The Straits Times, 25 June 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,450 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JUNE 25. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 167 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Price now $17.90 per o*w Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE They are prepared from the choicest materials under perfect conditions and by experienced chefs. A tin makes six plates of the best toup you ever tasted. Messrs. Jsibby, McJieM Jsibby state 'If there was a way
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    • 152 1 ROBINSON CO. Just received, fine <<^? hand embroidered it \*/^N\- A Manilla (I Underwear rT\ /nr Daintily made on I W i Fine Lawn. £v^^> c desi S ns are Ifr "t|^ f^ very similar to M.t \y V illustrations. ROBINSON CO. GRUYERE CHEESE This Cheete was forwarded direct from
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    • 14 1 JEFFREYS I PILSENER BEER. Soli Aoints ADAMBON fiILFILUN CO LTD '.Incorporated n Kiikl mill
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  • 896 2 DIRECTORS AIM TO PAY REGULAR DIVIDENDS. Distribution of 20 Per Cent. The M'veDth annual general meeting of shareholders id (bis company was held at the offices ol the general manage™ of the company, No. 2, Kiukiang Road, Shanghai, onMay 6. rays the N.-C. Daily News. Mr. A. V.
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  • 166 2 Tbe criticism which I bare just beard a> certain young Canadian friend of mine paw on a oertain type of war flapper is picturesque enough to deserve publicity, says Londoner in tbe Evening Standard. They come out of the gutter," be said, and as soon
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 129 2 <(^f_ B*i^R Bp^^s^mV CXE6M BROTHERS DentlStS NO. Ss| South BHged Roati FULL LINE OtNTAL WPPLItt IkMH M^h.a,cal Doßtirtr,, iold Crown B«d«c KiUit* and 7iilfl«I» Darikioa at W^m nuaAukxA. caA.OS.-t MOl'MRaT* Bert Tookta Powidrg aid Broil* lor i —^™^^™I™"'^^^^^^^™^ ThC FillCSt Light l4#*V%_Y mL* XC *^**X' A 3 '^>* _J A
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    • 157 2 Aher the racking effects ol lever, not enough merely to take toni; s or artificial stimulaiits, for enfy Z^Z^'U^. SCOTTS Emulsion is a pure combination of the world's finest hypophos ?hlteS of llms a, nd lever f-iils to oui!d-up J.hCHMI men, v omen and children. It enriches the Llood and
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    • 434 2 TEN DAYS' FREE TRJAL ffcfe^sVßßßaaß^^T I ii *«r. I Im.»i «sj( I **ury Ilia. lit L9^ Coventry Flymi** Jl W ARRASTI.D FfFTt.LN VfMftS. ft v'mjtj j AGENTS r!*T' i. '*■<•'"■>«'• "i". ii'i c 1.. m» Art Omtmtocn* Ml mm I y/lIPAn CYCLF COMPnicy. X^y ■***■>* QsttAlU UVKBPOOL, AVON TYRES More
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    • 275 2 'WOOSTER' BELTING 18 MORE ECONOMICAL than, and SUPERIOR to, leatber, robber, or stitched canvas belting, as it has no Isps, plies, stitefce*, or cemented parts to open up or pall apart. COLD, HBAT, STEAM or OIL will not affect its life or efficiency. Either side can be ron on tbe
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  • 978 3 AUSTRALIANS SURPRISED AT LAGMCOURT. Undress Victory. Percival Phillips, Daily Express special correspondent with the British Army in the Field, writing recently, says Although the German divisions around the Scarpe are bearing the brunt of the present heavy fighting, their comrades holding the aontbern flank of this
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 665 3 Vet hi the !»«<•- large! nnkti •eevlih Petal* Plaaip me Peiiiiir BAROOL, tbe ecDnctratrd food tbat puto on good, healthy ftVth, Rotcetincs at tbt fate ol a pound a day, builds up tbe thin and «e«k, brißg back toe rosy blush of health, roondu ont the skinny, scrawny ngares to
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    • 538 3 Cockle's Pills are distinguished by the fact that they work by co-operating with the natural forces which want to keep you in health instead of by irritating and antagonising them. Your system, therefore, does not set up any resistance the dose need not be increased, or rei>eated more frequently. For
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 444 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP rco., ltd. (Imcobtobatbd id Jap ah EUROPEAN LINE A terriee is maintained between Yokohama, via ports and London under mail oontraot witb the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamen maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and wnstrncted, and are fitted with
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    • 617 4 BTEAMER SAILIM6B. P. O." British India AMD Mpcar L-ine. (Companhs Incorporated in England), MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contraot with Hit Majeaty a Ooveniiaent), •of Ohina, Japan, Penang, Caylon. Australia, India, Adan, sgypt, Mediterranean Ports Mid London. MAIL LINES. UOMIWARD (FOR EOROPR) OUTWARD (FOB CbIMA) INTERMEDIATE
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    • 637 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Inoobpobaibd in Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgana, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai. Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobaamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Cbumpon, Koula* Bangkok. Out Departure SXSfi'iP-r JUn a 8 Jun 27 3 P- 1 BORIBAT July 2 July A, 3 p.m.
