The Straits Times, 23 June 1917

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,449 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY JUNE 23. 1917. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 140 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Price bow $17.90 per esK Best Quality ENGLISH SODIUM BISULPHITE In drums containing 140 lbs. nett. THE BORNEO CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) MALTHOID reinforced ROOFING Gives years and years of waterproofing service. SPECIFICATIONS AND FULL PARTICULARS ON INQUIRY TO O O Cm *3k. m. M.
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    • 110 1 ROBINSON CO. Just received, fine S^tffrii >\ hand embroidered Manilla Underwear »40» < I fa r^ tp-» Daintily made on w P^^S r i'he designs are |^tl i fi* very similar to t I' T illustrations. fxan j ROBINSON CO. Fresh Shipment of C""-^-l- MACFARLANE, LANG CO.S I ittGT S
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    • 12 1 MARTELL 8 BRANDY. Soli Aoints ADAMBON. GILFILLAN CO.. LTD Incorporated in KnglMvil
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  • 1130 2 SPLENDID FEATS OF YOUTHFUL AIRMEN. i Germans' Only Way Out. Philip Oibbs, writing to the Daily Chronicle from France on April 26, says: There lias bi-t-n no great attack or counterattack to-iUy east of Arras after three days of battle. We bold gooJ linen with almost
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 537 2 EjM^Jtoswi^J A Good Example f^iw— •Wfc* !is set by the people jinH6^L>uifc.-a«as»ss»£ who take proper care i their teeth. W e a KneSS Never neglect to give your L^'asUsw^sttl teeth a thorough antiseptic Eft SZV&JTSi cleansing every day with Whrn you aaajaajsj yourself or »hfn your lality sunder* sT mined
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    • 623 2 WOMEN AND PAIN. Few men realise that about ooe worn- n in four does bar homework while safforing actual pain. If a man bad to en la re as much pain be would stay at home and 1. 1 bis work take care of itfclf. But there is nosody to
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    • 597 2 Prevailing Drug Prices and the Cause Higb prioes ara do lon< r confined to tbe luxuries of life, but they extend to tbe necessaries aa well. Even tbe prices of food, olothiog and drag! are not exempt from tbe new standard. Tbe effeot of tbe European War on Drug Prices
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  • 1000 3 LIVING IN A HOLE AND FIRING hROM A MAP." Enemy Despair. K-rci val Phillips, tbe Daily Express irpeaial I correspondent at headquarters in France, writing on May 1 says Tbe airmen and tbe artillery wore tbe moat active elements in tbe battle of Arras to-day. Infantry fighting baa
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  • 70 3 Io tbe course of a aeimoD, id wbicb be orfitd bit btartrs to practise tbe utmost (ccdohjj in regard to foodstuff*, a clergyman cf Tiecbrudorf (Saxe-Weimar) quoted tbe Imperial dictum, "We moat bold cot." On tbe following night burglar* broke into bis boose and lock all tbe food, including a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 295 3 The Big Gun of the Commercial World Scientifically constructed by first-class workmen from highest grade materials. It is made true and sure, never Blisses fire and is always ready for immediate service. &WA*feK Standard Pittera Safety Palter* w.t« Sl.p-on Cap. «nk Screw ao Can. SOLD UY STAT!O\nRS IMPORTERS. IliuJrmud CtHUogwi
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    • 307 3 IN TORMENT BOTH DAY AND NIGHT From Skin Trouble Which Spread From Elbow to Chest. HEALED BY CUTICURA "My trouble started with Hchinx in ti.o left armpit, and from mail patch of n< H ■proad until It nearly reached my elbow a 1 down toward my chest. The Itching a»l
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    • 62 3 "BRUNOLINUM" THE PERFECT WOOD PRESERVATIVE The Reliable Stop-Rot Antiseptic and Certain Protector against White Ants. Identical to the German Wood Preserver "Carbolinium" and Cheerap. x£F^) > BRITISH f) P\^^ BRITIIH made:. ■V vU B owned. Protects Wood against Decay, Dryl Rot, Fungi, and the ravages of Insects, Vermin and White
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 442 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (WCOBFOBATBD 111 J&PMI EUROPEAN LINE A terviee is maintained between Yokohama, vi» ports and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government The New Twin-screw Steamer™ maintaining this servioe h»Te been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all the
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    • 637 4 BTEAMER SAILIN6B. P. O. -British India AND Apcar bine. (COMFANIBS iMOOBPOKATaO IM BmALAMD). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PBNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. lUnder ContrMt with Hit Majesty Government). •or Ohlna, Japan, Ptnang, Gaylon, Australia. India, Ad«n, ftftypt, Maditarranaan Ports and London. ■AIL LINES. HoMWABD {FOE ECEOPI) OOTWABD IfOE CIUUI INTERMEDIATE DIRECT
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    • 644 4 STEAMER SAILINGS THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD (Imoobpobatw w Sum). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgano, Bisot, Semerak, Bkoho, Kelantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telapin, Panarai. Patani, SinKora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsaen, Champon, Koalak Bangkok. DtM DaptrtuN .a. ABDANG Jurm SB June 27, S p.m. •>.«. BORIBAT July 2 July 4, 3 p.m.
