIME. A great London physician said tbat half tbe fatal illness* a m the woild are caused by seM-nettiect. I.op« allow themselves to Become seriously ill, because tbey do not take care of their health wkd tbey are only a little oat of sorts. He said th.t
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    • 592 2 NOTICE. Tbe ondersigned Ban Ho Chew Hook of 247, Telok Ayer Street, Siogapore, is appointed agent to collect doty on all dutiable liquors authorized by tbe Spirit Farmers at Rbio with the consent cf the Resident •c. a j i Van Riouw on Onderhoor.gheden dated June 20, 191». Notioe is
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    • 234 2 THE BTRAITS TRADING CO.. LTD. Notice is hereby givrn tbat an Ordinary General Mettirg of Tbe Btraits Trading Company LimiUd, will be held at tbe Com P*DJ'« Register! .1 Cffitc, 11, Colly, r Quay, on Frid «y JoDB H". noon, for the purP°m* follo "'DX' ■•dml J L To'eceive and
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  • 1157 3 NEVER AGAIN THE HAND OF FRIENDSHIP. The German Antigone. Ad Englishman writes in the Daily Mail What was once a mere rumour, and now is an ascertained (act, tbat the German** are converting the bodies of soldiers who have died (or their country into the material of war
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 438 3 IT'S VERY EASY TO GET RID OF skin troubles With CUTICURA rS fl aSk M Ointinent c. Stops.itching instantly, clears away pimples, redness and roughness, removes dandruff and scalp irritation, heals red. rough and sore hands as well as most baby humors. You need not buy them until you try
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    • 88 3 jfs®|v M vgW& jy^^ OHESHB BROTHERS Dentists Mo. «5, louth BHged RtMUf nil I I IMC lICMTII CIIDDI IBS PBLL Llllt UtMT*L •«rPLIEI Fint-obtaa Meohanitmi Dentistry Oo,d Qt(mn BMg6 Fiaißf( YuimM( Dnntio. ol We*r p««.teed. CHABOIB MODBRATB Beat ToottaPowden aod Broaiiei lot salt Illgl\-CIaSS I ailOrillg New Season's Goods A
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    • 31 3 ~^~7, Tvnpw/ritpr fn ?P? L JOLE AGENTS in the Straits Settlements Fpderated M'llav States I a r cuwaicu m.iidy oldies. Please write to QeNERAL AGENCY Sourabaya (J.v.) BSfSx* Mo. 10. M-o-ST-e
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 446 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. (IhoorporaTbd m Jar** EUROPEAN LINE A servioe is maintain^ between Yokohama, via ports and London under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twinsorew Steamers maintaining ■ihis scrvioe have been -peciall v designed and aonstraoted, an<?. are fitted with all
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    • 603 4 BTEMP MMJrtt. P- 0.- British India amo Mpcar L. inc. (COMPAMIBS InuORPORATSO 111 EnOLAND). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PBNINBULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS Under Contraot with His Majesty s Groverauent), China, Japan, Panang, Oeylon, Auatvwlla, India, Aden, Sa>p«, Mediterranean Porta and London. MAIL LINES. Hobbward (fobßdropb) Outward (ro« Cbina) INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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    • 628 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoorporatbc in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgana, Bisul, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupis, Panarai. Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsoen, Chumpon, Konlak a Bangkok, Due Departure £i DANG Jun 2», 3 p.m. S* BORIBAT July 2 July S p.m. The Steamers
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    • 657 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINBD BBRVIOB Of* THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. (Imcorporatbi) in Snolahd AMD THE WEST AUSTRALIA)! 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Znoorporatbd in Enolaiid) BBTWBBN Fremantla (Perth), North. Wee* Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular sailings between Singapore ud Western Australia oalling at JavaUs^ duoemont offers), Derby, Sing's SotrTd
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  • 120 5 FIXTURES. fuesday, June in. Hi«b Witn, 1.68 a.m.. 3.1 p.ifl. The Bing Boys, Vie. Theatre. Wednesday. June 27. I W»tet .88 a.m., 8.40 p.m. Hi-u Jinks, I ic. Theatre. Thursday, June 28. f*|«h Watm. a.m., 4.28 p.m. Tina, 1 i taria T I ieatre. Friday, Jane 29.