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    • 649 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINBO URVIOB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. (IHOOSPOKATID IN EnoIAMD am THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Enulaiid) UTWIIK Fr«mantl« (P«Pth), North. W Mt Australian Ports, Java ■nd Si.igapo^. Regular Bailing! between Singapore and Western Australia calling at Java laa ta dooement offers),
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 495 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA BHOBfcNKAIBH» (IwooapoaATßD m Japan) «a WreatH* at— rthp C*., td.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. Ibo Company maintains a .-egular cargo lervioe with sis steamers oallicg at Moji Yokkaiohi. Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swetlenbam, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, and to tbe retorn voyage calling at Tutioorin MOgaport Hongkong and Moji PACIFIC
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    • 246 5 ASIATIC .MONEY CHANGER COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that tbe power of attorney dated the 29th day of January, 1916, given by Layna Mohammed Ohouse Maricar to Vavenna Shaik Dawood and Moona Dalbadal Maricar in connection with the bnsinewi of tbe Asiatic Money Changers Company, 81, b, Rling Street, is
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    • 559 5 UNITED ENGINEERS. LIMITED. Clients are respectfully requested to give legible receipts tor all goods received. Owing to losses occurring from time to time through neitherourselves nor ourclients being able to recognise signatures on Delivery Notes do initials or illegible signatures can be accepted in future. T. C. B. MILLER, Secretary.
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    • 212 5 M. C. T. Patent Process for Coagulating Latex We have undertaken to exploit the Maude, Crosse, Thomas patents, by which process complete coagulation is obtained without the use of acetic acid, or other coagulant. The process has been successfully employed for a considerable period on the well-known Cicely Estate. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 219 6 MUSIC Pianoforte Portrait Classic* by Bach, Beethovea, Brahms, Chopin, Qreig, Jennen, Kjaroll, Meyer Helmand, Mo/art, Mendelssohn, Rachmaninoff. Schumann, Tochaiko*sky, eto. Pianoforte and Violin Albums by Oermann, Hofmann. Habay, Vieaxtemps, eto Violin and Pianoforte Piece* by Bjford, C/ibulka, Drdla, Komzak. Sab*thil, Wagner, etc. Two-Violins Albums by Hellmesborßer, Emil Kross, Rimbaolt, etc.
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    • 55 6 STAMFORD HOUSE PRIVATE HOTEL, Bras Basah Boad. CENTRALLY SITUATED Always cool and exposed to som breeze Furnished Apartments with or without Board Comfortable Rooms with Bathrooms attached. Eleotrlo Fittings throughout. Large Reception Hall and Billiards. Separate Tables in Spacious Dining Boom. TERMS-ths most rsasoaaMa ta Town For farther partioaltrs, apply
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    • 181 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION BALE OI twenty valuable freehold building allotmots, area* from 1 888 square feet tj 2,887 iqaare feet, (-itnnt at SeraDgoon Road and Kaoe Coarse Lane, it Mesnr°. Cbinii Keog Lee Co.'s Sale-room Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, On Monday, July 2, at '2.80 p.m. CHINO KKNQ LEB CO.,
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    • 416 6 Are You Anaemic? If you have tbe sort of feelicg that make- )ou think yon have not the strength to do any work, no matter how light, and your f*oe nod lip* look pal while you have not tbe appetite to eat oven the daintiest morse 1 then you aru