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    • 676 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMMNIO SSRVIOI OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. (Inoobpobatbd in KNit'tKu THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (INOOBPOBATBD IN EtfULAHD) lITWIH Fremantle (Perth., North-Wee* Australian Ports, Java •nd Singapore. Regular sailings between Singapore ud Western Anxtralia ceiling at Java (m ia dooement offers), Derby, King's Sooad
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 727 5 %M O# Or I'm. Ms^^El J^m JtL. THE WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER. Mmture for Internal and External Ume. CURBS Hiidacbe or drunkenness, Stoai»:h» -he, Baraohe iiupture, Cholera, Beriberi, Nervoui Dine at", Cheat Uomplainta, Heart-disease, Malaria, Dengue, Common (ever., Lumbago, Chronic Kbenmatism, Cough and Coaghing blood, Cold, Sorethroat, Bronchitis, Chronic NturtVia, Diarrhoea,
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    • 228 5 (3*l l»<iv Ibt 13w CHE9NI BROTHERS Dentists No. 25, South Brlged Road FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES Fintelaas Mechanic*] Dentistry, Gold Crow* Bridge Filling and Vuloamle Dt -atios of Wear guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE Bert Tooth Powders and Brakes lor sale PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALERS. Amateurs' Work Developing, Printing and Enlarging. Repairing Cameras. KONG
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    • 213 5 M. C. T. Patent Process for Coagulating Latex We have undertaken to exploit the Maude, Crosee, Thomas patents, by which process complete coagulation is obtained without the use of acetic acid, or other coagulant. The process has been successfully employed for a considerable period on the well-known Cicely Estate. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 393 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. NOTU.K IS HBKEBY OIVBN rbut Mr. R. B. A, Davidson in not in tbe employment of this firm and that he baa no authority whatsoever to enter into any transactions on oar behalf. THE FAR EAST MANUFACTURING CO. at 6i-w« NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ADJOURNED MEETING. Re
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    • 527 6 COUTURIEUX'S Preparations to assist Doctors. PRESCRIBE for flittileccr, farrei torfju- 1 constipation and slimy nictiouH, pick btadacliep, palpitation. <ii»turbatio.* r.f u»- liveatd kidneys, and skio diseases. It Las the »»ui i action is HoureJ mi.k, and caret) all intestinal affections. I'UFROL tablets for tczema, all ►kin diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, arthritis
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  • 121 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, June 23. *iKb Wiit<* LM mm Homeward mail clonm (train.) Prince of Wai. s' Iliithday (1894). Oirl from Ciro>, Vie. Theatre. Sunday, June 24. «**«h Water. 0.35 a.ra.. 1.51 p.m. Uutward mail expected. Monday, June 25. W|»b W«t. r. 1.13 am, 2.2*> p.m. Merry Widow,
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  • 165 7 TODAT. Katn Pahat 2 pm Merging, Kemaman and Trengganu 2.80 pm Bangkok '2.80 pm Malacca, P. Swcttenbam and Penang 2 80 pm Medan 2-30 pm Cocob Pm tverimon 4 pm Pulau Soegi 4 pm Cucob 4 pm Pulau Batam and Pulaa Bulang 4 pm Kota Tinggi pm
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  • 263 7 Tbe mail train* from Singapore tor th Bovth leave Tank Koad station daily at 7.7 am tad 7 p.m., arriving at Koala Lampur a*. 7.18 p.ia. an (5.45 a.m. respectively. Ththrough cxp- -si* to Penang leaves Raala Lampcr at 8 a Hi. daily, arriving at Penan* at 9.28
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  • 100 7 Ou attuLtioo has been oelled to tbe fact that oar arrival* in London are much behind tooea published elsewhere. Oar rul*> is to Kin. arriviU only when they are officially laansorirl in the Post Offioe notice*, and so !atu date vLan that printed above hai been MNfortu).
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  • 47 7 Time balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 pin-, Singapore standard timr, com-oponiliny to 0 a.m. Greenwicli mean time. Tlie timr-gun is fired at I*2 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday when it is fired at one o'clock.