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  • 205 5 To-mi. ■'ort Dickson and wettenham 2.80 pir Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis and Bagan 2.3 C pni Malacca and Mua. 3 pm riota Tinggi pm To-homow. Pulaa Batau and Pnlaa Balang 8.3 C am .Jacob H. 30 aui Palaa Soegi 9.80 am HongkoDU, Japan and Seattle 10.30 am Mantok
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  • 309 5 The imi'. trains from Singapore tor tli aorth leavi Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m and 7 p.~j., arrit nti at Kuala Lumpur at "f.lB pirn. dud 6.45 a.m. respectively. Th Sabsoogb expruia to Penang leaves Knala '_.Gmpc( at 8 a.D. daily, arriving at Penang j *t
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  • 111 5 Cdf l«*Tition has been oalled to the fact »al mj arrtvals in London are. much behind those published elsewhere. Our rale is to pm arriYATs only when they are officially 1 ported in tbe Post Office notice*, and no »ie» date than that printed above hai been
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    • 72 5 SlMOlFOU, JDNB 20, 1917. Oa LoniMrfi ......Bank 4 m/s a l/«l Demand m mi Private B>/i h S/4H On Fkamoi Bank T. T. 818 On Inu Bank T. T, m 0/ HomiKuHn...Bnii iji I »*pn> Oa b«Ajiuaii ...flank d/tf <W* Oh Jata Baak T. T. r~ 184 OaJir** Bank
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    • 106 5 HikoipoM, Jt'M 26, 1917. Gambior 16.00 do (Cnbo No. 1) napioked 24.00 Copra Sundriod 7.80 do Mixed 6.00 Pepper, Black 29.26 do White Sarawak 40.00 Sa^o Floor Sarawak 8.20 do Brunei No. 1 3.60 Pear! Sago 8 00 Tnpioca. oiuall Bake 10.CO ctj i i>rarl 10.00 do uhi. pea»i
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    • 164 5 fi& B Dyt Sellers 10 10 Ampang 5.80 6.10 1 1 Ayer Weng 1.25 1.60 10 10 Kanaboi LSj 1.40 10 10 Kinta Aiiuociatiou 9.25 9.60 41 41 KinUTin 1.10.0 1.17.0 41 £1 Labat Minus 4.00 600 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.75 41 £1 Malayan Tin 1.15.0 1.17.6
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    • 117 5 Value 2 Ba erß SeUe 4c «1 Bmeltit fc Co. 7.35 7.76 41 41 ref. 1.8.6 1.f.0 6, Bleotrie T'wayi 4/- 6/--10 10 Fnsar Neava 43.C0 45.00 60 60 W. Hammer 4 C 0..65.00 88.00 100 Howxth BrHkioa'6B.oo 66.00 100 7% Pro!. 100.00 100 100 Ksti Bit.. Del. par
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    • 47 5 United Engineers 6% •1,284,600 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% 4860,000 norn Spore Municipal 6% $1,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4*% of 1907 $1,600,000 10%dis Spore Municipal 4+% of IWO9 $1,000,000 10%dis Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 16%dis Spore Municipal 4% £800,000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1016 $16,000,000 101.00 102.00
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  • 306 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evan's Quotations. Mrs. Sarre wishes to thank all friends for their sympathy daring her recent bereavement. Today > Prioea. Kroner Lyall Co. Kvatt. Malakoff (»2) 8.00 4.06 3.90 4.06 Mandai-Tekong (tl) 0.86 0.00 0.83 0.96 Mergui (»5) 5.60 6.70
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 276 5 UTEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, an Invoice clerk. Must be able to typewrite. Apply Box No. 293, Straits Times. 28 6— v ANT GENTLEMAN wishing to share a weli-rarninhcd flat at Katong, please apply flat, c/o Straits Times. to 6 -28 6 WANTED, one 8 b.p. vertical boiler, complete with feeders and
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    • 401 5 "EMBASSY" NoJl- s|g N2JI Virginia I CicaretteS-^^ CIGARETTES MIXTURE. NURSE WANTED. auction sale European Nurse wanted at L ™k F w*Sffi! Eft AT N nee to take Charge Of tWO To be held at oar Sale room hildren aged 2£ years and 14 ow Thdhsdat, jen» as, n lOnths, respectively.