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  • 114 7 FIXTURES. Monday, June 25. Hmb WMs, Ul a m.. 2 25 p.m. Merry Widow, Vie. Theatre. Tuesday, June 26. Hißt> Wale», 1.58 a.m.. S.I p.m. Tlv Ming Hoys, Vie. Tbeatre. Wednesday, June 27. Hiih Wiim, '2.88 a.m., 8.40 p.m. Hi K h .links. Vie. Theatre. Thursday, June
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  • 191 7 To-D4t. Swettenbam and TefnW Anson 2.»0 pm Mening 2.80 pm Katavia C'beribon and Sam&r&n^ 2.30 pm Malacca and Maar I p«i .iongkong, Japan and Seattle 4 pm Kota Tinnji 4 pm KhU Ting^i P m To-aosßow. Pnlan Batam and Polao Bulang 8.3 Cam t'ucob 8.80 am Kerimon
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  • 258 7 Tbe mail U*in» from Singapore for th aortb leave Tu.« Koad station daily at 7.7 a.m \nri 7 p.ui.. arriving at Koala Lumpur a' M 8 p.u and tt 45 a.m. respectively. Th through exprr»« to Penang leaves Kuala Lampar at 8 a.v». daily, arriving at Penan i<
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  • 153 7 On. aUentioa ha* been called to the fact Urn* am arrivals ia Loo Jon are mud bebind those paMiahed elaewbere. Oar rale m to ■<i»e arnTal. only when they are officially ••posted in tbe Pont Offioe notices, and no lato» date tbau that printed above ha i
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    • 70 7 Simatou, Juki 36, 1917. Of Loauul _....Baak 4 m/a H. Demud m V*i PtiTmto Bjsfi m W\i Oh Fkahoi Bulk T. T. 818 O* Imou Bank T. T. m On Homi«oKa...B»ok i/d 8i%pm Oh 8K4HOBAI ..Bank d/d 8C| OhJ»»a Bukl.T. 184 O»J»pa» Bank a 109 Sowni«u— baying rale I8.M
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    • 106 7 Hivairou, Jcni as, 1HIT. Gambia IB 00 do (Cube No. 1) aapioked 'U 00 Copra Sundned 780 do Mixed A. 00 Pepper, Black 29 !tf do White Sarawak 40.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 8 20 do Branei No. 1 2.50 Pearl Sa«o 8 00 Tapiooa, small ttake 11.(0 do small
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    • 162 7 41 41 Rahman Tin 12.00 ]».M 41 41 Rambaten 6.C0 7.M 41 41 R»ab Aoßt. Gold '2.60 2.76 6 Selangor Rivet 2.00 4] 41 Siamese Tina 3.10.0 8.0.0 ion 10 10 Simpam Valley H. 60 41 41 Siputeh 1.03 I.EO 10 10 Sangei Qao 16.60 18.C0 41 41 Tekka
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    • 112 7 ££a Baye«. 5011e... 41 41 Shell Transport 6.15.0 6 5.0 10 10 Spore C. Storage 19.00 21.00 (0 60 Sporo Dispensary 5U.00 10/- 10/- Spice Petroleum 13/- 16/--10 10 Straits loeCo. 6.00 7.00 100 100 Straits S. Ship 476.00 485.00 10 10 Straits Trading BV.CG 40 00 41 41
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    • 47 7 United Bngineen 6% $1,384,600 pa> Singapore Klectrio Tramways 6% £860,000 norn S'poreMunicipal 6% $1,878,000 par Spore Municipal *i% of 1007 $1,800,000 !o%di» Spore Municipal 4<% of IUOU $1,000,000 10%dla Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 15% dii Spore Municipal 4% 4U00.000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1918 $19,000,000 101.00 103.00
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  • 305 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To day's Prices. Eraser Lyall A Co. Kvatt. Malakoff ($2) 3.90 4.06 890 4.04 Mandai-T ckonK 1) 0.55 O.VO C.85 0.86 MerKui .r'u 5.(0 6.70 6 .60 6.70 New Sertndah (»2) 3.90 4.1U 890 4.10 Nyalaa i»5)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 502 7 UTEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. WA NTBD, A CLKRK for offioe and outdoor work. Apply, itatiog salary required, to Box No 279 Straits Timei. 36 6-27 PLANTER seeks change of billet, sp>a«o Tamil fluently. Please apply to Box No U7H. S .rait< Times. 36 8— 24-6 PERMANENT WAT INSPECTOR va caocf now filled.