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  • 179 7 eXCHANOB. SusArou, Juni 28, 1917. Ob Loai** ......Bank 4 m/s 2,4. Uemaai 3, 4 1 Private 8 m/i S/4t^ On Feakci Bank T. T. 818 Om India Bank T. T, On HonoioM»...Bank d/d B%pm On SaiNaaAi ...Bank d/d BCJ On Java Bank T. T. 184 Oa Japan
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    • 169 7 £Ec SeUe 1 LO 10 Ampang 680 6.10 1 1 Aver Wen« 1.25 1.50 10 10 Kanaboi 1.25 1.40 10 10 Kmta Association 9 M 9.60 tl £1 KintaTin 1.10.0 1.17.6 tl £1 Lahat Mines 4.00 600 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12.25 12.75 Bl £1 Malayan Tin 1.15.0 1.17.6
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    • 116 7 GENERA L. l»»g Buyer. Sellers. 41 41 Smeltmj? Co. 7.85 7.75 41 41 i Pte*. 1.86 1.f.0 Bleotoie T'w»yi 4/- 5/ 10 10 Fnsw Ne»ve 43.(0 45.00 60 60 W. Hammer A Co. 85.00 68.00 100 Howarth Brskioe 58.00 65.00 100 I%Pni. 100.00 100 100 K»ti Bro, Del. par 120.00
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    • 48 7 United Engineers 0% 11,384,600 par Singapore Klectrio Tramways 6% 850,000 norn Spore Municipal 6% 11,575,000 par Spore Municipal 4«% of 1907 11,000,000 lO^diß Spore Municipal 4i% of IIKW 11,000,000 10%dJa Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 15%du Spore Municipal 4% AaOO.IJOO F.M.S. 0% loan 1910 •16,000,000 101.00 102 00
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    • 316 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. To day's Prices. H riser Lyail A Co. Uvatt. Alor Gajah (SI) 8.90 4.06 3.C0 4.10 Auial. Malay (3) 0.30 o.Bopm 0.60 0.40 Aver HiUui l»5) 14 25 15.C0 14.00 15.00 Aver KaoiDg ill) 1 20 1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 35 7 FOR SALE AS A 60ING CONCERN Tbe stcck in trade, fittings, farnitore and Koodwi'l of a Oi-pcnaaiy aitoatul in a good kcaineas locality. For particulars, apply to 1 US COMMERCIAL RLBBBR CO LTD., Auctioneer*. a
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    • 597 7 UTEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE At Mesw«. Ching Keog Lee a Co.'-. Sale-room, j R»fH m Chambers. Raffles Place, On Momdav, Jink 25, at 11 am 1,000 bogs ground not se> d. CHINO KRNO LRB a CO., Auotioneem a EsUte Arratn. 29-6-21 8 AUCTION BILE At oar Sale rootr, No ft,
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    • 396 7 EM JI! BY No. 77. Ij^fe;! No. 77. K II C «CARETTe»-=jq l|i CIGARETTES MIXTURE. BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. AUCTION SALE Of ONB MILNBR'S SAFB AND ONB B4fl I«PORTBD BY JOBS LITTLE ft CO. At Messrs. Ching Keng Lee a Co 's sale-room, Riffl >s Chambers, RttU s
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    • 153 7 IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. CHLOROGEN FLYGUM (Neafield'a Prooeaa) Non-poiaonoua. For tte Sterilisation of Diioking Water KlieB are KtoJk| o|krri( o( dim Soppließ. such as Enteric, Typhoid, Cholera and The Prevention of Entenc, Typhoid, n»«ni«r» Dysenttry and Cholera. y y-NOIE.-A very gnat feature of this The simplest method of catching fles Steriliser
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  • 1039 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, JUNE 28. LIGHT UPON RUSSIA. To those who desire a clear view of the position in Russia, we commend an article in the May issue of the Contemporary Review, by Sir Paul Vinogradoff. He bad gone to Petrograd with a party of British scholars to explain
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  • 43 8 An Indian boy charged in the third police court tins uioraiiiK with steahnu a bicycle was sentenced to receive ten stroke*. For stealing a pair of binoculara a O'tDHne Mailur was fined *'2\ in default n.r..- aioutha' n^urous imprisonment, in tuc bccood court.
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  • 13 8 A session of Assize will be held at Penang on Monday, July 16.
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  • 20 8 A mail from Europe will arrive by train to morrow morning. Correspondence will be ready for delivery about 10 a.m.
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  • 18 8 Tbe Yong Keow Association, Penang, has been dnly registered in the Settlement of Penaog, under the Societies Ordinance.
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  • 20 8 The patent of Messrs. Ilckenand Down (or a process of chemically treating latices has been made permanent for fourteen years.
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  • 23 8 The following companies were struck off tbe register on Jane 18, 1017:— Brunei Oil Royalty. Ltd., and the Bagan Kiver Rubber Co., Ltd.
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  • 47 8 Tbe monthly meeting of tbe Young Women's Christian Association will to held at 8, Fort Canning Hoad, on Monday, at 6. 1S p.m., when it is hoped that Miss Abel, of tbe Chinese Girls' School, will give the address. All members and friends are invited to attend.
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  • 45 8 Preparations have been already started by tbe Nippon Yusen Kaiaha to handle increased passenger traffic between Australia and Japan, because of tbe return of Russian political exiles. It is belli w d that there are about 2,000 Russian political exiles in different parts of Australia.