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    • 153 5 IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. CHLOROGEN FLYGUM (Naefield'a Prooeas) Non-poisonous. FOt "s'u^es 1 1 011 DtiUkm W te FlieB K re o*" 5 ot diseases The 'Pr^ent'on of Enteric, Typhoid, meh 9 ""••"C. Tjphoid. CUolera and Dysentery and (Jbolera. dysentery. NOTE.— A m; yrtat feature of this The simplest method nf catching
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  • 1115 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, JUNE 26. GERMAN EFFORTS. Our French Allies are having a hard time of it. Unable to strike at points of the line farther west which are far more vital to their safety, the Germans have begun to develop an offensive at the point nearest to Paris
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  • 16 6 At an ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on Friday appeals against valuations will be taken.
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  • 36 6 An interim dividend of 10 per cent, (actual) in respect of the financial year ending June 30, 1017, has been declared on the paid-up capital of Victoria (Malaya) Rubber Estates, Ltd., payable on May 18, 1917.
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  • 13 6 A mail from Europe, including parcels, is expected at Penang on Wednesday evening.
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  • 36 6 Dr. /wemer will arrive in Singapore on Thursday and leave again the same day. Consequently his meeting will be held in tbe V.M.C.A. at 1 1 a.m. on Thursday, June 2H. instead of Friday as arranged.
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  • 54 6 At tbe annual meeting of tbe Austrian Lloyd's Shipping Company at Vienna it was stated that the company's losses in 1916 amounted to over 8,000,000 kroner (j£125,000), and that amount has already been exceeded in tbe present year. Tbe directors in their report stated that they considered the ships interned
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  • 64 6 About five lakhs of two rupee notes have been put into circulation by tbe Ceylon Treasury, about three lakhs being taken by the banks, and about two lakhs being issued to the kaohcheries. Tbe notes, says the Times of Ceylon, are popular with the planters, who naturally prefer to take
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  • 63 6 By a new process it is found that leaves of pineapples, which are plentifully grown in Lower Burma, can be manufactured into a tough paper fibre, a substance of considerable value for insulating purposes. About 31 pounds of the fibre, which is thrown away in Burma, can be manufactured into
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  • 56 6 A curious companion picture to tbe German Corpse Utilisation Factory is the experiment which tbe Germans are now making with a new artificial fodder for horses made from animal offal, bones, and undigested food extracted from tbe stomachs of dead animals. This appetising forage is known an Fleischfuttermehl, and certain
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  • 95 6 The net profit of the Malaysia Rubber Company for 1916 amounts to £24,5*25, against £12,707. Final dividend of 16 per cent., less tax, making 36 per cent., less tax, for 1916, against 22 J per cent. In making tais recommendation the directors have had to bear in mind and provide
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  • 89 6 It is impossible for anyone who has lived in India daring tbe last ten years, says Tbe Statesman, not to have noticed a very considerable amelioration in the relations between the European and educated Indian communities. As more and more educated Indians adopt English ways of living, the social barribrs
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  • 89 6 The miserable English habit of calling simple things by pretentious names is illustrated in some typical chaff by the SergeantMajor in the 3rd London Gazette at the expense of the fine old English gentlemen in his down-at-heel squad. "They're all sorts of professions but no trades, mind you- Why, the
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  • 117 6 The import of Java tea into Australia is prohibited. It is learned that, in consequence of a permit granted by tbe Netherlands Oversea Trust, to ship 36,000 chests of Java tea to Holland, during the months March to May, 1917, and of which permission no uso could be made, owing
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  • 123 6 The Pioneer writes that it is not proposed at present to publish figures as to the strength of the Indian Defence Force bat says "We understand the numbers enrolled are considered highly satisfactory and tbere. is no doubt tbe force when fully trained will constitute a valuable military asset. It
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  • 115 6 According to a Hague cable of June 17, tbe Datch Government Commission desires the reservation of tbe entire potato crop for internal consumption. Potatoes not immediately required for consumption are to be dessioated, in order to be used in the making of bread. In tbe meantime, Germany demands a large
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  • 123 6 Sensational evidence was given in the Bell Oise in London the other day. Sergeant Orr, of Adelaide, wanted to get on the headquarters staff. Marham introduced Orr to Bell, who received £25 for an operation on the knee. Orr was placed in the hospital. Some time subsequently be confessed to
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  • 506 6 Mr. F. J. Ayris, of Raub, Pahang. is seriously ill with enteric fever. Mr. J. A. Webster, of Messrs. k*t,- Bros and Mrs. Webster, have returned (r m» a> three months' trip to China and Japan. Our Malacca correspondent writes that Rev. Father G. Auguin, who recently