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    • 512 7 SAWMILL MACHINERY (RANSOME'S) IN STOCK: One Z l 2 foot eJelf-acting Saw Bench with carriages and rails. One Sharpening Machine for Circular and Frame Saws. Prices and particulars from FRASER h CHALMERS, LTD. (Incorporated in England) WINCHESTER HOUSE, SINGAPORE. BY OROER OF THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF TUNKU MAIMUNAH
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    • 81 7 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT ■^■HB^BBjh^paj nil j MPIR Tsnjont Patar Road Trams Pass ths Poor""] B^ B SECOND SHOW AT 9.3 C SHARP. Red Feather Photoplays Present 5 Parts FIGHTING FOR LOVE 5 Parts Featuring Rath Stonehonse and lack Mnha'l FIRST SHOW, A I' 7 80 *HARr\ 10 Parts CIVILIZATION 10 Farts
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  • 1100 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, JUNE 25. AFTER THE WAR. We have noticed once or twice that discretion is not the greatest of the qualities revealed by the present Governor of Hongkong, tbongh be may possess others which adjust the balance and make him a very good Governor. Recently a motion
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  • 31 8 This morning tbe Jobore Conrt of Appeal claimed the attention of tbe judges at present occupied in Singapore. There were three canes on tbe list, but no memos bad been tiled.
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  • 45 8 Mf Osborne and Chappel, General Manayirs of Tekka, Ltd., notify that the din rtors bav>- declared a bosun dividend of 1-. (j i. pur fthnre for the year ended January 31 Ust, payable to local shareholders as soon as the list arrive* from home.
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  • 46 8 A fine of 1750, in default three months' rigorous imprisonment, was inflicted in the third police court this morning on Too Sow, who was charged with assisting to carry on a public lottery at 45, Middle lioad, and other offences arising out ot the first charge.
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  • 53 8 A number of oll'encea with regard to tbe driving of motor cars and motor cycloa came before tbe first magistrate's court this morning. A motor cyclist was fined f6 for turning a corner without slowing down or sounding bis born, and two others were fined 16 each for racing on
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  • 60 8 We regret to announce tbe death of Mr. E. O. Matbieu, wbicb occurred early on Saturday morning, at bis residenoe, 6, Arratoon Road, Penang. Deceased, who was a member of an old Penang family, was born in Penang 55 years ago. He leaves a widow, and a family of four
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  • 71 8 A new use for rubber For closing a bole in the skull Dr. C. Scandota, of Naples, ases rubber sponge. He reports to La Riforma Medica tbat be tried it on a rabbit and a dog, wbicb be killed after nine and six months and found that exoept for slight
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  • 70 8 In Lens the work of destruction goes on nnceasingly. Regarding this matter of tbe destruction of innooent property, a curious note, found in the diary ot an officer of the 22nd Landwebr Regiment, shows the strict orders issued to German troops forbidding them to write home anything about tbe cutting
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  • 97 8 Lieut. James Lawrence Fowlie, tbe High land Light Infantry, who was killed on April 24, was tbe eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. Fowlie, of Singapore, and of Forres. He was born in Singapore in 1896, educated at Clifton Bank, St. Andrew's, at St. Andrew's University, at Pembroke College, Cambridge,
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  • 101 8 In tbe first magistrate's conrt this morning Ibrahim bin Haji, driver of motor lorry number 2-*. was fined 115 and 110 respectively for rash driving in Havelock Road on tbe 6th inst. and failing to stop after an accident. According to tbe evidence for tbe prosecution accused cut in front
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  • 122 8 Major G. DA. Elliott Cooper, Hoyal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), has been placed on half-pay owing to tbe severity of tbe wounds be received in action some months ago. Major Cooper served with the MaUy States Guides as Adjutant from September, 1911, till May, 1916, and prior to tbat
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  • 132 8 The installation meeting of Lodge Tullibardine in the Bast No. 1118 (Scottish Constitution) was held at the Masonic Hall. Kuala Lumpur, on Friday evening, when liro. G. B. Harley was installed as It W. Master for tbe ensuing year, Wor. Bro. H. L. Johnson performing tbe ceremony. The other incoming
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  • 131 8 The fourteenth half-yearly general meeting ot tbe Straits Chinese Physical Culturists was held at tbe Association Koom, 3, Sit Wab Road, yesterday, when there was a large attendance of members. The accounts ot the association for the past half year having been received, approved and adopted, tbe following gentlemen were