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  • 52 8 A message from Berne says tbat in the May number of the Prussian Year Book Herr Emil Zimmermann (Secretary for Foreign Affairs) estimates that Germany has ad vanced Turkey nearly X1 30,000,000 during tbe war. Tbere is great anxiety in financial circles lest Turkey will not be able to repay
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  • 67 8 Yesterday morning tbe Fire Brigade received a call on account ot smoke issuing from the debris of 16, Merchant Road, which was burnt out on tbe previous day. It was not necessary to use water. In the evening at 8.44 there was a call to a small fire at 56,
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  • 56 8 Tbe following gentlemen have been appointed to form an Advisory Board on matters connected with Hindu religion and custom for tbe Settlement of Penang: P. K. Nambyar (chairman), T. S. Sithambaram Chetty, S. M. Ayakkannoo Chetty, A. K. N. Mootoo Palaniappa Chetty, K. ltamasamy Pillay, Veerapillay, Veeramuttoo Vatbyar, V. Nadasam
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  • 73 8 In Bangkok, on June 12, in tbe action brought by Mr. G. K. Wright, on behalf of tbe executors of the late Henry Hooper, claiming tbe balance of tbe purchase money of Harry A. Badman and Company, judgment was delivered for tbe plaintiff for T-». 116,170.79, and interest at the
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  • 80 8 Two gentlemen keenly interested in the food problem were dinicg together at one of London's most important hotels. One was a grtat puiveyor of food, the other was a great official aumonisber. Tbey came to the coffee, and the waiter brought them each two lumps of sugar enclosed in a
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  • 84 8 A smart penalty was inflicted on tbe chinchew of a steamer charged in the tirst magistrate a court this morning with allowing on board an excess of 453 passengers over what was permitted by the emigration certificate granted at Auioy. Accused was ordered to pay 950 and 93 for each
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  • 79 8 In the Supreme Court, at Kuala Lumpur, before Mr. Justice lunes, actingCbmf Judicial Commissioner, the trial was concluded of twelve Telegu coolies from Jalaa Matsa Estate, Kuala Selangor, who were arraigned upon the cbarge of murdering an aged Chinese. All the accused were acquitted on the capital charge. There was,
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  • 97 8 Tbe annual report of tbe Singapore Chris tian Friend -in -Need Society tor the year ended December 31, 1916, shows that the society has made steady progress. Toe subscriptions collected during the year amounted to 9433.50 as against 9265.60 in 1915, and the total assets of the society sUnd at
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  • 103 8 In the dim ages when tbere was still some doubt as to whether Standard Oil was more than an ordinary successful industrial company, a manufacturer who was making a good living turning out gasoline stoves was offered a satisfactory price for bis patents by the Rockefeller interests. He accepted it
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  • 106 8 A correspondent at a Hritish port writes as follows:— In ordrtr to lure victims witlnu rauf<" the Germans at sea have devised a method »f utilising the generous nature of neafaring men They 00l looted wreckage and constructed large rafts, fitting up dummy figures thereon so as to resemble crews
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  • 356 8 Capt. S. C. Ruffles, who is now a Wing Adjutant of the X.X.C., has been working at Greenwich. Mr. A. Wi Eastman, of .lardine. Matheßon and Co., Hongkong, is paying a visit to Singapore. Mr. Harley Thomas, of tbe Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, hax brrn transferred to
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  • 20 8 Mr. Tay Guan Kiat has very kindly presented two bolts of canvas to the Union Jack Club.
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  • 52 8 The Governor has made tbe following appointment*:— The assistant to the Attor-ney-General to be Secretary to th. Commissioners of Taxes, Singapore; the SolicitorGeneral to be Secretary to tbe Commissioners of Taxes. Penang and the Registrar of thu Supreme Court, Malacca, to be Secretary to tbe Commissioners of
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  • 58 8 The following donations have been received by Mr. A. W. Vick at tbe Chartered Bank Already acknowledged $1,420.50 L. G. C. 5 Ho Ho Biscuit Factory, Ltd. H. H. X., Ltd. 910 Chew Boou Lay 92 Cbew Hock Seng 91 Wee Theam Seng 91 Gaw Kbek Kbiam ?5
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  • 168 8 As the Bishop of Singapore explained in bis letter, on June 14, a Church Army Tent which can be moved close in rear of tbe fighting lines in France, costs $2,600 fully furnished. We are very pleased to boar that those collecting for Ponang, Selangor and
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  • 184 8 In connection with the above society, which is in process of formation, the acting committee would like to clear up what seems to be a slight misunderstanding. The first meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on Turadny. July 3, but it does not follow that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 233 8 JUST RECEIVED Fresh Shipment of AUSTRALIAN BEER IN HOGSHEADS FROM A WELT.- KNOWN BREWERY For particulars and prices, apply to GALDBECK,MACGRECOR&CO. "SALUDOR" mm I ENGLISH FILTER fitted germ-proof candles, _ri vins? drinking water of absolute purity. 2 Gallon Sise $14.00 Spare Candles M.M each. 8 tit.OO Taps $2.00 IT fM
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    • 271 8 THRILLS. LAUGHTER PATHOS Al iHtv ALHAMBRA The Pioneer and Premier Nonas The Haute of Quality Beach Road Etianay pretents a Human. lnterest Photoplay WINE. WOMEN SON 6, in two acts A pi^Pftll HI) ICHNOn. Essanay presents Fun, Frolic and Fantasy in THE BANK, in two acts Featuring the inimitable Charlie
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  • 2655 9 THE BRITISH LINE EXTENDS. Reaching the Belgian Coast. Important Development. KICTIB s TILIOILAHS'.rj. .line M, M 15 a.m. Field Marshal Haig says Oar fire repnlssd raiders south of the iSapiuuje. Cauibrai ruad anil east of Lav-u. and also in tin- neighbourhood of Ljoioartiyde, where another enemy party
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  • 17 9 h»i ter's Telioram. London, Jane 82, 4.25 a.m. Tbe death is announced of Sir Joseph Lyons.
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  • 320 9 The Story of a Counterfeit Pound Note. Mr. E. L. D. Evans, manager ot Sengat Estate, Kampong Kepayang, Perak, writes to tbe Times of Malaya from tbe Carrie gton Hotel, Katoomba, lilue Mountains, N.S.W. The enclosed catting from the Sydney Morning Herald of May 15 may interest you.