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  • 80 6 Mr. J. C. Peter, manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, writes that they have received telegraphic advice that tbe Shell Transport and Trading Co., Ltd., are issuing new shares at par in the proportion of one new share to four old, and that holders of bearer warrants
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  • 166 6 As the Bishop of Singapore explained in his letter, on June 14, a Church Army Tent which can be moved close in rear of the fighting lines in France, costs $2,000 fully furnished. We are very pleased to bear that those collecting for Ponang, Selangor and
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  • 182 6 A correspondent forwards the following Anyone passing the Y.M.G.A. Hall last Saturday evening would have beard peals of laughter issuing from the building and would have naturally wondered what on earth was happening. If they bad peeped inside they would have seen a very pleasant sight. The hall
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 147 6 JUST RECEIVED Fresh Shipment of AUSTRALIAN BEER IN HOGSHEADS FROM ML WELL-KNOWN BREWERY For particulars and prices, apply to CALDBECK,MAGGREGOR&CO. "SALUDOR" ENGLISH FILTER fitted germ-proof candles, giving drinking water of absolute purity. 2-Gallon Size $14.00 Spare Candles $1.00 etch. 8 Jl9OO Taps $2.00 4 $"00 Washers 15 ct*. JOHN LITTLE
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    • 215 6 FHRILLS. LAUGHTOI PATHOS ALHAMBRA Hit PtMMOP BMI P j^^i^m M^m^ Tk. 0 *llt»— asad! Road ISF'iu 'W"* ■unanlntsrsst Photoplay WINE. WtfMEil 30NG. in two acts A powerful onjaoi 'esson. Ei '^»H presents Fun, Frolic and Fantasy ill THE BANK, in two acts I Featuring the inimitable Charlie Chaplin. Consolidated Film
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  • 2035 7 BRITISH PROGRESS. Some Gains in the Lens Area. Survey of the Recent Operations. KICTBS's TILBOItM London, June 25. 1.:<5 p.m. Field Marshal Haig reports We raided a number of points and successfully entered enemy trenches at Epeby. Buliecourt, Roeux. Loos and Hoogc, killing many and taking several prisoners.
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  • 590 7 STRONG SPEECH BY GENERAL BOTHA. Mutual Good Faith. Rkcth's Tklk'.rams. London, June 25, 3.25 a.m. Speaking at Robertson, Cape Colony, General Botha regretted that the provincial council elections had been fought on political lines. They should have remained outside party politics. Unfortunately politics bad been dragged in in
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  • 82 7 Riut«r\ Tklh.kam. London, June 35, 4.30 a.m. Cork A procession of Sinn Feiners yesterday evening attacked a recruiting office here. Relatives of men at the front resented this and rioting ensued. Tbe police made baton charges whioh proved ineffectual, and military with machine-guns were called out. The
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  • 30 7 Rbctbb's Tixsoia*. London, Jane 36, 1.16 p.m. Tokio: The Emperor opened a special ■c— ion of tbe Diet in a formal speech. He did not refer to foreign relations.
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  • 376 7 Decision of the Chief Justice Reversed. 1l tbe Court of Appeal yesterday afternoon Mr. Justice Woodward, Mr. Justice Sproule and Mr. Justice Edmonds concluded the bearing of tbe appeal by Ahmed Mohamed Sallay Angulia against a decision of the Chief Justice in the notion brought against appellant by
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  • 91 7 To-day's Business. Saunders and Macphail's Daily Report. Silver.— Unchanged, 39}. Hongkong up 2/6J (9% prem.) Shanghai unchanged, 8/10 (00.). Tin.— Sales 100 tons at tl()7 Rubber.— Weaker, about 2/6, locally weak except for No. 1 grades. Rubber Shares.— Market generally un changed. Malaka Pindas arc wanted at
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  • 119 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l shall feel obliged if you will be good enough to insert the enclosed article in your social and intelligence column for one day only. Yours, etc., Lbong Tow Toon. 44, Heeren Street, Malacca. June 35, 1917. We, the
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  • 112 7 The following donations have been reoeived by Mr. A. W. Vick at the Chartered Bank Already acknowledged 11,444.50 Mr. and Mrs. Song Ong Siang 6 J. D. 8. 6 Per Maynard and Co., Ltd.: Mr. Bidin tl, T. M. Maben 11, J. Storch 11, W. R. Whitebead •1,
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  • 172 7 Wholesale massacres of the Jews in Palestine are threatened by the Turkish authorities, according to news received by the Jewish Chronicle from an absolutely reliable source. The Turkish governor, Djemal Pasha, the Jewish Chronicle says, has proclaimed the intention of the authorities to wipe oat mercilessly tbe Jewish
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  • 591 7 KEEP UP MALAYA'S MONTHLY THOUSAND. On June 14 we intimated that we had paid the last of ten monthly contributions made by the fund we organised to assist tbe Overseas Club in providing smokes for onr soldiers and sailors. The total sent in the ten months,
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  • 220 7 The Bandman Company scored a decided ■access with The Merry Widow last night. A big audienoe was attracted by this most popular ol musical plays, and judging by the hearty applause there was every Hatinfaction with the company's presentation. The tone fal numbers of which the play is
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 36 8 Tbe following league matches have been imaged for this week Wednesday, Y.M.O.A. v. Brookdale Hovers, S.R.C. ground Thursday, Wireless v. S.C.C., S.R.C. ground, an 1 Middlesex v. Sea Defences, Tanglin Saturday, Middlesex v. S.C.K.A., Tanglin.