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  • 196 8 Members of the Government service bave been aiixioasly awaiting the fate of a memo rial which was recently forward) d to the Government by tbe subordinate service asking for relief in tbe matter of tbeir salary, which they aver is insufficient for tbeir needx owing to tbe rapid advance of
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  • 398 8 Mr. C. W. H. Cocbrane has been appointed to officiate as Chief Assistant District Officer, KinU. Mr. A. \V. H. Hamilton, Su;erintendent ot Police, is now in the General HospiWl. Penang. Mr. F. A. S. McClelland has been appointed to officiate as Deputy Public Prosecutor, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 46 8 The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. A. W. Vick, c/o Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China, Singapore, begs to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of tbe following further contribution to the above Fund Already acknow It duu.l $21,711.87 Sir Jcbn Jackson, Ltd. 50 ♦21,*****
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  • 94 8 For tho period from Jnne 29 to July 5 1917, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at 2s. B{d. per lb., and tin duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem lm«i» in accordance with
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  • 138 8 There was another large and appreciative audience at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday evening, when tbe Bandman Company presented that merry musical comedy fareo The Girl from Ciros. The parts were all well taken, and an enjoyable piece was carried through quite successfully. Misa Addie Leigh made
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  • 165 8 As the Bishop of Singapore explained in bis letter, on June 14, a Church Army Tent which can be moved close in rear of tin; fighting lines in France, costs »'2,600 fully furnished. We are very pleased to bear that those collecting for l'unang, S.langor and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 83 8 "EMBASSY L Virginia/ ■I c ICAR.ETTtS CIGARETTES MIXTURE. Fine Manila Cigars "i!*-^ 1 **•*</>.*' FROM &*rV iUi^ La GIR ALDA Londree, 100, $5.75 uu_ ,7 i FUB I INCLUDING DDTY. m I Sole Agents LIMITED (Incorporated in England) i TYPEWRITERS The Oliver and The Empire are the two most popular
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    • 188 8 THRILLS. LAUGHTER PATHOS Al lilt I ALHAMBRAi he Pionesr and Premier House The Home of Quality Beach Road istanay presenti a Numan-lntaratt Photoplay WINE. WOMEN SON 6. in two acts A powerim nfjw les«on. Estanay presents Fun, Frolic and Fantasy in THE BANK, in two acts Featuring the inimitable Charlie
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  • 3101 9 GERMAN ACTIVITY. Attacks on the French Line. Attempts to Break Through Repulsed. KICTM'I TILMBAMS. London, Jane 22, 11.25 p.m. Held M.imbal Haig reports: We repulsed ruder* east of Epeby. tbo fnemy leaving several dead on oar wire. Wa took a lew wounded prisoners. Ad enemy attempt on Gillemont
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  • 75 9 R«irr.«'« Tk.lkcihwi London, Juno 23, Mi p.m. Eight thousand Grand Officers and Masters, including overseas officials, attended a special Grand Lodge at the Albert Hall yesterday in celebration of tho bicentenary of the English Grand Lodge. The Dnke of Connaught as President read a message from the King thanking
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  • 47 9 RICTKK's TBLXiKAM. London, Jane 23, 6.40 a.m. The Ulater Unionist representatives at tbe Convention at Londonderry are Sir George Clarke, Mr. Hugh Barrie, M.P., Colonel Hubert Wallace, Mr. Michael Knight. The Nationalist representatives are Mr. John Redmond, Mr Dillon, Mr. Clancy, Mr. Dovliu, Mr Stephen Gwyoo.
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  • 562 9 KEEP UP MALAYA'S MONTHLY THOUSAND. On June 14 we intimated that wo bad paid tbe last of ten monthly contributions made by the fund we organised to assist tbe Overseas Club in providing smokes for onr soldiers and Bailors. The total sent in the ten months,
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  • 220 9 Fortnightly Service Now In Force. The long expected curtailment of tbe mail service between Kurop and tbe Far East has now been finally arranged and the service is henceforth to be a fortnightly and not a weekly one. Thin, says tbe Times of Malays, is due to the
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  • 136 9 China in baying sugar in Japan on a large scale, and tbe sugar market is lively again, xavß the Shacgbai Times. During the last few days more than 20,000 sackH have been takon by China in spito of prioes havmg been raised every time d»al» have been
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  • 1740 10 A SUMMARY OF THE AUTUMN CAMPAIGN. A Buoyantly Hopeful Note. At the present moment, when tbe Italian anme- are winning aucoens after success over tbe Aastrians, a study ot tbe operations conducted during the closing four months of last year is particularly interesting. Toe Italian Supreme Command
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  • 40 10 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 6 and 7. Tbe proceeds from tbe performance of tbe 19: b episode in Liberty at tbe Empire this evening will be given to tbe Anglo Chinese School fund.