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  • 286 9 Slight Outbreak in Philippine Waters. The palatial passenger liner, tbe Princess Alice, now lying at Olongapo, where she is being put into shape for her trana-Pacitic voyage, was seriously threatened early on Saturday morning by a fire which broke out in her forecastle quarters, says tbe
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  • 130 9 To-day's Business. Saonders and Macphail's Daily Report. Silver up 1/4- >Mf. Hongkong unchanged 2/6J (8" s prem.) Shanghai Holiday (60j nom.l. Tin.— Sales 100 tons at 1110.40. Rubber.-Weaker. Kobber Shares.— A dull market, Malaka Pindas are wanted at $2.50, Scudais at »6 65, Ayer Panas at 110.80.
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  • 207 9 Tbe following catting from the Malay Mail should interest tbe energetic members of tbe Singapore Bandage Club: The ladies connected with the Kuala Lumpur Bandage Clab are to be congratulated on tbe large and extremely varied display of surgical bandages now on exhibition in the town.
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  • 17 9 Tbe Han. Mr. Claud Severn, C.M.0., baa return"! to Hongkong from lii« nhoit holiday id Nuitli China.
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  • 286 9 KEEP UP MALAYA'S MONTHLY THOUSAND. On Jane 14 we intimated that we had paid tbe last of ten monthly contributions made by tbe fund we organised to assist tbe Overseas Club in providing smokes for oar soldiers and sailors. The total sent in tbe ten months,
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  • 291 9 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular In their Singapore share circular, dated Jane 20, Messrs. Fraser and vjn. t>tate The trend of tbe market has not been wholly downward this week but the fluctuations are comparatively mild. The bulk of such business as in passing continues mainly
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  • 102 9 In a leading article un'l«>r the title Act or bow to Insult" the Bangkok Daily Mail says:— We think then, that, in supp>rt of her natirdo.l dignity and her rights, Siam should follow up her disregarded protests with a breach of diplomatic rotations ith a power by
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  • 154 9 The facts attendant on the death of a Chinese woman named Yong Kong Thye, which occurred at Tanjong Kambutan on April 21, and on whom Mr H. A. Forrer, Magistrate, Ipoh, held an inquest at tbe end of last week, would seem to be of more than
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  • 41 9 Charles Emmet Voater, of Missouri, a practicing attorney hiih ami formerly one u( tht board of curators of the Uni» rmty of MisHouri, has been Dotuioated by r*rmudent Wilson an vioegovernoi aid »oor. tary of public instruction for the Philippine lilandg.
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  • 1351 10 NO PEACE POSSIBLE WITH A HOHENZOLLERN. lirand the Men at the Top Ijovat Krvu-r writes in Mm Daily Mail I odor tbe Gorman constitution the Kaiser I. us sole, p iwei to enter into most classes of treaties with other nations and to make j peace. Theoretically our
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  • 303 10 KADAVER FACTORIES. Lord Robert Cecil's Reply To Mr. Dillon. Some discussion took place on April tO in the House of Commons over tbe charger, based upon extract* from the German Press, that the Germans are usiog human bodies for conversion into commercial products. Their own explanation is that the factories
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  • 161 10 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 6 and 7. S -rvicn will be held in the Boustead Institute on Sunday evening at 8-15, when the Rev. \V. Cross, M.A., will give the address. As this meeting is specially arrang ed for the men of the
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  • 326 10 We are asked to publish tbe following answer to a correspondent Dear Colonial,- I am the responsible party for the Band nights at the Malacca Cub, and together with tbe assistance of friends I have been able to hatch tbe egg." The expenses which are rather heavy,
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 223 10 The Wireless came very close to winning tbeir league match with tbe V.M.C.A. on tbe S.R.C. ground yesterday. Shortly before tbe interval the first goal uf the game came to the Wireless,the outside left getting through after a mix up in tbe goal mouth. Right through tbe second half
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    • 227 10 The following ties in the S.C.C. Uwn tennis tournament were played yesterday A. Singles. Wodthoose beat Doig, w.o. B. Sinolbs. Palgrave beat Hesta, 6—2, 7-5. Layboarne beat Macphail, 6- 2, 6 —4. Wreford beat de Mellc, 6—l, 6- 2. C. 515..1.K-. Terzano beat Wilson, 8- -6, 6—2. Layton
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    • 16 10 The match to be played on tbe S.C.C. ground this afternoon is b.C.C. v. Mtdicog.
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  • 326 10 Tenders (or Repairs Opened In Manila. In the presence of Hongkong and Shanghai representatives accompanied by tbeir local agents in Manila and navy and customs officials, Insular Collector of Customs Stanley opened tbe bids received for the repairs on tbe Andalusia, Coblenz. Elttshorn and Tubingen at noon on
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  • 41 10 Sir Joseph Lyon«, whose death is announced from home, for seme years followed the profession uf an artist, exhibiting at variona exhibitions, after which be became a caterer and was bead of the well-known firm of J. Lyons and Co., Ltd.