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    • 253 8 hollowing were the results of play in tbe S.c'.C. lann tennis tournament last evening I Championship. Upoott beat Kucbwaldy, 6—o, 6—l. Hunt brat Allen, 6—l, 6—o. Heaps beat Sinclair, w.o. B. Sini.lks. -windell beat Murray, 6-4, 6—l. Caaaela beat Phipps, 6-1, 2-6, 6—4. I'otts boat Wreford,6-3. 4—6, fi—
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  • 105 8 Lat jst advertisements of tbe day appear on pages 2 ajaj j. Kb auction sale of teak household furniture, at 11. Holland Park Estate. Holland Road. by the Coti.u rcial Rubber Co., Ltd., is fixed for Ihknr.iay, June 30. Particulars will appear in U> morrow's paper. V
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  • 241 8 PrMtdinL.' on May 4. at the xevenUi ordi nary grnural meeting, Sir Ernest Bircb, K i M i,., Htated that tbe profit on tbe past year m working was £10.200 more than it was previous year. Tbey were dear of tl»<r 'I bentures, and tbey bad
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  • 101 8 According to the Berlin newspaper*, the riMau Crown IVinoe baa cent the following U'luKraiu to the I'pper Burgomaster of Berlin:— "I ha»e just reviewed my brave ruKiiutntH 64 and 24. who have returned feats their poaitios. Of the 400 to whom I penooaJW •poke, tbe majority
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  • 570 8 Experiences on a "Siam" Aeroplane. The following account of an adventure which culminated in the destruction of one of the Siam machines is taken from a letter recently addressed to a member of the British community in Bangkok by bis brother— who was tbe observer oarried
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  • 299 8 Great Demand Expected by U.S. Government. There is a growing demand for tin, and prices have been lifted to a level approximating that reached in 1918, when tbe metal wu ■elliug at £282. At tbe moment of writing, says tbe Globe of May 8, the market price
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  • 211 8 Very heavy weather was experienced at Knhsicbang on June 14 and continued until laic on Friday afternoon, a tierce gale blowing all tbe time. There have been squalls possibly of greater violence, but of short duration, and those familiar with tbe anchorage do not
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  • 46 8 The tint ease of disciplinary action against a meoiber of the Indian I>. («D(ie Force was taken at Agra, when Mr. L. Freeman, Government Telegraphs, was taken into military custody and detained for 72 hoars by sammary a war J jf the offioer commanding Ins unit.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 674 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Certain letters have appeared in the Daily Press concerning the price of milk today compared with the prewar days, and as there has been a certain amount of speculation on the part of the distributors of milk, a few lines
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    • 518 8 To tbe K.litor of the Straits Times. Sir, In viuw of the long correspondence that is now appearing in tbe pages of your journal the following extracts from a report 1 have received from the highest authority in tbe land on the subject should prove of
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    • 150 8 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, In thanking Mr. Sterling for his letter to me, I would ask him to refer to a para on page 6 in your paper of June 19. For tbe benefit of tbe Malacca club, and tbe public generally." If
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  • 316 8 The Recent Fire at Singapore Exchange. The gross earnings of the Oriental Telephone and Electric Company for the year, including dividends and interest from subsidiary companies, amounted to £133,990 to which should be added amounts received in respect of fees payable by subsidiary com paaies, £2,344, and
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  • 107 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, June 29, 1917. Tuesday, Jcne 26. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.Y. A. Kecruits. S.R.E.(V.), N.C.O.'s. Maxim Co. 5.10 p.m. Chinese Co. Wednesday, Jcne 27. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 5.10 p.m. S.V.R. and M.C.S. 5.15 p.m. McKeozie IU.,
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  • 24 8 Dkill Obdbrs for Jcni, 1017. Friday, 29.— Entire Company parade at Bonstead Institute, 5.16 p.m. Andbbw Aonbw, Offioer Commanding Civil Oaard.