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  • 193 10 The eighth annual general meeting of tbe shareholders of tbe Somangg>l Kubber Company, Limited, was held at the Penang Chamber of Commerce on Saturday, and there were present Messrs. D. A. M. Brown lin the chain, O. Stothard. J. McNeill, B. E. Mitchell, A. R. Morgan, L.
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  • 129 10 With tbe extraordinary rise tbat in an o.iuuoeii id homeward freights from tbe East, says (be L. and C. Express, one ia reminded of the laments that Sir Thos. Sutherland wan wont at time* to address to the share bolder* of tbe I. and O. Company. The days
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  • 2310 10 LONDON, SINGAPORE AND JAVA BANK. Meeting A Public Need. Tbe fifth annual general meeting of tbe London, Singapore and Java Bank, Limited, was held on April 26 at the head office, 4 ami 5, Suffolk Place, Pall Mall, S.W., Mr. (i. St. Lawrence Mowbray (chairman) presiding. Tbe Chairman
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 407 10 Doctors v. S.CC An evenly contested game of cricket was witnessed on the. S.CC. ground on Saturday, when the Doctors fielded an eleven against the S.CC. The former batted first, and scored 183 for tbe lons of six wickets, thanks to a fine innings of 75 by Scbarenguivel, which
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    • 464 10 A League Match and a Friendly. The league match at Tanglin on Saturday between tbe Middlesex and the Brookdale Rovers resulted in a win for tbe borne team by 2 l after an even and a well fought game. The result was in doubt until close to time, and
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    • 198 10 Tho following tips in tbe S.CC. lawa tennis tournament will be played to-day Championship. Upcott v. Rucbwaldy. Allen v. Hunt. Heaps v. Sinclair. B. Cl\s- MM Rev. Swindell v. Murray. Cassels v. Pbipps. Broad v. Watt. Potts v. Wreford. Nswcomiks' Handicap. Seybold v. A. D. Baker. Webb v.
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  • 123 10 Messrs. Francis Peek and Co.'s Weekly Report. Messrs. Francis Peek and Co., Singapore, supply us witb the following report on the position of tbe Java produce market for the week ending June 22 Batavia, June 22, 1917. Rubber. Tbe market position this week is weak, and shows
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  • 95 10 To-day's Business. .S&anders and Macphail's Daily Report. Silver unchanged, 39J. Hongkong up i '1 6f |H| preni.) Shanghai op j 3/10 (60 1 I. Tin. Buyers 1109, no sellers. Rubber.— 2/5 1 Locally 1120 5 for top grades. The rubber share market is still somewhat featureless. Ayar
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  • 115 10 Report show* profits £'163,968, and ,£18,476 brought in. Kinal dividend Hi per cent., niak ing 140 per cent, for year, with £19,245 forward. Output 2,15*4,0i6 lb., against estimate of 1,960,000 lb. Cost all in Is. 0.5 d. per lb. Trout Ib. 6.1h j. Estimate for 1917 2,495.000 lb.
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  • 125 10 One day in August, 1905, (a writer in the Westminster Gazette informs usl passengers on a cross Channel steamer were puzzled to see a green banner witb a fivepointed star in one quarter floating from the masthead. It was tbe banner of the Esperantist Congress that had
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  • 31 10 The Nieuwe Sourabaya Courant under stands that Australia is about to prohibit tliu export of various articles. Existing con tracts will be carried out, but no new ones will be accepted.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 155 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Mr. Chew Woon Poh is away from Singapore. He ha* authorised me to answer any letters from Messrs. Chan King and Wong Ah Jang ie his absence. Tbe letter which appeared on Saturday hardly seems to require an answer, but
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  • 450 11 Torpedoed in the Mediterranean Sea. An interesting letter has* just been received in Bombay from a well known English resident wlio rectntly sailed with bis wife for England. Their ship was torpedoed at night in the Mediterranean, and they were tossed about for four days
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  • 370 11 SmMI Appetites Wanted in London Restaurants. Bills of (are id London restaurants ar« an icaoTation these day*. Patrons are asked to order as little as possible rather than a large juuDt There are small notice* printed or pasted bare and there, warning especially agaiiMt the consumption of bread,
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  • 796 11 Why They Should Be Allowed To Practice. Lord Bnckmaster writes in the Pall Mall Gazette I lam of opinion that a woman wbo is intellectually capable of qualifying for a profession should at least be permitted to try and practise it. She should be allowed to
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  • 125 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, Jane 38, 1917. Monday, Jcnk 25. 6.15 p.m. Drill Hail S.R.E.(V.) B Maxim Co. Veterans Co. 6.15 p.m. Raffles Institution B.V.C. Band. Tuisday, Jcnb 26. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Recruits. S.R.E.(V.), N.C.O.'s. Maxim Co. 6.10 p.m. Chinese Co.