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  • 788 10 Russian Dark Forces Wholly To Blame. The new situation in Russia must be considered not only in rtlation to the future but also in tbe light it is beginning to throw on the past, says tbe Jatsy correspondent uf tbe Morning Post, more par icularly on some
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  • 89 10 The Kaiser (1914) -I should like the English to meet my brave Bavarians just once. Crown Prince Rupprecbt of Bavaria (1914) We now have tbe good fortune to have tbe Englishmen on our front. Here is tbe enemy. At bin: Sir D. Haig (April 16; Bavarian losses have
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  • 142 10 A few days ago workmen employed by tbe municipal authorities in repairing the road at Kumocbibasbi unearthed a stone pagoda about 15 inches in height and five stone imagos of Buddha 20 inches in height, says the Japan Chronicle of May 15. Acoording to an expert,
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  • 22 10 Capt. Haaver Somme, master of the steamer Yochow, shot himself in bis cabin on board tbe ship, at Hongkong, on Jam IsV
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  • 666 10 A Record High Jump By R. Smith. Tbe annual uports of Kalll w Institution, held yesterday afternoon, a-i usual proved an interesting alheletic event. As a social function sumo of tbe arrangements of former years were lacking, but for a very commend able reason, for in order to
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  • 463 10 A Soldier Onlooker write? —There is an art in programme making aB in moat other thing", and the arrangement of a programme will sometimes bare a greater effect on a concert's success than even the performance itself. As an instance of an admirably arranged programme, last
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  • Correspondence.
    • 305 10 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,— Kelantan is admittedly one of those States in Malaya where difficulty in oommu nication is most experienced. Tbe advent of the East Coast Railway has afforded little) convenience, as at present, for passengers to and from tbe L'lu,
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    • 125 10 To the K jitor ot the Straits Times. Sir,— We considered that the information coutained in our previous letter was of importance to the present shareholders and tbe public. We are in no way concerned with Cbew Woon Pob's personal opinions. Although a Chinese, he neither reads nor
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    • 101 10 Gentleman To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— ls your correspondent C," who suggests that tbe person advertising in your columns for lessons in tbe Boston fox trot, ought to be shot, aware of the fact that there is no better way of keeping the body tit than to
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  • 297 10 Successful Opening Performance Last Night. The Girl in the Taxi drew a big audience to the Victoria Theatre last night, and proved a successful opening number for the Bandman Company's present Singaporo season. Though it is not very long since thu last visit, Bandman's is a bright
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  • 55 10 Daring tbe war, the cargo boats of the Netherlands and tbe K itterilaui Lloyd will cease to ply. Every three- weeks, a steamer belonging to tbe Holland America Line will sail for New York. At San Francisco, passengers will connect with the boats for the Dutch East ludies belonging to
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  • 15 10 The Dutch Government is discussing measures against tba destruction of forests by doaleri in wood.
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  • 457 11 The Conqueror of The Cannibal. New* ban reached Barnard Castle of tbe death at Sydney, N.S.W., of the Re». George Brown. I» I)., who throughout the Sooth Ssa islandH was known and revered as a great pioneer misxincary and Christian explorer. l>r. Brown, who had reached bis
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  • 270 11 Prohlcuis Awaiting Solution in Tbe Future. The Hod. Mr. C. \V. C. Parr, British Kesi dent at i'ahang, reporting on the State during 1916 quotes the Inspector of Schools as saying "In each school half an hour each day was set aside for tbe making of models
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  • 181 11 11.I 1 S. Doctor's View of London On War Diet. War diet seems to agree with London," writes an American doctor who closely inspected tbe crowds on tbe route from St. Paul's M> tbe Horse Gauds on Lord Mayer's Day. They were better nourished than the people I
    181 words
  • 128 11 More \.A.D. dotm* are wanted. The qaaatioa of wlarj naturally complicates mat ttra. Tbe V.A D., wbca site in paid at all. earn* l» than a iloukklic M-rTunt and works much harder, and it really i« difficult to face thin win d mxterx and friends earn good
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  • 637 11 Sunday, June 24, 1917. St. Anduw's Cathidral. Brd Sunday after Trinity, Nativity of St. John Baptist.— 7 a.tu. 'Holy Communion .45 a.m. Holy Commuuion (Choral) 10.80 a.m. Matins (Choral) 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 6.80 p.m. Festal Eveu song and sermon. A solection of Music will