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  • 55 8 Netherlands Langkat 16,717 lbs. Si Pare Pare.— 22,898 lbs. Holland American Plant.>. lbs. Harry Lander wu to be one of tbe three speakers at the great wartime Prohibition Rally at the Albert Hall on May 19, along with tbe Bishop of London and Dr. Saleeby. Madame
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 347 8 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW Saturday, June 3O RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily RAFFLES BAKERY ANO CONFECTIONERY The best in town Upcountry orders promptly executed. Bread delivered at private residences daily. RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Cars repaired, garaged, and cars on hire. Ring Telephone
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 227 9 A DELPHI[HOTEL Mi.'ithly Rates tor Tiffin S2O Dinner $2O Breakfast, Tiffin and Dinner $5O EVERY EVENING DURING DINNER CONCERT BY OUR FILIPINO BAND. Saturdays SPECIAL DINNER Hotel van WijUo., Ltd., Telephone 682. Telephone 669. Every Night OUR EUROPEAN QUARTETTE^ wili play < urirg ard after Dinnt-r, except Sundays. Saturday in
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    • 703 9 IN THE MATTER OF THE ALIEN ENEMIES (WINDING UP) ORDINANCES. 1914.1915. 1916. AND 1917. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TENDER. The Island of Palo Daat, four miles from tbo Port of Labaan, he'd under Government Grant for 099 years free of quit rent and comprising about 960 aero partly planted with
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    • 287 9 Rubber Machines Rollers 17 x 12. Chilled or hard Grained. British Make. Certain Deliveries, Price: $"|,700 Wallace T. PLATT, Singapore. Bx»it>islx Belting Is eopenor to that m»de in uuj clhc r cjua'.ry and itu mauaf»cturc gives itup!oya.tnt to the families of those who are figbting for their country. Therefore, in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 668 10 Wai or Piaos. Famins or Plenty. Lipb Inburanok ib worth 100 gents on the dollar. WHAT OTKBR PROPEHTV I«? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (lnoaareaAvas Btbaits Ssttibvsvm) M*»» O*BIOK I WtM*t\a«««» H««m, »in|«>uH. CONOON O*PIO> i Old J.w-y, 8.0. Tbe Qoiuaaay baa «aO,OOO <<.•; «it«d wltu tbe »oa»eine
      668 words
    • 393 10 BANKING. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. ■eaa Off ios i ■laiaaava, lames Cbaiabart, I A 8. ■raschtt Btalaoes, Iti, First Creu Itreat, »usr, 77/71, Jalit Suisiiaan. CAPITAL I Regintered 88,*****0 Issued 14.000,000 Subscribed tB.SOn.OOO Paid up •1,760,000 BOARD OF DIRBCTORSI Lin Pm| llaat Eta-, Chalnaaa. Tka lea. Dr. Li* toea
      393 words
    • 490 10 BANKIIW^ HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION (IkCORPOBATBD IN HoNttBONO) PAID-UP CAPITAL 111,000,000 RKSERVB FUNDS Sterling 41.600,000 at 3/- 116,000.000 Silver 1 1*600,1)00 1118,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 OOURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon Mr. S. H. Dodwell. Chairman, J. A. Plamoiur, E*q., Deputy Chairman, Hon. Mr, C. K. Anton. C. S.