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  • 36 11 Dull Obdsbs roa Jews, 1917. Monday, 26.— Parades at Pearls Hill and TaDJong Pagar, 5.16 p.m. Friday, 38. Entire Company parade at Booatead Institute, 5.15 p.m. Am»uw Ami, Officer Commanding Civil Ooaid. K
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 211 11 Moutrie PianosBuilt in the East for the East BEND FOR CATALOGUE OF LATEST MODELS S. MOUTRIE CO.. LTD. (INCORPORATED IN HONGKONG) Raffles Place E. and O. HOTEL PENJLNG Situated beautifully by the sea The leading hotel in the island. CRAG HOTEL PBNANG HILLS THE SANATORIUM OF THE STRAITS SErTLEMENTS Completely
      211 words
    • 260 11 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER CINEMA SHOW Saturday, June 3O RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily RAFFLES BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY The best in town Upcountry orders promptly executed. Bread delivered at private residences daily. RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Cars reoaired, garaged, and cars on hire. Ring Telephone
      260 words

  • 2079 12 1916-1917. A diary o! the war up to August 4, 1818, m pabliabed in tlie Straits Times of August 11, 1918. The record of events is now oonkianed from the b. kiddidk of tbe third year •I war August. I. A battle has been fought in
    2,079 words
  • 576 12 Finder Rewarded by First-Class Ham Bone. Official orders forbidding the exoesaive use of paper would lead one to believe that Austria is suffering from a serious paper shortage. Yet the Vienna newspapers are almost as bulky as before the war. The thirty pages of advertisements which the
    576 words
  • 723 12 Soldier Boxing Contests at the Front. I cannot imagine bow you can attend inch degrading spectacles." How often have I had that said to me daring my twenty-odd years of experience in boxing before the war, and when I muttered something about manly sport or I am a
    723 words
  • 409 12 Medical Authority on Abuse Of Soap. Excessive godliness may be a contradiction in terms but cleanliness, which we are told is tbe next thing, may apparently, be carried too far— at any rate, when it is sought. with tbe aid of soap. Id the Liverpool
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 1069 13 INCIDENTS FROM DEVASTATED FRANCE. Help for the Homeless. A correspondent writes to The Times In the sacristy of an old church on the banks of the Heine, a parish priest, wearing the green ribbon of 'TO on bis soutane, receives I visitors all day and
    1,069 words
  • 157 13 A remarkable domestic picture ia given in the Bayreutli Ta«cbl»U -We must assume that it is the war which is exercisinK a disintegrating effect on the manners o( the Bayreutli public. Any way. tiling are happening in the Koyal Thtatre nufficicut to cause the bones of Richard
    157 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 151 13 Laces Embroideries JUST RECEIVED GUIPURE EDGINGS in a lan;e and choice selection of patterns, in cream or white Prices 25. 30. 45 CENTS Per yard. CtUIQC EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS in great 's v J variety suit- able for r;-> I c JwjE-f etc. A splen- IHIb I ■jV ."f i" I
      151 words
    • 166 13 jfotjjggS Obts.nable from FoT all CaTS ai\d fln.^ LODGE .^■^Bl^P^'-' «4^^lbbbbbbW The NAME ensures the JM m&ZM'MX issssi QUALITY .^Km IHk Thin familiar reference to the Loilije V l^ft w^».^»' Si"irhin<j I'luyt in ,j,,,ir W9 'irentrxt aisurance <•! Serried mil l^H **Ejmwßb^^^^^^ Sattifact ion, Ss^^lbbbbwH^ Lodge Plmjh are typi<-ally Britixh.