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  • 169 11 Programme of drills, etc., tor week ending 1 Friday, Jane 29, 1917. Saturday, Junk 28 2.»0p.m. Johnston's Pier B. V.A. Section B and 4. 3.15 Gap Buona Vista Road (without Transport). S.V.I; 2.46 p.m. Drill Hall (with Transport). -.30 p.m. Balestier Range Veterans Co. Sunday, Jcni
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  • 34 11 Dull Oedbes ioh Juki, 1917. Monday, 26.—Parades at Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar, 5.16 p.m. Friday, 29. —Entire Company parade at Boustead Institute, 5.15 p.m. Awui Aumiw, Offices Commanding Civil Ooard.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 339 11 Moutrie PianosBuilt in the East for the East SEND FOR CATALO6UE OF LATEST MOOELB S. MOUTRIE CO.. LTO. (INCORPORATED IN HONOKONO) Raffles) Place E. and O. HOTEL PENANG Situated beautifully by the sea The leading hotel in the island. CRAG HOTEL j PBNANO HILLS THE SANATORIUM OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS
      339 words
    • 226 11 RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT Special Dinner AND Skating after Dinner. ADELPHIJOTEL TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER Miss LOLITA the graceful Spanish Dancer will appear for the last time during Dinner. AFTER, DINNER DANCING. SEA VIEW HOTEL TO-NIGHT SPECIAL m CINEMA DINNER A N SHOW Sunday, June 24 iviusxc: During TIFFIN and DINNER. VISITS
      226 words

  • 3021 12 Tbe following casualties are reported London, M»y 12. Woun.lMd Car*. .1 S. Tarcan, Sesforths; Sad Lieut, n. I). Tjlir, Machine Run Corps Sad Lit'ii*. M J. WalkiT. Gordon* 2nd Lieut. H. W '.Nilktr, WoUli l*n«ilierii 2nd Lieal. A. B Walter, Oxford and Back* 2nd Lieut. W B. Ward,
    3,021 words
  • 187 12 Canada's Resources in Wheat And Fish. Toe High Commissioner for Canada has received a cable from tbe Hon. W. J. Roche, Minister of tbe Interior at Ottawa, stating that there are over 116 million bushels of wheat in Canada, of which 35 million bushels are required for domestic
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  • 728 12 Nothing Will be Left Behind By Germans. A Belgian of position, who baa just succeeded in escaping to England from the Mons district, has given to lieuter an account of the position in that part of Belgium near tbe French frontier resulting from the British advance. He
    728 words
  • 275 12 Suggested Tiffin Menu And Recipes. Toe lion, secretary of the Singapore Food Reform Society, Mr. C. C. Hailing, forwards tho following menu and recipes Menu. 0 trrot soup. E^g rissoles, mahhed potatoes, green peas and brown gravy. Scalloped tomatoes. Ballarat pudding. Fruit. Rkcipes. Carrot Soup. Ingredients 10
    275 words
  • 19 12 Tbe Eastern Kinematograpb Association, formed on March 17 th,is year, ia called on to tarnish proof of its existence.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 220 12 Pure Beef DRIPPING Sold in email quantities and in 2-lb. tins. Guaranteed absolutely pure and contains no preservative or any added matter. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) JULIAN! PRICES MAKE 00 M* TOWN SHOPPING AN EXTRAVAGANCE THE COOLEST SPOT IN THE CITY CORNER ORCHARD AND TANK
      220 words

  • 967 13 FRENCHMAN'S TRIBUTE TO HIS COUNTRY'S ALLY. The Dawn Of Victory. M. Marcel Hutin, the writer of tbe follow iog fine tribute to tbe spirit of Great Britain, is tbe famous French publicist whose war articles in the Echo de Paris have attracted world-wide attention. On tbe
    967 words
  • 51 13 It is reported from Amsterdam that tbe German Post Office has announced the »toppage of its mail services to Spain, Mexico, Central America, South America, China and Siam, owintf to the impossibility of secoring sate connections. Germany is isolated (rom the whole world except her allies and Scandinavia, Holland and
    51 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 237 13 «C\ < > > OS. R I B By Appoint*,.,* to "AfP., fVJJ v V^ O6 D Hi H.M. THE KING 'Y/i MIDLOTHIAN ROLLED OATS .4 clean, tempting food, giving stamina- unrivalled for Breakfast. J O A GENTS FOR LEA PERRINB' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE K.'X^ TliE BEST PREPARATION <>* Ttrcstonc Fresh
      237 words
    • 70 13 HIGH M CLASS The only quality t&P K3> /^GLACIAL ACETIC ACIO/C V y Tp\ y^r GLACIAL ACETIC ACID IMPORTERS YAMATO CO. «1, Hltfh Street. Telephone 432. 1-8-B— 2B-3-1T The Traveller's Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book. This handy little book has now reached its TENTH EDITION, a sure indication of its usefulness. Price,
      70 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 688 14 TOE STRAITS TRADING 00.. LTD. Notice ii hereby given that an Ordinary Tlibiii i' Meeting of The Straits Trading Ootnpaay Limited, will be held at the Compaay's Rogistereil Ofßoo 11, Collyer Qaay, on Kriday .lane 29. 1817 at noon, lot tfae par-' oamm following namsly I. To receive and consider
      688 words
    • 612 14 FOR SALE PRIVATELY A Britiah Screw Steamer, plying under sbarter from Singapore to Mersing, built local y in tbe year 1010 by The United ■ngißecm, Ltd. Engines Surface Condensing, ktoltitubalar Boiler, length 00 feet, breadth 16 to 17 feet. Registered tonnage gross 60 ions, nett 86 tons. Able to oarry