      490 words
    • 515 10 BANKING. tHMTEKED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INUOBPORATBD IN BNOLAND BT KOYAL CHAKTBK Paid op Capital ia 60,000 euarea ol M 0 eaeb 41,100,000 Beeerve Foad.^ w Jl,»oa,OCO Heserve Liability of Propristors— 41.1004)00 BANKBBS Tbe Baak of Baglaad, The Loadoa City tad Midland Baak, Ltd.. Thn Loadoa County Aad
      515 words
    • 914 10 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incoporatbd in Hongkong) ENDOWMENT POLICIES are issued for 10, 15 and 20-year terms. The annual deposit under the 20 year plan is but fivo and a fraction per cent ot the sum aeßured, for a man 30 years of age. Should tbe death
      914 words

  • 865 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Henry Ford's Retort Courteous. Since the project was launched of building an immense factory at Cork for the production of motor tractors on a Ford pattern, them has been a lot of unpleasant critioiam on the part of pseado champions of
    865 words
  • 116 11 A romantic career is recalled by the appointment of Mr. J. H. Cann to be Assistant Commissioner of the New Sooth Wales Railways, says the Daily Mail. Thirty six years ago Mr. Cann was a porter at Temple Station, earning 18s. a week. He was then 21.
    116 words
  • 99 11 The directors of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce have arranged that their Foreign Affairs Committee shall conduct an investigation in the tonnage requirements of markets in India, China, and the Far East generally, and transit it the information which they obtain to the Minister of Shipping, in the most concii-e
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 175 11 THE CANADIAN FORD The Most Economical 5-Passenger Car on the market and the Best Motor Car Value in the world. READ WHAT A SINGAPORE MOTORIST SAYS Me^rs. WEAKNE BROS., LTD. Deak Sks, With reference to the FORD car purchased from you 9 months ago, I have kept a careful record
      175 words
    • 54 11 Motorist: "Suit me? 1 should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS., Singapore. SINGER CARS Importers: International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE:. Fresh Stocks jgk arrived il TYRES TUBES Jtt CARS AND MOTOR CYCLES Agents: BBINKMANN CO. Singapore. THE WATERHODSE CO.. LTD Muar. Malacca. (Incorporated in tbi U.S.A). Kuala Lumpur. B.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 544 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. BREWED in SCOTLAND SITUATIONS VACANT BXPERIBNCBD COMPOSITORS WANTED for the Straits Times (news department) Good salaries given to capable men. WANTED, COMr-ETE'vT SHORTHAND TYPIST. Apply to Box No. 208, StraitTimes 26 -4— n EUROPEAN NL RSE or Nurbery Governess wanted for one little girl. Apply Box No.
      544 words
    • 546 12 SITUATIONS WANTED PLANTER seeks change of billet, sprako Tamil fluently. Please apply to Box No. 278 Straits Times. 26-6—24-6 Ki.KOH.AN, with thorough practical experience of robber and coconuts, reeks tuanngpment of SMALL ESTATES in and round Singapore. Apply Box No. 271, Straits Times. 16 6 b— l6-7 YOUNG DUTCHMAN, aged
      546 words
    • 728 12 HOUSES TO LCT. TO LBT. Hoates No. 7, Cbancury Lane. Apply to ChinK KeuK Luh Co., Auctioneers. 18- ll—o TO LBT, a duelling honso with compound at No. 7, Upper Serangoon Road. Apply to S. Tokyo. 74, Bras Basah Roa -i. 21 O— W-7 VURNISHBU SEASIDE KBSIDBNCBS TO LBT. Belinda
      728 words
    • 245 12 KIAM KIAT CO. 101 A lOl, Market Street. Phone tame No. 411 Soli i obmts. THE MULCOTT BELTING Compßßy, Limited lr>corpor»t.d In E«f l*nd> Have just received a fresh shipment of JACKSON'S Varnish Stains IN Colours of ROSEWOOD, Oak and Mahofany at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R.LAMBERT&Go. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 3 a, Orchard
      245 words
    • 331 12 GUAN KIAT Co., No. a«, Phillip Street Telephone Nos. 1861 and 1862. Private I 1450 and Sunnysido 1078. Large Stocks of: Angle Iron, Flat Iron, Round Iron, Tee Iron Bolts A Nuts, Rivets, Galvd. Plates Navy Canvas. BUY NOW-00 NOT WAIT. Sole Agents for THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID The ideal
      331 words
    • 795 12 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICED O and tetter Motor Cars FOR HIRE. 'Phone 1233 Charges Moderate. Garage open Day ami Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICt SI S 916, Orchard Road (Next to Wearoe Brew., Ltd.) Straits Tpimes. Temporary Telephone i 68. All oommanications relating to editorial matters and news should be addrossod to
      795 words