      166 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2433 14 Wa\B or PSAOX. FaMIMI or PIXHTT, IIIFI InBURANOK IB WORTH 100 01NT8 ON THK DOLLAR. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IST THE 6REAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. iinfloaraaaiaa n Braam Sanuarawta) r«a,« OFfIOB Wl«aliaw»a» Haass, ■ing.p.opa. LONDON OVarlOali aa, Old Jawry, 1.0 Tfce Oampaay bas NBOiOOO Jepoaitrd with the Bopveme Ooavt
      2,433 words
    • 793 14 INSURANCE. THE ORIENTAL GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Imcobfobatbd in India) invite applications from Experienced Chinese Agents with influential connections in Singapore Liberal terms will be offered to bona fi4e applicants who can undertake to introduce substantial amount of good Life business. Low Rates o^ Premium. Immediate cover. A
      793 words

  • 1127 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Road of the Future. By tbe time tbe war hag reached its end, says Motor Traction, tbe question of tbe roads will have acquired the utmost urgency. It is perhaps in some degree due to recognition of this fact tbat,
    1,127 words
  • 29 15 A Hague message of June 19 mm: The atuount reoci ed in taxes is so exoellent tbat tbf> Oo»ornrrt"t proposes postponing tbe iuuoiiiJj announced loan In a long tune.
    29 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 181 15 ALL-BRITISH ROM TYRES AAV USED BY THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. THE ADMIRALTY AND OTHER GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. THE ROM THREE-RIBBED TREAD TYRE. THIS is the Kiss" among*! tyres for Colonial users. The substantial ribs provi ie the tyre witb tbo fiaest rubber non skidding propensities possible and tbi* r.null is obtained
      181 words
    • 175 15 Are You Satisfied That you are getting the value per mile out of youi Motor Tyres that you would do if you used £L DUNLOPS? Jfcsb y y If not, then give j^^^BLl them a trial when Jj E^ P^k next renewing. J I* THAT IS ALL WE ASK m
      175 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 510 16 l. mbb^^^^^. BwHalßw I#j jiWa^Bt No tyre by any other name grips the road lilu Goodrich Safety Tread. MICH Safety comes from •ayiag 'GoodricA Safety Tread 1 when you are buying Ijraa. wJm ''j ji^ußSmWt "A trip on the road ia war* two on the •leering' wh-awi." «*"?"..> Fa 'Govdrich
      510 words
    • 465 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE, Mettalurigue six t eater motor car. Good condition. Apply Motor, c/o Straits Times, 14-6—27-6 FOR SALE, rubber stumps »20 per I.OCO, f.or. Remban. Apply Manager, Chembong Estate, Kimbau. 20-6— '26-6 FOR SALE, Triumph motor cycle, 4-h.p, three-speed, 1400. Apply Box No. 273 Straits Times. 21-6—27-6
      465 words
    • 590 16 HOUBEB T8 LET. TO LET. HnoKe* No. 7, Cbaooery Lane. Apply to China Keuß Lee a Co., Anotioneers. 18-11— n TO LET, a dwelling boose with compound at No. 7, Upper Merangoon Road. Apply to S. Tokyo. 74, Br»H Basal) R oB d. 21 f,— vrtl-7 FURNISHED SEASIDE KESIDBNUBS TO
      590 words
    • 242 16 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 a 108. Market Straet. Phone MIMHa. 411 Soli Aokhts. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited Incorpor.t.d I* Enjl.nd i Have jost received a fresh shipment of JACKSONS Varnish Stains IN Colours of ROSEWOOD, Oak and Mahofani at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R. LAMBERT&Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS S a, Orchard Road,
      242 words
    • 370 16 GUAN KIAT Co., No. 38, Phillip Street Telephone Nos. 1861 and 1862. Private 1450 and Sunnyside 1078. Large Stocks of i Angle Iron, Flat Iron, Round Iron, Tee Iron. Bolts A Nuts, Rivets, Galvd. Plates Navy Canvas. BUY NOW-DO NOT WAIT. Sole Agents for THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID Taa ideal
      370 words
    • 798 16 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICED O and seat er Motor Cars for hire:. 'Phone 1233 Charges Moderate. Oarage open Day and Nit; lit. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 218 A 216, Orchard Road (Next to Wearoe Bros., Ltd.) Straits Wimes. Temporary Telaphone i 58. All communications relating to editorial matters and Dews should be
      798 words