      612 words
    • 549 14 BJUKIHQ. •HARTEREO MNK IF INBUL AMITUUA AMD CHINA. INOOBPOBATBD IN BNGLAND BY BOTAL CHABTBR Paid a» Capital ia IOJOO Bbaras a! ASO MMab bIUQQsOOQ Beeerre taL. 41 ,900,000 3ewrTe LiaaUtty of Profrieaan-. 4»«WtW BANMBB 1 lul of Baidaad, The Loadoa City ud MMlaad Baa*. Ud., The Loadoa Oooary Md Waatmiaater
      549 words
    • 599 14 BANKING. Mf IS HAI TNI MNUM AM iNSUIANBE ML LTD. (I»COBP0BATBD THI St RAITS SbTTLBMBKTS). HBAD OFFICB, N», tS, KLING STRBIT, BINGAPORB IIIUUUID 180 T. Subscribed Capital 11,000,000 Paid up Capita1................... I J 000,000 RMerre raid «600.000 COURT OP niRIOTORI i Lasw Obi* Una, Bio.. Q»«im— n. Sbab Pi«« Sbab,
      599 words
    • 790 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of 690 BAGS WHITE JAVA SUGAR IN GOOD CONDITION To be held at No. 85, Damar Road, off River Valley Road On Monday, June 25, at 1 2 noon On view from Juae 22 CHING KENG LEE CO., Auctioneers Estate Agents. 20 6—23-6 AUCTION SALE
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  • 627 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. American Aircraft. The type of aeroplanes used by the United States army is far too imperfect to do efficient work on the battle fronts of Europe, according to the finding* of American military officers who have been in London, inspecting the
    627 words
  • 219 15 Mr. Joseph King Accepts "With Any Weapons." Memories of the old duelling dayi were revived for a brief moment in the House of Commons on April 30, when one member challenged another— both Liberals to meet him outside the Houae and was promptly and unconditionally
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  • 69 15 While the Norwich express waa passing between Hare Hall Lane and Oidea Park Station oo May 1, aotuetbinK bit the cab a! the engine and exploded. The driver waa bit on tlie right shoulder, bis clothes being cut through, and the fireman was wounded on the face. The train waa
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 360 15 THE CANADIAN FORD The Most Economical 5-Passenger Car on the market and the Best Motor Car Value in the world. READ WHAT A SINGAPORE MOTORIST SAYS: Moots. WEARNE BROS., LTD. Deak Sim, With reference to the FORD car purchased from you 9 months ago, I have kept a careful record
      360 words
    • 67 15 OILDAG Saves Petrol as well as Oil. and the running is as smooth as silk. XO BE HAD FBOM ALL OARAOBB. Jull particulars from DUPIRE BROS. Sole Agents, SINGER CARS I^Mml^ "I Tl^*^^h FITTED WITH Importers International Trading Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. (EINCHER Wde Premier JUI-SBritisd %iv. MADE OP PLANTATION RUBBER
      67 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 513 16 ft '-"tVi No tyr* by any other name grips the road lik» Coodrich Safety Tread. M?!OH Saf rtv comes from sayfaM 'Goodr.cA Safety Trend 1 when you are buying tyre*. eßßl^^^^w^ "A mp on the road ia war* 1 Lm t».) on the steering whtat." TYTI Fi i GoodricA Safety
      513 words
    • 478 16 I SITUATION VACANT I EXPERIENCED COMPOSITORS WANTED for the Straits Times (news department) Good salaries given to capable men. WANTED, COMPBTBNT SHORTHAND TYPIST. Apply to Box No. Straits Times. 26-«-n EUROPEAN NURSE or Nursery Govern ess wanted tor one little girl. Apply Box No. '264, Straits Times. 4 6—B-7 WANTED,
      478 words
    • 619 16 HOUBEB TO LET TO LBT. Houses No. T, Chanoery Lane. Apply to Ching Keng Lee Co., Auctioneers. 18-11 n TO LBT, a dwelling house with compound at No. 7, Upper htrangoon Road. Apply to S Tokyo, 74, Bras Basah Road. 21 6— iO-7 ?URNIBHBD BBASIDB RESIDENCES TO LBT. Belinda and
      619 words
    • 242 16 KIAM KIAT GO. 101*109, Market Itrttt 'rhoM same »o. 411. Soli Aobntb. THE MULCOTT BELTING Company, Limited lncorpor«t.d In Cn|l>nd> Have jnst received a fresh shipment of JACKSON'S Varnish Stains IN Colours of ROSCWOOO, Oak and Mahoganj at REASONABLE PRICES. G.R. LAMBERT Go. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 3 Orchard Road, Telephone Ho.
      242 words
    • 284 16 GUAN KIAT Co., No. 38. Phillip St r«et Telephone Nos. 1861 and 1862. Private 1450 and Sunnyside 1078. Large Stocks of: Angle Iron, Flat Iron, Round Iron, Tee Iron. Bolts Nuts, Rivets, Galvd. Plates Navy Canvas. BUY HOW-DO HOT WAIT. Sole Agents for THE GLOBE BOILER FLUID The ideal fluid
      284 words
    • 476 16 BRAND NEW HIGH-PRICE® 53 and m aeater Motor Cars FOR HIRES. 'Phone 1233 Charges Moderate. Oarage open Day and Night. STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE 91 8 A 216, Orchard Road (Next to Woaroe Bros., Ltd.) To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations is advertisements, such as changes ia) Bailing dates of
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 315 16 Straits Wimes. Temporary Telephone 58. All communications relating to oditoria matters and news should be addressed tc THB EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc. nhould be ad' dressed to THB MANAGER. ADVBRTISEMBNT RATES.— Miaoelktncous wants of every description arc inserted in the ordinary body
      315 words